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Armistice & Accord Among the Heirs of Creation lnviolable under the Law*

A Living Modus Vivendi ARMISTICE

Among ALL Inhabitants of Earth, Heirs of Creation

We now unite to affirm that freedom and the right to self-determination is

. . .

Natural and lawful Inherent in all living systems Does not regard any state of mind, condition, character, or national identificationl

Conditions of this Armistice conclude with:

1. Cessation ofall hoarding ofnatural resources 2. Cessation of usury 3. Cessation oftaxation 4. Cessation of Roman Maritime Law in favor of Natural Law, determined

by universal nature and thus, 5. Dissolution ofall corporations, and assets returned to the People 6. Breaches of these clauses will involve reprisals 7. The right of requisition shall be exercised by local individuals, bands, tribes, and communities to be utilized or disposed of as they see fit B. The People shall have free access to and custodianship of the air, land, and waterways 9. All foreclosed and usurped properties and assets revert back to the custodianship of whom they were taken 10. Armistice initiates ascended reorientation to inter and intrapersonal relationships within the heart and minds of ALL Heirs of Creation upon receipt

LET IT BE KNOWN NUNC PRO TUNC The Heirs of Creation bear witness to the following:

Through the Magna Carta of 12'J,5,the London Corporation used word spells to render those in its colonies unwitting slaves. Through the Unum Sanctum of 13AZ Pope Boniface declared all people incompetent to manage their lives in relation to "God". Through the C'este Que Vie Act of 1666 all persons were declared dead at sea.


Through the Codex Alimentarius, standards were developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organizaton, departments of the United Nations, to control the population of world. The Indigenous people of North America were declared hostiles and became prisoners of maritime war.
The people of the several colonies of North America called the United States remained prisoners of maritime war during and after the American Revolution. The people of the United States et al. unknowingly became wards of the U.S. Federal District under the Vatican Roman Empire by registration of its citizens under voting, securities, and birth certificate bonds. The free flowing waters of Earth have been usurped, poisoned, and sold back to the people by corporate monopolies owned by the Vatican Roman Empire and

their agents.
Mother Earth has been raped, plundered and pillaged surreptitiously by the Vatican Roman Empire and its agents for her natural resources.
As HOSTILES in ERROR and FOREIGN SOVEREIGNS coming into alien territory HERETQFORE under the British Crown, we the undersigned now come forward, inviolable, in full ffansparency,liability, and responsibility, to correctthe record under a flag of truce to gracefully retire all wars and hostilities, declared and undeclared, on land, sea, air, and space against the Indigenous Peoples of North America, We the People of the United States of America, and all Inhabitants of the

Earth and Universe.


The Heirs of Creation make the following declarations:

By Universal Law Order, the Earth and Universe have been reclaimed for the

By International Law Order and the Right to Liberty and Security of Person3 the Indigenous People of North America are declared free, independenl and self-

By International Law Order and the Right to Liberty and Security of Person3, We the People of the United States of America, the North American Continent the World, and the Universe ARE DECLARED FREE, independent, and self'governing. By Universal Law Order (where harm to one is harm to allJ, International Law 0rder, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child4, We the People having been abandoned, starved, left naked, and unprotected by the Federal Guardians, do now declare ourselves to be, by default, foreign entities to the United States.


By International Law Order and the fanuary 2013 Ratification of the Right to Liberty and Security of Persons, Mother Earth, being expressly protected as a living system under these rights, the waters, skies, air, airwaves, minerals, forests, beaches, mountains, wildlife, and all other natural resources of Earth and the Universe are DECLARED FREE and returned to the care and guardianship of the free, independent and self-governing heirs of Creation, the People.
By the Law of Rights of Mother Earth6 which declares both Mother Earth and all

life-systems, inclusive of human communities and ecosystems, to be title holders of inherent rights, interrelated, independent, and complementary we do now declare Mother Earth to have a lawful personality able, through her human representatives, to bring action to defend her rights.

