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APTITUDE TEST NUMERICAL Max. Time: 60 minutes 1. Which number will complete the series below?

7 a) 20 9 12 b) 21 14 17 c) 22 19 ______ d) 24

2. Pallavi doesn't eel she is reall! a child an!more" #en !ears a$o% her mother was ive times her a$e" &ow she is three sevenths o her mother's a$e% and in ive !ears she will be hal her mother's a$e" (ow old will she be three !ears rom now? a) 1) b) 20 c) 22 d) 2)

3. * watch which $ains uni orml! is 2 minutes slow at noon on +onda!% and is 4 minutes and 4) seconds ast at 2 pm on the ollowin$ +onda!" When was it correct? a) , pm Wed b) 2 pm% Wed c) 1 pm% #hurs d) , pm% Wed

4. * multiple photocopier can create 120 copies in -0 seconds" (ow much time would it ta.e to ma.e 2000 copies on two such machines$ simultaneousl!" a) 4min 0)sec b) 4min 10sec c) 4min 2/sec d) 4min -0sec

5. 0a1 started$ 2outh3 a ter$ 1/ m% he turned ri$ht and wal.ed another 1/m% turned le t and stopped" Which direction is he rom the startin$ point? a) 2outh b) 2outh4West c) 2outh45ast d) West

6. #he number o bacteria in a test tube doubles ever! - minutes" 6 at the end o 1 hour there are & bacteria in the test tube% at the end o how man! minutes were there e7actl! &84 bacteria? a) /1 b) /4 c) /, d) /)

7. 1, members pla!ed in tournament 7% 20 pla!ed in tournament ! and 12 in both the tournaments" 6 each pla!er pla!ed at least one o these tournaments% what is the total number o pla!ers? a) 24 b) -, c) -2 d) 4)

8. 9 labourers can complete the construction o a wall in 1) da!s" (ow man! da!s less would 12 labourers ta.e to complete the same wall? a) 2 182 b) 4 182 c) 1- 182 d) 182

9. #he di erence between the compound and simple interest on a certain sum or 2 !ears at the rate o )9 per annum is 0s")0" What is the sum? a) 11%))0 b) 12%/00 c) 1-%2/0 d) 14%270

10. #he ratio between two numbers is /:7 and their product is /,0"What is the di erence between these two numbers? a)) b)12 c), d)21

11. * ter spendin$ 28-rd o his salar! on rent and ood items% and 184th o the remainin$ on transportation% 0a1esh has 0s" ,%000 with him" (ow much did he pa! on transportation? a) 0s"2%000 12. b) 0s"4%000 c) 0s",%000 d) 0s"1%000

1 ; <10"1 4 9"9) ; <9"7- 4 9",7) ; <-",7/ = -",7-) > b) 1"2,2 c) 0"997 d) 0"9/9

a) 0"9713. 1

Which number will complete the series below? 8 27 64 125 ______ c) 225 d) 224

a) 240

b) 216

14. #en !ears a$o% Pallavi's mother was ive times her a$e and her ather% , times her a$e" ?ive !ears rom now% her mother will be twice as old as her" (ow old is her ather now? a) 30 b) 35 c) 40 d) 45

15. * train starts rom station * at 0900 hrs and proceeds to station @ at a speed o 100 .mph" *t the same time% another train starts rom station @ and proceeds towards station * at a speed o ,0 .mph" 6 the two trains cross each other at 9:-0 a"m"% what is the distance between stations * and @? a) 60 kms b) 70 kms c) 80 kms d) 90 kms

16. If I add a number n to bot t e numerator and t e denom!nator of a fract!on" I #et $. If I subtract t e same number n from bot t e numerator and denom!nator" I #et %. & e number n !s' a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) (1

17. ) number !s four t!mes t e sum of !ts d!#!ts and t*!ce t e +roduct of !ts d!#!ts. & e d!fference of !ts d!#!ts !s' a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

18. , takes 3 ours more t an - to *a.k 30 kms. If , doub.ed !s s+eed" e *ou.d take 1.5 ours .esser t an - to *a.k t e 30 kms. & e d!fference !n t e!r s+eeds !s' a) 1 % km+ km+ 19. ) #o.d bar ba.ances *!t n!ne(tent s of 1 +ound and n!ne(tent s of a s!m!.ar #o.d bar. 0o* muc does t e #o.d bar *e!# 1 a) 10 +ounds 9.5 +ounds 20. b) 9 +ounds c) 8.5 +ounds d) b) 1 2/3 km+ c) 1 4/5 km+ d) 2

If 2I3 4 729" * at !s 5667 a) 6554 b) 7665 c) 6455 d) 4655


If 8I9& 4 14101521" * at !s :)3671 a) 42865 13110754 b) 31754 c) 14208565 d)

22. In a c.ass" 100 stud; < ;s!cs" 80 stud; 2!o.o#; and 75 8at s. 25 students stud; < ;s!cs and 8at s" 20 stud; < ;s!cs and 2!o.o#; and 15 students stud; 2!o.o#; and 8at s. If 40 students stud; < ;s!cs" o* man; students are t ere !n t e c.ass1 a) 100 b) 165 c) 150 d) 355

23. ) tra!n .ea=es stat!on ) for stat!on 2 at 10.07 a.m. )not er tra!n .ea=es stat!on 2 for stat!on ) at 10.37 a.m. & e d!stance bet*een stat!ons ) > 2 !s 130 kms. and t e s+eeds of tra!ns ) > 2 are 60 kms./ r and 40 kms./ r. res+ect!=e.;. ? en *!.. t e tra!ns cross eac ot er1

a) 11'30

b) 11'35

c) 11'37

d) 11'39

24. ) number t at !s a +erfect s@uare and conta!ns t*o more +erfect s@uares. a) 3625 ear.!er 25. b) 5625 c) 3600 d) 9one of t e

1/2 A 1/3 B 3 C 3 B 2/3 A 6 D 2 4 b. 1.5 c. 2.5 d. 3.25

a. 0 26.

