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Volume 3 Issue 9

ShawwalDhu al-Qada 1434 September 2013

Visionary Youth Great Nation


Ar Rahman Ar Raheem Youth Certified, Eh? The Blessing Called Wudu Starts in the Dark Sky Too Shy to be Religious

Rupees 50

MyVision Team
Shafiq ur Rahman, Executive Editor Asif Khurshid, Editor Raja Zia ul Haq, Senior Editor Abdul Jabbar Bilal, Advisor Mansoor Salim, Advisor Zofran Elahi, Advisor Suite #33, 2nd Floor, Rose-1 Plaza, I-8 Markaz Islamabad-44000, Pakistan. [email protected] MyVision is a magazine for young Muslims. If you are young, or if you would like to write for kids and teenagers, we welcome articles on topics that are generally related to authentic guidance from the Quran and Sunnah, Islamic heros and personalities, and how youth should live their lives righteously. If you or someone at your school is interested in contributing articles, we request that the content be relevant, thought-provoking, well-presented, and non-promotional. Featured articles should be around 600-words. The maximum length for all other submissions is 300-words. Authors should carefully review their text before submitting the final version. Please provide references in the form of book names, web links, Quran or Hadith reference when quoting different sources. Please supply full contact details of the author; like name, school, address, phone, e-mail, etc. Articles should reach us by the 15th of every month for inclusion in subsequent months issue. Please e-mail your articles to: [email protected] Copyright 2013 MyVision Magazine. All rights reserved.


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From the Editor

Dear Readers, As-Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah, I am sure you will all now be busy with school and school work after a long summer break, and the Ramadaan and Eid holidays. Some kids like school (yep, there is that type as well), but more generally, school means getting up early, a toiling commute to the school, and then a mundane routine of books and teachers for most kids. Games period and lunch-breaks are the real fun part. The month of Ramadaan was a month of religious highs, when we prayed taraweeh in addition to regular prayers, spent extra time reading the Quran, and spent much in charity. We attended many duroos, seeking to increase our knowledge of what Allaah has commanded us. But we must remember that seeking knowledge is an all-year round effort. So in addition to our school work, we must continue to pray in the mosque, take time to read and understand the Quran, and regularly attend duroos, so that our knowledge regarding what Allaah demands from us does not remain stagnant, waiting for another Ramadaan. And lastly, enjoy your school, study hard, and do the best you can. And when it is time to play, play, and have fun! Remember, you have fewer responsibilities at your age, so carry them out well. And one of the main responsibilities you have is to spend your time at school wisely, and make the best of it. Remember, one of the first questions everyone will be asked on The Day of Judgement will be How did you spend your time?. And that everyone will include you, and your time at school. We pray to Allaah to give us the best understanding of His Deen, and to enable us to make the best use of our time, always, ameen. As usual, dont forget to send us your comments and feedback. Very truly yours, Asif Khurshid

Ar Rahman
Who is Allaah? Submitted by Sh. Abdul Jabbar Bilal

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Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem

Ar Raheem


Ar Rahman and Ar Raheem

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By Talha Tashfeen Qayyum

Your parents, they give you your life, but then they give you their life [Chuck Palahiuk]

rom the day we are born, parents spend their lives trying to bring up, nourish, teach and develop their children into the greatest human beings they can possibly make them. They do whatever is in their hands to see that the needs of their children are met. Parents make unconditional sacrifices and give up their lives for us. When we are young, parents sacrifice their sleep and rest. They are the first ones to wake up and the last ones to go to sleep. They are focused only on one goal, to provide for their children.

They go through continuous hard work all day just to make sure that they have done everything for their children, from giving us food and shelter, to teaching us how to prepare for the world, to teaching us how to prepare for judgment day, to teaching us how to be a good citizen and most importantly, how to be great human beings.

arents do all this not to get any benefit from their children, but only with the hope and belief that their children will become pious, educated, and respectful to their parents, useful to their family, society, country and a living example of success. You see, we leave our beloved

