Data Structure BCA Practical Exercises

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Data Structures Using C Language


1. Write a program to calculate the area and circumference of a circle using the relation. ( Area = r2 ) and circumference = 2r. 2. Write a program to find the grade obtained by the students of a class. 3. Write a program to find the largest and the smallest from the given three integers. . Write a program to find sum! difference! product and "uotient of any t#o integers as per the choice of the user. $. Write a program to print a chart sho#ing the temperature in centigrade from % to 1%% to #ith their corresponding values in &arenhiet! using #hile loop and using the relation ' ( $ = &)32 ( * +. Write a program to print the s"uare and cube of n natural numbers using #hile loop. ,. Write a program to chec- #hether a given integer is even or odd or .ero. /he program should continue until a % is entered from the -eyboard. 0. Write a program to solve a "uadratic e"uation. *. Write a program to prepare the pay bill for the employees of a company 1%. Write a program to chec- prime and unprime numbers. 11. Write a program to print the &ibonacci series for any number of terms. 12. Write a program to calculate the interest and total amount to be paid by entering the amount of loan and the number of years! either by simple interest method or by compound interest method as per the choice of the user. 13. Write a program to calculate the 1'2 and 3'& of any set of positive integers. 1 . Write a program to delete any element from any array. 1$. Write a program to copy the value of one string variable to another variable. 1+. Write a program to concatenate t#o strings. 1,. Write a program to chec- #hether any given #ord is a palindrome or not. 10. A company maintains the record of their employees as 4 5ame! designation ! 6etails of the pay li-e 7ross pay! 8rovident &und deductions! 8rofessional ta9 and the 5et pay. :eep the details of the pay #ithin a separate structure 1*. Accept ten names and print the given names in opposite order using array of pointers.

2%. A program to search data from any array. 21. A program of selection sort ! ;ubble sort! <uic- sort 22. /o find the product of t#o matrices.

S-OFFICE Questi!ns setting in t"e #!r$ !# %aragra%" setting& Te't #!r$atting& a(ign$ent& Ta% setting& creating ta)(es inc(u*ing ai( erge+

PRACTICAL QUESTIONS FOR BCA-P, (LAB ,) -ISUAL BASIC PRO.RA as comple9 calculations. 2. /o #rite a =isual ;asic application for inserting and deleting strings from the list bo9. 3. /o develop a visual basic application for displaying the contents of the selected file using the file list bo9 ! directory list bo9 and drive list bo9. . /o #rite a =isual ;asic application to ma-e a label to scroll from left to right and vice versa and change the mouse icon at each of the 0 > 0 cells. $. /o create a menu editor #ith cut! copy and paste operations and search the #ord in the te9t. +. /o create a =isual ;asic application for a basic designer for dra#ing 1ine! 'ircle! ?ectangle! @llipse and /riangle. /INDO/S PRO.RA 2. Aee the contents of the programs option. 3. Atart a 8aint Application. . Atart a 5ote pad Application. $. 2inimi.e note pad Application. +. 2a9imi.e the paint Application. ,. Write a small note in 5ote pad and save. 0. 'alculate 2$*+$% > ,+$* and see the result. *. 7o to the 6os prompt and find out the number of files in ' 4 drive. 1%. 7o bac- to the #indo#s des-top. 11. 'hange the #all paper of the 6es-top. 12. 'hange the appearance of #indo#s in your system by changing the color settings. 13. Aet and appropriate screen saver using the control panel. IN. IN.

1. /o #rite a =isual ;asic application for calculator that #ill perform simple as #ell

1. Activate the start menu and vie# the options available.

SOFT/ARE EN.INEERIN. PRACTICAL QUESTIONS FOR BCA-P, (LAB-,) 1. 6escribe as many source of information as you can thin- of that should be consulted in order to perform a domain analysis for each of the follo#ing systems. a. Airline ?eservation Aystem b. /he investments Aystem 2. Bou are developing a system for managing the processes of a small to#n public library. 1ist all the actors for this system. 3. An organi.ation has three categories of employees 4 8rofessional staff! technical staff and support staff. /he organi.ation also has departments and divisions. @ach employee belongs to either a departments or a divisions. 6ra# a class diagram corresponding to this. Assume that there #ill be different attributes or operations in all the classes! and that people #ill never need to change from one category to another. . Aho# a hierarchy of vehicle parts. Aho# ho# this hierarchy might be better represented using the 7eneral 3ierarchy pattern. $. Cmaging you #ere planning to develop the follo#ing types of soft#are proDects. What different -inds of users should you anticipateE 'onsider each of the issues mentioned. a. An air F traffic control system b. A payroll system +. 6evelop @)? diagram for the follo#ing a. 'ustomers ma-e orders b. 8eople #or- in departments c. 'ustomers buy items d. 6eliveries of parts are made to customers. ,. /he list of problems that are to be attempted during the prescribed lab sessions a. 8roDect 8lanning b. ?e"uirement Analysis c. 6esign d. /esting

