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HE SHOT ME TWICE Man Claims He was

Shot by EPS officer


Frontpageafrica Entertainment Reporter, Dies At 28

GONE SO SOON J. Ralph Lincoln,


pg 7



BUYING MONDAY, DECEMBER 16 , 2013 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2013 MONDAY, DECEMBER 23 , 2013 L$81.00/US$1 L$82.00/US$1 L$82.00/US$1

SELLING L$82.00/US$1 L$83.00 /US$1 L$83.00/US$1

These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.

VOL 8 NO.506

Mr. Ureys candidacy for the presidency has electrified an otherwise dull field of hidden contenders and sycophantic boot licker candidates, who are waiting months before the 2017 elections to mount the podium of Liberian electioneering. For Benoni, he has sent an unmistakable strong message that he is in to win. For Madam Sirleaf and the Unity Party, it means their long delayed succession plan must be unveiled, or they risk running as underdogs in what will be an overcrowded field. Mr. Sam Jackson, A supporter of a Urey for President Campaign




Politics Pg.11

See PG 2

VOL 8 NO.506




Unsettled Anthony Laffor could leave Mamelodi Sundowns in January


Page 2 | Frontpage
Monrovia -

Monday, December 30 , 2013

t has been three months since a detachment of the United Nations Mission in Liberia turned over the duty of guarding the Monrovia Central Prison to the Liberia National Police. But judging from an incident which took place on Saturday, December 21, 2013, keen observers would have thought that the Executive Protective Service(EPS) tasked with the responsibility of guarding the Liberian president had jurisdiction authority of the prison space. In contrast, a FrontPageAfrica investigation has found that it was the LNP, not the EPS which had jurisdiction. The details are crucial as FrontPageAfrica sought to get more clarity over why embattled police director Chris Massaquoi was manhandled by EPS officers and embarrassed when the president visited the prison. The Executive Protection Service(EPS) has since expressed shock over the incident but the bitter feud created from the incident from the incident remains high between the LNP and the EPS. The EPS says it will neither countenance nor accept any action on the part of its agents that publicly embarrasses officials of the government, least to mention the police chief and as such, it has begun immediate investigation into the matter. Meanwhile, the EPS has expressed regrets for the entire situation, reads the EPS statement in the aftermath of the incident. Some police sources say, the EPSs letter falls short of an apology to Massaquoi and lacks remorse for the incident. The incident, sources tell FrontPageAfrica is part of a bigger crisis among key security sector officials, responsible for protecting the presidency and Liberias overall security. Warrick vs. Samukai Pat Down at City Hall At the center of the saga is Othello Warrick, the Director of the Emergency Protective Service who previously served as Deputy Minister for Administration under Brownie Samukai. Warricks tenure at Defense was, according to administration sources, marred by several confrontations with Samukai and required the intervention of the president on a number of occasions to ease the tension between the pair. Toward the end of his tenure at Defense, Warrick reportedly abandoned his post and was a no-show at the ministry until his appointment by Sirleaf as head of the EPS. Warricks rugged tenure at Defense is said to have been the backdrop of a recent incident which took place at the Monrovia City Hall where he reportedly instructed EPS officers to pat down the Defense Minister. The incident occurred shortly after disgraced former head of the Liberia Airport Authority(LAA) Ellen Corkrum released a secret recording on which the Defense Minister is heard saying that the President was weak on corruption and was not taking action against those engage in theft of public money. Samukai would later apologized at a regular press briefing on Thursday, September 5, 2013, revealing that when he recognized as a normal human being that his own fault has come into the public domain it is incumbent upon him to take responsibility for such action. First, I want to tell you that I take full responsibility for what you heard although it is greatly edited and I choose not to go into that version. I take full responsibility for granting the kind of access that Ellen Cockrum had to me that gave her the opportunity to do the recording that she did.

Rodney D. Sieh, [email protected]

violation of Chapter 15, sub-chapter F, section 15.81(a)(b) (c),Misapplication of Entrusted property in violation of Chapter 15, sub-chapter D, sections 15.56; Theft of Property in violation of Chapter 15, sub-chapter D, section 15.51 (a)(c); Criminal Conspiracy in violation of Chapter 10, sub-chapter D section 10.4 (1)(2)(3)(4) of the penal code of Liberia. The recording confirms speculations circulating in various circles that Corkrum and Johnson fled Liberia through road because the airport authorities had apparently been alerted not to let them leave the country. Some Defense sources say Warrick reportedly ordered the pat down of the minister to get back at him and probably gain favor with Sirleaf, with an eye on replacing Samukai as Defense Minister. The president is reportedly contemplating a number of changes in the new with sights on the security sector. The City Hall incident was said to be a security briefing discussion and an angry Samukai reportedly rejected the search by EPS and left the meeting. Warrick vs. Massaquoi More recently, Corkrum released another recording, this time of Police Director Chris Massaquoi on which it appeared that Director Massaquoi was aiding and abetting the fugitive pair in the plan to flee prosecution. Massaquoi is heard telling the pair that instructions from as high up as the presidency had put in motion all stops to prevent them from leaving the country. I am aware of the action that should be carried out, for you not to leave. In this Liberia, these people can frame people all kinds of way. But Melvin You a lawyer now. You got to help the girl out, Col. Massaquoi is heard on the tape. In the wake of the Central Prison incident, some political observers have called for an independent probe of the incident. Initial reports suggested that the President gave the Police Director the shove when he tried to greet the President who was performing her annual ritual to grant pardons and share a brief holiday moment with prisoners. Others suggested that the President wanted nothing to do with Massaquoi and made him know as much by snubbing his gestures to greet her at the prison. Police sources have since indicated that the incident was the result of an overzealous Executive Protective Service Officer who ordered Director Massaquoi to take his hands from his pocket before greeting the President, triggering an altercation between Director Massaquois officers and officers of the EPS. Several police sources believe the EPS officers acted on Warricks instructions. Earlier this year, Warrick reportedly ordered the police and other security officers at the observance of Independence Day celebration in Bomi County to stand down and succumb to the EPS, a move which was rejected by the police, according to LNP sources. More recently, the EPS boss reportedly ordered his men to prevent Public Works Minister Antoinette Weeks, who had arrived late to the premises of the ministry during a surprise visit by the President, from entering the premises for keeping the president waiting. Warrick vs. the Press Warrick has also been at odds with the press. During programs marking World Press day on May 3rd 2013, Warrick, shocked local journalists by threatening them and calling them "terrorists" at a public event to mark the occasion. Warrick's threats set off a firestorm of protest which has yet to subside. Although he has since backpedaled and some government officials have spoken up to reaffirm their commitment to press freedom, the media are imposing a blackout on coverage of the presidency, which they insist they will uphold until Sirleaf herself speaks out. Warrick was a scheduled guest speaker at a May 3 event titled Media-Security Relations: An Imperative for Consolidating Peace in Liberia. Warrick angered journalists when he declared that the EPS had the right to arrest them without warrant and he would "go after" any journalist who publishes articles critical of him or the presidency. Said Warrick: "Any press member that surpasses his/her responsibility to get involved in presidential intelligence; trust me, we will restrict you," Warrick said. "Be careful, because you have your pen and we have our guns. And if you incriminate the character or integrity of Liberians, like myself, we will come after you... the EPS has the right to arrest you without warrant." The recent turn of events surrounding the EPS is drawing new scrutiny for Warrick, a US Army veteran and citizen in a highprofile position in the Sirleaf administration. American Citizen Warrick Warrick reportedly holds an American passport issued March 23, 2006, drawing criticisms from some who feel that he should not be holding such high profile position in accordance with Liberian

The government of Liberia announced in August, an indictment of Cockrum and her fianc, Melvin Johnson, accusing the pair of Economic Sabotage, Theft of Property, criminal conspiracy and misapplication of entrusted property. Cockrum was indicted along with LAA board chair, Musa Bility, Diaspora Consulting LLC thru Moamar Dieng. The indictment alleged that the accused conspired to and did do and commit the crime of economic Sabotage in flagrant

see page 3

Monday, December 30, 2013


Page 3

It is unclear how the investigation into the LNP vs. EPS showdown will play out but some administration sources say the blame falls on President Sirleaf, who failed to put the EPS in check when a Pat Down and search for arms was ordered on Defense Minister Samuka, giving Warrick and the EPS more room to continue a trend that appears to be ruffling feathers in the security sector and, according to political observers, potential threat to the presidents own safety.

law which prohibits dual citizenship. The National Legislature of Liberia has repeatedly denied several presidential nominees confirmation to serve in government on conditions of dual citizenship. The most recent was cases involved Samuel Momolu Lynch was also denied nomination for the post of Commandant of the Liberia National Coast Guard by the Security Committee of the Senate. During Lynchs hearing, Lynch confirmed serving the American Army especially that Countrys Coast Guard for thirteen years. Despite his pledged of allegiance to the United States, he told the Senate Security Committee he remains a citizen of Liberia. However, Senators Mobutu Nyepan, Blamo Nelson and Sumo Kupee said at the time that it was against Liberian laws to confirm anyone who pledged their allegiance to another country. Others who have also fallen prey to the nationality dilemma are former Minister of Public Works Luseni Donzo, Deputy Defense Minister Dionysius Sebwe and Samuel Russ who surrendered their U.S. citizenships. Sirleaf appointed Warrick as Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of National Defense and he was confirmed by the Senate who reportedly had no knowledge of his American citizenship.

The dual citizenship debate has spurred a lawsuit in the United States declaring it unconstitutional to deny Liberians who took up foreign citizenships, rights to their homeland. The lawsuit also challenges as unconstitutional several provisions of the Aliens and Nationality Law of Liberia (provisions), which seek to deprive a Liberian of his or her Liberian citizenship without due process of law. The lawsuit does not ask the Liberian government to recognize dual citizenship, nor does it ask the government to recognize my American citizenship. The lawsuit does, however, require the Liberian government to respect all of my rights as a natural-born citizen of Liberia, including but not limited to my constitutional right to due process of law. The controversy is sparking interests among many Liberians who fled during the civil war to seek refuge in other countries. As a result of the constitutional lapses, several nominees to appointed positions have been either rejected or turned down for positions in the post-war government simply because they chose to take up citizenship in a foreign land. The suit is filed by A.T. Jalloh, a Liberian lawyer based in the United States of America. The EPS, formerly the Special Security Service (SSS) was

changed by the National Legislature giving it a new name. The 52nd National Legislature changed the name Special Security Service (SSS) to the Executive Protection Service (EPS). The change was made under the National Security Reform and Intelligence Act, 2011 that was approved on August 31, 2011 and published by authorities of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and printed in handbook in September 8, 2011. The Special Security Service was charged with the responsibility to protect and secure the President, his or her immediate family, other officials and visiting dignitaries (VIPs), to be designated by the President, to protect the Executive Mansion and grounds, to protect all documents, top-secret, confidential and informatory materials, to security check all in-coming mails, packages and

things addressed to or for use or consumption used by the President, his/her family and other VIPs. The Director of the EPS according to the Liberian law is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Liberian Senate who shall be directly responsible to him/her for the administration of the EPS. It is unclear how the investigation into the LNP vs. EPS showdown will play out but some administration sources say the blame falls on President Sirleaf, who failed to put the EPS in check when a Pat Down and search for arms was ordered on Defense Minister Samuka, giving Warrick and the EPS more room to continue a trend that appears to be ruffling feathers in the security sector and, according to political observers, potential threat to the presidents own safety.


