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Republic of the Philippines MUNICIPAL TRIAL COURT IN CITIES Davao City


CRIMINAL CASE NO. 6 !6!"##6 $OR% RECKLESS IMPRUDENCE Resulting in Homi i!e

MOTION TO #UASH COMES NO'( Ray)on* Sa)a&ita( the *efen*ant th&ou+h the un*e&si+ne* counsel unto this ,ono&able Cou&t( )oves to -uash the info&)ation file* a+ainst the sai* *efen*ant on the +&oun*s% /. 0hat the Cou&t t&yin+ the case has no 1u&is*iction ove& the sub1ect )atte& of cont&ove&sy2 an*


/. T%at t%e Cou&t t&'ing t%e ase %as no (u&is!i tion o)e& t%e su*(e t matte& of ont&o)e&s'+ 0he *efen*ant( Ray)on* Sa)a&ita( is accuse* of the c&i)e of Rec3less I)p&u*ence Resultin+ in ,o)ici*e( punishable un*e& Article 365 of the Revised Penal Code( a pe&tinent pa&t of .hich p&ovi*es fo& the applicable penalty%
4 Any pe&son .ho by &ec3less i)p&u*ence( shall co))it any act .hich( ha* it been intentional( .oul* constitute a +&ave felony( shall suffe& the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its medium period.x ,Em-%asis su--lie!.

5ase* on the afo&e-uote* penalty( the cou&t havin+ 1u&is*iction ove& the sub1ect )atte& of cont&ove&sy .oul* see) to be any Municipal 0&ial Cou&t( Municipal Ci&cuit 0&ial Cou&t o& Municipal 0&ial Cou&t havin+ te&&ito&ial 1u&is*iction ove& the c&i)e co))itte*( as p&ovi*e* fo& un*e& Batas Pam ansa !"#$ %ection 3". 0he pe&tinent po&tion of 5P /67( Section "6 p&ovi*es%
46 E8clusive o&i+inal 1u&is*iction o)e& all offenses -unis%a*le /it% im-&isonment not e0 ee!ing si0 'ea&s i&&espective of the a)ount of othe& i)posable accesso&y o& othe& penalties inclu*in+ the civil liability a&isin+ f&o) such offenses o& p&e*icate* the&eon( i&&espective of 3in*( natu&e( value o& a)ount the&eof9.: .

0he info&)ation fo& the afo&e)entione* c&i)e .as then file* by P&osecuto& Ca)ine&o .ith this ,ono&able Cou&t on Septe)be& /7( 6##;( .ith the info&)ation &ea*in+ as follo.s%
That on or about the 11th of September, 2006, at about 4:30 in the afternoon, the Accused Raymond Samarita, and hi!e dri"in# his $eepney a!on# %a#saysay A"enue &#oin# to Sta' Ana (harf) ri#ht in front of Sta' Ana *!ementary Schoo!, ithin the $urisdiction of the +onorab!e ,ourt, rec-!ess!y, ne#!i#ent!y and fe!onious!y o"ertoo- the $eepney dri"en by one Adrian .a#uican, and as resu!t of such un!a fu! and rec-!ess act of the accused a pedestrian by the name of /atrina *cha"e0, a 11 year o!d, second year student of A%A ,omputer ,o!!e#e, as hit by the $eepney of the accused, causin# the !atter2s death' That the accused failed to lend on the spot to the victim such help as may be inhis hands to give'3 &*mphasis supp!ied)

$&o) a ca&eful e8a)ination the above!-uote* info&)ation( it .oul* appea& that if it .e&e not fo& the last sentence of the info&)ation <bol* an* un*e&line*=( the p&osecution .oul* have co&&ectly file* the info&)ation befo&e this ,ono&able Cou&t It appea&s that the p&osecution has faile* to ta3e into account the e8istence of one -ualifyin+ ci&cu)stance p&ovi*e* fo& un*e& the last pa&a+&aph of A&ticle "6 ( b&in+s the case out of the 1u&is*iction of this ,ono&able Cou&t an* into that of the Re+ional 0&ial Cou&t. The last pa&a+&aph of A&ticle "6 of the Revise* Penal Co*e p&ovi*es%
40he penalty nest hi+he& in *e+&ee to those p&ovi*e* fo& to this a&ticle shall be i)pose* upon the offen*es .ho fails to len* on the spot to the pa&ties such help as )ay ne in his han*s to +ive.:

>pon application of A&ticles 6/ an* ;/ of the Revise* Penal Co*e( the penalty ne8t hi+he& in *e+&ee to arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its medium period /%i % o)e&s a -e&io! of 1 ont%s an! 2 !a' to 1 'ea&s an! 3

mont%s( is prision correccional maximum to prision mayor medium /%i % o)e&s a -e&io! of 1 'ea&s, 3 mont%s an! 2 !a' to 24 'ea&s. 0he application of the -ualifyin+ ci&cu)stance un*e& A&ticle "6 )a3es the i)posable penalty fo& i)p&ison)ent fo& the c&i)e cha&+e* e8cee* 6 yea&s( such that it the&eby +ives 1u&is*iction to the Re+ional 0&ial Cou&ts an* not to this ,ono&able Cou&t an* its si)ila& cou&ts of 1u&is*iction.

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