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The Kurukulla Sadhana: 2

By His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu

True Buddha Sadhana E-Book |


The Padmakumara website would like to gratefully acknowledge the
following individual for contributing to the production of the Kurukulla
Sadhana: 2nd Edition e-book.

Translator, Researcher & E-book Designer: Imelda Tan

The Padmakumara website is most grateful to Living Buddha Lian-sheng for
transmitting such precious dharma. May Living Buddha Lian-sheng always
be healthy and continue to teach and liberate beings in samsara. May all
sentient beings quickly attain Buddhahood. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi

Exhaustive research was undertaken to ensure the content in this e-book is accurate, current and
comprehensive at publication time. However, due to differing individual interpreting skills and
language differences among translators and editors, we cannot be responsible for any minor
wording discrepancies or inaccuracies. In addition, we cannot be responsible for any damage or
loss which may result from the use of the information in this e-book.

The information given in this e-book is not intended to act as a substitute for the actual lineage and
transmission empowerments from H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng or any authorized True Buddha
School master.

If you wish to contact the author or would like more information about the True Buddha School,
please write to the author in care of True Buddha Quarter. The author appreciates hearing from you
and learning of your enjoyment of this e-book and how it has helped you. We cannot guarantee that
every letter written to the author can be answered, but all will be forwarded.

Please write to:
His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng
c/o True Buddha Quarter
17102 NE 40th Ct., Redmond, WA 98052 USA

Transmitted by H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng.
Published in on June 3, 2010.
Copyright 2010 by H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng. All rights reserved.
This e-book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.



Upon Reading This E-Book 4
About Living Buddha Lian-sheng 5
About The True Buddha School 6
About True Buddha School Net (TBSN) 6
About Padmakumara Website 7
About True Buddha Translation Teams 7
Kurukulla Overview 8
Kurukulla Synopsis 11
The Kurukulla Sadhana 14
The Secrets of Kurukulla Tantric Practice 21
How to Take Refuge in Living Buddha Lian-sheng 39
Living Buddha Lian-shengs English Books 40
TBS English Practice E-books 43


Upon Reading This E-Book
An empowerment must be received from Living Buddha Lian-sheng or an
authorized True Buddha School master before engaging in this particular sadhana.
If one does not have the lineage empowerment, one should not, under any
circumstances, attempt this practice. Under the blessing of the empowerment,
students can quickly attain yogic responses with the Deity. Without it, the practice
will be futile and ones act would be considered an act of stealing the Dharma.

In this e-book, mantras are translated using simple English phonetics. Sutras,
verses, and praises are translated using both English and Hanyu Pinyin. Students
should not assume that the translations can possibly emulate the exact
pronunciations of the Root Guru. It is highly recommended that students obtain
audio recordings of mantras from local True Buddha temples or chapters, or
consult with authorized True Buddha Masters.

This e-book serves as a guideline for the sadhana and teaching. Please refer to
Living Buddha Lian-shengs books or consult with authorized True Buddha
Masters for more detailed explanations. If you have any further questions, please
write to the True Buddha Foundation.

May the compassionate Living Buddha Lian-sheng, buddhas, bodhisattvas, and
dharma protectors bless these translated practices. May the True Buddha Tantra
liberate all beings in the Six Realms of Transmigration.

For more information and other True Buddha School related materials, please
visit the following websites:


About Living Buddha Lian-sheng

His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng is
the Root Guru of True Buddha School. He
is referred to as Grand Master by his
disciples, and he is regarded as the
emanation of Amitabha Buddha.

As the lineage holder of the Nyingma,
Kagyu, Sakya and Gelug schools of Tibetan
Buddhism, Living Buddha Lian-sheng has
attained the highest fruition in those
schools including the Great Perfection,
Mahamudra, Lamdre, and Yamantaka

Living Buddha Lian-sheng teaches both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism, and also
incorporates elements of Zen and Daoism into his teachings. He emphasizes
actual practice and encourages students to integrate his Buddhist teachings into
their daily lives. The quintessence of his personal journey, his methods of
cultivation and his realization are embodied in the True Buddha Tantric Dharma,
which is an inspiring, practical, and powerful teaching that is well-suited for
people in modern society. Living Buddha Lian-sheng leads a disciplined life
which includes spiritual practice, teaching, writing, and painting. He is an
excellent model for spiritual cultivators in this degenerated age.

As of today, over five million people have taken refuge in True Buddha School.
With over 400 chapters worldwide, True Buddha School is recognized as a major
Buddhist group today. Living Buddha Lian-sheng has written over 200 books in
Chinese on topics ranging from Vajrayana Buddhism to Feng Shui, Zen Buddhism,
and Daoism. Many of these books are now being translated into English and
various other languages.


About The True Buddha School

The True Buddha School, founded by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, is a school for
spiritual cultivation. The name reflects the founders mission to offer authentic
lineage transmission and practice of the Tantric Dharma which can truly lead one
to buddhahood. All students who have taken refuge with the True Buddha School
must practice the True Buddha Tantra. The True Buddha Tantra is a Mahayana
practice which, by directly visualizing oneself and Buddha as "One" and, through
the cultivation of the purification of body, mind, and speech, can enable an
ordinary, worldly person to directly arrive at the realm of buddhahood.

The True Buddha School differs from other esoteric traditions in that it teaches a
unique Yoga Practice called, the Padmakumara (Lotus Bodhisattva) Vajra Yoga,
which enables the practitioner to arrive at the root guru's "siddhi" of the Maha
Twin Lotus Ponds, an inconceivable Buddha Pure Land manifested by the
Buddha Locana.

