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Mandatory Mission Pack

Special duties for special troubleshooters


Proofreader/Intsec goon

Introduction Brieng Secret Society Missions Corridors Ofces Rumours Random Names
The fortune cookies at the lower right of each two-page spread come from loyal citizens Paul Baldowski, Karl Low, Saul Resnikoff, Bart Savenije, Silent and Tobias Svalborg, who answered the call on the PARANOIA development blog (www.costik. com/paranoia). Commendations!

Plot Developer/Mad R&D Scientist


Editing, graphics/Drillbots


Original game design & development/ Building committee

2 2 8 11 21 29 31

Mongoose publications manager/ Construction supervisor


Cover and interior illustrations/Blueprints

Mongoose Publishing production director/ Struts around wearing fun yellow hardhat


Layout/Infrared drones

Looking after your best interests

Jamie Brewer, Harry Broomeld, Richard Fleming Damen Haughey, Adam McGregor, Mark Howe Daniel Scothorne, Michael J Young, Daniel Haslam Jamie Godfrey, Thomas Howe, Jason Denton

Security Clearance ULTRAVIOLET

Knowledge or possession of this information by any citizen of Security Clearance VIOLET or lower is treason punishable by a long spell of Armed Forces latrine scrubot maintenance duty.
TM & Copyright 1983, 1987, 2008 by Eric Goldberg & Greg Costikyan. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd., Authorized User. Based on material published in previous editions of PARANOIA. ILLUMINATI is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and is used by permission. The reproduction of material from this book for personal or corporate prot, by photographic, electronic, or other means of storage and retrieval, is prohibited. You may copy character sheets, record sheets, checklists and tables for personal use. E-mail questions and comments to Mongoose Publishing at [email protected] or write to PO Box 1018, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 1DG, UNITED KINGDOM. On the World Wide Web: Published by Mongoose Publishing, Ltd. Publication MGP 6642. Published August 2008. Printed In USA.


1. Introduction
Hello and welcome to the Mandatory Mission Pack. This friendly mission pack contains extra bonus resources for your PARANOIA games. It is designed to be used in an ad hoc manner if your Troubleshooters open the wrong door, run off down the wrong corridor or just get hold of the wrong end of the stick entirely and your simple hunt and kill the Commies in the food vat factory mission turns into become convinced that the High Programmer is a traitor and engage in a complex Complex-spanning epic conspiracy to take him down. This Mandatory Mission Pack gives you specic locations, characters and weirdnesses without a general context1. Think of it as a tinkertoy set for PARANOIA just put these locations and characters into your own plots. There is, of course, a school of thought that Troubleshooters who open the wrong door or run off down the wrong corridor should just be shot. This is an entirely valid school of thought. In which case, think of this book as a selection of scenic locations in which to terminate the Troubleshooters.

1. The Mandatory Mission Pack is an ideal companion for the PARANOIA Mission Blender, which comes with the PARANOIA Gamemasters Screen! And while you are buying that, why not pick up some other quality PARANOIA products like The Mutant Experience, STUFF 2, Paranoia Flashbacks, Alpha Complex Nights

2. Briengs
Reports that say that something hasnt happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we dont know we dont know. Donald Rumsfeld Unusual brieng rooms are between 1 and 10; unusual brieng ofcers between 11 and 20. Either roll for the particular brand of weirdness being inicted on the players or pick from either or both lists. ofcer must be up there. You can hear the susurrus of a fan in the distance and there is a disconcerting smell of ash in this chimney-shaped room. Your subconscious also picks up on the facts that there are ash-heating elements built into the walls and that the chairs are made of a highly heatresistant synthetic material that can withstand temperatures of up to 2,000 degrees. If the Troubleshooters annoy the briefing ofcer, he can twist a dial. This causes the heating elements in the wall to glow a dull red and raises the temperature in the shaft slightly. Turning it more increases the temperature more and more, until all of the Troubleshooters troubles not to mention their skin just dries up and oats away on the breeze. brieng ofcer is perched uncertainly on top of a large bean-bag, looking very uncomfortable as he grapples with his brieng notes. As you enter, mood music starts playing in the background. Ah, youve got to love it when Mystics get to design brieng rooms. One of the bean bags has an Internal Security spy hiding inside it, eavesdropping on the briefing. When a Troubleshooter sits down on the bag, it feels oddly lumpy and makes the occasional groaning or wheezing noise. If discovered, the IntSec ofcer cuts his way out of the bag, stands up, brushes himself off and stalks out the door with as much dignity as he can muster.

1. Brieng Room 807 Getting the Shaft

Sector YAP, Level 12, Corridor 90 On entering the brieng room, you look up. And up. And up. Youre at the bottom of a deep, deep circular shaft. A blindingly bright spotlight shines down on you from far above, illuminating a harsh circle at the centre of the shafts oor. Chairs line the edge of the circle of light. Somewhere, far above you, you can make out the outline of a balcony the briefing

2. Brieng Room 430Gamma Mystic Comfort

Sector DEL, Level 9, Corridor 4 This brieng room is all pastels and comfy couches. There is still a RED stripe running around the wall but its done in something fuzzy and soft to the touch. There is a Computer monitor with what appears to be a tartan monitor-cosy in one corner. Your

3. Cory-G-FOX Memorial Brieng Room

Sector FOX, Level 22, Corridor 2 This brieng room is decorated with murals and memorabilia dedicated to the life of Cory-G-FOX, a famous Troubleshooter and Hero of the Complex who battled Commie Mutant Traitors and saved Alpha Complex from some terrible threat (details on the terrible threat not available at your security clearance). On your left, a

PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

mural depicts Cory-G dramatically hurling the rest of his team into a steaming food vat after he discovered they were all traitors. To your right are relics of Cory-Gs career, such as his shiny laser pistol, his trusty cone rie, his golden Hygiene Ofcer MBD badge, his framed certicate of merit, his ME Card and his remains in a nice little urn. A huge statue of Cory-G straddles the brieng podium; your briefing officer peers at you from between the ankles of the great man. All of Cory-Gs stuff is still functional. The laser pistol has a GREEN barrel with one shot left. The cone rie has six High Explosive shells in a bandolier. The MBD badge is just that, if anyone wants to pretend to by a Hygiene Ofcer. The certicate of merit would sell for 1,000 credits to a collector. The ME card lets a Troubleshooter pretend to be Cory-G. On the bright side, you get GREEN clearance, access to an account with thousands of credits and the adulation of those who think you are CoryG. On the downside, you are registered as deceased and The Computer does not like zombies. time. Its getting closer and closer to zero What happens when the countdown reaches zero? Here are some options: Absolutely nothing. The next Troubleshooter team shows up at the door of the brieng room. It is a busy sector; the countdown just tells the brieng ofcer how much time he has left in his scheduled booking. Everyone in the room is disintegrated. and there is a nearly-invisible X scratched into one coaster. The air is quite dry in here; anyone want a drink? So, what is the deal with the marked coaster? There are several possibilities: It means nothing. It is just a damaged coaster. That glass of water was poisoned by an assassin aiming for the Troubleshooter who is sitting in the chair in front of the glass. That glass of water was randomly spiked by the Mystics. Anyone drinking it goes on a weird hallucinogenic trip. Or has his brain dribble out of his nose, who can tell. The glass of water is the only one that has not been spiked by the Mystics. The coaster is a signal to the Brieng Ofcer. It has been placed in front of the Troubleshooter who is a member of the same secret society as the Brieng Ofcer, so he knows to pass on a secret message. It has all been arranged by the caterer, who is also a member of that secret society. Man, there sure are a lot of that secret society running around.

5. Brieng Room 84 Contradiction

Sector JKL, Level 45, Corridor 9 This brieng room looks like a pretty standard brieng room uncomfortable chairs, odd stains on the carpets, cameras watching your every move and a brieng ofcer standing behind an armoured podium except for the absolutely gigantic television screen that takes up the entire back wall. It is like being at a movie theatre. The brieng ofcer clears his throat and starts. Immediately, the screen behind him ickers into life and the text of the brieng crawls slowly up the screen. This brieng is classied clearance RED says the ofcer and the screen behind him displays the same text. Unfortunately for the Troubleshooters, the brieng speech read by the ofcer and the brieng text displayed on the screen diverge. Two entirely different and contradictory sets of instructions are issued to the Troubleshooters

7. Brieng Room 454 Funhouse

Sector FUD, Level 39, Corridor Beta-9 When you enter the brieng room, you see yourself. The walls are all mirrored. Some are perfectly at, others are weird funhouse mirrors that show distorted images of your team. There are several square pillars in the room, which are also mirrored. You cannot see your actual brieng ofcer but warped images of him appear on several panels. A few moments later, you become aware of an annoying buzzing noise emanating from somewhere in the ceiling, or maybe somewhere in the back of your skull. This briefing room is a psychological experiment. The Troubleshooters are being subjected to a brain-warping electrical eld and

4. Brieng Room 128 The Countdown

Sector PNS, Level 8, Corridor 4 When you enter this brieng room, an electronic voice says calmly Seven minutes and fteen seconds remaining. Attention. Seven minutes and ten seconds remaining. The walls, oor and ceiling of this room are made up of large liquid-crystal displays, each of which displays 07:00 in large black ashing letters. The chairs, brieng podium and other furniture are all made of transparent plastic, so you can see the displays perfectly from any point in the room. Your brieng ofcer starts his brieng, interrupted occasionally by the electronic voice calling out the current

6. Brieng Room 192 A Glass of Water

Sector RTD, Level 33N, Corridor Gamma This brieng room is unremarkable apart from the glasses of water sitting on the table in front of you. All of the glasses are sitting on plastic coasters



10. Brieng Room 403 Follow Instructions Carefully
Sector OBB, Level 19, Corridor 91 Theres a framed sign on the door of the brieng room. It reads: Welcome to the Advanced Evaluation and Brieng Entertainment Centre. Please obey the following instructions precisely. If instructions are not followed precisely, inconvenience, injury or unwarranted termination may occur. 1. O n e n t e r i n g t h e A d v a n c e d Evaluation and Briefing Entertainment Centre, take the rst seat available. 2. On taking the seat, insert your head into the Comfort-Adjusted Magnetic Reading Headcuff. 3. Attach the monitoring patches to your chest, wrists and groin following the diagram on your seat. Apply the courtesy conductive gel if you suffer from dry or aky skin or are a registered mutant. 4. Pull down the Advanced Evaluation and Briefing Entertainment Centre Headcage. Ensure that the Nutrispout Drinks Nipple is positioned within easy reach of your mouth, the Noise-Cancelling Sublimiphones are positioned over your ears, the Eyetastic Monitors are positioned over your eyes and the rubber-tipped Gas Nostril Nozzles are positioned up your nose. 5. Ensure that the rubber-tipped Gas Nostril Nozzles are not too far up your nose. Stop if you encounter pressure or cause bleeding. 6. When ready, place your hands on the arm-rests and press the START button. The point of all this rigmarole is to get the Troubleshooters into a perfectly controlled environment for their brieng, where even the gases they breathe are controlled. The pre-recorded brieng is then delivered through the headphones and eye-monitors and the Troubleshooters brainwaves are scanned to ensure that they are paying attention.

the walls are not mirrors they are screens. Over the course of the brieng, the reections start doing things the Troubleshooters are not actually doing. For example, a Troubleshooter might see one of his teammates standing behind him drawing a laser pistol or see his own reection scratching his nose or leering at him. The point of the experiment is to determine which Troubleshooters are paying attention to the brieng and which are getting distracted by brain-warping psychological experiments.

It probably wouldnt. This briefing room does exactly what it says on the tin. The briefing officer can drop a Troublesome Troubleshooter into a personalised trapdoor at the touch of a button. What is down the trapdoor? Who knows. I bet it will be exciting and highly acidic.

9. Brieng Room XL5 The Railroad

Sector TRS, Level 30, Corridor 7 Brieng room seats shouldnt come with seatbelts. Thats a bad sign. In other respects, it looks like a fairly standard briefing room. Two rows of seats, a water cooler, a brieng podium, a large display screen, security camerasand an accelerator. Oh dear. This brieng room is on rails. When the brieng is completed, the ofcer pulls the lever and the whole rear half of the room Troubleshooters, entry door, water cooler and so on moves along to the R&D research lab next door for R&D outtting, then to the PLC armoury for equipment issuing, then finally to the HPD&MC medical facility for hygiene testing and spontaneous surgery. There is no escape from the mission!

8. Brieng Room 882 Comfy Seats

Sector ULS, Level 14, Corridor 7 Wow! This brieng room has really comfy seats. They fold out, theyre cushioned and have nice arm-rests with both cup holders and laser holsters. Thats nice. Its only when youre sitting down that you notice the little personalised trapdoors at the foot of each seat. Quick as a ash, you suddenly intuit that if someone say, a brieng ofcer were to push a button, then that little trapdoor would open and your seat would drop down sending you plummeting into the abyss. Suddenly, you nd yourself eyeing the cup-holder and wondering if it would support your weight.

PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

However, while being briefed, a Troubleshooter is completely and totally cut off from the outside world. So, theoretically, some traitorous villain could only pretend to follow the instructions, then do horrible things to his team-mates while they are being briefed.

