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Madan no Ou to Vanadis

The tip of a longsword was thrust efore hi!. "olding the sword was a eautiful girl. "er i!pressi#e argent hair rea$hing her waist% she loo&ed $al!l' down at the o' fro! atop her horse. ()rop 'our ow.* The o' o edientl' pla$ed his ow on the ground. "e had no thought of resistan$e. "is arrows were alread' e+hausted. ,ountless $orpses la' in the surroundings. -ro&en swords and spears stu$& up. as if the' were gra#e posts. The s!ell of lood lew thi$&l' in the wind. (M' na!e is /leanora Viltaria. 0ours1* The girl2s refreshing #oi$e lew awa' the s!ell of lood. "er e'es were dignified. with red pupils oth !'sterious and right. The o' responded. though pu33led. (... Tigre#ur!ud Vorn.* 4pon hearing this. she sheathed her lade. 5he s!iled at the o'. (0ou elong to !e now.*

Madan no Ou to Vanadis

1 Encounter with the Vanadis

(Tigre7sa!a.* "is od' was sha&en ' a girl with a fa!iliar #oi$e. 5in$e it was right outside the window. he &new !orning had $o!e. 5till. he was sleep'. (8 little longer... 9ust a little !ore.* ("ow long is a little !ore1* (: don2t ha#e an' hunting planned for the da'. so until noon...* (;lease don2t e la3' and wa&e up<* 5he s$olded hi!. 8fter the lan&ets were stripped off. Tigre2s shoulder was #iolentl' gra ed. 4pon opening his e'es. he saw a girl whose fa$e was =uen$hed red in anger. 5he had a $hildish fa$e and $hestnut7 rown hair in a twin7tail st'le whi$h was hardl' threatening. e#en when angr'. (8h... Morning. Teita.*

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


:n a drawn out #oi$e whi$h etra'ed his drowsiness. Tigre $alled the na!e of the 'oung !aid. Teita released hi! after reali3ing he was awa&e. (The soldiers ha#e alread' finished preparing. the' are waiting for 'ou. Tigre7sa!a<* Tigre lan&l' repeated her words se#eral ti!es in his head. "is fa$e grew pale at on$e. (... 5hit<* "e stu! led out of ed as Teita folded his e#ening $lothes. 5he pla$ed a s!all pail of water ' his feet. (Than& 'ou for preparing things as usual.* (: thought this !ight happen. : will prepare 'our !eal. On$e 'ou ha#e washed 'our fa$e. please $o!e.* 5howing no sign of anger. Teita s!iled rilliantl' and owed while holding her s&irt efore lea#ing the roo! with short steps. Tigre felt refreshed after washing his fa$e and was at last $o!pletel' awa&e. )onning his $lothes and dashing out the roo!. he fastened his uttons while running down the hall. (: don2t ha#e an' ti!e... : wonder if : $an reall' lea#e it. though.* Tigre headed straight for a roo! at the end of the s!all $orridor.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


:t was a s!all roo!. arel' a le to seat three adults. There stood a splendid de$oration upon whi$h a ow was propped. The strings were soa&ed and pulled o#er the su!!er. so it was a#aila le for use at an' ti!e if he were so in$lined. The onl' feature of the ow was its la$& $olor. :t drew a loose. $ur#ed grip. and the owstring. as well. was la$&. :t was as if the ow itself had een $ut fro! the dar&ness. --- When I look at this, I get a strange feeling. The ow had an odd at!osphere different fro! others. ut it was an heirloo!. :t is said the Vorn fa!il' an$estors on$e hunted while using it. Tigre2s father left a will regarding the ow. (Onl' when 'ou trul' need this ow should 'ou use it. )o not use it otherwise.* )ue to the will of his father. the !ild disgust he felt fro! the ow. and his respe$t for his an$estors. Tigre a#oided tou$hing it as !u$h as possi le. ,orre$ting his posture and reathing. Tigre grasped his fist efore his $hest and ga#e than&s to the ow of his an$estors. passed down the generations. ?hen he finished. he stepped =ui$&l' and =uietl' into the passage. Tigre hastil' rushed to the dining roo!.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


Tigre#ur!ud. 16 'ears old. was orn to the fa!il' of an /arl in the -rune @ingdo!. "e too& o#er the house when his father fell ill fro! si$&ness and died two 'ears ago. "is title was so!ething of an e+aggeration. as his an$estors were the ones to attain the status of /arl. "e felt he was si!pl' a person $alled Tigre. ?hen Tigre entered the dining roo!. a sweet. fragrant aro!a rea$hed his nose. On the rusti$ ta le was ha!. r'e read. an o!elet. !il&. and !ushroo! soup fro! whi$h stea! drifted. Teita awaited hi! at the ta le. (: a! fine with just the soup.* (That is no good.* ?hen it $a!e to !eal ti!e. Teita alwa's re!ained stu orn. (?hat would 'ou do if 'our sto!a$h sounded efore e#er'one. :t would e disgra$eful.* ?ith her hands at her waist. her ga3e loo&ed sternl' at Tigre. 5he loo&ed !ore frightening than she did earlier when he awo&e. Tigre surrendered the attle he $ould not win and egan eating with her.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


8fter eating his read and drin&ing his !il&. he =ui$&l' ate his o!elet and soup. (Than& 'ou for the !eal.* "e stood up as he spo&e those words. Teita. with a nap&in and rush in hand. approa$hed hi!. (0ou ha#e so!e food re!aining. ;lease !a&e sure to wipe it off properl'.* 5he spo&e with a slightl' angr' tone. wiping Tigre2s !outh with the nap&in. (0our hair is a !ess as well.* 8fter that. her hand holding the rush stret$hed forward. $arefull' $o! ing his red hair. (Aoo&. 'our $ollar is ent as well.* ;la$ing the rush and nap&in on the ta le. her hand e+tended to Tigre2s $ollar. Though she had finished. Tigre re!ained. (777 Tigre7sa!a.* (0es1* Teita2s #oi$e suddenl' e$a!e wea&. Tigre gentl' $alled to her. "e spo&e to her as a 'ounger sister. as she was one 'ear 'ounger. (?h'. wh' !ust 'ou go to war. Tigre7sa!a1*

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


Tigre had a trou led fa$e as he ta!pered with his red hair. :t was o #ious what Teita was sa'ing. (:t is at "is Majest'2s e$&oning. 8s the head of the household. as /arl Vorn. :t is natural : ser#e the @ingdo! of -rune.* (-7 ut.* 5he loo&ed up at Tigre with a tearful fa$e. $ontinuing to argue. (0ou were arel' a le to gather one hundred soldiers...* Though he was an aristo$rat. he was a !inor one. The Vorn fa!il' was not poor% rather. the' were si!ple. ,alling the! !odest was suita le. The territor' of 8lsa$e was in the $ountr'side a!ongst !ountains and forests. far fro! the $enter of the $ountr'. and his in$o!e was !ini!al. "e was far re!o#ed fro! the regalit' asso$iated with a no le. Tigre2s life was far fro! grand. Though his residen$e was not too large. the one to handle all $hores was Teita alone. (: ha#e heard the ene!' is fro! the Bh$ted @ingdo!. :n that $ase. 'ou should e here. Tigre7sa!a. There is onl' a single !ountain etween 8lsa$e and the Bh$ted @ingdo!. after all.*

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


(That !a' e true. ut this is the $ountr'side. Bh$ted has no reason to atta$& su$h a pla$e.* Tigre was grateful that his land would not e$o!e a attlefield. (That... 5o 'ou will go. e#en if the' ridi$ule 'ou for 'our ow.* (That is e$ause it2s i!possi le to perfor! distinguished !ilitar' ser#i$es.* (:t doesn2t !atter if 'ou do su$h things<* Teita shouted and $lung to hi!. her fa$e uried in Tigre2s $hest. (9ust... don2t o#erwor& 'ourself. and don2t get injured. ;lease return safel'.* Tigre gentl' hugged the !aid2s deli$ate od' as she worried a out hi!. ()on2t worr'. : returned safe and sound fro! !' first attle two 'ears ago.* (8t that ti!e. 4r37sa!a was...* Teita swallowed her words. 4r3 was Tigre2s father who died two 'ears ago. Tigre tapped Teita2s head to reassure her. (:n this attle. !' for$es ha#e een pla$ed in the rear. :t will e safe. /#en if so!ething happens. :2ll so!ehow !anage.* 8s he used his finger to wipe the tears a out to spill. Teita nodded.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


(:s. is it reall' fine. Tigre7sa!a1 0ou are alwa's o#ersleeping. Ma&e sure not to do so on the attlefield.* (: don2t li&e how 'ou2re sa'ing : alwa's o#ersleep.* (:t is si!pl' a fa$t. Tigre7sa!a is onl' a le to wa&e up properl' on a hunting da'.* Tigre2s $ounterargu!ent was stopped ' a disappointed o je$tion. 5till. he understood Teita was en$ouraging hi! as !u$h as she $ould. Tigre held her $losel' on$e again. Teita entrusted her od' to Tigre. "er war!th $ould e felt through his $lothes. a sweet s$ent drifted faintl' fro! her $hestnut7 rown hair. 8n' longer than this would onl' e !ore painful. Tigre released her. relu$tant to let go. (: shall ta&e !' lea#e. Teita.* ?iping her tears with her slee#e. Teita s!iled. (;lease lea#e the house to !e. -e $areful. Tigre7sa!a.* Tigre $arried a ow and =ui#er o#er shoulder and left the house. The soldiers were alread' waiting in for!ation.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


8 s!all old !an wearing leather ar!or owed to Tigre. (0oung Aord. all !e! ers are prepared. Our e=uip!ent is also read'.* (0ou2#e wor&ed hard. -atran.* The elderl' !an was a ser#ant of Tigre2s with e+perien$e in war far surpassing his own. "e was the onl' one other than Tigre per!itted on horse a$&. 8ll the others were foot soldiers e=uipped with leather ar!or and a spear or sword. (0ou2#e all gathered.* 8s Tigre spo&e words of appre$iation. the #eteran soldiers $heerfull' !ade a jo&e. (Aord. there is no need to worr'. Though it2s een three 'ears sin$e we last saw attle. we ha#e trained our od' without a !ista&e e#er' da' la oring in the fields.* (?hether we diso e' the @ing2s orders or follow the!. we2ll ha#e plent' of food. it see!s.* (That2s a wel$o!e re!ar&. -' the wa'. is 'our wife not $o!ing1 The ene!' onl' has one or two thousand !en. :2! sure she $ould dri#e the! awa' with her shouting.* Aaughter erupted etween the soldiers. (0ou should stop sa'ing that efore the 0oung Aord. "is wife is indifferent to oth ene!' and all'.* Aoo&ing a$& at -atran. Tigre ended the $on#ersation with a shrug of his shoulders.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


--- Morale shouldn't be an issue. 8s the laughter su sided. the !en saluted Tigre. -atran drew his ow with his right hand and issued a $r'. (Our destination is )inant ;lains. ?e shall join Aord Massas2 ar!' halfwa'. The infantr' loo&ed at their attle flags. There were two &inds of flags. The flag of house Vorn held a white $res$ent7!oon and !eteor on lue fa ri$. The other was the

Ced "orse Dlag E the s'! ol of -rune @ingdo! whi$h had a red horse with a la$& !ane. (?e2re off<* :t was the first ti!e -rune @ingdo! and Bh$ted @ingdo! were $rossing lades in twent' 'ears. The $ause of $onfli$t was due to hea#' rain. whi$h $aused the ri#er ordering the two &ingdo!s to flood. Man' residents were injured (-e$ause those people did not properl' !anage the ri#er.* :t $aused =uite a =uarrel. /a$h $ountr' re$ei#ed a petition for the other to properl' !anage the waters. 8s su$h. the two ar!ies were for$ed to go to war.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


5till. that was not enough to pull Tigre to war. (:t appears the ene!' has a out fi#e thousand troops going against our twent'7fi#e thousand. The troops see! prett' e+$ited here.* ?ith a sar$asti$ tone. an elderl' @night na!ed Massas Codant sat ne+t to Tigre. "e was a friend of Tigre2s father and often a$ted as a enefa$tor. (:s it true this is "is "ighness. the ;rin$e2s first attle1* ?hile !o#ing forward side7 '7side on horse a$&. Tigre as&ed Massas. (:2! =uite $ertain. :t2s well &nown "is Majest' dotes on his son.* Massas. his sto$&' od' wrapped in iron ar!or. stro&ed his gra' eard with a gru!p' fa$e. (Man' parents are relu$tant to allow their $hildren to $o!e out for the up$o!ing war. and it is $ertainl' different when it2s for a serious affair whi$h !a' ris& the fate of the nation. :n that sense. the @ing is sending out ;rin$e Cegnas to his first attle for a de$oration... : suppose it will e a good e+perien$e for hi!.* "e pro a l' wanted his elo#ed son to e de$orated in his first attle. The @ing sent the @nights under his dire$t $ontrol as well as the troops elonging to the no les ruling the territories near )inant ;lains to attle. This in$luded s!all aristo$rats su$h as Tigre and Massas.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


On$e all the ar!ies joined together. the' nu! ered !ore than twent'7fi#e thousand. Massas led just under three hundred soldiers. 8!ongst the!. onl' fift' were $a#alr'. Though it !a' e inappropriate to sa'. that a!ount would e $o!pletel' uried within the twent'7fi#e thousand. ?hether Tigre was stationed in the rear or not. nothing would $hange. (:t2s nor!al to tr' and outnu! er the ene!' in war. ;rin$e Cegnas will one da' e$o!e @ing. )oing things in su$h a wa' is not wrong of "is Majest'.* Out of $o!fort. the old @night tapped Tigre2s shoulder. Though it !a' not ha#e een his real intention. he had said those words to $on#in$e hi!self as well. (That2s right. ?e s!all7ti!e no les should just sta' =uiet in the rear. 5tepping into attle. earning a distinguished !ilitar' ser#i$e. there are plent' of people who want to get ahead... That2s right. Tigre. ha#e 'ou heard of the Vanadis1* 8s he heard the ter!. Tigre re$alled a ru!or and tilted his head. (The se#en Vanadis of Bh$ted1* (That2s right. The ene!' $o!!ander see!s to e one of the Vanadis. 5he is a 'outh. 16 'ears old who has ne#er een defeated. 5he is &nown for her e+$ellent swords!anship and

is also $alled the F?ind ;rin$ess of the 5il#er DlashG and


F)anseuse of the 5wordG sin$e she spearheads the attle.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


:n Bh$ted @ingdo!. there e+isted se#en Vanadis. The land was di#ided into se#en pro#in$es. ea$h go#erned ' one of the wo!en &nown as a Vanadis E it was diffi$ult to thin& the' were the sa!e age as hi!. Tigre strangel' ad!ired the ene!' ,o!!ander he had not 'et seen. 5he was the sa!e age and had !an' #i$tories to her na!e and was $urrentl' leading a for$e of fi#e thousand. :n -rune @ingdo!. where Tigre was orn. wo!en were not allowed to e @nights. so the no ilit' had no in$enti#e to send their daughters out. /#en in this war. there was not a single fe!ale @night present. That. too. was a sour$e of interest. (?hat is the na!e of this Vanadis1* (:f : re!e! er. it is /leanora Viltaria. and : heard she2s =uite the e+traordinar' eaut'. li&e a jewel that will ne#er fade.* (:s she reall' that eautiful1* (:t2s fine to ad!ire eaut'. ut &eep it in !oderation. Teita will e jealous.* Massas laughed. his gra' eard sha&ing. as Tigre e$a!e angr'. (?h' are 'ou ringing up Teita1 5he2s li&e a little sister777* (5in$e she was little. she2s een the little sister relia l' ta&ing $are of an untid' elder rother.*

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


"earing no retort. he ruffled Tigre2s dull red hair and returned to the stor' at hand. (:f the Vanadis is as great a leader as ru!ors sa'. this attle will e diffi$ult.* (5till. the differen$e in nu! er is =uite large. Ho !atter how !u$h an e+pert she is. it will e diffi$ult for her to win.* Ho !atter the ra#er' or a ilit' of the Vanadis. a fi#e7fold differen$e in troops should e i!possi le to o#erturn. Though Tigre wanted to agree. he $ould not sa' it so easil'. What is it, this unpleasant feeling? "e had a urning sensation around the nape of his ne$&. Tigre had een atta$&ed ' this feeling efore. 8t that ti!e. in the depths of the forest when he was hunting a pa$& of wol#es. he en$ountered a )ragon ' the !ountains. "e also felt it in the !orning when Teita $a!e as nor!al and his groin re!ained unhidden. /ither wa'. nothing e#er went well at those ti!es. ()on2t loo& so glu!.* :t see!s to ha#e appeared on his fa$e. Massas loo&ed at hi! du iousl'. (?ere 'ou thin&ing of so!ething1 0ou2re loo&ing a it a sent7 !inded.* (8 sent7!inded... There are other wa's to put it. 0ou $ould sa' :2! $al! and $olle$ted.*

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


Tigre responded in a dissatisfied !anner. Massas narrowed his e'es and laughed. (0ou2re prett' diffi$ult. : re!e! er two 'ears ago when 'ou su$$eeded 4r32 position.* ("!. did : sa' so!ething1* (-efore the representati#es of the towns and #illages. when as&ed a out the future of 8lsa$e. 'ou said. 2?ell. :2ll !anage.2 That2s what : !eant ' a sent7!inded.* Tigre. una le to respond. shrugged his shoulders. Massas $ontinued to $o!plain. (?hile 4r3 was ali#e. 'ou had a $al!. gentle te!pera!ent% 'ou were opti!isti$. 0ou slept a lot. so : suppose : should praise 'ou for eing so health'. Ceall'. 'our parents were =uite lenient.* (5till. weren2t the' proud of !e1* ?aiting for a rea& in Massas2 words. Tigre finall' retorted. 8$tuall'. he did not parti$ularl' ha#e an' pro le! with 8lsa$e as a whole. "is sa#ings had graduall' in$reased. /#en if he was rather a sent7 !inded around the #illage representati#es. he had done reasona l' well. (/+$ept for hunting da's. $an 'ou get up on 'our own1 That is. without Teita2s help.*

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


(Ho. that2s...* (Dro! what Teita has told !e... 5o!eti!es 'ou just run awa' with 'our ow and arrow and spend two. three da's to hunt in the near ' forests and !ountains.* Tigre2s shoulders shrun& in silen$e. "e $ould not den' that one. (To thin& a gu' li&e 'ou is the Aord. ?ell. : guess : $an see it in 'our fa$e.* Aoo&ing a$& o#er his shoulder. Massas saw a group of soldiers. Though their will to fight was not la$&ing. the' were pla$ed in the rear. 5till. no one !ade an' $o!plaints. (Tigre. it2s 'our jo to ring 'our soldiers a$& ali#e. :t2s 'our jo to thin& how the' fight. :2! not sure what 'ou2re $on$erned a out. ut !a&e sure 'ou perfor! 'our dut'.* (Than& 'ou #er' !u$h.* 5eeing Massas2 $on$ern. Tigre s!iled and than&ed hi!. 8s he said. it would e pointless to thin& of e+traneous things. Though the' were onl' there to !a&e the ;rin$e loo& etter. the' still had gathered. Hothing was e+pe$ted fro! Tigre or Massas as war potentials. /#en so. he too& the ad#i$e to heart.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


8 few da's later. Tigre arri#ed at )inant ;lains. Twent' thousand soldiers stood at the foot of a hill. the re!aining fi#e thousand stood in the rear. atop the hill. surrounding ;rin$e Cegnas. -oth Tigre and Massas were lo$ated in the there. :t was li&el' the attle would end efore the' fought.

-efore dawn. one thousand $a#alr' =uietl' !ar$hed. Their swords and spears were $o#ered with !ud to dull their shine. the horses were $o#ered in plates to hide the!. their horseshoes were $arefull' wrapped in $otton $loth. The' rea$hed a s!all hill near the ene!' without eing noti$ed. :t was onl' a gentle slope efore the' rea$hed where the -rune rearguard was en$a!ped for the night. The onfires $ould e seen dan$ing in the night. (777 Cest and !a&e preparations.* The girl with argent hair standing efore the $a#alr' laughed lightl'. 8fter her words. the soldiers re!o#ed the plates fro! the horses and the $loth fro! the horseshoes. /#entuall'. the s$out. who went ahead alone. returned.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


The ene!' had fallen asleep without ha#ing noti$ed the!. The girl loo&ed a$& at her !en and unsheathed her longsword. 8 faint wind lew along the length of the lade. (The ene!' is fi#e thousand strong and outnu! er us fi#e to one. Though the rearguard. this is where their ,o!!ander2s head=uarters la'. "e is li&el' a attle7hardened elite.* 5till. the girl2s red e'es were filled with a fighting spirit. (: will go. : will win. ?ill 'ou follow !e1* :n silen$e. the soldiers thrust their swords and spears to the s&'. The girl turned toward the ene!' en$a!p!ent and swung her sword forward. (,harge<*

The anner fluttered in the wind. The -la$& )ragon Dlag. the flag of the @ingdo! of Bh$ted. had a -la$& )ragon reathing a la$& fire displa'ed. The wind stirred. The $a#alr' readied their swords and spears. The ar$hers no$&ed their ow. The' all followed the girl up the hill. The guards finall' noti$ed the ru! ling of the earth as the horses in#aded the ase. "owe#er. it was too late. (The ene!'777* The girl. in a single stri&e. too& the soldier2s ne$&. not letting his s$rea! es$ape. 8gainst the s&' whi$h graduall' grew light. one thousand $a#alr'!en led ' the girl in#aded the ene!' $a!p. The -rune 8r!' fell to $haos. dis$arding their weapons and fleeing in a fren3'.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


Though so!e soldiers resisted #aliantl'. the strength was far too different. The strength of the girl wielding a sword and leading the Bh$ted 8r!' was o#erwhel!ing. 5he $ut through those deserting the attle in a single low or &i$&ed the! !er$ilessl' with her steed. Hot on$e did she tou$h a drop of lood. /#er' ti!e the longsword e$a!e en$ased in wind. a $orpse fell to the ground% the od' $ount in$reased. The girl with fluttering sil#er7white hair $lea#ed the ene!' as she ad#an$ed on the ene!' $a!p. the $a#alr' following $lose ehind. -' this point. #i$tor' and defeat had een nearl' de$ided.

"is ears were ringing. There were !an' s$rea!s% it was a da' of judg!ent. The sound of swords and the roar of horseshoes e$hoed in his ear. (... 4wa.* "e awo&e. "e inhaled the lue s&' of dawn spread efore hi!. ;ushing and !o#ing the weights against his od'. Tigre rose.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


The ringing in his ears disappeared onl' to e repla$ed with !oans drowned out ' the sound of wind. The torn anner fluttered slightl'. the sound of grass eing trod upon $ould e heard. 8s the dust settled. the s$ent of lood $rept into his nose. (: !ust ha#e een un$ons$ious...* "e stret$hed his ne$& out a o#e the pile of $orpses and loo&ed a out. The grass was d'ed with lood. se#eral thousand odies la' upon the earth. ,o#ering his !outh with his hand to ease the nausea. he noti$ed his hand was wet and d'ed red. --- Blood...? ;atting his fa$e. he noti$ed no signs of injur'. (5o!eone else2s lood.* Tigre was apparentl' ali#e e$ause he was uried eneath the $orpses. :t is li&el' none of the ene!ies e#en set e'es on hi!. (-atran< Aord Massas<* "e $alled out the na!e of his faithful su ordinate and the elder he trusted. ut re$ei#ed no repl'. "e tried $alling the soldiers under his $o!!and and still was not !et with a rea$tion. (:t would e good if the' es$aped.* 8ll he $ould see were $orpses and ro&en swords and spears. the anner was torn and dis$arded.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


Though he was unsure. shrouded in the earl'7!orning !ist. there were no signs of !otion fro! either friend or foe. "e did not feel anger toward the ene!'. Datigue weighed upon his od'. and a sigh es$aping his !outh. (?hat a terri le attle...* 8l!ost si!ultaneous with the rising dawn. the -rune 8r!' too& a surprise atta$&. Cather than fro! the front. the' were $onfused ' an atta$& fro! the rear. The large. twent'7fi#e thousand strong ar!' $ollapsed. --- The day before yesterday, before darkness fell, our army confirmed the enemy as before us. In other ords, the !hcted army di"ided its forces in t o and attacked the rearguard first. #till, e had been attacked from the front as ell. Tigre felt the a$& of his ne$& go $old. :t was a si!ple plan. e#en a $hild $ould thin& of it. --- $o frightening, the spirit to calmly e%ecute such a plan against an enemy ith fi"e times the strength. )espite ha#ing fewer soldiers. the' di#ided their ar!' e#en further. :f their troops did not !o#e e+$eptionall' well. the' would $ertainl' ha#e an unsatisf'ing defeat. --- $o e"er, it succeeded splendidly.

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The -rune 8r!' $ollapsed $o!pletel'. 5wept awa' ' the wa#e of allies who fled. Tigre $ould not possi l' ta&e $harge and fell fro! his horse. &no$&ed un$ons$ious in the pro$ess. Tigre2s unit was o#erwhel!ed ' his allies. (/#en so...* Tigre re!e! ered. Though onl' for a !o!ent. he saw the sil#er7 white haired girl wielding the longsword as she led the ene!' and &illed one -rune soldier after another. (5o that was the Vanadis...* The Vanadis alwa's leads the troops. "e re$alled Massas2 words. :t was i!proper to si!pl' $all her eautiful. Tigre felt his red hair stir as he was deep in thought. Dortunatel'. his ow dropped near '. ;i$&ing it up. he $he$&ed the tension on the owstring as he was atta$&ed ' an+iet'. (... 5houldn2t e a pro le!.* "e stro&ed his $hest in relief. seeing his owstring still taut.

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"e was still not read'. Dew of the arrows in his =ui#er re!ained as well. Aoo&ing up to the s&'. Tigre $onfir!ed the position of the sun. (?est is that wa'.* The Bh$ted 8r!' arri#ed at the attlefield fro! the east. -rune was to the west. /nduring the pain running through his od'. Tigre slowl' wal&ed west. "is feet stopped as he re$ogni3ed so!ething in his peripheral #ision. 8 @night was running at hi!. randishing a sword. Tigre too& out an arrow and drew his ow. The horse tra!pled and &i$&ed $orpses aside as the @night for$ed his wa' towards Tigre. ?hen the distan$e shran& to thirt' alsin Iappro+i!atel' thirt' !etersJ. the @night 'elled. (5ur#i#or of -rune. : will ha#e 'our ne$&<* Tigre silentl' no$&ed his arrow and loo&ed on as he $asuall' shot. The air was lurred. "e heard the dull sound of the arrow a$$uratel' pier$ing the !an2s throat. "e was surprisingl' =ui$& and $al!. The @night2s od' $ould not rea$t and leaned o#er. falling to the ground.

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The horse. now without a !ount. ga#e a shrill sound. stopped. turned. and ran awa'. (: gi#e up... : guess things aren2t going !' wa'..* "e let out a sigh. ?ondering if there was a horse he $ould easil' get off the attlefield. Tigre resu!ed his wal& and stopped in fewer than ten steps. (8n ene!'1* Three hundred alsin Iappro+i!atel' three hundred !etersJ awa'. he saw a group of soldiers. :f he was found. the' would $at$h hi! =ui$&l'. (... 5e#en people.* Tigre was orn with a good e'e. further te!pered ' hunting. 8 distan$e of three hundred alsin was enough for hi! to distinguish a person2s fa$e. "e #erified the $ontents of his =ui#er. There were four arrows re!aining. Though he was $onfident in his ar$her'. he $ould not $o!e out with a ta$ti$al #i$tor' if it was two7to7one. :f it was no different fro! the !an efore. he $ould onl' e !er$iless. --- It is possible they are allies. ?hile hoping it !ight e so. Tigre o ser#ed the @nights. "e $ould not elie#e whose fa$e he saw.

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(The Vanadis...* ?hen the' re$ei#ed a surprise atta$& the e#ening efore. it was the girl who stood efore the ar!'. Tigre forgot to reathe while ad!iring her. 5he was a 'oung girl his age. her hair of sil#er7white. whi$h rea$hed her waist. shi!!ered in the !orning sunlight. "er right red pupils urned with dignit'. 8n ar! with a deli$a$' !at$hing her age e+tended fro! her od'. :n her hand. she gripped a longsword whi$h strangel' suited her. --- &ord Massas said she held a uni'ue beauty. ?as it e#en ne$essar' to sa' he was right1 :t $ertainl' was uni=ue. or perhaps rare. The !ore he loo&ed. the !ore he agreed. Tigre regained his senses ' sha&ing his head. pushing awa' all idle thoughts. "e stared at the Vanadis with a $al! ga3e. The other @nights !ust ha#e een her guard. Their horses ad#an$ed as if defending her. --- If I take out the (anadis... The ar!' had suffered a disastrous defeat. 5urel' there was a large7s$ale pursuit. as !an' -rune soldiers had run awa'. (... :f she falls. it will e i!possi le for the ene!' to $ontinue their pursuit.*

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The soldiers following Massas and -atran and those fro! 8lsa$e would e !ore li&el' to sur#i#e. 8n urge to fight welled within hi!. ;ower entered the hand grasping his ow. (:2ll gi#e it a tr'.* Tigre pulled out an arrow and no$&ed it. The owstring ent. "e un$ons$iousl' $hanted the na!e of Kod. (Oh /ris. Koddess of 5tor!s...* The $rea&ing of the owstring ti$&led his eardru!. ,urrentl'. on the $ontinent. the !a+i!u! range of a ow is appro+i!atel' two7hundred7fift' alsin Iappro+i!atel' two7 hundred7fift' !etersJ. This was si!pl' a !easure of the distan$e. not to where it $ould fl'. 8i!ing at that distan$e would de$rease the da!age an ene!' would in$ur. so it was ne$essar' to esti!ate to lower distan$es. The Vanadis was still three hundred alsin Iappro+i!atel' three hundred !etersJ awa'. 5till. Tigre shot the arrow. The arrow $ut through the wind and ore deepl' into the head of the horse a near ' @night was !ounted upon.

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The @night was thrown to the ground as the horse toppled o#er. Tigre shot his se$ond arrow. pier$ing the $enter of the forehead of another horse. (Kood.* The path was now $lear with two guards grounded. There was now a gap in whi$h his arrows $ould rea$h the Vanadis with argent hair and red pupils. (How for the real thing.* Tigre rea$hed for his =ui#er. his reath hot and hea#'. :n the re$esses of the !ountain in whi$h the sun did not shine. he

had fa$ed an /arth )ragon at no !ore than fort' $het Iappro+i!atel' four !etersJ. /#en then. he was not so tense. --- )"en if the other *nights try to defend her, ith the dead horses and the fallen soldiers obstructing their mo"ements, it ould take them time. :t was a #er' short a!ount of ti!e. though. "owe#er. it was enough for Tigre. --- #he ill take action in a situation like this. Will she duck do n, or ill she +ump off her horse immediately? :t was i!possi le to !o#e left or right. and a$&ing awa' a few steps would hardl' e a retreat. Dallen !en and horses were efore her. so it would e diffi$ult to ju!p o#er the! without a larger run7up.

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/#en if it was possi le. she would not ha#e ti!e to hide fro! an arrow after landing. Tigre stared at the Vanadis on$e again and was atta$&ed ' a fero$ious $hill. The Vanadis s!iled. 5he was $learl' happ'. (@u<* Tigre $len$hed his teeth. "e was nearl' swallowed ' her. "e re!o#ed the re!aining two arrows. pla$ed one in his !outh. and no$&ed the other. "owe#er. Tigre saw an un elie#a le sight The horse the Vanadis rode gentl' flew through the air. :t ju!ped o#er her fallen su ordinates. :t rea$hed a height of nearl' twent' $het Iappro+i!atel' two !etersJ. :t felt li&e wings grew fro! its a$& to Tigre. :t did not ju!p. it flew. (?hat now...1* Tigre2s entire od' tre! led in fear. "e wondered whether his e'es had gone wrong. 8 horse $ould not possi l' ju!p as high as twent' $het without a run7up while !ounted.

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"owe#er. the Vanadis landed as if nothing happened. The horse egan running straight toward hi!. "e had no ti!e to e afraid. "e s$olded hi!self. :t $ould ha#e een an illusion of so!e sort. Tigre glared at her and fired his third arrow. The arrow rode the wind. $utting through the s&' toward her forehead E it was stru$& down ' a flash of sil#er. (... 5eriousl'1* Tigre $ould hardl' elie#e his e'es. "is !outh was open and $ra!ped. The arrow flew at a high speed fro! !an' hundreds of alsin. and she stru$& it down with a sword. "e thought onl' a hero fro! legends $ould do so!ething li&e that. :t is hardl' so!ething the a#erage person $ould do. "e no$&ed his last arrow. Onl' in his ow did he ha#e a solute $onfiden$e. "is opponent was running toward hi! alone. she was alread' less than three hundred alsin awa'. --- I can't afford to miss. "e ai!ed and shot his final arrow in e+a$tl' the sa!e !anner as efore.

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Meanwhile. the Vanadis rushed forward on her horse without letting go for e#en a !o!ent. 5he ran fier$el' and would arri#e within ten se$onds. (5o this is it.* "is arrows were e+hausted. "e had no other ar!s. :t would e i!possi le to run awa' fro! the horse on foot. ,lut$hing his ow. Tigre stood upright on oth feet with great strength. "is a$tions were ' no !eans unsightl'. The Vanadis stopped her horse efore Tigre. The spra' of lood and fl'ing dust did not tou$h her sil#er7white hair. "er white s&in re!inded hi! of the snow whi$h perpetuall' la' on the !ountains of his ho!etown. 5he displa'ed $lean $ontours. a well7shaped nose. and $har!ing. !oist lips re!inis$ent of the finest s$ulpture. "er right red pupils o#erflowed with energ'% she ga#e an i!pression of not eing !ade of flesh and lood. 5he thrust the tip of her longsword toward Tigre. ()rop 'our ow.* 8fter he relu$tantl' o e'ed. the Vanadis nodded in satisfa$tion and spo&e with a s!ile. (0ou2re s&illed.* Tigre did not i!!ediatel' understand the words dire$ted at hi!.

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--- #he's praising me...? The man ho took aim at her? "is $onfusion surpassed his jo'. (M' na!e is /leanora Viltaria. 0ours1* (... Tigre#ur!ud Vorn.* (8n aristo$rat1 0our title1* :n oth -rune and Bh$ted. onl' those of no ilit' held fa!il' na!es. The people with a fa!il' na!e who did not elong to aristo$ra$' were a s!all e+$eption. ?hen he told her he was an /arl. her s!ile e$a!e in$reasingl' jo'ful. (Ver' well. /arl Vorn.* The longsword was sheathed at her waist. /leanora spo&e rightl'. (0ou elong to !e now.* 5he spo&e words whi$h see!ed to hold little thought. 8t last. her es$ort finall' $aught up. Though the' surrounded Tigre and pointed their swords and spears at hi!. when /leanora wa#ed her hand. the' showed their surprise. (Ai!. ta&e this gu' with 'ou. "e2s !' $apti#e. )on2t treat hi! too roughl'.*

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The @night na!ed Ai!. who had just $aught up. nodded silentl'. -e$ause her hel!et $o#ered her fa$e. Tigre $ould not read her e+pression. (Ket on. =ui$&l'.* Ai! loo&ed down at Tigre and spo&e with a low #oi$e fro! within the hel!et. Tigre $ould feel anger in the #oi$e and soon reali3ed wh'. 9ust a !o!ent ago. she was one of the @nights who fell fro! her horse. --- ,id she borro a horse from another *night? Is she abo"e the other guards? (Ma' : pi$& up !' ow1* Tigre pointed at the ow on the ground. (:t is i!portant to !e.* "e displa'ed his la$& of hostilit' ' showing her his e!pt' =ui#er. Ai! e+tended her hand to hi! fro! atop the horse. (Dine. "owe#er. : will &eep it.* ?hen Tigre passed Ai! the ow and !ounted the horse. his hands !o#ed to her waist. Ai! suddenl' !o#ed her ne$&. the a$& of her hel!et strongl' hitting Tigre2s fa$e. (?hat are 'ou doing1* Tigre suppressed his protest ' pressing against his swollen nose. /leanora laughed with tre! ling shoulders. (Ai!. he2s !' $apti#e. -e a it easier.*

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(... 8s 'ou wish.* Ai! followed orders. despite the dissatisfa$tion $learl' oo3ing fro! her #oi$e. (:f 'ou do an'thing strange. : will sha&e 'ou off i!!ediatel' and ha#e the horse step on 'ou.* Tigre sighed. "e was a it frightened of the aggression in Ai!2s #oi$e and felt unease for his future. Aoo&ing a$& at the @nights. /leanora spo&e triu!phantl'. (Though it was a oring attle. : =uite enjo'ed things as we withdrew.* The -attle of )inant ended as a one7sided #i$tor' for the Bh$ted @ingdo!. The $asualties of the Bh$ted 8r!' nu! ered fewer than one7 hundred while !ore than fi#e thousand fro! -rune had perished. The injured !ore than dou led that. :t goes without sa'ing. the losses suffered ' -rune would e diffi$ult to fill. More so e$ause the heir to the throne. ;rin$e Cegnas. was &illed in attle.

