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4.1.1 The MRTP Act,1969 has its genesis in complaints both from registered consumer and
the Directive Principles of State Policy embodied trade associations and also from individuals
in the Constitution of India. Clauses (b) and either directly or through various Government
(c) of Article 39 of the Constitution lay down Departments. Complaints regarding Restrictive
that the State shall direct its policy towards Trade Practices or Unfair Trade Practices from
ensuring: an association are required to be referred to
the Director General of Investigation and
(i) that the ownership and control of Registration for conducting preliminar y
material resources of the community are investigation in terms of Sections 11 and 36C
so distributed as best to sub-serve the of the MRTP Act,1969 and Regulation 119 of
common good; and the MRTP Commission Regulations, 1974. The
Commission can also order a preliminary
(ii) that the operation of the economic
investigation by the Director General of
system does not result in the
Investigation and Registration when a reference
concentration of wealth and means of
on a restrictive trade practice is received from
production to the common detriment.
the Central/ State Government, or when
Provisions Relating to Monopolistic, Commission’s own knowledge warrants a
Restrictive and Unfair Trade Practices preliminar y investigation. Enquiries are
instituted by the Commission under relevant
4.2.1 Section 10 of the MRTP Act,1969 Sections of the MRTP Act,1969 after the Director
empowers the MRTP Commission to enquire General of Investigation and Registration has
into monopolistic or restrictive trade practices completed the preliminary investigation and
upon a reference from the Central Government as a result of the findings, submits an
or upon its own knowledge or on information. application to the Commission for an enquiry.
The MRTP Act,1969 also provides for
appointment of a Director General of Monopolistic Trade Practices
Investigation and Registration for making
investigations for the purpose of enquiries by 4.3.1 Seven enquiries under Section 10(b)
the MRTP Commission and for maintenance of were pending with the MRTP Commission at
register of agreements relating to restrictive the beginning of the year 2004, while no fresh
trade practices. inquiry was instituted during the period April,
2004- December, 2004. Two enquiries were
4.2.2 The MRTP Commission receives disposed of during the period and 5 enquiries

were pending as on 31.12.2004. Act,1969 in 1984. Unfair Trade Practices have
been defined in Section 36A as trade practices
RESTRICTIVE TRADE PRACTICES which for the purpose of promoting the sale,
use or supply of any goods or for provision of
Under Section 10(a)(i)
any services, adopt one or more of the practices
4.4.1 289 enquiries, including 268 brought mentioned therein and thereby cause loss or
for ward from the previous year, were injury to the consumers of such goods or
considered during January 2004-December services, whether by eliminating or restricting
2004. 19 enquiries were disposed of during competition or otherwise.
the said period and the remaining 270
Under Section 36B(a)
enquiries were pending with the Commission
as on 31st December 2004. 4.9.1 432 enquiries including 352 enquiries
carried forward from the previous year were
Under Section 10(a)(ii)
considered by the Commission during January,
4.5.1 Neither any enquir y was brought 2004 - December 2004. Of these, 34
forward from the previous year nor any enquiry enquiries were disposed of and the remaining
was instituted under this Section during the 398 enquiries were pending as on 31 st
year. December 2004.

Under Section 10(a)(iii) Under Section 36B(b)

4.6.1 42 enquiries carried forward from the 4.10.1 Neither any enquiry under Section 36B
previous year were taken up by the Commission (b) of the MRTP Act , 1984 was initiated nor
during January 2004 to December 2004. Ten any enquir y was brought for ward during
enquiries were disposed of during the period January, 2004- December, 2004.
and the remaining 32 were pending with the
Under Section 36B(c)
Commission as on 31st December 2004.
4.11.1 8 enquiries brought forward from the
Under Section 10(a)(iv)
previous year were taken up by the Commission
4.7.1 65 enquiries were brought forward during the period January, 2004 - December
from the previous year and 2 fresh enquiry 2004. All the 8 enquiries were disposed of
were instituted by the Commission during the during the period.
year from January 2004 to December 2004.
Under Section 36B(d)
Two enquiries were disposed of during the
said period and 65 enquiries were pending 4.12.1 179 enquiries, including 173 brought
with the Commission as on 31stDecember 2004. forward from the previous year, were taken up
by the Commission during January,2004 -
December 2004. Nine enquiries were disposed
4.8.1 Provisions relating to Unfair Trade of and 170 enquiries were pending with the
Practices were incorporated in the MRTP Commission as on 31st December 2004.