About True Buddha School Net (TBSN)

True Buddha School Net is the official website of the True Buddha School. It is
available in English and Chinese. Since 1995, TBSNs worldwide popularity and
viewer demands have continued to increase, requiring more than 10 servers to
maintain its website. Visit to learn more about the True
Buddha School and to access our newsletters, articles, upcoming local chapter
ceremonial events, as well as Living Buddha Lian-shengs books and dharma


About Padmakumara Website

Padmakumara website is a free membership Buddhist discussion group that is
independently funded and established by Alice Yang, a devout student of Grand
Master Lu, since 2001. It specifically caters to non-Chinese speakers learning
needs by publishing insightful, educational and comprehensive translations of
True Buddha School related content. Visit to
access the True Buddha Schools latest news, books, yoga practice texts, dharma
talks, sutras, audio recordings of mantras, articles and buddhist study discussions
in English, French, Indonesian, and Spanish languages.

About True Buddha Translation Teams

True Buddha Translation Teams (TBTTs) was formed in 2008. They are a group of
volunteers operating under the True Buddha Foundation (TBF) of True Buddha
School (TBS).

TBTTs mission is to propagate the dharma teachings of His Holiness, Living
Buddha Lian-sheng (Grand Master Lu) to every corner of the world with accurate,
fluent and profound translations in multiple languages so that all can practice and
attain enlightenment. Visit and become a volunteer today.

Kurukulla Overview

The Lotus Dakini Kurukulla, as a beautiful lady, stands and dances amongst the clouds. She is
surrounded by Dakinis in four directions with Buddha Amitabha high above.

Kurukulla Overview

Kurukulla appears as a voluptuous and seductive nude sixteen year old girl. She has one face and three eyes
with orange hair flowing upward like flames. Her red skinned body is adorned with a five-skull crown, a mala of
fifty freshly severed human heads, a tiger skinned skirt, and scintillating rubies around her chest. In her four
arms, she holds four implements made out of red utpala flowers. In the primary right hand is an arrow, and in
the secondary right hand is a hook. In the primary left hand is an arched bow, and in the secondary left hand is
a noose. She dances and stands precariously balanced with her right leg raised and supported by her left leg,
under which she tramples Kamadeva, amidst red rays of light and blazing masses of fire upon a red lotus
blossom amongst the clouds.

Kurukulla Overview

Courtesy of
Kurukulla mantra wheel with the Tibetan syllable seed Hrih at the center and its heart
mantra, om, ku-ru-ku-la, hrih, so-ha, reads clockwise at 6 oclock.
6 66 6

Kurukulla Overview

Kurukulla Synopsis
The following information is courtesy of Imelda Tan.

Kurukulla, Kuru means harsh sound and Kulla means family, so Kurukulla
means of the family of harsh sound.
Uddiyana Kurukulla or Uddiyanodbhava, she who comes from Uddiyana.
Red Tara or Tarodbhava Kurukulla, she who arises from Tara."
Rigjyedma (rig-byed-ma), she who is the cause knowledge.


Female Buddha of love and sex - emanation of Buddha Amitabha
Female Yidam with the magical function of enchantment and magnetism
Wisdom Deity of True Buddha School


Kurukulla appears as a voluptuous and seductive nude sixteen year old girl. She
has one face and three eyes with orange hair flowing upward like flames. Her red
body is adorned with a five-skull crown, a mala of fifty freshly severed human
heads, a tiger skinned skirt, and scintillating rubies around her chest. In her four
arms, she holds four implements made out of red utpala flowers. In the primary
right hand is an arrow, and in the secondary right hand is a hook. In the primary
left hand is an arched bow, and in the secondary left hand is a noose. She dances
and stands precariously balanced with her right leg raised and supported by her
left leg, under which she tramples Kamadeva, amidst red rays of light and blazing
masses of fire upon a red lotus blossom amongst the clouds.

(Note: Different thankgas depict her left foot as trampling Kamadeva (the god of
desire), Mahesvaras Consort, or a male human corpse.)


According to the legend, during the ancient Indian times, in a land of Uddiyana,
there was a king named Indrabhuti, who loved all of his consorts but his queen.
Out of jealousy, the queen ordered her servant to find a love spell to bewitch the
king. After visiting many several towns, the servant met a red skinned beautiful
maiden at a thread market. The maiden gave her a piece of food and instructed
that whoever ate it shall be spellbound by the person who sought love. When the
queen acquired it, she changed her mind and threw it into the streams by the
palace, which was later consumed by a dragon king. Bewitched by the spell, the
dragon king disguised as King Indrabhuti to seduce the queen. Later, when King
Indrabhuti learned of the queens adultery, his fury led to an investigation on his
queens conduct. The red skinned maiden was summoned to the palace. Upon
questioning, the king recognized her as Buddha Mother and immediately took
refuge in, and humbly beseeched for empowerment. Hence, the king became a
Tantric practitioner. After attaining enlightenment, the king gained neighbouring
kings voluntary sworn alliance. Thus, his kingdom was reined in peace.

Kurukulla Overview

TBS Lineage of Kurukulla Practice
Kurukulla esoteric practice was transmitted to the Indian king and, as
centuries passed, to Kagyu school in Tibet. According to the Kagyu Lineage
it was transmitted from the Vajradhara
, the most authoritative and imposing
Primordial Buddha, to Vajrapani Bodhisattva
From Vajrapani Bodhisattva, it
was transmitted to Jusengyouxi Vajra, to Fudaheichuan Master, to
Hsuanhsinfahei Master, and finally to Guru Thubten Chi Mo
, thus becoming
the Wisdom Deity of True Buddha School.


As a love goddess, she aids unhappy lovers by invoking subjugation,
magnetization and attraction, through the bewitching power of sexual desire and
love. It is believed that her mantra if repeated ten thousand times can bring about
all of one's desires.

