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Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository V8.

Lab Exercises

IBM Software

Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository


PUBLISHING, FINDING, AND GOVERNING SERVICES USING WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY ....................................................................................... 4 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY ........................................................ 4 1.2 LAB SCENARIO ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 LAB SETUP.............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 CREATE BUSINESS SPACES FOR USER ROLES ........................................................................................... 8 1.5 CREATE AND GOVERN AN ACCOUNT CREATION BUSINESS SERVICE ........................................................... 11 1.6 CREATE AND GOVERN AN ACCOUNT CREATION SERVICE VERSION ............................................................. 26 1.7 REVIEW CHARTS IN THE SERVICE REGISTRY DEVELOPMENT SPACE ........................................................ 36 1.8 DESIGN AND ELABORATE THE ACCOUNT CREATION SERVICE VERSION ....................................................... 39 1.9 VIEW CONSUMERS AND PROVIDERS IN THE SERVICE CONSUMPTION VISUALIZER ......................................... 53 1.10 REGISTER AN EXISTING REST SERVICE .................................................................................................. 56 1.11 REGISTER THE ELIGIBILITY REST SERVICE ENDPOINT .............................................................................. 68 1.12 LAB REVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 76 CUSTOMIZING WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY USING STUDIO ............ 77 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY STUDIO .......................................... 77 2.2 LAB SCENARIO ...................................................................................................................................... 77 2.3 OPEN AN EXISTING CONFIGURATION PROFILE PROJECT ............................................................................ 78 2.4 USE THE WSRR STUDIO GRAPHICAL UML MODELING TO VIEW A CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ........................ 79 2.5 USE THE WSRR STUDIO GRAPHICAL UML MODELING TO VIEW A LIFECYCLE ............................................. 80 2.6 USE THE WSRR STUDIO GRAPHICAL UML MODELING TO VIEW A BUSINESS MODEL................................... 82 2.7 CREATE GOVERNANCE POLICIES ON A LIFECYCLE TRANSITION .................................................................. 84 2.8 GENERATE THE WSRR CONFIGURATION PROFILE ARTIFACTS ................................................................. 100 2.9 SYNCHRONIZE THE PROFILE WITH WSRR.............................................................................................. 102 2.10 INTERACT WITH THE NEW APPLICATION BUSINESS MODEL IN THE BUSINESS SPACE ................................... 106 2.11 LAB REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 121 REPORTING ON SERVICES AND RELATED METADATA USING WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY STUDIO ....................................................................... 122 3.1 INTRODUCTION TO REPORTING FOR WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY ........................... 122 3.2 LAB SCENARIO .................................................................................................................................... 122 3.3 OPEN AN EXISTING CONFIGURATION PROFILE PROJECT .......................................................................... 123 3.4 CREATE A SIMPLE REPORT ................................................................................................................... 124 3.5 PUBLISH THE REPORT TO WSRR.......................................................................................................... 139 3.6 VIEW THE REPORT FROM THE BUSINESS SPACE ..................................................................................... 142 3.7 EXPORT THE REPORT IN VARIOUS FORMATS .......................................................................................... 147 3.8 REFERENCES TO GET MORE INFORMATION ON REPORTS. ......................................................................... 148 3.9 LAB REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 148 DEFINING A WEBSPHERE MQ APPLICATION TO WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY ............................................................................................................ 149 4.1 LAB SCENARIO .................................................................................................................................... 149 4.2 GENERATE A WSDL USING THE WEBSPHERE MQ SERVICE DEFINITION WIZARD ...................................... 150 4.3 START WSRR AND CREATE A BUSINESS SPACE .................................................................................... 156 4.4 LOAD THE MQ ARTIFACTS INTO WSRR ................................................................................................. 159 4.5 BROWSE THE MQ ARTIFACTS IN WSRR................................................................................................ 168 4.6 LAB REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 173 IMPLEMENTING VERSION CONTROL WITH WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY AND WEBSPHERE MESSAGE BROKER ................................................. 175 5.1 INTRODUCTION TO INTEGRATING WEBSPHERE MESSAGE BROKER WITH WEBSPHERE SERVICE REGISTRY AND REPOSITORY ................................................................................................................. 175 5.2 LAB SCENARIO ..................................................................................................................................... 175 5.3 START WSRR AND CREATE A BUSINESS SPACE .................................................................................... 177 5.4 IMPLEMENT SERVICE VERSIONING WITH WMB AND WSRR ..................................................................... 181 5.5 LAB REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 195 5.6 OPTIONAL EXPLORATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 196





APPENDIX A. NOTICES ................................................................................................................... 198 APPENDIX B. TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS ............................................................................. 200

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Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

IBM Software

Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

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Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

Lab 1 Publishing, Finding, and Governing Services using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
1.1 Introduction to WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) is an industrial-strength platform that helps you get the most business value from your services by enabling better management and governance. It provides robust registry and repository capabilities and can be tightly integrated with the IBM SOA Foundation. WSRR allows the governance architect or administrator to customize entities (system and business models) as well as the properties, life cycles, relationships and classifications that constitute a service environment. In addition, WSRR provides role-based access control and unique role-based user perspectives for users performing governance tasks. This collection of configuration artifacts and models constitutes the services governance environment and is represented within WSRR as a configuration profile. WSRR includes a configuration profile out of the box called the Governance Enablement Profile (GEP). The Governance Enablement Profile or GEP provides a cohesive set of models and assets including a complete governance process for working with services from initial business need through to deployment. For more detailed information on the GEP, refer to the product information center link: and the Service Lifecycle Governance with IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository redbook, SG24-7793:


Lab Scenario

Our fictional customer, The Supply Company has standardized on WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) as the services registry for their SOA. Implementing WSRR as the registry component of their SOA Governance infrastructure will meet their requirement for having a platform that will support the governing evolution of a service. WSRR will be The Supply Companys master metadata repository for service interaction endpoint descriptions. By implementing WSRR The Supply Company will be able to establish a central component for finding and managing service metadata. Using WSRR, The Supply Company will realize the following benefits: Controlled visibility of services and related service metadata by user role Publish, find, and govern all types of services including RESTFul services Management of multiple service versions

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Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

IBM Software

Automatic notification of changes to services Customized service governance model to meet The Supply Companys organizational needs Impact analysis to determine consumers for a service version Charts and reports to measure the effectiveness of your SOA Runtime support for Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) integration patterns, including Dynamic endpoint selection Contract/ Service Level Agreement (SLA) enforcement

The Supply Company needs to implement a governance solution that matches its unique organizational governance requirements. The Supply Company has chosen to utilize the GEP as a starting point for their service governance environment so that they can take advantage of the SOA governance model that is provided by IBM. Section Steps: The objectives of this section are to: Learn how to configure the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Web 2.0 user interface for different SOA user roles Learn how to use the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Web 2.0 user interface to effectively find, publish, and govern your services. Leverage charts in the Web 2.0 user interface to determine the effectiveness of your SOA Leverage the Web 2.0 user interface to determine all consumers of a service Learn how to govern and manage RESTFul services using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

The steps you will perform in this section are: Create business spaces for user roles Create and govern an account creation business service Create and govern an account creation service version Review charts in the Service Registry Development space Design and elaborate the account creation service version View consumers and providers in the Service Consumption Visualizer Create a REST service

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Register a REST service endpoint in the Service Registry Operations space


Lab Setup

In this section, you will set up your environment, which is starting the server. Below are the environment specific settings for the VMWare environment used by this lab. Password information User: Administrator VMWare Password: passw0rd User: wasadmin WAS admin Password: passw0rd User: db2admin DB2 admin Password: passw0rd Names and locations of server processes, workspaces, etc. Base-Win2k8x64:9443 server1 (Application Server)

WSRR Studio workspace name URLs


Business Space

WSRR Console

WAS Admin Console

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Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

IBM Software

Ensure the environment is started for this lab by performing the steps below. __1. Ensure DB2 is started __a. On the right hand-side of the taskbar, click the arrows as show below and click on the DB2 database icon as shown.


If Start (DB2) is grayed out on the popup menu, then DB2 IS started. If not, select Start (DB2) and wait a few minutes for the DB2 instance to start.


Start WebSphere Service Registry and Repository __a. Click the shortcut Start the Server to start WebSphere Service Registry and Repository that is hosted in WebSphere Application Server.


This will bring up a window. The window will display startup information.

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Wait until the window indicates the server has started.


The window will close automatically after startup has completed.


Create Business Spaces for User Roles

In this section, you will create business spaces for the Business, Developer, SOA Governance, and Operations roles and a space for Policy Analytics. A space contains a set of pages with widgets on each page to retrieve and update content. WebSphere Service Registry and Repository ships with five preconfigured templates: Service Registry for Business, Service Registry for Development, Service Registry for Operations, Service Registry for SOA Governance, and Service Registry Policy Analytics. Each of these templates contains a pre-configured set of pages and widgets to interact with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.


Create a Service Registry for Business Space In this section, you will create a business space based off of the Service Registry for Business template. __a. Launch the Firefox browser and click on the Business Space bookmark.


