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J. R. R. Tolkien
Chapter I AN UNEXPECTED PARTY In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a na t!" dirt!" #et hole" $illed #ith the end o$ #or% and an oo&! %ell" nor !et a dr!" bare" and! hole #ith nothing in it to it do#n on or to eat' it #a a hobbit(hole" and that %ean )o%$ort. It had a per$e)tl! round door like a porthole" painted green" #ith a hin! !ello# bra knob in the e*a)t %iddle. The door opened on to a tube( haped hall like a tunnel' a ver! )o%$ortable tunnel #ithout %oke" #ith panelled #all " and $loor tiled and )arpeted" provided #ith poli hed )hair " and lot and lot o$ peg $or hat and )oat +the hobbit #a $ond o$ vi itor . The tunnel #ound on and on" going $airl! but not ,uite traight into the ide o$ the hill+The -ill" a all the people $or %an! %ile round )alled it+and %an! little round door opened out o$ it" $ir t on one ide and then on another. No going up tair $or the hobbit' bedroo% " bathroo% " )ellar " pantrie .lot o$ the e/" #ardrobe .he had #hole roo% devoted to )lothe /" kit)hen " dining(roo% " all #ere on the a%e $loor" and indeed on the a%e pa age. The be t roo% #ere all on the le$t(hand ide .going in/" $or the e #ere the onl! one to have #indo# " deep( et round #indo# looking over hi garden and %eado# be!ond" loping do#n to the river. Thi hobbit #a a ver! #ell(to(do hobbit" and hi na%e #a 0aggin . The 0aggin e had lived in the neighbourhood o$ The -ill $or ti%e out o$ %ind" and people )on idered the% ver! re pe)table" not onl! be)au e %o t o$ the% #ere ri)h" but al o be)au e the! never had an! adventure or did an!thing une*pe)ted' !ou )ould tell #hat a 0aggin #ould a! on an! ,ue tion #ithout the bother o$ a king hi%. Thi i a tor! o$ ho# a 0aggin had an adventure" $ound hi% el$ doing and a!ing thing altogether une*pe)ted. -e %a! have lo t the neighbour 1 re pe)t" but he gained(#ell" !ou #ill ee #hether he gained an!thing in the end. The %other o$ our parti)ular hobbit2 #hat i a hobbit3 I uppo e hobbit need o%e de )ription no#ada! " in)e the! have be)o%e rare and h! o$ the 0ig People" a the! )all u . The! are .or #ere/ a little people" about hal$ our height" and %aller than the bearded D#arve . -obbit have no beard . There i little or no %agi) about the%" e*)ept the ordinar! ever!da! ort #hi)h help the% to di appear ,uietl! and ,ui)kl! #hen large tupid $olk like !ou and %e )o%e blundering along" %aking a noi e like elephant #hi)h the! )an hear a %ile o$$. The! are in)lined to be at in the to%a)h4 the! dre in bright )olour .)hie$l! green and !ello#/4 #ear no hoe " be)au e their $eet gro# natural leather! ole and thi)k #ar% bro#n hair like the tu$$ on their head .#hi)h i )url!/4 have long )lever bro#n $inger " good(natured $a)e " and laugh deep $ruit! laugh .e pe)iall! a$ter dinner" #hi)h the! have t#i)e a da! #hen the! )an get it/. No# !ou kno# enough to go on #ith. A I #a a!ing" the %other o$ thi hobbit+o$ 0ilbo 0aggin " that i +#a the $abulou 0elladonna Took" one o$ the three re%arkable daughter o$ the 5ld Took" head o$ the hobbit #ho lived a)ro The 6ater" the %all river that ran at the $oot o$ The -ill. It #a o$ten aid .in other $a%ilie / that long ago one o$ the Took an)e tor %u t have taken a $air! #i$e. That #a " o$ )our e" ab urd" but )ertainl! there #a till o%ething not entirel! hobbit(like about the%"+and on)e in a #hile %e%ber o$ the Took()lan #ould go and have adventure . The! di )reetl! di appeared" and the $a%il! hu hed it up4 but the $a)t re%ained that the Took #ere not a re pe)table a the 0aggin e " though the! #ere undoubtedl! ri)her. Not that 0elladonna Took ever had an! adventure a$ter he be)a%e 7r . 0ungo 0aggin . 0ungo" that #a 0ilbo1 $ather" built the %o t lu*uriou hobbit(hole $or her .and partl! #ith her %one!/ that #a to be $ound either under The -ill or over The -ill or a)ro The 6ater" and there the! re%ained to the end o$ their da! . 8till it i probable that 0ilbo" her onl! on" although he looked and behaved e*a)tl! like a e)ond edition o$ hi olid and )o%$ortable $ather" got o%ething a bit ,ueer in hi %akeup $ro% the Took ide" o%ething that onl! #aited $or a )han)e to )o%e out. The )han)e never arrived" until 0ilbo 0aggin #a gro#n up" being about $i$t!

!ear old or o" and living in the beauti$ul hobbit(hole built b! hi $ather" #hi)h I have 9u t de )ribed $or !ou" until he had in $a)t apparentl! ettled do#n i%%ovabl!. 0! o%e )uriou )han)e one %orning long ago in the ,uiet o$ the #orld" #hen there #a le noi e and %ore green" and the hobbit #ere till nu%erou and pro perou " and 0ilbo 0aggin #a tanding at hi door a$ter break$a t %oking an enor%ou long #ooden pipe that rea)hed nearl! do#n to hi #ooll! toe .neatl! bru hed/+:andal$ )a%e b!. :andal$; I$ !ou had heard onl! a ,uarter o$ #hat I have heard about hi%" and I have onl! heard ver! little o$ all there i to hear" !ou #ould be prepared $or an! ort I o$ re%arkable tale. Tale and adventure prouted up all over the pla)e #herever he #ent" in the %o t e*traordinar! $a hion. -e had not been do#n that #a! under The -ill $or age and age " not in)e hi $riend the 5ld Took died" in $a)t" and the hobbit had al%o t $orgotten #hat he looked like. -e had been a#a! over The -ill and a)ro The 6ater on bu ine o$ hi o#n in)e the! #ere all %all hobbit(bo! and hobbit(girl . All that the un u pe)ting 0ilbo a# that %orning #a an old %an #ith a ta$$. -e had a tall pointed blue hat" a long gre! )loak" a ilver )ar$ over #hi)h a #hite beard hung do#n belo# hi #ai t" and i%%en e bla)k boot . <:ood %orning;= aid 0ilbo" and he %eant it. The un #a hining" and the gra #a ver! green. 0ut :andal$ looked at hi% $ro% under long bu h! e!ebro# that tu)k out $urther than the bri% o$ hi had! hat. <6hat do !ou %ean3= be aid. <Do !ou #i h %e a good %orning" or %ean that it i a good %orning #hether I #ant not4 or that !ou $eel good thi %orning4 or that it i %orning to be good on3= <All o$ the% at on)e"= aid 0ilbo. <And a ver! $ine %orning $or a pipe o$ toba))o out o$ door " into the bargain. I$ !ou have a pipe about !ou" it do#n and have a $ill o$ %ine; There1 no hurr!" #e have all the da! be$ore u ;= Then 0ilbo at do#n on a eat b! hi door" )ro ed hi leg " and ble# out a beauti$ul gre! ring o$ %oke that ailed up into the air #ithout breaking and $loated a#a! over The -ill. <>er! prett!;= aid :andal$. <0ut I have no ti%e to blo# %oke(ring thi %orning. I a% looking $or o%eone to hare in an adventure that I a% arranging" and it1 ver! di$$i)ult to $ind an!one.= <I hould think o+in the e part ; 6e are plain ,uiet $olk and have no u e $or adventure . Na t! di turbing un)o%$ortable thing ; 7ake !ou late $or dinner; I )an?t think #hat an!bod! ee in the%"= aid our 7r. 0aggin " and tu)k one thu%b behind hi bra)e " and ble# out another even bigger %oke(ring. Then he took out hi %orning letter " and begin to read" pretending to take no %ore noti)e o$ the old %an. -e had de)ided that he #a not ,uite hi ort" and #anted hi% to go a#a!. 0ut the old %an did not %ove. -e tood leaning on hi ti)k and ga&ing at the hobbit #ithout a!ing an!thing" till 0ilbo got ,uite un)o%$ortable and even a little )ro . <:ood %orning;= he aid at la t. <6e don1t #ant an! adventure here" thank !ou; You %ight tr! over The -ill or a)ro The 6ater.= 0! thi he %eant that the )onver ation #a at an end. <6hat a lot o$ thing !ou do u e :ood %orning $or;= aid :andal$. <No# !ou %ean that !ou #ant to get rid o$ %e" and that it #on1t be good till I %ove o$$.= <Not at all" not at all" %! dear ir; @et %e ee" I don1t think I kno# !our na%e3= <Ye " !e " %! dear ir+and I do kno# !our na%e" 7r. 0ilbo 0aggin . And !ou do kno# %! na%e" though !ou don1t re%e%ber that I belong to it. I a% :andal$" and :andal$ %ean %e; To think that I hould have lived to be good(%orninged b! 0elladonna Took1 on" a i$ I #a elling button at the door;= <:andal$" :andal$; :ood gra)iou %e; Not the #andering #i&ard that gave 5ld Took a pair o$ %agi) dia%ond tud that $a tened the% elve and never )a%e undone till ordered3 Not the $ello# #ho u ed to tell u)h #onder$ul tale at partie " about dragon and goblin and giant and the re )ue o$ prin)e e and the une*pe)ted lu)k o$ #ido# 1 on 3 Not the %an that u ed to %ake u)h parti)ularl! e*)ellent $ire#ork ; I re%e%ber tho e; 5ld Took u ed to have the% on 7id u%%er1 Eve. 8plendid; The! u ed to go up like great lilie and napdragon and laburnu% o$ $ire and hang in the t#ilight all evening;= You #ill noti)e alread! that 7r. 0aggin #a not ,uite o pro ! a he liked to believe" al o that he #a ver! $ond o$ $lo#er . <Dear %e;= he #ent on. <Not the :andal$ #ho #a re pon ible $or o %an! ,uiet lad and la e going o$$ into the 0lue $or %ad adventure . An!thing $ro% )li%bing tree to vi iting Elve +or ailing in hip " ailing to other hore ; 0le %e" li$e u ed to be ,uite inter+I %ean" !ou u ed to up et thing 2

badl! in the e part on)e upon a ti%e. I beg !our pardon" but I had no idea !ou #ere till in bu ine .= <6here el e hould I be3= aid the #i&ard. <All the a%e I a% plea ed to $ind !ou re%e%ber o%ething about %e. You ee% to re%e%ber %! $ire#ork kindl!" at an! rate" land that i not #ithout hope. Indeed $or !our old grand($ather Took1 ake" and $or the ake o$ poor 0elladonna" I #ill give !ou #hat !ou a ked $or.= <I beg !our pardon" I haven1t a ked $or an!thing;= <Ye " !ou have; T#i)e no#. 7! pardon. I give it !ou. In $a)t I #ill go o $ar a to end !ou on thi adventure. >er! a%u ing $or %e" ver! good $or !ou and pro$itable too" ver! likel!" i$ !ou ever get over it.= <8orr!; I don1t #ant an! adventure " thank !ou. Not toda!. :ood %orning; 0ut plea e )o%e to tea+an! ti%e !ou like; 6h! not to%orro#3 Co%e to%orro#; :ood(b!e;= 6ith that the hobbit turned and )uttled in ide hi round green door" and hut it a ,ui)kl! a he dared" not to een rude. 6i&ard a$ter all are #i&ard . <6hat on earth did I a k hi% to tea $or;= he aid to hi%( el$" a he #ent to the pantr!. -e had onl! 9u t had break $a t" but he thought a )ake or t#o and a drink o$ o%ething #ould do hi% good a$ter hi $right. :andal$ in the %eanti%e #a till tanding out ide the door" and laughing long but ,uietl!. A$ter a #hile he tepped up" and #ith the pike o$ hi ta$$ )rat)hed a ,ueer ign on the hobbit1 beauti$ul green $ront(door. Then he trode a#a!" 9u t about the ti%e #hen 0ilbo #a $ini hing hi e)ond )ake and beginning to think that he had e )ape adventure ver! #ell. The ne*t da! he had al%o t $orgotten about :andal$ -e did not re%e%ber thing ver! #ell" unle he put the% do#n on hi Engage%ent Tablet' like thi ' :andal$ ?Aa 6edne da!. Ye terda! he had been too $lu tered to do an!thing o$ the kind. Ju t be$ore tea(ti%e there )a%e a tre%endou ring on the $ront(door bell" and then he re%e%bered; -e ru hed and put on the kettle" and put out another )up and au)er and an e*tra )ake or t#o" and ran to the door. <I a% o orr! to keep !ou #aiting;= he #a going to a!" #hen he a# that it #a not :andal$ at all. It #a a d#ar$ #ith a blue beard tu)ked into a golden belt" and ver! bright e!e under hi dark(green hood. A oon a the door #a opened" he pu hed in ide" 9u t a i$ he had been e*pe)ted. -e hung hi hooded )loak on the neare t peg" and <D#alin at !our ervi)e;= he aid #ith a lo# bo#. <0ilbo 0aggin at !our ;= aid the hobbit" too urpri ed to a k an! ,ue tion $or the %o%ent. 6hen the ilen)e that $ollo#ed had be)o%e un)o%$ortable" he added' <I a% 9u t about to take tea4 pra! )o%e and have o%e #ith %e.= A little ti$$ perhap " but he %eant it kindl!. And #hat #ould !ou do" i$ an uninvited d#ar$ )a%e and hung hi thing up in !our hall #ithout a #ord o$ e*planation3 The! had not been at table long" in $a)t the! had hardl! rea)hed the third )ake" #hen there )a%e another even louder ring at the bell. <E*)u e %e;= aid the hobbit" and o$$ he #ent to the door. <8o !ou have got here at la t;= #a #hat he #a going to a! to :andal$ thi ti%e. 0ut it #a not :andal$. In tead there #a a ver! old(looking d#ar$ on the tep #ith a #hite beard and a )arlet hood4 and he too hopped in ide a oon a the door #a open" 9u t a i$ he had been invited. <I ee the! have begun to arrive alread!"= he aid #hen he )aught ight o$ D#alin1 green hood hanging up. -e hung hi red one ne*t to it" and <0alin at !our ervi)e;= he aid #ith hi hand on hi brea t. <Thank !ou;= aid 0ilbo #ith a ga p. It #a not the )orre)t thing to a!" but the! have begun to arrive had $lu tered hi% badl!. -e liked vi itor " but he liked to kno# the% be$ore the! arrived" and he pre$erred to a k the% hi% el$. -e had a horrible thought that the )ake %ight run hort" and then he(a the ho t' he kne# hi dut! and tu)k to it ho#ever pain$ul(he %ight have to go #ithout. <Co%e along in" and have o%e tea;= he %anaged to a! a$ter taking a deep breath. <A little beer #ould uit %e better" i$ it i all the a%e to !ou" %! good ir"= aid 0alin #ith the #hite beard. <0ut I don1t %ind o%e )ake( eed()ake" i$ !ou have an!.= <@ot ;= 0ilbo $ound hi% el$ an #ering" to hi o#n urpri e4 and he $ound hi% el$ )uttling o$$" too" to the )ellar to $ill a pint beer(%ug" and to the pantr! to $et)h t#o

beauti$ul round eed()ake #hi)h he had baked that a$ternoon $or hi a$ter( upper %or el. 6hen he got ba)k 0alin and D#alin #ere talking at the table like old $riend .a a %atter o$ $a)t the! #ere brother /. 0ilbo plu%ped do#n the beer and the )ake in $ront o$ the%" #hen loud )a%e a ring at the bell again" and then another ring. <:andal$ $or )ertain thi ti%e"= he thought a he pu$$ed along the pa age. 0ut it #a not. It #a t#o %ore d#arve " both #ith blue hood " ilver belt " and !ello# beard 4 and ea)h o$ the% )arried a bag o$ tool and a pade. In the! hopped" a oon a the door began to open(0ilbo #a hardl! urpri ed at all. <6hat )an I do $or !ou" %! d#arve 3= he aid. <Bili at !our ervi)e;= aid the one. <And Cili;= added the other4 and the! both #ept o$$ their blue hood and bo#ed. <At !our and !our $a%il!1 ;= replied 0ilbo" re%e%bering hi %anner thi ti%e. <D#alin and 0alin here alread!" I ee"= aid Bili. <@et u 9oin the throng;= <Throng;= thought 7r. 0aggin . <I don1t like the ound o$ that. I reall! %u t it do#n $or a %inute and )olle)t %! #it " and have a drink.= -e had onl! 9u t had a ip(in the )orner" #hile the $our d#arve at around the table" and talked about %ine and gold and trouble #ith the goblin " and the depredation o$ dragon " and lot o$ other thing #hi)h he did not under tand" and did not #ant to" $or the! ounded %u)h too adventurou (#hen" ding(dong(a(ling(1 dang" hi bell rang again" a i$ o%e naught! little hobbit(bo! #a tr!ing to pull the handle o$$. <8o%eone at the door;= he aid" blinking. <8o%e $our" I hould a! b! the ound"= aid Cili. <0e( ide " #e a# the% )o%ing along behind u in the di tan)e.= The poor little hobbit at do#n in the hall and put hi head in hi hand " and #ondered #hat had happened" and #hat #a going to happen" and #hether the! #ould all ta! to upper. Then the bell rang again louder than ever" and he had to run to the door. It #a not $our a$ter all" t #a CI>E. Another d#ar$ had )o%e along #hile he #a #ondering in the hall. -e had hardl! turned the knob" be(*/re the! #ere all in ide" bo#ing and a!ing <at !our ervi)e= one a$ter another. Dori" Nori" 5ri" 5in" and :loin #ere their na%e 4 and ver! oon t#o purple hood " a gre! hood" a bro#n hood" and a #hite hood #ere hanging on the peg " and o$$ the! %ar)hed #ith their broad hand tu)k in their gold and ilver belt to 9oin the other . Alread! it had al%o t be)o%e a throng. 8o%e )alled $or ale" and o%e $or porter" and one $or )o$$ee" and all o$ the% $or )ake 4 o the hobbit #a kept ver! bu ! $or a #hile. A big 9ug o$ )o$$ee bad 9u t been et in the hearth" the eed()ake #ere gone" and the d#arve #ere tarting on a round o$ buttered )one " #hen there )a%e(a loud kno)k. Not a ring" but a hard rat(tat on the hobbit1 beauti$ul green door. 8o%ebod! #a banging #ith a ti)k; 0ilbo ru hed along the pa age" ver! angr!" and altogether be#ildered and be#uthered(thi #a the %o t a#k#ard 6edne da! he ever re%e%bered. -e pulled open the door #ith a 9erk" and the! all $ell in" one on top o$ the other. 7ore d#arve " $our %ore; And there #a :andal$ behind" leaning on hi ta$$ and laughing. -e had %ade ,uite a dent on the beauti$ul door4 he had al o" b! the #a!" kno)ked out the e)ret %ark that he had put there the %orning be$ore. <Care$ull!; Care$ull!;= he aid. <It i not like !ou" 0ilbo" to keep $riend #aiting on the %at" and then open the door like a pop(gun; @et %e introdu)e 0i$ur" 0o$ur" 0o%bur" and e pe)iall! Thorin;= <At !our ervi)e;= aid 0i$ur" 0o$ur" and 0o%bur tanding in a ro#. Then the! hung up t#o !ello# hood and a pale green one4 and al o a k!(blue one #ith a long ilver ta el. Thi la t belonged to Thorin" an enor%ou l! i%portant d#ar$" in $a)t no other than the great Thorin 5aken hield hi% el$" #ho #a not at all plea ed at $alling $lat on 0ilbo1 %at #ith 0i$ur" 0o$ur" and 0o%bur on top o$ hi%. Cor one thing 0o%bur #a i%%en el! $at and heav!. Thorin indeed #a ver! haught!" and aid nothing about ervi)e4 but poor 7r. 0aggin aid he #a orr! o %an! ti%e " that at la t he grunted <pra! don1t %ention it"= and topped $ro#ning. <No# #e are all here;= aid :andal$" looking at the ro# o$ thirteen hood (the be t deta)hable part! hood (and hi o#n hat hanging on the peg . <Duite a %err! gathering; I hope there i o%ething le$t $or the late()o%er to eat and drink; 6hat1 that3 Tea; No thank !ou; A little red #ine" I think" $or %e.= <And $or %e"= aid Thorin. <And ra pberr! 9a% and apple(tart"= aid 0i$ur. <And %in)e(pie and )hee e"= aid 0o$ur. <And 4

pork(pie and alad"= aid 0o%bur. <And %ore )ake (and ale(and )o$$ee" i$ !ou don1t %ind"= )alled the other d#arve through the door. <Put on a $e# egg " there1 a good $ello#;= :andal$ )alled a$ter hi%" a the hobbit tu%ped o$$ to the pantrie . <And 9u t bring out the )old )hi)ken and pi)kle ;= <8ee% to kno# a %u)h about the in ide o$ %! larder a I do %! el$;= thought 7r. 0aggin " #ho #a $eeling po itivel! $lu%%o*ed" and #a beginning to #onder #hether a %o t #ret)hed adventure had not )o%e right into hi hou e. 0! the ti%e he had got all the bottle and di he and knive and $ork and gla e and plate and poon and thing piled up on big tra! " he #a getting ver! hot" and red in the $a)e" and anno!ed. <Con$u ti)ate and bebother the e d#arve ;= he aid aloud. <6h! don1t the! )o%e and lend a hand3= @o and behold; there tood 0alin and D#alin at the door o$ the kit)hen" and Cili and Bili behind the%" and be$ore he )ould a! kni$e the! had #hi ked the tra! and a )ouple o$ %all table into the parlour and et out ever!thing a$re h. :andal$ at at the head o$ the part! #ith the thirteen" d#arve all round' and 0ilbo at on a tool at the $ire ide" nibbling at a bi )uit .hi appetite #a ,uite taken a#a!/" and tr!ing to look a i$ thi #a all per$e)tl! ordinar! and. not in the lea t an adventure. The d#arve ate and ate" and talked and talked" and ti%e got on. At la t the! pu hed their )hair ba)k" and 0ilbo %ade a %ove to )olle)t the plate and gla e . <I uppo e !ou #ill all ta! to upper3= he aid in hi polite t unpre ing tone . <5$ )our e;= aid Thorin. <And a$ter. 6e han1t get through the bu ine till late" and #e %u t have o%e %u i) $ir t. No# to )lear up;= Thereupon the t#elve d#arve (not Thorin" he #a too i%portant" and ta!ed talking to :andal$(9u%ped to their $eet and %ade tall pile o$ all the thing . 5$$ the! #ent" not #aiting $or tra! " balan)ing )olu%n o$ plate " ea)h #ith a bottle on the top" #ith one hand" #hile the hobbit ran a$ter the% al%o t ,ueaking #ith $right' <plea e be )are$ul;= and <plea e" don1t trouble; I )an %anage.= 0ut the d#arve onl! tarted to ing' Chip the gla e and )ra)k the plate ; 0lunt the knive and bend the $ork ; That1 #hat 0ilbo 0aggin hate + 8%a h the bottle and burn the )ork ; Cut the )loth and tread on the $at; Pour the %ilk on the pantr! $loor; @eave the bone on the bedroo% %at; 8pla h the #ine on ever! door; Du%p the )ro)k in a boiling ba#l4 Pound the% up #ith a thu%ping pole4 And #hen !ou1ve $ini hed" i$ an! are #hole" 8end the% do#n the hall to roll; That1 #hat 0ilbo 0aggin hate ; 8o" )are$ull!; )are$ull! #ith the plate ; And o$ )our e the! did none o$ the e dread$ul thing " and ever!thing #a )leaned and put a#a! a$e a ,ui)k a lightning" #hile the hobbit #a turning round and round in the %iddle o$ the kit)hen tr!ing to ee #hat the! #ere doing. Then the! #ent ba)k" and $ound Thorin #ith hi $eet on the $ender %oking a pipe. -e #a blo#ing the %o t enor%ou %oke(ring " and #herever he told one to go" it #ent(up the )hi%ne!" or behind the )lo)k on the %an(telpie)e" or under the table" or round and round the )eiling4 but #herever it #ent it #a not ,ui)k enough to e )ape :andal$. Pop; he ent a %aller %oke(ring $ro% hi hort )la!(pipe traight through ea)h one o$ Thorin1 . The :andal$1 %oke(ring #ould go green and )o%e ba)k to hover over the #i&ard1 head. -e had ,uite a )loud o$ the% about hi% alread!" and in the di% light it %ade hi% look trange and or)erou . 0ilbo tood till and #at)hed(he loved %oke(ring (and then be blu hed to think ho# proud he had been !e terda! %orning o$ the %oke(ring he had ent up the #ind over The -ill. <No# $or o%e %u i);= aid Thorin. <0ring out the in tru%ent ;= 5

Bili and Cili ru hed $or their bag and brought ba)k little $iddle 4 Dori" Nori" and 5ri brought out $lute $ro% o%e#here in ide their )oat 4 0o%bur produ)ed a dru% $ro% the hall4 0i$ur and 0o$ur #ent out too" and )a%e ba)k #ith )larinet that the! had le$t a%ong the #alking( ti)k D#alin and 0alin aid' <E*)u e %e" I le$t %ine in the por)h;= <Ju t bring %ine in #ith !ou"= aid Thorin. The! )a%e ba)k #ith viol a big a the% elve " and #ith Thorin? harp #rapped in a green )loth. It #a a beauti$ul gold(en harp" and #hen Thorin tru)k it the %u i) began all at on)e" o udden and #eet that 0ilbo $orgot ever!thing el e" and #a #ept a#a! into dark land under trange %oon " $ar over The 6ater and ver! $ar $ro% hi hobbit(hole under The -ill. The dark )a%e into the roo% $ro% the little #indo# that opened in the ide o$ The -ill4 the $irelight $li)kered(it #a April(and till the! pla!ed on" #hile the hado# o$ :andal$1 beard #agged again t the #all. The dark $illed all the roo%" and the $ire died do#n" and the hado# #ere lo t" and till the! pla!ed on. And uddenl! $ir t one and then another began to ing a the! pla!ed" deep(throated inging o$ the d#arve in the deep pla)e o$ their an)ient ho%e 4 and thi i like a $rag%ent o$ their ong" i$ it )an be like their ong #ithout their %u i). Car over the %i t! %ountain )old To dungeon deep and )avern old 6e %u t a#a! ere break o$ da! To eek the pale en)hanted gold. The d#arve o$ !ore %ade %ight! pell " 6hile ha%%er $ell like ringing bell In pla)e deep" #here dark thing leep" In hollo# hall beneath the $ell . Cor an)ient king and elvi h lord There %an! a gloa%ing golden hoard The! haped and #rought" and light the! )aught To hide in ge% on hilt o$ #ord. 5n ilver ne)kla)e the! trung The $lo#ering tar " on )ro#n the! hung The dragon($ire" in t#i ted #ire The! %e hed the light o$ %oon and un. Car over the %i t! %ountain )old To dungeon deep and )avern old 6e %u t a#a!" ere break o$ da!" To )lai% our long($orgotten gold. :oblet the! )arved there $or the% elve And harp o$ gold4 #here no %an delve There la! the! long" and %an! a ong 6a ung unheard b! %en or elve . The The The The pine #ere roaring on the height" #ind #ere %oaning in the night. $ire #a red" it $la%ing pread4 tree like tor)he bia ed #ith light"

The bell #ere ringing in the dale And %en looked up #ith $a)e pale4 The dragon1 ire %ore $ier)e than $ire @aid lo# their to#er and hou e $rail. The %ountain %oked beneath the %oon4 The d#arve " the! heard the tra%p o$ doo%. 6

The! $led their hall to d!ing ($all 0eneath hi $eet" beneath the %oon. Car over the %i t! %ountain gri% To dungeon deep and )avern di% 6e %u t a#a!" ere break o$ da!" To #in our harp and gold $ro% hi%; A the! ang the hobbit $elt the love o$ beauti$ul thing %ade b! hand and b! )unning and b! %agi) %oving through hi%" a $ier)e and 9ealou love" the de ire o$ the heart o$ d#arve . Then o%ething Tooki h #oke up in ide hi%" and he #i hed to go and ee the great %ountain " and hear the pine(tree and the #ater$all " and e*plore the )ave " and #ear a #ord in tead o$ a #alking( ti)k. -e looked out o$ the #indo#. The tar #ere out in a dark k! above the tree . -e thought o$ the 9e#el o$ the d#arve hining in dark )avern . 8uddenl! in the #ood be!ond The 6ater a $la%e leapt up(( probabl! o%ebod! lighting a #ood($ire(and he thought o$ plundering dragon ettling on hi ,uiet -ill and kindling it all to $la%e . -e huddered4 and ver! ,ui)kl! he #a plain 7r. 0aggin o$ 0ag(End" Under(-ill" again. -e got up tre%bling. -e had le than hal$ a %ind to $et)h the la%p" and %ore than hal$ a %ind to pretend to" and go and hide behind the beer barrel in the )ellar" and not )o%e out again until all the d#arve had gone a#a!. 8uddenl! he $ound that the %u i) and the inging had topped" and the! #ere all looking at hi% #ith e!e hining in the dark. <6here are !ou going3= aid Thorin" in a tone that ee%ed to ho# that he gue ed both halve o$ the hobbit1 %ind. <6hat about a little light3= aid 0ilbo apologeti)all!. <6e like the dark"= aid the d#arve . <Dark $or dark bu ine ; There are %an! hour be$ore da#n.= <5$ )our e;= aid 0ilbo" and at do#n in a hurr!. -e %i ed the tool and at in the $ender" kno)king over the poker and hovel #ith a )ra h. <-u h;= aid :andal$. <@et Thorin peak;= And thi i bo# Thorin began. <:andal$" d#arve and 7r. 0aggin ; 6e are not together in the hou e o$ our $riend and $ello# )on pirator" thi %o t e*)ellent and auda)iou hobbit(%a! the hair on hi toe never $all out; all prai e to hi #ine and ale;(= -e pau ed $or breath and $or a polite re%ark $ro% the hob(bit" but the )o%pli%ent #ere ,uite lo t on(poor 0ilbo 0aggin " #ho #a #agging hi %outh in prote t at being )alled auda)iou and #or t o$ all $ello# )on pirator" though no noi e )a%e out" he #a o $lu%%o*ed. 8o Thorin #ent on' <6e are %et to di )u our plan " our #a! " %ean " poli)! and devi)e . 6e hall oon be$ore the break o$ da! tart on our long 9ourne!" a 9ourne! $ro% #hi)h o%e o$ u " or perhap all o$ u .e*)ept our $riend and )oun ellor" the ingeniou #i&ard :andal$/ %a! never return. It i a ole%n %o%ent. 5ur ob9e)t i " I take it" #ell kno#n to u all. To the e ti%able 7r. 0aggin " and perhap to one or t#o o$ the !ounger d#arve .I think I hould be right in na%ing Bili and Cili" $or in tan)e/" the e*a)t ituation at the %o%ent %a! re,uire a little brie$ e*planation(= Thi #a Thorin1 t!le. -e #a an i%portant d#ar$. I$ he had been allo#ed" he #ould probabl! have gone on like thi until he #a out o$ breath" #ithout telling an! one there 1an!thing that #a not kno#n alread!. 0ut he #a rudel! interrupted. Poor 0ilbo )ouldn1t bear it an! longer. At %a! never return he began to $eel a hriek )o%ing up in ide" and ver! oon it bur t out like the #hi tle o$ an engine )o%ing out o$ a tunnel. All the d#arve prang 0p kno)king over the table. :andal$ tru)k a blue light on the end o$ hi %agi) ta$$" and in it $ire#ork glare the poor little hobbit )ould be een kneeling on the hearth(rug" haking like a 9ell! that #a %elting. Then he $ell $lat on the $loor" and kept on )alling out < tru)k b! lightning" tru)k b! lightning;= over and over again4 and that #a all the! )ould get out o$ hi% $or a long ti%e. 8o the! took hi% and laid hi% out o$ the #a! on the dra#ing(roo% o$a #ith a drink at hi elbo#" and the! #ent ba)k to their dark bu ine . <E*)itable little $ello#"= aid :andal$" a the! at do#n again. <:et $unn! ,ueer $it " but he i one o$ the be t" one o$ the be t(a $ier)e a a dragon in a pin)h.=

I$ !ou have ever een a dragon in a pin)h" !ou #ill reali&e that thi #a onl! poeti)al e*aggeration applied to an! hobbit" even to 5ld Took1 great(grandun)le 0ullroarer" #ho #a o huge .$or a hobbit/ that he )ould ride a hor e. -e )harged the rank o$ the goblin o$ 7ount :ra% in the 0attle o$ the :reen Cield " and kno)ked their king :ol( $irnbul1 head )lean o$$ #ith a #ooden )lub. It ailed a hundred !ard through the air and #ent do#n a rabbit hole" and in thi #a! the battle #a #on and the ga%e o$ :ol$ invented at the a%e %o%ent. In the %ean#hile" ho#ever" 0ullroarer1 gentler de )endant #a reviving in the dra#ing(roo%. A$ter a #hile and a drink he )rept nervou l! to the door o$ the parlour. Thi i #hat he heard" :loin peaking' <-u%ph;= .or o%e nort %ore or le like that/. <6ill he do" do !ou think3 It i all ver! #ell $or :andal$ to talk about thi hobbit being $ier)e" but one hriek like that in a %o%ent o$ e*)ite%ent #ould be enough to #ake the dragon and all hi relative " and kill the lot o$ u . I think it ounded %ore like $right than e*)ite%ent; In $a)t" i$ it bad not been $or the ign on the door" I hould have been ure #e had )o%e to the #rong hou e. A oon a I )lapped e!e on the little $ello# bobbing and pu$$ing on the %at" I had %! doubt . -e look %ore like a gro)er(than a burglar;= Then 7r. 0aggin turned the handle and #ent in. The Took ide had #on. -e uddenl! $elt he #ould go #ithout bed and break$a t to be thought $ier)e. A $or little $ello# bobbing on the %at it al%o t %ade hi% reall! $ier)e. 7an! a ti%e a$ter#ard the 0aggin part regretted #hat he did no#" and he aid to hi% el$' <0ilbo" !ou #ere a $ool4 !ou #alked right in and put !our $oot in it.= <Pardon %e"= he aid" <i$ I have overheard #ord that !ou #ere a!ing. I don1t pretend to under tand #hat !ou are talking about" or !our re$eren)e to burglar " but I think I a% right in believing= .thi i #hat he )alled being on hi dignit!/ <that !ou think I a% no good. I #ill ho# !ou. I have no ign on %! door(it #a painted a #eek ago(" and I a% ,uite ure !ou have )o%e to the #rong hou e. A oon a I a# !our $unn! $a)e on the door( tep" I had %! doubt . 0ut treat it a the right one. Tell %e #hat !ou #ant done" and I #ill tr! it" i$ I have to #alk $ro% here to the Ea t o$ Ea t and $ight the #ild 6ere(#or% in the @a t De ert. I bad a great(great(great(grandun)le on)e" 0ullroarer Took" and+= <Ye " !e " but that #a long ago"= aid :loin. <I #a talking about !ou. And I a ure !ou there i a %ark on thi door(the u ual one in the trade" or u ed to be. 0urglar #ant a good 9ob" plent! o$ E*)ite%ent and rea onable Re#ard" that1 ho# it i u uall! read. You then a! E*pert Trea ure(hunter in tead o$ 0urglar i$ !ou like. 8o%e o$ the% do. It1 all the a%e to u . :andal$ told u that there #a a %an o$ the ort in the e part looking $or a Job at on)e" and that he had arranged $or a %eeting here thi 6edne da! tea( ti%e.= <5$ )our e there i a %ark"= aid :andal$. <I put it there %! el$. Cor ver! good rea on . You a ked %e to $ind the $ourteenth %an $or !our e*pedition" and I )ho e 7r. 0aggin . Ju t let an! one a! I )ho e the #rong %an or the #rong hou e" and !ou )an top at thirteen and have all the bad lu)k !ou like" or go ba)k to digging )oal.= -e )o#led o angril! at :loin that the d#ar$ huddled ba)k in hi )hair4 and #hen 0ilbo tried to open hi %outh to a k a ,ue tion" he turned and $ro#ned at hi% and tu)k oat hi bu h! e!ebro# " till 0ilbo hut hi %outh tight #ith a nap. <That1 right"= aid :andal$. <@et1 have no %ore argu%ent. I have )ho en 7r. 0aggin and that ought to ; Ete enough $or all o$ !ou. I$ I a! he i a 0urglar" a 0urglar he i " or #ill be #hen the ti%e )o%e . There i a lot %ore in hi% than !ou gue " and a deal %ore than he ha an! idea o$ hi% el$. You %a! .po ibl!/ all live to thank %e !et. No# 0ilbo" %! bo!" $et)h the la%p" and let1 have little light on thi ;= 5n the table in the light o$ a big la%p #ith a red had he pread a pie)e o$ par)h%ent rather like a %ap. <Thi #a %ade b! Thror" !our grand$ather" Thorin" he aid in an #er to the d#arve 1 e*)ited ,ue tion . <It i a plan o$ the 7ountain.= <I don1t ee that thi #ill help u %u)h"= aid Thorin di appointedl! a$ter a glan)e. <I re%e%ber the 7ountain #ell enough and the land about it. And I kno# #here 7irk#ood i " and the 6ithered -eath #here the great dragon bred.= <There i a dragon %arked in red on the 7ountain" aid 0alin" <but it #ill be ea ! enough to $ind hi% #ithout that" i$ ever #e arrive there.=

<There i one point that !ou haven1t noti)ed"= aid the #i&ard" <and that i the e)ret entran)e. You ee that rune on the 6e t ide" and the hand pointing to it $ro% the other rune 3FF That %ark a hidden pa age to the @o#er -all . <It %a! have been e)ret on)e"= aid Thorin" <but ho# do #e kno# that it i e)ret an! longer3 5ld 8%aug had lived there long enough no# to $ind out an!thing there i to kno# about tho e )ave .= <-e %a!(but he )an1t have u ed it $or !ear and !ear . <6h!3= <0e)au e it i too %all. 1Cive $eet high the door and three %a! #alk abrea t1 a! the rune " but 8%aug )ould not )reep into a hole that i&e" not even #hen he #a a !oung dragon" )ertainl! not a$ter devouring o %an! o$ the d#arve and %en o$ Dale.= <It ee% a great big hole to %e"= ,ueaked 0ilbo .#ho had no e*perien)e o$ dragon and onl! o$ hobbit(hole / -e #a getting e*)ited and intere ted again" o that he $orgot to keep hi %outh hut. -e loved %ap " and in hi hall there hung a large one o$ the Countr! Round #ith all hi $avourite #alk %arked on it in red ink. <-o# )ould u)h a large door be kept e)ret $ro% ever!bod! out ide" apart $ro% the dragon3= he a ked. -e #a onl! a little hobbit !ou %u t re%e%ber. <In lot o$ #a! "= aid :andal$. <0ut in #hat #a! thi one ha been hidden #e don1t kno# #ithout going to ee. Cro% #hat it a! on the %ap I hould gue there i a )lo ed door #hi)h ha been %ade to look e*a)tl! like the ide o$ the 7ountain. That i the u ual d#arve 1 %ethod( I think that i right" i n1t it3= <Duite right"= aid Thorin. <Al o"= #ent on :andal$" <I $orgot to %ention that #ith the %ap #ent a ke!" a %all and )uriou ke!. -ere it i ;= he aid" and handed to Thorin a ke! #ith a long barrel and intri)ate #ard " %ade o$ ilver. <Beep it a$e;= <Indeed I #ill"= aid Thorin" and he $a tened it upon a $ine )hain that hung about hi ne)k and under hi 9a)ket. <No# thing begin to look %ore hope$ul. Thi ne# alter the% %u)h $or(the better. 8o $ar #e have had no )lear idea #hat to do. 6e thought o$ going Ea t" a ,uiet and )are$ul a #e )ould" a $ar a the @ong @ake. A$ter that the trouble #ould begin.= <A long ti%e be$ore that" i$ I kno# an!thing about the load Ea t"= interrupted :andal$. <6e %ight go $ro% there up along the River Running"= #ent on Thorin taking no noti)e" <and o to the ruin o$ Dale(the old to#n in the valle! there" under the hado# o$ the 7ountain. 0ut #e none o$ u liked the idea o$ the Cront :ate. The river run right out o$ it through the great )li$$ at the 8outh o$ the 7ountain" and out o$ it )o%e the dragon too($ar too o$ten" unle he ha )hanged.= <That #ould be no good"= aid the #i&ard" <not #ithout a %ight! 6arrior" even a -ero. I tried to $ind one4 but #arrior are bu ! $ighting one another in di tant land " and in thi neighbourhood heroe are )ar)e" or i%pl! lot to be $ound. 8#ord in the e part are %o tl! blunt" and a*e are u ed $or tree " and hield a )radle or di h()over 4 and dragon are )o%$ortabl! $ar(o$$ .and there$ore legendar!/. That i #h! I ettled on burglar!(e pe)iall! #hen I re%e%bered the e*i ten)e o$ a 8ide(door. And here i our little 0ilbo 0aggin " the burglar" the )ho en and ele)ted burglar. 8o no# let1 get on and %ake o%e plan .= <>er! #ell then"= aid Thorin" < uppo ing the burglar(e*pert give u o%e idea or ugge tion .= -e turned #ith %o)k(politene to 0ilbo. <Cir t I hould like to kno# a bit %ore about thing "= aid he" $eeling all )on$u ed and a bit hak! in ide" but o $ar till looki hl! deter%ined to go on #ith thing . <I %ean about the gold and the dragon" and all that" and ho# it got there" and #ho it belong to" and o on and $urther.= <0le %e;= aid Thorin" <haven1t !ou got a %ap3 and didn1t !ou hear our ong3 and haven1t #e been talking about all thi $or hour 3= <All the a%e" I hould like it all plain and )lear"= aid he ob tinatel!" putting on hi bu ine %anner .u uall! re erved $or people #ho tried to borro# %one! o$$ hi%/" and doing hi be t to appear #i e and prudent and pro$e ional and live up to :andal$1 re)o%%endation. <Al o I hould like to kno# about ri k " out(o$(po)ket e*pen e " ti%e re,uired and re%uneration" and o $orth=+b! #hi)h he %eant' <6hat a% I going to get out o$ it3 and a% I going to )o%e ba)k alive3=

@ook at the %ap at the beginning o$ thi book" and !ou #ill ee the rune there.

<5 ver! #ell"= aid Thorin. <@ong ago in %! grand$ather Thror1 ti%e our $a%il! #a driven out o$ the $ar North" and )a%e ba)k #ith all their #ealth and their tool to thi 7ountain on the %ap. It had been di )overed b! %! $ar an)e tor" Thrain the 5ld" but no# the! %ined and the! tunnelled and the! %ade huger hall and greater #ork hop + and in addition I believe the! $ound a good deal o$ gold and a great %an! 9e#el too. An!#a! the! gre# i%%en el! ri)h and $a%ou " and %! grand$ather #a Bing under the 7ountain again and treated #ith great reveren)e b! the %ortal %en" #ho lived to the 8outh" and #ere graduall! preading up the Running River a $ar a the valle! over hado#ed b! the 7ountain. The! built the %err! to#n o$ Dale there in tho e da! . Bing u ed to end $or our %ith " and re#ard even the lea t kil$ul %o t ri)hl!. Cather #ould beg u to take their on a apprenti)e " and pa! u hand o%el!" e pe)iall! in $ood( upplie " #hi)h #e never bothered to gro# or $ind $or our elve . Altogether tho e #ere good da! $or u " and the poore t o$ u had %one! to pend and to lend" and lei ure to %ake beauti$ul thing 9u t $or the. $un o$ it" not to peak o$ the %o t %arvellou and %agi)al to! " the like o$ #hi)h i not to be $ound in the #orld no#(a( da! . 8o %! grand$ather1 hall be)a%e $ull o$ ar%our and 9e#el and )arving and )up " and the to!(%arket o$ Dale #a the #onder o$ the North. <Undoubtedl! that #a #hat brought the dragon. Dragon teal gold and 9e#el " !ou kno#" $ro% %en and elve and d#arve " #herever the! )an $ind the%4 and the! guard their plunder a long a the! live .#hi)h i pra)ti)all! $orever" unle the! are killed/" and never en9o! a bra ring o$ it. Indeed the! hardl! kno# a good bit o$ #ork $ro% a bad" though the! u uall! have a good notion o$ the )urrent %arket value4 and the! )an1t %ake a thing $or the% elve " not even %end a little loo e )ale o$ their ar%our. There #ere lot o$ dragon in the North in tho e da! " and gold #a probabl! getting )ar)e up there" #ith the d#arve $l!ing outh or getting killed" and all the general #a te and de tru)tion that dragon %ake going $ro% bad to #or e. There #a a %o t pe)iall! greed!" trong and #i)ked #or% )alled 8%aug. 5ne da! he $le# up into the air and )a%e outh. The $ir t #e heard o$ it #a a noi e like a hurri)ane )o%ing $ro% the North" and the pine(tree on the 7ountain )reaking and )ra)king in the #ind. 8o%e o$ the d#arve #ho happened to be out ide .I #a one lu)kil! (a $ine adventurou lad in tho e da! " al#a! #andering about" and it aved %! li$e that da!/(#ell" $ro% a good #a! o$$ #e a# the dragon ettle on our %ountain in a pout o$ $la%e. Then he )a%e do#n the lope and #hen he rea)hed the #ood the! all #ent up in $ire. 0! that ti%e all the bell #ere ringing in Dale and the #arrior #ere ar%ing. The d#arve ru hed out o$ their great gate4 but there #a the dragon #aiting $or the%. None e )aped that #a!. The river ru hed up in tea% and a $og $ell on Dale" and in the $og the dragon )a%e on the% and de tro!ed %o t o$ the #arrior (the u ual unhapp! tor!" it #a onl! too )o%%on in tho e da! . Then he #ent ba)k and )rept in through the Cront :ate and routed out all the hall " and lane " and tunnel " alle! " )ellar " %an ion and pa age . A$ter that there #ere no d#arve le$t alive in ide" and he took all their #ealth $or hi% el$. Probabl!" $or that i the dragon 1 #a!" he ha piled it all up in a great heap $ar in ide" and leep on it $or a bed. @ater he u ed to )ra#l out o$ the great gate and )o%e b! night to Dale" and )arr! a#a! people" e pe)iall! %aiden " to eat" until Dale #a ruined" and all the people dead or gone. 6hat goe on there no# I don1t kno# $or )ertain" but I don1t uppo e an!one live nearer to the 7ountain than the $ar edge o$ the @ong @ake no#(a(da! . <The $e# o$ u that #ere #ell out ide at and #ept in hiding" and )ur ed 8%aug4 and there #e #ere une*pe)tedl! 9oined b! %! $ather and %! grand$ather #ith inged beard . The! looked ver! gri% but the! aid ver! little. 6hen I a ked ho# the! had got a#a!" the! told %e to hold %! tongue" and aid that one da! in the proper ti%e I hould kno#. A$ter that #e #ent a#a!" and #e have had to earn our living a be t #e )ould up and do#n the land " o$ten enough inking a lo# a bla)k %ith(#ork or even )oal%ining. 0ut #e have never $orgotten our tolen trea ure. And even no#" #hen I #ill allo# #e have a good bit laid b! and are not o badl! o$$G(here Thorin troked the gold )hain round hi ne)k(G#e till %ean to get it ba)k" and to bring our )ur e ho%e to 8%aug(i$ #e )an. <I have o$ten #ondered about %! $ather1 and %! grand$ather1 e )ape. I ee no# the! %u t have had a private 8ide(door #hi)h onl! the! kne# about. 0ut apparentl! the! %ade a %ap" and I hould like to kno# ho# :andal$ got hold o$ it" and #h! it did not )o%e do#n to %e" the right$ul heir.= <I did not 1get hold o$ it"1 I #a given it"= aid the #i&ard. 10

<Your grand$ather Thror #a killed" !ou re%e%ber" in the %ine o$ 7oria b! A&og the :oblin+= <Cur e hi na%e" !e "= aid Thorin. <And Thrain !our $ather #ent a#a! on the t#ent!($ir t o$ April" a hundred !ear ago la t Thur da!" and ha never been een b! !ou in)e+= <True" true"= aid Thorin. <6ell" !our $ather gave %e thi to give to !ou4 and i$ I have )ho en %! o#n ti%e and #a! o$ handing it over" !ou )an hardl! bla%e %e" )on idering the trouble I had to $ind !ou. Your $ather )ould not re%e%ber hi o#n na%e #hen he gave %e the paper" and he never told %e !our 4 o on the #hole I think I ought to be prai ed and thanked. -ere it i "= aid he handing the %ap to Thorin. <I don1t under tand"= aid Thorin" and 0ilbo $elt he #ould have liked to a! the a%e. The e*planation did not ee% to e*plain. <Your grand$ather"= aid the #i&ard lo#l! and gri%l!" <gave the %ap to hi on $or a$et! be$ore he #ent to the %ine o$ 7oria. Your $ather #ent a#a! to tr! hi lu)k #ith the %ap a$ter !our grand$ather #a killed4 and lot o$ adventure o$ a %o t unplea ant ort he had" but he never got near the 7ountain. -o# he got there I don1t kno#" but I $ound hi% a pri oner in the dungeon o$ the Ne)ro%an)er.= <6hatever #ere !ou doing there3= a ked Thorin #ith a hudder" and all the d#arve hivered. <Never !ou %ind. I #a $inding thing out" a u ual4 and a na t! dangerou bu ine it #a . Even I" :andal$" onl! 9u t e )aped. I tried to ave !our $ather" but it #a too late. -e #a #itle and #andering" and had $orgotten al%o t ever!thing e*)ept the %ap and the ke!.= <6e have long ago paid the goblin o$ 7oria"= aid Thorin4 <#e %u t give a thought to the Ne)ro%an)er.= <Don1t be ab urd; -e i an ene%! ,uite be!ond the po#er o$ all the d#arve put together" i$ the! )ould all be )olle)ted again $ro% the $our )orner o$ the #orld. The one thing !our $ather #i hed #a $or hi on to read the %ap and u e the ke!. The dragon and the 7ountain are %ore than big enough ta k $or !ou;= <-ear" hear;= aid 0ilbo" and a))identall! aid it aloud" <-ear #hat3= the! all aid turning uddenl! to#ard hi%" and he #a o $lu tered that he an #ered <-ear #hat I have got to a!;= <6hat1 that3= the! a ked. <6ell" I hould a! that !ou ought to go Ea t and have a look round. A$ter all there i the 8ide(door" and dragon %u t leep o%eti%e " I uppo e. I$ !ou it on the door tep long enough" I dare a! !ou #ill think o$ o%ething. And #ell" don1t !ou kno#" I think #e have talked long enough $or one night" i$ !ou ee #hat I %ean. 6hat about bed" and an earl! tart" and all that3 I #ill give !ou a good break$a t be$ore !ou go.= <0e$ore #e go" I uppo e !ou %ean"= aid Thorin. <Aren1t !ou the burglar3 And i n1t itting on the door( tep !our 9ob" not to peak o$ getting in ide the door3 0ut I agree about bed and break$a t. I like egg #ith %! ha%" #hen tarting on a 9ourne!' $ried not poa)hed" and %ind !ou don1t break 1e%.= A$ter all the other had ordered their break$a t #ithout o %u)h a a plea e .#hi)h anno!ed 0ilbo ver! %u)h/" the! all got up. The hobbit had to $ind roo% $or the% all" and $illed all hi pare(roo% and %ade bed on )hair and o$a " be$ore he got the% all to#ed and #ent to hi o#n little bed ver! tired and not altogether happ!. 5ne thing he did %ake hi %ind up about #a not to bother to get up ver! earl! and )ook ever!bod! el e1 #ret)hed break$a t. The Tooki hne #a #earing o$$" and he #a not no# ,uite o ure that he #a going on an! 9ourne! in the %orning. A he la! in bed he )ould hear Thorin till hu%%ing to hi% el$ in the be t bedroo% ne*t to hi%' Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To find our long-forgotten gold. 0ilbo #ent to leep #ith that in hi ear " and it gave hi% ver! un)o%$ortable drea% . It #a long a$ter the break o$ da!" #hen he #oke up.


Chapter H R5A8T 7UTT5N Up 9u%ped 0ilbo" and putting on hi dre ing(go#n #ent into the dining(roo%. There he a# nobod!" but all the ign o$ a large and hurried break$a t. There #a a $ear$ul %e in the roo%" and pile o$ un#a hed )ro)k in the kit)hen. Nearl! ever! pot and pan he po e ed ee%ed to have been u ed. The #a hing(up #a o di %all! real that 0ilbo #a $or)ed to believe the part! o$ the night be$ore had not been part o$ hi bad drea% " a he had rather hoped. Indeed he #a reall! relieved a$ter all to think that the! had all gone #ithout hi%" and #ithout bothering to #ake hi% up .<but #ith never a thank(!ou= he thought/4 and !et in a #a! he )ould not help $eeling 9u t a tri$le di appointed. The $eeling urpri ed hi%. <Don1t be a $ool" 0ilbo 0aggin ;= he aid to hi% el$" <thinking o$ dragon and all that outlandi h non en e at !our age;= 8o be put on an apron" lit $ire " boiled #ater" and #a hed up. Then he had a ni)e little break$a t in the kit)hen be$ore turning out the dining(roo%. 0! that ti%e the un #a hining4 and the $ront door #a open" letting in a #ar% pring bree&e. 0ilbo began to #hi tle loudl! and to $orget about the night be$ore. In $a)t he #a 9u t itting do#n to a ni)e little e)ond break$a t in the dining(roo% b! the open #indo#" #hen in #alked :andal$. <7! dear $ello#"= aid he" <#henever are !ou going to )o%e3 6hat about an earl! tart3(and here !ou are having break$a t" or #hatever !ou )all it" at hal$ pa t ten; The! le$t !ou the %e age" be)au e the! )ould not #ait.= <6hat %e age3= aid poor 7r. 0aggin all in a $lu ter. <:reat Elephant ;= aid :andal$" <!ou are not at all !our el$ thi %orning(!ou have never du ted the %antel( pie)e;= <6hat1 that got to do #ith it3 I have had enough to do #ith #a hing up $or $ourteen;= <I$ !ou had du ted the %antelpie)e !ou #ould have $ound thi 9u t under the )lo)k"= aid :andal$" handing 0ilbo a note .#ritten" o$ )our e" on hi o#n note(paper/. Thi i #hat he read' <Thorin and Co%pan! to 0urglar 0ilbo greeting; Cor !our ho pitalit! our in)ere t thank " and $or !our o$$er o$ pro$e ional a i tan)e our grate$ul a))eptan)e. Ter% ' )a h on deliver!" up to and not e*)eeding one $ourteenth o$ total pro$it .i$ an!/4 all traveling e*pen e guaranteed in an! event4 $uneral e*pen e to be de$ra!ed b! u or our repre entative " i$ o))a ion ari e and the %atter i not other#i e arranged $or. <Thinking it unne)e ar! to di turb !our e tee%ed repo e" #e have pro)eeded in advan)e to %ake re,ui ite preparation " and hall a#ait !our re pe)ted per on at the :reen Dragon Inn" 0!#ater" at II a.%. harp. Tru ting that !ou #ill be pun)tual. <6e have the honour to re%ain <Your deepl! <Thorin I Co.= <That leave !ou 9u t ten %inute . You #ill have to run"= aid :andal$. <0ut+= aid 0ilbo. <No ti%e $or it"= aid the #i&ard. <0ut+G aid 0ilbo again. <No ti%e $or that either; 5$$ !ou go;= To the end o$ hi da! 0ilbo )ould never re%e%ber ho# he $ound hi% el$ out ide" #ithout a hat" #alking( ti)k or a! %one!" or an!thing that he u uall! took #hen he #ent out4 leaving hi e)ond break$a t hal$($ini hed and ,uite un#a hed(up" pu hing hi ke! into :andal$1 hand " and running a $a t a hi $urr! $eet )ould )arr! hi% do#n the lane" pa t the great 7ill" a)ro The 6ater" and then on $or a #hole %ile or %ore. >er! pu$$ed he #a " #hen he got to 0!#ater 9u t on the troke o$ eleven" and $ound he had )o%e #ithout a po)ket(handker)hie$; <0ravo;= aid 0alin #ho #a tanding at the inn door looking out $or hi%.


Ju t then all the other )a%e round the )orner o$ the road $ro% the village. The! #ere on ponie " and ea)h pon! #a lung about #ith all kind o$ baggage " pa)kage " par)el " and paraphernalia. There #a a ver! %all pon!" apparentl! $or 0ilbo. <Up !ou t#o get" and o$$ #e go;= aid Thorin. <I1% a#$ull! orr!"= aid 0ilbo" <but I have )o%e #ithout %! hat" and I have le$t %! po)ket(handker)hie$ behind" and I haven1t got an! %one!. I didn1t get !our note until a$ter JK.LM to be pre)i e.= <Don1t be pre)i e"= aid D#alin" <and don1t #orr!; You #ill have to %anage #ithout po)ket(handker)hie$ " and a good %an! other thing " be$ore !ou get to the 9ourne!1 end. A $or a hat" I have got a pare hood and )loak in %! luggage.= That1 ho# the! all )a%e to tart" 9ogging o$$ $ro% the inn one $ine %orning 9u t be$ore 7a!" on laden ponie 4 and 0ilbo #a #earing a dark(green hood .a little #eather( tained/ and a dark(green )loak borro#ed $ro% D#alin. The! #ere too large $or hi%" and he looked rather )o%i). 6hat hi $ather 0ungo #ould have thought o$ hi%" I daren1t think. -i onl! )o%$ort #a he )ouldn1t be %i taken $or a d#ar$" a he had no beard. The! had not been riding ver! long #hen up )a%e :andal$ ver! plendid on a #hite hor e. -e had brought a lot o$ po)ket(handker)hie$ " and 0ilbo1 pipe and toba))o. 8o a$ter that the part! #ent along ver! %erril!" and the! told torie or ang ong a the! rode $or#ard all da!" e*)ept o$ )our e #hen the! topped $or %eal . The e didn1t )o%e ,uite a o$ten a 0ilbo #ould have liked the%" but till he began to $eel that adventure #ere not o bad a$ter all. At $ir t the! had pa ed through hobbit(land " a #ild re pe)table )ountr! inhabited b! de)ent $olk" #ith good road " an inn or t#o" and no# and then a d#ar$ or a $ar%er a%bling b! on bu ine . Then the! )a%e to land #here people poke trangel!" and ang ong 0ilbo had never heard be$ore. No# the! had gone on $ar into the @one(land " #here there #ere no people le$t" no inn " and the road gre# teadil! #or e. Not $ar ahead #ere drear! hill " ri ing higher and higher" dark #ith tree . 5n o%e o$ the% #ere old )a tle #ith an evil look" a i$ the! had been built b! #i)ked people. Ever!thing ee%ed gloo%!" $or the #eather that da! had taken a na t! turn. 7o tl! it had been a good a 7a! )an be" even in %err! tale " but no# it #a )old and #et. In the @one(land the! had to )a%p #hen the! )ould" but at lea t it had been dr!. <To think it #ill oon be June"= gru%bled 0ilbo a he pla hed along behind the other in a ver! %udd! tra)k. It #a a$ter tea(ti%e4 it #a pouring #ith rain" and had been all da!4 hi hood #a dripping into hi e!e " hi )loak #a $ull o$ #ater4 the pon! #a tired and tu%bled on tone 4 the other #ere too gru%p! to talk. <And I1% ure the rain ha got into the dr! )lothe and into the $ood(bag "= thought 0ilbo. <0other burgling and ever!thing to do #ith it; I #i h I #a at ho%e in %! ni)e hole b! the $ire" #ith the kettle 9u t beginning to ing;= It #a not the la t ti%e that he #i hed that; 8till the d#arve 9ogged on" never turning round or taking an! noti)e o$ the hobbit. 8o%e#here behind the gre! )loud the un %u t have gone do#n" $or it began to get dark. 6ind got up" and the #illo# along the river(bank bent and ighed. I don1t kno# #hat river it #a " a ru hing red one" #ollen #ith the rain o$ the la t $e# da! " that )a%e do#n $ro% the hill and %ountain in $ront o$ the%. 8oon it #a nearl! dark. The #ind broke up the gre! )loud " and a #aning %oon appeared above the hill bet#een the $l!ing rag . Then the! topped" and Thorin %uttered o%ething about upper" <and #here hall #e get a dr! pat)h to leep on3= Not until then did the! noti)e that :andal$ #a %i ing. 8o $ar he had )o%e all the #a! #ith the%" never a!ing i$ he #a in the adventure or %erel! keeping the% )o%pan! $or a #hile. -e had eaten %o t" talked %o t" and laughed %o t. 0ut no# he i%pl! #a not there at all; <Ju t #hen a #i&ard #ould have been %o t u e$ul" too"= groaned Dori and Nori .#ho hared the hobbit1 vie# about regular %eal " plent! and o$ten/. The! de)ided in the end that the! #ould have to )a%p #here the! #ere. 8o $ar the! had not )a%ped be$ore on thi 9ourne!" and though the! kne# that the! oon #ould have to )a%p regularl!" #hen the! #ere a%ong the 7i t! 7ountain and $ar $ro% the land o$ re pe)table people" it ee%ed a bad #et evening to begin" on. The! %oved to a )lu%p o$ tree " and though it #a drier under the%" the #ind hook the rain o$$ the leave " and the drip" drip" #a %o t anno!ing. Al o the %i )hie$ ee%ed to have got into the $ire. D#arve )an %ake a $ire al%o t an!#here out o$ al%o t an!thing" #ind or no #ind4 but the! )ould not do it that night" not even 5in and :loin" #ho #ere pe)iall! good at it.