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2 LeitMeritz
I had a dream. It as not a good one. -n a small hill, our forces ere gathered. It as meal time. The fire burned high before the soldiers. . fish as placed in a pot. There is a slight ridge before ,inant /lains, hich plateaued ith no end in sight. There, t enty thousand of Brune's soldiers ere located. I as eating as al ays, fi"e thousand soldiers around me ere en"eloped in the steam of their meal. Tigre and Massas were tal&ing when a nu! er of 'oung !en appeared. (5o 'ou $a!e as well. Vorn.* The !an. Baien Thenardier. spo&e with an openl' !o$&ing tone. The Thenardier house held the title of )u&e. The' were a long distinguished fa!il' in$o!para le to the Vorn household. Man' powerful aristo$rat2s relati#es were e!plo'ed there. and the territor' the' owned was wide. :t is said the soldiers !o ili3ed ' the household $an nu! er in the tens of thousands.

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/#en in this war. whi$h was organi3ed in haste. the' $o!!anded a for$e four thousand strong. Baien was the Thenardier fa!il'2s eldest son and heir to the household. "e was $urrentl' 17 'ears old. "e wore de$orated ar!or and ore a splendid sword at his waist. worth' of his lineage. "e alwa's had an e+pression as if loo&ing down on others. -ehind hi! was an entourage of 'oung !en. Baien was orn to the grand fa!il' of a )u&e. wearing glittering ar!or with an engra#ed $rest. "e loo&ed at Tigre with a grin. Tigre $ould not ignore hi!. :t was una#oida le he should show the !ini!al $ourtes'. (... : a! here to ser#e as "is Majest'2s lo'al su je$t. : rall' to his flag.* (:t2s ad!ira le to sa' that. though :2! not sure how helpful 'ou2ll e.* Baien ridi$uled Tigre. the laughter of the other no les o#erlapping his own. Baien fre=uentl' harassed Tigre in su$h a !anner as their age was si!ilar. (: told 'ou efore. 'our fa!il' has !erel' hunted for four or fi#e generations. : $an hardl' re$ogni3e 'ou as a no le.* "e spat out those words and sto!ped down at Tigre2s ow la'ing on the ground. Tigre !o#ed in a refle+i#e !anner. pi$&ing up his ow with agile !o#e!ents. re!inis$ent of a east2s.

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(4wa<* "a#ing lost alan$e. Baien and the people near ' fell o#er. (?hat are 'ou doing to Baien7sa!a. 'ou<* This enraged his entourage. who egan to 'ell at Tigre. (: was prote$ting !' ow<* (-ow1 The ow is a weapon of a $oward<* (That2s right. 0ou should just rea& that e! arrassing thing. 0ou should e on the front lines with a sword<* (5o!eone li&e 'ou. :2! sure the Kod of ?ar. Trigraf. would ne#er gi#e 'ou his lessings<* The other people spo&e in agree!ent. Tigre grit his teeth. :n this pla$e. in -rune @ingdo!. their $o!plaints were appropriate. (The ow is the ar! of a $oward who does not ha#e the $ourage to e+pose his od' efore a na&ed lade.* 5u$h ideolog' was deep rooted in the -rune 8r!'. whi$h !ade little use of the ow. The a$hie#e!ent of those seen as e+$ellent ar$hers are $onsidered after others. or perhaps ne#er a su je$t of e#aluation. (The ar$hers. drafted hunters. and far!ers who do not own land ha#e $o!!itted a serious $ri!e as warriors. 0ou should $hoose a sword or a spear. not a weapon those inferior people would use.*

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)ue to su$h a standard. those who used ows. e#en as soldiers. were a used li&e $ri!inals or !ade fun of for the s&ill the' had $hosen. Though Tigre2s an$estor perfor!ed distinguished !ilitar' ser#i$es and was presented with territor' for hunting and the title of /arl. Massas told hi!. (a hunter does not gather praise.* (,al! down. e#er'one.* Baien stood up with help and $ontrolled his followers. Though relu$tant to. he stopped la!ing Tigre The $loud of dust on Baien2s od' was unnaturall' rushed off. Baien $rossed his ar!s and laughed at Tigre in s$orn. (The reason 'ou sti$& to ow is e$ause 'ou $an2t handle a sword or spear. right1 8t least. if 'ou head to the attlefield with a ow. 'ou $an pretend to e a soldier.* Tigre re!ained silent. :t was true he was poor with the sword and spear. :f he o je$ted here and too& up a sword or spear. Baien would si!pl' laugh again. This had happened on$e efore. Baien2s taunt $ontinued. (To egin with. 'ou are an /arl of the @ingdo! of -rune and 'ou $an2t use a sword or a spear. :sn2t it sha!eful to head to the attlefield without wearing ar!or1 Aoo&. Aoo& at his sha ' appearan$e. "e has a leather gauntlet. leather ar!or. and e#en leather grea#es. 8t !ost. his !antle is de$ent. "is finan$ial $ondition !ust e downright patheti$.*

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(777 Aord Baien.* Massas. who had re!ained silent until then. spo&e sullenl'. (0our words are elo=uentl' spo&en. howe#er. if 'ou sa' so !u$h. surel' 'ou will e$o!e thirst'...* "e $ontinued while pointing in a $ertain dire$tion. (?h' not ration out the wine and $ure that thirst.* 4sing a polite and hu! le tone. Massas2 attitude put pressure on the other side. The dignit' of this old @night. who had just turned 55. !ade Baien swallow. Baien grunted and stepped a$& in#oluntaril'. right into a pile of dung. "e then turned around. (Aet2s go. e#er'one.* ?at$hing Baien and the others wal& awa'. Tigre than&ed Massas after $he$&ing his ow2s $ondition. (Than& 'ou. 0ou sa#ed !e.* (Ho. no. :2! sorr' : $ouldn2t sa' an'thing earlier.*

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Dro! Baien2s perspe$ti#e. Massas2 s!all aristo$ra$' was no different fro! Tigre2s. Cegarding the ti!ing. their fa!ilies e+isted for a si!ilar a!ount of ti!e. "e would si!pl' snort with laughter. ?hile returning to stir the pan. Massas loo&ed a out the area $asuall'. ?hether soldiers or aristo$rat. all were $on$entrated on their pots. polishing their ar!or. or a!using the!sel#es with $hatter. There was nothing unnatural to e seen. The' were afraid of Baien and a#oided relations with Tigre. (: &now 'ou $an handle the sword and spear. ut it is not a proof of $ourage.* Massas spo&e in iron'. Tigre !o#ed $loser on the log. "e listened to the $on#ersation of the near ' aristo$rats. (-' the wa'. did 'ou hear a out )u&e Kanelon1* (8re 'ou tal&ing a out hi! in$reasing ta+es on the prete+t of preparing for war1* (That2s right. :f there is a 'oung girl in a house not pa'ing ta+es. she is &idnapped. and the house set on fire as punish!ent.* (:t2s a it en#ia le. ha#ing the authorit' to pla$e a te!porar' ta+.*

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"e felt a righteous indignation. The aristo$rat $o!plained. )u&e Kanelon and Thenardier were the !ost influential no les of -rune @ingdo!. There were also !an' powerful aristo$rats a!ongst his relati#es. "is power was not so!ething the @ing $ould disregard. Cegarding territor'. -rune no les were re$ogni3ed and allowed to go#ern a territor'. ut for $ertain pri#ileges. su$h as setting ta+es. the per!ission of the @ing was ne$essar'. Kanelon i!posed it. $ausing an outrage to rea& out fro! the people within his territor'. ut the @ing see!ed to tolerate it. (Dor a stor' li&e that. 5ir Thenardier will not e eaten easil'. "e has ta&en an oath for as long as the war $ontinues that not a single drop of al$ohol $an e sold.* (: see. -ut it2s not hard to !a&e it. ?hat happens to those found !a&ing al$ohol1* (Kanelon too& to &idnapping the fa!il'2s daughters. 8s for this. a sword is gi#en to hus and and wife or the father and son and the' are !ade to &ill ea$h other. : hear the' et on who wins.* Tigre $len$hed his fist. hearing the $on#ersation. Massas pla$ed a wrin&led hand on Tigre2s &nee as he was a out to stand up.

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(,al! down.* (?hat. how $an : possi l' re!ain $al!1* (Though it !a' e harsh of !e to sa' this. nothing $an e done. e#en if 'ou sa' so!ething.* "e was right. Tigre sat a$& down. oiling with anger. "e wished to shout his feelings. ut he desperatel' grit his teeth and held his silen$e. "e was angr' e$ause Kanelon and Thenardier did not regard the people within their do!inion to e hu!an. The' did not hesitate in their $ruelt'. "e was angr' at the $ontent of the $on#ersation and the !en who spo&e proudl' of su$h things. Dinall'. he was angr' at his helplessness. as he &new he $ould do nothing. (The stor' just now. is it true1* (Though it is a ru!or... there ha#e een !an' si!ilar ru!ors. 5till. the people in =uestion ha#e not denied it. The' do not appear that often. so we ha#e no wa' of &nowing.* :t $ould not e helped. Tigre hardl' left his territor'. the land of 8lsa$e. "e had no desire to rise in the world. nor did he ha#e an' a! ition. "e was not interested in his status as an aristo$rat. Baien. as well. was the onl' son of a large aristo$rat. and the onl' one he !et fa$e to fa$e. ("is Majest'. he is tolerant of su$h eha#ior...1*

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Dearfull'. he as&ed. "e did not want to elie#e it. (,ertainl'. "is Majest' has said nothing to the! at the present.* Massas2 sto$&' od' tre! led as he shoo& his head gru!pil'. (: elie#e "is Majest' !a' not &now... :t is $ertainl' possi le for oth "is "ighness. ;rin$e Cegnas. and our @ing to not &now.* Massas2 e'es $lung to the slender hope. 5uddenl'. he loo&ed up and saw Tigre. ?ithout thin&ing. he rea$hed up and thrust his finger into Tigre2s !outh. (Due...1* :t was too a rupt. Ho words $ould $o!e out. Durther!ore. the fingers were $old and tasted li&e iron.

"e awo&e. a di! $eiling in Tigre2s #iew. (777 5o 'ou wo&e up with this gu'.* Tigre heard a #oi$e whi$h la$&ed intonation and felt so!ething withdraw fro! his !outh.

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"olding a sword in her hand was a wo!an with golden hair who! he had ne#er seen efore. (... ?here should : start.* (-' the wa'. this is !' first ti!e wa&ing a person in su$h a wa'.* 5he returned a ga3e and frost' words. Tigre was at a loss and tried greeting her for the ti!e eing. (... Kood !orning.* (:t is one &o&u Itwo hoursJ through the da'.* Tigre set up and loo&ed at the wo!an while s$rat$hing his head. 5he wore a s&irt and short7slee#ed shirt. 5he had long glo#es whi$h rea$hed to her el ows and oots up to her &nees. 8t her waist was her sheathed sword. 5he was possi l' taller than Tigre. and see!ed to e two or three 'ears older. 5he was un!ista&a l' a eautiful wo!an. ut her s$ar$e e+pressions ga#e her fa$e a hard loo&. lea#ing her with an unso$ia le i!pression. There were three parti$ularl' e'e7$at$hing features. Tied on the left side of her head was long. golden hair. "er a3ure e'es were as $old as !ar le. 8nd though she was tall and well alan$ed. she had a!ple oso!s whi$h did not !at$h her slender uild.

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Tigre inad#ertentl' stared at the two swellings whi$h ulged fro! eneath her $lothes. The wo!an flashed her sword and threw an un&ind re!ar&. (777 :f 'ou don2t wa&e up properl'. : will s&ewer 'ou.* (... :2! sorr'.* -lushing. Tigre apologi3ed properl'. "e loo&ed a out the roo!. :t was s!all. $ontaining onl' the ed he slept on. 5unlight shined through the window. rightl' lighting the roo!. The stone floor was are. and the onl' door led to the hallwa'. "is ow leaned against the wall. (Ceall'. e#en with the soldiers shouting for 'our death. e#en though 'ou are a prisoner... "ow $an 'ou sleep so well.* (:t2s one of !' spe$ial s&ills.* (: suggest 'ou hold a$& a little. 0ou la$& tension.* 8nger was !i+ed into her $old #oi$e. Tigre loo&ed at her in e! arrass!ent. (8! : reall' that ad1* (To the e+tent that : re$all !' !urderous intent.* The wo!an turned a out as she threw an answer to Tigre. pushing the door open in the !eanwhile.

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(/leanora7sa!a has $alled for 'ou. ;lease follow !e.* Tigre put on his leather shoes and =ui$&l' followed after her. (:t2s ni$e to !eet 'ou. : a! 777* (This is not our first !eeting. /arl Tigre#ur!ud Vorn.* 5he answered without turning around. her #oi$e $learl' reje$ting hi!. (M' na!e is Ai!lisha. :t is not ne$essar' to re!e! er it.* AeitMerit3 was a prin$ipalit' lo$ated in the @ingdo! of Bh$ted. under /leanora2s rule. /leanora2s troops arri#ed at the $apital 'esterda'. :t had een ten da's sin$e the' departed fro! )inant. 8fter gi#ing a word of than&s to the soldiers. /leanora left the !en to her adjutant. Ai!lisha. and returned to the @ing2s $apital with se#eral !en. :t was ne$essar' to report her #i$tor' to the @ing. )uring the return to the pu li$ $apital. Tigre as&ed the guards a few ti!es. and ea$h ti!e the response was the sa!e. (?e ha#e no need to respond to a prisoner of our Vanadis7sa!a.*

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/#en if he as&ed to !eet /leanora. it would not e possi le for the! to a$$ept. Cegardless. there was no !ethod sin$e she departed for the &ingdo!2s $apital to !eet the @ing. 5in$e he had no other options. Tigre re!ained =uietl' o edient. (... Kuess :2ll just go with the flow.* Tigre !ade that de$ision and loo&ed at the s&' until late at night. )uring the da'. he do3ed off on the horse. Dollowing Ai!lisha. Tigre wal&ed down the passage of the household. (?hat are 'ou loo&ing a out so restlessl' for1* Ai!lisha ga3ed a$& at hi! in a!a3e!ent as Tigre loo&ed a out li&e a $hild. (0es. : just thought it is a splendid uilding.* (0ou are an /arl. an aristo$rat.* (: a! a poor no le. There is no point $o!paring !' s!all !ansion to this one.* "e responded without an' sha!e. Tigre loo&ed a out. ad!iring the $eiling and floor. 4ntil now. Tigre had ne#er left -rune @ingdo!. and now he was in the pro#in$e2s :!perial ;ala$e. The !osai$s whi$h de$orated the floor were new to hi!.

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The side fa$ing the $ourt'ard was athed in a $olu!n of soft sunlight. :n the #ast area. soldiers were wor&ing hard. training. :t was #i rant. (:t2s a good at!osphere.* (That is e$ause this is /leanora7sa!a2s offi$ial pala$e.* Ai!lisha answered as if it were natural. 5oldiers patrolled the $orridors. what he assu!ed were !aids and $ha! erlains strolled a out. li&el' perfor!ing their jo . Tigre thought a out the girl who was li&e a 'ounger sister house7 sitting his !ansion in his a sen$e. --- Teita must be orried. ?hen he saw her off. he did not e+pe$t su$h a thing to happen. --- Batran, and e"eryone else as ell, I hope you made it back safely. :n his $hest. there was i!patien$e. "e wished to return to 8lsa$e as =ui$&l' as possi le. "owe#er. a prisoner who es$apes is punisha le ' death. so he $ould onl' re!ain =uiet. The' finall' left the pala$e.

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"e wal&ed for a while efore Ai!lisha stopped her feet. (... ?e are here.* "e was rought to a training ground near the ra!part. /leanora stood with three ar!ed soldiers a!ongst the fort'. 5he was $lothed in shades of lue with her longsword in its argent sheathe at her waist. (:f 'ou !a&e an' strange !o#e!ents... Ho. please do so. :t would sa#e =uite a it of ti!e and effort.* Ai!lisha spo&e as she let the sound of her sword es$ape its sheathe at her waist. Though there was an o #ious hostilit'. Tigre si!pl' ignored it. --- It can't be helped. I'm a prisoner no 0 e ere enemies +ust ten days ago. ("!. 'ou $a!e.* /leanora noti$ed Tigre and wal&ed up to hi! $heerfull'. 5he s!iled to Tigre first. then Ai!lisha. (0ou2#e wor&ed hard. 5till. it too& 'ou =uite so!e ti!e to $o!e here.* (: apologi3e. "e did not wa&e up so easil'.* (0ou didn2t wa&e up1*

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/leanora loo&ed dou tful hearing the stor' of hi! wa&ing up onl' when he had a sword in his !outh. "er shoulders tre! led as she held a$& her laughter. (/#en as a $apti#e. 'ou slept so deepl'.* ("e is si!pl' dull.* 8t last. /leanora laughed and turned to Tigre. (Tigre#ur!ud Vorn. it2s =uite a long na!e for a person of -rune. )oes it ha#e an origin1* (: re$ei#ed an an$estral na!e. :f 'ou find it diffi$ult. 'ou !a' $all !e Tigre.* Tigre $ited the phrase he was a$$usto!ed to. "e felt odd eing $alled /arl Tigre#ur!ud Vorn. /leanora2s fa$e suddenl' shined. The dignit' as a Vanadis the soldiers &new was gone% she held the e+pression appropriate of a girl her age. (:n that $ase. /llen is fine as well. : would prefer it if 'ou use that na!e.* Tigre stared at her in#oluntaril'. 5he spo&e in an inti!ate !anner with a prisoner. 5a'ing it poorl'. she was eing o#er7fa!iliar. (/leanora7sa!a.* Though Ai!lisha reproa$hed her. she showed no sign of fear.

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("e2s !' prisoner. This !u$h is fine. Ai!.* (Ai!1* "earing the na!e. Tigre loo&ed at Ai!lisha in surprise. (:2ll tell 'ou now. 5he is one of !' es$orts whose horse 'ou shot down. and she was the girl who too& 'ou here fro! )inant.* ,ertainl'. her ph'si=ue !at$hed. Though pu33led as to how he should rea$t. Tigre than&ed her honestl'. (Though it !a' e strange of !e to sa' this. than& 'ou for ringing !e here safel'.* Tigre had heard stories of prisoners eing !o$&ed and assaulted or &illed ' torture in a $on#o'. 5o!e died without ha#ing a single !eal. "owe#er. on the wa' a$& fro! )inant. Tigre was ne#er a used. "e was e#en gi#en proper food. Though it !a' ha#e een e$ause he was /llen2s $apti#e. Ai!lisha E that is. Ai!. was the one who properl' !anaged hi!. 5he did not respond to Tigre. ?hat had to e done was done. "owe#er. Ai! hid her anger as she was than&ed ' ignoring Tigre and fa$ing /llen.

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(/leanora7sa!a. there is still wor& to e done toda'. 0ou should finish 'our tri#ial errands earl'. $orre$t1* (: &now. : &now.* /llen s!iled itterl' and wa#ed. 5he fa$ed Tigre and s!iled deli eratel'. (: would li&e to $larif' things first. Tigre... no. Aord Vorn. 8s per the treat' etween our $ountries. 'ou will e treated as a prisoner of war. :f. in fift' da's ti!e. the de!anded ranso! has not een deli#ered ' the @ingdo! of -rune. that is. if a ranso! has not een paid to !e. 'ou will for!all' e$o!e !ine as per the agree!ent. ?hat inds this $ontra$t is the na!e and honor of the Kod. Cadegast. :s this a$$epta le1* Though hardl' suita le. Tigre nodded relu$tantl'. :t was a $ontra$t held etween e#er' $ountr' on the treat!ent of prisoners of war. :t was !ade to a#oid a use. hu!iliation. and. fran&l'. !urder. :t was a rule whi$h allowed for negotiations etween $ountries to ad#an$e effi$ientl'. (?ell. 'ou !ight e a it worried a out the ranso!. though.* Tigre heard the nu! er $o!e fro! /llen2s !outh and stood rooted to the spot with his !outh agape.

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:t was a nu! er $lose to the total ta+ re#enue raised ' 8lsa$e in three 'ears ti!e. "e felt di33' fro! the i!pa$t. (... :s it i!possi le to redu$e the a!ount1* (Ho.* 8 flat response. --- Well, there's no reason for her to. :n !an' $ases. the goal of ta&ing an ene!' $apti#e was to retrie#e a ranso!. :t was unli&el' she would de$rease it so easil'. (0ou will li#e here in the :!perial ;ala$e. Heedless to sa'. an' atte!pt to es$ape will lead to the death penalt'.* "e was li&e a fish d'ing out of water. Tigre desperatel' sear$hed his !e!or' for the sa#ings within his territor'. :t a!ounted to appro+i!atel' one 'ear2s worth of ta+ re#enue. so it was hardl' enough. --- If I can speak to Teita or Batran, or perhaps #ir Massas, ho is more idely kno n, they may be able to raise the money. The preparations for the ranso! were. si!pl' put. hopeless. "e felt a pain etween his e'es as he thought a out his gloo!' future. "e nearl' fainted. ut efore it happened. Tigre so!ehow !anaged to gather strength in his legs.

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5upporting his od' and li! s with all the strength he $ould !uster. he loo&ed a$& at /llen. --- I must return to .lsace. I as born and raised there. It is an important land I inherited from my father. I'm orried about the soldiers' safety as ell. I'm certain my people are orried. .bo"e all, I promised Teita I ould return. I ish to ans er their desires. (5o... ?hat usiness do 'ou ha#e to $all !e to su$h a pla$e1* Tigre spo&e with i!pudent words and a tone to !at$h. /llen2s $ri!son e'es s!iled happil' as she loo&ed at hi! with ad!iration. (Of $ourse. that is not all : $alled 'ou here for.* /llen pointed to a training ow sitting along the wall. (5hoot an arrow fro! here and hit that.* (:s that it1* Tigre. who was on the defensi#e. felt it was rather anti7$li!a$ti$. The distan$e to the target was three hundred alsin Iappro+i!atel' three hundred !etersJ. /#en for those s&illed with the ow. the distan$e would see! a jo&e.

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8lthough it was diffi$ult to shoot an arrow that far. it was nothing !ore than anno'ing to hit a target as well. "owe#er. the distan$e was not a ig deal for Tigre. Though he did not &now what she was plotting. he de$ided to do it =ui$&l'. One of the soldiers rought a ow and four arrows. The !an had deli$ate features and eautiful. shin' la$& hair down to his shoulders. Tigre re$ei#ed the ow and arrow fro! hi!. "is e'e rows !o#ed slightl'. (?hat a terri le ow...* The !aterial was hardl' suita le. and the $ondition of the grip was poor. The stringing. too. was poorl' done. There was also so!e warping. :t was $lear what his intention was. /llen glan$ed at hi! at a distan$e li&e a $hild. filled with e+pe$tation. Is she not in"ol"ed? If that's the case, it's unlikely this is a standard bo for the !hcted .rmy. "e was unsure if she &new of this. 8n unpleasant thought $rossed his !ind. Thin&ing a$&. the ows in -rune were not that good. either.

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--- It can't be an issue of the maker's ability... In the first place, there is no such profession as a bo craftsman. Tigre2s ow was !ade ' his father when he was s!all. The $hoi$e of !aterials. as well. was ta&en fro! &nowledge and te$hnolog' of other $ountries. su$h as Bh$ted. The a$$ura$' of his arrow was not due to just Tigre2s s&ill ut the =ualit' of the tool as well. ?hile pretending to $he$& the $ondition of the ow. he loo&ed at the soldier who passed hi! the ow in his peripheral #ision and saw se#eral soldiers grinning. (5u$h a pett' tri$&.* -e$ause he was angr'. a !ur!ur lea&ed fro! his !outh. (?hat is it1* Ai!. who stood near '. loo&ed at hi! du iousl'. 8pparentl' she had not heard his words. 5till. $o!plaining a out the =ualit' of the ow as a prisoner of war was $u! erso!e. (: wish to $onfir! so!ething. :t is not ne$essar' for !e to hit the target with all four arrows. onl' one. $orre$t1* (That is a rather ti!id re!ar& for a person who &illed !' horse with one arrow.* Though she thought Tigre was eing sar$asti$. she re!ained e+pressionless. There was no sign of !ali$e. :t see!s she had not noti$ed the ow was inferior.

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(:f 'our ph'si$al $ondition is poor. : $an tell /leanora7sa!a to hold this another da'.* (Ho. : will do it.* "e answered with a strong tone. Tigre set the ow in his hand. ("owe#er. please allow !e to hit the target with onl' one arrow. : a! not as $onfident with an unfa!iliar ow.* Ai! owed in assent and i!!ediatel' wal&ed to /llen. 8fter spea&ing a few words. /llen loo&ed at hi! de#oid of an' dissatisfa$tion. as if sa'ing (;lease egin.* Tigre no$&ed the first arrow and released it. :t stalled efore it rea$hed the target. falling to the ground less than two hundred alsin awa'. Aaughter and sneers were heard a!ongst the soldiers. "e did not !ind it and released the ne+t arrow. The hu! of the arrow sounded as it flew in an ar$. :t hit the $astle wall. far fro! the target. The soldiers laughed loudl'. 5o!e shoo& their shoulders. others loo&ed at hi! in pit' or $onte!pt. Man' ga3es pier$ed Tigre. (8re 'ou doing this seriousl'1*

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Ai!. spea&ing with an irritated #oi$e. loo&ed to /llen. /llen loo&ed trou led. Though she was tr'ing to properl' sol#e a pro le!. she loo&ed at hi! as if she were s$olded ' a tea$her. (:2ll do it.* Tigre eagerl' replied and no$&ed the third arrow. ("e'. are 'ou still $ontinuing1 0ou2re reall' willing to !a&e a spe$ta$le of 'ourself. still1* (Ma' e 'ou2d li&e a repla$e!ent. Though he $an rea$h the target. he $an2t e#en shoot straight.* (Vanadis7sa!a. did 'ou reall' !a&e a !an li&e this 'our $apti#e1* (This is =uite a splendid show. : wonder if so!ething new will e shown to!orrow.* Though the soldiers deli eratel' spo&e ill. Tigre was not othered. "e was a$$usto!ed to su$h a use. "e had re$ei#ed !ental a use in$o!para le to this !an' ti!es. "e too& a deep reath and loo&ed at the s&' for a $hange of pa$e. !o#ing his ne$& around. :n Tigre2s #ision was a la$& shadow. --- What is that? "is ne$& stopped !o#ing and he loo&ed $losel'.

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:n an instant. he understood the identit' of the shadow. ,hills ran down Tigre2s spine as he s$rea!ed at /llen. (Ket down<* --- .n arbalest...1 :t was different fro! the ow Tigre used. :t was a !e$hani$al ow% the owstring was pulled ' a win$h and shot with a trigger. :t was diffi$ult to !aintain and prone to failure. ut it $ould rea$h three7hundred7fift' alsin Iappro+i!atel' three7hundred7fift' !etersJ at !a+i!u! and easil' pass through shields and ar!or with enough for$e for the olt to $o!e out the other side. The la$& shadow on the ra!part held one. 8 thi$& olt was released fro! the ar alest. The roar of air sped straight toward /llen. 5he had no ti!e to a#oid it. "owe#er. /llen did not pani$. nor did she !o#e fro! her spot. (777 8rifal<* Muttering those words li&e a spell. the sword at her waist ga#e off a spar&. $utting the at!osphere and s$attering parti$les of sil#er. :n a !o!ent. the air rapidl' swelled. li&e an e+plosion. 8 stor! raged a out her.

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"er long hair of sil#er7white dan$ed with the wind. The olt. entwined in the intense stor!. was thrown far off or it. :t passed through the e!pt' spa$e awa' fro! her and fell to the ground wea&l'. --- What +ust happened? Tigre stared in lan& surprise at /llen. :t was not a $oin$iden$e% that was i!possi le. ?hile learning the ow. Tigre learned a out the ar alest. "e was &nowledgea le a out the power of the thi$& olts. 8 wind $ould not $on#enientl' low it out of its or it. (,apture that !an<* Ai! shouted. 8ll the soldiers held a ow. howe#er. far fro! hitting the shadow. the' $ould not e#en rea$h the ra!part. The people with a sword or spear ran to the ra!part. The soldier guarding the wall. in response to the $o!!otion. egan $hasing the shadow. --- This has nothing to do ith me. Tigre !uttered to hi!self. Though he shouted on refle+. he was not /llen2s su ordinate. nor was he a !an of this $it'. ?hile thin&ing that. suddenl'. Tigre re!e! ered his first !eeting with /llen.

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(0ou2re s&illed.* 5he s!iled as she said so. Teita, Batran and his men, my late father, hen as I last praised for my bo arm? (5hould : $apture hi! ali#e1* Ho$&ing the arrow. Tigre as&ed Ai! in a flat tone. (:s this reall' a situation where 'ou $an sa' that...1* Krasping the sword with her hand until it went white. Ai! stared at the shadow on the ra!part in $hagrin. 5he wanted to lead the soldiers. ut $ould not lea#e /llen2s side. The shadow ran =ui$&l' a$ross the wall. On$e he rea$hed the tower. he $ould =ui$&l' es$ape outside. (: understand. :2ll get his foot.* Tigre said those words as he strongl' drew his ow to the li!it. 8fter shooting the pre#ious two arrows. he understood its $ondition perfe$tl'. --- .t this distance, I on't miss. Ai! loo&ed at hi! in dou t. Then her ga3e $hanged to one of surprise.

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The owstring tre! led. The arrow resounded with a sharp u33 as it drew a large ar$. pier$ing the leg of the shadow. The shadow fell on the ra!part and was $aught ' the soldiers who finall' $aught up. (?hat... was that1* One of the soldiers on the ra!part loo&ed down at Tigre. Ho other words would $o!e out. The other soldiers. too. loo&ed at Tigre in a!a3e!ent. (:!possi le. "e shot o#er three hundred alsin Iappro+i!atel' three hundred !etersJ fro! that position to the ra!part...* (Ho. if 'ou thin& a out the height of the tower. it $ould e e#en !ore. Ho wa'.* (: $an2t elie#e it... :s that a hu!an s&ill. or $an all people of -rune do this1* Though the #oi$es showed astonish!ent and sho$&. there was $learl' ad!iration in the! as well. There were those rooted to the spot. others loo&ed to the s&'. and so!e $o#ered their forehead with their hand and re$ited the na!es of the Kods. The !ali$e in the training area no longer re!ained. ("e did so!ething li&e that... with su$h a terri le ow...* The soldiers who passed Tigre the ow were pale with fear.

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(777 0ou got !e.* Tigre shrugged his shoulders. Though he held no e!otions in his $hest an'!ore. he was pu33led. "e noti$ed he was athed in ga3es all at on$e. The fourth arrow re!ained in his hand. Though Ai! had seen it efore. she did not loo& an' differentl' than the other soldiers. ?hen his e'es !et hers. he understood her od' was tense. "e loo&ed a$& at /llen. (:2ll as& 'ou now. ?hat a out the fourth shot1* (:t2s enough with this. :2d rather not lose this.* /llen2s argent hair !o#ed gentl' as she shoo& her head. (0ou did well.* /llen s!iled at Tigre with sin$erit'. her sword still sheathed at her waist. 8 wind lew fro! so!ewhere. ti$&ling Tigre2s hair. --- 2ust no ... Tigre pla$ed his hand in his hair in#oluntaril'. "e thought /llen had so!ehow used her longsword to produ$e the wind.

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3 The Vanadis' Invitation and the Maid's Prayer

Tigre was $alled ' /llen the ne+t !orning. 8fter the e#ents fro! the da' efore. he i!!ediatel' returned to his roo!. ?hile eing guided ' Ai!. Tigre spo&e in e! arrass!ent. his red hair a !ess. (... :t won2t go down.* "e glan$ed a out an+iousl'. The soldiers. $ha! erlains. and !aids who passed ' all loo&ed at hi! oddl'. ?hether it was out of awe or in interest. he $ould not tell. Tigre had ne#er een loo&ed at with su$h e'es. so he was $onfused. (?h' is e#er'one staring at !e1* "e as&ed Ai! when it e$a!e un eara le. 5he twisted her ne$& a little and loo&ed at Tigre with a side glan$e. responding with an aloof tone. (/leanora7sa!a will e+plain.* --- Well, hate"er. I guess I'll find out shortly.

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-efore long. Ai! stopped efore a $ertain door. (/leanora7sa!a. : ha#e rought /arl Vorn.* 5he spo&e as she &no$&ed on the door. 8 response was returned i!!ediatel' as the' heard (/nter.* Ai! pushed open the door and told Tigre to follow her. :t was an offi$e. Though it was a s!all roo!. a regal $arpet was laid on the floor. The $andela ra. the des&. and the $hair were all golden &nit rattan. The windows were large. (;lease wait a !o!ent. : will e finished shortl'.* /llen sat at the des&. her pen running a$ross the do$u!ent. The do$u!ents were piled up li&e a !ountain at the side of the des& and were li&el' alread' pro$essed. Tigre lea&ed a reath of ad!iration seeing the large a!ount. Two flags de$orated the wall ehind her.

One on displa' was the -la$& )ragon Dlag. the s'! ol of Bh$ted @ingdo!. The other was a flag with a sword of sil#er on a la$& a$&ground. This was /llen2s flag. Tigre re!e! ered seeing it on the attlefields of )inant. -eneath the flag. the longsword in its sheathe leaned against the wall. :t was pla$ed in a position so /llen $ould grasp it i!!ediatel'.

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/llen loo&ed down at the do$u!ent and suddenl' frowned. :t see!s she wrote so!ething in$orre$tl'. 5he $ru! led the paper in a all and threw it in the waste as&et in the $orner of the roo! in a #iolent !anner. The all of paper dropped to the floor eside the waste as&et. /llen stared at the paper. perhaps out of anger. or perhaps she was not thin&ing of an'thing at all. Tigre was not sure wh' /llen had su$h an e+pression. 5he loo&ed down at the other papers. her e+pression now hidden. Ai! pi$&ed it up. (;aper is a pre$ious resour$e. ;lease do not waste it.* /llen was s$olded li&e a $hild. 5he returned to her do$u!ents and $o!pleted her wor& =ui$&l'. ()id it ta&e ti!e to wa&e hi! up toda'1* (Ho. he awo&e when : $alled for hi!.* Ai! responded. Tigre di#erted his e'es aw&wardl'. 8$tuall'. he ju!ped out of ed the !o!ent Ai! stood in front of his roo!. --- It as the same feeling... as if confronting a feral creature hile hunting in the mountain or oods at night. I felt signs of a dangerous beast.

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:n other words. Tigre2s instin$t re$ogni3ed her dangerous e+isten$e. Of $ourse. e$ause he $ould not sa' su$h things. he re!ained silent. (8re 'ou now $ons$ious that 'ou are a prisoner of war1* /llen stood up. laughing li&e a $hild. Ta&ing the longsword in her hand. she wal&ed around to the front of the des& and fa$ed Tigre. (: apologi3e for 'esterda'.* 5he lowered her head seriousl'. surprising Tigre. "e loo&ed a$& at Ai! who re!ained silent. :t see!s she was telling hi! it would e fine to turn around. (?hat do 'ou !ean1* (The ow gi#en to 'ou. : did not thin& the' would gi#e 'ou su$h a poor one.* --- &ike I thought, it as badly made. Though Tigre was relie#ed. he was a!a3ed ' the words whi$h followed. (The three !en who did that will ha#e their heads ta&en777* (Ho. wait a !o!ent.* Tigre interrupted /llen2s words in a pani$. (,ertainl'. the' pla'ed a terri le tri$&. ut isn2t that going a it far1*

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(That tri$&... 8ren2t 'ou angr'1* /llen loo&ed at Tigre $uriousl'. (Those three laughed at 'ou efore !an' others and tried to dishonor 'ou. The' will $o!pensate with their deaths.* --- That's o"erdoing it. ,ertainl'. he was angr' at the ti!e. "owe#er. when he loo&ed straight at /llen. Tigre $ould not sa' so. "e would not feel good if the' died for so!ething li&e that. (?ill 'ou allow !e to forgi#e the!1* /llen loo&ed dissatisfied. though she did not refuse. (:f 'ou wish it. : will do so. :t will not happen again.* "er s&irt !o#ed as she turned a$& to the window fra!e and sat on it. /llen held her longsword in her ar!s and $rossed her shapel' legs. "is e'es were attra$ted to her white thighs. Tigre $ons$iousl' loo&ed. "er s&irt $a!e into sight. and a o#e it. her ell'. "e $ould not afford to stare at her $hest E after all. he was a prisoner in ene!' territor'. Tigre loo&ed further up. 8 si!ple fa$e stared at hi!.