Page 4 | Frontpage Monday, December 30 , 2013

DAYS AFTER guards protecting the President of Liberia under the guise of the Executive Protection Services(EPS) triggered a controversy in preventing Police Director Chris Massaquoi from coming into close proximity of the president, the EPS has issued an apology in poor taste, suggesting that its apology is from media reports when the head of the EPS, Mr. Othello Warrick was on the scene when the incident took place. THE APOLOGY READS: The Executive Protection Service(EPS) has expressed shock over media reports from the sheer embarrassment cause the chief of police, Director Chris Massaquoi, during President Sirleafs recent visit to the Monrovia Central Prison compound. The EPS says it will neither countenance nor accept any action on the part of its agents that publicly embarrasses officials of the government, least to mention the police chief and as such, it has begun immediate investigation into the matter. Meanwhile, the EPS has expressed regrets for the entire situation. THE FACT that the EPS boss has the audacity to write such a release with a straight face, suggesting that his apology stems from media reports, speaks volumes into the thinking of Mr. Warrick and how much regard he has for the local media. CLEARLY, THE INCIDENT happened not only within view of several observers including the president and the EPS boss, but there are video footages, audio from the police director expressing disgust over the treatment meted against him. MORE IMPORTANTLY, Mr. Warrick, who heads the EPS, was reportedly monitoring the proceedings from afar through his able lieutenants who sought to prevent the police chief from coming into close proximity of the president. THIS IS WHY we are flabbergasted that Mr. Warrick, looking to once again shift blame for his erratic behavior has chosen to entangle the media into the action of his officers. THIS IS NOT the first time Mr. Warrick has run amok on the media. DURING THE celebration of World Press Freedom Day, May 3, this year, Warrick shocked local journalists by threatening them and calling them "terrorists" at a public event to mark the occasion. WHILE Warrick's threats set off a firestorm of protest and later regretted his choice of words, the Ministry of Information, not the presidents office, reaffirmed the governments commitment to press freedom. This did not stop the the media from imposing a blackout on coverage of the presidency. IRONICALLY, Warrick was tipped to as one of the speakers at the program themed: Media Security Relations: An Imperative for Consolidating Peace in Liberia. WARRICK USED the occasion to threaten the over 100 media practitioners assembled, saying the EPS has the right to arrest them without warrant and he would "go after" any journalist who publishes articles critical of him or the presidency. "Any press member that surpasses his/her responsibility to get involved in presidential intelligence; trust me, we will restrict you," Warrick said. "Be careful, because you have your pen and we have our guns. And if you incriminate the character or integrity of Liberians, like myself, we will come after you... the EPS has the right to arrest you without warrant." WARRICK, A US-MILITARY veteran, at first expressed no remorse, asserting: "Some of you, not all of you, are terrorists." AT THE TIME of the incident, Information Minister Lewis Brown and his deputy attempted to sidestep the incident by trying to lay the blame on the media. Deputy Minister Isaac Jackson issued a press release on May 11 asking the PUL to reverse its decision to boycott: "It defies the imagination that a free press would bind itself to selfcensorship, and by its own consideration and action, deliberately deny the Liberian people of their fundamental right to information about their government," Jackson said. BROWN WENT a step further to assert that the union's decision to maintain a news blackout was "unjustifiable" and an "overreaction" in the face of "consolidated repudiation by the agencies of the government vested with the authority to speak on behalf of the government and the president." NOW COMES THIS. SADLY, THIS is not the first time, Mr. Warrick has allowed his officers to run amok. Two other officials, Defense Minister Brownie Samukai and Public Works Minister Antoinette Weeks, also fell prey to the EPS. Samukai was stopped from entering a meeting of top security experts, shortly after a secretly-recorded tape by Ellen Corkrum, the disgraced former head of the Liberia Airport Authority surfaced while Weeks was prevented from entering the premises of the Public Works ministry, where the president had gone to surprise the minister, who had arrived late. IN MASSAQUOIS case, sources closed to the LNP boss lamented that the incident was the result of an overzealous Executive Protective Service Officer who ordered Director Massaquoi to take his hands from his pocket before greeting the President, triggering an altercation between Director Massaquois officers and officers of the EPS. WHILE WE WELCOME THE EPS decision to investigate the matter. WE FEEL STRONGLY THAT a probe of this magnitude should be conducted by an independent body, and not the EPS itself. DIRECTOR WARRICK has crossed the line and must address the matter head on and take the blame without laying it on the media. THE MEDIA REPORTED the incident as it happened and did not manufactured the incident as is being suggested by Mr. Warrick. THE EPS bosss statement is in poor taste and Mr. Warrick must be put in check. But he cannot decide unilaterally to go after his peers in government, then later suggest that it is based o Media Reports. MR. WARRICK must end this game of foot-soldiering bordering Benjamin Yeaten or Joe Tates territory or find himself in the history books for all the wrong reasons, on an island of self-imposed isolation.


Man Claims He was Shot by EPS officer


bediah Morris is in his early 30s and currently lies in the Trauma healing ward of the John F. Kennedy hospital as a result of bullet wounds he sustained Saturday from a man believed to be a member of the elite presidential guard, Executive Protection Service (EPS) in the GSA road community. Morris said while walking home at about 12:00 Midnight after visiting his girlfriend he met Officer Zinnah Hill who also lives in the same Neighborhood. He said Hill then asked him to come closer to him during the night but he refused. He said, prior to the Saturday night incident Hill complained of being victim of constant stealing in his compound by some unknown persons and promised to shoot to kill anyone he sees passing through his yard by Night. Morris said: While passing through he called me and said my man come here because you look like an armed robber; so I asked

him who are you to just order me to come to you? I decided to continue going it was then he took the gun and shot me twice in my left leg and on my arm. Medical report for Morris was being finalized on Sunday after spending a night at the hospital. He was still seen lying on a bench in the JFK Trauma ward as a result of scarcity of beds. Though Nurses on shift refused to give update on his medical condition on ground that it was being processed, information gathered by FPA proved that only first aid treatment had been given the victim. He was seen with bandage tied on his hand and legs where he was shot. Investigation continues.


How The Lebanese Merchant, Ssf, Transports Liberias Wealth To Lebanon & Gives Back Nothing


Youjay Harmon, [email protected], Contributing Writer

r. Shawki S. Fawaz, a Lebanese merchant who owns a construction firm he named after himself, SSF Enterprises, will never ever forget about the country called Liberia. Mr. Fawazs choice of exploiting Liberia without giving anything back here but hauling everything to his native Lebanon is a continuity of the jovial but parasitic language of Liberian-based Lebanese styled From L To L (from Liberia to Lebanon). The From L To L is a laid-down counter-mutual economic policy by the Lebanese in Liberia wherein they rake all they can from Liberia and transport all to their native country with no accrued socio-economic benefit left in the country where they are enriching themselves. For the record, Lebanons gross domestic product for 2012 stood at US$42.95 billion while that of Liberia stood at US$1.8 billion, a wide margin far beyond the struggling reach of the latter country. For Mr. Fawaz, such habit is something he is fully implementing. And when he recently returned to his native Lebanon few months ago, one can only imagine the thousands, if not millions, of United States dollars he took back home. Yes, Mr. Fawazs annual visit to Lebanon is one that gets his entire Lebanese family back home smiling as he takes with him all of the money he has been raking from our economy through his construction firm here. This years visit was worth celebrating as he took enough back to them. There is also another vampire construction firm he co-owns with another Lebanese partner named West Africa Enterprises. That partner too accompanied Mr. Fawaz during his last Lebanon visit where the pair took back huge trunk of money to their respective families and potential Lebanese investments in that Asian country. Since the Liberian Government decided to prioritize the construction and reconstruction of roads as part of its Transformation Agenda, the Government through the Public Works Ministry has awarded over 85% of such contracts to both the Lebanese owned SSF and West Africa Enterprises and the Chinese owned duo firm of CHICO and CICO. For the past eight years now, SSF alone has received over US$100 million worth of Liberian government contracts, being awarded most of the lucrative road contracts cut across the country including the repairing and construction of roads in Monrovia and its environs; more disappointingly at the exclusion of competent Liberian road and civil engineering contractors. The GSA, Parker Paint-Neezoe, Sinkor, and UN Drive Roads and other multimillion dollar contracts including the RIA runway among others as well as other road works mainly in the Southeastern parts of Liberia have all been awarded to him and his co-owned West Africa Construction. The accrued benefits from such are all being transported to Lebanon in fully-loaded briefcases with nothing tangible here in Liberia as the slightest sigh of appreciation to the country making him a wealthy Lebanese man. And there is concrete information that the so-called Lebanese

mogul is aggressively campaigning to obtain other greasy contracts for the constructions of the Ganta-Yekepa Highway, and Medina-Robertsport Highway, and others. But with the new change at the Public Works Ministry, SSF might not find it easy as in past times during the Samuel Kofi Woods Administration. And understandably, Mr. Fawaz and his team of collaborators at the Public Works Ministry are doing everything to get on a new page with the new Public Works Minister who has been giving SSF and his team cold-shoulder since her take-over. Im of the strongest conviction that Mr. Fawazs From L To L policy further strengthens a news analysis that was written by R. Wesley Harmon, entitled Colonized From Within, as carried in the Tuesday, July 30, 2013 edition of the New Democrat Newspaper which spoke strongly of Lebanese merchants like Mr. Fawaz who are colonizing Liberia from within through their strong ties with government agencies who connive with them in crucifying their native Liberia when they award them such contracts and exclude competent Liberian firms. As if such exploitation and ungrateful acts on the part of Mr. Fawaz is not enough, SSF was in the news of late for importing large number of Asians from Lebanon and Pakistan as employees to serve as accountants and occupy other senior posts in the company when there are hundreds of other qualified Liberians to occupy such posts. Yes, Mr. Fawaz needs to be considerate of the country that is giving him so much wealth and give back to Liberia. Afterall, this Lebanese sucker of a so-called investor during the transitional period of Charles Gyude Bryant and the early years of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf between the years 2004 to 2008 was only involved with contracts from foreign and other multinational donors like the EU, AfDB (African Development Bank) and other major leading donors. But since the appointment of Mr. Woods as Public Works Minister, almost all major contracts have been awarded this man who has no feeling for Liberia. Now Mr. Fawaz, with this article, may you kindly now re-consider your selfish behavior by paying some little attention to Mama Liberia, please? You can prove to be that one Lebanese who will disassociate himself from the infamous and wicked LiberianLebanese policy From L To L by giving back to the country instead of just touting heavy briefcases of money to Lebanon as you may be planning again. You can begin by sending back those foreign hired accountants from your native Lebanon and Pakistan and replace them with competent young Liberians right here. You can begin by constructing something very meaningful in those areas where you have won multimillion dollar road contracts through a social development package. In that case, you will be hailed and probably the new Public Works Minister whose brief tenure is embarrassing you might just turn to you. Else, your days of winning all the contracts are numbered and you and your cohorts at the Ministry will be soon exposed beyond this point. A hint to the wise.!!!!!!!!! About the author: Youjay Harmon is a Liberian student residing in Trenton, New Jersey.