Authenticate to WSRR as needed. Enter a username of wasadmin and password of passw0rd. Click the Login button.

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Click the Manage Spaces link.


Click the Create Space button.


On the Create Space popup, enter Service Registry Business for the space name, click the Create a new space using a template radio button, and select the Service Registry for Business option from the template drop down list. Select the Business Design space style and space icon as shown below. Click the Save button.

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Each space can have its own unique look and feel using space styles.


Repeat steps d-e above to create four additional spaces named in the table below and based off the corresponding space template. For each space you create, you may use whatever space style and space icon you prefer. Template Name Service Registry for Development Service Registry for Operations Service Registry for SOA Governance Service Registry Policy Analytics

Space Name Service Registry Development Service Registry Operations Service Registry SOA Governance Service Registry Policy Analytics __g.

When complete, you should have the following list of spaces. Note: the space icon to the left of each space name may differ depending on your personal preference for what you selected for space style and icon. Click the Done button.

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Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

IBM Software

Session Inactivity If you receive a prompt to re-authenticate while working in the Web browser, this means you have perhaps been inactive on a panel for perhaps an extended amount of time and have exceeded a session inactivity setting. You will need to enter the login credentials of wasadmin for user ID and passw0rd for the password in order to re-authenticate and proceed.


Create and Govern an Account Creation Business Service

In this section, you create a business service for the Account creation service and approve the business service. A business service represents a business capability that is viewed as a service within the organization. A business capability in the governance enablement profile expresses a generalized capability within the SOA organization. Each business capability plays a particular role in the business processes of the organization and is therefore the starting point for traceability, from business to IT, in an SOA environment. We will use the Service Registry Business space to initially create the business service.

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Note, for each user role we are using the same user id for simplicity wasadmin.


Create an Account Creation Business Service __a. Click the Go to Spaces link.


Click the Service Registry Business link.


Ensure you are on the Overview page. The first page of a space is the default when navigating to a new space. Each space consists of a set of pages and widgets within each page. The widgets are containers within each page that interact with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository to retrieve and update service data. Widgets may be wired to each other to use output from one widget as input for another widget. In the Service Registry Business space, there are five pages named Overview, Browse, Graph, Consumers and Providers, and Charts and Reports. On the left of the Overview page are a Collection View widget named Approved Business Capabilities and a widget named Watch List Service Registry Collection. On the right from top to bottom is a Search widget, Service Registry actions widget, a Graph widget, and a Web site widget for reference documentation.

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On the Service Registry Actions widget, click the Create a Business Service link.


On the Create a Business Service panel, enter a name of Account creation service and a description as shown below. Click the Add Other Document link to add a charter or a document that describes the business justification for this service.

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Click the Load button to browse for and load a new charter document.


Click the Browse button to browse the file system for the charter document. The Load Documents wizard allows you to load any type of document into WebSphere Service Registry and Repository including binary documents and multi-part WSDL and XSD files. You will see later in this lab, how to load a multi-part WSDL file.

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On the file upload panel, browse to C:\Labfiles\GEP_Tutorials and select the AccountCreationServiceCharter.doc document and click the Open button.

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Click the Next button on the Load Documents panel.


Click the Finish button on the Load Documents panel.

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Finally, click the Finish button on the Create a Business Service panel.

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Propose the Account Creation Business Service for Charter Review __a. Once the Account creation service has been created you are automatically positioned to the Browse page. The service is displayed in the Collection widget and details about the service are displayed in the Details widget on the right hand side.


Propose the Account creation service for Charter Review by selecting Propose Charter from the drop down list within the Details widget.

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Click the OK button to dismiss the Operation Successful popup.


The Account creation service is now in the Charter Review state. You can hover over the information icon to get a description of the Charter Review state.

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Review and Approve the Account Creation Business Service Charter The SOA governance team is responsible for ensuring that governance processes are enforced. Before the business service can be transitioned to the next stage in the life cycle, the team must ensure that the proposed capability does not duplicate other services in the registry, and that an owning organization is assigned that will be responsible for all versions of this capability, and for managing requirements for this service. We are assuming you are in a SOA Governance user role here despite using the same user id. __a. Select Go to Spaces tab from the top left of the Business Space navigation bar and click the Service Registry SOA Governance link.


The Watch list should have the Account creation service in its list. If the service does not appear, click the arrow as shown and select Refresh from the menu popup. Hover over the Account creation service link.

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By hovering over the Account creation service, you can get basic information about the item in the list. Click on the View Details link.


From the Details widget, attempt to approve the charter by selecting Approve Charter from the menu drop down list.

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A user error message is displayed indicating that an owning organization has not been assigned to this business service. Click the OK button to dismiss the popup.


Click the Edit icon on the Details widget.

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Click the Add Organization link on the Details widget.


Enter a C into name and select Commercial from the drop down list.

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Click the Finish button.

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Under Action, select Approve Charter.

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This time you are able to pass the governance policy check since you have assigned an owning organization. Click OK to dismiss the popup.


Create and Govern an Account Creation Service Version

In this section, you create a service version for the Account creation service and load related technical documents for the service version. After the business capability has been defined, reviewed, and approved, as described in the previous section, it is now the responsibility primarily of the development organization to create an implementation of the service. We will use the Service Registry Development space to initially create the service version.

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Note, for each user role we are using the same user id for simplicity wasadmin.


Create an Account Creation Service Version __a. Click the Go to Spaces link.


Click the Service Registry Development link.


The Watch list should have the Account creation service in its list. If the service does not appear, click the arrow as shown and select Refresh from the menu popup. Click the Account creation service link.

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Click the Edit icon on the Details widget.


Click the Add Capability Version link.

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Enter Account creation service for the name and select Service Version. Click the Create button. Note, we probably could have been more consistent and named the business service Account creation without the service behind it while naming the actual service version Account creation service.

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Enter a description for the service version as shown below and a version number of 1.0. Use the date selector next to Version Availability Date to select a date into the future.

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Click Add Organization.


Enter a C into the name and select Commercial. Click the Finish button

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Click the Finish button on the business service panel.

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The Service Registry Navigator widget shows a quick one-up/one-down view of the relationships with the entry we are viewing in the details widget, in this case, the Account creation service business service.

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Propose and Approve the Scope for the Account Creation Service Version Now that the scope of the service version is defined, it must be put out for review. This is so that all potential consumers of the service can verify that their requirements are within the scope that is being proposed by the development team. In the Scope Review state, the SOA governance team reviews the service version requirements and carry out the following checks: That this service version is warranted across the organization. That the requirements and stakeholders have been agreed. That the owning organization, responsible for delivering the requirements, has been identified, and assigned to the service version.

When the service version scope review is complete, the scope is approved. We are not going to go thru the complete service version governance lifecycle. __a. Click the Account creation service service version in the navigator widget.


From the Actions menu on the Details widget, select Propose Scope. Click the OK button on the Operation Successful popup.

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From the Actions menu on the Details widget, select Approve Scope. Click the OK button on the Operation Successful popup.

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Review Charts in the Service Registry Development Space

Now that the Account creation service version has been placed in the Scoped state, lets review some of the existing charts in the Service Registry - Development space. __1. Review the Charts in the Development Space __a. Select the Overview tab.


Click the Pie chart icon on the Versions by Governance state chart to view the graph as a pie chart.

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Notice we have a service version in the Scoped state which is the Account creation service that we created earlier and service versions in the Operational state, one of which is an existing Account eligibility service that will be consumed by the Account creation service. The Services by Owning Organization chart shows we have one service that belongs to Commercial, which represents the Account creation service, and one service that belongs to Common Services, which represents the Account eligibility service.


Edit Chart Settings in the Development Space


Click the Edit Page link near the top right of the space page.


On the Versions by Governance State chart, select the down arrow, and select Edit Settings from the popup menu.

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The chart displayed by the widget, can be selected from a drop down list. For now, we will not change anything. Click the Close box.


Click the Finish Editing link.


View Interaction between Chart and Collection Widget __a. Click inside the Scoped section of the Versions by Governance State pie chart.

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Right above the chart, the Collection widget displays a list of all service versions in the Scope governance state. The charts are wired to the Collection widget to show the data behind a section in the chart.


Design and Elaborate the Account Creation Service Version

When the assets that represent the interface and schema for this version of the service have been defined, the development team must design the service implementation, taking into account the binding protocols and endpoints that will be exposed. To do this, a service implementation, that is compliant with a WSDL defining the service and binding elements, must be developed and tested. At this stage of

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development, any endpoint values will be temporary, so although endpoint values must be present, the values would not be expected to be used in a real situation. This definition allows the development process to continue by providing more detailed information as to the specific service implementation. In this case, the service endpoint is defined as a SOAP web service. A dummy endpoint document, that specifies the port name and namespace details, is created and loaded. __1. Load the WSDL Documents for the Account Creation Service Version __a. Select the Overview tab.


Click the Load Documents link on the Service Registry Actions widget.


Click the Browse button on the Load Documents panel.

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On the File Upload dialog, navigate to C:\Labfiles\GEP_Tutorials and select the AccountCreationDevelopmentEndpoint.wsdl file. Click the Open button.