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(-' the wa'. wh' did 'ou ha#e !e do su$h a thing 'esterda'1* (That2s right. : ne#er told 'ou... Ai!.* Ai!2s na!e was $alled. "er lue pupils held an unfriendl' e+pression as she relu$tantl' responded. (:n$luding !e. !an' of the soldiers e+pressed frustration that our $o!!anding offi$er and general. /leanora7sa!a. who has not on$e ta&en a prisoner in her !an' $a!paigns. de$ided to hold 'ou $apti#e.* (5o :2! 'our first prisoner of war.* (0es. -e$ause of that. a foolish ru!or went a out the soldiers.* (Cu!or1* (The ru!or was that : fell in lo#e with 'ou at a glan$e.* Tigre went wide7e'ed hearing /llen2s words. (8 lo#e in the attlefield. a lo#e that arose etween ene!ies... :t see!s li&e so!ething out of a dra!a. e#er'one enjo's tal&ing a out su$h things. ?ell. perhaps it wasn2t a !ista&e. :t was not =uite lo#e. ut : was $ertainl' $har!ed.* (0ou were $har!ed... ' !e1* (0our s&ill with the ow. 4nfortunatel'. it was not 'ou.*

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/llen responded with a radiant s!ile. Tigre returned the jo&e with a shrug of his shoulder. (Than& 'ou. :t would e e! arrassing sin$e we had not spo&en.* (,an a wo!an li&e !e not fall in lo#e without spea&ing to 'ou1* (:t re=uires ti!e to see !' !erit.* (Though 'our pe$uliar ha it of sleeping late was noti$ed i!!ediatel'.* Ai! atta$&ed his &nown wea&ness. /llen $ontinued pressing Tigre relentlessl'. (5o. how !an' wo!en ha#e 'ou fallen in lo#e with until now1* Tigre silentl' raised oth hands in surrender. 4nless he was parti$ularl' handso!e or a wealth' no le. he would ha#e no reason to en$ounter a 'oung no le girl. :t was i!possi le for hi!. (:n an' $ase. !an' soldiers ha#e o#errea$ted to the ru!or. ?e hoped to stop it at its sour$e.* /llen turned her ill7natured 'et jo'ful e'es to Ai!. li&e a $at teasing a rat. (: !erel' stated there was a ru!or.* Ai!2s e+pression did not $hange. ut she $aught /llen2s glan$e and responded. (: si!pl' needed to ha#e the asso$iated parties $o!e out. : figured the =ui$&est wa' to shut the! up was to show the! 'our s&ill. :t was !ore effe$ti#e than : anti$ipated.*

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(0ou onl' had to e+plain it to !e when we !et.* (:t2s fine. sin$e the result spo&e for itself. ?as there a need to tell 'ou1 0ou are a prisoner : too& fro! )inant for a ranso!. Of $ourse. it was !' ene#olen$e that &ept 'ou ali#e. though reall'. 'ou entertained !e for a it.* (: entertained 'ou1* Tigre frowned hearing the une+pe$ted words. /llen nodded. her fa$e showing her sin$erit'. (To egin with. that attle was terri le. :t was disappointing and tri#ial.* "er fa$e was full of disappoint!ent. /llen spat those words out% the wind lew her sil#er7white hair softl' fro! the window. (?e had fi#e thousand troops. 0ou had fi#e ti!es that. twent'7 fi#e thousand. -efore entering the attlefield. : used all !' wisdo! to prepare !an' plans. sin$e : thought it would e a diffi$ult attle. 5till. it ended in onl' half a da'.* (:sn2t it good to win that easil'1* (Ai! said the sa!e thing.*

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Tigre noti$ed Ai! half7glaring at /llen. "er glan$e unwillingl' turned awa'. (: also thin& it ne#er hurts to ha#e an eas' win% howe#er. we won with onl' the initial plan. :t was oring.* (The first plan. : see. the surprise pin$er atta$& fro! ehind at dawn.* This was $onfir!ation rather than a =uestion. Though Tigre judged it to e the $ase at the ti!e. he did not see the entire attlefield. 5ure enough. /llen nodded. (: s$outed the area eforehand. The -rune 8r!' was di#ided into the forward and the rear guard. Though the #anguard2s !orale was high. the sa!e $ould not e said of the rear. : attra$ted the forward2s attention with four thousand troops and atta$&ed the rear with the rest. :t was !ore fragile than : e+pe$ted. sin$e : $ould fight after di#iding !' troops. The ;rin$e died as a onus as well.* ("is "ighness died...1* Tigre spo&e up in#oluntaril'. :t was his first ti!e hearing this. (?ere 'ou $lose1* (:!possi le.*

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Tigre shoo& his head after $olle$ting hi!self. (: spo&e to hi! on$e long ago. That was all.* 8s an /arl who li#ed at the edge of the &ingdo!. it was i!possi le for hi! to e$o!e inti!ate with the ;rin$e. Tigre was hardl' sho$&ed. though. "e was not !eant for war. Aoo&ing at things fro! a distan$e. the ;rin$e had alwa's gi#en a deli$ate i!pression. ()o 'ou hold a grudge against !e1* -e$ause her #oi$e was earnest and she loo&ed at Tigre seriousl'. Tigre answered sin$erel'. (:t would e a lie to sa' there were no ill feelings. ut it was a attle. :. too. &illed soldiers of Bh$ted.* "owe#er. he !a' not e a le to !aintain su$h a fir! attitude should he hear of Massas or -atran2s death. --- Though an aristocrat of Brune, I hardly ha"e a strong loyalty to the 3oyal 4amily... (: see.* /llen e+haled slightl' and ga#e an e+pression of relief.

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(Aet2s $ontinue our $on#ersation. ?hen the death of the ;rin$e was spread. the #anguard $ollapsed. The ene!' ran awa'. and we routed the! out. :t was disappointing.* Though he $ould not understand her disappoint!ent. he felt it selfish. 5till. Tigre nodded slightl'. (8t that ti!e. : !et 'ou.* 8 pair of right red e'es ga3ed softl' at Tigre. (: was i!pressed 'ou $ould a$$uratel' shoot an arrow fro! a distan$e of three hundred alsin... :n a situation where all 'our allies were dead or fleeing. 'ou retained 'our will to fight and a$ted without signs of desperation. 0ou a$ted $al!l'. : was surprised 'ou were tr'ing to &ill !e. Ceall'. : li&ed it.* Ai!. hearing those words. ga#e a sigh. (/#en so. please do not rush forward on 'our own.* (?ell. it would ha#e een dangerous if we didn2t approa$h hi!. right1 ?e were lu$&' he onl' had four arrows.* (:t is as 'ou sa'. ut that is not 'our role. /leanora7sa!a.* Ai! $oldl' reje$ted /llen2s protests. The rows of the Vanadis with sil#er7white hair loo&ed trou led as she loo&ed to Tigre for help.

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(:f it was so!eone other than !e. are 'ou $ertain the' would sur#i#e1* --- $er e%pression changes so much. )uring attle. he saw her as a dignified $o!!ander. 4ntil a !o!ent ago. her e+pressions were li&e a $hild. and now she was loo&ing for a $o!panion in her !is$hief. (:s this reall' the situation to sa' that1* (8n arrow shot fro! 'our ow would e fatal. : thin& 'ou $an sa' that.* (:f 'ou2re the one sa'ing that. it sounds sar$asti$.* :f /llen said it. it sounded sar$asti$ to Tigre. :f Tigre said it. it sounded sar$asti$ to Ai!. Ai! e+uded a strong silen$e. Though Tigre appealed to her with a glan$e. he was ignored. Hot understanding wh'. Tigre loo&ed to /llen. (?hen 'ou rushed at !e. what : needed to do did not $hange. : onl' ai!ed at 'ou and shot. /#en if : $ould not !o#e fro! !' position. the arrow should ha#e rea$hed 'ou. That is wh' the result would not $hange. :t was !' defeat.* (0ou o edientl' a$$epted 'our defeat.* (0ou stru$& down an arrow with 'our sword. it was !' first ti!e seeing su$h a thing. : thought onl' heroes of legend $ould do that.* (0our arrow a$$uratel' hit the forehead of Ai!2s horse. : thought 'ou would ai! at !ine as well.*

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Though she thought she would e #i$torious. her attitude was not unfitting. /llen tenderl' stro&ed the sheathe of the sword in her ar!s. (?hen : stru$& down 'our arrow. !' heart was eating #iolentl'. ?hen 'ou shot 'our se$ond arrow. : $ouldn2t help ut ad!ire 'our s&ill in eing a le to a$$uratel' shoot at the sa!e position in su$h a short ti!e% : was i!pressed. :f 'ou had a third arrow. 'ou reall' !a' ha#e hit !e with our distan$e shrin&ing.* /llen too& a deep reath. her throat now dr'. Ai! poured water fro! a pit$her into a $era!i$ $up on the des& and presented it to her. 5he dran& it down in one gulp and turned a$& to Tigre. (: thought it would e regretta le to &ill 'ou. 5in$e it2s not !' ho ' to spend !' ti!e leisurel' tal&ing on the attlefield. : rought 'ou to AeitMerit3 for negotiation.* 5he $rossed her legs. now entirel' off the floor. /llen wore a s!ile. her red e'es loo&ing straight at Tigre. (?ill 'ou ser#e !e1* This ti!e. Tigre loo&ed at /llen2s fa$e in surprise. (: will treat 'ou as an /arl of -rune. 0ou will e gi#en an appropriate salar' and title. Though : $an2t gi#e 'ou territor'. that !a' $hange depending on 'our wor&. 0ou $an also earn a peerage and high7ran&ing title. 4nli&e in -rune. 'our distinguished ser#i$es will not e dis$ri!inated against.*

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*... 8re 'ou serious1* :t was an attra$ti#e proposition. :t was diffi$ult to elie#e. )ue to the tension and e+$ite!ent. his fa$e turned red. "is pal!s were sweat'. his $hest pounded #iolentl'. Though s!all. /llen fir!l' owed her head in assent. (: want 'ou.* Tigre2s fa$e turned e#en !ore red. "e pla'ed with his angs to hide it. There were no signs of a lie in /llen2s words. Dor a lie. it was far too $on#oluted. --- In Brune, I can't e%pect such treatment. :n that $ountr'. there was $onte!pt for the ow. and it was a large o sta$le. :n attles against other $ountries. the aristo$rats who $onsisted of ar$hers had to help. That !u$h was a gi#en. "owe#er. when the war ended. not a single word of appre$iation was gi#en. nor was there a reward.

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(Dar e'ond the rea$h of the ene!'2s swords and spears. 'ou $an shoot an arrow. ,o!pared to the soldiers who fight up $lose. what $an 'ou do1* 8n aristo$rat who organi3ed an ar$her' unit $ould not o#erturn the situation. ?hat !ore $ould Tigre. a !inor aristo$rat. do1 :t was different in this $ountr'. /llen. at least. e#aluated hi! fairl'. Dor an ar$her. it was desira le. (: refuse.* "owe#er. Tigre answered in su$h a !anner. (: a! than&ful for 'our in#itation. : dou t : will e#er re$ei#e su$h an in#itation again. e#en if : li#e another $entur'.* (Then wh' ha#e 'ou refused !' hand1* /llen did not show an' disappoint!ent. she si!pl' as&ed for a reason. (There is a pla$e : !ust prote$t. a pla$e : !ust return to.* Tigre $ontinued with a strong tone. (8lsa$e. :t is a territor' : inherited fro! !' father. :t is far fro! the $enter of the $ountr' and is a!ongst the forests and !ountains. There are onl' four #illages and a s!all town... "owe#er. : $annot throw it aside.* (8lsa$e...1* "earing that word. /llen2s eautiful e'e rows &nit slightl'.

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()oesn2t that territor' order this $ountr'1* (:t is separated ' onl' one !ountain.* Tigre nodded and responded. /llen sat on the window fra!e on$e again. (0our spirit is praiseworth'. ut will 'ou not thin& of the future1* /llen spo&e up. her e+pression thrown off. (0ou are here now. and 'ou $ould lead a good life... howe#er. if the ranso! is not paid ' the deadline. : will sell 'ou to a !er$hant fro! Muo3inel. 8 $old sweat spread on Tigre2s forehead. Muo3inel was the &ingdo! of heat whi$h la' to the southeast of -rune and south of Bh$ted @ingdo!. The peoples2 s&in was dar&. and it was esta lished one hundred 'ears after -rune and Bh$ted. :f a ranso! was not paid. in order to re$ei#e !one'. a prisoner of war was sold to Muo3inel. :t was a ti!e7tested !ethod. (5o 'ou understand. /#en then. are 'ou prepared to li#e a !isera le life1* (:f. if the ranso! is not paid. the de$ision is 'ours.* Though he started strong. Tigre2s #oi$e still tre! led.

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(Oh1 0esterda'. 'ou had the negotiation s&ills to de!and : redu$e the ranso!. 5eeing that. : thought 'ou were prepared. e#en for death. : thought it would e a sha!e to let su$h a ra#e !an die a pitia le death. :2! surprised.* 5ure of her superiorit'. with her ar!s $rossed while gripping her sword. /llen glared at Tigre. "e had diffi$ult' responding. (... : $an hardl' lower !' head superfi$iall' and loo& for a $han$e to run awa'.* Ai!. who refrained fro! intruding. loo&ed on in silen$e. Though Tigre was e+hausted fro! /llen2s atta$&s. the e+pression she had was unusual as she turned to Ai! and lin&ed se#eral ti!es. 8fterward. she silentl' shrugged her shoulder. Ai! loo&ed at /llen =uestioningl' for a !o!ent. ut said nothing. (The usiness fro! efore. ha#e 'ou heard an'thing1* ?hen as&ed. Tigre re$alled !o!entaril'. (0esterda'. who was the !an : shot1* ("e was an assassin after !' life.* Tigre opened his !outh widel' hearing /llen2s $areless answer. (:t2s hardl' unusual. The' appear e#er' !onth. :2#e e$o!e =uite ored of the!.*

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(0ou2re ored with assassins...* Ki#en /llen2s uo'ant attitude. it reall' was a fre=uent o$$urren$e. 5he spo&e of it as if it were an ani!al $all or inse$t !a&ing noise. :t was hu!orous seeing how tense he was 'esterda'. ("owe#er. it was =uite dangerous 'esterda'. : wish to e+press !' gratitude.* (?ho is the !aster!ind1* ("e $o!!itted sui$ide after that. so we don2t &now. /#en though 'ou too& the effort to $apture hi!. that happened. 5orr'.* (:t2s not a ig deal. ut is it o&a' not &nowing1 "is partner. that is.* (5o 'ou2re worried.* 5urprised ' his response. /llen2s right red e'es lin&ed. 8fter that. she s!iled sweetl'. ("ow $ute. 'ou.* (Ho... :t2s so!ething unrelated to !e. ut it2s 'our ene!'...* "e was e! arrassed and i!!ersed in her s!ile. Tigre. in $onfusion. tried to return to the $on#ersation. (/#en if 'ou sa' that. there2s !ore than one or two. The power of the Vanadis is so!ething e+$lusi#e to the @ing. it is a large power. :t2s not li&e : parti$ularl' $aused an'one a grudge.*

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--- Is it courage? 3esolution... It really must be a big deal, then. Tigre ga#e a sound of ad!iration. :f the $on$erned part' said that !u$h. he would not pursue an' further. (:n the end... The assassin2s olt. wh' did it not hit 'ou1* (: wonder wh'1* /llen tilted her head $utel' and pla'ed du! . (0ou should understand just ' loo&ing. Dortunatel'. the wind lew the arrow awa'.* (Then 8rifal. is it so!e spell whi$h $hanges the !o#e!ent of the wind1* "e $learl' heard it. Though Tigre returned /llen2s ga3e. she did not flin$h or show an' sign of worr'. (:f 'ou2re interested. 'ou should in#estigate 'ourself. :2! not so &ind a tea$her that : would tea$h a poor student.* (... 8re 'ou gi#ing !e the freedo! to a$t1* (:t would e trou leso!e if 'ou got si$& fro! sta'ing in 'our roo! all da'. : will per!it 'ou to wal& around in pu li$. so long as 'ou are super#ised. "owe#er. should 'ou approa$h the ra!parts near the :!perial ;ala$e. : will $onsider 'ou to e atte!pting an es$ape. 8n'thing else1* Tigre shoo& his head. :n his situation. onl' a desperate future awaited if he tried to es$ape. ut if he re!ained. he would not e $onfined.

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(: see. Then 'ou !a' return to 'our roo!.*


Tigre left the offi$e and followed Ai!. (8h. are 'ou ta&ing !e to !' roo!1* (Ho. : !ust spea& to /leanora7sa!a. so : shall lea#e it to another person.* Ai! denied his =uestion with an unfriendl' fa$e. (;lease tell !e one thing. ?h' did 'ou not a$$ept /leanora7 sa!a2s $ondition. e#en if onl' in for!1* Ai!2s lue e'es loo&ed at Tigre with a =ui33i$al ga3e. "e answered her =uestion seriousl'. (To do so would !ean etra'ing 8lsa$e. Then : would etra' the Vanadis.* (0ou are a $apti#e. /leanora7sa!a is 'our ene!'. :t would not e a etra'al.* (/#en then. it would e de$eption.*

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Tigre si!pl' shrugged his shoulders. (5he was earnest in her offer. so : $onsidered the proposal honestl'.* (: see.* )ou t disappeared in her lue e'es and was repla$ed ' another e!otion. Ai! $alled the near ' soldier on patrol to a stop and ordered hi! to send Tigre to his roo! efore returning to the offi$e. /llen sat efore the des&. pouring water fro! the pit$her. (Aord Tigre#ur!ud has een seen off.* (Kood wor&.* Ta&ing a sip of water. /llen spo&e words of appre$iation. ?ithout an' introdu$tor' re!ar&s. Ai! as&ed a =uestion. (:s it fine to gi#e hi! the freedo! to !o#e a out1* "er e'e rows showed her dou t. /llen wat$hed the fa$e of her unso$ia le su ordinate. (: restri$ted it to pu li$ pla$es. 8re there an' pro le!s1* (8lsa$e is his territor'. dire$tl' a$ross the !ountains. "e !ight es$ape fro! AeitMerit3.* Ai! did not thin& Tigre would tr' to es$ape.

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--- #till, others may think differently. Dro! his $on#ersation with /llen. Ai! held those thoughts a out Tigre. :f nothing else. she thought he would re!ain =uiet. "owe#er. it is i!possi le to predi$t the future. (,ertainl' it is ordering our lands. ut the distan$e is not so short that he $ould rea$h it within a da' or two. -esides. he does not e#en &now the la' of the land.* (?hen he e$a!e a prisoner. fro! )inant to the :!perial ;ala$e. he loo&ed up at the s&ies e#er' night until he slept... "e was loo&ing at the stars.* (5o he was ga3ing at the stars. did he write a poe!1* /llen laughed as she teased Ai!. 5he understood pre$isel' what Ai! !eant. -' loo&ing at the stars e#er' night.he $ould $onfir! his position. (:f he loo&s at a !ap. he $an easil' find the roads.* (Though 'ou sa' he $ould es$ape so si!pl'. won2t it e trou leso!e1 :t2s not eas' to slip out of the :!perial ;ala$e. and. though he is free to a$t. he is under sur#eillan$e.* (Aet us assu!e he is a le to slip awa' fro! sur#eillan$e. ?hat then1* This entire $it' is surrounded ' walls. :f he !anaged to es$ape. we need onl' $lose the gate i!!ediatel'.*

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(5uppose he ro&e through the gate.* (... /#en if that is the $ase. it would ta&e at least ten da's to wal& to the Vos'es Mountains. 8lso. there is onl' one path a$ross that series of steep !ountains. /#en if he !anaged to !a&e it past the gate. we would si!pl' ha#e to lo$& that path. : $an2t possi l' i!agine hi! eing a le to do an'thing !ore.* Ai! did not a$& down. e#en if she e+plained that far in ad#an$e. 5he $ould not stand aside indifferentl' in this argu!ent. ("owe#er. he is thin&ing of his lands. 0ou $annot assert that he will do nothing re$&less.* (:n other words. 'ou are telling !e to prepare for the worst. :f 'ou are going that far. then : will tell 'ou. : a! prepared to &ill hi!. :s that enough for 'ou1* (Than& 'ou.* /llen leaned toward Ai!. who was owing deepl'. her e'es opened widel'. deep in o ser#ation. (0es1* (Ho. : thought 'ou disli&ed Tigre a lot... 0ou did not ha#e a good first i!pression. : suppose. "owe#er. : don2t feel that !u$h en!it'. :t isn2t as ad an'!ore. : guess.*

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(...* Ai! did not respond. :t was as /llen said. "er insight was $ertainl' surprising. (There is so!ething : wish to $onfir!.* :n order to $hange the $on#ersation. Ai! a#oided answering. (?ere 'ou seriousl' $onsidering !a&ing hi! 'our su ordinate1* (8re 'ou dissatisfied1* (,ertainl'. he is an e+$ellent ar$her. ut the use of a ow is onl' useful when gathered in nu! ers. "ow 'ou $ould use hi! alone. : $ould not e#en guess.* :n a attle. ha#ing a line of ar$hers shower arrows on the ene!' as the ar!ies approa$hed for $lose7=uarters $o! at was nor!al. Though shooting ene!ies fro! a distan$e $ould wor&. the prin$iple weapon in attle fell to short7distan$e ar!s su$h as swords. The ow and arrow was not re$ogni3ed as part of the !ain for$e. (?ould 'ou li&e to hear1* /llen2s fa$e was li&e a $hild that thought of so!ething fun to pla'. 5he e+plained proudl'. (0ou ha#e one thousand soldiers guard hi! ' assaulting the ene!' for$e.* (0es.*

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(?hile the soldiers are holding off the ene!'. he $an shoot and &ill the ene!' Kenerals and ,o!!anders. ?ith the right ti!ing. he withdraws. -' doing this. e#en against tens of thousands of troops. he $ould throw the ene!' into disarra'. 8n ar!' without a ,o!!ander is li&e a herd of sheep without a shepherd. :t would easil' $ollapse with just a little for$e.* "er !outh was loose. as if she had alread' won. (8re 'ou sa'ing that seriousl'1* Though Ai!2s e+pression did not $hange. her #oi$e sounded a!a3ed with a !i+ of $oldness. /llen sighed as she $rossed her ar!s. (:n an' era. inno#ati#e ta$ti$s are things diffi$ult to understand.* (There are also !an' ta$ti$s reje$ted ' our prede$essors e$ause there are fatal flaws.* (... ?ell. : was half jo&ing.* Of $ourse. she was hinting that she was half serious. /llen loo&ed up at Ai! fro! her des&. (M' attle is not one that is alwa's on the attlefield where ar!ies $ollide. There are ti!es where indi#idual strength is ne$essar' as well. Ai!. Tell !e. how far $an 'ou shoot an arrow1* (8t !ost. one7hundred7si+t' alsin. "owe#er. if : wish to infli$t a wound. one hundred alsin is !' li!it.*

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(8nd what of the greatest ar$her in the :!perial ;ala$e1* (That would e Curi$&. "is re$ord is a distan$e of two7hundred7 se#ent' alsin.* Curi$& was the !an who passed the inferior ow to Tigre out of !is$hief. (:n other words. Curi$&2s a ilit' with the ow is inferior to Tigre2s.* ,onfronted with the $old fa$t. Ai! fell silent. :n fa$t. his s&ill was e+perien$ed that da' in )inant. Tigre shot an arrow fro! a long distan$e su$h that Ai! did not noti$e at all. 5he had fallen fro! the horse. ut it was possi le she $ould ha#e died. --- )"en if I had noticed, I ould not be able to knock the arro a ay like )leanora-sama. (The ow is loo&ed down upon in -rune. so : didn2t thin& there would e a !an of su$h $ali er. Ho. perhaps his talent was uried e$ause the' disli&e ar$her'. 5till. : a! serious in wanting to e!plo' Tigre. "e is strong. That #alue should e suffi$ient.* (Aord Tigre#ur!ud is.* (Tigre2s good. right1 "e also said so as well.* (... Aord Tigre#ur!ud is.* Though in a thorn' tone. Ai! responded with a strong tone.

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(;erhaps /leanora7sa!a would li&e 8lsa$e.* (Ma' e : should atta$& 8lsa$e.* Ai! sighed. sin$e her Aord said su$h terri le things so s!oothl'. Durther!ore. it was un$lear if she !eant it. sin$e she was s!iling. (: will loo& after the o' for the ti!e eing. :2d li&e to see Tigre2s rea$tion. sin$e the ranso! won2t ne$essaril' e prepared i!!ediatel'. There2s still ti!e. Aet !e wat$h hi! a it longer.* (... 8s 'ou wish.* 8fter owing. Ai! left the offi$e. /llen pi$&ed up the longsword leaning against the wall. 8s she stro&ed the sheath. a s!all wind lew. as if the sword responded to /llen2s !o#e!ent. (Ao#e at first sight. is it...1 :!possi le.* 5he s!iled itterl' at the thought. ;la$ing the sword against the wall. /llen returned to her wor&.

-e'ond the forest whi$h spread to the west. the sun egan to set. (... Toda'. Tigre7sa!a did not return.*

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5tanding on the se$ond floor al$on' outside Tigre2s roo!. Teita let out a sigh as she loo&ed at the s&' whi$h shined a dar& red. This was 8lsa$e in -rune @ingdo!. :t was Tigre2s ho!e. Teita was left alone to ta&e $are of the house. :t had een !ore than twent' da's. 5in$e she =ui$&l' too& $are of her !eals and the $leaning. she often finished efore noon. There was also a sto$&pile of food. water. and al$ohol. :f Tigre returned. she would pin$h and raise her s&irt i!!ediate. ?ith his roo! $leaned perfe$tl' and a !eal with al$ohol prepared. he $ould rela+ i!!ediatel'. 5he also $onfir!ed the $ontents of the !edi$ine $a inet in $ase he was injured. and she was prepared to oil water i!!ediatel'. "owe#er. Tigre had not returned. ?ith her hand on the edge of the al$on'. wat$hing the sun and the lood7$olored s&'. Teita was atta$&ed ' a se#ere unease. It is possible Tigre-sama is... $e could not ha"e died. $e ill return soon.

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The -rune 8r!' suffered a $rushing defeat at the hands of the Bh$ted 8r!' in )inant. 5in$e then. !an' e#enings had passed. and the news of ;rin$e Cegnas2 death had spread. (:t2s fine. Tigre7sa!a said it would e safe in the rear.* /#en if she tried to persuade herself. her an+iet' did not disappear. -efore long. the sun set. Teita left the house with a lantern in her possession. 5he lo$&ed the doors eforehand. Tigre2s !ansion was in the heart of the town of ,elesta. 8lthough it was $alled a town. it was not !u$h larger than a #illage. -eneath the night s&'. Teita =uietl' wal&ed into the town wrapped in gra'. Teita !o#ed hu! l'. her feet stopping efore a s!all te!ple. ?hen she &no$&ed on the wooden door. a wrin&led old wo!an. whose od' was $o#ered in a shrine !aiden2s gar . appeared. (0ou2#e $o!e. Teita.* (: will e in 'our $are. toda'.* ?hen Teita owed. her $hestnut7 rown twin tails shoo&. The old shrine !aiden s!iled and in#ited Teita inside the te!ple. -uilt out of stone and wood. it was a s!all te!ple. The elder wo!an led Teita to a s!all roo!.

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:n the roo! was a u$&et filled with purified water and a thin. pure. snow7white shrine !aiden2s $lothing. ?hen she $losed the door. Teita too& $are to re!o#e the !aid unifor! she wore. 5he undid her elt and apron and re!o#ed her long7slee#ed $oat and long s&irt. "er pure white od' shined in the di! light of the lantern. Though short for her age. she de#eloped a od' appropriate for a wo!an. "er ar!s and legs. though fir! fro! her e#er' da' life. still retained their fe!inine softness. (...* "er od' shoo& fro! the $old night air !o#ing a out the roo!. 8lthough she had done this e#er' da'. she was still una$$usto!ed to it. Ce!o#ing her undergar!ents. Teita was now the sa!e as the da' she was orn. The onl' thing re!aining were the ri ons in her $hestnut7 rown hair. 5he s=uee3ed water fro! the $loth and $arefull' wiped her od'. ?hen Teita finished. she donned the pure7white shrine !aiden2s $lothes. The old shrine !aiden wore $lothes for e#er' da' purposes. The' were unli&e these adorn!ents !eant for pra'er. the fa ri$ was thin enough to show the $ur#es of her od'. :t was slightl' etter in the su!!er. with the $old air hitting Teita2s od'.

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Teita left the roo!. tightl' e! ra$ing herself. 5he fa$ed the alter in the interior of the te!ple. The alter was a se!i7spheri$al re$ess. Ten statues of the ;antheon of the Kods followed along the $ur#e. (Oh Kods in the "ea#ens.* @neeling efore the altar. Teita held her hands together in worship. "er $orre$t posture showed she $o!pleted her training as a sha!an. (;lease grant Tigre7sa!a 'our lessings and return hi! safel'.* 5in$e Tigre left the house. this pra'er had e$o!e a dail' routine for Teita. Though Teita was a shrine !aiden2s daughter. she disli&ed learning to read and write in the te!ple. and she was not fond of singing h'!ns to the Kods. 5he preferred spending her ti!e with the wo!an wor&ing as a !aid at the Aord2s !ansion. The reason was si!ple. the wo!an had alwa's !ade $and' for Teita. 5he also see!ed fond of perfor!ing her wor&. 5he $oo&ed. $leaned. and sewed. so!ething suited to Teita. Teita wal&ed to the !ansion !an' ti!es to #isit the wo!an. and that is how she !et Tigre.

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8s the onl' other $hild in the !ansion. she and Tigre often tal&ed to ea$h other. Teita $a!e to pla' e#er' da'. -efore she was aware. it was her role to wa&e Tigre. who slept until noon e#er' da' as a $hild. (Tigre7sa!a. : helped auntie a&e sweets. )o 'ou want to eat with !e1* Teita presented a half7$oo&ed. half7s$or$hed $a&e she had a&ed. 8 few da's later. Tigre returned fro! a hunt and presented a gift to her. sa'ing. (These glo#es were !ade fro! the fur of ra its. Than& 'ou. Teita.* ?hene#er Teita2s training as a shrine !aiden was diffi$ult. she $o!plained to Tigre. 5he $ould onl' $o!plain to Tigre. (Tigre. isn2t stud'ing to e the Aord diffi$ult1* (:t2s not hard. : wish to follow after !' father as his onl' son.* Tigre added the last words as a s!all jo&e to her.

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5he repeated her training as a shrine !aiden and wat$hed. and so!eti!es helped. the wo!an wor&. 5he spo&e to her !other when she turned 11. (: don2t want to e a shrine !aiden. : want to wor& as a !aid in the !ansion.* Haturall'. her !other strongl' opposed. Tigre was the one to put in a good word for her. (:sn2t it fine1 :t2s fine if Teita doesn2t fo$us onl' on her shrine !aiden duties.* The words of the Aord2s son $ould not e ignored. 8fter all. &nowledge and !anners were ne$essar' for a shrine !aiden. 8$$ording to the art of pra'er. e#er' tenth da'. the !aiden !ust return to the te!ple and offer pra'er to the shrine. 8$$epting those $onditions. Teita egan wor& as a !aid that su!!er. -efore then. Teita onl' had #ague feelings toward Tigre. )uring that su!!er. those feelings $o!pletel' too& for!. Dinishing her pra'er and $hanging fro! her !aiden2s $lothing. she left the shrine. The golden !oon shined rightl'. shining its light on the $old ground. Though she pra'ed e#er' da'. she was not sure the' were heard ' the Kods. 5till. her an+iet' was relie#ed.

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5he felt etter. (: will return to!orrow.* Teita rushed ho!e as she !ur!ured to herself. 8gainst the night s&'. a la$& silhouette $a!e into #iew. stopping Teita2s feet. 5he $ould see two people efore the fen$e surrounding the residen$e. Teita was war' for a !o!ent. ut ran forward with a jo'ful loo& upon re$ogni3ing their identit'. (-atran7san< Massas7sa!a< ?el$o!e a$&<* Aight shined fro! the ron3e $handelier hanging fro! the $eiling. Teita in#ited the two old !en to the sitting roo!. 5he rought out water while the tea was eing prepared. (Mu. than& 'ou. Teita.* Massas and -atran2s $lothes were worn and $o#ered in !ud and dust. Their gra' hair was stiff and lotted in dr' sweat. The' returned to ,elesta after Teita set out for the te!ple. :t see!s the' !issed ea$h other.

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-atran. fro! the reser#e funds left ' Tigre. paid the soldiers. 5in$e then. the two waited for Teita to return. (5e#en of our soldiers died. and thirt' were injured. Though we were $rushed ' the ene!'. !ost of our !en es$aped.* -atran laughed wea&l'. (0ou don2t need to worr'. ?e ha#e treated the wounded and uried the dead.* Massas said this while loo&ing at -atran. Teita was an+ious. -etween the two. Tigre2s na!e was not !entioned. The' were li&el' easing her into ad news. :n#oluntaril'. she leaned forward. (?hat of Tigre7sa!a1 5urel'...* ("is death... is unli&el'.* Massas. dren$hed in sweat. ga#e an a! iguous answer. (:2! sorr'. Teita.* Tears floated to -atran2s wrin&led fa$e as he owed.

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(The 0oung Aord was $aptured ' the ene!'.* Teita held her apron with oth hands. holding a$& her sho$&. ("e was $aught... ?hat do 'ou !ean1* (: shall e+plain it for 'ou.* 5eeing -atran loo& apologeti$. Massas opened his !outh. "e re$ei#ed a ranso! fro! /leanora. a Vanadis of Bh$ted @ingdo!. 4pon hearing the ranso! a!ount. Teita nearl' fainted again. (/#en if e#er'thing in this !ansion was sold. it is i!possi le to gather that !u$h<* The a!ount was appro+i!atel' three 'ears worth of ta+ re#enue fro! 8lsa$e. There was a reser#e of appro+i!atel' one 'ear. howe#er. it too& the! a long ti!e to sa#e that !u$h. Durther!ore. the' had no ti!e. Ten da's had passed sin$e /leanora2s de!and was deli#ered to -rune @ingdo!. Onl' fort' da's re!ained. (:f we $annot afford the ranso!. what will happen to Tigre7 sa!a1* (... 5o!e prisoners. should the' ha#e so!e s&ill. !ust ser#e the ene!'. Man' e$o!e !arried to a lo$al wo!an and spend their life as a prisoner of war.*

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Most were sold to !er$hants of a foreign $ountr'. Their wherea outs were often lost afterward. The e+a!ple Massas ga#e was a$tuall' =uite a rare o$$urren$e. (That $an2t e<* Teita shouted loudl' and stru$& the ta le. -atran and Massas2 $ups shoo&. (:t $an2t e. Tigre7sa!a won2t e $o!ing a$&< 8nd getting a wife...* (?7?ell. that2s onl' if the ti!e has passed. :t does not ne$essaril' !ean it will happen i!!ediatel'.* 5urprised ' Teita2s threatening attitude. Massas added those words wea&l'. (... : wonder if we $an steal it so!ehow.* -atran spo&e up in a dar& #oi$e. (4!. what of "is Majest'1* ?ithout an' plan. Teita as&ed Massas. (?ill "is Majest' not help Tigre7sa!a1* Massas fell silent with a s$owl. That was his answer. Massas wanted to sa' so!ething. ut he would find it diffi$ult to e honest. There were a $onsidera le nu! er of $asualties a!ongst his soldiers. 8lso. as an aristo$rat of -rune. it was ne$essar' he attend ;rin$e Cegnas2 funeral.

