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On Rs. 10/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper MEMORANDUM O UNDER!

I, --------------------, S/O Sri -----------------------------------, aged ----------------- years, Resident of -------------(Permanent address to be mentioned)--------------------, in pursuant of my selection and taking me as -------------------------------- at ---------------------- Unit, do ereby e!ecute t is "ond/#emorandum of undertaking ( erein after referred to as "ond/ MOU) in fa$or of --------------------------, a$ing its %orporate Office at ----------------------------( erein after referred to as Company) and I ereby by gi$e my full consent and agree t e follo&ing' () I ereby agree to ser$e t e company as ---------------and salary of Rs) ---------------- per mont offered to me $ide Offer letter/appointment order dated ------------------ for a period of ---------- ( ) years commencing from t e date of e!ecution of t is "ond) I s all bind myself to follo& t e Rules and Regulations issued from time to time and presently in force as &ell as t e Standing Orders) I do ereby by agree t at during t e abo$e said period of t ree years, I s all not lea$e t e company for any reason & atsoe$er) In t e e$ent I lea$e t e company before t e completion of t ree years from t e date of e!ecution of t is #OU, I ereby agree to pay an amount e,ui$alent to t e sum of Si! (-) mont s emoluments, last dra&n by me) I do ereby undertake t at I &ill not lea$e t e company, at any circumstances during t e mont s of ( st October to +(st #ay or during t e crus ing season, & ic e$er is later) (/or seasonal Industries only) I do ereby undertake to e!ecute a bond for Rs) ------------------- (-----------------------) in fa$our of t e company stating t at I &ould ser$e t e company for a minimum period of ----------- years 1uring t e tenure of my &orking &it t e company, I s all ser$e t e company fait fully, diligently and de$ote my & ole

*) +)




2) 3) 4)

(5) (()

time) I furt er undertake to comply &it all t e directions and orders issued to me by t e %ompany or its Officers, from time to time, &it out any de$iation) I s all not di$ulge or disclose any affairs of t e company, & ic come to my notice during t e tenure of my &orking &it t e company) 1uring t e abo$e period of my ser$ice &it t e company, I s all not engage myself directly or indirectly &it any ot er firm/ company/ business for any salary or retainer fee or onorarium) I do ereby undertake t at t e company is at liberty to terminate my ser$ices &it out assigning any reason, in case I am in insubordination &it , insult or disobedience to any of my superiors or responsible officers of t e company, gross neglect of &ork, non-performance of &ork, damage to t e company e,uipment/property, misappropriation etc) I do ereby undertake to lea$e t e company unconditionally, if I found not medically fit to continue in t e ser$ice of t e company and I s all not be entitled to any compensation) I do ereby agree t at after completion of t e period of + years of ser$ice as per t is #OU, I s all not be deemed to continue in ser$ice &it t e company unless and until t e said period is specifically e!tended in &riting)

I, -----------------------------, S/O Sri ------------------------------- declare t at t is #OU e!ecuted in fa$our of t e %ompany is on my o&n &ill and consent and signed in presence of t e follo&ing &itness on t is t e -------------- day of ------------------, *55- at ------------) 6I789SS' () Signature (------------------) *)

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