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On the Load Documents panel, enter a description as shown and enter 1.0 for Document version. Click the Next button.


Since this is a multi-part WSDL, the next panel is prompting for any WSDL or XSD files that are imported. Click the Add link next to AccountCreationInterface.wsdl.

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Use the browse button to navigate to the same directory as before and select the AccountCreationInterface.wsdl file. Enter 1.0 for Document version. Click the OK button.

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Repeat steps f-g to select and load the AccountCreationSchema.xsd file.

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Now that all the dependant artifacts have been accounted for, the Finish button is now enabled. Click the Finish button.


Click the Close button on the Summary panel.

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Link the Specifications for the Account Creation Service Version __a. Click the Account creation service (1.0) link in the Collection widget.


Click the Edit icon in the Details widget.

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Click the Add Service link under Provided Web Services.

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Enter an A into name and select AccountCreationService-Development. This service name was provided in the WSDL files that you loaded previously.


Establish a Service Level Agreement with the Eligibility Service

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Since the Account creation service version is going to consume the Eligibility service, we need to establish a service level agreement. We will establish a service level agreement to the appropriate service level definition (SLD) for the Eligibility service version. The SLD specifies non-functional requirements for interacting with the provided service version. The diagram below illustrates how the service level agreement from the consumer (on the right) references a service level definition from the provider (on the left). Capability Version in the diagram represents a service version from either the consumer or providers perspective in our scenario. In our scenario, the service consumer is the Account creation service version and the service provider is the Eligibility service version.


Click the Add Service Level Agreement link. Make sure you are in the details for the Account creation service version.

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Enter the name, SLA Account Creation Consumption of Eligibility Service, select Extended Service Level Agreement from the drop down list, and click the Create button. Be sure to select Extended Service Level Agreement and not Service Level Agreement.


Provide values for the Description, Subscription Availability Date and message requirements fields below. Any values are acceptable for this exercise.

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Click the Add Service Level Definition link under Agreed Endpoints.

Note, from your SLA you are creating for your Account creation service version, you are adding a reference to the service level definition for the service version you want to consume; in this case, a reference to a SLD for the Account eligibility service version.


Enter a S and select SLD Account eligibility. This represents the service level definition for the service version we are going to consume Account eligibility. This service level definition was already created for you.

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Click the Finish button on the Extended Service Level Agreement panel.


Click the Finish button on the Account creation service version panel.

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View Consumers and Providers in the Service Consumption Visualizer

Now that the service level agreement has been established between the Account creation service and Eligibility service, you will use a Service Consumption Visualizer widget to view the relationship. The widget is very useful for determining who are the consumers of a service. Also, from the providers standpoint, the widget quickly answers the question, What services do I consume. __1. View Consumers and Providers __a. Select View Consumers and Providers from the Action drop down list on the Details widget.

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Since you ran the Service Consumption Visualizer while in the Account creation service version details, Account eligibility is displayed as a provider for the Account creation service.

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Hovering over the line between the consumer and the provider shows a popup with the service level agreement information.

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1.10 Register an Existing REST Service

The development organization within Common Services had an existing REST implementation for the Eligibility service. In this section, you will register the REST service and the corresponding REST interface. The use of REST for interactions between consumers and providers has become more commonly used. There are many competing specifications available for representing REST in the marketplace. The REST model is not a representation of any single specification; instead it represents the concepts relevant to governance. WSRR provides guidance about how to govern REST systems and is flexible enough that you can do what you need to do with that representation. REST is represented in the following ways: The description of the interface - The description can be modeled in detail using the format of one of the REST specifications, or it can be a simple text description contained in a governed document. The WSRR REST model implements a REST service interface. Representation of the endpoint - A REST service, like any other service, has an endpoint with a network address. This is modeled in the same way as all other endpoints in WSRR so that its state, whether online or offline, can be governed. The REST service can be queried by a runtime system; for example an ESB. The WSRR REST model represents this using a REST service endpoint. Realization of a Capability Version - In the same way that a Capability Version can be realized as a Web Service or an SCA Module, it can also be realized by a REST service. This enables a REST service to play a part in the complete governance story. Create Action List Items for REST Services __a. Click the Overview tab on the Service Registry Development space.



Click the Edit Page link on the upper right of the space.


On the Service Registry Actions widget, click the down arrow as shown below and select Edit Settings from the popup menu.

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On the Service Registry Actions Edit Settings popup, click the Create a New Action link.


On the Create a New Action panel, enter Create REST Service for the Action Label and Description. Select Create a Business Object and REST Service from the dropdowns. Click the OK button.

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Repeat steps d-e entering Create REST Service Interface for the Action Label and Description. Select Create a Business Object and REST Service Interface from the dropdowns.


On the Service Registry Actions Edit Settings popup, click the Save and Close button.

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Click the Finish Editing link near the top right.


Create a REST Service Interface for the Eligibility Service __a. Click the Create REST Service Interface link on the Service Registry Actions widget.

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Enter the values as shown below. Click the Add Other Document link.


Enter E for name and select the EligibilityInterface.xml file from the drop down list.


Click the Finish button.

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Create a REST Service for the Eligibility Service __a. Click the Overview tab on the Service Registry Development space.


Click the Create REST Service link on the Service Registry Actions widget.

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Enter the values as shown below. Click the Add REST Service Interface link.

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Enter an E into name and select EligibilityRESTInterface from the drop down list.


Click the Finish button.


The EligibilityRESTService REST Service is successfully created.

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Realize the Eligibility Service Version - Add a Provided REST Service __a. From the Search widget, select Service Version from the drop down list and click the Search button.


Click the Eligibility Service (1.0) link on the Collection widget. If needed, use the pagination buttons located at the bottom of the widget to scroll thru addition data.

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Click the Edit icon on the Detail widget.

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Click the Add Rest Service link under Provided REST Services.


Enter an E into name and select EligibilityRESTService from the drop down list.


Click the Finish button.

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We now have both a Web service and REST service realization for the Eligibility Service Version. The REST realization is now part of the governed collection.

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1.11 Register the Eligibility REST Service Endpoint

The I/T operations organization within Common Services will register the REST service endpoint for the Eligibility service. In this section, you will register the REST service endpoint using the Service Registry Operations space. __1. Create the Action List Item for Create REST Service Endpoint __a. Click the Go To Spaces link and click the Service Registry Operations link on the Go To Spaces Panel.

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Click the Edit Page link on the upper right of the space.


On the Service Registry Actions widget, click the down arrow as shown below and select Edit Settings from the popup menu.

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On the Service Registry Actions Edit Settings popup, click the Create a New Action link.


On the Create a New Action panel, enter Create REST Service Endpoint for the Action Label and Description. Select Create a Business Object and REST Service Endpoint from the dropdowns. Click the OK button.

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On the Service Registry Actions Edit Settings popup, click the Save and Close button.

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Click the Finish Editing link.


Register the Eligibility REST Service Endpoint __a. Click the Create REST Service Endpoint link on the Actions widget.


Enter the values as shown below. Click the Add link next to Environment.

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Check Production in the Environment panel. Click the Close button.

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Click the Finish button.


View the Charts in the Service Registry - Operations Space __a. Click the Overview tab on the Service Registry Operations space.


Scroll down and locate the charts on the right hand side. The Endpoint by Environment chart is updated to reflect the new REST production endpoint that we just added.

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Click the Log out link on the upper right hand corner of the Business Space to log out. You have completed this section using the new WSRR Business Space widgets features.

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1.12 Lab Review

During this lab, you: Configured the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Web 2.0 user interface for different SOA user roles Used the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Web 2.0 user interface to effectively find, publish, and govern your services. Leveraged charts in the Web 2.0 user interface to determine the effectiveness of your SOA Leveraged the Web 2.0 user interface to determine all consumers of a service Published, governed and managed RESTFul services using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

You have successfully completed Lab1 Publishing, Finding, and Governing Services using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

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Lab 2 Customizing WebSphere Service Registry and Repository using Studio

2.1 Introduction to WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Studio

WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) Studio is standalone eclipse-based tool provided with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. You can use the WSRR Studio application to configure WSRR Configuration Profiles and produce WSRR Reports. With WSRR Studio, you have the ability to visually model your business models, classification systems, and lifecycles using UML and to generate the related WSRR configuration items from the UML models. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose visual modeling language for systems. UML models the world as systems of interacting objects. Diagrams are windows or views into the model. There are nine different types of UML diagrams. In this lab you will work with two of the diagrams: namely the Class diagram and the StateMachine diagram. UML is extensible with the use of Stereotypes. Stereotypes allow you to introduce new modeling elements based on existing elements. Stereotypes are a way of extending the core semantics of the modeling language to express new things. Stereotypes are used in WSRR Studio for the WSRR Business Models. Classification Systems, and Lifecycle. These Stereotypes were added to facilitate modeling WSRR entities. When editing an object in a UML diagram, the Stereotype name is prefixed in front of the object name with the << >>. When going thru the lab, you will see the Stereotypes designation applied to the specific type of model you are editing such as <<ClassificationSystemClass>>, <<LifecycleState>>, and <<BusinessModelClass>>.


