Course: Project Delivery Module: Analysis Objectives Ability

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Course: Project Delivery Module: Analysis Objectives Ability 1. Ability to grasp the business needs of the case 2.

Ability to convert business needs to concrete business requirements 3. Ability to map user requirements to use cases 4. Ability to map the user journey viz-a viz the main success scenario in the use case . Ability to map the e!ception scenarios viz-a viz the alternate flo" in the user case #. Ability to ma$e logical assumptions "ith respect to the requirement%project and document them in the &'& Concept 1. (nderstand the concept of use cases and the process of mapping use cases to requirements 2. (nderstand the purpose of a requirements document and understand the &'& template 3. (nderstand the analysis phase in the project lifecycle.

Quality 1. )onfirm scope of the application%case 2. Accurate conversion of business needs to concrete business requirements 3. )orrect mapping of requirements to appropriate use cases 4. *nsure coverage of all possible e!ception scenarios in the documentation Technique 1. +he trainee "ill be e!posed to requirements elicitation and confirmation 2. +he trainee "ill be e!posed to the use case model of requirements gathering Artifact 1. 2. 3. 4. +eams to create use cases based on their understanding of requirements +eams to create &'& and update the responsibility matri! +eams to highlight the assumptions part in the &'& ,aculty to validate the correctness of the document

Activity Session Sl !o 2 3 Activity !a"e .. Analysis /resentation ,aculty to introduce the case% business situation 0orally%hard copy1.(se )ases case distribution at pair level. +eams to interact "ith the client%faculty see$ clarifications and strengthen their understanding of the business needs ,aculty to summarize the discussions Duration minutes 1 minutes 12 minutes 12 minutes

Session #$%$& Sl !o 1 2 3 Activity !a"e &ee$ clarifications from ,aculty /airsto "or$ on the deliverables ,aculty to summarize the discussions Duration 12 minutes 32 minutes 12 minutes

'aculty Co"petency (equired +he ,aculty should have a clear understanding of the case study. 4e%&he should be very strong in use case modeling. 4e%she should e!pect questions on proposed value adds from the teams and should ascertain "hether they are relevant to the business situation in hand Participant Co"petency (equired /articipant should have completed A&/-'* programme. 'aculty (eference 5A5.6 /ages 2-132 5ooch7 8.7 -. 9acobson and 9. 'umbaugh7 +he (nified :odeling ;anguage (ser 8uide. Addison-<esley7 1===7 pp. 21=-241 http>%%""" http> http>%%""""-articles%4342%

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