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Mahakala pujas According to tradition across the Himalaya region, Mahakala pujas are highly commemorated.

This Puja would start from morning till twilight or from afternoon till twilight, depending upon the scale of the Puja itself. Offering is made with drinks and Tormas, chanting of the mantras whilst the playing of the rolmos, drums, trumphets, conches, damaru and bell. This is done on the 8th and 28th of every Tibetan calender (known as Dharmapalas day). It is a very inspiring and engergetic Tantric Puja. This particular short Vajra Panjara Mahakala prayer/Puja was designed by the 6th Dalai Lama for the benefit of Nalada monastery in Tibet (which was a replica of the Indian Nalanda University), as well as for world harmony and peace. Therefore, practitioners of the Tsarpa/ Nalada lineage use this holy and elegent Mahakala Puja at the end of all their practices. One can perform this with it's traditional melody, in any vaste and open space. Offer any pure available drink in a quality cup or kong; such as black tea, jasmine tea, red or white wine or liquor (alchohol only to be used for Dharma protectors). Once the puja is finished, strew all the substances in the air outside. Note: When making the offerings to the Buddhas and to the other fields of merits, avoid offering in dirty vessels.

(imagine all the subject and object existential knowledges dissapeared in emptiness, the aspect emptiness itself into the space of a non-existence)

( it all re-appears in the sphere of clean enviroment and everything is derivational of Dharmadattu)

Tong pa a!ng le "# le jung wa ye she kyi kapala yang shing gya che wa nang du HUM shu wa e jung wa torma kha dog dri ro nu pa phun sum tsog pa dutsi gya tso chen por gyur$

""% from the state of Dharmata, arises a vast and sapcious skull cup, in which appears sylable #&'% unfree(ing g t #&' into perfection of odour, delightful, colourful and energetic, an ocean of infinite exalted offerings of Torma which replicates the whole space$ (in front of us)
)isuali(e those transformation to 'ahakala eight deities and to all the Dharmapalas

*' "# #&'

*' "# #&'

*' "# #&'

OM min zhin !" n#m $#% n#n& 'z( )*( *'$ To the king of saviours 'ahakala yeshe thing nag #&' gi thro du le noble +ueen ,-ka -ati

teng sung gya tso. de po.n dor je gur "$$kanishta ka (a ti do kham wang chug yum blue #&' Dag d(in lhun po kal wai jin (a yi Dham-chen /uta and choe sung dam chen 0a Ta put a sog reactive protectors ka nyen thu chen dreg pa de gye pung for eternity ma lue khor che ne dhir sheg su sol be-seech you here$

dwells in the realm of manifests in a midnight

Dharma pala sea of powerful engulfs selfish beings p l e a s e$$$ come, 1

nag chog de pung dham tar d(i pai teng 5&'2#,3 4" 35,3 all tum chen pa-wo. dro dung top trog wang dancing form yum (hi ka nyen khor dang che pa kun healthy relation ma thog dam tsig wang gi ne dhir sheg seech you here$ dun du sid sum (a wai me pung wu three spheres thing nag trag (hag trug pa cho jung du midnight blue ocean pe ma nyi mar oog dral (ug kyi teng disc gar gu nyam kye (hin (hug su sol expressions$

T&' 2#,3 4" 35,3 trampling maras in a hold our bond and without delay, 1 be-

1n the midst of a fire in on the centre of a resting on a lotus solar in nine he-ro-ic$$$$$

nang tong cho. ying dri ma me pe wo. flawless dharmatta de chen thih le chog gi tsar dug mar

6rom the centre of radi-ates$$$$atrractive

0indu light yong shar chi nang nyer choe do yon tsog outer substances rab jam (hing kham khyon kun kang te bul celestial realm brilliant, inner1 offer this to your

chi yi chen (ig nam sa bar nang khang panthers, black crow, dogs nang gi nye je thun d(e trin tar thib music, taste sang wa de tong sem nyi dag pe trul hidden joy lu me kyab su yi che nge pe cho. you, oh my 8ord9

To you, Tigers, clouds of pleasing torma, clear mind '"#"7&4#" *ffering with trust, to

