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Honoring the 2009
Class of Silver Beavers:
• Mike Anderson
• Timothy A. Calderwood
• Joe Carter
• Marvin Cooper
• Vance D. Day
• Bob Dernedde
• Dave Frank
• Kim Graboyes
• Sheryl Halstead-Shake
• Gary Jaskowiak
• Julia MacDougall
• Mickael McElveny
• John McGrath
• John Miller
• Cleon Moen
• Terry Ogle
• Terry Oyama
• Rick Piper
• Michael Ransom
• Michele Sullivan
• Olcott Thompson
• Jesse Villafranca
• Paul White
The Meaning of the Boy Scout Oath
Before you pledge yourself to any oath or promise, you must know what it means.
The paragraphs that follow will help you understand the meaning of the Scout Oath.

On my honor . . .
By giving your word, you are promising to make every effort to live by the high ideals of the Scout Oath. Your
success is a measure of your honor. As a Scout, you must hold your honor sacred.
. . . I will do my best . . .
You have many talents, skills, and interests. Do your best with them, and use them for good purposes. Don’t be
satisfied with less than your best effort even when less is required of you. Measure your achievements against
your own high standards, not against the performance of others. As a Scout and through out your life, you will
have opportunities to learn and to help many people. You will also be faced with challenges that may severely
test you. Use your abilities to do your very best. That is what Scouting requires.
. . . To do my duty to God . . .
Your family and religious leaders teach you to know and love God and the ways in which God can be served. As
a Scout, you do your duty to God by following the wisdom of those teachings in your daily life, and by respect-
ing the rights of others to have their own religious beliefs.
. . . and my country . . .
As you study our country’s history, you learn about the men and women who toiled to make America great. Most
contributed in quiet ways. Others sacrificed their lives for our country. All of them did their part to build the na-
tion we have today. Help keep the United States strong by obeying its laws. Learn about our system of govern-
ment and your role as a citizen and future voter. Do all you can to help your family and neighbors live happy,
productive lives. The land itself is an important part of our national heritage. Work for the conservation of our
natural resources. Teach others respect for the land. Your efforts really will make a difference.
. . . and to obey the Scout Law; . . .
The twelve points of the Scout Law are the rules of Scouting. They are also rules you can apply to your whole
life. The Scout Law sets forth ideals to live up to. By using the Scout Law as a guide, you will know you are always
doing your best. Others will respect you for the way you live. Most importantly, you will respect yourself.
. . . To help other people at all times; . . .
There are many people who need you. Your young shoulders can help them carry their burdens. A cheerful smile
and a helpful hand will make life easier for many who need assistance. By helping whenever aid is needed and
by doing a Good Turn daily, you prove yourself a Scout. You are doing your part to make this a better world.
. . . To keep myself physically strong, . . .
Take care of your body. Protect it and develop it so that it will serve you for an entire lifetime. That means eating
nutritious foods and being active to build strength and endurance. It also means avoiding drugs, alcohol, tobacco,
and any other practices that can destroy your health.
. . . mentally awake, . . .
Develop your mind. Strive to increase your knowledge and make the greatest use of your abilities. Be curious
about the world around you. Learn all you can both in class and beyond school. With an open attitude and the
willingness to ask questions, you will get the most out of your life.
. . . and morally straight.
To be a person of strong character, guide your life with honesty, purity, and justice. Respect and defend the rights
of all people. Your relationship with others should be honest and open. Be clean in your speech and actions, and
faithful in your religious beliefs. The values you follow as a Scout will help you become virtuous and self-reliant.
Excerpted: page 550-551, “The Boy Scout Handbook”, copyright 1990 by BSA
2008-2009 Council Officers and Executive Committee Members
President, Richard L. Silliman VP Risk Management, C. Akin Blitz VP Membership, James J. Grabski
Council Commissioner, Jeffery L.Smith VP Forest Management, William K. Chalmers VP Venturing, Dennis R. McGary
Treasurer, David L. Quivey VP Technology, Rick H. Echevarria VP Religious Relations, Dr. Thom M. Faller
Asst. Treasurer, Stan K. Watters VP Legal, Steven W. Seymour VP Scoutreach, Carl B. Talton
Sr. VP Development, Lynn C. Johnson Trust Management, Wayne G. Pierson VP Pacific S.A., John F. Wharton
Shooting Clays, Brent Kerr Sr. VP Properties, Steven D. Rice VP Columbia S.A., Mark L. Benson
Golf Marathon, Lynn C. Johnson Sr. VP Program, Thomas W. Gornick VP Cascade S.A., William R. (Bill) Johnson
Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner, Paul VP Training, Jim Virgin Sr. VP Learning for Life, Dr. Milton H. Den-
Brewer VP Advancement, Shari D. Spencer nison
Sr. VP Endowment, Robert L. Dernedde VP Camping, Thomas R. Swearingen Sr. VP Marketing, Gregory R. Hedges
Heritage Society, Victor G. Atiyeh VP Activities, Jeff A. Webber Sr. VP Volunteer Resources, Bruce E. Kerr
Sr. VP Support/Budget, Ronald C. Parker Sr. VP Operations, Eugene L. Grant Member at Large, Samuel C. Wheeler