Monday, December 30, 2013


Send your letters and comments to: [email protected]

The Editor, Firstly, I must let it be known that Benoni and I are family, through marriage by my aunt to his Uncle. I spent a lot of my childhood in Careysburg in close proximity to the Ureys, Knuckles, Walkers, Wardsworths, etc. Benoni's oldest brothers, D. Webster, Calvin, Leroy (deceased) and Ed attended mission school with me. So I could be biased in my support on the rights of my cousin to contest the presidency of Liberia. Although I have not made any decision to support his quest for the presidency, but we are as a family having several conversations. My support to Benoni or to any candidate will not be automatic, on the basis of consanguinity or by marriage. Just like other candidates, Benoni has to earn his stripes with me. I made the trek to Careysburg three weeks ago to question my cousin on why he wanted to be president. Benoni and I hardly ever talk serious stuff, but this one was serious, with his wife and brothers (D Webster and Calvin) present. I found him to be engaging, serious, aware of the enormity of the responsibilities he shares with all of us to keep Liberia stable, by assuring shared prosperity and social cohesion. I was most impressed by his understanding of the major socioeconomic challenges facing Liberia and the efforts he would make to ensure that Liberia moves on an upward development agenda that is laid on the foundation of economic empowerment of Liberians. He made himself an example of Liberian economic empowerment. I've read another contrasting view, which seems to indicate that Benoni must have lost his rights to contest the presidency for participating in the regime of former President Charles Taylor and was involved in the looting of the country. This kind of posture is anti peace, undemocratic and ultimately warped. One cannot seek to bar one person from the political process when in fact Liberia's body polity is literally infested with warlords, abusers of human rights, economic saboteurs and assorted criminals, past and present. I would be the first to admit that the Liberian political gene pool is heavily contaminated. Dealing with that stench is the price we must all pay for the peace we are enjoying today. The war, its excesses and funders must all be forgiven. I am not even remotely suggesting that my cousin is a predator who committed atrocities, but simply disabusing one of the notion that those who participated in the war lost their rights to citizenship. That is a warped view and could ultimately tear us apart. Like, Nelson Mandela and their brand of peace in South Africa, we must let the past go and be keenly aware of the immense responsibilities we face to redevelop Liberia, not in the mold of the past, but in a vastly superior way ever imagined for a country in West Africa. Mr. Ureys candidacy for the presidency has electrified an otherwise dull field of hidden contenders and sycophantic boot licker candidates, who are waiting months before the 2017 elections to mount the podium of Liberian electioneering. For Benoni, he has sent an unmistakable strong message that he is in to win. For Madam Sirleaf and the Unity Party, it means their long delayed succession plan must be unveiled, or they risk running as underdogs in what will be an overcrowded field. Going forward, we must build a model of socioeconomic development that provides shared benefits through a system of economic nationalism. That is the responsibility for all Liberians, and no one should be excluded, especially for a man like Benoni, who has so much stake in the future of Liberia. Ultimately, I must wish him well in his endeavors. I can also assure my cousin that getting me to join forces in directly supporting his presidency would require that I hear and see more of what I heard and saw in Careysburg over fufu and goat soup three weekends ago. And so it goes. Samuel P. Jackson is an economist/political commentator living in Monrovia. He can be reached at [email protected]

The Reader's Page


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GEORGE SLUE This is what you get when you have people who don't know what they do or pretend to not know what they are doing in trusted positions. Sack every one of them - replace them with tribal chiefs - better than so called corrupt educated dummies. GEORGE ALONZO KAMARA George Slue My dear friend did I heard you well "sack everyone of them?" HAHAHA if this president ever decide to function in this great way, expect to see/hear a lot of thing that was in hidden. Just move your heart cause it will never happen. maybe you want her to exchange them. JOHN WILLIAMS If this really happened then it is surely a disgrace to the government and a disservice to the country and its people. If Massaquoi is no longer trusted then sack him. But to publicly disgrace and belittle a Police Director says a lot about security in the country. Does he still command respect in his office? Why is he still holding on, despite what appears to be total disregard for me? Factions within the security sector could be disastrous for Liberia. For the good of the country, I suggest that certain things be considered - Ellen should publicly/ privately demonstrate or spread the information that Massaquoi still enjoys her confidence or just relieve him of his position. Or Massaquoi should just resign to help preserve the unity and respectability of the police and security sector in general. JAY WION So you miss my eulogy to Nelson Mandela and the fske African leaders who attended his funeral but are scolded/ lectured by Obama. Here my hour long rebuke to the corrupt, and some murderous leaders of Africa, including our own Ellen Sirleaf of Liberia. It is on CD and get your copy while supplies last..Call the Liberian African News Service, LANS--518-5561343. Jay Wehtee-Maotee Wion. PONSFORD ANTHONY HANSON I personally think Chris should have resign his post after Ellen C expos him but I don't know who's giving advise. He did what he did in good faith but his part of a Government-if he know what I mean. HELLENOLDEN I just cannot understand what is going on with Madam President regarding this her Police Chief. In as mush as I will not hesitate to publicly rebuke the Police Chief for his unprofessional conduct, I disagreed with the Prison Chief to say he can order the arrest of the Police Boss of the Republic of Liberia. Who the hell was he talking about? The Police Chief? He was out of his mind so to speak. What did he do wrong on the ground of the prison ground? GEORGE ALONZO KAMARA What do we expect when power drunk is ruling the nation after we have boasted upon our Havard highest educated, world bank economist, united nations ex employees. With all of these, leadership change to ruling ship. lock of development has the lowest power supply but still citizens are unable to benefit, The # one government that is living on international nations taxes hold for functions, now the most west part police director/ defense minister who should has the knowledge of protecting the country is selling their mouth for Ellen C Bude. I think I will have to fly in there to purchase this nation from these most corrupt leadership that Liberia ever has. I has the knowledge that Musa will agree to sell this country to me.


Secretary General Ban Ki-moon United Nations New York, NY 10017 USA Dear Mr. Secretary General, Let me start by thanking you and your organization for the tremendous job you are currently doing in my native land - Liberia. Had it not been for the United Nations and well-meaning friends of Liberia, my country would have been an icon of hopelessness. As you are aware the brutality of the Liberian civil conflict is almost incredible when spoken about by its MANY victims. As I pen this article, Liberians have NOT experienced any form of JUSTICE. It seems our modern world has chosen to forget about the unspeakable crimes that were committed by ALL armed parties in the Liberian conflict. Remember this was a conflict that snuffed away the lives of over 250,000 INNOCENT men, women and children. Your organization's travel ban list for Liberia, which was updated on 21st January 2013 listed Mr Benoni Urey as an Ex-Commissioner of Maritime Affairs of Liberia. He was the direct superior of Mr. Ruprah and played a key role in arms procurement starting in the summer of 2002. Associate of former Liberian President Charles Taylor with ongoing ties to him. Regrettably, recent news reaching Liberia speaks of the United Nations removal of Mr Benoni Urey from its travel ban list. This is not only disheartening but reinforces a fact that many Liberians believe that there will be NO justice for victims of the Liberian civil war ! Article 3. of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: 'Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. That cardinal portion of the UN declarations of human rights was clearly violated in Liberia. Currently, Liberia and much of West Africa remains volatile, while henchmen who aided and supported a brutal despot, Charles Taylor, roam free ! Our Modern era has watched the Nazis tried to savagely exterminate the Jews in Europe while simultaneously pursuing a conquest for world domination, Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge decimated Cambodians beyond human comprehension and lately the Rwandan genocide left a blot on our collective conscience. Except for the Nazis most of the perpetrators of these modern conflicts - that resulted in MASS killings and genocides operated and continue to operate under an assumed aura of impunity ! I must be crystal clear, this protest letter is NOT solely about Mr Urey but a cry for justice for the many victims of the Liberian civil war. Many known perpetrators of vicious crimes that bears equivalency to crimes against humanity ply the streets of Monrovia unhindered by JUSTICE ! For some of us these international instruments (United Nations Travel Ban) represents the ONLY punitive actions against the perpetrators of carnage against the Liberian people. Finally, by this letter I wish to plea with the United Nations to establish a Special Court for Liberia as was done in Sierra Leone to fully prosecute major actors for their crimes against the Liberian nation and people. I also would like to urge the United Nations to rescind it decision regarding Mr Urey and other Liberians whose actions tore our nation apart. Respectfully yours, Benjamin Kofa Fyneah| [email protected] 4117 SW 43rd Street Apt 107

The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica


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Monday, December 30 , 2013




to ensure that the legal and operational environment favors the basic measure of democracy. By the account of local and international freedom of expression/press groupings, the situation in Liberia is unfavorable. While it is true that there is an increase in media opportunities in Liberia today, Kamara cautioned that the increase is a reflection of the aspirations of the people and not necessarily a goodwill gesture. Currently, Liberia still runs a statutory regime that criminalizes speech. We have a situation with more than US$20 million in potential libel claims hanging over media-simply for reporting a fair apprehension of the use of public resources. Kamara lamented that there is limited will to acknowledge dissent, and the people manning the media have numerous technical and technological limitations. In addition, the media landscape is inundated with many persons who are more interested in the profit side and the prestige generating attributes of journalism than the integrity based, truth telling and society redemption

Monrovia he new President of the Press Union of Liberia Mr. K. Abdullai Kamara has declared that the media in credentials of the 1986 constitution. By All measures, the situation, freedom and respectability of media is a measure of democracy and development, anywhere in the world it cannot be any different in Liberia, Kamara declared in his acceptance during induction ceremonies held at the Executive Pavilion Friday. Kamara went on to say that the authors of the Liberian constitution required the legislature to define contempt but regrettably after nearly 20 years of order under the constitution, the legislature is yet to responsibly assume the role. Contempt charges by the

courts and the legislature still remain a ridiculous show of power, and are not in anyway meant to instill respect. Interestingly, contempt issues have continuously hindered the exercise of speech Cllr. Marcus Jones and Emmanuel Wureh and the House of

Representatives; Peter Quaqua and Justice Soko Sackor; Rodney Sieh and the Supreme court. The incoming PUL boss said the environment in which media grows is one that does not seek to limit its reportage, for fear that it will bring someone

down, or demean someone, who has in effect not been self respecting in any case. In all regions where media is free and fully functional, the living conditions of the people are better, impunity does not

lie and there is a reasonable attempt to ensure equitable distribution of national wealth, services and opportunities. Kamara suggested that to reach that level in Liberia, Liberians must challenge themselves

challenges. This needs to be addressed. The new PUL boss cautioned that even amid the transition from one leadership to the next, the union remains troubled by reports of harassment of media houses, and deliberate acts to undermine their participation in the governance of communities. These can be corrected, not by acts of

kindness or random discretion, but as a responsibility of the government and the society at large to ensure the application of laws to guarantee freedom and justice for all. Kamara reminded the government of its repeatedlyannounced pledge to initiate actions to repeal criminal libel, criminal malevolence and other unfriendly media linked laws

from the books. Already, the Press Union and relevant state actors have been in the current drafts of the proposed legislations in ensuring that they do not necessarily reflect the choice of the government, but as a reflection of the truly democratically response to media freedom and plurality.