Then one o$ the ponie took $right at nothing and bolted. -e got into the river be$ore the! )ould )at)h hi%4 and be$ore the! )ould get hi% out again" Cili and Bili #ere nearl! dro#ned" and all the baggage that he )arried #a #a hed a#a! o$$ hi%. 5$ )our e it #a %o tl! $ood" and there #a %ight! little le$t $or upper" and le $or break$a t. There the! all at glu% and #et and %uttering" #hile 5in and :loin #ent on tr!ing to light the $ire" and ,uarrelling about it. 0ilbo #a adl! re$le)ting that adventure are not all pon!( ride in 7a!( un hine" #hen 0alin" #ho #a al#a! their look(out %an" aid' <There1 a light over there;= There #a a hill o%e #a! o$$ #ith tree on it" prett! thi)k in part . 5ut o$ the dark %a o$ the tree the! )ould no# ee a light hining" a reddi h )o%$ortable( looking light" a it %ight be a $ire or tor)he t#inkling. 6hen the! had looked at it $or o%e #hile" the! $ell to arguing. 8o%e aid <no= and o%e aid <!e .= 8o%e aid the! )ould but go and ee" and an!thing #a better than little upper" le break$a t" and #et )lothe all the night. 5ther aid' <The e part are none too #ell kno#n" and are too near the %ountain . Traveller eldo% )o%e thi #a! no#. The old %ap are no u e' thing have )hanged $or the #or e and the road i unguarded. The! have eldo% even heard o$ the king round here" and the le in,ui itive !ou are a !ou go along" the le trouble !ou are likel! to $ind.= 8o%e aid' <A$ter all there are $ourteen o$ u .= 5ther aid' <6here ha :andal$ got to3= Thi re%ark #a repeated b! ever!bod!. Then the rain began to pour do#n #or e than ever" and 5in and :loin began to $ight. That ettled it. <A$ter all #e have got a burglar #ith u "= the! aid4 and o the! %ade o$$" leading their ponie .#ith all due and proper )aution/ in the dire)tion o$ the light. The! )a%e to the hill and #ere oon in the #ood. Up the hill the! #ent4 but there #a no proper path to be een" u)h a %ight lead to a hou e or a $ar%4 and do #hat the! )ould the! %ade a deal o$ ru tling and )ra)kling and )reaking .and a good deal o$ gru%bling and dra$ting/" a the! #ent through the tree in the pit)h dark. 8uddenl! the red light hone out ver! bright through the tree(trunk not $ar ahead. <No# it i the burglar1 turn"= the! aid" %eaning 0ilbo. <You %u t go on and $ind out all about that light" and #hat it i $or" and i$ all i per$e)tl! a$e and )ann!"= aid Thorin to the hobbit. <No# )uttle o$$" and )o%e ba)k ,ui)k" i$ all i #ell. I$ not" )o%e ba)k i$ !ou )an; It !ou )an1t" hoot t#i)e like a barn(o#l and on)e like a )ree)h(o#l" and #e #ill do #hat #e )an.= 5$$ 0ilbo had to go" be$ore he )ould e*plain that he )ould not hoot even on)e like an! kind o$ o#l an! %ore than $l! like a bat. 0ut at an! rate hobbit )an %ove ,uietl! in #ood " ab olutel! ,uietl!. The! take a pride in it" and 0ilbo had ni$$ed %ore than on)e at #hat he )alled <all thi d#arvi h ra)ket"= a the! #ent along" though I don1t up(po e !ou or I #ould noti)e an!thing at all on a #ind! night" not i$ the #hole )aval)ade had pa ed t#o $eet o$$. A $or 0ilbo #alking pri%l! to#ard the red light" I don1t uppo e even a #ea el #ould have tirred a #hi ker at it. 8o" naturall!" he got right up to the $ire($or $ire it #a #ithout di turbing an!one. And thi i #hat he a#. Three ver! large per on itting round a ver! large $ire o$ bee)h(log . The! #ere toa ting %utton on long pit o$ #ood" and li)king the grav! o$$ their $inger . There #a a $ine tooth o%e %ell. Al o there #a a barrel o$ good drink at hand" and the! #ere drinking out o$ 9ug . 0ut the! #ere troll . 5bviou l! troll . Even 0ilbo" in pite o$ hi heltered li$e" )ould ee that' $ro% the great heav! $a)e o$ the%" and their i&e" and the hape o$ their leg " not to %ention their language" #hi)h #a not dra#ing(roo% $a hion at all" at all. <7utton !e terda!" %utton toda!" and bli%e!" i$ it don1t look like %utton again to%orrer"= aid one o$ the troll . <Never a blinking bit o$ %an$le h have #e had $or long enough"= aid a e)ond. <6hat the 1ell 6illia% #a a(thinkin1 o$ to bring u into the e part at all" beat %e+and the drink runnin1 hort" #hat1 %ore"= he aid 9ogging the elbo# o$ 6illia%" #ho #a taking a pull at hi 9ug. 6illia% )hoked. <8hut !er %outh;= he aid a oon a he )ould. <Yer )an1t e*pe)t $olk to top here $or ever 9u t to be et b! !ou and 0ert. You1ve et a village and a hal$ bet#een !er" in)e #e )o%e do#n $ro% the %ountain . -o# %u)h %ore d1!er #ant3 And ti%e1 been up our #a!" #hen !er1d have aid 1thank !er 0ill1 $or a ni)e bit o1 $at valle! %utton like #hat thi i .= -e took a big bite o$$ a heep1 leg he #a toa ting" and #iped hi lip on hi leeve. Ye " I a% a$raid troll do behave like that" even tho e #ith onl! one head ea)h. A$ter hearing all thi 0ilbo ought to have done o%ething at on)e. Either he hould have gone 14

ba)k ,uietl! and #arned hi $riend that there #ere three $air( i&ed troll at hand in a na t! %ood" ,uite likel! to tr! toa ted d#ar$" or even pon!" $or a )hange4 or el e he hould have done a bit o$ good ,ui)k burgling. A reall! $ir t()la and legendar! burglar #ould at thi point have pi)ked the troll 1 po)ket (it i nearl! al#a! #orth#hile i$ !ou )an %anage it(" pin)hed the ver! %utton o$$ the pite" purloined the beer" and #alked o$$ #ithout their noti)ing hi%. 5ther %ore pra)ti)al but #ith le pro$e ional pride #ould perhap have tu)k a dagger into ea)h o$ the% be$ore the! ob erved it. Then the night )ould have been pent )heeril!. 0ilbo kne# it. -e had read o$ a good %an! thing he had never een or done. -e #a ver! %u)h alar%ed" a #ell a di gu ted4 he #i hed hi% el$ a hundred %ile a#a!" and !et(and !et o%eho# he )ould not go traight ba)k to Thorin and Co%pan! e%pt!( handed. 8o he tood and he itated in the hado# . 5$ the variou burglariou pro)eeding he had heard o$ pi)king the troll 1 po)ket ee%ed the lea t di$$i)ult" o at la t he )rept behind a tree 9u t behind 6illia%. 0ert and To% #ent o$$ to the barrel. 6illia% #a having another drink. Then 0ilbo plu)ked up )ourage and put hi little hand in 6illia%1 enor%ou po)ket. There #a a pur e in it" a big a a bag to 0ilbo. <-a;= thought he #ar%ing to hi ne# #ork a he li$ted it )are$ull! out" <thi i a beginning;= It #a ; Troll 1 pur e are the %i )hie$" and thi #a no e*)eption. < 1Ere" 1oo are !ou3= it ,ueaked" a it le$t the po)ket4 and 6illia% turned round at on)e and grabbed 0ilbo b! the ne)k" be$ore he )ould du)k behind the tree. <0li%e!" 0ert" look #hat I1ve )opped;= aid 6illia%. <6hat i it3= aid the other )o%ing up. <@u%%e" i$ I kno# ; 6hat are !er3= <0ilbo 0aggin " a bur+ a hobbit"= aid poor 0ilbo" haking all over" and #ondering ho# to %ake o#l(noi e be$ore the! throttled hi%. <A burrahobbit3= aid the! a bit tartled. Troll are lo# in the uptake" and %ight! u pi)iou about an!thing ne# to the%. <6hat1 a burrahobbit got to do #ith %! po)ket" an!#a! 3= aid 6illia%. <And )an !er )ook 1e%3= aid To%. <Yer )an tr!"= aid 0ert" pi)king up a ke#er. <-e #ouldn1t %ake above a %outh$ul"= aid 6illia%" #ho had alread! had a $ine upper" <not #hen he #a kinned and boned.= <P1rap there are %ore like hi% round about" and #e %ight %ake a pie"= aid 0ert. <-ere !ou" are there an! %ore o$ !our ort a( neakin1 in the e here #ood " !er na t! little rabbit"= aid he looking at the hobbit1 $urr! $eet4 and he pi)ked hi% up b! the toe and hook hi%. <Ye " lot "= aid 0ilbo" be$ore he re%e%bered not to give hi $riend a#a!. <No" none at all" not one"= he aid i%%ediatel! a$ter#ard . <6hat d1!er %ean3= aid 0ert" holding hi% right a#a! up" b! the hair thi ti%e. <6hat I a!"= aid 0ilbo ga ping. <And plea e don1t )ook %e" kind ir ; I a% a good )ook %! el$" and )ook bet(ter than I )ook" i$ !ou ee #hat I %ean. I1ll )ook beauti$ull! $or !ou" a per$e)tl! beauti$ul break$a t $or !ou" i$ onl! !ou #on1t have %e $or upper.= <Poor little blighter"= aid 6illia%. -e had alread! had a %u)h upper a he )ould hold4 al o he had had lot o$ beer. <Poor little blighter; @et hi% go;= <Not till he a! #hat he %ean b! lot and none at all"= aid 0ert. <I don1t #ant to have %e throat )ut in %e leep. -old hi toe in the $ire" till he talk ;= <I #on1t have it"= aid 6illia%. <I )aught hi% an!#a!.= <You1re a $at $ool" 6illia%"= aid 0ert" <a I1ve aid a$ore thi evening.= <And !ou1re a lout;= <And I #on1t take that $ro% !ou. 0ill -uggin "= a! 0ert" and put hi $i t in 6illia%1 e!e. Then there #a a gorgeou ro#. 0ilbo had 9u t enough #it le$t" #hen 0ert dropped hi% on the ground" to )ra%ble out o$ the #a! o$ their $eet" be$ore the! #ere $ighting like dog " and )alling one another all ort o$ per$e)tl! true and appli)able na%e in ver! loud voi)e . 8oon the! #ere lo)ked in one another1 ar% " and rolling nearl! into the $ire ki)king and thu%ping" #hile To% #ha)ked at then both #ith a bran)h to bring the% to their en e (and that o$ )our e onl! %ade the% %adder than ever. That #ould have been the ti%e $or 0ilbo to have le$t. 0ut hi poor little $eet had been ver! ,ua hed in 15

0ert1 big pa#" and he had no breath in hi bod!" and hi head #a going round4 o there he la! $or a #hile panting" 9u t out ide the )ir)le o$ $irelight. Right in the %iddle o$ the $ight up )a%e 0alin. The d#arve had heard noi e $ro% a di tan)e" and a$ter #ait(ing $or o%e ti%e $or 0ilbo to )o%e ba)k" or to hoot like an o#l" the! tarted o$$ one b! one to )reep to#ard the light a ,uietl! a the! )ould. No ooner did To% ee 0alin )o%e into the light than he gave an a#$ul ho#l. Troll i%pl! dete t the ver! ight o$ d#arve .un)ooked/. 0ert and 0ill topped $ighting i%%ediatel!" and <a a)k" To%" ,ui)k;= the! aid" be$ore 0alin" #ho #a #ondering #here in all thi )o%%otion 0ilbo #a " kne# #hat #a happening" a a)k #a over hi head" and he #a do#n. <There1 %ore to )o%e !et"= aid To%" <or I1% %ight! %i took. @ot and none at all" it i "= aid he. <No burra( hobbit " but lot o$ the e here d#arve . That1 about the hape o$ it;= <I re)kon !ou1re right"= aid 0ert" <and #e1d be t get out o$ the light.= And o the! did. 6ith a)k in their hand " that the! u ed $or )arr!ing o$$ %utton and other plunder" the! #aited in the hado# . A ea)h d#ar$ )a%e up and looked at the $ire" and the pilled 9ug " and the gna#ed %utton" in urpri e" pop; #ent a na t! %ell! a)k over hi head" and he #a do#n. 8oon D#alin la! b! 0alin" and Cili and Bili together" and Dori and Nori and 5ri all in a heap" and 5in and :loin and 0i$ur and 0o$ur and 0o%bur piled un)o%$ortabl! near the $ire. <That1ll tea)h 1e%"= aid To%4 $or 0i$ur and 0o%bur had given a lot o$ trouble" and $ought like %ad" a d#arve #ill #hen )ornered. Thorin )a%e la t(and he #a not )aught una#are . -e )a%e e*pe)ting %i )hie$" and didn1t need to ee hi $riend 1 leg ti)king out o$ a)k to tell hi% that thing #ere not all #ell. -e tood out ide in the hado# o%e #a! o$$" and aid' <6hat1 all thi trouble3 6ho ha been kno)king %! people about3= <It1 troll ;= aid 0ilbo $ro% behind a tree. The! had $orgotten all about hi%. <The!1re hiding in the bu he #ith a)k "= aid he. <5; are the!3= aid Thorin" and he 9u%ped $or#ard to the $ire" be$ore the! )ould leap on hi%. -e )aught up a big bran)h all on $ire at one end4 and 0ert got that end in hi e!e be$ore he )ould tep a ide. That put hi% out o$ the battle $or a bit. 0ilbo did hi be t. -e )aught hold o$ To%1 leg(a #ell a he )ould" it #a thi)k a a !oung tree(trunk (but he #a ent pinning up into the top o$ o%e bu he " #hen To% ki)ked the park up in Thorin1 $a)e. To% got the bran)h in hi teeth $or that" and lo t one o$ the $ront one . It %ade hi% ho#l" I )an tell !ou. 0ut 9u t at that %o%ent 6illia% )a%e up behind and popped a a)k right over Thorin1 head and do#n to hi toe . And o the $ight ended. A ni)e pi)kle the! #ere all in no#' all neatl! tied up in a)k " #ith three angr! troll .and t#o #ith burn and ba he to re%e%ber/ itting b! the%" arguing #hether the! hould roa t the% lo#l!" or %in)e the% $ine and boil the%" or 9u t it on the% one b! one and ,ua h the% into 9ell!' and 0ilbo up in a bu h" #ith hi )lothe and hi kin torn" not daring to %ove $or $ear the! hould hear hi%. It #a 9u t then that :andal$ )a%e ba)k. 0ut no one a# hi%. The troll had 9u t de)ided to roa t the d#arve no# and eat the% later(that #a 0ert1 idea" and a$ter a lot o$ argu%ent the! had all agreed to it. <No good roa ting 1e% no#" it?d take all night"= aid a voi)e. 0ert thought it #a 6illia%1 . <Don1t tart the argu%ent all over(again. 0ill"= he aid" <or it #ill take all night.= <6ho1 a(arguing3= aid 6illia%" #ho thought it #a . 0ert that had poken. <You are"= aid 0ert. <You1re a liar"= aid 6illia%4 and o the argu%ent beg all over again. In the end the! de)ided to %in)e the% $ine and boil the%. 8o the! got a bla)k pot" and the! took out their knive . <No good boiling 1e%; 6e ain1t got no #ater" and it1 a long #a! to the #ell and all"= aid a voi)e. 0ert and 6illia% thought it #a To%1 . <8hut up;= aid the!" <or #e1ll never have done. And !er )an $et)h the #ater !er el$" i$ !er a! an! %ore.=


<8hut up !er el$;= aid To%" #ho thought it #a 6illia%1 voi)e. <6ho1 arguing but !ou. I1d like to kno#.= <You1re a boob!"= aid 6illia%. <0oob! !er el$;= aid To%. And o the argu%ent began all over again" and #ent on hotter than ever" until at la t the! de)ided to it on the a)k one b! one and ,ua h the%" and boil the% ne*t ti%e. <6ho hall #e it on $ir t3= aid the voi)e. <0etter it on the la t $ello# $ir t"= aid 0ert" #ho e e!e had been da%aged b! Thorin. -e thought To% #a talking. <Don1t talk to !er el$;= aid To%. <0ut i$ !ou #ant to it on the la t one" it on hi%. 6hi)h i he3= <The one #ith the !ello# to)king "= aid 0ert. <Non en e" the one #ith the gre! to)king "= aid a voi)e like 6illia%1 . <I %ade ure it #a !ello#"= aid 0ert. <Yello# it #a "= aid 6illia%. <Then #hat did !er a! it #a gre! $or3= aid 0ert. <I never did. To% aid it.= <That I never did;= aid To%. <It #a !ou.= <T#o to one" o hut !er %outh;= aid 0ert. <6ho are !ou a(talkin1 to3= aid 6illia%. <No# top it;= aid To% and 0ert together. <The night1 gettin1 on" and da#n )o%e earl!. @et1 get on #ith it;= <Da#n take !ou all" and be tone to !ou;= aid a voi)e that ounded like 6illia%1 . 0ut it #a n1t. Cor 9u t at that %o%ent the light )a%e over the hill" and there #a a %ight! t#itter in the bran)he . 6illia% never poke $or he tood turned to tone a he tooped4 and 0ert and To% #ere tu)k like ro)k a the! looked at hi%. And there the! tand to thi da!" all alone" unle the bird per)h on the%4 $or troll " a !ou probabl! kno#" %u t be underground be$ore da#n" or the! go ba)k to the tu$$ o$ the %ountain the! are %ade o$" and never %ove again. That i #hat had happened to 0ert and To% and 6illia%. <E*)ellent;= aid :andal$" a he tepped $ro% behind a tree" and helped 0ilbo to )li%b do#n out o$ a thorn(bu h. Then 0ilbo under tood. It #a the #i&ard1 voi)e that had kept the troll bi)kering and ,uarrelling" until the light )a%e and %ade an end o$ the%. The ne*t thing #a to untie the a)k and let out the d#arve . The! #ere nearl! u$$o)ated" and ver! anno!ed' the! had not at all en9o!ed l!ing there li tening to the troll %aking plan $or roa ting the% and ,ua hing the% and %in)ing the%. The! had to hear 0ilbo1 a))ount o$ #hat had happened to hi% t#i)e over" be$ore the! #ere ati $ied. <8ill! ti%e to go pra)ti ing pin)hing and po)ket(pi)king"= aid 0o%bur" <#hen #hat #e #anted #a $ire and $ood;= <And that1 9u t #hat !ou #ouldn1t have got o$ tho e $ello# #ithout a truggle" in an! )a e"= aid :andal$. <An!ho# !ou are #a ting ti%e no#. Don1t !ou reali&e that the troll %u t have a )ave or a hole dug o%e#here near to hide $ro% the un in3 6e %u t look into it;= The! ear)hed about" and oon $ound the %ark o$ troll 1 ton! boot going a#a! through the tree . The! $ollo#ed the tra)k up the hill" until hidden b! bu he the! )a%e on a big door o$ tone leading to a )ave. 0ut the! )ould not open it" not though the! all pu hed #hile :andal$ tried variou in)antation . <6ould thi be an! good3= a ked 0ilbo" #hen the! #ere getting tired and angr!. <I $ound it on the ground #here the troll had their $ight.= -e held out a largi h ke!" though no doubt 6illia% had thought it ver! %all and e)ret. It %u t have $allen out o$ hi po)ket" ver! lu)kil!" be$ore he #a turned to tone. <6h! on earth didn1t !ou %ention it be$ore3= the! )ried. :andal$ grabbed it and $itted it into the ke!(hole. Then the tone door #ung ba)k #ith one big pu h" and the! all #ent in ide. There #ere bone on the $loor and a na t! %ell #a in the air4 but there #a a good deal o$ $ood 9u%bled )arele l! on helve and on the ground" a%ong an untid! litter o$ plunder" o$ all ort $ro% bra button to pot $ull o$ gold )oin tanding in a )orner. There #ere lot o$ )lothe " too" hanging on the #all (too %all $or troll " I a% a$raid the! belonged to vi)ti% (and a%ong the% #ere 17

everal #ord o$ variou %ake " hape " and i&e . T#o )aught their e!e parti)ularl!" be)au e o$ their beauti$ul )abbard and 9e#elled hilt . :andal$ and Thorin ea)h took one o$ the e4 and 0ilbo took a kni$e in a leather heath. It #ould have %ade onl! a tin! po)ket(kni$e $or a troll" but it #a a good a a hort #ord $or the hobbit. <The e look like good blade "= aid the #i&ard" hal$ dra#ing the% and looking at the% )uriou l!. <The! #ere not %ade b! an! troll" nor b! an! %ith a%ong %en in the e part and da! 4 but #hen #e )an read the rune on the%" #e hall kno# %ore about the%.= <@et1 get out o$ thi horrible %ell;= aid Cili 8o the! )arried out the pot o$ )oin " and u)h $ood a #a un(tou)hed and looked $it to eat" al o one barrel o$ ale #hi)h #a till $ull. 0! that ti%e the! $elt like break$a t" and being ver! hungr! the! did not turn their no e up at #hat the! had got $ro% the troll 1 larder. Their o#n provi ion #ere ver! )ant!. No# the! had bread and )hee e" and plent! o$ ale" and ba)on to toa t in the e%ber o$ the $ire. A$ter that the! lept" $or their night had been di turbed4 .and the! did nothing %ore till the a$ternoon. Then the! I brought up their ponie " and )arried a#a! the pot o$ gold" and buried the% ver! e)retl! not $ar $ro% the tra)k b! the river" putting a great %an! pell over the%" 9u t in )a e the! ever had the()han)e to )o%e ba)k and re)over the%. 6hen that #a done" the! all %ounted on)e %ore" and 9ogged along again on the path to#ard the Ea t. <6here did !ou go to" i$ I %a! a k3= aid Thorin to :andal$ a the! rode along. <To look ahead"= aid he. <And #hat brought !ou ba)k in the ni)k o$ ti%e3= <@ooking behind"= aid he. <E*a)tl!;= aid Thorin4 <but )ould !ou be %ore plain3= <I #ent on to p! out our road. It #ill oon be)o%e dangerou and di$$i)ult. Al o I #a an*iou about repleni hing our %all to)k o$ provi ion . I had not gone ver! $ar" ho#ever" #hen I %et a )ouple o$ $riend o$ %ine $ro% Rivendell.= <6here1 that3= a ked 0ilbo" <Don1t interrupt;= aid :andal$. <You #ill get there in a $e# da! no#" i$ #e1re lu)k!" and $ind out all about it A I #a a!ing I %et t#o o$ Elrond1 people. The! #ere hurr!ing along $or $ear o$ the troll . It #a the! #ho told %e that three o$ the% had )o%e do#n $ro% the %ountain and ettled in the #ood not $ar $ro% the road4 the! had $rightened ever!one a#a! $ro% the di tri)t" and the! #a!laid tranger . <I i%%ediatel! had a $eeling that I #a #anted ba)k. @ooking behind I a# a $ire in the di tan)e and %ade $or it. 8o no# !ou kno#. Plea e be %ore )are$ul" ne*t ti%e" or #e hall never get an!#here;= <Thank !ou;= aid Thorin.


Chapter N A 8-5RT RE8T The! did not ing or tell torie that da!" even though the #eather i%proved4 nor the ne*t da!" nor the da! a$ter. The! had begun to $eel that danger #a not $ar a#a! on either ide. The! )a%ped under the tar " and their hor e had %ore to eat than the! had4 $or there #a plent! o$ gra " but there #a not %u)h in their bag " even #ith #hat the! had got $ro% the troll . 5ne %orning the! $orded a river at a #ide hallo# pla)e $ull o$ the noi e o$ tone and $oa%. The $ar bank #a teep and lipper!. 6hen the! got to the top o$ it" leading their ponie " the! a# that the great %ountain had %ar)hed do#n ver! near to the%. Alread! the! I ee%ed onl! a da!1 ea ! 9ourne! $ro% the $eet o$ the neare t. Dark and drear it looked" though there #ere pat)he o$ unlight on it bro#n ide " and behind it houlder the tip o$ no#(peak glea%ed. <I that The 7ountain3= a ked 0ilbo in a ole%n voi)e" looking at it #ith round e!e . -e had never een a thing that looked o big be$ore. <5$ )our e not;= aid 0alin. <That i onl! the beginning o$ the 7i t! 7ountain " and #e have to get through" or over" or under tho e o%eho#" be$ore #e )an )o%e into 6ilderland be!ond. And it i a deal o$ a #a! even $ro% the other ide o$ the% to the @onel! 7ountain in the Ea t 6here 8%aug lie on our trea ure.= <5;= aid 0ilbo" and 9u t at that %o%ent he $elt %ore $ared than he ever re%e%bered $eeling be$ore. -e #a thinking on)e again o$ hi )o%$ortable )hair be$ore the $ire in hi $avourite itting(roo% in hi hobbit(hole" and o$ the kettle inging. Not $or the la t ti%e; No# :andal$ led the #a!. <6e %u t not %i the road" or #e hall be done $or"= he aid. <6e need $ood" $or one thing" and re t in rea onable a$et!(al o it i ver! ne)e ar! to ta)kle the 7i t! 7ountain b! the proper path" or el e !ou #ill get lo t in the%" and have to )o%e ba)k and tart at the beginning again .i$ !ou ever get ba)k at all/.= The! a ked hi% #here he #a %aking $or" and he an #ered' <You are )o%e to the ver! edge o$ the 6ild" a o%e o$ !ou %a! kno#. -idden o%e#here ahead o$ u i the $air valle! o$ Rivendell #here Elrond live in the @a t -o%el! -ou e. I ent a %e age b! %! $riend " and #e are e*pe)ted.= That ounded ni)e and )o%$orting" but the! had not got there !et" and it #a not o ea ! a it ound to $ind the @a t -o%el! -ou e #e t o$ the 7ountain . There ee%ed to be no tree and no valle! and no hill to break the ground in $ront o$ the%" onl! one va t lope going lo#l! up and up to %eet the $eet o$ the neare t %ountain" a #ide land the )olour o$ heather and )ru%bling ro)k" #ith pat)he and la he o$ gra (green and %o (green ho#ing #here #ater %ight be. 7orning pa ed" a$ternoon )a%e4 but in all the ilent #a te there #a no ign o$ an! d#elling. The! #ere gro#ing an*iou " $or the! no# a# that the hou e %ight be hidden al%o t an!#here bet#een the% and the %ountain . The! )a%e on une*pe)ted valle! " narro# #ith deep ide " that opened uddenl! at their $eet" and the! looked do#n urpri ed to ee tree belo# the% and running #ater at the botto%. There #ere gullie that the! )ould al%o t leap over4 but ver! deep #ith #ater$all in the%. There #ere dark ravine that one )ould neither 9u%p nor )li%b into. There #ere bog " o%e o$ the% green plea ant pla)e to look at #ith $lo#er gro#ing bright and tall4 but a pon! that #alked there #ith a pa)k on it ba)k #ould never have )o%e out again. It #a indeed a %u)h #ider land $ro% the $ord to the %ountain than ever !ou #ould have gue ed. 0ilbo #a a toni hed. The onl! path #a %arked #ith #hite tone o%e o$ #hi)h #ere %all" and other #ere hal$ )overed #ith %o or heather. Altogether it #a a ver! lo# bu ine $ollo#ing the tra)k" even guided b! :andal$" #ho ee%ed to kno# hi #a! about prett! #ell. -i head and beard #agged thi #a! and that a he looked $or the tone " and the! $ollo#ed hi head" but the! ee%ed no nearer to the end o$ the ear)h #hen the da! began to $ail. Tea(ti%e had long gone b!" and it ee%ed upper(ti%e #ould oon do the a%e. There #ere %oth $luttering about" and the light be)a%e ver! di%" $or the %oon had not ri en. 0ilbo1 pon! began to tu%ble over root and tone . The! )a%e to the edge o$ a teep $all in the ground o uddenl! that :andal$ hor e nearl! lipped do#n the lope. <-ere it i at la t;= he )alled" and the other gathered round hi% and looked over the edge. The! a# a valle! $ar belo#. The! )ould hear the voi)e o$ hurr!ing #ater in ro)k! 19

bed at the botto%4 the )ent o$ tree #a in the air4 and there #a a light on the valle!( ide a)ro the #ater. 0ilbo never $orgot the #a! the! lithered and lipped in the du k do#n the teep &ig(&ag path into the e)ret valle! o$ Rivendell. The air gre# #ar%er a the! got lo#er" and the %ell o$ the pine(tree %ade hi% dro# !" o that ever! no# and again he nodded and nearl! $ell o$$" or bu%ped hi no e on the pon!1 ne)k. Their pirit ro e a the! #ent do#n and do#n. The tree )hanged to bee)h and oak" and hire #a a )o%$ortable $eeling in the t#ilight. The la t green had al%o t $aded out o$ the gra " #hen the! )a%e at length to an open glade not $ar above the bank o$ the trea%. <-rn%%; it %ell like elve ;= thought 0ilbo" and he looked up at the tar . The! #ere burning bright and blue. Ju t then there )a%e a bur t o$ ong like laughter in the tree ' 5; 6hat are !ou doing" And #here are !ou going3 Your ponie need hoeing; The river i $lo#ing; 5; tra(la(la(lall! here do#n in the valle!; 5; 6hat are !ou eeking" And #here are !ou %aking3 The $aggot are reeking" The banno)k are baking; 5; tril(lil(lil(loll! the valle! i 9oll!" ha; ha; 5; 6here are !ou going 6ith beard all a(#agging3 No kno#ing" no kno#ing 6hat bring 7i ter 0aggin " And 0alin and D#alin do#n into the valle! in June ha; ha; 5; 6ill !ou be ta!ing" 5r #ill !ou be $l!ing3 Your ponie are tra!ing; The da!light i d!ing; To $l! #ould be $oll!" To ta! #ould be 9oll! And li ten and hark Till the end o$ the dark to our tune ha; ha; 8o the! laughed and ang in the tree 4 and prett! $air non en e I dare a! !ou think it. Not that the! #ould )are the! #ould onl! laugh all the %ore i$ !ou told the% o. The! #ere elve o$ )our e. 8oon 0ilbo )aught gli%p e o$ the% a the darkne deepened. -e loved elve " though he eldo% %et the%4 but he #a a little $rightened o$ the% too. D#arve don1t get on #ell #ith the%. Even de)ent enough d#arve like Thorin and hi $riend think the% $ooli h .#hi)h i a ver! $ooli h thing to think/" or get anno!ed #ith the%. Cor o%e elve tea e the% and laugh at the%" and %o t o$ all at their beard . <6ell" #ell;= aid a voi)e. <Ju t look; 0ilbo the hobbit on a pon!" %! dear; I n1t it deli)iou ;= <7o t a toni hing #onder$ul;= Then o$$ the! #ent into another ong a ridi)ulou a the one I have #ritten do#n in $ull. At la t one" a tall !oung $ello#" )a%e out $ro% the tree and bo#ed to :andal$ and to Thorin. 20

<6el)o%e to the valle!;= he aid. <Thank !ou;= aid Thorin a bit gru$$l!4 but :andal$ #a alread! o$$ hi hor e and a%ong the elve " talking %erril! #ith the%. <You are a little out o$ !our #a!"= aid the el$' <that i " i$ !ou are %aking $or the onl! path a)ro the #ater and to the hou e be!ond. 6e #ill et !ou right" but !ou had be t get on $oot" until !ou are over the bridge. Are !ou going to ta! a bit and ing #ith u " or #ill !ou go traight on3 8upper i preparing over there"= he aid. <I )an %ell the 6ood( $ire $or the )ooking.= Tired a he #a " 0ilbo #ould have liked to ta! a#hile. Elvi h inging i not a thing to %i " in June under the tar " not i$ !ou )are $or u)h thing . Al o he #ould have liked to have a $e# private #ord #ith the e people that ee%ed to kno# hi na%e and all about hi%" although he had never been the% be$ore. -e thought their opinion o$ hi adventure %ight be intere ting. Elve kno# a lot and are #ondrou $olk $or ne# " and kno# #hat i going on a%ong the people o$ the land" a ,ui)k a #ater $lo# " or ,ui)ker. 0ut the d#arve #ere all $or upper a oon 1a po ible 9u t then" and #ould not ta!. 5n the! all #ent" leading their ponie " till the! #ere brought to a good path and o at la t to the ver! brink o$ the river. It #a $lo#ing $a t and noi il!" a %ountain( trea% do o$ a u%%er evening" #hen un ha been all da! on the no# $ar up above. There #a onl! a narro# bridge o$ tone #ithout a parapet" a narro# a a pon! )ould #ell #alk on4 and over that the! had to go" lo# and )are$ul" one b! one" ea)h leading hi pon! b! the bridle. The elve had brought bright lantern to the hore" and the! ang a %err! ong a the part! #ent a)ro . <Don1t dip !our beard in the $oa%" $ather;= the! )ried to Thorin" #ho #a bent al%o t on to hi hand and knee . <It i long enough #ithout #atering it.= <7ind 0ilbo doe n1t eat all the )ake ;= the! )alled. <-e i too $at to get through ke!( hole !et;= <-u h" hu h; :ood People; and good night;= aid :andal$" #ho )a%e la t. <>alle! have ear " and o%e elve have over %err! tongue . :ood night;= And o at la t the! all )a%e to the @a t -o%el! -ou e" and $ound it door $lung #ide. No# it i a trange thing" but thing that are good to have and da! that are good to pend are oon told about" and not %u)h to li ten to4 #hile thing that are un)o%$ortable" palpitating" and even grue o%e" %a! %ake a good tale" and take a deal o$ telling an!#a!. The! ta!ed long in that good hou e" $ourteen da! at lea t" and the! $ound it hard to leave. 0ilbo #ould gladl! have topped there $or ever and ever(even uppo ing a #i h #ould have taken hi% right ba)k to hi hobbit(hole #ithout trouble. Yet there i little to tell about their ta!. The %a ter o$ the hou e #a an el$($riend(one o$ tho e people #ho e $ather )a%e into the trange torie be$ore the beginning o$ -i tor!" the #ar o$ the evil goblin and the elve and the $ir t %en in the North. In tho e da! o$ our tale there #ere till o%e people #ho had both elve and heroe o$ the North $or an)e tor " and Elrond the %a ter o$ the hou e #a their )hie$. -e #a a noble and a $air in $a)e a an el$(lord" a trong a a #arrior" a #i e a a #i&ard" a venerable a a king o$ d#arve " and a kind a u%%er. -e )o%e into. %an! tale " but hi part in the tor! o$ 0ilbo1 great adventure i onl! a %all one" though i%portant" a !ou #ill ee" i$ #e ever get to the end o$ it. -i hou e #a per$e)t" #hether !ou liked $ood" or leep" or #ork" or tor!(telling" or inging" or 9u t itting and thinking be t" or a plea ant %i*ture o$ the% all. Evil thing did not )o%e into that valle!. I #i h I had ti%e to tell !ou even a $e# o$ the tale or one or t#o o$ the ong that the! heard in that hou e. All o$ the%" the ponie a #ell" gre# re$re hed and trong in a $e# da! there. Their )lothe #ere %ended a #ell a their brui e " their te%per and their hope . Their bag #ere $illed #ith $ood and provi ion light to )arr! but trong to bring the% over the %ountain pa e . Their plan #ere i%proved #ith the be t advi)e. 8o the ti%e )a%e to %id( u%%er eve" and the! #ere to go on again #ith the earl! un on %id u%%er %orning. Elrond kne# all about rune o$ ever! kind. That da! he looked at the #ord the! had brought $ro% the troll 1 lair" and he aid' <The e are not troll(%ake. The! are old #ord " ver! old #ord o$ the -igh Elve o$ the 6e t" %! kin. The! #ere %ade in :ondolin $or the :oblin(#ar . The! %u t have )o%e $ro% a dragon1 hoard or goblin plunder" $or dragon and goblin de tro!ed that )it! %an! age ago. Thi " Thorin" the rune na%e 21

5r)ri t" the :oblin()leaver in the an)ient tongue o$ :ondolin4 it #a a $a%ou blade. Thi " :andal$" #a :la%dring" Coe(ha%%er that the king o$ :ondolin on)e #ore. Beep the% #ell;= <6hen)e did the troll get the%" I #onder3= aid Thorin looking at hi #ord #ith ne# intere t. <I )ould not a!"= aid Elrond" <but one %a! gue that !our troll had plundered other plunderer " or )o%e on the re%nant o$ old robberie in o%e hold in the %ountain o$ the North. I have heard that there are till $orgotten trea ure o$ old to be $ound in the de erted )avern o$ the %ine o$ 7oria" in)e the d#ar$ and goblin #ar.= Thorin pondered the e #ord . <I #ill keep thi #ord in honour"= he aid. <7a! it oon )leave goblin on)e again;= <A #i h that i likel! to be granted oon enough in the %ountain ;= aid Elrond. <0ut ho# %e no# !our %ap;= -e took it and ga&ed long at it" and he hook hi head4 $or i$ he did not altogether approve o$ d#arve and their love o$ gold" he hated dragon and their )ruel #i)kedne " and he grieved to re%e%ber the ruin o$ the to#n o$ Dale and it %err! bell " and the burned bank o$ the bright River Running. The %oon #a hining in a broad ilver )re )ent. -e held up the %ap and the #hite light hone through it. <6hat i thi 3= he aid. <There are %oon(letter here" be ide the plain rune #hi)h a! 1$ive $eet high the door and three %a! #alk abrea t.1 < <6hat are %oon(letter 3= a ked the hobbit $ull o$ e*)ite%ent. -e loved %ap " a I have told !ou be$ore4 and he al o liked rune and letter and )unning hand#riting" though #hen he #rote hi% el$ it #a a bit thin and pider!. <7oon(letter are rune(letter " but !ou )annot ee the%"= aid Elrond" <not #hen !ou look traight at the%. The! )an onl! be een #hen the %oon hine behind the%" and #hat i %ore" #ith the %ore )unning ort it %u t be a %oon o$ the a%e hape and ea on a the da! #hen the! #ere #ritten. The d#arve invented the% and #rote the% #ith ilver pen " a !our $riend )ould tell !ou. The e %u t have been #ritten on a %id u%%er1 eve in a )re )ent %oon" a long #hile ago.= <6hat do the! a!3= a ked :andal$ and Thorin together" a bit ve*ed perhap that even Elrond hould have $ound thi out $ir t" though reall! there had not been a )han)e be$ore" and there #ould not have been another until goodne kno# #hen. <8tand b! the gre! tone #hen the thru h kno)k "= read Elrond" <and the etting un #ith the la t light o$ Durin1 Da! #ill hine upon the ke!(hole.= <Durin" Durin;= aid Thorin. <-e #a the $ather o$ the $ather o$ the elde t ra)e o$ D#arve " the @ongbeard " and %! $ir t an)e tor' I a% hi heir.= <Then #hat i Durin1 Da!3= a ked Elrond. <The $ir t da! o$ the d#arve 1 Ne# Year"= aid Thorin" <i a all hould kno# the $ir t" da! o$ the la t %oon o$ Autu%n on the thre hold o$ 6inter. 6e till )all it Durin1 Da! #hen the la t %oon o$ Autu%n and the un are in the k! together. 0ut thi #ill not help u %u)h" I $ear" $or it pa e our kill in the e da! to gue #hen u)h a ti%e #ill )o%e again.= <That re%ain to be een"= aid :andal$. <I there an! %ore #riting3= <None to be een b! thi %oon"= aid Elrond" and he gave the %ap ba)k to Thorin4 and then the! #ent do#n to the #ater to ee the elve dan)e and ing upon the %id u%%er1 eve. The ne*t %orning #a a %id u%%er1 %orning a $air and $re h a )ould be drea%ed' blue k! and never a )loud" and the un dan)ing on the #ater. No# the! rode a#a! a%id ong o$ $are#ell and good peed" #ith their heart read! $or %ore adventure" and #ith a kno#ledge o$ the road the! %u t $ollo# over the 7i t! 7ountain to the land be!ond.


Chapter L 5>ER -I@@ AND UNDER -I@@ There #ere %an! path that led up into tho e %ountain " and %an! pa e over the%. 0ut %o t o$ the path #ere )heat and de)eption and led no#here or to bad end 4 and %o t o$ the pa e #ere in$e ted b! evil thing and dread$ul danger . The d#arve and the hobbit" helped b! the #i e advi)e o$ Elrond and the kno#ledge and %e%or! o$ :andal$" took the right road to the right pa . @ong da! a$ter the! had )li%bed out o$ the valle! and le$t the @a t -o%el! -ou e %ile behind" the! #ere till going up and up and up. It #a a hard path and a dangerou path" a )rooked #a! and a lonel! and a long. No# the! )ould look ba)k over the land the! had le$t" laid out behind the% $ar belo#. Car" $ar a#a! in the 6e t" #here thing #ere blue and $aint" 0ilbo kne# there la! hi o#n )ountr! o$ a$e and )o%$ortable thing " and hi little hobbit(hole. -e hivered. It #a getting bitter )old up here" and the #ind )a%e hrill a%ong the ro)k . 0oulder " too" at ti%e )a%e galloping do#n the %ountain( ide " let loo e b! %idda! un upon the no#" and pa ed a%ong the% .#hi)h #a lu)k!/" or over their head .#hi)h #a alar%ing/. The night #ere )o%$ortle and )hill" and the! did not dare to ing or talk too loud" $or the e)hoe #ere un)ann!" and the ilen)e ee%ed to di like being broken(e*)ept b! the noi e o$ #ater and the #ail o$ #ind and the )ra)k o$ tone. <The u%%er i getting on do#n belo#"= thought 0ilbo" <and ha!%aking i going on and pi)ni) . The! #ill be harve ting and bla)kberr!ing" be$ore #e even begin to go do#n the other ide at thi rate.= And the other #ere thinking e,uall! gloo%! thought " although #hen the! had aid good(b!e to Elrond in the high hope o$ a %id u%%er %orning" the!1 had poken gail! o$ the pa age o$ the %ountain " and o$ riding #i$t a)ro the land be!ond. The! had thought o$ )o%ing to the e)ret door in the @onel! 7ountain" perhap that ver! ne*t $ir t %oon o$ Autu%n+= and perhap it #ill be Durin1 Da!= the! had aid. 5nl! :andal$ had haken hi head and aid nothing. D#arve had not pa ed that #a! $or %an! !ear " but :andal$ had" and he kne# ho# evil and danger had gro#n and thriven in the 6ild" in)e the dragon had driven %en $ro% the land " and the goblin had pread in e)ret a$ter the battle o$ the 7ine o$ 7oria. Even the good plan o$ #i e #i&ard like :andal$ and o$ good $riend like Elrond go a tra! o%eti%e #hen !ou are o$$ on dangerou adventure over the Edge o$ the 6ild4 and :andal$ #a a #i e enough #i&ard to kno# it. -e kne# that o%ething une*pe)ted %ight happen" and he hardl! dared to hope that the! #ould pa #ithout $ear$ul adventure over tho e great tall %ountain #ith lonel! peak and valle! #here no king ruled. The! did not. All #a #ell" until one da! the! %et a thunder tor%+%ore than a thunder tor%" a thunder(battle. You kno# ho# terri$i) a reall! big thunder tor% )an be do#n in the land and in a river(valle!4 e pe)iall! at ti%e #hen t#o great thunder tor% %eet and )la h. 7ore terrible till are thunder and lightning in the %ountain at night" #hen tor% )o%e up $ro% Ea t and 6e t and %ake #ar. The lightning plinter on the peak " and ro)k hiver" and great )ra he plit the air and go rolling and tu%bling into ever! )ave and hollo#4 and the darkne i $illed #ith over#hel%ing noi e and udden light. 0ilbo had never een or i%agined an!thing o$ the kind. The! #ere high up in a narro# pla)e" #ith a dread$ul $all into a di% valle! at one ide o$ the%. There the! #ere heltering under a hanging ro)k $or the night" and he la! beneath a blanket and hook $ro% head to toe. 6hen he peeped out in the lightning($la he " he a# that a)ro the valle! the tone(giant #ere out and #ere hurling ro)k at one another $or a. ga%e" and )at)hing the%" and to ing the% do#n into the darkne #here the! %a hed a%ong the tree $ar belo#" or plintered into little bit #ith a bang. Then )a%e a #ind and a rain" and the #ind #hipped the rain and the hail about in ever! dire)tion" o that an overhanging ro)k #a no prote)tion at all. 8oon the! #ere getting dren)hed and their ponie #ere tanding #ith their head do#n and their tail bet#een their leg " and o%e o$ the% #ere #hinn!ing #ith $right. The! )ould hear the giant gu$$a#ing and houting all over the %ountain ide . <Thi #on1t do at all;= aid Thorin. <I$ #e don1t get blo#n o$$ or dro#ned" or tru)k b! lightning" #e hall be pi)ked up b! o%e giant and ki)ked k!(high $or a $ootball.=


<6ell" i$ !ou kno# o$ an!#here better" take u there;= aid :andal$" #ho #a $eeling ver! gru%p!" and #a $ar $ro% happ! about the giant hi% el$. The end o$ their argu%ent #a that the! ent Cill and Bili to look $or a better helter. The! had ver! harp e!e " and being the !ounge t o$ the d#arve b! o%e $i$t! !ear the! u uall! got the e ort o$ 9ob .#hen ever!bod! )ould ee that it #a ab olutel! no u e ending 0ilbo/. There i nothing like looking" i$ !ou #ant to $ind o%ething .or o Thorin aid to the !oung d#arve /. You )ertainl! u uall! $ind o%ething" i$ !ou look" but it i not al#a! ,uite the o%ething !ou #ere a$ter. 8o it proved on thi o))a ion. 8oon Cili and Bili )a%e )ra#ling ba)k" holding on to the ro)k in the #ind. <6e have $ound a dr! )ave"= the! aid" <not $ar round the ne*t )orner4 and ponie and all )ould get in ide.= <-ave !ou thoroughl! e*plored it3= aid the #i&ard" #ho kne# that )ave up in the %ountain #ere eldo% uno))upied. <Ye " !e ;= the! aid" though ever!bod! kne# the! )ould not have been long about it4 the! had )o%e ba)k too ,ui)k. <It i n1t all that big" and it doe not go $ar ba)k.= That" o$ )our e" i the dangerou part about )ave ' !ou don1t kno# ho# $ar the! go ba)k" o%eti%e " or #here a pa age behind %a! lead to" or #hat i #aiting $or !ou in ide. 0ut no# Cili and Bill1 ne# ee%ed good enough. 8o the! all got up and prepared to %ove. The #ind #a ho#ling and the thunder till gro#ling" and the! had a bu ine getting the% elve and their ponie along. 8till it #a not ver! $ar to go" and be$ore long the! )a%e to a big ro)k tanding out into the path. I$ !ou tepped behind" !ou $ound a lo# ar)h in the ide o$ the %ountain. There #a 9u t roo% to get the ponie through #ith a ,uee&e" #hen the! had been unpa)ked and un addled. A the! pa ed under the ar)h" it #a good to hear the #ind and the rain out ide in tead o$ all about the%" and to $eel a$e $ro% the giant and their ro)k . 0ut the #i&ard #a taking no ri k . -e lit up hi #and+a he did that da! in 0ilbo1 dining(roo% that ee%ed o long ago" i$ !ou re%e%ber+" and b! it light the! e*plored the )ave $ro% end to end. It ee%ed ,uite a $air i&e" but not too large and %! teriou . It had a dr! $loor and o%e )o%$ortable nook . At one end there #a roo% $or the ponie 4 and there the! tood .%ight! glad o$ the )hange/ tea%ing" and )ha%ping in their no ebag . 5in and :loin #anted to light a $ire at the door to dr! their )lothe " but :andal$ #ould not hear o$ it. 8o the! pread out their #et thing on the $loor" and got dr! one out o$ their bundle 4 then the! %ade their blanket )o%$ortable" got out their pipe and ble# %oke ring " #hi)h :andal$ turned into di$$erent )olour and et dan)ing up b! the roo$ to a%u e the%. The! talked and talked" and $orgot about the tor%" and di )u ed #hat ea)h #ould do #ith hi hare o$ the trea ure .#hen the! got it" #hi)h at the %o%ent did not ee% o i%po ible/4 and o the! dropped o$$ to leep one b! one. And that #a the la t ti%e that the! u ed the ponie " pa)kage " baggage " tool and paraphernalia that the! had brought #ith the%. It turned out a good thing that night that the! had brought little 0ilbo #ith the%" a$ter all. Cor o%eho#" he )ould not go to leep $or a long #hile4 and #hen he did leep" he had ver! na t! drea% . -e drea%ed that a )ra)k in the #all at the ba)k o$ the )ave got bigger and bigger" and opened #ider and #ider" and he #a ver! a$raid but )ould not )all out or do an!thing but lie and look. Then he drea%ed that the $loor o$ the )ave #a giving #a!" and he #a lipping(beginning to $all do#n" do#n" goodne kno# #here to. At that he #oke up #ith a horrible tart" and $ound that part o$ hi drea% #a true. A )ra)k had opened at the ba)k o$ the )ave" and #a alread! a #ide pa age. -e #a 9u t in ti%e to ee the la t o$ the ponie 1 tail di appearing into it. 5$ )our e he gave a ver! loud !ell" a loud a !ell a a hobbit )an give" #hi)h i urpri ing $or their i&e. 5ut 9u%ped the goblin " big goblin " great ugl!(looking goblin " lot o$ goblin " be$ore !ou )ould a! ro)k and blo)k . There #ere i* to ea)h d#ar$" at lea t" and t#o even $or 0ilbo4 and the! #ere all grabbed and )arried through the )ra)k" be$ore !ou )ould a! tinder and $lint. 0ut not :andal$. 0ilbo1 !ell had done that %u)h good. It had #akened hi% up #ide in a plintered e)ond" and #hen goblin )a%e to grab hi%" there #a a terrible $la h like lightning in the )ave" a %ell like gunpo#der" and everal o$ the% $ell dead. The )ra)k )lo ed #ith a nap" and 0ilbo and the d#arve #ere on the #rong ide o$ it; 6here #a :andal$3 5$ that neither the! nor the goblin had an! idea" and the goblin did not #ait to $ind out. It #a deep" deep" dark" u)h a onl! goblin that have taken to 24

living in the heart o$ the %ountain )an ee through. The pa age there #ere )ro ed and tangled in all dire)tion " but the goblin kne# their #a!" a #ell a !ou do to the neare t po t(o$$i)e4 and the #a! #ent do#n and do#n" and it #a %o t horribl! tu$$!. The goblin #ere ver! rough" and pin)hed un%er)i$ull!" and )hu)kled and laughed in their horrible ton! voi)e 4 and 0ilbo #a %ore unhapp! even than #hen the troll had pi)ked hi% up b! hi toe . -e #i hed again and again $or hi ni)e bright hobbit(hole. Not $or the la t ti%e. No# there )a%e a gli%%er o$ a red light be$ore the%. The goblin began to ing" or )roak" keeping ti%e #ith the $lap o$ their $lat $eet on the tone" and haking their pri oner a #ell. Clap; 8nap; the bla)k )ra)k; :rip" grab; Pin)h" nab; And do#n do#n to :oblin(to#n You go" %! lad; Cla h" )ra h; Cru h" %a h; -a%%er and tong ; Bno)ker and gong ; Pound" pound" $ar underground; -o" ho; %! lad; 8#i h" %a)k; 6hip )ra)k; 0atter and beat; Ya%%er and bleat; 6ork" #ork; Nor dare to hirk" 6hile :oblin ,ua$$" and :oblin laugh" Round and round $ar underground 0elo#" %! lad; It ounded trul! terri$!ing. The #all e)hoed to the )lap" nap; and the )ru h" %a h; and to the ugl! laughter o$ their ho" ho; %! lad; The general %eaning o$ the ong #a onl! too plain4 $or no# the goblin took out #hip and #hipped the% #ith a #i h" %a)k;" and et the% running a $a t a the! )ould in $ront o$ the%4 and %ore than one o$ the d#arve #ere alread! !a%%ering and bleating like an!thing" #hen the! tu%bled into a big )avern. It #a lit b! a great red $ire in the %iddle" and b! tor)he along the #all " and it #a $ull o$ goblin . The! all laughed and ta%ped and )lapped their hand " #hen the d#arve .#ith poor little 0ilbo at the ba)k and neare t to the #hip / )a%e running in" #hile the goblin(driver #hooped and )ra)ked their #hip behind. The ponie #ere alread! there huddled in a )orner4 and there #ere all the baggage and pa)kage l!ing broken open" and being ru%%aged b! goblin " and %elt b! goblin " and $ingered b! goblin " and ,uarreled over b! goblin . I a% a$raid that #a the la t the! ever a# o$ tho e e*)ellent little ponie " in)luding a 9oll! turd! little #hite $ello# that Elrond had lent to :andal$" in)e hi hor e #a not uitable $or the %ountain(path . Cor goblin eat hor e and ponie and donke! .and other %u)h %ore dread$ul thing /" and the! are al#a! hungr!. Ju t no# ho#ever the pri oner #ere thinking onl! o$ the% elve . The goblin )hained their hand behind their ba)k and linked the% all together in a line and dragged the% to the $ar end o$ the )avern #ith little 0ilbo tugging at the end o$ the ro#. There in the hado# on a large $lat tone at a tre%endou goblin #ith a huge head" and ar%ed goblin #ere tanding round hi% )arr!ing the a*e and the bent #ord that the! u e. No# goblin are )ruel" #i)ked" and bad(hearted. The! %ake no beauti$ul thing " but the! %ake %an! )lever one . The! )an tunnel and %ine a #ell a an! but the %o t killed d#arve " #hen the! take the trouble" though the! are u uall! untid! and dirt!. -a%%er " a*e " #ord " dagger " pi)ka*e " tong " and al o in tru%ent o$ torture" the! %ake ver! #ell" or get other people to %ake to their de ign" pri oner and lave that have to #ork till the! die $or #ant o$ air and light. It i not unlikel! that the! invented o%e o$ the %a)hine that have in)e troubled the #orld" e pe)iall! the ingeniou devi)e $or killing large nu%ber o$ people at on)e" $or #heel and engine and e*plo ion al#a! delighted the%" and al o not #orking #ith their o#n hand %ore than 25

the! )ould help4 but in tho e da! and tho e #ild part the! had not advan)ed .a it i )alled/ o $ar. The! did not hate d#arve e pe)iall!" no %ore than the! hated ever!bod! and ever!thing" and parti)ularl! the orderl! and pro perou 4 in o%e part #i)ked d#arve had even %ade allian)e #ith the%. 0ut the! had a pe)ial grudge again t Thorin1 people" be)au e o$ the #ar #hi)h !ou have heard %entioned" but #hi)h doe not )o%e into thi tale4 and an!#a! goblin don1t )are #ho the! )at)h" a long a it i done %art and e)ret" and the pri oner are not able to de$end the% elve . <6ho are the e %i erable per on 3= aid the :reat :oblin. <D#arve " and thi ;= aid one o$ the driver " pulling at 0ilbo1 )hain o that he $ell $or#ard onto hi knee . <6e $ound the% heltering in our Cront Por)h.= <6hat do !ou %ean b! it3= aid the :reat :oblin turning to Thorin. <Up to no good" I1ll #arrant; 8p!ing on the private bu ine o$ %! people" I gue ; Thieve " I houldn1t be urpri ed to learn; 7urderer and $riend o$ Elve " not unlikel!; Co%e; 6hat have !ou got to a!3= <Thorin the d#ar$ at !our ervi)e;= he replied(it #a %erel! a polite nothing. <5$ the thing #hi)h !ou u pe)t and i%agine #e had no idea at all. 6e heltered $ro% a tor% in #hat ee%ed a )onvenient )ave and unu ed4 nothing #a $urther $ro% our thought than in)onvenien)ing goblin in an! #a! #hatever.= That #a true enough; <Urn;= aid the :reat :oblin. <8o !ou a!; 7ight I a k #hat !ou #ere doing up in the %ountain at all" and #here !ou #ere )o%ing $ro%" and #here !ou #ere going to3 In $a)t I hould like to kno# all about !ou. Not that it #illdo !ou %u)h good" Thorin 5aken hield" I kno# too %u)h about !our $olk alread!4 but let1 have the truth" or I #ill prepare o%ething parti)ularl! un)o%$ortable $or !ou;= <6e #ere on a 9ourne! to vi it our relative " our nephe# and nie)e " and $ir t" e)ond" and third )ou in " and the other de )endant o$ our grand$ather " #ho live on the Ea t ide o$ the e trul! ho pitable %ountain "= aid Thorin" not ,uite kno#ing #hat to a! all at on)e in a %o%ent" #hen obviou l! the e*a)t truth #ould not do at all. <-e i a liar" 5 trul! tre%endou one;= aid one o$ the driver . <8everal o$ our people #ere tru)k b! lightning in the )ave" #hen #e invited the e )reature to )o%e belo#4 and the! are a dead a tone . Al o he ha not e*plained thi ;= -e held out the #ord #hi)h Thorin had #orn" the #ord #hi)h )a%e $ro% the Troll 1 lair. The :reat :oblin gave a trul! a#$ul ho#l o$ rage #hen he looked at it" and all hi oldier gna hed their teeth" )la hed their hield " and ta%ped. The! kne# the #ord at on)e. It had killed hundred o$ goblin in it ti%e" #hen the $air elve o$ :ondolin hunted the% in the hill or did battle be$ore their #all . The! had )alled it 5r)ri t" :oblin()leaver" but the goblin )alled it i%pl! 0iter. The! hated it and hated #or e an! one that )arried it. <7urderer 1 and el$($riend ;= the :reat :oblin houted. <8la h the%; 0eat the%; 0ite the%; :na h the%; Take the% a#a! to dark hole $ull o$ nake " and never let the% ee the light again;= -e #a in u)h a rage that he 9u%ped o$$ hi eat and hi% el$ ru hed at Thorin #ith hi %outh open. Ju t at that %o%ent all the light in the )avern #ent out" and the great $ire #ent o$$ poo$; into a to#er o$ blue glo#ing %oke" right up to the roo$" that )attered pier)ing #hite park all a%ong the goblin . The !ell and !a%%ering" )roaking" 9ibbering and 9abbering4 ho#l " gro#l and )ur e 4 hrieking and kriking" that $ollo#ed #ere be!ond de )ription. 8everal hundred #ild )at and #olve being roa ted lo#l! alive together #ould not have )o%pared #ith it. The park #ere burning hole in the goblin " and the %oke that no# $ell $ro% the roo$ %ade the air too thi)k $or even their e!e to ee through. 8oon the! #ere $alling over one another and rolling in heap on the $loor" biting and ki)king and $ighting a i$ the! had all gone %ad. 8uddenl! a #ord $la hed in it o#n light. 0ilbo a# it go right through the :reat :oblin a he tood du%b$ounded in the %iddle o$ hi rage. -e $ell dead" and the goblin oldier $led be$ore the #ord hrieking into the darkne . The #ord #ent ba)k into it heath. <Collo# %e ,ui)k;= aid a voi)e $ier)e and ,uiet4 and be$ore 0ilbo under tood #hat had happened he #a trotting along again" a $a t a he )ould trot" at the end o$ the line" do#n %ore dark pa age #ith the !ell o$ the goblin(hall gro#ing $ainter behind hi%. A pale light #a leading the% on. 26

<Dui)ker" ,ui)ker;= aid the voi)e. <The tor)he #ill oon be relit.= <-al$ a %inute;= aid Dori" #ho #a at the ba)k ne*t to 0ilbo" and a de)ent $ello#. -e %ade the hobbit )ra%ble on hi houlder a be t he )ould #ith hi tied hand " and then o$$ the! all #ent at a run" #ith a )link()link o$ )hain " and %an! a tu%ble" in)e the! had no hand to tead! the% elve #ith. Not $or a long #hile did the! top" and b! that ti%e the! %u t have been right do#n in the ver! %ountain1 heart. Then :andal$ lit up hi #and. 5$ )our e it #a :andal$4 but 9u t then the! #ere too bu ! to a k ho# he got there. -e took out hi #ord again" and again it $la hed in the dark b! it el$. It burned #ith a rage that %ade it glea% i$ goblin #ere about4 no# it #a bright a blue $la%e $or delight in the killing o$ the great lord o$ the )ave. It %ade no trouble #hatever o$ )utting through the goblin()hain and etting all the pri oner $ree a ,ui)kl! a po ible. Thi #ord1 na%e #a :la%dring the Coe(ha%%er" i$ !ou re%e%ber. The goblin 9u t )alled it 0eater" and hated it #or e than 0iter i$ po ible. 5r)ri t" too" had been aved4 $or :andal$ had brought it along a #ell" nat)hing it $ro% one o$ the terri$ied guard . :andal$ thought o$ %o t thing 4 and though he )ould not do ever!thing" he )ould do a great deal $or $riend in a tight )o%er. <Are #e all here3= aid he" handing hi #ord ba)k to Thorin #ith a bo#. <@et %e ee' one(that1 Thorin4 t#o" three" $our" $ive" i*" even" eight" nine" ten" eleven4 #here are Cili and Bili3 -ere the! are" t#elve" thirteen(and here1 7r. 0aggin ' $ourteen; 6ell" #ell; it %ight be #or e" and then again it %ight be a good deal better. No ponie " and no $ood" and no kno#ing ,uite #here #e are" and horde o$ angr! goblin 9u t behind; 5n #e go;= 5n the! #ent. :andal$ #a ,uite right' the! began to hear goblin noi e and horrible )rie $ar behind in the pa age the! had )o%e through. That ent the% on $a ter than ever" and a poor 0ilbo )ould not po ibl! go hal$ a $a t($or d#arve )an roll along at a tre%endou pa)e" I )an tell !ou" #hen the! have to(the! took it in turn to )arr! hi% on their ba)k . 8till goblin go $a ter than d#arve " and the e goblin kne# the #a! better .the! had %ade the path the% elve /" and #ere %adl! angr!4 o that do #hat the! )ould the d#arve heard the )rie and ho#l getting )lo er and )lo er. 8oon the! )ould hear even the $lap o$ the goblin $eet" %an! %an! $eet #hi)h ee%ed onl! 9u t round the la t )orner. The blink o$ red tor)he )ould be een behind the% in the tunnel the! #ere $ollo#ing4 and the! #ere getting deadl! tired. <6h!" 5 #h! did I ever leave %! hobbit(hole;= aid poor 7r. 0aggin bu%ping up and do#n on 0o%bur1 ba)k. <6h!" 5 #h! did I ever bring a #ret)hed little hobbit on a trea ure hunt;= aid poor 0o%bur" #ho #a $at" and taggered along #ith the #eat dripping do#n hi no e in hi heat and terror. At thi point :andal$ $ell behind" and Thorin #ith hi%. The! turned a harp )orner. <About turn;= he houted. <Dra# !our #ord" Thorin;= There #a nothing el e to be done4 and the goblin did not like it. The! )a%e )urr!ing round the )orner in $ull )r!" and $ound :oblin()leaver and Coe(ha%%er hining )old and bright right in their a toni hed e!e . The one in $ront dropped their tor)he and gave one !ell be$ore the! #ere killed. The one behind !elled till %ore" and leaped ba)k kno)king over tho e that #ere running a$ter the%. <0iter and 0eater;= the! hrieked4 and oon the! #ere all in )on$u ion" and %o t o$ the% #ere hu tling ba)k the #a! the! had )o%e. It #a ,uite a long #hile be$ore an! o$ the% dared to turn that )o%er. 0! that ti%e the d#arve had gone on again" a long" long" #a! on into the dark tunnel o$ the goblin 1 real%. 6hen the goblin di )overed that" the! put out their tor)he and the! lipped on o$t hoe " and the! )ho e out their ver! ,ui)ke t runner #ith the harpe t ear and e!e . The e ran $or#ard" a #i$t a #ea el in the dark" and #ith hardl! an! %ore noi e than bat . That i #h! neither 0ilbo" nor the d#arve " nor even :andal$ heard the% )o%ing. Nor did the! ee the%. 0ut the! #ere een b! the goblin that ran ilentl! up behind" $or :andal$ #a letting hi #and give out a $aint light to help the d#arve a the! #ent along. Duite uddenl! Dori" no# at the ba)k again )arr!ing 0ilbo" #a grabbed $ro% behind in the dark. -e houted and $ell4 and the hobbit rolled o$$ hi houlder into the bla)kne " bu%ped hi head on hard ro)k" and re%e%bered nothing %ore. 27

Chapter M RIDD@E8 IN T-E DARB 6hen 0ilbo opened hi e!e " he #ondered i$ he had4 $or it #a 9u t a dark a #ith the% hut. No one #a an!#here near hi%. Ju t i%agine hi $right; -e )ould hear nothing" ee nothing" and he )ould $eel nothing e*)ept the tone o$ the $loor. >er! lo#l! he got up and groped about on all $our " till he tou)hed the #all o$ the tunnel4 but neither up nor do#n it )ould he $ind an!thing' nothing at all" no ign o$ goblin " no ign o$ d#arve . -i head #a #i%%ing" and he #a $ar $ro% )ertain even o$ the dire)tion the! had been going in #hen he had hi $all. -e gue ed a #ell a he )ould" and )ra#led along $or a good #a!" till uddenl! hi hand %et #hat $elt like a tin! ring o$ )old %etal l!ing on the $loor o$ the tunnel. It #a a turning point in hi )areer" but he did not kno# it. -e put the ring in hi po)ket al%o t #ithout thinking4 )ertainl! it did not ee% o$ an! parti)ular u e at the %o%ent. -e did not go %u)h $urther" but at do#n on the )old $loor and gave hi% el$ up to )o%plete %i erablene " $or a long #hile. -e thought o$ hi% el$ $r!ing ba)on and egg in hi o#n kit)hen at ho%e+$or he )ould $eel in ide that it #a high ti%e $or o%e %eal or other4 but that onl! %ade hi% %i erabler. -e )ould not think #hat to do4 nor )ould he think #hat had happened4 or #h! he had been le$t behind4 or #h!" i$ he had been le$t behind" the goblin had not )aught hi%4 or even #h! hi head #a o ore. The truth #a he had been l!ing ,uiet" out o$ ight and out o$ %ind" in a ver! dark )orner $or a long #hile. A$ter o%e ti%e he $elt $or hi pipe. It #a not broken" and that #a o%ething. Then he $elt $or hi pou)h" and there #a o%e toba))o in it" and that #a o%ething %ore. Then he $elt $or %at)he and he )ould not $ind an! at all" and that hattered hi hope )o%pletel!. Ju t a #ell $or hi%" a he agreed #hen he )a%e to hi en e . :oodne kno# #hat the triking o$ %at)he and the %ell o$ toba))o #ould have brought on hi% out o$ dark hole in that horrible pla)e. 8till at the %o%ent he $elt ver! )ru hed. 0ut in lapping all hi po)ket and $eeling all round hi% el$ $or %at)he hi hand )a%e on the hilt o$ hi little #ord+the little dagger that he got $ro% the troll " and that he had ,uite $orgotten4 nor do the goblin ee% to have noti)ed it" a he #ore it in ide hi bree)he . No# he dre# it out. It hone pale and di% be$ore hi e!e . <8o it i an elvi h blade" too"= he thought4 <and goblin are not ver! near" and !et not $ar enough.= 0ut o%eho# he #a )o%$orted. It #a rather plendid to be #earing a blade %ade in :ondolin $or the goblin(#ar o$ #hi)h o %an! ong had ung4 and al o he had noti)ed that u)h #eapon %ade a great i%pre ion on goblin that )a%e upon the% uddenl!. <:o ba)k3= he thought. <No good at all; :o ide#a! 3 I%po ible; :o $or#ard3 5nl! thing to do; 5n #e go;= 8o up he got" and trotted along #ith hi little #ord held in $ront o$ hi% and one hand $eeling the #all" and hi heart all o$ a patter and a pitter. No# )ertainl! 0ilbo #a in #hat i )alled a tight pla)e. 0ut !ou %u t re%e%ber it #a not ,uite o tight $or hi% a it #ould have been $or %e or $or !ou. -obbit are not ,uite like ordinar! people4 and a$ter all i$ their hole are ni)e )heer! pla)e and properl! aired" ,uite di$$erent $ro% the tunnel o$ the goblin " till the! are %ore u ed to tunnelling than #e are" and the! do not ea il! lo e their en e o$ dire)tion underground(not #hen their head have re)overed $ro% being bu%ped. Al o the! )an %ove ver! ,uietl!" and hide ea il!" and re)over #onder$ull! $ro% $all and brui e " and the! have a $und o$ #i do% and #i e a!ing that %en have %o tl! never heard or have $orgotten long ago. I hould not have liked to have been in 7r. 0aggin 1 pla)e" all the a%e. The tunnel ee%ed to have no end. All he kne# #a that it #a till going do#n prett! teadil! and keeping in the a%e dire)tion in pite o$ a t#i t and a turn or t#o. There #ere pa age leading o$$ to the ide ever! no# and then" a he kne# b! the gli%%er o$ hi #ord" or )ould $eel #ith hi hand on the #all. 5$ the e he took no noti)e" e*)ept to hurr! pa t $or $ear o$ goblin or hal$(i%agined dark thing )o%ing out o$ the%. 5n and on he #ent" and do#n and do#n4 and till he heard no ound o$ an!thing e*)ept the o))a ional #hirr o$ a bat b! hi ear " #hi)h tartled hi% at $ir t" till it be)a%e too $re,uent to bother about. I do not kno# ho# long he kept on like thi " hating to go on" not daring to top" on" on" until he #a tireder than tired. It ee%ed like all the #a! to to%orro# and over it to the da! be!ond.


8uddenl! #ithout an! #arning he trotted pla h into #ater; Ugh; it #a i)! )old. That pulled hi% up harp and hort. -e did not kno# #hether it #a 9u t a pool in the path" or the edge o$ an underground trea% that )ro ed the pa age" or the brink o$ a deep dark ubterranean lake. The #ord #a hardl! hining at all. -e topped" and he )ould hear" #hen he li tened hard" drop drip(drip(dripping $ro% an un een roo$ into the #ater belo#4 but there ee%ed no other ort o$ ound. <8o it i a pool or a lake" and not an underground river"= he thought. 8till he did not dare to #ade out into the darkne . -e )ould not #i%4 and he thought" too" o$ na t! li%! thing " #ith big bulging blind e!e " #riggling in the #ater. There are trange thing living in the pool and lake in the heart o$ %ountain ' $i h #ho e $ather #a% in" goodne onl! kno# ho# %an! !ear ago" and never #a% out again" #hile their e!e gre# bigger and bigger and bigger $ro% tr!ing to ee in the bla)kne 4 al o there are other thing %ore li%! than $i h. Even in the tunnel and )ave the goblin have %ade $or the% elve there are other thing living unbekno#n to the% that have neaked in $ro% out ide to lie up in the dark. 8o%e o$ the e )ave " too" go ba)k in their beginning to age be$ore the goblin " #ho onl! #idened the% and 9oined the% up #ith pa age " and the original o#ner are till there in odd )o%er " linking and no ing about. Deep do#n here b! the dark #ater lived old :ollu%" a %all li%! )reature. I don1t kno# #here he )a%e $ro%" nor #ho or #hat he #a . -e #a :ollu%+ a dark a darkne " e*)ept $or t#o big round pale e!e in hi thin $a)e. -e had a little boat" and he ro#ed about ,uite ,uietl! on the lake4 $or lake it #a " #ide and deep and deadl! )old. -e paddled it #ith large $eet dangling over the ide" but never a ripple did he %ake. Not he. -e #a looking out o$ hi pale la%p(like e!e $or blind $i h" #hi)h he grabbed #ith hi long $inger a ,ui)k a thinking. -e liked %eat too. :oblin he thought good" #hen he )ould get it4 but he took )are the! never $ound hi% out. -e 9u t throttled the% $ro% behind" i$ the! ever )a%e do#n alone an!#here near the edge o$ the #ater" #hile he #a pro#ling about. The! ver! eldo% did" $or the! had a $eeling that o%ething unplea ant #a lurking do#n there" do#n at the ver! root o$ the %ountain. The! had )o%e on the lake" #hen the! #ere tunnelling do#n long ago" and the! $ound the! )ould go no $urther4 o there their road ended in that dire)tion" and there #a no rea on to go that #a!( unle the :reat :oblin ent the%. 8o%eti%e he took a $an)! $or $i h $ro% the lake" and o%eti%e neither goblin nor $i h )a%e ba)k. A)tuall! :ollu% lived on a li%! i land o$ ro)k in the %iddle o$ the lake. -e #a #at)hing 0ilbo no# $ro% the di tan)e #ith hi pale e!e like tele )ope . 0ilbo )ould not ee hi%" but he #a #ondering a lot about 0ilbo" $or he )ould ee that he #a no goblin at all. :ollu% got into hi boat and hot o$$ $ro% the i land" #hile 0ilbo #a itting on the brink altogether $lu%%o*ed and at the end o$ hi #a! and hi #it . 8uddenl! up )a%e :ollu% and #hi pered and hi ed' <0le u and pla h u " %! pre)iou ; I gue it1 a )hoi)e $ea t4 at lea t a ta t! %or el it1d %ake u " gollu%;= And #hen he aid gollu% he %ade a horrible #allo#ing noi e in hi throat. That i ho# he got hi na%e" though he al#a! )alled hi% el$ 1%! pre)iou .= The hobbit 9u%ped nearl! out o$ hi kin #hen the hi )a%e in hi ear " and he uddenl! a# the pale e!e ti)king out at hi%. <6ho are !ou3= he aid" thru ting hi dagger in $ront o$ hi%. <6hat i he" %! pre)iou 3= #hi pered :ollu% .#ho al#a! poke to hi% el$ through never having an!one el e to peak to/. Thi i #hat he had )o%e to $ind out" $or he #a not reall! ver! hungr! at the %o%ent" onl! )uriou 4 other#i e he #ould have grabbed $ir t and #hi pered a$ter#ard . <I a% 7r. 0ilbo 0aggin . I have lo t the d#arve and I have lo t the #i&ard" and I don1t kno# #here I a%4 and <I don1t #ant to kno#" i$ onl! I )an get a#a!.= <6hat1 he got in hi hand e 3= aid :ollu%" looking at the #ord" #hi)h he did not ,uite like. <A #ord" a blade #hi)h )a%e out o$ :ondolin;= <8 "= aid :ollu%" and be)a%e ,uite polite. <Prap !e it here and )hat #ith it a bit !" %! pre)iou . It like riddle " prap it doe " doe it3= -e #a an*iou to appear $riendl!" at an! rate $or the %o%ent" and until he $ound out %ore about the #ord and the hobbit" #hether he #a ,uite alone reall!" #hether he #a good to eat" and #hether 29

:ollu% #a reall! hungr!. Riddle #ere all he )ould think o$. A king the%" and o%eti%e gue ing the%" had been the onl! ga%e he had ever pla!ed #ith other $unn! )reature itting in their hole in the long" long ago" be$ore he lo t all hi $riend and #a driven a#a!" alone" and )rept do#n" do#n" into the dark under the %ountain . <>er! #ell"= aid 0ilbo" #ho #a an*iou to agree" until he $ound out %ore about the )reature" #hether he #a ,uite alone" #hether he #a $ier)e or hungr!" and #hether he #a a $riend o$ the goblin . <You a k $ir t"= he aid" be)au e he had not had ti%e to think o$ a riddle. 8o :ollu% hi ed' 6hat ha root a nobod! ee " I taller than tree " Up" up it goe " And !et never gro# 3 <Ea !;= aid 0ilbo. <7ountain" I uppo e.= <Doe it gue ea !3 It %u t have a )o%petition #ith u " %! pre)iou ; I$ pre)iou a k " and it doe n1t an #er" #e eat it" %! pre)iou . I$ it a k u " and #e doe n1t an #er" then #e doe #hat it #ant " eh3 6e ho# it the #a! out" !e ;= <All right;= aid 0ilbo" not daring to di agree" and nearl! bur ting hi brain to think o$ riddle that )ould ave hi% $ro% being eaten. Thirt! #hite hor e on a red hill" Cir t the! )ha%p" Then the! ta%p" Then the! tand till. That #a all he )ould think o$ to a k(the idea o$ eating #a rather on hi %ind. It #a rather an old one" too" and :ollu% kne# the an #er a #ell a !ou do. <Che tnut " )he tnut "= he hi ed. <Teeth; teeth; %! pre)iou 4 but #e ha onl! i*;= Then he a ked hi e)ond' >oi)ele it )rie " 6ingle $lutter " Toothle bite " 7outhle %utter . <-al$ a %o%ent;= )ried 0ilbo" #ho #a till thinking un)o%$ortabl! about eating. Cortunatel! he had on)e heard o%ething rather like thi be$ore" and getting hi #it ba)k he thought o$ the an #er. <6ind" #ind o$ )our e"= he aid" and he #a o plea ed that he %ade up one on the pot. <Thi 1ll pu&&le the na t! little underground )reature"= he thought' An e!e in a blue $a)e 8a# an e!e in a green $a)e. <That e!e i like to thi e!e= 8aid the $ir t e!e" <0ut in lo# pla)e" Not in high pla)e.= <8 " " "= aid :ollu%. -e had been underground a long long ti%e" and #a $orgetting thi ort o$ thing. 0ut 9u t a 0ilbo #a beginning to hope that the #ret)h #ould not be able to an #er" :ollu% brought up %e%orie o$ age and age and age be$ore" #hen he lived #ith hi grand%other in a hole in a bank b! a river" <8 " " %! pre)iou "= he aid. <8un on the dai ie it %ean " it doe .= 0ut the e ordinar! aboveground ever!da! ort o$ riddle #ere tiring $or hi%. Al o the! re%inded hi% o$ da! #hen he had been le lonel! and neak! and na t!" and that put hi% out o$ te%per. 6hat i %ore the! %ade hi% hungr!4 o thi ti%e he tried o%ething a bit %ore di$$i)ult and %ore unplea ant' 30

It )annot be een" )annot be $elt" Cannot be heard" )annot be %elt. It lie behind tar and under hill " And e%pt! hole it $ill . It )o%e $ir t and $ollo# a$ter" End li$e" kill laughter. Un$ortunatel! $or :ollu% 0ilbo had heard that ort o$ thing be$ore4 and the an #er #a all round hi% an!#a!. <Dark;= he aid #ithout even )rat)hing hi head or putting on hi thinking )ap. A bo* #ithout hinge " ke!" or lid" Yet golden trea ure in ide i hid" he a ked to gain ti%e" until he )ould think o$ a reall! hard one. Thi he thought a dread$ull! ea ! )he tnut" though he had not a ked it in the u ual #ord . 0ut it proved a na t! po er $or :ollu%. -e hi ed to hi% el$" and till he did not an #er4 he #hi pered and pluttered. A$ter o%e #hile 0ilbo be)a%e i%patient. <6ell" #hat i it3= he aid. <The an #er1 not a kettle boiling over" a !ou ee% to think $ro% the noi e !ou are %aking.= <:ive u a )han)e4 let it give u a )han)e" %! pre)iou ( ( .= <6ell"= aid 0ilbo" a$ter giving hi% a long )han)e" <#hat about !our gue 3= 0ut uddenl! :ollu% re%e%bered thieving $ro% ne t long ago" and itting under the river bank tea)hing hi grand%other" tea)hing hi grand%other to u)k(GEgg e ;= he hi ed. <Egg e it i ;= Then he a ked' A live #ithout breath" A )old a death4 Never thir t!" ever drinking" All in %ail never )linking. -e al o in hi turn thought thi #a a dread$ull! ea ! one" be)au e he #a al#a! thinking o$ the an #er. 0ut he )ould not re%e%ber an!thing better at the %o%ent" he #a o $lu tered b! the egg(,ue tion. All the a%e it #a a po er $or poor 0ilbo" #ho never had an!thing to do #ith the #ater i$ he )ould help it. I i%agine !ou kno# the an #er" o$ )our e" or )an gue it a ea ! a #inking" in)e !ou are itting )o%$ortabl! at ho%e and have not the danger o$ being eaten to di turb !our thinking. 0ilbo at and )leared hi throat on)e or t#i)e" but no an #er )a%e. A$ter a #hile :ollu% began to hi #ith plea ure to hi% el$' <I it ni)e" %! pre)iou 3 I it 9ui)!3 I it )ru%ptiou l! )run)hable3= -e began to peer at 0ilbo out o$ the darkne . <-al$ a %o%ent"= aid the hobbit hivering. <I gave !ou a good long )han)e 9u t no#.= <It %u t %ake ha te" ha te;= aid :ollu%" beginning to )li%b out o$ hi boat on to the hore to get at 0ilbo. 0ut #hen he put hi long #ebb! $oot in the #ater" a $i h 9u%ped out in a $right and $ell on 0ilbo1 toe . <Ugh;= he aid" <it i )old and )la%%!;G(and o he gue ed. <Ci h; Ci h;= he )ried. <It i $i h;= :ollu% #a dread$ull! di appointed4 but 0ilbo a ked another riddle a ,ui)k a ever be )ould" o that :ollu% had to get ba)k into hi boat and think. No(leg la! on one(leg" t#o(leg at near on three(leg " $our(leg got o%e.

