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Veterinary pharmaceuticals
Tiamulin CTC-P Tiamulin-P-10% Tiamulin-VP-45% Ampicilin-10% Amoksicilin-VP-50% Doksiciklin-P-10% Doxy 10% OTC-VP-40% Dermovet Florfenikol-P Florfenikol-VP Tilozin-VP-50% Kolistin-P Neomicin premiks .....4 .....6 .....8 ...10 ...12 ...14 ...16 ...18 ...20 ...22 ...24 ...26 ...28 ...30

Liquid forms
AD3E+C oral Aminovit oral Multivitamin oral B Complex oral Vitaminotrace oral Hepaprotect oral Vitamin E + Se oral ...55 ...56 ...57 ...58 ...59 ...60 ...61

Megavit Digestan Vitamin C-VP Betain C-VP ...63 ...64 ...65 ...66

Sultrim P ...34

Flumekvin-P Enrooksacin ...38 ...41

Ivermektin-P Levamizol-VP-20% Albendazol -P-25% ...44 ...46 ...48

Diclacox ...52

Target species
Antibiotics Tiamulin CTC-P Tiamulin-P-10% Tiamulin-VP-45% Ampicilin-10% Amoksicilin-VP-50% Doksiciklin-P-10% Doxy 10% OTC-VP-40% Dermovet Florfenikol-P Florfenikol-VP Tilozin-VP-50% Kolistin-P Neomicin premiks Sulphonamides Sultrim P Chemotherapeuticals Flumekvin-P Enrooksacin Antiparasitics Ivermektin-P Levamizol-VP-20% Albendazol -P-25% Coccidiostats Diclacox Liquid forms AD3E+C oral Aminovit oral Multivitamin oral B Complex oral Vitaminotrace oral Hepaprotect oral Vitamin E + Se oral Powders Megavit Digestan Vitamin C-VP Betain C-VP

Veterinary pharmaceuticals


Tiamulin CTC P CT Tiamulin

Chlortetracycline, tiamulin 100mg/g+33.3mg/g Premix for medicated feed
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance: Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride 100mg Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate 33.3mg Excipients: Parafn, liquid; soya Indications Swine: treatment of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections caused by bacteria sensitive to tiamulin and chlortetracycline (enzootic bronchopneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, atrophic rhinitis, Brachyspira hyodisentariae, Vibrio coli, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Bacteroides spp., Clostridium pergens), colibacillosis, necrotic enteritis with Sal.cholerae suis, secondary bacterial infections. Contra-indications Do not use in animals hypersensitive to tiamulin, chlortetracycline or other tetracyclines. Do not use in animals with liver or kidney dysfunction. Adverse reactions Although very rare, appearance of dermatitis with erythema, pruritus and other signs of hypersensitivity are possible. After prolonged application in therapeutic doses there can be gastrointestinal dysfunctions followed by diarrhea and vomiting. Target species Pigs Dosage and administration Tiamulin CTC-P is to be administered through feed during 7 to 10 days: - Piglets up to 8 weeks old: 2 kg (equivalent to 66.6 g tiamulin hydrogen fumarate and 200 g chlortetracycline) per ton of feed, equivalent to 200 g per 100 kg of feed - Piglets older than 8 weeks: 3 kg (equivalent 99.9 g tiamulin hydrogen fumarate and 300 g chlortetracycline) per ton of feed, equivalent to 300 g per 100 kg of feed; - In cases of severe long lasting infections: piglets up to 8 weeks old mix 3 kg of the premix; piglets older than 8 weeks 4.5 kg per ton of feed, equivalent to 300-400 g per 100 kg of feed. The product should be rst mixed in a smaller quantity of feed (around 20kg) and then into the supposed quantity of feed.

Withdrawal period Pigs may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 10 days from the last treatment.

Special precautions Presentations 1000g, 10kg and 25kg.

Tiamulin CTC P
Do not use in too young animals, or pigs larger than 113kg. If an allergic reaction occurs administer adrenalin and antihistamines and glucocorticoids if necessary, depending on manifesting signs. Chlortetracycline may have immunosuppressive effect, so Tiamulin CTC-P should not be administered at the same time of immunization. Do not administer 7 days before and after the use of ionophores coccidiostats monensin, narasin and salinomycin, since tiamulin increases the toxicity of those antibiotics. Do not use together along with bactericide pharmaceuticals (beta lactam antibiotics, aminoglycosides, sulfonamides ). Iron, calcium, magnesium and some other ions make chelates with chlortetracycline and decrease its intestinal absorption, so they should not be used at the same time. Use during gestation and lactation: Do not use during gestation, but if necessary it could be administered only in the second trimester. Operator warnings: while mixing the medicine with feed do not allow contact with skin or mucous membranes. It is obligatory to use gloves and mask for nose and mouth. If allergic reactions appear seek medical attention immediately.

Tiamulin - P - 10% P Tiamulin

tiamulin 100mg/g Premix for medicated feed
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance: Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate 100mg Excipients: Parafn, liquid; soya

Indications Treatment of dysentery and enzootic bronchopneumonia in pigs, respiratory diseases in poultry, and any other infection caused by microorganisms sensitive to tiamulin in both species. Contra-indications Do not use ionophore antibiotics during the therapy with tiamulin, and at least 7 days before or after the use of tiamulin (as long as it is used in concentrations of 100g or higher per ton of feed. Adverse reactions Very rarely, especially after prolonged application and in doses higher then prescribed appearance of dermatitis with erythema, pruritus and edema might happen in treated animals. Also hypersensitivity reactions are possible. Target species Pigs and poultry. Dosage and administration The medicine is administered to indicated animals orally (mixed in feed) in doses (depending on the severity of disease and species) : Animal species pigs poultry Dosage ( kg / 1 t feed ) 1,5 - 2kg 2,5 - 3kg Days of treatment 7 - 10 3-5

Withdrawal period The period of time since the last administration until the human consumption of meat (muscles) and internal organs of the treated pigs is 5 days and of treated poultry 3 days.

Special precautions Presentations 100g, 1000g, 5kg and 10kg

Tiamulin P 10 %
Sometimes in pigs after per oral administration of tiamulin dermatitis could develop , followed with erythema and intensive pruritus. Since it is assumed that the metabolites of tiamulin (that are excreted by urine) have an irritating effect on skin, the appearance of dermatitis in pigs is a consequence of bad hygiene and a larger number of animals. If allergic reactions appear in animals (depending on the severity of the symptoms) adrenalin should be administered and antihistamines and glucocorticoids if necessary. Operator warnings: It is advisable that persons (especially those hypersensitive to tiamulin) while mixing the medicine with feed or giving it to the animals use gloves and mask for nose and mouth, glasses. The reason is the possible appearance of irritation or sensibilization. In case of accidental contact of medicine with skin or eyes, rinse out with water. If allergic reactions appear seek medical attention immediately.

Tiamulin VP - 45%VP Tiamulin

tiamulin 450mg/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance: Tiamulin Hydrogen Fumarate 450mg, Excipients: Lactose monohydrate

Indications Treatment of dysentery (Brachyspira hyodysenteriae), PRDC (porcine respiratory diseases complex), pleuropneumonia in pigs. Treatment of CRD (chronic respiratory disease) in poultry and air sacs inammations. Contra-indications Do not use ionophore antibiotics during the therapy with tiamulin, and at least 7 days before or after the use of tiamulin (monensin, lasalocid, narasin, salinomycin, maduramicin). Do not administer tiamulin along with other antibiotics that act on the 50s ribosome subunit (lincomycin, erythromycin, tylosin). It is contraindicated the use of tiamulin in laying hens, and in animals hypersensitive to this antibiotic. Adverse reactions Very rarely, appearance of dermatitis with erythema or skin edema is possible. In birds less water intake is noticed during the therapy with tiamulin. This effect is dose related and with tiamulin concentrations of 0.025% the water intake is lowered by 15%. Never the less this has no effect to the production or health status of the animals. Allergic reactions are possible. Target species Pigs and broilers. Dosage and administration Pigs: Dysentery treatment: 8.8mg tiamulin hydrogen fumarate / kg BW through drinking water 3-5 consequent days. Treatment of respiratory diseases complex: 15-20mg tiamulin hydrogen fumarate / kg BW through drinking water during 5-10 days. Pleuropneumonia treatment: 20mg tiamulin hydrogen fumarate / kg BW through drinking water 5 consequent days. Broilers: CRD and air sacs inammation treatment: 25mg tiamulin hydrogen fumarate / kg BW through drinking water 3-5 consequent days. To insure the intake of recommended doses of tiamulin hydrogen fumarate Tiamulin VP 45% is to be administered dissolved in drinking water continuously daily based on the table:

Tiamulin VP-45%
Tiamulin hidrogen fumarat (concentration in water in %) Dysentery treatment

Tiamulin VP 45% in grams (g) 1 100 1 100 1 100

Water in liters (l) 7,5 750 3,75/2,5 375/250 2,5 250

Treatment in days 3-5


Treatment of respiratory diseases complex



Pleuropneumonia treatment


CRD, air sacs inammations and infective sinusitis treatment Tiamulin hidrogen fumarat (concentration in water in %)