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Parents: A Gift to be Cherished Forever

parents heartbroken every single day of our lives. When we hurt our parents, we are actually hurting ourselves. Who in the world is crazy enough to do harm to themselves? Taking into consideration the love they have given us, have we ever for a moment thought what they have been through to make us happy? Are we grateful for what they have done for us? Have we shown them our gratitude? Unfortunately, instead of loving them back, respecting them, being grateful and showing gratitude, we have always been complaining, blaming and hurting them. By refusing to choose a positive attitude and thinking that whatever they have done for us is to restrict us in one way or the other is the biggest mistake of our lives. e forget that parents are the ones who have taught us the meaning of life; they have taught us how to live this life and lead a life of contentment. They are the ones who have given us everything, from A to Z. Yet, we are ungrateful and disrespectful towards them. We do not even pay heed to what they have to say and take them for granted. Is this humanly possible? How can we be so cruel? It is our moral responsibility to take care of our parents. We should make sure that we be good human beings as whatever we do in this world reflects upon our parents personalities and their upbringing. Listening to and obeying your parents is the only way we can show our parents that we really love them and care for them. It is a way to show them that their precious time that they have spent in making us great human beings has Parents: A Gift to be Cherished Forever

not gone in vain and they have been successful. This is all they want from us and we should do everything in order to assure this to them.

the right thing in whatever I do, which is first of all, of benefit to me and secondly, it makes them the proudest parents when they come to know and realize that their child cares for them and has so much respect for what they want you to be in life. o feeling in the world is as great as the one which we get when we act in accordance to our parents wishes and desires. One feels on top of the world when a childs parents are happy. When your parents are happy and satisfied with you, it doesnt matter what the world thinks, does or says. Parents are everything that matters. We are in insurmountable debt when it comes to the amount of unconditional love we have received from our parents. We cannot even repay one minute of their lost sleep that occurred as they were caring for us, let alone a life long duration of continuous sacrifices that they have made for us. Parents are the Angels of our lives and we should make sure that we do our best to make them happy, fulfill their desires and their wishes. Without respect for ones parents, a human beings life is meaningless and whatever success he may have achieved in life is of no value if the people who brought him in this world are not happy. Parents are a gift of Allaah who are to be cherished forever. There is nothing we can do to repay them. The least we can do is to respect them, love them and live our lives according to their wishes.

ersonally, I make sure that I think of my parents while doing anything in daily life. Even though I have been away from them for a few years now and do not have their watchful eye over me, I think how my parents would feel or react if I did a certain thing and they knew about it. I do it if I feel my parents would be happy and I dont if I feel the other way round. This way, I make sure that I do MyVision ShawwalDhu al-Qada 1434

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By Fajr




hen reading through the books, in particular the biographies and statements of our pious predecessors, one beautiful thing that always amazes me is how important Istighfar (seeking forgiveness) was to our Salaf and how deeply engaged they were in this particular act. Now, these were a people who lived and breathed Islam, whose hearts overflowed with emaan, yaqeen (certainty), humbleness, and all good, and they were of tremendous worth in the Sight of Allaah. They were the scholars, the righteous and pious, the sincere worshippers of Allaah `azza wa jall. They were our best generations whose sins were few and good deeds were many. And yet, youll find that they never stopped seeking forgiveness. In fact, theyd spend some of their nights weeping and some of their days in sadness; always seeking forgiveness. Incredibly, in our current times, weve come to almost abandon this virtue of constant istighfar and only seem to associate it with the major sins and when we fall into grave matters! But in reality, we shouldnt seek forgiveness only when we fall into some wrong; rather it should be something thats continuously present in our daily life regardless of whether we perceive a sin on our part or not. And this is what kept the righteous people engaged in this virtuous act; they knew the nature of the soul and the nature of the human being. Sometimes we fall into sin, sometimes we fall short in our duties, sometimes we forget and make mistakes, sometimes we lose sight of the ultimate purpose of our existence, sometimes we lose track of our sincerity and intentions, sometimes we suffer a spiritual loss without realising it, and sometimes our Deen spirals downwards and we do not even acknowledge it. We slowly begin to lose out on the Akhirah (Hereafter), but we remain in complete obliviousness.