As a yidam, she assists the cultivator with the transformation of obsessive craving
by transforming ones dualistic desire into non-dual desire through her unbridled
vajra lust.


Om, ku-ru-ku-la, hrih, so-ha (heart mantra)
Om, ku-ru-ku-la, sa, wa-xiang-ku-lu-huo, a-ga, ha-ya-sa, so-ha (long mantra)
Om, be-dza, ba-wah, ah-be-kir-dza, hum (empowerment mantra)

Seed Syllable:

Tibetan Seed Syllable Hrih

The Kagyu Lineage traces its origin back to the historic Buddha, Shakyamuni through Marpa, the great translator and
yogi, who brought back the unbroken lineage from India to Tibet. The lineage of the Kagyu emphasizes the continuity of oral
instructions passed on from master to student. The first syllable "Ka" refers to the scriptures of the Buddha and the oral
instructions of the guru. "Ka" has the sense both of the enlightened meaning conveyed by the words of the teacher, as well
as the force which such words of insight carries. The second syllable "gyu" means lineage or tradition. Together, these
syllables mean "the lineage of the oral instructions."

Vajradhara is the ultimate Primordial Buddha according to the Gelug and Kagyu schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Achieving
the 'state of vajradhara' is synonymous with complete realization.

Vajrapani Bodhisattva is a major Bodhisattva easily recognized as holding a vajra with his right hand and left hand
displaying threatening vitarka mudra. His body seems to be massive and in a pose of warrior. Under his feet he controls two
live snakes. He wears all sorts of bodhisattva ornaments and also a garland of snakes. He has a wide and wild roaring
mouth rimmed with lacquered red lips. His eyebrows are like the flame, with his moustache and beard being curled.
Vajrapanis wrathfulness, snake ornament and his pose as a warrior all serve to convey the force and vitality of the
enlightened energy as it combats ignorance, greed, fear and other delusions.

Thubten Chi Mo Master is another name of Grand Master Lu.

Kurukulla Overview


Sixteen: Kurukulla is sixteen years old because sixteen is the ideal number that
signifies perfection, four times four.

Red-Colored Skin: It symbolizes her magical function of enchantment and
magnetism. She is naked because she is unconditioned by discursive thoughts.

Singled-Face: It symbolizes one taste of dharma-nature and embodies non-dual
wisdom beyond conventional distinctions of good and evil.

Three-Eyed: Symbolize her apprehension of past, present, and future. The third
eye represents the wisdom eye.

Five-skull crown: It signifies the five perfections, whereas Kurukulla herself
embodies the sixth perfection, that of wisdom.

Mala of skulls: It represents the Tibetan form of Kali, she who transforms death to
life, wrath to auspiciousness. The necklace of fifty freshly severed human heads
dripping blood imply that Kurukulla has vanquished fifty negative emotions.

Four Arms: They represent the four accomplishments (purification,
enhancement, magnetization, and subjugation) or the four immeasurable states of
mind (love, compassion, joy, and equanimity).

Flower bow and arrow: She holds the bow and arrow entwined with flowers
because she can give rise to thoughts of desire in the minds of others. Her bow
and arrow pierce through difficulties, her lower right hand offers the abayah mudra
of reassurance.

Flower hook and noose: The hook attracts and summons her prey into her
presence and the noose to bind them to her will.

Red utpala flowers: Red utpala flowers are the main attributes of Kurukulla,
which indicate the sexual magnetism of this seductive goddess.

Dancing Stance: She is dancing because she is active and energetic, her
compassionate activity manifesting in both Samsara and Nirvana. She dances,
treading upon a male human corpse because she enchants and subjugates the
demon of ego. She stands upon a red sun disc because her nature is hot and
enflamed with passion and upon a red lotus blossom because she is a pure vision
of enlightened awareness.

The Kurukulla Sadhana

The Kurukulla Sadhana
Prepared by Imelda Tan based on Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lus teachings.
Please obtain the empowerment and lineage transmission prior to attempting this practice.

Begin by praying for the root lineage blessing: First empty the mind. Next, visualize the Root
Guru appearing above your crown and radiating light on everyone present. Chant the Root Guru
Heart Mantra 7 times. Pray to the Root Guru to empower you so that the sadhana will be

Engender the Four Immeasurable Minds. Visualize your parents, children, relatives, friends, and
enemies joining you in this practice.

Wake up Call: Clap twice, then cross the hands, and snap the thumbs and middle fingers.

1. Recite the Purification Mantras and Earth God Mantra
2. Recite the Invocation Mantra: Om ah hum, so-ha (3 times)
We sincerely invoke:
Namo Root Guru Living Buddha Lian-sheng,
Namo White Maha Padmakumara,
Namo Lotus Light Unhindered Buddha, (a.k.a Lotus Light Self-Mastery Buddha)
Namo the lineage gurus of True Buddha School,
Namo Kurukulla.

Herein, each local chapter may invoke the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Dharma Protectors
enshrined at its altar accordingly. When practicing at home, you may invoke the deities present at
your shrine.

Namo all Buddhas of the Ten Directions and Three Times,
Namo all Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas,
Namo Maha Prajna Paramita.

3. Great Homage Using Visualization
4. Mandala Offering
5. Chant the Fourfold Refuge
6. Armor Protection
7. Recite the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra
8. Recite the Rebirth Mantra (7 times)

The Kurukulla Sadhana

9. Recite the Four Immeasurable Vows
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness; this is immeasurable
May all beings be liberated from suffering and the causes of suffering; this is
immeasurable compassion.
May all beings be free of suffering and always be happy; this is immeasurable joy.
May all beings be free of grasping and aversion and practice equality; this is
immeasurable equanimity.

