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Gunwitch Guide Pre-release: Frequenly Asked Questions

Copyright 2002

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) Main | Persistence | Verbal Method | F.A.Q. | Troubleshooting Also check out Gunwitch's Way of Gun site! 1. What is, how do I get into, how do I know if is optimum sexual state? 2. I am a virgin and have never experienced sexual state, and have never seen what sexual state looks 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
like from a woman, what can I do? You say what not to talk about, but what DO I talk about? Or why don't you add some verbal methods or scripts of things to say in to your method? Does the method only work in a club or on the street or at parties? How would you approach a group of women? Why don't you add in some group approach methods? Isn't your method flawed for not being able to be used on groups? What quality, type, kind, caliber, scale of women do you get?

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8. There's this girl or this situation what would you do/ how do I apply the method to this that or the other 9. 10. 11. 12.
deal? Any last minute suggestions for this/that/other situation? What should I say when I call a woman? How can I seduce a woman online? What do you think of speed seduction, mystery method, double your dating, juggler method, advanced macking ect ect.

Q: What is, how do I get into, how do I know if is optimum sexual state? A: Its being HORNY, that's all. Enough approaches to be able to RELAX during the conversation and you'll find you go into it and maintain it just as easily as you can in your own home. MUCH has to be said of experience in the field, you must not only persist with the women you approach, but persist in your overall drive to make this work. ^ back to top ^ Q: I am a virgin and have never experienced sexual state, and have never seen what sexual state looks like from a woman, what can I do? A: For one, if you are ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with losing your virginity, stop masturbating until you get horny enough to see women as your only sexual outlet. For two, stop obsessing on this, you don't know what you're missing, let it stay that way, focus efforts on building a better body, dressing better, getting a place of your own, maybe making more money, or getting a fun job and more interesting hobbies. Let it happen naturally and when it does savor the experience and learn from it. I didn't approach and sex the first woman I ever had sex with, it came easy and was a fun thing, not a labor I tried to get done. ^ back to top ^ Q: You say what not to talk about, but what DO I talk about? Or why don't you add some verbal methods or scripts of things to say in to your method?
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A: I give a few basic questions in the method, are you from around here, what do you like to do for fun ect. This is all you really need. Once you get into the field you'll learn there will be dead spots in any given conversation, it's the natural flow of things, the key isn't to say the right thing but to persist in staying there, don't run away, ask the basic questions I give you and wait for the conversation to get 2 sided , it's a learned thing, not something you can be taught. Any given thing I give you to say is only gonna be maybe accurate for 5% of all situations. Learn to socialize. A common theme of needing a FAQ for a method, is that you aren't DOING and learning the traits of the method in the field you are still asking questions. Get to it and what do I say will answer itself. ^ back to top ^ Q: Does the method only work in a club or on the street or at parties? A: No. I mostly always do the method at department stores or malls, as women tend to be alone and not with friends there most. BUT ANY sexual encounter MUST end with isolation of the woman with you and a sexual state. This is natural mating logic that this must be the end results so its always the endgame at least of any sexual encounter. At a club or bar, I will tend to just lay back and watch for a woman making eye contact, or one who's alone to do anything. I mostly use bars to have a good time and socialize. When I REALLY want a sexual partner I go out in the daytime (noon to 3 is scientifically the time of day most sex occurs and women are horniest) and look for a lone woman in a mall or dept store. I advise the same for reasons to numerous to list, but if you understand the synergy between her liking sex, your sexual state, persistence on a lone person being easier and how bars to tend to increase a woman's expectations (though it's a lower class of men?) you'll see why this is all so important. ^ back to top ^ Q: How would you approach a group of women? A: Outside of a bar I NEVER would, as there isn't distractions for the friends. YOU will be the entire focus of the encounter and isolation will be impossible
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YOU will be the entire focus of the encounter and isolation will be impossible because of her social conditioning. Persistence will be knocked down 95% easier as well because of a group dynamic that makes her not think of you and her and approval of her from you, but in terms of you, her and her friends/family and THEIR approval. At a bar or club, I would only ever go in on a group if the target had given me strong eye contact or was separate from her friends. GM or grandmaster style can be found on the mASF archives and I have had success with it, but recommend staying away from bars and groups entirely unless it is for a fun night out. ^ back to top ^ Q: Why don't you add in some group approach methods? Isn't your method flawed for not being able to be used on groups? A: Ive approached groups, ive gotten a target out of a group and sexed her. But why use this as a staple? I want a simple easy method to get the women I desire in bed, not a complex hard to remember method that yields just a bit more. KISS, keep it simple stupid, is how I frame it. I get far better results and a far better sex life with FAR better quality of women by going for lone women . I see no reason to make something up or advocate something that I don't use myself in my sex life with any frequency. ^ back to top ^ Q: What quality, type, kind, caliber, scale of women do you get? A: Whites, blacks, Hispanics, welfare moms, bank managers, nurses, 5'3s, 6'1s, some big tits, some smallish tits, usually wearing revealing clothes of some kind, some live with parents, some own their own home, 19 year old, 37 year old, some stupid, some political, some into computers, some into smoking pot. I've slept with maybe 120-150 women of all types. As of using this method id say most of my women to be 8-10s on a standard guys looks scale, white, 19-25 yrs old, middle class for the area, all different intelligence levels and personality types . I would say they are all 10s to me for whatever kind of way they turn me on so much that I approach them.