Seeking forgiveness and repentance is hence crucial for the human who has these short-comings. By nature and by definition we are a creation prone to forgetfulness; and naturally we forget our sins and forget our shortcomings. For many of us, we do not even acknowledge when we fall into the wrong and this is perhaps the scariest thing. The effects of sin are many, but I just want to focus on a few: 1. One effect of sin is that a person will find themselvesprevented from knowledge. I guess were all aware of the famous poem by Imam alShafii wherein he said:

Point being is that Allaah is Tayyib (good) and He accepts only that which is tayyib (good). Sins on the other hand are a form of oppression (as the sinner only oppresses themselves) and this represents darkness as deduced from the hadith of the Prophet( )when he said, Oppression is darkness on the Day of Judgement [Sahih alBukhari, Sahih al-Muslim]. The knowledge which Allaah `azza wa jall has revealed and taught to His Messenger (of Quran and Islamic ilm) is enshrouded in light and is in fact light itself so its not proper for this light to remain in the dark caverns of a sinners heart. Darkness and light cannot coexist. So persisting in wrong will forever keep you in darkness and prevent knowledge from reaching you and saving you. However, there is a way out When you allow knowledge to benefit you and you act upon it as The Beauty of Istighfar

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much as possible (beginning with abandoning sins and breaking its chains), darkness will instantly begin to fade away. 2. Another effect of sin is that a person will find themselves prevented from their rizq (provisions) or restricted in their livelihood. Do you ever find yourself in financial constraints without knowing why? Do you find that there is no barakah (blessing) in your money; the pay check arrives and within a few days or weeks youre down to restricted means again? Maybe you keep seeking avenues to make a living but find every door closes on you and frustration just keeps building up? Perhaps this is a time to sit with your soul and seek forgiveness. When the slave of Allaah is continuous in istighfar and Allaah knows that they are always aware of their doings and they are cautious not to fall into sin, He will provide for them at every instance, And whoever fears Allaah He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect [65:2-3]. He will bring them job opportunities without them even seeking or searching for it. The blessings of wealth, health and good means is brought to them and the Dunya itself brought to their feet. This is because the more God-conscious a person is, the higher their level of taqwa. This means they are constantly thinking of their relationship with Allaah and their focus is on The Hereafter, so Allaah takes care of their dunya and fills their life with provisions to help them maintain their focus on The Hereafter and His Remembrance. How Kind He is, subhanahu wa taala. Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver. He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers. [71:10-12]

So the smart one realises that just as sins prevent provisions in life, seeking forgiveness will expand the provisions in their life, so they do not abandon it. 3. Another effect of sin is that ones supplications are prevented from being answered. Prophet() mentions in a hadith of a man who, Having journeyed far, is dishevelled and dusty and spreads out his hands to the sky saying, O Lord! O Lord! (crying out in dua) while his food is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, his clothing is unlawful, and he is nourished from the unlawful, so how can he be answered? This ties in with whats called akl al-haram in Arabic, i.e., consuming from the unlawful. One of the greatest dangers we face today is the consumption of Riba (interest), the effects of which are deadly and tremendous. If things are not working out in your life, if despite your good job and family, there always seem to be problems and discontentment in life, then seek forgiveness; perhaps major sins such as this have come between you and Allaah so you no longer find peace and happiness in your provision. The Messenger of Allaah( )taught us well when he encouraged us with one particular supplication in the grand month of Ramadaan. He taught us to engage in saying, O Allaah, You are the Pardon and You love to Pardon, so pardon me. Hence seeking forgiveness is not just for the sinner, but it is a habit of the righteous and pious. Allaah opens doors and bestows many blessings upon a person by virtue of their istighfar and remembrance. Lets make it our daily habit in-sha-Allaah

The Beauty of Istighfar

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By Hajrah






search I learned a number of things that Im sharing here.

In our everyday life we come across many forces and powers (man-made) and we get impressed by them but there is another power (power of God) that is even more powerful and we come across it more often than the previous one. In fact it stays with us all the time, yet we ignore it. The people have power of the man-made things and Allaah has power of the creation. And the power of creation that has been created by Allaah is more stronger and more intense than the power of manmade things that has been manufactured by man To understand the power of man-made things, lets first look at what are the man-made things. Some of the greatest inventions of man include electricity, computer technology, vehicles of transportation, weapons of war etc. As for the creation, it includes Mankind, Angels, Djinn, mountains, trees, lands, oceans, winds, galaxies, etc.


