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Coach Calandes GOOD/GOD Blocking and the Balanced Single Wing The System begins with the 10 GAP

numbering system. The snapper is assigned 2 numbers, 1 and O. One is the left foot, and Zero is the right foot. The right side of the line is assigned even numbers, and the left side assigned odd. The aiming point is the outside leg of the player. (except snapper because both of his legs are tagged). Notice there is no #6 to the right side. This is reserved for tackle over alignment in which case the #7 will align where the #5 is and the left tackle becomes the #6 on the right side.

Balanced GOOD/GOD hole numbering

10 gaps-odd to the left, even to the right

All assignments and rules remain the same whether balanced or unbalanced. Only the tackle obtains a new number in unbalanced formations. This gives us better ability to get a bigger body on a defensive end. Unbalanced GOOD/GOD hole numbering

The defenders will align and will be labeled using standard technique.

D e f en siv e F r o n t Te c h n iq ues
When identifying the location of players in the defensive front, we describe them in terms of the technique theyre playing. Understanding these different locations, or techniques is critical to us for a number of reasons:
*It provides a very strong clue as to what gap a man is responsible for, as well as the defenders around him *It determines for linemen, in many cases, what their first two steps will be and how theyll go about doing their job *Often, it determines which way well check a play to insure the best chances of success!

*Special note: Defenders aligned in a linebacker position have a 0 added as a second digit to their technique. For example, a linebacker aligned 4-5 yds deep over a guard would be called a 20 technique, or a Deep 2

6 8

4 2 0 2 4 6 8

7 4i 1

1 4i 7
4 Technique 5 Technique 7 Technique 6 Technique 9 Technique 8 Technique

9 5 3 Shade 3 5 9
0 Technique 0 Cheat or Shade 1 Technique 2 Technique 3 Technique 4i Technique Head up on the Center Aligned on one of Cs shoulders Inside shoulder of Guard Head up on a Guard Outside shoulder of a Guard Inside shoulder of Tackle

Head up on a Tackle Outside shoulder of tackle Inside shoulder of Tight End Head up on a Tight End Outside shoulder of a Tight End Head up on a Wing player

The Defensive gaps are labeled A-E beginning from the snapper and working out.

G a p Id e n t if ic a t io n
Most all defenses base their schemes around the idea that they will defend gaps, or potential holes between offensive linemen. Those gaps are labeled using letters, beginning with A and working out in the following fashion:



Between Center and Guard Between Guard and Tackle Between Tackle and Tight End Between Tight End and Wing Outside the Wing

The GOOD/GOD system applies to all Power, Counter and Traps. The hole tagged, reveals what defender will be kicked out or trapped. 0/1 holes- kick out first defender past the A gap 2/3 holes- kick out the first defender past the B gap 4/5 holes- kick out the first defender past the C gap 8/7 holes- kick out the first defender past the D gap The player who will be kicking out the defender depends on the blocking tag.

Power- Blocking back- #3 will kick out Trap- Backside guard #3 lineman (even trap) Counter-#2 guard will kickout out first defender beyond gap called. (odd trap) The play call will be built using a five column model.

An example would be WAR 145 Counter Swap. War is the formation, and the snapper will hand to the 1 back who will carry to and handoff to the 4 who will run to the outside leg of #5 lineman. The play will be blocked using counter scheme but the #3 back will swap duties with the backside guard. With this system the playcaller can pinpoint which defender he wishes to attack and how he wishes to attac;, double team, trap or even sucker trap. Applying the rules of the Calande GOOD/GOD system to the single wing. RULE 1. If we run at you, YOU must be GOOD. The playcall will indicate by the last number which linemans leg we will be running at. 14 Power, 12 power. Each example the 1 back will receive the snap and run to the outside leg of the appropriate linemans leg.

