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3Republic of toe

;!ffila n i la
and/or HAP AG-LLOYD Present:
VELASCO, JR., J.. Chairperson.
- versus -
Respondent. December 4, 2013
rrr .
This is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules
of Court assailing the May 15, 2012 Decision' of the Court of Appeals (CA)
in CA-G.R. SP No.114966 and its October 8, 2012 Resolution,
affirmed the October 27, 2009 Decision
of the National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC) and the May 7, 2008 Decision
of the Labor Arbiter
(LA), granting permanent and total disability benefits to Eleno A. Babol
Rollo, pp. 29-33. Penned by Associate Justice Manuel M. Barrios, with Associate Justice Juan Q.
Enriquez, Jr. and Associate Justice Apolinario D. Bruselas, Jr., concurring.
Id. at 37-38
Id. at 205-21 I.
Id. at 141-149. Penned by Labor Arbiter Napoleon M. Menese.
DECISION 2 G.R. No. 204076
The Facts
On September 21, 2006, respondent was rehired by Hapag Lloyd
Aktiengesell Schaft (Hapag Lloyd) through its local manning agent, Jebsens
Maritime, Incorporated (Jebsens) as a reefer fitter for a term of six months.
Before joining his vessel of assignment, respondent was subjected to the
rigid mandatory Pre-Employment Medical Examination (PEME) and was
cleared as fit for sea duty. On October 23, 2006, he boarded MY Glasgow
Express (formerly named as Maersk Dayton), an ocean-going vessel flying
the German flag.
Sometime in February 2007, respondent noticed the swelling of his
neck. On March 8, 2007, he was sent to Health Watch Clinics in Fremantle,
West Australia, to undergo medical evaluation. With the discovery of a large
recurrent left neck mass, a recommendation was issued for his repatriation.
On March 14, 2007, respondent an-ived in the Philippines. He was
then placed at the Metropolitan Medical Center for treatment and
management under the care of Dr. Robert D. Lim, the company-designated
physician. There, a biopsy of two soft tissue fragments taken from his
swelling neck indicated Metastatic Undifferentiated Carcinoma. On April
11, 2007, respondent was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
The doctors then recommended that respondent undergo six (6) cycles
of chemotherapy and thirty nine (39) sessions of radiotherapy for palliative
management with a total cost of P828,500.00. This recommendation was
acted upon by the petitioners who, in good faith, shouldered all the expenses.
On May 18, 2007, the petitioners requested from the company-
designated physicians the determination of whether respondent's condition
could be considered as work-related or not. Responding to the request, Dr.
Christopher Co Pefia (Dr. Co Pena), the company-designated oncologist,
made a report addressed to Dr. Robert Lim, stating respondent's cancer as
"likely not work-related." The report also indicated the risk factors that
could have contributed to respondent's condition, as follows:
DECISION 3 G.R. No. 204076
(1) Diet - salt cured fish;
(2) Viral agents - Epstein Barr Virus (EBV); and
(3) Genetic susceptibility - H2 locus antigens, Singapore Antigen
BW46 and B17 Antigen.
Despite having received an expensive company-sponsored treatment,
respondent still demanded the payment of disability benefits from the
petitioners. His demands being unheeded, respondent filed a claim before
the LA, docketed as NLRC NCR OFW Case No. (M) 01-00452-08, for the
payment of permanent disability benefits, sickness allowance and medical
The petitioners opposed the work-relation argument of respondent in
light of a contrary finding made by the company-designated oncologist that
NPC was caused by genetic factors; and that full and expensive medical
assistance had been generously extended, on top of the medical attention
provided to respondent.
The Labor Arbiter's Decision
On May 7, 2008, the LA rendered a decision awarding respondent the
sum of US$60,000.00 as total disability benefits, plus 10% thereof as
attorney's fees. It ruled that there existed a causal relationship between
respondent's cancer and his diet on board the vessel; and that the petitioners
failed to overcome the presumption of the work-relatedness of respondent's
disease. The LA disposed as follows:
WHEREFORE, all foregoing premises considered, judgment
is hereby rendered finding complainant ELENO A. BABOL to have
suffered work-related illness resulting to [sic] his total permanent
disability and thus ordering respondents ABOITIZ JEBSENS
and EST ANISLAO SANTIAGO to jointly and severally pay him the
amount of US$6o,ooo.oo plus Ten Percent (10%) thereof as
Attorney's Fees or in the total amount of US$66,ooo.oo or its
Philippine Peso equivalent at the time of actual payment.
All other claims are dismissed for lack of merit.