Tiamulin VP 45% in grams (g) 1,1 100

Waters in liter (l) 2,0 180

Treatments in days 3-5


After dissolving, the medicated water should be used immediately. Preparation of medicated water should be on daily bases. During treatment the water consumption should be monitored daily. Withdrawal period Neither pigs nor broilers should be slaughtered during the therapy with tiamulin. Withdrawal period for pigs is 5 days from the last administration. Withdrawal period for broilers is 3 days from the last administration. Special precautions Animals cant be treated with monensin, lasalocid, narasin, salinomycin, maduramicin or some ionophor antibiotic at the same time, nor at least 7 days before and after the tiamulin therapy, due to serious toxic interaction (growth depression and even death). The medicine should not be mixed with other medicines. Use during gestation and lactation: no restrictions. Operator warnings: Inhalation of tiamulin can cause irritation of nose, throat and respiratory tract, coughing or even an allergic reaction in sensitive humans. Ingestion of tiamulin in humans can cause nausea, vomiting or allergic reactions. During the preparation of medicated water direct contact with skin and eyes should be avoided and wearing protection suits and glasses is obligatory. In case of accidental contact of medicine with skin or eyes, rinse out with water. Presentations: 100g, 1000g

Ampicilin 10% Ampicilin 10

Ampicillin 100mg/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance: Ampicillin trihydrate 100mg Excipients: Lactose monohydrate

Indications Treatment of bacterial infections of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, caused by microorganisms sensitive to ampicillin in target species. Contra - indications The use is contraindicated in animals hypersensitive to ampicillin or other beta lactam antibiotics, as well as cephalosporins. The medicine is not used in adult ruminants, horses and little herbivores (conies, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils). Not to be used in laying hens. Adverse reactions Rarely after per oral administration during a longer period of time nausea, diarrhea, anorexia, suppression of the bacterial micro ora as well as hypersensitivity reactions might appear. Target species Calves, pigs and poultry (broilers and turkeys). Dosage and administration The medicine is administered through drinking water or feed, during 3 to 5 days. Per oral administration: Calves and pigs 1-2 g / 10kg BW (or 10-20mg/kg BW of ampicillin) every 12 hours, depending on the severity of symptoms; Poultry 3.5 g / L water (or 350mg/L drinking water of ampicillin) The medicine should be equally dissolved or mixed. The medicine should be mixed with a smaller quantity of feed/water at rst and then with the rest. The medicated feed should be used within 10 days. Medicated water should be used immediately. Withdrawal period Meat and internal organs for human consumption cant be consumed in human alimentation during the treatment and 28 days after the last administration.


Ampicilin 10%
Special precautions Not to be administered to laying hens. The use along with other bacteriostatic drugs (tetracyclines, tiamphenicol, orfenicol, erythromycin) is not advisable , because it leads to decreased antibacterial effect. Operator precautions: protection equipment should be used during the administration. Persons with known hypersensitivity to ampicillin or other beta lactam antibiotics cant operate with the medicine. Dont drink, eat or smoke while operating with the medicine. Presentations 40x10g, 100g, 1000g, 10kg.


Amoksicilin VP- 50% Amoksicilin

Amoxicillin 500mg/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Amoxicillin trihydrate 500 Indications Pigs : Treatment of respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections, as well as soft tissue and joint infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin. Broilers: Treatment of respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin. Contra - indications The drug shouldnt be administered to animals that are known to be sensitive to penicillins and cephalosporins, animals with kidney dysfunction (anuria or oliguria) and in cases of infections caused by microorganisms that produce beta-lactamase. Contraindicated in laying hens and any other species not indicated. Adverse reactions Possible allergic reactions to amoxicillin. Target species Pigs and broilers. Dosage and administration - The therapeutic dose in pigs is 20mg/kg daily, i.e. 1g of Amoksicilin VP 50% per 25kg BW. This daily dose is divided into two and administered twice a day (12h). A bag of 20g is enough for one time treatments of pigs of total body weight of 500kg, and the 100g bag for an one time treatment of pigs of total body weight of 2500kg. For a precise dosing and dosing from a bigger packaging (1kg and 5kg) use a spoon that measures 5g of powder. Two spoons (10g = 5g of amoxicillin trihydrate) represent a daily dose for 250kg body weight. Therapy is 5 days. - The therapeutic dose of amoxicillin for poultry is 20mg/kg daily, i.e. 1g of Amoksicilin VP 45% for 25kg poultry body weight. The 20g bag is enough for an one time treatment of poultry of total body weight of 500kg, and the 100g bag for an onetime treatment of 2500kg total body weight.. For precise dosing and dosing from a bigger packaging (1kg and 5kg) use a spoon that measures 5f of powder. One spoon (5g of powder i.e.2.5mg amoxicillin) corresponds to a daily dose of amoxicillin for 125kg of body weight. Therapy is 3 to 5 days. Amoxicillin is administered through drinking water. Prepare the medicated water for pigs twice a day. The calculated dose is divided into two equal parts administered on 12h.


VP- 50%
Amoksicilin VP- 50%
Withdrawal period Treated animals shouldnt be slaughtered during therapy as well as: - pigs 14 days after the last administration - broilers 2 days after the last administration Special precautions

For poultry the medicated water is prepared once a day before administration. The basic prerequisite for an effective treatment is that animals drink enough water. Nevertheless in cases of decreased water intake, the adequate intake of medicine is avoided. In those cases it is necessary to treat the animals individually, parenterally and then continue with medicated water. During the treatment with Amoksicilin VP 50% animals should only be allowed medicated water. After dissolving the medicated water for the treatment of pigs must be consumed within 12 hours and for broilers within 24 hours.

Penicillins and cephalosporins can cause a serious allergic reaction in hypersensitive individuals after inhalation, ingestion or even skin and mucous contact. Individuals hypersensitive to penicillins and cephalosporins shouldnt get in contact with the product. All individuals handling the medicine (medicated water preparation, administration) should use protective gloves, masks and clothes. If a contact occurs immediately wash out with water and if signs of allergic reaction appear immediately look out for a doctor. Presentations 1 x 20g, 100g, 1000g, 5kg.


Doksiciklin- P-10% DoksiciklinDoxycycline 100mg/g Premix for medicated feed

Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Doxycycline (as doxycycline hyclate) 100mg Excipients: Parafn, liquid; soya Indications Treatment of respiratory tract infections (enzootic bronchopneumonia, atrophic rhinitis, pasteurellosis, pleuropneumonia), as well as other infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to doxycycline in pigs. Contra - indications Not to be used in too young animals and gilts (at least in the beginning of gestation). Also, not to be administered in combination with nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic drugs. Adverse reactions Sometimes, especially after a longer use and in doses larger then prescribed, gastrointestinal dysfunctions might appear and therefore diarrhea, vomiting and anorexia. Hypersensitivity reactions are also possible. Target species Pigs Dosage and administration Per oral daily dose for pigs is 7.5 13mg / kg, i.e. 10-20mg/kg BW. Administration is per oral (through feed) once a day in a dose depending on the severity:

Pig category

2.5-3kg/t of feed (equivalent to 250-300ppm of doxycycline) (minor infection) 3.5 -4kg/t of feed (equivalent to 250-300ppm f doxycycline) (severe infection)

Treatment in days



Doksiciklin- P-10%
Withdrawal period Special precautions

The drug should not be mixed in feed with a larger quantity of iron, calcium and aluminium. If after a couple of days (3 to 4 days) since the administration there is no improvement in treated animals, the diagnosis should be revised. In most cases the treatment lasts 5 days, only in severe cases can be prolonged for 2 to 3 days. During therapy do not let the animals eat other than medicated feed. If symptoms of hypersensitivity appear, adrenalin should be administered and if necessary antihistamines and glucocorticoids.

Meat and internal organs for human consumption cant be consumed in human alimentation during the treatment and 10 days after the last administration.

If used in doses larger then prescribed (especially after a longer period of time) gastrointestinal dysfunctions will appear in treated animals. The drug is incompatible with strong oxidative and alkali compounds. Also in in vitro conditions when combined with riboavin it decreases the efcacy of doxycycline hyclate. Presence of milk and milk products as calcium, magnesium, aluminium salts, sodium bicarbonate and iron (although less than other tetracyclines ) decrease the absorption of doxycycline. In order to prevent these interactions, the mentioned compounds should be administered at least 3 hours before, i.e. 2 hours after. Tetracyclines increase the nephrotoxic effect of methoxyurane. Gastrointestinal side effects of doxycycline are enhanced by the presence of theophylline. Bactericide antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins) interfere with the effects of doxycycline which is a bacteriostatic. Drugs that induce microsomal enzyme system in the liver (phenobarbiton, riphampicin, phenytoin, carbamazepine, primidone) decrease the elimination halftime of doxycycline and minocycline. It is advisable for the individuals (especially the ones hypersensitive to tetracyclines) to be secured with gloves and masks, glasses, while mixing with feed or administering to the animals. Because of the possible irritation or sensibilization. In case of accidental contact with skin or eye mucous membrane, rinse out with water. If allergic reactions appear (lip / eye lids swelling, face redness or difculty breathing) immediately seek medical help and animals (depending on the severity) should be given adrenalin, antihistamines and glucocorticoids if needed. Presentations 1000g, 10kg and 25kg.