Recite the Bodhicitta Mantra:
Om, bo-dee-gee-da, be-dza, sa-ma-ya, ah-hum. (3 times)

10. Mudra and Visualization
Empty the mind and recite the Emptiness Mantra:
Om, si-ba-wa, su-da, sa-er-wa, da-er-ma, si-ba-wa,
su-do-hang (3 times)

Form the Kurukulla Mudra During Visualization:
I. Visualize in the emptiness, a seed syllable
RAM appears and transforms into a sun disc
bearing the red seed syllable HRIH. It
invokes Kurukulla by radiating brilliant red
light and transforming itself into Kurukulla.

II. Kurukulla appears as a voluptuous and
seductive nude sixteen year old girl. She has
orange hair, one face and three eyes. Her red
body is adorned with a five-skull crown, a mala
of fifty freshly severed human heads, a tiger
skinned skirt, and scintillating rubies around
her chest. In her four arms, she holds four
Dharma implements made out of red utpala
flowers. In the primary right hand is an arrow,
and in the secondary right hand is a hook. In
the primary left hand is an arched bow, and in
the secondary left hand is a noose. She dances

A. Kurukulla Mudra

B. Tibetan Seed Syllable RAM

C. Tibetan Seed Syllable HRIH

Images B & C by

The Kurukulla Sadhana

and stands precariously balanced with her right leg raised and supported by
her left leg, under which she tramples Kamadeva, amidst red rays of light
and blazing masses of fire upon a red lotus blossom.

III. Recite the Four Syllable Mantra, Tsa
Hum Ban Huo for purification. Then,
visualize Kurukulla transforms into a
pearl of red light. It enters into ones
crown opening, travels down the
central channel, and rests on a lotus
blossom at the heart chakra. On the
lotus, a sun disc rises bearing the seed
syllable HRIH. The seed syllable
instantaneously manifests as the
Wisdom Deity, Kurukulla.

IV. At this time, the practitioner may
incorporate the secrets of Kurukulla
Tantric rituals. If one prays for
fulfilment, form the deitys mudras and
visualize her dharma implements
emitting brilliant red light to invoke
subjugation, magnetization and
attraction at your order. Such practice
exercises the use of visualization. For
instance, form the mudras while
visualizing the use of flower bow and
arrow to pierce through your preys
heart for seduction, flower noose to
bind him and pull toward you (so you
may kiss the captive), and flower hook
to summon him to Kurukullas will.

(For more secrets of Kurukulla rituals, turn to
page 21 of this e-book.)

Photo Edits Designed by Imelda Tan

Flower Bow & Arrow Mudra

Vajra Binding Mudra

Vajra Hook Mudra

The Kurukulla Sadhana

11. Recite the Kurukulla Mantra
Visualization: Use both hands to hold the mala beads in front of your chest and move each bead
with the thumb during chanting. Visualize the left hand transforming into a vajra bell and the
right hand transforming into a vajra scepter. The mother bead or emblem transforms into a
multiple-jeweled stupa, and the four divider beads transform into the Four Heavenly Kings.
The tassel transforms into a lotus hand, while the string that threads through the beads
transforms into Vajrasattvas white light, in the form of a circle. During mantra chanting, as each
bead is moved, visualize each bead turning into Kurukulla, who then appears before you.

Chant the Mantra: Om, ku-ru-ku-la, hrih, so-ha
(108 or 1080 times)
or: Om, ku-ru-ku-la, sa, wa-xiang-ku-lu-huo, a-ga, ha-ya-sa, so-ha (108 or 1080 times)

12. Recite the Empowerment Mantra
Visualization: Visualize ones heart chakra emitting light to invoke all of the Buddhas, the
Bodhisattvas, and Kurukullas Retinues to bestow empowerment of purification upon oneself.

Chant the Mantra: Om, be-dza, ba-wah, ah-be-kir-dza, hum
(3 times)

13. Entering Samadhi
Nine Cycle Breathing, Entering of the Deity into Oneself and Release of Oneself into the Cosmic
Consciousness [or Ruwo-Woru visualization], Breath Counting.

14. Emerging from Samadhi

Recite the Four Great Vows of Kurukulla to All Sentient Beings:
As Earth, I pledge to bestow wealth.
As Water, I pledge to avert disasters
and sickness.
As Fire, I pledge to induce reverence.
As Air, I pledge to subjugate all evil
karma and obstacles.
Yi di qi de shi yuan, ling zhong sheng de dao cai fu.
Yi shui qi de yuqn li, ling zhong sheng xi zai zhi bing.
Yi huo qi de shi yuan, ling zhong sheng huo de jing ai.
Yi feng qi de shi yuan, ling zhong sheng jiang fu yi qie
zhang ai yu mo nan.

15. Recite the Principal Heart Mantras

Download Kurukulla Heart Mantra at:
Download Empowerment Mantra at:

The Kurukulla Sadhana

16. Recite the Buddhas Name (3 times)

17. Dedication
As the emanation of Buddha Amitabha,
Kurukulla vows that he who cultivates Her rituals,
Shall rid the hindrance of harmful behavior,
And achieve the equivalent attainment of Buddhahood.
A-mi-tuo-fo hua shen xiang,
Gu-lu-gu-lie da shi yuan,
Ru shi xiu chi chu zui zhang,
Cheng jui zi-di fo yi yang.

May all who uphold the name of Amitabha Buddha,
Be born together in the Pure Land of His Western Paradise,
Repaying the Fourfold Generosity from above,
And aiding those who suffer in the Three Paths below.

Upon seeing the Buddha,
May I be liberated from the cycle of birth and death,
And may I develop the qualities of Buddhahood,
And thus free all who suffer.

