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GAT General Sample Test Questions (NTS Sample Paper)

Number of Questions: 100 (Total Marks: 100) Time allowed: 120 minutes (2 hours)
Choose from the following, the answer that is closest in meaning to the main word (Written in Capital letters). 1) RESTIVE

Restful Restless Crucial Pause


Cowardly Laziness Politely Arrogant

Choose from the following, the answer that is opposite in meaning to the main word (Written in Capital letters). 1) PERFIDY

To impure Thoroughness Purification Loyalty Strange Well-known Inefficiency Effectiveness


Select the pair of words from the given options that best expresses a similar relationship to that in capital pair of words. 1) CARPENTER : SAW

athlete : runner

assembly : member mason : wall reaper : sickle courage : cravenness wickedness : lie money : wealth acclaim : truthfulness


Complete the following summary with suitable answers. When you can measure (7)__________ you are speaking about, and express it (8)__________ numbers, you know something (9)__________ it; when you cannot measure it, when you cannot (10)__________ it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have (11)__________, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science.
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

when what where whom in to from with for within about nearly tell ask say express immature scarcely

o o

arrogantly lack

Choose from the following options the answer that is most appropriate. Anas, Umar and I __________ going.
o o o o o o o o

am was are have been had had would had would have had have

If I __________ time, I would have purchased it yesterday.

Complete the following sentences with the correct option given below. The board was amazed to see such an outstanding research by a mere __________ .
o o o o

doctorate student doctor scientist amateur

In the Middle Ages, returning prisoners in exchange for money became common instead of putting to death. Though the act was humane, the primary reasons behind it were __________ rather than __________ .
o o o o o

humanitarian, economic economic, humanitarian customs, humanitarian customs, economic customs, promise

Complete the following sentences with the correct option given below.

Job in this department __________ a lot of hard work.

o o o o

mean means entails curtail deletirious offensive feckless capricious

We cannot predict whether he will go on a picnic or not. He is so __________ .

o o o o

Read the following paragraphs carefully. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: These huge waves wreak terrific damage when they crash on the shores of distant lands or continents. Under a perfectly sunny sky and from an apparently calm sea, a wall of water may break twenty or thirty feet high over beaches and waterfronts, crushing houses and drowning unsuspecting residents and bathers in its path. How are these waves formed? When a submarine earthquake occurs, it is likely to set up a tremendous amount of shock, disturbing the quite waters of the deep ocean. This disturbance travels to the surface and forms a huge swell in the ocean many miles across. It rolls outward in all directions, and the water lowers in the centre as another as another swell looms up. Thus a series of concentric swells are formed similar to those made when a coin or small pebble is dropped into a basin of water. The big difference is in the size. Each of the concentric rings of basin water traveling out toward the edge is only about an inch across and less than a quarter of an inch high. The swells in the ocean are sometimes nearly a mile wide and rise to several multiple of ten feet in height. Many of us have heard about these waves, called "tsunami". Nothing was done about tsunamis until after World War II. An underwater earthquake in the Aleutian Islands could start a swell that would break along the shores and cause severe damage. These waves travel hundreds of miles an hour, and one can understand how they would crash!

One surprising aspect of the waves discussed in the passage is the fact that they
o o o o

are formed in concentric patterns often strike during clear weather arise under conditions of cold temperature are produced by deep swells seismic changes concentric time belts underwater earthquakes storms one mile five miles five feet ten feet deaths occurred

It is believed that the waves are caused by

o o o o

The normal maximum width of the waves is approximately

o o o o

Nothing was done about the waves until


o o o o o o o

a solution was found millions of dollars worth of damage was incurred the outbreak of World War II 1 mile an hour 50 miles an hour 100 miles an hour more than a hundred miles an hour

The movement of the waves has been measured at a speed of

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