'Id. at 149.
DECISION 4 G.R. No. 204076
The NLRC Ruling
On appeal, the NLRC, in its October 27, 2009 Decision, affirmed the
LA ruling but deleted the award for attorney's fees. It held that the
petitioners failed to substantially disprove the disputable presumption of
work-relation under the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration
Standard Employment Contract (POEA-SEC). It further noted that
respondent, being a seafarer, had no choice but to eat the food prepared by
the kitchen staff and correlatively his diet was limited to salt-cured foods
such as salted fish, dried meat, salted egg, frozen meat, and other preserved
goods, all of which allegedly increased the risk of contracting NPC. The
dispositive portion of its decision reads:
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Labor Arbiter is
AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION in that the award of attorney's
fees is DELETED.
Both parties moved for reconsideration. On March 26, 20 I 0, the
NLRC issued a resolution
denying it.
Via a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Cow1 filed
before the CA, the petitioners argued that the NLRC committed grave abuse
of discretion in ruling for respondent.
The CA's Decision
On May 15, 2012, the CA dismissed the petition. Echoing the findings
of the NLRC and the LA, it held that the nature and circumstances of
respondent's work caused his illness or at least aggravated any pre-existing
condition he might have, hence compensable.
It gave weight to the findings
of the NLRC and the LA that the risk factors as relayed by the company-
designated physician were attendant in respondent's case, such as: ( 1) his
diet while on board which was high in salt-cured fish and preserved foods;
(2) and his exposure to toxic materials, smoke, and diesel fumes while
working for the petitioners in various capacities for almost two decades.
Having found a link between respondent's working conditions and the
disease, it concluded that the claims deserved merit in accordance with this
Id. at 210.
Id. at 286.
Id. at 34.
DECISION 5 G.R. No. 204076
Court's ruling in Magsaysay Maritime Corporation v. National Labor
Relations Commission
where it was recognized as sufficient, in order to
successfully claim the benefits under the contract, that the work has been
proven as contributory, even in a small degree, to the development of a
worker's disease.
Unfazed with the adverse ruling, the pet1t1oners moved for
reconsideration. In its resolution, dated October 8, 2012, the CA denied the
said motion for reconsideration.
Hence, this petition.
A. Whether or not the Court of Appeals gravely erred in
ruling that respondent's condition, Nasopharyngeal
Cancer, is work-related.
B. Whether or not the Court of Appeals gravely erred in
considering respondent's supposed prior
employments with petitioners as relevant m
determining entitlement to disability benefits.
C. Whether or not the Court of Appeals gravely erred in
ruling that petitioners failed to present substantial
evidence that respondent's condition is not work-
According to the pet1t10ners, the CA blindly adopted NLRC's
conclusion that the risk factors could be attributed, even in a lesser degree, to
respondent's working conditions on board the petitioners' vessel; and that
the said risks, especially the alleged dietary cause involving salt-cured fish,
were not sufficiently proven by respondent, being the party tasked with the
burden of proof. To bolster their case, the petitioners reiterate their
submission of evidence showing that the dietary factors could not have been
true as varied and fresh provisions were available for the seafarer's
G. R. No. 186180. March 22, 20 I 0, 616 SCRA 362.
Id. at I I.
DECISION 6 G.R. No. 204076
Moreover, they claim that the CA erred in adopting the concept of
work-aggravation because the POEA-SEC does not recognize it; and that
respondent's prior employment history with the petitioners should not have
been considered since only the period specified in the contract could be used
as basis for compensability claims under the POEA-SEC.
In sum, the petitioners are of the position that no connection
whatsoever between respondent's work and the cancer was sufficiently
Respondent's Position
In his Comment,
respondent submits that the CA was correct in
awarding him permanent disability benefits considering that this conclusion
was substantially supported by facts and evidence on record; that the "likely
not work-related" assessment by Dr. Co Pena did not preclude the finding
that the cancer was attributable to work because it merely presupposed
probability and not certainty; that the dietary risk factor for the development
of his cancer was sufficiently established since it was common knowledge
that seamen were not at liberty to prepare their own food to suit specific
health needs; and that his diet was proven as limited only to or at least
involved existing salt-cured supplies. By these submissions, respondent
avers that a reasonable connection has been asce1iained to prove his
entitlement to the claims prayed for.