Lab Scenario

The Supply Company needs to implement a governance solution that matches its unique organizational governance requirements. Fortunately, WSRR allows users to customize entities (system and business models) as well as the properties, life cycles, relationships, classifications, and service lifecycle governance policies that constitute a service environment. In this section, you will learn how to use the new policy editor in WSRR Studio.

Section Steps: The objectives of this section are to: Learn how to create custom service lifecycle governance policies using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Studio Learn how to use synchronize customization changes in the Studio Eclipse workspace with the active configuration for the target WebSphere Service Registry and Repository server Experience the implementation of the custom service lifecycle governance policies using the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Web 2.0 user interface

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The steps you will perform in this section are: Use the WSRR Studio graphical UML modeling view a classification system. Use the WSRR Studio graphical UML modeling to view a lifecycle Use the WSRR Studio graphical UML modeling to view a business model. Use the WSRR Studio policy editor to create a governance policy on a lifecycle transition Generate the WSRR configuration profile artifacts Synchronize the generated WSRR configuration profile artifacts with the running WSRR instance active profile View and interact with the new application business model, lifecycle, classification and governance policies in the WSRR Business Space user interface


Open an Existing Configuration Profile Project

In this step you will open an existing WSRR configuration project in WSRR Studio.


Launch WSRR Studio __a. To start WSRR Studio, double click on the WSRR Studio icon on the desktop.


If prompted with a workspace prompt, type or select C:\IBM\WSRRStudio\workspace and click the OK button.

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The WSRR configuration project is opened. Expand My Governance Enablement Profile. You will see the folders for Diagrams, Models, Reports, and Configuration Profile Files.


Use the WSRR Studio Graphical UML Modeling to View a Classification System

In this step, you will review the classification system that was already created for you using WSRR Studio graphical UML modeling. __1. Review the Application Classification System __a. Within the WSRR Configuration Project explorer, Expand Diagrams and Class Diagrams underneath ApplicationCS as shown below, and double click on ApplicationCS Classification System Diagram.

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The UML Class Editor Diagram brings up the Application Classification System hierarchy as shown below. This is an extremely simplistic classification that subdivides Application into either Mainframe or Web applications. Mainframe is further subdivided into IMS or CICS while Web is subdivided into JSF and Portal. Multiple classification hierarchies are common since it is common to classify services and related service metadata into both business and technical categories.


Close the Classification System class diagram by clicking on the X on the ClassDiagram tab.


Use the WSRR Studio Graphical UML Modeling to View a Lifecycle

In this step you will review the application lifecycle that has already been created for you using WSRR Studio Graphical UML Modeling.

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Review the Application Lifecycle __a. Within the WSRR Configuration Project explorer, expand Diagrams>LifecycleDefinition->StateMachineDiagrams as shown below, and double click on ApplicationLifecycle.


The UML State Machine diagram editor brings up the ApplicationLifecycle Life Cycle diagram as shown below. Note, you may need to drag lifecycle states around in the diagram to make the complete diagram visible. This diagram represents the lifecycle of a typical application waterfall development methodology with an analysis phase, a design phase, a development phase, an acceptance testing phase, a pilot phase, and full production rollout. A rectangular box represents each application lifecycle with transitions in between the states. The lifecycle has a beginning state of Project Identified and an ending state of Retired.

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Close the Statemachine diagram by clicking on the X on the Statemachine diagram tab.


Use the WSRR Studio Graphical UML Modeling to View a Business Model

In this step you will review the application and business unit models that has already been created for you using WSRR Studio Graphical UML Modeling.


Review the Application Business Model __a. Within the WSRR Configuration Project explorer, expand Diagrams-<<Business Model Package>> ApplicationBusinessModel->Class Diagrams and double click on ApplicationBusinessModel Business Model Diagram.

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The UML Class diagram editor brings up the ApplicationBusinessModel Business Model diagram as shown below. This Business Model is used to represent applications within an enterprise and the owning business unit for a given application. This example chose to create new entities within WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. We could have chosen to extend the Application Business Capability, but for simplicity, chose to model a new entity called Application. Note, that whenever the Application entity is created in WSRR, it will automatically be placed in the initial state of the ApplicationLifecycle. To depict this, the Application class on the diagram is annotated with a symbol in the bottom center of the class to note that a lifecycle has been assigned to this call.

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Close the Business Model class diagram by clicking on the X on the class diagram tab.


Create Governance Policies on a Lifecycle Transition

In this step you will use the new policy editor in WSRR Studio, to ensure an Application has a relationship to a BusinessUnit, and the Application is classified before the Application can be moved to the Approved lifecycle state when the ApproveProject transition is attempted. __1. Create a New Application Lifecycle Policy File More complex governance policies that include several assertions can be created using the Governance Policy Editor. In this section you will add a policy with multiple assertions to ensure an Application classification is assigned to the Application and that a BusinessUnit relationship exists. Simple assertions that guard whether an object can be transitioned can be created directly from lifecycle diagrams. __a. Select the My Governance Enablement Profile project and from the Tools menu, select Governance Policy Editor.

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Click the New button on the Choose Governance Policy File to Open panel.


Enter the ApplicationLifecyclePolicies on the New Policy Panel panel and click the OK button.

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The Governance Policy Editor opens with no defined policies. You will do that next. The Governance Policy Editor has four different sections: Policies Shows all the policies and global assertions in this policy file, and lets you add and delete new policies and new global assertions. Global assertions can be used in more than one policy. Policy Properties Specifies the name of the currently selected policy. Applies to Lets you decide under which conditions the policy will be applied. For example, the policies you will define later will apply to an Application when the ApproveProject transition is attempted. Pass If Defines the assertions that must pass if the operation specified in the Applies to section is to succeed.


Create a New Policy Now you are going to create a more complex set of assertions to check that an Application has been assigned an Application taxonomy and that a BusinessUnit relationship exists. You are going to create a policy within this policy file. A policy file can contain multiple policies. __a. Click the Add Policy icon in the Policies section.

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In the name field, rename the policy to ApplicationLifecyclePoliciesApproveApplicationProject


Define Under which Conditions this Policy will Apply __a. Click the Add button next to Transitions in the Applies to section.


Expand ApplicationLifecycle and select the ApproveProject transition. Click the OK button.

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The ApproveProject transition will now be checked. Click the Edit button next to Targets.

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Select Business Model Class and check Application under ApplicationBusinessModel. Click the Finish button.


You have now defined the transition and Business Object that the policy will apply to.

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Create a Reusable Global Assertion Now you are going to create a global assertion that could be reused for other lifecycle transitions in the Application Life Cycle. This assertion will ensure the Application classification is assigned. __a. Click the Add Global Assertion icon in the Policies section.


Select Classification Assertion in the assertions menu.

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In the properties view change the name to ApplicationLifecyclePolicies.MustHaveApplicationTaxonomy. Select Any for Type so the assertion will pass if Application has any of the classifications.


Click the Select button next to Value to choose the classifications.

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Select the Mainframe, CICS, IMS, Web, JSF, and Portal classifications as shown below. Click the OK button.


The classifications are assigned to the assertion.

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Enter the text The object must be classified as Mainframe, CICS, IMS, Web, JSF, or Portal before allowing a transition into Failure Message and click the Save button.


Specify the Assertions that will Checked to Determine Policy Success or Failure Now you are going to specify the assertions to be checked by the policy you created earlier in order to determine success or failure. __a. Return back to the ApplicationLifecyclePolicies.ApproveApplicationProject policy by selecting the policy in the Policies section.

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Scroll down to the Pass If section for the policy, right click on the root element of the tree and Right click on The policy will pass if the following conditions are satisfied and select the AllOfAssertion assertion. This assertion is the parent assertion in which all child assertions must pass for the policy to pass.


In the General section for the Properties tab, change the name of the assertion to ApplicationLifecyclePoliciesApproveApplicationProject.ApproveApplicationAllOfAssertion and enter the text All policies must pass into Failure Message.

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Right click on the All of the following are true element of the tree and select Reference another Assertion.


On the Choose a Reference Assertion panel, and select the ApplicationLifecyclePolicies.MustHaveApplicationTaxonomy assertion and click the OK button.


Now you will add a new assertion to ensure a relationship exists. Right click on the All of the following are true element of the tree and select Type Assertion.

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In the Properties view, click the Select button.


In Target Type panel, select Business Model Class and select Application. Click the Finish button. This assertion is simply validating that we are working with an Application object.

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Right click on the Type is Application element of the tree and select Relationship Assertion.

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In the Properties view, change the name to ApplicationLifecyclePoliciesApproveApplicatonProject.BusinesUnitRelationshipAssertion, select AppBusModel_owningBusinessUnit for the Relationship Name, select is within Range, and specify 1 for both Min and Max value.

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In the Properties view, enter the text A business unit must be identified as the owner of this application prior to allowing the project to be approved into the failure message.


Click the Save button.


The Policy is successfully saved. You have just created a policy that ensures an Application classification is assigned for the Application Business Model and a 1 to 1 relationship is created to a BusinessUnit Business Model prior to allowing an ApproveProject transition.