Doxy 10% oral Doxy 10% o

Doxycycline 100mg/ml Oral solution
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/ml: Doxycycline hyclate 100mg Excipients: 2-pirrolidone, propylene glycol Indications Poultry (broilers) Therapy of colibacillosis, CRD and infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to doxycycline. Pigs Therapy of respiratory tract infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to doxycycline (Pasteurella multocida, Bordatella bronchiseptica and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae). The rst two are generally the cause of atrophic rhinitis; Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida cause enzootic pneumonia. Contra-indications Not to be administered to animals with known sensitivity to tetracyclines. Not to be administered to animals with liver dysfunction. The drug is contraindicated in young animals, laying hens and turkeys. Adverse reactions As well as with other tetracyclines an allergic reaction and photosensitive reactions are possible. In long term administration disturbance of the intestinal micro ora may appear. Target species Poultry (broilers) and pigs. Dosage and administration Poultry (broilers): 0.5-1.0ml of Doxy 10% oral in 1L of drinking water every day (equivalent to 50-100mg doxycycline in 1liter of drinking water every day, during 3 to 5 days. Pigs: 1.0ml of Doxy 10% oral on 10kg BW every day (equivalent to 10mg of doxycycline per kg BW every day during 5 days. Medicated water should be the only source of drinking water. The drug is administered orally through drinking water. The right dose i.e. concentration is determined by daily consumption of water that depends on the clinical state of the patient. Not to be administered to laying hens. If reactions of hypersensitivity appear, adrenalin should be administered as well as antihistamines and glucocorticoids if needed. An antibiogram is advisable prior to treatment.



Doxy 10% oral

Withdrawal period Poultry and pigs: 8 days Special precautions Do not administer with oxidative substances. To avoid incompatibility do not mix the solution with other medicines in drinking water. The absorption of doxycycline can be decreased in presence of calcium, iron, magnesium or aluminium in the feed. The simultaneous administration with antacids, kaolin or products with iron is not advisable. Tetracyclines increase the nephrotoxic effect of methoxyurane. Gastrointestinal side effects of doxycycline are enhanced by the presence of theophylline. Bactericide antibiotics (penicillins, cephalosporins) interfere with the effects of doxycycline which is a bacteriostatic. Drugs that induce microsomal enzyme system in the liver (phenobarbiton, riphampicin, phenytoin, carbamazepine, primidone) decrease the elimination halftime of doxycycline. Use during gestation and lactation: Not to be used in animals in neither gestation nor lactation. Not to be used in laying hens. It is advisable for the individuals (especially the ones hypersensitive to tetracyclines) to be secured with gloves and masks, glasses, while mixing with feed or administering to the animals. Because of the possible irritation or senzibilisation. In case of accidental contact with skin or eye mucous membrane, wash out with water. If allergic reactions appear (lip / eye lids swelling, face redness or difculty breathing) immediately seek medical help and animals (depending on the severity) should be given adrenalin, antihistamines and glucocorticoids if needed. Presentations Bottle 1L.


OTC-VP-40% OTC-VP-40
Oxytetracycline 400mg/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Oxytetracycline hydrochloride 400mg Excipients: Saharosis Indications Therapy of systematic infections in target species, caused by bacteria sensitive to oxytetracycline. Pigs: enzootic pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma spp, pleuropneumonia caused by A.pleuropneumoniae and H.parasuis, atrophic rhinitis, mycoplasmosis, pasteurellosis, enteritis caused by E.coli, Salmonella spp, Cl.perfrigens and Campylobacter spp. Calves: therapy of secondary infections in viral infections, septicemia, urinary infections. Poultry: infections of the upper respiratory tract, aerosaculitis (CRD), infectious coryza, synovitis, turkey hexamitiasis, chlamydiosis. Fish: trout furunculosis, carp sh erythrodermatitis, Columnaris Contra - indications Not to be used in laying hens. Not to be used as growth promoter. Adverse reactions During therapy, as well as with other antibiotics due to the reduction in number of saprophytic microorganisms in the digestive tract, meteorism may appear, mostly because of the decreased ability of digesting feed of vegetable origin. Oxytetracycline may cause liver dysfunction. In growing animals the medicine is only used in indicated cases, due to possible coloring of bones and teeth. Photo dermatitis is also possible. Target species Calves, pigs, broilers, turkey, sh. Dosage and administration Pigs, calves: The recommended dose is 40mg OTC HCL per kg of BW, i.e. 10g of powder per 100kg BW. The rst day the whole daily dose should be administered, and later divided into morning and evening 5g. If administered by drinking water, daily dose should be given. Poultry, turkey: The standard dose is between 50-100mg/kg BW or 1.5-2.5 powder per 1L drinking water. Medicated water should be available during the whole day. Therapy lasts 5-7 days.


Fish: 50g of powder (equivalent to 8g of oxytetracycline) per 100kg sh, during 4 days. If necessary continue the therapy for another 4 days if death doesnt stop. The adequate quantity of medicine should be mixed rst into a smaller quantity of the daily meal for sh, and then mix it thoroughly with the rest of the feed. Dry conditions are required for homogeneity. While mixing with pellets a small quantity of edible oil should be added to enhance the adhesion. The drug is used according to the antibiogram. Do not mix with milk or milk products that have calcium. The drug should be mixed in a smaller amount of water, and then mixed with the rest of the feed or water. Medicated feed or water do not expose to direct sunlight. The medicated feed should be used the same day, and medicated water is prepared each day. Withdrawal period For all target species is 14 days for meat. Eggs are not for human consumption. Fish: 400 degrees/days, under the condition that the water temperature is not lower than 10C (trouts) Special precautions Due to changes in intestinal ora, meteorism is possible. When kidney dysfunction is present, repeated administration may result in fatty liver degeneration. Precautions for people administering the medicine: during manipulation avoid direct contact with skin or mucous membranes because of possible irritation. Precautions should be taken- suits, masks, gloves and glasses. Presentations 40x20g, 100g, 1000g, 10kg.


Dermovet Dermovet
Chlortetracycline 20mg/g Skin powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Chlortetracycline 20mg Excipients: Talc

Indications Treatment and control of supercial skin infections and lesions (traumatic or surgical) caused by microorganisms sensitive to chlortetracycline. Contra - indications Use in animals hypersensitive to tetracyclines is contraindicated. Adverse reactions The topical administration rarely causes hypersensitivity reactions, but it is still possible. Target species Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and cats. Dosage and administration The medicine is administered externally in a thin layer directly onto the wound or infected place. It should be applied couple of times during the day, depending on the severity. It is repeated during 2 to3 days. Before application shake the bottle. Prolonged administration can prolong the healing. Withdrawal period 0 days. Special precautions After cutaneous application of Dermovet, chlortetracycline is absorbed in an insignicant amount so there is no possibility of interaction with other medicines given systematically. There is no data about interaction of chlortetracycline with other topical treatments so do not use other drugs locally together with Dermovet. Avoid contact with the opened part of the bottle, as well as with the treated spot to avoid contamination.


During manipulation do not eat, drink, nor smoke. If contact with eyes or skin occurs immediately rinse with water. If irritation persists after rinsing, seek medical help. Avoid inhaling the product. After manipulation wash hands. Individuals hypersensitive to tetracyclines should not manipulate with the product. Presentations 50g and 100g bottle.


Florfenikol-P Florfenikol-P
orfenicol 40mg/g Premix for medicated feed
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Florfenicol 40mg Excipients: Parafn, liquid; soya Indications Pigs: Treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases in pigs (prevention only in herds that already have clinical symptoms of the illness, when all animals should be treated in order to prevent the outspread), caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida,Bordetella bronchiseptica, as well as other infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to orfenicol. Fish: Furunculosis treatment (Aeromonas salmonicida) and other infections in sh caused by Aeromonas sp, vibriosis (Vibrio sp), yersiniosis (Yersinia ruckeri) and other diseases in sh caused by microorganisms sensitive to orfenicol. Contra - indications Pigs: the medicine is not used in sows during gestation and lactation, as well as in reproduction boars. Not to be used in animals who have known hypersensitivity to orfenicol. Fish: not to be used in sh for reproduction. Adverse reactions Pigs: the most noticeable adverse reactions are diarrhea, perianal inammation and rectum prolapses. Those effects are temporary and they spontaneously disappear after treatment. Increased concentration of calcium in blood serum may also be present. Target species Pigs, sh. Dosage and administration Pigs: daily dose of orfenicol is 10mg per kg BW (equivalent to 250mg Florfenikol P ) continuously during 5 days. This dose provides 200g of orfenicol mixed in one ton of feed, concentration of orfenicol of 200ppm. Fish: the recommended dose for sh is 10mg of orfenicol per kg of BW daily, continuously during 10 days. Administration: Pigs: Florfenikol-P should be mixed in feed in the amount of 5kg (200g of orfenicol) pre ton of complete feed (200ppm). Medicated feed prepared like this is given to the pigs for 5 consecutive days and provides a daily dose of 10mg of orfenicol per kg of BW. Fish: Florfenikol-P should be mixed in feed in the quantity of 25g per 100kg BW, which is a dose of 10mg orfenicol per kg BW. To insure homogenous mixing of the medicine, before mixing it with pellets the premix should be mixed


with edible oil and then with a smaller quantity of pellets. Afterwards this smaller quantity is mixed with the rest of the feed/pellets. For the treatment of sh with feed that is not in the form of pellets, Florfenikol-P should be mixed homogeneously with the feed before the nal preparation of the paste that is given to the sh. The medicated feed is given to the sh during 10 consecutive days. The concentration of the drug should not be under any circumstances below 200ppm. Withdrawal period Pigs: for meat and edible tissues is 20 days. Fish: the meat is not for human consumption 15 days after the last treatment, water temperature of 10C (150 degrees / days). Special precautions Do not administer together with tiamphenicol or bactericide drugs. Do not mix with other drugs. Animals that show decreased appetite and / or generally bad condition won`t intake with feed enough medicine so they should be treated parenterally. Individuals with known sensitivity to orfenicol should avoid the contact with Florfenikol-P. During the preparation of medicated feed it is obligatory to use protection suits, masks.. Presentations 1000g, 10kg