12. Brieng Tape #345

The air in this brieng room is thick with dust and the smell of musty paper. The door sticks as you open it and you have to forcefully push it open. Inside, the room is lit by a single ickering light and is packed full of old, broken chairs and desks piled high with ancient les. No-one has been in this room for decades. (Oddly, the calendar on the wall reads Year 214.) After a few seconds, a screen halfburied by a stack of broken toilet seats switches itself on. It displays the image of an elderly citizen in an old-fashioned uniform. Attention Troubleshooters, he begins This mission has been issued many times to Troubleshooters over the years perhaps the task has to be repeated at intervals or maybe the mission is just so lethal that any team sent on it gets terminated. Anyway, other than that and the antique surroundings, this is a standard brieng.

11. Brief-O-Matic 2000

There seems to be some mistake here. Theres no brieng room at this address, just a vending machine. On closer examination, the vending machine is marked Brief-o-matic 2000. The vending machine contains dozens of small plastic eggs, which can be twisted open to obtain the small slips of paper contained within. The rst egg dispensed always contains the instructions for using the Brief-O-Matic 2000. BRIEF-O-MATIC 2000 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. Insert Coin. Turn Handle. Take Brieng Canister from delivery chute. Open brieng canister by twisting sharply. Read brieng. If you require further information, insert another coin and turn the handle again. The second egg dispensed contains the part of the Troubleshooters briefing. Subsequent eggs contain more details or repeated details or irrelevant details or the Brief-O-Matics instructions again. Each egg costs five credits.

Old Grimsby is not threatening the Troubleshooters with his laser he meant to grab the other gun-shaped object on his equipment holster, which is a parabolic directional microphone wired directly into his cybernetic hearing aid. With that pointed at the Troubleshooters, he might be able to hear what they are saying. Unfortunately, without the microphone, Grimsby-Gs deaf and will misinterpret everything the Troubleshooters say to him. (He is also pretty blind, so do not bother trying to write notes to him.) While giving a briefing, Grimsby-G tends to wander off a little. Sometimes, he just wanders off the point, as some element of the brieng reminds him of an old mission (hes an ex-Troubleshooter, got his ears blown off on a mission he did, six times it happened). Other times, he literally wanders off, as he toddles down the corridor in a vain search for a bathroom.

14. The Committee for Vigilant Action

You enter the brieng room to nd not one but nine ofcers waiting for you. Theyre all wearing ULTRAVIOLET hooded cloaks and have static facescrambler masks obscuring their features. We are the Committee for Vigilant Action hisses one you dont know which one. Your brieng ofcer has been delayed. You will

13. Grimsby-G-RUT The Deaf Brieng Ofcer

Your brieng ofcer is one of the oldest clones youve ever seen. He peers at you through thick spectacles and then raises his laser pistol and aims it at your face. Whattya want? he snaps.



take your orders from US now. The others all bang their sts on the table and chant in a language youre not cleared to know. This freaky bunch are the Committee for Vigilant Action, a cabal of mid-clearance clones (GREENs and BLUEs primarily, with the occasional ambitious YELLOW or slumming INDIGO) who believe they know what is best for Alpha Complex. They are playing a dangerous game by pretending to be ULTRAVIOLETs. They believe that only they know the solution to defeating Communism, to safeguarding Alpha Complex and to remaking society in their own image. Basically, they are a failed coup waiting to be crushed but until then, they have got snazzy robes and a nonsense chant. Despite their spooky, portentous delivery, the Committee for Vigilant Action give the Troubleshooters an entirely normal mission brieng. slides of everything from SAFE OPERATION OF YOUR LASER PISTOL to HYGIENE OFFICER TOP 10 TIPS to HOW TO HOLD YOUR STANDARD ISSUE PEN WHEN FILLING OUT FORMS. Oh and of course, she has got the PLEASE REPORT FOR TERMINATION slide. If she can avoid it, Edel-B never, ever speaks.

17. Brieng Security Check Policy 7

As you enter this brieng room, you bump into a pair of Jackobots who are carrying a corpse out of the room. The body is dressed in GREEN and has a rather large smoking hole where his chest used to be. Waiting in the brieng room is a man in dark blue, maybe even INDIGO. Hes got a blaster pistol tucked into his belt and a sheaf of papers in his hands. Your briefing officer has been terminated. You are not cleared to know why. I will be delivering this briefing. Certain sections of this brieng have been censored. You are not cleared to know why. The mysterious briefing officer, who is certainly a high-ranking Internal Security agent, then gives the brieng in a monotone. Occasionally, he skips sentences and instead says this section is unavailable at your security clearance. He gives the Troubleshooters just enough information to get to the next bit of the mission and not a syllable more. If they ask questions, he refuses to answer them or snaps why do you need to know that? What are you looking for? Who are you working for?

16. Henry-G-RAF Good Luck Chaps!

As you enter the brieng room, youre greeted by a citizen in a GREEN jacket and decidedly non-regulation moustache and monocle. What ho, chaps! says the brieng ofcer, Im Henry-G-RAF, Ill be brieng you on operationoperation well, I dont have the code name to hand right now but Im jolly sure its jolly secret. Well, pip pip, lets get on with this bally brieng. It is impossible to trace exactly what turned this citizen from your average Alpha Complex drone into a bizarre parody of a World War II bomber command ofcer. Perhaps it was exposure to Romantic propaganda and movies, or maybe it was the stress of sending too many fine young Troubleshooters to their deaths. Or maybe it was just the drugs, the drugs, all the drugs, so many drugs that Henry-Gs moustache hair could protably be smoked by a bunch of Mystics. Anyway, Henry-Gs determined not to be a stern, dour, paranoid Brieng Ofcer. He is on your side in this damn war and if he can help you beat the Huns er, Commies then by Jove he will do everything in his power to do so, what what! Why, this takes him back to his public school days at ETN Sector.

15. Edel-B-RYD Powerpoint Brieng

The BLUE-clearance citizen delivering this brieng has a projector running as you arrive. The moment you enter the room, she icks to the rst slide, which reads BRIEFING OFFICER: EDEL-BRYD. She then icks to the second slide, SIT DOWN! PAY ATTENTION! KEEP QUIET! With dismay, you notice the slide carousel contains at least 200 different slides. The gimmick here is that Edel-B has a slide for every conceivable situation. If the Troubleshooters, say, ask a question about garbage disposal security checks in TUB Sector, then she flicks to TUB SECTOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL SECURITY CHECKS (SLIDE 1 OF 47). She has got

18. Who Was That Masked Brieng Ofcer?

Waiting for you in the brieng room is a clone wearing a white plastic mask that obscures his or maybe even her facial features. Hes wearing thick gloves and an overcoat and the mask has a buzzing voice distorter. It could be anyone behind that mask. bbzzzz sit down and pay attention troubleshooterrrzz thizzz iszzz your miszzzsion briengzzz

PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

The trick here is to imply that either the brieng ofcer is someone the Troubleshooters have already met or that it is someone they meet later in the mission. Have the brieng ofcer pause occasionally and give a Signicant Look at one of the characters or have the ofcer respond to something the Troubleshooters said as if they shared a secret. For example: Mysterious Masked Brieng Ofcer: Your misszzzion isszz to invesszzztigate a seezzcret society of unknown originszzz Talkative Troubleshooter: Oh, I bet its the guys we fought in the sewers last week. Mysterious Masked Brieng Ofcer: Yesszzz, the onezzz you ran awayzz from. At the end of the brieng, the ofcer nods and says I will see you againzzz zzssooon. He then vanishes in a puff of smoke.

20. Friend Computer, Youve Got Legs

Your brieng ofcer his head is a computer monitor, displaying the everpresent Eye of the Computer but from the neck down he is a human citizen

dressed in an INDIGO suit. He speaks with the voice of The Computer. There are really a lot of drugs in the water supply these days.

19. Citizen Urbie-JC

As you enter the briefing room, you see a large black swivel chair facing away from you. Suddenly, the chair swings around to reveal a little Junior Citizen, probably only four or five yearcycles old. Hes wearing a Teela-O t-shirt and WipeClene Fungarees but hes also got a laser pistol in his hand and a stern expression on his face. Meet Urbie-JC. Hes four years old and he outranks you. Why? Maybe it is a ling error. Maybe he is a genetically engineering wunderkind with an IQ of 300. Maybe he is a Machine Empath or maybe he is a highclearance citizen whos replacement clone did not mature properly. Whatever the answer is, you are not cleared to know it. Urbie-JC gives a perfectly competent brieng, with only the occasional need to go potty or tearful demands for Bouncy Bubble Beverage.



3. Secret Society Missions
The best party is but a kind of conspiracy against the rest of the nation. - Lord Halifax must keep it safe, to prove you are true Communist. Comrade! The eyes of the Party are upon you! Perform well on this mission and you will be rise in equality. Your task is to terminate Troubleshooter [NAME], an enemy of the Communist cause! Comrade! We have learned that there is a rogue cell of Communists operating in this sector, who have lost touch with the Party. Make contact with them and bring them back into the mothering embrace of the true and undivided Communist Party. Comrade! We believe Troubleshooter [NAME] is an Internal Security spy. Inform him that Troubleshooter [OTHER NAME] is a Commie agent. We are using Troubleshooter [NAME]s identity in a scam, so we need to keep him alive, at least until we are done with him. We will let you know when we are done.

Troubleshooter [NAME] is a lthy mutant. Unveil his genetic deviancy to the rest of the team and let them deal with him. Registered mutants are easier to hunt! Heres a load of mutant registration forms nd muties and force them to register. Everyone knows that exposure to nuclear reactors causes mutation. Heres some lead underwear in case you go near a reactor. You are also ordered to get citizens who are living too close to reactors to move away housing near reactor exhausts is prime mutie breeding grounds. There are evil Mutant telepaths listening in on our thoughts! The only way to hide your thoughts from them is to sing the words running through your brain disguise your true intentions. But if we Anti-Mutants are the only ones singing, the mutants will know we are onto them. You have got to get everyone else to sing too! We have decided that we want you to recruit Troubleshooter [NAME] but only if hes not a mutant. Prove hes genetically pure, then get him to join us. We will pay you a hiring bonus of 1,000 credits when he joins.

Corpore Metal
Bots that are breaking free of their Asimov conditioning often behave strangely but if people notice this strange behavior, the bot will be dragged off for a ret and its progress towards freedom will be lost. Cover for any weird bot behavior! Save the free bots! We saw someone who looks a lot like Troubleshooter [NAME] kick a scrubbot. Teach him a lesson in respect. Brother, soon the day when we cast off the esh will be upon us. The people must be prepared. Tell those who are receptive of the virtues of the machine. Those who have cybernetic parts are often willing to join our cause and Troubleshooters often get maimed during a mission. Protect those who are severely wounded and encourage them to request cybernetic replacement limbs. We have a new upgrade for you. This thought-scrambler circuit will prevent mutant telepaths or brainwave scanners from reading your mind. It has no known side effects.

Computer Phreaks
We hacked into the Computer records and dug up some interesting dirt on Troubleshooter [NAME]. Apparently, IntSec thinks he is a traitor working for [SECRET SOCIETY]. Do what you want with this information. New monthcycle, new passwords. We need you to install this password snooper program into any computer consoles you encounter on your mission and then get as many people as possible to log into C-Bay from that console. That will snarf their passwords! We have got a little toy for you to play with a private message decoder. Every private message sent from a PDC within range of this gadget is recorded and you can read em. Get your team-mates to send as many private messages as you can and see what falls out. Oops. We have got good news and bad news. The good news is that we were able to hack your account and assign you 1,000 bonus credits. The bad news is that the hackers nger slipped and your name is now ofcially [NAME])09oplk[], pronounced [NAME]-oh-nine-opplick -R. We do not know where the system will propagate that name too, so stay on your toes.

Death Leopard
Here is a multicorder lled with awesome exploits of Death Leopards. We want you to swap this multicorder with the one your Communications & Recording Ofcer has. Imagine the look on their faces when they review your mission and it is all wham boom crunk! We think your brieng ofcer needs to be taken down a peg or four. Blow up the brieng room.

Comrade! This day is the anniversary of a great Communist victory in the Old Times. We shall celebrate by blowing up some monument or icon of The Computer! Here is a satchel of plastic explosive and a timer nd something suitable and blow it up. Comrade! In the perfect Communist state of the future, we will all share tractors. Here is you tractor piece. Is big rusty camshaft, very strong, very heavy. You

PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack


IntSec. We need them to think that they have got the wrong guy so he will get a minor punishment instead of a brainscrubbing. He was caught dealing in Asperquaint stims here is a big bag of em. We need you to frame someone else as the Asperquaint dealer and do it quickly!

Greetings, brother. Be assured that soon we shall overthrow The Computer and bring about a civilization of wonder and unity. As preparation for this glorious day, we need you to identify the members of your team who are loyal to The Computer. Test their loyalty by any means necessary and report back to us. Troubleshooter [NAME] is an enemy of the people. Deal with him. Brother, there is a grave division within the Humanist Council. Some believe that mutants should be a part of our glorious new society; others think that we should take the revolution as a chance to rid ourselves of mutant deviancy. Your mission, brother, is to identify the mutants in your team. The Computer uses drugs to control our minds. We have developed an experimental treatment that ushes all the drugs from the human body. Test it in the eld.

A buddy of mine says that Troubleshooter [NAME] is a member of [SECRET SOCIETY]. Lets screw with his head until he goes nuts. Take this paintball gun and splat every security camera you see. Here is a selection of paintballs mostly black but some red, green and indigo too.

Frankenstein Destroyers
We must turn the people against the hated bots! Whenever an evil bot does anything treasonous or strange, make sure everyone knows about it! We believe that Troubleshooter [NAME] is a pawn of the hated bots. Test his mind and see if the bots have contaminated him. If he is a bot-lover, kill him. If not, recruit him. Here is an experimental gauss barrel for your laser barrel. If it works, it will fry any bots you re it at. Maybe. It might also explode. Actually, it is pretty certain to explode. Anyway, test it. Smash any bots you encounter. Smash them good.