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Generate the WSRR Configuration Profile Artifacts

In this step you will generate the WSRR configuration profile artifacts from the UML diagrams you created for the classification system, lifecycle, business model, and governance policies. The traditional Web user interface artifacts including perspectives, collection view forms, and detail forms will also be generated for the new business model. The WSRR Business Space will reflect the other changes so new Business Models and Lifecycles will be reflected in the Business Space widgets.


Generate WSRR Configuration Profile Artifacts __a. Right click on My Governance Enablement Profile in the project tree and select WSRR>Generate All WSRR Artifacts.

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The WSRR Configuration Artifacts Generation progress meter appears as shown.


Click the OK button on the Configuration files generated successfully dialog.


Expand Configuration Profiles and then expand Business Model Systems, Classification Systems, and Governance Policies in the project tree. You will see the generated business model, ApplicationBusinessModel, and classification system, ApplicationCS, and ApplicationLifecyclePolicies in the project tree. Note, WSRR only has one physical Lifecycle artifact to represent the different lifecycles so the Application lifecycle has been added to the Lifecycle SACL file.

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Synchronize the Profile with WSRR

WSRR Studio provides a new synchronization feature that compares any changes made in WSRR Studio with the profile that is active in WSRR and lets you update those changes in WSRR, which is a much faster way to update the active profile as it means that a full export and activate are not required. This section assumes you already have a WSRR Location setup in Studio as is already pre-configured for the WSRR Studio workspace in the vmware image. __1. Run WSRR Synchronization Check __a. Right click on My Governance Enablement Profile in the project tree and select Synchronize Profile with WSRR.

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Click the Yes button on the Confirm Open Perspective popup.


On the Synchronize panel, ensure My Governance Enablement Profile is selected as the Configuration Project and WSRR Local is selected as the Target WSRR Server. Click the Finish button.

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A progress meter will appear while the synchronization check is running.


Commit the Generated/Modified Configuration Items to the WSRR Active Profile In the section, you will commit the generated and/or modified WSRR configuration items to the WSRR active profile. Note, you will not commit the Web user interface generated and/or modified configuration items since you will be showing the new business model, lifecycle, classification system, and governance policies in the Business Space. __a. Expand My Governance Enablement Profile and the configuration items below. Ensure the following two items are all selected, right click and select Commit to Server. Since we have previously modeled the application business model, lifecycle, and classifications, those changes have already been applied to the running WSRR instance and do not show up in the Synchronization differences window. Note, the items in the screenshot below at the time this lab was written might not exactly match what you see.

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MyGovernanceEnablementProfile.jar Modified to store resource bundles i.e. label text, message translations, etc. ApplicationLifecyclePolicies.xml Generated to represent the new Application lifecycle governance policies. The small + symbol in front of the policy file name denotes this is a new artifact that was not found in the running WSRR instance.


Click the Finish button on the Commit to Server panel.

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When publishing is complete, the Commit to Server panel will close.

2.10 Interact with the New Application Business Model in the Business Space
In this step you will interact with the new Application business model, Application classification system, Application lifecycle, and Application lifecycle policies in the WSRR Business Space user interface. __1. Create a Service Registry for Development Space if it does not exist In this section, you will create a space in Business Space based off an existing template called Service Registry for Development. __a. Launch the Firefox browser and click on the Business Space bookmark.

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Authenticate to WSRR as needed. Enter a username of wasadmin and password of passw0rd. Click the Login button.


Click the Manage Spaces link.


On the Space Manager popup, determine if a space named Service Registry Development already exists as shown below. If the space already exists, click on the Service Registry Development link as shown below and skip to step 2.


Click the Create Space button

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On the Create Space popup, enter Service Registry - Development for the space name, click the Create a new space using a template radio button, and select the Service Registry for Development from the template drop down list. Select the Solution picture as the Space style and select the Space icon as shown. Click the Save button. Each space can have its own look and feel using space styles.

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The Service Registry - Development space shows up in the space manager. Click on the Service Registry Development link as shown below.


Add Actions to the Service Registry Actions Widget to Create an Application and Business Unit __a. If not already on the Service Registry - Development space, click the Go to Spaces link and click the Service Registry - Development link on the Go to Space panel.

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On the Service Registry - Development space, ensure the Overview page is selected and click the Edit Page link near the top right.


On the Service Registry Actions widget, click the down arrow as shown below and select Edit Settings from the popup menu.


On the Service Registry Actions Edit Settings popup, click the Create a New Action link.

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On the Create a New Action panel, enter Create an Application for the Action Label and Description. Select Create a Business Object and Application from the dropdowns. Click the OK button.


Repeat steps d-e entering Create a Business Unit for the Action Label and Description. Select Create a Business Object and Business Unit from the dropdowns.


On the Service Registry Actions Edit Settings popup, click the Save and Close button.

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Click the Finish Editing link near the top right.


Create an Application and Attempt to Approve the Project for the Application __a. On the Service Registry Actions widget, click the Create an Application link.


Enter values for Name and Description as shown below. Select External for Application Visibility. Enter a 0 for Application Budget. Click the Date selector icon to the right of Availability Date to specify a date as shown below. Click OK on the Date popup when you have your target date. Click the Finish button. Note, fields with an * to the left of the label denote the fields are required.

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The Customer Self-Service Portal Application is created and the Service Registry Detail widget appears with the application details. Select ProposeProject in the Action drop down list.


Click the OK button on the Operation successful popup.

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The Customer Self-Service Portal application is now in the Proposed state.


Select ApproveProject in the Action drop down list.

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The Approve Project transition fails with the failure messages that you specified in previous steps. Note, the failure messages are much easier to understand in this release. Click the OK button to dismiss the error popup window.


Modify the Customer Self-Service Portal Application Metadata to Allow the Approval to Succeed

In this section, you will modify the Customer Self-Service Portal application to assign an application classification (taxonomy) and an owning business unit.
__a. On the Service Registry Details widget, click the Edit icon.

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Click the Browse Classifications link.


On the Browse Classifications popup window, expand Application->Web and select Portal. Click the Close button.

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On the Service Registry Details widget, under Owning Business Unit, click the Add

BusinessUnit link.

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Enter Customer Service for the name of the business unit and click the Create button.


Enter a description as shown below and a department of CS1000. Click the Finish button.

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Click the Finish button on the Service Registry Details widget for the Customer SelfService Portal application to save the changes to this application.


Select ApproveProject in the Action drop down list.

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This time the ApproveProject transition succeeds. Click the OK button to close the Operation successful popup window.


The Customer Self-Service Portal application is now in the Approved state.


Click the Log out link on the upper right hand corner of the Business Space to log out. You have completed this section using the WSRR Studio Governance Policy Editor.

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2.11 Lab Review

During this lab, you: Reviewed a custom classification system, service business model, and service lifecycle system in WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Studio Created custom service lifecycle governance policies using the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Studio Synchronized changes in the Studio workspace with the active configuration for the running WebSphere Service Registry and Repository server Used the Web 2.0 user interface to interact with the new service lifecycle governance policies and the previously published custom classification system, service business model, and service lifecycle system.

You have successfully completed Lab 2 Customizing WebSphere Service Registry and Repository using Studio

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Lab 3 Reporting on Services and Related Metadata using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Studio
3.1 Introduction to Reporting for WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

In this section, you will learn how to design reports using WSRR Studio. WSRR Studio provides a report designer perspective used in this section to design reports. The report designer leverages the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) open source framework. WSRR also provides a runtime component for rendering the reports.


Lab Scenario

At this point, we assume that The Supply Company is well engaged in its SOA journey. They have been using WSRR for a while now and the WSRR administrator has been asked to provide reports to the head of I/T who wants to have more visibility on the services developed so far. He wants to know how many services have been developed and also how many are in production. He wants to understand the cost of developing the services so he can better understand the investment in SOA done in the company. We assume that the head of I/T does not have access to WSRR and will be given a report in a pdf format. Section Steps: The objectives of this section are to: Learn how to setup data sources for WebSphere Service Registry and Repository reports. Learn how to design simple reports for WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Learn how to export reports in various formats Learn how to use visualize reports using the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Web 2.0 user interface

The steps you will perform in this section are: Design a simple report in WSRR Studio that reports on a single entity Business Service Deploy the report to the WSRR Server. Run the report from the WSRR Business Space. Export the report in various formats.

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Open an Existing Configuration Profile Project

In this step you will open an existing WSRR configuration project in WSRR Studio. __1. Reopen WSRR Studio if still open from completing lab 2. __a. Close WSRR Studio by choosing File->Exit from the menu.


To start WSRR Studio, double click on the WSRR Studio icon on the desktop.


If prompted with a workspace prompt, type or select C:\IBM\WSRRStudio\workspace and click the OK button.

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Open the WSRR Configuration perspective We initially create the report from the WSRR Configuration perspective, in the WSRR Configuration Project Explorer panel. __a. Select the Open Perspective icon near the upper right of WSRR Studio.


Select Other from the popup menu.


Select WSRR Configuration and click the OK button.