It #a not reall! the right ti%e $or thi riddle" but 0ilbo #a in a hurr!. :ollu% %ight have had o%e trouble gue ing it" i$ he had a ked it at another ti%e. A it #a " talking o$ $i h" <no(leg = #a not o ver! di$$i)ult" and a$ter that the re t #a ea !. <Ci h on a little table" %an at table itting on a tool" the )at ha the bone G(that o$ )our e i the an #er" and :ollu% oon gave it. Then he thought the ti%e had )o%e to a k o%ething hard and horrible. Thi i #hat he aid' 31

Thi thing all thing devour ' 0ird " bea t " tree " $lo#er 4 :na# iron" bite teel4 :rind hard tone to %eal4 8la! king" ruin to#n" And beat high %ountain do#n. Poor 0ilbo at in the dark thinking o$ all the horrible na%e o$ all the giant and ogre he had ever heard told o$ in tale " but not one o$ the% had done all the e thing . -e had a $eeling that the an #er #a ,uite di$$erent and that he ought to kno# it" but he )ould not think o$ it. -e began to get $rightened" and that i bad $or thinking. :ollu% began to get out o$ hi boat. -e $lapped into the #ater and paddled to the bank4 0ilbo )ould ee hi e!e )o%ing to#ard hi%. -i tongue ee%ed to ti)k in hi %outh4 he #anted to hout out' <:ive %e %ore ti%e; :ive %e ti%e;= 0ut all that )a%e out #ith a udden ,ueal #a ' <Ti%e; Ti%e;= 0ilbo #a aved b! pure lu)k. Cor that o$ )our e #a the an #er. :ollu% #a di appointed on)e %ore4 and no# he #a getting angr!" and al o tired o$ the ga%e. It had %ade hi% ver! hungr! indeed. Thi ti%e he did not go ba)k to the boat. -e at do#n in the dark b! 0ilbo. That %ade the hobbit %o t dread$ull! un)o%$ortable and )attered hi #it . <It1 got to a k u a ,ue tion" %! pre)iou " !e " !e " !e . Ju t one %ore ,ue tion to gue " !e " !e "= aid :ollu%. 0ut 0ilbo i%pl! )ould not think o$ an! ,ue tion #ith that na t! #et )old thing itting ne*t to hi%" and pa#ing and poking hi%. -e )rat)hed hi% el$" he pin)hed hi% el$4 till he )ould not think o$ an!thing. <A k u ; a k u ;= aid :ollu%. 0ilbo pin)hed hi% el$ and lapped hi% el$4 he gripped on hi little #ord4 he even $elt in hi po)ket #ith hi other hand. There he $ound the ring he had pi)ked up in the pa age and $orgotten about. <6hat have I got in %! po)ket3= he aid aloud. -e #a talking to hi% el$" but :ollu% thought it #a a riddle" and he #a $right$ull! up et. <Not $air; not $air;= he hi ed. <It i n1t $air" %! pre)iou " i it" to a k u #hat it1 got in it na t! little po)ket e 3= 0ilbo eeing #hat had happened and having nothing better to a k tu)k to hi ,ue tion. <6hat have I got in %! po)ket3= he aid louder. <8( ( ( ( "= hi ed :ollu%. <It %u t give u three gue e e " %! pre)iou " three gue e e .= <>er! #ell; :ue a#a!;= aid 0ilbo. <-and e ;= aid :ollu%. <6rong"= aid 0ilbo" #ho had lu)kil! 9u t taken hi hand out again. <:ue again;= <8( ( ( ( "= aid :ollu% %ore up et than ever. -e thought o$ all the thing he kept in hi o#n po)ket ' $i hbone " goblin 1 teeth" #et hell " a bit o$ bat(#ing" a harp tone to harpen hi $ang on" and other na t! thing . -e tried to think #hat other people kept in their po)ket . <Bni$e;= he aid at la t. <6rong;= aid 0ilbo" #ho had lo t hi o%e ti%e ago. <@a t gue ;= No# :ollu% #a in a %u)h #or e tate than #hen 0ilbo had a ked hi% the egg( ,ue tion. -e hi ed and pluttered and ro)ked hi% el$ ba)k#ard and $or#ard " and lapped hi $eet on the $loor" and #riggled and ,uir%ed4 but till he did not dare to #a te hi la t gue . <Co%e on;= aid 0ilbo. <I a% #aiting;= -e tried to ound bold and )heer$ul" but he did not $eel at all ure ho# the ga%e #a going to end" #hether :ollu% gue ed right or not. <Ti%e1 up;= he aid. <8tring" or nothing;= hrieked :ollu%" #hi)h #a not ,uite $air(#orking in t#o gue e at on)e.


<0oth #rong"= )ried 0ilbo ver! %u)h relieved4 and he 9u%ped at on)e to hi $eet" put hi ba)k to the neare t #all" and held out hi little #ord. -e kne#" o$ )our e" that the riddle(ga%e #a a)red and o$ i%%en e anti,uit!" and even #i)ked )reature #ere a$raid to )heat #hen the! pla!ed at it. 0ut he $elt he )ould not tru t thi li%! thing to keep an! pro%i e at a pin)h. An! e*)u e #ould do $or hi% to lide out o$ it. And a$ter all that la t ,ue tion had not been a genuine riddle a))ording to the an)ient la# . 0ut at an! rate :ollu% did not at on)e atta)k hi%. -e )ould ee the #ord in 0ilbo1 hand. -e at till" hivering and #hi pering. At la t 0ilbo )ould #ait no longer. <6ell3= he aid. <6hat about !our pro%i e3 I #ant to go. You %u t ho# %e the #a!.= <Did #e a! o" pre)iou 3 8ho# the na t! little 0aggin the #a! out" !e " !e . 0ut #hat ha it got in it po)ket e " eh3 Not tring" pre)iou " but not nothing. 5h no; gollu%;= <Never !ou %ind"= aid 0ilbo. <A pro%i e i a pro%i e.= <Cro it i " i%patient" pre)iou "= hi ed :ollu%. <0ut it %u t #ait" !e it %u t. 6e )an1t go up the tunnel o ha t!. 6e %u t go and get o%e thing $ir t" !e " thing to help u .= <6ell" hurr! up;= aid 0ilbo" relieved to think o$ :ollu% going a#a!. -e thought he #a 9u t %aking an e*)u e and did not %ean to )o%e ba)k. 6hat #a :ollu% talking about3 6hat u e$ul thing )ould he keep out on the dark lake3 0ut he #a #rong. :ollu% did %ean to )o%e ba)k. -e #a angr! no# and hungr!. And he #a a %i erable #i)ked )reature" and alread! he had a plan. Not $ar a#a! #a hi i land" o$ #hi)h 0ilbo kne# nothing" and there in hi hiding(pla)e he kept a $e# #ret)hed odd%ent " and one ver! beauti$ul thing" ver! beauti$ul" ver! #onder$ul. -e had a ring" a golden ring" a pre)iou ring. <7! birthda!(pre ent;= he #hi pered to hi% el$" a he had o$ten done in the endle dark da! . <That1 #hat #e #ant no#" !e 4 #e #ant it;= -e #anted it be)au e it #a a ring o$ po#er" and i$ !ou lipped that ring on !our $inger" !ou #ere invi ible4 onl! in the $ull unlight )ould !ou be een" and then onl! b! !our hado#" and that #ould be hak! and $aint. <7! birthda!(pre ent; It )a%e to %e on %! birthda!" %! pre)iou "= 8o he had al#a! aid to hi% el$. 0ut #ho kno# ho# :ollu% )a%e b! that pre ent" age ago in the old da! #hen u)h ring #ere till at large in the #orld3 Perhap even the 7a ter #ho ruled the% )ould not have aid. :ollu% u ed to #ear it at $ir t" till it tired hi%4 and then he kept it in a pou)h ne*t hi kin" till it galled hi%4 and no# u uall! he hid it in a hole in the ro)k on hi i land" and #a al#a! going ba)k to look at it. And till o%eti%e he put it on" #hen he )ould not bear to be parted $ro% it an! longer" or #hen he #a ver!" ver!" hungr!" and tired o$ $i h. Then he #ould )reep along dark pa age looking $or tra! goblin . -e %ight even venture into pla)e #here the tor)he #ere lit and %ade hi e!e blink and %art4 $or he #ould be a$e. 5h !e " ,uite a$e. No one #ould ee hi%" no one #ould noti)e hi%" till he had hi $inger on their throat. 5nl! a $e# hour ago he had #orn it" and )aught a %all goblin(i%p. -o# it ,ueaked; -e till had a bone or t#o le$t to gna#" but he #anted o%ething o$ter. <Duite a$e" !e "= he #hi pered to hi% el$. <It #on1t ee u " #ill it" %! pre)iou 3 No. It #on1t ee u " and it na t! little #ord #ill be u ele " !e ,uite.= That i #hat #a in hi #i)ked little %ind" a he lipped uddenl! $ro% 0ilbo1 ide" and $lapped ba)k to hi boat" and #ent o$$ into the dark. 0ilbo thought he had heard the la t o$ hi%. 8till he #aited a #hile4 $or he had no idea ho# to $ind hi #a! out alone. 8uddenl! he heard a )ree)h. It ent a hiver do#n hi ba)k. :ollu% #a )ur ing and #ailing a#a! in the gloo%" not ver! $ar o$$ b! the ound o$ it. -e #a on hi i land" )rabbling here and there" ear)hing and eeking in vain. <6here i it3 6here i it3= 0ilbo heard hi% )r!ing. <@o t it i " %! pre)iou " lo t" lo t; Cur e u and )ru h u " %! pre)iou i lo t;= <6hat1 the %atter3= 0ilbo )alled. <6hat have !ou lo t3= <It %u tn1t a k u "= hrieked :ollu%. <Not it bu ine " no" gollu%; It1 lo t" gollu%" gollu%" gollu%.= <6ell" o a% I"= )ried 0ilbo" <and I #ant to get unlo t. And I #on the ga%e" and !ou pro%i ed. 8o )o%e along; Co%e and let %e out" and then go on #ith !our looking;=


Utterl! %i erable a :ollu% ounded" 0ilbo )ould not $ind %u)h pit! in hi heart" and he had a $eeling that an!thing :ollu% #anted o %u)h )ould hardl! be o%ething good. <Co%e along;= he houted. <No" not !et" pre)iou ;= :ollu% an #ered. <6e %u t ear)h $or it" it1 lo t" gollu%.= <0ut !ou never gue ed %! la t ,ue tion" and !ou pro%i ed"= aid 0ilbo. <Never gue ed;= aid :ollu%. Then uddenl! out o$ the gloo% )a%e a harp hi . <6hat ha it got in it po)ket e 3 Tell u that. It %u t tell $ir t.= A $ar a 0ilbo kne#" there #a no parti)ular rea on #h! he hould not tell. :ollu%1 %ind had 9u%ped to a gue ,ui)ker than hi 4 naturall!" $or :ollu% had brooded $or age on thi one thing" and he #a al#a! a$raid o$ it being tolen. 0ut 0ilbo #a anno!ed at the dela!. A$ter all" he had #on the ga%e" prett! $airl!" at a horrible ri k. <An #er #ere to be gue ed not given"= he aid. <0ut it #a n1t a $air ,ue tion"= aid :ollu%. <Not a riddle" pre)iou " no.= <5h #ell" i$ it1 a %atter o$ ordinar! ,ue tion "= 0ilbo replied" <then I a ked one $ir t. 6hat have !ou lo t3 Tell %e that;= <6hat ha it got in it po)ket e 3= The ound )a%e hi ing louder and harper" and a he looked to#ard it" to hi alar% 0ilbo no# a# t#o %all point o$ light peering at hi%. A u pi)ion gre# in :ollu%1 %ind" the light o$ hi e!e burned #ith a pale $la%e. <6hat have !ou lo t3= 0ilbo per i ted. 0ut no# the light in :ollu%1 e!e had be)o%e a green $ire" and it #a )o%ing #i$tl! nearer. :ollu% #a in hi boat again" paddling #ildl! ba)k to the dark hore4 and u)h a rage o$ lo and u pi)ion #a in hi heart that no #ord had an! %ore terror $or hi%. 0ilbo )ould not gue #hat had %addened the #ret)hed )reature" but he a# that all #a up" and that :ollu% %eant to %urder hi% at an! rate. Ju t in ti%e he turned and ran blindl! ba)k up the dark pa age do#n #hi)h he had )o%e" keeping )lo e to the #all and $eeling it #ith hi le$t hand. <6hat ha it got in it po)ket e 3= he heard the hi loud behind hi%" and the pla h a :ollu% leapt $ro% hi boat. <6hat have I" I #onder3= he aid to hi% el$" a he panted and tu%bled along. -e put hi le$t hand in hi po)ket. The ring $elt ver! )old a it ,uietl! lipped on to hi groping $ore$inger. The hi #a )lo e behind hi%. -e turned no# and a# :ollu%1 e!e like %all green la%p )o%ing up the lope. Terri$ied he tried to run $a ter" but uddenl! he tru)k hi toe on a nag in the $loor" and $ell $lat #ith hi little #ord under hi%. In a %o%ent :ollu% #a on hi%. 0ut be$ore 0ilbo )ould do an!thing" re)over hi breath" pi)k hi% el$ up" or #ave hi #ord" :ollu% pa ed b!" taking no noti)e o$ hi%" )ur ing and #hi pering a he ran. 6hat )ould it %ean3 :ollu% )ould ee in the dark. 0ilbo )ould ee the light o$ hi e!e palel! hining even $ro% behind. Pain$ull! he got up" and heathed hi #ord" #hi)h #a no# glo#ing $aintl! again" then ver! )autiou l! he $ollo#ed. There ee%ed nothing el e to do. It #a no good )ra#ling ba)k do#n to :ollu%1 #ater. Perhap i$ he $ollo#ed hi%" :ollu% %ight lead hi% to o%e #a! o$ e )ape #ithout %eaning to. <Cur e it; )ur e it; )ur e it;= hi ed :ollu%. <Cur e the 0aggin ; It1 gone; 6hat ha it got in it po)ket e 3 5h #e gue " #e gue " %! pre)iou . -e1 $ound it" !e he %u t have. 7! birthda!(pre ent.= 0ilbo pri)ked up hi ear . -e #a at la t beginning to gue hi% el$. -O hurried a little" getting a )lo e a he dared behind :ollu%" #ho #a till going ,ui)kl!" not looking ba)k" but turning hi head $ro% ide to ide" a 0ilbo )ould ee $ro% the $aint gli%%er on the #all . <7! birthda!(pre ent; Cur e it; -o# did #e lo e it" %! pre)iou 3 Ye " that1 it. 6hen #e )a%e thi #a! la t" #hen #e t#i ted that na t! !oung ,ueaker. That1 it. Cur e it; It lipped $ro% u " a$ter all the e age and age ; It1 gone" gollu%.= 8uddenl! :ollu% at do#n and began to #eep" a #hi tling and gurgling ound horrible to li ten to. 0ilbo halted and $lattened hi% el$ again t the tunnel(#all. A$ter a #hile :ollu% topped #eeping and began to talk. -e ee%ed to be having an argu%ent #ith hi% el$. <It1 no good going ba)k there to ear)h" no. 6e doe n1t re%e%ber all the pla)e #e1ve vi ited. And it1 no u e. The 0aggin ha got it in it po)ket e 4 the na t! no er ha $ound it" #e a! .= 34

<6e gue e " pre)iou " onl! gue e . 6e )an1t kno# till #e $ind the na t! )reature and ,uee&e it. 0ut it doe n1t kno# #hat the pre ent )an do" doe it3 It1ll 9u t keep it in it po)ket e . It doe n1t kno#" and it )an1t go $ar. It1 lo t it el$" the na t! no e! thing. It doe n1t kno# the #a! out It aid o.= <It aid o" !e 4 but it1 tri)k !. It doe n1t a! #hat it %ean . It #on1t a! #hat it1 got in it po)ket e . It kno# . It kno# a #a! in" it %u t kno# a #a! out" !e . It1 o$$ to the ba)k(door. To the ba)k(door" that1 it.= <The goblin e #ill )at)h it then. It )an1t get out that #a!" pre)iou .= <8 " " gollu%; :oblin e ; Ye " but i$ it1 got the pre ent" our pre)iou pre ent" then goblin e #ill get it" gollu%; The!1ll $ind it" the!1ll $ind out #hat it doe . 6e han1t ever be a$e again" never" gollu%; 5ne o$ the goblin e #ill put it on" and then no one #ill ee hi%. -e1ll be there but not een. Not even our )lever e!e e #ill noti)e hi%4 and he1ll )o%e )reep ! and tri)k ! and )at)h u " gollu%" gollu%;= <Then let1 top talking" pre)iou " and %ake ha te. I$ the 0aggin ha gone that #a!" #e %u t go ,ui)k and ee. :o; Not $ar no#. 7ake ha te;= 6ith a pring :ollu% got up and tarted ha%bling o$$ at a great pa)e. 0ilbo hurried a$ter hi%" till )autiou l!" though hi )hie$ $ear no# #a o$ tripping on another nag and $alling #ith a noi e. -i head #a in a #hirl o$ hope and #onder. It ee%ed that the ring he had #a a %agi) ring' it %ade !ou invi ible; -e had heard o$ u)h thing " o$ )our e" in old old tale 4 but it #a hard to believe that he reall! had $ound one" b! a))ident. 8till there it #a ' :ollu% #ith hi bright e!e had pa ed hi% b!" onl! a !ard to one ide. 5n the! #ent" :ollu% $lip($lapping ahead" hi ing and )ur ing4 0ilbo behind going a o$tl! a a hobbit )an. 8oon the! )a%e to pla)e #here" a 0ilbo had noti)ed on the #a! do#n" ide(pa age opened" thi #a! and that. :ollu% began at on)e to )ount the%. <5ne le$t" !e . 5ne right" !e . T#o right" !e " !e . T#o le$t" !e " !e .= And o on and on. A the )ount gre# he lo#ed do#n" and he began to get hak! and #eep!4 $or he #a leaving the #ater $urther and $urther behind" and he #a getting a$raid. :oblin %ight be about" and he had lo t hi ring. At la t he topped b! a lo# opening" on their le$t a the! #ent up. <8even right" !e . 8i* le$t" !e ;= he #hi pered. <Thi i it. Thi i the #a! to the ba)k( door" !e . -ere1 the pa age;= -e peered in" and hrank ba)k. <0ut #e dur tn1t go in" pre)iou " no #e dur tn1t. :oblin e do#n there. @ot o$ goblin e . 6e %ell the%. 8 ;= <6hat hall #e do3 Cur e the% and )ru h the%; 6e %u t #ait here" pre)iou " #ait a bit and ee.= 8o the! )a%e to a dead top. :ollu% had brought 0ilbo to the #a! out a$ter all" but 0ilbo )ould not get in; There #a :ollu% itting hu%ped up right in the opening" and hi e!e glea%ed )old in hi head" a he #a!ed it $ro% ide to ide bet#een hi knee . 0ilbo )rept a#a! $ro% the #all %ore ,uietl! than a %ou e4 but :ollu% ti$$ened at on)e" and ni$$ed" and hi e!e #ent green. -e hi ed o$tl! but %ena)ingl!. -e )ould not ee the hobbit" but no# he #a on the alert" and he had other en e that the darkne had harpened' hearing and %ell. -e ee%ed to be )rou)hed right do#n #ith hi $lat hand pla!ed on the $loor" and hi head thru t out" no e al%o t to the tone. Though he #a onl! a bla)k hado# in the glea% o$ hi o#n e!e " 0ilbo )ould ee or $eel that he #a ten e a a bo# tring" gathered $or a pring. 0ilbo al%o t topped breathing" and #ent ti$$ hi% el$. -e #a de perate. -e %u t get a#a!" out o$ thi horrible darkne " #hile he had an! trength le$t. -e %u t $ight. -e %u t tab the $oul thing" put it e!e out" kill it. It %eant to kill hi%. No" not a $air $ight. -e #a invi ible no#. :ollu% had no #ord. :ollu% had not a)tuall! threatened to kill hi%" or tried to !et. And he #a %i erable" alone" lo t. A udden under tanding" a pit! %i*ed #ith horror" #elled up in 0ilbo1 heart' a gli%p e o$ endle un%arked da! #ithout light or hope o$ better%ent" hard tone" )old $i h" neaking and #hi pering. All the e thought pa ed in a $la h o$ a e)ond. -e tre%bled. And then ,uite uddenl! in another $la h" a i$ li$ted b! a ne# trength and re olve" he leaped. No great leap $or a %an" but a leap in the dark. 8traight over :ollu%1 head he 9u%ped" even $eet $or#ard and three in the air4 indeed" had he kno#n it" he onl! 9u t %i ed )ra)king hi kull on the lo# ar)h o$ the pa age.


:ollu% thre# hi% el$ ba)k#ard " and grabbed a the hobbit $le# over hi%" but too late' hi hand napped on thin air" and 0ilbo" $alling $air on hi turd! $eet" ped o$$ do#n the ne# tunnel. -e did not turn to ee #hat :ollu% #a doing. There #a a hi ing and )ur ing al%o t at hi heel at $ir t" then it topped. All at on)e there )a%e a blood)urdling hriek" $illed #ith hatred and de pair. :ollu% #a de$eated. -e dared go no $urther. -e had lo t' lo t hi pre!" and lo t" too" the onl! thing he had ever )ared $or" hi pre)iou . The )r! brought 0ilbo1 heart to hi %outh" but till he held on. No# $aint a an e)ho" but %ena)ing" the voi)e )a%e behind' <Thie$" thie$" thie$; 0aggin ; 6e hate it" #e hate it" #e hate it $or ever;= Then there #a a ilen)e. 0ut that too ee%ed %ena)ing to 0ilbo. <I$ goblin are o near that he %elt the%"= he thought" <then the!1ll have heard hi hrieking and )ur ing. Care$ul no#" or thi #a! #ill lead !ou to #or e thing .= The pa age #a lo# and roughl! %ade. It #a not too di$$i)ult $or the hobbit" e*)ept #hen" in pite o$ all )are" he tubbed hi poor toe again" everal ti%e " on na t! 9agged tone in the $loor. <A bit lo# $or goblin " at lea t $or the big one "= thought 0ilbo" not kno#ing that even the big one " the ore o$ the %ountain " go along at a great peed tooping lo# #ith their hand al%o t on the ground. 8oon the pa age that had been loping do#n began to go up again" and a$ter a #hile it )li%bed teepl!. That lo#ed 0ilbo do#n. 0ut at la t the lope topped" the pa age turned a )orner" and dipped do#n again" and there" at the botto% o$ a hort in)line" he a#" $iltering round another )orner(a gli%p e o$ light. Not red light" a o$ $ire or lantern" but a pale out(o$(door ort o$ light. Then 0ilbo began to run. 8)uttling a $a t a hi leg #ould )arr! hi% he turned the la t )orner and )a%e uddenl! right into an open pa)e" #here the light" a$ter all that ti%e in the dark" ee%ed da&&lingl! bright. Reall! it #a onl! a leak o$ un hine in through a door#a!" #here a great door" a tone door" #a le$t tanding open. 0ilbo blinked" and then uddenl! he a# the goblin ' goblin in $ull ar%our #ith dra#n #ord itting 9u t in ide the door" and #at)hing it #ith #ide e!e " and #at)hing the pa age that led to it. The! #ere arou ed" alert" read! $or an!thing. The! a# hi% ooner than he a# the%. Ye " the! a# hi%. 6hether it #a .an a))ident" or a la t tri)k o$ the ring be$ore it took a ne# %a ter" it #a not on hi $inger. 6ith !ell o$ delight the goblin ru hed upon hi%. A pang o$ $ear and lo " like an e)ho o$ :ollu%1 %i er!" %ote 0ilbo" and $orgetting even to dra# hi #ord he tru)k hi hand into hi po)ket . And( there #a the ring till" in hi le$t po)ket" and it lipped on hi $inger. The goblin topped hort. The! )ould not ee a ign o$ hi%. -e had vani hed. The! !elled t#i)e a loud a be$ore" but not o delightedl!. <6here i it3= the! )ried. <:o ba)k up the pa age;= o%e houted. <Thi #a!;= o%e !elled. <That #a!;= other !elled. <@ook out $or the door"= bello#ed the )aptain. 6hi tle ble#" ar%our )la hed" #ord rattled" goblin )ur ed and #ore and ran hither and thither" $alling over one another and getting ver! angr!. There #a a terrible out)r!" to(do" and di turban)e. 0ilbo #a dread$ull! $rightened" but he had the en e to under tand #hat had happened and to neak behind a big barrel #hi)h held drink $or the goblin(guard " and o get out o$ the #a! and avoid being bu%ped into" tra%pled to death" or )aught b! $eel. <I %u t get to the door" I %u t get to the door;= he kept on a!ing to hi% el$" but it #a a long ti%e be$ore he ventured to tr!. Then it #a like a horrible ga%e o$ blind( %an1 bu$$. The pla)e #a $ull o$ goblin running about" and the poor little hobbit dodged thi #a! and that" #a kno)ked over b! a goblin #ho )ould not %ake out #hat he had bu%ped into" )ra%bled a#a! on all $our " lipped bet#een the leg o$ the )aptain 9u t in ti%e" got up" and ran $or the door. It #a till a9ar" but a goblin had pu hed it nearl! to. 0ilbo truggled but he )ould not %ove it. -e tried to ,uee&e through the )ra)k. -e ,uee&ed and ,uee&ed" and he tu)k; It #a a#$ul. -i button had got #edged on the edge o$ the door and the door( po t. -e )ould ee out ide into the open air' there #ere a $e# tep running do#n into a narro# valle! bet#een tall %ountain 4 the un )a%e out $ro% behind a )loud and hone bright on the out ide o$ the door(but he )ould not get through. 36

8uddenl! one o$ the goblin in ide houted' <There i a hado# b! the door. 8o%ething i out ide;= 0ilbo1 heart 9u%ped into hi %outh. -e gave a terri$i) ,uir%. 0utton bur t o$$ in all dire)tion . -e #a through" #ith a torn )oat and #ai t)oat" leaping do#n the tep like a goat" #hile be#ildered goblin #ere till pi)king up hi ni)e bra button on the door tep. 5$ )our e the! oon )a%e do#n a$ter hi%" hooting and hallooing" and hunting a%ong the tree . 0ut the! don1t like the un' it %ake their leg #obble and their head gidd!. The! )ould not $ind 0ilbo #ith the ring on" lipping in and out o$ the hado# o$ the tree " running ,ui)k and ,uiet" and keeping out o$ the un4 o oon the! #ent ba)k gru%bling and )ur ing to guard the door. 0ilbo had e )aped.


Chapter E 5UT 5C T-E CRYIN:(PAN INT5 T-E CIRE 0ilbo had e )aped the goblin " but he did not kno# #here he #a . -e had lo t hood" )loak" $ood" pon!" hi button and hi $riend . -e #andered on and on" till the un began to ink #e t#ard (behind the %ountain . Their hado# $ell a)ro 0ilbo1 path" and he looked ba)k. Then he looked $or#ard and )ould ee be$ore hi% onl! ridge and lope $alling to#ard lo#land and plain gli%p ed o))a ionall! bet#een the tree . <:ood heaven ;= he e*)lai%ed. <I ee% to have got right to the other ide o$ the 7i t! 7ountain " right to the edge o$ the @and 0e!ond; 6here and 5 #here )an :andal$ and the d#arve have got to3 I onl! hope to goodne the! are not till ba)k there in the po#er o$ the goblin ;= -e till #andered on" out o$ the little high valle!" over it edge" and do#n the lope be!ond4 but all the #hile a ver! un)o%$ortable thought #a gro#ing in ide hi%. -e #ondered #hether he ought not" no# he had the %agi) ring" to go ba)k into the horrible" horrible" tunnel and look $or hi $riend . -e had 9u t %ade up hi %ind that it #a hi dut!" that he %u t turn ba)k(and ver! %i erable he $elt about it(#hen he heard voi)e . -e topped and li tened. It did not ound like goblin 4 o he )rept $or#ard )are$ull!. -e #a on a ton! path #inding do#n#ard #ith a ro)k! #all. on the le$t hand4 on the other ide the ground loped a#a! and there #ere dell belo# the level o$ the path overhung #ith bu he and lo# tree . In one o$ the e dell under the bu he people #ere talking. -e )rept till nearer" and uddenl! he a# peering bet#een t#o big boulder a head #ith a red hood on' it #a 0alin doing look(out. -e )ould have )lapped and houted $or 9o!" but he did not. -e had till got the ring on" $or $ear o$ %eeting o%ething une*pe)ted and unplea ant" and he a# that 0alin #a looking traight at hi% #ithout noti)ing hi%. <I #ill give the% all a urpri e"= he thought" a he )ra#led into the bu he at the edge o$ the dell. :andal$ #a arguing #ith the d#arve . The! #ere di )u ing all that had happened to the% in the tunnel " and #ondering and debating #hat the! #ere to do no#. The d#arve #ere gru%bling" and :andal$ #a a!ing that the! )ould not po ibl! go on #ith their 9ourne! leaving 7r. 0aggin in the hand o$ the goblin " #ithout tr!ing to $ind out i$ he #a alive or dead" and #ithout tr!ing to re )ue hi%. <A$ter all he i %! $riend"= aid the #i&ard" <and not a bad little )hap. I $eel re pon ible $or hi%. I #i h to goodne !ou had not lo t hi%.= The d#arve #anted to kno# #h! he had ever been brought at all" #h! he )ould not ti)k to hi $riend and )o%e along #ith the%" and #h! the #i&ard had not )ho en o%eone #ith %ore en e. <-e ha been %ore trouble than u e o $ar"= aid one. <I$ #e have got to1 go ba)k no# into tho e abo%inable tunnel to look $or hi%" then drat hi%" I a!.= :andal$ an #ered angril!' <I brought hi%" and I don1t bring thing that are o$ no u e. Either !ou help %e to look $or hi%" or I go and leave !ou here to get out o$ the %e a be t !ou )an !our elve . I$ #e )an onl! $ind hi% again" !ou #ill thank %e be$ore all i over. 6hatever did !ou #ant to go and drop hi% $or" Dori3= <You #ould have dropped hi%"= aid Dori" <i$ a goblin had uddenl! grabbed !our leg $ro% behind in the dark" tripped up !our $eet" and ki)ked !ou in the ba)k;= <Then #h! didn1t !ou pi)k hi% up again3= <:ood heaven ; Can !ou a k; :oblin $ighting and biting in the dark" ever!bod! $alling over bodie and hitting one another; You nearl! )hopped o$$ %! head #ith :la%dring" and Thorin 6a tabbing here there and ever!#here #ith 5r)ri t. All o$ a udden !ou gave one o$ !our blinding $la he " and #e a# the goblin running ba)k !elping. You houted 1$ollo# %e ever!bod!;1 and ever!bod! ought to have $ollo#ed. 6e thought ever!bod! had. There #a no ti%e to )ount" a !ou kno# ,uite #ell" till #e had da hed through the gate(guard " out o$ the lo#er door" and helter( kelter do#n here. And here #e are(#ithout the burglar" )on$u ti)ate hi%;= <And here1 the burglar;= aid 0ilbo tepping do#n into the %iddle o$ the%" and lipping o$$ the ring. 0le %e" ho# the! 9u%ped; Then the! houted #ith urpri e and delight. :andal$ #a a a toni hed a an! o$ the%" but probabl! %ore plea ed than all the other . -e )alled to 38

0alin and told hi% #hat he thought o$ a look(out %an #ho let people #alk right into the% like that #ithout #arning. It i a $a)t that 0ilbo1 reputation #ent up a ver! great deal #ith the d#arve a$ter thi . I$ the! had till doubted that he #a reall! a $ir t()la burglar" in pite o$ :andal$1 #ord " the! doubted no longer. 0alin #a the %o t pu&&led o$ all4 but ever!one aid it #a a ver! )lever bit o$ #ork. Indeed 0ilbo #a o plea ed #ith their prai e that he 9u t )hu)kled in ide and aid nothing #hatever about the ring4 and #hen the! a ked hi% ho# he did it" he aid' <5" 9u t )rept along" !ou kno#(ver! )are$ull! and ,uietl!.= <6ell" it i the $ir t ti%e that even a %ou e ha )rept along )are$ull! and ,uietl! under %! ver! no e and not been potted"= aid 0alin" <and I take o$$ %! hood to !ou.= 6hi)h he did. <0alin at !our ervi)e"= aid he. <Your ervant" 7r. 0aggin "= aid 0ilbo. Then the! #anted to kno# all about hi adventure a$ter the! had lo t hi%" and he at do#n and told the% ever!thing(e*)ept about the $inding o$ the ring .<not 9u t no#= he thought/. The! #ere parti)ularl! intere ted in the riddle()o%petition" and huddered %o t appre)iativel! at hi de )ription o$ :ollu%. <And then I )ouldn1t think o$ an! other ,ue tion #ith hi% itting be ide %e"= ended 0ilbo4 < o I aid 1#hat1 in %! po)ket31 And he )ouldn1t gue in three goe . 8o I aid' 1#hat about !our pro%i e3 8ho# %e the #a! out;1 0ut he )a%e at %e to kill %e" and I ran" and $ell over" and he %i ed %e in the dark. Then I $ollo#ed hi%" be)au e I heard hi% talking to hi% el$. -e thought I reall! kne# the #a! out" and o he #a %aking $or it. And then he at do#n in the entran)e" and I )ould not get b!. 8o I 9u%ped over hi% and e )aped" and ran do#n to the gate.= <6hat about guard 3= the! a ked. <6eren1t there an!3= <5 !e ; lot o$ the%4 but I dodged 1e%. I got tu)k in the door" #hi)h #a onl! open a )ra)k" and I lo t lot o$ button "= he aid adl! looking at hi torn )lothe . <0ut I ,uee&ed through all right(and here I a%.= The d#arve looked at hi% #ith ,uite a ne# re pe)t" #hen he talked about dodging guard " 9u%ping over :ollu%" and ,uee&ing through" a i$ it #a not ver! di$$i)ult or ver! alar%ing. <6hat did I tell !ou3= aid :andal$ laughing. <7r. 0aggin ha %ore about hi% than !ou gue .= -e gave 0ilbo a ,ueer look $ro% under hi bu h! e!ebro# " a he aid thi " and the hobbit #ondered i$ he gue ed at the part o$ hi tale that he had le$t out. Then he had ,ue tion o$ hi o#n to a k" $or i$ :andal$ had e*plained it all b! no# to the d#arve " 0ilbo had not heard it. -e #anted to kno# ho# the #i&ard had turned up again" and #here the! had all got to no#. The #i&ard" to tell the truth" never %inded e*plaining hi )leverne %ore than on)e" o no# he had told 0ilbo that both he and Elrond had been #ell a#are o$ the pre en)e o$ evil goblin in that part o$ the %ountain . 0ut their %ain gate u ed to )o%e out on a di$$erent pa " one %ore ea ! to travel b!" o that the! o$ten )aught people benighted near their gate . Evidentl! people had given up going that #a!" and the goblin %u t have opened their ne# entran)e at the top o$ the pa the d#arve had taken" ,uite re)entl!" be)au e it had been $ound ,uite a$e up to no#. <I %u t ee i$ I )an1t $ind a %ore or le de)ent giant to blo)k it up again"= aid :andal$" <or oon there #ill be no getting over the %ountain at all.= A oon a :andal$ had heard 0ilbo1 !ell he reali&ed #hat had happened. In the $la h #hi)h killed the goblin that #ere grabbing hi% he had nipped in ide the )ra)k" 9u t a it napped to. -e $ollo#ed a$ter the driver and pri oner right to the edge o$ the great hall" and there he at do#n and #orked up the be t %agi) he )ould in the hado# . <A ver! ti)kli h bu ine " it #a "= he aid. <Tou)h and go;= 0ut" o$ )our e" :andal$ had %ade a pe)ial tud! o$ be#it)h%ent #ith $ire and light .even the hobbit had never $orgotten the %agi) $ire#ork at 5ld Took1 %id u%%er(eve partie " a !ou re%e%ber/. The re t #e all kno#+e*)ept that :andal$ kne# all about the ba)k(door" a the goblin )alled the lo#er gate" #here 0ilbo lo t hi button . A a %atter o$ $a)t it #a #ell kno#n to an!bod! #ho #a a),uainted #ith thi part o$ the %ountain 4 but it took a #i&ard to keep hi head in the tunnel and guide the% in the right dire)tion. <The! %ade that gate age ago"= he aid" <partl! $or a #a! o$ e )ape" i$ the! needed one4 partl! a a #a! out into the land be!ond" #here the! till )o%e in the dark and do 39

great da%age. The! guard it al#a! and no one ha ever %anaged to blo)k it up. The! #ill guard it doubl! a$ter thi "= he laughed. All the other laughed too. A$ter all the! had lo t a good deal" but the! had killed the :reat :oblin and a great %an! other be ide " and the! had all e )aped" o the! %ight be aid to have had the be t o$ it o $ar. 0ut the #i&ard )alled the% to their en e . <6e %u t be getting on at on)e" no# #e are a little re ted"= he aid. <The! #ill be out a$ter u in hundred #hen night )o%e on4 and alread! hado# are lengthening. The! )an %ell our $oot tep $or hour and hour a$ter #e have pa ed. 6e %u t be %ile on be$ore du k. There #ill be a bit o$ %oon" i$ it keep $ine" and that i lu)k!. Not that the! %ind the %oon %u)h" but it #ill give u a little light to teer b!.= <5 !e ;= he aid in an #er to %ore ,ue tion $ro% the hobbit. <You lo e tra)k o$ ti%e in ide goblin(tunnel . Toda!1 Thur da!" and it #a 7onda! night or Tue da! %orning that #e #ere )aptured. 6e have gone %ile and %ile " and )o%e right do#n through the heart o$ the %ountain " and are no# on the other ide(,uite a hort )ut. 0ut #e are not at the point to #hi)h our pa #ould have brought u 4 #e are too $ar to the North" and have o%e a#k#ard )ountr! ahead. And #e are till prett! high up. @et1 get on;= <I a% o dread$ull! hungr!"= groaned 0ilbo" #ho #a uddenl! a#are that he had not had a %eal in)e the night be$ore the night be$ore la t. Ju t think o$ that $or a hobbit; -i to%a)h $elt all e%pt! and loo e and hi leg all #obbl!" no# that the e*)ite%ent #a over. <Can1t help it"= aid :andal$" <unle !ou like to go ba)k and a k the goblin ni)el! to let !ou have !our pon! ba)k and !our luggage.= <No thank !ou;= aid 0ilbo. <>er! #ell then" #e %u t 9u t tighten our belt and trudge on+or #e hall be %ade into upper" and that #ill be %u)h #or e than having none our elve .= A the! #ent on 0ilbo looked $ro% ide to ide $or o%ething to eat4 but the bla)kberrie #ere till onl! in $lo#er" and o$ )our e there #ere no nut " nor even ha#thorn(berrie . -e nibbled a bit o$ orrel" and he drank $ro% a %all %ountain( trea% that )ro ed the path" and he ate three #ild tra#berrie that he $ound on it bank" but it #a not %u)h good. The! till #ent on and on. The rough path di appeared. The bu he " and the long gra e " bet#een the boulder " the pat)he o$ rabbit()ropped tur$" the th!%e and the age and the %ar9ora%" and the !ello# ro)kro e all vani hed" and the! $ound the% elve at the top o$ a #ide teep lope o$ $allen tone " the re%ain o$ a land lide. 6hen the! began to go do#n thi " rubbi h and %all pebble rolled a#a! $ro% their $eet4 oon larger bit o$ plit tone #ent )lattering do#n and tarted other pie)e belo# the% lithering and rolling4 then lu%p o$ ro)k #ere di turbed and bounded o$$" )ra hing do#n #ith a du t and a noi e. 0e$ore long the #hole lope above the% and belo# the% ee%ed on the %ove" and the! #ere liding a#a!" huddled all together" in a $ear$ul )on$u ion o$ lipping" rattling" )ra)king lab and tone . It #a the tree at the botto% that aved the%. The! lid into the edge o$ a )li%bing #ood o$ pine that here tood right up the %ountain lope $ro% the deeper darker $ore t o$ the valle! belo#. 8o%e )aught hold o$ the trunk and #ung the% elve into lo#er bran)he " o%e .like the little hobbit/ got behind a tree to helter $ro% the on laught o$ the ro)k . 8oon the danger #a over" the lide had topped" and the la t $aint )ra he )ould be heard a the large t o$ the di turbed tone #ent bounding and pinning a%ong the bra)ken and the pine(root $ar belo#. <6ell; that ha got u on a bit"= aid :andal$4 <and even goblin tra)king u #ill have a 9ob to )o%e do#n here ,uietl!.= <I dare a!"= gru%bled 0o%bur4 <but the! #on1t $ind it di$$i)ult to end tone boun)ing do#n on our head .= The d#arve .and 0ilbo/ #ere $eeling $ar $ro% happ!" and #ere rubbing their brui ed and da%aged leg and $eet. <Non en e; 6e are going to turn a ide here out o$ the path o$ the lide. 6e %u t be ,ui)k; @ook at the light;= The un had long gone behind the %ountain . Alread! the hado# #ere deepening about the%" though $ar a#a! through the tree and over the bla)k top o$ tho e gro#ing lo#er do#n the! )ould till ee the evening light on the plain be!ond. The! li%ped along no# a $a t a the! #ere able do#n the gentle lope 40

o$ a pine $ore t in a lanting path leading teadil! outh#ard . At ti%e the! #ere pu hing through a ea o$ bra)ken #ith tall $rond ri ing right above the hobbit1 head4 at ti%e the! #ere %ar)hing along ,uiet a ,uiet over a $loor o$ pine(needle 4 and all the #hile the $ore t(gloo% got heavier and the $ore t( ilen)e deeper. There #a no #ind that evening to bring even a ea( ighing into the bran)he o$ the tree . <7u t #e go an! $urther3= a ked 0ilbo" #hen it #a o dark that he )ould onl! 9u t ee Thorin1 beard #agging be ide hi%" and o ,uiet that he )ould hear the d#arve 1 breathing like a loud noi e. <7! toe are all brui ed and bent" and %! leg a)he" and %! to%a)h i #agging like an e%pt! a)k.= <A bit $urther"= aid :andal$. A$ter #hat ee%ed age $urther the! )a%e uddenl! to an opening #here no tree gre#. The %oon #a up and #a hining into the )learing. 8o%eho# it tru)k all o$ the% a not at all a ni)e pla)e" although there #a nothing #rong to ee. All o$ a udden the! heard a ho#l a#a! do#n hill" a long huddering ho#l. It #a an #ered b! another a#a! to the right and a good deal nearer to the%4 then b! another not $ar a#a! to the le$t. It #a #olve ho#ling at the %oon" #olve gathering together; There #ere no #olve living near 7r. 0aggin 1 hole at ho%e" but he kne# that noi e. -e had had it de )ribed to hi% o$ten enough in tale . 5ne o$ hi elder )ou in .on the Took ide/" #ho had been a great traveller" u ed to i%itate it to $righten hi%. To hear it out in the $ore t under the %oon #a too %u)h $or 0ilbo. Even %agi) ring are not %u)h u e again t #olve (e pe)iall! again t the evil pa)k that lived under the hado# o$ the goblin(in$e ted %ountain " over the Edge o$ the 6ild on the border o$ the unkno#n. 6olve o$ that ort %ell keener than goblin " and do not need to ee !ou to )at)h !ou; <6hat hall #e do" #hat hall #e do;= he )ried. <E )aping goblin to be )aught b! #olve ;= he aid" and it be)a%e a proverb" though #e no# a! 1out o$ the $r!ing(pan into the $ire1 in the a%e ort o$ un)o%$ortable ituation . <Up the tree ,ui)k;= )ried :andal$4 and the! ran to the tree at the edge o$ the glade" hunting $or tho e that had bran)he $airl! lo#" or #ere lender enough to #ar% up. The! $ound the% a ,ui)k a ever the! )ould" !ou )an gue 4 and up the! #ent a high a ever the! )ould tru t the bran)he . You #ould have laughed .$ro% a a$e di tan)e/" i$ !ou had een the d#arve itting up in the tree #ith their beard dangling do#n" like old gentle%en gone )ra)ked and pla!ing at being bo! . Cili and Bili #ere at the top o$ a tall lar)h like an enor%ou Chri t%a tree. Dori" Nori" 5n" 5in" and :loin #ere %ore )o%$ortable in a huge pine #ith regular bran)he ti)king out at interval like the poke o$ a #heel. 0i$ur" 0o$ur" 0o%bur" and Thorin #ere in another. D#alin and 0alin had #ar%ed up a tall lender $ir #ith $e# bran)he and #ere tr!ing to $ind a pla)e to it in the greener! o$ the top%o t bough . :andal$" #ho #a a good deal taller than the other " had $ound a tree into #hi)h the! )ould not )li%b" a large pine tanding at the ver! edge o$ the glade. -e #a ,uite hidden in it bough " but !ou )ould ee hi e!e glea%ing in the %oon a he peeped out. And 0ilbo3 -e )ould not get into an! tree" and #a )uttling about $ro% trunk to trunk" like a rabbit that ha lo t it hole and ha a dog a$ter it. <You1ve le$t the burglar behind againP= aid Nori to Dori looking do#n. <I )an1t be al#a! )arr!ing burglar on %! ba)k"= aid Dori" <do#n tunnel and up tree ; 6hat do !ou think I a%3 A porter3= <-e1ll be eaten i$ #e don1t 1do o%ething"= aid Thorin" $or there #ere ho#l all around the% no#" getting nearer and nearer. <Dori;= he )alled" $or Dori #a lo#e t do#n in the ea ie t tree" <be ,ui)k" and give 7r. 0aggin a hand up;= Dori #a reall! a de)ent $ello# in pite o$ hi gru%bling. Poor 0ilbo )ould not rea)h hi hand even #hen he )li%bed do#n to the botto% bran)h and hung hi ar% do#n a $ar a ever he )ould. 8o Dori a)tuall! )li%bed out o$ the tree and let 0ilbo )ra%ble up and tand on hi ba)k. Ju t at that %o%ent the #olve trotted ho#ling into the )learing. All o$ a udden there #ere hundred o$ e!e looking at the%. 8till Dori did not let 0ilbo do#n. -e #aited till he had )la%bered o$$ hi houlder into the bran)he " and then he 9u%ped $or the bran)he hi% el$. 5nl! 9u t in ti%e; A #ol$ napped( at hi )loak a he #ung up" and nearl! got hi%. In a %inute there #a a #hole pa)k o$ the% !elping all round the tree and leaping up at the trunk" #ith e!e bla&ing and tongue hanging out. 41

0ut even the #ild 6arg .$or o the evil #olve over the Edge o$ the 6ild #ere na%ed/ )annot )li%b tree . Cor a ti%e the! #ere a$e. 1@u)kil! it #a #ar% and not #ind!. Tree are not ver! )o%$ortable to it in $or long at an! ti%e4 but in the )old and the #ind" #ith #olve all round belo# #aiting $or !ou" the! )an be per$e)tl! %i erable pla)e . Thi glade in the ring o$ tree #a evidentl! a %eeting(pla)e o$ the #olve . 7ore and %ore kept )o%ing in. The! le$t guard at the $oot o$ the tree in #hi)h Dori and 0ilbo #ere" and then #ent ni$$ling about till the! had %elt out ever! tree that had an!one in it. The e the! guarded too" #hile all the re t .hundred and hundred it ee%ed/ #ent and at in a great )ir)le in the glade4 and in the %iddle o$ the )ir)le #a a great gre! #ol$. -e poke to the% in the dread$ul language o$ the 6arg . :andal$ under tood it. 0ilbo did not" but it ounded terrible to hi%" and a i$ all their talk #a about )ruel and #i)ked thing " a it #a . Ever! no# and then all the 6arg in the )ir)le #ould an #er their gre! )hie$ all together" and their dread$ul )la%our al%o t %ade the hobbit $all out o$ hi pine(tree. I #ill tell !ou #hat :andal$ heard" though 0ilbo did not under tand it. The 6arg and the goblin o$ten helped one another in #i)ked deed . :oblin do not u uall! venture ver! $ar $ro% their %ountain " unle the! are driven out and are looking $or ne# ho%e " or are %ar)hing to #ar .#hi)h I a% glad to a! ha not happened $or a long #hile/. 0ut in tho e da! the! o%eti%e u ed to go on raid " e pe)iall! to get $ood or lave to #ork $or the%. Then the! o$ten got the 6arg to help and hared the plunder #ith the%. 8o%eti%e the! rode on #olve like %en do on hor e . No# it ee%ed that a great goblin(raid had been planned $or that ver! night. The 6arg had )o%e to %eet the goblin and the goblin #ere late. The rea on" no doubt" #a the death o$ the :reat :oblin" and all the e*)ite%ent )au ed b! the d#arve and 0ilbo and the #i&ard" $or #ho% the! #ere probabl! till hunting. In pite o$ the danger o$ thi $ar land bold %en had o$ late been %aking their #a! ba)k into it $ro% the 8outh" )utting do#n tree " and building the% elve pla)e to live in a%ong the %ore plea ant #ood in the valle! and along the river( hore . There #ere %an! o$ the%" and the! #ere brave and #ell(ar%ed" and even the 6arg dared not atta)k the% i$ there #ere %an! together" or in the bright da!. 0ut no# the! had planned #ith the goblin 1 help to )o%e b! night upon o%e o$ the village neare t the %ountain . I$ their plan had been )arried out" there #ould have been none le$t there ne*t da!4 all #ould have been killed e*)ept the $e# the goblin kept $ro% the #olve and )arried ba)k a pri oner to their )ave . Thi #a dread$ul talk to li ten to" not onl! be)au e o$ the brave #ood%en and their #ive and )hildren" but al o be)au e o$ the danger #hi)h no# threatened :andal$ and hi $riend . The 6arg #ere angr! and pu&&led at $inding the% here in their ver! %eeting( pla)e. The! thought the! #ere $riend o$ the #ood%en" and #ere )o%e to p! on the%" and #ould take ne# o$ their plan do#n into the valle! " and then the goblin and the #olve #ould have to $ight a terrible battle in tead o$ )apturing pri oner and devouring people #aked uddenl! $ro% their leep. 8o the 6arg had no intention o$ going a#a! and letting the people up the tree e )ape" at an! rate not until %orning. And long be$ore that" the! aid" goblin oldier #ould be )o%ing do#n $ro% the %ountain 4 and goblin )an )li%b tree " or )ut the% do#n. No# !ou )an under tand #h! :andal$" li tening to their gro#ling and !elping" began to be dread$ull! a$raid" #i&ard though he #a " and to $eel that the! #ere in a ver! bad pla)e" and had not !et e )aped at all. All the a%e he #a not going to let the% have it all their o#n #a!" though he )ould not do ver! %u)h tu)k up in a tall tree #ith #olve all round on the ground belo#. -e gathered the huge pine)one $ro% the bran)he o$ hi tree. Then he et one alight #ith bright blue $ire" and thre# it #hi&&ing do#n a%ong the )ir)le o$ the #olve . It tru)k one on the ba)k" and i%%ediatel! hi hagg! )oat )aught $ire" and he #a leaping to and $ro !elping horribl!. Then another )a%e and another" one in blue $la%e " one in red" another in green. The! bur t on the ground in the %iddle o$ the )ir)le and #ent o$$ in )oloured park and %oke. A pe)iall! large one hit the )hie$ #ol$ on the no e" and he leaped in the air ten $eet" and then ru hed round and round the )ir)le biting and napping even at the other #olve in hi anger and $right. The d#arve and 0ilbo houted and )heered. The rage o$ the #olve #a terrible to ee" and the )o%%otion the! %ade $illed all the $ore t. 6olve are a$raid o$ $ire at all 42

ti%e " but thi #a a %o t horrible and un)ann! $ire. I$ a park got in their )oat it tu)k and burned into the%" and unle the! rolled over ,ui)k the! #ere oon all in $la%e . >er! oon all about the glade #olve #ere rolling over and over to put out the park on their ba)k " #hile tho e that #ere burning #ere running about ho#ling and etting other alight" till their o#n $riend )ha ed the% a#a! and the! $led o$$ do#n the lope )r!ing and !a%%ering and looking $or #ater. <6hat1 all thi uproar in the $ore t tonight3= aid the @ord o$ the Eagle . -e #a itting" bla)k in the %oonlight" on the top o$ a lonel! pinna)le o$ ro)k at the ea tern edge o$ the %ountain . <I hear #olve 1 voi)e ; Are the goblin at %i )hie$ in the #ood 3= -e #ept up into the air" and i%%ediatel! t#o o$ hi guard $ro% the ro)k at either hand leaped up to $ollo# hi%. The! )ir)led up in the k! and looked do#n upon the ring o$ the 6arg " a tin! pot $ar $ar belo#. 0ut eagle have keen e!e and )an ee %all thing at a great di tan)e. The lord o$ the eagle o$ the 7i t! 7ountain had e!e that )ould look at the un unblinking" and )ould ee a rabbit %oving on the ground a %ile belo# even in the %oonlight. 8o though he )ould not ee the people in the tree " he )ould %ake out the )o%%otion a%ong the #olve and ee the tin! $la he o$ $ire" and hear the ho#ling and !elping )o%e up $aint $ro% $ar beneath hi%. Al o he )ould ee the glint o$ the %oon on goblin pear and hel%et " a long line o$ the #i)ked $olk )rept do#n the hill ide $ro% their gate and #ound into the #ood. Eagle are not kindl! bird . 8o%e are )o#ardl! and )ruel. 0ut the an)ient ra)e o$ the northern %ountain #ere the greate t o$ all bird 4 the! #ere proud and trong and noble(hearted. The! did not love goblin " or $ear the%. 6hen the! took an! noti)e o$ the% at all .#hi)h #a eldo%" $or the! did not eat u)h )reature /" the! #ooped on the% and drove the% hrieking ba)k to their )ave " and topped #hatever #i)kedne the! #ere doing. The goblin hated the eagle and $eared the%" but )ould not rea)h their lo$t! eat " or drive the% $ro% the %ountain . Tonight the @ord o$ the Eagle #a $illed #ith )urio it! to kno# #hat #a a$oot4 o he u%%oned %an! other eagle to hi%" and the! $le# a#a! $ro% the %ountain " and lo#l! )ir)ling ever round and round the! )a%e do#n" do#n" do#n to#ard the ring o$ the #olve and the %eeting(pla)e o$ the goblin . A ver! good thing too; Dread$ul thing had been going on do#n there. The #olve that had )aught $ire and $led into the $ore t had et it alight in everal pla)e . It #a high u%%er" and on thi ea tern ide o$ the %ountain there had been little rain $or o%e ti%e. Yello#ing bra)ken" $allen bran)he " deep(piled pine(needle " and here and there dead tree " #ere oon in $la%e . All round the )learing o$ the 6arg $ire #a leaping. 0ut the #ol$(guard did not leave the tree . 7addened and angr! the! #ere leaping and ho#ling round the trunk " and )ur ing the d#arve in their horrible language" #ith their tongue hanging out" and their e!e hining a red and $ier)e a the $la%e . Then uddenl! goblin )a%e running up !elling. The! thought a battle #ith the #ood%en #a going on4 but the! goon learned #hat had reall! happened. 8o%e o$ the% a)tuall! at do#n and laughed. 5ther #aved their pear and )la hed the ha$t again t their hield . :oblin are not a$raid o$ $ire" and the! oon had a plan #hi)h ee%ed to the% %o t a%u ing. 8o%e got all the #olve together in a pa)k. 8o%e ta)ked $ern and bru h#ood round the tree(trunk . 5ther ru hed round and ta%ped and beat" and beat and ta%ped" until nearl! all the $la%e #ere put out(but the! did not put out the $ire neare t to the tree #here the d#arve #ere. That $ire the! $ed #ith leave and dead bran)he and bra)ken. 8oon the! had a ring o$ %oke and $la%e all round the d#arve " a ring #hi)h the! kept $ro% preading out#ard 4 but it )lo ed lo#l! in" till the running $ire #a li)king the $uel piled under the tree . 8%oke #a in 0ilbo1 e!e " he )ould $eel the heat o$ the $la%e 4 and through the reek he )ould ee the goblin dan)ing round and round in a )ir)le like people round a %id u%%er bon$ire. 5ut ide the ring o$ dan)ing #arrior #ith pear and a*e tood the #olve at a re pe)t$ul di tan)e" #at)hing and #aiting. -e )ould hear the goblin beginning a horrible ong' Ci$teen bird in $ive $irtree " their $eather #ere $anned in a $ier! bree&e; 0ut" $unn! little bird " the! had no #ing ; 43

5 #hat hall #e do #ith the $unn! little thing 3 Roa t 1e% alive" or te# the% in a pot4 $r! the%" boil the% and eat the% hot3 Then the! topped and houted out' <Cl! a#a! little bird ; Cl! a#a! i$ !ou )an; Co%e do#n little bird " or !ou #ill get roa ted in !our ne t ; 8ing" ing little bird ; 6h! don1t !ou ing3= <:o a#a!; little bo! ;= houted :andal$ in an #er. <It i n1t bird(ne ting ti%e. Al o naught! little bo! that pla! #ith $ire get puni hed.= -e aid it to %ake the% angr!" and to ho# the% he #a not $rightened o$ the%(though o$ )our e he #a " #i&ard though he #a . 0ut the! took no noti)e" and the! #ent on inging. 0urn" burn tree and $ern; 8hrivel and )or)h; A $i&&ling tor)h To light the night $or our delight" Ya he!; 0ake and toa t 1e%" $r! and roa t 1e% till beard bla&e" and e!e gla&e4 till hair %ell and kin )ra)k" $at %elt " and bone bla)k in )inder lie beneath the k!; 8o d#arve hall die" and light the night $or our delight" Ya he!; Ya(harri(he!l Ya ho!; And #ith that Ya ho!; the $la%e #ere under :andal$? tree. In a %o%ent it pread to the other . The bark )aught $ire" the lo#er bran)he )ra)ked. Then :andal$ )li%bed to the top o$ hi tree. The udden plendour $la hed $ro% hi #and like lightning" a he got read! to pring do#n $ro% on high right a%ong the pear o$ the goblin . That #ould have been the end o$ hi%" though he #ould probabl! have killed %an! o$ the% a he )a%e hurtling do#n like a thunderbolt. 0ut he never leaped. Ju t at that %o%ent the @ord o$ the Eagle #ept do#n $ro% above" ei&ed hi% in hi talon " and #a gone. There #a a ho#l o$ anger and urpri e $ro% the goblin . @oud )ried the @ord o$ the Eagle " to #ho% :andal$ had no# poken. 0a)k #ept the great bird that #ere #ith hi%" and do#n the! )a%e like huge bla)k hado# . The #olve !a%%ered and gna hed their teeth4 the goblin !elled and ta%ped #ith rage" and $lung their heav! pear in the air in vain. 5ver the% #ooped the eagle 4 the dark ru h o$ their beating #ing %ote the% to the $loor or drove the% $ar a#a!4 their talon tore at goblin $a)e . 5ther bird $le# to the tree(top and ei&ed the d#arve " #ho #ere )ra%bling up no# a $ar a ever the! dared to go. Poor little 0ilbo #a ver! nearl! le$t behind again; -e 9u t %anaged to )at)h hold o$ Dori1 leg " a Dori #a borne o$$ la t o$ all4 and the! #ent together above the tu%ult and the burning" 0ilbo #inging in the air #ith hi ar% nearl! breaking. No# $ar belo# the goblin and the #olve #ere )attering $ar and #ide in the #ood . A $e# eagle #ere till )ir)ling and #eeping above the battle(ground. The $la%e about the tree prang uddenl! up above the highe t bran)he . The! #ent up in )ra)kling $ire. There #a a udden $lurr! o$ park and %oke. 0ilbo had e )aped onl! 9u t in ti%e; 8oon the light o$ the burning #a $aint belo#" a red t#inkle on the bla)k $loor4 and the! #ere high up in the k!" ri ing all the ti%e in trong #eeping )ir)le . 0ilbo never $orgot that $light" )linging onto Dori1 ankle . -e %oaned <%! ar% " %! ar% ;=4 but Dori groaned <%! poor leg " %! poor leg ;=


At the be t o$ ti%e height %ade 0ilbo gidd!. -e u ed to turn ,ueer i$ he looked over the edge o$ ,uite a little )li$$4 and he had never liked ladder " let alone tree .never having had to e )ape $ro% #olve be$ore/. 8o !ou )an i%agine ho# hi head #a% no#" #hen he looked do#n bet#een hi dangling toe and a# the dark land opening #ide underneath hi%" tou)hed here and there #ith the light o$ the %oon on a hill( ide ro)k or a trea% in the plain . The pale peak o$ the %ountain #ere )o%ing nearer" %oonlit pike o$ ro)k ti)king out o$ bla)k hado# . 8u%%er or not" it ee%ed ver! )old. -e hut hi e!e and #ondered i$ he )ould hold on an! longer. Then he i%agined #hat #ould happen i$ he did not. -e $elt i)k. The $light ended onl! 9u t in ti%e $or hi%" 9u t be$ore hi ar% gave #a!. -e loo ed Dori1 ankle #ith a ga p and $ell onto the rough plat$or% o$ an eagle1 e!rie. There he la! #ithout peaking" and hi thought #ere a %i*ture o$ urpri e at being aved $ro% the $ire" and $ear le t he $ell o$$ that narro# pla)e into the deep hado# on either ide. -e #a $eeling ver! ,ueer indeed in hi head b! thi ti%e a$ter the dread$ul adventure o$ the la t three da! #ith ne*t to nothing to eat" and he $ound hi% el$ a!ing aloud' <No# I kno# #hat a pie)e o$ ba)on $eel like #hen it i uddenl! pi)ked out o$ the pan on a $ork and put ba)k on the hel$;= <No !ou don1t;= be heard Dori an #ering" <be)au e the ba)on kno# that it #ill get ba)k in the pan ooner or later4 and it i to be hoped #e han1t. Al o eagle aren1t $ork ;= <5 no; Not a bit like tork ($ork " I %ean"= aid 0ilbo itting up and looking an*iou l! at the eagle #ho #a per)hed )lo e b!. -e #ondered #hat other non en e he had been a!ing" and i$ the eagle #ould think it rude. You ought not to be rude to an eagle" #hen !ou are onl! the i&e o$ a hobbit" and are up in hi e!rie at night; The eagle onl! harpened hi beak on a tone and tri%%ed hi $eather and took no noti)e. 8oon another eagle $le# up. <The @ord o$ the Eagle bid !ou to bring !our pri oner to the :reat 8hel$"= he )ried and #a o$$ again. The other ei&ed Dori in hi )la# and $le# a#a! #ith hi% into the night leaving 0ilbo all alone. -e had 9u t trength to #onder #hat the %e enger had %eant b! 1pri oner "1 and to begin to think o$ being torn up $or upper like a rabbit" #hen hi o#n turn )a%e. The eagle )a%e ba)k" ei&ed hi% in hi talon b! the ba)k o$ hi )oat" and #ooped o$$. Thi ti%e he $le# onl! a hort #a!. >er! oon 0ilbo #a laid do#n" tre%bling #ith $ear" on a #ide hel$ o$ ro)k on the %ountain( ide. There #a no path do#n on to it ave b! $l!ing4 and no path do#n o$$ it e*)ept b! 9u%ping over a pre)ipi)e. There he $ound all the other itting #ith their ba)k to the %ountain #all. The @ord o$ the Eagle al o #a there and #a peaking to :andal$. It ee%ed that 0ilbo #a not going to be eaten a$ter all. The #i&ard and the eagle(lord appeared to kno# one another lightl!" and even to be on $riendl! ter% . A a %atter o$ $a)t :andal$" #ho had o$ten been in the %ountain " had on)e rendered a ervi)e to the eagle and healed their lord $ro% an arro#(#ound. 8o !ou ee 1pri oner 1 had %eant 1pri oner re )ued $ro% the goblin 1 onl!" and not )aptive o$ the eagle . A 0ilbo li tened to the talk o$ :andal$ he reali&ed that at la t the! #ere going to e )ape reall! and trul! $ro% the dread$ul %ountain . -e #a di )u ing plan #ith the :reat Eagle $or )arr!ing the d#arve and hi% el$ and 0ilbo $ar a#a! and etting the% do#n #ell on their 9ourne! a)ro the plain belo#. The @ord o$ the Eagle #ould not take the% an!#here near #here %en lived. <The! #ould hoot at u #ith their great bo# o$ !e#"= he aid" <$or the! #ould think #e #ere a$ter their heep. And at other ti%e the! #ould be right. No; #e are glad to )heat the goblin o$ their port" and glad to repa! our thank to !ou" but #e #ill not ri k our elve $or d#arve in the outh#ard plain .= <>er! #ell"= aid :andal$. <Take u #here and a $ar a !ou #ill; 6e are alread! deepl! obliged to !ou. 0ut in the %eanti%e #e are $a%i hed #ith hunger.= <I a% nearl! dead o$ it"= aid 0ilbo in a #eak little voi)e that nobod! heard. <That )an perhap be %ended"= aid the @ord o$ the Eagle . @ater on !ou %ight have een a bright $ire on the hel$ o$ ro)k and the $igure o$ the d#arve round it )ooking and %aking a $ine roa ting %ell. The eagle had brought up dr! bough $or $uel" and the! had brought rabbit " hare " and a %all heep. The d#arve %anaged all the preparation . 0ilbo #a too #eak to help" and an!#a! he #a not %u)h good at kinning rabbit or )utting up %eat" being u ed to having it delivered b! the but)her all read! to )ook. :andal$" too" #a l!ing do#n a$ter doing hi part in 45

etting the $ire going" in)e 5in and :loin had lo t their tinder(bo*e . .D#arve have never taken to %at)he even !et./ 8o ended the adventure o$ the 7i t! 7ountain . 8oon 0ilbo1 to%a)h #a $eeling $ull and )o%$ortable again" and he $elt he )ould leep )ontentedl!" though reall! he #ould have liked a loa$ and butter better than bit o$ %eat toa ted on ti)k . -e lept )urled up on the hard ro)k %ore oundl! than ever he had done on hi $eather(bed in hi o#n little hole at ho%e. 0ut all night he drea%ed o$ hi o#n hou e and #andered in hi leep into all hi di$$erent roo% looking $or o%ething that he )ould not $ind nor re%e%ber #hat it looked like.