Electricity was not properly discovered for human use until 1600. Even today, the most strongest of flashlights can reach up to 10 miles. A new light bulb has been unveiled in the US that, if used for three-hours daily, can have a life of about 27years. Lightning is a phenomenon that scientists have not been able to fully discover up till today. It occurs approximately 4050 times a second worldwide, resulting in nearly 1.4 billion flashes per year. In 15-minutes, the sun radiates as much energy onto our globe as humans use during an entire year. Fireflies produce light using chemical energy from their food. The light they give off is more efficient than that of a light bulb. Fireflies lose only 1/15 of their energy to Power of Creator vs. Power of Creation


Id been wanting to write a comparison of the power of man-made things and creation. Though Im not sharing hard facts with references for now, in my Page 10

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heat, whereas 95% of the energy used by an ordinary light bulb is wasted as heat energy. Some deep-sea squids and glowworms in caves also change the chemical energy from food into light.

its the same all over. You never get bored of it. It changes colors by itself. Never fear that itll fall over you. No limited life span. Never does the paint peel off. Never do you see a hole. SubhanAllaah!




When a roof has to be put on a building, a number of things have to be considered. The material being used, how much is it weather, wind, and fire resistant. A good roof needs the appropriate nails, screws, rivets and adhesives. Roofs are made in an area keeping the climate of that region in mind. A water drainage system has to be added which adds to the cost as well. In factories, a chemical resistant layer has to be applied on the roofs too. And then the paint and pattern of the ceiling gets boring after a while and has to be changed. Interestingly, a lot of people are opting for their ceiling to have a pattern that makes it look like the sky.



Cool air of an air conditioner and the natural cool breeze. Well, do I even need to give a comparison? Just go out at Fajr time and feel the breeze. No comparison, guaranteed! Experience it yourself.

Air-conditioning can cause asthma attacks, chest tightness and a runny nose in office workers, according to new research. The study of 770 office staff found people working in air-conditioned offices are almost two-and-a-half times more likely to suffer from respiratory infections than those in naturally ventilated buildings. Air conditioners in large buildings can pose a more serious threat because they use reservoirs of water that can harbor harmful bacteria. When Legionnaires disease struck a an American Legion convention in Philadelphia in 1976, epidemiologists found colonies of the deadly Legionella Pneutnophila bacterium in the air circulated by the hotels air-conditioning system. Other organisms that grow in large air-conditioning units can trigger hypersensitivity pneumonitis, also called allergic alveolitis. The condition is caused by inhaling microscopic organic dusts, which inflame the air sacs of the lungs and can eventually interfere with normal breathing. Page 11

The sky, it needs no nails, screws, pillars, or drainage systems. No different material for different climates,

Power of Creator vs. Power of Creation

MyVision ShawwalDhu al-Qada 1434

By Hajrah
(CH4) is one of the most common and serious consequences of industrial pollution and has serious hazards. It results in melting of glaciers and snowcapped mountains, causing an increase of the water levels in seas and rivers, thereby increasing the chances of flood. Also, it increases risk of diseases such as malaria and dengue, cholera, Lyme disease and plague, among others. The emissions from various industries contain large amounts of gases such as carbon-dioxide, sulphur and nitrogen, among others. These gases, when present in elevated levels in the atmosphere, often result in various environmental and health hazards such as acid rain, and various skin disorders in individuals. Water pollution as a result of factories results in the death of various animal and plant species present in the water. Industrial wastes pollute the soil such that they reduce plant growth. As for factories of nature, cattle is an example. Their flesh can be eaten as meat. Their milk can be drank and turned into cheese and yogurt. Their skin can be used as leather, clothing, shoes and belts. They can pull carts and plows. They can make the power to turn flour mills or pump water. The food that they eat is not expensive, and often not in competition with what people eat. They look beautiful in a green field. They are meek and submissive, do not pounce on you when you go to milk them. Glory be to the Creator! How do people not believe in Him? How do they not obey Him? Humans are the best of creation and still were so weak. Dont we realize that the perfection of all powers is in some Hands unseen and the Most Powerful? Indeed, Allaah is the Greatest!

Fresh air purifies the blood, imparts to it a bright color, and sends the blood, a life-giving current, to every part of the body. It soothes the nerves, stimulates appetite, helps digestion, and induces sound, refreshing sleep. It invigorates the vital organs and aids the system in getting rid of an accumulation of impurities. Pure air brings life to the skin, as for a lack of air the skin nearly dies. It has a decided influence on the mind, imparting a degree of composure and serenity. Fresh air, especially when we exercise, will stimulate our appetite, and greatly aid and improve digestion of food. Some specific problems that are greatly benefited by having an abundance of fresh air are fevers, colds and lung disease. Research shows that fresh air helps keep our moods buoyant and positive. Interaction with nature reduces depression, promotes healing and sparks creativity. It even increases life expectancy by about 15% over five years, according to one Japanese study.


