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Taste and Other Tales

Teens: 5

1. Read the Introduction to the book. Find the meaning of the word tale in our dictionar . !hich of the following words can ou grou" with tale# Fiction re"ort imaginar actual stor

T$%T& 'stor n( 1) *efore ou read: +. Read the definitions and answer the ,uestions. a. A bet is an agreement to risk money on the result of a competition, race, game or anything similar. Is betting legal in your country? Make a list of things that people make bets about your country. b. -laret is a red wine from the Bordeaux area of France. hat special foods and drinks are produced by certain regions in your country? c. An e"icure is someone who en!oys good food and drink? "a#e you e#er met or read about someone who is an epicure? $escribe this person%s appearance and character. $fter ou read: .. &/"ain: a. what &ichard 'ratt has to do to win the bet. b. hat he will win or lose as a result c. hy (ouise agrees to the bet d. "ow the ser#ant sa#es (ouise 0. Take the "arts of Richard 1ratt and 2ike %chofield at the "oint where the stor ends. $ct out an imaginar con3ersation between them.

$ %!I2 '%tor 4( +) *efore ou read: ). *his story also in#ol#es betting, but this time the action takes place on board a ship. hat do you think the passengers bet on? +. ,heck the meanings of these words in your dictionary. Auction deck purser rail a. b. c. d. hich word refers to something not usually found on a ship? hat is the purser on a ship responsible for? hat is the purpose of a rail? hat would people do on sundeck?

$fter ou read: 5. Finish the sentences: a. -#ery day the captain of the ship guesses......... b. Mr. Botilol thinks the captain%s guess is likely to be because...... c. *he winner of the competition will recei#e about ......... d. If Mr. Botibol wins, he plans to.......... e. Mr. Botibol thinks he can slow the ship down by....... f. "e is careful to check that the old woman can ..................and ....... 6. &/"lain what goes wrong with 2r. *otibol7s "lan. T8& !$9 :1 TO 8&$;&4 '%tor 4( 0) *efore ou read: <. /ne of the characters in this story is always #ery worried about being late. "ow is your sense of time? hen do0don%t you worry about being late? 1=. (ook up the word butler in your dictionary. hat are a butler7s main duties? $fter ou read: 11. (ist fi#e ways in which Mr. Foster delays his wife on her two !ourneys to the airport. 1+. hat do you think Mrs. Foster hears as she stands at the front door !ust before lea#ing for the airport the second time? 1.. ,ompare the beha#iour of Mr. and Mrs. Foste when they are lea#ing for the airport for the first time. T8& %O:4> 2$-8I4& '%tor 4( 5) *efore ou read: 10. /ne of the ideas behind this story is that there are sounds that humans cannot hear. 1i#e some examples of these sounds. "ow do we know that they exist? 15. ,heck the meanings of these words in your dictionary2 Axe dial iodine #ibrate

1?. $escribe what the sound machine looks like, and what it is for. 15. rite 3uestions for these answers. a. Because 4lausner has had a bad throat b. *hey scream c. Because she thinks 4lausner is cra5y. d. Because 4lausner phones him. e. It smashes the sound machine f. Because 4lausner is threatening him with an axe 16. hat disco#eries does 4lausner think he has made? "ow do you think 4lausner feels about them? If these disco#eries were correct, how would they change your life?

T8& @&A OF @$2* ' %tor 4( ?) *efore ou read: 1<. In this story the murder weapon is a leg of lamb. "ow do you think you could kill someone with it? ould you choose a leg of lamb?

$fter ou read +=. ho is speaking to whom and about what? a. 6*his is going to be a bit of a shock to you. I%m afraid.% b. 67es, and I thin a can of beans.% c. 6It%s not strictly allowed.% d. 6I%ll be cooked !ust right by now.% e. 6It%s probably right under our noses.% +1. Act out the scene in which Mr. Maloney comes home and tells his wife he is lea#ing her, until the point at which she hits him. ++. Is this the perfect murder? $o you think she can be disco#ered now?

!RITI4A +.. $id you like Mrs Bixby and the ,olonel%s ,oat? hy? hy not? 1i#e your opinion +0. "ow are husbands and wi#es presented in this collection? 1i#e examples from the stories.

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