Chapter Q DUEER @5D:IN:8 The ne*t %orning 0ilbo #oke up #ith the earl! un in hi e!e . -e 9u%ped up to look at the ti%e and to go and put hi kettle on(and $ound he #a not ho%e at all. 8o he at do#n and #i hed in vain $or a #a h and a bru h. -e did not get either" nor tea nor toa t nor ba)on $or hi break$a t" onl! )old %utton and rabbit. And a$ter that he had to get read! $or a $re h tart. Thi ti%e he #a allo#ed to )li%b on to an eagle1 ba)k and )ling bet#een hi #ing . The air ru hed over hi% and he hut hi e!e . The d#arve #ere )r!ing $are#ell and pro%i ing to repa! the lord o$ the eagle i$ ever the! )ould" a o$$ ro e $i$teen great bird $ro% the %ountain1 ide. The un #a till )lo e to the ea tern edge o$ thing . The %orning #a )ool" and %i t #ere in the valle! and hollo# and t#ined here and there about the peak and pinna)le o$ the hill . 0ilbo opened an e!e to peep and a# that the bird #ere alread! high up and the #orld #a $ar a#a!" and the %ountain #ere $alling ba)k behind the% into the di tan)e. -e hut hi e!e again and held on tighter. <Don1t pin)h;= aid hi eagle. <You need not be $rightened like a rabbit" even i$ !ou look rather like one. It i a $air %orning #ith little #ind. 6hat i $iner than $l!ing3= 0ilbo #ould have liked to a!' <A #ar% bath and late break$a t on the la#n a$ter#ard 4= but he thought it better to a! nothing at all" and to let go hi )lut)h 9u t a tin! bit. A$ter a good #hile the eagle %u t have een the point the! #ere %aking $or" 1even $ro% their great height" $or the! began to go do#n )ir)ling round in great piral . The! did thi $or a long #hile" and at la t the hobbit opened hi e!e again. The earth #a %u)h nearer" and belo# the% #ere tree that looked like oak and el% " and #ide gra land " and a river running through it all. 0ut )ropping out o$ the ground" right in the path o$ the trea% #hi)h looped it el$ about it" #a a great ro)k" al%o t a hill o$ tone" like a la t outpo t o$ the di tant %ountain " or a huge pie)e )a t %ile into the plain b! o%e giant a%ong giant . Dui)kl! no# to the top o$ thi ro)k the eagle #ooped one b! one and et do#n their pa enger . <Care#ell;= the! )ried" <#herever !ou $are" till !our e!rie re)eive !ou at the 9ourne!1 end;= That i the polite thing to a! a%ong eagle . <7a! the #ind under !our #ing bear !ou #here the un ail and the %oon #alk "= an #ered :andal$" #ho kne# the )orre)t repl!. And o the! parted. And though the lord o$ the eagle be)a%e in a$ter da! the Bing o$ All 0ird and #ore a golden )ro#n" and hi $i$teen )hie$tain golden )ollar .%ade o$ the gold that the d#arve gave the%/" 0ilbo never a# the% again(e*)ept high and $ar o$$ in the battle o$ Cive Ar%ie . 0ut a that )o%e in at the end o$ thi tale #e #ill a! no %ore about it 9u t no#. There #a a $lat pa)e on the top o$ the hill o$ tone and a #ell #orn path #ith %an! tep leading do#n it to the river" a)ro #hi)h a $ord o$ huge $lat tone led to the gra (land be!ond the trea%. There #a a little )ave .a #hole o%e one #ith a pebbl! $loor/ at the $oot o$ the tep and near the end o$ the ton! $ord. -ere the part! gathered and di )u ed #hat #a to be done. <I al#a! %eant to ee !ou all a$e .i$ po ible/ over the %ountain "= aid the #i&ard" <and no# b! good %anage%ent and good lu)k I have done it. Indeed #e are no# a good deal $urther ea t than I ever %eant to )o%e #ith !ou" $or a$ter all thi i not %! adventure. I %a! look in on it again be$ore it i all over" but in the %ean#hile I have o%e other pre ing bu ine to attend to.= The d#arve groaned and looked %o t di tre ed" and 0ilbo #ept. The! had begun to think :andal$ #a going in )o%e all the #a! and #ould al#a! be there to help the% out o$ di$$i)ultie . <I a% not going to di appear thi ver! in tant"= aid he. <I )an give !ou a da! or t#o %ore. Probabl! I )an help !ou out o$ !our pre ent plight" and I need a little help %! el$. 6e have no $ood" and no baggage" and no ponie to ride4 and !ou don1t kno# #here !ou are. No# I )an tell !ou that. You are till o%e %ile north o$ the path #hi)h #e hould have been $ollo#ing" i$ #e had not le$t the %ountain pa in a hurr!. >er! $e# people live in the e part " unle the! have )o%e here in)e I #a la t do#n


thi #a!" #hi)h i o%e !ear ago. 0ut there i o%ebod! that I kno# o$" #ho live not $ar a#a!. That 8o%ebod! %ade the tep on the great ro)k(the Carro)k I believe he )all it. -e doe not )o%e here o$ten" )ertainl! not in the da!ti%e" and it i no good #aiting $or hi%. In $a)t it #ould be ver! dangerou . 6e %u t go and $ind hi%4 and i$ all goe #ell at our %eeting" I think I hall be o$$ and #i h !ou like the eagle 1$are#ell #herever !ou $are;1 < The! begged hi% not to leave the%. The! o$$ered hi% dragon(gold and ilver and 9e#el " but he #ould not )hange hi %ind. <6e hall ee" #e hall ee;= he aid" <and I think I have earned alread! o%e o$ !our dragon(gold+#hen !ou have got it.= A$ter that the! topped pleading. Then the! took o$$ their )lothe and bathed in the river" #hi)h #a hallo# and )lear and ton! at the $ord. 6hen the! had dried in the un" #hi)h #a no# trong and #ar%" the! #ere re$re hed" i$ till ore and a little hungr!. 8oon the! )ro ed the $ord .)arr!ing the hobbit/" and then began to %ar)h through the long green gra and do#n the line o$ the #ide(ar%ed oak and the tall el% . <And #h! i it )alled the Carro)k3= a ked 0ilbo a he #ent along at the #i&ard1 ide. <-e )alled it the Carro)k" be)au e )arro)k i hi #ord $or it. -e )all thing like that )arro)k " and thi one i the Carro)k be)au e it i the onl! one near hi ho%e and he kno# it #ell.= <6ho )all it3 6ho kno# it3= <The 8o%ebod! I poke o$(a ver! great per on. You %u t all be ver! polite #hen I introdu)e !ou. I hall introdu)e !ou lo#l!" t#o b! t#o" I think4 and !ou %u t be )are$ul not to anno! hi%" or heaven kno# #hat #ill happen. -e )an be appalling #hen he i angr!" though he i kind enough i$ hu%oured. 8till I #arn !ou he get angr! ea il!.= The d#arve all gathered round #hen the! heard the #i&ard talking like thi to 0ilbo. <I that the per on !ou are taking u to no#3= the! a ked. <Couldn1t !ou $ind o%eone %ore ea !(te%pered3 -adn1t !ou better e*plain it all a bit )learer3G(and o on. <Ye it )ertainl! i ; No I )ould not; And I #a e*plaining ver! )are$ull!"= an #ered the #i&ard )ro l!. <I$ !ou %u t kno# %ore" hi na%e i 0eorn. -e i ver! trong" and he i a kin()hanger.= <6hat; a $urrier" a %an that )all rabbit )onie " #hen he doe n1t turn their kin into ,uirrel 3= a ked 0ilbo. <:ood gra)iou heaven " no" no" N5" N5;= aid :andal$. <Don1t be a $ool 7r. 0aggin i$ !ou )an help it4 and in the na%e o$ all #onder don1t %ention the #ord $urrier again a long a !ou are #ithin a hundred %ile o$ hi hou e" nor" rug" )ape" tippet" %u$$" nor an! other u)h un$ortunate #ord; -e i a kin()hanger. -e )hange hi kin4 o%eti%e he i a huge bla)k bear" o%eti%e he i a great trong bla)k(haired %an #ith huge ar% and a great beard. I )annot tell !ou %u)h %ore" though that ought to be enough. 8o%e a! that he i a bear de )ended $ro% the great and an)ient bear o$ the %ountain that lived there be$ore the giant )a%e. 5ther a! that he i a %an de )ended $ro% the $ir t %en #ho lived be$ore 8%aug or the other dragon )a%e into thi part o$ the #orld" and be$ore the goblin )a%e into the hill out o$ the North. I )annot a!" though I $an)! the la t i the true tale. -e i not the ort o$ per on to a k ,ue tion o$. <At an! rate he i under no en)hant%ent but hi o#n. -e live in an oak(#ood and ha a great #ooden hou e4 and a a %an he keep )attle and hor e #hi)h are nearl! i %arvellou a hi% el$. The! #ork $or hi% and talk to hi%. -e doe not eat the%4 neither doe he hunt or eat #ild ani%al . -e keep hive and hive o$ great $ier)e bee " and live %o t on )rea% and hone!. A a bear he range $ar and #ide. I on)e a# hi% itting all alone on the top o$ the Carro)k at night #at)hing the %oon inking to#ard the 7i t! 7ountain " and I heard hi% gro#l in the tongue o$ bear 4 1The da! #ill )o%e #hen the! #ill peri h and I hall go ba)k;1 That i #h! I believe he on)e )a%e $ro% the %ountain hi% el$.= 0ilbo and the d#arve had no# plent! to think about" and the! a ked no %ore ,ue tion . The! till had a long #a! to #alk be$ore the%. Up lope and do#n dale the! plodded. It gre# ver! hot. 8o%eti%e the! re ted under the tree " and then 0ilbo $elt o hungr! that he #ould have eaten a)orn " i$ an! had been ripe enough !et to have $allen to the ground. 48

It #a the %iddle o$ the a$ternoon be$ore the! noti)ed that great pat)he o$ $lo#er had begun to pring up" all the a%e kind gro#ing together a i$ the! had been planted. E pe)iall! there #a )lover" #aving pat)he o$ )o)k )o%b )lover" and purple )lover" and #ide tret)he o$ hort #hite #eet hone!( %elling )lover. There #a a bu&&ing and a #hirring and a droning in the air. 0ee #ere bu ! ever!#here. And u)h bee ; 0ilbo had never een an!thing like the%. <I$ one #a to ting %e"= he thought" <I hould #ell up a big again a I a%;= The! #ere bigger than hornet . The drone #ere bigger than !our thu%b" a good deal" and the band o$ !ello# on their deep bla)k bodie hone like $ier! gold. <6e are getting near"= aid :andal$. <6e are on the edge o$ hi bee(pa ture .= A$ter a #hile the! )a%e to a belt o$ tall and ver! an)ient oak " and be!ond the e to a high thorn(hedge through #hi)h !ou )ould neither ee nor )ra%ble. <You had better #ait here"= aid the #i&ard to the d#arve 4 <and #hen I )all or #hi tle begin to )o%e a$ter %e+ !ou #ill ee the #a! I go(but onl! in pair " %ind" about $ive %inute bet#een ea)h pair o$ !ou. 0o%bur i $atte t and #ill do $or t#o" he had better )o%e alone and la t. Co%e on 7r. 0aggin ; There i a gate o%e#here round thi #a!.= And #ith that he #ent o$$ along the hedge taking the $rightened hobbit #ith hi%. The! oon )a%e to a #ooden gate" high and broad" be!ond #hi)h the! )ould ee garden and a )lu ter o$ lo# #ooden building " o%e that)hed and %ade o$ un haped log 4 barn " table " hed " and a long lo# #ooden hou e. In ide on the outh#ard ide o$ the great hedge #ere ro# and ro# o$ hive #ith bell( haped top %ade o$ tra#. The noi e o$ the giant bee $l!ing to and $ro and )ra#ling in and out $illed all the air. The #i&ard and the hobbit pu hed open the heav! )reaking gate and #ent do#n a #ide tra)k to#ard the hou e. 8o%e hor e " ver! leek and #ell(groo%ed" trotted up a)ro the gra and looked at the% intentl! #ith ver! intelligent $a)e 4 then o$$ the! galloped to the building . <The! have gone to tell hi% o$ the arrival o$ tranger "= aid :andal$. 8oon the! rea)hed a )ourt!ard" three #all o$ #hi)h #ere $or%ed b! the #ooden hou e and it t#o long #ing . In the %iddle there #a l!ing a great oak(trunk #ith %an! lopped bran)he be ide it. 8tanding near #a a huge %an #ith a thi)k bla)k beard and1 hair" and great bare ar% and leg #ith knotted %u )le . -e #a )lothed in a tuni) o$ #ool do#n to hi knee " and #a leaning on a large a*e. The hor e #ere tanding b! hi% #ith their no e at hi houlder. <Ugh; here the! are;= he aid to the hor e . <The! don1t look dangerou . You )an be o$$;= -e laughed a great rolling laugh" put do#n hi a*e and )a%e $or#ard. <6ho are !ou and #hat do !ou #ant3= he a ked gru$$l!" tanding in $ront o$ the% and to#ering tall above :andal$. A $or 0ilbo he )ould ea il! have trotted through hi leg #ithout du)king hi head to %i the $ringe o$ the %an1 bro#n tuni). <I a% :andal$"= aid the #i&ard. <Never heard o$ hi%"= gro#led the %an" <And #hat1 thi little $ello#3= he aid" tooping do#n to $ro#n at the hobbit #ith hi bu h! e!ebro# . <That i 7r. 0aggin " a hobbit o$ good $a%il! and uni%pea)hable reputation"= aid :andal$. 0ilbo bo#ed. -e had no hat to take o$$" and #a pain$ull! )on )iou o$ hi %an! %i ing button . <I a% a #i&ard"= )ontinued :andal$. <I have heard o$ !ou" i$ !ou have not heard o$ %e4 but perhap !ou have heard o$ %! good )ou in Radaga t #ho live near the 8outhern border o$ 7irk#ood3= <Ye 4 not a bad $ello# a #i&ard go" I believe. I u ed to ee hi% no# and again"= aid 0eorn. <6ell" no# I kno# #ho !ou are" or #ho !ou a! !ou are. 6hat do !ou #ant3= <To tell !ou the truth" #e have lo t our luggage and nearl! lo t our #a!" and are rather in need o$ help" or at lea t advi)e. I %a! a! #e have had rather a bad ti%e #ith goblin in the %ountain .= <:oblin 3= aid the big %an le gru$$l!. <5 ho" o !ou1ve been having trouble #ith the% have !ou3 6hat did !ou go near the% $or3= <6e did not %ean to. The! urpri ed u at night in a pa #hi)h #e had to )ro " #e #ere )o%ing out o$ the @and over 6e t into the e )ountrie (it i a long tale.=


<Then !ou had better )o%e in ide and tell %e o%e o$ it" i$ it #on1t take all da!"= aid the %an leading the #a! through a dark door that opened out o$ the )ourt!ard into the hou e. Collo#ing hi% the! $ound the% elve in a #ide hall #ith a $ire(pla)e in the %iddle. Though it #a u%%er there #a a #ood($ire burning and the %oke #a ri ing to the bla)kened ra$ter in ear)h o$ the #a! out through an opening in the roo$. The! pa ed through thi di% hall" lit onl! b! the $ire and the hole above it" and )a%e through another %aller door into a ort o$ veranda propped on #ooden po t %ade o$ ingle tree(trunk . It $a)ed outh and #a till #ar% and $illed #ith the light o$ the #e tering un #hi)h lanted into it" and $ell golden on the garden $ull o$ $lo#er that )a%e right up to the tep . -ere the! at on #ooden ben)he #hile :andal$ began hi tale" and 0ilbo #ung hi dangling leg and looked at the $lo#er in the garden" #ondering #hat their na%e )ould be" a he had never een hal$ o$ the% be$ore. <I #a )o%ing over the %ountain #ith a $riend or t#o2= aid the #i&ard. <5r t#o3 I )an onl! ee one" and a little one at that"= aid 0eorn. <6ell to tell !ou the truth" I did not like to bother !ou #ith a lot o$ u " until I $ound out i$ !ou #ere bu !. I #ill give a )all" i$ I %a!.= <:o on" )all a#a!;= 8o :andal$ gave a long hrill #hi tle" and pre entl! Thorin and Dori )a%e round the hou e b! the garden path and tood bo#ing lo# be$ore the%. <5ne or three !ou %eant" I ee;= aid 0eorn. <0ut the e aren1t hobbit " the! are d#arve ;= <Thorin 5aken hield" at !our ervi)e; Dori at !our ervi)e;= aid the t#o d#arve bo#ing again. <I don1t need !our ervi)e" thank !ou"= aid 0eorn" <but I e*pe)t !ou need %ine. I a% not over $ond o$ d#arve 4 but i$ it i true !ou are Thorin . on o$ Thrain" on o$ Thror" I believe/" and that !our )o%panion i re pe)table" and that !ou are ene%ie o$ goblin and are not up to an! %i )hie$ in %! land (#hat are !ou up to" b! the #a!3= <The! are on their #a! to vi it the land o$ their $ather " a#a! ea t be!ond 7irk#ood"= put in :andal$" <and it i entirel! an a))ident that #e are in !our land at all. 6e #ere )ro ing b! the -igh Pa that hould have brought u to the road that lie to the outh o$ !our )ountr!" #hen #e #ere atta)ked b! the evil goblin (a I #a about to tell !ou.= <:o on telling" then;= aid 0eorn" #ho #a never ver! polite. <There #a a terrible tor%4 the tone(giant #ere out hurling ro)k " and at the head o$ the pa #e took re$uge in a )ave" the hob bit and I and everal o$ our )o%panion 2= <Do !ou )all t#o everal3= <6ell" no. A a %atter o$ $a)t there #ere %ore than t#o.= <6here are the!3 Billed" eaten" gone ho%e3= <6ell" no. The! don1t ee% all to have )o%e #hen I #hi tled. 8h!" I e*pe)t. You ee" #e are ver! %u)h a$raid that #e are rather a lot $or !ou to entertain.= <:o on" #hi tle again; I a% in $or a part!" it ee% " and one or t#o %ore #on1t %ake %u)h di$$eren)e"= gro#led 0eorn. :andal$ #hi tled again4 but Nori and 5ri #ere there al%o t be$ore he had topped" $or" i$ !ou re%e%ber" :andal$ had told the% to )o%e in pair ever! $ive %inute . <-ullo;= aid 0eorn. <You )a%e prett! ,ui)k(#here #ere !ou hiding3 Co%e on %! 9a)k(in(the(bo*e ;= <Nori at !our ervi)e" 5ri at . . .= the! began4 but 0eorn interrupted the%. <Thank !ou; 6hen I #ant !our help I #ill a k $or it. 8it do#n" and let1 get on #ith thi tale" or it #ill be upper(ti%e be$ore it i ended.= <A oon a #e #ere a leep"= #ent on :andal$" <a )ra)k at the ba)k o$ the )ave opened4 goblin )a%e out and grabbed the hobbit and the d#arve and our troop o$ ponie += <Troop o$ ponie 3 6hat #ere !ou(a travelling )ir)u 3 5r #ere !ou )arr!ing lot o$ good 3 5r do !ou al#a! )all i* a troop3= <5 no; A a %atter o$ $a)t there #ere %ore than i* ponie " $or there #ere %ore than i* o$ u (and #ell" here are t#o %ore;= Ju t at that %o%ent 0alin and D#alin appeared and bo#ed o lo# that their beard #ept the tone $loor. The big %an #a $ro#ning at $ir t" but the! did their ver! be t to be $right$ull! polite" and kept on nodding and bending 50

and bo#ing and #aving their hood be$ore their knee .in proper d#ar$($a hion/" till he topped $ro#ning and bur t into a )hu)kling laugh4 the! looked o )o%i)al. <Troop" #a right"= he aid. <A $ine )o%i) one. Co%e in %! %err! %en" and #hat are !our na%e 3 I don1t #ant !our ervi)e 9u t no#" onl! !our na%e 4 and then it do#n and top #agging;= <0alin and D#alin"= the! aid not daring to be o$$ended" and at $lop on the $loor looking rather urpri ed. <No# go on again;= aid 0eorn to the #i&ard. <6here #a J3 5 !e + I #a not grabbed. I killed a goblin or t#o #ith a $la h+= <:ood;= gro#led 0eorn. <It i o%e good being a #i&ard" then.= <+and lipped in ide the )ra)k be$ore it )lo ed. I $ollo#ed do#n into the %ain hall" #hi)h #a )ro#ded #ith goblin . The :reat :oblin #a there #ith thirt! or $ort! ar%ed guard . I thought to %! el$ 1even i$ the! #ere not all )hained together" #hat )an a do&en do again t o %an!31 < <A do&en; That1 the $ir t ti%e I1ve heard eight )alled a do&en. 5r have !ou till got o%e %ore 9a)k that haven1t !et )o%e out o$ their bo*e 3= <6ell" !e " there ee% to be a )ouple %ore here no#+Cili and Bili" I believe"= aid :andal$" a the e t#o no# appeared and tood %iling and bo#ing. <That1 enough;= aid 0eorn. <8it do#n and be ,uiet; No# go on" :andal$;= 8o :andal$ #ent on #ith the tale" until he )a%e to the $ight in the dark" the di )over! o$ the lo#er gate" and their horror #hen the! $ound that 7r. 0aggin had been %i laid. <6e )ounted our elve and $ound that there #a no hobbit. There #ere onl! $ourteen o$ u le$t;= <Courteen; That1 the $ir t ti%e I1ve heard one $ro% ten leave $ourteen. You %ean nine" or el e !ou haven1t told %e !et all the na%e o$ !our part!.= <6ell" o$ )our e !ou haven1t een 5in and :loin !et. And" ble %e; here the! are. I hope !ou #ill $orgive the% $or bothering !ou.= <5 let 1e% all )o%e; -urr! up; Co%e along" !ou t#o" and it do#n; 0ut look here" :andal$" even no# #e have onl! got !our el$ and ten d#arve and the hobbit that #a lo t. That onl! %ake eleven .plu one %i laid/ and not $ourteen" unle #i&ard )ount di$$erentl! to other people. 0ut no# plea e get on #ith the tale.= 0eorn did not ho# it %ore than he )ould help" but reall! he had begun to get ver! intere ted. You ee" in the old da! he had kno#n the ver! part o$ the %ountain that :andal$ #a de )ribing. -e nodded and he gro#led" #hen he heard o$ the hobbit1 reappearan)e and o$ their )ra%ble do#n the tone( lide and o$ the #ol$(ring % the #ood . 6hen :andal$ )a%e to their )li%bing into tree #ith the #olve all underneath" he got up and trode about and %uttered' <I #i h I had been there; I #ould have given the% %ore than $ire#ork ;= <6ell"= aid :andal$ ver! glad to ee that hi tale #a %aking a good i%pre ion" <I did the be t I )ould. There #e #ere #ith the #olve going %ad underneath u and the $ore t beginning to bla&e in pla)e " #hen the goblin )a%e do#n $ro% the hill and di )overed u . The! !elled #ith delight and ang ong %aking $un o$ u . Ci$teen bird in $ive $ir(tree 2= <:ood heaven ;= gro#led 0eorn. <Don1t pretend that goblin )an1t )ount. The! )an. T#elve i n1t $i$teen and the! kno# it.= <And o do J. There #ere 0i$ur and 0o$ur a #ell. I haven1t ventured to introdu)e the% be$ore" but here the! are.= In )a%e 0i$ur and 0o$ur. <And %e;= ga ped 0o%bur pulling up behind. -e #a $at" and al o angr! at being le$t till la t. -e re$u ed to #ait $ive %inute " and $ollo#ed i%%ediatel! a$ter the other t#o. <6ell" no# there are $i$teen o$ !ou4 and in)e goblin )an )ount" I uppo e that i all that there #ere up the tree . No# perhap #e )an $ini h thi tor! #ithout an! %ore interruption .= 7r. 0aggin a# then ho# )lever :andal$ had been. The interruption had reall! %ade 0eorn %ore intere ted in the tor!" and the tor! had kept hi% $ro% ending the d#arve o$$ at on)e like u pi)iou beggar . -e never invited people into hi hou e" i$ he )ould help it. -e had ver! $e# $riend and the! lived a good #a! a#a!4 and he never invited %ore than a )ouple o$ the e to hi hou e at a ti%e. No# he had got $i$teen tranger itting in hi por)h;


0! the ti%e the #i&ard had $ini hed hi tale and had told o$ the eagle 1 re )ue and o$ ho# the! had all been brought to the Carro)k" the un had $allen behind the peak o$ the 7i t! 7ountain and the hado# #ere long in 0eorn1 garden. <A ver! good tale;= aid he. <The be t I have heard $or a long #hile. I$ all beggar )ould tell u)h a good one" the! %ight $ind %e kinder. You %a! be %aking it all up" o$ )our e" but !ou de erve a upper $or the tor! all the a%e. @et1 have o%ething to eat;= <Ye " plea e;= the! all aid together. <Thank !ou ver! %u)h;= In ide the hall it #a no# ,uite dark. 0eorn )lapped hi hand " and in trotted $our beauti$ul #hite ponie and everal large long(bodied gre! dog . 0eorn aid o%ething to the% in a ,ueer language like ani%al noi e turned into talk. The! #ent out again and oon )a%e ba)k )arr!ing tor)he in their %outh " #hi)h the! lit at the $ire and tu)k in lo# bra)ket on the pillar o$ the hall about the )entral hearth. The dog )ould tand on their hind(leg #hen the! #i hed" and )arr! thing #ith their $ore($eet. Dui)kl! the! got out board and tre tle $ro% the ide #all and et the% up near the $ire. Then baa(baa(baa; #a heard" and in )a%e o%e no#(#hite heep led b! a large )oal(bla)k ra%. 5ne bore a #hite )loth e%broidered at the edge #ith $igure o$ ani%al 4 other bore on their broad ba)k tra! #ith bo#l and platter and knive and #ooden poon " #hi)h the dog took and ,ui)kl! laid on the tre tle table . The e #ere ver! lo#" lo# enough even $or 0ilbo to it at )o%$ortabl!. 0e ide the% a pon! pu hed t#o lo#( eated ben)he #ith #ide ru h(botto% and little hort thi)k leg $or :andal$ and Thorin" #hile at the $ar end he put 0eorn1 big bla)k )hair o$ the a%e ort .in #hi)h he at #ith hi great leg tu)k $ar out under the table/. The e #ere all the )hair he had in hi hall" and he probabl! had the% lo# like the table $or the )onvenien)e o$ the #onder$ul ani%al that #aited on hi%. 6hat did the re t it on3 The! #ere not $orgotten. The other ponie )a%e in rolling round dru%( haped e)tion o$ log " %oothed and poli hed" and lo# enough even $or 0ilbo4 o oon the! #ere all eated at 0eorn1 table" and the hall had not een u)h a gathering $or %an! a !ear. There the! had a upper" or a dinner" u)h a the! had not had in)e the! le$t the @a t -o%el! -ou e in the 6e t and aid good(b!e to Elrond. The light o$ the tor)he and the $ire $li)kered about the%" and on the table #ere t#o tall red bee #a* )andle . All the ti%e the! ate" 0eorn in hi deep rolling voi)e told tale o$ the #ild land on thi ide o$ the %ountain " and e pe)iall! o$ the dark and dangerou #ood" that la! out tret)hed $ar to North and 8outh a da!1 ride be$ore the%" barring their #a! to the Ea t" the terrible $ore t o$ 7irk#ood. The d#arve li tened and hook their beard " $or the! kne# that the! %u t oon venture into that $ore t and that a$ter the %ountain it #a the #or t o$ the peril the! had to pa be$ore the! )a%e to the dragon1 tronghold. 6hen dinner #a over the! began to tell tale o$ their o#n" but 0eorn ee%ed to be gro#ing dro# ! and paid little heed to the%. The! poke %o t o$ gold and ilver and 9e#el and the %aking o$ thing b! %ith()ra$t" and 0eorn did not appear to )are $or u)h thing ' there #ere no thing o$ gold or ilver in hi hall" and $e# ave the knive #ere %ade o$ %etal at all. The! at long at the table #ith their #ooden drinking(bo#l $illed #ith %ead. The dark night )a%e on out ide. The $ire in the %iddle o$ the hall #ere built #ith $re h log and the tor)he #ere put out" and till the! at in the light o$ the dan)ing $la%e #ith the pillar o$ the hou e tanding tall behind the%" arid dark at the top like tree o$ the $ore t. 6hether it #a %agi) or not" it ee%ed to 0ilbo that he heard a ound like #ind in the bran)he tirring in the ra$ter " and the hoot o$ o#l . 8oon he began to nod #ith leep and the voi)e ee%ed to gro# $ar a#a!" until he #oke #ith a tart. The great door had )reaked and la%%ed. 0eorn #a gone. The d#arve #ere itting )ro (legged on the $loor round the $ire" and pre entl! the! began to ing. 8o%e o$ the ver e #ere like thi " but there #ere %an! %ore" and their inging #ent on $or a long #hile' The #ind #a on the #ithered heath" but in the $ore t tirred no lea$' there hado# la! b! night and da!" and dark thing ilent )rept beneath. 52

The #ind )a%e do#n $ro% %ountain )old" and like a tide it roared and rolled4 the bran)he groaned" the $ore t %oaned" and leave #ere laid upon the %ould. The #ind #ent on $ro% 6e t to Ea t 4 all %ove%ent in the $ore t )ea ed" but hrill and har h a)ro the %ar h it #hi tling voi)e #ere relea ed. The gra e hi ed" their ta el bent" the reed #ere rattling(on it #ent o1 er haken pool under heaven )ool #here ra)ing )loud #ere torn and rent. It pa ed the lonel! 7ountain bare and #ept above the dragon1 lair ' there bla)k and dark la! boulder tark and $l!ing %oke #a in the air. It le$t the #orld and took it $light over the #ide ea o$ the night. The %oon et ail upon the gale" and tar #ere $anned to leaping light. 0ilbo began to nod again. 8uddenl! up tood :andal$. <It i ti%e $or u to leep"= be aid" <+$or u " but not I think $or 0eorn. In thi hall #e )an re t ound and a$e" but I #arn !ou all not to $orget #hat 0eorn aid be$ore he le$t u ' !ou %u t not tra! out ide until the un i up" on !our peril.= 0ilbo $ound that bed had alread! been laid at the ide o$ the hall" on a ort o$ rai ed plat$or% bet#een the pillar and the outer #all. Cor hi% there #a a little %attre o$ tra# and #oollen blanket . -e nuggled into the% ver! gladl!" u%%erti%e though it #a . The $ire burned lo# and he $ell a leep. Yet in the night he #oke' the $ire had no# unk to a $e# e%ber 4 the d#arve and :andal$ #ere all a leep" to 9udge b! their breathing4 a pla h o$ #hite on the $loor )a%e $ro% the high %oon" #hi)h #a peering do#n through the %oke(hole in the roo$. There #a a gro#ling ound out ide" and a noi e a o$ o%e great ani%al )u$$ling at the door. 0ilbo .#ondered #hat it #a " and #hether it )ould be 0eorn in en)hanted hape" and i$ he #ould )o%e in a a bear and kill the%. -e dived under the blanket and hid hi head" and $ell a leep again at la t in pite o$ hi $ear . It #a $ull %orning #hen he a#oke. 5ne o$ the d#arve had $allen over hi% in the hado# #here he la!" and had rolled do#n #ith a bu%p $ro% the plat$or% on to the $loor. It #a 0o$ur" and he #a gru%bling about it" #hen 0ilbo opened hi e!e . <:et up la&!bone "= he aid" <or there #ill be no break$a t le$t $or !ou.= Up 9u%ped 0ilbo. <0reak$a t;= he )ried. <6here i break$a t3= <7o tl! in ide u "= an #ered the other d#arve #ho #ere %oving around the hall4 <but #hat i le$t i out on the veranda. 6e have been about looking $or 0eorn ever in)e the un got up4 but there i no ign o$ hi% an!#here" though #e $ound break$a t laid a oon a #e #ent out.= <6here i :andal$3= a ked 0ilbo" %oving o$$ to $ind o%ething to eat a ,ui)k a he )ould. <5; out and about o%e#here"= the! told hi%. 0ut he a# no ign o$ the #i&ard all that da! until the evening. Ju t be$ore un et he #alked into the hall" #here the hobbit and the d#arve #ere having upper" #aited on b! 0eorn1 #onder$ul ani%al " a the! had been all da!. 5$ 0eorn the! had een and heard nothing in)e the night be$ore" and the! #ere getting pu&&led. <6here i our ho t" and #here have !ou been all da! !our el$3= the! all )ried.


<5ne ,ue tion at a ti%e(and none till a$ter upper; I haven1t had a bite in)e break$a t.= At la t :andal$ pu hed a#a! hi plate and 9ug+ he had eaten t#o #hole loave .#ith %a e o$ butter and hone! and )lotted )rea%/ and drunk at lea t a ,uart o$ %ead and he took out hi pipe. <I #ill an #er the e)ond ,ue tion $ir t"= he aid" <(but ble %e; thi i a plendid pla)e $or %oke ring ;= Indeed $or a long ti%e the! )ould get nothing %ore out o$ hi%" he #a o bu ! ending %oke(ring dodging round the pillar o$ the hall" )hanging the% into all ort o$ di$$erent hape and )olour " and etting the% at la t )ha ing one another out o$ the hole in the roo$. The! %u t have looked ver! ,ueer $ro% out ide" popping out into the air one a$ter another" green" blue" red" ilver(gre!" !ello#" #hite4 big one " little one 4 little one dodging through big one and 9oining into $igure(eight " and going o$$ like a $lo)k o$ bird into the di tan)e. <I have been pi)king out bear(tra)k "= he aid at la t. <There %u t have been a regular bear 1 %eeting out ide here la t night. I oon a# that 0eorn )ould not have %ade the% all' there #ere $ar too %an! o$ the%" and the! #ere o$ variou i&e too. I hould a! there #ere little bear " large bear " ordinar! bear " and giganti) big bear " all dan)ing out ide $ro% dark to nearl! da#n. The! )a%e $ro% al%o t ever! dire)tion" e*)ept $ro% the #e t over the river" $ro% the 7ountain . In that dire)tion onl! one et o$ $ootprint led(none )o%ing" onl! one going a#a! $ro% here. I $ollo#ed the e a $ar a the Carro)k. There the! di appeared into the river" but the #ater #a too deep and trong be!ond the ro)k $or %e to )ro . It i ea ! enough" a !ou re%e%ber" to get $ro% thi bank to the Carro)k b! the $ord" but on the other ide i a )li$$ tanding up $ro% a #irling )hannel. I had to #alk %ile be$ore I $ound a pla)e #here the river #a #ide and hallo# enough $or %e to #ade and #i%" and then %ile ba)k again to pi)k up the tra)k again. 0! that ti%e it #a too late $or %e to $ollo# the% $ar. The! #ent traight o$$ in the dire)tion o$ the pine(#ood on the ea t ide o$ the 7i t! 7ountain " #here #e had our plea ant little part! #ith the 6arg the night be$ore la t. And no# I think I have an #ered !our $ir t ,ue tion" too"= ended :andal$" and he at a long #hile ilent. 0ilbo thought he kne# #hat the #i&ard %eant. <6hat hall #e do"= he )ried" <i$ he lead all the 6arg and the goblin do#n here3 6e hall all be )aught and killed; I thought !ou aid he #a not R $riend o$ their .= <8o I did. And don1t be ill!; You had better go to bed" !our #it are leep!.= The hobbit $elt ,uite )ru hed" and a there ee%ed nothing el e to do he did go to bed4 and #hile the d#arve #ere till inging ong he dropped a leep" till pu&&ling hi little head about 0eorn" till he drea%ed a drea% o$ hundred o$ bla)k bear dan)ing lo# heav! dan)e round and round in the %oonlight in the )ourt!ard. Then he #oke up #hen ever!one el e #a a leep" and he heard the a%e )raping" )u$$ling" nu$$ling" and gro#ling a be$ore. Ne*t %orning the! #ere all #akened b! 0eorn hi% el$. <8o here !ou all are till;= he aid. -e pi)ked up the hobbit and laughed' <Not eaten up b! 6arg or goblin or #i)ked bear !et I ee=4 and he poked 7r. 0aggin 1 #ai t)oat %o t di re pe)t$ull!. <@ittle bunn! i getting ni)e and $at again on bread and hone!"= he )hu)kled. <Co%e and have o%e %ore;= 8o the! all #ent to break$a t #ith hi%. 0eorn #a %o t 9oll! $or a )hange4 indeed he ee%ed to be in a plendidl! good hu%our and et the% all laughing #ith hi $unn! torie 4 nor did the! have to #onder long #here he had been or #h! he #a o ni)e to the%" $or he told the% hi% el$. -e had been over the river and right ba)k up into the %ountain ($ro% #hi)h !ou )an gue that he )ould travel ,ui)kl!" in bear1 hape at an! rate. Cro% the burnt #ol$(glade he had oon $ound out that part o$ their tor! #a true4 but he had $ound %ore than that' he had )aught a 6arg and a goblin #andering in the #ood . Cro% the e he had got ne# ' the goblin patrol #ere till hunting #ith 6arg $or the d#arve " and the! #ere $ier)el! angr! be)au e o$ the death o$ the :reat :oblin" and al o be)au e o$ the burning o$ the )hie$ #ol$1 no e and the death $ro% the #i&ard1 $ire o$ %an! o$ hi )hie$ ervant . 8o %u)h the! told hi% #hen he $or)ed the%" but he gue ed there #a %ore #i)kedne than thi a$oot" and that a great raid o$ the #hole goblin ar%! #ith their #ol$(allie into the land hado#ed b! the %ountain %ight oon


be %ade to $ind the d#arve " or to take vengean)e on the %en and )reature that lived there" and #ho the! thought %u t be heltering the%. <It #a a good tor!" that o$ !our "= aid 0eorn" <but I like it till better no# I a% ure it i true. You %u t $orgive %! not taking !our #ord. I$ !ou lived near the edge o$ 7irk#ood" !ou #ould take the #ord o$ no one that !ou did not kno# a #ell a !our brother or better. A it i " I )an onl! a! that I have hurried ho%e a $a t a I )ould to ee that !ou #ere a$e" and to o$$er !ou an! help that I )an. I hall think %ore kindl! o$ d#arve a$ter thi . Billed the :reat :oblin" killed the :reat :oblin;= he )hu)kled $ier)el! to hi% el$. <6hat did !ou do #ith the goblin and the 6arg3= a ked 0ilbo uddenl!. <Co%e and ee;= aid 0eorn" and the! $ollo#ed round the hou e. A goblin1 head #a tu)k out ide the gate and a #arg( kin #a nailed to a tree 9u t be!ond. 0eorn #a a $ier)e ene%!. 0ut no# he #a their $riend" and :andal$ thought it #i e to tell hi% their #hole tor! and the rea on o$ their 9ourne!" o that the! )ould get the %o t help he )ould o$$er. Thi i #hat he pro%i ed to do $or the%. -e #ould provide ponie $or ea)h o$ the%" and a hor e $or :andal$" $or their 9ourne! to the $ore t" and he #ould lade the% #ith $ood to la t the% $or #eek #ith )are" and pa)ked o a to be a ea ! a po ible to )arr!( nut " $lour" ealed 9ar o$ dried $ruit " and red earthen#are pot o$ hone!" and t#i)e( baked )ake that #ould keep good a long ti%e" and on a little o$ #hi)h the! )ould %ar)h $ar. The %aking o$ the e #a one o$ hi e)ret 4 but hone! #a in the%" a in %o t o$ hi $ood " and the! #ere good to eat" though the! %ade one thir t!. 6ater" he aid" the! #ould not need to )arr! thi ide o$ the $ore t" $or there #ere trea% and pring along the road. <0ut !our #a! through 7irk#ood i dark" dangerou and di$$i)ult"= he aid. <6ater i not ea ! to $ind there" nor $ood. The ti%e i not !et )o%e $or nut .though it %a! be pa t and gone indeed be$ore !ou get to the other ide/" and nut are about all that gro# there $it $or $ood4 in there the #ild thing are dark" ,ueer" and avage. I #ill provide !ou #ith kin $or )arr!ing #ater" and I #ill give !ou o%e bo# and arro# . 0ut I doubt ver! %u)h #hether an!thing !ou $ind in 7irk#ood #ill be #hole o%e to eat or to drink. There i one trea% there" I kno#" bla)k and trong #hi)h )ro e the path. That !ou hould neither drink o$" nor bathe in4 $or I have heard that it )arrie en)hant%ent and a great dro# ine and $orget$ulne . And in the di% hado# o$ that pla)e I don1t think !ou #ill hoot an!thing" #hole o%e or un#hole o%e" #ithout tra!ing $ro% the path. That !ou 7U8T N5T do" $or an! rea on. <That i all the advi)e I )an give !ou. 0e!ond the edge o$ the $ore t I )annot help !ou %u)h4 !ou %u t depend on !our lu)k and !our )ourage and the $ood I end #ith !ou. At the gate o$ the $ore t I %u t a k !ou to end ba)k %! hor e and %! ponie . 0ut I #i h !ou all peed" and %! hou e i open to !ou" i$ ever !ou )o%e ba)k thi #a! again.= The! thanked hi%" o$ )our e" #ith %an! bo# and #eeping o$ their hood and #ith %an! an <at !our ervi)e" 5 %a ter o$ the #ide #ooden hall ;= 0ut their pirit ank at hi grave #ord " and the! all $elt that the adventure #a $ar %ore dangerou than the! had thought" #hile all the ti%e" even i$ the! pa ed all the peril o$ the road" the dragon #a #aiting at the end. All that %orning the! #ere bu ! #ith preparation . 8oon a$ter %idda! the! ate #ith 0eorn $or the la t ti%e" and a$ter the %eal the! %ounted the teed he #a lending the%" and bidding hi% %an! $are#ell the! rode o$$ through hi gate at a good pa)e. A oon a the! le$t hi high hedge at the ea t o$ hi $en)ed land the! turned north and then bore to the north(#e t. 0! hi advi)e the! #ere no longer %aking $or the %ain $ore t(road to the outh o$ hi land. -ad the! $ollo#ed the pa " their path #ould have led the% do#n the trea% $ro% the %ountain that 9oined the great river %ile outh o$ the Carro)k. At that point there #a a deep $ord #hi)h the! %ight have pa ed" i$ the! had till had their ponie " and be!ond that a tra)k led to the kirt o$ the #ood and to the entran)e o$ the old $ore t road. 0ut 0eorn had #arned the% that that #a! #a no# o$ten u ed b! the goblin " #hile the $ore t(road it el$" he bad heard" #a overgro#n and di u ed at the ea tern end and led to i%pa able %ar he #here the path had long been lo t. It ea tern opening had al o al#a! been $ar to the outh o$ the @onel! 7ountain" and #ould have le$t the% till #ith a long and di$$i)ult north#ard %ar)h #hen the! got to the other ide.


North o$ the Carro)k the edge o$ 7irk#ood dre# )lo er to the border o$ the :reat River" and though here the 7ountain too dre# do#n nearer" 0eorn advi ed the% to take thi #a!4 $or at a pla)e a $e# da! 1 ride due north o$ the Carro)k #a the gate o$ a little( kno#n path#a! through 7irk#ood that led al%o t traight to#ard the @onel! 7ountain. <The goblin "= 0eorn had aid" <#ill not dare to )ro the :reat River $or a hundred %ile north o$ the Carro)k nor to )o%e near %! hou e+it i #ell prote)ted at night;S but I hould ride $a t4 $or i$ the! %ake their raid oon the! #ill )ro the river to the outh and )our all the edge o$ the $ore t o a to )ut !ou o$$" and 6arg run #i$ter than ponie . 8till !ou are a$er going north" even though !ou ee% to be going ba)k nearer to their tronghold 4 $or that i #hat the! #ill lea t e*pe)t" and the! #ill have the longer ride to )at)h !ou. 0e o$$ no# a ,ui)k a !ou %a!;= That i #h! the! #ere no# riding in ilen)e" galloping #herever the ground #a gra ! and %ooth" #ith the %ountain dark on their le$t" and in the di tan)e the line o$ the river #ith it tree dra#ing ever )lo er. The un had onl! 9u t turned #e t #hen the! tarted" and till evening it la! golden on the land about the%. It #a di$$i)ult to think o$ pur uing goblin behind" and #hen the! had put %an! %ile bet#een the% and 0eorn1 hou e the! began to talk and to ing again and to $orget the dark $ore t(path that la! in $ront. 0ut in the evening #hen the du k )a%e on and the peak o$ the %ountain glo#ered again t the un et the! %ade a )a%p and et a guard" and %o t o$ the% lept unea il! #ith drea% in #hi)h there )a%e the ho#l o$ hunting #olve and the )rie o$ goblin . 8till the ne*t %orning da#ned bright and $air again. There #a an autu%n(like %i t #hite upon the ground and the air #a )hill" but oon the un ro e red in the Ea t and the %i t vani hed" and #hile the hado# #ere till long the! #ere o$$ again. 8o the! rode no# $or t#o %ore da! " and all the #hile the! a# nothing ave gra and $lo#er and bird and )attered tree " and o))a ionall! %all herd o$ red deer bro# ing or itting at noon in the hade. 8o%eti%e 0ilbo a# the horn o$ the hart ti)king up out o$ the long gra " and at $ir t he thought the! #ere the dead bran)he o$ tree . That third evening the! #ere o eager to pre on" $or 0eorn had aid that the! hould rea)h the $ore t(gate earl! on the $ourth da!" that the! rode till $or#ard a$ter du k and into the night beneath the %oon. A the light $aded 0ilbo thought he a# a#a! to the right" or to the le$t" the hado#! $or% o$ a great bear pro#ling along in the a%e dire)tion. 0ut i$ he dared to %ention it to :andal$" the #i&ard onl! aid' <-u h; Take no noti)e;= Ne*t da! the! tarted be$ore da#n" though their night had been hort. A oon a it #a light the! )ould ee the $ore t )o%ing a it #ere to %eet the%" or #aiting $or the% like a bla)k and $ro#ning #all be$ore the%. The land began to lope up and up" and it ee%ed to the hobbit that a ilen)e began to dra# in upon the%. 0ird began to ing le . There #ere no %ore deer4 not even rabbit #ere to be een. 0! the a$ternoon the! had rea)hed the eave o$ 7irk#ood" and #ere re ting al%o t beneath the great overhanging bough o$ it outer tree . Their trunk #ere huge and gnarled" their bran)he t#i ted" their leave #ere dark and long. Iv! gre# on the% and trailed along the ground. <6ell" here i 7irk#ood;= aid :andal$. <The greate t o$ the $ore t o$ the Northern #orld. I hope !ou like the look o$ it. No# !ou %u t end ba)k the e e*)ellent ponie !ou have borro#ed.= The d#arve #ere in)lined to gru%ble at thi " but the #i&ard told the% the! #ere $ool . <0eorn i not a $ar o$$ a !ou ee% to think" and !ou had better keep !our pro%i e an!#a!" $or he i a bad ene%!. 7r. 0aggin 1 e!e are harper than !our " i$ !ou have not een ea)h night a$ter dark a great bear going along #ith u or itting $ar o$ in the %oon #at)hing our )a%p . Not onl! to guard !ou and guide !ou" but to keep an e!e on the ponie too. 0eorn %a! be !our $riend" but he love hi ani%al a hi )hildren. You do not gue #hat kindne he ha ho#n !ou in letting d#arve ride the% o $ar and o $a t" nor #hat #ould happen to !ou" i$ !ou tried to take the% into the $ore t.= <6hat about the hor e" then3= aid Thorin. <You don1t %ention ending that ba)k.= <I don1t" be)au e I a% not ending it.= <6hat about !our pro%i e then3= <I #ill look a$ter that. I a% not ending the hor e ba)k" I a% riding it;= Then the! kne# that :andal$ #a going to leave the% at the ver! edge o$ 7irk#ood" and the! #ere in de pair. 56

0ut nothing the! )ould a! #ould )hange hi %ind. <No# #e had thi all out be$ore" #hen #e landed on the Carro)k"= he aid. <It i no u e arguing. I have" a I told !ou" o%e pre ing bu ine a#a! outh4 and I a% alread! late through bothering #ith !ou people. 6e %a! %eet again be$ore all i over" and then again o$ )our e #e %a! not. That depend on !our lu)k and on !our )ourage and en e4 and I a% ending 7r. 0aggin #ith !ou. I have told !ou be$ore that he ha %ore about hi% than !ou gue " and !ou #ill $ind that out be$ore long. 8o )heer up 0ilbo and don1t look o glu%. Cheer up Thorin and Co%pan!; Thi i !our e*pedition a$ter all. Think o$ the trea ure at the end" and $orget the $ore t and the dragon" at an! rate until to%orro# %orning;= 6hen to%orro# %orning )a%e he till aid the a%e. 8o no# there #a nothing le$t to do but to $ill their #ater( kin at a )lear pring the! $ound )lo e to the $ore t(gate" and unpa)k the ponie . The! di tributed the pa)kage a $airl! a the! )ould" though 0ilbo thought hi lot #a #eari o%el! heav!" and did not at all like the idea o$ trudging $or %ile and %ile #ith all that on hi ba)k. <Don1t !ou #orr!;= aid Thorin. <It #ill get lighter all too oon. 0e$ore long I e*pe)t #e hall all #i h our pa)k heavier" #hen the $ood begin to run hort.= Then at la t the! aid good(b!e to their ponie and turned their head $or ho%e. 5$$ the! trotted gail!" ee%ing ver! glad to put their tail to#ard the hado# o$ 7irk#ood. A the! #ent a#a! 0ilbo )ould have #orn that a thing like a bear le$t the hado# o$ the tree and ha%bled o$$ ,ui)kl! a$ter the%. No# :andal$ too aid $are#ell. 0ilbo at on the ground $eeling ver! unhapp! and #i hing he #a be ide the #i&ard on hi tall hor e. -e had gone 9u t in ide the $ore t a$ter break$a t .a ver! poor one/" and it had ee%ed a dark in there in the %orning a at night" and ver! e)ret' <a ort o$ #at)hing and #aiting $eeling"= he aid to hi% el$. <:ood(b!e;= aid :andal$ to Thorin. <And good(b!e to !ou all" good(b!e; 8traight through the $ore t i !our #a! no#. Don1t tra! o$$ the tra)k;(i$ !ou do" it i a thou and to one !ou #ill never $ind it again and never get out o$ 7irk#ood4 and then I don1t uppo e I" or an! one el e" #ill ever ee !ou again.= <Do #e reall! have to go through3= groaned the hobbit. <Ye " !ou do;= aid the #i&ard" <i$ !ou #ant to get to the other ide. You %u t either go through or give up !our ,ue t. And I a% not going to allo# !ou to ba)k out no#" 7r. 0aggin . I a% a ha%ed o$ !ou $or thinking o$ it. You have got to look a$ter all the e d#arve $or %e"= he laughed. <No; no;= aid 0ilbo. <I didn1t %ean that. I %eant" i there no #a! round3= <There i " i$ !ou )are to go t#o hundred %ile or o out o$ !our #a! north" and t#i)e that outh. 0ut !ou #ouldn1t get a a$e path even then. There are no a$e path in thi part o$ the #orld. Re%e%ber !ou are over the Edge o$ the 6ild no#" and in $or all ort o$ $un #herever !ou go. 0e$ore !ou )ould get round 7irk#ood in the North !ou #ould be right a%ong the lope o$ the :re! 7ountain " and the! are i%pl! ti$$ #ith goblin " hobgoblin " and re t o$ the #or t de )ription. 0e$ore !ou )ould get round it in the 8outh" !ou #ould get into the land o$ the Ne)ro%an)er4 and even !ou. 0ilbo" #on1t need %e to tell !ou tale o$ that bla)k or)erer. I don1t advi e !ou to go an!#here near the pla)e overlooked b! hi dark to#er; 8ti)k to the $ore t(tra)k" keep !our pirit up" hope $or the be t" and #ith a tre%endou li)e o$ lu)k !ou %a! )o%e out one da! and ee the @ong 7ar he l!ing belo# !ou" and be!ond the%" high in the Ea t" the @onel! 7ountain #here dear old 8%aug live " though I hope he i not e*pe)ting !ou.= <>er! )o%$orting !ou are to be ure"= gro#led Thorin. <:ood(b!e; I$ !ou #on1t )o%e #ith u " !ou had better get o$$ #ithout an! %ore talk;= <:ood(b!e then" and reall! good(b!e;= aid :andal$" and he turned hi hor e and rode do#n into the 6e t. 0ut he )ould not re i t the te%ptation to have the la t #ord. 0e$ore he had pa ed ,uite out o$ hearing he turned and put hi hand to hi %outh and )alled to the%. The! heard hi voi)e )o%e $aintl!' <:ood(b!e; 0e good" take )are o$ !our elve (and D5N1T @EA>E T-E PAT-;= Then he galloped a#a! and #a oon lo t to ight. <5 good(b!e and go a#a!;= grunted the d#arve " all the %ore angr! be)au e the! #ere reall! $illed #ith di %a! at lo ing hi%. No# began the %o t dangerou part o$ all the 9ourne!. The! ea)h houldered the heav! pa)k and the #ater( kin #hi)h #a their hare" and turned $ro% the light that la! on the land out ide and plunged into the $ore t. 57


Chapter T C@IE8 AND 8PIDER8 The! #alked in ingle $ile. The entran)e to the path #a like a ort o$ ar)h leading into a gloo%! tunnel %ade b! t#o great tree that leant together" too old and trangled #ith iv! and hung #ith li)hen to bear %ore than a $e# bla)kened leave . The path it el$ #a narro# and #ound in and out a%ong the trunk . 8oon the light at the gate #a like a little bright hole $ar behind" and the ,uiet #a o deep that their $eet ee%ed to thu%p along #hile all the tree leaned over the% and li tened. A the$t e!e be)a%e u ed to the di%ne the! )ould ee a little #a! to either ide in a ort o$ darkened green gli%%er. 5))a ionall! a lender bea% o$ un that had the lu)k to lip in through o%e opening in the leave $ar above" and till %ore lu)k in not being )aught in the tangled bough and %atted t#ig beneath" tabbed do#n thin and bright be$ore the%. 0ut thi #a eldo%" and it oon )ea ed altogether. There #ere bla)k ,uirrel in the #ood. A 0ilbo1 harp in,ui itive e!e got u ed to eeing thing he )ould )at)h gli%p e o$ the% #hi king o$$ the path and )uttling behind tree(trunk . There #ere ,ueer noi e too" grunt " )u$$ling " and hurr!ing in the undergro#th" and a%ong the leave that la! piled endle l! thi)k in pla)e on the $ore t( $loor4 but #hat %ade the noi e he )ould not ee. The na tie t thing the! a# #ere the )ob#eb ' dark den e )ob#eb #ith thread e*traordinaril! thi)k" o$ten tret)hed $ro% tree to tree" or tangled in the lo#er bran)he on either ide o$ the%. There #ere none tret)hed a)ro the path" but #hether be)au e o%e %agi) kept it )lear" or $or #hat other rea on the! )ould not gue . It #a not long be$ore the! gre# to hate the $ore t a heartil! a the! had hated the tunnel o$ the goblin " and it ee%ed to o$$er even le hope o$ an! ending. 0ut the! had to go on and on" long a$ter the! #ere i)k $or a ight o$ the un and o$ the k!" and longed $or the $eel o$ #ind on their $a)e . There #a no %ove%ent o$ air do#n under the $ore t(roo$" and it #a everla tingl! till and dark and tu$$!. Even the d#arve $elt it" #ho #ere u ed to tunnelling" and lived at ti%e $or long #hile #ithout the light o$ the un4 but the hobbit" #ho liked hole to %ake a hou e in but not to pend u%%er da! in" $elt he #a being lo#l! u$$o)ated. The night #ere the #or t. It then be)a%e pit)h(dark+not #hat !ou )all pit)h(dark" but reall! pit)h4 o bla)k that !ou reall! )ould ee nothing. 0ilbo tried $lapping hi hand in $ront o$ hi no e" but he )ould not ee it at all. 6ell" perhap it i not true to a! that the! )ould ee nothing' the! )ould ee e!e . The! lept all )lo el! huddled together" and took it in turn to #at)h4 and #hen it #a 0ilbo1 turn he #ould ee glea% in the darkne round the%" and o%eti%e pair o$ !ello# or red or green e!e #ould tare at hi% $ro% a little di tan)e" and then lo#l! $ade and di appear and lo#l! hine out again in another pla)e. And o%eti%e the! #ould glea% do#n $ro% the bran)he 9u t above hi%4 and that #a %o t terri$!ing. 0ut the e!e that he liked the lea t #ere horrible pale bulbou ort o$ e!e . <In e)t e!e = he thought" <not ani%al e!e " onl! the! are %u)h too big.= Although it #a not !et ver! )old" the! tried lighting #at)h($ire at night" but the! oon gave that up. It ee%ed to bring hundred and hundred o$ e!e all round the%" though the )reature " #hatever the! #ere" #ere )are$ul never to let their bodie ho# in the little $li)ker o$ the $la%e . 6or e till it brought thou and o$ dark(gre! and bla)k %oth " o%e nearl! a big a !our hand" $lapping and #hirring round their ear . The! )ould not tand that" nor the huge bat " bla)k a a top(hat" either4 o the! gave up $ire and at at night and do&ed in the enor%ou un)ann! darkne . All thi #ent on $or #hat ee%ed to the hobbit age upon age 4 and he #a al#a! hungr!" $or the! #ere e*tre%el! )are$ul #ith their provi ion . Even o" a da! $ollo#ed da! " and till the $ore t ee%ed 9u t the a%e" the! began to get an*iou . The $ood #ould not la t $or ever' it #a in $a)t alread! beginning to get lo#. The! tried hooting at the ,uirrel " and the! #a ted %an! arro# be$ore the! %anaged to bring one do#n on the path. 0ut #hen the! roa ted it" it proved horrible to ta te" and the! hot no %ore ,uirrel . The! #ere thir t! too" $or the! had none too %u)h #ater" and in all the ti%e the! had een neither pring nor trea%. Thi #a their tate #hen one da! the! $ound their path blo)ked b! a running #ater. It $lo#ed $a t and trong but not ver! #ide right a)ro the 59

#a!" and it #a bla)k" or looked it in the gloo%. It #a #ell that 0eorn had #arned the% again t it" or the! #ould have drunk $ro% it" #hatever it )olour" and $illed o%e o$ their e%ptied kin at it bank. A it #a the! onl! thought o$ ho# to )ro it #ithout #etting the% elve in it #ater. There had been a bridge o$ #ood a)ro " but it had rotted and $allen leaving onl! the broken po t near the bank. 0ilbo kneeling on the brink and peering $or#ard )ried' <There i a boat again t the $ar bank; No# #h! )ouldn1t it have been thi ide;= <-o# $ar a#a! do !ou think it i 3= a ked Thorin" $or b! no# the! kne# 0ilbo had the harpe t e!e a%ong the%. <Not at all $ar. I houldn1t think above t#elve !ard .= <T#elve !ard ; I hould have thought it #a thirt! at lea t" but %! e!e don1t ee a #ell a the! u ed a hundred !ear ago. 8till t#elve !ard i a good a a %ile. 6e )an1t 9u%p it" and #e daren1t tr! to #ade or #i%.= <Can an! o$ !ou thro# a rope3= <6hat1 the good o$ that3 The boat i ure to be tied up" even i$ #e )ould hook it" #hi)h I doubt.= <I don1t believe it i tied"= aid 0ilbo" <though o$ )our e I )an1t be ure in thi light4 but it look to %e a i$ it #a 9u t dra#n up on the bank" #hi)h i lo# 9u t there #here the path goe do#n into the #ater.= <Dori i the tronge t" but Cili i the !ounge t and till ha the be t ight"= aid Thorin. <Co%e here Cili" and ee i$ !ou )an ee the boat 7r. 0aggin i talking about.= Cili thought he )ould4 o #hen he had tared a long #hile to get an idea o$ the dire)tion" the other brought hi% a rope. The! had everal #ith the%" and on the end o$ the longe t the! $a tened one o$ the large iron hook the! had u ed $or )at)hing their pa)k to the trap about their houlder . Cili took thi in hi hand" balan)ed it $or a %o%ent" and then $lung it a)ro the trea%. 8pla h it $ell in the #ater; <Not $ar enough;= aid 0ilbo #ho #a peering $or#ard. <A )ouple o$ $eet and !ou #ould have dropped it on to the boat. Tr! again. I don1t uppo e the %agi) i trong enough to hurt !ou" i$ !ou 9u t tou)h a bit o$ #et rope.= Cili pi)ked up the hook #hen he had dra#n it ba)k" rather doubt$ull! all the a%e. Thi ti%e he thre# it #ith greater trength. <8tead!;= aid 0ilbo" <!ou have thro#n it right into the #ood on the other ide no#. Dra# it ba)k gentl!.= Cili hauled the rope ba)k lo#l!" and a$ter a #hile 0ilbo aid' <Care$ull!; It i l!ing on the boat4 let1 hope the hook #ill )at)h.= It did. The rope #ent taut" and Cili pulled in vain. Bili )a%e to hi help" and then 5in and :loin. The! tugged and tugged" and uddenl! the! all $ell over on their ba)k . 0ilbo #a on the lo)kout" ho#ever" )aught the rope" and #ith a pie)e o$ ti)k $ended o$$ the little bla)k boat a it )a%e ru hing a)ro the trea%. <-elp;= he houted" and 0alin #a 9u t in ti%e to ei&e the boat be$ore it $loated o$$ do#n the )urrent. <It #a tied a$ter all"= aid he" looking at the napped painter that #a till dangling $ro% it. <That #a a good pull" %! lad 4 and a good 9ob that our rope #a the tronger.= <6ho1ll )ro $ir t3= a ked 0ilbo. <I hall"= aid Thorin" <and !ou #ill )o%e #ith %e" and Cili and 0alin. That1 a %an! a the boat #ill hold at a ti%e. A$ter that Bili and 5in and :loin and Don4 ne*t 5n and Nori" 0i$ur and 0o$ur4 and la t D#alin and 0o%bur.= <I1% al#a! la t and I don1t like it"= aid 0o%bur. <It1 o%ebod! el e1 turn toda!.= <You hould not be o $at. A !ou are" !ou %u t be #ith the la t and lighte t boatload. Don1t tart gru%bling again t order " or o%ething bad #ill happen to !ou.= <There aren1t an! oar . -o# are !ou going to pu h the boat ba)k to the $ar bank3= a ked the hobbit. <:ive %e another length o$ rope and another hook"= aid Cili" and #hen the! had got it read!" he )a t into the darkne ahead and a high a he )ould thro# it. 8in)e it did not $all do#n again" the! a# that it %u t have tu)k in the bran)he . <:et in no#"= aid Cili" <and one o$ !ou haul on the rope that i tu)k in a tree on the other ide. 5ne o$ the other %u t keep hold o$ the hook #e u ed at $ir t" and #hen #e are a$e on the other ide he )an hook it on" and !ou )an dra# the boat ba)k.= In thi #a! the! #ere all oon on the $ar bank a$e a)ro the en)hanted trea%. D#alin had 9u t )ra%bled out #ith the )oiled rope on hi ar%" and 0o%bur . till gru%bling/ #a getting read! to $ollo#" #hen o%ething bad did happen. There #a a 60

$l!ing ound o$ hoove on the path ahead. 5ut o$ the gloo% )a%e uddenl! the hape o$ a $l!ing deer. It )harged into the d#arve and bo#led the% over" then gathered it el$ $or a leap. -igh it prang and )leared the #ater #ith a %ight! 9u%p. 0ut it did not rea)h the other ide in a$et!. Thorin #a the onl! one #ho had kept hi $eet and hi #it . A oon a the! had landed he had bent hi bo# and $itted an arro# in )a e an! hidden guardian o$ the boat appeared. No# he ent a #i$t and ure hot into the leaping bea t. A it rea)hed the $urther bank it tu%bled. The hado# #allo#ed it up" but the! heard the ound o$ hoove ,ui)kl! $alter and then go till. 0e$ore the! )ould hout in prai e o$ the hot" ho#ever" a dread$ul #ail $ro% 0ilbo put all thought o$ veni on out o$ their %ind . <0o%bur ha $allen in; 0o%bur i dro#ning;= he )ried. It #a onl! too true. 0o%bur had onl! one $oot on the land #hen the hart bore do#n on hi%" and prang over hi%. -e had tu%bled" thru ting the boat a#a! $ro% the bank" and then toppled ba)k into the dark #ater" hi hand lipping o$$ the li%! root at the edge" #hile the boat pan lo#l! o$$ and di appeared. The! )ould till ee hi hood above the #ater #hen the! ran to the bank. Dui)kl! the! $lung a rope #ith a hook to#ard hi%. -i hand )aught it" and the! pulled hi% to the hore. -e #a dren)hed $ro% hair to boot " o$ )our e" but that #a not the #or t. 6hen the! laid hi% on the bank he #a alread! $a t a leep" #ith one hand )lut)hing the rope o tight that the! )ould not get it $ro% hi gra p4 and $a t a leep he re%ained in pite o$ all the! )ould do. The! #ere till tanding over hi%" )ur ing their ill lu)k" and 0o%bur1 )lu% ine " and la%enting the lo o$ the boat #hi)h %ade it i%po ible $or the% to go ba)k and look $or the hart" #hen the! be)a%e a#are o$ the di% blo#ing o$ horn in the #ood and the ound a o$ dog ba!ing $ar o$$. Then the! all $ell ilent4 and a the! at it ee%ed the! )ould hear the noi e o$ a great hunt going b! to the north o$ the path" though the! a# no ign o$ it. There the! at $or a long #hile and did not dare to %ake a %ove. 0o%bur lept on #ith a %ile on hi $at $a)e" a i$ he no longer )ared $or all the trouble that ve*ed the%. 8uddenl! on the path ahead appeared o%e #hite deer" a hind and $a#n a no#! #hite a the hart had been dark. The! gli%%ered in the hado# . 0e$ore Thorin )ould )r! out three o$ the d#arve had leaped to their $eet and loo ed o$$ arro# $ro% their bo# . None ee%ed to $ind their %ark. The deer turned and vani hed in the tree a ilentl! a the! had )o%e" and in vain the d#arve hot their arro# a$ter the%. <8top; top;= houted Thorin4 but it #a too late" the e*)ited d#arve had #a ted their la t arro# " and no# the bo# that 0eorn had given the% #ere u ele . The! #ere a gloo%! part! that night" and the gloo% gathered till deeper on the% in the $ollo#ing da! . The! had )ro ed the en)hanted trea%4 but be!ond it the path ee%ed to traggle on 9u t a be$ore" and in the $ore t the! )ould ee no )hange. Yet i$ the! had kno#n %ore about it and )on idered the %eaning o$ the hunt and the #hite deer that had appeared upon their path" the! #ould have kno#n that the! #ere at la t dra#ing to#ard the ea tern edge" and #ould oon have )o%e" i$ the! )ould have kept up their )ourage and their hope" to thinner tree and pla)e #here the unlight )a%e again. 0ut the! did not kno# thi " and the! #ere burdened #ith the heav! bod! o$ 0o%bur" #hi)h the! had to )arr! along #ith the% a be t the! )ould" taking the #eari o%e ta k in turn o$ $our ea)h #hile the other hared their pa)k . I$ the e had not be)o%e all too light in the la t $e# da! " the! #ould never have %anaged it4 but a lu%bering and %iling 0o%bur #a a poor e*)hange $or pa)k $illed #ith $ood ho#ever heav!. In a $e# da! a ti%e )a%e #hen there #a pra)ti)all! nothing le$t to eat or to drink. Nothing #hole o%e )ould the! ee gro#ing in the #ood " onl! $ungu e and herb #ith pale leave and unplea ant %ell. About $our da! $ro% the en)hanted trea% the! )a%e to a part #here %o t o$ the tree #ere bee)he . The! #ere at $ir t in)lined to be )heered b! the )hange" $or here there #a no undergro#th and the hado# #a not o deep. There #a a greeni h light about the%" and in pla)e the! )ould ee o%e di tan)e to either ide o$ the path. Yet the light onl! ho#ed the% endle line o$ traight gre! trunk like the pillar o$ o%e huge t#ilight hall. There #a a breath o$ air and a noi e o$ #ind" but it had a ad ound. A $e# leave )a%e ru tling do#n to re%ind the% that out ide autu%n #a )o%ing on. Their $eet ru$$led a%ong the dead leave o$ )ountle other autu%n that dri$ted over the bank o$ the path $ro% the deep red )arpet o$ the $ore t. 61

8till 0o%bur lept and the! gre# ver! #ear!. At ti%e the! heard di ,uieting laughter. 8o%eti%e there #a inging in the di tan)e too. The laughter #a the laughter o$ $air voi)e not o$ goblin " and the inging #a beauti$ul" but it ounded eerie and trange" and the! #ere not )o%$orted" rather the! hurried on $ro% tho e part #ith #hat trength the! had le$t. T#o da! later the! $ound their path going do#n#ard and be$ore long the! #ere in a valle! $illed al%o t entirel! #ith a %ight! gro#th o$ oak . <I there no end to thi a))ur ed $ore t3= aid Thorin. <8o%ebod! %u t )li%b a tree and ee i$ he )an get hi head above the roo$ and have a look round. The onl! #a! i to )hoo e the talle t tree that overhang the path.= 5$ )our e < o%ebod!= %eant 0ilbo. The! )ho e hi% be)au e to be o$ an! u e the )li%ber %u t get hi head above the top%o t leave " and o he %u t be light enough $or the highe t and lendere t bran)he to bear hi%. Poor 7r. 0aggin had never had %u)h pra)ti)e in )li%bing tree " but the! hoi ted hi% up into the lo#e t bran)he o$ an enor%ou oak that gre# right out into the path" and up he had to go a be t he )ould. -e pu hed hi #a! through the tangled t#ig #ith %an! a lap in the e!e4 he #a greened and gri%ed $ro% the old bark o$ the greater bough 4 %ore than on)e he lipped and )aught hi% el$ 9u t in ti%e4 and at la t" a$ter a dread$ul truggle in a di$$i)ult pla)e #here there ee%ed to be no )onvenient bran)he at all" he got near the top. All the ti%e he #a #ondering #hether there #ere pider in the tree" and ho# he #a going to get do#n again .e*)ept b! $alling/. In the end he poked hi head above the roo$ o$ leave " and then he $ound pider all right. 0ut the! #ere onl! %all one o$ ordinar! i&e" and the! #ere a$ter the butter$lie . 0ilbo1 e!e #ere nearl! blinded b! the light. -e )ould hear the d#arve houting up at hi% $ro% $ar belo#" but he )ould not an #er" onl! hold on and blink. The un #a hining brilliantl!" and it #a a long #hile be$ore he )ould bear it. 6hen he )ould" he a# all round hi% a ea o$ dark green" ru$$led here and there b! the bree&e4 and there #ere ever!#here hundred o$ butter$lie . I e*pe)t the! #ere a kind o$ 1purple e%peror"1 a butter$l! that love the top o$ oak(#ood " but the e #ere not purple at all" the! #ere a dark dark velvet! bla)k #ithout an! %arking to be een. -e looked at the 1bla)k e%peror 1 $or a long ti%e" and en9o!ed the $eel o$ the bree&e in hi hair and on hi $a)e4 but at length the )rie o$ the d#arve " #ho #ere no# i%pl! ta%ping #ith i%patien)e do#n belo#" re%inded hi% o$ hi real bu ine . It #a no good. :a&e a %u)h a he %ight" he )ould ee no end to the tree and the leave in an! dire)tion. -i heart" that had been lightened b! the ight o$ the un and the $eel o$ the #ind" ank ba)k into hi toe ' there #a no $ood to go ba)k to do#n belo#. A)tuall!" a I have told !ou" the! #ere not $ar o$$ the edge o$ the $ore t4 and i$ 0ilbo had had the en e to ee it" the tree that he had )li%bed" though it #a tall in it el$" #a tanding near the botto% o$ a #ide valle!" o that $ro% it top the tree ee%ed to #ell up all round like the edge o$ a great bo#l" and he )ould not e*pe)t to ee ho# $ar the $ore t la ted. 8till he did not ee thi " and he )li%bed do#n $ull o$ de pair. -e got to the botto% again at la t )rat)hed" hot" and %i erable" and he )ould not ee an!thing in the gloo% belo# #hen he got there. -i report oon %ade the other a %i erable a he #a . <The $ore t goe on $or ever and ever and ever in all dire)tion ; 6hatever hall #e do3 And #hat i the u e o$ ending a hobbit;= the! )ried" a i$ it #a hi $ault. The! did not )are tuppen)e about the butter$lie " and #ere onl! %ade %ore angr! #hen he told the% o$ the beauti$ul bree&e" #hi)h the! #ere too heav! to )li%b up and $eel. That night the! ate their ver! la t )rap and )ru%b o$ $ood4 and ne*t %orning #hen the! #oke the $ir t thing the! noti)ed #a that the! #ere till gna#ingl! hungr!" and the ne*t thing #a that it #a raining and that here and there the drip o$ it #a dropping heavil! on the $ore t $loor. That onl! re%inded the% that the! #ere al o par)hingl! thir t!" #ithout doing an!thing to relieve the%' !ou )annot ,uen)h a terrible thir t b! tanding under giant oak and #aiting $or a )han)e drip to $all on !our tongue. The onl! )rap o$ )o%$ort there #a " )a%e une*pe)tedl! $ro% 0o%bur. -e #oke up uddenl! and at up )rat)hing hi head. -e )ould not %ake out #here he #a at all" nor #h! he $elt o hungr!4 $or he had $orgotten ever!thing that had happened in)e the! tarted their 9ourne! that 7a! %orning long ago. The la t thing that he 62

re%e%bered #a the part! at the hobbit1 hou e" and the! had great di$$i)ult! in %aking hi% believe their tale o$ all the %an! adventure the! had had in)e. 6hen he heard that there #a nothing to eat" he at do#n and #ept" $or he $elt ver! #eak and #obbl! in the leg . <6h! ever did I #ake up;= he )ried. <I #a having u)h beauti$ul drea% . I drea%ed I #a #alking in a $ore t rather like thi one" onl! lit #ith tor)he on the tree and la%p #inging $ro% the bran)he and $ire burning on the ground4 and there #a a great $ea t going on" going on $or ever. A #oodland king #a there #ith a )ro#n o$ leave " and there #a a %err! inging" and I )ould not )ount or de )ribe the thing there #ere to eat and drink.= <You need not tr!"= aid Thorin. <In $a)t i$ !ou )an1t talk about o%ething el e" !ou had better be ilent. 6e are ,uite anno!ed enough #ith !ou a it i . I$ !ou hadn1t #aked up" #e hould have le$t !ou to !our idioti) drea% in the $ore t4 !ou are no 9oke to )arr! even a$ter #eek o$ hort )o%%on .= There #a nothing no# to be done but to tighten the belt round their e%pt! to%a)h " and hoi t their e%pt! a)k and pa)k " and trudge along the tra)k #ithout an! great hope o$ ever getting to the end be$ore the! la! do#n and died o$ tarvation. Thi the! did all that da!" going ver! lo#l! and #earil!" #hile 0o%bur kept on #ailing that hi leg #ould not )arr! hi% and that he #anted to lie do#n and leep. <No !ou don1t;= the! aid. <@et !our leg take their hare" #e have )arried !ou $ar enough.= All the a%e he uddenl! re$u ed to go a tep $urther and $lung hi% el$ on the ground. <:o on" i$ !ou %u t"= he aid. <I1% 9u t going to lie here and leep and drea% o$ $ood" i$ I )an1t get it an! other #a!. I hope I never #ake up again.= At that ver! %o%ent 0alin" #ho #a a little #a! ahead" )alled out' <6hat #a that3 I thought I a# a t#inkle o$ light in the $ore t.= The! all looked" and a longi h #a! o$$" it ee%ed" the! a# a red t#inkle in the dark4 then another and another prang out be ide it. Even 0o%bur got up" and the! hurried along then" not )aring i$ it #a troll or goblin . The light #a in $ront o$ the% and to the le$t o$ the path" and #hen at la t the! had dra#n level #ith it" it ee%ed plain that tor)he and $ire #ere burning under the tree " but a good #a! o$$ their tra)k. <It look a i$ %! drea% #ere )o%ing true"= ga ped 0o%bur pu$$ing up behind. -e #anted to ru h traight o$$ into the #ood a$ter the light . 0ut the other re%e%bered onl! too #ell the #arning o$ the #i&ard and o$ 0eorn. <A $ea t #ould be no good" i$ #e never got ba)k alive $ro% it"= aid Thorin. <0ut #ithout a $ea t #e han1t re%ain alive %u)h longer an!#a!"= aid 0o%bur" and 0ilbo heartil! agreed #ith hi%. The! argued about it ba)k#ard and $or#ard $or a long #hile" until the! agreed at length to end out a )ouple o$ pie " to )reep near the light and $ind out %ore about the%. 0ut then the! )ould not agree on #ho #a to be ent' no one ee%ed an*iou to run the )han)e o$ being lo t and never $inding hi $riend again. In the end" in pite o$ #arning " hunger de)ided the%" be)au e 0o%bur kept on de )ribing all the good thing that #ere being eaten" a))ording to hi drea%" in the #oodland $ea t4 o the! all le$t the path and plunged into the $ore t together. A$ter a good deal o$ )reeping and )ra#ling the! peered round the trunk and looked into a )learing #here o%e tree had been $elled and the ground levelled. There #ere %an! people there" elvi h(looking $olk" all dre ed in green and bro#n and itting on a#n ring o$ the $elled tree in a great )ir)le. There #a a $ire in their %id t and there #ere tor)he $a tened to o%e o$ the tree round about4 but %o t plendid ight o$ all' the! #ere eating and drinking and laughing %erril!. The %ell o$ the roa t %eat #a o en)hanting that" #ithout #aiting to )on ult one another" ever! one o$ the% got up and )ra%bled $or#ard into the ring #ith the one idea o$ begging $or o%e $ood. No ooner had the $ir t tepped into the )learing than all the light #ent out a i$ b! %agi). 8o%ebod! ki)ked the $ire and it #ent up in ro)ket o$ glittering park and vani hed. The! #ere lo t in a )o%pletel! lightle dark and the! )ould not even $ind one another" not $or a long ti%e at an! rate. A$ter blundering $ranti)all! in the gloo%" $alling over log " bu%ping )ra h into tree " and houting and )alling till the! %u t have #aked ever!thing in the $ore t $or %ile " at la t the! %anaged to gather the% elve in a bundle and )ount the% elve b! tou)h. 0! that ti%e the! had" o$ )our e" ,uite $orgotten in #hat dire)tion the path la!" and the! #ere all hopele l! lo t" at lea t till %orning. 63