The Court's Ruling
The well-entrenched rule in this jurisdiction is that only questions of
law may be ente1iained by this CoLlli in a petition for review on ce1iiorari
under Rule 45. This rule, however, is not absolute and admits certain
exceptions, such as when the petitioner persuasively alleges that there is
insufficient or insubstantial evidence on record to suppo1i the factual
findings of the tribunal or court a quo,
as Section 5, Rule 133 of the Rules
of Court states in express terms that in cases filed before administrative or
quasi-judicial bodies, a fact may be deemed established only if suppo1ied by
. I .d 13
su stantia ev1 ence.
Id. at 452.
Cootaucu v. MMS Phil. Maritime Services, Inc .. G.R. No. 184722. March 15. 2010, 615 SCRA 529. 541-
' Cuh1(1oc v. /nter-Orienl Navigation Shipmanagement. Inc., 537 Phil. 897. 91 1-912 (2006).
DECISION 7 G.R. No. 204076
Here, the petitioners question the conlusion that the disease subject of
this petition is a work-related illness or at least aggravated by the working
conditions onboard the vessel. They argue that respondent failed to present
substantial evidence in support of his claims for compensability.
The Court is not persuaded.
The Principle of Work-relation
The 2000 POEA-SEC contract governs the claims for disability
benefits by respondent as he was employed by the petitioners in September
of 2006.
Pursuant to the said contract, the injury or illness must be work-
related and must have existed during the term of the seafarer's employment
in order for compensability to arise.
Work-relation must, therefore, be
As a general rule, the principle of work-relation requires that the
disease in question must be one of those listed as an occupational disease
under Sec. 32-A of the PO EA-SEC. Nevertheless, should it be not classified
as occupational in nature, Section 20 (B) paragraph 4 of the POEA-SEC
provides that such diseases are disputably presumed as work-related.
In this case, it is undisputed that NPC afflicted respondent while on
board the petitioners' vessel. As a non-occupational disease, it has the
disputable presumption of being work-related. This presumption obviously
works in the seafarer's favor.
Hence, unless contrary evidence is presented
by the employers, the work-relatedness of the disease must be sustained.
In this wise, the petitioners, as employers, failed to disprove the
presumption of NPC's work-relatedness. They primarily relied on the
medical report issued by Dr. Co Pefia. The report, however, failed to make a
categorical statement confirming the total absence of work relation. Thus:
Magsaysay Maritime Services and Princess Cruise lines, Ltd v. Ear/win Meinrad Antero F. Laurer.
G.R. No. 195518, March 20, 2013, 694 SCRA 225, citing Jehsens Maritime Inc .. v. Undog G.R. No.
191491, December 14, 2011, 662 SCRA 670, 677.
Those illnesses not listed in Section 32 of this Contract are disputably presumed as work related.
Jessie V David v. OSG Shipmanagement Manila, Inc. and/or Michaelmar Shipping Services, G.R. No.
197205, September 26, 2012, 682 SCRA I 03, 112.
Fil-Star Maritime Corporation v. Rosete, G.R. No. 192686, November 23, 2011, 661 SCRA 247. 255.
DECISION 8 G.R. No. 204076
Dear Dr. Lim,
This is with regards [sic] to Mr. Elena Babol, 45 y/o male,
diagnosed case of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma; S/P Incisional
Biopsy of Left Neck Mass on April 2, 2007. Risk factors include:
Diet - salt cured fish
Viral agents - Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
Genetic Susceptibility - H2 locus antigens, Singapore
Antigen BW46 and B17 Antigen
His condition is likely not work-related.
(Underscoring supplied)
Black's Law Dictionary defines likely as "probable"
and likelihood
as "probability."
The use of the word likely indicates a hesitant and an
uncertain tone in the stated medical opinion and does not foreclose the
possibility that respondent's NPC could be work-related. In other words, as
the doctor opined only a probability, there was no certainty that his condition
was not work related.
There being no certainty, the Court will lean in favor of the seafarer
consistent with the mandate of POEA-SEC to secure the best terms and
conditions of employment for Filipino workers.
Hence, the presumption of
NPC's work-relatedness stays.
The Principle of Work-aggravation
Assuming for the sake of argument that the presumption of work.-
relation was refuted by petitioners, compensability may still be established
on the basis of the theory of work aggravation t ~ by substantial evidence,
can be demonstrated that the working conditions aggravated or at least
contributed in the advancement of respondent's cancer.
As held in Rosario
Fifth Edition, p. 534.
19 Id.
EO 247. Sec. 3(i).
As held in Reyes v. E111ployees' Cu111pensatio11 Commissiun. el u/.. G.R. No. 93003. March 3. 1992. 206
SCRA 726, 732: citing Magistrado v. Employees' Compensation Co111111issio11. et al .. G.R. No. 62641. 30,
June 30, 1989. 174 SCRA 605, substantial evidence means such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind
might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.
