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Thanks to Alan, Bern, Josh and Rupert for their help in play-testing. Oni are demons or ogres, typically portrayed as massive humanoid creatures with horns and fangs. They often preyed on villagers or travellers in remote areas.
Type Oni Weapons Attributes Options Rank 3 CP 4 Initiative 2 Fight 3 Shoot 0 Armour Heavy Points 48


No matter with what armour or weapons the Oni is equipped, its stats do not change Tough, Fearless, Extra-Powerful, Formidable, Hard-to-Kill and Terrifying None

SWORD-FOR-HIRE A Bandit, Bushi or Peasant Buntai may hire an Oni (although a Bushi Buntai will suffer a -3 VP penalty if it does so). Only one may be hired, and no other Swords-for-Hire can be fielded in the same Buntai.

Tengu are humanoid bird spirits found in the wilderness. Sometimes they are portrayed as bipedal birds, other times as essentially human figures with wings and long noses.
Type Tengu Weapons Attributes Options Rank 3 Katana Acrobatic, Fearless, Fly and may choose one additional Attribute for +3 points May have yari or naginata for +3 points May be fielded with no armour for -4 points CP 3 Initiative 4 Fight 3 Shoot 0 Armour Medium Points 30


SWORD-FOR-HIRE A Sohei, Ikko-Ikki, Peasant or Koryu Buntai may hire a Tengu. If one is hired by a Koryu Buntai, it must be armed with the same primary weapon as the rest of the Koryu. Only one may be hired, and no other Swords-for-Hire can be fielded in the same Buntai.

These abilities should, with the exception of Formidable, only be used for mythical creatures. The points value for each ability is included in the table below for players building their own creatures.
Extra-Powerful Fly This model adds +2 to Attack Rolls This model moves as if it is mounted, and may make ride-by attacks. It can move over intervening models Any model wishing to move into combat with this model must roll equal to or less than its Rank+1. So, a Rank 2 model wishing to engage a Formidable model must roll 3 or less on a d6. If it fails, the model may move elsewhere. Formidable has no effect when a model with Formidable moves to engage an enemy model 6 points 6 points


3 points



This model only ever suffers Light Wounds, and may only suffer a Grievous or Critical Wound through accruing Light Wounds. Additionally, it can take 3 Light Wounds before it 12 suffers a Grievous Wound. The first Light Wound is normal, the second has no additional points affect, on the third it suffers a Grievous Wound, and on the fourth Light Wound, a Critical Wound. Stunned has the usual effect Any Buntai that is fighting a model with Terrifying suffers a +1 penalty to all Morale checks 1 point

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