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Altaf Ahmed Sheikh 1 M.A (Hons.

) English Literature

“An apology for poetry (or literature as a whole)”

by Sir Philip Sidney

It is a discourse signifying importance of poetry, defending attacks on poetry,

categorizing poetry in various types & sub types, as well as passing judgment over
literature of its age & of ages before it. To have a better understanding of this not so
pedantic work on poetry, it has been classified into following sections:

A) Conventional ideas in praise of poetry

B) Arguments on the basis of nature & usefulness of poetry
C) Objections laid on poetry & their answers
D) Remarks on contemporary literature

Since, we have already discussed first three sections of this critical essay before; I shall
deal with the fourth section here.

Philip Sidney had eventually earned the repute of a practical critic. He not only put
forward his conception of an ideal poetry; indeed he pushed criticism to the practical use.
He weighed the works of writers who wrote in his lifetime and those before him as well.
In deliberating his thoughts on contemporary literature, I would first perceive the method
he had used and then with the defects and suggestions which he had pointed out in regard
to the literature of that age.

Method of Criticism

Sidney approached the literature available in his times in the following steps:

 Find out the faults in literary work, its genre, form, content etc.
(Tragedy, Comedy, Lyrical poetry, diction & style)
 Put forth suggestions for the possible improvement in that literary genre.
 Pass judgment whether a work is good, bad, better, best or worst.
(Based on its conformity to classical models & sincerity of purpose)

Sidney started finding faults with the drama, as it was the emerging genre until then.
He laid stress on unities to be observed and dignity of each genre to be kept in mind.
It seemed absurd to him to show Asia, Africa & America all on the same stage. Or in
some cases, showing battle fields, gardens, caves etc in one place within just time span of
less than two hours was strongly disliked by him. He was of the opinion that what can not
be showed, must be told. He did not appreciate blending comic and serious incidents
together and considered it an abuse. He dealt with the two major kinds of dramas viz.
Tragedy and Comedy separately. About tragedy he stated;

ℑ Tragedy should be subject to laws of poetry and not history. Dramatist must
transform his material to obtain tragic effects.

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Altaf Ahmed Sheikh 2 M.A (Hons.) English Literature

ℑ Plot in tragedy should open at some significant incidence which brings the
reader to the heart of happenings at once without detouring of any sort.
ℑ Chronology of events may be altered at will of writer and/or some fresh
incidents and situations may be invented.
ℑ If an incidence is hard to be represented, it must be reported.
ℑ Only tragedy he admires is “Gorbuduc” by Seneca.

About Comedy he stated;

℘ Comedy has nothing to do with evil or vicious things.

℘ Human deformities must not be treated as comic material.
℘ Raw material for comedy should be in human shortcomings, weaknesses, foibles
associated with their characters. Appropriate characters to be ridiculed are a
fussy courtier, a boastful soldier, an affected or misled traveler etc.
℘ Comedy should not only be the laughter medium rather it should be delighting,
satisfying & lasting.
℘ Laughter & Delight are two different things: (i.e. Lasting & Temporary)
Delight is a joy arising from the sense of harmony between men & objects of nature.
Laughter is caused by a sense of disproportion between men & objects of nature.
℘ There can be delight without laughter. E.g. Human response to vision of
feminine beauty.
℘ There can be laughter without delight. E.g. Grotesque form of something,
mimicry, unexpected mischances.
(Like Encountering a fat woman at the fifteenth step stairs while you are going up
and she is coming down but the stair is too narrow to accommodate any one of you
in its width.)
℘ Delight & laughter can be effectively blended together. It is this masterly
combination which may be regarded as comedy in true sense.

About Lyrical Poetry;

Ω Most of the lyrical poems contain borrowed or swallowed phrases lacking
passion and sincerity.
Ω Themes are usually scanty, futile & lacking some genuine impulse.
Ω He admired lyrical poems of Earl of Surrey, Spenser’s “Shepherds Calendar” to
have some value.

About Diction & Style;

Use of devices like alliteration, far-fetched comparisons, pompous terms,
fashioned figures etc deviate concentration towards other objects.
To acquire classical style, one must devour the classic spirit and methods.
Sidney reaffirms his faith in poetry to be a divine gift and not a human skill because it has
moving capability. He assumes no industry can make fine poetry, unless poet’s own
genius is at work. He states;

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Altaf Ahmed Sheikh 3 M.A (Hons.) English Literature

“Marry they that delight in poetry itself should seek to know what they do, how they do,
and especially look themselves in an unflattering glass of reaction, if they inclinable unto
it. For poetry must not be drawn by ears; it must be gently led, or rather it must lead;
which was partly the cause that made the ancient-learned affirm it was a divine gift.”

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