C01emment Service Insurance System v. Emmanuel P. Cunlapcw. 576 Phil. 482. 492 (2008).
9 G.R. No. 204076
v. Denklav Marine,
"the burden is on the beneficiaries to show a
disabi 1 ity."
connection between the causative circumstances in the
of the deceased employee and his death or permanent total
To determine if indeed respondent sufficiently established the link
between his cancer and the working conditions on board MY Glasgow
Express, understanding the disease is of utmost importance.
Respondent's cancer is by far, the most common malignant tumor of
the nasopharynx.
Risk factors for this cancer, as derived from the position
paper filed by the petitioners and consistent with many medical literatures
on the matter, include (I) salt-cured foods; (2) preserved meats, (3) Epstein-
Barr virus, and ( 4) family history.
6 In every detail, it is clear that the dietary
factor plays a vital role in increasing the risk of acquiring the disease. For
medical purposes, salt-cured fish and preserved meat can, thus, be
considered as high risk food that can contribute in the growth of this type of
Respondent is of the theory that such high risk dietary factor persisted
on board the vessel, thus, increasing the probability that the disease was
aggravated by his working conditions:
... On the food he took while on board, Complainant is exposed to the
risk of contracting his illness. The Supreme Court has taken judicial
notice of the fact that seamen are required to stay on board their
vessel by the very nature of their duties. It is also of common
knowledge that while on board, seamen have no choice but to eat
the food prepared by the kitchen staff of the vessel. They are also not
at liberty to prepare/cook their own food to suit their health needs.
Their day-to-day "diet" therefore depends on the kind of food served
on the vessel for the consumption of the entire crew. Thus, the long
voyage on the high seas, the vessel's menu is limited to salt- cured
foods (such as salted fish, dried fish, anchovies, dried meat, salted
eggs, etc.), frozen meat, processed meat, canned goods, and other
preserved foods, thus the diet is mostly salt-cured foods, hence, the
increased risk of contracting nasopharyngeal cancer.
Complainant had no other alternative or option but to eat
whatever is served at the mess hall, and considering further that his
"diet" or sustenance while on board the vessel had presumably
contributed to, if not caused by, his present health condition, there
' Resolution, G.R. No. 166906, March 16, 2005.

and ma cm i I Ian. org. uk/Canceri n format ion/Cancertypes/H eadneck/Typeso tl1ead nee kcancers/N asoph
Rollo. pp. 146-14 7.
DECISION 10 G.R. No. 204076
is good reason to conclude that his ailment or affliction is work
related or, otherwise stated, reasonably connected/aggravated by
his work.
The above assertions of respondent do not constitute as substantial
evidence that a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support the
conclusion that there is a causal relationship between his illness and the
working conditions on board the petitioners' vessel. Although the Court has
recognized as sufficient that work conditions are proven to have contributed
even to a small degree,
such must, however, be reasonable, and anchored
on credible information.
The claimant must, therefore, prove a convincing
proposition other than by his mere allegations.
This he failed to do.
The Court refuses to take judicial notice of said asse1iions on the basis
of an allegation of mere common knowledge. This is in light of the changing
global landscape affecting international maritime labor practices. The Court
notes the acceptance, albeit steadily, of the minimum standards governing
food and catering on board ocean-going vessels as provided in the 2006
Maritime Labor Convention of which the Philippines
and MY Glasgow's
flag country Germany3
have signed, to wit:
(a) food and drinking water supplies, having regard to the number of
seafarers on board, their religious requirements and cultural
practices as they pertain to food, and the duration and nature of the
voyage, shall be suitable in respect of quantity, nutritional value,
quality and variety;
(b) the organization and equipment of the catering department shall be
such as to permit the provision to the seafarers of adequate, varied
and nutritious meals prepared and served in hygienic conditions;
(c) catering staff shall be properly trained or instructed for their
Id. at 146.
Govemmenl Service Insurance v. Jean . Raoel. G.R. No. 157038 December 23. 2009. 609
SCRA 32. 47.
Government Service Insurance System v. Emmanuel P. G.R. No. 168862. April 30. 2008. 553
SCRA 520.
Riiio v. Employees' Compensation Commission. el al.. 387 Phil. 612. 620 (2000); citing Kiri!. Sr. '"
Government Service Insurance System, el al.. G .R. No. 48580, .I u ly 6. 1990. 187 SCRA 224.
