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Adjectives ending in - ing or -ed ? (exciting or excited?) 1. Whats the rule? A.

(verything here is very exciting. I)$ $eeting lots of interesting %eo%le and having lots of !ascinating conversations. I)$ seeing so$e ama"ing *and so$e horri!#ing! sights and I)$ eating so$e very interesting food. Indian trains are ama"ing *b"t the toilets are often disgusting!. I)ve had one or two !rightening e+%eriences b"t I)$ really enjoying $yself , India is $any things b"t it)s never boring.

Hannah is travelling by train in India with her friend Rachel. This is a letter to her brother 1. What ending do all the adjectives have? _______________ 2. Do all these adjectives describe a! vario"s things? b! how Hannah feels? B.

The %roble$ is Rachel. -he)s not really interested in India. When I)$ excited. she says she)s tired. When I)$ !ascinated. she)s bored. When things go wrong. I)$ relaxed b"t she gets anno#ed. When things ta'e a long ti$e. I)$ amused. -he gets irritated. I)$ $orried abo"t her , she)s getting really de%ressed.

1. What ending do all the adjectives have? _____________________ 2. Do all these adjectives describe a! vario"s things? b! how Hannah feels? Remember #o$%lete the r"les 1. &djectives ending in _________ describe what things are li'e. 2. &djectives ending in ________ describe how a %erson feels. 1

&. &hoose the correct o%tion. /irst tri% to 0ew 1or' I tho"ght the flight across the &tlantic wo"ld be *1! excited'exciting. I was *2!excited'exciting for the first ti$e. b"t after that I was *2! bored'boring. There was nothing *3!interested'interesting to loo' at beca"se I didn)t have a window seat. That was very *4! disa%%ointed'disa%%ointing. -o I watched the fil$. It was a bit *5!con!used'con!using b"t it was 6"ite *7! amused'amusing. Then I tried to s%ea' to the $an ne+t to $e b"t he wasn)t *8!interested'interesting. In fact he see$ed *9!sur%rised'sur%rising and *1:!anno#ed'anno#ing when I tried to start a conversation. Then I hate the food b"t it was *11! disgusted'disgusting. &fter that. I felt *12!tired'tiring so I sle%t for a co"%le of ho"rs. When I wo'e "% I was *12! sur%rised'sur%rising to find we were nearly in 0ew 1or'. I)ll never forget the view of ;anhattan fro$ the %lane , it was *13! ama"ed'ama"ing (. A teacher at a language school in )ondon is describing the ideas about *ngland that his students have. +nderline the correct alternative to com%lete the sentences. It)s *1!sur%rised'sur%rising and a bit *2!$orried'$orr#ing how foreign st"dents all have the sa$e ideas abo"t (ngland. /or e+a$%le. $any of the$ are *2! sur%rised'sur%rising and slightly *3!disa%%ointed'disa%%ointing when they first arrive beca"se it isn)t foggy< They are *4! ama"ed'ama"ing when the s"n shines and they thin' it)s *5! astonished'astonishing when it doesn)t rain for wee's. ;any of $y st"dents say they are *7! sur%rised'sur%rising that (nglish %eo%le don)t all have eggs and bacon for brea'fast and they)re *8!disa%%ointed'disa%%ointing that we don)t all drin' tea. & =er$an st"dent said to $e. >?efore I ca$e. I tho"ght the (nglish were only *9! interested'interesting in cric'et. ?"t the ones I)ve $et thin' that football is far $ore *1:! interested'interesting than cric'et. They say cric'et is *11!bored'boring.@ /rench st"dents in %artic"lar e+%ect (nglish food to be *12! disgusted'disgusting. ?"t $any say they)re *12!sur%rised'sur%rising beca"se it)s really 6"ite good. It)s *13!interested'interesting that $any st"dents co$%letely change their ideas while they)re here. *. &om%lete $hat the %eo%le at a %art# are sa#ing. &hoose !rom the $ords in the box. s"r%risedAs"r%rising boredAboring de%ressedAde%ressing annoyedAannoying interestedAinteresting

This %arty)s *1!____________________. -hall we go? I)$ not *2! ___________________. I want to stay. I)$ not *2! ___________________in football. #an)t we tal' abo"t so$ething $ore *3!___________________?

B -

I)$ *4!________________________ to see yo" here. Why is it *5!______________________? I tho"ght yo" were in 0ew 1or'. Why are yo" *7! ______________________with $e? ?eca"se yo")re being very *8! ____________________< What)s wrong? 1o" loo' a bit *9! _____________________. I)ve j"st had so$e *1:! _________________news. I)ve lost $y job. in ?olton. David C =oodey. Noel Trouble with adjectives, adverbs and pronouns? *abridged! *sa$%le designed to %hotoco%y!

,*&. 1BingD 2 , a ?. 1B edD 2 , b re$e$berE 1BI0=D 2 B (D #. 1.ingD 2.edD 2.edD 3.ingD 4.ingD 5.ingD 7.ingD 8. edD 9.edD 1:. edD 11.ingD 12edD 12.edD 13. ing D. 1.ingD 2.ingD 2.edD 3.edD 4.edD 5.ingD 7.edD 8.edD 9.edD 1:.ingD 11.ingD 12.ingD 12.edD (. 1.boringD 2.boredD 2.interestedD 3.interestingD 4.s"r%risedD 5.s"r%risingD 7.annoyedD 8.annoyingD

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