There #a nothing $or it but to ettle do#n $or the night #here the! #ere4 the! did not even dare to ear)h on the ground $or )rap o$ $ood $or $ear o$ be)o%ing eparated again. 0ut the! had not been l!ing long" and 0ilbo #a onl! 9u t getting dro# !" #hen Dori" #ho e turn it #a to #at)h $ir t" aid in a loud #hi per' <The light are )o%ing out again over there" and there are %ore than ever o$ the%.= Up the! all 9u%ped. There" ure enough" not $ar a#a! #ere )ore o$ t#inkling light " and the! heard the voi)e and the laughter ,uite plainl!. The! )rept lo#l! to#ard the%" in a ingle line" ea)h tou)hing the ba)k o$ the one in $ront. 6hen the! got near Thorin aid' <No ru hing $or#ard thi ti%e; No one i to tir $ro% hiding till I a!. I hall end 7r. 0aggin alone $ir t to talk to the%. The! #on1t be $rightened o$ hi%(.16hat about %e o$ the%31 thought 0ilbo/(and an! #a! I hope the! #on1t do an!thing na t! to hi%.= 6hen the! got to the edge o$ the )ir)le o$ light the! pu hed 0ilbo uddenl! $ro% behind. 0e$ore he had ti%e to lip on hi ring" he tu%bled $or#ard into the $ull bla&e o$ the $ire and tor)he . It #a no good. 5ut #ent all the light again and )o%plete darkne $ell. I$ it had been di$$i)ult )olle)ting the% elve be$ore" it #a $ar #or e thi ti%e. And the! i%pl! )ould not $ind the hobbit. Ever! ti%e the! )ounted the% elve it onl! %ade thirteen. The! houted and )alled' <0ilbo 0aggin ; -obbit; You dratted hobbit; -i; hobbit" )on$u ti)ate !ou" #here are !ou3= and other thing o$ that ort" but there #a no an #er. The! #ere 9u t giving up hope" #hen Dori tu%bled a)ro hi% b! heer lu)k. In the dark he $ell over #hat he thought #a a log" and he $ound it #a the hobbit )urled up $a t a leep. It took a deal o$ haking to #ake hi%" and #hen he #a a#ake he #a not plea ed at all. <I #a having u)h a lovel! drea%"= he gru%bled" <all about having a %o t gorgeou dinner.= <:ood heaven ; he ha gone like 0o%bur"= the! aid. <Don1t tell u about drea% . Drea%(dinner aren1t an! good" and #e )an1t hare the%.= <The! are the be t I a% likel! to get in thi bea tl! pla)e"= he %uttered" a he la! do#n be ide the d#arve and tried to go ba)k to leep and $ind hi drea% again. 0ut that #a not the la t o$ the light in the $ore t. @ater #hen the night %u t have been getting old" Bili #ho #a #at)hing then" )a%e and rou ed the% all again" a!ing' <There1 a regular bla&e o$ light begun not $ar a#a!+hundred o$ tor)he and %an! $ire %u t have been lit uddenl! and b! %agi). And hark to the inging and the harp ;= A$ter l!ing and li tening $or a #hile" the! $ound the! )ould not re i t the de ire to go nearer and tr! on)e %ore to get help. Up the! got again4 and thi ti%e the re ult #a di a trou . The $ea t that the! no# a# #a greater and %ore %agni$i)ent than be$ore4 and at the head o$ a long line o$ $ea ter at a #oodland king #ith a )ro#n o$ leave upon hi golden hair" ver! %u)h a 0o%bur had de )ribed the $igure in hi drea%. The elvi h $olk #ere pa ing bo#l $ro% hand to hand and a)ro the $ire " and o%e #ere harping and %an! #ere inging. Their gloa%ing hair #a t#ined #ith $lo#er 4 green and #hite ge% glinted on their )ollar and their belt 4 and their $a)e and their ong #ere $illed #ith %irth. @oud and )lear and $air #ere tho e ong " and out tepped Thorin into their %id t. Dead ilen)e $ell in the %iddle o$ a #ord. 5ut #ent all light. The $ire leaped up in bla)k %oke . A he and )inder #ere in the e!e o$ the d#arve " and the #ood #a $illed again #ith their )la%our and their )rie . 0ilbo $ound hi% el$ running round and round .a he thought/ and )alling and )alling' <Dori" Nori" 5ri" 5in" :loin" Cili" Bili" 0o%bur" 0i$ur" 0o$ur" D#alin" 0alin" Thorin 5aken hield"= #hile people he )ould not ee or $eel #ere doing the a%e all round hi% .#ith an o))a ional <0ilbo;= thro#n in/. 0ut the )rie o$ the other got teadil! $urther and $ainter" and though a$ter a #hile it ee%ed to hi% the! )hanged to !ell and )rie $or help in the $ar di tan)e" all noi e at la t died right a#a!" and he #a le$t alone in )o%plete ilen)e and darkne . That #a one o$ hi %o t %i erable %o%ent . 0ut he oon %ade up hi %ind that it #a no good tr!ing to do an!thing till da! )a%e #ith o%e little light" and ,uite u ele to go blundering about tiring hi% el$ out #ith no hope o$ an! break$a t to revive hi%. 8o he at hi% el$ do#n #ith hi ba)k to a tree" and not $or the la t ti%e $ell to thinking o$ hi $ar(di tant hobbit(hole #ith it beauti$ul pantrie . -e #a deep in thought o$ ba)on and egg and toa t and butter #hen he $elt o%ething tou)h hi%. 8o%ething like a 64

trong ti)k! tring #a again t hi le$t hand" and #hen he tried to %ove he $ound that hi leg #ere alread! #rapped in the a%e tu$$" o that #hen he got up he $ell over. Then the great pider" #ho had been bu ! t!ing hi% up #hile he do&ed" )a%e $ro% behind hi% and )a%e at hi%. -e )ould onl! ee the thing 1 e!e " but he )ould $eel it hair! leg a it truggled to #ind it abo%inable thread round and round hi%. It #a lu)k! that he had )o%e to hi en e in ti%e. 8oon he #ould not have been able to %ove at all. A it #a " he had a de perate $ight be$ore he got $ree. -e beat the )reature o$$ #ith hi hand (it #a tr!ing to poi on hi% to keep hi% ,uiet" a %all pider do to $lie ( until he re%e%bered hi #ord and dre# it out. Then the pider 9u%ped ba)k" and he had ti%e to )ut hi leg loo e. A$ter that it #a hi turn to atta)k. The pider evidentl! #a not u ed to thing that )arried u)h ting at their ide " or it #ould have hurried a#a! ,ui)ker. 0ilbo )a%e at it be$ore it )ould di appear and tru)k it #ith hi #ord right in the e!e . Then it #ent %ad and leaped and dan)ed and $lung out it leg in horrible 9erk " until he killed it #ith another troke4 and then he $ell do#n and re%e%bered nothing %ore $or a long #hile. There #a the u ual di% gre! light o$ the $ore t(da! about hi% #hen he )a%e to hi en e . The pider la! dead be ide hi%" and hi #ord(blade #a tained bla)k. 8o%eho# the killing o$ the giant pider" all alone b! hi% el$ in the dark #ithout the help o$ the #i&ard or the d#arve or o$ an!one el e" %ade a great di$$eren)e to 7r. 0aggin . -e $elt a di$$erent per on" and %u)h $ier)er and bolder in pite o$ an e%pt! to%a)h" a he #iped hi #ord on the gra and put it ba)k into it heath. <I #ill give !ou a na%e"= he aid to it" <and I hall )all !ou 8ting.= A$ter that he et out to e*plore. The $ore t #a gri% and ilent" but obviou l! he had $ir t o$ all to look $or hi $riend " #ho #ere not likel! to be ver! $ar o$$" unle the! had been %ade pri oner b! the elve .or #or e thing /. 0ilbo $elt that it #a un a$e to hout" and he tood a long #hile #ondering in #hat dire)tion the path la!" and in #hat dire)tion he hould go $ir t to look $or the d#arve . <5; #h! did #e not re%e%ber 0eorn1 advi)e" and :andal$1 ;= he la%ented. <6hat a %e #e are in no#; 6e; I onl! #i h it #a #e' it i horrible being all alone.= In the end he %ade a good a gue a he )ould at the dire)tion $ro% #hi)h the )rie $or help had )o%e in the night+and b! lu)k .he #a born #ith a good hare o$ it/ be gue ed %ore or le right" a !ou #ill ee. -aving %ade up hi %ind he )rept along a )leverl! a he )ould. -obbit are )lever at ,uietne " e pe)iall! in #ood " a J. have alread! told !ou4 al o 0ilbo had lipped on hi ring be$ore he tarted. That i #h! the pider neither a# nor heard hi% )o%ing. -e had pi)ked hi #a! tealthil! 1$or o%e di tan)e" #hen he noti)ed a pla)e o$ den e bla)k hado# ahead o$ hi% bla)k even $or that $ore t" like a pat)h o$ %idnight that had never been )leared a#a!. A he dre# nearer" he a# that it #a %ade b! pider(#eb one behind and over and tangled #ith another. 8uddenl! he a#" too" that there #ere pider huge and horrible itting in the bran)he above hi%" and ring or no ring he tre%bled #ith $ear le t the! hould di )over hi%. 8tanding behind a tree he #at)hed a group o$ the% $or o%e ti%e" and then in the ilen)e and tillne o$ the #ood he reali ed that the e loath o%e )reature #ere peaking one to another. Their voi)e #ere a ort o$ thin )reaking and hi ing" but he )ould %ake out %an! o$ the #ord that the! aid. The! #ere talking about the d#arve ; <It #a a harp truggle" but #orth it"= aid one. <6hat na t! thi)k kin the! have to be ure" but I1ll #ager there i good 9ui)e in ide.= <A!e" the!1ll %ake $ine eating" #hen the!1ve hung a bit"= aid another. <Don1t hang 1e% too long"= aid a third. <The!1re not a $at a the! %ight be. 0een $eeding none too #ell o$ late" I hould gue .= <Bill1e%" I a!"= hi ed a $ourth4 <kill 1e% no# and hang 1e% dead $or a #hile.= <The!1re dead no#" I1ll #arrant"= aid the $ir t. <That the! are not. I a# one a( truggling 9u t no#. Ju t )o%ing round again" I hould a!" a$ter a bee(auti$ul leep. I1ll ho# !ou.= 6ith that one o$ the $at pider ran along a rope" till it )a%e to a do&en bundle hanging in a ro# $ro% a high bran)h. 0ilbo #a horri$ied" no# that he noti)ed the% $or the $ir t ti%e dangling in the hado# " to ee a d#arvi h $oot ti)king out o$ the botto% o$ o%e o$ the bundle " or here and there the tip o$ a no e" or a bit o$ beard or o$ a hood. 65

To the $atte t o$ the e bundle the pider #ent((GIt i poor old 0o%bur" I1ll bet"= thought 0ilbo+and nipped hard at the no e that tu)k out. There #a a %u$$led !elp in ide" and a toe hot up and ki)ked the pider traight and hard. There #a li$e in 0o%bur till. There #a a noi e like the ki)king o$ a $labb! $ootball" and the enraged pider $ell o$$ the bran)h" onl! )at)hing it el$ #ith it o#n thread 9u t in ti%e. The other laughed. <You #ere ,uite right"= the! aid" <the %eat1 alive and ki)king;= <I1ll oon put an end to that"= hi ed the angr! pider )li%bing ba)k onto the bran)h. 0ilbo a# that the %o%ent had )o%e #hen he %u t do o%ething. -e )ould not get up at the brute and he had nothing to hoot #ith4 but looking about he a# that in thi pla)e there #ere %an! tone l!ing in #hat appeared to be a no# dr! little #ater)our e. 0ilbo #a a prett! $air hot #ith a tone" and it did not take hi% long to $ind a ni)e %ooth egg( haped one that $itted hi hand )o il!. A a bo! he u ed to pra)ti e thro#ing tone at thing " until rabbit and ,uirrel " and even bird " got out o$ hi #a! a ,ui)k a lightning i$ the! a# hi% toop4 and even gro#nup he had till pent a deal o$ hi ti%e at ,uoit " dart(thro#ing" hooting at the #and" bo#l " ninepin and other ,uiet ga%e o$ the ai%ing and thro#ing ort(indeed he )ould do lot o$ thing " be ide blo#ing %oke(ring " a king riddle and )ooking" that I haven1t had ti%e to tell !ou about. There i no ti%e no#. 6hile he #a pi)king up tone " the pider had rea)hed 0o%bur" and oon he #ould have been dead. At that %o%ent 0ilbo thre#. The tone tru)k the pider plunk on the head" and it dropped en ele o$$ the tree" $lop to the ground" #ith all it leg )urled up. The ne*t tone #ent #hi&&ing through a big #eb" napping it )ord " and taking o$$ the pider itting in the %iddle o$ it" #ha)k" dead. A$ter that there #a a deal o$ )o%%otion in the pider()olon!" and the! $orgot the d#arve $or a bit" I )an tell !ou. The! )ould not ee 0ilbo" but the! )ould %ake a good gue at the dire)tion $ro% #hi)h the tone #ere )o%ing. A ,ui)k a lightning the! )a%e running and #inging to#ard the hobbit" $linging out their long thread in all dire)tion " till the air ee%ed $ull o$ #aving nare . 0ilbo" ho#ever" oon lipped a#a! to a di$$erent pla)e. The idea )a%e to hi% to lead the $uriou pider $urther and $urther a#a! $ro% the d#arve " i$ he )ould4 to %ake the% )uriou " e*)ited and angr! all at on)e. 6hen about $i$t! had gone o$$ to the pla)e #here he had tood be$ore" he thre# o%e %ore tone at the e" and at other that had topped behind4 then dan)ing a%ong the tree he began to ing a ong to in$uriate the% and bring the% all a$ter hi%" and al o to let the d#arve hear hi voi)e. Thi i #hat he ang' 5ld $at pider pinning in a tree; 5ld $at pider )an1t ee %e; Atter)op; Atter)op; 6on1t !ou top" 8top !our pinning and look $or %e; 5ld To%nodd!" all big bod!" 5ld To%nodd! )an1t p! %e; Atter)op; Atter)op; Do#n !ou drop; You1ll never )at)h %e up !our tree; Not ver! good perhap " but then !ou %u t re%e%ber that he had to %ake it up hi% el$" on the pur o$ a ver! a#k#ard %o%ent. It did #hat he #anted an! #a!. A he ang he thre# o%e %ore tone and ta%ped. Pra)ti)all! all the pider in the pla)e )a%e a$ter hi%' o%e dropped to the ground" other ra)ed along the bran)he " #ung $ro% tree to tree" or )a t ne# rope a)ro the dark pa)e . The! %ade $or hi noi e $ar ,ui)ker than he had e*pe)ted. The! #ere $right$ull! angr!. Duite apart $ro% the tone no pider ha ever liked being )alled Atter)op" and To%nodd! o$ )our e i in ulting to an!bod!. 5$$ 0ilbo )uttled to a $re h pla)e" but everal o$ the pider had run no# to di$$erent point in the glade #here the! lived" and #ere bu ! pinning #eb a)ro all the pa)e bet#een the tree( te% . >er! oon the hobbit #ould be )aught in a thi)k $en)e o$ the%


all round hi%(that at lea t #a the pider 1 idea. 8tanding no# in the %iddle o$ the hunting and pinning in e)t 0ilbo plu)ked up hi )ourage and began a ne# ong' @a&! @ob and )ra&! Cob are #eaving #eb to #ind %e. I a% $ar %ore #eet than other %eat" but till the! )annot $ind %e; -ere a% I" naught! little $l!4 !ou are $at and la&!. You )annot trap %e" though !ou tr!" in !our )ob#eb )ra&!. 6ith that he turned and $ound that the la t pa)e bet#een t#o tall tree had been )lo ed #ith a #eb(but lu)kil! not a proper #eb" onl! great trand o$ double(thi)k pider( rope run ha til! ba)k#ard and $or#ard $ro% trunk to trunk. 5ut )a%e hi little1 #ord. -e la hed the thread to pie)e and #ent o$$ inging. The pider a# the #ord" though I don1t uppo e the! kne# #hat it #a " and at on)e the #hole lot o$ the% )a%e hurr!ing a$ter the hobbit along the ground and the bran)he " hair! leg #aving" nipper and pinner napping" e!e popping" $ull o$ $roth and rage. The! $ollo#ed hi% into the $ore t until 0ilbo had gone a $ar a he dared. Then ,uieter than a %ou e he tole ba)k. -e had pre)iou little ti%e" he kne#" be$ore the pider #ere di gu ted and )a%e ba)k to their tree #here the d#arve #ere hung. In the %ean#hile he had to re )ue the%. The #or t part o$ the 9ob #a getting up on to the long bran)h #here the bundle #ere dangling. I don1t uppo e he #ould have %anaged it" i$ a pider had not lu)kil! le$t a rope hanging do#n4 #ith it help" though it tu)k to hi hand and hurt hi%" he )ra%bled up(onl! to %eet an old lo# #i)ked $at( bodied pider #ho had re%ained behind to guard the pri oner " and had been bu ! pin)hing the% to ee #hi)h #a the 9ui)ie t to eat. It had thought o$ tarting the $ea t #hile the other #ere a#a!" but 7r. 0aggin #a in a hurr!" and be$ore the pider kne# #hat #a happening it $elt hi ting and rolled o$$ the bran)h dead. 0ilbo1 ne*t 9ob #a to loo e a d#ar$. 6hat #a he to do3 I$ he )ut the tring #hi)h hung hi% up" the #ret)hed d#ar$ #ould tu%ble thu%p to the ground a good #a! belo#. 6riggling along the bran)h .#hi)h %ade all the poor d#arve dan)e and dangle like ripe $ruit/ he rea)hed the $ir t bundle. <Cili or Bili"= he thought b! the tip o$ a blue hood ti)king out at the top. <7o t likel! Cili"= he thought b! the tip o$ a long no e poking out o$ the #inding thread . -e %anaged b! leaning over to )ut %o t o$ the trong ti)k! thread that bound hi% round" and then" ure enough" #ith a ki)k and a truggle %o t o$ Cili e%erged. I a% a$raid 0ilbo a)tuall! laughed at the ight o$ hi% 9erking hi ti$$ ar% and leg a he dan)ed on the pider( tring under hi ar%pit " 9u t like one o$ tho e $unn! to! bobbing on a #ire. 8o%eho# or other Cili #a got on to the bran)h" and then he did hi be t to help the hobbit" although he #a $eeling ver! i)k and ill $ro% pider(poi on" and $ro% hanging %o t o$ the night and the ne*t da! #ound round and round #ith onl! hi no e to breathe through. It took hi% age to get the bea tl! tu$$ out o$ hi e!e and e!ebro# " and a $or hi beard" he had to )ut %o t o$ it o$$. 6ell" bet#een the% the! tarted to haul up $ir t one d#ar$ and then another and la h the% $ree. None o$ the% #ere better o$$ than Cili" and o%e o$ the% #ere #or e. 8o%e had hardl! been able to breathe at all .long no e are o%eti%e u e$ul !ou ee/" and o%e had been %ore poi oned. In thi #a! the! re )ued Bili" 0i$ur" 0o$ur" Don and Nori. Poor old 0o%bur #a o e*hau ted(he #a the $atte t and had been )on tantl! pin)hed and poked(that he 9u t rolled o$$ the bran)h and $ell plop on to the ground" $ortunatel! on to leave " and la! there. 0ut there #ere till $ive d#arve hanging at the end o$ the bran)h #hen the pider began to )o%e ba)k" %ore $ull o$ rage than ever. 0ilbo i%%ediatel! #ent to the end o$ the bran)h neare t the tree(trunk and kept ba)k tho e that )ra#led up. -e had taken o$$ hi ring #hen he re )ued Cili and $orgotten to put it on again" o no# the! all began to plutter and hi '


<No# #e ee !ou" !ou na t! little )reature; 6e #ill eat !ou and leave !our bone and kin hanging on a tree. Ugh; he1 got a ting ha he3 6ell" #e1ll get hi% all the a%e" and then #e1ll hang hi% head do#n#ard $or a da! or t#o.= 6hile thi #a going on" the other d#arve #ere #orking at the re t o$ the )aptive " and )utting at the thread #ith their knive . 8oon all #ould be $ree" though it #a not )lear #hat #ould happen a$ter that. The pider had )aught the% prett! ea il! the night be$ore" but that had been una#are and in the dark. Thi ti%e there looked like being a horrible battle. 8uddenl! 0ilbo noti)ed that o%e o$ the pider had gathered round old 0o%bur on the $loor" and had tied hi% up again and #ere dragging hi% a#a!. -e gave a hout and la hed at the pider in $ront o$ hi%. The! ,ui)kl! gave #a!" and he )ra%bled and $ell do#n the tree right into the %iddle o$ tho e on the ground. -i little #ord #a o%ething ne# in the #a! o$ ting $or the%. -o# it darted to and $ro; It hone #ith delight a he tabbed at the%. -al$ a do&en #ere killed be$ore the re t dre# o$$ and le$t 0o%bur to 0ilbo. <Co%e do#n; Co%e do#n;= he houted to the d#arve on the bran)h. <Don1t ta! up there and be netted;= Cor he a# pider #ar%ing up all the neighboring tree " and )ra#ling along the bough above the head o$ the d#arve . Do#n the d#arve )ra%bled or 9u%ped or dropped" eleven all in a heap" %o t o$ the% ver! hak! and little u e on their leg . There the! #ere at la t" t#elve o$ the% )ounting poor old 0o%bur" #ho #a being propped up on either ide b! hi )ou in 0i$ur" and hi brother 0o$ur4 and 0ilbo #a dan)ing about and #aving hi 8ting4 and hundred o$ angr! pider #ere goggling at the% all round and about and above. It looked prett! hopele . Then the battle began. 8o%e o$ the d#arve had knive " and o%e had ti)k " and all o$ the% )ould get at tone 4 and 0ilbo had hi elvi h dagger. Again and again the pider #ere beaten o$$" and %an! o$ the% #ere killed. 0ut it )ould not go on $or long. 0ilbo #a nearl! tired out4 onl! $our o$ the d#arve #ere able to tand $ir%l!" and oon the! #ould all be overpo#ered like #ear! $lie . Alread! the pider #ere beginning to #eave their #eb all round the% again $ro% tree to tree. In the end 0ilbo )ould think o$ no plan e*)ept to let the d#arve into the e)ret o$ hi ring. -e #a rather orr! about it" but it )ould not be helped. <I a% going to di appear"= he aid. <I hall dra# the pider o$$" i$ I )an4 and !ou %u t keep together and %ake in the oppo ite dire)tion. To the le$t there" that i %ore or le the #a! to#ard the pla)e #here #e la t a# the el$($ire .= It #a di$$i)ult to get the% to under tand" #hat #ith their di&&! head " and the hout " and the #ha)king o$ ti)k and the thro#ing o$ tone 4 but at la t 0ilbo $elt he )ould dela! no longer(the pider #ere dra#ing their )ir)le ever )lo er. -e uddenl! lipped on hi ring" and to the great a toni h%ent o$ the d#arve he vani hed. 8oon there )a%e the ound o$ <@a&! @ob= and <Atter)op= $ro% a%ong the tree a#a! on the right. That up et the pider greatl!. The! topped advan)ing" and o%e" #ent o$$ in the dire)tion o$ the voi)e. <Atter)op= %ade the% o angr! that the! lo t their #it . Then 0alin" #ho had gra ped 0ilbo1 plan better than the re t" led an atta)k. The d#arve huddled together in a knot" and ending a ho#er o$ tone the! drove at the pider on the le$t" and bur t through the ring. A#a! behind the% no# the houting and inging uddenl! topped. -oping de peratel! that 0ilbo had not been )aught the d#arve #ent on. Not $a t enough" though. The! #ere i)k and #ear!" and the! )ould not go %u)h better than a hobble and a #obble" though %an! o$ the pider #ere )lo e behind. Ever! no# and then the! had to turn and $ight the )reature that #ere overtaking the% and alread! o%e pider #ere in the tree above the% and thro#ing do#n their long )linging thread . Thing #ere looking prett! bad again" #hen uddenl! 0ilbo appeared and )harged into the a toni hed pider une*pe)tedl! $ro% the ide. <:o on; :o on;= he houted. <I #ill do the tinging;= And he did. -e darted ba)k#ard and $or#ard " la hing at pider(thread " ha)king at their leg " and tabbing at their $at bodie i$ the! )a%e too near. The pider #elled #ith rage" and pluttered and $rothed" and hi ed out horrible )ur e 4 but the! had be)o%e %ortall! a$raid o$ 8ting" and dared not )o%e ver! near" no# that it had )o%e ba)k. 8o )ur e a the! #ould" their pre! %oved lo#l! but teadil! a#a!. It #a a %o t terrible bu ine " and ee%ed to take 68

hour . 0ut at la t" 9u t #hen 0ilbo $elt that he )ould not li$t hi hand $or a ingle troke %ore" the pider uddenl! gave it up" and $ollo#ed the% no %ore" but #ent ba)k di appointed to their dark )olon!. The d#arve then noti)ed that the! had )o%e to the edge o$ a ring #here el$($ire had been. 6hether it #a one o$ tho e the! had een the night be$ore" the! )ould not tell. 0ut it ee%ed that o%e good %agi) lingered in u)h pot " #hi)h the pider did not like. At an! rate here the light #a greener" and the bough le thi)k and threatening" and the! had a )han)e to re t and dra# breath. There the! la! $or o%e ti%e" pu$$ing and panting. put ver! oon the! began to a k ,ue tion . The! had to have the #hole vani hing bu ine )are$ull! e*plained" and the $inding o$ the ring intere ted the% o %u)h that $or a #hile the! $orgot their o#n trouble . 0alin in parti)ular in i ted on having the :ollu% tor!" riddle and all" told all over again" #ith the ring in it proper pla)e. 0ut a$ter a ti%e the light began to $ail" and then other ,ue tion #ere a ked. 6here #ere the!" and #here #a their path" and #here #a there an! $ood" and #hat #ere the! going to do ne*t3 The e ,ue tion the! a ked over and over again" and it #a $ro% little 0ilbo that the! ee%ed to e*pe)t to get the an #er . Cro% #hi)h !ou )an ee that the! had )hanged their opinion o$ 7r. 0aggin ver! %u)h" and had begun to have a great re pe)t $or hi% .a :andal$ had aid the! #ould/. Indeed the! reall! e*pe)ted hi% to think o$ o%e #onder$ul plan $or helping the%" and #ere not %erel! gru%bling. The! kne# onl! too #ell that the! #ould oon all have been dead" i$ it had not been $or the hobbit4 and the! thanked hi% %an! ti%e . 8o%e o$ the% even got up and bo#ed right to the ground be$ore hi%" though the! $ell over #ith the e$$ort" and )ould not get on their leg again $or o%e ti%e. Bno#ing the truth about the vani hing did not le en their opinion o$ 0ilbo at all4 $or the! a# that he had o%e #it " a #ell a lu)k and a %agi) ring(and all three are ver! u e$ul po e ion . In $a)t the! prai ed hi% o %u)h that 0ilbo began to $eel there reall! #a o%ething o$ a bold adventurer about hi% el$ a$ter all" though he I #ould have $elt a lot bolder till" i$ there had been an!thing to eat. 0ut there #a nothing" nothing at all4 and none o$ the% 6ere $it to go and look $or an!thing" or to ear)h $or the lo t path. The lo t path; No other idea #ould )o%e into 0ilbo1 tired head. -e 9u t at taring in $ront o$ hi% at the endle tree 4 and a$ter a #hile the! all $ell ilent again. All e*)ept 0alin. @ong a$ter the other had topped talking and hut their e!e " he kept on %uttering and )hu)kling to hi% el$. <:ollu%; 6ell I1% ble t; 8o that1 ho# he neaked pa t %e i it3 No# I kno#; Ju t )rept ,uietl! along did !ou" 7r. 0aggin 3 0utton all over the door tep3 :ood old 0ilbo( 0ilbo(0ilbo(bo(bo(boS= And then he $ell a leep" and there #a )o%plete ilen)e $or a long ti%e. All o$ a udden D#alin opened an e!e" and looked round at the%. <6here i Thorin3= he a ked. It #a a terrible ho)k. 5$ )our e there #ere onl! thirteen o$ the%" t#elve d#arve and the hobbit. 6here indeed #a Thorin3 The! #ondered #hat evil $ate had be$allen hi%" %agi) or dark %on ter 4 and huddered a the! la! lo t in the $ore t. There the! dropped o$$ one b! one into un)o%$ortable leep $ull o$ horrible drea% " a evening #ore to bla)k night4 and there #e %u t leave the% $or the pre ent" too i)k and #ear! to et guard or take turn #at)hing. Thorin had been )aught %u)h $a ter than the! had. You re%e%ber 0ilbo $alling like a log into leep" a he tepped into a )ir)le o$ light3 The ne*t ti%e it had been Thorin #ho tepped $or#ard" and a the light #ent out he $ell like a tone en)hanted. All the noi e o$ the d#arve lo t in the night" their )rie a the pider )aught the% and bound the%" and all the ound o$ the battle ne*t da!" had pa ed over hi% unheard. Then the 6ood( elve had )o%e to hi%" and bound hi%" and )arried hi% a#a!. The $ea ting people #ere 6ood(elve " o$ )our e. The e are not #i)ked $olk. I$ the! have a $ault it i di tru t o$ tranger . Though their %agi) #a trong" even in tho e da! the! #ere #ar!. The! di$$ered $ro% the -igh Elve o$ the 6e t" and #ere %ore dangerou and le #i e. Cor %o t o$ the% .together #ith their )attered relation in the hill and %ountain / #ere de )ended $ro% the an)ient tribe that never #ent to Caerie in the 6e t. There the @ight( elve and the Deep(elve and the 8ea(elve #ent and lived $or age " and gre# $airer and #i er and %ore learned" and invented their %agi) and their )unning )ra$t" in the %aking o$ beauti$ul and %arvellou thing " be$ore o%e )a%e ba)k into the 6ide 6orld. In the 6ide 6orld the 6ood(elve lingered in the t#ilight o$ our 8un and 7oon but loved be t 69

the tar 4 and the! #andered in the great $ore t that gre# tall in land that are no# lo t. The! d#elt %o t o$ten b! the edge o$ the #ood " $ro% #hi)h the! )ould e )ape at ti%e to hunt" or to ride and run over the open land b! %oonlight or tarlight4 and a$ter the )o%ing o$ 7en the! took ever %ore and %ore to the gloa%ing and the du k. 8till elve the! #ere and re%ain" and that i :ood People. In a great )ave o%e %ile #ithin the edge o$ 7irk#ood on it ea tern ide there lived at thi ti%e their greate t king. 0e$ore hi huge door o$ tone a river ran out o$ the height o$ the $ore t and $lo#ed on and out into the %ar he at the $eet o$ the high #ooded land . Thi great )ave" $ro% #hi)h )ountle %aller one opened out on ever! ide" #ound $ar underground and had %an! pa age and #ide hall 4 but it #a lighter and %ore #hole o%e than an! goblin(d#elling" and neither o deep nor o dangerou . In $a)t the ub9e)t o$ the king %o tl! lived and hunted in the open #ood " and had hou e or hut on the ground and in the bran)he . The bee)he #ere their $avourite tree . The king1 )ave #a hi pala)e" and the trong pla)e o$ hi trea ure" and the $ortre o$ hi people again t their ene%ie . It #a al o the dungeon o$ hi pri oner . 8o to the )ave the! dragged Thorin(not too gentl!" $or the! did not love d#arve " and thought he #a an ene%!. In an)ient da! the! had had #ar #ith o%e o$ the d#arve " #ho% the! a))u ed o$ tealing their trea ure. It i onl! $air to a! that the d#arve gave a di$$erent a))ount" and aid that the! onl! took #hat #a their due" $or the el$(king had bar( gained #ith the% to hape hi ra# gold and ilver" and had a$ter#ard re$u ed to give the% their pa!. I$ the el$(king had a #eakne it #a $or trea ure" e pe)iall! $or ilver and #hite ge% 4 and though hi hoard #a ri)h" he #a ever eager $or %ore" in)e he had not !et a great a trea ure a other el$(lord o$ old. -i people neither %ined nor #orked %etal or 9e#el " nor did the! bother %u)h #ith trade or #ith tilling the earth. All thi #a #ell kno#n to ever! d#ar$" though Thorin1 $a%il! had had nothing to do #ith the old ,uarrel I have poken o$. Con e,uentl! Thorin #a angr! at their treat%ent o$ hi%" #hen the! took their pell o$$ hi% and he )a%e to hi en e 4 and al o he #a deter%ined that no #ord o$ gold or 9e#el hould be dragged out o$ hi%. The king looked ternl! on Thorin" #hen he #a brought be$ore hi%" and a ked hi% %an! ,ue tion . 0ut Thorin #ould onl! a! that he #a tarving. <6h! did !ou and !our $olk three ti%e tr! to atta)k %! people at their %err!%aking3= a ked the king. <6e did not atta)k the%"= an #ered Thorin4 <#e )a%e to beg" be)au e #e #ere tarving.= <6here are !our $riend no#" and #hat are the! doing3= <I don1t kno#" but I e*pe)t tarving in the $ore t.= <6hat #ere !ou doing in the $ore t3= <@ooking $or $ood and drink" be)au e #e #ere tarving.= <0ut #hat brought !ou into the $ore t at all3= a ked the king angril!. At that Thorin hut hi %outh and #ould not a! another #ord. <>er! #ell;= aid the king. <Take hi% a#a! and keep hi% a$e" until he $eel in)lined to tell the truth" even i$ he #ait a hundred !ear .1< Then the elve put thong on hi%" and hut hi% in one o$ the in%o t )ave #ith trong #ooden door " and le$t hi%. The! gave hi% $ood and drink" plent! o$ both" i$ not ver! $ine4 $or 6ood(elve #ere not goblin " and #ere rea onabl! #ell(behaved even to their #or t ene%ie " #hen the! )aptured the%. The giant pider #ere the onl! living thing that the! had no %er)! upon. There in the king1 dungeon poor Thorin la!4 and a$ter he had got over hi thank$ulne $or bread and %eat and #ater" he began to #onder #hat had be)o%e o$ hi un$ortunate $riend . It #a not ver! long be$ore he di )overed4 but that belong to the ne*t )hapter and the beginning o$ another adventure in #hi)h the hobbit again ho#ed hi u e$ulne .


Chapter R 0ARRE@8 5UT 5C 05ND The da! a$ter the battle #ith the pider 0ilbo and the d#arve %ade one la t de pairing e$$ort to $ind a #a! out be$ore the! died o$ hunger and thir t. The! got up and taggered on in the dire)tion #hi)h eight out o$ the thirteen o$ the% gue ed to be the one in #hi)h the path la!4 but the! never $ound out i$ the! #ere right. 8u)h da! a there ever #a in the $ore t #a $ading on)e %ore into the bla)kne o$ night" #hen uddenl! out prang the light o$ %an! tor)he all round the%" like hundred o$ red tar . 5ut leaped 6ood(elve #ith their bo# and pear and )alled the d#arve to halt. There #a no thought o$ a $ight. Even i$ the d#arve had not been in u)h a tate that the! #ere a)tuall! glad to be )aptured" their %all knive " the onl! #eapon the! had" #ould have been o$ no u e again t the arro# o$ the elve that )ould hit a bird1 e!e in the dark. 8o the! i%pl! topped dead and at do#n and #aited(all e*)ept 0ilbo" #ho popped on hi ring and lipped ,ui)kl! to one ide. That i #h!" #hen the elve bound the d#arve in a long line" one behind the other" and )ounted the%" the! never $ound or )ounted the hobbit. Nor did the! hear or $eel hi% trotting along #ell behind their tor)h(light a the! led o$$ their pri oner into the $ore t. Ea)h d#ar$ #a blind$old" but that did not %ake %u)h di$$eren)e" $or even 0ilbo #ith the u e o$ hi e!e )ould not ee #here the! #ere going" and neither he nor the other kne# #here the! had tarted $ro% an!#a!. 0ilbo had all he )ould do to keep up #ith the tor)he " $or the elve #ere %aking the d#arve go a $a t a ever the! )ould" i)k and #ear! a the! #ere. The king had ordered the% to %ake ha te. 8uddenl! the tor)he topped" and the hobbit had 9u t ti%e to )at)h the% up be$ore the! began to )ro the bridge. Thi #a the bridge that led a)ro the river to the king1 door . The #ater $lo#ed dark and #i$t and trong beneath4 and at the $ar end #ere gate be$ore the %outh o$ a huge )ave that ran into the ide o$ a teep lope )overed #ith tree . There the great bee)he )a%e right do#n to the bank" till their $eet #ere in the trea%. A)ro thi bridge the elve thru t their pri oner " but 0ilbo he itated in the rear. -e did not at all like the look o$ the )avern(%outh and he onl! %ade up hi %ind not to de ert hi $riend 9u t in ti%e to )uttle over at the heel o$ the $a t elve " be$ore the great gate o$ the king )lo ed behind the% #ith a )lang. In ide the pa age #ere lit #ith red tor)h(light" and the el$(guard ang a the! %ar)hed along the t#i ting" )ro ing" and e)hoing path . The e #ere not like tho e o$ the goblin()itie ' the! #ere %aller" le deep underground" and $illed #ith a )leaner air. In a great hall #ith pillar he#n out o$ the living tone at the Elvenking on a )hair o$ )arven #ood. 5n hi head #a a )ro#n o$ berrie and red leave " $or the autu%n #a )o%e again. In the pring he #ore a )ro#n o$ #oodland $lo#er . In hi hand he held a )arven ta$$ o$ oak. The pri oner #ere brought be$ore hi%4 and though he looked gri%l! at the%" he told hi %en to unbind the%" $or the! #ere ragged and #ear!. <0e ide the! need no rope in here"= aid he. <There i no e )ape $ro% %! %agi) door $or tho e #ho are on)e brought in ide.= @ong and ear)hingl! he ,ue tioned the d#arve about their doing " and #here the! #ere going to" and #here the! #ere )o%ing $ro%4 but he got little %ore ne# out o$ the% than out o$ Thorin. The! #ere url! and angr! and did not even pretend to be polite. <6hat have #e done" 5 king3= aid 0alin" #ho #a the elde t le$t. <I it a )ri%e to be lo t in the $ore t" to be hungr! and thir t!" to be trapped b! pider 3 Are the pider !our ta%e bea t or !our pet " i$ killing the% %ake !ou angr!3= 8u)h a ,ue tion o$ )our e %ade the king angrier than ever" and he an #ered' <It i a )ri%e to #ander in %! real% #ithout leave. Do !ou $orget that !ou #ere in %! kingdo%" u ing the road that %! people %ade3 Did !ou not three ti%e pur ue and trouble %! people in the $ore t and 1 rou e the pider #ith !our riot and )la%our3 A$ter all the di turban)e !ou have %ade I have a right to kno# #hat bring !ou here" and i$ !ou #ill not tell %e no#" I #ill keep !ou all in pri on until !ou have learned en e and %anner ;= Then he ordered the d#arve ea)h to be put in a eparate )ell and to be given $ood and drink" but not to be allo#ed to pa the door o$ their little pri on " until one at lea t


o$ the% #a #illing to tell hi% all he #anted to kno#. 0ut be did not tell the% that Thorin #a al o a pri oner #ith hi%. It #a 0ilbo #ho $ound that out. Poor 7r. 0aggin +it #a a #ear! long ti%e that he lived in that pla)e all alone" and al#a! in hiding" never daring to take o$$ hi ring" hardl! daring to leep" even tu)ked a#a! in the darke t and re%ote t )o%er he )ould $ind. Cor o%ething to do he took to #andering about the Elven(king1 pala)e. 7agi) hut the gate " but be )ould o%eti%e get out" i$ he #a ,ui)k. Co%panie o$ the 6ood(elve " o%eti%e #ith the king at their head" #ould $ro% ti%e to ti%e ride out to hunt" or to other bu ine in the #ood and in the land to the Ea t. Then i$ 0ilbo #a ver! ni%ble" he )ould lip out 9u t behind the%4 though it #a a dangerou thing to do. 7ore than on)e he #a nearl! )aught in the door " a the! )la hed together #hen the la t el$ pa ed4 !et he did not dare to %ar)h a%ong the% be)au e o$ hi hado# .altogether thin and #obbl! a it #a in tor)h(light/" or $or $ear o$ being bu%ped into and di )overed. And #hen he did go out" #hi)h #a not ver! o$ten" he did no good. -e did not #i h to de ert the d#arve " and indeed he did not kno# #here in the #orld to go #ithout the%. -e )ould not keep up #ith the hunting elve all the ti%e the! #ere out" o he never di )overed the #a! out o$ the #ood" and #a le$t to #ander %i erabl! in the $ore t" terri$ied o$ lo ing hi% el$" until a )han)e )a%e o$ returning. -e #a hungr! too out ide" $or he #a no hunter4 but in ide the )ave he )ould pi)k up a living o$ o%e ort b! tealing $ood $ro% tore or table #hen no one #a at hand. <I a% like a burglar that )an1t get a#a!" but %u t go on %i erabl! burgling the a%e hou e da! a$ter da!"= he thought. <Thi i the drearie t and dulle t part o$ all thi #ret)hed" tire o%e" un)o%$ortable adventure; I #i h I #a ba)k in %! hobbit(hole b! %! o#n #ar% $ire ide #ith the la%p hining;= -e o$ten #i hed" too" that he )ould get a %e age $or help ent to the #i&ard" but that o$ )our e #a ,uite i%po ible4 and he oon reali&ed that i$ an!thing #a to be done" it #ould have to be done b! 7r. 0aggin " alone and unaided. Eventuall!" a$ter a #eek or t#o o$ thi neaking ort o$ li$e" b! #at)hing and $ollo#ing the guard and taking #hat )han)e he )ould" he %anaged to $ind out #here ea)h d#ar$ #a kept. -e $ound all their t#elve )ell in di$$erent part o$ the pala)e" and a$ter a ti%e he got to kno# hi #a! about ver! #ell. 6hat #a hi urpri e one da! to overhear o%e o$ the guard talking and to learn that there #a another d#ar$ in pri on too" in a pe)iall! deep dark pla)e. -e gue ed at on)e" o$ )our e" that that #a Thorin4 and a$ter a #hile he $ound that hi gue #a right. At la t a$ter %an! di$$i)ultie he %anaged to $ind the pla)e #hen no one #a about" and to have a #ord #ith the )hie$ o$ the d#arve . Thorin #a too #ret)hed to be angr! an! longer at hi %i $ortune " and #a even beginning to think o$ telling the king all about hi trea ure and hi ,ue t .#hi)h ho# ho# lo#( pirited he had be)o%e/" #hen he heard 0ilbo1 little voi)e at hi ke!hole. -e )ould hardl! believe hi ear . 8oon ho#ever he %ade up hi %ind that he )ould not be %i taken" and he )a%e to the door and had a long #hi pered talk #ith the hobbit on the other ide. 8o it #a that 0ilbo #a able to take e)retl! Thorin1 %e age to ea)h o$ the other i%pri oned d#arve " telling the% that Thorin their )hie$ #a al o in pri on )lo e at hand" and that no one #a to reveal their errand to the long" not !et" not be$ore Thorin gave the #ord. Cor Thorin had taken heart again hearing ho# the hobbit had re )ued hi )o%panion $ro% the pider " and #a deter%ined on)e %ore not to ran o% hi% el$ #ith pro%i e to the king o$ a hare in the trea ure" until all hope o$ e )aping in an! other #a! had di appeared4 until in $a)t the re%arkable 7r. Invi ible 0aggin .o$ #ho% he began to have a ver! high opinion indeed/ had altogether $ailed to think o$ o%ething )lever. The other d#arve ,uite agreed #hen the! got the %e age. The! all thought their o#n hare in the trea ure .#hi)h the! ,uite regarded a their " in pite o$ their plight and the till un)on,uered dragon/ #ould u$$er eriou l! i$ the 6ood(elve )lai%ed part o$ it" and the! all tru ted 0ilbo. Ju t #hat :andal$ had aid #ould happen" !ou ee. Perhap that #ar part o$ hi rea on $or going o$$ and leaving the%. 0ilbo" ho#ever" did not $eel nearl! o hope$ul a the! did. -e did not like being depended on b! ever!one" and he #i hed he had the #i&ard at hand. 0ut that #a no u e' probabl! all the dark di tan)e o$ 7irk#ood la! bet#een the%. -e at and thought and thought" until hi head nearl! bur t" but no bright idea #ould )o%e. 5ne invi ible 72

ring #a a ver! $ine thing" but it #a not %u)h good a%ong $ourteen. 0ut o$ )our e" a !ou have gue ed" he did re )ue hi $riend in the end" and thi i ho# it happened. 5ne da!" no ing and #andering about. 0ilbo di )overed a ver! intere ting thing' the great gate #ere not the onl! entran)e to the )ave . A trea% $lo#ed under part o$ the lo#e t region o$ the pala)e" and 9oined the Core t River o%e #a! $urther to the ea t" be!ond the teep lope out o$ #hi)h the %ain %outh opened. 6here thi underground #ater)our e )a%e $orth $ro% the hill ide there #a a #ater(gate. There the ro)k! roo$ )a%e do#n )lo e to the ur$a)e o$ the trea%" and $ro% it a port)ulli )ould be dropped right to the bed o$ the river to prevent an!one )o%ing in or out that #a!. 0ut the port)ulli #a o$ten open" $or a good deal o$ tra$$i) #ent out and in b! the #ater(gate. I$ an!one had )o%e in that #a!" he #ould have $ound hi% el$ in a dark rough tunnel leading deep into the heart o$ the hill4 but at one point #here it pa ed under the )ave the roo$ had been )ut a#a! and )overed #ith great oaken trapdoor . The e opened up#ard into the king1 )ellar . There tood barrel " and barrel " and barrel 4 $or the 6ood(elve " and e pe)iall! their king" #ere ver! $ond o$ #ine" though no vine gre# in tho e part . The #ine" and other good " #ere brought $ro% $ar a#a!" $ro% their kin $olk in the 8outh" or $ro% the vine!ard o$ 7en in di tant land . -iding behind one o$ the large t barrel 0ilbo di )overed the trapdoor and their u e" and lurking there" li tening to the talk o$ the king1 ervant " he learned ho# the #ine and other good )a%e up the river " or over land" to the @ong @ake. It ee%ed a to#n o$ 7en till throve there" built out on bridge $ar into the #ater a a prote)tion again t ene%ie o$ all ort " and e pe)iall! again t the dragon o$ the 7ountain. Cro% @ake(to#n the barrel #ere brought up the Core t River. 5$ten the! #ere 9u t tied together like big ra$t and poled or ro#ed up the trea%4 o%eti%e the! #ere loaded on to $lat boat . 6hen the barrel #ere e%pt! the elve )a t the% through the trapdoor " opened the #ater(gate" and out the barrel $loated on the trea%" bobbing along" until the! #ere )arried b! the )urrent to a pla)e $ar do#n the river #here the bank 9utted out" near to the ver! ea tern edge o$ 7irk#ood. There the! #ere )olle)ted and tied together and $loated ba)k to @ake(to#n" #hi)h tood )lo e to the point #here the Core t River $lo#ed into the @ong @ake. Cor o%e ti%e 0ilbo at and thought about thi #ater(gate" and #ondered i$ it )ould be u ed $or the e )ape o$ hi $riend " and at la t he had the de perate beginning o$ a plan. The evening %eal had been taken to the pri oner . The guard #ere tra%ping a#a! do#n the pa age taking the tor)h(light #ith the% and leaving ever!thing in darkne . Then 0ilbo heard the king1 butler bidding the )hie$ o$ the guard good(night. <No# )o%e #ith %e"= he aid" <and ta te the ne# #ine that ha 9u t )o%e in. I hall be hard at #ork tonight )learing the )ellar o$ the e%pt! #ood" o let u have a drink $ir t to help the labour.= <>er! good"= laughed the )hie$ o$ the guard . <I1ll ta te #ith !ou" and ee i$ it i $it $or the king1 table. There i a $ea t tonight and it #ould not do to end up poor tu$$;= 6hen he heard thi 0ilbo #a all in a $lutter" $or he a# that lu)k #a #ith hi% and he had a )han)e at on)e to tr! hi de perate plan. -e $ollo#ed the t#o elve " until the! entered a %all )ellar and at do#n at a table on #hi)h t#o large $lagon #ere et. 8oon the! began to drink and laugh %erril!. @u)k o$ an unu ual kind #a #ith 0ilbo then. It %u t be potent #ine to %ake a #ood(el$ dro# !4 but thi #ine" it #ould ee%" #a the head! vintage o$ the great garden o$ Dor#inion" not %eant $or hi oldier or hi ervant " but $or the king1 $ea t onl!" and $or %aller bo#l " not $or the butler1 great $lagon . >er! oon the )hie$ guard nodded hi head" then he laid it on the table and $ell $a t a leep. The butler #ent on talking and laughing to hi% el$ $or a #hile #ithout ee%ing to noti)e" but oon hi head too nodded to the table" and he $ell a leep and nored be ide hi $riend. Then in )rept the hobbit. >er! oon the )hie$ guard had no ke! " but 0ilbo #a trotting a $a t a he )ould along the pa age to#ard the )ell . The great bun)h ee%ed ver! heav! to hi ar% " and hi heart #a o$ten in hi %outh" in pite o$ hi ring" $or he )ould not prevent the ke! $ro% %aking ever! no# and then a loud )link and )lank" #hi)h put hi% all in a tre%ble. 73

Cir t he unlo)ked 0alin1 door" and lo)ked it again )are$ull! a oon a the d#ar$ #a out ide. 0alin #a %o t urpri ed" a !ou )an i%agine4 but glad a he #a to get out o$ hi #eari o%e little tone roo%" he #anted to top and a k ,ue tion " and kno# #hat 0ilbo #a going to do" and all about it. <No ti%e no#;= aid the hobbit. <You %u t $ollo# %e; 6e %u t all keep together and not ri k getting eparated. All o$ u %u t e )ape or none" and thi i our la t )han)e. I$ thi i $ound out" goodne kno# #here the king #ill put !ou ne*t" #ith )hain on !our hand and $eet too" I e*pe)t. Don1t argue" there1 a good $ello#;= Then o$$ he #ent $ro% door to door" until hi $ollo#ing had gro#n to t#elve(none o$ the% an! too ni%ble" #hat #ith the dark" and #hat #ith their long i%pri on%ent. 0ilbo1 heart thu%ped ever! ti%e one o$ the% bu%ped into another" or grunted or #hi pered in the dark. <Drat thi d#arvi h ra)ket;= he aid to hi% el$. 0ut all #ent #ell" and the! %et no guard . A a %atter o$ $a)t there #a a great autu%n $ea t in the #ood that night" and in the hall above. Nearl! all the king1 $olk #ere %err!%aking. At la t a$ter %u)h blundering the! )a%e to Thorin1 dungeon" $ar do#n in a deep pla)e and $ortunatel! not $ar $ro% the )ellar . <Upon %! #ord;= aid Thorin" #hen 0ilbo #hi pered to hi% to )o%e out and 9oin hi $riend " <:andal$ poke true" a u ual. A prett! $ine burglar !ou %ake" it ee% " #hen the ti%e )o%e . I a% ure #e are all $or ever at !our ervi)e" #hatever happen a$ter thi . 0ut #hat )o%e ne*t3= 0ilbo a# that the ti%e had )o%e to e*plain hi idea" a $ar a he )ould4 but he did not $eel at all ure bo# the d#arve #ould take it. -i $ear #ere ,uite 9u ti$ied" $or the! did not like it a bit" and tarted gru%bling loudl! in pite o$ their danger. <6e hall be brui ed and battered to pie)e " and dro#ned too" $or )ertain;= the! %uttered. <6e thought !ou had got o%e en ible notion" #hen !ou %anaged to get hold o$ the ke! . Thi i a %ad idea;= <>er! #ell;= aid 0ilbo ver! do#n)a t" and al o rather anno!ed. <Co%e along ba)k to !our ni)e )ell " and I #ill lo)k !ou all in again" and !ou )an it there )o%$ortabl! and think o$ a better plan(but I don1t uppo e I hall ever get hold o$ the ke! again" even i$ I $eel in)lined to tr!.= <That #a too %u)h $or the%" and the! )al%ed do#n. In the end" o$ )our e" the! had to do 9u t #hat 0ilbo ugge ted" be)au e it #a obviou l! i%po ible $or the% to tr! and $ind their #a! into the upper hall " or to $ight their #a! out o$ gate that )lo ed b! %agi)4 and it #a no good gru%bling in the pa age until the! #ere )aught again. 8o $ollo#ing the hobbit" do#n into the lo#e t )ellar the! )rept. The! pa ed a door through #hi)h the )hie$ guard and the butler )ould be een till happil! noring #ith %ile upon their $a)e . The #ine o$ Dor#inion bring deep and plea ant drea% . There #ould be a di$$erent e*pre ion on the $a)e o$ the )hie$ guard ne*t da!" even though 0ilbo" be$ore the! #ent on" tole in and kindheartedl! put the ke! ba)k on hi belt. <That #ill ave hi% o%e o$ the trouble he i in $or"= aid 7r. 0aggin to hi% el$. <-e #a n1t a bad $ello#" and ,uite de)ent to the pri oner . It #ill pu&&le the% all too. The! #ill think #e had a ver! trong %agi) to pa through all tho e lo)ked door and di appear. Di appear; 6e have got to get bu ! ver! ,ui)k" i$ that i to happen;= 0alin #a told o$$ to #at)h the guard and the butler and give #arning i$ the! tirred. The re t #ent into the ad9oining )ellar #ith the trapdoor . There #a little ti%e to lo e. 0e$ore long" a 0ilbo kne#" o%e elve #ere under order to )o%e do#n and help the butler get the e%pt! barrel through the door into the trea%. The e #ere in $a)t alread! tanding in ro# in the %iddle o$ the $loor #aiting to be pu hed o$$. 8o%e o$ the% #ere #ine(barrel " and the e #ere not %u)h u e" a the! )ould not ea il! be opened at the end #ithout a deal o$ noi e" nor )ould the! ea il! be e)ured again. 0ut a%ong the% #ere everal other #hi)h had been u ed $or bringing other tu$$ " butter" apple " and all ort o$ thing " to the king1 pala)e. The! oon $ound thirteen #ith roo% enough $or a d#ar$ in ea)h. In $a)t o%e #ere too roo%!" and a the! )li%bed in the d#arve thought an*iou l! o$ the haking and the bu%ping the! #ould get in ide" though 0ilbo did hi be t to $ind tra# and other tu$$ to pa)k the% in a )o il! a )ould be %anaged in a hort ti%e. At la t t#elve d#arve #ere to#ed. Thorin had given a lot o$ trouble" and turned and t#i ted in hi tub and gru%bled like a large dog in a %all kennel4 #hile 0alin" #ho )a%e la t" %ade a great $u about 74

hi air(hole and aid he #a ti$ling" even be$ore hi lid #a on. 0ilbo had done #hat he )ould to )lo e hole in the ide o$ the barrel " and to $i* on all the lid a a$el! a )ould be %anaged" and no# he #a le$t alone again" running round putting the $ini hing tou)he (to the pa)king" and hoping again t hope that hi plan #ould )o%e o$$. It had not been a(bit too oon. 5nl! a %inute or t#o a$ter 0alin1 lid had been $itted on there )a%e the ound o$ voi)e and the $li)ker o$ light . A nu%ber o$ elve )a%e laughing and talking into the )ellar and inging nat)he o$ ong. The! had le$t a %err! $ea t in one o$ the hall and #ere bent on returning a oon a the! )ould. <6here1 old :alion" the butler3= aid one. <I haven1t een hi% at the table tonight. -e ought to be here no# to ho# u #hat i to be done.= <I hall be angr! i$ the old lo#)oa)h i late"= aid another. <I have no #i h to #a te ti%e do#n here #hile the ong i up;= <-a" ha;= )a%e a )r!. <-ere1 the old villain #ith hi head on a 9ug; -e1 been having a little $ea t all to hi% el$ and hi $riend the )aptain.= <8hake hi%; 6ake hi%;= houted the other i%patientl!. :allon #a not at all plea ed at being haken or #akened" and till le at being laughed at. <You1re all late"= he gru%bled. <-ere a% I #aiting and #aiting do#n here" #hile !ou $ello# drink and %ake %err! and $orget !our ta k . 8%all #onder i$ I $all a leep $ro% #earine ;= <8%all #onder"= aid the!" <#hen the e*planation tand )lo e at hand in a 9ug; Co%e give u a ta te o$ !our leeping(draught be$ore #e $all to; No need to #ake the turnke! !onder. -e ha had hi hare b! the look o$ it.= Then the! drank on)e round and be)a%e %ight! %err! all o$ a udden. 0ut the! did not ,uite lo e their #it . <8ave u " :alion;= )ried o%e" <!ou began !our $ea ting earl! and %uddled !our #it ; You have ta)ked o%e $ull )a k here in tead o$ the e%pt! one " i$ there i an!thing in #eight.= <:et on #ith the #ork;= gro#led the butler. <There i nothing in the $eeling o$ #eight in an idle to (pot1 ar% . The e are the one to go and no other . Do a I a!;= <>er! #ell" ver! #ell"= the! an #ered rolling the barrel to the opening. <5n !our head be it" i$ the king1 $ull buttertub and hi be t #ine i pu hed into the river $or the @ake( %en to $ea t on $or nothing;= Roll-roll-roll-roll, roll-roll-rolling down the hole I eave ho! "plash plump ! #own they go, down they bump! 8o the! ang a $ir t one barrel and then another ru%bled to the dark opening and #a pu hed over into the )old #ater o%e $eet belo#. 8o%e #ere barrel reall! e%pt!" o%e #ere tub neatl! pa)ked #ith a d#ar$ ea)h4 but do#n the! all #ent" one a$ter another" #ith %an! a )la h and a bu%p" thudding on top o$ one belo#" %a)king into the #ater" 9o tling again t the #all o$ the tunnel" kno)king into one another" and bobbing a#a! do#n the )urrent. It #a 9u t at thi %o%ent that 0ilbo uddenl! di )overed the #eak point in hi plan. 7o t likel! !ou a# it o%e ti%e ago and have been laughing at hi%4 but I don1t uppo e !ou #ould have done hal$ a #ell !our elve in hi pla)e. 5$ )our e he #a not in a barrel hi% el$" nor #a there an!one to pa)k hi% in" even i$ there had been a )han)e; It looked a i$ he #ould )ertainl! lo e hi $riend thi ti%e .nearl! all o$ the% had alread! di appeared through the dark trap(door/" and get utterl! le$t behind and have to ta! lurking a a per%anent burglar in the el$()ave $or ever. Cor even i$ he )ould have e )aped through the upper gate at on)e" he had pre)iou %all )han)e o$ ever $inding the d#arve again. -e did not kno# the #a! b! land to the pla)e #here the barrel #ere )olle)ted. -e #ondered #hat on earth #ould happen to the% #ithout hi%4 $or he had not had ti%e to tell the d#arve all that he had learned" or #hat he had %eant to do" on)e the! #ere out o$ the #ood. 6hile all the e thought #ere pa ing through hi %ind" the elve being ver! %err! began to ing a ong round the river(door. 8o%e had alread! gone to haul on the rope #hi)h pulled up the port)ulli at the #ater(gate o a to let out the barrel a oon a the! #ere all a$loat belo#. Do#n the #i$t dark trea% !ou go 75

0a)k to land !ou on)e did kno#; @eave the hall and )avern deep" @eave the northern %ountain teep" 6here the $ore t #ide and di% 8toop in hado# gre! and gri%; Cloat be!ond the #orld o$ tree 5ut into the #hi pering bree&e" Pa t the ru he " pa t the reed " Pa t the %ar h1 #aving #eed " Through the %i t that ri eth #hite Up $ro% %ere and pool at night; Collo#" $ollo# tar that leap Up the heaven )old and teep4 Turn #hen da#n )o%e over land" 5ver rapid" over and" 8outh a#a!; and 8outh a#a!; 8eek the unlight and the da!" 0a)k to pa ture" ba)k to %ead" 6here the kine and o*en $eed; 0a)k to garden on the hill 6here the berr! #ell and $ill Under unlight" under da!; 8outh a#a!; and 8outh a#a!; Do#n the #i$t dark trea% !ou go 0a)k to land !ou on)e did kno#; No# the ver! la t barrel #a being rolled to the door ; In de pair and not kno#ing #hat el e to do" poor little 0ilbo )aught hold o$ it and #a pu hed over the edge #ith it. Do#n into the #ater he $ell" pla h; into the )old dark #ater #ith the barrel on top o$ hi%. -e )a%e up again pluttering and )linging to the #ood like a rat" but $or all hi e$$ort he )ould not )ra%ble on top. Ever! ti%e he tried" the barrel rolled round and du)ked hi% under again. It #a reall! e%pt!" and $loated light a a )ork. Though hi ear #ere $ull o$ #ater" he )ould hear the elve till inging in the )ellar above. Then uddenl! the trapdoor $ell to #ith a boo% and their voi)e $aded a#a!. -e #a in the dark tunnel" $loating in i)! #ater" all alone($or !ou )annot )ount $riend that are all pa)ked up in barrel . >er! oon a gre! pat)h )a%e up in the darkne ahead. -e heard the )reak o$ the #ater(gate being hauled up" and he $ound that he #a in the %id t o$ a bobbing and bu%ping %a o$ )a k and tub all pre ing together to pa under the ar)h and get out into the open trea%. -e had a %u)h a he )ould do to prevent hi% el$ $ro% being hu tled and battered to bit 4 but at la t the 9o tling )ro#d began to break up and #ing o$$" one b! one" under the tone ar)h and a#a!. Then he a# that it #ould have been no good even i$ he had %anaged to get a tride hi barrel" $or there #a no roo% to pare" not even $or a hobbit" bet#een it top and the uddenl! tooping roo$ #here the gate #a . 5ut the! #ent under the overhanging bran)he o$ the tree on either bank. 0ilbo #ondered #hat the d#arve #ere $eeling and #hether a lot o$ #ater #a getting into their tub . 8o%e o$ tho e that bobbed along b! hi% in the gloo% ee%ed prett! lo# in the #ater" and he gue ed that the e had d#arve in ide. <I do hope I put the lid on tight enough;= he thought" but be$ore long he #a #orr!ing too %u)h about hi% el$ to re%e%ber the d#arve . -e %anaged to keep hi head above the #ater" but he #a hivering #ith the )old" and he #ondered i$ he #ould die o$ it be$ore the lu)k turned" and ho# %u)h longer he #ould be able to hang on" and #hether he hould ri k the )han)e o$ letting go and tr!ing to #i% to the bank. The lu)k turned all right be$ore long' the edd!ing )urrent )arried everal barrel )lo e a hore at one point and there $or a #hile the! tu)k again t o%e hidden root. Then 0ilbo took the opportunit! o$ )ra%bling up the ide o$ hi barrel #hile it #a held tead! again t another. Up he )ra#led like a dro#ned rat" and la! on the top pread out to keep 76

the balan)e a be t he )ould. The bree&e #a )old but better than the #ater" and he hoped he #ould not uddenl! roll o$$ again #hen the! tarted o$$ on)e %ore. 0e$ore long the barrel broke $ree again and turned and t#i ted o$$ do#n the trea%" and out into the %ain )urrent Then he $ound it ,uite a di$$i)ult to ti)k on a he had $eared4 but he %anaged it o%eho#" though it #a %i erabl! un)o%$ortable. @u)kil! he #a ver! light" and the barrel #a a good big one and being rather leak! had no# hipped a %all a%ount o$ #ater. All the a%e it #a like tr!ing to ride" #ithout bridle or tirrup " a round(bellied pon! that #a al#a! thinking o$ rolling on the gra . In thi #a! at la t 7r. 0aggin )a%e to a pla)e #here the tree on either hand gre# thinner. -e )ould ee the paler k! bet#een the%. The dark river opened uddenl! #ide" and there it #a 9oined to the %ain #ater o$ the Core t River $lo#ing do#n in ha te $ro% the king1 great door . There #a a di% heet o$ #ater no longer over hado#ed" and on it liding ur$a)e there #ere dan)ing and broken re$le)tion o$ )loud and o$ tar . Then the hurr!ing #ater o$ the Core t River #ept all the )o%pan! o$ )a k and tub a#a! to the north bank" in #hi)h it had eaten out a #ide ba!. Thi had a hingl! hore under hanging bank and #a #alled at the ea tern end b! a little 9utting )ape o$ hard ro)k. 5n the hallo# hore %o t o$ the barrel ran aground" though a $e# #ent on to bu%p again t the ton! pier. There #ere people on the look(out on the bank . The! ,ui)kl! poled and pu hed all the barrel together into the hallo# " and #hen the! had )ounted the% the! roped the% together and le$t the% till the %orning. Poor d#arve ; 0ilbo #a not o badl! o$$ no#. -e lipped $ro% hi barrel and #aded a hore" and then neaked along to o%e hut that he )ould ee near the #ater1 edge. -e no longer thought t#i)e about pi)king up a upper uninvited i$ he got the )han)e" he had been obliged to do it $or o long" and he kne# onl! too #ell #hat it #a to be reall! hungr!" not %erel! politel! intere ted in the daintie o$ a #ell($illed larder. Al o he had )aught a gli%p e o$ a $ire through the tree " and that appealed to hi% #ith hi dripping and ragged )lothe )linging to hi% )old and )la%%!. There i no need to tell !ou %u)h o$ hi adventure that night" $or no# #e are dra#ing near the end o$ the ea t#ard 9ourne! and )o%ing to the la t and greate t adventure" o #e %u t hurr! on. 5$ )our e helped b! hi %agi) ring he got on ver! #ell at $ir t" but he #a given a#a! in the end b! hi #et $oot tep and the trail o$ dripping that he le$t #herever he #ent or at4 and al o he began to nivel" and #herever he tried to hide he #a $ound out b! the terri$i) e*plo ion o$ hi uppre ed nee&e . >er! oon there #a a $ine )o%%otion in the village b! the river ide4 but 0ilbo e )aped into the #ood )arr!ing a loa$ and a leather bottle o$ #ine and a pie that did not belong to hi%. The re t o$ the night he had to pa #et a he #a and $ar $ro% a $ire" but the bottle helped hi% to do that" and he a)tuall! do&ed a little on o%e dr! leave " even though the !ear #a getting late and the air #a )hill!. -e #oke again #ith a pe)iall! loud nee&e. It #a alread! gre! %orning" and there #a a %err! ra)ket do#n b! the river. The! #ere %aking up a ra$t o$ barrel " and the ra$t(elve #ould oon be teering it o$$ do#n the trea% to @ake(to#n. 0ilbo nee&ed again. -e #a no longer dripping but he $elt )old all over. -e )ra%bled do#n a $a t a hi ti$$ leg #ould take hi% and %anaged 9u t in ti%e to get on to the %a o$ )a k #ithout being noti)ed in the general bu tle. @u)kil! there #a no un at the ti%e to )a t an a#k#ard hado#" and $or a %er)! he did not nee&e again $or a good #hile. There #a a %ight! pu hing o$ pole . The elve that #ere tanding in the hallo# .#ater heaved and hoved. The barrel no# all la hed together )reaked and $retted. . <Thi i a heav! load;= o%e gru%bled. <The! $loat too deep( o%e o$ the e are never e%pt!. I$ the! had )o%e a hore in the da!light" #e %ight have had a look in ide"= the! aid. <No ti%e no#;= )ried the ra$t%an. <8hove o$$;= And o$$ the! #ent at la t" lo#l! at $ir t" until the! had pa ed the point o$ ro)k #here other elve tood to $end the% o$$ #ith pole " and then ,ui)ker and ,ui)ker a the! )aught the %ain trea% and #ent ailing a#a! do#n" do#n to#ard the @ake. The! had e )aped the dungeon o$ the king and #ere through the #ood" but #hether alive or dead till re%ain to be een.