GOOD is an acronym for the At mans progression Inside Gap= G On= O Outside= O

Down= Definitions: Inside Gap

D Linemans inside foot points at the defenders face. Is the defender aligned is such a way to threaten your inside gap? Defender who is on the line of scrimmage (or within 2 yards) AND the defenders helmet is between the linemans feet. Linemans outside foot points at the defenders face. Is the defender aligned is such a way to threaten your outside gap? When the defender is ON your inside neighbor A man ON or in his outside gap

Man ON

Outside Gap

DOWN Covered

The AT man or GOOD guy is who we want to be the designated Post Blocker so the playcaller should take care to call plays to the covered lineman. This will ensure the AT man can post up his defender with his helmet to the inside. The Right tackle will be the At man and his rule will be GOOD. He will scan from inside out looking for his blocking assignment. If no one in his inside gap, is there someone on him, if not is there someone outside, if not is there someone down. He must use this progression and block the player who first meets the rule. If there is a defender in his inside gap, and a defender outside, he must block the defender on his inside gap. RULE 2: Anyone GOOD, has GOD INSIDE them. The playcall indicates who the AT MAN is and everyone on the line who is inside of the AT man, will have a rule of GOD. (The inside continues to the snapper). GOD is an acronym for those inside the at man blocking progression. Inside GAP= G On= O Down= D The definitions and progressions are the same for GOD as they are for GOOD Inside Gap Linemans inside foot points at the

Man ON

DOWN Covered

defenders face. Is the defender aligned is such a way to threaten your inside gap? Defender who is on the line of scrimmage (or within 2 yards) AND the defenders helmet is between the linemans feet. When the defender is ON your inside neighbor A man ON or in his outside gap

RULE 3: The snapper will be included on the playside and his rule will always be MOMA MOMA is an acronym for the snappers blocking progression Man ON= MO Man Away (outside gap) = MA If the snapper has a defender both ON and Away he will make a Domino call. (discussed inter) RULE 4: The Defender directly outside of the AT man is the KingPIN The Kingpin wants to seal the defense inside. If the GOOD buddy has posted his defender then the kingpin forms the outside of the running double team. His rule is GAP, Down, Backer. He will stay on the double team until the backer threatens the hole vertically. If the At man is not covered then the Kingpin will have a Backer rule and will release directly to the second level linebacker inside the At man. RULE 5: THE FBI Always follows the KINGPIN FBI is an acronym for first backer inside. Inside means inside the FBI blocker. The AT man and or the Kingpin will be working the fist backer inside the At Man. 1. If we run at you, you must be GOOD. Your job is to post block a man on or in your outside gap. 2. Anyone GOOD has GOD inside them. 3. AT Men always have a KINGPIN (blocks GDB) pinning the defender inside 4. The FBI Always follows the KINGPIN 5. We are kicking out the 1st man pas the at Mans outside gap 6. Backside Guard and Tackle always pull on power, counter and trap 7. Backside Tightend must cut off B to C on power, counter and trap

8. The backside guard kicks on counter or trap 9. The blocking back kicks on power 10.We only use GOOD/GOD on power, counter and trap.

Here are some examples of the GOOD/GOD system to attack the 3, 6 and 7 technique to eliminate doubt and frustration. The defense is aligned in a 40 front and the defensive end changes his alignment and assignment to various shades from D gap to C gap. To kick him out call your 2 hole trap and power. The kickout blocker will kick out the first defender outside of the AT mans outside gap. (Red player). The AT man ( #2) and his Gosh Darn Buddy (GDB) (#4) will double the defender on the AT man. The AT man posting up, and the GDB forming the outside of the double team. The #6 will work up to the 1st backer inside (FBI).

If you want to double team the defender, call 4 hole power and trap. Now the At man is #4 and #8 his Gosh Darn Buddy (GDB) form the double team. In the single wing the wing back becomes the FBI onto the linebacker. Alternating between the #2 and the #4 should frustrate the C/D gapper.