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The hea#' silen$e do!inated the roo!. (... : see.* Teita ro&e the silen$e. (: will go around the towns and #illages to orrow !one'.* The two elder !en loo&ed up. hearing her deter!ined words. (/#en if it is a single sil#er. e#en a $opper $oin. we $an gather a lot. Tigre7sa!a has een the Aord for two 'ears. 5urel' so!e will lend their aid. Massas nodded in assent. (: understand. Then. Teita. -atran. : will also tr' to find so!eone we !a' rel' on.* (Than& 'ou #er' !u$h. Massas7sa!a<* Teita s!iled and owed deepl'. 5he felt she $ould see so!e hope. --- Tigre-sama, I ill surely sa"e you. /lease ait1

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4 The Life of a Pub ic !fficia

:t had een ten da's sin$e Tigre de$lined /llen2s in#itation. "is life as a $apti#e was pea$eful and !onotonous. Dirst of all. he would wa&e up at noon. "e $alled the soldier in $harge of hi! and headed to the &it$hen. The soldier2s na!e was Curi$&. the !an who ga#e hi! a poor ow. Dor so!e reason. though. he had no hair on his head. Though his la$& hair. whi$h went down to his shoulders. suited his natural fa$e and gentle!anl' !anners. his ald head was also i!pressi#e. (Aord Tigre#ur!ud. :n the future. :. Curi$&. will ser#e to !onitor 'ou. ?ell. :2d rather 'ou not ha#e an unpleasant ti!e. so please $all for !e.* "e had a refreshing s!ile and owed. whi$h too& Tigre ' surprise. 8fter hesitating. Tigre de$ided to spea& fran&l'. (4!... 0our hair1*

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(:t was sha#ed.* 8 $urt response. (Vanadis7sa!a ordered : ta&e what : #alued !ost after !' life. Hor!all'. : would e put to death. :t is than&s to Aord Tigre#ur!ud2s ene#olen$e that : still li#e.* --- #o it as because of me. Tigre wanted to apologi3e so!ehow. ut Curi$& suddenl' &neeled down. (8lthough it is late. please e+$use !' sha!eless a$tions and a$$ept !' words of gratitude. 8lso. : was trul' i!pressed with 'our superhu!an s&ills with the ow. : a! =uite $onfident of !' ar$her'. 'et now : feel it i!!ature.* "e spo&e seriousl'. (:. : see. ?ell. :2! in 'our $are.* Though Tigre learned of what happened earlier. he still felt an+ious. Curi$& noti$ed his e+pression and a$ted as if it were not a $u! erso!e tas& at all. "e was une+pe$tedl' friendl'. 8s he rea$hed the &it$hen. lun$h had alread' finished. so Tigre too& the lefto#ers.

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"e was a le to eat i!!ediatel'. The !aids in the &it$hen were willing to !a&e food for hi!. ut Tigre $ould eat i!!ediatel' and he felt etter. sin$e he was not so !indful of the ti!e. (Tigre7san. :2! sorr'. ut $ould 'ou help !e1* O$$asionall'. he was re=uested to help for so!e of the &it$hen tas&s su$h as s&inning ra its. irds. and el&. Tigre too& to the tas&s happil'. (?hat do 'ou need done1* (?e2ll e using /l& tonight.* 8fter guiding hi! to the a$& of the &it$hen. Tigre was handed a &nife. 8 splendid deer la' on the ta le in the $orner. Tigre =ui$&l' and $leanl' dis!antled it. "e peeled the fur. $ut the !eat into e#en $uts. and sorted out the entrails. ?hile Tigre !o#ed !ethodi$all'. not e#en raising an e'e row to the sight or odor. Curi$& loo&ed on in ad!iration at his finesse. (Ho !atter how !an' ti!es : see it. 'ou2re #er' good. "ow !an' ti!es ha#e 'ou done this1* (: suppose :2! a$$usto!ed to it. sin$e : ha#e spent !an' da's li#ing in the !ountains.* 5in$e ringing his ga!e ho!e for storage was not suita le. he often did su$h things on the spot.

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:n fa$t. judging li#esto$&. su$h as $attle and pigs. was so!ething Tigre was poor at. 8lthough he $ould !a&e dire$t $o!parisons. there was still a large differen$e in his s&ill set. ?hen he was finished. Tigre left the &it$hen and was rewarded with $opper $oins. a $a&e. and a fine wine. "e then egan e+ploring the area. "e $ontinued to wal& through the :!perial ;ala$e until Curi$& said. (:t2s for idden to go an' further.* "e !ade sure to re!e! er. ?hen the sun egan to set. the' headed to the training area to pra$ti$e ar$her'. (/#en in the &it$hen. is it reall' good to let a prisoner get a hold of an edged tool so easil'1* ?hile pra$ti$ing with the ow. he as&ed that =uestion. Tigre was $onfused at how easil' he o tained su$h per!ission. (:t hurts !e to sa' this. ut should 'ou ha#e showed an' sign of holding so!eone hostage. : was to $ut 'ou down without !er$'.* Curi$& spo&e with an earnest fa$e. (:2! sure 'ou &now this. ut when handling the $reature. not on$e did 'ou ring the &nife toward another person. :f 'ou atta$& an'one. : will pla$e !'self efore the!.*

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(-ut isn2t that dangerous1* (: a! aware.* Curi$&2s ald head refle$ted in the sun. "e laughed in a refreshing !anner. ("onestl'. e#en with 'our s&ill. 'ou do not !iss training. Ceall'. : a! i!pressed again.* (8h. 'es...* -eing praised in su$h a !anner. Tigre was e! arrassed. :t was diffi$ult for hi! to sa' an'thing !ore. 5o as to not dull his ar$her'. Tigre $ontinued training. 5o!e da'. he wished to win against /llen. Tigre2s defeat in )inant was a $onsidera le sho$&. "e was training with Curi$& and other ar$hers. 5oon. Tigre was in a position to tea$h the others. fro! his posture to how to read' his ai!. e#en to !aterials and !aintenan$e of the ow. (Dor so!eone li&e Aord Tigre#ur!ud. : did not thin& 'ou would put !u$h effort into the ow. ?ith 'our a!a3ing s&ill. 'ou $ould use an inferior ow.* (5till. if 'ou wish for the arrow to fl' etter. it is est to use good !aterials. :2#e ro&en ows and owstrings !'self...*

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(8re e+pensi#e things etter1* (/#en if 'ou use one that is diffi$ult to o tain. doesn2t it $o!e down to how easil' 'ou $an repair it1 )o 'ou &now what a! oo is1 :t is a plant whi$h grows in a $ountr' far to the east. a$ross the sea.* (:2#e seen it on$e. : wasn2t sure whether it was a tree or not.* (Though the !aterial is ni$e. it2s rare and diffi$ult to o tain. so it2s e+pensi#e.* (:2d li&e a ow !ade fro! a )ragon.* Curi$& s!iled wr'l' while shrugging his shoulders toward Tigre. "e referred to so!ething that did not e+ist. The )ragon itself e+ists. The' li#e deep in forests and high in the !ountains. The' inha it areas whi$h are not $rowded. -oth -atran and Massas ha#e li#ed !ore than fift' 'ears in a se$luded land. 'et the' had ne#er seen a wild )ragon. The )ragon does not e+ist. There are !an' that thin& the' are a legend. ut the' are hardl' few in nu! er. )uring one hunt. Tigre en$ountered a )ragon. /#en when re$alling the !e!or'. he felt a $hill.

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:t was that &ind of e+perien$e. Hothing was as hard as a )ragon2s od'. :t was i!possi le to pro$ess. The nails. fangs. s$ales. no !atter what. were diffi$ult to wor&. -lades would shatter. ha!!ers would rea&. /#en if heated for tens of da's. nothing would happen. Therefore. nothing !ade fro! a )ragon e+isted. 5u$h o je$ts appear onl' in legends and fair' tails. 8fter a half &o&u Iappro+i!atel' one hourJ. when training ended. the other soldiers spo&e to hi!. (Oh. Curi$&. Tigre7san. are 'ou free1* :t was an in#itation to pla'. The' would pla' ga!es li&e $ards. $hess. and other su$h ga!es. 5in$e the' funda!entall' et. Tigre had to orrow !one' fro! Curi$& at the eginning. (8ll $ash in hand and read' to $r'. :2! in.* (Tigre7san. are 'ou going to eg Curi$& for !one' again1 Or perhaps 'ou2ll steal so!e wine or $a&e fro! the &it$hen.* (0ou. how !an' ti!es will 'ou $all Aord Tigre#ur!ud li&e that... "e2s the Vanadis7sa!a2s prisoner.*

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Though Tigre was not parti$ularl' strong. he was a le to win enough to return Curi$&2s !one' so!ehow as well as $olle$t so!e for hi!self. "e had not heard an'thing new a out -rune. "e heard infor!ation onl' on$e. though. of $ourse. he was asleep. (5orr'. Ai!lisha7sa!a told us not to spea& of -rune in front of 'ou.* 5in$e he was not a $hild. he de$ided to gi#e up. -esides. e#en if he as&ed. he would hear nothing. ?hen the sun set. the !en gathered in the training ground to pla'. Though there were pu li$ aths. the allotted ti!e was deter!ined. The firewood needed to e $arried and the water oiled. Tigre often used it as well. 8fter that. he returned to the dining roo! for dinner. ate his !eal. and returned to his roo!. :n su$h a wa'. Tigre see!ed to ha#e adapted to his prisoner2s life. 8lthough he had adapted to his lifest'le. Tigre $ould not sa' he was entirel' enjo'ing it.

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)eep in his !ind. he was alwa's =uestioning the situation. "e had two $hoi$es if he wished to return to 8lsa$e. /ither pa' the ranso! or es$ape. "is !eans of es$ape had een sealed. :n addition. though his ar$her' s&ill was superior. it was i!possi le for hi! to rea& awa' fro! Curi$& and defeat the soldiers. espe$iall' if he $ould not prepare the re=uired nu! er of arrows. :f /llen $a!e out. it would e i!possi le for hi! to win. (Mone'. is it...* :n his roo!. while sitting on the ed. he to'ed with the do3en $opper pie$es in his hand. The a!ount was hardl' enough for a ranso!. "e had e#en $onta$ted /llen. (:s there an' jo where : !ight earn so!e !one'1* (?ill 'ou e$o!e !' su ordinate1 Or perhaps 'ou $ould wor& in a Muo3inel galle' ship. :f 'ou si!pl' rowed for a 'ear. : $ould $onsider introdu$ing 'ou to the jo . /#en if 'ou die. the a!ount 'ou earn will e dedu$ted fro! the ranso! and returned to 'our fa!il'.* (... 5o if : don2t e$o!e 'our su ordinate. :2ll ha#e to wor& to death.*

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(0ou $an2t re!ain a prisoner of war for #er' long. right1 :t2s still not too late.* 5in$e he $ould not thin& of an'thing good. Tigre $ould onl' surrender to /llen. 5 It is possible Teita and Batran or Massas can prepare the ransom. 5till... it was unpleasant that it was ne$essar' to rel' on the!. :t was not that he distrusted Teita and the others. "e just did not want the! to perfor! so !u$h unreasona le wor& to prepare the ranso! in su$h a short a!ount of ti!e. --- I ha"e no choice but to escape, but it ill be difficult. Though he too& a stroll e#er' da'. the guards defended all the #ital areas. :n addition. he did not understand the se$urit' near the ra!parts. sin$e he was ne#er allowed near the!. 8lso. there was !ore than one wall. /#en if he $ould es$ape fro! the :!perial ;ala$e. it was i!possi le to pass the wall en$o!passing the $astle. 8fter that. he would rea$h the $it'. --- I ill ha"e only one chance, so I'll in"estigate it properly. 4ntil the ranso! date. there was still ti!e. Tigre persuaded hi!self as su$h.

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(Tigre. $an 'ou use an'thing other than a ow1* One da'. Tigre was $alled to the offi$e and as&ed ' /llen without an' e+planation. (: a! poor with other ar!s.* (:s that so1 :t2s not good. e#en if 'ou hide it.* /llen loo&ed at Tigre. as if dou ting hi!. Cather than !a&ing fun of hi!. she dou ted hi!. (: ha#e no reason to lie a out su$h a thing. :f : $ould use a sword or spear. : would ha#e pi$&ed up a weapon at )inant when !' arrows were e+hausted. : $ould ha#e a! ushed 'ou.* Tigre shrugged his shoulder. :f he had e+perien$e with the sword or spear. he would ne#er ha#e een !ade a fool of in his $ountr'. ()on2t sul&. 0our ow te$hni=ue !ade su$h an i!pa$t on the people here. /#en Curi$& is atta$hed to 'ou. :2! =uite surprised.* (That...* Tigre pla'ed with his hair. slightl' e! arrassed. (?as there an' point doing that to his hair1*

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("e needed to e punished. Curi$& gladl' sha#ed his head.* (Kladl'1* (There are two reasons. The first is e$ause 'ou spared his life. so he was !o#ed deepl'. The se$ond is e$ause he ad!ires 'our ow ar!. sin$e Curi$& is the one who !ost e+$els in ar$her' here.* -e$ause Curi$& was s&illed with the ow. he understood how diffi$ult it would e to ai! at an ene!' with su$h an inferior weapon. 0et Tigre !anaged to a$$o!plish it without diffi$ult'. Curi$& e+perien$ed su$h a sho$& that he $o!pletel' sha#ed his head and ignored the fa$t that Tigre was a prisoner of war. ("is popularit' with wo!en see!s to ha#e ta&en a di#e. ut he doesn2t see! to !ind it.* (8h. well. : suppose that2s fine.* Tigre agreed in an i!polite !anner. though he $ould not de$lare it was nothing. ("e also willingl' a$$epted eing 'our wat$hdog. 8$tuall'. he as&ed to do so.* Tigre tilted his ne$&. "e !isunderstood things e$ause of Curi$&2s tone and attitude.

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Though he was the one wat$hing o#er Tigre. the role originall' left a gloo!' i!age. :t was anno'ing to do e+$essi#e wor&. (/#er'one is interested in 'ou. Of $ourse. that in$ludes !e.* /llen s!iled in#oluntaril' at hi!. (: want to &now what 'ou ha#e. :t2s possi le 'ou ha#e so!e une+pe$ted talents. :2ll tr' a few things with 'ou to!orrow.* 5in$e he was a $apti#e. it was i!possi le to refuse. 8nd so. the ne+t da' $a!e. :n the training area. onl' three people. Tigre. /llen. and Ai!. were present. -efore Tigre. /llen held a spear in a si!ple posture. Tigre $onfronted her as well. a spear grasped in oth hands. Of $ourse. sin$e the' were pra$ti$ing. the tips were re!o#ed. Ai! silentl' wat$hed the two fro! a distan$e. -eside her was a ja#elin. a attlea+e. a large hat$het. a $lu . a s$'the. a $hain. an ar alest. and !an' other weapons. (... ?hat should : do1*

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()o as 'ou li&e.* /llen s!iled at Tigre. who was at a loss for words. Dor the ti!e eing. Tigre. as per the asi$s. thrust his spear at her. /llen lightl' parried it with her wrist. 8long with a dull sound. a hea#' i!pa$t trans!itted to his hand. (,an2t 'ou do this a it !ore aggressi#el'1* 5he pro#o&ed hi! ' destro'ing his posture. Tigre. anno'ed. atta$&ed =ui$&l'. 5!ashing fro! a o#e. $lea#ing fro! the side. ja ing fro! the front. "owe#er. /llen re$ei#ed e#er'thing. 5he had not used her sword. Though Tigre was i!pressed. it was still !ortif'ing. 777 "owe#er. he was poor with the spear and onl' &new the asi$s. "e had onl' used a spear to &ill a rown ear while hunting. 5uddenl'. an idea flashed in Tigre2s head. Though it was $alled training. /llen understood Tigre2s a ilit' ased on his offense and defense. 5he had an attitude as if she had strength to spare. --- I'll do that once )llen rela%es her guard...1

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(4oo<* Kripping the spear. Tigre rushed forward and shouted. thrusting the weapon at her. /llen s!iled wr'l' and hit the weapon upward% howe#er. Tigre did not stop his feet. Though he staggered fro! the i!pa$t when the spear was parried. he ra!!ed his shoulder into /llen. 5urprised. /llen $ould not a#oid it. and the two fell onto the ground. ("ow... a out that1* "e tried to pin /llen and see!ed to ha#e failed. -elow hi!. /llen2s fa$e showed surprised. 5oon. it was d'ed red as she loo&ed intentl' up at Tigre. 8fter that. Tigre noti$ed a soft feeling eneath his right hand. 5 Impossible. ?hen he !o#ed his glan$e. his right hand had gra ed /llen2s $hest. (8h. no. that2s not. this...* Though he was loo&ing for an e+$use. his words did not $o!e out. Ai!. i!!ediatel' afterward. ran up and stru$& Tigre2s head with the sheathe of her sword.

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Tigre $rou$hed. holding his head in agon'. /llen stood up. her $lothes now dirt'. with a $o!pli$ated e+pression. (/leanora7sa!a. please. gi#e !e an order. : shall ta&e this !an2s head.* (:t. it2s fine. :t2s not su$h a ig deal.* /llen tried to put on a good e+pression ut failed. "er #oi$e was shrill and her fa$e was red. ?hile rushing the dirt fro! her $lothes. she strongl' tou$hed the pla$e Tigre2s hand gra ed. (;ushing a Vanadis down. is that not enough for $apital punish!ent1* Ai! loo&ed down at Tigre. full of !urderous intent. (:t was !' !ista&e. : too& it eas' to test his strength. :f 'ou show 'our frustration an' longer. it will e a !o$&er' to our na!es.* (... :f /leanora7sa!a sa's so.* Ai! put her weapon awa' relu$tantl'. /llen held a hand out to Tigre and =ui$&l' spo&e. (,an 'ou stand1* (... Than& 'ou.* ?hile ru ing the a$& of his a$hing head with his left hand. Tigre used his right hand to stand up. (: thin& !' head ro&e.*

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(-ear with it. : did not hit 'ou out of !ali$e.* (There was $learl' a thirst for lood.* (:t $ould not e helped.* 8fter laughing lightl'. /llen !uttered in a s!all #oi$e onl' Tigre $ould hear. (0ou tou$hed a wo!an2s $hest. :t !ight not alwa's end so safel'.* Tigre loo&ed down and a#erted his ga3e. seeing /llen2s fa$e fro! straight on for a !o!ent. (8ll right. let2s $ontinue.* /llen finall' regained her $o!posure. and Tigre2s returned as well. (?hen it $o!es to 'ou. : won2t e let down at all. : suppose :2ll atta$& !er$ilessl' when testing 'ou.* 5eeing the !ountain of ar!s. /llen gladl' spo&e with a nast' tone. 8fter finishing with all the weapons. Tigre la' spread out on the spot. 5weat $o#ered his od'. and his reathing was rough. "is $hest !o#ed up and down hea#il'. and his ar!s and legs felt a pain the' were una$$usto!ed to. sin$e he was !er$ilessl' eaten. (0ou reall' are useless if 'ou are not using a ow.*

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(That2s... what : told 'ou...* Ai! loo&ed down at Tigre with $old e'es as he returned an e+hausted repl'. (:t was not li&e 'ou were terri le. Hew re$ruits are li&e 'ou. :f 'ou were !' $olleague or su ordinate. : would train 'ou fro! s$rat$h.* (0ou shouldn2t tease hi! so !u$h. Ai!.* /llen pat Ai!2s shoulder while throwing out those words. The two were faintl' sweating. The two a$ted as Tigre2s partners. ta&ing turns. Heither /llen nor Ai! were as tired as Tigre. (5till. his ow is e+$ellent.* Dolding her ar!s. /llen nodded her head jo'full'. -e$ause she understood his $apa ilit' with the ow. she had hi! do a su$$essi#e dis$harge earlier. To do this. he shot thirt' arrows in =ui$& su$$ession tr'ing to hit a target a$$uratel'. "e fired =ui$&l'. pulled an arrow fro! his =ui#er. no$&ed the owstring. and repeated his a$tions. The ti!e was !easured until he hit the target. Tigre had a$hie#ed a result su$h that no one $ould !at$h hi!. (: shall put these awa'.*

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Ai! turned her a$& on /llen and Tigre. weapons in hand. (5hall we help1* (... :t is fine.* "e proposed that while l'ing down and was =ui$&l' turned down. 5eeing Ai!2s a$&. /llen2s shoulders were sha&ing as she held a$& a laugh. 5he s!iled itterl' as she turned to Tigre. ()on2t feel so ad. 5he was prett' !u$h sa'ing. 2Ko to sleep and stop thin&ing a out strange things.2* (5he didn2t loo& an' different fro! usual.* (Ai! is e#aluating 'ou in her own wa'. :f 'ou for!all' e$o!e !' su ordinate. she will show !ore respe$t.* 5he was as&ing if he wanted to join without dire$tl' sa'ing the words. Tigre let out a deep reath. Though he was interested. it would e i!possi le. sin$e he $ould not ring hi!self to trul' wor& under her. /llen nodded slightl' and held her s&irt. (:2ll help Ai!. 0ou go rest in 'our roo!.* (... 8lone1* Tigre was indire$tl' sa'ing he !ight es$ape. Curi$&. who wat$hed hi!. was not present. -efore testing the weapons. Ai! had told the others not to $o!e.

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8lso. the da' was nearing its end. ?ithin a half &o&u Ione hourJ. the s&' would e$o!e dar&. (:2! sure 'ou re!e! er the wa'. :f 'ou get lost. just as& a !aid or a soldier.* /llen s!iled as she wal&ed awa'. Tigre loo&ed up the at red7tinted s&' and sighed. (... 5he got !e.* "e &new he would ne#er forgi#e hi!self. "e felt $o!forta le here. Of $ourse. the est pla$e would alwa's e 8lsa$e. "e was a $apti#e. There was a li!itation to where he $ould go. and he was attended to ' a guard. "owe#er. he had ne#er suffered a use or harass!ent. -oth his roo! and $lothes was $leaned as well. /#en when he slept until !idda'. no one said a word. Though Ai! showed her disappoint!ent. there were no $o!plaints. "is !eals were no different fro! the soldiers2. -' lu$&. he was a le to ha#e a a&ed utter apple du!pling. grilled trout. soup with pi$&les. eef. and potatoes. and a ni$e $itrus jui$e.

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The seasonings and fragran$e of the trout and the !oderate a$idit'. though hardl' grand. was si!ple and filled Tigre with war!th. The te+ture of the eef was e+=uisite. and the potato was well !ade. (:t reall' was deli$ious. : wonder if Teita $an !a&e it so!e da'...* 5u$h thoughts $a!e to hi!. 8 o#e all. his ar$her' s&ills were a$$epted here. Ai! disli&ed Tigre. though onl' things (not dealing with the ow.* "e re$alled /llen2s words. 5he as&ed hi! to e$o!e her su ordinate. 5he loo&ed hi! in the e'e. 5he appraised hi! ased on his a ilities. --- 4or me, there is only the bo . "e thought he should e in a pla$e where he was a$$epted. That was hardl' unnatural. (?ell. it $an2t e helped.* 5till. Teita and 8lsa$e were i!portant. (8n'wa'. :2ll e for$ed to wa&e up earl' if : e$o!e her su ordinate.* Ai! would li&el' !er$ilessl' wa&e hi! up. 8lso. there would e wor&. and it would e i!possi le for hi! to go hunting.

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8 wr' s!ile rose to Tigre2s fa$e as he i!agined it. Tigre stood up. his $lothes dren$hed in sweat and sti$&ing to his od'. "is od' felt unpleasant. --- I'll go ash up. Tigre headed to the well near the training area. 8ll the soldiers. when finished with training. headed there. Though there was a ath for the soldiers. there were spe$ified ti!es the' $ould use it. and. of $ourse. the' were re=uired to $arr' and oil the water. That is wh' the well was used !ore fre=uentl'. :n a pla$e where the well $a!e to #iew. Tigre stopped his feet. 8pparentl'. thirt' soldiers had gathered around the well. ha#ing just finished training. There were !ore than ten people in line. --- /erhaps I'll look for a change of scenery. ?ithout letting the! find hi!. Tigre $hanged the dire$tion he !o#ed in. ?hen pla'ing with the soldiers. he had to et so!ething. Hot eing well a$=uainted with the soldiers. he did not wish for the! to lend hi! an'thing. Haturall'. there were still those who thought poorl' of Tigre2s presen$e.

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Cight now. that group was athing. "e wished to a#oid unne$essar' fri$tion. 8nd so he left. Tigre turned the $orner of a uilding and entered an in$onspi$uous foot path. -e'ond this. another well e+isted. "e found it one da' while ta&ing a wal&. 8 short tree grew thi$&l'. lo$&ing the #iew of the path. ?hile approa$hing the well. he heard the sound of water pouring. (: wonder if so!eone else is here.* Tigre rea$hed the well while thin&ing so. :!!ediatel'. his reathing stopped. his e'es opened widel'. and his od' stiffened. /llen. without a single pie$e of $lothing. was athing. 8 rugged o je$t the $olor of green rust la' at her feet. ("!1 8h. it2s 'ou.* /llen. without an' sign of sh'ness. loo&ed at the stunned Tigre. /llen let out a s!all laugh without tr'ing to $on$eal her od'. Tigre did not spea&. "e $ould not !o#e a finger while he intentl' stared at /llen2s od'. "er argent hair stu$& to her fair s&in. her reasts were a$$entuated ' the water. the line of her soft. round utto$&s and tight waist was sensational. -e$ause of that. e#en her usual s!ile see!ed a!orous.

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?ater ran down fro! the nape of her ne$& to the #alle' etween her reasts. (... /#en :2ll get e! arrassed if 'ou loo& at !e so !u$h.* /llen2s #oi$e was faintl' d'ed in sh'ness. 8t last. Tigre returned to realit'. "e turned around in pani$. (:. :2! sorr'. 8lthough : heard so!eone. :. no...* "e spouted out words. atte!pting to find a proper e+$use. "is fa$e flushed. and his heart dan$ed wildl'. /#en if he pani$&ed and shut his e'es tightl'. her white od' was fir!l' engra#ed in his !ind. --- 2ust a hile ago, I touched her there. "e re$alled the soft feeling in his right hand. :t was too intense for Tigre in a #ariet' of wa's. (0ou don2t ha#e to apologi3e. 0ou $a!e to athe. right1 There2s no need to go a$&.* Tigre did not understand. (4!. is it nor!al for a !an and wo!an to athe together in Bh$ted1*

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"is !ind was not operating nor!all'. 'et he so!ehow !anaged to s=uee3e words out. (:t would no longer e a!using if the two were older than 6 or 7 'ears old.* 5he was $learl' a!used. 5he had not gotten angr'. either. Tigre uried his head in his hands and stooped down on the ground. (: told 'ou efore. it2s a it e! arrassing. ut as a Vanadis. as leader of AeitMerit3. : !ust spea& and a$t appropriate to !' position. /#en if it was surprising to e seen na&ed. : $an2t spea& or a$t li&e a little girl.* (8h. ah... : see.* :f Tigre was $al!er. he !a' ha#e noti$ed /llen was washing up =uite =ui$&l'. 5he had not spo&en for!all'. either. (8re 'ou here with 'our guard1 Or are 'ou alone1* (:2! alone now. :f she stu$& around !e all da'. it would e stifling. -esides. : was loo&ing to ta&e a ath an'wa'.* (8ren2t 'ou too defenseless1 0ou were atta$&ed ' an assassin the other da'.* Though she had spo&en of the assassin. Tigre had not seen the assailant hi!self.

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(:2! not defenseless. M' sword is near '.* ?hen she said that. he re$alled the longsword propped up against the well. 5till. he was an+ious. 5uddenl'. /llen spo&e up. (-' $han$e. did 'ou $o!e here not &nowing this well was for wo!en onl'1* (:s that... so1* (: often used it sin$e it2s near !' roo! and offi$e and the soldiers alwa's &ept their distan$e. On$e Ai! and the !aids learned of it. the' egan using it. :t e$a!e wo!en7onl' efore : was aware. Ma' e : should ha#e told 'ou this.* (Ceall'. :2! sorr'. :2ll e $areful ne+t ti!e.* (0eah. that2s good. :t2s fine if it2s just !e. ut if it2s Ai! or so!eone else. the' would s$rea!. /#en : $ouldn2t prote$t 'ou then.* "e $ould not i!agine the e+pressionless Ai! s$rea!ing. 8gain. he heard the sound of water. (8re 'ou not $o!ing1* (?hen 'ou are finished.* Though he thought she was teasing hi!. her #oi$e sounded natural. :t was hard for hi! not to answer $urtl'.

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(: got it. ?ait a it.* The sound of water $ontinued as Tigre loo&ed up at the di! s&'. :f he turned around. /llen would e there na&ed. "e $ould not settle down. The sound of water was $learl' audi le. --- I should ha"e left immediately after apologi6ing. 5in$e she said to wait a little. he felt it diffi$ult to !o#e. The sound of rustling $a!e fro! ehind as so!ething approa$hed his feet. :t was a 'oung )ragon with a sto$&' od'. its length a out four $het Iappro+i!atel' fort' $enti!etersJ. ()ragon...1* :t was a li#ing $reature with wings si!ilar to a at. fluttering at an angle. Two horns grew fro! its head. ,o#ering !ost of its od' were rugged lue7green s$ales. The )ragon reared its head and loo&ed at Tigre with sharp e'es. (This is !' )ragon. Aunie.* "e heard /llen2s #oi$e fro! ehind. :n$identall'. this $reature was near her feet a while ago.

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The )ragon na!ed Aunie narrowed its e'es and ru ed against Tigre2s leg. (0ou2re =uite unusual.* )ragons were said to ha#e high intelligen$e. /#en at a 'oung age. the' $ould a$$uratel' identif' a hu!an fa$e. This was the first ti!e Tigre had seen su$h a 'oung )ragon. "e =uietl' ent his waist to get a etter loo&. Aunie stopped !o#ing and wat$hed Tigre =uietl'% the wings on its a$& lightl' shoo&.

--- Its ings are mo"ing firmly. /erhaps it's a Wy"ern. (:s this 'our first ti!e seeing a )ragon1* (Ho. Two 'ears ago. : saw one when hunting in the !ountains. :t was in an isolated area. a out si+t' or se#ent' $het Iappro+i!atel' si+ or se#en !etersJ. though it was an

/arth )ragon.* 8n adult )ragon ranges fro! one hundred to one7hundred7fift' $het. Though !an $an &eep the! while the' are 'oung until a out half their adult si3e. it was still !ore than fift' $het. (0ou2#e got good lu$&. :2#e ne#er seen a )ragon other than Aunie up until now.* (This )ragon has two e'es.* 8s he rea$hed a hand out to stro&e Aunie. it ran fro! Tigre and returned to its !aster. /llen s!iled at the )ragon and lifted it in her ar!s. as if soothing a $hild.

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(8n /arth )ragon with one e'e1 ?hat happened1* (:t atta$&ed !e. 8fter fighting it off. : so!ehow !anaged to es$ape. : thought : would die then.* 8 )ragon2s $o! at effi$ien$' was different fro! other ani!als. The large )ragon sta!ped the earth and !owed down trees. Tigre &ept an e'e on it while e#ading death !an' ti!es. "e so!ehow !anaged to defeat it using the terrain. (Dighting against a )ragon and winning is wonderful. -' the wa'. what $olor were its s$ales1* (:t was a rass $olor. :s there so!ething wrong with that1* (8h. that2s good. :n this $ountr'. it is not per!issi le to &ill 'oung or -la$& )ragons.* Tigre i!agined the flag in his head upon hearing those words. )ragons were in the !'tholog' of !an' $ountries. )ragons inha ited re!ote areas. e#en in Bh$ted. Of the )ragons in Bh$ted. the -la$& )ragon was a !'thi$al $reature. The )ragon with la$& s$ales granted prote$tion to the person $losest to it. :t was a well &nown stor'. (M' $ountr' does not ha#e su$h things. 8re there )ragon trainers in Bh$ted1* (: don2t &now a out indi#iduals. ut )ragons are not &ept as a part of the ar!'. sin$e the'2re ig eaters.*

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The latter half of her words were li&el' dire$ted toward Aunie. (5till. 'ou were not a$$epted. e#en though 'ou defeated a )ragon1* (: $ouldn2t show the! the $orpse. :t was i!possi le to $ut off an' part of it. and : was tired. : thought to $o!e a$&. ut when : returned. a !udslide had $o#ered it up.* ("ow disappointing.* (Ho. it2s fine.* 5ilen$e followed. Onl' the sound of water $ould e heard. (... Ma' : as& 'ou one thing1* ?hile loo&ing up to the s&'. Tigre an+iousl' as&ed a #ague =uestion. (5in$e there are assassins. $an2t 'ou depend on "is Majest'1* (0es1* 5eeing his dou tful rea$tion. she !uttered in $onfusion. (4nfortunatel'. "is Majest' will not !o#e if there is no e#iden$e. 5in$e the ene!' &nows this. the' $o!e with the resolution to e $rushed.* (... :t2s a serious situation. isn2t it1*

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Tigre had a $o!ple+ fa$e. The @ing of Bh$ted. the @ing of -rune. oth just ignored things. (Aet !e as& 'ou so!ething.* ?hile Tigre itterl' thought a out realit'. /llen as&ed a =uestion. (?hat &ind of pla$e is 8lsa$e1* (8re 'ou worried1* (8 it. Though : ga#e 'ou so!e good $onditions. 'ou reje$ted !e without hesitation. so : was a little hurt. :2! a it interested.* (: also thought the $onditions were good.* 8fter he replied. Tigre loosened his !outh. (5i!pl' put. it is a $ountr' !ade of forests and !ountains. The !ain highwa's do not pass '. To rea$h the $apital. : !ust head to the neigh oring territor' to rea$h a good road. :t $an ta&e !an' da's.* (0ou spea& of it fondl'.* :t was the i!portant town he was orn and raised in. /#en if he spo&e of its faults. he was still proud of it. (There are wol#es and rown ears in the forests and !ountains. O$$asionall'. snow leopards appear. There are !an' nuts and wild her s to e found. and 'ou $an !anage to li#e through the winter with little food if 'ou ha#e a it of &nowledge. The people under !' $harge are ni$e. and it is pea$eful. Though the winters $an e se#ere. sleeping while wrapped in lan&ets efore the firepla$e is the greatest feeling. On the $ontrar'. su!!ers are $ool. and there are !an' fine. sunn' da's. 8top the hills is an o$ean of green. as far as the e'e $an see. and when the wind $o!es out. 'ou $an rela+ and as& in the sun.*

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(0ou just li&e sleeping.* /llen s!iled itterl'. ()o 'ou... not 'earn to e$o!e @ing1* (:t2s not li&e this is parti$ularl' a good reason. ut that drea! is a it too !u$h.* "e $ould handle eing !o$&ed as a $ountr' person e$ause it was a fa$t. "owe#er. there were no !e!ories he wished to forget. (: had heard the ow was s$orned. ut : did not thin& it would e so e+aggerated.* :n 8lsa$e. Teita in$luded. there was not a single person who had to ta&e pra$ti$e swings. That was wh' e#er'one elie#ed in Tigre. (:t2s !ore than 'ou $an i!agine. :n all !ilitar' literature. the tone $hanges $o!pletel' when dealing with the ow. :n 8lsa$e. e#en aristo$rats and @nights who had #alorous deeds were $learl' s$orned. /#en the wo!en and their daughters ridi$uled the! for eing $owardl'. Though it has its #alue. the ow is alwa's ignored.*

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Ho dar&ness $ould e heard in Tigre2s #oi$e as he spo&e. (0our father taught 'ou the ow well. gi#en the situation.* (Though : don2t re!e! er. it see!s : often pla'ed with a ow efore : was of an age to thin& a out it. Dather saw that and en$ouraged !e to $ontinue if : was interested. ?ell. all !' an$estors were hunters.* (Then : suppose : should e+press !' gratitude to 'our father. 8fter all. : !et 'ou E Then again. : would not ha#e een pushed down or seen na&ed.* 5he spo&e her last words with an ill7natured tone and growled at Tigre instin$ti#el'. (:2! finished. 0ou $an turn around now.* Aoo&ing a$&. /llen stood efore hi!. ha#ing $hanged into a short ro e. her longsword at her waist. 8 thi$& $loth wrapped a out her long. argent hair. "er white hands and feet popping out of her short ro e presented a slightl' a!orous appearan$e. 5in$e he $ould not loo& straight at her. Tigre stared at Aunie. $rou$hed ' her feet. (:t was an interesting $on#ersation. 5ee 'ou around.* The 'oung )ragon followed after /llen and disappeared into the road $o#ered ' the trees. Tigre sighed as he de$ided to =ui$&l' $lean hi!self.

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8fter his $lothes were ta&en off and thrown aside. he headed to the tu and poured water o#er his od' !an' ti!es to forget the sight fro! a !o!ent ago. That is wh' he was late in noti$ing the approa$hing footsteps. (/leanora7sa...1* On the other side of the tree. Ai! appeared wearing a short ro e and holding a tu . Ai!. at a loss for words. saw Tigre2s figure efore she $ould finish responding. 4suall'. her fa$e la$&ed e!otion. ut she was $learl' stunned now. Tigre. too. was petrified. The lower half of his od' was =uite sha!eful to loo& at. ha#ing seen /llen just efore. (8h77...* 8fter a few se$onds silen$e. Tigre uttered a noise. though he was still $onfused. "e intended to find suita le words while loo&ing for a !eans of es$ape. (-eha#ior efitting !' position...* "e thought of his earlier $on#ersation with /llen. (0ou do not need to worr' a out !e.* Though he tried to $on$eal his e! arrass!ent with dignified words. the tu was thrown at hi! along with a s$rea!.