Chapter JK A 6AR7 6E@C57E The da! gre# lighter and #ar%er a the! $loated along. A$ter a #hile the river rounded a teep houlder o$ land that )a%e do#n upon their le$t. Under it ro)k! $eet like an inland )li$$ the deepe t trea% had $lo#ed lapping and bubbling. 8uddenl! the )li$$ $ell a#a!. The hore ank. The tree ended. Then 0ilbo a# a ight' The land opened #ide about hi%" $illed #ith the #ater o$ the river #hi)h broke up and #andered in a hundred #inding )our e " or halted in %ar he and pool dotted #ith i le on ever! ide' but till a trong #ater $lo#ed on teadil! through the %id t. And $ar a#a!" it dark head in a torn )loud" there loo%ed the 7ountain; It neare t neighbour to the North(Ea t and the tu%bled land that 9oined it to the% )ould not be een. All alone it ro e and looked a)ro the %ar he to the $ore t. The @onel! 7ountain; 0ilbo had )o%e $ar and through %an! adventure to ee it" and no# he did not like the look o$ it in the lea t. A he li tened to the talk o$ the ra$t%en and pie)ed together the )rap o$ in$or%ation the! let $all" he oon reali&ed that he #a ver! $ortunate ever to have een it at all" even $ro% thi di tan)e. Drear! a had been hi i%pri on%ent and unplea ant a #a hi po ition .to a! nothing o$ the poor d#arve underneath hi%/ till" he had been %ore lu)k! than he had gue ed. The talk #a all o$ the trade that )a%e and #ent on the #ater#a! and the gro#th o$ the tra$$i) on the river" a the road out o$ the Ea t to#ard 7irk#ood vani hed or $ell into di u e4 and o$ the bi)kering o$ the @ake(%en and the 6ood(elve about the upkeep o$ the Core t River and the )are o$ the bank . Tho e land had )hanged %u)h in)e the da! #hen d#arve d#elt in the 7ountain" da! #hi)h %o t people no# re%e%bered onl! a a ver! hado#! tradition. The! had )hanged even in re)ent !ear " and in)e the la t ne# that :andal$ had had o$ the%. :reat $lood and rain had #ollen the #ater that $lo#ed ea t4 and there had been an earth,uake or t#o .#hi)h o%e #ere in)lined to attribute to the dragon(alluding to hi% )hie$l! #ith a )ur e and an o%inou nod in the dire)tion o$ the 7ountain/. The %ar he and bog had pread #ider and #ider on either ide. Path had vani hed" and %an! a rider and #anderer too" i$ the! had tried to $ind the lo t #a! a)ro . The el$(road through the #ood #hi)h the d#arve had $ollo#ed on the advi)e o$ 0eorn no# )a%e to a doubt$ul and little u ed end at the ea tern edge o$ the $ore t4 onl! the river o$$ered an! longer a a$e #a! $ro% the kirt o$ 7irk#ood in the North to the %ountain( hado#ed plain be!ond" and the river #a guarded b! the 6ood(elve 1 king. 8o !ou ee 0ilbo had )o%e in the end b! the onl! road that #a an! good. It %ight have been o%e )o%$ort to 7r. 0aggin hivering on the barrel " i$ he had kno#n that ne# o$ thi had rea)hed :andal$ $ar a#a! and given hi% great an*iet!" and that he #a in $a)t $ini hing hi other bu ine .#hi)h doe not )o%e into thi tale/ and getting read! to )o%e in ear)h o$ Thorin1 )o%pan!. 0ut 0ilbo did not kno# it. All he kne# #a that the river ee%ed to go on and on and on $or ever" and he #a hungr!" and had a na t! )old in the no e" and did not like the #a! the 7ountain ee%ed to $ro#n at hi% and threaten hi% a it dre# ever nearer. A$ter a #hile" ho#ever" the river took a %ore outherl! )our e and the 7ountain re)eded again" and at la t" late in the da! the hore gre# ro)k!" the river gathered all it #andering #ater together into a deep and rapid $lood" and the! #ept along at great peed. The un had et #hen turning #ith another #eep to#ard the Ea t the $ore t(river ru hed into the @ong @ake. There it had a #ide %outh #ith ton! )li$$like gate at either ide #ho e $eet #ere piled #ith hingle . The @ong @ake; 0ilbo had never i%agined that an! #ater that #a not the ea )ould look o big. It #a o #ide that the oppo ite hore looked %all and $ar" but it #a o long that it northerl! end" #hi)h pointed to#ard the 7ountain" )ould not be een at all. 5nl! $ro% the %ap did 0ilbo kno# that a#a! up there" #here the tar o$ the 6ain #ere alread! t#inkling" the Running River )a%e do#n into the lake $ro% Dale and #ith the Core t River $illed #ith deep #ater #hat %u t on)e have been a great deep ro)k! valle!. At the outhern end the doubled #ater poured out again over high #ater$all and ran a#a! hurriedl! to unkno#n land . In the till evening air the noi e o$ the $all )ould be heard like a di tant roar. Not $ar $ro% the %outh o$ the Core t River #a the trange to#n he heard the elve peak o$ in the king1 )ellar . It #a not built on the hore" though there #ere a $e# hut and building there" but right out on the ur$a)e o$ the lake" prote)ted $ro% the #irl o$ 78

the entering river b! a pro%ontor! o$ ro)k #hi)h $or%ed a )al% ba!. A great . bridge %ade o$ #ood ran out to #here on huge pile %ade o$ $ore t tree #a built a bu ! #ooden to#n" not a to#n o$ elve but o$ 7en" #ho till dared to d#ell here under the hado# o$ the di tant dragon(%ountain. The! till throve on the trade that )a%e up the great river $ro% the 8outh and #a )arted pa t the $all to their to#n4 but in the great da! o$ old" #hen Dale in the North #a ri)h and pro perou " the! had been #ealth! and po#er$ul" and there had been $leet o$ boat on the #ater " and o%e #ere $illed #ith gold and o%e #ith #arrior in ar%our" and there had been #ar and deed #hi)h #ere no# onl! a legend. The rotting pile o$ a greater to#n )ould till be een along the hore #hen the #ater ank in a drought. 0ut %en re%e%bered little o$ all that" though o%e till ang old ong o$ the d#ar$( king o$ the 7ountain" Thror and Thrain o$ the ra)e o$ Durin" and o$ the )o%ing o$ the Dragon" and the $all o$ the lord o$ Dale. 8o%e ang too that Thror and Thrain #ould )o%e ba)k one da! and gold #ould $lo# in river through the %ountain(gate " and all that land #ould be $illed #ith ne# ong and ne# laughter. 0ut thi plea ant legend did not %u)h a$$e)t their dail! bu ine . A oon a the ra$t o$ barrel )a%e in ight boat ro#ed out $ro% the pile o$ the to#n" and voi)e hailed the ra$t( teerer . Then rope #ere )a t and oar #ere pulled" and oon the ra$t #a dra#n out o$ the )urrent o$ the Core t River and to#ed a#a! round the high houlder o$ ro)k into the little ba! o$ @ake(to#n. There it #a %oored not $ar $ro% the hore#ard head o$ the great bridge. 8oon %en #ould )o%e up $ro% the 8outh and take o%e o$ the )a k a#a!" and other the! #ould $ill #ith good the! had brought to be taken ba)k up the trea% to the 6ood(elve 1 ho%e. In the %ean#hile the barrel #ere le$t a$loat #hile the elve o$ the ra$t and the boat%en #ent to $ea t in @ake(to#n. The! #ould have been urpri ed" i$ the! )ould have een #hat happened do#n b! the hore" a$ter the! had gone and the hade o$ night had $allen. Cir t o$ all a barrel #a )ut loo e b! 0ilbo and pu hed to the hore and opened. :roan )a%e $ro% in ide" and out )rept a %o t unhapp! d#ar$. 6et tra# #a in hi draggled beard4 he #a o ore and ti$$" o brui ed and bu$$eted he )ould hardl! tand or tu%ble through the hallo# #ater to lie groaning on the hore. -e had a $a%i hed and a avage look like a dog that ha been )hained and $orgotten in a kennel $or a #eek. It #a Thorin" but !ou )ould onl! have told it b! hi golden )hain" and b! the )olour o$ hi no# dirt! and tattered k!(blue hood #ith it tarni hed ilver ta el. It #a o%e ti%e be$ore he #ould be even polite to the hobbit. <6ell" are !ou alive or are !ou dead3= a ked 0ilbo ,uite )ro l!. Perhap he had $orgotten that he had had at lea t one good %eal %ore than the d#arve " and al o the u e o$ hi ar% and leg " not to peak o$ a greater allo#an)e o$ air. <Are !ou till in pri on" or are !ou $ree3 I$ !ou #ant $ood" and i$ !ou #ant to go on #ith thi ill! adventure( it1 !our a$ter all and not %ine(!ou had better lap !our ar% and rub !our leg and tr! and help %e get the other out #hile there i a )han)e;= Thorin o$ )our e a# the en e o$ thi " o a$ter a $e# %ore groan he got up and helped the hobbit a #ell a he )ould. In the darkne $loundering in the )old #ater the! had a di$$i)ult and ver! na t! 9ob $inding #hi)h #ere the right barrel . Bno)king out ide and )alling onl! di )overed about i* d#arve that )ould an #er. The! #ere unpa)ked and helped a hore #here the! at or la! %uttering and %oaning4 the! #ere o oaked and brui ed and )ra%ped that the! )ould hardl! !et reali&e their relea e or be properl! thank$ul $or it. D#alin and 0alin #ere t#o o$ the %o t unhapp!" and it #a no good a king the% to help. 0i$ur and 0o$ur #ere le kno)ked about and drier" but the! la! do#n and #ould do nothing. Cili and Bili" ho#ever" #ho #ere !oung .$or d#arve / and had al o been pa)ked %ore neatl! #ith plent! o$ tra# into %aller )a k " )a%e out %ore or le %iling" #ith onl! a brui e or t#o and a ti$$ne that oon #ore o$$. <I hope I never %ell the %ell o$ apple again;= aid Cili. <7! tub #a $ull o$ it. To %ell apple everla tingl! #hen !ou )an )ar)el! %ove and are )old and i)k #ith hunger i %addening. I )ould eat an!thing in the #ide #orld no#" $or hour on end(but not an apple;= 6ith the #illing help o$ Cili and Bili" Thorin and 0ilbo at la t di )overed the re%ainder o$ the )o%pan! and got the% out. Poor $at 0o%bur #a a leep or en ele 4 Dori" Nori" 79

5ri" 5in and :loin #ere #aterlogged and ee%ed onl! hal$ alive4 the! all had to be )arried one b! one and laid helple on the hore. <6ell; -ere #e are;= aid Thorin. <And I uppo e #e ought to thank our tar and 7r. 0aggin . I a% ure he ha a right to e*pe)t it" though I #i h he )ould have arranged a %ore )o%$ortable 9ourne!. 8till(all ver! %u)h at !our ervi)e on)e %ore" 7r. 0aggin . No doubt #e hall $eel properl! grate$ul" #hen #e are $ed and re)overed. In the %ean#hile #hat ne*t3= <I ugge t @ake(to#n"= aid 0ilbo" <6hat el e i there3= Nothing el e )ould" o$ )our e" be ugge ted4 o leaving the other Thorin and Cili and Bili and the hobbit #ent along the hore to the great bridge. There #ere guard at the head o$ it" but the! #ere not keeping ver! )are$ul #at)h" $or it #a o long in)e there had been an! real need. E*)ept $or o))a ional ,uabble about river(toll the! #ere $riend #ith the 6ood(elve . 5ther $olk #ere $ar a#a!4 and o%e o$ the !ounger people in the to#n openl! doubted the e*i ten)e o$ an! dragon in the %ountain" and laughed at the gre!beard and ga%%er #ho aid that the! had een hi% $l!ing in the k! in their !oung da! . That being o it i not urpri ing that the guard #ere drinking and laughing b! a $ire in their hut" and did not hear the noi e o$ the unpa)king o$ the d#arve or the $oot tep o$ the $our )out . Their a toni h%ent #a enor%ou #hen Thorin 5aken hield tepped in through the door. <6ho are !ou and #hat do !ou #ant3= the! houted leaping to their $eet and gipping $or #eapon . <Thorin on o$ Thrain on o$ Thror Bing under the 7ountain;= aid the d#ar$ in a loud voi)e" and he looked it" in pite o$ hi torn )lothe and draggled hood. The gold glea%ed on hi ne)k and #ai t' hi e!e #ere dark and deep. <I have )o%e ba)k. I #i h to ee the 7a ter o$ !our to#n;= Then there #a tre%endou e*)ite%ent. 8o%e o$ the %ore $ooli h ran out o$ the hut a i$ the! e*pe)ted the 7ountain to go golden in the night and all the #ater o$ the lake to turn !ello# right a#a!. The )aptain o$ the guard )a%e $or#ard. <And #ho are the e3= he a ked" pointing to Cili and' Bili and 0ilbo. <The on o$ %! $ather1 daughter"= an #ered Thorin" <Cili and Bili o$ the ra)e o$ Durin" and 7r. 0aggin #ho ha travelled #ith u out o$ the 6e t.= <I$ !ou )o%e in pea)e la! do#n !our ar% ;= aid the )aptain. <6e have none"= aid Thorin" and it #a true enough' their knive had been taken $ro% the% b! the #ood(elve " and the great #ord 5r)ri t too. 0ilbo had hi hort #ord" hidden a u ual" but he aid nothing about that. <6e have no need o$ #eapon " #ho return at la t to our o#n a poken o$ old. Nor )ould #e $ight again t o %an!. Take u to !our %a ter;= <-e i at $ea t"= aid the )aptain. <Then all the %ore rea on $or taking u to hi%"= bur t in Cili" #ho #a getting i%patient at the e ole%nitie . <6e are #orn and $a%i hed a$ter our long road and #e have i)k )o%rade . No# %ake ha te and let u have no %ore #ord " or !our %a ter %a! have o%ething to a! to !ou.= <Collo# %e then"= aid the )aptain" and #ith i* %en about the% he led the% over the bridge through the gate and into the %arket(pla)e o$ the to#n. Thi #a a #ide )ir)le o$ ,uiet #ater urrounded b! the tall pile on #hi)h #ere built the greater hou e " and b! long #ooden ,ua! #ith %an! tep and ladder going do#n to the ur$a)e o$ the lake. Cro% one great hall hone %an! light and there )a%e the ound o$ %an! voi)e . The! pa ed it door and tood blinking in the light looking at long table $illed #ith $olk. <I a% Thorin on o$ Thrain on o$ Thror Bing under the 7ountain; I return;= )ried Thorin in a loud voi)e $ro% the door" be$ore the )aptain )ould a! an!thing. All leaped to their $eet. The 7a ter o$ the to#n prang $ro% hi great )hair. 0ut none ro e in greater urpri e than the ra$t(%en o$ the elve #ho #ere itting at the lo#er end o$ the hall. Pre ing $or#ard be$ore the 7a ter1 table the! )ried' <The e are pri oner o$ our king that have e )aped" #andering vagabond d#arve that )ould not give an! good a))ount o$ the% elve " neaking through the #ood and %ole ting our people;= <I thi true3= a ked the 7a ter. A a %atter o$ $a)t he thought it $ar %ore likel! than the return o$ the Bing under the 7ountain" i$ an! u)h per on had ever e*i ted. <It i true that #e #ere #rong$ull! #a!laid b! the Elven(king and i%pri oned #ithout )au e a #e 9ourne!ed ba)k to our o#n land"= an #ered Thorin. <0ut lo)k nor bar %a! 80

hinder the ho%e)o%ing poken o$ old. Nor i thi to#n in the 6ood(elve 1 real%. I peak to the 7a ter o$ the to#n o$ the 7en o$ the lake" not to the ra$t(%en o$ the king.= Then the 7a ter he itated and looked $ro% one to the other. The Elvenking #a ver! po#er$ul in tho e part and the 7a ter #i hed $or no en%it! #ith hi%" nor did he think %u)h o$ old ong " giving hi %ind to .trade and toll " to )argoe and gold" to #hi)h habit he o#ed hi po ition. 5ther #ere o$ di$$erent %ind" ho#ever" and ,ui)kl! the %atter #a ettled #ithout hi%. The ne# had pread $ro% the door o$ the hall like $ire through all the to#n. People #ere houting in ide the hall and out ide it. The ,ua! #ere thronged #ith hurr!ing $eet. 8o%e began to ing nat)he o$ old ong )on)erning the return o$ the Bing under the 7ountain4 that it #a Thror1 grand on not Thror hi% el$ that had )o%e ba)k did not bother the% at all. 5ther took up the ong and it rolled loud and high over the lake. The Bing beneath the %ountain " The Bing o$ )arven tone" The lord o$ ilver $ountain 8hall )o%e into hi o#n; -i -i -i To )ro#n hall be upholden" harp hall be re trung" hall hall e)ho golden ong o$ !ore re( ung.

The #ood hall #ave on %ountain And gra beneath the un4 -i #ealth hall $lo# in $ountain And the river golden run. The trea% hall run in gladne The lake hall hine and burn" And orro# $ail and adne At the 7ountain(king1 return; "

8o the! ang" or ver! like that" onl! there #a a great deal %ore o$ it" and there #a %u)h houting a #ell a the %u i) o$ harp and o$ $iddle %i*ed up #ith it. Indeed u)h e*)ite%ent had not been kno#n in the to#n in the %e%or! o$ the olde t grand$ather. The 6ood(elve the% elve began to #onder greatl! and even to be a$raid. The! did not kno# o$ )our e ho# Thorin had e )aped" and the! began to think their king %ight have %ade a eriou %i take. A $or the 7a ter he a# there #a nothing el e $or it but to obe! the general )la%our" $or the %o%ent at an! rate" and to pretend to believe that Thorin #a #hat he aid. 8o he gave up to hi% hi o#n great )hair and et Cili and Bili be ide hi% in pla)e o$ honour. Even 0ilbo #a given a eat at the high table" and no e*planation o$ #here he )a%e in(no ong had alluded to hi% even in the ob )ure t #a!( #a a ked $or in the general bu tle. 8oon a$ter#ard the other d#arve #ere brought into the to#n a%id )ene o$ a toni hing enthu ia %. The! #ere all do)tored and $ed and hou ed and pa%pered in the %o t delight$ul and ati $a)tor! $a hion. A large hou e #a given up to Thorin and hi )o%pan!4 boat and ro#er #ere put at their ervi)e4 and )ro#d at out ide and ang ong all da!" or )heered i$ an! d#ar$ ho#ed o %u)h a hi no e. 8o%e o$ the ong #ere old one 4 but o%e o$ the% #ere ,uite ne# and poke )on$identl! o$ the udden death o$ the dragon and o$ )argoe o$ ri)h pre ent )o%ing do#n the river to @ake(to#n. The e #ere in pired largel! b! the 7a ter and the! did not parti)ularl! plea e the d#arve " but in the %eanti%e the! #ere #ell )ontented and the! ,ui)kl! gre# $at and trong again. Indeed #ithin a #eek the! #ere ,uite re)overed" $itted out in $ine )loth o$ their proper )olour " #ith beard )o%bed and tri%%ed" and proud tep . Thorin looked and #alked a i$ hi kingdo% #a alread! regained and 8%aug )hopped up into little pie)e . Then" a he had aid" the d#arve 1 good $eeling to#ard the little hobbit gre# tronger ever! da!. There #ere no %ore groan or gru%ble . The! drank hi health" and the! 81

patted hi% on the ba)k" and the! %ade a great $u o$ hi%4 #hi)h #a 9u t a #ell" $or he #a not $eeling parti)ularl! )heer$ul. -e had not $orgotten the look o$ the 7ountain" nor the thought o$ the dragon" and he had be ide a ho)king )old. Cor three da! he nee&ed and )oughed" and he )ould not go out" and even a$ter that hi pee)he at ban,uet #ere li%ited to <Thag !ou ver! bu)h.= In the %ean#hile the 6ood(elve had gone ba)k up the Core t River #ith their )argoe " and there #a great e*)ite%ent in the king1 pala)e. I have never heard #hat happened to the )hie$ o$ the guard and the butler. Nothing o$ )our e #a ever aid about ke! or barrel #hile the d#arve ta!ed in @ake(to#n" and 0ilbo #a )are$ul never to be)o%e invi ible. 8till" I dare a!" %ore #a gue ed than #a kno#n" though doubtle 7r. 0aggin re%ained a bit o$ a %! ter!. In an! )a e the king kne# no# the d#arve 1 errand" or thought he did" and he aid to hi% el$' <>er! #ell; 6e1ll ee; No trea ure #ill )o%e ba)k through 7irk#ood #ithout %! having o%ething to a! in the %atter. 0ut I e*pe)t the! #ill all )o%e to a bad end" and erve the% right;= -e at an! rate did not believe in d#arve $ighting and killing dragon like 8%aug" and he trongl! u pe)ted atte%pted burglar! or o%ething like it #hi)h ho# he #a a #i e el$ and #i er than the %en o$ the to#n" though not ,uite right" a #e hall ee in the end. -e ent out hi pie about the hore o$ the lake and a $ar north#ard to#ard the 7ountain a the! #ould go" and #aited. At the end o$ a $ortnight Thorin began to think o$ departure. 6hile the enthu ia % till la ted in the to#n #a the ti%e to get help. It #ould not do to let ever!thing )ool do#n #ith dela!. 8o he poke to the 7a ter and hi )oun)illor and aid that oon he and hi )o%pan! %u t go on to#ard the 7ountain. Then $or the $ir t ti%e the 7a ter #a urpri ed and a little $rightened4 and he #ondered i$ Thorin #a a$ter all reall! a de )endant o$ the old king . -e had never thought that the d#arve #ould a)tuall! dare to approa)h 8%aug" but believed the! #ere $raud #ho #ould ooner or later be di )overed and be turned out. -e #a #rong. Thorin" o$ )our e" #a reall! the grand on o$ the Bing under the 7ountain" and there i no kno#ing #hat a d#ar$ #ill not dare and do $or revenge or the re)over! o$ hi o#n. 0ut the 7a ter #a not orr! at all to let the% go. The! #ere e*pen ive to keep" and their arrival had turned thing into a long holida! in #hi)h bu ine #a at a tand till. <@et the% go and bother 8%aug" and ee ho# he #el)o%e the%;= he thought. <Certainl!" 5 Thorin Thrain1 on Thror1 on;= #a #hat he aid. <You %u t )lai% !our o#n. The hour i at hand" poken o$ old. 6hat help #e )an o$$er hall be !our " and #e tru t to !our gratitude #hen !our kingdo% i regained.= 8o one da!" although autu%n #a no# getting $ar on" and #ind #ere )old" and leave #ere $alling $a t" three large boat le$t @ake(to#n" laden #ith ro#er " d#arve " 7r. 0aggin " and %an! provi ion . -or e and ponie had been ent round b! )ir)uitou path to %eet the% at their appointed landing(pla)e. The 7a ter and hi )oun)illor bade the% $are#ell $ro% the great tep o$ the to#n(hall that #ent do#n to the lake. People ang on the ,ua! and out o$ #indo# . The #hite oar dipped and pla hed" and o$$ the! #ent north up the lake on the la t tage o$ their long 9ourne!. The onl! per on thoroughl! unhapp! #a 0ilbo.


Chapter JJ 5N T-E D55R8TEP In t#o da! going the! ro#ed right up the @ong @ake and pa ed out into the River Running" and no# the! )ould all ee the @onel! 7ountain to#ering gri% and tall be$ore the%. The trea% #a trong and their going lo#. At the4 end o$ the third da!" o%e %ile up the river" the! dre# in to the le$t or #e tern bank and di e%barked. -ere the! #ere 9oined b! the hor e #ith other provi ion and ne)e arie and the ponie $or their o#n u e that had been ent to %eet the%. The! pa)ked #hat the! )ould on the ponie and the re t #a %ade into a tore under a tent" but none o$ the %en o$ the to#n #ould ta! #ith the% even $or the night o near the hado# o$ the 7ountain. <Not at an! rate until the ong have )o%e true;= aid the!. It #a ea ier to believe in the Dragon and le ea ! to believe in Thorin in the e #ild part . Indeed their tore had no need o$ an! guard" $or all the land #a de olate and e%pt!. 8o their e )ort le$t the%" %aking o$$ #i$tl! do#n the river and the hore#ard path " although the night #a alread! dra#ing on. The! pent a )old and lonel! night and their pirit $ell. The ne*t da! the! et out again. 0alin and 0ilbo rode behind" ea)h leading another pon! heavil! laden be ide hi%4 the other #ere o%e #a! ahead pi)king out a lo# road" $or there #ere no path . The! %ade north(#e t" lanting a#a! $ro% the River Running" and dra#ing ever nearer and nearer to a great pur o$ the 7ountain that #a $lung out outh#ard to#ard the%. It #a a #ear! 9ourne!" and a ,uiet and tealth! one. There #a no laughter or ong or ound o$ harp " and the pride and hope #hi)h had tirred in their heart at the inging o$ old ong b! the lake died a#a! to a plodding gloo%. The! kne# that the! #ere dra#ing near to the end o$ their 9ourne!" and that it %ight be a ver! horrible end. The land about the% gre# bleak and barren" though on)e" a Thorin told the%" it had been green and $air. There #a little gra " and be$ore long there #a neither bu h nor tree" and onl! broken and bla)kened tu%p to peak o$ one long vani hed. The! #ere )o%e to the De olation o$ the Dragon" and the! #ere )o%e at the #aning o$ the !ear. The! rea)hed the kirt o$ the 7ountain all the a%e #ithout %eeting an! danger or an! ign o$ the Dragon other than the #ilderne he had %ade about hi lair. The 7ountain la! dark and ilent be$ore the% and ever higher above the%. The! %ade their $ir t )a%p on the #e tern ide o$ the great outhern pur" #hi)h ended in a height )alled Ravenhill. 5n thi there had been an old #at)h(po t4 but the! dared not )li%b it !et" it #a too e*po ed. 0e$ore etting out to ear)h the #e tern pur o$ the 7ountain $or the hidden door" on #hi)h all their hope re ted" Thorin ent out a )outing e*pedition to p! out the land to the 8outh #here the Cront :ate tood. Cor thi purpo e he )ho e 0alin and Cili and Bili" and #ith the% #ent 0ilbo. The! %ar)hed under the gre! and ilent )li$$ to the $eet o$ Ravenhill. There the river" a$ter #inding a #ide loop over the valle! o$ Dale" turned $ro% the 7ountain on it road to the @ake" $lo#ing #i$t and noi il!. It bank #a bare and ro)k!" tall and teep above the trea%4 and ga&ing out $ro% it over the narro# #ater" $oa%ing and pla hing a%ong %an! boulder " the! )ould ee in the #ide valle! hado#ed b! the 7ountain1 ar% the gre! ruin o$ an)ient hou e " to#er " and #all . <There lie all that i le$t o$ Dale"= aid 0alin. <The %ountain1 ide #ere green #ith #ood and all the heltered valle! ri)h and plea ant in the da! #hen the bell rang in that to#n.= -e looked both ad and gri% a he aid thi ' he had been one o$ Thorin1 )o%panion on the da! the Dragon )a%e. The! did not dare to $ollo# the river %u)h $urther to. #ard the :ate4 but the! #ent on be!ond the end o$ the outhern pur" until l!ing hidden behind a ro)k the! )ould look out and ee the dark )avernou opening in a great )li$$(#all bet#een the ar% o$ the 7ountain. 5ut o$ it the #ater o$ the Running River prang4 and out o$ it too there )a%e a tea% and a dark %oke. Nothing %oved in the #a te" ave the vapour and the #ater" and ever! no# and again a bla)k and o%inou )ro#. The onl! ound #a the ound o$ the ton! #ater" and ever! no# and again the har h )roak o$ a bird. 0alin huddered. <@et u return;= he aid. <6e )an do no good here;S And I don1t like the e dark bird " the! look like pie o$ evil.=


<The dragon i till alive and in the hall under the 7ountain then(or I i%agine o $ro% the %oke"= aid the hobbit. <That doe not prove it"= aid 0alin" <though I don1t doubt !ou are right. 0ut he %ight be gone a#a! o%e ti%e" or he %ight be l!ing out on the %ountain( ide keeping #at)h" and till I e*pe)t %oke and tea% #ould )o%e out o$ the gate ' all the hall #ithin %u t be $illed #ith hi $oul reek.= 6ith u)h gloo%! thought " $ollo#ed ever b! )roaking )ro# above the%" the! %ade their #ear! #a! ba)k to the )a%p. 5nl! in June the! had been gue t in the $air hou e o$ Elrond" and though autu%n #a no# )ra#ling to#ard #inter that plea ant ti%e no# ee%ed !ear ago. The! #ere alone in the perilou #a te #ithout hope o$ $urther help. The! #ere at the end o$ their 9ourne!" but a $ar a ever" it ee%ed" $ro% the end o$ their ,ue t. None o$ the% had %u)h pirit le$t. No# trange to a! 7r. 0aggin had %ore than the other . -e #ould o$ten borro# Thorin1 %ap and ga&e at it" pondering over the rune and the %e age o$ the %oon( letter Elrond had read. It #a he that %ade the d#arve begin the dangerou ear)h on the #e tern lope $or the e)ret door. The! %oved their )a%p then to a long valle!" narro#er than the great dale in the 8outh #here the :ate o$ the river tood" and #alled #ith lo#er pur o$ the 7ountain. T#o o$ the e here thru t $or#ard #e t $ro% the %ain %a in long teep( ided ridge that $ell ever do#n#ard to#ard the plain. 5n thi #e tern ide there #ere $e#er ign o$ the dragon1 %arauding $eet" and there #a o%e gra $or their ponie . Cro% thi #e tern )a%p" hado#ed all da! b! )li$$ and #all until the un began to ink to#ard the $ore t" da! b! da! the! toiled in partie ear)hing $or path up the %ountain( ide. I$ the %ap #a true" o%e#here high above the )li$$ at the valle!1 head %u t tand the e)ret door. Da! b! da! the! )a%e ba)k to their )a%p #ithout u))e . 0ut at la t une*pe)tedl! the! $ound #hat the! #ere eeking. Cili and Bili and the hobbit #ent ba)k one da! do#n the valle! and )ra%bled a%ong the tu%bled ro)k at it outhern )orner. About %idda!" )reeping behind a great tone that tood alone like a pillar" 0ilbo )a%e on #hat looked like rough tep going up#ard . Collo#ing the e e*)itedl! he and the d#arve $ound tra)e o$ a narro# tra)k" o$ten lo t" o$ten redi )overed" that #andered on to the top o$ the outhern ridge and brought the% at la t to a till narro#er ledge" #hi)h turned north a)ro the $a)e o$ the 7ountain. @ooking do#n the! a# that the! #ere at the top o$ the )li$$ at the valle!1 head and #ere ga&ing do#n on to their o#n )a%p belo#. 8ilentl!" )linging to the ro)k! #all on their right" the! #ent in ingle $ile along the ledge" till the #all opened and the! turned into a little teep( #alled ba!" gra !($loored" till and ,uiet. It entran)e #hi)h the! had $ound )ould not be een $ro% belo# be)au e o$ the overhang o$ the )li$$" nor $ro% $urther o$$ be)au e it #a o %all that it looked like a dark )ra)k and no %ore. It #a not a )ave and #a open to the k! above4 but at it inner end a $lat #all ro e up that in the lo#er I part" )lo e to the ground" #a a %ooth and upright a %a on1 #ork" but #ithout a 9oint or )revi)e to be een. <No ign #a there o$ po t or lintel or thre hold" nor an! ign o$ bar or bolt or ke!( hole4 !et the! did not doubt that the! had $ound the door at la t. The! beat on it" the! thru t and pu hed at it" the! i%plored it to %ove" the! poke $rag%ent o$ broken pell o$ opening" and nothing tirred. At la t tired out the!. re ted on the gra at it $eet" and then at evening began" their long )li%b do#n. There #a e*)ite%ent in the )a%p that night. In the %orning the! prepared to %ove on)e %ore. 5nl! 0o$ur and 0o%bur #ere le$t behind to guard the ponie and u)h tore a the! had brought #ith the% $ro% the river. The other #ent do#n the valle! and up the ne#l! $ound path" and o to the narro# ledge. Along thi the! )ould )arr! no bundle or pa)k " o narro# and breathle #a it" #ith a $all o$ a hundred and $i$t! $eet be ide the% on to harp ro)k belo#4 but ea)h o$ the% took a good )oil o$ rope #ound tight about hi #ai t" and o at la t #ithout %i hap the! rea)hed the little gra ! ba!. There the! %ade their third )a%p" hauling up #hat the! needed $ro% belo# #ith their rope . Do#n the a%e #a! the! #ere able o))a ionall! to lo#er one o$ the %ore a)tive d#arve " u)h a Bili" to e*)hange u)h ne# a there #a " or to take a hare in the


guard belo#" #hile 0o$ur #a hauled up to the higher )a%p. 0o%bur #ould not )o%e up either the rope or the path. <I a% too $at $or u)h $l!(#alk "= he aid. <I hould turn di&&! and tread on %! beard" and then !ou #ould be thirteen again. And the knotted rope are too lender $or %! #eight.= @u)kil! $or hi% that #a not true" a !ou #ill ee. In the %ean#hile o%e o$ the% e*plored the ledge be!ond the opening and $ound a path that led higher and higher on to the %ountain4 but the! did not dare to venture ver! $ar that #a!" nor #a there %u)h u e in it. 5ut up there a ilen)e reigned" broken b! no bird or ound e*)ept that o$ the #ind in the )rannie o$ tone. The! poke lo# and never )alled or ang" $or danger brooded in ever! ro)k. The other #ho #ere bu ! #ith the e)ret o$ the door had no %ore u))e . The! #ere too eager to trouble about the rune or the %oon(letter " but tried #ithout re ting to di )over #here e*a)tl! in the %ooth $a)e o$ the ro)k the door #a hidden. The! had brought pi)k and tool o$ %an! ort $ro% @ake(to#n" and at $ir t the! tried to u e the e. 0ut #hen the! tru)k the tone the handle plintered and 9arred their ar% )ruell!" and the teel head broke or bent like lead. 7ining #ork" the! a# )learl! #a no good again t the %agi) that had hut thi door4 and the! gre# terri$ied" too" o$ the e)hoing noi e. 0ilbo $ound itting on the door tep lone o%e and #eari o%e(there #a not a door tep" o$ )our e" reall!" but the! u ed to )all the little gra ! pa)e bet#een the #all and the opening the <door tep= in $un" re%e%bering 0ilbo1 #ord long ago at the une*pe)ted part! in hi hobbit(hole" #hen he aid the! )ould it on the door tep till the! thought o$ o%ething. And it and think the! did" or #andered ai%le l! about" and glu%%er and glu%%er the! be)a%e. Their pirit had ri en a little at the di )over! o$ the path" but no# the! ank into their boot 4 and !et the! #ould not give it up and go a#a!. The hobbit #a no longer %u)h brighter than the d#arve . -e #ould do nothing but it #ith hi ba)k to the ro)k($a)e and tare a#a! #e t through the opening" over the )li$$" over the #ide land to the bla)k #all o$ 7irk#ood" and to the di tan)e be!ond" in #hi)h he o%eti%e thought he )ould )at)h gli%p e o$ the 7i t! 7ountain %all and $ar. I$ the d#arve a ked hi% #hat he #a doing he an #ered' <You aid itting on the door tep and thinking #ould be %! 9ob" not to %ention getting in ide" o I a% itting and thinking.= 0ut I a% a$raid he #a not thinking %u)h o$ the 9ob" but o$ #hat la! be!ond the blue di tan)e" the ,uiet 6e tern @and and the -ill and hi hobbit(hole under it. A large gre! tone la! in the )entre o$ the gra and he tared %oodil! at it or #at)hed the great nail . The! ee%ed to love the little hut(in ba! #ith it #all o$ )ool ro)k" and there #ere %an! o$ the% o$ huge i&e )ra#ling lo#l! and ti)kil! along it ide . <To%orro# begin the la t #eek o$ Autu%n"= aid Thorin one da!. <And #inter )o%e a$ter autu%n"= aid 0i$ur. <And ne*t !ear a$ter that"= aid D#alin" <and our beard #ill gro# till the! hang do#n the )li$$ to the valle! be$ore an!thing happen here. 6hat i our burglar doing $or u 3 8in)e he ha got an invi ible ring" and ought to be a pe)iall! e*)ellent per$or%er no#" I a% beginning to think he %ight go through the Cront :ate and p! thing out a bit;= 0ilbo heard thi (the d#arve #ere on the ro)k 9u t ' above the en)lo ure #here he #a itting(and <:ood :ra)iou ;= he thought" < o that i #hat the! are beginning to think" i it3 It i al#a! poor %e that ha to get the% out ' o$ their di$$i)ultie " at lea t in)e the #i&ard le$t. 6hatever a% I going to do3 I %ight have kno#n that o%ething dread$ul #ould happen to %e in the end. I don1t think I )ould bear to ee the unhapp! valle! o$ Dale again" and a $or that tea%ing gate; ; ;= That night he #a ver! %i erable and hardl! lept. Ne*t da! the d#arve all #ent #andering o$$ in variou dire)tion 4 o%e #ere e*er)i ing the ponie do#n belo#" o%e #ere roving about the %ountain( ide. All da! 0ilbo at gloo%il! in the gra ! ba! ga&ing at the tone" or out #e t through the narro# opening. -e had a ,ueer $eeling that he #a #aiting $or o%ething. <Perhap the #i&ard #ill uddenl! )o%e ba)k toda!"= he thought. I$ he li$ted hi head he )ould ee a gli%p e o$ the di tant $ore t. A the un turned #e t there #a a glea% o$ !ello# upon it $ar roo$" a i$ the light )aught the la t pale leave . 8oon he a# the orange ball o$ the un inking to#ard the level o$ hi e!e . -e 85

#ent to the opening and there pale and $aint #a a thin ne# %oon above the ri% o$ Earth. At that ver! %o%ent he heard a harp )ra)k behind hi%. There on the gre! tone in the gra #a an enor%ou thru h" nearl! )oal bla)k" it pale !ello# brea t $re)kled dark pot . Cra)k; It had )aught a nail and #a kno)king it on the tone. Cra)k; Cra)k; 8uddenl! 0ilbo under tood. Corgetting all danger he tood on the ledge and hailed the d#arve " houting and pa!ing. Tho e that #ere neare t )a%e tu%bling over the ro)k and a $a t a the! )ould along the ledge to hi%" #ondering #hat on earth #a the %atter4 the other houted to be hauled up the rope .e*)ept 0o%bur" o$ )our e' he #a a leep/. Dui)kl! 0ilbo e*plained. The! all $ell ilent' the hobbit tanding b! the gre! tone" and the d#arve #ith #agging beard #at)hing i%patientl!. The un ank lo#er and lo#er" and their hope $ell. It ank into a belt o$ reddened )loud and di appeared. The d#arve groaned" but till 0ilbo tood al%o t #ithout %oving. The little %oon #a dipping to the hori&on. Evening #a )o%ing on. Then uddenl! #hen their hope #a lo#e t a red ra! o$ the un e )aped like a $inger through a rent in the )loud. A glea% o$ light )a%e traight through the opening into the ba! and $ell on the %ooth ro)k($a)e. The old thru h" #ho had been #at)hing $ro% a high per)h #ith bead! e!e and head )o)ked on one ide" gave a udden trill. There #a a loud atta)k. A $lake o$ ro)k plit $ro% the #all and $ell. A hole appeared uddenl! about three $eet $ro% the ground. Dui)kl!" tre%bling le t the )han)e hould $ade" the d#arve ru hed to the ro)k and pu hed(in vain. <The ke!; The ke!;= )ried 0ilbo. <6here i Thorin3= Thorin hurried up. <The ke!;= houted 0ilbo. <The ke! that #ent #ith the %ap; Tr! it no# #hile there i till ti%e;= Then Thorin tepped up and dre# the ke! on it )hain $ro% round hi ne)k. -e put it to the hole. It $itted and it turned; 8nap; The glea% #ent out" the un ank" the %oon #a gone" and evening prang into the k!. No# the! all pu hed together" and lo#l! a part o$ the ro)k(#all gave #a!. @ong traight )ra)k appeared and #idened. A door $ive $eet high and three broad #a out( lined" and lo#l! #ithout a ound #ung in#ard . It ee%ed a i$ darkne $lo#ed out like a vapour $ro% the hole in the %ountain( ide" and deep darkne in #hi)h nothing )ould be een la! be$ore their e!e %outh leading in and do#n.


Chapter JH IN8IDE INC5R7ATI5N Cor a long ti%e the d#arve tood in the dark be$ore the door and debated" until at la t Thorin poke' <No# i the ti%e $or our e tee%ed 7r. 0aggin " #ho ha proved hi% el$ a good )o%panion on our long road" and a hobbit $ull o$ )ourage and re our)e $ar e*)eeding hi i&e" and i$ I %a! a! o po e ed o$ good lu)k $ar e*)eeding the u ual allo#an)e(no# i the ti%e $or hi% to per$or% the ervi)e $or #hi)h he #a in)luded in our Co%pan!4 no# i the ti%e $or hi% to earn hi Re#ard.= You are $a%iliar #ith Thorin1 t!le on i%portant o))a ion " o I #ill not give !ou an! %ore o$ it" though he #ent on a good deal longer than thi . It )ertainl! #a an i%portant o))a ion" but 0ilbo $elt i%patient. 0! no# he #a ,uite $a%iliar #ith Thorin too" and he kne# #hat be #a driving at. <I$ !ou %ean !ou think it i %! 9ob to go into the e)ret pa age $ir t" 5 Thorin Thrain1 on 5aken hield" %a! !our beard gro# ever longer"= he aid )ro l!" < a! o at on)e and have done; I %ight re$u e. I have got !ou out o$ t#o %e e alread!" #hi)h #ere hardl! in the original bargain" o that I a%" I think" alread! o#ed o%e re#ard. 0ut Uthird ti%e pa! $or all1 a %! $ather u ed to a!" and o%eho# I don1t think I hall re$u e. Perhap I have begun to tru t %! lu)k %ore than I u ed to in the old da! =+he %eant la t pring be$ore he le$t hi o#n hou e" but it ee%ed )enturie ago+<but an!#a! I think I #ill go and have a peep at on)e and get it over. No# #ho i )o%ing #ith %e3= -e did not e*pe)t a )horu o$ volunteer " o he #a not di appointed. Cili and Bili looked un)o%$ortable and tood on 5ne leg" but the other %ade no preten)e o$ o$$ering +e*)ept old 0alin. the look(out %an" #ho #a rather $ond the hobbit. -e aid he #ould )o%e in ide at lea t and perhap a bit o$ the #a! too" reall! to )all $or help i$ ne)e ar!. The %o t that )an be aid $or the d#arve i thi ' the! intended to pa! 0ilbo reall! hand o%el! $or hi ervi)e 4 the! had brought hi% to do a na t! 9ob $or the%" and the! did not %ind the poor little $ello# doing it i$ he #ould4 but the! #ould all have done their be t to get hi% out o$ trouble" i$ he got into it" a the! did in the )a e o$ the troll at the beginning o$ their adventure be$ore the! had an! parti)ular rea on $or being grate$ul to hi%. There it i ' d#arve are not heroe " but )al)ulating $olk #ith a great idea o$ the value o$ %one!4 o%e are tri)k! and trea)herou and prett! bad lot 4 o%e are not" but are de)ent enough people like Thorin and Co%pan!" i$ !ou don1t e*pe)t too %u)h. The tar #ere )o%ing out behind hi% in a pale k! barred #ith bla)k #hen the hobbit )rept through the en)hanted door and tole into the 7ountain. It #a $ar ea ier going than he e*pe)ted. Thi #a no goblin entran)e" or rough #ood(elve 1 )ave. It #a a pa age %ade b! d#arve " at the height o$ their #ealth and kill' traight a a ruler" %ooth($loored and %ooth( ided" going #ith a gentle never(var!ing lope dire)t(to o%e di tant end in the bla)kne belo#. A$ter a #hile 0alin bade 0ilbo <:ood lu)k;= and topped #here he )ould till ee the $aint outline o$ the door" and b! a tri)k o$" the e)hoe o$ the tunnel hear the ru tle o$ the #hi pering voi)e o$ the other 9u t out ide. Then the hobbit lipped on hi ring" and #arned b! the e)hoe to take %ore than hobbit1 )are to %ake no ound" he )rept noi ele l! do#n" do#n" do#n into the dark. -e #a tre%bling #ith $ear" but hi little $a)e #a et and gri%. Alread! he #a a ver! di$$erent hobbit $ro% the one that had run out #ithout a po)ket(handker)hie$ $ro% 0ag(End long ago. -e had not had a po)ket( handker)hie$ $or age . -e loo ened hi dagger in it heath" tightened hi belt" and #ent on. <No# !ou are in $or it at la t" 0ilbo 0aggin "= he aid to hi% el$. <You #ent and put !our $oot right in it that night o$ the part!" and no# !ou have got to pull it out and pa! $or it; Dear %e" #hat a $ool I #a and a%;= aid the lea t Tooki h part o$ hi%. <I have ab olutel! no u e $or dragon(guarded trea ure " and the #hole lot )ould ta! here $or ever" i$ onl! I )ould #ake up and $ind thi bea tl! tunnel #a %! o#n $ront(hall at ho%e;=


-e did not #ake up o$ )our e" but #ent till on and on" till all ign o$ the door behind had $aded a#a!. -e #a altogether alone. 8oon he thought it #a beginning to $eel #ar%. <I that a kind o$ a glo# I ee% to ee )o%ing right ahead do#n there3= he thought. It #a . A he #ent $or#ard it gre# and gre#" till there #a no doubt about it. It #a a red light teadil! getting redder and redder. Al o it #a no# undoubtedl! hot in the tunnel. 6i p o$ vapour $loated up and pa t hi% and he began to #eat. A ound" too" began to throb in hi ear " a ort o$ bubbling like the noi e o$ a large pot galloping on the $ire" %i*ed #ith a ru%ble a o$ a giganti) to%()at purring. Thi gre# to the un%i takable gurgling noi e o$ o%e va t ani%al noring in it leep do#n there in the red glo# in $ront o$ hi%. It #a at thi point that 0ilbo topped. :oing on $ro% there #a the brave t thing he ever did. The tre%endou thing that happened a$ter#ard #ere a nothing )o%pared to it. -e $ought the real battle in the tunnel alone" be$ore he ever a# the va t danger that la! in #ait. At an! rate a$ter a hort halt go on he did4 and !ou )an pi)ture hi% )o%ing to the end o$ the tunnel" an opening o$ %u)h the a%e i&e and hape a the door above. Through it peep the hobbit1 little head. 0e$ore hi% lie the great botto%%o t )ellar or dungeon(hall o$ the an)ient d#arve right at the 7ountain1 root. It i al%o t dark o that it va tae )an onl! be di%l! gue ed" but ri ing $ro% the near ide o$ the ro)k! $loor there i a great glo#. The glo# o$ 8%aug; There he la!" a va t red(golden dragon" $a t a leep4 thru%%ing )a%e $ro% hi 9a# and no tril " and #i p o$ %oke" but hi $ire #ere lo# in lu%ber. 0eneath hi%" under all hi li%b and hi huge )oiled tail" and about hi% on all ide tret)hing a#a! a)ro the un een $loor " la! )ountle pile o$ pre)iou thing " gold #rought and un#rought" ge% and 9e#el " and ilver red( tained in the rudd! light. 8%aug la!" #ith #ing $olded like an i%%ea urable bat" turned partl! on one ide" o that the hobbit )ould ee hi underpart and hi long pale bell! )ru ted #ith ge% and $rag%ent o$ gold $ro% hi long l!ing on hi )o tl! bed. 0ehind hi% #here the #all #ere neare t )ould di%l! be een )oat o$ %ail" hel% and a*e " #ord and pear hanging4 and there in ro# tood great 9ar and ve el $illed #ith a #ealth that )ould not be gue ed. To a! that 0ilbo1 breath #a taken a#a! i no de )ription at all. There are no #ord le$t to e*pre hi tagger%ent" in)e 7en )hanged the language that the! learned o$ elve in the da! #hen all the #orld #a #onder$ul. 0ilbo had heard tell and ing o$ dragon(hoard be$ore" but the plendour" the lu t" the glor! o$ u)h trea ure had never !et )o%e ho%e to hi%. -i heart #a $illed and pier)ed #ith en)hant%ent and #ith the de ire o$ d#arve 4 and he ga&ed %otionle " al%o t $orgetting the $right$ul guardian" at the gold be!ond pri)e and )ount. -e ga&ed $or #hat ee%ed an age" be$ore dra#n al%o t again t hi #ill" he tole $ro% the hado# o$ the door#a!" a)ro the $loor to the neare t edge o$ the %ound o$ trea ure. Above hi% the leeping dragon la!" a dire %ena)e even in hi leep. -e gra ped a great t#o(handled )up" a heav! a he )ould )arr!" and )a t one $ear$ul e!e up#ard . 8%aug tirred a #ing" opened a )la#" the ru%ble o$ hi noring )hanged it note. Then 0ilbo $led. 0ut the dragon did not #ake(not !et but hi$ted into other drea% o$ greed and violen)e" l!ing there in hi tolen hall #hile the little hobbit toiled ba)k up the long tunnel. -i heart #a beating and a %ore $evered haking #a in hi leg than #hen he #a going do#n" but till he )lut)hed the )up" and hi )hie$ thought #a ' <I1ve done it; Thi #ill ho# the%. 17ore like a gro)er than a burglar1 indeed; 6ell" #e1ll hear no %ore o$ that.= Nor did he. 0alin #a over9o!ed to ee the hobbit again" and a delighted a he #a urpri ed. -e pi)ked 0ilbo up and )arried hi% out into the open air. It #a %idnight and )loud had )overed the tar " but 0ilbo la! #ith hi e!e hut" ga ping and taking plea ure in the $eel o$ the $re h air again" and hardl! noti)ing the e*)ite%ent o$ the d#arve " or ho# the! prai ed hi% and patted hi% on the ba)k and put the% elve and all their $a%ilie $or generation to )o%e at hi ervi)e. The d#arve #ere till pa ing the )up $ro% hand to hand and talking delightedl! o$ the re)over! o$ their trea ure" #hen uddenl! a va t ru%bling #oke in the %ountain 88

underneath a i$ it #a an old vol)ano that had %ade up it %ind to tart eruption on)e again. The door behind the% #a pulled nearl! to" and blo)ked $ro% )lo ing #ith a tone" but up the long tunnel )a%e the dread$ul e)hoe " $ro% $ar do#n in the depth " o$ a bello#ing and a tra%pling that %ade the ground beneath the% tre%ble. Then the d#arve $orgot their 9o! and their )on$ident boa t o$ a %o%ent be$ore and )o#ered do#n in $right. 8%aug #a till to be re)koned #ith. It doe not do to leave a live dragon out o$ !our )al)ulation " i$ !ou live near hi%. Dragon %a! not have %u)h real u e $or all their #ealth" but the! kno# it to an oun)e a a rule" e pe)iall! a$ter long po e ion4 and 8%aug #a no e*)eption. -e had pa ed $ro% an unea ! drea% .in #hi)h a #arrior" altogether in igni$i)ant in i&e but provided #ith a bitter #ord and great )ourage" $igured %o t unplea antl!/ to a do&e" and $ro% a do&e to #ide #aking. There #a a breath o$ trange air in hi )ave. Could there be a draught $ro% that little hole3 -e had never $elt ,uite happ! about it" though #a o %all" and no# he glared at it in u pi)ion an #ondered #h! he had never blo)ked it up. 5$ late he had hal$ $an)ied he had )aught the di% e)hoe o$ a kno)king ound $ro% $ar above that )a%e do#n through it to hi lair. -e tirred and tret)hed $orth hi ne)k to ni$$. Then he %i ed the )up; Thieve ; Cire; 7urder; 8u)h a thing had not happened in)e $ir t he )a%e to the 7ountain; -i rage pa e de )ription+the ort o$ rage that i onl! een #hen ri)h $olk that have %ore than the! )an en9o! uddenl! lo e o%ething that the! have long had but have never be$ore u ed or #anted. -i $ire bel)hed $orth" the hall %oked" he hook the %ountain(root . -e thru t hi head in vain at the little hole" and then )oiling hi length together" roaring like thunder underground" he ped $ro% hi deep lair through it great door" out into the huge pa age o$ the %ountain(pala)e and up to#ard the Cront :ate. To hunt the #hole %ountain till he had )aught the thie$ and had torn and tra%pled hi% #a hi one thought. -e i ued $ro% the :ate" the #ater ro e in $ier)e #hi tling tea%" and up he oared bla&ing into the air and ettled on the %ountain(top in a pout o$ green and )arlet $la%e. The d#arve heard the a#$ul ru%our o$ hi $light" and the! )rou)hed again t the #all o$ the gra ! terra)e )ringing under boulder " hoping o%eho# to e )ape the $right$ul e!e o$ the hunting dragon. There the! #ould have all been killed" i$ it had not been $or 0ilbo on)e again. <Dui)k; Dui)k;= he ga ped. <The door; The tunnel; It1 no good here.= Rou ed b! the e #ord the! #ere 9u t about to )reep in ide the tunnel #hen 0i$ur gave a )r!' <7! )ou in ; 0o%bur and 0o$ur+#e have $orgotten the%" the! are do#n in the valle!;= <The! #ill be lain" and all our ponie too" and all out tore lo t"= %oaned the other . <6e )an do nothing.= <Non en e;= aid Thorin" re)overing hi dignit!. <6e )annot leave the%. :et in ide 7r. 0aggin and 0alin" and !ou t#o Cili and Bili(the dragon han1t have all o$ u . No# !ou other " #here are the rope 3 0e ,ui)k;= Tho e #ere perhap the #or t %o%ent the! had been through !et. The horrible ound o$ 8%aug1 anger #ere e)hoing in the ton! hollo# $ar above4 at an! %o%ent he %ight )o%e bla&ing do#n or $l! #hirling round and $ind the% there" near the perilou )li$$1 edge hauling %adl! on the rope . Up )a%e 0o$ur" and till all #a a$e. Up )a%e 0o%bur" pu$$ing and blo#ing #hile the rope )reaked" and till all #a a$e. Up )a%e o%e tool and bundle o$ tore " and then danger #a upon the%. A #hirring noi e #a heard. A red light tou)hed the point o$ tanding ro)k . The dragon )a%e. The! had barel! ti%e to $l! ba)k to the tunnel" pulling and dragging in their bundle " #hen 8%aug )a%e hurtling $ro% the North" li)king the %ountain( ide #ith $la%e" beating hi great #ing #ith a noi e like a roaring #ind. -i hot breath hrivelled the gra be$ore the door" and drove in through the )ra)k the! had le$t and )or)hed the% a the! la! hid. Cli)kering $ire leaped up and bla)k ro)k( hado# dan)ed. Then darkne $ell a he pa ed again. The ponie )rea%ed #ith terror" bur t their rope and galloped #ildl! o$$. The dragon #ooped and turned to pur ue the%" and #a gone. <That1ll be the end o$ our poor bea t ;= aid Thorin. <Nothing )an e )ape 8%aug on)e he ee it. -ere #e are and here #e hall have to ta!" unle an! one $an)ie tra%ping the long open %ile ba)k to the river #ith 8%aug on the #at)h;=


It #a not a plea ant thought; The! )rept $urther do#n the tunnel" and there the! la! and hivered though it #a #ar% and tu$$!" until da#n )a%e pale through the )ra)k o$ the door. Ever! no# and again through the night the! )ould hear the roar o$ the $l!ing dragon gro# and then pa and $ade" a he hunted round and round the %ountain( ide . -e gue ed $ro% the ponie " and $ro% the tra)e o$ the )a%p he had di )overed" that %en had )o%e up $ro% the river and the lake and had )aled the %ountain( ide $ro% the valle! #here the ponie had been tanding4 but the door #ith tood hi ear)hing e!e" and the little high(#alled ba! had kept out hi $ier)e t $la%e . @ong he had hunted in vain till the da#n )hilled hi #rath and he #ent ba)k to hi golden )ou)h to leep+and to gather ne# trength. -e #ould not $orget or $orgive the the$t" not i$ a thou and !ear turned hi% to %ouldering tone" but he )ould a$$ord to #ait. 8lo# and ilent he )rept ba)k to hi lair and hal$ )lo ed hi e!e . 6hen %orning )a%e the terror o$ the d#arve gre# le . The! reali&ed that danger o$ thi kind #ere inevitable in dealing #ith u)h a guardian" and that it #a no good giving up their ,ue t !et. Nor )ould the! get a#a! 9u t no#" a Thorin had pointed out. Their ponie #ere lo t or killed" and the! #ould have to #ait o%e ti%e be$ore 8%aug rela*ed hi #at)h u$$i)ientl! $or the% to dare the long #a! on $oot. @u)kil! the! had aved enough o$ their tore to la t the% till $or o%e ti%e. The! debated long on #hat #a to be done" but the! )ould think o$ no #a! o$ getting rid o$ 8%aug+#hi)h had al#a! been a #eak point in their plan " a 0ilbo $elt in)lined to point out. Then a i the nature o$ $olk that are thoroughl! perple*ed" the! began to gru%ble at the hobbit" bla%ing hi% $or #hat had at $ir t o plea ed the%' $or bringing a#a! a )up and tirring up 8%aug1 #rath o oon. <6hat el e do !ou uppo e a burglar i to do3= a ked 0ilbo angril!. <I #a not engaged to kill dragon " that i #arrior1 #ork" but to teal trea ure. I %ade the be t beginning I )ould. Did !ou e*pe)t %e to trot ba)k #ith the #hole hoard o$ Thror on %! ba)k3 I$ there i an! gru%bling to be done" I think I %ight have a a!. You ought to have brought $ive hundred burglar not one. I a% ure it re$le)t great )redit on !our grand$ather" but !ou )annot pretend that !ou ever %ade the va t e*tent o$ hi #ealth )lear to %e. I hould #ant hundred o$ !ear to bring it all up" i$ I #a $i$t! ti%e a big" and 8%aug a ta%e a a rabbit.= A$ter that o$ )our e the d#arve begged hi pardon. <6hat then do !ou propo e #e hould do" 7r. 0aggin 3= a ked Thorin politel!. <I have no idea at the %o%ent+i$ !ou %ean about re%oving the trea ure. That obviou l! depend entirel! on o%e ne# turn o$ lu)k and the getting rid o$ 8%aug. :etting rid o$ dragon i not at all in %! line" but I #ill do %! be t to think about it. Per onall! I have no hope at all" and #i h I #a a$e ba)k at ho%e.= <Never %ind that $or the %o%ent; 6hat are #e to do no#" to(da!3= <6ell" i$ !ou reall! #ant %! advi)e" I hould a! #e )an do nothing but ta! #here #e are. 0! da! #e )an no doubt )reep out a$el! enough to take the air. Perhap be$ore long one or t#o )ould be )ho en to go ba)k to the tore b! the river and repleni h our upplie . 0ut in the %ean#hile ever!one ought to be #ell in ide the tunnel b! night. <No# I #ill %ake !ou an o$$er. I have got %! ring and #ill )reep do#n thi ver! noon( then i$ ever 8%aug ought to be napping(and ee #hat he i up to. Perhap o%ething #ill turn up. 1Ever! #or% ha hi #eak pot"1 a %! $ather u ed to a!" though I a% ure it #a not $ro% per onal e*perien)e.= Naturall! the d#arve a))epted the o$$er eagerl!. Alread! the! had )o%e to re pe)t little 0ilbo. No# he had be)o%e the real leader in their adventure. -e had begun to have idea and plan o$ hi o#n. 6hen %idda! )a%e he got read! $or another 9ourne! do#n into the 7ountain. -e did not like it o$ )our e" but it #a not o bad no# he kne#" %ore or le " #hat #a in $ront o$ hi%. -ad he kno#n %ore about dragon and their #il! #a! " he %ight have teen %ore $rightened and le hope$ul o$ )at)hing thi one napping. The un #a hining #hen he tarted" but it #a a dark a night in the tunnel. The light $ro% the door" al%o t )lo ed" oon $aded a he #ent do#n. 8o ilent #a hi going that %oke on a gentle #ind )ould hardl! have urpa e it" and he #a in)lined to $eel a bit proud o$ hi% el$ a he dre# near the lo#er door. There #a onl! the ver! $ainter glo# to be een.


<5ld 8%aug i #ear! and a leep"= he thought. <-e )an1t" ee %e and he #on1t hear %e. Cheer up 0ilbo;= -e had $orgotten or had never heard about dragon 1 en e o$ %ell. It i al o an a#k#ard $a)t that the! keep hal$ an e!e open #at)hing #hile the! leep" i$ the! are u pi)iou . 8%aug )ertainl! looked $a t a leep" al%o t dead and dark" #ith )ar)el! a nore %ore than a #hi$$ o$ un een tea%" #hen 0ilbo peeped on)e %ore $ro% the entran)e. -e #a 9u t about to tep out on to the $loor #hen he )aught a udden thin and pier)ing ra! o$ red $ro% under the drooping lid. o$ 8%aug1 le$t e!e. -e #a onl! pretending to leep; -e #a #at)hing the tunnel entran)e; -urriedl! 0ilbo tepped ba)k and ble ed the lu)k o$ hi ring. Then 8%aug poke. <6ell" thie$; I %ell !ou and I $eel !our air. I hear !our breath. Co%e along; -elp !our el$ again" there i plent! and to pare;= 0ut 0ilbo #a not ,uite o unlearned in dragon(lore a all that" and i$ 8%aug hoped to get hi% to )o%e nearer o ea il! he #a di appointed. <No thank !ou" 5 8%aug the. Tre%endou ;= he replied. <I did not )o%e $or pre ent . I onl! #i hed to have a look at !ou and ee i$ !ou #ere trul! a great a tale a!. I did not believe the%.= <Do !ou no#3= aid the dragon o%e#hat $lattered" even though he did not believe a #ord o$ it. 9 <Trul! ong and tale $all utterl! hort o$ the realit!" 5 8%aug the Chie$e t and :reate t o$ Cala%itie "= replied 0ilbo. I You have ni)e %anner $or a thie$ and a liar"= aid the dragon. <You ee% $a%iliar #ith %! na%e" but I don1t ee% to re%e%ber %elling !ou be$ore. 6ho are !ou and #here do !ou )o%e $ro%" %a! I a k3= <You %a! indeed; I )o%e $ro% under the hill" and under hill and over the hill %! path led. And through the air" I a% he that #alk un een.= <8o I )an #ell believe"= aid 8%aug" <but that i hardl! our u ual na%e.= <I a% the )lue($inder" the #eb()utter" the tinging $l!. I a )ho en $or the lu)k! nu%ber.= <@ovel! title ;= neered the dragon. <0ut lu)k! nu%ber don1t al#a! )o%e o$$.= <I a% he that burie hi $riend alive and dro#n the% and dra# the% alive again $ro% the #ater. I )a%e $ro% the end o$ a bag" but no bag #ent over %e.= <The e don1t ound o )reditable"= )o$$ed 8%aug. <I a% the $riend o$ bear and the gue t o$ eagle . I a% Ring#inner and @u)k#earer4 and I a% 0arrel(rider"= #ent on 0ilbo beginning to be plea ed #ith hi riddling. <That1 better;= aid 8%aug. <0ut don1t let !our i%agination run a#a! #ith !ou;= Thi o$ )our e i the #a! to talk to dragon " i$ !ou don1t #ant to reveal !our proper na%e .#hi)h i #i e/" and don1t #ant to in$uriate the% b! a $lat re$u al .#hi)h i al o ver! #i e/. No dragon )an re i t the $a )ination o$ riddling talk and o$ #a ting ti%e tr!ing to under tand it. There #a a lot here #hi)h 8%aug did not under tand at all .though I e*pe)t !ou do" in)e !ou kno# all about 0ilbo1 adventure to #hi)h he #a re$erring/" but he thought he under tood enough" and he )hu)kled in hi #i)ked in ide. <I thought o la t night"= he %iled to hi% el$. <@ake(%en" o%e na t! )he%e o$ tho e %i erable tub(trading @ake(%en" or I1% a li&ard. I haven1t been do#n that #a! $or an age and an age4 but I #ill oon alter that;= <>er! #ell" 5 0arrel(rider;= he aid aloud. <7a!be 0arrel #a !our pon!1 na%e4 and %a!be not" though it #a $at enough. You %a! #alk un een" but !ou did not #alk all the #a!. @et %e tell !ou I ate i* ponie la t night and I hall )at)h and eat all the other be$ore long. In return $or the e*)ellent %eal I #ill give !ou one pie)e o$ advi)e $or !our good' don1t have %ore to do #ith d#arve than !ou )an help;= <D#arve ;= aid 0ilbo in pretended urpri e. <Don1t talk to %e;= aid 8%aug. <I kno# the %ell .and ta te/ o$ d#ar$(no one better. Don1t tell %e that I )an eat a d#ar$(ridden pon! and not kno# it; You1ll )o%e to a bad end" i$ !ou go #ith u)h $riend . Thie$ 0arrel(rider. I don1t %ind i$ !ou go ba)k and tell the% o $ro% %e.= 0ut he did not tell 0ilbo that there #a one %ell he )ould not %ake out at all" hobbit( %ell4 it #a ,uite out ide hi e*perien)e and pu&&led hi% %ightil!.