Florfenikol VP Florfenikol
orfenicol 100mg/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Florfenicol 100mg Excipients: Lactose monohydrate Indications Pigs: Treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases in pigs (prevention only in herds that already have clinical symptoms, when all animals should be treated in order to prevent the outspread), caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida,Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcus suis, as well as other infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to orfenicol. Broilers: Colibacillosis and other infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to orfenicol (pasteurellosis, streptococcus and staphylococcus infections). Contra - indications Not to be used in sows during gestation and lactation, as well as in reproduction boars. Not to be used in animals who have known hypersensitivity to orfenicol. Adverse reactions A mild decrease in water intake, dark brown coloring of feces and constipation may occur. Most noticed adverse reactions are diarrhea and/or perianal erythema / edema. All reactions are temporary. Target species Pigs and broilers. Dosage and administration Pigs: Daily dose of orfenicol is 10mg per kg of BW in drinking water, during 5 consecutive days. Individual dosing: 1g Florfenikol-VP per 10kg BW daily, through drinking water, during 5 consecutive days. Group dosing: To treat pigs that drink the ordinary amount of water, i.e. 10% of BW, it is necessary to add 100ppm orfenicol (100mg/L) in drinking water, during 5 consecutive days. This medicated water should be the only source of drinking water. The concentration of 100ppm of orfenicol is obtained by dissolving 100g Florfenikol-VP (10g orfenicol) in 100L of drinking water or 1kg Florfenikol-VP (100g orfenicol) dissolved in 1000L of drinking water. Broilers: The daily dose of orfenicol is 20-30mg/kg BW in drinking water, during 3 to 5 consecutive days. The consumption of the medicated water depends on several factors, including the health condition of the animals as well as environmental conditions, like temperature and humidity.


Withdrawal period Special precautions

Florfenikol VP
To insure the right dosing, the intake of medicated water should be monitored on daily bases and according to this, adjust the concentration of orfenicol in drinking water. If this is not possible the drug should be administered individually or parenterally. The solution should be used after preparing. The quantity of Florfenikol-VP in kg that should be dissolved in 1000L of drinking water can be calculated based on the total body weight of the pigs that are to be treated (TBW) and the total quantity of water they would drink within 24h (TDW), like in this formula: FLORFENIKOL VP (kg) for 1000L drinking water 10 x TBW (kg) = 100 x TDW (L)

For meat and edible tissues in pigs is 20 days. For meat and edible tissues in broilers is 7 days.

The solution might precipitate in concentrations larger then 1g orfenicol /liter Not to be used simultaneously with tiamphenicol or bactericides. Not to be mixed with other drugs. In cases of increased water intake in case of high temperatures the concentration of the drug should be according to the daily water intake or individual administration should be considered. Individuals with known hypersensitivity to orfenicol should avoid contact with Florfenikol-VP. During the preparation of medicated water it is obligatory to use protection suits, masks, gloves Presentations 1000g, 100g


Tilozin VP-50% Tilozin VP-5

tylosin 500mg/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Tylosin tartrate 500mg Excipients: Lactose monohydrate Indications Pigs: Treatment (and prevention only in herds that already have clinical symptoms, when all animals should be treated in order to prevent the outspread), gastrointestinal and respiratory infections (dysentery, ileitis, enzootic pneumonia) caused by microorganisms sensitive to tylosin. Broilers: Treatment (and prevention only in herds that already have clinical symptoms, when all animals should be treated in order to prevent the outspread) of respiratory and intestinal infections (CRD, necrotic enteritis, infectious sinusitis) caused by pathogens sensitive to tylosin. Contra-indications Not to be used in animals who have known hypersensitivity to tylosin or some other macrolide antibiotic. Not to be used in laying hens. Adverse reactions In pigs diarrhea, pruritus, erythema, vulva edema, rectal prolapses and edema may occur. These clinical symptoms are temporary and spontaneously disappear in 48 to 72 hours. Allergic reactions are possible. Target species Pigs and broilers. Dosage and administration Tilozin VP-50% is administered through drinking water. To insure the intake of therapeutic dose the medicine is administered continuously like this: Pigs: 0.5g Tilozin VP-50% / 1L drinking water (50g/100L water), 5 to 10 days Broilers: 1g Tilozin VP-50% / 1L drinking water (100g/100L water), 3 to 5 days The medicine should be dissolved in a smaller amount of water, and afterwards mixed with the complete quantity of drinking water. Medicated water should be used at once. During the treatment with Tilozin VP-50% animals are not allowed to have fresh water.


Presentations 100g, 1000g,

Tilozin VP-50%
Withdrawal period Animals treated with tylosin cant be slaughtered during therapy and: - Pigs 2 days since the last administration - Broilers 2 days since the last administration Special precautions Not to be used in laying hens. Because of possible antagonism it is not advisable to administer with other solutions. Special precautions for persons administering: Tylosin can cause contact dermatitis, skin, eyes and respiratory tract irritation in humans. Macrolide antibiotics can cause allergic reactions (that can be crossed with other group members) after injection, inhalation, ingestion or even skin contact. For the mentioned reasons it is advisable to avoid direct contact during the preparation, and also to use protective suits, masks, gloves and glasses. If the medicine comes in contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water; if reactions on skin appear, face or lips edema i.e. any other hypersensitivity symptom appear, seek immediate medical help.


Kolistin-P Kolistin-P
Colistin sulfate 4.800.000 IU/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance: Colistin sulfate 4.800.000IU/g (equivalent to 240mg) Excipients: Lactose monohydrate Indications Leenje tekih infekcija digestivnog trakta, uzrokovanih gramnegativnim bakterijama, a naroito kolibaciloze i salmoneloze kod teladi, prasadi, jagnjadi, jaradi i ivine. Contra-indications It is contraindicated to use in animals hypersensitive to polymixins. Not to be used in animals with kidney dysfunction and in animals up to 3 weeks old, because of the possible absorption of polymixins. Adverse reactions Sometimes hypersensitivity reactions might appear. After the per oral administration nausea and vomiting may appear, especially in young piglets. These effects are temporary. After prolonged administration of higher doses kidney dysfunction might appear. Target species Calves, piglets, lambs, kids and poultry. Dosage and administration After dissolution in drinking water, milk or milk product, or mixing in feed, the medicine is administered per orally to the indicated animals, twice daily (morning and evening): Animal species
Method of administration
p.o. in feed

Dosage (mg/kg)
500 mg (0,5 g)/40 kg BW or 12,5 mg/kg BW

Treatments in days


The recommended dose is administered twice a day (morning and evening) p.o in drinking water 250 mg (0,25 g)/l drinking water or 2500 mg (2,5 g)/10 l drinking water 5

The recommended dose is divided into two, rst one in the morning, and the second one 12 hours later(evening) p.o. in feed 250 mg (0,25 g)/20 kg BW or 12,5 mg/kg BW 5

Piglets, lambs and kids

The recommended dose is administered twice a day (morning end evening) p.o in drinking water 250 mg (0,25 g)/l drinking water or 2500 mg (2,5 g)/10 l drinking water 5

The recommended dose is divided into two, rst one in the morning, and the second one 12 hours later (evening


p.o in drinking water

100-200 mg (0,1-0,2 g)/l drinking water or 5 1000-2000 mg (1-2 g)/10 l drinking water The recommended dose is divided into two, rst one in the morning, and the second one 12 hours later(evening)


The solution should be used immediately. It is recommended to restrain water from the animals a couple of hours before administering the medicine, and during treatment; disable another source of drinking water. Withdrawal period Meat and edible organs of calves, lambs and kids: do not use for human consumption during treatment as well as 7 days after the last administration. Meat and edible organs of piglets and poultry: do not use for human consumption during treatment as well as 2 days after the last administration. Special precautions Expiry date after mixing in feed is 10 days. Use in gestation and lactation: Although a low absorption from the digestive tract, it is not recommended to administer during gestation or lactation. Precautions for individuals administering the medicine: Persons hypersensitive to colistin should not be in contact with the medicine. During mixing / dissolving the medicine, protective gloves and masks are obligatory. If contact with skin or eyes occurs, rinse with water. Seek urgent medical help if allergic reactions develop such as face, lips swelling, and breathing disorders). Presentations 40x10g, 100g, 1000g.