Perhaps that defender also lined up on the inside 1/3 of the tight end (#8) as a "7" technique. He may move alignment to a "6" technique or a "6i" or even a shade on the outside. (Somewhere ON the tight end). We can double team him by calling power to the #8. The wing will step onto the line and become the Gosh Darn Buddy (GDB) and form the outside of the double team. Further, we are getting a double team on the 1, 2 or or 3 technique defensive tackle resulting in the DOUBLE DOULBE. Now to take make the defender on the tight end worry about the double team we tag the 2 hole power or trap with ON . Nothing changes with the tag other than to move the Wingback onto the line of scrimmage. (this covers up the tight end making him ineligible for a pass). To further be able to attack this player we can go to the unbalanced alignment and insert the left tackle into #6.

To go back to kicking him out, call the 4 hole again. Now the double team works back to the defensive tackle and the defensive end remains confused as he fights double teams and traps an entire game

Now the Defensive end is ready to blow through the double team only to find no resistance and he falls on his face or he gets moved out of the hole by the kickout blocker.

The system allows for the play caller to pick on the defensive tackles just as easy. If you want to double team him, you run right AT him. Call the 2 hole power or trap and the At am and his Gosh Darn Buddy will form a double team and the the tight end works to the linebacker (FBI). After he tires of being double teamed on every 2 and 6 hole the playcaller calls a 0 trap. 0 is the right foot of the snapper. The #2 becomes the Gosh Darn Buddy and the tackle will be FBI. 30 and 31 are very good single wing plays which hit very quick. With backfield action and the direct snap to the blocking back, defenses have a difficult time finding the ball until several yards have been gained.

The GOOD/GOD system is effective against the 50 front as well. A quick look shows we can double team the nose and kick out

the DT on any 0 or 1 trap. Even if the defensive tackle is widened from outside the guard to outside the tackle. The offensive tackle has a nice angle to the linebacker for a 31 or 30 trap. If we want to double team the tackle we run 4 hole play. As long as he is aligned somewhere on the tacle. Inside, head up, outside, he is going to face the double team. If he were to align truly in the B gap, not on eitehr ther Guard or the tackle the best way to double team him is with the 2 hole power. (however, there are other calls in the playbook that bette fit, ie seam, if the DT aligns directly in the B gap) Often defenses will bring in the linebackers to create a 7 man line. Nothing changes for the GOOD/GOD system.

Looking at the shades shown, we can double the nose and kick out the defensive guard with a 0 hole trap, we can double the defensive guard and kick the defensive tackle with a 2 hole power, counter or trap and we can double the tackle and Kick the End with a 4 hole power or counter. Backside is covered unless the tight end cannot cut the B gapper. IF not he calls HOME and the tackle will not pull. Practice reps will letthe coach whether the tight end can slow up the 2 and the 4 tecnique. The final analysis will be to have the snapper call the CORE defensive stucture at the line of scrimmage. We will identify the core in the following manner:

The base alignment will be: 1. Snapper over the ball 2. Guards, horizontal split is 6 inches, and vertical split is toe to the snapper heal 3. Tackles, horizontal split is 6 inches and vertical split is even with guards feet 4. Left end will align 4 yards off the left tackle and be on the line in 2 point stance 5. Right end, horizontal split is 4 yards from end man on the line and vertical split is even with tackles feet 6. Tailbackwill be 4-5 yards deep with right foot in line with snapper left foot 7. Fullback/QB will be 4-5 yards deep with left foot in line with snapper right foot. 8. Blocking back will be 1 yard deep between the left guard and snapper 9. Wingback, horizontal split will be 1 yard from end man on the line and 1 yard deep in a 2 point stand angled at a 45 degrees.