Factories that manufacture various things for our benefit are full of health hazards. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it has been estimated that industrial pollution is responsible for almost 50% of the pollution present in the United States. Global warming due to release of CO2 and methane Page 12

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Power of Creator vs. Power of Creation

By Hajrah
benefits associated with this that would be mind blowing. Even the sequence of washing must have something deep in it, that we know not. Just these refreshing feelings would have been enough, but then, Im rewarded for it too! But whaaat?! I enjoy it and then get reward for it too? Amazing! I pity those wretched people who dont know this blessing, who dont perform ablution. How poor are they! Read on to know why. My Sins are Forgiven Uthman ibn Affan (RA) said, I saw the Messenger of Allaah, may Allaah bless him and grant him peace, do wudu like I am doing wudu now. Then he () said, Anyone who does wudu like that, will be forgiven his previous wrong actions, and his prayer and his walking to the mosque are an added bonus. [Sahih al-Muslim] All Doors of JANNAH will Open Up for Me The Prophet ( )said, No one among you does wudu and does wudu thoroughly - or adequately and then testifies, There is no god but Allaah Alone with no partner and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, without the eight doors of the Garden being opened to him so that he can enter by whichever of them he wishes. [Sahih al-Muslim] And then, Ill be Recognized by My Beloved ( )by Traces of WUDU on Me? Ultimate! The Prophet ( )said, On the Day of Resurrection, my followers will be called Al-Ghurrul-Muhajjalun from the trace of ablution and whoever can increase the area of his radiance should do so (i.e., by performing a b l u t i o n regularly). [Sahih al-Bukhari] I feel awesome! O Performer of Ablution, do you?

here are some moments in life that touch you forever! They make your heart thump loudly with ecstasy and excitement And you want to live that moment and do not want it to end, ever! I live such moments about five times a day. When the first drop of water touches my hand, I feel a thrill pass through me. I wash my hands, rinse my mouth and nose, wash my face and arms, wipe my head with water and wash my feet. Oh bliss! Its the wudu (Muslim ablution). Every organ of my body feels that happiness as water caresses it. Its not just because it is summer, even in winter I get the same feeling of joy. I wondered what could be the reason of this, do I feel the same whenever I wash my hands/face or take a bath? I realized that this was not the case. Then I thought,


maybe Allaah puts this special feeling of freshness, revitalization and joy only in performing the Muslim ablution. Yes, this must be it! Theres another thing that Im sure of. There must be some very deep wisdom hidden in washing only the organs that were meant to wash during wudu. If the Western scientists havent started searching on it, theyre missing on it big time. We could have been told to wash the feet without including the ankles; or wash them, including the legs till knees; or not wash the arms. But the Creator fixed the body parts to be washed. There must be huge health


The Blessing Called Wudu

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Eight Benefits of Dawah By Abu Umar
he word dawah means enjoining the good (al-Maroof: Islamic monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding the evil (al-Munkar: Polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden) to Muslims as well as non-Muslims. This Dawah can take a variety of forms, including direct conversation, or indirectly through distributing leaflets, CDs, or books about Islam. It is certainly not limited to one format or group of people. Lets look at some of the many benefits of giving dawah to help boost our participation in this great act. FUlFill AN ObliGATiON UpON US

asks Me, I shall surely grant his request. [Sahih al-Bukhari]

supplications for being there to direct them to the Straight Path. The Prophet( )said, Allaah, His Angels and all those in the Heavens and on Earth, even ants in their ant-hills and fish in the water, call down blessings on those who instruct others in beneficial knowledge. [atTirmidhi]

This hadith highlights the massive reward of completing the obligatory acts. In contrast, we should consider the consequences of neglecting something that is obligatory upon us. For example, we understand Allaah has prescribed five daily prayers and the severe consequences we may face for missing just one of those prayers. Consequently, we should give great consideration to dawah before abandoning or neglecting it, and therefore look to making it part of our lives in some way.