<I uppo e !ou got a $air pri)e $or that )up la t night3= he #ent on. <Co%e no#" did !ou3 Nothing at all; 6ell" that1 9u t like the%. And I uppo e the! are kulking out ide" and !our 9ob i to do all the dangerou #ork and get #hat !ou )an #hen I1% not looking( $or the%3 And !ou #ill get a $air hare3 Don1t !ou believe it; I$ !ou get o$$ alive" !ou #ill be lu)k!.= 0ilbo #a no# beginning to $eel reall! un)o%$ortable. 6henever 8%aug1 roving e!e" eeking $or hi% in the hado# " $la hed a)ro hi%" he tre%bled" and an una))ountable de ire ei&ed hold o$ hi% to ru h out and reveal hi% el$ and tell all the truth to 8%aug. In $a)t he #a in grievou danger o$ )o%ing under the dragon( pell. 0ut plu)king up )ourage he poke again. <You don1t kno# ever!thing" 5 8%aug the 7ight!"= aid he. <Not gold alone brought u hither.= <-a; -a; You ad%it the 1u 1"= laughed 8%aug. <6h! not a! 1u $ourteen1 and be done #ith it. 7r. @u)k! Nu%ber3 I a% plea ed to hear that !ou had other bu ine in the e part be ide %! gold. In that )a e !ou %a!" perhap " not altogether #a te !our ti%e. <I don1t kno# i$ it ha o))urred to !ou that" even i$ !ou )ould teal the gold bit b! bit(a %atter o$ a hundred !ear or o+!ou )ould not get it ver! $ar3 Not %u)h u e on the %ountain( ide3 Not %u)h u e in the $ore t3 0le %e; -ad !ou never thought o$ the )at)h3 A $ourteenth hare" I uppo e" 5r o%ething like it" tho e #ere the ter% " eh3 0ut #hat about deliver!3 6hat about )artage3 6hat about ar%ed guard and toll 3= And 8%aug laughed aloud. -e had a #i)ked and a #il! heart" and he kne# hi gue e #ere not $ar out" though he u pe)ted that the @ake(%en #ere at the ba)k o$ the plan " and that %o t o$ the plunder #a %eant to top there in the to#n b! the hore that in hi !oung da! had been )alled E garoth. You #ill hardl! believe it" but poor 0ilbo #a reall! ver! taken aba)k. 8o $ar all hi . thought and energie had been )on)entrated on getting to the 7ountain and $inding the entran)e. -e had never bothered to #onder ho# the trea ure #a to be re%oved" )ertainl! never ho# an! part o$ it that %ight $all to hi hare #a to be brought ba)k all the #a! to 0ag(End Under(-ill. No# a na t! u pi)ion began to gro# in hi %ind(had the d#arve $orgotten thi i%portant point too" or #ere the! laughing in their leeve at hi% all the ti%e3 That i the e$$e)t that dragon(talk ha on the ine*perien)ed. 0ilbo o$ )our e ought to have been on hi guard4 but 8%aug had rather an over#hel%ing per onalit!. <I tell !ou"= he aid" in an e$$ort to re%ain lo!al to hi $riend and to keep hi end up" <that gold #a onl! an a$terthought #ith u . 6e )a%e over hill and under hill" b! #ave and #in" $or Revenge. 8urel!" 5 8%aug the una e abl! #ealth!" !ou %u t reali&e that !our u))e ha %ade !ou o%e bitter ene%ie 3= Then 8%aug reall! did laugh(a deva tating ound #hi)h hook 0ilbo to the $loor" #hile $ar up in the tunnel the d#arve huddled together and i%agined that the hobbit had )o%e to a udden and a na t! end. <Revenge;= he norted" and the light o$ hi e!e lit the the hall $ro% $loor to )eiling like )arlet lightning. <Revenge; The Bing under the 7ountain i dead and #here are hi kin that dare eek revenge3 :irion @ord o$ Dale i dead" and I have eaten hi people like a #ol$ a%ong heep" and #here are hi on 1 on that dare approa)h %e3 I kill #here I #i h and none dare re i t. I laid lo# the #arrior o$ old and their like i not in the #orld toda!. Then I #a but !oung and tender. No# I a% old and trong" trong trong. Thie$ in the 8hado# ;= he gloated. <7! ar%our i like ten$old hield " %! teeth are #ord " %! )la# pear " the ho)k o$ %! tail a thunderbolt" %! #ing a hurri)ane" and %! breath death;= <I have al#a! under tood"= aid 0ilbo in a $rightened ,ueak" <that dragon #ere o$ter underneath" e pe)iall! in the region o$ theSerS)he t4 but doubtle one o $orti$ied ha thought o$ that.= The dragon topped hort in hi boa ting. <Your in$or%ation i anti,uated"= he napped. <I a% ar%oured above and belo# #ith iron )ale and hard ge% . No blade )an pier)e %e.= <I %ight have gue ed it"= aid 0ilbo. <Trul! there )an4 no#here be $ound the e,ual o$ @ord 8%aug the I%penetrable. 6hat %agni$i)en)e to po e a #ai t)oat o$ $ine dia%ond ;= 92

<Ye " it i rare and #onder$ul" indeed"= aid 8%aug ab urdl! plea ed. -e did not kno# that the hobbit had alread! )aught a gli%p e o$ hi pe)uliar under()overing on hi previou vi it" and #a it)hing $or a )lo er vie# $or rea on o$ hi o#n. The dragon rolled over. <@ook;= he aid. <6hat do !ou a! to that3= <Da&&lingl! %arvellou ; Per$e)t; Cla#le ; 8taggering;= e*)lai%ed 0ilbo aloud" but #hat he thought in ide #a ' <5ld $ool; 6h! there i a large pat)h in the hollo# o$ hi le$t brea t a bare a a nail out o$ it hell;= A$ter he had een that 7r. 0aggin 1 one idea #a to get a#a!. <6ell" I reall! %u t not detain Your 7agni$i)en)e an! longer"= he aid" <or keep !ou $ro% %u)h needed re t. Ponie take o%e )at)hing" I believe" a$ter a long tart. And o do burglar "= he added a a parting hot" a he darted ba)k and $led up the tunnel. It #a an un$ortunate re%ark" $or the dragon pouted terri$i) $la%e a$ter hi%" and $a t though he ped up the lope" he had not gone nearl! $ar enough to be )o%$ortable be$ore the gha tl! head o$ 8%aug #a thru t again t the opening behind. @u)kil! the #hole head and 9a# )ould not ,uee&e in" but the no tril ent $orth $ire and vapour to pur ue hi%" and he #a nearl! over)o%e" and tu%bled blindl! on in great pain and $ear. -e had been $eeling rather plea ed #ith the )leverne o$ hi )onver ation #ith 8%aug" but hi %i take at the end hook hi% into better en e. <Never laugh at live dragon " 0ilbo !ou $ool;= he aid to hi% el$" and it be)a%e a $avourite a!ing o$ hi later" and pa ed into a proverb. <You aren1t nearl! through thi adventure !et"= he added" and that #a prett! true a #ell. The a$ternoon #a turning into evening #hen he )a%e out again and tu%bled and $ell in a $aint on the 1door( tep.1 The d#arve revived hi%" and do)tored hi )or)he a #ell a the! )ould4 but it #a a long ti%e be$ore the hair on the ba)k o$ hi head and hi heel gre# properl! again' it had all been inged and $ri&&led right do#n to the kin. In the %ean#hile hi $riend did their be t to )heer hi% up4 and the! #ere eager $or hi tor!" e pe)iall! #anting to kno# #h! the dragon had %ade u)h an a#$ul noi e" and ho# 0ilbo had e )aped. 0ut the hobbit #a #orried and un)o%$ortable" and the! had di$$i)ult! in getting an!thing out o$ hi%. 5n thinking thing over he #a no# regretting o%e o$ the thing he had aid to the dragon" and #a not eager to repeat the%. The old thru h #a itting on a ro)k near b! #ith hi head )o)ked on one ide" li tening to all that #a aid. It ho# #hat an ill te%per 0ilbo #a in' he pi)ked up a tone and thre# it at the thru h" #hi)h %erel! $luttered a ide and )a%e ba)k. <Drat the bird;= aid 0ilbo )ro l!. <I believe he i li tening" and I don1t like the look o$ hi%.= <@eave hi% alone;= aid Thorin. <The thru he are good and $riendl!(thi i a ver! old bird indeed" and i %a!be the la t le$t o$ the an)ient breed that u ed to live about here" ta%e to the hand o$ %! $ather and grand$ather. The! #ere a long(lived and %agi)al ra)e" and thi %ight even be one o$ tho e that #ere alive then" a )ouple o$ hundred !ear or %ore ago. The 7en o$ Dale u ed to have the tri)k o$ under tanding their language" and u ed the% $or %e enger to $l! to the 7en o$ the @ake and el e#here.= <6ell" he1ll have ne# to take to @ake(to#n all right" i$ that i #hat he i a$ter"= aid 0ilbo4 <though I don1t uppo e there are an! people le$t there that trouble #ith thru h( language.= <6h! #hat ha happened3= )ried the d#arve . <Do get on #ith !our tale;= 8o 0ilbo told the% all he )ould re%e%ber" and he )on$e ed that he had a na t! $eeling that the dragon gue ed too %u)h $ro% hi riddle added to the )a%p and the ponie . <I a% ure he kno# #e )a%e $ro% @ake(to#n and had help $ro% there4 and I have a horrible $eeling that hi ne*t %ove %a! be in that dire)tion. I #i h to goodne I had never aid that about 0arrel(rider4 it #ould %ake even a blind rabbit in the e part think o$ the @ake(%en.= <6ell" #ell; It )annot be helped" and it i di$$i)ult not to lip in talking to a dragon" or o I have al#a! heard"= aid 0alin an*iou to )o%$ort hi%. <I think !ou did ver! #ell" i$ !ou a k %e(!ou $ound out one ver! u e$ul thing at an! rate" and got ho%e alive" and that i %ore than %o t )an a! #ho have had #ord #ith the like o$ 8%aug. It %a! be a %er)! and a ble ing !et to kno# o$ the bare pat)h in the old 6or%1 dia%ond #ai t)oat.= 93

That turned the )onver ation" and the! all began di )u ing dragon( la!ing hi tori)al" dubiou " and %!thi)al" and the variou ort o$ tab and 9ab and under)ut " and the di$$erent art " devi)e and tratage% b! #hi)h the! had been a))o%pli hed. The general opinion #a that )at)hing a dragon napping #a not a ea ! a it ounded" and the atte%pt to ti)k one or prod one a leep #a %ore likel! to end in di a ter than a bold $rontal atta)k. All the #hile the! talked the thru h li tened" till at la t #hen the tar began to peep $orth" it ilentl! pread it #ing and $le# a#a!. And all the #hile the! talked and the hado# lengthened 0ilbo be)a%e %ore and %ore unhapp! and hi $oreboding At la t he interrupted the%. <I a% ure #e are ver! un a$e here"= he aid" <and I don1t ee the point o$ itting here. The dragon ha #ithered all the plea ant green" and an!#a! the night ha )o%e and it i )old. 0ut I $eel it in %! bone that thi pla)e #ill be atta)ked again. 8%aug kno# no# ho# I )a%e do#n to hi hall" and !ou )an tru t hi% to gue #here the other end o$ the tunnel i . -e #ill break all thi ide o$ the 7ountain to bit " i$ ne)e ar!" to top up our entran)e" and i$ #e are %a hed #ith it the better he #ill like it.= <You are ver! gloo%!" 7r. 0aggin ;= aid Thorin. <6h! ha not 8%aug blo)ked the lo#er end" then" i$ he i o eager to keep u out3 -e ha not" or #e hould have heard hi%.= <I don1t kno#" I don1t kno#(be)au e at $ir t he #anted to tr! and lure %e in again" I uppo e" and no# perhap be)au e he i #aiting till a$ter tonight1 hunt" or be)au e he doe not #ant to da%age hi bedroo% i$ he )an help it+but I #i h !ou #ould not argue. 8%aug #ill be )o%ing out at an! %inute no#" and our onl! hope i to get #ell in the tunnel and hut the door.= -e ee%ed o %u)h in earne t that the d#arve at la t did a he aid" though the! dela!ed hutting the door(it ee%ed a de perate plan" $or no one kne# #hether or ho# the! )ould get it open again $ro% the in ide" and the thought o$ being hut in a pla)e $ro% #hi)h the onl! #a! out led through the dragon1 lair #a not one the! liked. Al o ever!thing ee%ed ,uite ,uiet" both out ide and do#n the tunnel. 8o $or a longi h #hile the! at in ide not $ar do#n $ro% the hal$(open door and #ent on talking. The talk turned to the dragon1 #i)ked #ord about the d#arve . 0ilbo #i hed he had never heard the%" or at lea t that he )ould $eel ,uite )ertain that the d#arve no# #ere ab olutel! hone t #hen the! de)lared that the! had never thought at all about #hat #ould happen a$ter the trea ure had been #on. <6e kne# it #ould be a de perate venture"= aid Thorin" <and #e kno# that till4 and I till think that #hen #e have #on it #ill be ti%e enough to think #hat to do about it. A $or !our hare" 7r. 0aggin " I a ure !ou #e are %ore than grate$ul and !ou hall )hoo e !ou o#n $ourteenth" a oon a #e have an!thing to divide" a% orr! i$ !ou are #orried about tran port" and I ad%it the di$$i)ultie are great(the land have not be)o%e le #ild #ith the pa ing o$ ti%e" rather the rever e(but #e #ill do #hatever #e )an $or !ou" and take our hare o$ the )o t #hen the ti%e )o%e . 0elieve %e or not a !ou like;= Cro% that the talk turned to the great hoard it el$ and to the thing that Thorin and 0alin re%e%bered. The! #ondered i$ the! #ere till l!ing there .unhar%ed in the hall belo#' the pear that #ere %ade $or the ar%ie o$ the great Bing 0ladorthin .long in)e dead/" ea)h had a thri)e($orged head and their ha$t #ere inlaid #ith )unning gold" but the! #ere never delivered or paid $or4 hield %ade $or #arrior long dead4 the great golden )up o$ Thror" t#o(handed" ha%%ered and )arven #ith bird and $lo#er #ho e e!e and petal #ere o$ 9e#el 4 )oat o$ %ail gilded and ilvered and i%penetrable4 the ne)kla)e o$ :irion" @ord o$ Dale" %ade o$ $ive hundred e%erald green a gra " #hi)h he gave $or the ar%ing o$ hi elde t on in a )oat o$ d#ar$(linked ring the like o$ #hi)h had never been %ade be$ore" $or it #a #rought o$ pure ilver to the po#er and trength o$ triple teel. 0ut $aire t o$ all #a the great #hite ge%" #hi)h the d#arve had $ound beneath the root o$ the 7ountain" the -eart o$ the 7ountain" the Arken tone o$ Thrain. <The Arken tone; The Arken tone;= %ur%ured Thorin in the dark" hal$ drea%ing #ith hi )hin upon hi knee . <It #a like a globe #ith a thou and $a)et 4 it hone like ilver in the $irelight" like #ater in the un" like no# under the tar " like rain upon the 7oon;= 0ut the en)hanted de ire o$ the hoard had $allen $ro% 0ilbo. All through their talk he #a onl! hal$ li tening to the%. -e at neare t to the door #ith one ear )o)ked $or an!


beginning o$ a ound #ithout" hi other #a alert or e)hoe be!ond the %ur%ur o$ the d#arve " $or an! #hi per o$ a %ove%ent $ro% $ar belo#. Darkne gre# deeper and he gre# ever %ore unea !. <8hut the door;= he begged the%. <I $ear that dragon in %! %arro#. I like thi ilen)e $ar le than the uproar o$ la t night. 8hut the door be$ore it i too late;= 8o%ething in hi voi)e gave the d#arve an un)o%$ortable $eeling. 8lo#l! Thorin hook o$$ hi drea% and getting up he ki)ked a#a! the tone that #edged the door. Then the! thru t upon it" and it )lo ed #ith a nap and a )lang. No tra)e o$ a ke!hole #a there le$t on the in ide. The! #ere hut in the 7ountain; And not a %o%ent too oon. The! had hardl! gone an! di tan)e do#n the tunnel #hen a blo# %ote the ide o$ the 7ountain like the )ra h o$ battering(ra% %ade o$ $ore t oak and #ung b! giant . The ro)k boo%ed" the #all )ra)ked and tone $ell $ro% the roo$ on their head . 6hat #ould have happened i$ the door had till been open I don1t like to think. The! $led $urther do#n the tunnel glad to be till alive" #hile behind the% out ide the! heard the roar and ru%ble o$ 8%aug1 $ur!. -e #a breaking ro)k to pie)e " %a hing #all and )li$$ #ith the la hing o$ hi huge tail" till their little lo$t! )a%ping ground" the )or)hed gra " the thru h1 tone" the nail()overed #all " the narro# ledge" and all di appeared in a 9u%ble o$ %ithereen " and an avalan)he o$ plintered tone $ell over the )li$$ into the valle! belo#. 8%aug had le$t hi lair in ilent tealth" ,uietl! oared into the air" and then $loated heav! and lo# in the dark like a %on trou )ro#" do#n the #ind to#ard the #e t o$ the 7ountain" in the hope o$ )at)hing una#are o%ething or o%ebod! there" and o$ p!ing the outlet to the pa age #hi)h the thie$ had u ed. Thi #a the outbur t o$ hi #rath #hen he )ould $ind nobod! and ee nothing" even #here he gue ed the outlet %u t a)tuall! be. A$ter he had let o$$ hi rage in thi #a! he $elt better and he thought in hi heart that he #ould not be troubled again $ro% that dire)tion. In(the %ean#hile he had $urther vengean)e to take. <0arrel(rider;= he norted. <Your $ee )a%e $ro% the #ater ide and up the #ater !ou )a%e #ith out a doubt. I don1t kno# !our %ell" but i$ !ou are not one o$ tho e %en o$ the @ake" !ou had their help. The! hall ee %e and re%e%ber #ho i the real Bing under the 7ountain;= -e ro e in $ire and #ent a#a! outh to#ard the Running River.


Chapter JN N5T AT -57E In the %ean#hile" the d#arve at in darkne " and utter ilen)e $ell about the%. @ittle the! ate and little the! poke. The! )ould not )ount the pa ing o$ ti%e4 and the! )ar)el! dared to %ove" $or the #hi per o$ their voi)e e)hoed and ru tled in the tunnel. I$ the! do&ed" the! #oke till to darkne and to ilen)e going on unbroken. At la t a$ter da! and da! o$ #aiting" a it ee%ed" #hen the! #ere be)o%ing )hoked and da&ed $or #ant o$ air" the! )ould bear it no longer. The! #ould al%o t have #el)o%ed ound $ro% belo# o$ the dragon1 return. In the ilen)e the! $eared o%e )unning devilr! o$ hi " but the! )ould not it there $or ever. Thorin poke' <@et u tr! the door;= he aid. <I %u t $eel the #ind on %! $a)e oon or die. I think I #ould rather be %a hed b! 8%aug in the open than u$$o)ate in here;= 8o everal o$ the d#arve got up and groped ba)k to #here the door had been. 0ut the! $ound that the upper end o$ the tunnel had been hattered and blo)ked #ith broken ro)k. Neither ke! nor the %agi) it had on)e obe!ed #ould ever open that door again. <6e are trapped;= the! groaned. <Thi i the end. 6e hall die here.= 0ut o%eho#" 9u t #hen the d#arve #ere %o t de pairing" 0ilbo $elt a trange lightening o$ the heart" a i$ a heav! #eight had gone $ro% under hi #ai t)oat. <Co%e" )o%e;= he aid. <6hile there1 li$e there1 hope;= a %! $ather u ed to a!" and 1Third ti%e pa! $or all.1 I a% going do#n the tunnel on)e again. I have been that #a! t#i)e" #hen I kne# there #a a dragon at the other end" o I #ill ri k a third vi it #hen I a% no longer ure. An!#a! the onl! #a! out i do#n. And I think ti%e !ou had better all )o%e #ith %e.= In de peration the! agreed" and Thorin #a the $ir t go $or#ard b! 0ilbo1 ide. <No# do be )are$ul;= #hi pered the hobbit" <and ,uiet a !ou )an be; There %a! be no 8%aug at the botto% but then again there %a! be. Don1t let u take an! unne)e ar! ri k ;= Do#n" do#n the! #ent. The d#arve )ould not" )our e" )o%pare #ith the hobbit in real tealth" and the %ade a deal o$ pu$$ing and hu$$ling #hi)h e)hoe %agni$ied alar%ingl!4 but though ever! no# and again 0ilbo in $ear topped and li tened" not a ound tirred belo# Near the botto%" a #ell a he )ould 9udge" 0ilbo lipped on hi ring and #ent ahead. 0ut he did not need it' the darkne #a )o%plete" and the! #ere all invi ible" ring or no ring. In $a)t o bla)k #a it that the hobbit )a%e to the opening une*pe)tedl!" put hi hand on air" tu%bled $or #ard" and rolled headlong into the hall; There he la! $a)e do#n#ard on the $loor and did no dare to get up" or hardl! even to breathe. 0ut nothing %oved. There #a not a glea% o$ light(unle " a ee%ed to hi%" #hen at la t he lo#l! rai ed hi head" there #a a pale #hite glint" above hi% and $ar o$$ in the gloo%. 0ut )ertainl! it #a not a park o$ dragon($ire" though the #or% ten)h #a heav! in the pla)e" and the ta te o$ vapour #a on hi tongue. At length 7r. 0aggin )ould bear it no longer. <Co%e $ound !ou" 8%aug" !ou #or%;= he ,ueaked aloud. <8top pla!ing hide(and( eek; :ive %e a light" and then eat %e i$ !ou )an )at)h %e;= Caint e)hoe ran round the un een hall" but there #a no an #er. 0ilbo got up" and $ound that he did not kno# in #hat dire)tion to turn. <No# I #onder #hat on earth 8%aug i pla!ing at"= he aid. <-e i not at ho%e toda! .or tonight" or #hatever it i /" I do believe. I$ 5in and :loin have not lo t their ti%e tinder(bo*e " perhap #e )an %ake a little light" and have a look round be$ore the lu)k turn .= <@ight;= he )ried. <Can an!bod! %ake a light3= The d#arve " o$ )our e" #ere ver! alar%ed #hen 0ilbo $ell $or#ard do#n the tep #ith a bu%p into the hall" and the! at huddled 9u t #here he had le$t the% at the end the tunnel. <8h; h;= the! hi ed" #hen the! heard hi voi)e' and though that helped the hobbit to $ind out #here the! #ere" #a o%e ti%e be$ore he )ould get an!thing el e out o$ the%. 0ut in the end" #hen 0ilbo a)tuall! began to ta%p in the $loor" and )rea%ed out light;1 at the top o$ hi thrill voi)e" Thorin gave #a!" and 5in and :loin #ere ent ba)k to their bundle at the top o$ the tunnel. A$ter a #hile a t#inkling glea% ho#ed the% returning" in #ith a %all pine(tor)h alight in hi hand" and :loin #ith a bundle o$ other 96

under hi ar%. Dui)kl! 0ilbo trotted to the door and took the tor)h4 but he )ould not per uade the d#arve to light the other or to )o%e and 9oin hi% !et. A Thorin )are$ull! e*plained" 7r. 0aggin #a till o$$i)iall! their e*pert burglar and inve tigator. I$ he liked to ri k a light" that #a hi a$$air. The! #ould #ait in the tunnel $or hi report. 8o the! at near the door and #at)hed. The! a# the little dark hape o$ the hobbit tart a)ro the $loor holding hi tin! light alo$t. Ever! no# and again" #hile he #a till near enough" the! )aught a glint and a tinkle a he tu%bled on o%e golden thing. The light gre# %aller a he #andered a#a! into the va t hall4 then it began to ri e dan)ing into the air. 0ilbo #a )li%bing the great %ound o$ trea ure. 8oon he tood upon the top" and till #ent on. Then the! a# hi% halt and toop $or a %o%ent4 but the! did not kno# the rea on. It #a the Arken tone" the -eart o$ the 7ountain. 8o 0ilbo gue ed $ro% Thorin1 de )ription4 but indeed there )ould not be t#o u)h ge% " even in o %arvellou a hoard" even in all the #orld. Ever a he )li%bed" the a%e #hite glea% had hone be$ore hi% and dra#n hi $eet to#ard 8lo#l! it gre# to a little globe o$ pallid light. No# a )a%e near" it #a tinged #ith a $li)kering parkle o$ %an )olour at the ur$a)e" re$le)ted and plintered $ro% the #avering light o$ hi tor)h. At la t he looked do#n upon it and he )aught hi breath. The great 9e#el hone be$ore he $eet o$ it o#n inner light" and !et" )ut and $a hioned b! the d#arve " #ho had dug it $ro% the heart o$ the %ountain long ago" it took all light that $ell upon it and()hange it into ten thou and park o$ #hite radian)e hot #ith glint o$ the rainbo#. 8uddenl! 0ilbo1 ar% #ent to#ard it dra#n b! it en)hant%ent. -i %all hand #ould not )lo e about it $or it #a a large and heav! ge%4 but he li$ted it" hut hi e!e " and put it in hi deepe t po)ket. <No# I a% a burglar indeed;= thought he. <0ut I uppo e I %u t tell the d#arve about it( o%e ti%e. The did a! I )ould pi)k and )hoo e %! o#n hare4 and I think I #ould )hoo e thi " i$ the! took all the re t;= All the a%e he had an un)o%$ortable $eeling that the pi)king and )hoo ing had not reall! been %eant to in)lude thi %arvellou ge%" and that trouble #ould !et )o%e o$ it. No# he #ent on again. Do#n the other ide o$ the great %ound he )li%bed" and the park o$ hi tor)h vani hed $ro% the ight o$ the #at)hing d#arve . 0ut oon the! a# it $ar a#a! in the di tan)e again. 0ilbo #a )ro ing the $loor o$ the hall. -e #ent on" until he )a%e to the great door at the $urther ide" and there a draught o$ air re$re hed hi%" but it al%o t pu$$ed out hi light. -e peeped ti%idl! through and )aught a gli%p e o$ great pa age and o$ the di% beginning o$ #ide tair going up into the gloo%. And till there #a no ight nor ound o$ 8%aug. -e #a 9u t going to turn and go ba)k" #hen a bla)k hape #ooped at hi% and bru hed hi $a)e. -e ,ueaked and tarted" tu%bled ba)k#ard and $ell. -i tor)h dropped head do#n#ard and #ent out; <5nl! a bat" I uppo e and hope;= he aid %i erabl!. 0ut no# #hat a% I to do3 6hi)h i Ea t" 8outh" North 6e t3= <Thorin; 0alin; 5in; :loin; Cill; Bili;= he )ried a loud he )ould(it ee%ed a thin little noi e in the #ide bla)kne . <The light1 gone out; 8o%eone )o%e and $ind and help %e;= Cor the %o%ent hi )ourage had $ailed together. Caintl! the d#arve heard hi %all )rie " though the onl! #ord the! )ould )at)h #a 1help;= <No# #hat on earth or under it ha happened3= aid Thorin. <Certainl! not the dragon" or he #ould not go on ,ueaking.= The! #aited a %o%ent or t#o" and till there #ere no dragon(noi e " no ound at all in $a)t but 0ilbo1 di tant voi)e. <Co%e" one o$ !ou" get another light or t#o;= Thorin ordered. <It ee% #e have got to go and help our burglar.= <It i about our turn to help"= aid 0alin" <and I a% ,uite #illing to go. An!#a! I e*pe)t it i a$e $or the %o%ent.= :loin lit everal %ore tor)he " and then the! all )rept out" one b! one" and #ent along the #all a hurriedl! a the! )ould. It #a not long be$ore the! %et 0ilbo hi% el$ )o%ing ba)k to#ard the%. -i #it had ,ui)kl! returned oon a he a# the t#inkle o$ their light . <5nl! a bat and a dropped tor)h" nothing #or e;= he aid in an #er to their ,ue tion . Though the! #ere %u)h relieved" the! #ere in)lined to be gru%p! at being $rightened $or 97

nothing4 but #hat the! #ould have aid" i$ he had told the% at that %o%ent about the Arken tone" I don1t kno#. The %ere $leeting gli%p e o$ trea ure #hi)h the! had )aught a the! #ent along had rekindled all the $ire o$ their d#arvi h heart 4 and #hen the heart o$ a d#ar$" even the %o t re pe)table" i #akened b! gold and b! 9e#el " he gro# uddenl! bold" and he %a! be)o%e $ier)e. The d#arve indeed no longer needed an! urging. All #ere no# eager to e*plore the hall #hile the! had the )han)e" and #illing to believe that" $or the pre ent" 8%aug #a a#a! $ro% ho%e. Ea)h no# gripped a lighted tor)h4 and a the! ga&ed" $ir t on one ide and then on another" the! $orgot $ear and even )aution. The! poke aloud" and )ried out to one another" a the! li$ted old trea ure $ro% the %ound or $ro% the #all and held the% in the light )are ing and $ingering the%. Cili and Bili #ere al%o t in %err! %ood" and $inding till hanging there %an! golden harp trung #ith ilver the! took the% and tru)k the%4 and being %agi)al .and al o untou)hed b! the dragon" #ho had %all intere t in %u i)/ the! #ere till in tune. The dark hall #a $illed #ith a %elod! that had long been ilent. 0ut %o t o$ the d#arve #ere %ore pra)ti)al4 the! gathered ge% and tu$$ed their po)ket " and let #hat the! )ould not )arr! $ar ba)k through their $inger #ith a igh. Thorin #a not lea t a%ong the e4 but al#a! he ear)hed $ro% ide to ide $or o%ething #hi)h he )ould not $ind. It #a the Arken tone but he poke o$ it !et to no one. No# the d#arve took do#n %ail and #eapon $ro% the #all " and ar%ed the% elve . Ro!al indeed did Thorin look" )lad in a )oat o$ gold(plated ring " #ith a ilver ha$ted a*e in a belt )ru ted #ith )arlet tone . <7r. 0aggin ;= he )ried. <-ere i the $ir t pa!%ent o$ !our re#ard; Ca t o$$ !our old )oat and put on thi ;= 6ith that he put on 0ilbo a %all )oat o$ %ail" #rought $or o%e !oung el$(prin)e long ago. It #a o$ ilver( teel #hi)h the elve )all %ithril" and #ith it #ent a belt o$ pearl and )r! tal . A light hel% o$ $igured leather" trengthened beneath #ith hoop o$ teel" and tudded about the bring #ith #hite ge% " #a et upon the hobbit1 head. <I $eel %agni$i)ent"= he thought4 <but I e*pe)t I look rather ab urd. -o# the! #ould laugh on the -ill at ho%e 8till I #i h there #a a looking(gla hand!;= All the a%e 7r. 0aggin kept hi head %ore )lear o$ the be#it)h%ent o$ the hoard than the d#arve did. @ong be$ore the d#arve #ere tired o$ e*a%ining the trea ure he be)a%e #ar! o$ it and at do#n on the $loor4 and he began to #onder nervou l! #hat the end o$ it all #ould be <I #ould give a good %an! o$ the e pre)iou goblet " thought" <$or a drink o$ o%ething )heering out o$ one 0eorn1 #ooden bo#l ;= <Thorin;= he )ried aloud. <6hat ne*t3 6e are ar%ed" but #hat good ha an! ar%our ever been be$ore again t 8%aug the Dread$ul3 Thi trea ure i not !et #on ba)k. 6e are not looking $or gold !et" but $or a #a! o$ e )ape4 and #e have te%pted lu)k too long;= 1GYou peak the truth;= an #ered Thorin" re)overing hi #it . <@et u go; I #ill guide !ou. Not in a thou and !ear hould I $orget the #a! o$ thi pala)e.= Then he hailed the other " and the! gathered together" and holding their tor)he above their head the! pa ed through the gaping door " not #ithout %an! a ba)k#ard glan)e o$ longing. Their glittering %ail the! had )overed again #ith their old )loak and their bright hel% #ith their tattered hood " and one b! one the! #alked behind Thorin" a line o$ little light in the darkne that halted o$ten" li tening in $ear on)e %ore $or an! ru%our o$ the dragon1 )o%ing. Though all the old adorn%ent #ere long %ouldered or de tro!ed" and though all #a be$ouled and bla ted #ith the )o%ing and going o$ the %on ter" Thorin kne# ever! pa age and ever! turn. The! )li%bed long tair " and turned and #ent do#n #ide e)hoing #a! " and turned again and )li%bed !et %ore tair " and !et %ore1 tair again. The e #ere %ooth" )ut out o$ the living ro)k broad and lair4 and up" up" the d#arve #ent" and the! %et no ign o$ an! living thing" onl! $urtive hado# that $led $ro% the approa)h o$ their tor)he $luttering in the draught . The tep #ere not %ade" all the a%e" $or hobbit(leg " and 0ilbo #a 9u t $eeling that he )ould go on no longer" #hen uddenl! the roo$ prang high and $ar be!ond the rea)h o$ their tor)h(light. A #hite gli%%er )ould be een )o%ing through o%e opening $ar above" and the air %elt #eeter. 0e$ore the% light )a%e di%l! through great door " that hung t#i ted on their hinge and hal$ burnt. 98

<Thi i the great )ha%ber o$ Thror"= aid Thorin4 <the hall o$ $ea ting and o$ )oun)il. Not $ar o$$ no# i the Cront :ate.= The! pa ed through the ruined )ha%ber. Table #ere rotting there4 )hair and ben)he #ere l!ing there overturned" )harred and de)a!ing. 8kull and bone #ere upon the $loor a%ong $lagon and bo#l and broken drinking(horn and du t. A the! )a%e through !et %ore door at the $urther end" a ound o$ #ater $ell upon their ear " and the gre! light gre# uddenl! %ore $ull. <There i the birth o$ the Running River"= aid Thorin. <Cro% here it ha ten to the :ate. @et u $ollo# it;= 5ut o$ a dark opening in a #all o$ ro)k there i ued a boiling #ater" and it $lo#ed #irling in a narro# )hannel" )arved and %ade traight and deep b! the )unning o$ an)ient hand . 0e ide it ran a tone(paved road" #ide enough $or %an! %en abrea t. 8#i$tl! along thi the! ran" and round a #ide( #eeping turn(and behold; be$ore the% tood the broad light o$ da!. In $ront there ro e a tall ar)h" till ho#ing the $rag%ent o$ old )arven #ork #ithin" #orn and plintered and bla)kened though it #a . A %i t! un ent it pale light bet#een the ar% o$ the 7ountain" and bea% o$ gold $ell on the pave%ent at the thre hold. A #hirl o$ bat $rightened $ro% lu%ber b! their %oking tor)he $lurried over the%4 a the! prang $or#ard their $eet lithered on tone rubbed %ooth and li%ed b! the pa ing o$ the dragon. No# be$ore the% the #ater $ell noi il! out#ard and $oa%ed do#n to#ard the valle!. The! $lung their pale tor)he to the ground" and tood ga&ing out #ith da&&led e!e . The! #ere )o%e to the Cront :ate" and #ere looking out upon Dale. <6ell;= aid 0ilbo" <I never e*pe)ted to be looking out o$ thi door. And I never e*pe)ted to be o plea ed to ee the un again" and to $eel the #ind on %! $a)e. 0ut" o#; thi #ind i )old;= It #a . A bitter ea terl! bree&e ble# #ith a threat o$ on)o%ing #inter. It #irled over and round the ar% o$ the 7ountain into the valle!" and ighed a%ong the ro)k . A$ter their long ti%e in the te#ing depth o$ the dragon(haunted )avern " the! hivered in the un. 8uddenl! 0ilbo reali&ed that he #a not onl! tired but al o ver! hungr! indeed. <It ee% to be late %orning"= he aid" <and o I uppo e it i %ore or le break$a t(ti%e+ i$ there i an! break$a t to have. 0ut I don1t $eel that 8%aug1 $ront door tep i the a$e t pla)e $or a %eal. Do let1 go o%e#here #here #e )an it ,uiet $or a bit;= <Duite right;= aid 0alin. <And I think I kno# #hi)h #a! #e hould go' #e ought to %ake $or the old look(out po t at the 8outh#e t )orner o$ the 7ountain.= <-o# $ar i that3= a ked the hobbit. <Cive hour %ar)h" I hould think. It #ill be rough going. The road $ro% the :ate along the le$t edge o$ the trea% ee% all broken up. 0ut look do#n there; The river loop uddenl! ea t a)ro Dale in $ront o$ the ruined to#n. At that point there #a on)e a bridge" leading to teep tair that )li%bed up the right bank" and o to a road running to#ard Ravenhill. There i .or #a / a path that le$t the road and )li%bed up to the po t. A hard )li%b" too" even i$ the old tep are till there.= <Dear %e;= gru%bled the hobbit. <7ore #alking and %ore )li%bing #ithout break$a t; I #onder ho# %an! break$a t " and other %eal " #e have %i ed in ide that na t! )lo)kle " ti%ele hole3= A a %atter o$ $a)t t#o night and the da! bet#een had gone b! .and not altogether #ithout $ood/ in)e the dragon %a hed the %agi) door" but 0ilbo had ,uite lo t )ount" and it %ight have been one night or a #eek o$ night $or all he )ould tell. <Co%e" )o%e;= aid Thorin laughing+hi pirit had begun to ri e again" and he rattled the pre)iou tone in hi po)ket . <Don1t )all %! pla)e a na t! hole; You #ait till it ha been )leaned and rede)orated;= <That #on1t be till 8%aug1 dead"= aid 0ilbo glu%l!. <In the %ean#hile #here i he3 I #ould give a good break$a t to kno#. I hope he i not up on the 7ountain looking do#n at u ;= That idea di turbed the d#arve %ightil!" and the! ,ui)kl! de)ided that 0ilbo and 0alin #ere right. <6e %u t %ove a#a! $ro% here"= aid Don. <I $eel a i$ hi e!e #ere on the ba)k o$ %! head.=


<It1 a )old lone o%e pla)e"= aid 0o%bur. <There %a! be drink" but I ee no ign o$ $ood. A dragon #ould al#a! be hungr! in u)h part .= <Co%e on; Co%e on;= )ried the other . <@et u $ollo# 0al%1 path;= Under the ro)k! #all to the right there #a no path" o on the! trudged a%ong the tone on the le$t ide o$ the river" and the e%ptine and de olation oon obered even Thorin again. The bridge that 0alin had poken o$ the! $ound long $allen" and %o t o$ it tone #ere no# onl! boulder in the hallo# noi ! trea%4 but the! $orded the #ater #ithout %u)h di$$i)ult!" and $ound the an)ient tep " and )li%bed the high bank. A$ter going a hort #a! the! tru)k the old road" and be$ore long )a%e to a deep dell heltered a%ong the ro)k 4 there the! re ted $or a #hile and had u)h a break$a t a the! )ould" )hie$l! )ra% and #ater. .I$ !ou #ant to kno# #hat )ra% i " I )an onl! a! that I don1t kno# the re)ipe4 but it i bi )uiti h" keep good inde$initel!" i uppo ed to be u taining" and i )ertainl! not entertaining" being in $a)t ver! unintere ting e*)ept a a )he#ing e*er)i e. It #a %ade b! the @ake(%en $or long 9ourne! /. A$ter that the! #ent on again4 and no# the road tru)k #e t#ard and le$t the river" and the great houlder o$ the outh(pointing %ountain( pur dre# ever nearer. At length the! rea)hed the hill path. It )ra%bled teepl! up" and the! plodded lo#l! one behind the other" till at la t in the late a$ternoon the! )a%e to the top o$ the ridge and a# the #intr! un going do#n#ard to the 6e t. -ere the! $ound a $lat pla)e #ithout a #all on three ide " but ba)ked to the North b! a ro)k! $a)e in #hi)h there #a an opening like a door. Cro% that door there #a a #ide vie# Ea t and 8outh and 6e t. <-ere"= aid 0alin" <in the old da! #e u ed al#a! to keep #at)h%en" and that door behind lead into a ro)k(he#n )ha%ber that #a %ade here a a guardroo%. There #ere everal pla)e like it round the 7ountain. 0ut there ee%ed %all need $or #at)hing in the da! o$ our pro perit!" and the guard #ere %ade over )o%$ortable" perhap + other#i e #e %ight have had longer #arning o$ the )o%ing o$ the dragon" and thing %ight have been di$$erent. 8till" <here #e )an no# lie hid and heltered $or a #hile" and )an ee %u)h #ithout being een.= <Not %u)h u e" i$ #e have been een )o%ing here"= aid Dori" #ho #a al#a! looking up to#ard the 7ountain1 peak" a i$ he e*pe)ted to ee 8%aug per)hed there like a bird on a teeple. <6e %u t take our )han)e o$ that"= aid Thorin. <6e )an go no $urther to(da!.= <-ear" hear;= )ried 0ilbo" and $lung hi% el$ on the ground. In the ro)k()ha%ber there #ould have been roo% $or a hundred" and there #a a %all )ha%ber $urther in" %ore re%oved $ro% the )old out ide. It #a ,uite de erted4 not even #ild ani%al ee%ed to have u ed it in all the da! o$ 8%aug1 do%inion. There the! laid their burden 4 and o%e thre# the% elve do#n at on)e and lept" but the other at near the outer door and di )u ed their plan . In all their talk the! )a%e perpetuall! ba)k to one thing' #here #a 8%aug3 The! looked 6e t and there #a nothing" and Ea t there #a nothing" and in the 8outh there #a no ign o$ the dragon" but there #a a gathering o$ ver! %an! bird . At that the! ga&ed and #ondered4 but the! #ere no nearer under tanding it" #hen the $ir t )old tar )a%e out.


Chapter JL CIRE AND 6ATER No# i$ !ou #i h" like the d#arve " to hear ne# o$ 8%aug" !ou %u t go ba)k again to the evening #hen he %a hed the door and $le# o$$ in rage" t#o da! be$ore. The %en o$ the lake(to#n E garoth #ere %o tl! indoor " $or the bree&e #a $ro% the bla)k Ea t and )hill" but a $e# #ere #alking on the ,ua! " and #at)hing" a the! #ere $ond o$ doing" the tar hine out $ro% the %ooth pat)he o$ the lake a the! opened in the k!. Cro% their to#n the @onel! 7ountain #a %o tl! )reened b! the lo# hill at the $ar end o$ the lake" through a gap in #hi)h the Running River )a%e do#n $ro% the North. 5nl! it high peak )ould the! ee in )lear #eather" and the! looked eldo% at it" $or it #a o%inou and drear! even in the light o$ %orning. No# it #a lo t and gone" blotted in the dark. 8uddenl! it $li)kered ba)k to vie#4 a brie$ glo# tou)hed it and $aded. <@ook;= aid one. <The light again; @a t night the #at)h%en a# the% tart and $ade $ro% %idnight until da#n. 8o%ething i happening up there.= <Perhap the Bing under the 7ountain i $orging gold"= aid another. <It i long in)e he #ent north. It i ti%e the ong began to prove the% elve again.= <6hi)h king3= aid another #ith a gri% voi)e. <A like a not it i the %arauding $ire o$ the Dragon" the onl! king under the 7ountain #e have ever kno#n.= <You are al#a! $oreboding gloo%! thing ;= aid the other . <An!thing $ro% $lood to poi oned $i h. Think o$ o%ething )heer$ul;= Then uddenl! a great light appeared in the lo# pla)e in the hill and the northern end o$ the lake turned golden. <The Bing beneath the 7ountain;= the! houted. <-i #ealth i like the 8un" hi ilver like a $ountain" hi river golden run; The river i running gold $ro% the 7ountain;= the! )ried" and ever!#here #indo# #ere opening and $eet #ere hurr!ing. There #a on)e %ore a tre%endou e*)ite%ent and enthu ia %. 0ut the gri%(voi)ed $ello# ran hot$oot to the 7a ter. <The dragon i )o%ing or I a% a $ool;= he )ried. <Cut the bridge ; To ar% ; To ar% ;= Then #arning tru%pet #ere uddenl! ounded" and e)hoed along the ro)k! hore . The )heering topped and the 9o! #a turned to dread. 8o it #a that the dragon did not $ind the% ,uite unprepared. 0e$ore long" o great #a hi peed" the! )ould ee hi% a a park o$ $ire ru hing to#ard the% and gro#ing ever huger and %ore bright" and not the %o t $ooli h doubted that the prophe)ie had gone rather #rong. 8till the! had a little ti%e. Ever! ve el in the to#n #a $illed #ith #ater" ever! #arrior #a ar%ed" ever! arro# and dart #a read!" and the bridge to the land #a thro#n do#n and de tro!ed" be$ore the roar o$ 8%aug1 terrible approa)h gre# loud" and the lake rippled red a $ire beneath the a#$ul beating o$ hi #ing . A%id hriek and #ailing and the hout o$ %en he )a%e over the%" #ept to#ard the bridge and #a $oiled; The bridge #a gone" and hi ene%ie #ere on an i land in deep #ater(too deep and dark and )ool $or hi liking. I$ he plunged into it" a vapour and a tea% #ould ari e enough to )over all the land #ith a %i t $or da! 4 but the lake #a %ightier than he" it #ould ,uen)h hi% be$ore he )ould pa through. Roaring he #ept ba)k over the to#n. A hail o$ dark arro# leaped up and napped and rattled on hi )ale and 9e#el " and their ha$t $ell ba)k kindled b! hi breath burning and hi ing into the lake. No $ire#ork !ou ever i%agined e,ualled the ight that night. At the t#anging o$ the bo# and the hrilling o$ the tru%pet the dragon1 #rath bla&ed to it height" till he #a blind and %ad #ith it. No one had dared to give battle to hi% $or %an! an age4 nor #ould the! have dared no#" i$ it had not been $or the gri%(voi)ed %an .0ard #a hi na%e/" #ho ran to and $ro )heering on the ar)her and urging the 7a ter to order the% to $ight to the la t arro#. Cire leaped $ro% the dragon1 9a# . -e )ir)led $or a #hile high in the air above the% lighting all the lake4 the tree b! the hore hone like )opper and like blood #ith leaping hado# o$ den e bla)k at their $eet. Then do#n he #ooped traight through the arro#( tor%" re)kle in hi rage" taking no heed to turn hi )al! ide to#ard hi $oe " eeking onl! to et their to#n abla&e. Cire leaped $ro% that)hed roo$ and #ooden bea%(end a he hurtled do#n and pa t and round again" though all had been dren)hed #ith #ater be$ore he )a%e. 5n)e %ore 101

#ater #a $lung b! a hundred hand #herever a park appeared. 0a)k #irled the dragon. A #eep o$ hi tail and the roo$ o$ the :reat -ou e )ru%bled and %a hed do#n. Cla%e un,uen)hable prang high into the night. Another #oop and another" and another hou e and then another prang a$ire and $ell4 and till no arro# hindered 8%aug or hurt hi% %ore than a $l! $ro% the %ar he . Alread! %en #ere 9u%ping into the #ater on ever! ide. 6o%en and )hildren #ere being huddled into laden boat in the %arket( pool. 6eapon #ere $lung do#n. There #a %ourning and #eeping" #here but a little ti%e ago the old ong o$ %irth to )o%e had been ung about the d#arve . No# %en )ur ed their na%e . The 7a ter hi% el$ #a turning to hi great gilded boat" hoping to ro# a#a! in the )on$u ion and ave hi% el$. 8oon all the to#n #ould be de erted and burned do#n to the ur$a)e o$ the lake. That #a the dragon1 hope. The! )ould all get into boat $or all he )ared. There he )ould have $ine port hunting the%" or the! )ould top till the! tarved. @et the% tr! to get to land and he #ould be read!. 8oon he #ould et all the horeland #ood abla&e and #ither ever! $ield and pa ture. Ju t no# he #a en9o!ing the port o$ to#n(baiting %ore than he had en9o!ed an!thing $or !ear . 0ut there #a till a )o%pan! o$ ar)her that held their ground a%ong the burning hou e . Their )aptain #a 0ard" gri%(voi)ed and gri%($a)ed" #ho e $riend had a))u ed hi% o$ prophe !ing $lood and poi oned $i h" though the! kne# hi #orth and )ourage. -e #a a de )endant in long line o$ :irion" @ord o$ Dale" #ho e #i$e and )hild had e )aped do#n the Running River $ro% the ruin long ago. No# he hot #ith a great !e# bo#" till all hi arro# but one #ere pent. The $la%e #ere near hi%. -i )o%panion #ere leaving hi%. -e bent hi bo# $or the la t ti%e. 8uddenl! out o$ the dark o%ething $luttered to hi houlder. -e tarted(but it #a onl! an old thru h. Una$raid it per)hed b! hi ear and it brought hi% ne# . 7arvelling he $ound he )ould under tand it tongue" $or he #a o$ the ra)e o$ Dale. <6ait; 6ait;= it aid to hi%. <The %oon i ri ing. @ook $or the hollo# o$ the le$t brea t a he $lie and turn above !ou;= And #hile 0ard pau ed in #onder it told hi% o$ tiding up in the 7ountain and o$ all that it had heard. Then 0ard dre# hi bo#( tring to hi ear. The dragon #a )ir)ling ba)k" $l!ing lo#" and a he )a%e the %oon ro e above the ea tern hore and ilvered hi great #ing . <Arro#;= aid the bo#%an. <0la)k arro#; I have aved !ou to the la t. You have never $ailed %e and al#a! I have re)overed !ou. I had !ou $ro% %! $ather and he $ro% o$ old. I$ ever !ou )a%e $ro% the $orge o$ the true king under the 7ountain" go no# and peed #ell;= The dragon #ooped on)e %ore lo#er than ever" and a he turned and dived do#n hi bell! glittered #hite #ith parkling $ire o$ ge% in the %oon(but not in one pla)e. The great bo# t#anged. The bla)k arro# ped traight $ro% the tring" traight $or the hollo# b! the le$t brea t #here the $oreleg #a $lung #ide. In it %ote and vani hed" barb" ha$t and $eather" o $ier)e #a it $light. 6ith a hriek that dea$ened %en" $elled tree and plit tone" 8%aug hot pouting into the air" turned over and )ra hed do#n $ro% on high in ruin. Cull on the to#n he $ell. -i la t throe plintered it to park and glede . The lake roared in. A va t tea% leaped up" #hite in the udden dark under the %oon. There #a a hi " a gu hing #hirl" and then ilen)e. And that #a the end o$ 8%aug and E garoth" but not o$ 0ard. The #a*ing %oon ro e higher and higher and the #ind gre# loud and )old. It t#i ted the #hite $og into bending pillar and hurr!ing )loud and drove it o$$ to the 6e t to )atter in tattered hred over the %ar he be$ore 7irk#ood. Then the %an! boat )ould be een dotted dark on the ur$a)e o$ the lake" and do#n the #ind )a%e the voi)e o$ the people o$ E garoth la%enting their lo t to#n and good and ruined hou e . 0ut the! had reall! %u)h to be thank$ul $or" had the! thought o$ it" though it )ould hardl! be e*pe)ted that the! hould 9u t then' three ,uarter o$ the people o$ the to#n had at lea t e )aped alive4 their #ood and $ield and pa ture and )attle and %o t o$ their boat re%ained unda%aged4 and the dragon #a dead. 6hat that %eant the! had not !et reali&ed. The! gathered in %ourn$ul )ro#d upon the #e tern hore " hivering in the )old #ind" and their $ir t )o%plaint and anger #ere again t the 7a ter" #ho had le$t the to#n o oon" #hile o%e #ere till #illing to de$end it. <-e %a! have a good head $or bu ine (e pe)iall! hi o#n bu ine "= o%e %ur%ured" <but he i no good #hen an!thing eriou happen ;= And the! prai ed the 102

)ourage o$ 0ard and hi la t %ight! hot. <I$ onl! he had not been killed"= the! all aid" <#e #ould %ake hi% a king. 0ard the Dragon( hooter o$ the line o$ :irion; Ala that he i lo t;= And in the ver! %id t o$ their talk" a tall $igure tepped $ro% the hado# . -e #a dren)hed #ith #ater" hi bla)k hair hung #et over hi $a)e and houlder " and a $ier)e light #a in hi e!e . <0ard i not lo t;= he )ried. <-e dived $ro% E garoth" #hen the ene%! #a lain. I a% 0ard" o$ the line o$ :irion4 I a% the la!er o$ the dragon;= <Bing 0ard; Bing 0ard;= the! houted4 but the 7a ter ground hi )hattering teeth. <:irion #a lord o$ Dale" not king o$ E garoth"= he aid. <In the @ake(to#n #e have al#a! ele)ted %a ter $ro% a%ong the old and #i e" and have not endured the rule o$ %ere $ighting %en. @et 1Bing 0ard1 go ba)k to hi o#n kingdo%(Dale i no# $reed b! hi valour" and nothing binder hi return. And an! that #i h )an go #ith hi%" i$ the! pre$er the )old hore under the hado# o$ the 7ountain to the green hore o$ the lake. The #i e #ill ta! here and hope to rebuild our to#n" and en9o! again in ti%e it pea)e and ri)he .= <6e #ill have Bing 0ard;= the people near at hand houted in repl!. <6e have had enough o$ the old %en and the %one!()ounter ;= And people $urther o$$ took up the )r!' <Up the 0o#%an" and do#n #ith 7one!bag "= till the )la%our e)hoed along the hore. <I a% the la t %an to undervalue 0ard the 0o#%an"= aid the 7a ter #aril! .$or 0ard no# tood )lo e be ide hi%/. <-e ha tonight earned an e%inent pla)e in the roll o$ the bene$a)tor o$ our to#n4 and he i #orth! o$ %an! i%peri hable ong . 0ut" #h! 5 People3=+and here the 7a ter ro e to hi $eet and poke ver! loud and )lear+<#h! do I get all !our bla%e3 Cor #hat $ault a% I to be depo ed3 6ho arou ed the dragon $ro% hi lu%ber" I %ight a k3 6ho obtained o$ u ri)h gi$t and a%ple help" and led u to believe that old ong )ould )o%e true3 6ho pla!ed on our o$t heart and our plea ant $an)ie 3 6hat ort o$ gold have the! ent do#n the river to re#ard u 3 Dragon($ire and ruin; Cro% #ho% hould #e )lai% the re)o%pen e o$ our da%age" and aid $or our #ido# and orphan 3= A !ou ee" the 7a ter had not got hi po ition $or nothing. The re ult o$ hi #ord #a that $or the %o%ent the people ,uite $orgot their idea o$ a ne# king" and turned their angr! thought to#ard Thorin and hi )o%pan!. 6ild and bitter #ord #ere houted $ro% %an! ide 4 and o%e o$ tho e #ho had be$ore ung the old ong loude t" #ere no# heard a loudl! )r!ing that the d#arve had tirred the dragon up again t the% deliberatel!; <Cool ;= aid 0ard. <6h! #a te #ord and #rath on tho e unhapp! )reature 3 Doubtle the! peri hed $ir t in $ire" be$ore 8%aug )a%e to u .= Then even a he #a peaking" the thought )a%e into hi heart o$ the $abled trea ure o$ the 7ountain l!ing #ithout guard or o#ner" and he $ell uddenl! ilent. -e thought o$ the 7a ter1 #ord " and o$ Dale rebuilt" and $illed #ith golden bell " i$ he )ould but $ind the %en. At length he poke again' <Thi i no ti%e $or angr! #ord . 7a ter" or $or )on idering #eight! plan o$ )hange. There i #ork to do. I erve !ou till(though a$ter a #hile I %a! think again o$ !our #ord and go North #ith an! that #ill $ollo# %e.= Then he trode o$$ to help in the ordering o$ the )a%p and in the )are o$ the i)k and the #ounded. 0ut the 7a ter )o#led at hi ba)k a he #ent" and re%ained itting on the ground. -e thought %u)h but aid little" unle it #a to )all loudl! $or %en to bring hi% $ire and $ood. No# ever!#here 0ard #ent he $ound talk running like $ire a%ong the people )on)erning the va t trea ure that #a no# unguarded. 7en poke o$ the re)o%pen e $or all their har% that the! #ould oon get $ro% it" and #ealth over and to pare #ith #hi)h to bu! ri)h thing $ro% the 8outh4 and it )heered the% greatl! in their plight. That #a a #ell" $or the night #a bitter and %i erable. 8helter )ould be )ontrived $or $e# .the 7a ter had one/ and there #a little $ood .even the 7a ter #ent hort/. 7an! took ill o$ #et and )old and orro# that night" and a$ter#ard died" #ho had e )aped unin9ured $ro% the ruin o$ the to#n4 and in the da! that $ollo#ed there #a %u)h i)kne and great hunger. 7ean#hile 0ard took the lead" and ordered thing a he #i hed" though al#a! in the 7a ter1 na%e" and he had a hard ta k to govern the people and dire)t the preparation $or their prote)tion and hou ing. Probabl! %o t o$ the% #ould have peri hed in the #inter that no# hurried a$ter autu%n" i$ help had not been to hand. 0ut help )a%e 103

#i$tl!4 $or 0ard at on)e had peed! %e enger ent up the river to the Core t to a k the aid o$ the Bing o$ the Elve o$ the 6ood" and the e %e enger had $ound a ho t alread! on the %ove" although it #a then onl! the third da! a$ter the $all o$ 8%aug. The Elvenking had re)eived ne# $ro% hi o#n %e enger and $ro% the bird that loved hi $olk" and alread! kne# %u)h o$ #hat had happened. >er! great indeed #a the )o%%otion a%ong all thing #ith #ing that d#elt on the border o$ the De olation o$ the Dragon. The air #a $illed #ith )ir)ling $lo)k " and their #i$t($l!ing %e enger $le# here and there a)ro the k!. Above the border o$ the Core t there #a #hi tling" )r!ing and piping. Car over 7irk#ood tiding pread' <8%aug i dead;= @eave ru tled and tartled ear #ere li$ted. Even be$ore the Elvenking rode $orth the ne# had pa ed #e t right to the pine#ood o$ the 7i t! 7ountain 4 0eorn had heard it in hi #ooden hou e" and the goblin #ere at )oun)il in their )ave . <That #ill be the la t #e hall hear o$ Thorin 5aken hield" I $ear"= aid the king. <-e #ould have done better to have re%ained %! gue t. It i an ill #ind" all the a%e"= he added" <that blo# no one an! good.= Cor he too had not $orgotten the legend o$ the #ealth o$ Thror. 8o it #a that 0ard1 %e enger $ound hi% no# %ar)hing #ith %an! pear%en and bo#%en4 and )ro# #ere gathered thi)k" above hi%" $or the! thought that #ar #a a#akening again" u)h a had not been in tho e part $or a long age. 0ut the king" #hen he re)eived the pra!er o$ 0ard" had pit!" $or he #a the lord o$ a good and kindl! people4 o turning hi %ar)h" #hi)h had at $ir t been dire)t to#ard the 7ountain" he ha tened no# do#n the river to the @ong @ake. -e had not boat or ra$t enough $or hi ho t" and the! #ere $or)ed to go the lo#er #a! b! $oot4 but great tore o$ good he ent ahead b! #ater. 8till elve are lightS$ooted" and though the! #ere not in the e da! %u)h u ed to the %ar)he and the trea)herou land bet#een the Core t and the @ake" their going #a #i$t. 5nl! $ive da! a$ter the death o$ the dragon the! )a%e upon the hore and looked on the ruin o$ the to#n. Their #el)o%e #a good" a %a! be e*pe)ted" and the %en and their 7a ter #ere read! to %ake an! bargain $or the $uture in return $or the Elvenking1 aid. Their plan #ere oon %ade. 6ith the #o%en and the )hildren" the old and the un$it" the 7a ter re%ained behind4 and #ith hi% #ere o%e %en o$ )ra$t and %an! killed elve 4 and the! bu ied the% elve $elling tree " and )olle)ting the ti%ber ent do#n $ro% the Core t. Then the! et about rai ing %an! hut b! the hore again t the on)o%ing #inter4 and al o under the 7a ter1 dire)tion the! began the planning o$ a ne# to#n" de igned %ore $air and large even than be$ore" but not in the a%e pla)e. The! re%oved north#ard higher up the hore4 $or ever a$ter the! had a dread o$ the #ater #here the dragon la!. -e #ould never again return to hi golden bed" but #a tret)hed )old a tone" t#i ted upon the $loor o$ the hallo# . There $or age hi huge bone )ould be een in )al% #eather a%id the ruined pile o$ the old to#n. 0ut $e# dared to )ro the )ur ed pot" and none dared to dive into the hivering #ater or re)over the pre)iou tone that $ell $ro% hi rotting )ar)a . 0ut all the %en o$ ar% #ho #ere till able" and the %o t o$ the Elvenking1 arra!" got read! to %ar)h north to the 7ountain. It #a thu that in eleven da! $ro% the ruin o$ the to#n the head o$ their ho t pa ed the ro)k(gate at the end o$ the lake and )a%e into the de olate land .


Chapter JM T-E :AT-ERIN: 5C T-E C@5UD8 No# #e #ill return to 0ilbo and the d#arve . All night one o$ the% had #at)hed" but #hen %orning )a%e the! had not heard or een an! ign o$ danger. 0ut ever %ore thi)kl! the bird #ere gathering. Their )o%panie )a%e $l!ing $ro% the 8outh4 and the )ro# that till lived about the 7ountain #ere #heeling and )r!ing un)ea ingl! above. <8o%ething trange i happening"= aid Thorin. <The ti%e ha gone $or the autu%n #andering 4 and the e are bird that d#ell al#a! in the land4 there are tarling and $lo)k o$ $in)he 4 and $ar o$$ there are %an! )arrion bird a i$ a battle #ere a$oot;= 8uddenl! 0ilbo pointed' <There i that old thru h again;= he )ried. <-e ee% to have e )aped" #hen 8%aug %a hed the %ountain( ide" but I don1t uppo e the nail have;= 8ure enough the old thru h #a there" and a 0ilbo pointed" he $le# to#ard the% and per)hed on a tone near b!. Then he $luttered hi #ing and ang4 then he )o)ked hi head on one ide" a i$ to li ten4 and again he ang" and again he li tened. <I believe he i tr!ing to tell u o%ething"= aid 0alin4 <but I )annot $ollo# the pee)h o$ u)h bird " it i ver! ,ui)k and di$$i)ult. Can !ou %ake it out 0aggin 3= <Not ver! #ell"= aid 0ilbo .a a %atter o$ $a)t" he )ould %ake nothing o$ it at all/4 <but the old $ello# ee% ver! e*)ited.= <I onl! #i h he #a a raven;= aid 0alin. <I thought !ou did not like the%; You ee%ed ver! h! o$ the%" #hen #e )a%e thi #a! be$ore.= <Tho e #ere )ro# ; And na t! u pi)iou (looking )reature at that" and rude a #ell. You %u t have heard the ugl! na%e the! #ere )alling a$ter u . 0ut the raven are di$$erent. There u ed to be great $riend hip bet#een the% and the people o$ Thror4 and the! o$ten brought u e)ret ne# " and #ere re#arded #ith u)h bright thing a the! )oveted to hide in their d#elling . <The! live %an! a !ear" and their %e%orie are long" and the! hand on their #i do% to their )hildren. I kne# %an! a%ong the raven o$ the ro)k #hen I #a a d#ar$( lad. Thi ver! height #a on)e na%ed Ravenhill" be)au e there #a a #i e and $a%ou pair" old Care and hi #i$e" that lived here above the guard()ha%ber. 0ut I don1t uppo e that an! o$ that an)ient breed linger here no#.= No ooner had he $ini hed peaking than the old thru h gave a loud )all" and i%%ediatel! $le# a#a!. <6e %a! not under tand hi%" but that old bird under tand u " I a% ure"= aid 0alin. <Beep #at)h no#" and ee #hat happen ;= 0e$ore long there #a a $luttering o$ #ing " and ba)k )a%e the thru h4 and #ith hi% )a%e a %o t de)repit old bird. -e #a getting blind" he )ould hardl! $l!" and the top o$ hi head #a bald. -e #a an aged raven o$ great i&e. -e alighted ti$$l! on the ground be$ore the%" lo#l! $lapped hi #ing " and bobbed to#ard Thorin. <5 Thorin on o$ Thrain" and 0alin on o$ Cundin"= he )roaked .and 0ilbo )ould under tand #hat he aid" $or he u ed ordinar! language and not bird( pee)h/. <I a% Ra) on o$ Car). Car) i dead" but he #a #ell kno#n to !ou on)e. It i a hundred !ear and three and $i$t! in)e I )a%e out o$ the egg" but I do not $orget #hat %! $ather told %e. No# I a% the )hie$ o$ the great raven o$ the 7ountain. 6e are $e#" but #e re%e%ber till the king that #a o$ old. 7o t o$ %! people are abroad" $or there are great tiding in the 8outh+ o%e are tiding o$ 9o! to !ou" and o%e !ou #ill not think o good. <0ehold; the bird are gathering ba)k again to the 7ountain and to Dale $ro% 8outh and Ea t and 6e t" $or #ord ha gone out that 8%aug i dead;= <Dead; Dead3= houted the d#arve . <Dead; Then #e have been in needle $ear(and the trea ure i our ;= The! all prang up and began to )aper about $or 9o!. <Ye " dead"= aid Ra). <The thru h" %a! hi $eather never $all" a# hi% die" and #e %a! tru t hi #ord . -e a# hi% $all in battle #ith the %en o$ E garoth the third night ba)k $ro% no# at the ri ing o$ the %oon.= It #a o%e ti%e be$ore Thorin )ould bring the d#arve to be ilent and li ten to the raven1 ne# . At length #hen he had told all the tale o$ the battle he #ent on'


<8o %u)h $or 9o!" Thorin 5aken hield. You %a! go ba)k to !our hall in a$et!4 all the trea ure i !our ($or the %o%ent. 0ut %an! are gathering hither be ide the bird . The ne# o$ the death o$ the guardian ha alread! gone $ar and #ide" and the legend o$ the #ealth o$ Thror ha not lo t in the telling during %an! !ear 4 %an! are eager $or a hare o$ the poil. Alread! a ho t o$ the elve i on the #a!" and )arrion bird are #ith the% hoping $or battle and laughter. 0! the lake %en %ur%ur that their orro# are due to the d#arve 4 $or the! are ho%ele and %an! have died" and 8%aug ha de tro!ed their to#n. The! too think to $ind a%end $ro% !our trea ure" #hether !ou are alive or dead. <Your o#n #i do% %u t de)ide !our )our e" but thirteen i %all re%nant o$ the great $olk o$ Durin that on)e d#elt here" and no# are )attered $ar. I$ !ou #ill li ten to %! )oun el" !ou #ill not tru t the 7a ter o$ the @ake(%en" but rather hi% that hot the dragon #ith hi bo#. 0ard i he" o$ the ra)e o$ Dale" o$ the line o$ :irion4 he i a gri% %an but true. 6e #ould ee pea)e on)e %ore a%ong d#arve and %en and elve a$ter the long de olation4 but it %a! )o t !ou dear in gold. I have poken.= Then Thorin bur t $orth in anger' <5ur thank " R a) Car)1 on. You and !our people hall not be $orgotten. 0ut none o$ our gold hall thieve take or the violent )arr! o$$ #hile #e are alive. I$ !ou #ould earn our thank till %ore" bring u ne# o$ an! that dra# near. Al o I #ould beg o$ !ou" i$ an! o$ !ou are till !oung and trong o$ #ing" that !ou #ould end %e enger to our kin in the %ountain o$ the North" both #e t $ro% here and ea t" and tell the% o$ our plight. 0ut go pe)iall! to %! )ou in Dain in the Iron -ill " $or he ha %an! people #ell(ar%ed" and d#ell neare t to thi pla)e. 0id hi% ha ten;= <I #ill not a! i$ thi )oun el be good or bad"= )roaked R a)4 <but I #ill do #hat )an be done.= Then o$$ he lo#l! $le#. <0a)k no# to the 7ountain;= )ried Thorin. <6e have little ti%e to lo e.= <And little $ood to u e;= )ried 0ilbo" al#a! pra)ti)al on u)h point . In an! )a e he $elt that the adventure #a " properl! peaking" over .#ith the death o$ the dragon(in #hi)h he #a %u)h %i taken(and he #ould have given %o t o$ hi hare o$ the pro$it $or the pea)e$ul #inding up o$ the e a$$air . <0a)k to the 7ountain;= )ried the d#arve a i$ the! had not heard hi%4 o ba)k he had to go #ith the%. A !ou have heard o%e o$ the event alread!" !ou #ill ee that the d#arve till had o%e da! be$ore the%. The! e*plored the )avern on)e %ore" and $ound" a the! e*pe)ted" that onl! the Cront :ate re%ained open4 all the other gate .e*)ept" o$ )our e" the %all e)ret door/ had long ago been broken and blo)ked b! 8%aug" and no ign o$ the% re%ained. 8o no# the! began to labour hard in $orti$!ing the %ain entran)e" and in re%aking the road that led $ro% it. Tool #ere to be $ound in plent! that the %iner and ,uarrier and builder o$ old had u ed4 and at u)h #ork the d#arve #ere till ver! killed. A the! #orked the raven brought the% )on tant tiding . In thi #a! the! learned that the Elvenking had turned a ide to the @ake" and the! till had a breathing pa)e. 0etter till" the! heard that three o$ their ponie had e )aped and #ere #andering #ild $ar do#n the bank o$ the Running River" not $ar $ro% #here the re t o$ their tore had been le$t. 8o #hile the other #ent on #ith their #ork" Cili and Bili #ere ent" guided b! a raven" to $ind the ponie and bring ba)k all the! )ould. The! #ere $our da! gone" and b! that ti%e the! kne# that the 9oined ar%ie o$ the @ake(%en and the Elve #ere hurr!ing to#ard the 7ountain. 0ut no# their hope #ere higher4 $or the! had $ood $or o%e #eek #ith )are()hie$l! )ra%" o$ )our e" and the! #ere ver! tired o$ it4 but )ra% i %u)h better than nothing(and alread! the gate #a blo)ked #ith a #all o$ ,uared tone laid dr!" but ver! thi)k and high a)ro the opening. There #ere hole in the #all through #hi)h the! )ould ee .or hoot/ but no entran)e. The! )li%bed in or out #ith ladder " and hauled tu$$ up #ith rope . Cor the i uing o$ the trea% the! had )ontrived a %all lo# ar)h under the ne# #all4 but near the entran)e the! had o altered the narro# bed that a #ide pool tret)hed $ro% the %ountain(#all to the head o$ the $all over #hi)h the trea% #ent to#ard Dale. Approa)h to the :ate #a no# onl! po ible" #ithout #i%%ing" along a narro# ledge o$ the )li$$" to the right a one looked out#ard $ro% the #all. The ponie the! had brought onl! to the head o$ the tep above the old bridge" and unloading the% there had bidden the% return to their %a ter and ent the% ba)k riderle to the 8outh.


There )a%e a night #hen uddenl! there #ere %an! light a o$ $ire and tor)he a#a! outh in Dale be$ore the%. <The! have )o%e;= )alled 0alin. <And their )a%p i ver! great. The! %u t have )o%e into the valle! under the )over o$ du k along both bank o$ the river.= That night the d#arve lept little. The %orning #a till pale #hen the! a# a )o%pan! approa)hing. Cro% behind their #all the! #at)hed the% )o%e up to the valle!1 head and )li%b lo#l! up. 0e$ore long the! )ould ee that both %en o$ the lake ar%ed a i$ $or #ar and elvi h bo#%en #ere a%ong the%. At length the $ore%o t o$ the e )li%bed the tu%bled ro)k and appeared at the top o$ the $all 4 and ver! great #a their urpri e to ee the pool be$ore the% and the :ate blo)ked #ith a #all o$ ne#(he#n tone. A the! tood pointing and peaking to one another Thorin hailed the%' <6ho are !ou"= he )alled in a ver! loud voi)e" <that )o%e a i$ in #ar to the gate o$ Thorin on o$ Thrain" Bing under the 7ountain" and #hat do !ou de ire3= 0ut the! an #ered nothing. 8o%e turned #i$tl! ba)k" and the other a$ter ga&ing $or a #hile at the :ate and it de$en)e oon $ollo#ed the%. That da! the )a%p #a %oved and #a brought right bet#een the ar% o$ the 7ountain. The ro)k e)hoed then #ith voi)e and #ith ong" a the! had not done $or %an! a da!. There #a the ound" too" o$ elven(harp and o$ #eet %u i)4 and a it e)hoed up to#ard the% it ee%ed that the )hill o$ the air #a #ar%ed" and the! )aught $aintl! the $ragran)e o$ #oodland $lo#er blo o%ing in pring. Then 0ilbo longed to e )ape $ro% the dark $ortre and to go do#n and 9oin in the %irth and $ea ting b! the $ire . 8o%e o$ the !ounger d#arve #ere %oved in their heart " too" and the! %uttered that the! #i hed thing had $allen out other#i e and that the! %ight #el)o%e u)h $olk a $riend 4 but Thorin )o#led. Then the d#arve the% elve brought $orth harp and in tru%ent regained $ro% the hoard" and %ade %u i) to o$ten hi %ood4 but their ong #a not a elvi h ong" and #a %u)h like the ong the! had ung long be$ore in 0ilbo1 little hobbit(hole. Under the 7ountain dark and tall The Bing ha )o%e unto hi hall; -i $oe i dead" the 6or% o$ Dread" And ever o hi $oe hall $all. The The The The #ord i harp" the pear i long" arro# #i$t" the :ate i trong4 heart i bold that look on gold4 d#arve no %ore hall u$$er #rong.

The d#arve o$ !ore %ade %ight! pell " 6hile ha%%er $ell like ringing bell In pla)e deep" #here dark thing leep" In hollo# hall beneath the $ell . 5n The The The ilver ne)kla)e the! trung light o$ tar " on )ro#n the! hung dragon($ire" $ro% t#i ted #ire %elod! o$ harp the! #rung.