Neomicin premiks pr Neomicin

Neomycin sulfate 70mg/g Premix for medicated feed
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance: Neomycin sulfate 70 mg Excipients: Parafn, liquid; soya Indications Treatment of primary and secondary gastrointestinal infections in swine, calves, colts, lambs, kids, poultry, caused by microorganisms sensitive to neomycin. Contra-indications Do not use in animals hypersensitive to neomycin, nor to the animals with constipation. Adverse reactions Sometimes, especially, after prolonged application and in doses higher then prescribed there can be gastrointestinal dysfunctions followed by diarrhea and malabsorption, as well as superinfections caused by bacteria and fungal infections Target species Swine, calves, colts, lambs, kids, poultry Dosage and administration Therapeutic dose is the same for all indicated animals: 3 - 3,5 kg/t feed 300 - 350 g/100kg feed To insure the intake of recommended doses of neomycin the medicine should be mixed with a smaller quantity of feed at rst and then with the rest. Withdrawal period Meat from treated animals is not for human consumption 10 days after the last administration and 5 days after the last administration in broilers. Not to be administered to laying hens.


Neomicin premiks
Special precautions Presentations: 100g, 1000 g

Do not use during gestation. Operator warnings: protection equipment should be used during the administration (gloves and masks). Persons with known hypersensitivity to neomycin cant operate with the medicine.


Veterinary pharmaceuticals


Sultrim P Sultrim P
Sulfamethoxazole , trimethoprim 100mg/g+20mg/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance: Sulphamethoxasole 100mg Trimethoprim 20mg Excipients: Lactose monohydrate Indications Treatment of respiratory infections in pigs, caused by respiratory infections in broilers caused by E.coli. Contra-indications The use is contraindicated in animals hypersensitive to sulfonamides and trimethoprim, and in animals with liver or kidney dysfunction (especially in decreased urine production) and hematopoietic organs dysfunction (blood dyscrasia). Not to be used in laying hens. Adverse reactions Sometimes in treated animals might appear. Target species Pigs and broilers. Dosage and administration Recommended therapeutic per oral dose of sulfamethoxasole is 50mg/kg body weight and administered in interval of 12 hours. Daily p.o. dose of trimethoprime is 10 mg/kg , and i.v. and i.m. dose is 4 mg/kg BW. The medicine is administered through drinking water or feed to indicated animals: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as hypersensitivity reactions Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and

Animal species

Method of administration

Dosage (g/kg BW)

110 g/40 kg, BW (equivalent to 25 mg sulphamethoxasole/kg BW and 5 mg trimethoprima/kg BW.).

Treatment in days

p.o. in feed


The recommended medicated feed (depending on the infection severity) should be administered once or twice a day with an interval of 12 hours
(through drinking water)


100 g (0,1 kg)/40 L drinking water or 1000 g (1 kg)/400 L drinking water


The recommended dosage should be divided into two and administer twice a day. p.o 100 g (0,1 kg)/40 l vode za pie ili 1000 g (1 kg)/400 l vode za pie 3


(through drinking water)

The recommended dosage should be divided into two and administer twice a day.


Sultrim P
The medicine should be mixed with a smaller quantity of feed/water at rst and then with the rest. It is recommended to restrain animals from water a couple of hours before the administration. The medicated feed should be used within 10 days. Medicated water should be used immediately. Not to be administered longer than 7 days.

Withdrawal period
Meat and internal organs for human consumption cant be used during the treatment and 10 days after the last administration.

Special precautions
The medicine is used only in indicated animals. Sometimes sulfonamides (administered through drinking water can cause a decrease in water intake (especially within the rst days of therapy), so it is necessary to control the consumption of medicated water. If allergic reactions in treated animals appear, adrenalin should be administered and antihistamines if necessary. The medicine is incompatible with oxidative substances. Sulfamethoxasole cant be administered with bactericides as penicillins, cephalosporins and aminoglycosides. Also, sulfamethoxasole and other sulfonamides are not administered with ammonium chloride, methenamine or other acidifying reagent, because in that case the solubility will decrease and crystalluria might appear. Non steroid anti-inammatory drugs decrease the bonding of sulfonamides with blood plasma proteins , and therefore increase their effect. On the other side, local anesthetics, especially the derivates of para amino benzoic acid, as well as b complex vitamins (nicotinamide, folic acid) decrease the effect of sulfonamides. Ionophore coccidiostats have an antagonistic effect on sulfonamides. Sulfonamides are synergists with polymixins against enterobacteriaceae, even in cases when the microorganisms are insensitive to both medicines. Sulfonamides are synergists with trimethoprim also (10 times increasing the activity of trimethoprim, and even 100 times of sulfonamide). Trimethoprim can decrease the therapeutic effect of cyclosporine and increase the nephrotoxicity. Not to be used in laying hens. Operator precautions: Persons with known hypersensitivity to sulfonamides and trimethoprim cant operate with the medicine. During the preparation of medicated water or feed direct contact with skin and eyes should be avoided. If allergic reactions appear seek medical help.

40x10g, 100g, 1000g.


Veterinary pharmaceuticals


Flumekvin - P Flumekvin umequine 100mg/g Premix for medicated feed

Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Flumequine 100mg Excipients: Lactose monohydrate Indications Therapy of numerous infections of the gastrointestinal, respiratory and urogenital tract in calves, lambs, kids, pigs, poultry (broilers, laying hens, turkey, ducks, pheasants, geese, quails), conies and sh. Animals species Indikacija
Colibacillosis,salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, pneumonia and urogenital infections caused by gram(-) bacteria Colibacillosis,salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, pneumonia and urogenital infections caused by gram(-) bacteria Colibacillosis,salmonellosis, pasteurellosis,infectious coryza, subclinical ovarial infections, staphylococcal arthritis and pneumococcosis. Colibacillosis,salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, staphylococcal infections urogenital infections caused by gram(-) bacteria Hemorrhagic septicemia (furunculosis, yersiniosis, vibriosis) chronic and latent infections caused by stress and viruses

Calves, lambs and kids

Piglets and fattening pigs Poultry (broilers, laying hens, turkeys, ducks, pheasants, quails) Rabbits


Contra-indications Contraindicated in laying hens and hypersensitive animals. Adverse reactions Sometimes gastrointestinal dysfunctions followed by diarrhea appear. Hypersensitivity reactions are also possible. Target species Calves, lambs, kids, piglets, poultry (broilers, laying hens, turkey, ducks, pheasants, geese, quails) conies and sh.


Flumekvin - P
Dosage and administration Per oral application through drinking water, milk, feed, two times a day (morning and evening) : Animal species
calves, lambs and kids

Dosage (g/kg bw)

1,8 - -2,25 g/15 kg BW (equals 12-15 mg umequine/kg/day)

Treatment in days

The recommended dosage is divided into two. First one in the morning, and the second one 12 hours later (evening) swine and fattening pigs

115-20 g/100 kg BW Ili 1,5-2 g/10 kg BW (equals 15-20 mg umequine/kg/day)


The recommended dosage is divided into two. First one in the morning, and the second one 12 hours later (evening) - poultry up to 15 days old - poultry 3 to 6 weeks old Poultry -- poultry 6 to 12 weeks old - laying hen 3 to 6 weeks old - laying hens Turkeys, ducks, pheasants, quailsce Rabbits Fish

50 g/100 l of water or 100 g/100 kg of feed 100 g/100 l of water or 150 g/100 kg of feed 125 g/100 l of water or 200 g/100 kg of feed 50 - 100 g/100 l of water or 200 g/100 kg of feed 100 g/100 l of water or 200 g/100 kg of feed (equals 12 mg umequine/kg/day) 100 g/100 l of water or 200 g/100 kg of feed 1 g/1 l of water (all ages) 12 - 20 g/100 kg sh

3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 6

The upper dosage is recommended in chronic cases. The total daily dose is divided into 3 meals and administered in intervals of 4-6 hours. The treatment is 3-5 days, and in cases of chronic infections and lower water temperatures even longer.

The solution should be used immediately. During therapy animals should be restricted from other source of drinking water. When administered through feed, mix it thoroughly (rst with smaller quantities of feed). Withdrawal period Meat and edible organs of calves, pigs, lambs and kids are not for human consumption 3 days, and meat and organs of poultry and rabbits 2 days after the last administration. If administered to laying hens, do not use the eggs in human consumption. The withdrawal period for sh is 80 degrees/days and may vary depending on water temperature. When the temperature is 5C it is 16 days; when 20C it is only 4 days since the last administration. Special precautions The solution should be used immediately. Poultry and rabbits are medicated through a quantity of water they would drink within 2-3 hours. During administration through drinking water, there cannot be any trimethoprim, copper sulfate or detergents. During hot and warm weather (when animals drink more water), the dose should be decreased by 25% (for example instead of 1g/l, use 0.75g/l). During therapy animals should not be allowed another source of drinking water. When administered through feed, it should thoroughly be mixed rst with smaller quantities of feed. For sh it is prepared like this: rst mix 400g with 50kg of pellets, then to this mixture it is added 1L of edible or sh oil (constantly mixing for better bonding). When all pellets get an uniform color (become darker) the mixing is nished. Feed prepared like this is kept in a dark cool place maximum for 6 days.