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("o. so 'ou saw hi!.* /llen returned Aunie to the sta le where the 'oung )ragons were held and returned to her offi$e. "er $hest was sha&ing. read' to urst. as she heard Ai!2s stor'. "er sil#er7white hair shined with the !oisture. just ha#ing finished her ath. (: ha#en2t seen it 'et. ?hat was he li&e1* (Ho $o!!ent.* "er indignant $o!ple+ion a$$o!panied the rage in her lue e'es. Ai! let out a heated reath. (0ou !ust restri$t his !o#e!ents !ore.* (/#en though he2s e$o!e adapted here1 "e2s on good ter!s with the soldiers and the $oo&ing staff.* ("as there e#er een a $apti#e a$$usto!ed to su$h a life1* (:2! still waiting for hi! to as& to e !' su ordinate. after all.* Ai! sighed.

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(There are also those a!ongst the soldiers who disli&e his eha#ior.* Ai! i!plied there !ight e a $onfli$t etween those who li&e Tigre and those who do not. (?ould $onfining Tigre to his roo! reall' sol#e e#er'thing1* (5ooner or later. he will return to his ho!e in -rune if the ranso! is paid. or he will e sold to a !er$hant fro! Muo3inel.* (That2s wh' : ga#e hi! the $hoi$e to e$o!e !' su ordinate.* /llen too& a do$u!ent fro! the pile on her des& and showed it to Ai!. Ai!2s e'es loo&ed du ious as she read it. ut soon her anger disappeared. (... -rune see!s to e in a terri le situation.* (: was surprised as well. Onl' a !onth has passed sin$e the in$ident at )inant. and alread' the situation is li&e this.* The do$u!ent was a su!!ar' of the situation fro! a person of Bh$ted li#ing in -rune as so!ething of an a! assador. The person disguised hi!self and tra#eled a out -rune as a peddler. e+ploring the situation on his own. and reporting a$& periodi$all'. :t $ould e e+plained in a single phrase. FThere are signs of a $i#il war in -rune.G FThe @ing who lost his son. the ;rin$e. is si!pl' an e!pt' shell. "e has gi#en up politi$al affairs and has shut hi!self in his roo!. "e is not stopping the eha#ior of the stronger aristo$rats.G

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(:t see!s Thenardier and Kanelon are the two largest aristo$rats. /#er' da' see!s to e a #iolent $onfli$t etween the two.* /llen did not spea& as if it were another person2s affair. AeitMerit3 was the territor' adja$ent to -rune @ingdo!. :f -rune e$a!e entren$hed in war. there was a possi ilit' her land would e in#ol#ed. (The' $an2t possi l' afford to $on$ern the!sel#es with Tigre2s situation. 8lsa$e is alone here. The' will not e a le to prepare a ranso!.* (-' the wa'. wh' was the su! so large1* ("is ow.* Tapping her des&. /llen sighed. (?hen holding an e+$ellent swords!an $apti#e. don2t 'ou in$rease the ranso! ased on his s&ill1 Though the $ountries re#iewed the agree!ent regarding the ranso! a!ounts. the' set a se#ere a!ount for ar$hers. To -rune. that was a tri#ial issue.* ?hen Ai! heard /llen2s words. her pale fa$e turned e+pressionless. (Though : $an lower the a!ount. : don2t want to $reate a pre$edent out of s'!path'. : don2t ha#e an' reason to disregard the treat'. either.*

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(... Then Aord Tigre#ur!ud $annot pa' the ranso!.* (Though : intended to use Muo3inel as a threat. it !ight $o!e true at this rate.* (5o that2s wh' 'ou want hi! to e$o!e 'our su ordinate1* (:t would e regretta le gi#en his ar$her' s&ills. "is personalit' isn2t an issue. either. :f : taught hi! properl'. he $ould e$o!e a good aide. he onl' needs a it !ore wor&.* /llen laughed. (: will offer !' hand on$e !ore on the final da'. "e2s reje$ted !e on$e. it wouldn2t do for !' honor if : was reje$ted twi$e.* Ai! pulled herself together and as&ed a =uestion. ("owe#er. will it reall' not e paid1 /ither Kanelon or Thenardier !ight ta&e ad#antage of the situation and pa' the ranso! for Aord Tigre#ur!ud. One $ould show he is not a !an who would a andon a s!all aristo$rat to the land of deserts.* (8s far as : $an tell. Tigre would prefer not to ser#e under Kanelon or Thenardier. :t wouldn2t enefit hi! at all. )o 'ou &now how se#ere the treat!ent would e under either of the!1 The' are genuine -rune aristo$rats who s$orn the ow.*

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/llen had a diffi$ult e+pression re!e! ering her $on#ersation with Tigre. (/ither wa'. tell the soldiers : will hear an' $o!plaints the' ha#e.*

("o. /arl Vorn...* The aristo$rat who heard Massas2 stor' had a pitiful e+pression. (?e lost !ore soldiers in )inant than we ha#e in re$ent 'ears. The da!age was se#ere. and !an' no les died.* (0es. "owe#er. though $apti#e. Aord Tigre#ur!ud is ali#e. 8s a friend of his de$eased father. : wish to sa#e hi!.* Massas was in the !ansion of an aristo$rat a$=uaintan$e. "e had a prosperous life. :n the drawing roo! Massas passed '. there was an e+pensi#e tapestr' !ade in Muo3inel with an i!age of a ird with gold wings de$orating the wall. On the $hair was the fur of a snow leopard. /+pensi#e wine was poured into a $r'stal $up and ser#ed to Massas. --- This is the fifth person. If this does not ork, I ha"e no one else to rely on.

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:f he $ould not depend on others. he would not !a&e it ' the deadline. ?hile pra'ing to the Kods in his heart. Massas owed efore the no le efore hi!. (;lease. : will return the !one'. no !atter how long it !ight ta&e. ?ill 'ou help !e1* Onl' silen$e re!ained. (:2! sorr'.* Though the aristo$rat threw a s'!patheti$ glan$e at Massas. he =uietl' spo&e the word to rea& the silen$e. Massas desperatel' $len$hed his fist. holding a$& the tears he wished to shed. despite his age. (-efore )inant. : would ha#e answered 'our re=uest. Aord Massas. "owe#er. gi#en the re$ent de#elop!ents...* The aristo$rat $ontinued to spea& with a hea#' tone. (777 8 $i#il war will soon ta&e pla$e in this $ountr'.* (... -etween )u&es Kanelon and Thenardier.* Massas responded without power in either his fa$e or his #oi$e. "e had heard the stor' re$entl'. )ue to the sho$& of ;rin$e Cegnas2 death. the affairs of the state were thrown aside. "e had $onfined hi!self in his !ind.

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The !an was a well &nown aristo$rat who $ould indulge in su$h a fine life. Kanelon and Thenardier were distant $ousins to the @ing. and their $onfrontation deepened da' ' da'. 8part fro! the!. there were !an' other no les who. gi#en the $ir$u!stan$es. needed to a$t with dis$retion. 8n' !ista&e $ould !a&e the situation worse and $ould e#en destro' a house. "owe#er. the' !ight ha#e so!e spare gold. infor!ation. or asso$iations with other aristo$rats. 5in$e it was an e!ergen$'. e#en if the' had !u$h gold. the' were unwilling to use it. Though he was a $lose friend. the' would not pa'. Massas left with hea#' steps. (... 5o it was useless.* The sun had sun& and the s&' was a dar& gra'. ?ith how the $louds loo&ed. it would soon rain. Massas $ould not la!e the!. sin$e Massas did not ha#e the !one' to help Tigre. either. Man' people wor&ed in his residen$e. and it was ne$essar' to !aintain his soldiers and territor'. There was a li!it to what he $ould do. --- Tigre, sorry... Teita, Batran, I'm sorry... 4orgi"e me... Massas silentl' returned to the house as the rain des$ended.

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" The Vanadis' #ast e

On the !ountain north of Bh$ted. the snow was present all 'ear round. The sea. Muo3inel. and -rune ordered to the east. south. and west respe$ti#el'. The $ountr' had a $old $li!ate with longer winters than other $ountries. :t was o$$asionall' referred to as the FAand of 5now and DorestsG due to its s$attered $oniferous forests. The' $ould produ$e potatoes and apples. $at$h fish fro! the sea. and there was an a undan$e of gold and sil#er !ines in the $enter of the &ingdo!. :t was !ade appro+i!atel' three hundred 'ears ago. 8t the ti!e. there were !ore than fift' tri es fighting to $ontrol a hege!on'. The war lasted !ore than a $entur'. 8t least thirt' tri es were destro'ed or a sor ed into other tri es in the pro$ess. Then one !an $asuall' appeared on the land. (: a! the in$arnation of the -la$& )ragon.* The !an referred to hi!self as su$h. 5o long as he was @ing. he would ring #i$tor'. Though !ost tri es !o$&ed hi!. se#en tri es elie#ed his words and followed his lead. 8s proof of their lo'alt'. the se#en tri es presented a eautiful wo!an who e+$elled in !artial s&ills as a wife. To those se#en

wi#es. he granted the! a weapon $alled a F)ragoni$ ToolG.

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(0ou. fro! this !o!ent on. will e FVanadisG.* 8fterward. the se#en tri es led ' the !an suppressed the other $lans and won the war. The !an $ontinued to fight. e#en after unif'ing the tri es. $on=uering neigh oring $ountries and signifi$antl' e+panding his territor'. 8nd so. the @ingdo! of Bh$ted was esta lished. The !an !ade @ing had se#en )u&edo!s within his $ountr'. The a ilit' to $olle$t ta+es and #arious autono!ous pri#ileges were granted to ea$h of his wi#es. Ho !atter what distinguished ser#i$es a person re$ei#ed. the onl' one ran&ed a o#e the Vanadis would e the @ing. The @ing !ade a de$laration efore the Vanadis. (The Vanadis will offer fealt' to the @ing. prote$t the @ing. and fight for the @ing. )o not forget it.* The $andle near the @ing2s throne $ast a dar& shadow a$ross the floor. The shadow did not $onfor! to a hu!an shape ut was that of a )ragon.

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(... Though it2s a !'th. : don2t reall' get the point of it.* Those were Tigre2s first words upon reading the histor' of Bh$ted. "e was on the roof of the :!perial ;ala$e. The s&' was $lear. and the da' was war!. Tigre had orrowed a oo& fro! the li rar' and sat $ross7legged on the slanted rooftop as he read. The reason he was on the roof was si!ple. The li rar' was di!. the weather was good. and. if he loo&ed down. he $ould see the $ourt'ard de$orated with tall trees and flower eds. The :!perial ;ala$e was en$losed ' a ra!part and tower. Though he $ould not see e'ond that. the s&' $ontinued on. sending a $ool ree3e to his seat. :f he had not slept enough. Tigre would $ertainl' ta&e a nap. (This is the easiest histor' oo& to read...* ?ith his fa$e loo&ing li&e he had ta&en !edi$ine. Tigre opened the oo& on his &nee. Tigre was not fa!iliar with Bh$ted writing. so it was !ore diffi$ult for hi! to read than he i!agined. Durther!ore. it used old words and ter!inolog'. 5in$e there were !an' e+pressions as well. it was diffi$ult for hi! to read an'thing. More than half the oo& was unreada le.

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Curi$&. who was still !onitoring hi!. stood in the hallwa' elow the roof Tigre sat on. ?hen he as&ed for help. the following words $a!e to hi!. (Aord Tigre#ur!ud. : a! !ore than willing to help 'ou% howe#er. : $annot understand su$h diffi$ult language. either.* Though he had trou le reading. he was still an /arl. "e had een gi#en an edu$ation to !at$h his status. so he was etter than !ost. (:2! sorr'.* (Ho. don2t worr' a out it. :t was not unreasona le.* "e was a soldier. not a s$holar. ()o 'ou &now an'one who $an read things li&e this1* (: do not.* Curi$& ga#e a diffi$ult e+pression. (Though it is diffi$ult to sa'. : do not elie#e an'one $ould read etter than 'ou. Aord Tigre#ur!ud. ;erhaps 'ou should tr' as&ing Vanadis7sa!a or Ai!lisha7sa!a.* (: wonder if the' would help...* "e $onsidered it. half to &ill ti!e. and half out of hesitation. "owe#er. there was so!ething worr'ing he wanted to hear fro! /llen.

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?hen he folded his ar!s. a s!all shadow flew to the roof. :t was the 'oung )ragon. Aunie. Though Tigre rea$hed out to the )ragon with a s!ile. it did not see! interested on$e it $li! ed to the roof. Aunie egan as&ing its round od' in a sunn' pla$e. --- This ,ragon is 'uite like a cat. Hot wanting to distur it. Tigre stood up. ?hen he $asuall' loo&ed at the #iew efore hi!. he noti$ed /llen at the edge of his sight. 5he !o#ed =ui$&l' etween the trees. as if tr'ing to a#oid eing noti$ed. 5he approa$hed the ra!part. unli&el' noti$ing his ga3e. (Curi$&. :2! going to see what /llen sa's. :2ll return to !' roo! right after : tal& to her.* (Ver' well.* 8fter hearing Curi$& wal& down the passage. Tigre held the histor' oo& eneath his ar! and ju!ped off the roof. Kra ing the ran$h of a tree dire$tl' elow hi!. he softened his fall and used the re$oil to hit the ground. ?hen he stood up again. the gardener ta&ing $are of the flower ed loo&ed at Tigre. her fa$e full of surprise.

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?ith a itter s!ile. Tigre left the $ourt'ard at a trot. Mo#ing etween the trees. he $aught sight of /llen. (?hat are 'ou doing1* ?hen he $alled. /llen2s shoulders shoo& in surprise as she loo&ed a$&. (?ha. wha. wha. what are 'ou doing here...<1* -lushing. /llen glared at hi!. her fa$e red with surprise. :t was the first ti!e he had heard her stutter. "er appearan$e was different. "er long. sil#er7white hair was raided and tied near the nape of her ne$&. "er he!p dress ga#e a $lean appearan$e. "er sword was sheathed at her waist. in$onspi$uousl' $o#ered in $loth. 5he loo&ed li&e an' girl on the street. though it was unli&el' an' girl would e so eautiful. (: wanted to as& 'ou so!ething. and : saw 'ou.* Though he was $urious a out her attitude and attire. Tigre responded honestl'. (0ou saw1* /llen loo&ed at hi! suspi$iousl'. thin&ing it i!possi le that she $ould e seen. 5he gripped Tigre2s ar! and pulled hi! toward the ra!part. (,an2t e helped. 0ou $o!e. too.*

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(?here1* (Outside.*


Outside the ra!part. the two des$ended a gentle slope. The $astle town was a out a half elsta Iappro+i!atel' fi#e hundred !etersJ awa'. The streets were lined with stone houses with la$& or rown roofs. The street was wide enough to $o!forta l' allow a large wagon. and it was neatl' pa#ed with $o lestone. Tra#elers. $iti3ens. !er$hants. offi$ials. artisans. !an' wal&ed along the stalls at the edges of the streets. Man' housewi#es were $hatting. the !er$hants $alled out. 8 !instrel pla'ed a harp at an interse$tion. (:t2s !u$h usier than Hi$e.* 4nli&e Hi$e. the $apital of -rune. whi$h he had #isited onl' on$e or twi$e. it !ade Tigre s!ile roadl'. The diale$t of Bh$ted and the !o#e!ent of $opper and sil#er $oins was a $o!!on sight. Tigre was i!pressed ' the ungla3ed potter' and glass7wor& of #arious shapes and si3es.

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Dresh. right fruit o#erflowed fro! wooden $rates. sla s of !eat were hung fro! hoo&s. and the fragran$e of potatoes !ade hi! swallow his sali#a. 5uddenl'. girls his age passed '. laughing as the' noti$ed Tigre. ()oes he reall' want things li&e that so !u$h1* (Ma' e she wants so!ething. too.* :n response. /llen e+tended a finger to Tigre2s hair. (5o the' wear these &inds of things outside the walls1* :n /llen2s hand. who was laughed at and ridi$uled. there was a leaf. )ue to its lightness. Tigre had not noti$ed at all. "e ga#e his than&s. (?here did 'ou get this1 )id 'ou sti$& 'our head in so!e ushes1* Tigre finall' e+plained how he found her. There was onl' silen$e until /llen entered the $astle town. :t was not an at!osphere he $ould as& =uestions. (?hat are 'ou. a !on&e'1*

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/llen spo&e $oldl' as she loo&ed at hi! in a!a3e!ent. Tigre was hurt. (Ceall'. the roof1 5hould : ta&e that into $onsideration...1 Ho. 'ou2re pro a l' the onl' one who would do those &inds of things...* (:2d li&e to as& a few =uestions so!eti!e. if that2s fine with 'ou.* ?hile /llen was loo&ing down deep in thought. Tigre $alled out hesitantl'. (?h' were 'ou tr'ing to snea& out of 'our house li&e that1* /llen loo&ed du iousl'. not understanding Tigre2s intent in as&ing the =uestion. (5houldn2t that e o #ious1* This ti!e. it was Tigre2s turn to tilt his head. :n front of the potato stand. the two people loo&ed at ea$h other !'steriousl'. The sales!an $oughed. Tigre left after pur$hasing two potatoes. "e used !one' he won while etting with the soldiers. 8s the' ate their potatoes. the' wal&ed along. loo&ing at the ungla3ed potter'. The heat !ade the potato see! to !elt. The sweet fragran$e of utter !i+ed with the rising stea!. sti!ulating Tigre2s appetite. "e entered the s=uare with /llen. and the' sat side7 '7side at the edge of a flower ed.

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4sing s!all ites to eat her potato. /llen s!iled. sa#oring her !eal. (: $hose good ones. ;raise !e.* Tigre was surprised ' her theatri$al tone and dra!ati$ s!ile. (... ,an 'ou reall' tell etween the good and ad ones1* Tigre as&ed with a urnt tongue as he enjo'ed the te+ture of the potato. (There were plent' of ad ones. 5!all potatoes. ones that don2t stea! enough. ones that are too $ool. there are plent' of things that $ould e la$&ing... This degree of !elting is just right. :2! i!pressed with the a!ount of salt used. too.* (0ou !ust li&e the!.* /llen s!iled roadl' efore loo&ing awa' in the distan$e. The su je$t of her ga3e was a group of $hildren gathering around a puppeteer. (The winters of Bh$ted are so $old% so!eti!es there are reports of people free3ing to death. The $old air slips through the thi$& stone walls in the e#ening and steals the! awa' without !er$'. ,hildren often gather around the hearth. wrap up in lan&ets. and eat hot potatoes to li#e through it all.*

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Tigre i!agined a war!. pleasant sight. Tigre loo&ed at /llen2s profile with wonder in his e'es. "er e+pression was as if she !issed her distant past. "e felt un$o!forta le. --- #he speaks as if she gre up in a small "illage. :t would e too si!ple to thin& she was a girl raised in the art of war as a du$hess. --- /erhaps I'm rong? #till, it's not like I can +ust ask. Dor a ti!e. the two silentl' ate their potatoes. Tigre spo&e up as he finished eating. (... :s it possi le 'ou $a!e to inspe$t the area surrounding the $astle1* (0ou noti$ed1* /llen now loo&ed at Tigre2s fa$e. ("a#e 'ou ne#er left 'our $astle in$ognito1* (: left nor!all'. there was no need to e stealth'.* (:2! jealous.* /llen sighed with a fa$e that showed the e!otion at the otto! of her heart. (:t is one of !' few pleasures to pretend to e a nor!al girl ha#ing fun. :t lets !e stroll around the town.*

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:n /llen2s life. eing atta$&ed ' an assassin was not un$o!!on. ?hen wal&ing through town. she re=uired a large es$ort. (5o wh' did 'ou pani$ so !u$h when : $alled out to 'ou li&e that1* (0ou surprised !e. reall'.* (... 5orr'.* Tigre apologi3ed sin$erel'. /llen for$i l' dragged Tigre along to a#oid ha#ing her eha#ior e+posed. pro a l' to Ai!. #he also must ant time to spend alone. (?e2ll $all it e#en with this. )on2t worr'.* Aaughing. /llen threw the ungla3ed $la' owl to the ground as she finished eating her potato. (:s it fine to throw it in the roadside1* :n Hi$e. the $apital of -rune. it was $onsidered a disgra$eful a$t. so Tigre as&ed tentati#el'. (?hether it2s on the the stone pa#e!ent or the ground. it doesn2t !atter. There are those who $olle$t su$h things and earn s!all $hange.*

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(8h. that2s true. : guess. :f it2s ro&en. the' $an !i+ it in with new $la'.* ?hile responding to /llen2s words. Tigre2s owl. now e!pt'. was also thrown awa'. (Tigre. 'ou had usiness with !e1 )oes it ha#e to do with that oo& 'ou2#e een $arefull' holding1* (: wanted to as& 'ou a few things. ut it2s fine to wait until ne+t ti!e.* 8s he nodded. /llen e+tended her hand to Tigre. (Then sta' with !e until :2! satisfied. :t2s une+pe$tedl' refreshing to wal& with another person.* Tigre and /llen loo&ed around #arious pla$es in the town. 8s so!eone who rarel' left 8lsa$e. e#er'thing was no#el to hi!. There was a #i ran$' in the town. it see!ed to ha#e e#er'thing. (This is1* (:t2s a r'e7 ased al$ohol. 5in$e it2s not strong. $hildren often drin& it. )o 'ou want a tr'1* 8fter a $up was poured for hi!. Tigre dran& it in one go while loo&ing at another stall.

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(That is1* (5tea!ed !ushroo! and potatoes. :t loo&s li&e li&e there are also pi$&les.* The pan7roasted pi$&les ga#e a sa#or' sensation to his !outh and sto!a$h. (8nd this1* (:t2s a stir fr'.* "e loo&ed at a fried dish. (This.* (That2s apple ja! on hone'ed read... ?h' are 'ou onl' interested in food1* /llen was a!a3ed to see Tigre gnaw at the read. Tigre $ontinued to repeat his $'$le of =uestioning and eating. (The'2re all deli$ious. :2#e ne#er had the! efore.* (?ell. it2s 'our !one'. so : guess 'ou $an do what 'ou want.* Though she said that to Tigre. /llen ate the sa!e things. Cather than di#iding etween the two. the' ea$h got one. (?ell. : guess : a! eating a lot.* (Aong ago. there was a potato eating $ontest in the $astle. : ate thirt' potatoes with utter. a out the sa!e si3e as the ones efore.*

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/llen spo&e with pride while Tigre $ontinued ringing read to his !outh. :t was diffi$ult to i!agine with her s!all !outh and od' de#oid of e+$ess !eat. (... ?hen food disappears fro! the &it$hen. 'ou !ust e the first the' suspe$t.* (: stole so!e food on$e efore. ut when the' found out. the' owed respe$tfull'. sin$e /leanora7sa!a was the one proudl' and stealthil' eating their food.* 5he stopped. /llen loo&ed !ortified. (The'2re good people. :f : ha#e !ore than a ni le here or there. the' !ight get angr'.* (:t2s fine eating alone in the &it$hen. That2s prefera le. : thin&.* --- I ha"e only a maid by my side, though she is younger. /llen. loo&ing proud until now. egan spea&ing again. (:2ll tell 'ou this now. ut : wasn2t alwa's eating.* /llen stressed her words as she shoo& a s&ewer with fried food on it. (Meals at the :!perial ;ala$e are nor!all' !oderate. -e$ause the townspeople do not $o!e to the $astle that fre=uentl'. we !ust ring out a no#el dish when the' do #isit. :t2s a little diffi$ult. ut it2s est to learn a out their li#es in detail.*

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(0ou aren2t parti$ularl' $on#in$ing with ja! around 'our !outh.* Tigre too& out a hand&er$hief and wiped /llen2s !outh. /llen2s e'es opened widel' in surprise. 5he a#erted her fa$e. now d'ed red. in a pani$. (?hat2s wrong1* Ho. no. it2s nothing... Ceall'. : let !'self go whene#er :2! here.* ?hile !uttering softl'. /llen shoo& her head strongl'. ruffling the feather orna!ent in her hair. (8h. 'ou2#e got ja! on 'our !outh. too.* "er right red pupils were laughing. /llen e+tended her thin. white fingers. 5he wiped the ja! at the edge of Tigre2s !outh and rought it to her own. 5eeing su$h a lo#el' and e! arrassing gesture. Tigre turned his fa$e awa' sh'l'. (8ll right. let2s go there ne+t.* :gnoring Tigre2s rea$tion. /llen pointed to a stall a s!all distan$e awa' with a $heerful #oi$e. The ai! was to shoot @night dolls o#er with a $or&7shooting to' $ross ow. )epending on the dolls &no$&ed o#er. different pri3es $ould e won.

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The si3e and pose of the @nights differed. The dolls for e+pensi#e loo&ing pri3es would not fall easil'. (?hi$h should : &no$& down1* Though a to'. a $ross ow was a $ross ow. so of $ourse he would e a le to use it. )ue to the !e$hani$s of a $ross ow. he was not fond of using it. ut Tigre was une+pe$tedl' enthusiasti$ to pla'. ("!. how a out those two.* One of /llen2s targets was a $onspi$uousl' large doll ' a large figure whi$h would not fall o#er so easil'. :t had large feet and a low $enter of gra#it'. gi#ing it a large a!ount of sta ilit'. (Two. h!.* (0ou $an ta&e up to four shots. ?ill 'ou !anage1* ?hile passing a $opper $oin to the !an sitting at the stand. /llen as&ed hi! naturall'. (?ell. :2ll gi#e it a tr'.* Tigre re$ei#ed the to' $ross ow. The first shot stru$& it easil'. :t hit the head of the doll. oun$ed o#er the $urtain. and landed in the a$& of the stall. 5in$e he was loo&ing for the traje$tor'. he did not parti$ularl' !ind.

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Tigre ai!ed at the s!aller of the two dolls /llen spe$ified. )espite a dire$t hit to the head. the $or& ullet was light. The doll shoo&. ut did not fall. (Mu. too ad.* /llen spo&e with regret. ringing her hand to her !outh. --- ,id you really not notice? Tigre loo&ed at /llen. his e'es filled with dou t for a !o!ent. /llen loo&ed a$& at hi! suspi$iousl'. "e shoo& his head as if it was nothing and returned his ga3e to the dolls. --- #he really didn't notice, though I suppose that's tri"ial. It's fine. 5a'ing those words in his !ind. Tigre thought a out what to do with his third shot. Dro! how the doll shoo&. Tigre &new there was a support ehind the doll. Though it would not e a pro le! to &no$& the! down. it was what !ight happen afterward that $ould e an issue. "e shot the third $or&. :t passed etween oth feet of his targeted doll. :t re ound off the stand wall and hit the doll.

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The doll. pushed fro! ehind. pit$hed forward easil' and fell fro! the stand. (Oh< Hi$e<* /llen loo&ed li&e a happ' $hild as the stall owner pi$&ed up the doll. $li$&ing his tongue in anno'an$e. "e glared at Tigre. (That shot is in#alid. sin$e it hit fro! ehind.* Tigre ignored the !an2s words and too& his fourth shot. :t flew at the se$ond doll and hit it fro! the side. The doll shoo& and fell down. The !an ga3ed at the doll in surprise. ?hen Tigre tapped the !an2s shoulder with a refreshing s!ile. he whispered to hi!. (:t2s onl' these two. 8re 'ou sure 'ou won2t let !e off here1* (... ?hat do 'ou !ean1* (?ill 'ou let !e ha#e these1 : wouldn2t want to !a&e a fuss a out 'ou $heating. : $an just pretend not to &now and 'ou $an run 'our shop =uietl'. if 'ou &now what : !ean.*

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(... ;lease. tell !e one thing.* ?hile in a $old sweat. the !an loo&ed at Tigre un$o!forta l'. (?ith onl' one or two shots. how did 'ou understand1* ("u!ans do these things. no !atter the ti!e or pla$e. ?hen : was 'ounger. : had to deal with !an' si!ilar tri$&s.* Tigre shrugged his shoulders. and the !an laughed. The deal was stru$&. The pri3es were a large stuffed ear. a out the si3e of a s!all $hild. and a purple de$orated ri on. (:t was prett' $heap. and the pri3es are prett' good.* Tigre spo&e in ad!iration. The !an laughed loudl'. (:f 'ou don2t set up good pri3es. the #isitors will stop $o!ing.* 777 :ndeed. -e$ause there were good pri3es. the' did not pass the stall up. Tigre put the large ear in a sa$& and threw his histor' oo& into it. /llen too& the ri on and put it in her hair. ("ow is it1 )oes it suit !e1* Tigre was at a loss for words !o!entaril'. "er flowing. sil#er7 white hair and the purple ri on !at$hed perfe$tl'. "e did not thin& an' other $o! ination would wor& etter.

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(0es. how eautiful.* "e o edientl' responded. "e was !ortified he $ould onl' use ordinar' words. (:s. is that so1 That was une+pe$ted.* /llen tou$hed the ri on =uietl'. her fa$e d'ed red. (:. :2#e ne#er had that !u$h interest in these things. 5in$e : $a!e alone. : ne#er had an'one to show these things to. 0eah. it2s good to $o!e with so!eone o$$asionall'.* 5he rapidl' spo&e li&e a $hild to $o#er her e! arrass!ent. Tigre felt it was adora le. (5till. the stuffed ani!al is $ertainl' an une+pe$ted ho '.* (8h. that2s for Ai!. not for !e.* 5urprising words $a!e a$& to hi!. (.../h1* (5he2ll 'ell at us when we get a$&. 5he2ll e in a etter !ood if we gi#e that to her.* (?ith this1* (:t2ll wor&. : rought her a stuffed ani!al efore and her fa$e lit up. right red. :2! sure 'ou2ll see it soon as well.* Tigre $ould not i!agine it at all.

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The two wal&ed to another street while a#oiding the $rowd. /llen stopped in front of a $ertain ar. (This shop ser#es good !eals. :2! not sure if it2s e!pt' or not. so wait a !o!ent.* Tigre waited in pla$e while /llen pushed the door open. 8 dirt' la!p hung fro! the $eiling. athing the interior in a di! light. The little ta les were filled with people fro! Bh$ted. Hearl' thirt' guests were $heerfull' tal&ing. ur'ing the shop in noise. /llen loo&ed inside the store and found a s!all. e!pt' ta le. :t would not e a pro le! with just her and Tigre. Though /llen tried to go out to $all Tigre. her legs stopped !o#ing. The #oi$es of so!e $usto!ers rea$hed her ear. ("ow is -rune1* (:t2s hardl' good. sin$e a $i#il war !a' start soon.* The !an shoo& his head as if it were a surd. Ki#en their appearan$e. the two were !er$hants. (Aords Thenardier and Kanelon did their own things. ignoring the @ing efore. and now it has gotten worse. 8n' #illage a$ting against the! is urned and the towns are thrown into ruin. :t2s onl' a ru!or. ut it see!s aristo$rats who show lo'alt' are granted @nighthood or a go#ern!ent offi$e.*

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(5o that2s the reason 'ou $a!e a$&.* (0eah. :2d rather not get in#ol#ed. so :2ll e sta'ing for a while.* /llen left the shop silentl' and s!iled to Tigre while shrugging her shoulders. (:t2s full. Aet2s go so!ewhere else.* 5in$e the' $ould not find a good shop. Tigre and /llen sat in a s=uare with a a&ed apple and r'e al$ohol. (-' the wa'. what did 'ou want to tal& a out1* ?ith all topi$s e+hausted and the da' settling. /llen as&ed as she too& a drin&. Tigre glan$ed at the sa$& with the stuffed ani!al and histor' oo&. then turned to loo& at the o je$t at /llen2s waist. 8fter hesitating. he too& the plunge and spo&e. (:2#e onl' read one of the histor' oo&s. ut there was a word : noti$ed. 8rifal. is that the na!e of 'our sword1* (/+a$tl'.*

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/llen na!ed the sword wrapped in a white $loth. 4sing a single finger. she re#ealed it. The s!all portion etween the sheath and the guard was tinged with an unnatural. undulating light. The wind $lung and ti$&led Tigre2s hair. (5o this has een on 'our !ind.* (... :t2s as if the sword has its own intent.* Tigre spo&e while stro&ing his hair whi$h was tou$hed ' the wind. /llen laughed as she sheathed the sword.
@o!a no Ban&i

(:t is also $alled F-rilliant -eheader of the Dallen 5piritG. :t is a weapon per!itted onl' to the Vanadis.* Tigre $ould not spea& i!!ediatel'. Though it was diffi$ult to elie#e. Tigre had e+perien$ed it twi$e efore. :n$luding this ti!e. it was his third ti!e.

(The histor' oo&s $all this a F)ragoni$ ToolG whi$h $ontrols F?indG. : don2t &now all the details. ut... is this sword the $ause of the wind1* (To e !ore a$$urate. it $an !anipulate it. 0ou2#e seen it efore. ut it was a le to di#ert the arrow and lift an entire horse.* (... ?h' did 'ou not use it in )inant against !e1* :t was a desperate fight. whi$h is wh' he felt it anno'ing that she had $ut $orners. (-e$ause it was fun.* Tigre frowned hearing /llen2s pro!pt answer.

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(8t that ti!e. : $ould ha#e used it to stri&e 'our other arrows down. ut : wanted to $o!pete with 'our ow with onl' !' s&ill.* (0ou did a dangerous thing.* Tigre loo&ed at her with oth a!a3e!ent and $onfusion. (:t went well. so don2t worr'. ?hat else did 'ou want to tal& a out1* ()o the other Vanadis ha#e si!ilar weapons1*

(0es. The' also ha#e a F)ragoni$ ToolG. though the' aren2t the sa!e. ?ell. in all respe$ts. the' are tools e'ond understanding.* Ce!o#ing her s!ile. /llen spo&e seriousl'. as if on the attlefield. (The Vanadis is said to e a le to fight one thousand troops. :n realit'. though a Vanadis is an e+$ellent soldier. ea$h wields a F)ragoni$ ToolG gi#ing the! the $apa ilit' to fight an ar!' warriors. There are stories of Vanadis fighting three thousand. e#en fi#e thousand ene!ies single handedl'.* Though !onstrous words were stu$& in Tigre2s throat. he for$ed the! down. (5trange. ?h' didn2t 'ou in#ade -rune or Muo3inel1* /a$h of the se#en people were. =uite literall'. a !at$h for one thousand. /#en if half the troops were left ehind to defend the $ountr'. if three or four of the! were to fight. the' $ould #astl' e+pand their territor'. The' $ould not e la!ed for their in#asion if the' won.

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--- /erhaps the *ing does not ant such a thing. /llen $rossed her ar!s and loo&ed at the s&'. gi#ing thought to an answer. (4lti!atel'. it is e$ause the @ing has not ordered us to.* )ue to the une+pe$tedl' light re!ar&. Tigre had no words to sa'. "er words held no affe$tion for ro'alt'. she had spo&en as if it were a jo&e. There was neither good will nor respe$t. (... )o 'ou disli&e the @ing of Bh$ted1* (Though : don2t hate hi!. : don2t parti$ularl' li&e hi!. "e is the @ing now. so : onl' $onta$t hi! o$$asionall'.* 8s if re!e! ering so!ething displeasing. /llen2s eautiful fa$e turned itter. (Our $ountr' is !aintaining pea$e and sta ilit' for now. ?e ha#e had de$ades. e#en a $entur' in whi$h we were una le to e+pand our lands. Though e#er' @ing has een e+$ellent in his own wa'. none were a le to properl' $onfor! to the presen$e of all se#en Vanadis. Often. e$ause the' fear the Vanadis. the' $a!e to argue with us. How. the Vanadis. while pretending to follow the @ing. s$he!e to appoint an appropriate person to lead.* ("ow terri le...* ?hile frowning. onl' those words $ould e e+pressed.

