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A - Astromech
B - Boost
C - Critical hit
D - torpeDo
E - Elite talent
F - Focus
G - cannon (Gun)
H - Hit
K - cloaK
L - target Lock
M - Missile
N - title (Name)
O - bOmb / mine
R - barrel Roll
T - Turret
U - system Upgrade
V - eVade
W - creW
X - modification
Ships with the BOOST {B} icon in their
action bar may perform the boost action.
To boost, follow these steps:
Choose the [straight 1], [bank left 1], or
[bank right 1] maneuver template.
Set the maneuver template between the
ship's front guides.
Move the ship to the opposite end of the
template and slide the rear guides of the
ship into the template.
Performing a boost does not count as
executing a maneuver. A ship cannot boost
if this would cause its base to overlap with
another ship's base or an obstacle token,
or if the maneuver template overlaps an
obstacle token.
Ships with the CLOAK (K) icon in their
action bar may perform a cloak action.
When a ship performs the cloak action,
place 1 cloak token near that ship. A ship
cannot perform the cloak action while it
already has a cloak token.
The agility value of a ship with a cloak token
is increased by 2. While that ship has a
cloak token, it CANNOT perform attacks.
Cloak tokens are not removed during the
End phase.
RULE: Decloak
A ship may spend a cloak token to
DECLOAK immediately before revealing its
maneuver dial. When a ship decloaks, it
must choose ONE of the following effects:
Perform a barrel roll using the [straight
2] maneuver template.
Execute a [straight 2] maneuver.
Decloaking is not an action or a maneuver,
and a ship can decloak while it has a
stress token.
A ship cannot decloak if it would overlap
another ship or an obstacle token, or if the
maneuver template would overlap an
obstacle token.
After decloaking, the ship continues its
Activation phase as normal.
RULE: Using Bombs
To DROP a bomb token, follow these steps:
1. Take the [straight 1] maneuver
template and slide it between the rear
guides of your ship.
2. Place the bomb token indicated on the
Upgrade card into the play area and slide
the guides of the token into the opposite
end of the template.
If a bomb token is dropped on a ship it is
place under the ship's base and does not
immediately DETONATE.
Bomb tokens do not count as obstacles,
and bomb Upgrade cards do not count as
secondary weapons.
TOKEN: Bomb (1)
The seismic charge and proximity mine
tokens are BOMB tokens. Bomb tokens
DETONATE as described on their
corresponding Upgrade cards, producing
one of the following effects.
bomb token detonates, each ship at Range
1 of the token suffers 1 damage. Then
discard this token.
bomb token detonates, the ship that
moved through or overlapped this token
rolls 3 attack dice and suffers all {H} and
{C} rolled. Then discard this token.
TOKEN: Bomb (2)
The seismic charge and proton bomb
tokens are BOMB tokens. Bomb tokens
DETONATE as described on their
corresponding Upgrade cards, producing
one of the following effects.
bomb token detonates, each ship at Range
1 of the token suffers 1 damage. Then
discard this token.
PROTON BOMB TOKEN: When this bomb
token detonates, deal 1 faceup Damage
card to each ship at Range 1 of the token.
Then discard this token.
Some card abilities, such as the Ion
Cannon Turret Upgrade card, can cause
a ship to receive an ION token. A ship with
an ion token assigned to it follows special
rules during these phases:
PLANNING PHASE: The owner does not
assign a maneuver dial to this ship.
ACTIVATION PHASE: The owner moves
the ship as if it were assigned a WHITE
[straight 1] maneuver. After executing this
maneuver, remove all ion tokens from the
ship. It may perform actions as normal.
COMBAT PHASE: The ship may attack as
UPGRADES: Modifications
and Titles
upgrades that do not appear in any ship's
upgrade bard. Any ship may equip a
modification or title unless the card is
restricted to a specific type of ship. Each
ship is limited to one modification and one

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