I, ________ (your name), dedicate the merits of this practice to the Root Guru. May the
Root Guru always be healthy, remain in samsara, never enter nirvana, and forever turn
the dharma wheel. May everyone be healthy, free of hindrances, strong in cultivation, and
may all circumstances become auspicious.

Use your vajra scepter to draw a circle three times in the space above you and visualize that you
are drawing a blazing circle of fire. Then say:

"May all supplications be completely fulfilled. May all hindrances be removed."

Visualize a patch of darkness in front of you (symbolizing negative forces). Then raise the vajra
scepter, point it towards the patch of darkness, and ring the vajra bell while shouting:


As you shout "Wun," visualize the darkness retreating and in its place are two vajra scepters in the
form of a cross appearing above a lotus flower, surrounded by the blazing circle of fire. The
crossed vajra scepters represent strength, while the lotus flower itself represents wisdom. The
crossed vajra scepters above a lotus represent protection and defeat of the negative forces. The

The Kurukulla Sadhana

blazing light signifies totality and completion. With this visualization of the crossed vajra scepters,
lotus flower, and blazing circle of fire, all negatives forces will retreat.

(For detailed visualization steps, refer to page 165 of A Complete and Detailed Exposition on the
True Buddha Tantric Dharma.)

18. Great Homage Using Visualization

19. Recite the Hundred Syllable Mantra (3 times)

20. Recite the Completion Mantra:
Om, bu lin (3 times)
Om Mani Padme Hum

Clap twice, then cross the hands, and snap the thumbs and middle fingers.

End of Practice
May all endeavors be auspicious.

Here are a few key points regarding the Kurukulla Practice:

1) In the Kagyu Lineage of the Tibetan Buddhism, Kurukulla Tantric Practice is regarded
as a highly advanced, unique and secretive esoteric practice. Many great adepts
choose Kurukulla to be their Principal Deity. The presentation of Kurukulla can be
carved out as a statue by a sculptor or drawn out as a painting by an artist. Once the
art piece has been consecrated by the Acharya, one may revere and enshrine it.

2) There is no age restriction for practicing Kurukulla. In fact, anyone of any age is
encouraged to cultivate Kurukulla Tantric Practice.

3) Since Kurukulla is Female Buddha of love and red is the symbolism for magnetization,
she naturally favors the color of red. To gain Kurukullas favor, ones shrine set up
including ones garment and accessories should preferably be all in red.

4) While doing the practice and transforming into the Wisdom Deity, one may form the
Kurukulla mudra and, at the same time, invoke the Five Buddhas and their Retinues.

The Kurukulla Sadhana

The Five Buddhas and their Retinues will each hold a treasure vase filled with nectar,
with which to empower the practitioner. When the practitioner feels a great sense of
refreshment, ones entire body has been purified as well.

5) The merits of reciting the Four Great Vows of Kurukulla are as follows:

With the will of the earth element, Kurukulla solemnly vows to bestow prosperity
upon all beings. As the saying goes, everything comes from ground up (e.g., crops,
real estates, etc) since the soil is filled with richness.

With the will of the water element, Kurukulla solemnly vows to detoxify and
purify ones health by eliminating bodily toxins and harmful substances.

With the will of the fire element, Kurukulla solemnly vows to assist sentient
beings to be communally loved and well respected.

With the will of the air element, Kurukulla solemnly vows to subjugate all things
on earth. For example, our planet Earth, the stars, the sun and the rest of the 9
great planets are all supported and sustained by air. So to subdue a villain, one
only needs to chant Kurukulla mantra 100,000 times. Then, one may blow against
any disliked co-worker and he or she shall quickly be relocated out of sight,
thanks to the power of Kurukulla.

The Secrets of Kurukulla Tantric Practice

The Secrets of Kurukulla Tantric Practice
by H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
notes complied by Imelda Tan

In the Kagyu Lineage of the Tibetan Buddhism, there is a unique esoteric deity,
known as Kurukulla, whose Tantric practice has traditionally been secretively guarded
and seldom publicized. It is said that many great adepts attained Buddhahood by
practicing it as their Principal Deity. This article provides an exceedingly rare
opportunity for those who wish to learn this auspicious practice. Only True Buddha
students who have taken refuge and the Kurukulla Practice empowerment may engage
in this practice. Those without empowerments should not, under any circumstance,
attempt to cultivate it.

Kurukullas Secretive and Essential Ritualistic Steps:

1. Re: Magnetization
A. Singular Attraction (e.g., to attract an individuals reverence)
[Method] Pick the filaments from some red lotus flowers. Chant Kurukulla heart
mantra 100,000 times to empower them. Let the person, whom you are interested in,
eat the filaments. The individual will become enchanted by you ever since.
Remember to use the filaments of red lotus flower for the ritual.

B. Public Attraction (e.g., to gain the entire populations reverence)
[Explanation] Although Kurukulla is a love goddess, she is also an authoritative
goddess and can magnetize massive people at her command. For example, if you
desire to become a nations leader, you must earnestly cultivate Kurukulla practice
in this lifetime by chanting her mantra 1 million times and pray to her that you be
elected to become president (eg., President of Indonesia) at your next reincarnated

[Method] Set up a shrine with 5 red candles and 5 pots of red flowers. During each
yoga practice session, accomplish 600,000 mantra chants. Upon the 600,000th
mantra chant, you will attain yogic responses with Kurukulla. She will manifest
before you and any wish you pray for will be granted. Remember to use 5 red
candles and 5 pots of red flowers, and chant Kurukulla heart mantra 600,000 times.