The %ountain throne on)e %ore i $reed; 5; #andering $olk" the u%%on heed; Co%e ha te; Co%e ha te; a)ro the #a te; The king o$ $riend and kin ha need. No# )all #e over %ountain )old" 1Co%e ha)k unto the )avern old1; -ere at the :ate the king a#ait " -i hand are ri)h #ith ge% and gold. The king i )o%e unto hi hall 107

Under the 7ountain dark and tall. The 6or% o$ Dread i lain and dead" And ever o our $oe hall $all; Thi ong appeared to plea e Thorin" and he %iled again and gre# %err!4 and he began re)koning the di tan)e to the Iron -ill and ho# long it #ould be be$ore Dain )ould rea)h the @onel! 7ountain" i$ he had et out a oon a the %e age rea)hed hi%. 0ut 0ilbo1 heart $ell" both at the ong and the talk' the! ounded %u)h too #arlike. The ne*t %orning earl! a )o%pan! o$ pear%en #a een )ro ing the river" and %ar)hing up the valle!. The! bore #ith the% the green banner o$ the Elvenking and the blue banner o$ the @ake" and the! advan)ed until the! tood right be$ore the #all at the :ate. Again Thorin hailed the% in a loud voi)e' <6ho are !ou that )o%e ar%ed $or #ar to the gate o$ Thorin on o$ Thrain" Bing under the 7ountain3= Thi ti%e he #a an #ered. A tall %an tood $or#ard" dark o$ hair and gri% o$ $a)e" and he )ried' <-ail Thorin; 6h! do !ou $en)e !our el$ like a robber in hi hold3 6e are not !et $oe " and #e re9oi)e that !ou are alive be!ond our hope. 6e )a%e e*pe)ting to $ind none living here4 !et no# that #e are %et there i %atter $or a parle! and a )oun)il.= <6ho are !ou" and o$ #hat #ould !ou parle!3= <I a% 0ard" and b! %! hand #a the dragon lain and !our trea ure delivered. I that not a %atter that )on)ern !ou3 7oreover I a% b! right de )ent the heir o$ :irion o$ Dale" and in !our hoard i %ingled %u)h o$ the #ealth o$ hi hall and to#n" #hi)h o$ old 8%aug tole. I not that a %atter o$ #hi)h #e %a! peak3 Curther in hi la t battle 8%aug de tro!ed the d#elling o$ the %en o$ E garoth" and I a% !et the ervant o$ their 7a ter. I #ould peak $or hi% and a k #hether !ou have no thought $or the orro# and %i er! o$ hi people. The! aided !ou in !our di tre " and in re)o%pen e !ou have thu $ar brought ruin onl!" though doubtle unde igned.= No# the e #ere $air #ord and true" i$ proudl! and gri%l! poken4 and 0ilbo thought that Thorin #ould at on)e ad%it #hat 9u ti)e #a in the%. -e did not" o$ )our e" e*pe)t that an! one #ould re%e%ber that it #a he #ho di )overed all b! hi% el$ the dragon1 #eak pot4 and that #a 9u t a #ell" $or no one ever did. 0ut al o he did not re)kon #ith the po#er that gold ha upon #hi)h a dragon ha long brooded" nor #ith d#arvi h heart . @ong hour in the pa t da! Thorin had pent in the trea ur!" and the lu t o$ it #a heav! on hi%. Though he had hunted )hie$l! $or the Arken tone" !et he had an e!e $or %an! another #onder$ul thing that #a l!ing there" about #hi)h #ere #ound old %e%orie o$ the labour and the orro# o$ hi ra)e. <You put !our #or t )au e la t and in the )hie$ pla)e"= Thorin an #ered. <To the trea ure o$ %! people no %an ha a )lai%" be)au e 8%aug #ho tole it $ro% u al o robbed hi% o$ li$e or ho%e. The trea ure #a not hi that hi evil deed hould be a%ended #ith a hare o$ it. The pri)e o$ the good and the a i tan)e that #e re)eived o$ the @ake(%en #e #ill $airl! pa!(in due ti%e. 0ut nothing #ill #e give" not even a loa$1 #orth" under threat o$ $or)e. 6hile an ar%ed ho t lie be$ore our door " #e look on !ou a $oe and thieve . <It i in %! %ind to a k #hat hare o$ their inheritan)e !ou #ould have paid to our kindred" had !ou $ound the hoard unguarded and u lain.= <A 9u t ,ue tion"= replied 0ard. <0ut !ou are not dead" and #e are not robber . 7oreover the #ealth! %a! have pit! be!ond right on the need! that be$riended the% #hen the! #ere in #ant. And till %! other )lai% re%ain unan #ered.= <I #ill not parle!" a I have aid" #ith ar%ed %en at %! gate. Nor at all #ith the people o$ the Elvenking" #ho% I re%e%ber #ith %all kindne . In thi debate the! have no pla)e. 0egone no# ere our arro# $l!; And i$ !ou #ould peak #ith %e again" $ir t di %i the elvi h ho t to the #ood #here it belong " and then return" la!ing do#n !our ar% be$ore !ou approa)h the thre hold.= <The Elvenking i %! $riend" and he ha u))oured the people o$ the @ake in their need" though the! had no )lai% but $riend hip on hi%"= an #ered 0ard. <6e #ill give !ou ti%e to repent !our #ord . :ather !our #i do% ere #e return;= Then he departed and #ent ba)k to the )a%p. Ere %an! hour #ere pa t" the banner(bearer returned" and tru%peter tood $orth and ble# a bla t'


<In the na%e o$ E garoth and the Core t"= one )ried" <#e peak unto Thorin Thrain1 on 5aken hield" )alling hi% el$ the Bing under the 7ountain" and #e bid hi% )on ider #ell the )lai% that have been urged" or be de)lared our $oe. At the lea t he hall deliver one t#el$th portion o$ the trea ure unto 0ard" a the dragon( la!er" and a the heir o$ :irion. Cro% that portion 0ard #ill hi% el$ )ontribute to the aid o$ E garoth4 but i$ Thorin #ould have the $riend hip and honour o$ the land about" a hi ire had o$ old" then he #ill give al o o%e#hat o$ hi o#n $or the )o%$ort o$ the %en o$ the @ake.= Then Thorin ei&ed a bo# o$ horn and hot an arro# at the peaker. It %ote into hi hield and tu)k there ,uivering. 1G8in)e u)h i !our an #er"= he )alled in return" <I de)lare the 7ountain be ieged. You hall not depart $ro% it" until !ou )all on !our ide $or a tru)e and a parle!. 6e #ill bear no #eapon again t !ou" but #e leave !ou to !our gold. You %a! eat that" i$ !ou #ill;= 6ith that the %e enger departed #i$tl!" and the d#arve #ere le$t to )on ider their )a e. 8o gri% had Thorin be)o%e" that even i$ the! had #i hed" the other #ould not have dared to $ind $ault #ith hi%4 but indeed %o t o$ the% ee%ed to hare hi %ind( e*)ept perhap old $at 0o%bur and Cili and Bili. 0ilbo" o$ )our e" di approved o$ the #hole turn o$ a$$air . -e had b! no# had %ore than enough o$ the 7ountain" and being be ieged in ide it #a not at all to hi ta te. <The #hole pla)e till tink o$ dragon"= he gru%bled to hi% el$" <and it %ake %e i)k. And )ra% i beginning i%pl! to ti)k in %! throat.=


Chapter JE A T-IEC IN T-E NI:-T No# the da! pa ed lo#l! and #earil!. 7an! o$ the d#arve pent their ti%e piling and ordering the trea ure4 and no# Thorin poke o$ the Arken tone o$ Thrain" and bade the% eagerl! to look $or it in ever! )o%er. <Cor the Arken tone o$ %! $ather"= he aid" <i #orth %ore than a river o$ gold in it el$" and to %e it i be!ond pri)e. That tone o$ all the trea ure I na%e unto %! el$" and I #ill be avenged on an!one #ho $ind it and #ithhold it.= 0ilbo heard the e #ord and he gre# a$raid" #ondering #hat #ould happen" i$ the tone #a $ound(#rapped in an old bundle o$ tattered odd%ent that he u ed a a pillo#. All the a%e he did not peak o$ it" $or a the #earine o$ the da! gre# heavier" the beginning o$ a plan had )o%e into hi little head. Thing had gone on like thi $or o%e ti%e" #hen the raven brought ne# that Dain and %ore than $ive hundred d#arve " hurr!ing $ro% the Iron -ill " #ere no# #ithin about t#o da! 1 %ar)h o$ Dale" )o%ing $ro% the North(Ea t. <0ut the! )annot rea)h the 7ountain un%arked"= aid Ra)" <and I $ear le t there be battle in the valle!. I do not )all thi )oun el good. Though the! are a gri% $olk" the! are not likel! to over)o%e the ho t that be et !ou4 and even i$ the! did o" #hat #ill !ou gain3 6inter and no# i ha tening behind the%. -o# hall !ou be $ed #ithout the $riend hip and good#ill o$ the land about !ou3 The trea ure i likel! to be !our death" though the dragon i no %ore;G= 0ut Thorin #a not %oved. <6inter and no# #ill bite both %en and elve "= he aid" <and the! %a! $ind their d#elling in the 6a te grievou to bear. 6ith %! $riend behind the% and #inter upon the%" the! #ill perhap be in o$ter %ood to parle! #ith.= That night 0ilbo %ade up hi %ind. The k! #a bla)k and %oonle . A oon a it #a $ull dark" he #ent to a )orner o$ an inner )ha%ber 9u t #ithin the gate and dre# $ro% hi bundle a rope" and al o the Arken tone #rapped in a rag. Then he )li%bed to the top o$ the #all. 5nl! 0o%bur #a there" $or it #a hi turn to #at)h" and the d#arve kept onl! one #at)h%an at a ti%e. <It i %ight! )old;= aid 0o%bur. <I #i h #e )ould have a $ire up here a the! have in the )a%p;= <It i #ar% enough in ide"= aid 0ilbo. <I dare a!4 but I a% bound here till %idnight"= gru%bled the $at d#ar$. <A orr! bu ine altogether. Not that I venture to di agree #ith Thorin" %a! hi beard gro# ever longer4 !et he #a ever a d#ar$ #ith a ti$$ ne)k.= <Not a ti$$ a %! leg "= aid 0ilbo. <I a% tired o$ tair and tone pa age . I #ould give a good deal $or the $eel o$ gra at %! toe .= <I #ould give a good deal $or the $eel o$ a trong drink in %! throat" and $or a o$t bed a$ter a good upper;= <I )an1t give !ou tho e" #hile the iege i going on. 0ut it i long in)e I #at)hed" and I #ill take !our turn $or !ou" i$ !ou like. There i no leep in %e tonight.= <You are a good $ello#" 7r. 0aggin " and I #ill take !our o$$er kindl!. I$ there hould be an!thing to note" rou e %e $ir t" %ind !ou; I #ill lie in the inner )ha%ber to the le$t" not $ar a#a!.= <5$$ !ou go;= aid 0ilbo. <I #ill #ake !ou at %idnight" and !ou )an #ake the ne*t #at)h%an.= A oon a 0o%bur had gone" 0ilbo put on hi ring" $a tened hi rope" lipped do#n over the #all" and #a gone. -e had about $ive hour be$ore hi%. 0o%bur #ould leep .he )ould leep at an! ti%e" and ever in)e the adventure in the $ore t he #a al#a! tr!ing to re)apture the beauti$ul drea% he had then/4 and all the other #ere bu ! #ith Thorin. It #a unlikel! that an!" even Cili or Bili" #ould )o%e out on the #all until it #a their turn. It #a ver! dark" and the road a$ter a #hile" #hen he le$t the ne#l! %ade path and )li%bed do#n to#ard the lo#er )our e o$ the trea%" #a trange to hi%. At la t he )a%e to the bend #here he had to )ro the #ater" i$ he #a to %ake $or the )a%p" a he #i hed. The bed o$ the trea% #a there hallo# but alread! broad" and $ording it in the dark #a not ea ! $or the little hobbit. -e #a nearl! a)ro #hen he %i ed hi $ooting on a round tone and $ell into the )old #ater #ith a pla h. -e had barel! )ra%bled out on the $ar bank" hivering and pluttering" #hen up )a%e elve in the gloo% #ith bright lantern and ear)hed $or the )au e o$ the noi e. 110

<That #a no $i h;= one aid. <There i a p! about. -ide !our light ; The! #ill help hi% %ore than u " i$ it i that ,ueer little )reature that i aid to be their ervant.= <8ervant" indeed;= norted 0ilbo4 and in the %iddle o$ hi nort he nee&ed loudl!" and the elve i%%ediatel! gathered to#ard the ound. <@et1 have a light;= he aid. <I a% here" i$ !ou #ant %e;= and he lipped o$$ hi ring" and popped $ro% behind a ro)k. The! ei&ed hi% ,ui)kl!" in pite o$ their urpri e. <6ho are !ou3 Are !ou the d#arve 1 hobbit3 6hat are !ou doing3 -o# did !ou get o $ar pa t our entinel 3= the! a ked one a$ter another. <I a% 7r. 0ilbo 0aggin "= he an #ered" <)o%panion o$ Thorin" i$ !ou #ant to kno#. I kno# !our king #ell b! ight" though perhap he doe n1t kno# %e to look at. 0ut 0ard #ill re%e%ber %e" and it i 0ard I parti)ularl! #ant to ee.= <Indeed;= aid the!" <and #hat %a! be !our bu ine 3= <6hatever it i " it1 %! o#n" %! good elve . 0ut i$ !ou #i h ever to get ba)k to !our o#n #ood $ro% thi )old )heerle pla)e"= he an #ered hivering" <!ou #ill take %e along ,uiet to a $ire" #here I )an dr!(and then !ou #ill let %e peak to !our )hie$ a ,ui)k a %a! be. I have onl! an hour or t#o to pare.= That i ho# it )a%e about that o%e t#o hour a$ter hi e )ape $ro% the :ate" 0ilbo #a itting be ide a #ar% $ire in $ront o$ a large tent" and there at too" ga&ing )uriou l! at hi%" both the Elvenking and 0ard. A hobbit in elvi h ar%our" partl! #rapped in an old blanket" #a o%ething ne# to the%. <Reall! !ou kno#"= 0ilbo #a a!ing in hi be t bu ine %anner" <thing are i%po ible. Per onall! I a% tired o$ the #hole a$$air. I #i h I #a ba)k in the 6e t in %! o#n ho%e" #here $olk are %ore rea onable. 0ut I have an intere t in thi %atter(one $ourteenth hare" to be pre)i e" a))ording to a letter" #hi)h $ortunatel! I believe I have kept.= -e dre# $ro% a po)ket in hi old 9a)ket .#hi)h he till #ore over hi %ail/" )ru%pled and %u)h $olded" Thorin1 letter that had been put under the )lo)k on hi %antelpie)e in 7a!; <A hare in the pro$it " %ind !ou"= he #ent on. <I a% a#are o$ that. Per onall! I a% onl! too read! to )on ider all !our )lai% )are$ull!" and dedu)t #hat i right $ro% the total be$ore putting in %! o#n )lai%. -o#ever !ou don1t kno# Thorin 5aken hield a #ell a I do no#. I a ure !ou" he i ,uite read! to it on a heap o$ gold and tarve" a long a !ou it here.= <6ell" let hi%;= aid 0ard. <8u)h a $ool de erve to tarve.= <Duite o"= aid 0ilbo. <I ee !our point o$ vie#. At the a%e ti%e #inter i )o%ing on $a t. 0e$ore long !ou #ill be having no# and #hat not" and upplie #ill be di$$i)ult+ even $or elve I i%agine. Al o there #ill be other di$$i)ultie . You have not heard o$ Dain and the d#arve o$ the Iron -ill 3= <6e have" a long ti%e ago4 but #hat ha he got to do #ith u 3= a ked the king. <I thought a %u)h. I ee I have o%e in$or%ation !ou have not got. Dain" I %a! tell !ou" i no# le than t#o da! 1 %ar)h o$$" and ha at lea t $ive hundred gri% d#arve #ith hi%+a good %an! o$ the% have had e*perien)e in the dread$ul d#ar$ and goblin #ar " o$ #hi)h !ou have no doubt heard. 6hen the! arrive there %a! be eriou trouble.= <6h! do !ou tell u thi 3 Are !ou betra!ing !our $riend " or are !ou threatening u 3= a ked 0ard gri%l!. <7! dear 0ard;= ,ueaked 0ilbo. <Don1t be o ha t!; I never %et u)h u pi)iou $olk; I a% %erel! tr!ing to avoid trouble $or all )on)erned. No# I #ill %ake !ou an o$$er;;= <@et u hear it;= the! aid. <You %a! ee it;= aid he. <It i thi ;= and he dre# $orth the Arken tone" and thre# a#a! the #rapping. The Elvenking hi% el$" #ho e e!e #ere u ed to thing o$ #onder and beaut!" tood up in a%a&e%ent. Even 0ard ga&ed %arvelling at it in ilen)e. It #a a i$ a globe had been $illed #ith %oonlight and hung be$ore the% in a net #oven o$ the glint o$ $ro t! tar . <Thi i the Arken tone o$ Thrain"= aid 0ilbo" <the -eart o$ the 7ountain4 and it i al o the heart o$ Thorin. -e value it above a river o$ gold. I give it to !ou. It #ill aid !ou in !our bargaining.= Then 0ilbo" not #ithout a hudder" not #ithout a glan)e o$ longing" handed the %arvellou tone to 0ard" and he held it in hi hand" a though da&ed. 111

<0ut ho# i it !our to give3= he a ked at la t #ith an e$$ort. <5 #ell;= aid the hobbit un)o%$ortabl!. <It i n1t e*a)tl!4 but" #ell" I a% #illing to let it tand again t all %! )lai%" don1t !ou kno#. I %a! be a burglar(or o the! a!' per onall! I never reall! $elt like one(but I a% an hone t one" I hope" %ore or le . An!#a! I a% going ba)k no#" and the d#arve )an do #hat the! like to %e. I hope !ou #ill $ind it u e$ul.= The Elvenking looked at 0ilbo #ith a ne# #onder. <0ilbo 0aggin ;= he aid. <You are %ore #orth! to #ear the ar%our o$ el$(prin)e than %an! that have looked %ore )o%el! in it. 0ut I #onder i$ Thorin 5aken hield #ill ee it o. I have %ore kno#ledge o$ d#arve in general than !ou have perhap . I advi e !ou to re%ain #ith u " and here !ou hall be honoured and thri)e #el)o%e.= <Thank !ou ver! %u)h I a% ure"= aid 0ilbo #ith a bo#. <0ut I don1t think I ought to leave %! $riend like thi " a$ter all #e have gone through together. And I pro%i ed to #ake old 0o%bur at %idnight" too; Reall! I %u t be going" and ,ui)kl!.= Nothing the! )ould a! #ould top hi%4 o an e )ort #a provided $or hi%" and a he #ent both the king and 0ard aluted hi% #ith honour. A the! pa ed through the )a%p an old %an #rapped in a dark )loak" ro e $ro% a tent door #here he #a itting and )a%e to#ard the%. <6ell done; 7r. 0aggin ;= he aid" )lapping 0ilbo on the ba)k. <There i al#a! %ore about !ou than an!one e*pe)t ;= It #a :andal$. Cor the $ir t ti%e $or %an! a da! 0ilbo #a reall! delighted. 0ut there #a no ti%e $or all the ,ue tion that he i%%ediatel! #i hed to a k. <All in good ti%e;= aid :andal$. <Thing are dra#ing to#ard the end no#" unle I a% %i taken. There i an unplea ant ti%e 9u t in $ront o$ !ou4 but keep !our heart up; You %a! )o%e through all right. There i ne# bre#ing that even the raven have not heard. :ood night;= Pu&&led but )heered. 0ilbo hurried on. -e #a guided to a a$e $ord and et a)ro dr!" and then he aid $are#ell to the elve and )li%bed )are$ull! ba)k to#ard the :ate. :reat #earine began to )o%e over hi%4 but it #a #ell be$ore %idnight #hen he )la%bered up the rope again+it #a till #here he had le$t it. -e untied it and hid it" and then he at do#n on the #all and #ondered an*iou l! #hat #ould happen ne*t. At %idnight he #oke up 0o%bur4 and then in turn rolled hi% el$ up in hi )orner" #ithout li tening to old d#ar$ thank .#hi)h he $elt he had hardl! earned/. -e #a oon $a t a leep $orgetting all hi #orrie till the %orning. A %atter o$ $a)t he #a drea%ing o$ egg and ba)on.


Chapter JQ T-E C@5UD8 0UR8T Ne*t da! the tru%pet rang earl! in the )a%p. 8oon a ingle runner #a een hurr!ing along the narro# path. At a di tan)e he tood and hailed the%" a king #hether Thorin #ould no# li ten to another e%ba !" in)e ne# tiding had )o%e to hand" and %atter #ere )hanged. <That #ill be Dain;= aid Thorin #hen he heard. <The! #ill have got #ind o$ hi )o%ing. I thought that #ould alter their %ood; 0id the% )o%e $e# in nu%ber and #eaponle " and I #ill hear"= he )alled to the %e enger. About %idda! the banner o$ the Core t and the @ake #ere een to be borne $orth again. A )o%pan! o$ t#ent! #a approa)hing. At the beginning o$ the narro# #a! the! laid a ide #ord and pear" and )a%e on to#ard the :ate. 6ondering" the d#arve a# that a%ong the% #ere both 0ard and the Elvenking" be$ore #ho% an old %an #rapped in )loak and hood bore a trong )a ket o$ iron(bound #ood. <-ail Thorin;= aid 0ard. <Are !ou till o$ the a%e %ind3= <7! %ind doe not )hange #ith the ri ing and etting o$ a $e# un "= an #ered Thorin. <Did !ou )o%e to a k %e idle ,ue tion 3 8till the el$(ho t ha not departed a I bade; Till then !ou )o%e in vain to bargain #ith %e.= <I there then nothing $or #hi)h !ou #ould !ield an! o$ !our gold3= <Nothing that !ou or !our $riend have to o$$er.= <6hat o$ the Arken tone o$ Thrain3= aid he" and at the a%e %o%ent the old %an opened the )a ket and held alo$t the 9e#el. The light leapt $ro% hi hand" bright and #hite in the %orning. Then Thorin #a tri)ken du%b #ith a%a&e%ent and )on$u ion. No one poke $or a long #hile. Thorin at length broke the ilen)e" and hi voi)e #a thi)k #ith #rath. <That tone #a %! $ather1 " and i %ine"= he aid. <6h! hould I pur)ha e %! o#n3= 0ut #onder over)a%e hi% and he added' <0ut ho# )a%e !ou b! the heirloo% o$ %! hou e(i$ there i need to a k u)h a ,ue tion o$ thieve 3= <6e are not thieve "= 0ard an #ered. <Your o#n #e #ill give ba)k in return $or our o#n.= 1-o# )a%e !ou b! it3= houted Thorin in gathering rage. <I gave it the%;= ,ueaked 0ilbo" #ho #a peeping over the #all" b! no#" in a dread$ul $right. <You; You;= )ried Thorin" turning upon hi% and gra ping hi% #ith both hand . <You %i erable hobbit; You under i&ed(burglar;= he houted at a lo $or #ord " and he hook poor 0ilbo like a rabbit. <0! the beard o$ Durin; I #i h I had :andal$ here; Cur e hi% $or hi )hoi)e o$ !ou; 7a! hi beard #ither; A $or !ou I #ill thro# !ou to the ro)k ;= he )ried and li$ted 0ilbo in hi ar% . <8ta!; Your #i h i granted;= aid a voi)e. The old %an #ith the )a ket thre# a ide hi hood and )loak. <-ere i :andal$; And none too oon it ee% . I$ !ou don1t like %! 0urglar" plea e don1t da%age hi%. Put hi% do#n" and li ten $ir t to #hat he ha to a!;= <You all ee% in league;= aid Thorin dropping 0ilbo on the top o$ the #all. <Never again #ill I have dealing #ith an! #i&ard or hi $riend . 6hat have !ou to a!" !ou de )endant o$ rat 3= <Dear %e; Dear %e;= aid 0ilbo. <I a% ure thi i all ver! un)o%$ortable. You %a! re%e%ber a!ing that I %ight )hoo e %! o#n $ourteenth hare3 Perhap I took it too literall!+I have been told that d#arve are o%eti%e politer in #ord than in deed. The ti%e #a " all the a%e" #hen !ou ee%ed to think that I had been o$ o%e ervi)e. De )endant o$ rat " indeed; I thi ail the ervi)e o$ !ou and !our $a%il! that I #a pro%i ed. Thorin3 Take it that I have di po ed o$ %! hare a I #i hed" and let it go at that;= <I #ill"= aid Thorin gri%l!. <And I #ill let !ou go at that(and %a! #e never %eet again;= Then he turned and poke over the #all. <I a% betra!ed"= he aid. <It #a rightl! gue ed that I )ould not $orbear to redee% the Arken tone" the trea ure o$ %! hou e. Cor it I #ill give one $ourteenth hare o$ the hoard in ilver and gold" etting a ide the ge% 4 but that hall be a))ounted the pro%i ed hare o$ thi traitor" and #ith that


re#ard he hall depart" and !ou )an divide it a !ou #ill. -e #ill get little enough" I doubt not. Take hi%" i$ !ou #i h hi% to live4 and no $riend hip o$ %ine goe #ith hi%. <:et do#n no# to !our $riend ;= he aid to 0ilbo" <or I #ill thro# !ou do#n.= <6hat about the gold and ilver3= a ked 0ilbo. <That hall $ollo# a$ter" a )an be arranged"= aid he. <:et do#n;= <Until then #e keep the tone"= )ried 0ard. <You are not %aking a ver! plendid $igure a Bing under the 7ountain"= aid :andal$. <0ut thing %a! )hange !et.= <The! %a! indeed"= aid Thorin. And alread!" o trong #a the be#ilder%ent o$ the trea ure upon hi%" he #a pondering #hether b! the help o$ Dain he %ight not re)apture the Arken tone and #ithhold the hare o$ the re#ard. And o 0ilbo #a #ung do#n $ro% the #all" and departed #ith nothing $or all hi trouble" e*)ept the ar%our #hi)h Thorin had given hi% alread!. 7ore than one o$ the d#arve in their heart $elt ha%e and pit! at hi going. <Care#ell;= he )ried to the%. <6e %a! %eet again a $riend .= <0e o$$;= )alled Thorin. <You have %ail upon !ou" #hi)h #a %ade b! %! $olk" and i too good $or !ou. It )annot be pier)ed .b! arro# 4 but i$ !ou do not ha ten" I #ill ting !our %i erable $eet. 8o be #i$t;= <Not o ha t!;= aid 0ard. <6e #ill give !ou until to%orro#. At noon #e #ill return" and ee i$ !ou have brought $ro% the hoard the portion that i to be et again t the tone. I$ that i done #ithout de)eit" then #e #ill depart" and the el$(ho t #ill go ba)k to the Core t. In the %ean#hile $are#ell;= 6ith that the! #ent ba)k to the )a%p4 but Thorin ent %e enger b! R a) telling Dain o$ #hat had pa ed" and bidding hi% )o%e #ith #ar! peed. That da! pa ed and the night. The ne*t da! the #ind hi$ted #e t" and the air #a dark and gloo%!. The %orning #a till earl! #hen a )r! #a heard in the )a%p. Runner )a%e in to report that a ho t o$ d#arve had appeared round the ea tern pur o$ the 7ountain and #a no# ha tening to Dale. Dain had )o%e. -e had hurried on through the night" and o had )o%e upon the% ooner than the! had e*pe)ted. Ea)h one o$ hi $olk #a )lad in a hauberk o$ teel %ail that hung to hi knee " and hi leg #ere )overed #ith ho e o$ a $ine and $le*ible %etal %e h" the e)ret o$ #ho e %aking #a po e ed b! Dain1 people. The d#arve are e*)eedingl! trong $or their height" but %o t o$ the e #ere trong even $or d#arve . In battle the! #ielded heav! t#o(handed %atto)k 4 but ea)h o$ the% had al o a hort broad #ord at hi ide and a round hield lung at hi ba)k. Their beard #ere $orked and plaited and thru t into their belt . Their )ap #ere o$ iron and the! #ere hod #ith iron" and their $a)e #ere gri%. Tru%pet )alled %en and elve to ar% . 0e$ore long the d#arve )ould be een )o%ing up the valle! at a great pa)e. The! halted bet#een the river and the ea tern pur4 but a $e# held on their #a!" and )ro ing the river dre# near the )a%p4 and there the! laid do#n their #eapon and held up their hand in ign o$ pea)e. 0ard #ent out to %eet the%" and #ith hi% #ent 0ilbo. <6e are ent $ro% Dain on o$ Nain"= the! aid #hen ,ue tioned. <6e are ha tening to our kin %en in the 7ountain" in)e #e learn that the kingdo% o$ old i rene#ed. 0ut #ho are !ou that it in the plain a $oe be$ore de$ended #all 3= Thi " o$. )our e" in the polite and rather old($a hioned language o$ u)h o))a ion " %eant i%pl!' <You have no bu ine here. 6e are going on" o %ake #a! or #e hall $ight !ou;= The! %eant to pu h on bet#een the 7ountain and the loop o$ the river" $or the narro# land there did not ee% to be trongl! guarded. 0ard" o$ )our e" re$u ed to allo# the d#arve to go traight on to the 7ountain. -e #a deter%ined to #ait until the gold and ilver had been brought out in e*)hange $or the Arken tone' $or he did not believe that thi #ould be done" i$ on)e the $ortre #a %anned #ith o large and #arlike a )o%pan!. The! had brought #ith the% a great tore o$ upplie 4 $or the d#arve )an )arr! ver! heav! burden " and nearl! all o$ Dain1 $olk " in pite o$ their rapid %ar)h" bore huge pa)k on their ba)k in addition to their #eapon . The! #ould tand a iege $or #eek " and b! that ti%e !et %ore d#arve %ight )o%e" and !et %ore" $or Thorin had %an! relative . Al o the! #ould be able to reopen and guard o%e other gate" o that the be ieger #ould have to en)ir)le the #hole %ountain4 and $or that the! had not u$$i)ient nu%ber . 114

The e #ere" in $a)t" pre)i el! their plan .$or the raven(%e enger had been bu ! bet#een Thorin and Dain/4 but $or the %o%ent the #a! #a barred" o a$ter angr! #ord the d#ar$(%e enger retired %uttering in their beard . 0ard then ent %e enger at on)e to the :ate4 but the! $ound no gold or pa!%ent. Arro# )a%e $orth a oon a the! #ere #ithin hot" and the! ha tened ba)k in di %a!. In the )a%p all #a no# a tir" a i$ $or battle4 $or the d#arve o$ Dain #ere advan)ing along the ea tern bank. <Cool ;= laughed 0ard" <to )o%e thu beneath the 7ountain1 ar%; The! do not under tand #ar above ground" #hatever the! %a! kno# o$ battle in the %ine . There are %an! o$ our ar)her and pear%en no# hidden in the ro)k upon their right $lank. D#ar$( %ail %a! be good" but the! #ill oon be hard put to it. @et u et on the% no# $ro% both ide " be$ore the! are $ull! re ted;= 0ut the Elvenking aid' <@ong #ill I tarr!" ere I begin thi #ar $or gold. The d#arve )annot pre u " unle #e #ill" or do an!thing that #e )annot %ark. @et u hope till $or o%ething that #ill bring re)on)iliation. 5ur advantage in nu%ber #ill be enough" i$ in the end it %u t )o%e to unhapp! blo# .= 0ut he re)koned #ithout the d#arve . The kno#ledge that the Arken tone #a in the hand o$ the be ieger burned in their thought 4 al o the! gue ed the he itation o$ 0ard and hi $riend " and re olved to trike #hile the! debated. 8uddenl! #ithout a ignal the! prang ilentl! $or#ard to atta)k. 0o# t#anged and arro# #hi tled4 battle #a about to be 9oined. 8till %ore uddenl! a darkne )a%e on #ith dread$ul #i$tne ; A bla)k )loud hurried over the k!. 6inter thunder on a #ild #ind rolled roaring up and ru%bled in the 7ountain" and lightning lit it peak. And beneath the thunder another bla)kne )ould be een #hirling $or#ard4 but it did not )o%e #ith the #ind" it )a%e $ro% the North" like a va t )loud o$ bird " o den e that no light )ould be een bet#een their #ing . <-alt;= )ried :andal$" #ho appeared uddenl!" and tood alone" #ith ar% upli$ted" bet#een the advan)ing d#arve and the rank a#aiting the%. <-alt;= he )alled in a voi)e like thunder" and hi ta$$ bla&ed $orth #ith a $la h like the lightning. <Dread ha )o%e upon !ou all; Ala ; it ha )o%e %ore #i$tl! than I gue ed. The :oblin are upon !ou; 0olg o$ the North i )o%ing. 5 Dain; #ho e $ather !ou le# in 7oria. 0ehold; the bat are above hi ar%! like a ea o$ lo)u t . The! ride upon #olve and 6arg are in their train;= A%a&e%ent and )on$u ion $ell upon the% all. Even a :andal$ had been peaking the darkne gre#. The d#arve halted and ga&ed at the k!. The elve )ried out #ith %an! voi)e . <Co%e;= )alled :andal$. <There i !et ti%e $or )oun)il. @et Dain on o$ Nain )o%e #i$tl! to u ;= 8o began a battle that none had e*pe)ted4 and it #a )alled the 0attle o$ Cive Ar%ie " and it #a ver! terrible. Upon one ide #ere the :oblin and the #ild 6olve " and upon the other #ere Elve and 7en and D#arve . Thi i ho# it $ell out. Ever in)e the $all o$ the :reat :oblin o$ the 7i t! 7ountain the hatred o$ their ra)e $or the d#arve had been rekindled to $ur!. 7e enger had pa ed to and $ro bet#een all their )itie " )olonie and tronghold 4 $or the! re olved no# to #in the do%inion o$ the North. Tiding the! had gathered in e)ret #a! 4 and in all the %ountain there #a a $orging and an ar%ing. Then the! %ar)hed and gathered b! hill and valle!" going ever b! tunnel or under dark" until around and beneath the great %ountain :undabad o$ the North" #here #a their )apital" a va t ho t #a a e%bled read! to #eep do#n in ti%e o$ tor% una#are upon the 8outh. Then the! learned o$ the death o$ 8%aug" and 9o! #a in their heart ' and the! ha tened night a$ter night through the %ountain " and )a%e thu at la t on a udden $ro% the North hard on the heel o$ Dain. Not even the raven kne# o$ their )o%ing until the! )a%e out in the broken land #hi)h divided the @onel! 7ountain $ro% the hill behind. -o# %u)h :andal$ kne# )annot be aid" but it i plain that he had not e*pe)ted thi udden a ault. Thi i the plan that he %ade in )oun)il #ith the Elvenking and #ith 0ard4 and #ith Dain" $or the d#ar$(lord no# 9oined the%' the :oblin #ere the $oe o$ all" and at their )o%ing all other ,uarrel #ere $orgotten. Their onl! hope #a to lure the goblin into the valle! bet#een the ar% o$ the 7ountain4 and the% elve to %an the great pur that

8on o$ A&og. 8ee p. NQ


tru)k outh and ea t. Yet thi #ould be perilou " i$ the goblin #ere in u$$i)ient nu%ber to overrun the 7ountain it el$" and o atta)k the% al o $ro% behind and above4 but there #a no ti%e $or %ake an! other plan" or to u%%on an! help. 8oon the thunder pa ed" rolling a#a! to the 8outh(Ea t4 but the bat()loud )a%e" $l!ing lo#er" over the houlder o$ the 7ountain" and #hirled above the% hutting out the light and $illing the% #ith dread. <To the 7ountain;= )alled 0ard. <To the 7ountain; @et u take our pla)e #hile there i !et ti%e;= 5n the 8outhern pur" in it lo#er lope and in the ro)k at it $eet" the Elve #ere et4 on the Ea tern pur #ere %en and d#arve . 0ut 0ard and o%e o$ the ni%ble t o$ %en and elve )li%bed to the height o$ the Ea tern houlder to gain a vie# to the North. 8oon the! )ould ee the land be$ore the 7ountain1 $eet bla)k #ith a hurr!ing %ultitude. Ere long the vanguard #irled round the pur1 end and )a%e ru hing into Dale. The e #ere the #i$te t #ol$(rider " and alread! their )rie and ho#l rent the air a$ar. A $e# brave %en #ere trung be$ore the% to %ake a $eint o$ re i tan)e" and %an! there $ell be$ore the re t dre# ba)k and $led to either ide. A :andal$ had hoped" the goblin ar%! had gathered behind the re i ted vanguard" and poured no# in rage into the valle!" driving #ildl! up bet#een the ar% o$ the 7ountain" eeking $or the $oe. Their banner #ere )ountle " bla)k and red" and the! )a%e on like a tide in $ur! and di order. It #a a terrible battle. The %o t dread$ul o$ all 0ilbo1 e*perien)e " and the one #hi)h at the ti%e he hated %o t+#hi)h i to a! it #a the one he #a %o t proud o$" and %o t $ond o$ re)alling long a$ter#ard " although he #a ,uite uni%portant in it. A)tuall! I %u t a! he put on hi ring earl! in the bu ine " and vani hed $ro% ight" i$ not $ro% all danger. A %agi) ring o$ that ort i not a )o%plete prote)tion in a goblin )harge" nor doe it top $l!ing arro# and #ild pear 4 but it doe help in getting out o$ the #a!" and it prevent !our head $ro% being pe)iall! )ho en $or a #eeping troke b! a goblin #ord %an. The elve #ere the $ir t to )harge. Their hatred $or the goblin i )old and bitter. Their pear and #ord hone in the gloo% #ith a glea% o$ )hill $la%e" o deadl! #a the #rath o$ the hand that held the%. A oon a the ho t o$ their ene%ie #a den e in the valle!" the! ent again t it a ho#er o$ arro# " and ea)h $li)kered a it $led a i$ #ith tinging $ire. 0ehind the arro# a thou and o$ their pear%en leapt do#n and )harged. The !ell #ere dea$ening. The ro)k #ere tained bla)k #ith goblin blood. Ju t a the goblin #ere re)overing $ro% the on laught and the el$()harge #a halted" there ro e $ro% a)ro the valle! a deep(throated roar. 6ith )rie o$ <7oria;= and <Dain" Dain;= the d#arve o$ the Iron -ill plunged in" #ielding their %atto)k " upon the other ide4 and be ide the% )a%e the %en o$ the @ake #ith long #ord . Pani) )a%e upon the :oblin 4 and even a the! turned to %eet thi ne# atta)k" the elve )harged again #ith rene#ed nu%ber . Alread! %an! o$ the goblin #ere $l!ing ba)k do#n the river to e )ape $ro% the trap' and %an! o$ their o#n #olve #ere turning upon the% and rending the dead and the #ounded. >i)tor! ee%ed at hand" #hen a )r! rang out on the height above. :oblin had )aled the 7ountain $ro% the other ide and alread! %an! #ere on the lope above the :ate" and other #ere trea%ing do#n re)kle l!" heedle o$ tho e that $ell )rea%ing $ro% )li$$ and pre)ipi)e" to atta)k the pur $ro% above. Ea)h o$ the e )ould be rea)hed b! path that ran do#n $ro% the %ain %a o$ the 7ountain in the )entre4 and the de$ender had too $e# to bar the #a! $or long. >i)tor! no# vani hed $ro% hope. The! had onl! te%%ed the $ir t on laught o$ the bla)k tide. Da! dre# on. The goblin gathered again in the valle!. There a ho t o$ 6arg )a%e ravening and #ith the% )a%e the bod!guard o$ 0olg" goblin o$ huge i&e #ith )i%itar o$ teel. 8oon a)tual darkne #a )o%ing into a tor%! k!4 #hile till the great bat #irled about the head and ear o$ elve and %en" or $a tened va%pire(like on the tri)ken. No# 0ard #a $ighting to de$end the Ea tern pur" and !et giving lo#l! ba)k4 and the el$(lord #ere at ba! about their king upon the outhern ar%" near to the #at)h( po t on Ravenhill. 8uddenl! there #a a great hout" and $ro% the :ate )a%e a tru%pet )all. The! had $orgotten Thorin; Part o$ the #all" %oved b! lever " $ell out#ard #ith a )ra h into the pool. 5ut leapt the Bing under the 7ountain" and hi )o%panion $ollo#ed hi%. -ood and )loak #ere gone4 the! #ere in hining ar%our" and red light leapt $ro% their e!e . In the gloo% the great d#ar$ glea%ed like gold in a d!ing $ire. 116

Ro)k #ere buried do#n $ro% on high b! the goblin above4 but the! held on. leapt do#n to the $all 1 $oot" and ru hed $or#ard to battle. 6ol$ and rider $ell or $led be$ore the%. Thorin #ielded hi a*e #ith %ight! troke " and nothing ee%ed to har% hi%. <To %e; To %e; Elve and 7en; To %e; 5 %! kin $olk;= he )ried" and hi voi)e hook like a horn in the valle!. Do#n" heedle o$ order" ru hed all the d#arve o$ Dain to hi help. Do#n too )a%e %an! o$ the @ake(%en" $or 0ard )ould not re train the%4 and out upon the other ide )a%e %an! o$ the pear%en o$ the elve . 5n)e again the goblin #ere tri)ken in the valle!4 and the! #ere piled in heap till Dale #a dark and hideou #ith their )orp e . The 6arg #ere )attered and Thorin drove right again t the bod!guard o$ 0olg. 0ut he )ould not pier)e their rank . Alread! behind hi% a%ong the goblin dead la! %an! %en and %an! d#arve " and %an! a $air el$ that hould have lived !et long age %erril! in the #ood. And a the valle! #idened hi on et gre# ever lo#er. -i nu%ber #ere too $e#. -i $lank #ere unguarded. 8oon the atta)ker #ere atta)ked" and the! #ere $or)ed into a great ring" $a)ing ever! #a!" he%%ed all about #ith goblin and #olve returning to the a ault. The bod!guard o$ 0olg )a%e ho#ling again t the%" and drove in upon their rank like #ave upon )li$$ o$ and. Their $riend )ould not help the%" $or the a ault $ro% the 7ountain #a rene#ed #ith redoubled $or)e" and upon either ide %en and elve #ere being lo#l! beaten do#n. 5n all thi 0ilbo looked #ith %i er!. -e had taken hi tand on Ravenhill a%ong the Elve (partl! be)au e there #a %ore )han)e o$ e )ape $ro% that point" and partl! .#ith the %ore Tooki h part o$ hi %ind/ be)au e i$ he #a going to be in a la t de perate tand" he pre$erred on the #hole to de$end the Elvenking. :andal$" too" I %a! a!" #a there" itting on the ground a i$ in deep thought" preparing" I uppo e" o%e la t bla t o$ %agi) be$ore the end. That did not ee% $ar o$$. <It #ill not be long no#"= thought 0ilbo" <be$ore the goblin #in the :ate" and #e are all laughtered or driven do#n and )aptured. Reall! it i enough to %ake one #eep" a$ter all one ha gone through. I #ould rather old 8%aug had been le$t #ith all the #ret)hed trea ure" than that the e vile )reature hould get it" and poor old 0o%bur" and 0alin and Cili and Bili and all the re t )o%e to a bad end4 and 0ard too" and the @ake(%en and the %err! elve . 7i er! %e; I have heard ong o$ %an! battle " and I have al#a! under tood that de$eat %a! be gloriou . It ee% ver! un)o%$ortable" not to a! di tre ing. I #i h I #a #ell out o$ it.= The )loud #ere torn b! the #ind" and a red un et la hed the 6e t. 8eeing the udden glea% in the gloo% 0ilbo looked round. -e gave a great )r!' he had een a ight that %ade hi heart leap" dark hape %all !et %a9e ti) again t the di tant glo#. <The Eagle ; The Eagle ;= he houted. <The Eagle are )o%ing;= 0ilbo1 e!e #ere eldo% #rong. The eagle #ere )o%ing do#n the #ind" line a$ter line" in u)h a ho t a %u t have gathered $ro% all the e!rie o$ the North. <The Eagle ; the Eagle ;= 0ilbo )ried" dan)ing and #aving hi ar% . I$ the elve )ould not ee hi% the! )ould hear hi%. 8oon the! too took up the )r!" and it e)hoed a)ro the valle!. 7an! #ondering e!e looked up" though a !et nothing )ould be een e*)ept $ro% the outhern houlder o$ the 7ountain. <The Eagle ;= )ried 0ilbo on)e %ore" but at that %o%ent a tone hurtling $ro% above %ote heavil! on hi hel%" and he $ell #ith a )ra h and kne# no %ore.


Chapter JT T-E RETURN J5URNEY 6hen 0ilbo )a%e to hi% el$" he #a literall! b! hi% el$. -e #a l!ing on the $lat tone o$ Ravenhill" and no one #a near. A )loudle da!" but )old" #a broad above hi%. -e #a haking" and a )hilled a tone" but hi head burned #ith $ire. <No# I #onder #hat ha happened3= he aid to hi% el$. <At an! rate I a% not !et one o$ the $allen heroe 4 but I uppo e there i till ti%e enough $or that;= -e at up pain$ull!. @ooking into the valle! he )ould ee no living goblin . A$ter a #hile a hi head )leared a little" he thought he )ould ee elve %oving in the ro)k belo#. -e rubbed hi e!e . 8urel! there #a a )a%p till in the plain o%e di tan)e o$$4 and there #a a )o%ing and going about the :ate3 D#arve ee%ed to be bu ! re%oving the #all. 0ut all #a deadl! till. There #a no )all and no e)ho o$ a ong. 8orro# ee%ed to be in the air. <>i)tor! a$ter all" I uppo e;= he aid" $eeling hi a)hing head. <6ell" it ee% a ver! gloo%! bu ine .= 8uddenl! he #a a#are o$ a %an )li%bing up and )o%ing to#ard hi%. <-ullo there;= he )alled #ith a hak! voi)e. <-ullo there; 6hat ne# 3= <6hat voi)e i it that peak a%ong the tone 3= aid the %an halting and peering about hi% not $ar $ro% #here 0ilbo at. Then 0ilbo re%e%bered hi ring; <6ell I1% ble ed;= aid he. <Thi invi ibilit! ha it dra#ba)k a$ter all. 5ther#i e I uppo e I %ight have pent a #ar% and )o%$ortable night in bed;= <It1 %e" 0ilbo 0aggin " )o%panion o$ Thorin;= he )ried" hurriedl! taking o$$ the ring. <It i #ell that I have $ound !ou;= aid the %an triding $or#ard. <You are needed and #e have looked $or !ou long. You #ould have been nu%bered a%ong the dead" #ho are %an!" i$ :andal$ the #i&ard had not aid that !our voi)e #a la t heard in thi pla)e. I have been ent to look here $or the la t ti%e. Are !ou %u)h hurt3= <A na t! kno)k on the head" I think"= aid 0ilbo. <0ut I have a hel% and a hard kull. All the a%e I $eel i)k and %! leg are like tra# .= <I #ill )arr! !ou do#n to the )a%p in the valle!"= aid the %an" and pi)ked hi% lightl! up. The %an #a #i$t and ure($ooted. It #a not long be$ore 0ilbo #a et do#n be$ore a tent in Dale4 and there tood :andal$" #ith hi ar% in a ling. Even the #i&ard had not e )aped #ithout a #ound4 and there #ere $e# unhar%ed in all the ho t. 6hen :andal$ a# 0ilbo" he #a delighted. <0aggin ;= he e*)lai%ed. <6ell I never; Alive a$ter all+J a% glad; I began to #onder i$ even !our lu)k #ould ee !ou through; A terrible bu ine " and it nearl! #a di a trou . 0ut other ne# )an #ait. Co%e;= he aid %ore gravel!. <You are )alled $or4= and leading the hobbit he took hi% #ithin the tent. <-ail; Thorin"= he aid a he entered. <I have brought hi%.= There indeed la! Thorin 5aken hield" #ounded #ith %an! #ound " and hi rent ar%our and not)hed a*e #ere )a t upon the $loor. -e looked up a 0ilbo )a%e be ide hi%. <Care#ell" good thie$"= he aid. <I go no# to the hall o$ #aiting to it be ide %! $ather " until the #orld i rene#ed. 8in)e I leave no# all gold and ilver" and go #here it i o$ little #orth" I #i h to part in $riend hip $ro% !ou" and I #ould take ba)k %! #ord and deed at the :ate.= 0ilbo knelt on one knee $illed #ith orro#. <Care#ell" Bing under the 7ountain;= he aid. <Thi i a bitter adventure" i$ it %u t end o4 and not a %ountain o$ gold )an a%end it. Yet I a% glad that I have hared in !our peril +that ha been %ore than an! 0aggin de erve .= <No;= aid Thorin. <There i %ore in !ou o$ good than !ou kno#" )hild o$ the kindl! 6e t. 8o%e )ourage and o%e #i do%" blended in %ea ure. I$ %ore o$ u valued $ood and )heer and ong above hoarded gold" it #ould be a %errier #orld. 0ut ad or %err!" I %u t leave it no#. Care#ell;= Then 0ilbo turned a#a!" and he #ent b! hi% el$" and at alone #rapped in a blanket" and" #hether !ou believe it or not" he #ept until hi e!e #ere red and hi voi)e #a hoar e. -e #a a kindl! little oul. Indeed it #a long be$ore he had the heart to %ake a 9oke again. <A %er)! it i "= he aid at la t to hi% el$" <that I #oke up #hen I did. I #i h Thorin #ere living" but I a% glad that #e parted in kindne . You are a $ool" 0ilbo 118

0aggin " and !ou %ade a great %e o$ that bu ine #ith the tone4 and there #a a battle" in pite o$ all !our e$$ort to bu! pea)e and ,uiet" but I uppo e !ou )an hardl! be bla%ed $or that.= All that had happened a$ter he #a tunned" 0ilbo learned later4 but it gave hi% %ore orro# than 9o!" and he #a no# #ear! o$ hi adventure. -e #a a)hing in hi bone $or the ho%e#ard 9ourne!. That" ho#ever" #a a little dela!ed" o in the %eanti%e I #ill tell o%ething o$ event . The Eagle had long had u pi)ion o$ the goblin 1 %u tering4 $ro% their #at)h$ulne the %ove%ent in the %ountain )ould not be altogether hid. 8o the! too had gathered in great nu%ber " under the great Eagle o$ the 7i t! 7ountain 4 and at length %elling battle $ro% a$ar the! had )o%e peeding do#n the gale in the ni)k o$ ti%e. The! it #a #ho di lodged the goblin $ro% the %ountain( lope " )a ting the% over pre)ipi)e " or driving the% do#n hrieking and be#ildered a%ong their $oe . It #a not long be$ore the! had $reed the @onel! 7ountain" and elve and %en on either ide o$ the valle! )ould )o%e at la t to the help o$ the battle belo#. 0ut even #ith the Eagle the! #ere till outnu%bered. In that la t hour 0eorn hi% el$ had appeared+no one kne# ho# or $ro% #here. -e )a%e alone" and in bear1 hape4 and he ee%ed to have gro#n al%o t to giant( i&e in hi #rath. The roar o$ hi voi)e #a like dru% and gun 4 and he to ed #olve and goblin $ro% hi path like tra# and $eather . -e $ell upon their rear" and broke like a )lap o$ thunder through the ring. The d#arve #ere %aking a tand till about their lord upon a lo# rounded hill. Then 0eorn tooped and li$ted Thorin" #ho had $allen pier)ed #ith pear " and bore hi% out o$ the $ra!. 8#i$tl! he returned and hi #rath #a redoubled" o that nothing )ould #ith tand hi%" and no #eapon ee%ed to bite upon hi%. -e )attered the bod!guard" and pulled do#n 0olg hi% el$ and )ru hed hi%. Then di %a! $ell on the :oblin and the! $led in all dire)tion . 0ut #earine le$t their ene%ie #ith the )o%ing o$ ne# hope" and the! pur ued the% )lo el!" and prevented %o t o$ the% $ro% e )aping #here the! )ould. The! drove %an! o$ the% into the Running River" and u)h a $led outh or #e t the! hunted into the %ar he about the Core t River4 and there the greater part o$ the la t $ugitive peri hed" #hile tho e that )a%e hardl! to the 6ood(elve 1 real% #ere there lain" or dra#n in to die in the tra)kle dark o$ 7irk#ood. 8ong have aid that three part o$ the goblin #arrior o$ the North peri hed on that da!" and the %ountain had pea)e $or %an! a !ear. >i)tor! had been a ured be$ore the $all o$ night" but the pur uit #a till on $oot" #hen 0ilbo returned to the )a%p4 and not %an! #ere in the valle! ave the %ore grievou l! #ounded. <6here are the Eagle 3= he a ked :andal$ that evening" a he la! #rapped in %an! #ar% blanket . <8o%e are in the hunt"= aid the #i&ard" <but %o t have gone ba)k to their e!rie . The! #ould not ta! here" and departed #ith the $ir t light o$ %orning. Dain ha )ro#ned their )hie$ #ith gold" and #orn $riend hip #ith the% $or ever.= <I a% orr!. I %ean" I hould have liked to ee the% again"= aid 0ilbo leepil!4 <perhap I hall ee the% on the #a! ho%e. I uppo e I hall be going ho%e oon3= <A oon a !ou like"= aid the #i&ard. A)tuall! it #a o%e da! be$ore 0ilbo reall! et out. The! buried Thorin deep beneath the 7ountain" and 0ard laid the Arken tone upon hi brea t. <There let it lie till the 7ountain $all ;= he aid. <7a! it bring good $ortune to all hi $olk that d#ell here a$ter;= Upon hi to%b the Elvenking then laid 5r)ri t" the elvi h #ord that had been taken $ro% Thorin in )aptivit!. It i aid in ong that it glea%ed ever in the dark i$ $oe approa)hed" and the $ortre o$ the d#arve )ould not be taken b! urpri e. There no# Dain on o$ Nain took up hi abode" and he be)a%e Bing under the 7ountain" and in ti%e %an! other d#arve gathered to hi throne in the an)ient hall . 5$ the t#elve )o%panion o$ Thorin" ten re%ained. Cili and Bili had $allen de$ending hi% #ith hield and bod!" $or he #a their %other1 elder brother. The other re%ained #ith Dain4 $or Dain dealt hi trea ure #ell. There #a " o$ )our e" no longer an! ,ue tion o$ dividing the hoard in u)h hare a had been planned" to 0alin and D#alin" and Dori and Nori and 5ri" and 5in and :loin" and 0i$ur and 0o$ur and 0o%bur(or to 0ilbo. Yet a $ourteenth hare o$ all the ilver and gold" #rought and un#rought" #a given up to 0ard4 $or Dain


aid' <6e #ill honour the agree%ent o$ the dead" and he ha no# the Arken tone in hi keeping.= Even a $ourteenth hare #a #ealth e*)eedingl! great" greater than that o$ %an! %ortal king . Cro% that trea ure 0ard ent %u)h gold to the 7a ter o$ @ake(to#n4 and he re#arded hi $ollo#er and $riend $reel!. To the Elvenking he gave the e%erald o$ :irion" u)h 9e#el a he %o t loved" #hi)h Dain had re tored to hi%. To 0ilbo he aid' <Thi trea ure i a %u)h !our a it i %ine4 though old agree%ent )annot tand" in)e o %an! have a )lai% in it #inning and de$en)e. Yet even though !ou #ere #illing to la! a ide all !our )lai%" I hould #i h that the #ord o$ Thorin" o$ #hi)h he repented" hould not prove true' that #e hould give !ou little. I #ould re#ard !ou %o t ri)hl! o$ all.= <>er! kind o$ !ou"= aid 0ilbo. <0ut reall! it i a relie$ to %e. -o# on earth hould I have got all that trea ure ho%e #ithout #ar and %urder all along the #a!" I don1t kno#. And I don1t kno# #hat I hould have done #ith it #hen I got ho%e. I a% ure it i better in !our hand .= In the end he #ould onl! take t#o %all )he t " one $illed #ith ilver" and the other #ith gold" u)h a one trong pon! )ould )arr!. <That #ill be ,uite a %u)h a I )an %anage"= aid he. At la t the ti%e )a%e $or hi% to a! good(b!e to hi $riend . <Care#ell" 0alin;= he aid4 <and $are#ell" D#alin4 and $are#ell Dori" Nori" 5ri" 5in" :loin" 0i$ur" 0o$ur" and 0o%bur; 7a! !our beard never gro# thin;= And turning to#ard the 7ountain he added' <Care#ell Thorin 5aken hield; And Cili and Bili; 7a! !our %e%or! never $ade;= Then the d#arve bo#ed lo# be$ore their :ate" but #ord tu)k in their throat . <:ood(b!e and good lu)k" #herever !ou $are;= aid 0alin at la t. <I$ ever !ou vi it u again" #hen our hall are %ade $air on)e %ore" then the $ea t hall indeed be plendid;= <I$ ever !ou are pa ing %! #a!"= aid 0ilbo" <don1t #ait to kno)k; Tea i at $our4 but an! o$ !ou are #el)o%e at an! ti%e;= Then he turned a#a!. The el$(ho t #a on the %ar)h4. and i$ it #a adl! le ened" !et %an! #ere glad" $or no# the northern #orld #ould be %errier $or %an! a long da!. The dragon #a dead" and the goblin overthro#n" and their heart looked $or#ard a$ter #inter to a pring o$ 9o!. :andal$ and 0ilbo rode behind the Elvenking" and be ide the% trode 0eorn" on)e again in %an1 hape" and he laughed and ang in a loud voi)e upon the road. 8o the! #ent on until the! dre# near to the border o$ 7irk#ood" to the north o$ the pla)e #here the Core t River ran out. Then the! halted" $or the #i&ard and 0ilbo #ould not enter the #ood" even though the king bade the% ta! a #hile in hi hall . The! intended to go along the edge o$ the $ore t" and round it northern end in the #a te that la! bet#een it and the beginning o$ the :re! 7ountain . It #a a long and )heerle road" but no# that the goblin #ere )ru hed" it ee%ed a$er to the% than the dread$ul path#a! under the tree . 7oreover 0eorn #a going that #a! too. <Care#ell; 5 Elvenking;= aid :andal$. <7err! be the green#ood" #hile the #orld i !et !oung; And %err! be all !our $olk;= <Care#ell; 5 :andal$;= aid the king. <7a! !ou ever appear #here !ou are %o t needed and lea t e*pe)ted; The o$tener !ou appear in %! hall the better hall I be plea ed;= <I beg o$ !ou"= aid 0ilbo ta%%ering and tanding on one $oot" <to a))ept thi gi$t;= and he brought out a ne)kla)e o$ ilver and pearl that Dain had given hi% at their parting. <In #hat #a! have I earned u)h a gi$t" 5 hobbit3= aid the king. <6ell" er" I thought" don1t !ou kno#"= aid 0ilbo rather )on$u ed" <that" er" o%e little return hould be %ade $or !our" er" ho pitalit!. I %ean even a burglar ha hi $eeling . I have drunk %u)h o$ !our #ine and eaten %u)h o$ !our bread.= <I #ill take !our gi$t" 5 0ilbo the 7agni$i)ent;= aid the king gravel!. <And I na%e !ou el$($riend and ble ed. 7a! !our hado# never gro# le .or tealing #ould be too ea !/; Care#ell;= Then the elve turned to#ard the Core t" and 0ilbo tarted on hi long road ho%e. -e had %an! hard hip and adventure be$ore he got ba)k. The 6ild #a till the 6ild" and there #ere %an! other thing in it in tho e da! be ide goblin 4 but he #a #ell guided and #ell guarded(the #i&ard #a #ith hi%" and 0eorn $or %u)h o$ the #a!( 120

and he #a never in great danger again. An!#a! b! %id(#inter :andal$ and 0ilbo had )o%e all the #a! ba)k" along both edge o$ the Core t" to the door o$ 0eorn1 hou e4 and there $or a #hile the! both ta!ed. Yule(tide #a #ar% and %err! there4 and %en )a%e $ro% $ar and #ide to $ea t at 0eorn1 bidding. The goblin o$ the 7i t! 7ountain #ere no# $e# and terri$ied" and hidden in the deepe t hole the! )ould $ind4 and the 6arg had vani hed $ro% the #ood " o that %en #ent abroad #ithout $ear. 0eorn indeed be)a%e a great )hie$ a$ter#ard in tho e region and ruled a #ide land bet#een the %ountain and the #ood4 and it i aid that $or %an! generation the %en o$ hi line had the po#er o$ taking bear1 hape" and o%e #ere gri% %en and bad" but %o t #ere in heart like 0eorn" i$ le in i&e and trength. In their da! the la t goblin #ere hunted $ro% the 7i t! 7ountain and a ne# pea)e )a%e over the edge o$ the 6ild. It #a pring" and a $air one #ith %ild #eather and a bright un" be$ore 0ilbo and :andal$ took their leave at la t o$ 0eorn" and though he longed $or ho%e. 0ilbo le$t #ith regret" $or the $lo#er o$ the garden o$ 0eorn #ere % pringti%e no le %arvellou than in high u%%er. At la t the! )a%e up the long road" and rea)hed the ver! pa #here the goblin had )aptured the% be$ore. 0ut the! )a%e to that high point at %orning" and looking ba)k#ard the! a# a #hite un hining over the out( tret)hed land . There behind la! 7irk#ood" blue in the di tan)e" and darkl! green at the nearer edge even in the pring. There $ar a#a! #a the @onel! 7ountain on the edge o$ e!e ight. 5n it highe t peak no# !et un%elted #a glea%ing pale. <8o )o%e no# a$ter $ire" and even dragon have their ending;= aid 0ilbo" and he turned hi ba)k on hi adventure. The Tooki h part #a getting ver! tired" and the 0aggin #a dail! getting tronger. <I #i h no# onl! to be in %! o#n ar%()hair;= he aid.


Chapter JR T-E @A8T 8TA:E It #a on 7a! the Cir t that the t#o )a%e ba)k at la t to the brink o$ the valle! o$ Rivendell" #here tood the @a t .or the Cir t/ -o%el! -ou e. Again it #a evening" their ponie #ere tired" e pe)iall! the one that )arried the baggage4 and the! all $elt in need o$ re t. A the! rode do#n the teep path" 0ilbo heard the elve till inging in the tree " a i$ the! had not topped in)e he le$t4 and a oon a their rider )a%e do#n into the lo#er glade o$ the #ood the! bur t into a ong o$ %u)h the a%e kind a be$ore. Thi i o%ething like it' The dragon i #ithered" -i bone are no# )ru%bled4 -i ar%our i hivered" -i plendour i hu%bled; Though #ord hall be ru ted" And throne and )ro#n peri h 6ith trength that %en tru ted And #ealth that the! )heri h" -ere gra i till gro#ing" And leave are !et #inging" The #hite #ater $lo#ing" And elve are !et inging Co%e; Tra(la(la(lall!; Co%e ba)k to the valle!; The tar are $ar brighter Than ge% #ithout %ea ure" The %oon i $ar #hiter Than ilver in trea ure' The $ire i %ore hining 5n hearth in the gloa%ing Than gold #on b! %ining" 8o #h! go a(roa%ing3 5; Tra(la(la(lall! Co%e ba)k to the >alle!. 5; 6here are !ou going" 8o late in returning3 The river i $lo#ing" The tar are all burning; 5; 6hither o laden" 8o ad and o drear!3 -ere el$ and el$(%aiden No# #el)o%e the #ear! 6ith Tra(la(la(lall! Co%e ba)k to the >alle!" Tra(la(la(lall! Ca(la(la(lall! Ca(la; Then the elve o$ the valle! )a%e out and greeted the% and led the% a)ro the #ater to the hou e o$ Elrond. There a #ar% #el)o%e #a %ade the%" and there #ere %an! eager ear that evening to hear the tale o$ their adventure . :andal$ it #a #ho poke" $or 0ilbo #a $allen ,uiet and dro# !. 7o t o$ the tale he kne#" $or he had been in it" and had hi% el$ told %u)h o$ it to the #i&ard on their ho%e#ard #a! or in the hou e o$ 0eorn4 but ever! no# and again he #ould open one e!e" and li ten" #hen a part o$ the tor! #hi)h he did not !et kno# )a%e in. It #a in thi #a! that he learned #here :andal$ had been to4 $or he overheard the #ord o$ the #i&ard to Elrond. It appeared 122

that :andal$ had been to a great )oun)il o$ the #hite #i&ard " %a ter o$ lore and good %agi)4 and that the! had at la t driven the Ne)ro%an)er $ro% hi dark hold in the outh o$ 7irk#ood. <Ere long no#"= :andal$ #a a!ing" <The Core t #ill gro# o%e#hat %ore #hole o%e. The North #ill be $reed $ro% that horror $or %an! long !ear " I hope. Yet I #i h he #ere bani hed $ro% the #orld;= <It #ould be #ell indeed"= aid Elrond4 <but I $ear that #ill not )o%e about in thi age o$ the #orld" or $or %an! a$ter.= 6hen the tale o$ their 9ou%e!ing #a told" there #ere other tale " and !et %ore tale " tale o$ long ago" and tale o$ ne# thing " and tale o$ no ti%e at all" till 0ilbo1 head $ell $or#ard on hi )he t" and he nored )o%$ortabl! in a )orner. -e #oke to $ind hi% el$ in a #hite bed" and the %oon hining through an open #indo#. 0elo# it %an! elve #ere inging loud and )lear on the bank o$ the trea%. 8ing all !e 9o!$ul" no# ing all together3 The #ind1 in the $ree(top" the #ind1 in the heather4 The tar are in blo o%" the %oon i in $lo#er" And bright are the #indo# o$ Night in her to#er. Dan)e all !e 9o!$ul" no# dan)e all together; 8o$t i the gra " and let $oot be like $eather; The river i ilver" the hado# are $leeting4 7err! i 7a!(ti%e" and %err! our %eeting. 8ing #e no# o$tl!" and drea% let u #eave hi%; 6ind hi% in lu%ber and there let u leave hi%; The #anderer leepeth. No# o$t be hi pillo#; @ullab!; @ullab!; Alder and 6illo#; 8igh no %ore Pine" till the #ind o$ the %orn; Call 7oon; Dark be the land; -u h; -u h; 5ak" A h" and Thorn; -u hed be all #ater" till da#n i at hand; <6ell" 7err! People;= aid 0ilbo looking out. <6hat ti%e b! the %oon i thi 3 Your lullab! #ould #aken a drunken goblin; Yet I thank !ou.= <And !our nore #ould #aken a tone dragon+!et #e thank !ou"= the! an #ered #ith laughter. <It i dra#ing to#ard da#n" and !ou have lept no# in)e the night1 beginning. To%orro#" perhap " !ou #ill be )ured o$ #earine .= <A little leep doe a great )ure in the hou e o$ Elrond"= aid he4 <but I #ill take all the )ure I )an get. A e)ond good night" $air $riend ;= And #ith that he #ent ba)k to bed and lept till late %orning. 6earine $ell $ro% hi% oon in that hou e" and he had %an! a %err! 9e t and dan)e" earl! and late" #ith the elve o$ the valle!. Yet even that pla)e )ould not long dela! hi% no#" and he thought al#a! o$ hi o#n ho%e. A$ter a #eek" there$ore" he aid $are#ell to Elrond" and giving hi% u)h %all gi$t a he #ould a))ept" he rode a#a! #ith :andal$. Even a the! le$t the valle! the k! darkened in the 6e t be$ore the%" and #ind and rain )a%e up to %eet the%. <7err! i 7a!(ti%e;= aid 0ilbo" a the rain beat into hi $a)e. <0ut our ba)k i to legend and #e are )o%ing ho%e. I uppo e thi i a $ir t ta te o$ it.= <There i a long road !et"= aid :andal$. <0ut it i the la t road"= aid 0ilbo. The! )a%e to the river that %arked the ver! edge o$ the borderland o$ the 6ild" and to the $ord beneath the teep bank" #hi)h !ou %a! re%e%ber. The #ater #a #ollen both #ith the %elting o$ the no# at the approa)h o$ u%%er" and #ith the da!long rain4 but the! )ro ed #ith o%e di$$i)ult!" and pre ed $or#ard" a evening $ell" on the la t tage o$ their 9ourne!. Thi #a %u)h a it had been be$ore" e*)ept that the )o%pan! #a %aller" and %ore ilent4 al o thi ti%e there #ere no troll . At ea)h point on the road 0ilbo re)alled the happening and the #ord o$ a !ear ago(it ee%ed to hi% %ore like ten( o that" o$ )our e" he ,ui)kl! noted the pla)e #here 123

the pon! had $allen in the river" and the! had turned a ide $or their na t! adventure #ith To% and 0ert and 0ill. Not $ar $ro% the road the! $ound the gold o$ the troll " #hi)h the! had buried" till hidden and untou)hed. <I have enough to la t %e %! ti%e"= aid 0ilbo" #hen the! had dug it up. <You had better take thi " :andal$. I dare a! !ou )an $ind a u e $or it.= <Indeed I )an;= aid the #i&ard. <0ut hare and hare alike; You %a! $ind !ou have %ore need than !ou e*pe)t.= 8o the! put the gold in bag and lung the% on the ponie " #ho #ere not at all plea ed about it. A$ter that their going #a lo#er" $or %o t o$ the ti%e the! #alked. 0ut the land #a green and there #a %u)h gra through #hi)h the hobbit trolled along )ontentedl!. -e %opped hi $a)e #ith a red ilk handker)hie$(no; not a ingle one o$ hi o#n had urvived" he had borro#ed thi one $ro% Elrond S$or no# June had brought u%%er" and the #eather #a bright and hot again. A all thing )o%e to an end" even thi tor!" a da! )a%e at la t #hen the! #ere in ight o$ the )ountr! #here 0ilbo had been born and bred" #here the hape o$ the land and o$ the tree #ere a #ell kno#n to hi% a hi hand and toe . Co%ing to a ri e he )ould ee hi o#n -ill in the di tan)e" and he topped uddenl! and aid' Road go ever ever on" 5ver ro)k and under tree" 0! )ave #here never un ha hone" 0! trea% that never $ind the ea4 5ver no# b! #inter o#n" And through the %err! $lo#er o$ June" 5ver gra and over tone" And under %ountain in the %oon. Road go ever ever on Under )loud and under tar" Yet $eet that #andering have gone Turn at la t to ho%e a$ar. E!e that $ire and #ord have een And horror in the hall o$ tone @ook at la t on %eado# green And tree and hill the! long have kno#n. :andal$ looked at hi%. <7! dear 0ilbo;= he aid. <8o%ething i the %atter #ith !ou; You are not the hobbit that !ou #ere.= And o the! )ro ed the bridge and pa ed the %ill b! the river and )a%e right ba)k to 0ilbo1 o#n door. <0le %e; 6hat1 going on3= he )ried. There #a a great )o%%otion" and people o$ all ort " re pe)table and unre pe)table" #ere thi)k round the door" and %an! #ere going in and out(not even #iping their $eet on the %at" a 0ilbo noti)ed #ith anno!an)e. I$ he #a urpri ed" the! #ere %ore urpri ed till. -e had arrived ba)k in the %iddle o$ an au)tion; There #a a large noti)e in bla)k and red hung on the gate" tating that on June the T#ent!( e)ond 7e r . :rubb" :rubb" and 0un(o#e #ould ell b! au)tion the e$$e)t o$ the late 0ilbo 0aggin E ,uire" o$ 0ag(End" Underhill" -obbiton. 8ale to )o%%en)e at ten o1)lo)k harp. It #a no# nearl! lun)h(ti%e" and %o t o$ the thing had alread! been old" $or variou pri)e $ro% ne*t to nothing to old ong .a i not unu ual at au)tion /. 0ilbo1 )ou in the 8a)kville(0aggin e #ere" in $a)t" bu ! %ea uring hi roo% to ee i$ their o#n $urniture #ould $it. In hort 0ilbo #a <Pre u%ed Dead"= and not ever!bod! that aid o #a orr! to $ind the pre u%ption #rong. The return o$ 7r. 0ilbo 0aggin )reated ,uite a di turban)e" both under the -ill and over the -ill" and a)ro the 6ater4 it #a a great deal %ore than a nine da! 1 #onder. The legal bother" indeed" la ted $or !ear . It #a ,uite a long ti%e be$ore 7r. 0aggin #a in $a)t ad%itted to be alive again. The people #ho had got pe)iall! good bargain at the 8ale took a deal o$ )onvin)ing4 and in the end to avE ti%e 0ilbo had to bu! ba)k 124

,uite a lot o$ hi o#n $urniture. 7an! o$ hi ilver poon %! teriou l! di appeared and #ere never a))ounted $or. Per onall! he u pe)ted the 8a)kville(0aggin e . 5n their ide the! never ad%itted that the returned 0aggin #a genuine" and the! #ere not on $riendl! ter% #ith 0ilbo ever a$ter. The! reall! had #anted to live in hi ni)e hobbit(hole o ver! %u)h. Indeed 0ilbo $ound he had lo t %ore than poon +he had lo t hi reputation. It i true that $or ever a$ter he re%ained an el$($riend" and had the honour o$ d#arve " #i&ard " and all u)h $olk a ever pa ed that #a!4 but he #a no longer ,uite re pe)table. -e #a in $a)t held b! all the hobbit o$ the neighbourhood to be 1,ueer1(e*)ept b! hi nephe# and nie)e on the Took ide" but even the! #ere not en)ouraged in their $riend hip b! their elder . I a% orr! to a! he did not %ind. -e #a ,uite )ontent4 and the ound o$ the kettle on hi hearth #a ever a$ter %ore %u i)al than it had been even in the ,uiet da! be$ore the Une*pe)ted Part!. -i #ord he hung over the %antelpie)e. -i )oat o$ %ail #a arranged on a tand in the hall .until he lent it to a 7u eu%/. -i gold and ilver #a largel! pent in pre ent " both u e$ul and e*travagant+#hi)h to a )ertain e*tent a))ount $or the a$$e)tion o$ hi nephe# and hi nie)e . -i %agi) ring he kept a great e)ret" $or he )hie$l! u ed it #hen unplea ant )aller )a%e. -e took to #riting poetr! and vi iting the elve 4 and though %an! hook their head and tou)hed their $orehead and aid <Poor old 0aggin ;= and though $e# believed an! o$ hi tale " he re%ained ver! happ! to the end o$ hi da! " and tho e #ere e*traordinaril! long. 5ne autu%n evening o%e !ear a$ter#ard 0ilbo #a itting in hi tud! #riting hi %e%oir +he thought o$ )alling the% <There and 0a)k Again" a -obbit1 -olida!=+#hen there #a a ring at the door. It #a :andal$ and a d#ar$4 and the d#ar$ #a a)tuall! 0alin. <Co%e in; Co%e in;= aid 0ilbo" and oon the! #ere ettled in )hair b! the $ire. I$ 0alin noti)ed that 7r. 0aggin 1 #ai t)oat #a %ore e*ten ive .and had real gold button /" 0ilbo al o noti)ed that 0al%1 beard #a everal in)he longer" and hi 9e#elled belt #a o$ great %agni$i)en)e. The! $ell to talking o$ their ti%e together" o$ )our e" and 0ilbo a ked ho# thing #ere going in the land o$ the 7ountain. It ee%ed the! #ere going ver! #ell. 0ard had rebuilt the to#n in Dale and %en had gathered to hi% $ro% the @ake and $ro% 8outh and 6e t" and all the valle! had be)o%e tilled again and ri)h" and the de olation #a no# $illed #ith bird and blo o% in pring and $ruit and $ea ting in autu%n. And @ake(to#n #a re$ounded and #a %ore pro perou than ever" and %u)h #ealth #ent up and do#n the Running River4 and there #a $riend hip in tho e part bet#een elve and d#arve and %en. The old 7a ter had )o%e to a bad end. 0ard had given hi% %u)h gold $or the help o$ the @ake(people" but being o$ the kind that ea il! )at)he u)h di ea e he $ell under the dragon( i)kne " and took %o t o$ the gold and $led #ith it" and died o$ tarvation in the 6a te" de erted b! hi )o%panion . <The ne# 7a ter i o$ #i er kind"= aid 0alin" <and ver! popular" $or" o$ )our e" he get %o t o$ the )redit $or the pre ent pro perit!. The! are %aking ong #hi)h a! that in hi da! the river run #ith gold.= <Then the prophe)ie o$ the old ong have turned out to be true" a$ter a $a hion;= aid 0ilbo. <5$ )our e;= aid :andal$. <And #h! hould not the! prove true3 8urel! !ou don1t di believe the prophe)ie " be)au e !ou had a hand in bringing the% about !our el$3 You don1t reall! uppo e" do !ou" that all !our adventure and e )ape #ere %anaged b! %ere lu)k" 9u t $or !our ole bene$it3 You are a ver! $ine per on" 7r. 0aggin " and I a% ver! $ond o$ !ou4 but !ou are onl! ,uite a little $ello# in a #ide #orld a$ter all;= <Thank goodne ;= aid 0ilbo laughing" and handed hi% the toba))o(9ar.


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