Flumekvin - P
Precautions for individuals administering the medicine: not recommended for persons hypersensitive to quinolones to handle the medicine or to have direct contact with skin or mucous membranes, i.e. eyes. Wash hands after handling. If allergic reactions appear, seek medical help, if allergic reactions appear in animals adrenalin should be administered, and antihistamines or glucocorticoids if necessary. Presentations 100g, 1000g.


Enrofloksacin Enrofloksacin
Enrooxacin 100mg/ml
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Enrooxacin 100mg Excipients: Potassium hydroxide 85%

Indications Therapy of colibacillosis, salmonellosis and infections caused by mycoplasma. Before therapy check the sensitivity of the pathogen to enrooxacin, using an antibiogram. Increased resistance may appear during therapy, so the medicine should be prescribed after certain bacteriologic diagnostics and when there is known resistance to other antibiotics. If there is no improvement in three days from the beginning of therapy, change of therapy is indicated. Contra-indications Do not prescribe in case of known resistance to other quinolones, because of cross resistance. Do not administer to laying hens. Adverse reactions There are no adverse reactions if administered to target species. As uoroquinolones, enrooxacin has negative effect on articulations, especially in young animals. Caution is necessary in increasing the dose or therapy length. Target species Poultry: broilers, layer breeders and broiler breeders. Dosage and administration Daily dose is according to the daily water intake that depends on the clinical state of the animal. Poultry: general dose is 0.10ml ENROFLOKSACINa per kg of BW (10mg enrooxacine/kg BW), achieved by administering 12 drops per liter of water, daily, during three days. Per orally in drinking water. Fresh solution should be made every 24h. Withdrawal period Meat: 8 days. Special precautions Do not administer to breeders 14 days before laying. The use is restricted to cases where the pathogen is resistant to other antibiotics, bacteriologic conrmation of the diagnosis and a test of sensitivity. If there is no improvement in 3 days, the indicated therapy should be revised. Simultaneous application with tetracyclines and macrolides may cause antagonistic effect. The absorption of enrooxacin can be decreased if administered simultaneously with substances containing magnesium or aluminium. Simultaneous application with substances containing polyvalent cations (antacids, milk or milk products) decrease the bioavailability uoroquinolones. Avoid handling if hypersensitive to uoroquinolones. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.


If alterations on skin appear, consult medical help. Face, lips or eye inammation, respiratory distress are much more serious signs that need urgent medical attention. Presentations: 10ml, 100ml, 1L


Veterinary pharmaceuticals


Ivermektin P
ivermectin 2mg/g Premix for medicated feed
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Ivermectin 2mg Excipients: Lactose monohydrate Indications Therapy of parasitic infections caused by endo- and ectoparasites. The medicine is effective against adult and larvae nematodes of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract: Ascaris suum, Hyostrongylus rubidus, Strongyloides ransomi (only adults), Oesophagostomum spp., Metastrongylus spp. (only adults). Also against lice and mites (Hematopinus suis, Sarcoptes scabiei var. Suis). Contra-indications Do not administer to young and hypersensitive animals. Contraindicated in other animal species, except pigs. Adverse reactions When administered in therapeutic doses there are no adverse reactions. Rarely in young animals changes like ataxia, tremor or mydriasis may appear. Target species Pigs. Dosage and administration The recommended therapeutic dose for per oral administration is 0.1mg/BW, i.e. 100g/kg body weight. After mixing in nal feed, it is administered to the pigs as an only meal during a week. BW and category Dosage (kg/ton feed)
1000g/1 ton of feed (equals 2 ppm of ivermectin) 1.2 kg/1 ton of feed (equals 2.4 ppm ivermectin)

Dosage (g/100 kg feed)

1100g/100 kg of feed (equals 2 ppm ivermectin) 120 g/100 kg of feed (equals 2.4 ppm ivermectin)

Treatment in days

Up to 40 kg

Over 40 kg

Sows and boars

5 kg/1 ton of feed (equals 10 ppm ivermectin) Administer as 3 kg/100 kg BW

500 g/100 kg f feed (equals 10 ppm ivermectin) Administer as 3 kg/100 kg BW


Ivermektin P
Withdrawal period Meat is not for human consumption during therapy and 12 days from the last administration. Special precautions Precautions should be taken when treating young piglets, because although rarely, changes like ataxia, tremor or mydriasis may appear. There is no data about the incompatibility of ivermectin. Never the less mixing of ivermectin with isopropyl alcohol, chlorine, ethylenoxid, hypochloric acid, perchloric acid and strong oxidative agents should be avoided. According to bibliographic data ivermectin in combination with benzimidasoles and pyrantel pamoat has synergistic effect. It is obligatory to use gloves and a mask when handling ivermectin. Ivermektin-P mustnt get into water circulation due to its harmful effect on sh and other water animals. Presentations 100g, 1000g.


Levamizol V
Levamizol VP-20%
levamisole 200mg/g Oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Levamisole hydrochloride 200mg Excipients: Lactose monohydrate Indications Treatment of parasitic nematode infections (adults and larvae) sensitive to levamisole in cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. Pigs: Metastrongylus elongatus, Ascaris suum, Strongyloides ransomi, Hyostrongylus rubidis, Oesophagostomum dendatum, Trichuris suis Cattle and sheep: Haemonchus spp, Ostertagia spp, Trichostrongylus spp, Cooperia spp, Nematodirus spp, Oessophagostomum spp, Chabertia spp, Bunostomum spp, Dictyocaulus spp Poultry: Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Capillaria obsignata, Syngamus trachea Contra-indications Not to be used in milking cows and sheep, whose milk is intended for human consumption. The use is contraindicated 14 days before and after the use of organophosphate and carbamate antiparasitics and other medicine containing anticholinesterasic or nicotinic effect. Not to be administered to animals with serious liver and kidney dysfunction. Contraindicated in animals with known hypersensitivity to levamisole. Contraindicated in laying hens.

Adverse reactions Hypersalivation, muscle or head tremor may appear in cattle and they disappear within two hours of administration. Temporary excitation is possible in sheep, and increased salivation, coughing and vomiting in pigs if infected by lung nematodes. Target species Pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry (broilers and breeders). Dosage and administration Therapeutic dose of levamisole for cattle, sheep and pigs is 7.5-8mg / kg BW. Therapeutic dose of levamisole for poultry is 40mg / kg BW. Levamizol VP-20% is administered one time, mixed in feed or dissolved in drinking water, using the graduated spoon inserted in the packaging, according to: Pigs and sheep: 1g Levamizol VP-20% per 25kg body weight. Cattle: 4g Levamizol VP-20% per 100kg body weight (in cattle maximum dose of levamisole cant be greater than 4500mg). Poultry: 1g Levamizol-VP 20% per 5kg body weight. 100g packaging: for dosing use the graduated spoon inserted that enables precise dosing. When administered through feed, animals should be restricted from other source of feed, same goes for medicated drinking water, until all consumed. The medicine is administered through feed or drinking water. If administering through drinking water, it is necessary to dissolve in a smaller quantity of water, which will be consumed during the day, the same rule is for medicated feed. Because of possible resistance, control the effects of the therapy with parasitology testings and especially take care that it doesnt come to subdosing (precise body weights are necessary).


Levamizol VP-20%
Withdrawal period Special precautions Presentations: 40 x 10g, 100g

As levamisole`s effect is ovicidal after treatment it is necessary to eliminate the feces carefully and avoid reinfection. The use in cachectic or exhausted animals is not advisable, as well as in stressed (vaccination or castration) , severe kidney and liver dysfunction.

Cattle, sheep and pigs meat: 21 days Poultry meat: 28 days Milk from treated animals, as well as eggs cannot be used in human consumption.

Do not mix with other medicines. Not to be combined with strong oxidative agents. In vitro it is incompatible with phenylbutasone, neomycin, sulfonamides and tetracyclines. Medicines with nicotinic effects as acetylcholine esterase inhibitor (organophosphates, neostigmine), tetrahydropirimidines (pyrantel, oxantel, morantel) and others may potentiate the toxic effects of levamisole. Cant be administered along with medicines like phenothiazine, metridine and procaine. Levamisole can be combined with closantel, bithionol sulfoxide and oxyclonaside. Use during lactation and gestation: Can be used during gestation but contraindicated its use in cows and sheep in lactation, whose milk is for human consumption. If contact occurs, rinse with water. If irritation persists, seek medical help.