The Secrets of Kurukulla Tantric Practice

2. Re: Subjugation
A. Subjugation of Individuals, Maras, or Curses
[Explanation] Kurukullas right leg is raised and supported by her left leg, under
which she tramples Kamadeva. Her stance represents subjugation. In Vajrayana,
subjugation is not solely used against humans. Instead, it is also used against
maras. The subjugating power of Kurukulla is very powerful and is a practice that
every cultivator ought to learn.

[Method] Visualize your left foot as the person you wish to subjugate and your
right foot being yourself. Use your right foot to press over your left foot. Do not
apply excessive force. Apply light pressure to symbolically represent yourself
subjugating your enemy.

[Visualization] As your right foot steps over your left foot, visualize your enemys
face undergo complete disfigurement. Visualize your enemys eyes move to the
back of head, ears move to chin, and mouth move to the crown of the head. With
such facial deformity, he cannot possibly survive. Next, recite Kurukulla
subjugation mantra: Om, ku-ru-ku-la, hrih, hum-pay.

[Purification After Subjugation] Once you conduct subjugation, your enemy is
bound to encounter great disaster. As soon as disaster happens, you must quickly
conduct purification to salvage his life. I find the book called, The Great Exposition
of Secret Mantra, to be quite amusing. It describes how the Vajra Master invoked
and nailed all of the maras to death with Vajra Nails. Yet, in the end, he used
mantra to resurrect them. The spirit of Buddhism is indeed very strange since they
equally treat maras with compassion. Come to think of it, it makes sense to act
compassionately since sentient beings, including maras, are part of you. So
eliminating another being is an act of self-destruction. Since the Buddhas and the
Bodhisattvas wear their hearts on their sleeves, they naturally regard sentient
beings as themselves, will not relentlessly harm others and will naturally deem
destruction as a wrongful act. Thus, in Vajrayana, subjugation is used to give the
opponent a warning. After posing a warning, the compassionate Vajra Master
would conduct purification to give his opponent a chance for redemption.

[Note] Subjugation involves ones concentration on visualization and Kurukullas

B. Protection Against Individuals, Maras, or Curses
[Explanation] With regard to breaking curses, every cultivator ought to learn the
art of self-protection. Sometimes, protection can be conjured by casting one

The Secrets of Kurukulla Tantric Practice

Principal Deity for minor protection, while others may cast more Principal Deities
for extensive protection. For example, one Vidyaraja is adequate to subdue a weak
mara; whereas ten Vidyarajas may be needed to overcome a strong mara. Every
cultivator should practice the protective shield, which suffices for any type of

[Method] Use a shinny copper or gold-plated metallic piece to engrave Kurukulla
heart mantra on it. Chant 600,000 times to empower it. Wear it as a protective
shield at all times.

3. Re: Purification (treating illness)
[Origin of True Buddha School Nectar Pill] For purification, True Buddha School
offers the True Buddha School Nectar Pills (TBSNP). They are manufactured according to
the ancient Vajrayana method. The making involves countless of mantra chants and
His Holiness empowerment (along with TBS lineage gurus collective empowerment).
True nectar pills will (magically) reproduce and accumulate new pills continuously
provided one knows how to do the mandala offering. Each tiny pill is great for
treating illnesses. When you have many nectar pills, you can chant 600,000 times of
Kurukulla heart mantra. Then, use them to save peoples lives.

Why are nectar pills so powerful? My guru had once said to me that every
generations nectar pill has a mother pill, which is made by the earliest original
Tibetan Living Buddha. For instance, its ingredients contain some rusts collected from
Milarepas axe used for ploughing fields, Milarepas dharma cloth, and some leftover
rinsed water used for washing Milarepas clothes. Add the mixture with finely
grounded tsampa (a Tibetan staple foodstuff) to form into the shape of a pill.
Following, the pill is taken for innumerable mantra chants, along with lineage gurus
empowerment, to become the mother nectar pill. When it reproduces, some of them
are taken to make more new pills. Thus, each pill represents the passage of successive
lineage transmission. Therefore, TBSNP is composed of its ancestral lineage
transmission, His Holiness empowerment, His Holiness recitation of his ancestral
lineage gurus names, as well as the ancestral gurus worn items.

[Method] Cut out a small loose thread from a dragon robe (or any cloth worn by
guru). Add enough water, flour and some medicinal herbs. Mix well. Form the
mixture into a small TBSNP. Next, recite Kurukulla heart mantra 600,000 times for
purification. Thereafter, the new TBSNP (mother pill) will posses an invisible lineage
power. Use it to reproduce more pills and use them to cure sickness.

The Secrets of Kurukulla Tantric Practice

[Note] To purify is to summon your ancestral gurus power, Kurukulla for
empowerment and your own pure faith. The convergence of these 3 elements will
cure sickness.

4. Re: Enhancement
[Method] Obtain 5 different types of seeds that are commonly grown on vegetable
garden. Place them in a container. Silver container is acceptable. Empower the seeds
by chanting Kurukulla heart mantra 600,000 times. Then, place the empowered seeds
with its container at a designated treasure spot within the house according to feng shui.

Alternatively, place five-colored grains on top of a Gathering Treasure Dharma Boat
After chanting the heart mantra 600,000 times, place the boat at a designated treasure
spot within the house to enhance ones prosperity.

[Note] To prosper requires Kurukullas blessings on the seeds, or grains, in order to
succeed in harvesting wealth and treasures at the treasure spot.

5. Re: Astral Travel
[Explanation] During meditation, one may experience astral travelling and be able to
fly within the Ten Directions of Dharma Realm. Sometimes, the cause of it is primarily
due to some divine beings assistance and not necessarily ones own will power.
Therefore, it is important that one independently masters the skill by cultivating until
the Principal Deity manifests and merges into one within. Such accomplishment is
deemed as the Great Completion.