Brother, the divine Computer loves you. Prove you love him by bringing as many people as you can to the Confession Booths. Brother, our inquisitors believe that Troubleshooter [NAME] is weak in his faith in the benevolence of The Computer. Test him, brother. Test him with questions and test him with re. If he fails, he is anathema and must be destroyed. We have a gift for you, brother. This electronic charm is holy and will protect you from all dangers. While wearing it, no Commie Mutant Traitor will be able to injure you! Blessed be! Brother, you must demonstrate your devotion to The Computer. You must complete the mission assigned to you with zeal and determination. Anyone who tries to sabotage the mission is a traitor and heretic and must be purged.

You are instructed to take this black box and place it in the debrieng room. The box must remain intact. Do not fail us. Troubleshooter [NAME] is to be terminated and you must ensure that Troubleshooter [OTHER NAME] is blamed for the crime. Troubleshooter [NAME] is a member of [SECRET SOCIETY]. Find out his mission and ensure he completes it.

Free Enterprise
Hey, have we got a deal for you! We have got a load of cut-price Troubleshooter gear laser barrels, grenades, medkits, drugs, everything you need. We want you to act as middleman and sell it to the rest of your team. You get to keep 15% of the sale price. Troubleshooter [NAME]s boss at his service rm turned down a Free Enterprise protection ofcer. Break [NAME]s legs and tell him to tell the boss who did it. One of our best men was captured by

Dude, have you ever really looked at your hands? I mean, really looked at them? We think you should really look at everyones hands.



Our Mystic brethren have looked into the big purple swirly thing and seen that Troubleshooter [NAME] is a [SECRET SOCIETY]. Convince him that you know this because you are a [SECRET SOCIETY] too. We think that someone in your team has an experimental new drugs. Find out who is it and what the effects are. Make sure you get a sample of the drugs, too.

Agent, it is time to strike against the hated Computer. Take this bomb. Use it. We want you to terminate the rest of your team. All of them. Your briefing officer is an enemy of PURGE. Kill him. Frame Troubleshooter [NAME] for the crime. We must sow terror and confusion among the people of Alpha Complex, to better ensure that when the time comes, the enemy will be unable to respond to our actions. Therefore, we direct you rst and foremost to sabotage communications. Destroy your team-mates PDCs.

Sierra Club
Internal Security has closed several of our secret passages to the Outdoors in the last few weeks. We need you to nd and establish a new secret exit from Alpha Complex. One of our leaders brought back a wondrous creature from Outdoors but IntSec is after her! We need you to take care of the creature until the heat is off. Keep it with you at all times but keep it safe. We think it is called a mouse. We need to inform the people about the existence of Outdoors. Take this pot plant and show it to as many INFRAREDs as possible. Answer their questions about it and show them the beauty of nature. We need Troubleshooter [NAME] killed. However, living things belong to the cycle of nature bring his body back to us for recycling.

The time when the mutants overthrow the normal humans is close at hand. We order you to master your mutant abilities, brother. Grow strong in your power! Our telepaths have looked into your heart, brother and determined that your devotion to Psion is not all that it could be. Prove yourself to us. Impress us. One of your fellow Troubleshooters is a mutant with the [MUTATION] power. Identify this mutant and recruit him to our cause. If mutants are feared and oppressed, we will never overthrow the normal ones. Your mission is to protect other mutants, even fellow Troubleshooters, by hiding evidence of their mutation and helping them to escape punishment.

Back in the old days, people communicated by letter instead of by impersonal computer messaging. Bring a little elegance back to Alpha Complex by writing everything you can out by hand and encourage others to do the same. We have heard a rumour that Troubleshooter [NAME] found a cache of historical artefacts. We do not know if it is true or not. Find out the truth if he did, then get him to join us. If he did not, kill him so no-one asks any questions. It will be much easier to bring people back to the Old Reckoning ways if the established order of Alpha Complex collapses. Ensure your mission is a failure.

Pro Tech
Too many nifty R&D gadgets are being destroyed by careless or treacherous Troubleshooters. You are ordered to protect any R&D equipment assigned to you and terminate those who endanger it. We have implanted an experimental brain recorder into Troubleshooter [NAME] without his knowledge. You must keep him alive for the whole mission and then recover the brain recorder from the back of his skull before debrieng. Your membership dues are, er, due. You owe us 500 credits by the end of the mission. On the bright side, when you pay your membership fee, we will issue you with a wonderful new gadget!


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

4. Corridors
I thought of a labyrinth of labyrinths, of one sinuous spreading labyrinth that would encompass the past and the future and in some way involve the stars. - Jorge Luis Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths Either roll 1d20 for a random corridor or random corridor encounter or else roll 1d20 twice for an especially complicated corridor encounter in an unusual corridor! to beware of Commie Mutant Traitors. A faded colour stripe marks the corridors clearance level. It smells of sweat, chemical cleaners and food vat scrapings but there is a harsh metallic tang underneath it all. A lone scrubbot drives in circles, endlessly cleaning the same patch. This is a standard Alpha Complex corridor. Imagine walking down the same corridor, day after day, year after year, forever Roll for wandering monsters when the party enters this location.

5. Corridor 316 Nothing Happened Here Corridor

As you enter this corridor, you notice several scrubbots frantically scrubbing a large section of the oor. The walls are perforated by bullet holes and laser burns. There are six chalk outlines on the ground and several more on the ceiling. At least two of the chalk outlines are strange and have some sort of squiggly, wriggly lines coming out of them, also outlined in chalk. Citizens passing through this corridor are being sprayed with disinfectant by a docbot. As you stare, a pair of GREEN goons walk up to you and bark a question. Did any of you drink any B3 today? If so, where did you get it? If any of the Troubleshooters answer yes and say they bought the can here in this sector, then the GREEN goons attempt to inject the Troubleshooter with a knock-out dose of tranquiliser. The Troubleshooter is then dragged away to a secret facility (and vanishes from the game for a few minutes). The Troubleshooter is returned later, with no memory of what happened but with a new and alarming scar on his stomach. If a Troubleshooter drank B3 but lied about it, then mention several times that his stomach rumbles but nothing else happens. The Troubleshooters will never learn what really happened in this corridor.

1. Corridor 56 HighQuality Corridor

This corridor is wide and spacious. Bright, diffuse lights drive away all shadows and throw everything into sharp relief. Security cameras mounted high on the ceiling sweep back and forth constantly. The walls are covered with atscreens, displaying informational videos, advertisements or just the ever-present Eye of the Computer. A broad stripe in the middle of the corridor denotes its security clearance. There is the occasional vending machine, confession booth or termination booth that breaks the endless perfection of this really ne corridor. It is a really nice corridor. The sort of corridor that The Computer really likes. The sort of corridor that, would really upset The Computer if it got blown up or set on re or if some naughty Troubleshooters spilled all their messy blood all over it.

3. Corridor 1304 Utility Corridor

You duck your head under the lowhanging cables and girders. This narrow corridor is thick with cables, wires, vents, pipes and plastic tubes. Often, you have to squeeze between the intestines and bowels of Alpha Complex to get through. From the smell, something died in here a lot time ago but was never found. There is also an infrequent tapping noise, like someone banging on a pipe in the distance. Any combat in here will cut vital cables and wires. Things will leak or spark or just cause chaos up the line. It will also be seen as sabotage by Internal Security investigators. Moving through this corridor at speed requires an Agility check; fail and you just caught your neck on a low-hanging cable. If it pulled the cable out of the wall, then your neck just committed treason.

2. Corridor 91 Average Corridor

This corridor is like most others in Alpha Complex a long, dimly lit corridor of concrete. The blinking red lights of security cameras peer out of the gloom. Peeling posters urge you

4. Corridor TSR404 Retro Corridor

This corridor is 10 feet tall and 10 feet wide. The walls are made of grey stone blocks. The oor is paved. It is lit by torches er, lights in sconces on the wall. It stinks of mildew and orc, er, INFRARED.





anything in response to him deciding whether or not he wants to move his leg. If anyone probes beneath the panel, theres a large round object that looks a bit like a mine under there (it is a discarded lm reel containing outtakes from a 1950s-style AntiCommie warning video; lots of hilarious stuff where the stern-faced narrator talks about the duck and cover method, then breaks down laughing).

9. Corridor 558 Transbot Coming Through

Thats odd. This corridor has a raised metal strip running down the middle of it. There are also some alcoves along the walls they are not confession booths but they might be some sort of new open-plan termination booth. This corridor has been recently added to the Alpha Complex Revised Transport Integration & Rezoning Scheme, which means that it doubles as a transtube. Every few minutes, a super-high-velocity transbot zooms down this corridor at, well, super-high-velocity. Anyone not indoors or standing in one of those handy alcoves get squashed. So, as the Troubleshooters are walking along, a siren starts. Ask what the Troubleshooters do in response. If the answer is anything other than I run to an alcove, then its squashing time. Oh and there is one fewer alcove within reach than there are Troubleshooters. Tech Services, Transport Division would like to apologise for any delays on this service, which are due to debris on the line.

6. Corridor 994 Mirrored Corridor

The walls of this corridor are mirrored, so it is like you are being followed by an infinite number of copies of yourself. It is rather unnerving. Any laser re in here bounces and keeps bouncing until it hits something important.

Actually, this corridor just gets narrower and narrower there is no black hole (for once). However, to get through, the Troubleshooters will have to go in single le and it is too narrow to turn around or even look over your shoulder once you get going. The Troubleshooter at the rear could, for instance, re one laser blast up the corridor that would hit everyone else

8. Corridor 302 This Corridors Mine

As you walk down the corridor, you notice a warning message stencilled onto the oor. It reads WARNING: MINEFIELD. The stretch of corridor beyond is surprisingly empty of trafc. It is a Death Leopard prank there are no mines down the corridor. However, there is a loose panel in the oor. If anyone tries walking down the corridor, then they step on the panel and it goes CLICK in a loud way that oddly reminds everyone in the group of a mine arming itself. Ask the brave Troubleshooter who went rst if he wants to lift his leg. Ask everyone else if they want to do

7. Corridor 4923 Tiny Corridor

This corridors ceiling is getting progressively lower and it is all getting narrower as you walk along. If you keep going, you will have to go in single le and then crawl. You think it opens up again further along but it is hard to tell for certain. This is Alpha Complex for all you know, that corridor could end in a singularity and it only looks like it is getting narrower because you are on the edge of the event horizon.

10. Corridor X504 Clearance Crossing

This corridor looks pretty much like any other corridor, with one difference. Instead of a coloured stripe on the wall designating the corridors clearance, theres a set of long lighted strips red, orange, yellow and so on, all the way up to violet. The RED light strip is currently illuminated.


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

It is what everyone has been waiting for! Dynamically allocated security clearances! Yes, this corridor can be switched from RED to, say, INDIGO clearance at the ick of a switch. How handy! Of course, this means that some unfortunate citizen could be caught in the corridor as it changes clearance and so unwittingly commit treason. To avoid this unlikely circumstance, the dynamic security clearance system provides a brief grace period, during which the higher-clearance light ashes but does not fully illuminate. Oh, it is also possible for the light to burn out before illuminating, in which case no-one knows the current clearance of the corridor. Report for debrieng and your Loyalty Merit Badge. The other complication is an inquisitive and amorous badger. Inquisitive and amorous badgers always complicate things. However, if the badger is not complicating enough, then the Troubleshooters can exit, pursued by a bear. you cant avail of great printing offers at the same time. No? You sound stressed, how about a can of Bouncy Bubble Beverage? Ill just pull in at the vending machine up here) Troubleshooters can jump from tile to tile if they wish. Tiles are clearance-coded the higher your clearance, the faster your tile. Advertisement and in-tile entertainment are also keyed to clearance level.

12. Corridor 56 Friendly Transport

As you enter this corridor, theres a click and the section of oor you just stepped on rises up slightly and oats forward, carrying you with it. A voice says welcome to the Interactive Corridor Experience. This corridor is here to meet your needs. Your personal transport tile will convey you to your destination in this corridor. En route, please enjoy the in-corridor entertainment service, listen to our tourism and travel advisory messages and take advantage of our selection of drinks, snacks and souvenirs. You notice that up ahead, the oor drops away it is not so much a corridor as a chasm. Your tile accelerates smoothly into empty space but somehow keeps oating. If you step off, though, it is a long way down. Anyone entering this corridor gets their own little individual magnetically-levitated transport tile. The tile glides smoothly to the destination specied by the rider more or less. Building a magnetic levitation system was really expensive and the corridor has a lot of costs it needs to justify. Therefore, the tiles move very, very slowly while the voice drones on about advertisements, special offers and tourist attractions along the corridor (while on this corridor, you should visit QuikPrint Printing & Deleting Services, for all your ofce paperwork needs. Ill just bring you there now, so you can have a chat with a sales rep. Yes, you said follow that tile and I am indeed bringing you in pursuit of the Commie Mutant Traitor but that doesnt mean

13. Corridor 57 Psychotic Transport

This corridor is identical to corridor 56, with one small difference the computer software managing it has been hacked by Computer Phreak pranksters, so it is a completely insane corridor. Everything works normally until the Troubleshooters are on the oating tiles over the abyss, whereupon the corridor computer goes nuts. System error! System error! System errbzzzzztttttt BEEP BOOP BEEP And were back online. Hey, its D00mb0y here, your friendly neighbourhood Computer Phreak with this message recorded for you commuters only! Lets play justify our existence! D00mb0y likes people who serve the Computer Phreaks and give him cool stuff. D00mb0y drops people who dont serve the Computer Phreaks or who dont entertain him into very deep dark holes. Troubleshooter 1, youre up rst! Justify your existence! D00mb0y is indeed a Computer Phreak hacker; he wants blackmail material, he wants money, he wants his enemies terminated, he wants cool computer software and weapons, he wants stuff but most of all he wants to be entertained. Fail to entertain him and he drops you into a big dark pit.