Create a Simple Report

The creation or design of the report is done in WSRR Studio. There are three steps to create a report: Creation of the data source Creation of the data set

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Testing in WSRR Create a Report __a. In the WSRR Configuration perspective, select My Governance Enablement Profile, and right click, then select New -> WSRR Report


Enter simple.rptdesign and click the Finish button.

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Review the blank report in the Report Design perspective. You can see the various panels, on the top left. We can see the Palette, Data Explorer and Resource Explorer tabs that we are going to use to create the report.

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Create the Data Source The data source defines a connection to a specific WebSphere Service Registry and Repository server that will be queried to produce the report data. __a. Click on the Data Explorer tab

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Right click on Data Sources and select New Data Source


Select XML Data Source and enter XML_BS_GQ (for XML Data Source Business Service Graph Query). Click the Next button. We have the choice between WebSphere Registry and Repository (WSRR) Data Source and XML Data Source. In this sample, we choose XML Data Source. The XML Data Source uses REST queries to retrieve content and service metadata from WSRR. WSRR provides a REST interface as well as Web Service and EJB interfaces to retrieve and publish content and service metadata.

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Specify the graph query by entering in the URL of the XML Source field as shown below. Replace hostname with base-win2k8x64, which is the host name of this VMWare image. You leave the URL of the schema field empty. Keep the encoding to Auto. Click the Finish button.[classifiedByAnyOf(.,' m/xmlns/prod/serviceregistry/profile/v6r3/GovernanceEnablementModel%23BusinessService')]

To save typing, use Notepad to open the Lab_Part_3_Datasources.txt file in C:\Labfiles and copy/paste the query string into URL of the XML source.

Hint: Notice the Browse button, next to the URL field. This gives you the opportunity to specify a static XML file, which is useful if you want to use test data. Note: It is important to put an actual hostname as specified in the URL field that matches the SSL Certificate of the server. Usually with WebSphere, this is the hostname of the machine. Hint: You can test that the connection is correct by clicking on the Test Connection button. If prompted to login, enter wasadmin/passw0rd for the userid and password.

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Create the Data Set The data set represents a mapping of the result XML to rows and columns that are available to the report. __a. In the Data Explorer tab, right click on Data Set and select New Data Set


Be sure that XML_BS_GQ is selected for XML Data source, XML Data Set is selected for Data Set Type, and enter BusinessServicesSet for the name and click the Next button.

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Select Use the XML file defined in the data source and click the Next button


Expand resources and select resource. Click the > symbol to select the XML element.


Select XML elements named resource at fixed absolute path, and click the OK button. If you used the REST query in the Web browser earlier, you should recognize the resources/resource elements

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Click the Next button.


In the Column Mapping summary panel, we have the opportunity to select the elements we want to retrieve. Expand resource and select @bsrURI. Click the > symbol.

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Click the OK button to select the defaults on the Column Mapping panel for bsrURI.

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Add an additional property. Click the Add button.

We will now add two properties, the name and the description of the service.


Enter or select the following values and then click the OK button. Column name: name Data Type: String XPath Expression: /properties/property/[@name=name]/@value

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Again if you look at the REST query in the Web browser, you will find elements such as: <resources> <resource bsrURI="3e5f493e-a268-48ee.91e5.7d72097de5c7" type="GenericObject" governanceRootBsrURI="3e5f493e-a26848ee.91e5.7d72097de5c7"> <properties> <property name="bsrURI" value="3e5f493e-a26848ee.91e5.7d72097de5c7"/> <property name="name" value="Account eligibility"/>. So what we enter in the Column mapping window, is just an XPath query to find one property in this XML structure. __k. Repeat steps i-j above for the description property Column name: description Data Type: String XPath Expression: /properties/property/[@name=description]/@value

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You can now check that you retrieve the results as expected, by clicking on Show Sample Data button.


You should see results similar to the one below. Click the Close button.

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Click the Finish button on the Column Mapping panel now that you have completed the column mapping.

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You can now specify additional details around the output columns. In our case, we do not change anything, since the column names will be used as-is in the report. Click the OK button


Create the Report We are now ready to create the report to render the results. __a. We will use a very quick way to create a tabular report. Drag and drop the BusinessServiceSet data set to the Layout pane as shown. Studio automatically created the table with the correct column names and values.


Save the result by clicking on the save icon or by typing Ctrl + S


Test the report by clicking the Preview tab.

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In this section, we do not go into detail about advanced formatting, so the report is very basic.


Publish the Report to WSRR

We are now ready to publish the report to the WSRR server. __1. Switch back to the WSRR Configuration perspective We publish the report from the WSRR Configuration perspective, in the WSRR Configuration Project Explorer panel. __a. Select the Open Perspective icon near the upper right of WSRR Studio.


Select Other from the popup menu.


Select WSRR Configuration and click the OK button.

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Publish the Report We will publish the report from the WSRR Configuration perspective, in the WSRR Configuration Project Explorer panel. __a. Right click on My Governance Enablement Profile and select Refresh

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Expand My Governance Enablement Profile > Configuration Profiles Files > Birt Report Design and then right click on simple and then select Publish!


Select WSRR Local and click the Finish button.

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View the Report from the Business Space

We are now ready to view the report in Business Space. WSRR improves the user experience for accessing reports. They are now directly available in a pre-configured page. (Charts and Reports). __1. Create a Service Registry for Development Space if it does not exist In this section, you will create a space in Business Space based off an existing template called Service Registry for Development if it does not already exist from completing Part 1 or Part 2 in this lab. __a. Launch the Firefox browser and click on the Business Space bookmark.


Authenticate to WSRR as needed. Enter a username of wasadmin and password of passw0rd. Click the Login button.


Click the Manage Spaces link.

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On the Space Manager popup, determine if a space named Service Registry Development already exists as shown below. If the space already exists, click on the Service Registry Development link as shown below and skip to step 2.


Click the Create Space button.

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On the Create Space popup, enter Service Registry - Development for the space name, click the Create a new space using a template radio button, and select the Service Registry for Development from the template drop down list. Select the Solution picture as the Space style and select the Space icon as shown. Click the Save button. Each space can have its own look and feel using space styles.


The Service Registry - Development space shows up in the space manager. Click on the Service Registry Development link as shown below.

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View the Report


Select the Charts and Reports page in the Service Registry Development space. The new report is now available with a name of simple.rptdesign. Click the simple.rptdesign link.

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The BIRT report viewer opens and the report will appear.

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Export the Report in Various Formats

In the BIRT Report viewer, you have the possibility to export the report in many different formats: PDF, PowerPoint, json, Word, Open Document Presentation, PostScript, Open Document Spreadsheet, Open Document Text, and Excel. __1. Export the report __a. Click on Export State icon


Select the format of export, for example Excel, and click the OK button.


You can now save or open the Excel spreadsheet

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References to get more information on reports.

There is a Redpaper called IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Reporting with Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools that contains many samples.

The redbook SG24-7793-00 Service Lifecycle Governance with IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository V6.3 contains a chapter on reporting.

The WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Infocenter


Lab Review

During this lab, you: Defined a data source for a report Designed a simple report Deployed the report to the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository server Viewed the report from the Web 2.0 user interface Learned how to export reports in a variety of formats

You have successfully completed Lab 3 Reporting on Services and Related Metadata using WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Studio

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Lab 4 Defining a WebSphere MQ Application to WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

4.1 Lab Scenario
WebSphere MQ applications can be considered as services within a service-oriented architecture (SOA): they are loosely coupled and interoperate irrespective of the platforms on which they run. Registering WebSphere MQ applications as services in WebSphere Service Registry and Repository brings benefits in the following areas.
! ! ! !

WebSphere MQ applications are catalogued as reusable assets. They become subject to SOA Governance You can perform impact analysis. Management and auditing.

WebSphere MQ applications can be described as services based on the WebSphere MQ Service Definition specification and the WebSphere MQ Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) specification. These can be downloaded from: The WebSphere MQ Service Definition specification defines the standard for describing WebSphere MQ applications as services using WSDL and the WebSphere MQ IRI specification defines the standard for addressing WebSphere MQ message destinations as URIs in a service definition. WebSphere MQ V7 provides a Service Definition Wizard in WebSphere MQ Explorer, which enables creation of WSDL for a WebSphere MQ application. This wizard allows easy creation of WebSphere MQ WSDL using WebSphere MQ Service Binding and generates the WSDL document based on WebSphere MQ Service Definition and WebSphere MQ IRI specifications. In this lab you will:

Use the WebSphere MQ Service Definition Wizard to define a WebSphere MQ application as a service and generate a WSDL document Load the document into WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Examine the WebSphere MQ entities created by WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Perform impact analysis on a WebSphere MQ Queue manager and explore the relationships between a WebSphere MQ service and the entities it depends on.

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Generate a WSDL using the WebSphere MQ Service Definition Wizard

Start WebSphere MQ Explorer __a. Click the shortcut WebSphere MQ Explorer on the desktop. The WebSphere MQ Explorer opens.


Create a new WebSphere MQ Service Definition __a. In the WebSphere MQ Explorer Navigator panel, right-click on the Service Definition Repositories folder and select Add Repository! from the context menu.


Enter WMQServices in the Add New Service Definition Repository dialog box and click on the Finish button.

