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These Damages were determined by GOVERNMENT itself for the violation listed. Breach VIOLATION OF OATH OF OFFICE DENIED PROPER WARRANT(S) DENIED RIGHT OF REASONABLE DEFENSE ARGUMENTS DEFENSE EVIDENCE (RECORDS) DENIED RIGHT TO TRUTH IN EVIDENCE SLAVERY (Forced Compliance to contracts not held) DENIED PROVISIONS IN THE CONSTITUTION TREASON (combined above actions). GENOCIDE Penalty $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $250,000.00 Authority 18 USC 3571 18 USC 3571 18 USC 3571 18 USC 357I 18 USC 3571 18 USC 3571 18 USC 3571 18 USC 3571 18 USC 1091 18 USC 4 18 USC 241 18 USC 872 18 USC 876 18 USC 1001 18 USC 1001 18 USC 1621 18 USC 1622 18 USC 3571 18 USC 1963 18 USC 1964

$250,000.00 $250,000.00 $1,000,000.00 MISPRISION OF FELONY $500.00 CONSPIRACY $10,000.00 EXTORTION $5,000.00 MAIL THREATS $5,000.00 FRAUD $10,000.00 FALSIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS $10,000.00 PERJURY $2,000.00 SUBORNATION OF PERJURY $2,000.00 GRAND THEFT (18 USC 2112) each $250,000.00 To determine multiply no. of counts by damage RACKETEERING (Criminal) $25,000.00 RACKETEERING (Civil) Wages Taken $x3 = 5? (Sustained Damages [total] x 3)

Thirty-seven (37) Constitutional violations from Count 1: = $9,250,000.00 Damages

Dealing with claims of "immunity." Any claim of " immunity" is a fraud because, if valid, it would prevent removal from office for crimes against the people, which removal is authorized or even mandated under U.S. Constitution Article 2, Section IV; as well as 18 USC 241, 42 USC 1983, 1985, 1986, and other state Constitutions. Precedents of Law established by COURT cases, which are in violation of law, render violations of law legally unassailable. Such a situation violates several specifically stated intents and purposes of the Constitution set forth in the Preamble; to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and secure the-blessings of liberty. For JUDGES, or anyone in any branch of government.

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