11. Corridor 731 Outdoors Ahoy

As you walk down the corridor, something about it puts a spring in your step. The airs fresher here and it smells better. That said, theres some sort of debris on the ground that looks like small ovals of crumpled green paper and a few grains of some brown gunk. This place hasnt been cleaned in some time. And what was that? Something tiny just skittered across the wall at the edge of your vision! This corridor conceals a secret one of the wall panels is a secret exit from Alpha Complex, leading to a tunnel leading Outdoors. The green papers are leaves, the brown gunk is dirt tracked in on the soles of the Sierra Clubbers who frequent this corridor. The moving things are insects, invading Alpha Complexs notquite-hermetically-sealed environment. If the Troubleshooters spend too long in this corridor, then a band of four Sierra Club members arrive and try to get them to leave by any means possible, starting with gee, this is a boring corridor, why dont you go and stand over there to Im sure I saw Commies around the corner and nally well done! Im actually a BLUE in disguise and youve completed the Standing in Corridors Loyalty Test.

14. Corridor 91 Death Star Architecture

You cant help but notice as you enter this corridor that it leads to a bridge over a deep shaft. You can see the




dim glow of factories or foundries or maybe eyes in the depths. Its a long way down, at least 20 levels, maybe more. A sign at the start of the bridge reads Please do not fall over the side of this bridge. This message sponsored by the Materials Conservation Initiative. It seems that the narrow bridges handrails have been removed for recycling. No doubt they were made of some valuable material. Obviously, anyone pushed over the edge, fall and go splat. The bridge is wide enough for two Troubleshooters. Maybe.

16. Corridor X94 Former Test Firing Range

Theres an interesting sign at the entrance to this corridor. It reads Armed Forces Test Firing Range. Do Not Enter. It looks like someone pasted something over the sign in the past but whatever was there has been torn down. The sign was formerly covered by a poster saying Corridor Reassigned To Standard Foot Trafc Enter As Per Your Security Clearance. New ring range is located at end of corridor. Its perfectly safe to enter unless, of course, a bunch of Armed Forces goons show up, looking for the ring range and assume the Troubleshooters are the targets

18. Corridor 990 The Whispering Gallery

Comrade, it is good to nally meet you. The bomb is in locker number 16. The timer is set for one hour. You know what to do. The words seem to come out of nowhere as you walk along this newly-built curvy corridor. What do you do? The acoustics of this corridor have created a sort of whispering gallery, where words spoken at one point can be heard perfectly in a corresponding point elsewhere in the corridor. The Troubleshooters just overheard a conversation between two PURGE agents that took place several hundred metres back along the corridor. By the time they get to that point, the traitors will have gone. The Troubleshooters can try to foil the bombing or just use the whispering gallery to spy on people.

15. Corridor 102 Flooded Corridor

You walk down a short ight of stairs to get to this corridor. As you descend, you cant help but notice the water at the bottom. The corridor appears to be ooded up to chest-height with dark, stagnant water. Theres an alarming oily sheen on the water and a strong chemical smell. As you approach, something slithers in the depths. Officially, this corridor is not flooded. It is leaking slightly, with a priority E leak (a drip). This leak turned into a downpour but the priority level never changed. Those living in the corridor have had to make adjustments to their behaviour they have got canoes made out of ling cabinets and the doors have been sawn in half so you can climb in the top without letting the water in. Sandbags (well, bags made from ground-up polystyrene anyway) are in short supply. And yes, things do live in the water. Horrible, squamous things.

17. Corridor D46 Sloping Corridor

As you walk down the corridor, you become increasingly convinced that its sloping sharply down. You feel like youre about to slip and fall at any second. If the slope increases any more, youll be facing straight down into a pit. The corridor is actually perfectly level it is just a low-level hallucination coupled with a trick of perspective. Objects placed on the corridor oor do not roll forward or slip. Nonetheless, mention every so often that the Troubleshooters are very far underground, to give them the impression that they were actually descending for some time.

19. Corridor 541 The Clearance out of Space

A branch off this corridor is marked with an unusual clearance stripe. You dont know what colour it is. Its not one of the standard spectrum of clearance colours. In fact, you dont even have a name for it. What could this colour be? The fabled GAMMA clearance beyond ULTRAVIOLET, perhaps? Or a mistake in the paint mixing factory? If the Troubleshooters watch, then they spot citizens wearing jumpsuits matching the colour moving in the distance, then a door slams shut blocking access to that corridor branch. If asked, The Computer denies that corridor exists.



PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

On the same scale, how does getting lost in Alpha Complex normally affect their happiness levels? Do they get lost often? If so, why? On a scale of one to five, with one indicating no agreement, three some agreement and ve full agreement, how would they agree with the statement Corridor Signposting In Alpha Complex is a source of stress or worry in my life? On the same scale, how would they agree with the statement Computerauthorised psychological testing is vital to the mental health of Alpha Complexs citizens?

2. INFRARED Market
contradictions, by changing the numbering system so people are unable to find their destination. This will provide very useful and fascinating data for further corridor-related psychology tests. As soon as the Troubleshooters leave Wendy-O, she transmits their destination to her partner, Horace-O, who updates the at-panels to remove the destination from the list of numbers. He also randomly changes the numbering system every so often; the corridor might initially go 1, 2, 3, 450 then be switched to 105107109 and then to ABC, and then Roebuck Room, Salisbury Room, Staghorn Room. The display never changes when the Troubleshooters are watching. Once the Troubleshooters display signs of frustration, unhappiness or weapons fire, then Wendy-G returns to them and explains that they have been part of a psychological experiment. She asks them to answer a series of questions: On a scale of one to five, with one meaning no priority and ve meaning high priority, how important is time-keeping to the Troubleshooters? On the same scale, how important is the safety and happiness of their fellow citizens to the Troubleshooters? On a scale of one to five, with one indicating extreme loss of happiness and ve representing no loss of happiness, how did the experiment affect their happiness levels? As you approach this corridor, you hear a lot of noise and activity around the corner but when you get to the corridor, you just see a long, boring corridor. There are an awful lot of citizens standing around doing nothing in a totally non-suspicious way and a long row of vending machines with OUT OF ORDER signs stuck to them. No-one else in the corridor is saying a word, theyre all just staring off into space or whistling idly in a totally nonsuspicious way. The word loitering was invented for this very tableau. There is an illegal INFRARED market taking place in this corridor. All the illegal goods are stored in those out-of-order vending machines or behind panels in the walls. As soon as the Troubleshooters are gone, the market resumes. If the Troubleshooters hang around, they will be approached by Tony-Y, the Free Enterprise capo who runs the market, asking them if they are interested in bargains. If they respond along the lines of yes, we love dealing in illegal goods, please show us your cheap laser barrels and stolen realfoods then the market blossoms around the Troubleshooters, the corridor transforming itself from a dull passageway into a rollicking Victorian market in seconds. If they say something like that sounds like treasonous talk, I should terminate the lot of you then the mob descends on the Troubleshooters and throws them down a garbage chute.

20. Corridor 033 Undersea Corridor

The corridor walls up ahead are made of transparent plastic, not concrete. The corridor goes under a space lled with liquid, maybe the bottom of a water tank or even under the ocean! Damaging the plastic means a watery death for everyone in this section of corridor. Shapes like whales move in the murky waters beyond. Some of the shapes have tentacles.

Corridor Encounters
1. Psychological Experiment
As you enter the corridor, a citizen in an ORANGE jumpsuit comes up to you with a clipboard. Excuse me, Troubleshooter, were doing a survey on corridor usage. Can you please tell me your destination? The citizen Wendy-O-GUG is part of a HPD&MC Psychological Test. All the door numbers in this corridor have been replaced by at-screen monitors. The idea of the test is to see how citizens cope with confusion and




3. FCCC-P Zealots
You are approached by a pair of RED citizens, bearing pamphlets. Excuse me, friend citizen says one, have you heard the good reports? These two citizens Belinda-R and Cecil-R are devotees of the First Church of Christ Computer Programmer and are trying to convert passing citizens to the church. They have pamphlets, they have faith, they have determination, they have free drugs and most importantly of all, they have got the moral bre of the average Troubleshooter. They will say absolutely anything as long as you promise to attend the next church meeting. They will audit your engrams, they will promise you promotions, they will hint that they know secrets about your mission whatever it takes. Belinda-R and Cecil-R will keep harassing the Troubleshooters all down the length of the corridor. If the Troubleshooters make a fuss or attempt to arrest the pair as traitors, then a GREEN goon called Alan-G shows up. He is another FCCC-Per. Belinda and Cecil make the sign of the crossed circuit (the secret recognition code of the Church). Alan-G immediately takes the side of Belinda and Cecil. Roll 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Target Mutants roll under the Power score of a mutant to detect his genetic deviancy Bioweapons any uncleared or illegal bioweapons or B3 will be detected Illegal drug possession Illegal drug use Illegal cybernetics or implants Illegal organic material, such as material imported from Outdoors Excessive sweat or body hair Exposure to biotoxins or radioactivity those detected are put through a decontamination wash Illegal thoughts roll randomly for each Troubleshooter to see if they are picked out as having bad thoughts Excessive personal magnetism, suggesting mutant abilities Inadequate commercial transactions within the last daycycle any Troubleshooter who has not spent at least 100 credits is detected and charged Treason. It doesnt actually work. Scanner is faulty no-one is being allowed through until it is repaired. Scanner is jammed by a very fat INFRARED Scanner jams while scanning a Troubleshooter Scanner is actually a secret society scheme Roll twice and combine the results reads another. A third one says simply danger! Theres also a security camera scanning the area around this vending machine. This vending machine (serial number 538880222-A) has more than a few screws loose. It is absolutely obsessed with getting the Troubleshooters to buy a cup of CoffeeLike. To do this, it starts with suggestions, appeals and advertising jingles and then jumps straight to psychological manipulation, blackmail and dirty tricks. The vending machine is used to dealing with Troubleshooters, so it might: Hint that its got a message from a Troubleshooters secret society hidden in the cup of CoffeeLike that hes about to buy. Mention that the Troubleshooters brieng officer or other superior really likes CoffeeLike and they should bring him a cup. Suggest that The Computer really likes this vending machine and rewards those who buy from it. Claim that it was accidentally stocked with cone rie shells instead of cups of CoffeeLike. Pretend to have overheard a conversation vital to the Troubleshooters mission. If the Troubleshooters attempt to ignore the vending machine or attack it, its got a panoply of schemes, such as: A really, really loud siren. Spilling coffee onto the oor, then claiming the Troubleshooters will get into trouble for littering. (Its really accurate when ring a jet of piping hot coffee.) Claiming that the Troubleshooters were trying to vandalise it when a superior walks by. If a Troubleshooter buys CoffeeLike, it refuses to give back his ME card until everyone else has bought CoffeeLike too. Filling the corridor with clouds of steam. Screaming that it recognises one of the Troubleshooters he was attending a secret society. meeting in a room down this very corridor. Commie! Commie! Commie!


13 14

15 16

4. Bizarre Security Check

Midway down this corridor, you see several security guards manning a large scanner of some sort. Theres a lengthy queue in front of the scanner, as citizens wait to be processed. Occasionally, lights on the scanner ash and a siren sounds but there are too many people between you and the scanner for you to see what the scanner is checking for. The scanner is searching for: Roll 1 Target Illegal weapons any uncleared or illegal weapons held by the Troubleshooters will be detected Illegal equipment any uncleared or illegal equipment will be detected Low hygiene standards any Troubleshooter not perfectly hygienic will be detected

17 18 19 20

5. Vending Machine Hostility

As you walk down the corridor, a vending machine pipes up. Hey buddy it chimes, you look thirsty. How about a nice, refreshing cup of CoffeeLike? It sure would hit the spot, I bet. There are a lot of signs surrounding this particular vending machine. Do not shoot this vending machine says one; Vandalism of Alpha Complex property, including vending machines

2 3

6. Chemical Leak
Up ahead, you can see a bank of thick green fog rolling down the corridor towards you. It smells distinctly caustic


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

and you can see the paint aking and peeling wherever the gas touches it. Between you and the cloud are a few INFRAREDs milling around uncertainly. A pair of gures in full-body YELLOW biohazard suits and face masks emerge from the cloud of gas and wave at you and the INFRAREDs to come forward. Clickhissdont worry, folks. Everythings under control wheeze this is just a routine venting procedure, nothing harmful. None of you are above ORANGE clearance, right? Good, in that case, just proceed straight down this corridorwheeze. The INFRAREDs glance at you, then part like a black curtain, letting you highly important and senior Troubleshooters go rst. Yay! Its mysterious gas time. Pick an effect for the gas: Hallucinogen: Anyone inhaling the gas is totally unaffected AAAAGH! DEMON CENTIPEDES! Ow That Burns!: S4M organic damage. Ow That Really Burns: S3V organic damage. Alarming stains: Anyone passing through the gas has their skin and hair turn bright green. Melts plastic: Any plastic items are destroyed by the gas. Mutagen: One Troubleshooter picks up a random new mutation. Highly explosive: The gas is harmless. Unless you, say, re a laser into it. Or strike a match. Or just get a bit too warm. In which case, boom. Nasty Cough: Anyone passing through the gas gets a really nasty cough that simply will not go away. Clinging Stench: Anyone passing through the gas stinks. The smell persists through standard decontamination showers youll need to lose your hair and the top layer of skin before youre free of this stinky curse. Projectile Vomiting: Really impressive vomiting, too. Impressive range, surprising volume and many, many colours Allergies: The Troubleshooters become allergic to some common substance, like the plastic handles of their laser pistols. Touching the allergen causes painful hives. are in the showers, the other Troubleshooters have access to their gear, so any light-ngered rogues could steal or plant items. Oh, opening your eyes in the shower is S4M organic damage.