Based on the ILO Website, the MLC 2006 has entered into force in the Philippines. lex/en/f?p=NORM LEX PU B:8000 I :0
Based on the I LO Website, the M LC 2006 will enter into force in Germany on August 14. 20 16. LEX PU B:8000 I :0
standard A3.2, Regulation 3.1, Title 3 of the 2006 Maritime Labor Convention. I :O::::P9 I_ SECTION:MLC _ A3
1 1 G.R. No. 204076
Although not yet fully implemented, this International Labor
Organization (!LO) Convention merely underscores that food on board an
ocean-going vessel may not necessarily be limited as alleged by respondent.
In this respect, the petitioners submitted documents
showing that fresh and
varied provisions were provided on board. Respondent, on the other hand,
countered that even if there were such provisions, salt-cured fish and diet
such as bagoong dilis, bagoong alamang, anchovies, etc.
were still
included as victuals. The Court treats both submissions as equal in their
respects and, thus, cannot be the sole determinant of whether respondent is
entitled to his claims.
The State of Permanent Total Disability
Based on the foregoing, both parties failed to discharge their
respective burdens to prove the non-work-relatedness of the disease for the
petitioners (theory of work-relation) and the substantiation of claims for
respondent (theory of work-aggravation). With this, the Court is confronted
with the question as to whom it should rule in favor then.
In ECC v. Sanico,
and Bejerano v. ECC,
the Court
held that disability should be understood not more on its medical
significance, but on the loss of earning capacity. Permanent total disability
means disablement of an employee to earn wages in the same kind of work
or work of similar nature that he was trained for or accustomed to perform,
or any kind of work which a person of his mentality and attainment could
do. It does not mean absolute helplessness. Evidence of this condition can
be found in a certification of fitness/unfitness to work issued by the
company-designated physician.
In this case, records reveal that the medical report issued by the
company-designated oncologist was bereft of any certification that
respondent remained fit to work as a seafarer despite his cancer. This is
important since the certification is the document that contains the assessment
of his disability which can be questioned in case of disagreement as
provided for under Section 20 (B) (3).of the POEA-SEC.
Rollo, pp. 233-281.
'' Id. at 469.
378 Phil. 900 (1999).
349 Phil. 357 ( 1998).
G.R. No. 84777, January 30, 1992, 205 SCRA 598.
If a doctor appointed by the seafarer disagrees with the assessment. a third doctor may be agreed jointly
between he employer and the seafarer. The third Joctor's decision shall be final and binding on both
DECISION 12 G.R. No. 204076
In the absence of any certification, the law presumes that the
employee remains in a state of temporary disability. Should no certification
be issued within the 240 day maximum period,
as in this case, the pertinent
disability becomes permanent in nature.
Considering that respondent has suffered for more than the maximum
period of 240 days in light of the uncompleted process of evaluation, and the
fact that he has never been certified to work again or otherwise, the Court
affirms his entitlement to the permanent total disability benefits awarded
him by the CA, the NLRC and the LA.
In the same way that the seafarer has the duty to faithfully comply
with and observe the terms and conditions of the PO EA-SEC, including the
provisions governing the procedure for claiming disability benefit,
employer also has the duty to provide proof that the procedures were also
complied with, including the issuance of the fit/unfit to work certification.
Failure to do so will necessarily cast doubt on the true nature of the
seafarer's condition.
When such doubts exist, the scales of justice must tilt in his favor.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED.

Rule X. Section 2 of the Rules and Regulations Implementing Book IV of the Lnbor Code provides:
SEC. 2. Period of entitlement. - (n) The income benefit shall be paid beginning on the
first day of such disability. If caused by an injury or sickness it shall not be paid longer
than 120 consecutive days except where such injury or sickness still requires medical
attendance beyond 120 days but not to exceed 240 davs from onset of disability in
which case benefit for temporary total disability shall be paid. However. the System may
declare the total nnd permanent status at any time nfter 120 days of continuous temporary
total disability as may be warranted by the degree of nctual loss or impairment of
physirnl or mentnl functions as determined by the System.
Pacific Ocean J'vfanning Inc. and Celtic Pacific Ship Management Co .. Ltd i. Benjamin D. f'enales. G.R.
No. 162809. September 5. 2012. 680 SCRA 95.
DECJSION 13 G.R. No. 204076

Associate Justice
Associate Justice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had be reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the pinion of the
Court's Division.
As ciate Justice
Chairp son, Third Division
DECISION 14 G.R. No. 204076
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the
Division Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the
above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was
assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.
Chief Justice

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