[Shrine Setup] At the peak of a mountain, like where Rainbow Temple is located,
prepare a round table filled with red flowers. Sit at the shrines center and chant
Kurukulla heart mantra continuously for 3 days and 3 nights, or until enlightenment
(by concentrating oneness followed by emptiness). Once you attain the state of
oneness with the Universe, you will naturally develop the ability of astral travel
within the Ten Directions of Dharma Realm.

[Note] Astral travelling involves being in the mindful state of emptiness. Essentially, it
is a manifestation of ones heart, or Buddha Nature. Once the Buddha Nature
manifests, ones heart will connect with the Universal Consciousness, and, hereafter,
will effortlessly merge with the Dharma Realm.

This is another True Buddha School Yoga practice. Its specific practice is not available in this e-book.

The Secrets of Kurukulla Tantric Practice

6. Re: Bardo Deliverance
[Explanation] Kurukulla Buddha Mother herself, being the emanation of Buddha
Amitabha, can deliver one to Pure Land. Like Amitabha, her body is also red in color.

[Dedication] Recite as follows:
As the emanation of Buddha Amitabha,
Kurukulla vows that he who cultivates Her rituals,
Shall rid the hindrance of harmful behavior,
And achieve the equivalent attainment of Buddhahood.

The dedication purports that, with the immeasurable power of Amitabha Buddha,
Kurukulla has the capability to liberate all sentient beings from the cycle of birth and
death and deliver them to Amitabha Buddhas Paradise.

If you do not comprehend any part of this book, please refer to the Dharma talks on
Kurukulla Practice by H.H. Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu:
August 19, 1995, August 20, 1995
September 8, 1996, January 20, 2008

Also read The Tantric Practice of Kurukulla Yoga e-book.


Imelda Tan







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How to Take Refuge in Living Buddha Lian-sheng

There are two ways of taking refuge in Living Buddha Lian-sheng:
1. In writing
At 7:00 a.m. (your local time) of either the first or fifteenth of a lunar month
face the direction of the rising sun. With palms joined, reverently, you recite
the Fourfold Refuge Mantra
three times: Namo Guru bei, Namo Buddha ye,
Namo Dharma ye, Namo Sangha ye and prostrate three times.

Send a letter to the True Buddha Quarter to request a refuge empowerment.
State your name, address, age, and enclose a voluntary offering
. Upon
receiving your letter, the True Buddha Foundation will send a certificate, a
picture of Living Buddha Lian-sheng, and a note stating the level of practice
you should start with. The address of the True Buddha Quarter is:
True Buddha Quarter
17102 NE 40th Ct., Redmond,
WA 98052 USA
2. In person
You may receive refuge empowerment personally from Living Buddha
Lian-sheng by making an appointment to visit the True Buddha Quarter in
Redmond, Washington, USA. Alternatively, you may obtain refuge
empowerment personally from any authorized True Buddha Master by
visiting a True Buddha temple or local chapter
, or by attending a True
Buddha ceremony.

To find out the dates of the first or fifteenth of a lunar month, please refer to the Western-Chinese calendar converter at
In Vajrayana, the Fourfold Mantra is as follows: Namo Guru bei means I invoke the Guru who is the embodiment of all
refuges. Namo Buddha ye means I invoke the Enlightened One who is the source of refuge. Namo Dharma ye means I
invoke the Teaching (Practice or Way) which is the actual refuge. Namo Sangha ye means I invoke the community which is
the support of refuge.

If you wish to practice a particular True Buddha Sadhana but have not received its empowerment, you may request for a
remote empowerment as instructed above. Most Tantric Practices, except for the Dharma Protector Yoga Practices, can be
obtained remotely. For any Dharma Protector Yoga Practice, you must personally receive its empowerment from the Root

To locate your nearest True Buddha temple or local chapter, please refer to the True Buddha School Nets address
directory at


Living Buddha Lian-shengs English Books
If you enjoyed this book, and are interested in more of Living Buddha Lian-shengs work,
a whole catalogue of his work is posted on the Net!

Prints of his artwork and all of the Chinese books he has written, and an abundant and
wonderful selection of in depth, enlightening and insightful selections of Buddhist
Dharma teachings are available to order at

If you wish to obtain the English translated books, you can purchase them online at,, or

Alternatively, you are invited to visit your nearest local temple or chapter at to obtain True Buddha School complimentary books and/or borrow
items, including Living Buddha Lian-shengs dharma talks and teachings recorded in the
format of cds, dvds, audio cassettes, or VHS video cassettes.

Living This Moment in Purity
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

Nowadays, people are becoming greedier because of their insatiable lust for
desires. Few would remain to live simply with scant desires. This book will be of
great benefit to humans who wish to be spiritually awaken by self disciplining
their lust. It consists of 13 fascinating true stories detailing the karmic
consequences of sexual misconduct. It also explains how Vajrayana Buddhism
practice chi as an antidote to suppress ones sexual lust.

An Overview of the Buddhadharma
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

Having penetrated the depth of the Buddhadharma, Grand Master Lu extracts
the essences of the vast Buddhadharma and presents them to his readers in a
very systematic and logical manner.

The Inner World of the Lake
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

In this book, the enlightened Buddhist Master, Grand Master Lu, describes how
the Lake Sammamish in the State of Washington is transformed into the Lake
of Self Nature (Buddha Nature) in his eyes in the summer of 1985. Readers can
glimpse into mind of this enlightened master and share his joys and insights in
the cultivation of the Buddhadharma.


The Mystical Experiences of the True Buddha Disciples
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Siong Ho

Miracles in this book include the curing of terminal and karmic illnesses,
accurate spiritual predictions, warning of imminent disasters, and lottery
winnings. The authentic cases recorded in this book represent some of the
numerous cases of mystical experiences witnessed by Master Lu's students.