Induction Address

K. Abdullai Kamara President, Press Union of Liberia

scending to the leadership of the national journalism union in our country endows upon one an obligation to serve as a symbol of credibility, integrity, speaking truth to power and respecting the views and rights of all, irrespective of how fundamentally flawed we may perceive them. Assuming this obligation in this day and age, whereby technology, diversity, transparency and accountability have become the hallmark of growth and development everywhere, I hereby pledge to serve out my term by living out by beliefs. I believe that by doing the right thing, I am challenging all others to do the right thing, and to require from all the task of being right. Greetings: When the veteran Stanton Peabody and his colleagues organized the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) back in 1964, their challenge then was to ensure that journalists were not jailed for reporting and discussing events of the day. We agree with them, that is why we have maintained this organization across these years. And of course, the challenges of those years have simply gotten worse. Laws that criminalized discussing government are still threatening today, as they were then. Contempt charges by the courts and the legislature still remain a ridiculous show of power, and are not in any way meant to instill respect. Interestingly, most contempt issues have hindered the exercise of speech Cllr Marcus Jones & Emmanuel Wureh against the House of Representatives; Peter Quaqua and Justice Karmo Soko Sackor; Rodney Sieh and the Supreme Court. Regrettably, the authors of our constitution required the legislature to define contempt but after nearly 20 years of order under this constitution, the legislature is yet to responsibly assume this role. State of the media In the Liberia of today, the media is threatened by laws which do not conform with the democratic credentials of the 1986 constitution. By all measures, the situation, freedom and respectability of media is a measure of democracy and development, anywhere in the world - it cannot be any different in Liberia. The environment

in which media grows is one that does not seek to limit its reportage, for fear that it will bring someone down, or demean someone, who has in effect not been self respecting in any case. In all regions where media is free and fully functional, the living conditions of the people are better, impunity does not lie and there is a reasonable attempt to ensure equitable distribution of national wealth, services and opportunities. To reach this level in Liberia, we must challenge ourselves to ensure that the legal and operational environment favors the basic measure of democracy. By the account of local and international freedom of expression/press groupings, the situation in Liberia is unfavorable. True, there is an increase in media opportunities in Liberia, but that is also a reflection of the aspirations of the people and not necessarily a goodwill gesture. Currently, Liberia still runs a statutory regime that criminalizes speech. We have a situation with more than $20m in potential libel claims hanging over media - simply for reporting a fair apprehension of the use of public resources. There is limited will to acknowledge dissent, and the people manning the media have numerous technical and technological limitations. In addition, the media landscape is inundated with many persons who are more interested in the profit side and the prestige generating attributes of journalism than the integrity based, truth telling and society redemption challenges. These we must address. Even as we have embarked upon this transition, we have been

troubled by reports of harassment of media houses, and deliberate acts to undermine their participation in the governance of our communities. These can be corrected, not as an act of kindness or random discretion, but as a responsibility of the government and the society at large to ensure the application of laws to guarantee freedom and justice for all. On this note, we like to remind the government of its repeatedly announced pledge to initiate actions to repeal criminal libel, criminal malevolence and other unfriendly media linked laws from our books. Towards this effort, the Press Union and other relevant actors have already begun a conversation with the Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism (MICAT) to review the current drafts of the proposed legislations in ensuring that they do not necessarily reflect the choice of the government, but as a reflection of the truly democratic response to media freedom and plurality. As we assume this dialogue, it is a pleasure to note the presence of members of the legislature, who have also got responsibility to ensure that our laws further the pursuit of justice, freedom and democracy. We tonight obligate ourselves to remain engaged with you in this process. Responsible Journalism Leadership We aspire to a broad-based leadership, guided by the effects that people from all persuasions have an obligation to participate. It is only with the widest possible configurations, partnerships and consultations that we can make meaningful inroads into improving our circumstances. Ahead of this task, we are mindful of the absence of a woman in our direct leadership. As troubling as it seems, we can make it better. The other elected colleagues are agreed that involving women in the overall planning and implementation of union activities will make the activities more appealing to all members, and reassure others who see themselves in a minority role that the platform is available for all persons to play meaningful roles in our union. We are also guided by complaints from hundreds of colleagues who work at various community radio stations, especially in rural areas that the union is not responsive to their circumstances. Our concerns are also extended to the hundreds of persons who work at various community radio stations across the country.

Monday, December 30, 2013




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J. Ralph Lincoln, Frontpageafrica Entertainment Reporter, Dies At 28
explain. It just turn from one thing to the something else and we could not figure out what it was, says his sister Johanna. Some of his friends writing on Facebook insinuated something sinister had a hands in Ralphs death. I was talking with his Mom, but could not stopped my tears from running down. The heart of man is wicked!, says Abraham Labella, on Ralphs Facebook page. Alexandra Tenneh Bainda Amnon wrote: Can't just get over it. He even thought me how to write project proposal. It hurts. Ralph was buried on

Ralph found a reason to reach out and express what was going on inside. On November 27, he wrote: The past five days have been a tough battle for me. Been down with Chicken Pots. But family members say what started as Chicken Pots turned into something they cannot

Monrovia -

. Ralph Lincoln, 28, an Entertainment and Lifestyle writer for FrontPageAfrica passed away on December 24th 12013 after a brief illness. Lincoln, a prolific writer who brought the lifestyles of Liberia entertainers to light, fell ill late November and looked energetic to resume work following the return of FrontPageAfrica to the newsstands. Ralph spoke of his desire to branch out into other areas of reporting shortly before his death. Family and friends recall a lively chap with a good heart.

He was so young, so loving and kind, always had a smile on his face and never hurt anyone, laments his mother, Roseline Langar. Appearing on Truth FMs Truth Talk on November 21, Ralph spoke passionately about the issues of issue of morality in Liberia. Thanks to everyone who tuned in yesterday as I was featured on the program "Truth Talk" with Joe Wandah and Ras Kollie to debate the issue of Morality in Liberia, he wrote afterwards on his Facebook page. On December wrote, Ralph wrote: When trouble strikes, there you discover who loves

you and/or who hates you. The past few days have proven to me who my true friends and foes are. Thanks to everyone who called, commented and inbox me during my testing times. God bless you Mightily. Friends and loved ones have been showering recollection of Ralph on his FrontPageAfricas Facebook an his own Facebook page. I remember planning DIVA 2014 with you and taking about how successful it'd turn out. I promise you bro, this show will go on and I'll make you proud. You'll always be in my heart, writes Lyee K. Bility Even in his darkest moment,

Christmas Eve shortly after his death because the body had deteriorated at a fast rate - and not in condition to hold for a normal funeral. A memorial service is being planned by the family.

A devoted Christian, Ralph founded the Christian Ministers Network in 2011. Ralph is survived by his wife, Jemima, Two children, Blessing and Ralph Jr., his Mother, Roseline Langar, three

sisters: Johanna, Cynthia and Serena; Brothers: Sylvester and George and a host of relatives and friends.

Camp Todee iberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, also the Commander-inChief of the Armed Forces of Liberia says the postwar nation is is fast approaching a time where it can no longer rely on foreign assistance. We cannot continue to rely on UNMIL and all these international friends who have come here all these years and have put us on this road to recovery, to continue to do it for us, said the President at the weekend during the dedication of the newly-constructed Todee Military Academy; also know as Camp Todee. The AFL Affiliation Day is set aside each year by authorities of the Defense Ministry to strengthen and foster peace, unity and understanding between the Commander-inChief, authorities of the Defense Ministry and the men and women of the AFL as well as their respective family members. The objectives of the day is to raise troops awareness



MILITARY NEWS original name, Todee Military Academy, because the new name has

on the requirement for unity framework, loyalty and hard work and also reward those with meritorious and outstanding performances as a way of motivating and inspiring others. Said Sirleaf: We have to learn to stand on our own two feet; to be responsible for our own safety, our own security, and our own development. This is why it is important that you are here and being trained to be able to take on the responsibility of restoring the nation. So I say to you today, you should do the best and

get all that is being taught you and make the best of training yourself to take on leadership roles in the nation. The dedication program which intertwined with the AFL Affiliation day brought together foreign guests including Justice Mohammed Willis, former Chief Justice of Nigeria and his wife, lawmakers, community dwellers, students and well-wishers. Minister Samukai, who later escorted President Sirleaf on a tour of the military facilities, thanked the president for her

continuous support to the AFL in the rehabilitation process of the Camp Todee Military Academy. The minister said the facilities would train the men and women of the Armed Forces of Liberia and prepare them to become a force for good. Samukai has disclosed that the Defense Ministry is reviewing the instrument that changed the name of the Todee Military Academy to Tubman Military Academy. He said the ministry wants the military school to revert to its

no military relevance. He said Defense authorities will later make a recommendation to President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf for her action. Minister Samukai is meanwhile calling for the rehabilitation of most of the damaged facilities at the Todee Military Academy in Margibi County to help ease the problem of accommodation the AFL is presently facing the army. He said rehabilitating all the facilities at Todee will ensure accommodation for the Training Commandant of the AFL and help decongest the Edward Binyan Kesseley Military Barracks in Schiefflin on the Roberts International Airport highway. Samukai said government has succeeded in rehabilitating several damaged structures at the academy, including the T-Building, U-Building and two other apartments. The Defense Minister said the rehabilitation work was made possible through budgetary allotment by the Liberian Government. Samukai narrated that the intent of Defense Ministry authorities is to provide and produce a professional military that is here to stay. Maj Gen SA Abdurrahman, said the Affiliation Day affords the AFL the opportunity to award soldiers in service who have worked hard in order to encourage their colleagues to do the same. The general thanked the Commander-in-Chief for her support. Today we can see that the AFL is being appreciated today. We want to thank the families of our soldiers because without your help, our soldiers would not have been good soldiers today. I ask you to continue your support as Liberia has now joined the world in contributing troops to bring about peace in the world. The AFL leaders recognized the efforts of mentors who have done extremely well in rebuilding the Armed Forces of Liberia. Various performances such as: culture dance, troops military performances, drama were carried out by personnel of the AFL and their families. But the most compelling moment, was when two fiveyear-old two girls demonstrated their reading and speech skills for President Sirleaf, drawing the president to her feet to hug the pair. Little Onell N. Dorlah, of the first grade B class presented the President a bouquet of flowers while little Diamond S. Boley of the 1st grade A class, beautifully read the about the importance of education and plight of their mothers. You mean to tell me that you are in the first grade and reading so well, and doing great? The future is so great ahead of you, expressed Madam Sirleaf.