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I find that those most preoccupied with 10s and such usually don't get them in bed, as they don't realize the basic human sexuality of these women and share theirs with them and vice versa. Most men who see these 10s as something other than just a woman who looks different also will not persist to get her isolated and run away from an approach at the first hint of rejection. A 10 has her pick of men, she's had plenty of good looking guys, but probably doesn't even get eye contact from most of the scared men she meets. Surely she doesn't get many a special man who isn't scared so much so, that he will blast through her conditioning and persist with her. She isn't used to having to say NO to a man, because most men take her beauty as a NO before they ever get started. ^ back to top ^ Q: There's this girl or this situation what would you do/ how do I apply the method to this that or the other deal? A: You are overcomplicating things, stop this. My method is about procuring a great sex life, not the seduction of specific women or specific venues. The easiest venues and most desirable targets are the concern. Frequent sex with the women you choose is the goal of my method, not specific women who may have some perceived special trait or ideal you may want. SHALLOW is the name of the game. At least at first til you get VERY good, you'll want to focus on a good sex life, not specifics and situations of complex nature. LOOK for LOOKS, satisfy that, not desires for specific women. Sew your oats first, then when a specific target comes up that may seem difficult over analysis won't be a such a problem. ^ back to top ^ Q: Any last minute suggestions for this/that/other situation? A: Its not tomorrow that counts, it's the rest of your sex life that does. The best you can do is have the basic 3-5 sentences I talk about at the end of my method, and as much field experience as possible for any given situation. No specific will ever correct another specific when dealing with the complexity of human mating. If you look your best and do the basic 3-5 sentences depending on your skill
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If you look your best and do the basic 3-5 sentences depending on your skill level, it's the best you can really do. ^ back to top ^ Q: What should I say when I call a woman? A: see I told you id call if we had sex, I had a great time the other night we should meet up and do it again. Get my drift? Don't call women, don't go for phone numbers, ALWAYS get as far as you can with any given woman you approach or get a firm FUCK OFF from her. If for some reason you end up with a number, not as an excuse to not be told no repeatedly made by you in order to eject from the pick up mind you, call her whenever you feel like it and arrange a meeting, leaving her your number. Don't call again, go find another woman to persist to isolation with not get her phone number. ^ back to top ^ Q: How can I seduce a woman online? A: I dunno, go read somebody else's shit. Online is a waste of time, there's 200 women walking around your city right now that youd like to fuck, who would fuck you, stop with the geekery, unless its for practice of conversation. ^ back to top ^ Q: What do you think of speed seduction, mystery method, double your dating, juggler method, advanced macking ect ect. A: These systems of seduction all have a place. They are good for an edge but are not the staples of a healthy sex life. As a metaphor I see these systems as advanced martial arts training. My stuff is like boxing, with a crash course in grappling on the ground, for just in case. You wanna know it all and be the best, then study every art. Yeah to beat the best fighters in the world you need to know how to block and throw kicks, advanced submission holds, joint locks and chokes. The thing is, the metaphor breaks down when it comes to fighting a top flight fighter vs a difficult pick up of a woman. There is no need to be the best pick up artist in the world or even one of the best when it comes to your sex life,
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as the most difficult you'll ever face aren't the hottest women, or the smartest, or coolest, they are just run of the mill pains in the ass, frigid women, lesbians you'd have to convert, virgins who are scared of sex ect ect nauseating in my opinion. Yeah you wanna be able to fight more than one chick at a time? Study mystery method. You wanna be able to grapple with the unusual types or even over kill it with the rest at a mental level? Study some juggler method or maybe some Speed seduction. You want to be able to deceive your opponent from the start and break em down over time with kicks at a safe distance from harm? Maybe do some double your dating stuff. You wanna just be able do better than you ever could without the method and learn in the quickest amount of time, with the least money spent so you can get out in the field and learn the ins and out, without having to master anything? Then do Gunwitch method. I teach ya to throw a punch, take a punch, fight with persistence and will and only fight the fights you aren't outnumbered in. ^ back to top ^

And remember "make the ho say no".

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