awah is recognized by scholars as being obligatory upon every Muslim. This means that dawah is something of great importance to Allaah. By fulfilling our obligatory acts we look to achieve the pleasure of Allaah and get close to Him. Allaah says in an hadith, And My slave does not come close to Me with anything more beloved to Me than what I have made obligatory upon him. My slave continues to come nearer to Me through voluntary deeds until I love him, and when I love him, I become his ears with which he hears, I become his sight with which he sees, I become his hands with which he strikes, I become his legs with which he strides. If he

ur Prophet Muhammad( )was a daee (caller to Islam), as were all other prophets. The opportunity to follow in the footsteps of the greatest man to have ever lived is a huge honor and favor given to us by Allaah. As followers of Muhammad(), it is our responsibility of continuing his work. So we should keep in mind, whom we are imitating by giving dawah. BE THE ONES WHO ARE REmEmbEREd iN THE SUppliCATiON OF OTHERS


t is common to hear people talk about the state of the Muslim world. But for change to come about, we will need to change ourselves. Allaah says, Verily! Allaah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves. [13:11] Giving dawah may help us realize our own weakness. We should strive to impact positively our local environment and society with whatever skills and abilities Allaah has blessed us with. We always wish to see those around us, such as our friends, family and neighbors, from being of those that are pious and righteous. Sharing this beautiful way of life with others will go a long way to making this happen. STRENGTHEN RElATiONSHip WiTH AllAAH


y helping someone revert to Islam or return to practising Islam, you may earn their gratitude. Hopefully they will remember you in their

he first person to benefit from the knowledge passed on in dawah is yourself.

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8 Benets of Dawah

You will strengthen your belief and relationship with Allaah and His chosen way of life. And it will prevent you from becoming neglectful of Him. We as Muslims should strive to push ourselves to do better. A higher level of faith is likely to lead us closer to Allaah and therefore offer us greater rewards in this life, as well as The Hereafter. The companions of Muhammad( )were the strongest in faith. Their lives were full of sacrifices of time, health, and wealth for the sake of Allaah. This contributed to them being of the closest to Allaah. The Shaytaan always looks to come close us. We need to continuously do good deeds to distance ourselves from him. Giving dawah will help us to avoid his clutches, as not only will we be performing good deeds, we will be encouraging others to do so as well, presenting a double-blow to the Shaytaan. LEAdiNG A HAppiER LiFE nowing that you have helped somebody to come close to Allaah and the Prophet Muhammad( )will make you feel happier. Giving dawah includes giving advice to a fellow Muslim who is going through a difficult time and reminding them how Allaah is near and always there for them to turn to. Dawah does not require you to be a specialist, as the Prophet( )said, Convey from me, even one verse. [Sahih al-Bukhari] Being used as a tool by Allaah to guide someone to Islam will

give you a warm glow inside, knowing that you have helped save a person from shirk. As Muslims, we know that those who die as disbelievers will dwell in the Hellfire forever. Think of a non-Muslim neighbor or colleague you have. How would you feel if they died in the state of disbelief? The Prophet( )said, By Allaah, if a single person is guided by Allaah through you, it will be better for you than the best of camels [Sahih al-Bukhari]]. Translate this into an exotic sports car in current terms. Additionally, Allaah says Himself about the people that are successful, Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining al-Maroof (Islamic monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding al-Munkar (Polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are successful. [3:104] CONTiNUE TO RECEiVE REWARdS AFTER DEATH he Prophet( )said, When a man dies, his good deeds come to an end except three: on going charity, beneficial knowledge, and righteous offspring who will pray for him. [Sahih al-Muslim] For example, you gave dawah to a non-Muslim friend, who at the age of 19 or 20 becomes a Muslim. That friend may get married and have children, who are again raised on this Deen and themselves lead a long and pious life. This friend may become a scholar, or the children may become scholars, or they themselves may invite

many others to Islam. Then a copy of the reward achieved by all of them will become part of your good deeds. We should pick up good deeds while we can, because soon we will be in our graves and then we will not have the capacity to perform them. HElp AGAiNST THE QUESTiONiNG OF THE HEREAFTER

e will be asked about the knowledge we possessed in questioning of the Day of Judgement. The Prophet() talked about the consequences of those who do not spread possessed knowledge, Whoever is asked about some knowledge that he knows, then he conceals it, he will be bridled with bridle of fire. [at-Tirmidhi] By engaging in dawah, we can help protect ourselves against the punishment of Allaah. The Prophet( )said, By Allaah, in whos Hands is my soul, you will enjoin the good and prohibit the evil (or else), Allaah will soon send upon you a punishment from Him, then you will call upon Him and He will not answer you. [at-Tirmidhi] The different points mentioned here are just some of the benefits of being involved in dawah. It is also worth reflecting on the potential pitfalls of neglecting this important duty. A point to consider is that with so many statements relating to dawah, they provide strong evidence about the importance of dawah with Allaah, and how it should also be a regular feature in our lives.