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Monday, December 30 , 2013

touring Camp Todee Facilitates

Minister Samukai awards a soldier

solider wives gowns Ellen

Female Recuites at Camp Todee

AFL Maj. Gen Abdurrahman & Min. Samukai at Camp Todee

Liberia Coast Guard wins the heavy weight competition

AFL New Recruits show skills at EBK

Residents and well wishers at the Camp Todee



Monday, December 30, 2013


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Maj Gen Abdurrahman awards a Soldier

Samukai & Abdurrahman along with their Nigeria Guest and Rep. Mulbah @ Camp Todee

Prsident Sirleaf addresses soldiers at EBK

President Sirleaf to unvail the marble stone at Camp Todee Students of EBK Brigate prepatory school presents flowers to President Sirleaf

President Sirleaf arrival at Camp Todee

Students of Todee Public School at Camp Todee

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Monday, December 30 , 2013


Hassan Kiawu, Media/Communications Consultant current 22.6MW of which about 16MW are effectively available. In order to overcome the critical situation of the electricity sector in Liberia, the Government with support from donor community has been engaged in a number of development projects in the sector. With funding (US$230M) already secured from the Governments of Norway, Germany and Liberia, and the European Investment Bank to restore the Mount Coffee Hydro plant, ground breaking ceremony and work are expected to start in January 2014. The 80MW (wet season peak) plant is expected to become fully operational by June 2016 with the first commercial power unit capable of producing up to 22 MW of power restored in December, 2015. The (Mount Coffee Hydro) Project Implementation Unit, PIU at the LEC has placed high premium on a capacity building program as part of efforts to enhance its work. Under this program, the PIU has hired five locally trained engineers from the University of Liberia and Stella Maris to form part of the team. The PIU has also contracted the services of Dawnus International Ltd, a British-based international civil engineering and construction company to carry out the Enabling Works for the Mount Coffee Hydropower Rehabilitation Project. The Enabling Works will allow access to and inspection of the submerged parts of the hydropower plant structures. The process will also provide a safe working environment and construct temporary living quarters at the site for workers when construction begins in earnest. The Enabling Works will carry out standard penetration tests to analyze soil conditions in the areas where transmission line towers will be erected. The Government has also stepped up its efforts to shift from expensive diesel-based generation to more cost effective heavy fuel based generation. In this pursuit at least three projects, totaling 38MW of HFO generation plants are currently under various stages of procurement and are expected to be operational by 2016. Also, the implementation of a proposed regional 225KV transmission line project will link Liberia to the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP) with the potential of making cheaper decades. Against this background, the World Banks engagement in the energy sector as reflected in its Country Assistance Strategy (CAS, 2009, and forthcoming CPS 2013) is targeting both (i) rural energy (ii) urban energy and (III) regional interconnections through the WAPP. With respect to the urban areas, the World Bank has been working closely with the MLME and with the LEC to rehabilitate and extend the network, and expand electricity services in the country. Following up on this work that started with the LESEP and LESEP Additional Financing , the bank is now preparing a third project that will continue this support to MLME and LEC and to the development of the electricity sector in general: the Liberia Accelerated Electricity Expansion Project (LACEEP). The main objectives of the LACEEP are to increase access to electricity and strengthen institutional capacity in the electricity sector. To achieve these objectives, the LACEEP focuses on three of the most pressing issues for the implementation of the governments ambitious plans



or several years after the end of the civil war, the Liberia Electricity Corporation, LEC had operated on low voltage as it struggled to resuscitate damaged facilities in a desperate attempt to illuminate a country darkened by 14 years of carnage and destruction. Nonetheless, the provision of electricity to many parts of Monrovia and the country, and the governments ambitious plans to expand this basic social service to all and sundry has given all indications that LEC is getting higher on shocks. In the aftermath of the war, the sounds of personal generators echoed across especially Monrovia, became the only source of electricity for many Liberians and businesses. The use of generators, which were foreign to Liberians came with a higher price as many suffered the effect of carbon monoxide which the generators produced. Many who could afford did so to ward off thieves and protect themselves. Then, there were only a handful of LEC customers mainly from Bushrod Island. But that was then. Now fast forward to present: the achievements are clearly visible at the LEC as illustrated by the restoration of its basic functions in Monrovia. A small grid rebuilt in Monrovia has expanded the supply of electricity to this densely populated capital. This has increased LECs customer base exponentially from 2,469 in 2010 to over 19,000 customers. That accounts for 9.2 percent of the population of Monrovia and about three percent nationwide. Of this number 3,443 are commercial while 15,383 are residential. Peak demand (maximum demand during any given day) has also increased, although at a much lower rate, from 4MW in 2010 to 8MW in June 2012 and currently 9.5MW. To date, the LEC has connected 9,324 customers on Bushrod Island (coverage Caldwell, Somalia drive and adjacent parts), 4,171 in Kru Town (covering Central Monrovia and Sinkor), 3,614 in Congo Town and 1,406 in Paynesville (covering parts of ELWA, rehab and Robertsfield Highway). More poles are being planted in other parts of Monrovia for the expansion of electricity. Installed generation capacity has steadily increased in the

sources of power available to the country, and to the development of transmission backbone of the country. The project will benefit among other counties, Nimba, Bong, Montserrado and Grand Cape Mount. The government aims to increase electricity coverage to 70 percent of the population in Monrovia and 35 percent nationwide by 2030. Building of these initial results on the National Energy Policy, the Governments objectives in the power sector have now shifted from managing an emergency situation to developing the sector in a sustainable manner by expanding and improving electricity services. The recent launch of a Customer Care Center at the LEC waterside head office will boost service quality and delivery as customers will now have their issues amicably resolved on a single call and reduce the influx of customers that flock to the Commercial office to seek redress to their issues. Liberia has long been a landlocked economy with no productive sectors working. However, making electricity available has a multiplier effect that will bring sustainable growth and development to the economy. As well as serving as a catalyst for economic growth, it will also serve as a magnet to attract direct foreign investments, enable local manufacturing companies to produce finished goods t affordable prices as well as provide job

opportunities for the countrys jobless population. The Ministry of Land Mines and Energy, MLME has prepared a short-term investment program for transmission and distribution, which would require investments of about US$101.8 million and could

to expand electricity services in Liberia by 2030. The first component supports the expansion of the transmission and distribution grid. The second components will create some of the conditions to shift from diesel to HFO-based thermal generation, needed for the country to effectively benefit from the price differential of the two fuels on the international market. Finally, the third component focuses on the strengthening of the institutional capacity within the government to lead the development of the electricity sector. MLME will be responsible for the coordination of the overall project, including the preparation of regular progress reports. There will be two implementing agencies for the project: MLME and LEC. LEC will be responsible for the implementation of Component 1 (expansion of transmission and distribution while MLME will be responsible for the implementation of Component 2 (HFO facilities) and 3 (support to strengthen MLMEs institutional capacity). Despite all these ambitious plans and achievements, the

be implemented within the next three years. It is currently preparing a least cost power development Plan (LCPDP) to ensure that all the projects in the sector are consistent with the governments development strategy and will provide a road map for the expansion of the sector over the next two

LEC is inundated with some drawbacks-chiefly POWER THEFT. Millions of dollars of potential revenues are lost to power theft everyday at various communities. Some unscrupulous community dwellers are in the habit of carry out illegal connections in the middle of the night. These power thieves in turn charge households in their

communities hefty sums (up to US$40.00 monthly) to get connected to stolen power. Unless government institute appropriate measures to put a check to this practice, LEC will continue to be the whale meat many would be keen to carve out a share.

Monday, December 30, 2013


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hen the United Nations Security Council delisted Mr. Benoni Urey, one of the last remaining prominent figures of the Charles Taylor era from its travel and assets freeze ban last week, speculations immediately surfaced about Ureys presidential ambitions. Mr. Ureys candidacy for the presidency has electrified an otherwise dull field of hidden contenders and sycophantic boot licker candidates, who are waiting months before the 2017 elections to mount the podium of Liberian electioneering, Says Samuel P. Jackson, a supporter of a Urey for President campaign. Unmistakable Message For Benoni, he has sent an unmistakable strong message that he is in to win. For Madam Sirleaf and the Unity Party, it means their long delayed succession plan must be unveiled, or they risk running as underdogs in what will be an overcrowded field, says Jackson. Urey, has for some time now been flirting with the opposition Congress for Democratic and is viewed by many as possessing the resources needed to make some serious noise in the political arena come 2017. The UN Panel of Experts agrees suggesting that Urey clearly has the resources and the leadership capacity to command support and undermine peace and security in Liberia if he chooses, noting that the animosity that exists between him and the Government of Liberia has led some ranking officials in President Sirleaf's Government to speculate that he might have the motivation to do so. "The Panel attempted to investigate Urey's extensive assets to determine whether they are being used to support groups seeking to destabilize Liberia and the sub-region. Urey's assets have not been frozen or fully disclosed. The Panel also erased fears that Urey could use his resources to destabilize the nation when it said, it did not find any information suggesting that Urey was involved in activities that would destabilize Liberia and the sub-region." Urey currently serves as the Chair of Lonestar Communications Corporation, which is one of the largest taxpayers in Liberia. He owns 20 per cent of the company's shares through PLC Investment Limited, a Liberian company that is in turn owned by IDS and Nexus -- two other Liberian companies established in 1989 with anonymous bearer shares, the Panel added. The Panel added that Mr. Urey's business activities, and the profits gained from them, would appear to suggest that the civil conflict in Liberia would have a significant


Mr. Ureys candidacy for the presidency has electrified an otherwise dull field of hidden contenders and sycophantic boot licker candidates, who are waiting months before the 2017 elections to mount the podium of Liberian electioneering. For Benoni, he has sent an unmistakable strong message that he is in to win. For Madam Sirleaf and the Unity Party, it means their long delayed succession plan must be unveiled, or they risk running as underdogs in what will be an overcrowded field. Mr. Sam Jackson, A supporter of a Urey for President Campaign


