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Ragam: Malahari
ARO: S R1 M1 PD1 S ||
AVA: S D1 PM1 G2 R1 S ||
Talam: Triputa (Chathurasra Jathi)
Composer: Purandaradasa
Meaning: Courtesy, Dr. Aruna Turaga, California

Kereya Neeranu Kere ge Jalli Varava Padedava Rante Kaanero!
Hari ya Karunadolaada Bhagyava Hari Samarpane Maadi Badukiro

Charanam 1:
Shree Purandara Vittala Raayana Charana Kamalava Nodi Badukiro

Meaning: (by Dr. Aruna Turaga)

In this geetham, Purandaradasa describes the attributes of the devotees of the god Hari.
Look (“kanero”)! Followers of Hari scoop water from the (“neeranu”) lake (“kere”) and again pour
(“jalli”) it back into the lake (“kere ge”) while worshipping with the intention of obtaining the boons
(“varava padeda rante”) from the god.
In a similar manner the life given as a considerate bequest (“karunadalaya bhagyavu”) by Hari (“hari
ya”) is surrendered back to him (“hari samarpana”).

Charanam 1:
These holy men spend their lives (“bradukeru”) by feasting their eyes (“nodi”) on the lotus feet (“charana
kamalava”) of the god who is the master of Purandara dasa (sri purandara vittala rayani).

Arohanam : S R1 M1 PD1 S Avarohanam: S D1 PM1 G2 R1 S

Kereya Neeranu Kere ge Jalli Varava Padedava Rante Kaanero!
Hari ya Karunadolaada Bhagyava Hari Samarpane Maadi Badukiro

Followers of Hari scoop water from the (“neeranu”) lake (“kere”) and again pour (“jalli”) it back into
the lake (“kere ge”) ...

D S S | D P | M P || D D P | M M | P P ||
Ke re ya | Nee - | ra nu || Ke re ge | chal - | li - ||

... while worshipping with the intention of obtaining the boons (“varava padeda rante”) from the god.
Look (“kanero”)!

D D S | D P | M P || D D P | M G | R S ||
Va ra va | pa de | da va || ran - te | Kaa - | ni ro ||

In a similar manner the life given as a considerate bequest (“karunadolaada bhagyavu”) by Hari (“hari
ya”) ...

S R R | S R | S R || D D P | M G | R S ||
Ha ri ya | ka ru | na do || laa - da | bha - | gya va ||

... is ("maadi") surrendered back to him (“hari samarpana”).

D P D | S - | D P || D D P | M G | R S ||
Ha ri sa | ma - | rpa ne || ma - di | ba du | ki ro ||

S R R | S R | S R || D D P | M G | R S ||
Ha ri ya | ka ru | na da || la - ya | bha - | gya va ||

Charanam 1:
Shree Purandara Vittala Raayana Charana Kamalava Nodi Badukiro

These holy men spend their lives (“bradukeru”) by feasting their eyes (“nodi”) on the lotus feet
(“charana kamalava”) of the god who is the master of Purandara dasa (sri purandara vittala rayani).

D S S | D P | M P || D D P | M M | P P ||
Sree - pu | ran - | da ra || vi ta la | ra - | ya - ||

D D S | D P | M P || D D P | M G | R S ||
Cha ra na | ka ma | la va || no - di | ba du | ki ro ||

... the life given as a considerate bequest (“karunadolaada bhagyavu”) by Hari (“hari ya”) ...

S R R | S R | S R || D D P | M G | R S ||
Ha ri ya | ka ru | na do || la - da | bha - | gya va ||

... is ("maadi") surrendered back to him (“hari samarpana”).

D P D | S - | D P || D D P | M G | R S ||
Ha ri sa | ma - | rpa ne || ma - di | ba du | ki ro ||

S R R | S R | S R || D D P | M G | R S ||
Ha ri ya | ka ru | na do || la - da | bha - | gya va ||

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