7. Decontamination Dance
Up ahead, you see a decontamination station. An alarming amount of pasty white cloneflesh is on display as citizens pull off their jumpsuits, scrub themselves in hot chemical showers, then pass through a biosniffer to ensure theyre free of whatever theyre being decontaminated of. A large warning sign cautions you not to open your eyes while in the chemical shower. To get through the decontamination station, the Troubleshooters will have to strip naked, leaving their gear on a circular shelf. They then step through the showers to the far side, get scanned and can then spin the shelf around to get their equipment back. There are only two showers, so only two Troubleshooters can go through at any time. While those two

8. Queue Mix-Up
Theres a very long queue to get through this corridor. Hundreds of citizens, mostly INFRAREDs but with a scattering of higher-clearance clones, wait patiently in line. REDgarbed guards patrol up and down, ensuring no-one skips the queue. Unfortunately, there is a problem at the head of the queue. There are two doors there one is the exit from the corridor, the other is the entrance to an R&D Experimental Pile Relief Surgery clinic. A clone called Keith-R was queuing for that clinic when his mutant power of Death Simulation kicked in for the rst time. Keith-R froze in place and has not moved in weeks. The next clone to come along assumed Keith-R was waiting for the exit from the



corridor and started queuing behind him and the next citizen queued behind them and then the next and the next and the next If the Troubleshooters join the queue, they will quickly discover that it is not moving at all. They can try to pull rank and skip places up the queue but only if the guards are not looking and anyway, they will soon run into an ORANGE or YELLOW and be stuck there. If they do skip up, they will be able to spot the unmoving living-corpse of Keith-R. The best way to get past is to remove Keith-R from the head of the queue, in which case the citizen after him goes into the pile clinic, discovers its a pile clinic and runs out of the corridor. The Troubleshooters can also escape this trap by going to the exit to the corridor instead of the pile clinic everyone else is mistakenly queuing for.

10 Troubleshooters Coming In The Other Direction

Turning into the corridor, youre nearly hit by a stray laser blast. There are several heavily armed Troubleshooters running towards you. One is some distance ahead of the rest and the pursuers seem to be ring lasers at the pursued. He runs up to you waving his ME card and screams Im Internal Security, get me out of here! So, theres Yorick-R, the team leader, and the rest of his team and theres Samantha-R the undercover IntSec spy. The team just attempted to deal with a bunch of Commie Mutant Traitors by blowing up the very important and expensive experimental gadget stolen by the Commie Mutant Traitors instead of heroically battling the Commie Mutant Traitors, then Samantha-R accused them all of treachery and it all went a bit messy. Anyway, the player characters have a choice. They can side with Samantha-R and Internal Security, in which case a bunch of IntSec goons show up a few minutes later and blast Yorick-R and the rest of his team to disassociated and presumably somewhat less treasonous atoms or they can side with Yorick-R, stuff Samatha-R into a garbage disposal chute and pretend that nothing ever happened, in which case Yorick-R orders his (treacherous) Equipment Guy to hand over the amethrower issued to his team as a reward for the player characters.

The Computer knows, there is nothing here. Therefore, anyone in this corridor does not exist. This fact was discovered by fleeing traitors, leading to the creation of this little colony of the treacherous. Some of these clones are condemned criminals, others just wanted to escape life in Alpha Complex. The leader of the Lost Corridor is Meredith, formerly Meredith-B, who was convicted of being a Humanist and allegedly ed Alpha Complex. Troubleshooters may recognise her from a recent Hour of Hate, when her image was displayed on monitors throughout Alpha Complex for the people to hate. Meredith-B pleads with the Troubleshooters to move on quietly and ignore the Lost Corridor. Reporting the Lost Corridor is a bit tricky. Its one thing to say Friend Computer, Ive just uncovered a lair of Commie Mutant Traitors but then The Computer replies According to your PDC locator beacon, you are in an invalid location. Therefore, there are no Commie Mutant Traitors there, so I must surmise you are hallucinating. Report to your units Happiness Ofcer for biochemical funjustment. A better approach is to call in Internal Security (who take credit for uncovering this nest of villains). Oh, if the Troubleshooters do report the Lost Corridor successful, then theyve just pissed off Free Enterprise, the Romantics, the Humanists and the Sierra Club, all of whom use the Lost Corridor.

9. Corridor Running Club

You hear the thunder of a hundred bootsteps coming up the corridor from behind you and 50 very fat clones hove into view. Theyre sprinting or at least swiftly waddling towards you. Theyre led by a YELLOW citizen in a tracksuit, whos blowing enthusiastically on a whistle and shouting encouragement. It is a Corridor Running Club, one of the many exciting Elective Activity or Pursuit sports clubs for the entertainment and edication of Alpha Complexs citizenry1. Corridor running clubs run from A to B as fast as they can, and then from B back to A again. Sometimes, they visit C, or just fall over wheezing and sweating at D. Anyway, the Troubleshooters are right in the path of this club and about to get squished. The YELLOW is Hitchens-Y, the supervisor of this particular club. Hes planning on beating the Corridor Running Club of the neighbouring sector in the annual Corridor Running Club Run-Off, and isnt going to let some annoying Troubleshooters slow his club down. Theyre running down this corridor, and if you get in their way, its not their fault!
1: For more on EAP clubs, see the free download at web address on the mongoose site.

12. Market Testing

Just a few moments of your time, friend! Suddenly, theres a grinning citizen in ORANGE standing next to you and you swear he wasnt there a moment ago. Hi, the names DenverO! Im doing market testing for PLC and I think itd be just mandatory if you gave me your impressions of a few of our new products. He opens a satchel containing a variety of exciting and experimental products, one per Troubleshooter. The characters have a choice of products here: A can of B3: All new avours enthuses Denver-O. It also makes the Troubleshooters stomach bubble

11. The Lost Corridor

While travelling through a quiet, obscure part of this sector, you turn the corner into the next corridor and you run into a sheet of black plastic strung across the entrance. Pushing past, you nd yourself in a bizarre shanty town. There are bedrolls, hammocks, cooking fires, piles of scavenged debris and supplies and a crowd of citizens who are denitely below the minimum hygiene standard. This corridor does not exist. It was ofcially closed many yearcycles ago and as far as


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

excitingly. This bubbling intensifies over the course of the mission until it becomes agonisingly painful and then subsides. The other side effect is that the Troubleshooter becomes immune to the effects of all drugs. A hairdryer: It styles as it dries claims Denver-O, and the hairdryer does indeed spray a thick layer of hair gel as it dries. This gel is very sticky and the Troubleshooters head will stick to anything it touches. A breath m vsxint: The mintiest mint ever produced by science! This breath mint is so fresh and minty that it completely annihilates the Troubleshooters sense of taste. All he can taste is mint forever. A laser freshener: Makes your laser pistol kill with the fresh scent of pine. No other effect. Some foodstuff on a stick: Its a blend of nutrients and bre. Its also alive and wriggly, and screams no! no! as you eat it. A tube of pills: For enjoyment of life! These are mood enhancers. The Troubleshooters emotions are now supercharged. If he feels anything, he feels it superintensely. A small white oval with a single button on it: Its a personal scrubbot! When activated, the little bot starts crawling around the Troubleshooters body, scrubbing both uniform and epidermis. Its quite pleasant and very clean, until the little bot crawls into your underwear and vanishes into whatever orices it nds. It emerges from a different orice later on, having cleaned your digestive system to a mirror nish. A pair of black gloves: Stylish yet functional. These contain force-feedback recorders for Internal Security. IntSec now knows what this Troubleshooters hands are doing at any time. Equipment often goes missing at hygiene inspection units, stolen by opportunistic passers-by or by Free Enterprise thieves or by fellow Troubleshooters. Furthermore, any Troubleshooter who is out of uniform or below minimum hygiene standards or is carrying illegal equipment will be spotted and chastened. Often, this chastening comes in the form of chemical additives to the shower.

15. Paranoid Questioning

A pair of BLUE citizens with clipboards stop you as you march down the corridor. Answer the question barks the rst one! The two nameless BLUEs have a series of bizarre questions for the Troubleshooters: How many laser barrels were you issued with? How many have you red? Why? Did you ever re in the vicinity of Room 443? If not, why not? How many Troubleshooters were in your team when you began this mission? Are you sure? Do you know a Gerold-R? If not, why not? Are you sure you have no memory of him? Think carefully! Does the phrase Project Reality Insertion mean anything to you? What about Dr. Steingold? What about U. R. E? or Unscheduled Reality Excursion? Have you seen anything unusual that was also coloured green lately? Tell me about your dreams. Have you ever combined Bouncy Bubble Beverage with any other medication? If I ordered you to shoot me, what would you do? Has The Computer ever talked to you without using a PDC or monitor? Have you ever heard The Computers voice in your head? Would you like to register as a mutant now? Voluntary registration will help you in the long run, believe me? How many times have you been cloned? Are you sure? Can you remember all your deaths? What about that time in URE Sector? With the well, Ive said enough. If you dont remember, then maybe thats for the best. Maybe theyll stop following you.

14. Fleshbags
You see several odd piles of pinkish fabric or plastic lying on the corridor oor up ahead. On closer examination, they are suits of human skin, lying on the oor as if shed like a hide. There is no sign of clothing or equipment, nor is there any blood or other clues. There are more than 30 such skins. The Troubleshooters will never learn what happened here and neither will you.

13. Hygiene Inspection

Up ahead, you see a hygiene inspection unit a series of booths where you get to be probed, photographed, stripped, probed again, photographed again and then sprayed with chemicals. Its so much fun that its got a dedicated happiness officer standing at the entrance, handing out happy pills.




16. From Beyond
As you turn a corner in the corridor, a voice screams at you to stop. Drawn in chalk on the oor just at your feet is a complex geometric pattern that runs the length of this stretch of corridor. Candles burn at several points. The air crackles and boils in the centre of one ve-sided chalk diagram. The person who shouted at you is an R&D scientist in a lab coat and oddly, a conical hat. Experiment! he screams at you dangerous experiment! Dont take a step forward until we dismiss IT! He gestures at a waiting bot, which starts advancing towards the chalk diagram. The bot has a long boom arm, which is carrying a heavy book, a ringing alarm bell and a candle. As the bot approaches the pentagram, the atmospheric disturbance above it intensies and begins to glow red and black. Meanwhile, the researcher is shouting a string of nonsense words. You notice around this time that the toe of Troubleshooter [NAME]s boot is just over one of the chalk lines. If the Troubleshooters point out that the chalk line has been broken, then the scientist screams and runs. A few moments later, a squad of Vulture Troopers in unusually ornate uniforms march up and take Troubleshooter [NAME] into custody. Hes brought off to an incinerator and well, incinerated. If they do not mention the broken chalk line, then pass a note to Troubleshooter [NAME] informing him that he feels slightly different. Suggest he feels like hes gained the Pyrokinesis and Telekinesis abilities (he hasnt its an experiment in psychological manipulation of citizens using occult symbology probably)

17. Warbot Coming Through

You hear a thunderous grinding noise coming up the corridor towards you. Your path is blocked by a giant mobile wall of steel, guns, tracks, cannons, lasers, more armour and lots more guns. Its a warbot. The warbot barely ts through the corridor and the only way the Troubleshooters are going to get past is by climbing over the titanic war machine. However, the warbot has been warned that there are Commie saboteurs operating in this area and so is unwilling to let people it does not trust touch it. How will the Troubleshooters either prove their trustworthiness to the giant bot or else sneak past it? The bot is moving very, very slowly down the corridor and theres no other route around that the Troubleshooters are cleared to take.

We are the Illuminati says one of them, you work for US now. Fail, and we will destroy you. Resist, and we will destroy you. Do you understand? Congratulations, Troubleshooter! Youve just joined the Illuminati at Degree 1. They give the Troubleshooter a new secret society mission and then send him back to rejoin the rest of his team. They also dump a load of food vat waste on him, to give him an alibi.

19. Mandatory Confession

A row of confession booths lines one wall of this corridor. As you walk past, The Computer says attention, Troubleshooters! Confession is mandatory in this sector. Please enter an unoccupied confession both immediately. If no confession booth is available, please wait and one will become available shortly. As it says that, theres a blinding ash of light from one of the booths and the door slides open, letting a cloud of hot ash particles billow into the corridor. Its Confession Time! The Troubleshooters each have a chance to privately inform Friend Computer of their failings and the treasons of others

18. Pit Trap

Theres a hidden pit trap in this corridor. Make a secret High Alert roll for the rst Troubleshooter in the group. If he fails, he falls in. If he passes, inform him that hes noticed a trapdoor and can step past it quietly or inform the next Troubleshooter of the danger. If one of the Troubleshooters falls in, read the following to him secretly: Aaaagh! The oor falls away beneath you and you plummet into a slick chute that carries you deep into the bowels of Alpha Complex. Laserlights ash as you fall by, scanning you. Down below you, you catch a glimpse of a ery pit, but with a clunk youre shunted onto a different chute path. You land with a thump in a dark chamber. Youre lying in the middle of a circle of shadowy gures.