Rodney D. Sieh, [email protected]

our partisans that the current priority and focus of the CDC is about the mid-term elections of 2014. The VCPA believes such a comment that confuses our most valuable assets- our grassroots partisans around the country as they prepare to go all out to ensure the party achieves its 2014 objectives, is not just unfortunate, but disconcerting and bad politics. Delisting Mr. Urey, the UN Security Council recently declared The Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) concerning Liberia decided on 23 December 2013 to delist the following individual from the lists of individuals subject to the travel restrictions imposed by paragraph 4 (a) of resolution 1521 (2003) (the travel ban list) and the list of individuals and entities subject to the measures imposed by paragraph 1 of resolution 1532 (2004) (the assets freeze list). The measures no longer apply to this individual. No Intent to Buy CDC The delisting comes less than two weeks after the United Nations Panel of Experts recommended to the council that Urey be removed from the travel and assets freeze ban because he no longer poses a threat to Liberia due to the vested interest he has in the country. "He is one of the wealthiest citizens of Liberia. On 1 October 2009, President Sirleaf appointed Urey to serve as mayor of Careysburg, but removed him from this position when it became clear that Urey would not back her re-election bid in 2011." Twelve years out of touch of the outside world, Urey now finds himself bracing the rugged jungle of Liberian politics and has already embraced the idea of a presidential quest. That is very true, I am anticipating that, Urey told Truth FM last week, adding: The time has come for us to move our country forward. It is about time that Liberia be given back to Liberians and if they want me to deliver, I will be happy to answer the call. Urey went on to say that he has no financial needs to run for the presidency, insinuating that he has enough money to do so. Mr. Urey has also dismissed suggestions that he attempted to by the standard bearership of the CDC, stating: I have been with CDC for over eight years, I am a part of the CDC in fact, my support for CDC was part of the reason why I was kept on the travel and assets freeze ban. Many parties have been bought by money, but CDC can never be bought. CDC is worth far more than US$2 million. With a professed candidacy in the cards, political observers say it may still be too early to gauge the salivation of a Urey-Weah combination especially in the wake of the partys previous experience with opposition foes Charles Brumskine and Winston Tubman. Weah ran unsuccessfully for president in the 2005 presidential elections, losing to Sirleaf in the second round of voting. In the 2011 election, he reluctantly ran for vice president on Winston Tubmans ticket but the political marriage fell apart shortly after the elections. A similar political marriage with Brumskine fell apart before it took off. Weah had previously rejected the idea of playing second fiddle to any of his political rivals. "Politics is about number and the Liberian people have given me their blessing to direct leadership and guidance for them, and why should I go as vice running mate to counselors Brumskine or Winston Tubman?" It is a gamble, political observers say, Urey may be forced to find out for himself, should he chose to stay within the CDC game plan or find another route to the presidency.

negative financial impact on him. Strong Bond with Weah While many of Ureys supporters appear content with a potential quest for the presidency, some critics see potential hurdles looming, especially within the party Urey is courting, George Weahs CDC. Both Weah and Urey appear to enjoy an amicable relationship and could potentially form a formidable force come 2017. But some within the CDC appear to be against the idea. Mr. Sidiki Fofana, the CDCs National Vice-Chairman for Political Affairs, has termed as premature recent comments expressed by Urey, a Partisan of the CDC, about his ambition to become President, stressing that because Mr. Urey, a prominent partisan of the CDC, is fully aware that the partys single most important task, toward which it has directed its entire political mechanism, is the strategic mobilization and recruitment efforts so that the CDC wins majority of the senatorial seats during the 2014 Special Senatorial Elections. Said Fofana; Consequently, this primary focus should have been a key calculus, and caution for the timing of his comment. To achieve the partys objectives for 2014,

the National Leadership, of which Mr. Urey enjoys access, has encouraged, and continues to admonish all its leaders, and partisans alike to focus in such direction. Therefore, such comment coming from a renowned partisan of Mr. Ureys status, access, and level of involvement with the CDC and its national leadership, does not only cause serious distraction from the partys 2014 objectives, but it also has the potential to undermine the united front the party seeks to build as it goes into these hotly contested mid- term elections. Fofana went on to say that such untimely comment gives not only a conflicting impression of what the partys priorities are, and how they are communicated to the public, but it also creates room for unwarranted speculation, which provides fodder for the erroneous questioning of the partys integrity, and values by its many hecklers. Bad politics My personal assertion welcomes, and respects the rights of Mr. Benoni Urey, and that of any partisan desiring to seek the highest political office in our land, the presidency. However, I wish to state unequivocally that Mr. Ureys comment on his ambition was inopportune because he is fully aware, like the thousands of

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Monday, December 30 , 2013

Monrovia s part of holiday festivities, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has granted clemency to at least ten convicts serving their sentences at the Monrovia Central Prison and the Zwedru Palace of Correction. According to an Executive Mansion release, speaking Saturday, December 21, at the Monrovia Central Prison, President Sirleaf told the convicts to take advantage of the presidential pardon by leaving crime, becoming new citizens and joining the reconstruction of the country. It is time for all of you who have been pardoned today to go back into your communities and become new persons and demonstrate to the community dwellers that you have come out of prison as a new person and are ready to contribute your quota to Liberias reconstruction, President Sirleaf said. The pardoned, three of whom are females, had either one year or six months left to complete their jail term ranging from five to seven years. Speaking on behalf of the others, Mr. Prince Mayango pledged to demonstrate behavioral change as they reintegrate into their respective communities. Besides those pardoned, President Sirleaf also instructed the Ministry of Justice, represented by the Acting Minister, Cllr. Benedict Sannoh, to look into cases of minor offenses to determine what could be done in the near future in order to reduce over-crowdedness of prisons around the country. The Liberian leader, through the Ministry of Justice, donated assorted food items to the authorities of the prison compound to assist with the feeding of inmates at the facilities. She also used the visit to inspect the facilities and acquaint herself with services provided by government to those incarcerated there. President Sirleaf continued her Christmas gift sharing at Redemption Hospital, in New Kru Town, with food and non-food items for nurses and patients. At the John F. Kennedy Medical Center, the President was taken on a guided tour by the hospitals General Administrator, Dr. Wvannie Mai Scott-McDonald. She visited the newly refurbished third-floor, which has been set aside as a Pediatric Ward, where she presented Christmas packages to children who are patients there. The Liberian leader also visited the Lolognta Kindergarten School in Fiamah, Sinkor, a school she set up that supports underprivileged children in that community. There, President Sirleaf joined the children to sing Christmas Carols, following which gifts were shared. The management team, headed by Mrs. Hester Williams Katakaw, pledged their unflinching commitment to making sure the Presidents sponsorship of the Liberian child will positively impact their upbringing. Mrs. Katakaw hoped the community will see President Sirleafs intervention as a blessing to their



Liberian President Pardons 10 Convicts; Shares Christmas Gifts
children. Elder James Sieh, on behalf of the community, thanked the President for giving the children hope and preparing them for the future. On Sunday, December 22, President Sirleaf continued her goodwill gesture when she journeyed to Clay-Ashland, outside Monrovia, where she visited a long-time friend, 98-year-old Famatta Morris, popularly known as Grand. There, along the banks of the St. Paul River, the President shared gifts with Mrs. Morris and drove around with her in the Clay-Ashland community where they both distributed Christmas gifts to children in the area. Before going to Clay-Ashland, President Sirleaf distributed Christmas gifts to children living in the Cabral Housing Estate on the Old Road, to Duport Road, Paynesville Red-Light and parts adjacent, and also presented gifts to sweepers of the Monrovia City Corporation (MCC). On Monday, as she traveled to her ancestral home, at Kormah, President Sirleaf continued the distribution of gifts to residents of Brewerville and to communities along the Suehn/Mecca Highway. On Tuesday, December 18, when she lit the National Christmas Tree, on the grounds of the Executive Mansion, President Sirleaf had called on her compatriots to share the joy of the festive season by reaching out to the less fortunate. Said the President: It may be just a meal, a small amount of funds, a good hello, a thank you, or a thank God that could bring a smile to somebodys face to say this is the Christmas Season of caring and sharing.


Monrovia resident Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has issued Executive Order No. 53 ordering a moratorium on public land sales and all transactions including the issuance of Tribal Certificates and Town Lot Certificates with immediate effect. According to an Executive Mansion release, Executive Order No. 53, signed by President Sirleaf on Friday, December 20, further directs that the moratorium applies to individuals, government functionaries, local officials, traditional authorities, communities, groups, business and associations involved in public land transactions. The moratorium also applies to all activities involved in the issuance of Tribal Certificates by traditional or other government authorities or the issuance of Town Lot Certificates by municipal authorities. The Executive Order warns that all Tribal Certificates or Town Lot Certificates issued by any local authority during the period of the moratorium shall be considered illegal and void. In the meantime, President Sirleaf has constituted a nine-member Screening Committee to vet all Public Land Deeds in the country and work in accordance with the Interim Guidelines and Procedures for the Sale of Public Land (2011) as recommended by the Land Commission. Members of the Committee include: the Chairperson of the Land Commission, as Chair; the Ministers of Justice, Internal Affairs, Public Works, Agriculture, and Lands, Mines & Energy. Others are the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, the Managing Director of the Forestry Development Authority, and the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency. Current issues surrounding the sale of public land continue to pose serious challenges to ensuring equal access, security of tenure and

the rule of law with regards public land transactions. Because the continuation of public land sales under the current procedures, as outlined in the Public Land Law of 1973, will exacerbate problems of unequal access, insecurity of tenure and the rule of law in public land transactions, the Executive Order states that it is imperative that a moratorium is placed on the sale

of public land to allow for new law, regulations and procedures to be formulated; also recognizing that during the formulation of the new land laws, regulations and procedures, some public land transactions must be undertaken to secure land for public use and development initiatives which will require thorough vetting procedures.

Monday, December 30, 2013


Police Arrests 167 Drug Users and Trafficker in Weekend Operations



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he Liberia National Police on Saturday arrested One hundred and Sixty Seven suspected drugs criminals and traffickers following a massive raid in Monrovia and its environs over the weekend. The raid, which is part of the polices ongoing operations known as Operations Pyramid uncovered large quantities of Cocaine, Marijuana, and Heroin from different communities including Logan town Rice Store , West Point, The famous Jungle Yard on Lynch Street, behind old Defense Ministry on Benson Street, Vamoma and King Gray of ELWA. The raided communities have been used as a hide out for drugs and other criminals who have been terrorizing residents over a period of time according to police intelligence. Senior Inspector of Police DCP Gregory Coleman briefing journalists at the end of the operation, stated that the raid for hardened criminals is intended to provide a more safe environment for Liberian and foreign residents, adding that the suspects are currently undergoing investigation. The LNP Senior Inspector stressed that the Police will continue to execute its statutory mandate by creating a conducive and secure environment in the country.

He admonished community dwellers to assist the police with information that will lead to arrest of criminals in their community. DCP Coleman said despite logistical constraints faced by the police force all is being done to clear the country of drug traffickers and users.

He warned that the police would remain robust in the execution of the task ahead. The police said during the operation American and Liberian Passports were seized from some of the suspected criminals.