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Right-click WMQServices and select New -> Service Definition

The New Service Definition window opens. __d. Enter a name of AccountCreationV1_0MQPort for the new service and select the Request-Response message exchange pattern as shown below.

A Message Exchange Pattern describes the message pattern required by the WebSphere MQ application for which the WSDL document is being generated. WebSphere MQ Service Definition provides support for Request-Response and OneWay message exchange patterns. __e. Click Next

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Click Next again to select a Binding Type of WebSphere MQ for the service. WebSphere MQ Service Binding provides support for native WebSphere MQ and WebSphere MQ SOAP binding. The Binding Type should be selected, depending on whether the application expects a WebSphere MQ message or a SOAP message.


Select Operation and enter createAccount for the operation name


Select Input destination and provide: input destination name: msg/queue/REQUEST.CREATEACCOUNT.QUEUE destination queue manager name: CORP.ACCOUNT.QM Leave Client connection properties set to No client connection properties.

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Select Input message schema and enter: Inbound datatype: CustomerBO Import schema file: AccountCreationSchema.xsd Import namespace: To define the schema for the request message payload.


Select Output destination and provide: output destination name: msg/queue/RESPONSE.CREATEACCOUNT.QUEUE destination queue manager name : CORP.ACCOUNT.QM Leave connection properties unchanged.

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Select Output message schema and enter: Outbound datatype: TrueOrFalseBO Import schema file: AccountCreationSchema.xsd Import namespace: To define the schema for the response message payload.


Click Finish to create the service definition. This process generates the AccountCreationV1_0_MQPort service definition.


Export the WebSphere MQ Service definition from WebSphere MQ Explorer. __a. Right-click AccountCreationV1_0_MQPort

and select Export

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__b. __c. __d. __e. __f.

Browse for C:\Labfiles\GEP_Tutorials. Click OK. Click OK again. This generates the AccountCreationV1_0_MQPort.wsdl document in C:\Labfiles\GEP_Tutorials\WMQServices. Close WebSphere MQ Explorer.

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Start WSRR and Create a Business Space

If you have already created business spaces for the different user roles from lab one then you can skip this section and proceed to section 4.4.


Start WebSphere Service Registry and Repository __a. Click the shortcut Start the Server to start WebSphere Service Registry and Repository that is hosted in WebSphere Application Server.


This will bring up a window. The window will display startup information. Wait until the window indicates the server has started.


The window will close automatically after startup has completed.

Create a Business Space for Development

A Business Space contains a set of pages with widgets on each page to retrieve and update content. WebSphere Service Registry and Repository ships with five preconfigured templates: Service Registry for Business, Service Registry for Development, Service Registry for Operations, Service Registry for SOA Governance, and Service Registry Policy Analytics. Each of these templates contains a preconfigured set of pages and widgets to interact with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. In this exercise, we simply want to look at the MQ artifacts in WSRR. A Business Space that is based on either the Development or the Operations templates meet our goal. For this exercise, we will create a Business Space that is based on the Development template.

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Create a Service Registry for Development Space.

In this section, you will create a business space based off of the Service Registry for Development template. __a. Launch the Firefox browser and click on the Business Space bookmark.


Authenticate to WSRR as needed. Enter a username of wasadmin and password of passw0rd. Click the Login button.


Click the Manage Spaces link.


Click the Create Space button.

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On the Create Space popup, enter Service Registry Development for the space name, click the Create a new space using a template radio button, and select the Service Registry for Development option from the template drop down list. Select the Solution Design space style and space icon as shown below. Click the Save button.


When complete, you should have the Service Registry Business listed. Note: The space icon to the left of the space name may differ depending on your personal preference for what you selected for space style and icon. Click the Done button.

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Load the MQ artifacts into WSRR

In this section, you will load and browse the contents of the WSDL file that was generated by Websphere MQ Explorer. Both of these activities can be preformed from the Development business space that was just created.


Load the WSDL file __a. Click the Go to Spaces link.


Click the Service Registry Development link.

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Ensure you are on the Overview page. The first page of a space is the default when navigating to a new space.

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Each space consists of a set of pages and widgets within each page. The widgets are containers within each page that interact with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository to retrieve and update service data. Widgets may be wired to each other to use output from one widget as input for another widget. In the Service Registry Business space, there are five pages named Overview, Browse, Graph, Consumers and Providers, and Charts and Reports. On the left of the Overview page are a Collection View Widget named Subscribable Capability Versions, a widget named Watch List Service Registry Collection, and another widget named Versions by Governance State . On the right from top to bottom are a Search widget, Service Registry Actions widget, a Services by Owning Organization widget, and a Reference widget that contains several links to WSRR documentation. Select the Load Documents link from the Service Registry Actions widget which can be found in the top right-hand of the screen.



Click the Browse button on the Load Documents panel.

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On the File Upload dialog, navigate to C:\Labfiles\GEP_Tutorials\WMQServices and select the AccountCreationV1_0MQPort.wsdl file. Click the Open button.

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On the Load Documents panel, enter a description as shown and enter 1.0 for Document version. Click the Next button.


Since this is a multi-part WSDL, the next panel is prompting for any WSDL or XSD files that are imported. Click the Add link next to AccountCreationSchema.xsd. (Note, AccountCreationSchema.xsd might have been already loaded from previous labs in which case you can just select instead of add.)

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Click the Browse button on the Load Documents panel.

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On the File Upload dialog, navigate to C:\Labfiles\GEP_Tutorials and select the AccountCreationSchema.xsd file. Click the Open button.

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Enter 1.0 in the Document version field. Click the OK button.


Now that all the dependant artifacts have been accounted for, the Finish button is now enabled. Click the Finish button.

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Click the Close button on the Summary panel.

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Browse the MQ Artifacts in WSRR

Locate the uploaded WSDL file __a. Select the Browse tab. It is located to the right hand side of the Overview tab. The Search widget is located right under the Browse tab.

__b. __c. __d.

Select the WSDL Documents entry from the All Listed Types drop down. Optionally, you can type in the first letter(s) and/or the full name of the file that youre looking for. WSRR returns a list of all the WSDL files that are already in its repository. Select AccountCreationV1_0MQPort.wsdl (1.0) from the WSDL Document Service Registry Collection widget.

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This action results in a dual graphical and detailed display of the components that make up the WSDL file. The Service Registry Navigator widget and the WSDL Document Service Registry Detail widget are interconnected. A click on an icon in the Navigator results in a change in the Registry Detail and vice versa. WSRR shows all three components that make up the WSDL file, namely the XSD, the WSDL Port Type, and the WSDL Service files are all shown. i. Schema file: AccountCreationSchema.xsd, ii. WSDL Port Type: AccountCreationV1_0MQPort_PortType, iii. WSDL Service: AccountCreationV1_0MQPort.

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In the Service Registry Navigator widget, click on the AccountCreationV1_0MQPort icon.


In the Service Registry Navigator widget, click on the arrow that is pointing to the right

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In the Service Registry Navigator widget, hover your mouse over either one of the two following queue icons: iv. REQUEST.CREATEACCOUNT.QUEUE v. RESPONSE.CREATEACCOUNT.QUEUE


Click on the CORP.ACCOUNT.QM from the pop up menu.

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Select the Graph tab. It is located next to the Browse tab in the upper left hand corner of the screen.


This opens the Service Registry Graphical Explorer as shown below. In the diagram, you can see the two queues and the Queue Manager that were defined in earlier on in the lab in Websphere MQ Explorer.


You can change the display layout from horizontal to vertical; as well do things such as: Zoom In, Zoom Out, pan, and Fit-To-Screen. These are available from an icon menu bar that is located in the upper right hand corner of the Graphical Explorer as shown below.


The following snapshot shows the diagram in a vertical display mode.

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You have completed the lab.


Lab Review
During this lab, you:

Used the WebSphere MQ Service Definition Wizard to define a WebSphere MQ application as a service and generate a WSDL document Loaded the document into WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Examined the WebSphere MQ entities created by WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Explored the relationships between a WebSphere MQ service and the entities it depends on.

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You have successfully completed Lab 4 - Defining a WebSphere MQ Application to WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.

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Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

IBM Software

Lab 5 Implementing Version Control with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository and WebSphere Message Broker
5.1 Introduction to integrating WebSphere Message Broker with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository
WebSphere Message Broker can be used as an enterprise service bus for connectivity of enterprise applications over a wide range of protocols and message formats. It can access WebSphere Service Registry and Repository at run time to retrieve service end points, policy documents and other data. Together, WebSphere Service Registry and Repository and WebSphere Message Broker can dynamically manage the SOA infrastructure. WebSphere Message Broker provides two built-in primitive nodes that can be used to dynamically retrieve service endpoints or other resources from WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. These are:
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EndpointLookup node RegistryLookup node The EndpointLookup node is used to retrieve a service endpoint for a WSDL service from WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. The node inserts the retrieved service endpoint in the local environment tree for use by subsequent SOAP or HTTPRequest nodes to call the Web service. The RegistryLookup node is used to retrieve any artifacts that are stored in WebSphere Service Registry and Repository, for example, WSDL, XML schema, XSLT, policy documents, and so on. This is a general purpose node that can be used to query and retrieve any document or meta data from WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. The node inserts the retrieved artifacts in the local environment tree for use in subsequent processing of the message flow. In this lab we will work with an EndpointLookup node.