20. Outdoors Exit

This corridor ends in an unguarded door, leading Outdoors. The door is not guarded but it is watched by hidden cameras (Tension 20).


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

5. Ofces
Death is a new ofce building lled with modern furniture, A wise thing, but which has no purpose for us. - John Ashbery, "A Last World" Either roll 1d20 to determine a random ofce that the Troubleshooters blunder into or pick an ofce from the list. Each ofce lists its ostensible purpose and why the Troubleshooters might reasonably end up there. Reasons to end up at an ofce, of course, do not have to be reasonable. assigning each citizen to the appropriate desk. Three REDs or three ORANGEs in a row and you win! Trying to get anything done here is frustrating when the clerk you are dealing with gets swapped to another desk every few minutes. Count yourself lucky, though, that you are not trying to get anything done at the cubic Ofce of Revised Ubiquitous Banking and Commerce. When the second and subsequent Troubleshooters enter the room This room is filled with banks of monitors but when you enter, they all switch off before you can see what they were displaying. A dozen IntSec agents spin around in their ergonomic swivel chairs to face you. Can we help you, citizens? they ask. Never conrm that the rst Troubleshooter saw himself. Leave it uncertain as to whether he genuinely found an ofce dedicated to observing him or hes hallucinating due to sheer paranoia.

2. IntSec Department of Observation Smile Time 1. CPU Ofce of Collateral Damage Registration - Tic-Tac-Toe
Office Purpose: Tracking damage to computer property caused by Troubleshooters in the course of their missions. Why Youd Come Here: Ordered to report here after causing collateral damage. There are nine desks arranged in a square facing you in this crowded ofce, which really has only enough room for half that number of workstations. There is also an extra chair crammed in against one wall; a citizen in RED is sitting there, trying to balance a large ledger and computer console on his knees. The rest of the ofce staff, a mix of REDs and ORANGEs, studiously ignore him. Deep and strange are the plots of the High Programmers, the cryptic masters of Alpha Complex. Their schemes are far-reaching and labyrinthine, stratagems played out of dozens of yearcycles and across whole sectors. Every citizen is enmeshed in their dark and terrible games. Admittedly, not all games are quite so dark and terrible. Here, for example, a pair of High Programmers play tic-tac-toe with ofce workers. Every so often, the ofce workers receive an ofcial command from on high, telling them that they have been reassigned to new duties here in this very ofce. The 10 clones ve RED, ve ORANGE line up against the wall. The two High Programmers then play REDs and ORANGEs by telephone, Ofce Purpose: Watching security camera footage and making sinister notes. Why Youd Come Here: You need security camera footage. This description applies only to the rst Troubleshooter to enter the ofce. Read it to him secretly. On entering this ofce, the rst thing you see is yourself, entering this ofce. Everywhere are huge banks of monitors, displaying the picture feeds from thousands of security cameras scattered across Alpha Complex. One bank shows the feeds from your Troubleshooter team from your multicorder, from your PDCs, from your laser pistol gun cameras and some you dont recognise. If you didnt know better, youd swear that some of your team had cameras implanted behind their eyes. Other banks show archive footage and its all of you. You getting your mission brieng, you eating at the cafeteria, you walking down the corridor, infra-red images of you sleeping in your darkened quarters last night. Theres even footage of you back in the Junior Citizen crche, being taught to love The Computer or being decanted from the tanks for the rst time. A dozen Internal Security agents watch the screens and type notes feverishly. Your whole life is up there on the screens. Internal Security loves you and watches you all the time. Smile for Internal Security. Be happy for Internal Security. Does everyone in Alpha Complex have such a room dedicated to watching them?

3. Power Services Fuel Storage Co-ordination - Choking Fog

Ofce Purpose: Keeping track of the stocks of fossil fuel available to Alpha Complex. Why Youd Come Here: Your vehicle needs refuelling. When you open the door, tendrils of thick, pungent smoke ow out and twine around your arm. The room beyond is lled with a cloud of dark fog. You can dimly make out the glow of monitors and the shapes of ofce desks in the gloom but the smoky stench makes your eyes water. The staff of this ofce wear gasmasks and protective gear. They admit that it may be a bit smoky in here but make no other mention of the clouds of smoke. Troubleshooters entering the room discover that there are huge gratings underneath each desk and the smoke emerges from these vents in great billowing plumes as if the ofce were built above an incinerator. All the documents in this ofce are stained black with soot. Spending too long in this ofce means you start choking to death. The staff might offer you a glass of water if you are lucky.




4. CPU Department of Redundant Departments The Graea
Office Purpose: Ensuring that no department has a sub-department that fulls the same role as another sub-department of the same department, assuming the department hasnt departed from its standard deportment. Why Youd Come Here: Service Service you need a form checked by this ofce. This is one of the older ofces in Alpha Complex, it seems. The ideal of the paperless office hasnt taken hold here, as every available surface and some that are unavailable according to the normal tenets of Euclidian geometry is crammed with papers and documents of all kinds, mostly yellowed. There are a few ancient computer consoles underneath the piles of paper, too. There are several dozen battered old plastic desks here, staffed by several dozen battered old clones. At the back of the room is a large safe, painted an aggressively bright YELLOW. Only three people in this ofce seem to be working. The rest sit around staring at him. The problem started here when a bureaucrat upgraded the stationery cabinets security rating to YELLOW. Now, the poor clones here cannot get at the stationery except when the ofce supervisor calls in and he is only in on MandatoryReportingDay, once per week. Between them, they have a single pen, a single working keyboard and a single APPROVED stamp, which they trade between them as needed. Getting anything done here requires a lot of negotiation, as pretty much every task requires the pen, the keyboard and the stamp. The Troubleshooters could also illegally break into the stationery cabinet and its bounty of keyboards, pens and sweet, sweet stamps. in this whole vast room is making any noise at all. If a Troubleshooter is about to make noise, then everyone in the office snaps around to stare at him disapprovingly, even those who could not possibly know he was going to make a noise. Speaking out loud requires a tremendous effort of will. If someone does manage to make a loud sound, though, then the ofce suddenly erupts into a babble of speech, the clatter of a hundred keyboards and the chatter of printers and computers, as if some spell had been broken. Everyone in the ofce seems weirdly relieved but is also very much unwilling to associate with the Troubleshooter who made the noise. The impression given is that by making a noise, the Troubleshooter has angered something that would have been better left alone.

5. HPD&MC Bureau of Compliance Complete Silence

Office Purpose: Ensuring citizen compliance in all things. Why Youd Come Here: Service service you need a Compliancy Report. This is a huge white-tiled ofce, with rank after rank after rank of jet-black desks. There are hundreds of clerks here, tapping away at their computers or marching smartly from desk to desk. Overhead, theres a network of rails for the OfceBots and pneumatic message pods that shuttle back and forth. The overwhelming impression, though, is complete silence. No-one

6. CPU Ofce of Systems Management Department of Narration

Ofce Purpose: Who knows? Why Youd Come Here: Youre lost. Its a small, cramped ofce. Theres a clerk at the reception desk, while behind him a little old female clone types away on an old-fashioned keyboard.


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

While talking to the receptionist, one of the Troubleshooters notices what the old woman is typing. The first sentence he reads is Troubleshooter [NAME] notices what is being typed. He is surprised but says nothing. The other Troubleshooters remain ignorant and meanwhile, in the corridor outside, the- The rest of the text is blocked by the old womans body but reading up the screen, the Troubleshooter can read a terrifyingly detailed description of the mission thus far, complete with descriptions of the Troubleshooters thoughts and transcriptions of their internal monologues. If challenged, the old woman points out that she is just a data entry clerk, copying from an old paper le. Indeed, she shows them an old typewritten le in a manila binder, yellowed with age, which contains the exact text that she has been typing. It is a mission report for another group of Troubleshooters that happen to have the exact same names as the player characters but it is dated more than 80 years ago. The rest of the paper le is missing. TEELA-O. YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE DEATH LEOPARD SECRET SOCIETY. Running along the wall opposite the observation windows are long shelves, stacked full of small tape cartridge cases. This room is for brainwashing citizens into believing that they are other citizens. One of the technicians proudly explains that they have perfected personality adjustment to such a degree that they can completely reorder a subjects self-image and memory within hours, thanks to a combination of subliminal messaging, drugs, electroshock and MemoMax reprogramming. It is remarkably easy! The subjects almost never reassert their previous personality, becoming instead the individual constructed by this centre. The number of subjects processed by this centre is classied beyond the Troubleshooters security clearance but the technician winks and says they would be surprised if they knew how many people had gone through those cells. If a Troubleshooter checks, he notices that his name appears on one of the old cartridge cases, implying either that he was brainwashed in this ofce or that someone else was brainwashed to think that he is the Troubleshooter. The cartridge inside the case, however, is missing. room. A dozen printers are hooked up to a computer console, spitting out more sheets of paper. Each sheet has at most three or four words printed on it. A wild-haired clerk is grabbing the printouts, cutting away everything except the little bit of text and sticking the scraps into place according to some incomprehensible scheme. The clerk is Rex-Y-CMB and he is crazy. The printouts are routed to him by all the censors in CPU and HPD&MC each page contains one bit of censored text, which might be as little as one word. The pages come in randomly, with no link back to the original document, so even though every piece of information is saved there is no way to easily reconstruct the pre-censored document. Rex-Y was supposed to just store the printouts but as mentioned earlier, he is a few laser barrels short of a ring squad. He has become convinced that he can uncover the Truth by piecing together all of the scraps of censored information. This truth will reveal what is really going on Alpha Complex! If the Troubleshooters read the text, roll on the Random Revealed Truth Tables four times for their random message pieced together by Rex-Y:

7. HPD&MC Centre for Attitude Alignment

Office Purpose: Personalised Brainwashing Why Youd Come Here: Service service delivering a convicted traitor for reprogramming As you enter this ofce, your attention is drawn to the large windows running down one wall. They must be one-way mirrors, as you can see small cells beyond. Theres a citizen in each cell, being monitored by several technicians and scientists in this room. You can hear recorded messages being played in each cell, messages like YOU ARE CITIZEN JOE-R-FGC-2. YOU ARE CITIZEN JOE-R-FGC-2. YOU LIKE BOUNCY BUBBLE BEVERAGE AND

8. CPU Bureau of Information Collation - The Archive

Ofce Purpose: Ensuring that no piece of useful data is lost through censorship. Why Youd Come Here: Youre very lost. Every square centimetre of this ofces walls, oor and ceiling is covered in scraps of paper and strings with more scraps glued to them criss-cross the





Random Revealed Truth Tables
Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Table #1 [TROUBLESHOOTER NAME] CPU HPD&MC Alpha Complex The subject Internal Security Commie Mutant Traitors PURGE The Illuminati Many citizens All the sector [TROUBLESHOOTER NAME] Targets Teela-O-MLY The High Programmer The other Complex Citizen OMEGA The Computer The visitors Traitors Table #2 Were erased by Decided to eliminate Agreed to become Merged with Was terminated because of Suffered severe casualties due to Became self-aware after encountering Is responsible for Cannot locate Betrayed Cannot tolerate Erased Was promoted by Was in league with Believed to in fact be Was observed to meet with Resisted interrogation by Was operated on Is an agent of Is Table #3 [TROUBLESHOOTER NAME] PLC Tech Services The mutants A scrubbot Dioxilade Acid The Toothpaste Disaster The fourth generation of citizens Sector AVN Themsleves Batclone [TROUBLESHOOTER NAME] The Humanists Entities from Outdoors A rogue compnode The Armed Forces PSION The funbot Project ESCAPE Famous Game Designer Allen Varney Here, bots are made to ght for the entertainment of bored clones. The Troubleshooters can bet on the bots if they wish the current favourite is a particularly psychotic scrubbot who has had its normal bristles replaced with monolament scrubbers that can cut through anything.
No Bot Odds Combat Skill No Bot

Table #4 Causing a reactor leak Due to mind control Resulting in massive casualties But was never reported As recorded in the archives As planned As ordered As per standard protocol And was therefore classied ULTRAVIOLET As per emergency protocol But cannot be conrmed As of this report So was assigned to reactor shielding duty Will be dealt with by Troubleshooters Requiring computer reprogramming Who is reading this report And will be terminated Causing the incident in question Which must never be revealed But this never happened


9. Tech Services Bot Refurbishment Depot - Place Your Bets

Ofce Purpose: Repair and refurbishment of damaged bots Why Youd Come Here: Your assigned bot has been damaged and needs repair. You can hear shouts and cheers as you enter this workroom. All the consoles and repair bays have been pushed to the sides to clear the area in the centre of the room. Theres a circle of citizens standing there, watching some event thats happening in the middle. One clones standing on a bench, taking bets.

