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Notice of Default

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal - Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent Respondent: Social Security Administration Name: Tracy Winkler Title: Clerk of Courts Company Social Security Administration ABN Address Hamilton County Law Enforcement / Criminal Division 1000 Sycamore Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Fax: Proponent: Oswald G. Nelson Name c/o Address P. O. BOX 16035 Cincinnati, Ohio [45216] U.S.A.

Date: 19 day of, Thursday (December), 2013 RE: Adequate Assurance of Debt: a e!ed cr"m"na assau t case no#13$R%21&32 'er("ce: ####################################################

Statement of Facts:
1# Notice & Demand CN-AAA000002, dated 22 )ctober2013, here"nafter *+n"t"a ,resentment-, .as sent to Res/ondent# 'oc"a 'ecur"ty Adm"n"strat"on 0101 secur"ty %23D, 4D 21235 2# )n 666666666, the +n"t"a ,resentment .as fa7ed to the Res/ondent on the abo(e fa7 number# 3# )n 22 )ctober, 2013, +n"t"a ,resentment .as hand carr"ed t"me stam/ed 11:55 am 8 and ma" ed the to the Res/ondent ("a 9n"ted 'tates ,ost Re!"stered ,ost Art"c e +D: &011 15&0 0000 0:00 3110 and .as de "(ered on 25 )ctober 2013# 1# ;o 'uff"c"ent 3er"f"ed Res/onse .as rece"(ed from the addressed Res/ondent ."th"n the st"/u ated t"meframe, name y< $ er= of courts: Tracy >"n= er, ?ud!e: 4e "ssa ,o.ers# 4a!"strate: $ather"ne $aseney, $"ty ,rosecutor: $har es Rubenste"n, @AA, D"ane 4yers, ?erusha @es er, R#B#, Respondent did not provide proof of claim Proponent Alleged criminal assault and or any other offering by Proponent including but not limited to agreements, hereinafter Application , did not represent a promissory note, valuable consideration, or a receivable, and sworn statements; 2 Respondent did not exhibit all original bookkeeping entries, according to matching principles or double-entry bookkeeping standards to demonstrate Proponents Application was not a receivable or an asset transferred from Proponent to Respondent. 3 Respondent did not exhibit each and every original unaltered Application, including but not limited to Court Summons sent out by court, sworn statements of Deco Security Officer, Cincinnati Police Officer Risnoe and Prosecutors Bond Declaring that the information is something witnessed by Officer Risno, and that Deco Security officer was injured, in front of a magistrate bearing wet ink signatures, and; 4 Respondent did not provide a sworn afdavit declaring That Proponent was injured and was in fact transported to hospital That Deco Security Officer was injured Application was not monetised, and; 5 Respondent did not provide evidence Respondent would actually suffer a loss were no repayments received from Proponent. Additionally, in order to establish that Respondent is the holder in due course of the alleged debt or criminal act: 6 Respondent did not provide (for validation) the CUSIP / CINS / ISIN as applicable associated with the unsubstantiated debt, and criminal act; 7 Respondent did not provide a sworn afdavit declaring unsubstantiated debt and criminal act was not securitised. 5# Notice of Fault CN-AAA-000002 , dated 19 December 2013, here"nafter *'econd ,resentment-, .as /re/ared for Res/ondent# 0# )n DD 444 2013, the 'econd ,resentment .as fa7ed to the Res/ondent on the abo(e fa7 number# 1

Ref: Notice of Default CN-AAA-000002

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&# )n 00 December, 2013, 'econd ,resentment .as ma" ed the to the Res/ondent ("a 9n"ted 'tates ,osta Re!"stered ,ost Art"c e +D:&012 1010 0000 0025 3022 and .as de "(ered on 0& December, 2013# :# A 'uff"c"ent 3er"f"ed Res/onse to the 'econd ,resentment .as not rece"(ed ."th"n the st"/u ated se(en (&) ca endar days as abo(e# $o/"es of /re("ous corres/ondence, e("dence of ma" "n! and rece"/t "s a(a" ab e u/on .r"tten request#

%y the terms of the +n"t"a ,resentment and the 'econd ,resentment, fa" ure, refusa , s" ence or ne! ect "n the /resentment of a 'uff"c"ent 3er"f"ed Res/onse const"tuted Res/ondent s acqu"escence and tac"t a!reement and therefore $onfess"on of ?ud!ement on the mer"ts "s .arranted#

Confession of Judgement:
Res/ondents D"shonour "s the"r confess"on of Cud!ement to the fo o."n!: (A) ,ro/onent .as the u t"mate source of funds Res/ondent made a(a" ab e to ,ro/onent, and< (B) Res/ondent-s demands for *re/ayments- const"tutes breach of a!reement, and< (C) ;o o(era debt /os"t"on e7"sts, and< (D) ,ro/onent does not o.e Res/ondent anyth"n!, and< # (E) Res/ondent a!rees to /ay bac= to ,ro/onent / us "nterest, and dama!es D3 "n s" (er to ,ro/onent 8 , ease see schedu e EAF Act"ons descr"bed "n ,ro/onent-s Terms & Conditions CN-AAA-000002 /erformed by Res/ondent hereafter const"tutes acce/tance of, and the enter"n! "nto a a.fu y b"nd"n! contract# ;o corres/ondence ." be entered "nto by te e/hone or "n /erson# +n ."tness .hereof + cert"fy a the statements made abo(e are true, correct and com/ ete# Ta=e due not"ce and be !o(erned accord"n! y#
Proponent: Witness: Witness Name:___________________ Date: Proponent: Witness: Witness Name:___________________ Date: Proponent: Witness: Witness Name:___________________ Date:

Ref: Notice of Default CN-AAA-000002

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Note: This Notice is presented with honorable and peaceful intentions. It is not intended to harass, intimidate, offend, conspire, blackmail, coerce, cause anxiety, alarm or distress, or impede public procedures.


Repayments Necessary D"d * rece"(e cash equ"(a ent 8someth"n! of (a ueG No

No Repayments Necessary
HIH A// "cat"on ha("n! (a ue 1I2 ed!er not ba anced HIH

HIH HIH 2 !n - " #ut Not $alanced A// "cat"on ha("n! (a ue GG


A// * "cat"on To ba ance ha("n! rece"(ed (ano ue cash (a ue

ram 1

Ref: Notice of Default CN-AAA-000002

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