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Database Capture n Replay Using & 11.2.0.

Krishan Kumar
August 26, 2011
Yahoo! Confidential 1

Basics of Database capture and replay Details about each APIs Comparison Reports

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What is Database Replay

By capturing a workload on the production system and replaying it on a test system, Database replay enables realistic testing of system changes by essentially recreating the production workload environment on a test system. You can use database replay process to test any significant system changes like OS, DB upgrade, Init parameter change, storage change, network, interconnect change, OS & HW migration, converting single instance to RAC. Captured workload can only be played on onwards
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11gR1 onwards database capture can be started without making any changes. In version you need to enable pre_11g_enable_capture; prior to release 9373986 patch needs to be applied, more information can be found in ML note 560977.1

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How over all process works

Following steps are needed to test database replay
Workload Capture: On source database Workload Preprocessing: On target database Analysis & Reporting: On target database

Source database version: Target database version:

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Workload Capture
Required permission
Grant Create Directory to the user who is going to start database capture process. Grant Execute permission on DBMS_WORKLOAD_CAPTURE, DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY, DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY to user who is going to start capture & replay process plus going to generate reports.

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Create directory and grant read write permission to it create directory irdb_test as '/n01/orabkup/irdb'; grant read,write on directory irdb_test to krishan; Start workload capture on source database from user which you are going to use for all activity. In my case it is krishan exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_CAPTURE.START_CAPTURE

Note: Other parameters can be passed: duration, default_action & auto_unrestrict

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Finish workload capture process exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_CAPTURE.FINISH_CAPTURE();

Note: You can pass timeout parameter too

Now Export AWR statistics for reporting purpose select dbms_workload_capture.get_capture_info('IRDB_TEST ') from dual; exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_CAPTURE.EXPORT_AWR (capture_id => value from above select);

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Check status column under dba_workload_captures for progress of Capture process. Copy all files from replay dir to test host under the same dir as dir object irdb_test or create new one. Generate Capture Report: use following API to generate capture report set pagesize 0 long 30000000 longchunksize 2000 select (capture_id => &capture_id,'TEXT') from dual; Capture_id can be found in dba_workload_captures
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Replay process
Setup test system and copy all the files under capture dir on Capture system to Replay dir on Replay/test system Connect to the user which you used for database capture Resolving References to External Systems Specially Database links, External tables, directory objects, urls, emails Pre Process captured file exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY.PROCESS_CAPTURE
(capture_dir => 'IRDB_TEST');
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(replay_name => 'irdb_test', replay_dir => 'IRDB_TEST');

Prepare replay

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Run WRC client in new window wrc krishan mode=replay replaydir=/n01/orabkup/irdb connection_override=true connection_override: Use this when you do not want to use connect strings stored in DBA_WORKLOAD_CONNECTION_MAP Run calibrate command to see how many WRC clients you need to start to replay the load wrc krishan mode=calibrate replaydir=/n01/orabkup/irdb

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Start replay process exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY.START_REPLAY; Replay progress can be found in dba_workload_replays If you want to cancel reply than exec DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY.CANCEL_REPLAY (); otherwise reply will finish automatically and wrc client screen will show message like "Replay finished (07:22:49)"

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Replay Report
Use following API to get replay report set pagesize 0 long 30000000 longchunksize 2000 select => &replay_id,format => 'TEXT') from dual; Replay_id can be found in dba_workload_replays

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AWR report
Import AWR data into Replay database to get AWR report for Capture vs Replay select dbms_workload_capture.import_awr(capture_id => &capture_id, staging_schema => 'KRISHAN') from dual; Now get snap ids for capture vs replay select id, awr_begin_snap bid1, awr_end_snap eid1 from dba_workload_captures; select id, awr_begin_snap bid2, awr_end_snap eid2 from dba_workload_replays;

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Use dbms_workload_repository.awr_diff_report_text or dbms_workload_repository.awr_diff_report_html to generate a comparison report. select *from table(DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.AWR_DIFF _REPORT_TEXT(dbid1=>196594835,inst_num1=>1,bi d1=>23350,eid1=>23494,dbid2=>2554412232,inst_nu m2=>1,bid2=>23353,eid2=>24215)); You can get value of dbid1 and dbid2 from capture and replay reports respectively.
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Capture vs Replay Report

Use following function to generate Capture vs Replay Report set serveroutput on long 4000000 var report_bind clob; BEGIN DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPLAY.COMPARE_PERIOD_REPORT (replay_id1 => 3,replay_id2=>null,format => DBMS_WORKLOAD_CAPTURE.TYPE_HTML,result => :report_bind); END; /

Where: if replay_id2 is passed null than it will generate report by comparing capture data otherwise it will compare two replay reports
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Capture vs Replay report Please check file CaptureVsReplay_report.html

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References 111/e12253/dbr_intro.htm#BABBDGIB 112/e16540/dbr_preprocess.htm#CHDHCAHI .112/e16760/d_workload_repos.htm .112/e16760/d_workload_replay.htm

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