Autograph: /s/ Cindy Kay Currier Ombudsman and Parlementaire / Autograph: /s/ KimberlyAnn Te Witness / Signatory


Autograph: /s/ Daniel Wayne Sielski Witness / Signatory


1, 2. 3.

5. 6.

Right to Freedom and Self-Determination: http :// Universe and Earth Reclaimed: Universe: edit/1 7B048790; Earth: http // 1 45846 1 68/earth-reclaimed Right to Liberty and Security of Person: http //www.unfpa. org/ri ghts/lan gua ge /ri ghtB.htm Convention on the Rights of the Child: http f /www.ohchr,org/en/professionalinterest/pages/crc.aspx of Person: f anuary 2 013 Ratification of the Right to Liberty and Security 0B-2 0632-E Law of Rights of Mother Earth:,php?title=Bolivia%2 7s Law of the Righ ts of Mother Earth
; : :

* Law of Nations and the Law and Customs of War on Land (Hague IV); October 18, L9A7

LETTERS PATENT A Living, Public Proclamation

Each human being on earth is a living system and Each Heir of Creation is, by free

lawful Heir of Creation.


a sovereign

nation and self-governing.

Heirs of Creation may ioin with other Heirs of Creation, by free will, to form governing frameworks or tribes that align with group and individual values and customs.


The Heirs of Creation do now acknowledge the value of human living systems to be unlimited. The Heirs of Creation, whose BEING is and has always been the value backing ALL mediums of exchange in commerce, do now acknowledge that each and every human living system is itself, by virtue of existence, the collateral for all currency. The Heirs of Creation do now acknowledge each human living system to be equal in value to every other human living systern. The Heirs of Creation do now require custodians of value, such as BRICS, to acknowledge each Heir of Creation as the ABSOLUTE value backing all currency.
The Heirs of Creation, realizing that BRICS deems itself a funding bank & trust in administration of value, do now acknowledge Heirs of Creation as the estates AND beneficiaries of Source's Creation'

The Heirs of Creation, each as an estate of Creation AND beneficiary thereof, may by free will choice act as their own trustee. Heirs of Creation do make known that estates, trustees, and beneficiaries NEVER borrow from the trust or estate, but rather receive protection, education, and assistance therefrom. The Heirs of Creation do now present a temporary bridge measure designed to DEMONSTRATE human living systems AS value, and in doing so, retire the NECESSITY for REPRESENTATION of thatvalue.


The Heirs ofCreation do now declare acceptable currency to be a certificate of exchange with: human signaturg mark fsuch as "x"J, thumb or finger print electronic signature, seal, encryption key, retinal scan, or any other medium that denotes a human living system. The Heirs of Creation do now require financial centers to retain certificates of exchange bearing denotation of issuer as a human living system when presented.

Heirs of Creation do now recognize that anyone is free to establish and accept provisional governance frameworks, by free will, through which self-governing bodies and individuals may do commerce.

Autograph: /s/ Cindy Kay Currier Ombudsman and Parlementaire Heirs of Creation, Court of Ages Autograph: /s/ Kimberly Ann Teter Justice ofthe Peace Heirs of Creation, Court of Ages
Autograph : / s I Daniel Wayne Sielski Enforcement Officer Heirs of Creation, Court of Ages


Respublicat of Earth

In the name of the Heirs of Creation WE DO NOW take all measures necessary to maintain the safety, calm, and stability of the populace during this transition of consciousness, abundance, and absolute freedom to the Heirs of Creation. WE DO NOWACCEPT our place in the Universe as beneficiaries of perpetual LOVE, free of debt.

In agreement of conscious will, each individual Heir of Creation does now move with each other Heir of Creation in receivership, to form what was always meant to be thc RESPUBLICA Of EARTH.
WE DO NOW UNDERSTAND that no obligations under International Law have been created; but rather, ALL ACCOUNTS HAVE BEEN SETTLED.


*.1 Cl'"a+: Source ofAbsolute Love

res thing, w ealth +

tFrom Merriam-Webster: French rdpublique, from Middle French republique, from Latin respublica,from publica, feminine of publicus public. First Known Use: I 604

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