8 Benets of Dawah

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By Rebecca Sims

arly morning walking can jump-start your system, clear your mind and get you ready to tackle the stresses of daily life. Some of the many advantages of a brisk stroll early in the day are the cool and quiet of deserted sidewalks or leafy trails, an early morning energy lift and the afterglow of tranquility and calm that will center you for the rest of the day.



Another proven benefit of walking first thing in the morning is a higher base metabolic rate for the entire day. An increase in metabolism can translate into significant weight loss, even without dieting. A vigorous walking program that raises your target heart rate into the aerobic zone will stick with you and will keep you alert all day. A more energized system is also less likely to crave quick but health destroying pick-me-ups such as sugar or caffeine.


In a 2011 study published in the journal Medicine & Science, researchers found that the timing of your walking routine could positively influence important health factors such as blood pressure. Morning walkers lowered their blood pressure more than those who exercised later in the day. According to the website, morning walkers also tend to exercise more consistently than those who try to fit in aerobic time during daytime or evening hours. A regular routine is better in the long-term than short bursts of inconsistent exercise. Making a morning walk a habit can give you maximum returns on your health investment.

contribute to a more peaceful mind-set A solitary ramble in the early hours can may be more than just psychological. A throughout the day. The calming effect of Medicine & Science in Sports & study published in the August 2010 issue who walked to school in the morning Exercise discovered that even children tests and exams. The biochemical showed less stress when confronted with ren more alert and better able to benefits of walking also made the child concentrate in class.


An early walk through a serene and stillsleeping neighborhood can be a wonderful path to more meditative state of mind. The mild morning hours, before the mental clutter and conflicts of a busy work day intrude, can enhance your mood far more than tryin g to fight the late afternoon and evening crowds. So start early and empty your mind for the boost to your brain and body.


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MyVision September 2013

The Advantages of a Morning Walk

By Hajrah

" Youth Certified, Eh?"

oday, while visiting people for Eid, we went to neighbors of my grandmothers. There on the bed, supported by pillows and her head lolling on one side, sat the aunty who we once knew to be quite active and cheerful. Bedridden for ten years, she had a dark shadow on her face. She looked at us as if she was seeing someone distant and hardly spoke while we sat there. Her family told us that she scarcely says or eats anything now. How would she eat with her food devoid of salt (on account of blood pressure) and sugar (on account of diabetes)? My mind went back a few years and I remembered the time when I was a little child and when the worlds greatest superheroes are ones parents and grandparents. Theyre big and they can do everything. I remember that aunty chatting merrily with my grandmother over the terrace wall, sending us dishes of food, greeting us on Eid with delicacies. But what was her Eid like today? How would it feel to be dependent on others for things as little as having to sit up or turn your head on the pillow? The only thing she said clearly was when my mother bade her goodbye, she took her hand and said, I dont feel well Allaah says in the Quran, O People, if you should be in doubt about the Resurrection, then [consider that] indeed, We created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot, and then from a lump of flesh, formed and unformed - that We may show you. And We settle in the wombs whom We will for a specified term, then We bring you out as a child, and then [We develop you] that you may reach your [time of] maturity. And among you is he who is taken in [early] death, and among you is he who is returned to the most decrepit [old] age so that he knows, after [once having] knowledge, nothing. [22:5]

llaah shows us these signs yet were heedless of them. We think were here forever. The time to act is definitely now. Prophet Muhammad () said, Take benefit of five before five: your youth before your old age, your health before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before you are preoccupied, and your life before your death. [Musnad al-Haakim]

e all have someone ill, weak or old in our family or acquaintances. Yet do they serve as a reminder to us that were heading the same way? In our youth and health, we think were the masters of our life, but are we? Can anyone stop this ageing and weakening process? Or reverse it? Do we have any power over ourselves? What guarantee do we have that were going to live or be young and cool and healthy forever? Youth Certied, Eh?