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(Hone of the Vanadis wish to e$o!e &ing1* (The Vanadis &neel to the @ing. The @ing is to e defended. Those who fight for the @ing $annot e$o!e the @ing.* Tigre in$lined his head hearing her response. --- Is there some restriction they are bound to? Though it was e'ond his understanding. it was not an i!possi le stor'. The e+isten$e of a power that surpasses $o!!on sense. Tigre had alread' witnessed it. (The present @ing is su$h a !an. ?hile the Vanadis &neel superfi$iall' efore hi!. he does not ha#e the a ilit' to !a&e the! sin$erel' follow his lead. nor do we hold a will to do so. "e dou ts us and is alert for an' sl' a$tions. "e thin&s of how to redu$e our power in fear it !a' turn on hi!. "e is neither wise nor old enough to atta$& another $ountr'.* /llen shoo& her argent hair and let out a deep sigh. (: wish for so!eone with oth traits. so!eone fluent in politi$s. so!eone who $an e oth &ind and harsh. : wish for a @ing who is not swa'ed ' e!otion and o#erflows with a sense of justi$e...* (:t see!s 'ou2#e een ha#ing trou le.* (777 There2s no point in !e $o!plaining an'!ore. ut reall'. : would li&e a etter @ing.* (... : see.*

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--- If only $is Ma+esty, the *ing of this country, ere a little better... Tigre had trou le thin&ing of this as another person2s pro le!. ("owe#er. if as&ed what : would $hange a out the $ountr'. : would hesitate to sa' so!ething. :t is ' his power that the $iti3ens of AeitMerit3 ha#e a pea$eful life. : don2t thin& : would !a&e a etter @ing. sin$e : would ad#an$e !' own dire$ti#es.* (0ou shouldn2t insult 'ourself.* Tigre stopped her. hearing her self7ridi$ule. (M' fa!il' $reed is F8 hunter does not hold the arrow too long nor hunt the east too oftenG.* (?hat does it !ean1* /llen listened to Tigre2s words in interest. her e'es wide open. (8lthough the arrow is ne$essar' to hunt. if used too often. it $orrupts the land. 5i!pl' put. hunting in the !ountains and forests is onl' fun if 'ou don2t do it all the ti!e.* (... 0ou !ean. e#er'thing in !oderation1* (Though it !a' sound arrogant of !e. 'ou elie#e too little in 'our a ilit'. 0ou should understand. ha#ing seen the town. The land now is not ad.*

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/llen2s right red e'es loo&ed $uriousl' at Tigre. who spo&e earnestl'. (0ou...* "er !ur!ur was o#ershadowed ' the lowing wind. The $old air a$$o!panied the wind. stro&ing her argent hair. The night s&' approa$hed. (9ust now. what...1* Though Tigre as&ed with a frown. /llen stood up energeti$all' without responding. (: did not thin& : would e $o!forted ' 'ou.* 5he loo&ed a$& at Tigre. the usual #i ran$' returning to her s!ile. (:2ll sa' !' than&s. though. : feel a it etter.* Is that so. :t was odd. gi#en their position. that he $ould $heer her up. 5till. Tigre o edientl' thought it good. Though /llen tried to throw awa' the as&et holding the a&ed apple. she stopped. hearing a s!all $at with la$& hair at the root of a tree. /llen s!iled happil' and ent o#er. gi#ing the apple $ore to the $reature. ()o 'ou li&e $ats1* (: &ept one long ago. sin$e the' were useful to ward off the rats. Cight now. : onl' ha#e Aunie... )o 'ou ha#e an'1*

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(Cather than sa'ing : had a pet. when : was s!all. : helped ta&e $are of an old retired sheepdog.* Tigre re$alled those da's. tilting his head. ("is od' was large and he was alwa's sleeping.* ("is od' !ust ha#e een a great pillow for a $atnap. right1* (That...* Though /llen had a oastful fa$e. her words did not $ontinue. ("'au<1* /llen let out a lo#el' s$rea! and ju!ped aside. hanging on to Tigre. 8s she held hi!. Tigre inad#ertentl' felt so!ething unne$essar'. (?ha. what1 ?hat2s with that #oi$e that doesn2t suit 'ou1* 5he lifted her foot and sta!ped down. (Ket a$& in that alle'. :2ll $ut 'our tongue off so 'ou $an2t sa' an'thing i!polite again.* The sound of her sword rang as she pulled it fro! her waist. 5he glared at Tigre with a red fa$e. (Ho. sorr'. That was inappropriate.* (Ceall'... :2#e ne#er s$rea!ed li&e that when fa$ed with ears or oars.*

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(...* (777 0ou2re thin&ing a out it1* The sword at her waist. the lade of sil#er7white. returned. (:2! not. :2! not<* Tigre denied while wa#ing his hands hastil'. (-ut what $ould surprise 'ou so !u$h1* Tigre loo&ed at /llen2s feet and saw a shin' la$& inse$t. now twit$hing. Tigre loo&ed a!a3ed. seeing the inse$t dri#e her to her tiptoes. ()o 'ou not see these often1 The :!perial ;ala$e... is well $leaned. and : suppose 'ou wouldn2t noti$e the! on the attlefield.* Tigre said that aloud out of s'!path'. -' the wa'. Tigre was a$$usto!ed to seeing the!. sin$e the' were on the !ountains and in the forests when he hunted. (:f it2s noti$ea le. no !atter where. 'ou hate what 'ou hate.* /llen2s e+pression $learl' said she feared it rather than hated it. "er fa$e and gesture. !u$h li&e a $hild2s. was adora le. Tigre inad#ertentl' laughed.

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(?ha. what2s so a!using1* (Ho. :2! =uite relie#ed to find e#en 'ou $an e wea& to so!ething.* (0ou...* /llen2s fa$e was d'ed $ri!son as she had trou le $ountering Tigre2s words. ?ith a snort. she $hanged ta$ti$s. L 5he would go on the offensi#e. Tigre was perple+ed. Though his words were earnest. the' !a' ha#e offended her in so!e wa'. "owe#er. he did not worr' too !u$h. /llen too& a few steps forward. her argent hair sha&ing as she !o#ed. 5he loo&ed o#er her shoulder and glared at Tigre. (Aet2s go.* Tigre ran after /llen in a hurr'.

?hen the' returned to the :!perial ;ala$e. Ai! stood at the $astle gate. Though she nor!all' did not show e!otion on her fa$e. it was $lear fro! her i$e7$old pupils that she was angr'. Tigre in#oluntaril' shran& a$&.

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(0ou too& 'our ti!e.* (The da' hasn2t ended 'et. "ere. a sou#enir.* ?arding off the thorn' #oi$e. /llen passed her the ag with a stuffed ani!al. and spo&e in her nor!al tone. Though Ai! had a fa$e as if she wanted to sa' so!ething to Tigre. she held a$& until she loo&ed in the ag. (... This. this is.* ()o 'ou li&e it1 : wanted to get 'ou a present. so : went to town for it.* /llen spo&e fluentl'. proud as a pea$o$&. :t was not just anger flowing fro! Ai!2s od'. (-' the wa'. were 'ou loo&ing for so!eone1* (4nfortunatel'. it was 'ou.* (Kot it. 5till. : had $o!pan'. this ti!e.* 8fter that. Ai! $ast her ga3e to Tigre. (... ?h' did 'ou return1 :t !ust ha#e een a hea#en7sent opportunit' for 'ou to run awa'. )o 'ou ha#e the $onfiden$e to return1 8re 'ou foolish1 Or perhaps 'ou do not understand 'our situation.* (0ou should applaud !e for letting the opportunit' pass.*

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(: see. so 'ou are a fool.* Ai! pointedl' responded to Tigre2s words. (0ou shouldn2t e so harsh. "e $a!e a$&. after all. and Tigre was the one to get 'ou the present.* ?hen /llen !ediated fro! the side. Ai! san& into an aw&ward silen$e. (Ai!. 'ou !a' return to 'our roo!. : will guide Tigre.* /llen wa#ed her hand awa'. Ai! sighed and returned an unfriendl' e+pression. 5he owed in silen$e and wal&ed awa' while holding the ag. Tigre #a$antl' noti$ed her gait was light. (?ell. that2s done. How then. let2s follow her.* (Dollow1* Tigre loo&ed at /llen suspi$iousl'. (:2ll show 'ou so!ething interesting.* /llen wal&ed ris&l' with Tigre following after her. The soldiers saluted when the' noti$ed her. /llen lightl' wa#ed to the! and returned. Tigre noti$ed the' nodded to hi!. (: don2t re$ogni3e the pla$e we2re going to.*

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Tigre as&ed the =uestion. sin$e it had alwa's een Curi$& guiding hi! around the ;ala$e. (: suppose it2s not unusual1 The wo!en2s roo!s are around here.* The' were in a straight $orridor lined with roo!s spa$ed at regular inter#als. Kirl2s #oi$es $ould e heard in so!e roo!s. (:s it fine1* (:2! gi#ing 'ou per!ission. ?al& =uietl'.* /llen halted in front of a $ertain roo!. 8fter $onfir!ing no one was in the surroundings. she $arefull' drew her sword and uttered a s!all in$antation. The air !o#ed. Tigre understood /llen used the power of the 5il#er Dlash. The fa$e of the argent7haired Vanadis loo&ed li&e a $hild pla'ing a tri$&. (/#en if the door is opened. Ai! will ne#er hear a sound.* (... 0our sword will $r'. 8t least. : would.* :ndeed. Tigre felt sorr' for the sword. Tigre felt so!ething at the s$ruff of his ne$&. :t see!ed as if the wind was gru! ling. The sword see!ed dissatisfied. (Aoo&. 'ou. )on2t 'ou want to &now what she2ll do with our present1*

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,ertainl'. Tigre was an+ious when he saw the stuffed ani!al. --- )llen said she ouldn't treat it poorly. Though there was no sound. there was a possi ilit' he would e noti$ed. Tigre $arefull' opened the door. lea#ing enough spa$e for the two to loo& through the $ra$&. Ai! sat on the ed. hugging the ear. Though her fa$e was not #isi le. it was eas' to i!agine her e+pression gi#en her a$tions. Tigre was a!a3ed. More than what he saw. the nu! er of stuffed ani!als inside surprised hi!. :t was unusual. gi#en her $ool i!pression. "e had ne#er $onsidered it. Tigre and /llen $ontinued to wat$h. Ai! $losel' and happil' e! ra$ed the ear. (?hat should 'our na!e e. 8le+ei... : ha#en2t used that 'et... 0our e'es are the $olor of a po!egranate... : wonder.* --- #he's gi"en it a name1 )"ery one of them1 :t was his li!it. "e $ontinued to erase his presen$e. Tigre =uietl' $losed the door and loo&ed at /llen. "er fa$e showed her a!use!ent. (That2s how it is. 0ours. too. so 'ou !ight want to gi#e her another stuffed ear. 5he usuall' forgi#es !e with that.*

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$ %wa&enin' of the Ma'ic (u et

Tigre #isited /llen2s offi$e a few da's after the' wal&ed around the $astle town. Ai! sat ne+t to /llen helping her pro$ess the do$u!ents. (:t2s een a while. )o 'ou ha#e an' usiness1* /llen loo&ed at hi! and spo&e with a light tone. Tigre responded with a serious e+pression. (: wish to see so!e of the do$u!ents 'ou wor& on. Of $ourse. : don2t e+pe$t 'ou to allow !e to see the! all. just the ones 'ou $an.* ("!!1* /llen2s right red pupils loo&ed at hi! with surprise and interest. (Ma' : hear 'our reason1* Ai! loo&ed up at Tigre and spo&e in a tone as if interrogating hi!. "er e+pression showed she would not pardon an inappropriate reason. Tigre s$rat$hed his head in e! arrass!ent and answered honestl'. (?hen : return to 8lsa$e. : thought : !ight e a le to appl' so!e of what : learn.* "e was e! arrassed e$ause his response trul' was a si!ple one.

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,hatting with /llen as the' wal&ed through the town had a strong i!pa$t on Tigre. (Ai!. help hi!. 0ou still ha#en2t than&ed hi! for the stuffed ani!al. This should e just right.* (/leanora7sa!a.* 8pparentl' she was eing teased for her e! arrassing ho '. Ai! narrowed her lue e'es in indignation. (?here will 'ou wor&1 :t would e great if 'ou $ould do it here. sin$e we won2t ha#e to worr' a out losing an' do$u!ents. and it will !a&e it easier to &ill 'ou if 'ou do an'thing.* ()o it in his roo!. : ha#e a responsi ilit' to !anage these do$u!ents he $an2t see.* 8fter eing told off $oldl'. Ai! and Tigre held !an' do$u!ents and left the offi$e. Curi$&. who was standing near '. was as&ed to prepare a ta le and $hair as the two wal&ed down the $orridor. (:s it fine lea#ing her alone1* (5he will e fine. There hasn2t een !u$h ti!e sin$e the last assassin appeared. and /leanora7sa!a alwa's has a reason when !o#ing a out in se$ret.* Ai! answered without loo&ing at Tigre. (Ceason1* (5he goes to get al$ohol. tr' out new dishes at her fa#orite restaurant. or $lowns around with !instrels on$e ru!ors appear in the :!perial ;ala$e... Ho su$h tal& has een found. so she will wor& diligentl' for a while.*

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Curi$& was !ade to help $arr' a ta le and $hair to the $rowded roo!. (Than& 'ou for 'our wor&. Curi$&.* Aetting Curi$& rest. Ai! went a$ross the ta le and sat fa$e7to7fa$e with Tigre. (: ha#e heard 8lsa$e is a land filled with !ountains and forests. 8re 'ou worried a out flood $ontrol1 Or perhaps field rights and irrigation1 Or are 'ou $on$erned a out highwa' !aintenan$e1* (5in$e we are poor. : would li&e to a#oid an'thing $ostl'. :t $ould ta&e us fi#e or ten 'ears to sa#e up.* (: understand. Aet2s start there. then.* Dor a !o!ent. Tigre saw Ai! s!ile. Though her fa$e $hanged !o!entaril'. it =ui$&l' returned to nor!al. The do$u!ents. in a $ertain sense. were !ore diffi$ult to read than histor' oo&s sin$e Tigre was still not good at reading the Bh$ted language. "owe#er. Tigre was surprised ' how politel' Ai! taught hi! when he did not understand so!ething. 5he was patient enough to help hi! until he understood.

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Originall'. the' went through the do$u!ents at a slow pa$e. 8fter one &o&u Iappro+i!atel' two hoursJ. the' had !ade their wa' through two7thirds of the pile. The two de$ided to ta&e a rea&. Ai! $alled the !aid for a drin&. (Than& 'ou. : learned a lot.* ?hen Tigre than&ed her. Ai! shoo& her head. (:t is nothing spe$ta$ular. Though : ha#e read these efore. it allowed !e to re#iew things on$e again.* Ai! responded in a $urt tone. then loo&ed at Tigre in a hesitant !anner. 8fter finishing his drin&. Tigre noti$ed her glan$ing at hi!. as if hesitating o#er what to sa' to hi!. Ai!. though hesitant. see!ed to show e+pressions with an unusuall' a!ia le at!osphere. (0ou E )o 'ou elie#e 'ou $an return to 8lsa$e1* Tigre2s e+pression fro3e. 5ilen$e filled the roo!. "er words were unforgi#ing. Dort' da's had passed sin$e Tigre was ta&en $apti#e. Dewer than ten re!ained.

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:f the ranso! had een prepared. it would e ti!e for a response letter to arri#e. "owe#er. there was no su$h report. 5he spo&e as if Tigre had forgotten. /#entuall'. Tigre laughed to rea& the silen$e. (... /#en if : $onsider the worst $ase s$enario and the ranso! has not een prepared. it would do !e no good to e$o!e an+ious.* (: suppose that is true.* (:f : were distraught. it would e an insult to the people who wor&ed hard for !' sa&e.* ?hen he thought he !ight not see Teita again. he e$a!e an+ious and lost sleep. 5till. Tigre had faith in her. 8t the #er' least. he wanted to gi#e off that appearan$e. Though his feelings were a little different. it would e too e! arrassing if he were e+press his senti!ents $learl'. (... : would sa' it is half an+iet'. half #anit'.* "e was easil' seen through. ("owe#er. : understand 'our feelings.*

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Ai! lowered her head to Tigre in apolog'. and the roo! e$a!e silent. (?e should $o!plete our wor& soon. then.* ;utting her e!pt' $era!i$ $up on the ta le. Ai! s!iled. Tigre was sho$&ed to see su$h a soft e+pression. 8 !o!ent later. Ai!2s fa$e returned to its nor!all' fro3en e+pression. :t had e$o!e dar& efore the' !anaged to wor& through the re!aining do$u!ents. (Than& 'ou for the hard wor&.* ?hile owing. Ai! let out a deep reath. Tigre threw his od' onto the ed and la' on his a$&. Though he was the one to as&. he had read do3ens of do$u!ents written in a foreign language. :t was a diffi$ult tas&. (0ou !a' rest as 'ou are. : will ha#e Curi$& ring 'ou 'our dinner.* (Than& 'ou. 0ou2#e sa#ed !e.* ?ithout returning a word. Ai! left the roo!. 8fter she $losed the door. she let out a sigh. (777 )id he wor& e$ause he &nows1* Cight now. an intense at!osphere engulfed -rune.

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The soldiers were ordered to not spea& to Tigre of the situation in -rune. ut su$h infor!ation $ould still lea&. ("e has li&el' guessed it.* 8fter hesitating. Ai! shoo& her head. (/#en if : tell hi!. he will onl' e$o!e uneas'...*

:n -rune @ingdo!. Massas was us' tr'ing to help Tigre. "owe#er. no one offered to help. /#er'one was $on$erned with se$uring their own safet'. )u&e Thenardier had heard fro! an inti!ate aristo$rat. The stor' $a!e a out while !an' aristo$rats were gathered at a pa#ilion. drin&ing and $hatting together. The )u&e frowned. hearing a out )inant. (:t was an awful attle. )ue to others2 foolishness. e#en !' $hild was su je$t to defeat.*

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The )u&e had e$o!e 42 'ears old. "is large ph'si=ue and stunning la$& eard was wrapped in lu+urious sil& $lothing. :n his thirties. the &ingdo! sponsored hi! to join in attle. "e alwa's earned re!ar&a le !ilitar' ser#i$es in attles against Bh$ted. "is talent was also shown in the $ourts. )ue to his s&ill. he was a le to a$=uire a power whi$h $ould silen$e e#en the @ing. There was a differen$e etween $onfiden$e and arrogan$e. There was no fear in his e'es. 5till. $onfiden$e e$o!es o#er$onfiden$e. whi$h often leads to $ruelt'. Though he $ontinued su$h a$tions. no one stopped hi!. (?hat happened in )inant1* (8 'oung aristo$rat. /arl Vorn. was !ade $apti#e ' the ene!'2s Keneral. the Vanadis...* ("ow deplora le. :nstead of sui$ide. he settled for su$h a patheti$ thing. "e also left his $o!panions alone. :t is e$ause of su$h people that we were defeated.* 8fter relentlessl' a using hi! #er all'. the )u&e nodded and $ontinued his words. (:f : re$all. that o'2s onl' s&ill was with the ow. "e was li&el' $aptured after throwing his ow aside and running awa'. :f it was !' $hild. he would fight ra#el' until his sword or spear shattered.* The aristo$rat. who was a guest. needed to lessen the )u&e2s anger lest he snap.

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777 /#en the )u&e was a parent. "e had learned of the a o!ination of )inant fro! his son. ?hat &ind of fa$e did he ha#e at the ti!e1 Baien. the son of )u&e Thenardier. ran awa'. lea#ing those to his left and right ehind. the !o!ent he heard of the supre!e $o!!ander. the ;rin$e. d'ing on the attlefield. Though the )u&e did not &now a out it. the aristo$rat did not wish to tell hi!. 8lthough his anger was without reason. it was not parti$ularl' har!ful. (Aord Massas. who is inti!ate with /arl Vorn. see!s to e preparing a ranso! for hi!. ?hat shall we do. )u&e1* ("e wishes to as& !e1 )oes he e+pe$t !e to help this sha!eless a$tion1* The )u&e2s thi$& hands shoo& as the aristo$rat who $ontinued spea&ing. (Thin& a out it. /#en an aristo$rat who is e'ond 'our help !a' e useful. 'our e+$ellen$'. 0our !er$' !a' e$o!e effe$ti#e in fighting 5ir Kanelon.* The war etween )u&e Thenardier and )u&e Kanelon was una#oida le. :t was re$ogni3ed ' the do!esti$ aristo$rats. The $iti3ens thought so as well. Thenardier2s wife was the @ing2s nie$e. The hus and of Kanelon2s elder sister was the @ing2s nephew. 5in$e Kanelon was $onne$ted through the @ing2s elder sister. he was farther fro! power. The rights to the throne in -rune ga#e priorit' to !en. as is t'pi$all' the $ase.

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The present @ing had neither rother nor $hild. onl' a nie$e and a nephew. Heither would $o!pro!ise on the position of who would as$end to the throne. (?ill 'ou answer their ter!s efore )u&e Kanelon... :t !a' a$t as a $atal'st for those who still wa#er.* ,onta$t with the )u&e. whether as an all' or not. was desira le. "owe#er. the )u&e refused. (Though it is not a ad plan. : will not do su$h a thing for a $oward.* 8fter the guests left. the )u&e $alled a ser#ant after a sudden thought. (;repare a !ap.* Aoo&ing at the !ap rought ' the ser#ant. he $onfir!ed the lo$ation of 8lsa$e. (5o this is his land.* 8 sigh of disappoint!ent lea&ed fro! the )u&e. 8lsa$e was not onl' distant fro! the $enter of the &ingdo! ut s!all. The !ajorit' of the land was !ountains or forests. :t was said there was not !u$h there. and it was diffi$ult to $at$h an'thing. ("owe#er... :t is in $onta$t with the Bh$ted order. That $annot e o#erloo&ed.* 8fter thin&ing for a while. the )u&e $alled for his son.

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(0ou $alled for !e. Dather1* Baien appeared efore his father. "e was a 'oung no le with an appropriate appearan$e and gar . (: wish for 'ou to do so!ething.* The )u&e e$&oned to his son and pointed at a pla$e on the !ap. ()o 'ou &now of 8lsa$e1 Ta&e three thousand soldiers with 'ou and urn it to the ground.* Baien frowned. "e was not surprised ' his father2s $ruel instru$tion. "e thought of the trou le. re!e! ering it was a distant land under Tigre2s $are. (: will not refuse 'our instru$tions. Dather. ut !a' : hear the reason1* The )u&e first told the stor' he heard fro! the aristo$rat. (The Aord of 8lsa$e is a sent. Though the land is hardl' worth ta&ing. : would rather Kanelon not plunder it. :t would e e#en !ore trou leso!e if Bh$ted too& $ontrol.* (:ndeed. "owe#er. to send three thousand troops to su$h a s!all land. isn2t that too !u$h1* (Though there is nothing there. the people !a' e #er' territorial. @ill all who resist. $apture and ta&e all 'ou $an $arr'. ?e $an sell the o je$ts and people to Muo3inel. 8n' good loo&ing wo!en. 'ou $an gi#e to the soldiers.*

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Baien was delighted to hear his father2s words. (Than& 'ou. Dather. This will help with soldier !orale as well. : suppose it will e unne$essar' to gather the @nights then.* (Ho. ta&e at least one thousand @nights. ;ass through the lands of other no les and displa' 'our strength. 5how the! "ouse Thenardier.* (8s 'ou wish. -' the wa'...* Baien lowered his #oi$e. now spea&ing as father and son. (?hat of "is Majest'. the @ing1* ("e is in his roo! as usual. "e is !entall' and ph'si$all' wea& fro! what : hear. :t is dou tful he will li#e for e#en another !onth. ?ith the ;rin$e out of the wa'. it will e a good thing if he dies.* "earing the )u&e gloat. Baien2s e'es loo&ed fearful. L There was a ru!or that his father and )u&e Kanelon had $ooperated to !urder "is "ighness. the ;rin$e... "e oppressed the people of his territor'. Though Baien thought of it as si!pl' $rushing inse$ts. he still held respe$t for the @ing and ;rin$e as a #assal of the Co'al Da!il'. "e loo&ed on in fear and awe at his father who easil' o#erstepped the oundar'. --- #o the rumor as true.

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Thin&ing a out it. though. he had no reason to diso e'. "e owed his head. 8fter preparing his troops. he set out for 8lsa$e.


(Baien7sa!a.* 8 #oi$e $a!e fro! ehind Baien as he left his father2s roo! and wal&ed down a $orridor. Turning around. he noti$ed an elder !an wearing a la$& ro e. Baien frowned in disgust. (?hat is it. )re&a#a$1* )re&a#a$ was the old !an who stooped forward. (:t see!s 'ou are going to attle. Baien7sa!a. : will gi#e 'ou a present.* (8 present1 0ou2ll gi#e one to !e1* Baien2s gri!a$e e$a!e !ore se#ere. This elderl' !an was a soothsa'er who ser#ed the Thenardier fa!il' for !an' 'ears. "owe#er. Baien had ne#er on$e li&ed )re&a#a$. Cather. he hated hi! enough to &ill hi!. "e wanted to dis$ard the !an rather than spend the !one' on hi!. "e had not done so. though. e$ause the !an had een appointed ' his father.

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Baien $ould do nothing when it $a!e to his father2s !en. ut he a#oided seeing )re&a#a$ as !u$h as possi le. (;lease. $o!e this wa'.* )re&a#a$ turned his head a$& and egan wal&ing. Baien relu$tantl' followed. The' left the hall toward the sta les. 8s the' approa$hed the sta le filled with the hated s!ell of ani!als. Baien tried to 'ell out negligentl'. )re&a#a$. howe#er. too& a detour to the a$&. (:n here.* )re&a#a$ lifted a $loth with his hand. 4nderneath were the heads of )ragons.
5uro V'fal

One was an /arth )ragon and one was a ?'#ern. oth eight' $het Iappro+i!atel' eight !etersJ in height. The' oasted huge odies with short. sto$&' li! s and strong s$ales $o#ering their entire od'. prote$ting the! fro! sword and spear. 8 )ragon $ould =ui$&l' rush with enough for$e to destro' a wall and had strength and #italit'. The ?'#ern2s huge wings $ould e used to let a hu!an fl'. Though its s$ales were hard. the' were not as strong as the /arth )ragon2s. (... Oh.* Baien was o#erwhel!ed. sin$e it was the first ti!e he had e#er seen a )ragon. "e thought their e+isten$e was a !'th or a fair' tale. :t was e'ond his &nowledge.

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(Their training is al!ost $o!plete. /#en if 'ou released the! on the attlefield toda'. the' would wor& splendidl'.* (:s. is it reall' o&a'1* (Of $ourse. 0ou $an tou$h the! if 'ou wish.* Though hesitant. Baien was $urious. seeing a )ragon for the first ti!e. "is o stina$' won o#er his fear. "e $arefull' stepped toward the ?'#ern. Though the ?'#ern owed a ruptl'. as if it was sh'. it re!ained still when his pal! tou$hed it. Baien too& a deep reath. feeling the rough s$ales. (... : hope it is to 'our li&ing.* (0es. ?ell done. )re&a#a$. :2ll ride this ?'#ern<* "is poor !ood fro! a while ago was $o!pletel' lown awa'. Baien ga#e words of appre$iation to the old !an. ?here did he $at$h the )ragons1 "ow were the' trained1 "e did not thin& of it at all. (... There is onl' one thing 'ou !ust e war' of.* (?hat1*

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(The )ragon has not e$o!e a$$usto!ed to the s$ent of hu!an residen$es. ;lease. do not ring it into the $it'.* Though Baien frowned. he re$alled the stor' that )ragons li#ed in uninha ited re$esses in !ountains and disli&ed the s!ell of !an. Though he did not &now if it were true. he felt it reasona le. --- Well, I on't be entering any to ns. It ill be intimidating enough to simply alk ith it "isible. Baien2s heart thro ed. i!agining su$h a spe$ta$le.

Onl' two da's re!ained until the ranso! deadline. --- Is it impossible? Tigre la' in ed and rolled around. staring at the dar&ness. "e had wo&en up in the !iddle of the night. The first ti!e this happened was a few nights ago. 5leeping soundl' until !idda' did not $hange. Though he tried not to worr'. he $ould not $hange the $ondition of his od'. (Ai&e : thought... :2! afraid.* :t was the fate of his future. "e !a' e thrown into a situation he would not sur#i#e.

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8 &no$& was heard on the door. :t was s!all enough su$h that he would not noti$e had he een asleep. (8t this ti!e...1* "e was war'. sin$e he was not allowed to &eep e#en a &nife. Tigre opened the door while tightening his grip on his ow. (Oh. 'ou $a!e.* Curi$& stood efore hi!. holding a $andlesti$&. The s!all fla!e fli$&ed. :t was diffi$ult to see an'thing e'ond Curi$&. (?hat2s wrong1* 5eeing hi! a$t differentl'. Tigre =uieted his #oi$e. Curi$& whispered an e+planation. (Aord Tigre#ur!ud. there is a person who wishes to !eet 'ou. ,an 'ou follow !e1 Tr' to !a&e as little noise as possi le.* Tigre nodded. :n the pit$h dar& passage of the night. the two $arefull' wal&ed. :t see!s the' were !o#ing so as not to alert the other soldiers. sin$e the' ad#an$ed through passages different fro! the nor!. Tigre arri#ed at the training area.

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One elderl' person sat en$losed ' se#eral soldiers. "is fa$e. lit ' a soldier2s tor$h. was &nown well to Tigre. --- Batran1 Hearl' letting out his #oi$e. Tigre rushed to -atran. ignoring the soldiers. and too& his hand. (0oung Aord< 0oung Aord< 0ou are safe and sound<* (0ou. too. than& goodness< Ceall'. than& goodness< )id Aord Massas sur#i#e1 ?hat of Teita1 8nd 8lsa$e1* ?hile tightl' grasping the old !an2s hands. tears fell fro! his e'es. Tigre $ried fro! the otto! of his heart. The surrounding soldiers were surprised. i!patient. and pani$&ed. (Tigre7san. 'our #oi$e. 'our #oi$e.* (8h. 8h. sorr'.* 8fter eing s$olded. Tigre apologi3ed. sin$e he intended to &eep his #oi$e down. Tigre noti$ed the soldiers at last and saw the! asso$iating fran&l'. (Than& goodness. 0ou2re all a$=uainted.*

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Curi$&. ha#ing $aught up. s!iled in relief. (This elderl' !an une+pe$tedl' snea&ed into the :!perial ;ala$e. 5in$e he spo&e with the a$$ent of -rune. he was $aptured. ?hen : rought up Aord Tigre#ur!ud2s na!e ' $han$e. he persisted that we introdu$e 'ou to hi!.* (Date was &ind.* One of the soldiers shrugged his shoulders. (:t was good that those who disli&e 'ou did not $at$h hi!. The' pro a l' would ha#e injured hi! without as&ing an' =uestions.* (/#en if there was no one so e+tre!e. so long as Ai!lisha was not infor!ed. he would e i!prisoned without !eeting 'ou.* (/#er'one. than& 'ou.* Tigre wiped the tears fro! his e'es as he than&ed the soldiers. (;lease don2t worr'. :t2s not li&e we $an figure what to do fro! now on. either.* One of the soldiers !ade a diffi$ult fa$e. (?e will ha#e to report that an old !an $a!e to help 'ou es$ape and arrest hi!. 8lso. 'ou will need to return to 'our roo! o edientl'.*

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Though the' had a friendship with Tigre. the' still ser#ed /llen. There was a li!it to what the' $ould do. (:2! sorr' if this ends with 'ou eing s$olded.* (: understand. -atran. : want to hear what2s going on...* Tigre wanted to $onfir! Teita2s safet'. "e as&ed -atran. who was shedding tears. (0oung Aord. three thousand troops elonging to )u&e Thenardier are ad#an$ing toward 8lsa$e...* (... ?hat do 'ou !ean1* Tigre was $onfused. "e $ould not understand. ,ertainl'. he did not get along with Baien or )u&e Thenardier. ut the soldiers would not e !o#ed on e!otion alone. The @ing would not per!it su$h an a$tion. 8lsa$e was not e#en adja$ent to )u&e Thenardier2s territor'. :t was etween the lands of other aristo$rats. :nfluential no les passed o#er his ho!e. (: do not &now how to tell 'ou...* 4sing his withered ar!s to wipe his tears. -atran too& a deep reath as he too& a letter fro! his reast po$&et.

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(This is a letter fro! Aord Massas. 8$tuall'. he has pro#ided a !ap and a horse...* Tigre too& the letter and =ui$&l' read it after i!patientl' $utting the seal. There was first an apolog' for eing una le to prepare the ranso!. 8lsa$e was pea$eful for the ti!e eing. 8lso. it was written that Teita went to the te!ple to pra' e#er' night. --- Teita... Though Tigre was !o#ed to tears. his od' went hot with anger after reading the following senten$e. )u&e Thenardier dispat$hed three thousand soldiers to urn 8lsa$e and would sell the people he $aptured to Muo3inel. :n addition. )u&e Kanelon &new a out it and was tr'ing to !o#e his soldiers ahead of ti!e. "e would do his est to suppress Kanelon. so he wanted Tigre to es$ape fro! Bh$ted in an' wa' he $ould. (The'2re doing whate#er the hell the' want...<* -' the ti!e he noti$ed. Tigre had $rushed the letter in his hand. "is o#erflowing anger $ould not e suppressed as he $len$hed his teeth.

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Mutters lea&ed fro! the soldiers surrounding -atran and Tigre. The' were showing their grief and !ourning% it was a failure in their eha#ior. The' had une+pe$tedl' e$o!e too &ind to Tigre. (Aord Tigre#ur!ud...* The soldiers e+$hanged glan$es. tr'ing to push the unpleasant role on another person. Curi$& ad#an$ed as he spo&e. (Though : s'!pathi3e with 'our feelings. : i!plore 'ou. please return to 'our roo!.* (:t is poor of !e. ut : $annot $o!pl'.* ;la$ing the letter into his $lothes. Tigre stood up and wal&ed toward the $astle gate. "e was surrounded within fi#e steps. (;lease return.* Curi$& stared at Tigre. his tone now stronger. (: do not wish to e rough. Ho. 'ou are to ha#e the death penalt' if 'ou approa$h the ra!part. : will e for$ed to tell Vanadis7 sa!a.* (: understand. ut : will still lea#e.* Though his #oi$e was =uiet. it was terri le and daunting to those who heard. Curi$& was a$$usto!ed to war. "e was far fro! ti!id. eing a #eteran.

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5till. hearing Tigre2s #oi$e and glan$e. he was o#erwhel!ed ' his fighting spirit. )ue to the thirst for lood Tigre released. he $ould onl' !o#e awa'. /+tending his hand. Tigre wal&ed forward. thrusting Curi$& aside. (:t2s =uite nois'...* "earing a right #oi$e. Tigre stopped his feet. (?here are 'ou going so late at night1* Dolding her ar!s. /llen stood at the $astle gate. her sil#er7white hair athed in the !oonlight. :t shined and s$attered. li&e fine parti$les. 5eeing their Aord. Curi$& and the other soldiers ent to their &nees. Cespe$t. fear. and an+iet' engrossed the!. Though the Vanadis was &nown to e tolerant. she was ' no !eans sweet. (: elie#e : said 'ou are not to approa$h the ra!part.* Though it was !idnight. /llen was dressed in a dar& lue. long7 slee#ed shirt and s&irt. "er sword was at her waist. (5o 'ou noti$ed.*

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5he would not e sleeping in those $lothes. and she would not ha#e the ti!e to show up after getting dressed. (: $ould also $o!e out in the $lothes : sleep in. ut would 'ou e a le to re$ogni3e !e1* Tigre did not asso$iate with her fa!iliar. teasing tone. (;lease. let !e pass. : !ust return to 8lsa$e.* ()id 'ou forget 'our position1 Tell !e 'our reason for the ti!e eing.* Though the ti!e it would ta&e to e+plain was regretta le. Tigre spo&e the $ontent of the letter sent ' Massas. ()o 'ou ha#e an' e#iden$e to guarantee its $ertaint'1* (Hone. Though... if it is Thenardier. it is li&el' to happen.* /lease. Tigre was pleading in desperation. (:t will e too late on$e !' ho!e has een urned. ;lease let !e lea#e. : will return for sure.* /llen had not responded. 5he loo&ed down. as if thin&ing a out so!ething. 8 !'sterious light $ould e seen in her right red e'es. as if praising Tigre. (:f 'ou go to 8lsa$e. what will 'ou do1* (: will defend !' people.* Tigre answered in irritation. not understanding the !eaning ehind /llen2s =uestion.

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("ow1* ("ow...1* "e found hi!self at a loss for words. (: &now 'our s&ills with the ow. howe#er. 'ou are not an i!!ortal hero. ,an 'ou do this alone1 0ou !a' e $onfident in 'our s&ill. ut 'ou would e a fool to thin& 'ou $ould fight three thousand alone.* (: &now that.* (/#en if 'ou understand. 'ou will go1* ("owe#er. what... what else $an : do<* (5u$h a hapha3ard !an. )o 'ou reall' thin& 'ou $an do an'thing on$e 'ou get there1* /#en if he shouted. he was $ut short i!!ediatel'. /llen sighed. seeing hi! and pla$ed her hand on the 5il#er Dlash at her waist. (777 /s$ape $alls for $apital punish!ent. 8re 'ou tired of li#ing1 :f 'ou are heading to 'our death in 8lsa$e. it !ight e etter to end 'our life here in AeitMerit3.* 4nsheathing the lade. she pointed its tip to Tigre with a straight ar!. (5o 'ou... will not let !e pass.* Tigre glared at /llen in resent!ent. "e was eha#ing li&e a spoiled $hild. una le to ring forth etter words.

