Finance Electives Presentation

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Presentation Plan
1 Functional Skills in Finance 2 Finance electives 3 Career Tracks And Elective Slates 4 Additional comments

1. Functional Skills in Finance

Preparing for a finance career requires three broad skill sets
Quant (Quantitative Modeling): Mathematical models and tools used for pricing simple to complex financial instruments, manage portfolios, or manage risk. Financial Analysis: Understanding and using data in financial statements. Markets, Institutions & Regulations: Understand the structure and functioning of financial markets, financial institutions, and the regulatory environment they reside in.

2. Functional Skills in Finance Skills, Careers, and Courses

The relative need of above functional skills (quant, financial analysis, and markets, institutions & regulations) depends on the career track. For example, would-be traders may stress quant courses while those going to corporate treasuries may seek more financial analysis. Regardless, it is worth remembering that Most courses offer cross-exposure. For example, Futures Options and Risk Mgt provides a rich exposure to anyone irrespective of his specific field within the finance stream. It is rare for a course to exclusively focus on one set of skills to the exclusion of all others. Most careers require a vector of skills. For example, fixed income traders or risk managers are better off with an understanding of banking institutions and financial market microstructure.

2. Finance Electives A. Capital Markets

These electives emphasize more quantitative modeling skills (again, exclusively).
Term 4 5 5 5 6 6 Course Investment analysis and PM Futures Options and Risk Mgt Fixed Income Securities Quantitative Applications in Finance Financial Modelling Behavioural Finance

on not

2. Finance Electives B. Corporate Finance

These electives emphasize more on financial analysis skills (again, not exclusively)
Term 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 International Finance Corporate Financial Reporting & Earnings Management Business Analysis & Valuation Project Finance Corporate Restructuring Financial Statements & Disclosures Analysis Corporate Tax Planning and Management Pvt Equity & Venture Capital Course

2. Finance Electives C. Markets, Institutions & Regulations

These electives emphasize more on markets, institutions & regulations (again, not exclusively)

Term 5 6 Bank Management

Course Mgt of Financial Services

3. Career Tracks and Elective Slates

The next slide lists typical MBA career tracks and the most suitable electives for these choices. Notes
The career track list is typical, not an exhaustive list of all possibilities. New opportunities do crop up and may not fit neatly into the slots below. The elective slate is recommended not required. Using it as a template, adapt it to individual background, prior experience, and interests.

Corporate Investment Finance Banking

Equity Commercial Analysis & Banking Portfolio Mgt

Investment analyis and PM Corporate Financial Reporting and Earnings Management International Finance Business Analysis & Valuation Project Finance Futures Options and Risk Mgt Mgt of Financial Services Corporate Restructuring Fixed Income Securities Financial Statements & Disclosures Analysis Quantitative Applications in Finance Behavioural Finance Financial Modelling Pvt Equity & Venture Capital Commercial Bank Mgt Corporate Tax Planning and Management *

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The term IV course titled, Corporate Financial Reporting and Earnings Management may have some similarity with Financial Statements & Disclosures Analysis offered in term V.

3. Career Tracks and Elective Slates Descriptions

Corporate finance helping companies raise capital, manage cash, relations with financial intermediaries, plan and pay for major strategic investments, acquisitions etc. Investment banking is the other side of corporate finance help companies raise capital, manage finances and investments. Equity analysis involves researching companies for investment banks. Portfolio management positions involve making investments for mutual funds, hedge funds, private equity, etc. or providing analytic support for these investments. Typically these positions also require skills of for risk analysis & management.

3. Career Tracks and Elective Slates Description

Commercial Banking. Careers in corporate lending and relationship management to developing and managing consumer and real estate finance products or asset liability management of the bank. Other positions, e.g., those in large financial institutions & other intermediaries, World Bank, consulting companies, regulatory agencies, etc. combine some aspects of the above.

4. Additional Comments Other Classes

The course titled, Financial Statements & Disclosures Analysis offered in term V is especially useful to all those who may be interested in corporate finance and equity analysis careers. The term IV course titled, Corporate Financial Reporting and Earnings Management may have some similarity with this course. Therefore, it is advised that student should take only anyone of the two courses to avoid possible overlaps within the two courses.

4. Additional Comments Non-Finance Majors

Non finance majors interested in finance electives typically benefit from the courses in the corporate finance track. Nevertheless, they should avoid highly quantitative courses like Futures Options and Risk Mgt., especially if they do not opt for Investment analysis and PM in term IV.

4. Additional Comments May be given some importance

Good experiences/bad experiences with instructors in the first year courses can be an important factor
Whether faculty focuses on entertainment or learning? Whether you like the facultys style of teaching Whether you are ready to put in hard work required in his/her course? Whether faculty is not knowledgeable? Whether you are ok with the facultys marking style & exam papers? Whether senior batch toppers recommend opting of this course? Whether senior batch laggards recommend opting of this course? Will you be able to cope up with the load with your choice of electives and other commitments? Do some web search to appropriately sequence your choice of electives.

Who recommend this course?

Academic load balancing along with your other commitments

Sequencing the courses

Make your correct choices now and do not repent later!!!

Best Wishes!!!

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