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F r a t e r n i t a t i s R o s a e CRUCIS THE SEE Beverly Hall

Quakeviown, Pa.
Eugene B. Grattan,Atty 3an JoBe,Calif My dear Sir:


A week or so ago I had informed Mr.Smith of a gross misrepresentation I had come across and told him I would send him copies soon as I had them. He has just wired me that another search of him home had been made and that I should send copies direct to you. T^is I do. First,you will note a copy of what purports to be a picture of the First Roeicrucian Temple in America. This illustratic appears in AMORC latest publication THE WISDOM OF THE SAGES and which is universally circulated and the medium through which he obtains members. Next, I inclose a copy of a picture that appears in the book by Sache of Philadelphia* The title of book is: The Pietists of Pennsylvania. You will note that this is NOT a Rosicrucian Temple but was built by the Zionistic Brotherhood, a Seventh Day Baptist denomination. You will see at once that this Baptist Monastery hav been embellished to suit and made to appear as a Rosicrucian habitation.

ation? to you. shortly.

lf this is not gross misrepresentation made with to -deceive, then what is? Would this notcome under the head of fraud and obtaining money under false pretense or mi As the "camera cannot lie" these may be of value

Hope you will win the case. My help will be forwarded With best wishes. Sincerely

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