Albendazol-P-25% Albendazolalbendazole 250mg/g Oral powder

Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Albendazole 250mg Excipients: Parafn, liquid; soya

Indications Treatment and control of parasitic infections in cattle caused by nematodes, cestodes and trematodes, sensitive to albendazole: Ostertargia spp, Haemonchus spp, Trichostrongylus spp, Nematodirus spp, Oesophagostomum spp, Bunostomum spp, Cooperia spp, Strongyloides spp, Dictyocaulus viviparous, Moniezia spp, Fasciola hepatica, Fascioloides magna, Dicrocelium dendriticum. Contra-indications The use is contraindicated in animals hypersensitive to albendazole. Contraindicated in cattle and sheep in mating time (articial insemination) and during the rst 45 days in gestation. This medicine is not to be used in sheep in lactation whose milk is intended for human consumption. Adverse reactions In cattle infested by lung nematodes coughing may appear after administration and can last even a couple of weeks. Target species Cattle and sheep. Dosage and administration The per oral dose of albendazole for cattle is 7.5mg/kg BW. In case of uke infestation the dose of albendazole is 10mg/kg body weight. It is a single administration, and if necessary can be repeated in 3 to 4 weeks. The per oral dose of albendazole for sheep is 5.0mg/kg body weight. In case of uke infestation, especially in chronic cases the dose of albendazole is 7.5mg/kg body weight. It is a single administration and if necessary can be repeated in 3 to 4 weeks. Albendazol P 25% is administered through feed: CATTLE: For the treatment of nematodes and cestodes infections 10g of the oral powder (two coffee spoons or one bag of 10g) per 330kg body weight, that is equivalent to the dose of albendazole of 7.5mg/kg body weight. The treatment of uke infections 10g of oral powder (two coffee spoons or one 10g bag) per 250kg body weight, that is equivalent to the dose of albendazole of 10mg/kg body weight. SHEEP: For the treatment of nematodes and cestodes infections 10g of oral powder per 50kg body weight, that is equivalent to the dose of albendazole of 5.0mg/kg body weight (one coffee spoon for 5 sheep body weight 50kg or one 10g bag per 10 sheep body weight 50kg). The treatment of uke infections 1.5g of oral powder per 50kg body weight (3 coffee spoons for 10 sheep body weight 50kg or 1.5 10g bags for 10 sheep body weight 50kg) that equals the dose of albendazole of 7.5mg/kg body weight. The calculated quantity should be mixed in a smaller amount of feed that the animals can consume within a short period of time, and during that time restrict any other source of feed.


Withdrawal period Cattle meat: 14 days Sheep meat: 10 days Cow milk: 3 days Special precautions Presentations 40 x10 g, 100g.

If a larger number of animals are treated, for precise dosing they should be grouped by similar body weight. The medicine is administered once and in case of need (continuous exposure to the infection or severe infections) the treatment can be repeated in 3 to 4 weeks. Because of possible resistance, control the effects of the therapy with parasitic tests and especially take care of possible subdosing by precise body weight estimation. The feces in the rst 2-3 days should be gathered and carefully disposed.

Use during lactation and gestation: The medicine should not be used during mating (articial insemination) and the next 45 days (rst 45 days in gestation). Do not use in sheep in lactation whose milk is intended for human consumption. If contact with eyes or skin occurs, immediately rinse with water. If any irritation appears that persists, seek medical help.



Veterinary pharmaceuticals


Diclacox Diclacox
diclazuril 0.5% Premix for medicated feed
Qualitative and quantitative composition Active substance mg/g: Diclazuril 5mg/g Excipients: Parafn, liquid; soya Indications Prevention of coccidiosis in chicken caused by: Eimeria acervulina, E.brunetti, E.maxima, E.mitis, E.necatrix, E.tenella. Prevention of coccidiosis in turkey caused by: Eimeria adenoids, E.gallapavonis, E.meleagridis. Contra-indications Not to be used in laying hens. The administration to young layers should be stopped in the 16th week. Adverse reactions Not known. Target species Poultry, turkey. Dosage and administration The medicine is administered through feed in a concentration of 1ppm. Feed preparation: 200g of the medicine Diclacox mix with 1ton of complete feed for poultry. In order to accomplish the homogenous mixing, the calculated quantity should be mixed rst with a smaller quantity of feed. The medicated feed is administered to broilers, laying hens and breeders since the rst day of life until the end of fattening (broilers), i.e. until the 16th week for other categories. Withdrawal period Meat and internal organs: 0 days. Special precautions Poultry bears well the multiple overdose even up to 25 times. In turkeys even after 100 times overdosing, no symptoms of intolerance or growth problems, body weight increase or decrease were registered. Individuals handling the medicine should wear protective clothes, masks and glasses. Presentations 20kg


Liquid forms

AD3E+C oral oral AD3E+C

Vitamin complex, oral solution
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1L contains:
Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin C

100,000,000 I.U. 20,000,000 I.U.

20 g 50 mg 50 g qs 1 l

Propylene glycol

Indications AD3E+C oral is indicated for the prevention of vitamin A, D3, E and/or C deciencies, that are in connection with general bacterial infections, improvement of rearing results, growth disturbances, non-infectious reproductive and sight disturbances , enteritis, convalescence and skin problems. Prophylactic treatment during strong labour and stressful situations. Target species Dosage and administration For oral administration via drinking water. Poultry: 1L per 1000 liters of drinking water during 3-5 days Horses, cattle: 5-10ml per animal during 2-3 days Foals, calves: 5ml per animal during 2-3 days Pigs, sheep, goats: 2-3ml per animal during 2-3 days Medicated drinking water should be used within 24 hours. Contra-indications Adverse reactions Overdosage of vitamin D3 may cause hypercalcaemia in young animals. Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 10ml, 1L None. None described. Poultry, pigs, cattle, sheep, goats, horses.


Aminovit oral oral Aminovit

Vitamin/amino acid complex, oral solution
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1L contains:
Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Dexapanthenol Methionine Riboavin Vitamin E Thiamine Lysine Pyridoxine Leucine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Valine Alaninee Histidin Phenilalanine Serine 2.500.000 I.U. 500.000 I.U. 5g 5g 4g 3.75 g 3.5 g 2.5 g 2g 1.5 g 1.45 g 1.16 g 1.1 g 975 mg 900 mg 810 mg 680 mg Glycine Proline Threonine Arginine Choline Tyrosine Vitamin K3 Cystine Isoleucine Tryptophane Potassium sorbate Vitamin B12 Inositol Biotin Propylene glycol Ekscipients 575 mg 510 mg 500 mg 490 mg 400 mg 340 mg 250 mg 150 mg 125 mg 75 mg 26,67 mg 10 mg 2.5 mg 2 mg 0.333 l qs 1 l

Indications In intensive breeding of all animal species, Aminovit oral is used in cases of vitamin and amino acid deciencies, poor nutrition, fat liver syndrome, stress, convalescence, in gestation and lactation, to decrease the mortality in chickens. Target species All animal species.

Dosage and administration Per oral administration, after dissolving in drinking water: Poultry: Laying hens: 2ml per 1 L drinking water during 5-7 days. Broilers: 1ml per 1L drinking water during 5-7 days. Other species: 1-2ml per 1L drinking water during 5-7 days. Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 10ml, 1L None described. None described. None.


Multivitamin oral Multivitamin oral

Vitamin complex, oral solution
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1L contains:
Vitamin A, E672 Vitamin D3, E671 Vitamin C, E300 Nicotinamide Vitamin B1 Vitamin K3 Vitamin E, E307 Dexapanthenol Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 Potassium sorbate Ekscipients

10,000,000 I.U. 2,000,000 I.U.

20 g 6g 4g 2g 2g 2g 600 mg 600 mg 26.67 mg qs 1 l

Indications Multivitamin oral supports in these situations: Nutrition decient in vitamins, appetite dysfunctions, reproductive and growth disorders, as a nutritional supplement. The use is also recommended during antibiotic therapy and treatments with sulfa products and antihelmintics. Target species Poultry, pigs, cattle, sheep, goats and horses.

Dosage and administration Per oral administration after dissolving in drinking water in these doses: Broilers: 0.5ml per 1L drinking water Laying hens: 1ml per 1L drinking water Sheep, goats, and horses: 2ml per animal Cattle, horses: 10ml per animal Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 1L None described. None. None.


BBComplex Complex oraloral

Vitamin complex, oral solution
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1L contains:
Nicotinamide Dexapanthenol Potassium sorbate Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 Biotin Vitamin B12 Ekscipients

50g 30g
26,67 g 10 g 10g 5g 20 mg 2,5 mg qs 1 l

Indications Supports in neurological symptoms, anticoccidial and antibiotic therapy, in vitamin deciencies and in production stimulation. Target species Poultry, cattle, pigs, sheep and rabbits.

Dosage and administration Per oral administration after dissolving in drinking water in these doses: Poultry: 1-2ml daily per 1L drinking water, during 3-4 days Cattle: 0.15-0.225ml daily per 1L drinking water, during 4-5 days Pigs: 0.25-0.5 ml daily per 1L drinking water, during 4-5 days Sheep: 0.625-2.25 daily per 1L drinking water, during 4-5 days Rabbits: 2-4ml per 1L drinking water, during 4-5 days Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 1L None described. None. None.