The numbering system for the players will be: 1. Left end 7 2. Left tackle 5,6 3. Left guard 3 4. Snapper 10 5. Right guard 2 6. Right tackle 4 7. Right end 8 8. Wingback 4 9. Blocking back 3 10.Fullback 2 11.Tailback (QB) 1

PLAYS1. 14 power. This is a straight power play in which we want to outnumber the defense at the point of attack. With 14 power the 2 will be the AT man and post up his man allowing the tackle to form the outside of the double team. The blocking back will anticipate the 5 technique being shallow and taking a flat angle to dig him out. The wing back will have the first linebacker inside of his alignment. The backside guard has a very short pull and must get into the funnel quickly looking to dig out the first player outside the hole. The snapper will stop penetration of the 1 technique. The left end must prevent inside penetration. Key to a successful power play is vertical movement on the double team and a violent kickout by

the blocking back. The tailback must catch without false stepping and explode to the outside leg of the inside tackle. No cutting until he is through the line of scrimmage. a. Make an under call for the wing back and he will come under the double team and lead up through the hole like an isolation play. b. Make an Edge call and it moves 14 power to 16 power. The wing will crack down on the Defenisve end and the kickout will be outside the C gap. The right end (#8) will become FBI. The back aims for the outside leg of the power tackle. c. Make a BULL Call Test to see if 143 counter is open. Run 14 power BULL . The 4 back will now fake taking the 143 reverse and the #2 back will be have LB responsibility d. Make X Call Tells Backside guard to stay, Frontside guard to pull, and the inside tackle to block MOMA. 2. 14 trap. This is a way to kick out the DE. We will get a double team on the defensive tackle and the 4 back will work up to the linebacker inside. The #3 back has a good able leading though out to the 2nd outside defender. If a keybreak is needed, unlikely, send the #3 back wrong. Also, this can be run from double formation to set up a weakside pin and pull sweep.

3. Buck 214 trap. The #2 back must catch, set, show, snap and sell. We are not going to read the play so the #2 back must sell the fact we are. He must make it appear he has the ball every time there is a mesh. The 1 will follow behind the pulling guard. Vertical push on the double team is a must. To slow down the backside unblocked defensive end/OLB the 2 back should put his eyes on him during the mesh 4. Spinner 24 power. The Spinner can be very deceptive but much care must be taken to teach the mesh and the #2 back steps. This cannot be rushed and must be perfect. The installation is described in the coaching points. The 4 back will go in slow motion at the motion sound and will accelerate after the snap to a spot directly behind the #2 back. The #1 back will bucket step and raise his left arm and clamp down as he taking one more step before taking sweep path. The mesh should look like 3 backs in a line. If the Mesh is not perfect the middle linebacker will read the play and make the tackle. The base formation for spinner will be with the blocking back in strong formation. The 1 back and the 4 back must carry out the fakes if theya re not receiving the ball.

5. Rocket 24 trap. To take advantage again of linebackers too anxious to protect the edge we will run rocket 14trap. Rocket is run from the spread formation and the 2 back will go in jet motion and form the mesh behind the playside guard. This is a spread to run formation. Again, the mesh must be executed perfectly to make it appear the 2 back has the ball. 6. 24 seam This is a fast hitting isolation play. From the hole to the outside will block their inside gap, on and then outside (GOO). Everyone inside the hole will block GOD. The 1 and 4 back will fake 143 counter. The 2 back will take the snap and follow the 3 back between the guard and inside tackle. 7. Laser Larry 20 power The Larry tag tells the #3 back to align behind the left guard 1 yard deep. The 2 back must make a good mesh and not be in a hurry to get to the hole. After catching the snap he will execute his normal laser rul es and shuffle with the motion. Taking care to set, show, snap and sell. We will not read this so the 2

back will be shooting through the wide A gap hole created by the cross block action of the guard and the #3 back. 8. Laser larry 30 trap. Larry tells the 3 back to align on the left cheated closer to the snapper. He will receive the snap and count 1 while the guard pulls shallow to trap the A gap player. Behind him the mesh is taking place so he must take care as not to stand tall and draw attention away from the mesh. 9. 18 sweep: The offensive line will zone block right. The #4 back will perform a slime and slide on the defensive end on or outside the power tackle and work his way to the linebacker inside. Also, we will run this as a pin and pull scheme by adding a Thunder Call. This tells the playside guard to pull to the outside and wrap around the pin being made by the power tackle. The #2 back on the Thunder tag now as A gap responsibility and will run through to attact linebacker

10.Spinner 18 sweep Thunder. All blocking remains the same for the Thudner tag and the Spiiner steps for the 1,2,3,4 remain identical. The #1 back needs to trust his speed to get to the edge before looking for a cut up lane.