0. 6ata flo# model of a car assembly plant. *. Assume that the si.e of an organic type soft#are product has been estimated to be 32.%%% lines of source code. Assume that the average salary of soft#are engineers is ?s.1$!%%% per month. 6etermine the effort re"uired to develop the soft#are product and the nominal development time. 1%. 3o# to document the &unctional ?e"uirementsE a. Withdra# 'ash from A/2 b. Aearch Availability in 1ibrary 11. 6ra# level % (conte9t level) and level 1 data flo# diagrams for the follo#ing studentsG Academic ?ecord 2anagement Aoft#are. a. A set of course are created . @ach course consists of a uni"ue course number! number of credits! and the syllabus. b. Atudents are admitted to courses. @ach studentGs details include roll number! address! semester number and the courses registered for the semester. c. /he mar-s of a student for various units credited are -eyed in. d. Hnce the mar-s are -eyed in! the AWA (semester #eighted average) is calculated. e. /he recent mar-s of a student are added to his previous mar-s and a #eighted average based on the credit points for various units is calculated. f. /he mar-s for the current semester are formatted and printed. 12. Atate chart diagram for an order obDect.



PRACTICAL QUESTIONS FOR BCA-P2 (LAB-2) 1. Write a 'II program to calculate average mar-s scored by a student for 3 subDects. 2. Write a 'II program to find the area and perimeter of a circle and rectangle. 3. Write a 'II program to s#ap t#o numbers. . Write a 'II program to find largest of three numbers. $. Write a 'II program to find the ma9imum number among three numbers. +. Write a 'II program to generate &ibonacci series. ,. Write a 'II program to perform string manipulation. 0. &ind the length of a string. 'ompare t#o strings! 'oncatenate t#o strings! ?everse a string! 'opy a string to another location. *. Write a 'II program to find "uotient and remainder of 2 numbers. 1%. Write a 'II program to manipulate the class account using classes and function. A user should be able to perform the follo#ing functions. a. 6eposit money. b. Withdra# money! c. 'alculate the interest d. 'hec- the total balance in his account. 11. Write a 'II program to generate 8rime numbers bet#een 1 and $%. 12. Write a 'II program to perform matri9 addition and multiplication. 13. Write a 'II program to chec- #hether the given matri9 is a sparse matri9 or not. 1 . Write a 'II program to overload unary minus operator. 1$. Write a 'II program to calculate total sales and average sales made by a salesman. 1+. Write a 'II program to for construction in 6erived 'lass to produce the report a employee in a company. 1,. Write a 'II program to display the student details using pointers. 10. Write a 'II program to convert AA'CC value to its e"uivalent character. 1*. Write a 'II program to overload a function to calculate volume of cube! cylinder and rectangular bo9. 2%. Write a 'II program to create a class template to find the ma9imum of t#o numbers.


IN. ( 1A-A)

PRACTICAL QUESTIONS FOR BCA-P2 (LAB-2) 1. 'onverting /emperature in &ahrenheit into /emperature in 'elsius. 2. 8rogram for student 2ar-)1ist preparation 3. 8rogram for reverse and finding sum of individual digits of a given number . 8rogram to generate &ibonacci series $. 8rogram for finding &actorial of a given number +. 8rogram for find #hether a given number is prime or not. ,. 8rogram for sorting the given numbers in Ascending and 6escending order. 0. 8rogram for 2atri9 2ultiplication *. 8rogram for finding roots of the given "uadratic e"uation 1%. 8rogram for finding volume of a sphere ('oncept4 'lass and HbDect) 11. 8rogram for preparing @mployee salary ?eport ('oncept 4 Array of HbDects) 12. 8rogram for implementing stac- Hperations ('oncept 4 'onstructor) 13. 8rogram for chec-ing #hether a given number is palindrome or not ('oncept 4 Abstract 'lass). 1 . 8rogram for @lectricity charge calculation ('oncept 4 Cmplementing 2ultiple Cnheritance). 1$. 8rogram to find area of /riangle and ?ectangle ('oncept 4 8ac-age ! Cnterface). 1+. 8rogram for "ueue implementation ('oncept 4 @9ception 3andlingJ Kser defined @9ception). 1,. 8rogram to implement 2ulti) /hreading ('oncept4 2ulti) /hreading by e9tending /hread class). 10. 8rogram for simple ?ail#ay ?eservation Aystem ('oncept 4 CH Atreams4 6ataCnput Atream L 6ataHutputAtream). 1*. 8rogram to display graphical components ('oncept 4 7raphics class) 2%. 8rogram to display an image ('oncept 4 8i9el 7rabber 'lass 4 7etting pi9els of an image)

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