Lab scenario
This Lab demonstrates how an EndpointLookup node can be used to dynamically route a service request to an available service endpoint that is governed in WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. JKHL has a Customer Update service running in their production environment that requires an upgrade. To protect applications from changes to the Customer Update service, JKHL utilizes an EndpointLookup node in a message flow to look up the online endpoint of the Customer Update service in WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. The version that is currently running in production is Version 1_0. Once Version 2_0 is deployed and available, the endpoint for Version 1_0 will be classified as offline in WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. All service consumer requests for the Customer Update service will be directed to the endpoint for Version 2_0, enabling Version 1_0 to be deprecated with no impact on service consumers and with no interruption to the service.

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Discovering the Value of WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

The following diagram shows the architecture for accessing WebSphere Service Registry and Repository from WebSphere Message Broker.

In the lab we do not use a Compute Node to perform Service Choice, but go direct to Service Invocation using the endpoint retrieved from WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. The invoked web services are provided by two message flows in WebSphere Message Broker. In this lab you will:
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Examine a Business Service with two Service Versions and related endpoints. Use a WebSphere Message Broker message flow to invoke the active version of the Make a new version active Take the original service off-line and observe that the new service version is selected.

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Start WSRR and Create a Business Space

If you have already created business spaces for the different user roles from lab one then you can skip this section and proceed to section 5.4. During this lab you will be one of the operations team. In this section, you will create a business space for the Operations role. A space contains a set of pages with widgets on each page to retrieve and update content. WebSphere Service Registry and Repository ships with five pre-configured templates: Service Registry for Business, Service Registry for Development, Service Registry for Operations, Service Registry for SOA Governance, and Service Registry Policy Analytics. Each of these templates contains a pre-configured set of pages and widgets to interact with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. __1. Start WebSphere Service Registry and Repository __a. Click the shortcut Start the Server to start WebSphere Service Registry and Repository that is hosted in WebSphere Application Server.


This will bring up a window. The window will display startup information. Wait until the window indicates the server has started.


The window will close automatically after startup has completed.


Create a Business Space for Operations In this section, you will create a business space based off of the Service Registry for Operations template. __a. Launch the Firefox browser and click on the Business Space bookmark.

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Authenticate to WSRR as needed. Enter a username of wasadmin and password of passw0rd. Click the Login button.


Click the Manage Spaces link.


Click the Create Space button.

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On the Create Space popup, enter Service Registry Operations for the space name, click the Create a new space using a template radio button, and select the Service Registry for Operations option from the template drop down list. Select the Business Design space style and space icon as shown below. Click the Save button. Each space can have its own unique look and feel using space styles.


Click the Done button.

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Implement Service Versioning with WMB and WSRR


Examine the service versions of the Customer Update service. __a. Click the Go To Spaces link and click the Service Registry Operations link on the Go To Spaces Panel.


Click the Browse tab.

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Select Business Service from the search widget drop down list and click the Search button to perform a search for Business Services to find Customer update service.


Click the Customer update service.

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Select the Graph tab.


This will produce a graphical representation of the Customer update service.

If necessary, you can resize the graph using the orientation tools above the graph.

Hover over the two Service Versions, and the Service Ports and SOAP Service Endpoints, and note that you have versions 1.0 and 2.0 of each. As you hover over the version 1.0, the details will appear, note that it is online and in production. Also note the Namespace and Port Name values. WebSphere Message Broker will use this information to retrieve the endpoint. As you hover over version 2.0, note that it has the same Namespace and Port Name as the version 1 endpoint and is also classified as Production, but it is Offline. __2. Start the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit and examine the pre-configured message flow. __a. From the desktop, double click the icon for the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit.

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Select the workspace C:\IBM\workspace and click OK.

When the toolkit opens, the WSRR_Connectivity.msgflow will be visible. (If it is not, find it in the navigator panel on the left hand side and double click to open it. __c. Click on the Endpoint Lookup One icon to select it.


Click the Properties tab, and examine the properties of

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Endpoint Lookup One.

It has been configured to query WebSphere Service Registry and Repository based on: PortType Name = DemoCustomer PortType Namespace = and a Classification:

Classification URI Note that a fully qualified OWL URI is used here. To discover the URI for Online in WebSphere Service Registry and Repository: 1. Log on with the Configuration perspective. 2. Select Active Profile -> Classification Systems 3. Click Governance Profile Lifecycle Classifications 4. Click Classes 5. Expand State 6. Expand Service Endpoint Lifecycle 7. Click Online The URI is in the Class ID field.

The Match policy is one so WebSphere Service Registry and Repository will return only one result.

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Start the Broker if it is not already started. In the Brokers panel, right click on MB8Broker and select Start.

Wait until MB8Broker is completely started before proceeding to the next step. A green up arrow will appear next to the broker name and execution group when completely started.


Run the message flow. __a. In the navigation window, double click select_online.mbtest.

A new panel appears.

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Note that Enqueue is already selected. __b. Click Send Message.

A message is sent to the WebSphere MQ Queue WSRR_IN. __c. Click Dequeue to select it.


Click Get Message to retrieve the response.

The retrieved message tells us that the version 1.0 Web service has been used.

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Possible Error Condition Instead of the expected message, you may get the error message: No more message available

This means that the queue you are retrieving from is empty, but it may not be for long! Repeat steps c and d above until a message is received. It is important not to ignore this message. Because we are using WebSphere MQ as the transport, you will always get a response to your request. If you send a new message before seeing the response to your original message, your requests and responses will get out of step. This can be very confusing.


Note, instead of the expected message, you may get the error message: No more messages available. This means that the queue may be empty due to timing so repeat steps c-d until a message is received.


Click the X in the select_online tab to close the Flow Test.

Do not save changes.

__g. __5.

We will leave the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit for now, but do not close it.

Transition the version 2.0 Endpoint to a state of Online. __a. __b. If not already logged in, login to Business Space as wasadmin, and switch to the Service Registry - Operations perspective and click the Browse tab. From the Service Registry Collection widget, select All Endpoints from the View drop down list.

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This will display both versions of the DemoCustomer endpoints we will be using.

A list of Offline and Online Endpoints are displayed. __d. Click the link

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The details of this Endpoint are displayed.


From the Action drop down click Approve for Use.

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The Endpoint is now Online, which means the Endpoint Lookup node in WebSphere Message Broker will now return this endpoint based on the classification query.

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We now have two online endpoints. Lets see which one WebSphere Message Broker retrieves. __a. __b. Return to the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit. In the navigation window, double click select_online.mbtest.

A new panel appears.

Note that Enqueue is already selected. __c. Click Send Message.

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A message is sent to the WebSphere MQ Queue WSRR_IN. __d. Click Dequeue to select it.


Click Get Message to retrieve the response.

Note which version of the Web service has been used. __f. __g. Close the Flow Test without saving it. Repeat from step _b. a number of times. You may get version 1.0 or version 2.0, but you cannot assume this.

If you need more certainty during transition, you could retrieve all matching endpoints and use a compute note to choose, say, the one with highest version number.

__h. __7.

We will leave the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit for now, but do not close it.

Take the version 1.0 endpoint offline __a. __b. If not already logged in, login to Business Space as wasadmin, and switch to the Service Registry - Operations perspective and click the Browse tab. From the Service Registry Collection widget, select All Endpoints from the View drop down list The list of online endpoints is displayed.

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Click the link. Details of the version 1.0 endpoint are displayed.


From the Action drop down list, select Revoke from Use.

The endpoint is now Offline.

__e. __8.

Logout from Business Space

We now have a single online endpoint. Lets see which one WebSphere Message Broker retrieves. __a. __b. Return to the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit. In the navigation window, double click select_online.mbtest.

A new panel appears.

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Note that Enqueue is already selected. __c. Click Send Message.

A message is sent to the WebSphere MQ Queue WSRR_IN. __d. Click Dequeue to select it.


Click Get Message to retrieve the response.

Note which version of the Web service has been used. __f. Close the Flow Test without saving it. Then repeat from step _b. a number of times. Version 2.0 should be selected every time. You have successfully implemented version 2.0 without a service outage! You have completed the lab.

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Lab Review
During this lab, you: Examined a Business Service with two Service Versions and related endpoints. Used a WMB message flow to invoke the active version of the service. Made a new version active Took the original service off-line and observed that the new service version is selected.

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__1. __2.

Optional explorations
Revoke the version 2.0 service so that neither service is online, and run select_online.mbtest. You should get the message: No matching services. Stop the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository server and run select_online.mbtest. (Only do this if you have plenty of time, because you will need to restart the server for the next lab.) You should get the message: Failure to retrieve Service from WebSphere Service Registry and Repository! If you have WebSphere Message Broker skills you may like to experiment with the RegistryLookup node.


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You have successfully completed Lab 5 - Version control with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository and WebSphere Message Broker

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