May Allaah give us the tawfeeq to make best use of our time and to engage ourselves productively and may He have mercy on all old, weak, and ill people, ease their difficulties, and give them the best in both worlds. We should try to take care of such people, visit them, help ease their pain and depression and supplicate for them. After all, we may face the same someday! Allaah says in the Quran, And Allaah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak. [4:28]

MyVision ShawwalDhu al-Qada 1434

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Stars in the Dark Sky

By Saleha Ahmed


ave you ever tried lying down at night facing the dark sky after a tiring day when you are stuck up in lots of problems, when everything just seems bad and hopeless? Youll see a huge, black, quiet, terrifying sky above you, just like your problems. When nothing seems to be coming out right, all you see is darkness. Now let me give you another dimension to it; we see the stars, dont we? Dont they just beautify the sky? Of course they do, their arrangements, the sequence, they just seem amazing, and without them the sky would be incomplete, it would seem darker and darker. Take these stars as the hopes, solutions or the way outs from our problems. It is us who can Page 18

search for these hopes and solutions in the darkest and toughest problems in our lives. Allaah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. [2:286] Allaah never burdens us with something we cant handle, whatever we go through in our lives we are given the power to deal with it. The solution is to know what reaction we should show at the time of test. eing positive and knowing that My Allaah will never do bad to me, He wants me to be close to him, he wants me to learn something from it, He MyVision September 2013

is preparing me for something big which I dont know but Allaah.

o when we take things from a positive angle, everything just goes back to normal i.e., our state of mind, our energies, everything because no matter how cloudy the sky is, how dense is the fog, how heavy it rains or hails, the stars (hopes) would always be there, if not a brighter one but a dim one would be there. Making sincere dua to Allaah only and being hopeful for his help and blessings can solve anything! Try it! O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allaah is with the patient. [2:153]

Stars in the Dark Sky

By Asfiya Irfan

Ar-Riya is the practice of performing various forms of worship in order to be seen and praised by people [Fundamentals of Tawheed, Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Phillips]. The opposite can also be true. Sometimes we worry too much about what other people think of us. Sometimes our perception of them and consequent cognitive response prevents us from doing ibadaah (worship) and seeking Islamic knowledge. When we become too focused on other people, we unconsciously reshape our views, priorities and intentions out of fear or want of their acceptance and approval. In the same way, we are sometimes embarrassed to excel in the Deen because we are over-concerned about what everyone else is doing and how everyone thinks of us. Its human to mimic other humans. We all do that sometimes when suddenly adopt a certain fashion or persona, change career, car or house after seeing a friend or a colleague do the same. But trying to be someone we are not will always leave us feeling unfulfilled, however much we admire the change. The only true way to be happy is to enjoy our individuality. And in this case, become relaxed and comfortable with the unique perspectives, quirks and idiosyncrasies revealed by Allaah. What will people think of me? What if I dont fit in anymore? Sometimes it is just our imagination that scares and de-motivates us. So challenge your thinking to overcome negativity. Hold on, I am not doing this for Allaah? This is to make my Creator happy. And how do I know people are not going to like me? Some people will like me, some will think Im okay, and some might be indifferent. See the best in others by not assuming that they see the worst in us. Maybe they will be inspired by us one day and follow our example? Maybe all they needed was some motivation and after seeing us so dedicated to our studies and salah they also want to join. Too Shy to be Religious


Remember, people will think what theyll think. If someone forms an opinion of us based on superficiality, then it is up to them, not us, to reform those opinions based on a more objective and rational view. Some of us come from really competitive families or friends circles. We may have siblings or relatives, neighbors or colleagues who think and treat us as if we are less intelligent or talented than them. Their behavior becomes even more narcissist when we start practicing Islam. They will seek attention by putting us down and criticizing our new-found interest/ preoccupation with Islam. This may affect our own self-esteem and struggle. We may resort doubting our self or worst, we may end up showing off our ibadaah or knowledge to fish for compliments. So it is best to walk away from any confrontation or competition with show-offs. They need an audience to boast about their achievements so dont encourage them by listening to their over-inflated ego. Keep emotions at bay, we dont need to defend ourselves because our reward is with Allaah. Alhamdulillah, Allaah gave us the opportunity to see Him in a new light and comprehend His religion. Our views deflect because they dont understand the value of Allaah or appreciate the blessing of Islam. Either give dawah to these show-off with patience or stay away from their influence. Page 19

MyVision ShawwalDhu al-Qada 1434

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