A Complete and Detailed Exposition on the True Buddha
Tantric Dharma
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow.

Showing the various visualizations, and mantras, hand gestures, and breathing
techniques necessary for a highly effective practice, Grand Master Lu enables
the practitioner to quickly progress towards Buddhahood. The reader can learn
the methods of deity invocations, paying homage to the deities, guarding
against negative forces, merging consciousness with one's Personal Deity, and
entering into samadhi.

Encounters with the World of Spirits
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

Grand Master Lu reveals his early spiritual contacts from the spirit realm
including his spirit teacher, the spirits who contacted him for his aid, the spirits
that he subjugated, and other supernatural phenomenal that happened during
his feng-shui consultations.

Dharma Talks by a Living Buddha
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

Learn the methods of how to attain abundance. Vajrayana practice for wealth
include the dragon king practice, the benefits of attending the fire ceremony,
and the meaning of deliverance.


New Revelations from the Buddha King
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

The Living Buddha Lian-sheng reveals the true identities of the White Maha
Padmakumara and the Living Buddha's invisible teacher, Mr.
Three-Peaks-Nine-States. The Buddha King in the title refers to Amitabha.

Household Feng Shui
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

Unlike any other feng-shui books on the market today, Living Buddha
Sheng-yen Lu reveals the insights to the "worldly Dharma" to help one to
secure success in the mundane world.

The Annotated True Buddha Sutra
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Janny Chow

The True Buddha Sutra is short for The Sutra of Authentic Dharma that
Removes Hindrances and Bestows Good Fortune. This sutra contains the
authentic Buddhadharma and holds the key to eradicating one's disasters and
receiving good fortune. This is tantamount to transforming one's fate.
Additionally, this sutra can help one attain rebirth to the Maha Twin Lotus
Ponds, the highest realm within Amitabha's Pure Land.

Crossing the Ocean of Life and Death
By Grand Master Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung

Never, since Padmasambhavas teachings of the Bardo Thodol (Liberation by
Hearing in the Bardo), has such a authoritative and enlightening account on
the dying process been documented. In Grand Master Sheng-yen Lus 163rd
book, Crossing the Ocean of Life and Death, all conceivable questions are
answered about the most crucial moment in a persons life leaving this world.


TBS English Practice E-books
All FREE complimentary e-books can be easily downloaded at

E-Book Courtesy Date
Vajrasattva and Eight Personal Deity Practices

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Root Guru (Padmakumara) Yoga Practice

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Personal Deity Yoga Practice

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Vajrasattva Personal Deity Yoga Practice

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Padmasambhava Personal Deity Yoga Practice

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Lapis Lazuli Light Medicine Buddha Personal Deity
Yoga Practice
Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Maha Cundi Bodhisattva Personal Deity Practice

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Amitabha Buddha Personal Deity Yoga Practice

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Yellow Jambhala Personal Deity Yoga Practice

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Personal Deity Practice

Janny Chow,
Luljeta Subasic,
Alice Yang
Smoke Offering Practice

Janny Chow, Alice
Yang, Imelda Tan,
Lian-hua Zhi-wei
Golden Mother's Seven Longevity Health Practices

Imelda Tan 2008
The Golden Mother Instant Wealth Dharma Practice

Translation Team
The Dragon King Treasure Vase Practice

Translation Team


The Collection of Thousand-Armed Thousand-Eyed
Kuan Yin Bodhisattva Practices
Translation Team
Kuan Yin (Avalokitesvara) Body Shrine Protection
Practice That Averts Disasters
Translation Team
Thousand-Armed Thousand-Eyed Kuan Yin Bodhisattva
Personal Deity Yoga Practice
Imelda Tan 2008
The Great Compassion Dharani Water Sadhana

Translation Team
The Tantric Practice of Kurukulla Yoga

Translation Team
The Uncommon Practice of the Great White Parasol
Translation Team
The True Buddha Money Tree Sadhana

Translation Team
The Uncommon Practice of Ucchusma Vajrapala

Translation Team
The Manjushri Practices

Translation Team
The Roaring Lion Manjushri Sadhana

Alice Yang,
Imelda Tan
The Uncommon Practice of Kalachakra Sadhana

Alice Yang,
Imelda Tan
Mahamayuri Vidyarajni Sadhana

Alice Yang, TBTTs 2009
The Dragon-Riding White Jambhala Sadhana

Imelda Tan 2010
The Kurukulla Sadhana: 2nd Edition
Imelda Tan 2010

It contains one or more old translated articles which are revised and updated for content accuracy and clarity.

The unofficial True Buddha translation sadhana is based on the dharma talk recordings instead of the official
Chinese texts issued by Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu or the True Buddha Foundation. At the time of the publication,
the translation is not approved by the True Buddha Foundation yet. Therefore, its content is subject to change without

Dedication of Merits

May the merits of printing this e-book be dedicated to Living Buddha Lian-sheng,
for his well-being and that he may continue to teach and liberate us all.

May all who uphold the name of Amitabha Buddha be reborn together in the
Pure Land of His Western Paradise.

Repaying the Fourfold Generosity from above and aiding those who suffer in the
Three Paths below.

Upon seeing the Buddha, may I be liberated from the cycle of birth and death;
and may I develop the qualities of Buddhahood and thus free all who suffer.

May the merits of printing this book be dedicated to everyone, that all may be
healthy, free of hindrances, strong in cultivation, and that all wishes may come

Honor the Guru. Treasure the Dharma. Practice Diligently.

Image is drawn by Ernest Fung
True Buddha School |

This book contains various sacred images and text. If you no longer wish to keep
its print out copy, please pass it on to someone else or burn it with respect.
Please do not dispose of it as trash.

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