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"e understood. "e understand wh' /llen was doing what she was. (?h' don2t 'ou understand !e1* "er tone had une+pe$tedl' $hanged. /llen $ontinued to s$old hi!. (?h' are 'ou not using the wisdo! 'ou had in )inant when 'ou i!pro#ed 'our $han$es. e#en in su$h a situation1 ?h' do 'ou !o#e on 'our e!otions now1* (?hat are 'ou sa'ing...* Though Tigre was $onfused ' /llen2s words. he stared at her right red pupils and swallowed his words. "e had not $onsidered it... Cight now. what $ould he do1 Tigre would die ' /llen2s sword if he $ould not answer. "e had a ow in his hand. ut no arrow. ?hat he wanted to do. ?hat he should do. The sword refle$ted light and shined. Tigre $ould not help ut glan$e at it. 5uddenl'. a =uestion sprang to his !ind. --- Why has )llen not felled me in this situation? Why has she not ordered 3urick to capture me?

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5he understood the ranso! $ould no longer e paid at this ti!e. Though /llen was not o sessed with !one'. she !ade a $lear distin$tion. sa'ing she would sell hi! to Muo3inel. 5he no longer needed to sa' an'thing. 5 It could be. Tigre arri#ed at an answer. /llen was tr'ing to e!plo' hi! in the !ost effi$ient wa' possi le. 5he was gi#ing hi! the $han$e. Will you ser"e me? /llen as&ed that of Tigre efore. :t !ight still e #alid. --- This is my only opportunity. :f he !ade a !ista&e. /llen would forsa&e hi!. "e too& a s!all reath then let it out. Tigre $al!ed his reathing to settle down. Is this the same as hen I faced her in ,inant? My body is tense, and my knees are trembling. (... : ha#e a re=uest.*

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Tigre owed to /llen. (;lease. lend !e 'our soldiers.* On his &nees. Curi$&2s reath stopped !o!entaril'. 777 8!ongst the soldiers. he was his est friend...< 8s a $apti#e. it was unpre$edented that he as& to e loaned the soldiers. ("a... "aha< 8hahaha<* /llen2s e'es opened wide. Though Tigre wat$hed the fa$e full of a!a3e!ent. her od' was ent o#er. ursting in laughter. To sa' nothing of Tigre. e#en the soldiers had ne#er seen /llen laugh li&e this. (Ceall'... so!ehow. 'our i!puden$e is refreshing.* Though /llen laughed for !ore than a !inute. on$e it ended. she wiped the tears in the $orner of her e'es as she loo&ed at Tigre. "e wondered what he said would !a&e her so happ'. /#en the ree3e see!ed to swa' happil'. (0ou want !e to lend the! to 'ou. ut :2! not that ni$e. Haturall'. : $an2t do it for free.* (?hat do 'ou want1* (8ll of 8lsa$e.*

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(... 5o long as 'ou go#ern it in the sa!e !anner as AeitMerit3.* Though he thought it needless to sa'. it was a ne$essar' pro!ise to defend the people within his territor'. (: $an2t go#ern it e+a$tl' the sa!e. ut :2ll &eep that in !ind.* /llen as&ed hi! with her glan$e. Tigre nodded his head in assent. (Then. let2s go<* /llen sheathed the 5il#er Dlash and turned to the ;ala$e. Ai! stood eside her with a spear. ?ith e+$ite!ent in her #oi$e. /llen shouted an order.

(Ai!. this is war< Kra the -la$& )ragon Dlag.*

4nder /llen2s $o!!and. one thousand soldiers would head to 8lsa$e. Though onl' one7third the nu! er of ene!'. there were !an' $ir$u!stan$es. Dirst. she ga#e priorit' to speed. 8 large ar!'2s !o#e!ents were dull. :t also too& ti!e to prepare the weapons and food needed to feed the soldiers. :t was also ne$essar' to pass through the path in the Vos'es Mountains.

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-ut the nu! er $ould not too s!all. or else the' $ould not fight. )ue to these fa$tors. one thousand troops were dee!ed ne$essar'. :t was $o!posed al!ost entirel' of $a#alr'. 8s for the horses. three ti!es the nu! er was prepared. 8 large a!ount of su stitution horses were prepared so as to in$rease the !ar$hing distan$e. (: was surprised.* :n /llen2s pri#ate roo!. Ai! helped put on her ar!or. e+pressing her surprise with an indifferent e+pression. (: ne#er thought he would as& 'ou to lend hi! the soldiers.* (0our e+pe$tations were not !et. either.* /llen responded happil'. Ai! pro!ptl' noti$ed -atran snea&ing into the :!perial ;ala$e. as well as his $apture ' the soldiers. 5he guessed the' would allow Tigre and -atran to !eet. Ai! reported to /llen. sa'ing he li&el' $a!e to free Tigre. /llen =ui$&l' $hanged $lothes and !o#ed to the $astle gate. 8t that ti!e. Ai! and /llen !ade a et.

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/llen would show up at the $astle gate and would not allow Tigre to es$ape. ?hat would Tigre sa' when $ornered. what a$tions would he ta&e1 Ai! thought Tigre would $hallenge /llen with the ow. :f he won. he would es$ape. /llen felt Tigre would re$all their $on#ersation and thought he would as& to e her su ordinate. :n doing so. his territor' would e$o!e hers. and /llen would use her soldiers to defend it. :f he tried to for$e his wa' through or es$ape in an' other wa'. she would $ut hi! down. (?ell. the answer was $loser to !' idea. so it2s $loser to eing !' win. Ai!.* (Ho. :f 'our words had not led hi! to his de$ision. 'ou would ha#e lost. /leanora7sa!a.* (: as&ed a si!ple =uestion. : did not guide hi!.* (:f 'ou a$t as nor!al. /leanora7sa!a. 'ou would for$e hi! using an' !eans possi le.* (:2! not that #iolent.*

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("a#e 'ou forgotten what 'ou said in )inant1* Though /llen was heated up. Ai! $ountered gentl'. How there was onl' silen$e. -efore long. /llen finished donning her ar!or. The gauntlets. grea#es. and reastplates e!phasi3ed lightness and ease of !o#e!ent. There was no hel!et. Ai! wore a different ar!or. her od' was en$ased in a hardened shell. /llen was a Vanadis. and she held the argent lade. Ai! would ne#er go to the attlefield with su$h an appearan$e. 8 &no$& sounded at the door. ?hen Ai! opened the door. Tigre stood efore her. (8re 'ou finished1* :n#iting hi! inside. Ai! responded to Tigre2s =uestion. "a#ing ju!ped into Tigre2s #iew was /llen2s appearan$e as she donned a $loa&. pro#iding a lue a$&ground to $ontrast her ar!or. 5he stood proudl' with her hands on her hips. (Aoo& until 'ou2re satisfied. 0ou won2t ha#e ti!e on the attlefield.* 5he spo&e proudl' li&e a $hild. Though Tigre e+pe$ted her to spea& words li&e a prin$ess. he !inded his !anners while thin&ing of /llen. ("a#e 'ou $o!pleted 'our preparations1* (:t is as 'ou $an see.* Tigre wore leather gauntlets and ar!or. "is shin guards and !antle were also !ade of leather.

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?ith ow in hand and a =ui#er at his waist. he was ar!ed as he was when ta&en prisoner fro! )inant. (0our $ollar isn2t ent.* (Cight. 8nd 'our hair. it is etter to $o! it down a little.* (0ou $an use !' $o! . Ai!.* /llen2s hand e+tended and tou$hed the s$ruff of Tigre2s ne$&. Ai! tou$hed Tigre2s hair. 4rged fro! the right and left ' the two and una le to let out his ewilder!ent. Tigre stood straight. !aintaining his appearan$e as !u$h as possi le while eing groo!ed. ?hen the' finished. the two ga3ed at Tigre. (0our ar!or is leather... Though e! e33led. it2s faded and loo&s solid. Though it is not ad for attle. as one leading the ar!'...* (?ell. there is no ti!e. sin$e we did not see this $o!ing.* The two pat Tigre2s od' here and there. Though he understood the' had no ulterior !oti#e. Tigre felt a strange e+$ite!ent and tension. "e desperatel' !aintained his presen$e of !ind. /#en his reathing had stopped. and he re!ained still li&e a statue. 5o as not to $ause a strange rea$tion with his od'. he $ontinued to re$ite the na!es of Kods in his !ind. ,ertainl' the Kods whose na!e he re$ited were anno'ed ' it. (Aet2s go.*

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8t last. parting fro! Tigre. /llen turned a out and wal&ed out to the hallwa'. Ai! followed after /llen. Tigre. in a pani$. hastil' pursued the two. (?ith fewer than half the ene!'. $an 'ou win1* (:t is possi le.* "earing Ai!2s words. /llen responded as if it were nothing. (Dirst. we ha#e the geographi$al ad#antage. 5eeing the Vanadis glan$e at hi! fro! the side. Tigre egan e+plaining. (Though it2s true we ha#e an ad#antage in ter!s of geograph'. people following )u&e Thenardier ha#e #isited 8lsa$e in the past. :t has een a few 'ears sin$e then. ut it is possi le the' ha#e !ar&ed the area down. 5till. : $an draw a !ap. and if we return to !' residen$e. there is an e#en !ore ela orate !ap drawn ' !' grandfather.* (: see. the' thin& of 8lsa$e as a &ind of resort. The' won2t e+pe$t resistan$e.* "earing Tigre2s words. /llen responded happil'. (: ha#e heard Kanelon is at odds with Thenardier. Thenardier $an2t spare too !an' for$es to atta$& 8lsa$e. That should gi#e us a good opportunit'.* 5eeing her right red pupils filled with a will to fight. Tigre loo&ed at /llen on$e again.

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The ar!or /llen wore was eautiful in itself. "owe#er. it was not perfe$t. ?ith the light in her e'es. she was $o!plete as a Vanadis. This Koddess of ?ar was eautiful and dignified E an e! odi!ent of so!ething !'thi$al. "e loo&ed in ad!iration at her eaut'. Tigre stared at the Vanadis with sil#er7white hair without spea&ing. (:nstead of si!pl' ad!iring !e. wh' not put it into words. li&e sa'ing : a! eautiful.* /llen teased hi! as alwa's. (That was the thought that appeared in !' !ind when : first set e'es on 'ou in )inant.* ,ontrar' to the affe$tion in his words. he spo&e fran&l' without eing s!ug. (... :s. is that so.* ?hen he said that. /llen2s lue !antle =ui$&l' fluttered as she =ui$&l' turned around. hiding her fa$e whi$h had turned red fro! the une+pe$ted words.

There were few people along the wa' to ,elesta in the !iddle of su!!er. To es$ape fro! the Thenardier 8r!'. the people fled to the !ountains and forests in the su ur s.

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The soldiers who re$ei#ed instru$tion fro! Massas were guided ' the !aid. Teita. (Those who are sturd'. go to the !ountains or the forests in the outs&irts. Dor the elderl' and $hildren. please ta&e refuge in the shrine.* This was written in the letter sent ' Massas. ("e is a !an of -rune. so he $annot atta$& a shrine. /#en should Thenardier e a !an who does not fear Kod. if he atta$&s a shrine. the te!ples will align the!sel#es with Kanelon. Thenardier will definitel' not interfere with the!.* The soldiers !o#ed in a$$ordan$e to his instru$tions. Tigre. the Aord of 8lsa$e. was a sent. The #illage $hiefs and #arious influential people of the town were at a loss as to what to do. so the' were than&ful for Massas2 guidan$e. (Teita. will 'ou ta&e shelter outside of town1* (: will re!ain in the !ansion.* 8fter seeing the people to the shelter. Teita responded to the soldier2s =uestion. (Tigre7sa!a will surel' return. ?hen he does. : do not wish the residen$e to e uninha ited. : wish to e the first to re$ei#e hi!.* Though the soldier tried to thin& of words to persuade her. he ga#e up. Man' people had ta&en shelter. Teita. e#er' ti!e she was as&ed. responded in the sa!e wa'. 5he onl' wished to wait for Tigre.

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(: understand% howe#er. tell !e at an' ti!e if 'ou wish to es$ape.* (Than& 'ou #er' !u$h.* Teita owed with a s!ile. her $hestnut7 rown twin tails sha&ing with her a$tion. 5he then returned to the !ansion. The reason she ga#e to the soldier was not a lie. "owe#er. she had another reason she $ould not easil' e+plain. :f she left the !ansion. Tigre !a' not return. Though it was not so well7grounded. Teita felt a #ague inse$urit'. --- It's fine. Batran ill certainly return ith Tigre-sama. I only need to ait in the mansion for Tigre-sama. I hope he returns soon... )espite her an+iet'. she $ontinued to hope. /! ra$ing the la$& ow. the heirloo! of his fa!il'. Teita pra'ed Tigre would return safe and sound. --- I do not ish to e"acuate. Massas2 letter ga#e the nu! er of da's a#aila le to e#a$uate the people efore Thenardier2s 8r!' appeared. ut she did not see! to thin& a out it. The iggest reason was the a sen$e of the Aord. Tigre. though another reason e+isted.

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The people who li#ed in 8lsa$e originall' had a poor sense of $risis when it $a!e to war. This was e#en !ore so sin$e the land had onl' s!all towns and #illages. "ighwa's did not pass through 8lsa$e% !ountains and forests were e#er'where. :t was disad#antageous for the !o#e!ent or deplo'!ent of large ar!ies. Other regions would not ai! for 8lsa$e. so there was little reason for !ilitar' for$es to pass through. /+$ept for soldiers. none were fa!iliar with war. Durther!ore. the' did not &now of Thenardier2s $ruelt'. The aristo$rats of 8lsa$e. Tigre and 4r3. were on inti!ate ter!s with Massas. and the aristo$rats go#erning the adjoining territories were all affa le. The' did not seriousl' $onsider the situation with the Thenardier 8r!'. --- If Tigre-sama returns... Teita went to his ed. desperatel' holding a$& her urge to $r'. Ki#en the nu! er of da's sin$e -atran left ,elesta. he should ha#e returned. --- Is it impossible? Will Tigre-sama not return? Tigre did not return that da' either. The Thenardier 8r!'. led ' Baien. was !o#ing on foot and would rea$h 8lsa$e in two da's.

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Baien ad#an$ed efore his three thousand strong ar!' with a


grand attitude atop the ?'#ern. On$e. he tried fl'ing in the s&' with the ?'#ern. ut ga#e up due to the $old winds $utting into hi!. :t was also faster than e+pe$ted. so he had the ?'#ern wal&. --- 4lying across the sky ith a Wy"ern is une%pectedly difficult. The sensation is too different from a horse, so I'll practice once I return from my duty.

-ehind the ?'#ern was an /arth )ragon. The pressure e+uded ' its !assi#e si3e and strength ga#e fear to the soldiers. The' &ept as !u$h distan$e as possi le while !ar$hing. Though Baien had passed through the territor' of two or three no les. he had not en$ountered an' interferen$e. /#er'one feared the house of Thenardier. Baien felt $o!forta le. (8s soon as we urn 8lsa$e. we2ll send the hostages ahead and stop ' these regions. :t !ight e good to ha#e the! pledge lo'alt'. and we $an gra their wi#es and daughters...* "is father !ight e pleased as well. sin$e his attle with Kanelon would follow soon after. Baien thought of su$h things $heerfull' when a s$out returned to report.

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(The residents ha#e ta&en shelter1* (:t see!s the !ajorit' ha#e fled to the forests and !ountains.* (The rest1* (The' ha#e arri$aded the!sel#es within the te!ple. ?e $annot interfere.* (,raft'...* Baien2s teeth were seen. (Ver' well. Aet2s lea#e the #illages for now and head for ,elesta first.* (Ho. that2s fine. ?e2ll $ontinue to ,elesta as we are.* Baien shoo& his head hearing his su ordinate2s proposal. (,ertainl'. we $an2t destro' the te!ple. ut we $an destro' e#er'thing else. ?e just ha#e to urn it all. The people will gi#e up and lea#e the te!ple for sure.* Baien s!iled when another su ordinate appeared to report. (5o!eone has arri#ed. $lai!ing to e a !an fro! ,elesta who wishes to a$t as 'our e'es. Baien7sa!a.* (?hat &ind of person is he1* ("e has two na!es. The old !an see!s reasona l' influential as well.* Baien. ha#ing een told luntl'. lost interest.

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(@ill hi!. Throw his $orpse in the town.* The !an with two na!es was the first #i$ti! fro! 8lsa$e.


The wall en$losing ,elesta was not too high or thi$&. 8tta$&ing it would not re=uire siege weapons. :t would not ta&e !u$h ti!e to destro' it. The $astle gate $ould e ro&en using an a+e or a spear. Baien

re!e! ered )re&a#a$2s words regarding the /arth )ragon2s a ilit' to rea& through walls just ' $harging. (5urround the te!ple. ?e will raise our #oi$es and tire the! !entall' and ph'si$all'. Hot onl' will we depri#e the! of their freedo!. we will urn their ho!e.* Baien spo&e loudl'. the soldiers2 $hests swelled with e+pe$tation. ("owe#er. it is i!portant not to &ill or destro' too !u$h. Treat the wo!en with $ourtes'. and punish the rest.* This was not a fight ut a pillage. "e ga#e appro#al to the soldiers to release their rage and rutalit'. The' would rea& into houses. ta&e the !one' and possessions. then set fire to the uilding.

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Those who ran and s$rea!ed. tr'ing to es$ape. would e assaulted. Those who resisted would e pier$ed with a spear. Their lood painted the earth. The wre$&age and ru le of uildings and stalls were s$attered. the gardens and #ine'ards were !er$ilessl' tra!pled. ?ith a sword in the right hand and a ottle. stolen fro! so!ewhere. in the left. the soldiers staggered a out town. into+i$ated on al$ohol and destru$tion. Aaughter re!inis$ent of a ar arian was !i+ed in with the sounds. -la$& s!o&e strea&ed the s&'. Though the dead nu! ered few. this was due to Baien2s stri$t orders. The elderl' not $onsidered worthwhile were !er$ilessl' slaughtered. ("!. this #illage is so tin'. it was eas' to de!olish.* Baien was awa' fro! the ar!' with the )ragons and horses. wat$hing $al!l'. The sight of people egging and tr'ing to es$ape filled Baien2s heart. Baien stepped onto the street and pulled his horse up to a uilding. :t was a large estate in $o!parison to the surrounding houses. Ki#en its si3e and lo$ation. it elonged to the Aord. (5o this is Vorn2s house. :t2s su$h a sha ' stru$ture for an aristo$rat2s !anor. :2ll ha#e a loo& inside efore : set fire to it.* Baien dis!ounted his horse and entered the !ansion with the intent to ridi$ule it.

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Teita was in the !ansion. ?hen the Thenardier 8r!' appeared outside of town. Teita wished to fa$e the! as Tigre2s representati#e. 5he was stopped ' others. though. and re!ained in the !ansion. Three thousand troops =uietl' flooded in li&e a sea of sil#er. 8fter a ti!e. those who went forth as representati#es were returned as $orpses. How. the' were urning. looting. and destro'ing the town. (... Tigre7sa!a<* Dro! the first floor of the house. Teita wat$hed the de#astation with a itter e+pression. 5he $ould not do an'thing. her od' re!ained still fro! sho$&. sadness. and fear. 5he felt powerless% tears spilled fro! Teita2s e'es. The door was loudl' opened. Teita returned to her senses. --- The first floor? ,id someone come in? "er od' stiffened. 5he &new so!eone had entered. --- Tigre-sama, please gi"e me courage.

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Teita !o#ed into the hallwa'. tightl' hugging the la$& ow. 5he des$ended the stairs to the first floor. 8 'oung !an stood in the hall. loo&ing at the $andlesti$& in the $orner. "e &i$&ed it o#er while laughing. the sound resounding through the !ansion. (?ho2s there1* "er #oi$e tre! led. The 'oung !an E Baien Thenardier E turned around slowl'. "is two e'es loo&ed o#er Teita2s od'. as if li$&ing it. Teita shuddered fro! the ill feeling. (?hat a good loo&ing girl. :f 'ou ow down to !e. : !ight e#en hold 'ou.* (... ;lease lea#e.* Teita s=uee3ed those words out of her !outh. Baien loo&ed dou tful and laughed as he rought a hand to his ear. ()id : hear 'ou wrong1 :s Vorn2s !aid reall' that stupid1 ;lease. sa' it again.* (... Ket out.* (?hat1*

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(: told 'ou to go awa'<* ?ith a red fa$e. Teita shouted at Baien. (This house. this town. Tigre7sa!a2s possessions. do not la' a finger on the!< Ket out<* (... 0ou would sa' that to the son of "ouse Thenardier.* Baien pulled out the sword at his waist. (8 usi#e language has a hea#' $ri!e. Aoo&s li&e :2ll ha#e to tea$h 'ou the hard wa'.* Teita2s e'es opened widel' as she reathed in deepl'. 5he retreated. one step. two steps. Baien held a$& his laughter in his throat. The glittering sword drew an ar$. Teita2s s&irt was greatl' torn. her pure7white thighs. nearl' showing their ase. were are to see. (?hat is it1 :f 'ou don2t hurr' and run. :2ll $ut 'our leg ne+t.* Teita turned her a$& on Baien and ran up the stairs. Baien followed after her with a $ruel s!ile. as if hunting pre'. !o#ing up the steps slowl'. Teita returned to the se$ond floor and ran straight to Tigre2s roo!. 5he $losed the door. and. with a tre! ling hand. olted it. though she failed !an' ti!es. --- What do I do? What do I do no ...

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/#en with the door olted. she did not feel eas'. "e would arri#e at the roo! soon. and there was nothing to lo$& the door. Teita loo&ed a out the roo! with a fearful e+pression. ?hen Teita2s e'es saw Tigre2s des&. she ran up to it. (:f : re!e! er. there was a &nife Tigre7sa!a used...* 5he wildl' opened the drawer and found a &nife. Kripping the handle. Teita e+haled in relief. noti$ing again that one ar! was e! ra$ing his ow. 5he loo&ed around the roo! and. after hesitating a !o!ent. ran to the se!i7$ir$ular al$on'. Though it was nois' eneath the al$on'. she $ould not loo& elow. The sound of so!ething rea&ing $ould e heard ehind her. ?hen she turned around. she noti$ed Baien had used his sword to $reate a hole. 8fter rea&ing through the olt. he &i$&ed the door down. standing with a distorted s!ile. (?e2re done alread'1* Teita grasped the &nife in oth her hands toward Baien who $ontinued to laugh s$ornfull'. 5he atta$&ed hi! in desperation. Baien stepped into the roo! and randished his sword. "e &no$&ed the &nife awa' in an unsatisf'ing !anner. 8 red line ran a$ross Teita2s $hest. 5he stepped a$&ward until she was $ornered at the al$on'.

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5he leaned a$& while gripping the la$& ow. "er fa$e was d'ed red in anger and e! arrass!ent. Tears floated to her e'es as she e! ra$ed the ow while hiding her $hest. The wind shoo& her $hestnut7 rown hair. (Tigre7sa!a...* (?hat2s this. a lowl' !aid doesn2t understand her position and holds feelings for her !aster1* Baien $al!l' pointed his sword at Teita as he !uttered an insult. (Vorn will definitel' e sold off to Muo3inel. :2ll do the sa!e to 'ou. Ma' e 'ou2ll e lu$&' and !eet hi!.* (Ho. Tigre7sa!a... Tigre7sa!a will surel' $o!e<* ("ow ra#e. :t2ll e ni$e if 'ou $all out his na!e when 'ou2re under !e.* Baien gripped Teita2s shoulders and threw her down with all his strength. Teita !oaned. 5he $losed her tear7filled e'es and $ried Tigre2s na!e in her !ind. Baien put his weight on Teita. 777 :t sounded. 8 short. slow. sound. (?h... at1*

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Baien $ould not elie#e it as he loo&ed at his hand. :t was the hand he had just stret$hed out to Teita. 8n arrow was running through it. --- Where...? Cather than feeling pain. it was a $hill that ran down Baien2s spine. :t would e diffi$ult to ai! through the narrow gap of a al$on' railing. espe$iall' sin$e this was the se$ond floor. (Teita<* -eneath the al$on'. a #oi$e $alled to her. Teita opened her e'es and thrust Baien. who was stunned. aside. (Tigre7sa!a<* 5tanding up. Teita $ried tears of jo'. The o' with red hair and a ow was riding on horse a$&. Teita. e#er' da'. e#er' night. pra'ed for hi! to return safel'. (9u!p. Teita<* ;la$ing his ow in the saddle. Tigre $ried while e+tending his ar!s. Teita. without an' sign of hesitation. shoo& awa' Baien2s hands as he tried to $apture her and ju!ped o#er the al$on'.

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8t the sa!e ti!e. the horse Tigre rode stu! led with a ro&en foot and sprawled forward. --- I can't reach Teita... I on't make it. Tigre shouted. 5tepping on the saddle. he ju!ped off the horse. Tigre stret$hed his hands as far as he $ould to rea$h the falling Teita. The' tou$hed. :n the air. Tigre strongl' e! ra$ed Teita2s deli$ate od'. Though the two loo&ed as if the' had een thrown to the ground. the' were not injured. :!!ediatel' efore $rashing into the earth. a !'sterious wind wrapped around the two. Tigre and Teita landed softl'. Teita2s s&irt floated. swa'ing in the wind. (777 0ou did so!ething $ra3' for this girl. reall'.* 8rgent hair fluttered as she wal&ed to Tigre. 5he lowered the longsword in her grasp. /llen loo&ed down with an a!a3ed e+pression fro! atop her horse. 5he used the wind to help Tigre. "earing /llen spea&. Tigre understood that. (: don2t e+pe$t an'thing in return... ut if : didn2t help 'ou. wouldn2t 'ou ha#e een injured1 :f 'ou landed poorl'. 'ou $ould ha#e died.*

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(: was $ounting on 'ou.* ?hile sitting up. Tigre than&ed /llen. "is e'es turned to the al$on'. (5o Baien is in the house...* "owe#er. Baien no longer appeared. "e !ust ha#e run inside. (Baien1* (Thenardier2s son. "e is the $urrent heir.* ("o. so he2s pro a l' their ,o!!ander.* /llen loo&ed a$& and thought. There were nearl' thirt' troops a$$o!pan'ing her. (5o the oss is in the house. : want ten of 'ou in there.* The soldiers got off their horse and entered the !ansion with sword and spear at the read'. Tigre turned around and loo&ed at Teita. Though Teita was surprised. tears lotted her ha3el e'es. 5he $lung to Tigre strongl'. (Tigre7sa!a<* 5he $alled Tigre2s na!e !an' ti!es. the sound of tears !i+ing in her #oi$e.

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(: elie#ed... : &new Tigre7sa!a would return.* (5orr' for worr'ing 'ou. :t2s fine now.* Tigre wanted to hold Teita $losel' until she settled down. ut there was no ti!e. Their odies separated. Tigre noti$ed the la$& ow Teita held. Teita2s $lothes were torn. her fair s&in and undergar!ents were #isi le. Tigre re!o#ed his !antle and gentl' wrapped her od'. (?h' did 'ou ta&e the ow1* (8h. this is the onl' thing : $ould $arr'...* Teita had finished $r'ing. Ki#en her situation. she was e! arrassed when answering the =uestion. (Aet !e ta&e $are of !'self. 0ou should ha#e e#a$uated.* (:. : $ouldn2t do that<* Tigre frowned. Teita refused hi! with a strong tone. (Tigre7sa!a. 'ou left the house to !e. /#en if it was s$ar'. : $ouldn2t run awa'.*

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Tigre sighed. Though he &new of Teita2s stu ornness. it was e'ond his i!agination. (?hat an energeti$ girl. )o 'ou li&e her1* /llen. on horse a$&. loo&ed down at Teita. apparentl' pleased. "earing the #oi$e. Teita loo&ed up at /llen and then loo&ed around. -ehind /llen. @nights in iron ar!or lined up silentl' and in$reased in nu! er. 8round the!. !an' of Thenardier2s !en rolled on the ground. (?hat. what is this1 Tigre7sa!a. who on earth are these people...* (8h. this is /llen... 5he is a Vanadis of Bh$ted. /leanora Viltaria. The' are her su ordinates.* Tigre e+plained in a #a$ant tone. Teita was at a loss for words. her !outh was slightl' agape. (:f : were to tell 'ou !ore. it would ta&e a while...* Tigre stopped spea&ing. "is left hand thrust efore Teita2s fa$e as he gra ed an arrow shot fro! the shadows.

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Tigre no$&ed his arrow and shot the ow in an off7hand !anner. 8 !uffled s$rea! $a!e fro! where the arrow disappeared. "e had shot the hidden ene!' soldier. $ausing a #oi$e of ad!iration to sound fro! his allies. (4u...* ;ain ran through his hand holding a ow. Tigre loo&ed at his pal!. "e !ust ha#e een injured when he gra ed the arrow. as the wound ran linearl'. (Tigre7sa!a. 'our hand.* Teita tore her s&irt without hesitation and $arefull' wrapped Tigre2s hand with it. (5orr'. :2! onl' good at these things...* (That2s enough. Than& 'ou.* "e patted Teita2s head in gratitude. (8re 'ou injured1* Tigre returned a s!ile as /llen as&ed hi! an+iousl'. (Ho pro le!. : $an fight.* The fight had just egun. "e would not stop with a wound of this le#el. (: would hope so. Aoo&. reinfor$e!ents.*

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/llen glan$ed awa' and laughed $al!l'. Dro! the other side of the !ain street. !an' @nights were rushing fier$el' on their horses. The' were Thenardier2s troops. 8fter waiting for the! to approa$h a $ertain distan$e. /llen ordered her $a#alr'.

(-la$& )ragon Dlag<* The anner of Bh$ted hung high and wide. The soldiers of "ouse Thenardier s$rea!ed in terror. Most had parti$ipated in the -attle of )inant. The #i#id $olors of the flag fluttered in the wind. The' had learned to fear it in attle. /llen s!iled and pointed her sword at the re!aining for$es. (,harge<* 8 attle $r' sounded fro! Bh$ted ar!'. The troops randished their swords and spears and ran fier$el' on their horses. -efore e+$hanging lades. the troops fro! Thenardier lost their will to fight. The' s$rea!ed and turned to flee. (Tigre. ?e2re going.* Tigre loo&ed at his ow as he tried to respond. There was a deep $ra$&. --- Was it hen I caught Teita?

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-e$ause he was rushed and had onl' #ague thoughts. he had onl' now noti$ed the da!age to his ow. --- I can't use this anymore. It ill take time and materials to mend it as ell. The arrow he shot a !o!ent ago would e its last. (Tigre7sa!a.* Teita ran up to hi! with short steps and presented the la$& ow to Tigre with oth hands. 5he had defended it. the la$& ow whi$h was his fa!il' heirloo!. Tigre re$alled his father2s words. -nly hen you truly need this bo should you use it. ,o not use it other ise. Tigre hesitated for a !o!ent. --- 7o. 5urel' this was su$h a ti!e. Tigre re$ei#ed the ow. Though it felt as eerie as usual. he lightl' plu$&ed the string. "e had negle$ted it for !ore than a !onth. The faintl' tre! ling air and a $ertain elasti$it' trans!itted through his finger. --- I can use it as is.

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8s he grasped the ow he had not used to date. a har!onious feeling tra#eled through his hand. Though he had tou$hed the ow !an' ti!es. it was his first ti!e feeling this. :t was as if the ow was willing to let hi! use it. --- 4ather, as the present head of the (orn family, I ill use this bo to sho you a fight that ill not shame my name. (Aord Tigre#ur!ud<* (0oung Aord< 0ou2re safe<* Curi$& and -atran ran up on their horses. Tigre stood up and shoo& their hands. (Curi$&. :2! depending on 'ou to ta&e $are of this girl.* Aea#ing Teita to the ald ar$her. Tigre gripped his la$& ow and !ounted a horse. (8h. u!...* ?hile sitting on Curi$&2s horse. Teita fearfull' $alled out to /llen. ("!1 ?hat is it1* /llen loo&ed at Teita in interest. (?hat is 'our relationship with Tigre7sa!a1* /llen al!ost laughed. ut replied with a whi!si$al tone.

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(That gu'. "e2s !ine.* :t was not a lie. Tigre as&ed /llen to lend hi! her soldiers. ut he was still not freed as a prisoner. 8nd in the few da's it too& to rea$h 8lsa$e fro! AeitMerit3. the deadline. as stipulated ' the ranso!. passed. --- Tigre probably hasn't noticed. )ither ay, he can't do anything about it. /llen loo&ed toward the Thenardier 8r!' with a rilliant s!ile. Though Teita was surprised. she stared at /llen and $lasped her hands. s=uee3ing the! together to gather her $ourage. (:. : won2t lose...<* (:2! loo&ing forward to it. :2ll ha#e to tal& to Tigre a out who he2ll e !arried to.* /llen laughed as she saw Teita off. 8 soldier appeared with a report. (:2! sorr'. the ene!'2s leader es$aped.*

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(: see. ?ell. it $an2t e helped.* /llen !ur!ured with regret. ?hen Tigre heard Teita re!ained in his !ansion while the Thenardier 8r!' atta$&ed. he re$&lessl' rushed in fright. ?ith onl' his horse. he had =ui$&l' !ade his wa' to the !ansion. /llen pani$&ed and had her !en follow her. 5he $aught up as Teita fell fro! the se$ond floor. :n that ti!e. Baien was a le to run awa'. --- I'm a bit +ealous. (The ene!' is $urrentl' reorgani3ing and are preparing to withdraw.* (0ou wor&ed hard.* 8fter gi#ing words of appre$iation to the soldier. /llen rought her horse near Tigre. Though -atran was spea&ing to Tigre. he nodded slightl' as soon as he noti$ed /llen. (: will go.* (Aet2s go. then.* The two spo&e at the sa!e ti!e and laughed as the' loo&ed at ea$h other. (Aea#e a out one hundred !en to sear$h for those who are lur&ing a out in town. ?e will atta$& with the rest.*

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The' were fighting a for$e three ti!es their si3e. Tigre and /llen. as well as the soldiers the' lead. had a high !orale. ()on2t let e#en a single soldier es$ape. ?e will repa' the! in full.* "e did not ha#e the desire to dri#e the! awa' or finish the attle. "e would $rush the!. (-atran.* Tigre turned to the old soldier ' his side. "is s!ile was full of anger and the will to fight. ("old !' =ui#er and follow !e.* (?ith oth hands1 : don2t !ind. ut $an2t : e#en ha#e a sword to lo$& with1* (Cela+.* Tigre s!iled ullishl' toward the old !an who was up to his nor!al anti$s. (5o long as 'ou are with /llen and !e. neither sword nor arrow will rea$h 'ou. : will not let it happen.*

Baien es$aped through the a$& door of the !ansion and a#oided the e'es of his solders. 4pon his return. he re$ei#ed a surprising report.

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(The Bh$ted 8r!' is atta$&ing< The -la$& )ragon Dlag<* (Bh$ted1 :!possi le< ?h' would the' show up here<* The soldiers2 fa$es went pale. The power the' had when atta$&ing the town was no longer present. ?hile treating the hand hit ' Tigre. Baien stared at his soldiers. --- #uch co ardice. Why did I take these people? This ti!e. Baien led three thousand soldiers. and !ore than 60M had parti$ipated in )inant. Baien wished to re!o#e the dissatisfa$tion and fear of defeat fro! the! as =ui$&l' as possi le. The' would soon attle Kanelon. :t had $o!pletel' a$&fired. Their fear of the Bh$ted 8r!' re#i#ed in his soldiers. (-la$& )ragon...* Baien2s #oi$e tre! led. a $old sweat lotted his forehead. :t was not just the soldiers who were fearful. (-ut wh' is Vorn here... ?asn2t Vorn a prisoner of Bh$ted1* Baien was $on#in$ed.

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()id he sell hi!self to that $ountr'1 "e defe$ted to Bh$ted. and just when we atta$&ed the town... That traitor. that $oward.* The Thenardier 8r!' left the town of ,elesta and joined with the s$attered soldiers as the' !o#ed toward Molshei! ;lains. Molshei! ;lains had flat terrain and would e the est lo$ation to de!onstrate the !ight of his ar!'. Baien su!!oned his units and had the! reorgani3e. ("ow !an' soldiers1* (8 out twent'7se#en hundred.* Baien was irritated. Three hundred soldiers were lost in the town. :f he had not allowed his troops to indulge in the $haos and had ta&en $harge of his ar!'. he would ha#e een a le to es$ape fro! the $it' without too large a sa$rifi$e. (8nd the ene!'1* (: don2t &now for sure... a few hundred. one thousand at the !ost.* (: need to &now how !an'< :n$rease the nu! er of s$outs< Dind the e+a$t nu! er<* Baien ground his teeth as he dro#e the soldiers awa'.

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(... 5hit. ?ell. : ha#e the )ragon here.* Though he did not thin& he would ha#e a $han$e to use it. there would e no shortage of fodder if the ene!' atta$&ed. (?e will eat and $rush the!. : will get rid of the disgra$e fro! )inant.* Baien di#ided his re!aining troops in two. One group was $o!posed of spear earers and infantr'. The other group $onsisted of one thousand troops and re!ained grounded with hi!.

The !ain for$e of one thousand troops stood ehind the ?'#ern. The ar!' of -rune was lined in three rows on the Molshei! ;lains. :t was a !ore than effe$ti#e plan.