2008-2009 President’s Council

Richard C. Alexander Robert W. Franz Vittz-James Ramsdell
H. A. Andersen Don C. Frisbee Delford M. Smith
Victor G. Atiyeh John D. Gray Peter W. Stott
Kenneth Austin Eric Hoffman William R. Swindells, Sr.
Henry L. Bauer Thomas J. Holce Ronald E. Timpe
C. M. Bishop, Jr. C. W. Knodell Gayle L. Veber
Nicholas P. Collins Paul G. Lorenzini Samuel C. Wheeler
Cecil W. Drinkward Stanley O. Nicolaysen Benjamin R. Whiteley
Gerald W. Fran Steven D. Pratt
2008-2009 Council Executive Board
Victor G. Atiyeh Rick H. Echevarria David W. Jacobson John Ogle William T. Smith
G. Kenneth Austin, III Dr. Thom M. Faller Lynn C. Johnson Ronald C. Parker Scott M. Snyder
David L. Backman William C. Farrens William R. Johnson Thomas A. Phillips Shari D. Spencer
Bardell T. Bailey Alan J. Folkman Michael P. Kehoe Wayne G. Pierson Thomas R. Swearingen
Mark L. Benson Mark B. Ganz Bruce E. Kerr Gene L. Platt Carl B. Talton
C. Akin Blitz Thomas W. Gornick William J. Kiefel Peter V. Potwin Gayle L. Veber
Christopher S. Brisbee James J. Grabski Donald L. Krahmer, Jr. David L. Quivey James D. Virgin
Richard H. Burnham Eugene L. Grant Robert C. Lindsay Vittz-James Ramsdell Stan K. Watters
Lloyd N. Campbell Fred M. Granum Paul G. Lorenzini R. Patrick Reiten Jeff A. Webber
Ryan W. Collier Todd M. Grewe William E. Love Steven D. Rice John F. Wharton
Calvin W. Collins Joseph J. Hanna Robert E. Lowe James. H. Rudd Samuel C. Wheeler
Dr. Milton H. Dennison Bradley K. Harris Daniel J. Mallea Donald Russo M. Max Williams
Robert L. Dernedde Gregory R. Hedges Dennis R. McGary Steven W. Seymour Kurt G. Wollenberg
Bradford Dezurick James A. Hirte Andrew W. Miller Richard L. Silliman Robert G. Yingling, Jr.
O. David Dickson Tom Horman Steve Odell Jeffery L. Smith James D. Zupancic

2008-2009 District Chairs

Ramon Rendon, Americas Mike Parnell, Silver Star
Tom Corr, Calapooia Ernie Thompson, Sunset Trail
Bruce Cardwell, Chinook Mitch Jorgensen, Three Rivers
Tom Crozier, Columbia Gorge Steve Jensen, Tillamook
Rick Klaus, Ft Vancouver Mark Mcomie, Tuality
Larry Chalew, North Clackamas Tom Kroen, Wapiti
John Cullicott, Pioneer Vance Day, Willamette
Jim Larsen, Sea Scouts

2008-2009 Council Advisory Board

James H. Bean C. W. “Bill” Knodell Steven D. Pratt
John C. Caldwell Robert S. Lovell Robert E. (Bob) Rowley
Bruce D. Copper James R. Martin Ronald L. (Ron) Saxton
Neil R. Farmer Lyle S. McAlexander Jordan D. Schnitzer
Liz J. Ferris Michael S. McCoy D.R. “Pete” Sutton
Richard E. Goff Michael T. (Mike) McLaran Joseph (Joe) Swindel
Walter H. Grebe Stanley O. Nicolaysen Wallace V. Teuscher
Dan A. Hunker John A. Pedisich Robert F. Warner
Ronald C. (Ron) Hunsaker Walter H. Pendergrass Phil S. Westover
L. Patrick (Pat) Kelley Robert A. (Bob) Pierce
Kenneth S. Klarquist Donald H. Potter
The following
have generously
underwritten the cost
of the Silver Beaver
Medal Package and
associated events for
one or more of the
2009 Silver Beaver

Neal & Tarry Smith

Charles R. ‘Ike’ Eisenbach II
William D Helms
Steven Sullivan
McElveny Family
Lois Lowe
Robert Wayne McDonald
Larry Salimena
Wally Dietel
Dr. Earl J. Wiest
Bob Arneson

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