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Monday, December 30 , 2013


INTERNATIONAL pressure bore down yesterday on the two sides in South Sudan's bloody violence to open peace talks to keep the young nation from sliding into civil war.
East African and Horn of Africa peace brokers gave until tomorrow for President Salva Kiir and de facto rebel leader Riek Machar, whom Mr Kiir sacked as vice-president in July, to start face-to-face talks and stop two weeks of fighting that is thought to have left thousands dead. "We, government, are ready to meet even before that," South Sudanese Vice-President James Wani Igga said. "It's now up to Machar to accept the ceasefire."The government reiterated accusations that Mr Machar was mobilising thousands of youths to attack its interests. "Dr Riek mobilises his ... youths, up to 25,000 ... and wants to use them to attack the government" in the eastern state of Jonglei, where rebels said to support Mr Machar briefly captured the regional capital, Bor, this month, said government spokesman Michael Makuei. "They are able to attack any time," he added. "We are in a state of alert to protect the civilian populations." But Moses Ruai Lat, spokesman for the rebels, rejected this, saying the former vice-president was "not mobilising his tribe", the Nuer, South Sudan's second biggest ethnic group. Those young people were regular soldiers turning their back on the government and had not been drafted by Mr Machar, he added. As of yesterday, the youths, who are armed with light weapons and heavy machine guns, were about 50km outside Bor, he said, meaning they could reach the state capital soon. Akshaya Kumar, a South Sudan analyst for the USbased Enough Project, said it was important to remember that civilian lives hung in the balance in Bor."Bor has already been the site of two violent clashes in less than two weeks. Its people, many of whom are sheltering in the UN compound, cannot withstand another battle," she said. "The recent Lou Nuer storming of the UN base in Akobo set a dangerous precedent. We worry the Bor peacekeeping force may not be able to




withstand a similar onslaught." The regional grouping the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development is spearheading efforts to end the fierce battles for control over several strategic oil-producing areas, notably in the north of South Sudan. The UN, Washington and Beijing are also pressing for talks. "IGAD has already come out with the condition that the contending parties should negotiate within four days beginning from Friday," Ethiopian Foreign Ministry spokesman Dina Mufti said. "So we are awaiting results." Spokesmen for IGAD said Mr Kiir had expressed willingness for an "immediate" ceasefire

though Mr Machar would not immediately commit to a truce.The rebel leader said he first wanted a mechanism to monitor any ceasefire as well as the release of all his political allies arrested when trouble first broke out. The conflict, fuelled by old rivalries, has fanned ethnic differences between the President's Dinka group and Mr Machar's Nuer clan in the country, which won independence from Sudan in 2011. Reports of massacres, rapes and murders have emerged in recent days. The UN, whose hard-pressed peacekeepers are to be doubled to more than 12,000, said one mass grave had been discovered and large numbers of uncollected bodies were seen outside at least one

UN base. The fighting erupted on December 15 after Mr Kiir accused his former vicepresident of trying to mount a coup. Mr Machar has denied the allegation and retorted that Mr Kiir was trying to eliminate his rivals. Rebels quickly took control of a few key regional cities including Bentiu, in the northern oil-producing state of Unity, as well as Bor, which was recaptured by the army on Tuesday.Over the weekend, South Sudan army spokesman Philip Aguer said all was calm in the main flashpoint areas of recent days. He said his troops would implement any truce agreed by the government and rebels, but vowed they would riposte if attacked.

(CNN) -resh violence rocked Egypt on Sunday when an explosion wounded four people near military intelligence offices in the Nile Delta, staterun Nile TV reported. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack. The chaos came a day after Egyptian student protesters who support the Muslim Brotherhood were accused of torching the cafeteria of a Cairo university, state media reported. The protesting students allegedly stormed the colleges of trade, engineering and science at Azhar University and set fire to its cafeteria, according to the official MENA news agency. Authorities arrested 60 students, the Ministry of the Interior told state-run Nile TV. The protesters were armed with Molotov cocktails and other weapons, the ministry said. One student was killed in the violence, the Muslim Brotherhood said in a statement. The Brotherhood said security forces, "in an attempt to silence any voice of opposition," fired tear gas, live bullets and birdshot at the protesting students.



Moscow (CNN) --

massive explosion at a train station in the Russian city of Volgograd killed at least 14 people, including one police officer, the Investigative Committee of Russia said on its website Sunday. The head of the committee, Vladimir Markin, said 14 people had been killed and 34 people were injured, including a 9-year-old girl. The female suicide bomber set off the device before she could pass through a metal detector, Markin said, citing available information. He said the bomber used the equivalent of 10 kilograms of TNT and included shrapnel. Video taken from an outside security camera shows a huge fireball inside what appears to be the main entrance followed by a steady trail of smoke coming out shattered windows. The bombing occurred at about 12:45 p.m. local time (3:45 a.m. ET), officials said. President Vladimir Putin posted a message on the Kremlin's website sending his condolences to the family of those killed and wishing a quick recovery to those hurt. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered the emergency and health ministries to provide "all necessary assistance" to the wounded.

Washington (CNN) -he Libyan government on Saturday defended its brief detention of four U.S. military personnel in western Libya, saying they were taken into custody after two vehicles in an American convoy sped off from a checkpoint. When the three-vehicle convoy was stopped Friday near alAijalat, officials discovered that one of the vehicles carried two Americans who were armed, said Abdulfattah Saleh, director of national security in the department of Sabratha, about 50 miles west of Tripoli. As the two were being questioned, the other cars in the convoy drove off, Saleh said. One of the vehicles that drove off caused an accident, he said. The two who were being questioned as well as two occupants of the vehicle involved in the accident were detained and handed over to the Interior Ministry, Saleh said. The four were detained for hours Friday before being released, U.S. officials said. Earlier Saturday, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said U.S. officials were "still trying to ascertain the facts of the incident."

Monday, December 30, 2013


Unsettled Anthony Laffor could leave Mamelodi Sundowns in January
Danesius Marteh, [email protected]



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iberia international Anthony Snothi Laffor could move elsewhere in South Africa, having been unsettled at Mamelodi Sundowns. Acclaimed South Africa football magazine KickOff. com reported on December 24 that Snothi has joined the clubs list of unsettled players. His trying spell at Chloorkop this season resulted in his conspicuous absence from the clubs festive get-together over the weekend along with fellow strugglers Katlego Mphela and Elias Pelembe. The 28-year-old, who can play as a winger and midfielder, has played four games this season and a January transfer is not cast in stone. Sundowns are second in the 2013/2014 Absa premier soccer league with 25 points from 13 games, a game less than leaders Kaizer Chiefs with 30 points. Snothi has featured in two league games this yeara 3-1 win over Bloemfontein Celtics on August 4 and a 2-1 win over Free State Stars on November 26 for a total of 176 minutes. His debut and subsequent victory was marred by an 86th minute expulsion for a reckless tackle. Head coach Pitso Mosimane has dropped Snothi down the pecking orders with South Africa and Zimbabwe internationals Katlego Mashego (13 caps, six goals) and Bongani Zungu (nine caps, a goal) and Khama Billiat (10 caps, three goals) and Cuthbert Malajila (12 caps, five goals) have been paired and preferred respectively. Mphela (five caps), Rodney Ramagalela (three caps), Richard Henyekane and Pelembe (two caps apiece) are 12 caps among them. Snothis other appearance was as an unused substitute against Pretoria United on November 9. The lanky attacking midfielder is known to voice his mind when he is not happy and has done just that so far this season. It is understood that several Sundowns first team staff members are already very aware of how unsettled Laffor is, as he is making no attempt to disguise it, wrote KickOffs Lovemore Moyo. Born on 17 February 1985, Snothi has played for LISCR FC, Ghanas Ashanti Gold and Jomo Cosmos and Supersport United in South Africa. He joined Sundowns during the 2011/2012 season, making nine league appearances for a total of 499 minutes. During the 2012/2013 season, Snothi made 18 league appearances for a total of 1,223 minutes. International profile Snothi made his international debut for Liberia during a 2004 Africa Cup of Nations qualifier against Ethiopia in June 2003 and has played in the 2006 and 2010 Fifa World Cup qualifying matches. With 26 appearances, Snothi, who was expelled from camp by then coach Kaetu Smith ahead of a 2013 Africa Cup of Nations qualifier with Namibia in Windhoek on June 16, 2012, has two goals. Trophies championship with SuperSport United with 10 goals (third highest scorer in the league) and the 2009/2010 title with seven goals (joint ninth highest scorer). He won a runners-up medal with Sundowns when they lost 0-2 to SuperSport in the 2011/2012 FA Cup on May 26, 2012 at the Orlando Stadium in Johannesburg. Laffor also won a runnersup medal when Sundowns surprisingly lost to Bloemfontein Celtics 0-1 in the 2012/2013 League Cup on December 1, 2012 at the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durbin.

helsea manager Jose Mourinho accused "wild" Liverpool striker Luis Suarez of trying to con his way to a penalty with "an acrobatic swimming pool jump" during a fiery encounter at Stamford Bridge. The Blues won 2-1 on Sunday thanks to goals from Eden Hazard and Samuel Etoo after Martin Skrtel had given the Reds an early lead. But Mourinho was furious when Suarez went down in the penalty area late on under a challenge from Etoo - and the Portuguese claims referee Howard Webb should have booked the Liverpool man. [Cesar] Azpilicueta was leaving with the ball and then Suarez does an acrobatic swimming pool jump. Webb was only 10 metres away and the only mistake Webb did was not to give a yellow card.




Laffor won the 2008/2009

Macaulay Sombai-0777217428

arrack Young Controllers (BYC) last Thursday came from a goal down to beat FC Fassell 3-2 in the opening game of the Aries FC second annual football tournament at the Antoinette Tubman

Stadium (ATS) in Monrovia. Aries FC beat Diaspora FC 4-3 in the second match of the day. The aim of the tournament is to raise funds to build a football camp for Aries FC. Aries FC President, Mr. Lemuel Sherman said

the aim is to provide all facilities that a football camp should have for players and coaches with the hope of preparing future players of the Lone Star. The Aries boss told journalists that funds raised from the tournament will be used to build a football camp for Aries FC on 4.23 acres of land behind the Soul Clinic Community in Paynesville. Mr. Sherman confirmed that the cost of the camp is USD 1.6 million and one of their aims is to bring in foreign coaches not to only train Aries players but to train future players of Liberia in order to help build a better Lone Star U- 17, 21 and the senior national team. The tournament continued on Friday with Diaspora FC overpowering Freetown City from Sierra Leone 2-0 in the early kickoff. BYC were 2-0 winners over Satellite FC from Guinea in the second battle while LISCR FC drew 0-0 with Liberia Sports in the days last match. Aries lost 2-1 to Freetown FC in Saturday opening match and FC Fassell went down 2-1 to Satellite FC from Guinea and Liberia Sports beat Aries FC 2-1 `


he Bayern Munich star admits he is proud simply to have been shortlisted alongside Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo and claims German football is "like a train that won't stop" Bayern Munich's Franck Ribery insists he will be happy whether he wins the Ballon d'Or in January or not. The French winger, who is on the shortlist along with Barcelona's Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid, is being tipped to take the crown by some after a stellar year which has seen him win the UEFA Champions League, as well as being named the UEFA Best Player in Europe. But Ribery admits he is happy to have made the top three and will be satisfied whatever the outcome.