2 B E3 C 2) D E4 C 3) A E5 B 2) C 10 4 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

a. 0 27.

If 2B A 3; 4 25" t en 4B A 6; 4 b. 57 c. 58 d. 60

a. 50 28.

5B A 6; 4 25. If B 4 2" ; 4 b. 2.5 c. 3 d. 3.5

a. 2

29. In a c.ass cons!st!n# of 25 bo;s and 25 #!r.s" t e a=era#e scored b; t e bo;s !s 60F and t at of #!r.s !s 75F. & e c.ass a=era#e !s' a. 76F b. 70F c. 67.5F d. 65F

30. In a c.ass cons!st!n# of 20 bo;s and 30 #!r.s" t e a=era#e scored b; t e bo;s !s 60F and t e c.ass a=era#e !s 75F. & e a=era#e scored b; t e #!r.s !s' a. 85F b. 86F c. 87.5F d. 90F

31. ) trader bu;s #oods for Gs. 100 and se..s !t for a +r!ce t at #!=es a mar#!n of 20F on ? at *as t e se..!n# +r!ce1 a. 125 b. 120 c. 122.5 d. 127.5

32. & e d!fference bet*een t e s!m+.e !nterest and com+ound !nterest on a .oan of Gs. 1"000 at 6F +er annum for a +er!od of 2 ;ears !s' a. 3.4 b. 3.5 c. 3.6 d. 3.7

33. ) reta!.er se..s an !tem a=!n# an 8G< of Gs. 20 at a d!scount of 40F. If t e reta!.er ad +urc ased t e !tem for Gs. 10" * at mar#!n on d!d e earn1 a. 16.67F b. 50F c. 10F d. 15F

34. & e d!stance of a stra!# t .!ne t at +asses t rou# +o!nts E0"4) and E3"0) !s' a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6

35. In a r!# t an#.ed tr!an#.e" t e base !s 3 feet and t e adHacent" 4 feet. ? at !s t e .en#t of t e ;+otenuse1 a. 7 feet feet 36. b. 1 foot. c. 5 feet d. 1.33

B A ; 4 20I 2B C 3; 4 40. & e =a.ue of ; !s' b. 0 c. (4 d. 4

a. 20

37. & e !ntersect!on of t e stra!# t .!nes 2B A 3; 4 7 and 4B A 5; 4 9 !s' a. E4 " 5) d. E(5 " 4) b. E5 " 4) c. E(4 " 5)

38. I s+end 20F of m;; on food" 40F on rent and sa=e t e ba.ance. If m; sa=!n#s !s Gs. 10"000" * at !s m;;1 a. Gs. 10"000 b. Gs. 20"000 c. Gs. 30"000 d. Gs. 25"000

39. If 3 k!.os of +otatoes cost Gs. 100 and t*o k!.os of on!ons cost Gs. 200" t en 6 k!.os eac of +otatoes and on!ons *ou.d cost' a. Gs. 800 b. Gs. 950 c. Gs. 900 d. Gs. 600

40. ) *a.ks at a s+eed of 4 kms./ r. 2 runs at a s+eed of 6 kms./ r. If bot ) and 2 start from t e same +o!nt" o* far a ead of ) *!.. 2 be after 15 m!nutes1 a. 0.6 kms 41. b. 450 meters c. 500 meters d. 0.45 kms

4A4C4B3C3B2D2B54 b. 8 c. ( 4.6 d. ( 19

a. ( 11


4 A E4 C 4) B 3 C 3 B E2 D 2) B 5 4 b. 8 c. ( 4.6 d. ( 19

a. ( 11 43.

4 A 4 C 4 B 3 C 3 B 2 D E2 B 5) 4 b. 8 c. ( 4.6 d. ( 19

a. ( 11 44.

4 A 4 C 4 B E3 C 3) B 2 D E2 B 5) 4 b. 8 c. ( 4.6 d. ( 19

a. ( 11 45.

If 2/3rd of a number !s 44" t en 3/4t of t e same number !s' 88 c. 22 d. 66

a. 49.5 b. 46.

If 2 B Ek A ;) 4 3 B E; A J)" t en Ek A ;) D E; A J) 4 b. 0.67 c. 0.5 d. 1.5

a. 5 47.

If 2 B Ek A ;) 4 3;" t en k D ; 4 b. 0.67 c. 0.5 d. 1.5

a. 5 48.

If Ek A ;) D 2 4 3;" t en k D ; 4 b. 0.67 c. 0.5 d. 1.5

a. 5 49.

4B D 3 ( B D 4 4 b. BD1 c. 13B D 12 d. 12B D 7

a. B D 7 50.

4B D E3 ( B) D 4 4 5. B 4 b. 12.5 c. 12 d. 2.5

a. 7.5

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