Vitaminotrace oral Vitaminotrace oral

Vitamin / mineral/ amino acid complex, oral solution
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1l contains:
Vitamin A Vitamin D3
Vitamin E D-panthenol Vitamin C Glycine Vitamin B1 Proline Vitamin B6 Alanine Vitamin K3 15.000.000 I.U. 4.000.000. I.U. 3.500 I.U. Leucine

300 mg 280 mg 200 mg 100 mg 100 mg 100 mg 80 mg 80 mg 50 mg 20 mg

250 g 100 g 35 g

Phenylalanine Histidine Isoleucine

4g 3.5 g
2,6 g

Methionine Threonine Tyrosine

2g 1.7 g 1.25 g 1g 1g 1g 500 g 480 mg 440 mg

Iron Zinc Copper Propylene glycol Ekscipients

Glutamic Acid
Aspartic Acid Arginine Lysine

50 mg
qs 1 l

Indications Vitamino Trace Oral is indicated for treatment and prevention of vitamin deciencies, like weakness of newborns, growth disturbances, anorexia, osteoporosis, disturbances of intestinal ora after long-term antibiotic treatment, poor condition, stress, vaccination, excessive changes in temperature, transport etc. Also after treatment of coccidiosis, worm, bacterial and viral infections in poultry, calves, lambs and piglets. Target species Poultry, calves, lambs and piglets.

Dosage and administration For oral administration via drinking water. Poultry : 1 ml per 5 litres of drinking water during 5 - 7 days. Calves : 1 ml per 10 litres of drinking water during 5 - 7 days. Lambs, piglets : 1 ml per 20 litres of drinking water during 5 - 7 days. Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 1L None described. None. None.


Hepaprotect oral Hepaprotect oral

Vitamin complex, oral solution
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1L contains:
Sorbittol Carnitine hydrochlorid Choline choride D,L methionine Magnesium sulphate Ekscipients 200 g 25 g

18,75 g 10 g 10 g qs 1 l

Indications Hepaprotect oral has hepatoprotective activity that expedites the metabolism and digestive function. Choline and methionine as amino acids act like lipotropic factors that help the transfer of lipids from the liver into the lipid tissue, preventing fatty liver. They are methyl donors and assist in the elimination of toxins. Magnesium sulfate speeds up the transport of feed through the intestines , avoiding digestive retention and increase of acidity in the rumen and therefore prevents the formation of bacteria responsible for ammonia and toxic amines production. It is also used in preventing the fatty liver and as support in antibiotic and antiparasitic therapy. Hepaprotect oral provides extra energy and is also used in magnesium deciency that is common in cattle. Target species All animal species.

Dosage and administration Per oral administration, through drinking water in these doses: For all animal species: 1.25-2.5ml per 10L drinking water, once daily during 5-7 days. Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 1L None described. None. None.


Vitamin oral Vitamin E+Se E+Se oral

Vitamin/mineral complex, oral solution
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1L contains:
Vitamin E acetat E307 Sodium selenite Ekscipients

100 g 500 mg
qs 1 l

Indications Poultry: supports in vitamin E or selenium deciencies. Helps in encephalomalatia, exudative diathesis and muscular dystrophy. Target species Poultry and ruminants.

Dosage and administration Per oral administration, after dissolving in drinking water in these doses: Poultry and ruminants: 1ml per 1L drinking water during 5 days. Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 1L. None described. Do not use with other products containing selenium. None.



Megavit Megavit
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1g contains:
Vitamin A Vitamin D3 Vitamin E Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin K3

Vitamin/amino acid/mineral complex, oral solution

15,000 I.J. 24,500 I.J.

1.35 mg 4,5 mg 2 .35 mg 11 .5 mcg 1 mg 4 .5 mg

Ca d-pantothenate Nicotinic acid Copper sulphate Manganese sulphate Zinc sulphate Potassium iodide L-Lysine Dl-Methionine Ekscipients

5 .4 mg 16 .7 mg 0.25 mg 12 mg 12 mg 0,5 mg 15 mg 10 mg qs 1g

Indications Megavit is a is a carefully selected powder blend, consisting of vitamins, amino acids and minerals for use in poultry, calves, cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. It is used for the prevention and treatment of stress, caused by vaccination, diseases, high humidity, high temperatures, excessive changes in temperature, transfer to a new hen house or transport. Post treatment use after coccidiosis-treatment and worm, bacterial and virus infections. Target species Poultry, pigs, calves, sheep, goats and cattle.

Dosage and administration For oral administration via feed or drinking water. Poultry, pigs : 100 g to medicate 200 litres of drinking water, daily, during 3 - 5 days. Mixed through feed: 10g per 10 kg of feed. Calves, sheep, goats : 1 g per 20 kg bodyweight during 3 - 5 days. Cattle : 1 g per 40 kg bodyweight during 3 - 5 days. Medicated drinking water should be used within 24 hours. Contra-indications None described.

Adverse reactions


Withdrawal period


Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 10g, 5kg, 10kg


Digestan Digestan
Mineral complex, oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1g contains:
Calcium propionate Sodium propionate Gentian root powder 400 mg 400 mg

25 mg 130 mcg 680 mcg 630 mcg 680 mcg 460 mcg 21 mcg qs1g

Sodium molybdate
Copper sulphate Cobalt sulphate Iron sulphate Manganese sulphate Zinc sulphate Ekscipients

Indications Digestan is used to reduce and normalize digestive dysfunctions of sheep, goats, camels, cattle, calves, pigs and poultry. The product is also used in cases of scour, to prevent the animal from the process of dehydration and loss of electrolytes and to minimize nutritional stress caused by change of environment. It may be used on its own or in conjunction with antibiotics and/or chemotherapeutics. Digestan is indicated to reduce and normalize digestive dysfunctions and to prevent the animal from dehydration. Target species Cattle, sheep, goats, calves, piglets and poultry.

Dosage and administration For oral administration via drinking water. Sheep, goats : 40 g in 4 liters lukewarm water, divided into several smaller doses. Cattle, camels : 50 - 150 g per treatment Calves : 80 g in 4 liters lukewarm drinking water, divided into several smaller doses. For all species: if needed therapy can be repeated. Newly arrived animals: Calves rst day: 50 g in 1 liters lukewarm water. Do not administer or feed anything else. Following days: administer daily 1.5 liter of drinking water with 30 g Digestan. Complete the feed ratio with normal feed twice daily. Piglets : 20 g in 1 liter of drinking water for the treatment of 40 kg bodyweight. Administer besides the normal feed. Poultry : 200 g to medicate 200 - 400 liters of drinking water, during 3 - 5 days. Administer besides the normal feed. Medicated drinking water should be used within 24 hours. Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 100g None described. None. None.


Vitamin C - VP Vitamin C-VP

Vitamin, oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1g contains:
Vitamin C, E300 Ekscipients 100 mg qs 1g

Indications Vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant among vitamins and has many roles in the organism: reductant agent in living organisms, important role in feed absorption (calcium, iron, folic acid), production of collagen, production and synthesis of steroid hormones anti-inammatory effect and treatment of functional sterility, synthesis of neurotransmitters , involved in carbohydrate metabolism, improves the physiological state of blood vessels, supports normal capillary function, increases the resistance towards infections, speeds up the blood coagulation and is essential for wound healing. Stress, greater physical labour, contagious diseases, gestation and lactation increase the need of this vitamin. Vitamin C successfully helps in different diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis and during convalescence.

Target species

All animal species.

Dosage and administration Per oral application after dissolving in drinking water, during 3-5 days in these doses: Pigs: 5g/10L drinking water Poultry and turkey: 10-20g/10L drinking water Laying hens: 20-30g/10L drinking water Pigeons and rabbits: 10-20G/10L drinking water Horses and cattle: 10-20g per animal Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 1kg, 5kg, 10kg None described. None. None.


Betain C - C VP-VP Betain

Vitamin complex, oral powder
Qualitative and quantitative composition 1g contains:
Betaine Vitamin C Ekscipients 100 mg 100 mg

qs 1 g

Betaine has a role of an osmotic agent that is used by the cells in order to protect from osmotic stress, dehydration or high temperatures. The intracellular accumulation of betaine does not affect the enzyme function, protein structure or integrity of the cellular membrane, allows keeping within the cell water and therefore protects from the effects of dehydration, due to heat stress. Some of the symptoms of heat stress are: nausea, decreased appetite, decrease in body weight, accelerated metabolism, increase of fat tissue and decrease of muscular tissue, reduced fertility, bad quality of semen in roosters, decreased egg production and egg size, decreased egg shell quality, more susceptibility to diseases, increased mortality and rejections. Vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant among vitamins and has many roles in the organism: reductant agent in living organisms, important role in feed absorption (calcium, iron, folic acid), production of collagen, production and synthesis of steroid hormones anti-inammatory effect and treatment of functional sterility, synthesis of neurotransmitters , involved in carbohydrate metabolism, improves the physiological state of blood vessels, supports normal capillary function, increases the resistance towards infections, speeds up the blood coagulation and is essential for wound healing. Stress, greater physical labour, contagious diseases, gestation and lactation increase the need of this vitamin. Vitamin C successfully helps in different diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis and during convalescence.

Target species

Poultry and pigs.

Dosage and administration Per oral administration after dissolving in drinking water in these doses: Pigs: 1g per 1L drinking water Poultry and turkey: 1-2g per 1L drinking water Laying hens: 2-3g per 1L drinking water Contra-indications Adverse reactions Withdrawal period Storage Store protected from humidity and light, on a temperature up to 25C. Keep away from children. Presentations 1kg, 10kg. None described. None. None.


VETMEDIC doo SALES Beograd, Ustanika 17, Phone: +381 11 308 53 10 PRODUCTION - Vrac, Bregalnika 32, Phone: +381 13 839 705;13 839 706;13 839 710

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