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Monday, December 30 , 2013



Residents of District 2 in Bong County Rate Lawmaker Best
most undeveloped part of Bong County but thanks to Moye for breaking the jinx. I am sure that at the rate the lawmakers for the year are going, he may surpass his colleagues in the county. In the area of rural development, Moyes mark was felt by the people, FrontPageAfrica can confirm. For instance, they heaped a lot of praises on the lawmaker for the development of rural roads and maintenance of peace and security. Also commenting on the performance of Moye so far, Jessie Cole, human right activist and Regional Director, Justice of Peace Commission who hails from Gbarnga commended the lawmaker over his programs on infrastructural development of the district. Cole however advised the lawmaker to pay equal attention to the development of the rural areas. He said: Yes, I enjoyed my stay in the district during the Christmas break, and I must say that lawmaker Moye is doing tremendously well in terms of infrastructural development but this program is concentrated mainly in urban centers.

Samay, Bong Countyesidents of electoral district 2 in Bong County living outside the district who were at home to celebrate the Christmas festival were full of praises for the district Representative, Prince Kermue Moye. Some of them who spoke to this reporter during the period under review praised the lawmaker for the efforts he has been making since after his assumption of office, to transform the district. They were particular about the

lawmakers performance in the area of road construction and maintenance, education, health care delivery as well as security. According to Beatrice Davis, a Monrovia-based petty businesswoman who hails from Samay and spent almost a week in his native town during the Christmas, commended the Prince Moye leadership especially in the area of free education. According to him, the lawmakers free education program has alleviated the burden of many parents who

were finding it difficult to pay school fees for their children in the past. I must say that my people are very grateful to the governor in this regard. He added that Rep. Moye is also doing so well in the area of infrastructural development especially road constructions. He mentioned such road as: The Gbarnga-Kokoyah highway that had been in ruins since the establishment of the district and the area attracted the attention of the lawmaker in his first year. The road, according to him,

made end of year trips so convenient for the people who plied them to their respective home for the festive season. Another elated visiting citizen, Mr. Charles Scott, a native of Behla but lives in Monrovia, told this reporter that Moye has almost equaled the records of incumbent Senator Jewel Howard-Taylor who has spent eight years as senator of Bong County in the area of infrastructural development of different parts of the district. Joshua Kpolokpa, who hails from Gbanshay of the district and was at home during the Christmas period, said he was marveled at the level of development that has taken place while he was away especially in Foloblai, where the Commissioners compound has been built and a town hall is under construction.

Selma Lomax, [email protected]

He added: While commending him, for these strides, I would equally advise that he extends the same zeal and enthusiasm to the development of the rural areas. Speaking in the same vein, some indigenes who commended his efforts so far in the urban areas also called on Moye to step up his activities in the rural areas to enable them improve on their quality of life. Of particular notes are citizens of Tamaita who are staunch supporters of the lawmaker but are not happy with the state of the Gbanshay road, which is deplorable condition and has not received the kind of attention other major roads in the state are receiving under the present dispensation. Rising from an end of year meeting, they re-pledged their loyalty to the lawmaker but appealed to him to see to it that the road which links them up with other parts of the district be given the urgent attention it needs.

Spat Escalates As Biney, Mulbah Trade Criticisms with Jewel over Party Convention
Selma Lomax, [email protected]
Gbarnga, Bong County -

Gbarnga), fired a salvo on Friday, saying the Bong County Senator had failed the county and should honorably resign instead of seeking reelection. Senator HowardTaylor has failed to live up to the expectation of Bongese and should resign honorably, he said. He promised to lead a campaign against the re-election of Sen. Howard-Taylor in next years special senatorial election in the county. I will lead a vigorous campaign against Senator Taylor to ensure she doesnt get re-election, he said. The Maryland County lawmaker scathing indictment of Sen. Howard-Taylor was the continuation of a schism between the two officials which had gone public; with both making comments which observers have described as pathetic and accusing them of bringing embarrassment to the former ruling NPP. Biney said Howard-Taylors

He told FrontPageAfrica: I was taken aback when I visited Foloblai during my trip in December for the season. What I saw marveled me. At a point we missed our way because of the new constructions of the roads. He added that In the past, district 2 use to be described in such derogatory phrases as: the

n embarrassing personal spat between three senior members of the National Patriotic Party, Senator Jewel Howard-Taylor of Bong County, Maryland County Representative James Biney and Rep. George Mulbah of Bong County, has escalated with the trio trading invectives and casting banal aspersions at each other. Biney and Mulbah had earlier voiced their oppositions to the holding of a planned constituency election by the party scheduled to take place in Gbarnga Saturday December 28, 2013, claiming that the action was unconstitutional. However, Howard-Taylor, who is the partys political leader, has maintained the election would hold as provided by the constitution of the party. Biney, calling on community radio stations in Bong County (Super Bongese and Radio

ranting was a strategy to distract the partisans of the party in the county. All of what Howard-Taylor is doing is cleverly meant to distract partisans from the demerits of holding the election, he said. The three NPP officials have been at loggerheads for weeks since the Bong County Senator openly declared support for the retention of partys national chair Cllr. Theophilus Gould amid report of a plot by Biney and Mulbah to oust him. Howard-Taylor took swipe at Reps. Biney and Mulbah branding the pair as confusionist in the party. Rep. Biney fired back calling the Senator a foreigner who is not a native of the county she represents at the national legislature. Mulbahs 2014 support for Jewel doubtful The spat between Mulbah and Howard-Taylor comes four months after the district 3 lawmaker declared support for the former first lady, branding

her as the best political option to lead the county. In his declaration, Rep. Mulbah said Senator Howard-Taylor, of all the candidates, I believe you have the best legislative credentials to lead the county for another nine years. Two months later, Mulbah, the Bong caucus chair, reportedly canvassed among his colleagues to suspend Howard-

Taylor for disrespecting the caucus. To many political watchers, this wiggled war of words coming out of the party, especially from Mulbah, explains the level of discord and disharmony within the Senators home front. Is this a political game by Mulbah to break ranks with Senator Taylor probably for another senatorial aspirant in

Bong? Are these gladiators (Reps Biney and Mulbah) playing to the gallery, as part of a scheme to weaken Sen. Taylor in the party ahead of 2014? Just keep your fingers crossed and hold your breath, for the fight between Mulbah and Jewel will be murkier as 2014 draws nearer in Bong County.

Monday, December 30, 2013


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President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf reacts to criticism that she is overseeing the destruction of her country's greatest natural resources by cancelling dozens of logging permits
Monrovia -



cleared. The Daily Telegraph reported from Liberia in June on how the government had granted 63 licences allowing companies to cut down 58 per cent of all the primary rainforest left in the country. These "Private Use Permits" were awarded by officials answering to President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize who became the first female elected leader in African history. All of the licences were handed out in breach of Liberia's own law, generally to companies backed by Malaysian and Chinese investors. At first, Mrs Sirleaf responded by freezing the distribution of new permits, without cancelling any existing ones. Earlier this month, however, her government began revoking the illegal licences: so far, 29 have been withdrawn and the authorities are in the process of cancelling the remaining 34. "This is a tremendous victory for Liberia's rainforest," said Chloe Fussell from Global Witness, a campaign group which first highlighted the case. "We're extremely pleased to see

est Africa's biggest rainforest has won a reprieve from destruction with Liberia's government cancelling dozens of illegal logging permits, saving up to 10,000 square miles from being

the Liberian government doing the right thing over this. It's a landmark moment." Outside pressure and publicity were crucial to persuading Mrs Sirleaf to change course. "This was too big to be ignored: it really was fraud and corruption on a massive scale," said Ms Fussell. "For once, the contracts that shouldn't have been allocated are now being cancelled." Mrs Sirleaf values her international reputation: she sits alongside David Cameron as co-chair of a United Nations panel on the future of international development. In February, Mr Cameron became the first British Prime Minister to visit Liberia.

However, the illegal granting of logging permits on a huge scale threatened to tarnish Mrs Sirleaf. Powerful Asian business interests were drawn by the fact that Liberia possesses the biggest surviving rainforest in West Africa. They are believed to have bought the logging permits from corrupt officials. In region which has been systematically stripped of its trees, just over half of Liberia is still covered by primary rainforest. A civil war which lasted for 14 years and ended only in 2003 helps to explain why timber companies neglected to cut down this forest. Now that Mrs Sirleaf is revoking the illegal logging permits, campaigners hope that it will stay intact.

BIOFORM Liberia Employee Gets Mitsubishi Car for Hard work
A. Macaulay Sombai-0777217428


for Legal Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, David M. Kolleh, Jr presented the key to the car to Massaley and thanked him for his hard work in helping the people of Liberia in the health sector. Assistant Minister Kolleh challenged other employees of the company to follow the good example of Massaley if they are to be honored like their colleague. Let me make it clear to the rest of you employees of BIOFORM that your comrade Massaley was not given the car based on friendship but based on the hard work he did for the company and the people of Liberia and each of you can do the same as he has done" Assistant Minister Kolleh urged. Receiving the key to the car from Assistant Minister Kolleh, honoree Massaley extended thanks to the company and his fellow employees and promised to continue his hard work in the interest of the company and the people of Liberia. "I am pleased to say thank you to all of you my fellow employees and officials of our beloved company BIOFORM for our togetherness, a togetherness that gave me more courage to win such an excellent award today and I pray that one of you will be the next winner in 2014", the honoree declared. Massaley told Front Page Africa that he joined BIOFORM in 2011 after realizing that the company was in the country to help minimize some of the dangerous diseases that have killed hundreds of Liberians and other nationals residing in the country. The award winner has been assigned in Buchanan, City Grand Bassa County for the past two years where he was able to educate and convince (10 to 15 %) of the people in that area about the important of the medicine provided by BIOFORM. BIORORM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Charles Enyinnaya said his company is in the country to provide quality health for the people through marketing health in order to fight poverty. CEO Enyinnaya acknowledged that his company entered Liberia two years ago and that they have achieved a lot based on the number of people that are responding to the medicine. "My company achievement is that Liberians are happy for using our products because they are based on true quality and we have so many testimonies that indeed our medicines are quality products and if you provide quality product to the public you will get a quality response", says CEO Enyinnaya. The CEO clarified that through the combination of the most effective products derived from pure natural plants and aquatic environment in Norway, BIOFORM has given every Liberian the assurance as to the efficacy of her products and that the products have been tested, proven and certified by the Liberia Food and Drug Regulatory Authority. "With the platform for poverty alleviation set up government on job creation, BIOFORM seeks to assist the government of Liberia and its cabinet to check mate poverty, continues the CEO. CEO Enyinnaya confirmed that they have a well structured compensation plan for everyone who becomes a member of the company and that the opportunity is open to all Liberians, young and old, small and big. "With this, I will like to suggest that this is an opportunity to safe guard health lives of Liberians as much as to create lasting wealth opportunity thereby reducing the high rate of poverty in our society and I thank you very much for your solemn attention", the CEO concluded.

IOFORM Liberia, a company trading in health products has awarded one of its employees a new Mitsubishi

car for his hard work. Hassan Massaley who is a Diamond Manager at the company was awarded the car on Saturday December 21,

2013 at the headquarters of the company on VP Road, Old Road. During the presentation program, the Assistant Minister

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