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Why did Alexander II reform Russia? Intro what would you include?

? The reforms= Emancipation, Judicial, Political, Military, Church and education Situation= Inheriting the problems of Nicholas I + context in Russia. Known as Tsar Liberator

To modernise: -To solve industrial backwardness -To solve military issues= unorganized, weak, inconsistent.

Point 1. Inherited what kind of Russia? Before: -Serfdom=only country that practiced it -Internal opposition to the Tsar as predecessors failed to solve economic, social. -Education=better government -Backward Judiciary system=Corrupt judges, serfs unequal, Russia had mediaeval class system, Censorship. -Military weakness: Crimean war which revealed Russian military weakness, an outdated and autocratic stardom and nobility, archaic institutions and backward economy. Explanation: Thus reform was needed if Russia was to compete and thrive and not industrialized because of the serfs. Point 2. Serfdom? Why not modern? How would emancipation solve the problem? -Serfdom= Inefficient therefore less productivity + obstacle too industrialisation + moral no equality or economic freedom -Uneducated serfs -Local revolts=100 -secret committee to draft proposals -Emancipation would lead to unlocking of other areas -no surplus and serfdom made economy stagnant.

Emancipation of the serfs would create the conditions for a freer peasants class so more initiatives and not tied to land lords and unlock . Point 3. Other reforms? Why not modern? How would emancipation solve the problem?

After: Education Judicial Army Local government -Judges paid better -reorganisation of courts. -free serfs =better army -Duma and Zvemstsva

Collectively, Alexanders other reforms..

To preserve: -Wanted to remedy situation without weakening his position as tsar. Point 1 Alexanders position in danger? -In no immediate danger. -Reforming will help strengthen autocracy. -Serfdom didnt affect the lords negatively=tax, land. Winners and losers of emancipation. -Cannot lose support from the lords. -Zemstva and duma favours lords as little representation of peasants and gives no power by central duma through which laws are passed. -judiciary=fairer society and good will. Thus if he didnt reform Alexander II faced. -When reforms went out of control he would tighten again. E.g education as it was getting out of hand and therefore had to tighten his control. Point 2 . The reforms didnt go far enough and favoured the traditional elements in society eg nobles

Although the reforms appeared actual fact they Point 3 . When reforms went out of control Alexander II would tighten control .

If any of the reforms looked like they might lead to challenges to his rule, Alexander Conclusion Modernise versus preserve. Modernise would preserve in the short term? -Why did he pass his reforms? -To modernise Russia as modernising would preserve his position.

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