10a - People v. Velarde

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People v Crispen Velarde 2002 | Panganiban, J.

Doctrine: A municipal mayor cannot be considered a competent and independent counsel qualified to assist a person under custodial investigation. Hence, the extrajudicial confession taken from the accused with His Honor as counsel is inadmissible in evidence. Without this confession, the remaining evidence, which is circumstantial, fails the test of moral certainty. Facts: Velarde was found guilty of rape with homicide by the RTC of Malolos Bulacan and was sentenced to death. Hence, automatic review by SC. Version by Prosectution (as summarized by OSG) Sometime in 1997, Brenda Candelaria (8 years old) together with her friend Melanie (7 years old) was on board a pedicab driven by appellant. Upon reaching Melanies house, appellant told Melanie to alight saying her mother might look for her. Melanie obeyed. In the afternoon of the same day, appellant and Brenda were seen together by one Bonganay in front of the latters store. Later, one Robles, while waiting for a ride, saw appellant alone emerging from a place near a subdivision. Robles noticed appellant was uneasy, haggard looking with his hair dishevelled. The next day, Brendas lifeless body was found in a grassy vacant lot along Cagayan Valley Highway. The medico legal officer concluded that Brenda was raped and strangled to death. According the doctor, the victim died of asphyxia by manual strangulation. Based on the leased furnished by witnesses, appellant was tagged as suspect and was brought to the Malolos Bulacan Police Station for investigation. During the investigation, appellant, after having been informed of his constitutional rights in the presence of Atty Danilo Domingo whom he agreed to act as his counsel, voluntarily admitted having raped and kille Brenda. Accordingly, his extrajudicial confession was reduced to writing which was signed by him. Version of defense. He mainly denied he raped and killed the victim and says he was only suspected (napagbintangan). A long paragraph with lots of grammatical errors is reproduced. It says appellant and Brenda are cousins. On the night of the incident, he was arrested while selling ballot in Tikay, Malolos Bualacan by 4 barangay official. He was asked where he brought Brenda. He responded he he dont know. He was brought to the Barangay Hall. He was kicked and mauled by the victims father and brothers. The father was his uncle and was the one who hurt him. He was boxed. Inside the Hall he was nilusob, was stabbed by the eldest son and said Tabla table na lang kami meaning manos na lang kami sa nangyari. He couldnt answer because he didnt know anything about the incident. Besides, he was already bugbog sarado. His hands were even tied at his back with a handkerchief by a former neighbour. He was made to sign by one of the Barangay Officials. He signed without reading because he cant read very well. After

signing, the members of the Barangay including the Barangay Captain brought him to the Municipal building on the midnight of day after the incident. Later he was brought to the Provincial Hospital but wasnt given medicine. He was returned to the Municipal Building and was placed in jail. He was tortured for several days, 6 times a day. Appellant admitted that the signature in his extrajudicial confession was his; that Atty. Domingo is known to him because he was then the Mayor of Malolos; that he hired the services of Atty. Dommingo; that he was candid enough to testify that wala akong alam diyan. His educational attainment was up to grade 4 only. He claims he doesnt know the police investigator who typed the Sinumpaang Salaysay marked Exh. M. W/N Atty Domingo, then municipal mayor of Malolos, could act as counsel for appellant. No. Held and Ratio: On Extrajudicial Confession SC: inadmissible in evidence Article III Section 12(1)1 of the Constitution cited The victims vody was found in the Municipality of Guiguinto, Bulacan but appellant (a resident of Tikay, Municipality of Malolos) was brought and detained in the Malolos Police Station, where he was investigated by the Malolos Police; Under the circumstances, Atty. Domingo cannot be considered as an independent counsel. o He was the mayor of Malolos at the time. o As such, he exercised operational supervision and control over the PNP unit in that municipality. o His powers included the utilization of the elements thereof for the maintenance of peace and order, the prevention of crimes, the arrest of criminal offenders and the bringing of offenders to justice As mayor of Malolos, his duties were inconsistent with those of his responsibilities to appellant, who was already incarcerated and tagged as the main suspect in the rape-slay case. o Serving as counsel of appellant placed him in direct conflict with his duty of operational supervision and control over the police. What the Constitution requires in Article III Section 12 (1) is the presence of competent and independent counsel, one who will effectively undertake his clients defense without any intervening conflict of interest. o Evidently Atty. Domingo, being the mayor of the place where the investigation was taken, could not act as counsel, independent or otherwise, of appellant

Any person under custodial investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of his right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the presence of counsel.

People vs. Bandula: Court held that a municipal attorney

could not be an independent counsel as required by the Constitution. o Reason: as legal officer of the municipality, he provides legal assistance and support to the mayor and the municipality in carrying out the delivery of basic services to the people, including the maintenance of peace and order.

Right to Counsel The fundamental right and contemplates not just the mere presence of a lawyer beside the accused; The competent and independent lawyer so engaged should be present at all stages of the interview, counseling or advising caution reasonably at

which is Dona Pilar Homes; As Prosecution Witness Robles testified, she also lived in Barangay Tikay, yet she waited for a jeepney in front of Doa Pilar Homes; Evidently, it is natural for residents of Barangay Tikay to emerge in Doa Pilar Homes and wait for a ride from there; Evidence of prosecution is too full of holes; the approximate time of death was not established, other than she died less than 24 hours before the autopsy; it shows she died on the night of the day of the supposed incident or in the early morning of the next day; by that time, appellant was already in custody; there was a supposed tee shirt found in the crime scene yet the prosecution failed to present it; In case of doubt, the scales must be tipped in favour of the accused;

every turn of the investigation, and stopping the interrogation once in a while either to give advice to the accused that he may either continue, choose to remain silent or terminate the interview
The desired role of counsel in the process of custodial investigation is rendered meaningless if the lawyer merely gives perfunctory advice as opposed to a meaningful advocacy of the rights of the person undergoing questioning


At case: Atty. Domingo failed to act as the independent and competent counsel envisioned by the Constitution. He failed to give any meaningful advice to protect the rights of appellant. The former did not even bother to inform the latter of the consequences of an extrajudicial confession.

On circumstantial evidence: For circumstantial evidence to be sufficient for coniction: o There is more than one circumstance, o The facts from which the inferences have been derived are proven, and o The combination of all the circumstances is such that it produces a conviction beyond reasonable doubt The following were presented by prosecution to prove appellant was the perpetrator of the crime: o Appellant and Brenda were together in the morning of the day of the incident; that they were also together between 3-4 oclock of the same day, aboard a pedicab; o Around 5 30pm of the day of the incident, appellant was seen alone emerging from an Auto Repair shop; that he looked haggard and had dishevelled hair; o Victims body was found at 6am the next day on a vacant lot in Doa Pilar Homes; SC: the circumstances are too general; it is also consistent with appellants innocence; he cannot be faulted for being seen with Brenda on a pedicab since they are first cousins who live in the same house; he cannot be faulted, either, for emerging near Dona Pilar Homes since he lives in Barangay Tikay, at the back of

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