Though Tigre2s !ansion was ruined. so!e of the o je$ts were safe. the !ap of the 8lsa$e territor' in$luded. ?hile stud'ing the !ap. /llen. Tigre. and Ai!. on horse a$&. spo&e to ea$h other. (Though we ha#e one thousand troops. we need to lea#e so!e to defend the town. ?e2ll onl' ha#e nine hundred to fight with. -ased on our s$outs. the ene!' nu! ers three thousand. /#en if the' ha#e de$reased so!ewhat. we are still outnu! ered three to one.*

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/llen loo&ed at Tigre hearing Ai!2s e+planation. (Tigre. do 'ou &now where the ene!' !ight es$ape to1* (;ro a l' the Molshei! ;lains.* Tigre pointed at the !ap. (Baien will pla$e his troops so as to !a+i!i3e a $ounteratta$&. then he2ll follow after us. 4ntil then. he2ll just sta' in position. The onl' pla$e he $an do that at is Molshei! ;lains.* 4nli&e the rest of 8lsa$e. full of !ountains and forests. the Molshei! ;lains had gentle hills. (The strength of -rune lies in their a ilit' to settle down and rush forward with spear and shield.* 8s she had said. -rune e+$elled in rushing power and the a ilit' to penetrate defenses. The' held long spears and wore thi$& iron ar!or while riding horses. The' atta$&ed through the $re#i$es etween shield earers. The shields would e stu$& together tightl' and was large enough to $o#er the! fro! head to waist. Though hea#'. the' $ould prote$t the!sel#es while !ounted. Aining up and $harging together. it was one of -rune2s !ost fre=uentl' used ta$ti$s. Most frightening was how diffi$ult it was to run awa' fro! their atta$&. ?ith their hea#' ar!or and long spears. e#en the soldiers ehind the front lines $ould e s&ewered.

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(:f the' use shields. then we just ha#e to shower the! with arrows.* -rune was full of fools who oasted of their strength. all while !a&ing light of the arrow. (-rune @ingdo! has !an' undulating !eadows. Those !eans of fighting are a ne$essit'.* (Ver' well. ?e2ll shoot the!.* /llen de$lared $learl'. (Tigre. four hundred soldiers. and : will go. Ai!. : lea#e the rest to 'ou. Ta&e an' ad#antage 'ou $an. -' the wa'. an' suggestions1* (: would li&e rope. :t2s est if it is a undle of thin rope. 8s !an' as possi le.* "a#ing heard her. Tigre $autiousl' as&ed her a =uestion. (?hat will 'ou do with the horses1* The' had tra#eled fro! AeitMerit3 in a hurr'. Ai! tilted her head in $onfusion. (:s it a pro le! if we lea#e the! in ,elesta1* (: just thought of so!ething. ?ould 'ou let !e use the!1* :t happened a half &o&u later.

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-oth ar!ies fa$ed off in Molshei! ;lains.


/llen and Tigre led four hundred $a#alr'. shrin&ing the distan$e little ' little. The' rea$hed the distan$e at whi$h he $ould ai! his arrow. Tigre swallowed his sali#a in tension. (8re 'ou afraid1* /llen spo&e =uietl' to Tigre so onl' he $ould hear. (: a! afraid.* Though Tigre answered in su$h a !anner. he was s!iling. :t was true Tigre was afraid. ut he was ne+t to /llen. whi$h $al!ed hi! down. Cather than an+iet'. he felt $ourage welling deep within his od'. (-ut E : don2t feel li&e losing.* The troops efore hi! !ore than dou led his own. (?hat a $oin$iden$e. sa!e here.* /llen unsheathed her longsword and held it high. 8 s!all wind stro&ed Tigre and /llen. as if en$ouraging the warriors. (: wonder if :2! feeling this for the first ti!e e$ause 'ou2re ne+t to !e.*

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8s soon as the' were done jo&ing. her s!ile disappeared. 5he swung her lade. (,harge<* 8!idst the noise of the attlefield. a !'sterious wind $arried the girl2s #oi$e a$ross the attlefield. The four hundred Bh$ted troops ran a$ross the land as the' raised a attle $r'. The s&' a o#e the Thenardier 8r!' was $o#ered in $ountless arrows as oth ar!ies opened fire. (8rifal.* 8 $al! wind whirled around /llen2s sword. The atta$&s swirled around the troops. !a&ing all arrows fall to the ground. Tigre pulled arrows fro! his =ui#er and no$&ed the! etween ea$h of four fingers and released the!. s&ewering three ene!ies through the fa$e at al!ost the sa!e ti!e. The' fell. !otionless. (0ou reall' are a !an without $on#ention.* /llen loo&ed i!pressed as she spo&e with ad!iration. (To hear : la$& $on#ention fro! 'ou is a it unsatisf'ing.* ()on2t worr'. it was a $o!ple!ent.* The two ar!ies $lashed. 8 spear was thrust fro! the right and left toward /llen.

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"er horse s&illfull' a#oided the!. /llen raised her sword. and. with two =ui$& flashes. lood flew fro! two ne$&s. "er sil#er7white hair wa#ed in the wind. /#er' ti!e the 5il#er Dlash glittered. a fountain of fresh lood fro! the ene!' was $reated.

--- 8Wind /rincess of the #il"er 4lash9 and


8,anseuse of the # ord9 , is it? -rilliantl' poised on her horse. her sword !o#ed through the wind as if dan$ing. Tigre thought the two ni$&na!es were well suited. (: $an2t lose here.* Tigre drew his ow to the li!it and stru$& the head of the ,o!!anders and flag earer. The ar$hers were still out of distan$e. Thin&ing nor!all'. it was odd to e a le to ai! his arrows so a$$uratel' in su$h a situation. The lade of an ene!' approa$hed fro! the edge of his #iew. 8 s$rea! and lood flew out efore hi! efore he $o!pleted his ai!. Tigre neither e#aded nor defended and $on$entrated solel' on his ow. "is trust in /llen !ade it possi le. :n response to his faith. /llen let neither spear nor sword rea$h hi!. 8ll soldiers were $ut down. all arrows &no$&ed awa'.

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Thenardier2s first for!ation. with their ,o!!ander and flag earer shot down. were $onfused for a ti!e and =ui$&l' $ollapsed. /llen ro&e through the first unit. The ene!'2s se$ond for!ation. the !ain for$e. appeared. Their !assi#e nu! er and for$e ga#e the! a sense of strength and terror. (,harge<* The roar of horseshoes and the $lash of @nights shoo& the earth. Tigre let loose an arrow at soldiers on horse a$& rushing toward hi!. Though the !en fell off their horses. he did not allow hi!self to rela+. (Aea#e it to !e. 0ou ta&e the flag and the ,o!!anders and lower their !orale.* The soldiers of Bh$ted rushed forward. o#erwhel!ing the ene!'. Tigre ai!ed at the ene!'2s flag earer in the areas where the troops $ollided. Though the' $ollided with full for$e. /llen did not wa#er a single step. 5he parried swords. $ut through shields. and $lea#ed through the hel!ets of the ene!'. (... :s that the strength of her sword1* Though /llen was an e+$ellent swords!an. it was a surd to thin& she $ould $ut through a hel!et with her slender ar!s. The Vanadis of sil#er7white hair responded.

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(-efore the 5il#er Dlash. ar!or is nothing ut paper.* Tigre shot one arrow after another. &no$&ing the horses o#er and for$ing their riders to the ground. Though he saw the $orpses on the ground. he did not flin$h and $ontinued without !er$'. ?hen a spear $losed in. he swit$hed to a sword. The Bh$ted 8r!' was eing pushed a$&. The nu! ers were #astl' different. so the' were graduall' for$ed to retreat. 8lso...

(8n /arth )ragon is approa$hing<* The soldier reporting $ould not hide his fear. /llen frowned. ()id Thenardier !anage to ta!e a )ragon while : was unaware1* (: dou t it. :f the' had it prepared. it would ha#e shown up in )inant.* :!patien$e and tension floated to Tigre2s fa$e. "e saw the /arth )ragon. :ts length was greater than the one Tigre &illed efore. (,opper $olored. is it1* The /arth )ragon ga#e a roar. The !en tre! led and their ar!or rattling. The horses were paral'3ed in fear. oth friend and foe ali&e.

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The /arth )ragon sta!ped the ground as it ran. :ts tail !owed down the soldiers of Bh$ted as it passed '. and it tore through soldiers with its ar!s. Hothing wor&ed against it. One person was eaten. another was $ut in half as his od' #o!ited lood. There were soldiers who stood up to it. ut their atta$&s did not wor&. :ts rass s$ales were not injured. 5words were ro&en. spears were thrust aside. 8+es and !a$es had their handles $ra$&ed. ?ith their weapons lost. the' were stepped on $ruell' and $rushed underfoot. Tigre shot an arrow at the )ragon2s e'e. The arrow was a$$uratel' ai!ed at the e'e. ut was easil' repelled. Tigre loo&ed gri!. Though the /arth )ragon2s e'esight was not terri l' good. a spe$ial fil! prote$ted it. --- There ere a number of things I could use back then... This ti!e. it was a #ast plain. where the /arth )ragon $ould e+er$ise its power. The soldiers were !owed down. The /arth )ragon raged a out as it turned. The !eadow was pa#ed in lood. lu!ps of flesh and iron s$raps distorted the lands$ape. :t was onl' a single )ragon. 'et hundreds of !en were helpless and $ould not halt its ad#an$es.

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--- What should I do... :t was not possi le to ad#an$e while a#oiding the )ragon. The )ragon !o#ed to the left and right. lo$&ing all passage to the Thenardier 8r!'. On$e the distan$e to the )ragon shrun&. the ar!' !o#ed further a$&. The soldiers of Bh$ted were sha&ing. /llen drew her longsword as if s$olding her soldiers. (5tand 'our ground< This will e our #i$tor'<* Tigre stood ne+t to her. 8t this distan$e. he $ould ai! at the gap in the ene!'2s ar!or. --- Though I on't be shooting at the ,ragon, my shots ill be limited. -atran held !ore arrows fro! ehind as Tigre $ontinued to shoot. "e did not &now how !an' he shot. 'et. though his fingers and ar!s were nu! . Tigre $ontinued to shoot. 5uddenl'. the' were $ornered on the attlefield. The field was large and held the four hundred troops. -' this ti!e. Ai!2s !en had ad#an$ed around the Thenardier 8r!'. --- I as aiting for this. /llen !ade her horse ad#an$e. 5he thrust her ar! #erti$all' and

rushed toward the /arth )ragon.

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(Dighting a )ragon was une+pe$ted. :2ll show 'ou a little tri$& with this /arth )ragon.* 8rifal. $alled ' /llen. tinged a pale $olor in response. 8round the lade a wind roared. a s!all stor! rewed a out it. The stor! $ontinued to undulate. :t $ondensed into a raging te!pest.
Ae' 8d!os

(,lea#e the ?ind<* 5he swung her ar! downward. throwing the wind along the ground. The ringing of the wind split the ear. :t ored into the earth as it tra#eled. The s$ales. i!possi le to pier$e with sword or spear. the nails and fangs. the entiret' of the /arth )ragon was sheared in half. On the ground la' the $orpse of the )ragon. a deep $re#i$e engra#ed a out it. Those of Thenardier stood still. The' had seen so!ething unnatural with their e'es. ?ind flowed fro! /llen2s sword and rought her triu!ph. (?hat was that1 :2#e ne#er seen that efore<* Tigre inad#ertentl' shouted in e+$ite!ent. (Of $ourse. sin$e it was the first ti!e : showed 'ou.* ?at$hing the lue light of the wind disappear. /llen let out a s!all reath.

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(:t is a !ight' power that $an2t e used ' ordinar' hu!ans. There are few who ha#e e#er seen. 8ren2t 'ou lu$&'1* (: hope nothing e#er happens that re=uires : see it again.* 8lthough /llen2s e'es sharpened a !o!ent. her ga3e teased Tigre as she loo&ed at hi!. The' laughed together. The Bh$ted 8r!' $ould now $ontinue to !ar$h. 5hortl' efore the /arth )ragon2s defeat. Baien re$ei#ed a !essage that a se$ond tea!. deta$hed fro! the unit. appro+i!atel' four hundred in si3e. approa$hed fro! the west. (Dro! what happened on )inant. : figured the' would do so!ething li&e this.* Ai!2s troops &new of the approa$hing ene!' and egan to withdraw i!!ediatel'. The' sporadi$all' stopped their resistan$e and re!ained on a slightl' ele#ated hill a s!all distan$e awa'. The' were a for$e of four hundred led ' Ai!. and the' were eing $hased. :t see!ed there was an a$$ident as the soldiers of the Thenardier 8r!' !o#ed up the hill swiftl'. On$e the' rea$hed the !iddle of the slope. the' fell si!ultaneousl'. as if $aught ' so!ething.

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The' noti$ed a !udd' rope stret$hed a$ross their legs. The' fell hard. and !an' were tied together. The !en loo&ed up. reali3ing the' were trapped. The troops fro! Bh$ted turned around and ran down the slope. (Aoo& at the ene!'. the' did not pa' attention to the ground elow the! and fell.* Ai! !ur!ured and pointed down the hill. guiding her soldiers. This resulted in a =ui$& re#ersal. in whi$h the four hundred deta$hed troops defeated the Thenardier 8r!' with surprising swiftness. --- This is thanks to &ord Tigre"urmud. Kathering her troops. Ai! !uttered the words in the a$& of her !ind as she loo&ed in the dire$tion /llen fought. Ai! had the residents of ,elesta prepare rope for the hill. ut did not elie#e there would e enough ti!e. :n spite of that. enough had een gathered to de#astate Baien2s troops. --- I doubt it ould go ell enough ith +ust their hatred for Thenardier. It must ha"e been due to the trust they hold in &ord Tigre"urmud. ;ushing her golden hair aside. Ai! loo&ed to the s&'.

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The sun was sin&ing. The $olor of the s&' was $hanging% night would $o!e soon. Baien was gi#en two reports. one after another. "is deta$hed $orps was routed. and the ground for$es. in$luding the


/arth )ragon. were defeated. (... That $an2t e.*


"e !uttered. his s!all od' tre! led as he stood ' the ?'#ern. (?hat a out the )ragon1 :sn2t it an /arth )ragon1 :sn2t it in#ulnera le to swords and spears1* Hothing $ould e answered. (Baien7sa!a. use the ?'#ern.* One person ad#ised hi! to gi#e up. (The /arth )ragon should ha#e slaughtered the!<* Baien shouted at his su ordinates. (:t was a #alua le )ragon : orrowed fro! father. :ts $laws were !ore pre$ious than e#en one hundred of 'ou<* "owe#er. he $ould thin& of no other plan. 8 new report was rought to hi!.

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(/ne!' for$es ha#e approa$hed fro! the rear<* Baien was anno'ed. ("ow !an' are there1* (:t is diffi$ult to tell sin$e it is approa$hing nightfall. ut it appears to e two thousand $a#alr' hidden in the shadows.* (... Two thousand1* :t too& hi! ti!e to spea&. The i!pa$t Baien re$ei#ed was i!!easura le. The !orale he had &ept until now had finall' disappeared. Cight now. he had onl' si+ hundred soldiers re!aining. The )ragon was not within his $al$ulations as a hu!an. --- $o can I fight ith more than three times the enemy coming from behind? Baien did not noti$e the a$tual nu! er of ene!ies. Though there were two thousand horses. there were onl' one hundred !en. This region. when dar&. was shadowed ' the !ountains and forests. Tigre understood that. :t was not just Baien ut his soldiers who were #isi l' upset. Originall'. he had not $o!e to fight in 8lsa$e. "e had si!pl' $o!e to pillage the land.

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(,all a$& the se$ond for!ation< "a#e the! retreat<* "earing Baien2s instru$tions. the soldiers near ' were stunned. The' were surrounded. "e was telling the! to gather and fight to the end. (Baien7sa!a. please re!ain here. /#en with two thousand troops. the Bh$ted 8r!' $annot ta&e us out in an instant. :f we $an hold on until the last ene!' is $ut down. we will e #i$torious<* (5hut up<* Baien hit the ground hard. The arrow wound in his hand destro'ed what little $al! re!ained in hi!. (0ou will hold 'our ground1 0ou. did 'ou alread' forget 'our !isera le defeat in )inant1* "is fear $hanged to #iolen$e. Baien did not want to taste the defeat of )inant again. (-esides. we ha#e two thousand troops approa$hing fro! the rear< "ow $an we possi l' hold our ground<* :f he &new the troops approa$hing fro! ehind nu! ered onl' one hundred. he !a' ha#e een a le to re!ain $al!. ,ould he fight a$&1 There !ust ha#e een a wa'.

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"owe#er. it was i!possi le for hi! to &now. )ue to /llen and Ai!2s s&illful $o!!and. he did not reali3e it. ?hen Baien2s instru$tions were trans!itted to the se$ond for!ation. their !orale had alread' greatl' de$reased. 8t a distan$e where his lade $ould rea$h the ene!'. he would fight desperatel'. ?ith the ene!' he $ould not see approa$hing. he had to gi#e unreasona le instru$tions. "owe#er. the' ser#ed "ouse Thenardier. The troops $ould not a$t independentl'. ?ith their retreat. the attlefield $hanged. /llen did not o#erloo& it. (?e2re fighting a$& now<* /llen $ried out to her troops. 4ntil now. she had &illed !an' an ene!'. 'et on her eautiful fa$e. in her sil#er7white hair. there was not a single drop of lood. 5he raised her lade. whi$h re!ained un!arred. 8 $heer erupted fro! the e+hausted soldiers. 4nli&e the Thenardier 8r!'. the' $a!e to fight. /llen. Tigre. and those who wielded a sword at the front. none would hold a$&. 8s the ene!' retreated. /llen $ried out !er$ilessl'.

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:n addition. Ai!2s for$es also joined the!. The soldiers atta$&ed fro! two dire$tions. Ta&ing ad#antage of their !o ilit'. the' $ut into the $a#alr'. little ' little. /#entuall'. the ene!' $ollapsed. The flow of attle this e#ening was $o!pletel' in fa#or of the Bh$ted 8r!'. ?hen the !ain for$e $lashed with the Bh$ted 8r!'. Baien. guarded ' fift' $a#alr' two elsta Ia out two &ilo!etersJ

awa'. stepped awa' fro! the ?'#ern. (That astard. that astard...* "is words $ould not e heard ' the others. There was no e+$use for his disastrous defeat. Though the !ain for$e. further awa'. still endured. the' were $learl' eing pushed a$&. :t would onl' e a !atter of ti!e efore the' were for$ed to retreat. (This $an2t e. : $an2t possi l' lose... Hot to Vorn.* "e was interrupted there. "e re$ogni3ed the shadows of ten of the ene!' troops approa$hing hi!. (Vorn...* The two standing at the head of the rest were Tigre and /llen. Baien &new. ha#ing fled efore. Though Tigre planned to go alone. /llen left the $o!!and of the ar!' to Ai! and followed hi! with a few su ordinates.

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(0ou $an2t es$ape this late in the attle.* 5taring at Baien. Tigre threw out those words in anger. "owe#er. Baien did not $are a out Tigre2s feelings. ;i$&ing up a shield and spear. he ad#an$ed. 8 horren$e floated in his e'es. a sneer $o#ered his fa$e. (5o 'ou2d etra' 'our $ountr'. : suppose the lowl' lood of a hunter would in#ite the ene!'. 0ou2re putting on =uite a s!ug fa$e. "ow dare 'ou<* (-efore 'ou insult !e. 'ou should loo& at 'ourself.* (?hat1* (-urning the ho!es of inno$ents. stealing their goods. 0ou are no etter than a thief.* Tigre spo&e those words with a =uiet anger. "is #oi$e was strong. Baien too& a deep reath. (;eople1* Baien spo&e with $onte!pt. "e would not forgi#e hi!self if he allowed Tigre to $all hi! a thief. Tigre2s insult was ine+$usa le. (;eople. 'ou sa'. : si!pl' too& what the' threw awa' and $ut things that passed ' !e. ?h' should : other worr'ing1*

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/llen !uttered as if he were a tri#ial !an. Tigre did not respond. "e reali3ed words would e useless. (: don2t &now what 'ou2re thin&ing. ut : will not forgi#e 'ou for in#ading !' territor' and har!ing the people under !' do!inion.* (8$ting li&e 'ou2re i!portant...* Ho !ore words left Baien2s !outh. :gnoring Tigre. he pointed his spear and shouted. (Dight !e. Vorn< Or is that i!possi le. sin$e 'ou2re alwa's running awa'1* ("a#e 'ou lost 'our !ind1* /llen spo&e in a!a3e!ent. Though she tried to shout an order to her su ordinates. Tigre stret$hed out his ar!. restraining her. (:t $an2t e. 'ou plan to do it1* Tigre nodded silentl' and strongl'. /llen pouted and let out a s!all noise !o!entaril'. then she tapped Tigre2s shoulder with a s!ile. (Ver' well. This is 'our fight.* (... Than& 'ou.* Than&ing /llen without loo&ing a$&. Tigre $lut$hed his ow and !o#ed forward on his horse.

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5eeing Tigre. Baien loo&ed at hi! suspi$iousl'. (0our weapon1 0ou aren2t ta&ing a sword or spear fro! those Bh$ted astards1* (This is !' weapon.* Tigre thrust out his jet7 la$& ow in a dignified !anner. Baien stared at hi! in irritation. (8re 'ou jo&ing1 "ow will 'ou fight with a ow1 8ll 'ou $an do is get a surprise atta$&.* (... ?ant to tr' !e1* Tigre pulled an arrow fro! his =ui#er and shot it after no$&ing it. Though the arrow tore through the wind and sped toward Baien2s head. it was lo$&ed ' the shield. Tigre did not $are and ai!ed at Baien2s $hest. :t was. on$e again. lo$&ed ' the shield. (Ho !atter how !an' ti!es 'ou tr'. it2s useless.* Baien jeered. /llen si!pl' wat$hed on in silen$e. Tigre too& his third shot and ai!ed for Baien2s right ar!. On$e again. it stu$& into the shield. (That2s enough<* Baien ga3ed at Tigre in anger and !o$&er'.

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(:t see!s 'ou2re useless in $o! at. Hot onl' are 'ou a traitor. 'ou $an onl' use a ow. To the end 'ou $ouldn2t a$t li&e a no le of -rune. : will ta&e 'our pre$ious ne$& and end e#er'thing here.* "e no longer wished to asso$iate with Tigre and !ade his judg!ent. "e then rushed forward with spear in hand. Tigre did not !o#e and no$&ed an arrow. /#en /llen2s e'es were glued to the s$ene. Though neither she nor her soldiers &new what would happen. she grasped her lade and started to $r' out. 8t that !o!ent. the two shadows $rossed. -lood appeared on Baien2s spear as it s&i!!ed Tigre2s od'. Tigre !anaged to es$ape ' a narrow !argin. On the other hand. Tigre shot an arrow whi$h pier$ed through the shield. :t happened i!!ediatel' after that. 8 groan was e!itted. :t was Baien2s #oi$e. 5topping the horse. he $rou$hed forward. "is handso!e fa$e was soiled ' his la$& hair. distorted in agon'. "e was $o#ered in a greas' sweat fro! the sharp pain. The arrow Tigre shot tra#eled through the shield and deepl' penetrated Baien2s left ar!. "is atta$& happened slightl' efore the spear hit Tigre. so Baien2s !o#e!ents were dulled.

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9ust then. Baien noti$ed. Tigre had $on$entrated all arrows on the sa!e portion of the shield. The fourth was a le to pier$e through the thi$& oa&. "e shi#ered in terror. Baien had not fi+ed his shield2s !otion% rather. he !o#ed in a$$ordan$e to the arrows Tigre shot. The final shot o$$urred as the' passed ea$h other. --- ,id he read ho I ould mo"e my shield? Hone a!ongst the Thenardier 8r!' $ould understand Tigre2s s&ill. 5till. Tigre had pier$ed through a shield with onl' four arrows. The' had held the ow in derision until now. 8r$hers had een held in $onte!pt. ridi$uled. out$ast. and treated as $ri!inals. How. the' were for$ed to fear what it $ould do. Tigre no$&ed his fifth arrow. ,old sweat dripped fro! Baien2s fa$e. 8 $r' was heard. Baien !o#ed awa'. 5oldiers rode their horses in to defend Baien. /llen silentl' a$ted seeing their !o#e!ents. 5he ordered her !en to $harge as she randished the 5il#er Dlash.

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The Bh$ted 8r!' and Thenardier 8r!' fa$ed one another. Tigre was $aught in the tur!oil. ut was prote$ted. Baien. too. was helped ' his !en and disappeared fro! Tigre2s #iew. (Aoo& at 'ou.* /llen $alled out in an angr' #oi$e as she drew $loser on her horse. "er white finger gentl' tra$ed Tigre2s leeding wound. (:t2s just a $ut... )on2t worr' !e so !u$h.* /llen showed an e+pression of $aring efitting neither a ,o!!ander or swords!an ut a girl her age. Tigre $ould not loo& dire$tl' at her. (0our hand loo&s terri le as well.* /llen loo&ed at the injur' on his left hand for the first ti!e. The wound had opened again. The $loth Teita wrapped around his hand was soa&ed in lood as he gripped his ow. Dinall' reali3ing it. he felt the pain in his hand. though he $ould still shoot arrows. --- Where is !aien? Tigre sear$hed for the ene!' Keneral. 8 strong gust of wind lew. and the horses flin$hed. Tigre prote$ted his fa$e with his ar! and loo&ed a out $arefull'.

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(... 8 ?'#ern<1* ?ith large wings re!inis$ent of a at. now full' e+panded. the ?'#ern flew high into the s&'. $arr'ing Baien on its a$&. /#er' ti!e it flapped its wings. the wind generated for$ed Tigre and /llen to stop. The ?'#ern flew high into the air. :t $ir$led in the air to sta ili3e itself. :t then turned awa' and !o#ed awa' fro! the attlefield. (M' wind $an2t rea$h that...<* /llen frowned in regret. Tigre no$&ed an arrow to his ow% Baien2s figure was hidden ' the ?'#ern. "is arrow would rea$h. ut it would pier$e through the ?'#ern2s

s$ales. :t was no different fro! the fight with the /arth )ragon. L "e did not ha#e the power. "e $ould not allow su$h a thing to happen. F5hoot the )ragon.G 5uddenl'. a =uiet #oi$e sounded in Tigre2s head.

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--- What as that? Tigre loo&ed a out in surprise. ut no one had $alled for hi!. Though it sounded li&e a wo!an2s #oi$e. /llen was fo$used on the ene!' efore her. F: will sa' it on$e again. 5hoot the )ragon.G "e heard the #oi$e again. "e understood it $learl' this ti!e. )espite the s$rea!s. the sound of weapons $lashing. ar!ors shattering. and $orpses falling. the #oi$e resounded. The #oi$e rea$hing his ear was $learl' different. Tigre glan$ed at the la$& ow in his hand. --- :ould it be this? "e felt a sense of in$ongruit' with the la$& ow. that is wh' he thought that. Aoo&ing at the s&' again. the ?'#ern had !o#ed e#en further. --- If I don't pay him back, I kno I'll regret it...1 Tigre. deter!ined. drew his arrow a$&. "is town was s$or$hed and his people injured. "e would ne#er per!it the !an who har!ed Teita to run awa'. :n a$$ordan$e to the words. he ai!ed his ow at the ?'#ern and shot the arrow.

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?as it trul' an arrow1 The !o!ent the arrow was released. a fier$e a$&lash hit Tigre2s od'. 8t the sa!e ti!e. the 5il#er Dlash in /llen2s hand tinged a pale light. The shot flew straight. propelled ' a heli$al wind.

:t sounded li&e the roar of a east. :t flew toward the ?'#ern and went past. Though the ?'#ern lost its alan$e. it was not injured. --- What happened? Tigre loo&ed at the ?'#ern and a defor!ed $loud in lan& surprise. "e had ne#er heard of an arrow a$ting in su$h a !anner. (Tigre<* Tigre returned with /llen2s #oi$e. 5he was also surprised. Tigre felt as if it was the first ti!e she had e#er een surprised on the attlefield. (?hat was that just now...1 :2#e onl' seen so!ething li&e that with

a F)ragoni$ ToolG.* Ho answer $ould e found. "e $ould not repl' to /llen2s =uestion. (: don2t &now. either...* 8 shadow !o#ed o#er Tigre2s head as he responded in ewilder!ent.

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The ?'#ern had so!ehow re$o#ered. :t was running fro! the attlefield again. Tigre readied a new arrow. Though he did not understand. he &new he $ould &ill the ?'#ern. --- The ne%t... ill hit1 /llen drew her horse $lose to Tigre and raised her longsword. (:2ll ta&e $are of the wind. 0ou just ai! the arrow<* /llen &new nothing a out Tigre2s ow. "owe#er. when Tigre shot his arrow. her sword lit up in response. :t was as if it allowed hi! to shoot his arrow in a supernatural !anner. --- I don't kno hat happened... But if it's Tigre, he can do it. Though it was no different fro! intuition. /llen &new her F)ragoni$ ToolG. :t was not a longsword she si!pl' $a!e upon. "er F5il#er DlashG was gi#en the na!e of
@o!a no Ban&i

F-rilliant -eheader of the Dallen 5piritG. (777 ;lease.* /llen did not &now Tigre #er' well. -ut she elie#ed in hi!. 5tead'ing his ar! and ai!ing at the ?'#ern. he drew his ow to its li!it.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


"e released it. The at!osphere swelled and spa$e distorted. twisting a out his arrow. The sho$& wa#e lew the near ' soldiers awa'. 5!o&e followed the path of the arrow. for!ing a stor! whi$h raged strong enough that those near ' $ould not open their e'es. The arrow Tigre shot ad#an$ed. a rutal tornado in its wa&e. :t hit

the ?'#ern2s a do!en. --- /ierce it. The ?'#ern let out an earsplitting sound as it was injured. :t !o#ed wea&l' a$& and forth and $rashed in a near ' !arsh. :t hit the water with a dull sound. The )ragon sun& $o!pletel'. Baien did not float to the surfa$e. 8ll loo&ed at where the ?'#ern $rashed. $o!pletel' stunned. /#en Tigre. who shot the arrow wat$hed. The soldiers of the Thenardier 8r!' dropped their ar!s. :t too& a while for e#er'one to return to $ons$iousness. e#en /llen. (... Tigre#ur!ud Vorn has &illed Baien Thenardier<* Dollowing /llen2s #oi$e. a shout of #i$tor' sounded fro! the Bh$ted 8r!'.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


The Thenardier soldiers tre! led. and their e'es faltered. The !ain for$es of the Thenardier 8r!'. whi$h fought. a short distan$e awa'. loo&ed at the ?'#ern as it fell to the earth. The' split up and tried to es$ape while their ene!' $ele rated their #i$tor'. Their swords and spears were dis$arded. and the' tried to flee. $ollapsing o#er one another. The Thenardier 8r!' in#aded 8lsa$e with three thousand troops. Those running awa' nu! ered onl' nine hundred. Their ,o!!ander was lost. their weapons and ar!or were $ast aside. and the injured !en ran awa' on their own.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


E)i o'ue
The flag fluttered in the e#ening wind. Tigre. /llen. and Ai! !o#ed ahead of the Bh$ted 8r!' and returned to ,elesta. 5o!e soldiers. in$luding -atran. returned to ,elesta earlier to infor! the people of #i$tor' and to prepare a feast. /#en if it was a s!all for! of gratitude. Tigre wished to greet the soldiers of Bh$ted. "e also wanted to restore the eaut' of his town. :ts re#i#al would egin to!orrow. :n$identall'. Tigre had e!ptied the eight =ui#ers -atran held for hi!. 4suall'. ar$hers $arr' two =ui#ers at !ost. 8n' !ore and it would hinder !o#e!ent. "e $ould onl' use that !an' in a fier$e attle. Aater. after hearing this. Curi$& !uttered sole!nl'. (777 8ll right.* ?ith a new $loth wound a out Tigre2s hand. /llen laughed =uietl'.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


(Than&s. 0ou reall' sa#ed !e.* Tigre ga#e his than&s. The $loth Teita wrapped around his hand was dren$hed in lood. so he had it $hanged. (Dor the ti!e eing. $onsider this a #i$tor'.* (Dor the ti!e eing. is it.* Tigre repeated Ai!2s words. That was the truth of the !atter% fate had !ade its !o#e. :t was i!possi le for there to e no retaliation. Thenardier. after this defeat. would not forgi#e Tigre. "e would &ill Tigre no !atter the $ost. "e would surel' tr' to destro' 8lsa$e. "e had !an' things to thin& a out eside Thenardier. :t was not just )u&e Kanelon and Thenardier. he worried a out the rea$tion of the @ing and the #arious aristo$rats. "e was also an+ious a out Bh$ted and /llen. 8 o#e all. he was worried a out the la$& ow in his hand. --- Though it isn't reacting no , it definitely did back then. "e $o!!uni$ated with it. ?as it telling hi! its intent1 --- It resonated ith )llen's #il"er 4lash... /llen did not understand the reason for this.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


(8!ongst the !an' F)ragoni$ ToolsG wielded ' the Vanadis. there is no ow. : ha#e ne#er heard of a weapon whi$h $ould $all upon the power of a F)ragoni$ ToolG. either...* Tigre had heard of su$h weapons. though he thought of the! as fair' tales and legends. 5till. he had seen the 5il#er Dlash first7 hand. ?h' did the F5il#er DlashG respond1 Though he loo&ed in interest at the 5il#er Dlash at /llen2s waist. the wind onl' lew. as if teasing hi!. 8fter thin&ing for a ti!e. Tigre sighed and ga#e up. :t was !eaningless to worr' a out so!ething he did not understand for the ti!e eing. :t was enough that he $ould use it. (8 !'sterious ow.* Ai! egan spea&ing. as if she re!e! ered so!ething. (: ha#e heard of onl' one su$h ow. though it is a legend.* "earing Ai!2s words. Tigre loo&ed at her in interest while tou$hing the owstring. (8 !an re$ei#ed a ow fro! a Koddess. 8s long as he wielded it. he would not e defeated ' his ene!ies. :t is said he e$a!e
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@ing and and was $alled the F@ing of the Magi$ -ulletG. (This @ing. is he the in$arnation of the -la$& )ragon1*

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


Ai! shoo& her head to Tigre2s =uestion. (The Koddess does not $o!e out in the founder2s stor'. so it is possi le the stor' is e#en older. 5in$e : did not see the power of 'our ow. : $an2t sa' an'!ore.*
Madan no Ou

(F@ing of the Magi$ -ulletG. is it1* /llen glan$ed at Tigre and laughed as if pleased. (Hot ad. :2ll $all 'ou that fro! now on.* (Then :2ll ha#e to $all 'ou FVanadis7sa!aG or

F?ind ;rin$ess of the 5il#er DlashG fro! now on.* 5he po&ed his head. (:t2s fine. :t just !eans 'ou2#e got the !ettle to e$o!e a @ing. :t2s not li&e : was !a&ing fun of 'ou.* (8t least fi+ 'our fa$ial e+pression.* Though she spo&e for!all'. /llen2s !outh was loose as she held a$& a s!ile. Tigre s$rat$hed his head and sighed without an' tension. (The stor' is interesting. ut it has nothing to do with !' ow.* ,ertainl'. the #oi$e Tigre heard was fe!ale. "owe#er. the ow had no tasteful de$oration or adorn!ent. :t was si!pl' a la$& ow.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


--- .bo"e all, it is ne"er good to +oke about becoming *ing. 5u$h stories were nu!erous in the land of no les. ()o 'ou not want to e$o!e @ing1* /llen tilted her head. as if she had read what was deep in Tigre2s heart. Though he had not gi#en it !u$h thought. he responded in su$h a wa'. (5leeping until noon. going out for a hunt.* Tigre shrugged his shoulder and s!iled itterl'. /llen2s ru ' pupils spar&led as she re$alled his words (Tigre. : ha#e so!ething to sa' to 'ou.* Aoo&ing at Tigre. /llen too& a deep reath and ewildered Tigre with a s!ile suiting her age. (777 0ou elong to !e now.* Tigre re$alled that he was still a prisoner of war. (That2s right. Dirst of all. how a out 'ou tell !e !ore a out that !aid of 'ours1 0ou were so desperate to help her efore.* Cunning his hand through his red hair. Tigre loo&ed awa' fro! the s!ile of the girl with sil#er7white hair. whi$h wa#ed in the wind.

Madan no Ou to Vanadis


--- $o should I ans er... :t was not just /llen. Teita was waiting in the town. :f he e+plained that he was still a prisoner of war. what would she sa'1 Though Tigre loo&ed to Ai! for help with a glan$e. he was ignored. (:2! loo&ing forward to it. Tigre.* -efore long. ,elesta $a!e into #iew. lights shining throughout the town. The people were waiting.

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