3oe dang kyud kyi lek stok tso tar phel deni(ens Dag :hing dukpe sem chang dra geg nam enemies 3yur du drol la goe doe kun tsol wei grant us grace jang chub nying poi bar du drok (oed chig 31;)"3"

0less this world and it$$$$s "ll the demon-minded +uickly liberrate them, back me on the path to

gyal wei ten sung khor dang ched nam la preserver Dag chag pon lop mi nor gon ne che 7anghas cho lo ted do nam :hi trinle kun actions be med lhun gyi drup par (e du sol naturally

'ay 1 ask to 0uddha<s Defend-=uru and all the "s 1 revere your$$$$$$$ four 'ay you grant us defend

dam d(e chag kyu nga dang dron ma nga "mritas

6ive 7amayas and five

rab jar dra geg sha dang ru pe ri bones and flesh nying trag tsho chen mar ser lab treng chen heart ;ed lake ten sung wangpo khor dang che la bu protectors #&'% rang (hin cho. ying ngang le ma yoe kyang Devil Dwarf sin poi (ug chen mi thung gel we nyam Dharmata thu top me yi du de sum tsek drong forever seg d(e =ur gyi gon po che la to. 'ahakala phul jung de we pal ter yum chog dang mother climax +ueen thu tsal thog tar nyur gyog 0a Ta nag speedy 0" T" 3"= /utta ming sing dam chen gya tsho yi 8#"'* all drang me yul du sham pai pung la to marching force$

/ile$$$$d hill of 5ash<s Tidal wave of bloody *ffering all these to the

#&'% 7+uating posture in a who is dwelling in$$$$$ alighting 'aras< cities salutations, )ajra

;ich and generous 7torm and, mighty, /&T", ;"8 2#1=, /"8D,3 salutatations to the

#e ru ka pal mi sun sog gi tsar holding blade #ali /uti tar no drag shul chang weapon raised /alden (hal (hi de kyong yum chen (hi and his four consorts ka nyen khor tsog pung dang che la to.

6ast and furious #eruka threatening demons with his =lorious 2"T&; '&4#" salutations to his retinue$

Dorje chang sok gyal dang lama yi =urus chen ngar da ka dham tsik (hal (he (hin

0efore )ajradhara, 'aha 4eep your commit,

bestow happiness Ten dro. phen de lamai trinle pel Teachers t h r iv e 3aljor bu tar tak tu kyong war d(o.d like a son 'ay all sentient beings and 'ay you protect 7anghas

2hi dang khye par chen gyi dham tsik gya and un-common vows le gong gal trul ying su dag gyur ne trans$$$gra$$$ssions Dham choe drup pe kyen ngen tsewa kun my Dahrma works (hi sog trinle 3yur du drup par (o.d four supports

*f the #undred common 'ay 1 perish all >ard off troubles from ?uickly bestow all the

khye par dhe dir nam dag trim den gyi seat due tsok phel (hing she drup ten pa dar wisdom, doe gue long cho.d phuntsok gya trak gi hundred ways si thar kyon we trinle yer med d(o.d waxing moon$ 8hak sam dak pe tsul dir tso.n pa la sublime wish Tsang dang wang po jik ten kyong wa dang 1ndra, and 8ha chen =ur gon la sok sung me kyang 5elwa me par tak tu drok jed shok forever$

7pecificly in this Dharma ethics, meditation and wealth and dharma in a 'ay they flourish like a

0y this labor and this 'aha 0rahma, ;uler, 'ahadeva 'ahakala too Dharmapalas tie us

This very concised, powerful and auspicious prayer of Mahakala (Eight eities!" #as instantly

co%posed &y the holy 'i(th alai )a%a, *in+in Tsanyang ,yatso to the -alanda .nstitute in the /henpo region of Ti&et" The -alanda .nstitute was esta&lished &y the 0%nicient 1*onton 'he2a 3unrig4 (13$561447! and has produced %any acco%plished yogis8 and scholars throughout Ti&et" May %y living root ,uru 9is 9oliness 'akya Tri+in live long and his followers flourish" My previous ,uru :hogye Trichen *inpoche %ay return soon" May all sentient &eings attain ;a2radhara8s stage together &y the %eirts of this translation" Translated and %etered &y the $th <i%wock *inpoche in preparation for a ;a2rapani retreat" :hogye =a%chen :hoe +ong, 2>13



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