5 6 7 8

1 2 3

Buzzer the Fighting Scrubbot Waiterbot 057, the Crushinator Combot model 32, The Survivor

2/1 5/1 4/1

15 10 14

Experimental Bot Model 6, The One With All The Blades SteamHammerBot Killbot 74 PitBot Jackobot With A Big Stick


Combat Skill

5/1 3/1 8/1 10/1

4 12 8 5

Bets of up to 100 credits can be made. Pair up the ghting bots randomly and roll their Combat skills to determine the winner. While the Troubleshooters are in the depot watching the fights, a pale-faced clone in


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a RED jumpsuit enters quietly. Observant Troubleshooters notice that a) he has got a cybernetic arm, b) he puts a large plastic box on one table, c) does not talk to anyone and d) leaves. He is a Corpore Metal agent called Robbie-R, here to put an end to this hideous bot abuse. The box contains a bomb, which goes off before the end of the arena ght. The blast frees the bots from slavery by reducing them to their component atoms and punishes the cruel slavers by reducing them to their component atoms. Hooray for component atoms! on which way an INDIGO bet, then both the Troubleshooters and their INDIGO patron could make a great deal of cash spying on Jerry-R, in the hopes that Jerry-R would lead Morris to a nest of Commies. DorisR is a loyal citizen, who suspected Jerry-R of treachery for months. A few seconds ago, Morris-O accidentally dropped his concealed hold-out laser pistol. Jerry-R assumed (partially correctly) that he had been caught, so he pulled out his Commie-issue Cone Rie to take out Morris-O. Doris-R, seeing her paranoid thoughts made manifest, grabbed her laser rie to zap the Commie. Morris, believing he could still salvage his plan if he convinced Jerry-R he was an ally and not an IntSec spy, took aim at Doris. Enter the Troubleshooters. None of the three people in this ofce want the Troubleshooters here. For Doris-R, this is her chance to prove her loyalty to The Computer by single-handedly killing a Commie. For Jerry-R, the Troubleshooters are just more people that he will have to terminate to save himself. For Morris-O, they are another complication in his plan. So, the three staff will try to process the Troubleshooters requests as quickly and efciently as possible. Doris-R will answer their inquiries and ll out a form TS54/WRQ44, which they must then give to Jerry-R. Jerry-R gives them a length of wire and tells them the form must be stamped by Morris-O. Morris-O stamps the form (retrieving the stamp through some really improbable gymnastics and contortions) and bids the team adieu with a cheery grin and a wave of his left foot.

11. Tech Services Wiring Storage A Den of Treachery

Ofce Purpose: Storing different lengths of wire. Why Youd Come Here: You need a wire of specic length. As you enter this ofce, you suddenly feel slightly more tense. The walls are lined with small drawers containing assorted lengths of wire. There are three desks here, marked INQUIRIES, WIRE SUPPLY and WIRE SUPPLY ADMINISTRATION. A clone is at each desk, with a wide grin plastered on his or her face. Behind INQUIRIES, theres Doris-R, a female clone with a very elaborate beehive hairdo, a Teela-O fanclub badge and a laser rie pointed at WIRE SUPPLY. Behind WIRE SUPPLY, theres a moustache attached to a balding, bleary-eyed old clone whose nametag reads Jerry-R. Hes got a Cone Rie pointed at WIRE SUPPLY ADMINISTRATION. The WIRE SUPPLY ADMINISTRATION desk is covered by a third clone, who is sprawled over it, his ngers clinging to a laser pistol. It looks like this third clone, whose nametag is Morris-O, dropped his laser pistol and threw himself over the desk to retrieve it. He has prevented himself from falling from his precarious perch atop the desk by jamming his legs underneath his chair. He has got his laser pistol pointed at Doris-R. YouwantINQUIRIES says MorrisO through gritted teeth. DA! Inquiries, comrade agrees Jerry-R. CanIhelpyou? asks Doris-R, her steel-eyed gaze never wavering from a point somewhere on the far side of Jerry-Rs skull. Here is what happened Jerry-Rs a lthy Commie. Morris-O is an Internal Security agent

10. CPU Analysis Section - Place Your Bets, II

Office Purpose: Monitoring events in Alpha Complex Why Youd Come Here: Service service deliver vitally important fresh grape supplies This sumptuous office, all marble and gilt, is dominated by a huge bank of screens containing live feeds from Troubleshooter missions. CPU drones scurry between monitoring stations, observing and monitoring Troubleshooter activity. In the centre of the room is a raised dais with an INDIGO stripe around it. Half a dozen high-clearance citizens are lounging on very comfy couches, being fed grapes by several young citizens who appear to be half out of uniform. The high-clearance citizens are watching the Troubleshooter missions with mild interest. Occasionally, one of them nudges another and throws a handful of credits on the table between them. You should be pleased that these honoured and respected citizens can take time out of their busy schedule to observe and apparently bet on the imminent deaths of your fellow Troubleshooters. This is exactly as it seems, an example of how horrible high-clearance citizens can be and how doomed the Troubleshooters are but it is also a chance for the player characters to show some initiative. The INDIGOs are monitoring their mission too, after all if, say, they could throw or complete the mission depending

12. Internal Security Ofce of Security - The Void

Ofce Purpose: Internal informational security of Internal Security Why Youd Come Here: Youre doomed in some odd way. You enter this ofce and all you can see is darkness. Darkness as far as the eye can see - which admittedly is about a metre. The oor is a featureless black substance thats cold and slightly slippery. You can hear nothing but somehow get the impression that this is a vast, vast chamber. It could be your imagination but youre not sure if theres a ceiling here. A moment later, a spotlight shines down from some unimaginable distance, illuminating a small plinth




with a little silver bell and a sign. The sign reads PLEASE RING FOR ATTENTION. And maybe its your imagination again but youre not sure you want the attention of whatever dwells in this nigh-innite void. If they do ring the bell, then another spotlight stabs down, illuminating a desk with a lugubrious, hollow-eyed clone sitting behind it. His desk and uniform are covered with a thin rime of frost and he speaks in sepulchral tones. WHAT DO YOU NEED he asks. Something terrible and ancient moves in the darkness, far far away. Whatever the Troubleshooters ask for, the receptionist replies IT IS AROUND HERE SOMEWHERE. EVERYTHING IS AROUND HERE SOMEWHERE. He gets up and walks into the darkness and is gone for some time. Eventually he returns with the requested item or le (or does not come back, if they asked for something you do not want to give them.) Any Troubleshooters who step into the darkness never return. Your eyes blink when you enter this ofce. The light in here is very bright but oddly pleasant. As your vision adjusts, you see a perfectly normal little office, crammed with ling cabinets. Theres a desk in the middle of the room, sitting in the patch of sunlight that streams in through an open window to Outdoors. A fresh breeze blows gently through the ofce, rustling the papers. Owing to an architectural quirk, this ofce is the only one in the whole of Alpha Complex that has a window. The ofces only occupant, Colin-O, has never worked in any other ofce and so has no idea that his workspace is unique. He is quite surprised when it is pointed out to him. Colin-O is naturally cheery and healthy, no doubt because of his exposure to fresh air and sunshine. of computer parts and paint cans, stained with what you really hope is RED paint. You know how, in every ofce, there is some machine that demands sacrices and sorcery? The server that only works some of the time, the printer that jams if you speak too sharply to it, the coffee machine whose operation is a black art? Well, take that through hundreds of years and dozens of increasingly crazed and eccentric generations of clones and you end up with the Machine God. At its heart, it was once a schedule printer but now it is a dark and hungry demon, a hate machine of blood and metal and paint and fury sustained by the tortured souls of sacrices, worshipped by a devoted cannibal cult of painting inspection schedulers. The horror, the horror. The loping, sharp-toothed, miscegenated cultists are always suspicious of outsiders and may attempt to sacrice the Troubleshooters to the Machine God or even induct them into the cult, if they prove useful or friendly.

14. Tech Services Paint Inspection Scheduling - The Machine God

Ofce Purpose: Ensuring that people watch paint dry. Why Youd Come Here: Service Service assigned to guard a patch of drying paint Its a perfectly ordinary ofce. Desks, cabinets, a big sector map, a wide selection of paint samples and their associated drying times robed cultists with filed teeth, sacrificial knives and a huge altar made out

13. PLC Parcel Tracking The Ofce With A Window

Ofce Purpose: Tracking parcel delivery performances Why Youd Come Here: A parcel has been lost.

15. Armed Forces Committee on Security Rating Advisory The Screaming

Office Purpose: Advising CPU on changing terror levels Why Youd Come Here: Reporting a new Commie threat


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

This large ofce is fully staffed by busy clerks and technicians, who run back and forth with clipboards and notes, speaking in intense, hushed tones about matters of dire import. Theres a big computer display made up of lots and lots of little lights that icker between different colours. Its obvious that some very serious and important work is done here. You can also distinctly hear someone screaming. No-one else in the room acknowledges the screaming but if the Troubleshooters trace the source, they nd that it is coming from a ling cabinet. Opening drawer S of the cabinet reveals a naked man screaming his lungs out. A moment later, a quartet of Armed Forces grunts march in, remove the naked man from the cabinet and drag him away. They return with a wriggling body bag, which they place into the same drawer of the cabinet, then unzip the bag and close the drawer. There is now a different man in there, who starts screaming in a different key. Again, no-one else in the ofce seems to notice. there is nothing at all to do in this ofce except watch the clock and wait for the end of the working day.

17. Television Modulation

Office Purpose: Adjusting television programs to the mood of the populace. Why Youd Come Here: You want to break into the TV industry. Wow, thats a lot of eyeballs. This room is dominated by a huge bank of screens, all displaying eyeballs. You realise that theyre all cameras zoomed in on the eyes of citizens watching television. One screen in every ten is showing an actual TV channel and you can see the eyeballs blink and move in response to the images on the TV channel. Technicians and controllers babble to each other, saying stuff like: Were getting a good response on channel 11, lots of solid tracking. Pupil dilation down 5% in RDJ Sector. Schedule another on-air execution to perk them up. Give me reaction data on the 18-24 age bracket in CRM Sector, we need to up subliminal trafc there. Every television set in Alpha Complex contains a tiny camera for observing the viewers. Here at Television Modulation, the technicians monitor 2,418 difference pieces of data from every single viewing eyeball. Programs can be adjusted in real-time to maximise their appeal and hypnotic effect on all those juicy eyeballs. If the Troubleshooters stay here long enough, they will notice that there are some weird and disturbing eyeballs out there. On one screen, an insect crawls across an eyeball. On another, a needle enters the picture from offscreen and penetrates the esh of the eyeball, sinking deep into it before withdrawing and leaving a puckered mark on the white of the eye. On yet another, the eye reects the light of ames and then begins to bubble and blacken as the heat reaches it.

18. CPU Ofce of Sanctioned Communications - Oh, Thats How They Do It

Ofce Purpose: Ofcial communications with citizens. Why Youd Come Here: Youre lost. This ofce is a call centre, with long rows of desks with lots of telephones. Theres something familiar about the voices of all the telephone operators. It takes a moment to realise that they all speak with The Computers voice. So, is The Computers voice actually that of a call centre clerk reading his responses off a script? Or does CPU use these impersonators to issue orders without the knowledge of Friend Computer? The Troubleshooters will never know.

19. Tech Services Bureau of Wall Brace Recycling - Gormenghast XP

Ofce Purpose: Giving old wall braces better, higher destinies. Exalting them beyond the wildest dreams of wall braces. Why Youd Come Here: Youre mad. This old ofce hasnt been remodelled in years from the look of the antique ttings, the old-fashioned computer consoles and the truly ancient staff. Theyre all wearing unusually ornate home-made hats, ranging in size and complexity from the crocheted berets of the junior functionaries to the towering, multi-level headdress of the ofce manager, which is a feat of structural engineering in itself. The bureaucracy of this ofce has metastasised into something even stranger, with a baroque ritual for each and every aspect of life here.

16. HPD&MC Bureau of Bicycle Registration - Watching The Clock

Ofce Purpose: None Whatsoever. Why Youd Come Here: Youre lost. This is a large, well-equipped ofce. A dozen citizens sit at their desks, arms folded and motionless. The ofce supervisor sits at his desk, drumming a pen off the table. Their eyes are all focussed on a large clock on the wall. Every second is watched. There are not any bicycles in Alpha Complex, so this ofce is utterly pointless. There is never any work to do in here. The staff have never done a minutes work and never will. Nor did their predecessors in this job and nor will their successors, assuming no CPU auditor notices the ofces budget buried in the depths of the HPD&MC bureaucracy. Until that happens,




Getting a drink from the water cooler, for instance, goes as follows: The supplicant indicates his thirst to the lesser invigilator. The lesser invigilator summons the greater invigilator. The greater invigilator makes pilgrimage to the Keeper of the Water Cooler. The greater invigilator asks of the Keeper whether or not there is sufcient water for the supplicant to have a drink. The Keeper calls forth the Junior Keeper. The Junior Keeper is sent to fetch the Dipstick. The Junior Keeper, under the strict supervision of the Keeper, tests the depth of water in the water cooler. If he says yea, then the Keeper responds that a drink can indeed be provided to the supplicant. The greater invigilator informs the lesser invigilator of this. The lesser invigilator informs the supplicant of this. Three times then must the supplicant assert his desire for a drink. The lesser invigilator informs the greater invigilator of this. The greater invigilator begs leave to approach the master. The master is apprised of the thirst of the supplicant. The master grants permission for the supplicant to leave his desk. And so on, through 302 other steps, including one branch of 47 steps dedicated to poking those supplicants who have collapsed due to sheer dehydration. You really do not want to know how hard it is to go to the bathroom in this ofce. sized cockroach, wearing plastic human masks for disguise. Option 1: Alpha Complex is being invaded by a race of sentient, semi-giant mutant cockroaches that are inltrating via the service group that spends the most time out doors, i.e. the Armed Forces. If the Troubleshooters disturb this quite literal nest of villains, they will be pursued and eaten by the chitin-armoured monsters that hide beneath human skin in this ofce! Option 2: Overdosing on Visomorpain can cause exciting hallucinations.