Temporary Injunctions Award of Compensation

4.13.1 Besides 91 applications pending 4.14.1 During the period April,2004 -

under Section 12A with the MRTP Commission December 2004, 1231 applications under
as on 1st April, 2004, 80 applications were Section 12B including 1160 applications
received by the Commission during the period brought forward from the previous year were
April, 2004 -December 2004. Thus out of 171 considered by the Commission. Of these, 67
applications, 54 were disposed of during this applications were disposed of by the
period. Remaining 117 applications under Commission during the period and the
Section 12A were pending with the Commission remaining 1164 applications were pending
as on 31st December 2004. as on 31st December, 2004.

Enquiries considered and disposed of by MRTP Commission as on 31.12.2004

Registration of Agreements 10(a)(iii) and 36 B (c) of the Act for initiation
of enquir y proceedings by the MRTP
4.15.1 Section 35 of the MRTP Act,1969 Commission. As a result of such suo motto
requires every agreement relating to Restrictive investigations, 1 application each under Section
Trade Practices falling within one or more of 10(a)(iii) and 36 B(c) of the Act, was filed from
the categories enumerated in Section 33(1) of April, 2004 to December, 2004.
the Act to be furnished for registration within
60 days of the making of such agreement. Consumer Protection

4.15.2 In pursuance of this provision, during 4.17.1 Of late, consumer protection movement
the period April, 2004 to December 2004, 17 has been sweeping across the whole country.
agreements were received for registration. The The consumers have been organising
same were registered and entered in the themselves into Consumer Bodies all over the
Register of Agreements. country to safe-guard the public and consumers’
interest against unfair trade practices being
4.15.3 A total number of 39,982 agreements indulged in by parties through misleading
were filed up to the end of 31st December, advertisements, bargain-sales, organisation of
2004, by various undertakings. Out of these, sale promotion contests, marketing goods which
particulars of 39,115 agreements were entered do not conform to standard of safety etc. An
in the Register of Agreements. independent Chapter regarding unfair trade
practices was inserted in the MRTP Act in 1984
INVESTIGATION BY DIRECTOR GENERAL and the consumers are taking full benefit of
(INVESTIGATION & REGISTRATION) the provisions contained in this Chapter by filing
complaints in this office. Facility of speedy
Investigation redressal of their grievances is provided by
this office. During the period April, 2004 to
4.16.1 The Director General is required to December, 2004, this office has handled as
conduct preliminary investigation in respect of many as 111 complaints received from
restrictive, monopolistic and unfair trade consumers or consumer organisations. Of these,
practices as and when an order of preliminary 93 complaints were disposed of during the
investigation is received from the MRTP period and 18 complaints were pending as on
Commission. As on 1.4.2004, no investigation 31.12.04.
was in progress. During the period from
1.4.2004 to 31.12.2004, one fresh order of CARRIAGE OF PROCEEDINGS
preliminary investigation report was received
I. Before the Commission
which was pending at the end of the year.
Besides, the Director General has suo motto 4.18.1 The Director General is the custodian
powers to initiate preliminary investigations into of public interest in the enquiry proceedings
monopolistic, restrictive and unfair trade before the Commission and he has to appear
practices, and in case any of these trade in person or through his counsel to safeguard
practices are detected during such the public interest before the Commission. As
investigation, the Director General is on 31.12.04, 143 enquiries were pending
empowered to file applications under Sections before the MRTP Commission.

II. Before the Supreme Court/ High pending before the Supreme Court/ High
Courts Courts is given in Table 4.1.

4.19.1 The position of appeals filed and

Table 4.1

Appeals filed and pending before the Supreme Court/ High Courts

4.19.2 The Director General has been through the counsels appointed by the Central
appearing the required Appeals/ Writ Petitions Agency Section of the Ministr y of Law,
before the Supreme Court and High Courts Department of Legal Affairs.


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