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Name : Nurul Atiqah Bt Mohd Nori Id No : 2008407992 Course : Bachelor in Education Tesl (Part 1) Title : A unrise on the !


_________________________________________________________________________________ "uestions 1# $hat %ind o& i'a(inar) does *essin( use in order to descri+e the A&rican landsca,e-

In this short story, setting is one of the key factors to the development of the story. Dorris Lessing used lots of imaginary aspects to descri e the setting. The setting in this story is much specified, that is an !frican landscape. It is not "ust a ackground, ut the !frican landscape does really influence the story#s plot. $ne of the imaginary aspects that the author used to descri e the landscape is y descri ing the role of the %eather conditions. !s for e&ample, look at these sentences. '!nd it %as cold. Cold(, '... the flesh of his soles contracted on the chilled earth...( and the last sentence is '... and the trees %ere sho%ering a faint silvery rain. )e %as soaked wet...( !ll these sentences sho%ing that the %eather there is very cold and the atmosphere is moist. Throughout the story, the condition of the %eather changed, especially at the middle and at the end of the story. ')e %as telling himself that it %as getting very hot, much too hot to e out roaming the ush(. It sho%s that in !frica, %hen it is in the morning it %ill e very cold %hile %hen it is in the noon, it %ill e very hot. *eather is also closely related to the time of the day. The author did emphasi+e on the time of the day through a fe% sentences. !t the eginning of the story the time of the day %as in the early morning or %e "ust called it da%n. ')e looked for signs of the day, for the greying of the edge of a stone, or a lightening in the sky %here the sun %ould, but there was nothing( the meaning of this sentence is that, the oy is %ondering %hether on that day, %ill it e a rainy day or a sunny day, ut he failed ecause it is still very early and the sky still dark ecause it is still da%n. The time of the day also changed throughout the story. '...yes there %as the sun, "ust up glo%ing over the rocks.( ,o, it had changed from da%n to morning then to noon. The third aspect that Dorris Lessing descri es a out the landscape is upon the environment. There are a fe% situations in the story that can descri e the environment of the !frican landscape. !s for e&ample, '...he egan to run along the edge of the field(, ',oon he left the cultivated part of farm. -ehind him the bush %as lo% and lack. In front %as a long vlel, acres of long pale grass...( These sentences are sho%ing the scenery of the !frican landscape in %hich full of greenery plantation and it is also encompass lots of fauna such as irds, leopard, uck and ants. '...and he could hear the guinea-fowl calling for ahead of him...(. '...for not so long ago he had seen a leopard in "ust this spot(. 'It looked like a small buck that had een lack...(. 'The ground %as lack %ith ants, energetic ants...( ,o, the landscape is "ust like a miniature forest.

2# .o/ do /e %no/ that the 'ain character (,rota(onist) is not a nati0e A&rican- 1iscuss his de0elo,'ent#

In this story the protagonist .the oy/ is not a native !frican. There are a fe% sentences that can e sho%n to prove that the oy isn#t a native. The first sentence is 'Triumphantly pressing do%n the alarm-knob of the clock...( This oy had an alarm clock, y %hich a native pro a ly %ouldn#t have any. The second sentence is '...he could scarcely hold his shoes...( Native %on#t %alk around using shoes they %ould definitely use their are foot to %alk. The ne&t sentence %ill sho% that the oy is more advanced than the native. '...%here his gun had een set in readiness...( 0sually the native %on#t use gun as their protection or hunting, ut they %ill use stone, knife or even lo%pipe. !ll these sentences sho% that, the oy is more advanced than the native, ecause he used the tools that the native don#t. The ne&t sentence %ould definitely prove that the oy is not a native !frican. '1erhaps some African had thro%n stones at it, as they do, trying to kill it for meat. This proved that the oy named the native as 2!frican# .sho%s that he is not from the same group/ and the native use stone to hunt %hile the oy used gun to hunt. ,o, clearly he is not a native !frican.

2# 1o )ou &ind an) si(ni&icant s)'+ols in the stor)-

There are a fe% significant sym ols that %e can find in the story. The first sym ol is the gun. The gun resem les po%er as it is a po%erful tool that can e used for a protection and it also sym oli+es modernisation. The second sym ol is the ants. These ants are the creatures that ate3kill the uck. These ants denote the unity and %hen they are united they are a le to kill or defeat a much igger si+e animal. *e can also reflect the ants y the prover , 'don#t "udge a ook y its cover(. *e shouldn#t "udge their po%er or the a ility "ust y looking at the si+e. They can do lots of thing that some animal can#t. The ne&t sym ol is the dying uck. This dying uck evokes the feeling of darkness, sadness and anguish. It also resem les the circle of life and death. Death can happen at any time, even if %e are still young. *e "ust can#t e&pect %hen the 2time# %ill come. -ut %e do kno% that every creature in this %orld %ill definitely die. The ne&t sym ol is the sunrise. This %ord denotes a ne% eginning, a ne% hope and also a ne% chapter of life. It#s like a transition from a ad .not really a ad one/ to a etter person. That is %hat happens to the oy after he reali+ed that he has lots to learn in life and eventually he reali+ed that he is still 45 denoting that he is still young. The last sym ol is the duiker. Duiker is actually a small !frican antelope. *e kno% that an antelope is a %ild animal that %ould run %ildly and freely in a forest. ,o, this duiker resem les the oy#s feeling, meaning the "oy and the freedom he feels %hen he had gone to the forest. It also denotes independent.

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