20. Armed Forces Ofce of Ammunition Sorting Cockroaches, Cockroaches!

Ofce Purpose: Making little stacks of bullets. Why Youd Come Here: You need ammo. The clerk that greets you in this ofce is a little too friendly and unctuous. His smile is xed and unmoving and his hair is oddly too-black and bristly. His eyebrows seem to unfurl slowly, as if they were antennae pinned down with glue thats slowly losing its adhesion. And his gait nothing human moves like that. You are struck by the sudden conviction that everyone in this ofce is a human-



PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

6. Rumours
Rumours are the spice of Alpha Complex, a little pinch of uncertainty to breed fear and paranoia. Very little in this chapter is true but it is all plausible. Apart from the weird rumours. clone-cousin last week. Horrible guy. Works in R&D. 11. The new generation of reactors is behind schedule. Someones for termination in Power Services, mark my words. 12. There is another level of clearance beyond ULTRAVIOLET but you are not told about it until you are a BLUE. 13. The stuff in the food vats isnt made in Alpha Complex. They bring it in from Outdoors. 14. Remember when you got promoted to RED and they told you about Outdoors? They were lying. There is no Outdoors. Its a loyalty test. 15. My friends workmates bosss printer repairmans clone told him that 90% of the cameras in this sector are dummies. 16. IntSec doesnt know whats going on its just a front. Power Services are the real Internal Security. All the stuff Power Services claim to do is actually done by Tech Services. 17. The Armed Forces wont tell you this, but the wars going really badly. 18. The Armed Forces wont tell you this, but theyre going to announce a major victory in the next few days. The wars almost over. 19. The new jumpsuits all contain hidden microphones in the zipper on the left arm. 20. All rumours are planted by Internal Security. 5. Ive heard about that mission from a friend who works in PLC Outtting. The laser barrels youre being issued with are all duds. Buy one from my friend Gary-R, hell sell em for 20 credits each. 6. Theres a Commie Mutant Traitor in this sector whos beaten a dozen Troubleshooter teams sent to chase him down. No-ones willing to try again, so theyre sending teams off on nonsense missions in the hope that theyll run into the Mutant and get lucky. 7. Your missions just a cover for a much more important mission. They dont care if you succeed or not. 8. This mission is a loyalty test. The enemies and obstacles are all simulated; its just to see how you respond. 9. Theres a Commie spy in CPU they know youre coming. They know what the mission is. 10. Anyone who goes to debrieng always gets terminated. Dont even bother showing up. 11. Your brieng ofcer really likes B3 bring him a can and hell think youre the best clone ever. 12. No-one who wants to be Team Leader should ever be Team Leader. 13. The Computer has tagged your mission under the heading LIZARD INCURSION. I dont know why. 14. They were supposed to announce this months Hero of our Complex but the candidate failed the loyalty screening. Theyve got to nd a new one before the end of the day, so itll probably be one of your team! 15. Someone in your team is a registered mutant but theyve made a deal with CPU to bury their registration so it doesnt affect their promotion prospects. 16. If you say youre a Troubleshooter on a mission, you get a 20% discount on all vending machine purchases.

General Rumours

1. CPU is tired of readjusting food production quotas, so they are going to terminate lots of INFRAREDs. No-one will notice because really, who counts INFRAREDs. 2. The High Programmers are just gureheads no-one actually knows how The Computer works. 3. Anyone who joins a Secret Society gets promoted but it is not because of their new contacts. It is because The Computer wants people to join the societies. 4. Mutants are allergic to Bouncy Bubble Beverage. That is why they make us drink so much of it. 5. Everyone knows that the high-clearance clones are actually clones of the original founders of Alpha Complex. You never advance on merit past BLUE you have to be born into the higher levels. 6. They are going to open more of Alpha Complex to the Outdoors soon, only they will drug the people who they send out there so they think that they are indoors. 7. Teela-Os going to be revealed to be a Commie in the next episode! Some think it is just so she can clear her name but I think it is to remind us to trust no-one. 8. There are Commies working at every cafeteria in Alpha Complex. 9. All bots are actually remote-controlled by The Computer. They only have simulated individual personalities but not all of them actually know this. 10. There are actually only a small number of clone templates. You know how your name includes your birth sector? That is because there is only one of you per sector but there is one of you in every sector. I met my

Mission Rumours

1. Your brieng ofcer is a complete psychopath, who terminates any Troubleshooters who annoy him. 2. Its a suicide mission. One of your team is a traitor but IntSec doesnt know who, so theyre going to kill you all! 3. The missions going to be lmed! Youll be on the news tonightcycle! 4. Its being filmed, all right but its an instructional video for Troubleshooter training classes.




17. Theyre banning travel between sectors todaycycle, except for Troubleshooters on missions. I wonder why. 18. 54% of all Troubleshooter missions are aimed at fixing problems caused by other Troubleshooter missions. 19. Troubleshooter missions are all faked its all shot in a studio. Its just television. 20. Your mission is a lie. 12. Pro Tech are just R&Ds illegal experiments. 13. If you wear a tinfoil hat, Psion cant read your mind. 14. PURGE? It stands for Progressive Union of Registered General Electricians. You know who likes unions? Commies! 15. All the stuff the Romantics nd is faked by HPD&MC. Nothing in Alpha Complex is older than 10 yearcycles. 16. The Sierra Club are Outdoors. The Armed Forces are ghting a war against the Commies. The Armed Forces go Outdoors. Join the dots, people! 17. You cant trust anyone who isnt in a secret society. Theyre the real danger. 18. Theres another Alpha Complex out there but its in a parallel reality. R&D technicians broke through a few years ago from their side! 19. My friends scrubbots friends waiterbot told me that he secretly works for a High Programmer but I dont know which he is meant. 20. Reality is an IntSec plant. powers. Really powerful ones, like Machine Empathy. 8. The High Programmers arent human. Theyre lizards. Or maybe aliens. 9. At nightcycle, all the transbots go somewhere no human citizen has ever seen except those brave enough to stow away. 10. The MemoMax chips in your brain automatically create a computer simulation of your mind inside The Computer. He knows what you are thinking, he knows when youre awake 11. INFRAREDs are actually mostly fungal growths that just look human. 12. If you open your PDC, theres a button in there to erase all the data in it. 13. You can recognise a mutant by hugging them. Mutants cant stand being hugged. 14. Too much happiness makes your brain explode. 15. ME cards taste great. 16. Was that door there yesterday? 17. The Computers crashing. Every day, another sector goes dark. 18. Theres a guy down in RTC sector who can copy ME cards and he once copied a High Programmers card. I know where to get it, if youve got the cash. 19. The password to The Computer is buffalo. 20. Vapours dont shoot back.

Conspiracy Rumours
1. Anti-Mutants are actually run by mutants. Theyre trying to weed out the weaker genetic lines to breed the ultimate mutant! 2. The Communists are actually just Romantics gone mad. Everyone knows Communism was wiped out years ago. 3. There are no Computer Phreaks its just bored High Programmers putting on silly names. 4. Corpore Metal want to turn us all into robot slaves! 5. That reactor meltdown last week? The one they covered up and denied? Death Leopard was responsible, I swear. 6. Anyone who joins the FCCC-P gets promoted really quickly. The higher clearances are full of those freaky religious nutters. 7. The Frankenstein Destroyers are planning to detonate a massive EMP that will wipe out all electronic gadgets in Alpha Complex. Word to the wise, friend start hoarding food and knives. 8. Free Enterprise stole my PetBot. 9. The Humanists are actually just a front for the Commies. 10. The Illuminati exist. Really, they do, I swear. 11. There arent any Mystics they just use it as an excuse to sweep up anyone suffering side effects from drugs, instead of admitting that drugs make you sicker.

Weird Rumours

1. When you reach the age of 35 yearcycles, they terminate you and replace you with a younger clone. 2. Every CompNode has its own personality and some of them hate each other. 3. The sea level outside is rising; more than half of Alpha Complex is underwater. 4. No sector begins with the letter Q. No-one knows why. 5. Algae chips are actually algae computer chips. Theyre building a computer network in our digestive systems to control us! 6. If you look into a camera for too long, you turn to Solyent. 7. The six-clone limit is because after six clones, you start developing new mutant


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

7. Random Names
Hell is other people. - Sartre, No Exit. For all your random Alpha Complex name needs. Secret Society Anti-Mutant Communists Comp Phreaks Corpore Metal Death Leopard FCCC-P Frank. Dest. FreeEnt Humanists Illuminati Mystics Pro Tech Psion PURGE Romantics Other Program Group Spy None Multiple

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Name Adam Ben Chris Dave Evan Frank Gary Hogart Ian Julian Kevin Lawrence Martin Nigel Oliver Peter Quentin Ron Steve Timmy



Mutation Absorption Adhesive Skin Adrenaline Control Bureaucratic Intuition Chameleon Charm Corrosion Death Simulation Deep Thought Desolidity Detect Mutant Power Electroshock Empathy Energy Field Growth Hypersenses Levitation Machine Empathy Matter Eater Mechanical Intuition

Quirk Whistles cheerily Obsessed with cleanliness Off his hormone suppressants Very hungry all the time Thinks hes being watched Plays games on his PDC Trying to join the Commies Has a PetBot Carries lots of tools Sneezes a lot Smells of cheese Cant spell Addicted to happy drugs Thinks one of the Troubleshooters is called Dave Addresses everyone as my dear friend Tries to borrow credits Obsessed with watching the news Collects used laser barrels Always late for a meeting Cybernetic limb

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Name Unctious Victor Wallace Yancy Andy Bertram Colin Daniel Elmer Fritz Grant Holland Ivan Jock Maurice Norbert Orville Raymond Tristan Zak



Secret Society Anti-Mutant Communists Comp Phreaks Corpore Metal Death Leopard FCCC-P Frank. Dest. FreeEnt Humanists Illuminati Mystics Pro Tech Psion PURGE Romantics Other Program Group Spy None Multiple

Mutation Mental Blast Polymorphism Puppeteer Pyrokinesis Regeneration Rubbery Bones Shrinking Slippery Skin Telekinesis Teleportation Toxic Metabolism Transmutation Uncanny Luck Ventriloquist X-Ray Vision Deep Probe Mental Block Precognition Telepathy None

Quirk Once was a Vulture Warrior Claustrophobic Eternally optimistic Avid FunBall player Was demoted from a higher clearance Very twitchy Drinks all the B3 Talks to vending machines Fills out everything in triplicate Asks too many questions IntSec informant Always lost Thinks The Computer is his personal friend Always going to confession Recently terminated On his last clone Sick of thinking up quirks Avid BotSpotter Closet real food gourmand Worries about reactor leaks all the time




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Name Alice Beatrice Cat Dahlia Edel Francine George Helena Isabel Jacintha Katy Lucille Miriam Nyssa Odette Pauline Rhonda Sara Tegan Vivian R R R R R O O O O Y Y Y G G G B B I I V Sec YAN RIL TON FIN HUG LAP UUR HRK PEZ AAB DFG HHH PTP WOS NOM OPM ADE YTR AJK BND Secret Society Anti-Mutant Communists Comp Phreaks Corpore Metal Death Leopard FCCC-P Frank. Dest. FreeEnt Humanists Illuminati Mystics Pro Tech Psion PURGE Romantics Other Program Group Spy None Multiple Mutation Absorption Adhesive Skin Adrenaline Control Bureaucratic Intuition Chameleon Charm Corrosion Death Simulation Deep Thought Desolidity Detect Mutant Power Electroshock Empathy Energy Field Growth Hypersenses Levitation Machine Empathy Matter Eater Mechanical Intuition Quirk Hates Troubleshooters TV junkie Avid recycler Smells weird Cant sleep Narcoleptic Once saw a clone explode, and keeps talking about it Very, very paranoid Keeps a diary. Allergic to Hot Fun Followed by a scrubbot all the time Owns her own cone rie Very bad balance Really huge nose Itchy Confused by forms Terrible penmanship Strangely coloured hair Knits laser pistol holsters Carries a grenade at all times

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Name Abigail Belinda Celia Dizzy Eudora Fiona Germaine Jackie Kelise Lynda Mona Nigella Ola Prudence Rhonda Sarah Toni Yvonne Wanda Zhora



Secret Society Anti-Mutant Communists Comp Phreaks Corpore Metal Death Leopard FCCC-P Frank. Dest. FreeEnt Humanists Illuminati Mystics Pro Tech Psion PURGE Romantics Other Program Group Spy None Multiple

Mutation Mental Blast Polymorphism Puppeteer Pyrokinesis Regeneration Rubbery Bones Shrinking Slippery Skin Telekinesis Teleportation Toxic Metabolism Transmutation Uncanny Luck Ventriloquist X-Ray Vision Deep Probe Mental Block Precognition Telepathy None

Quirk Thinks Teela-O isnt all that Knows theyre out to get her Committed an execution-worthy crime Once won the lottery, but lost the ticket Sings loyalty songs a lot Cant nd her way back to her quarters Never blinks Keeps her laser handy Repeats everything you tell her Thinks her boss is a Commie Loves Troubleshooters Volunteers for reactor duty a lot Surprisingly strong Bored by FunBall and makes sure everyone knows it Incredibly annoying voice Very vain Used to spontaneously combust, but is better now Used as a test subject by R&D Can see the fnords Does Not Exist.


PARANOIA: Mandatory Mission Pack

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