11.Rocket 18 Sweep Thunder The Jet Series allows the 1 back to get a full speed head start to the edge. The QB is responsible for selling the mesh and not slowing down the back. This play is not being read,b the 2 back should eyeball the middle linebacker to keep him from running with the jet motion 12.31 trap is designed to take advantage of the aggressive defensive tackles and fast flowing linebackers. The ball will be snapped to the blocking back who must wait one count and then follow behind the pulling guard. A variety of backfield actions will be

run with this. Spinner motion is very effective as is the JET Spread formation. Run the trap to the 3 technique side 13.Spinner 21 Trap can be used to attack the aggressive defensive tackles and linebackers by threatening both edges and then running underneath the pressure. The spin of the 2 back will give the delay needed for the guard to get out and take short angle upfield to dig out the defensive tackle Spinner 21 Trap nothing changes from our base 1 hole trap play. The 1 is the left leg of the snapper so that is front side. The guard will be his gosh darn buddy and double team the 1 technique. The left tackle is now FBI and we will trap the defensive tackle. The Defensive end/OLB is unblocked. If the mesh is good he should be coming upfield looking to tackle the #4. We will run under him. We will also snap directly to the #3 back and run Spinner 31 trap. 14. Rocket 21 trap: from the Jet formation send the 1 in rocket motion. The 2 back is not reading the play but must use the set, show, snap and sell to open the A gap cutback lane we are trying to take advantage of.

15.23 counter is a designed to take advantage of the reactive MIKE on the 1 back action. With 23 counter we will snap to the 2 back and he is going to let the 1 cross his face and take two moving steps getting on his outside hip, then plant the outside foot and arrow behind his guard. To dress it up and give the defense more to digest we will run this with a fake 143 counter being run under and the 2 back will use the 4 as a lead blocker. Also, run from Double formation aligning the #3 back 1x1 over the left offensive tackle in base or the left end in unbalanced, which should move the outside linebacker. #3 blocking back must take care to identify 1st linebacker inside depending on the formation he is in. 16.Buck 23 Counter Buck 23 is the same way to double the defensive tackle and kick out the defensive end/OLB. The 1 and 2 back must take great care to endure a great and proper mesh.

17.Double 23 Counter G will move the 3 back to a 1x1 left wing position. He is now FBI and the backside guard will be kicking out the first player beyond the B gap. 18.143 counter. This play requires a handoff from the 1back. A 5 technique getting too far upfield combined with a MLB chasing the #1 back sets up for positive yardage. The #3 back will be the FBI blocker and the backside guard will kick out first defender past the B gap. IF need too, cheat the left end out a few yards and see if the OLB will move out some as well. If we need an additional blocker we will tag the play lead and the #2 back will shuffle left with the 1 before aiming at the outside leg of the left guard and looking for outside uglies. 19. Flash 143 counter: Flash is the spin series without the 4 back going in motion. HE must cheat back 1 yard on the Flash in order to have the correct angle of attack to the left leg of the left guard. Again, this will be run

from Double formation as well 20. Double Flash 143 counter G By placing the 3 back in double he has a better angle on the linebacker and the pulling guard will now G block and kick out first man beyond the B gap. 21.Rocket 143 Counter. To catch linebackers flowing too quickly to the jet motion we will run Rocket 143 power. Here the 1 back will catch, show, snap, and sell as normal but now will take step back to the #4 back who will take the inside handoff and follow his guard. Since it is a counter, the #3 back will kick the first player beyond the B gap. #2 guard will pull 22.Laser Larry 247 Sweep The 4 back must trust his speed and get to the edge. The 1 back will crack back inside and the #3 back will lead out to the corner. Uncovered lineman must reach and overtake the defender above them. Covered must reach rip and run to the second level.

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