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Sem ttulo "Killing Combat" Karate....WWII style! "...................On the evening of 10 August, Capt.

Itezono Tatsuo called a meeting of around twenty shadow warriors engaged in guerrilla training. He informed them that, on the orders of senior air staff officer Colonel Sato Yoshinao, all officers involved in guerrilla warfare were to participate the next morning in the execution of eight American prisoners. Itezono further informed them that karate and arrows would be used. Lt. Yamamoto Fukuichi remarked how he wished to test his skill in karate on a prisoner........................" "................The captors then practiced their martial-arts. When Itezono had asked for volunteers, several of the shadow warriors had begun warming up. One then stepped forward to strike several devastating karate blows to a prisoner, whose hands were pinned behind his back. The wounded man then lost his head to an officer's sword......" Excerpts about the training of spies, saboteurs, and assassins of Japan's covert intelligence units during WWII. Graduates of the infamous "Nakano" school. "Nakano-Ryu" Jissen Karate syllabus: TSUKIWAZA: Chokuzuki- All blows to face and throat. a. Oizuki b.Gyakuzuki KERIWAZA: All kicks to groin, knees and shins. ALL DOONE WITH HEAVY COMBAT BOOTS! a. Maegeri. b. Kintekigeri. c. Sokutogeri. d. Hizageri. UKETEWAZA: a. Jodan Uke b. Gedan Barai HEAVY emphasis on HON JIYU KUMITE. Full force contact "fighting". Uyeshiba did INITIALLY teach at Nakano, BUT was dismissed in favor of Karate instructors Gigo Funakoshi, Shigeru Egami, and Okuyama. UYESHIBA'S "AIKI" METHODS DID NOT WORK UNDER REAL COMBAT CONDITIONS! Little FORMAL training was given in Kenjutsu (kendo) and Judo(jujutsu) at the Nakano school. The military powers that be at the time were VERY IMPRESSED with Karate as the BEST form of unarmed combat for military/battlefield use, especially for the nature of covert/clandestine operations. The infamous SAKURA Squadron was TRAINED exclusively in Karate as a primary KILLING method of unarmed combat. The Japanese arrived at the EXACT same conclusions as did WEF, Sykes, Applegate, and O'Neill. Hard, fast, powerful BLOWS and KICKS to vulnerable areas. NO BULLSHIT. Get IN and get the JOB DONE WITH as quickly and brutally as possible! The Japanese military did employ a "dagger" design as a combat knife as well as the traditional so-called "Tanto" design. Pgina 1

Sem ttulo However, TANTO merely describes a "hand sword" NOT a particular "design", so TANTO-JUTSU can refer to ANY knife. The tanto design that is familiar to most is actually called a "kogatana". Tanto-jutsu/Kaiken-jutsu usually means "knife fighting technique" as we understand it. TANKEN-JUTSU refers to the use of the BAYONET as a knife. Similar to the original BIDDLE method. Bayonet as knife. This is taught as part of the JUKEN-JUTSU (bayonet fighting) syllabus. HAYAI-SATSUJIN (or KOROSHI) is the idea of the immediate or sudden KILL. Along with ICHIGEKI-HISSATSU (one attack - one life) forms the MAIN guiding principle of Japanese military combatives. The main method of KOGEKI (attack) is the THRUST. This is done with TWO hands.The TSUKI or thrust is couple with the KIRIHANASU or "disengage" which disembowels and releases the knife after the double handed thrust to the abdomen. Ernie Cates related a story to me about Nakabayashi Sensei (who was hired under government contract to teach the USMC in the late fifties). Nakabayashi was very adamant about using the combat knife blade FORWARD. The USMC at this time were teaching a "reversed" style and Nakabayashi CHANGED that first thing! Elements of the original WWII knife system can still be seen today in the manuals of the GSDF on Toshu-Kakuto as well as those rare manuals on Juken-jutsu (though some have been reprinted). Sada Sensei who served with the Japanese Naval Commandos during WWII (among other assignments) used a knife in this two handed thrust/twist and slash/rip out maneuver. Besides the fairly standard sentry removal type of attacks, the only other "technique" Sada thought was useful was a diagonal downward stab (ice pick grip) into the side of the neck or the subclavian. The knife was then GRIPPED with BOTH hands, twisted and ripped out ACROSS the neck/throat (practically severing the head). He also taught an upward forearm smash to the throat/chin followed by the thrust or the stab. Also kicking and kneeing attacks to the groin usually set-up the follow on killing attack with the blade. The also stated once that whenever feasible the enemy's head at the nape should be COMPLETELY severed to insure the KETTEITEKI NO GOROSHI or "decisive enemy kill". Carl Cestari

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