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Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter N

Naabhi = centre of body, an ancient King Naag = a big serpent Naagarjun = an ancient Philosopher Naagdhar = one who wears cobra Naagendra = king of the serpents Naagesh = God of serpents (Sheshnaag) Naagpal, Nagpal = sa iour of serpents Naagpati = King of serpents (!aasuki) Naag"raaj = king of the serpents Naakesh = #oon Naa#de = na#e of a saint Naanak = first Sikh Guru Naaraayan = the refuge of #an Naarad = an ancient sage Nabendu = new #oon Nabhij = $ord %raha#a Nabhoj = born in sky Nabhya = $ord Shi a Nabho#ani = jewel of the sky (sun) Nachik = & short for# of Nachiketa Nachiket = Son of !ajashra as Nachiketa = an ancient sage, fire Nadeen = ocean Nadeesh = God of ri er (ocean) Nadish = 'cean Nagdhar = one who adornes #ountain Nagendra = $ord of #ountains ((i#alaya) Nagesh = seshnag, cos#ic serpent Nageshwaran = $ord Snake Naggar = $ord Krishna Nahush = na#e of an ancient King Nai#ish Nairit = south"west Naishadh = $egendary king of Nishadha Nakhraj = #oon Nakshatra = star Naksatraraja = King of Stars Nakul = twin brother of Sahde Nal = an ancient king Nalesh = King of flowers Nalin = lotus Nalinaksh = lotus "eyed Nalinikant = husband of lotus, (sun) Na#an = salutation Na#de = poet, saint Na#ish = $ord !ishnu Na#it = bowed down, #odest Nand = pleasure, father of Krishna Nanda Nandak = pleasing Nandaku#ar = $ord Krishna Nandan = son Nandi = one who pleases others Nandin = the delightful, follower of Shi a Nandish = $ord Shi a (Nandishwar) Nand"kishore = $ord Krishna Nandlaal = $ord Krishna Nand"nandan = $ord Krishna Narad = )ndian Saint, *e otee of Narayan Narahari = $ord !ishnu Narasi#ha = a for# of !ishnu that is half #an, half lion Narayan = $ord !ishnu Narayana = !ishnu Narayanan = +itle of !ishnu,Krsna Narendra = king of #en Narendranath = king of kings, e#peror Naresh = lord of #an Narhari = -an"lion Nar#ad = bringing delight Narotta# = best a#ong #en Narsi = poet, saint Narsi#ha = lion a#ong #en Nartan = dance Nartana = #akes others dance Naruna = $eader of #en Natesh = king Nateshwar = God of dra#a ($ord Shi a) Nathan = $ord Krishna Natraj = the supre#e dancer Natwar = $ord Krishna Naubahar Nauhar = . Garlands Nauka = boat Na al = wonder Na aj = newly born Na aneet = who takes pleasure in new joys Na ashen = the one who brings hope Na een = new Na in = New Na endu = the #oon a night after a#a asya Na inchandra = sa#e as Na endu

Na rang = beautiful Na ratan = nine jewels Na tej = New $ight Nawal = new, surprise Nawalkishor = $ord Krishna Nawar = flower Nayakan = (ero Nayan = eyes Neel = blue Neelabh = object in the sky (cloud, #oon) Neeladri = the Nilgiri hills Neela# = e#erald Neela#ani = blue jewel Neela#bar = blue sky Neela#buj = blue lotus Neelanchal = Nilgiri hills Neelanjan = blue Neelesh = lord Krishna/ #oon Neelgree = $ord Shi a Neelka#al = blue lotus Neelkanth = $ord Shi a Neel#adha = $ord 0agannath Neelotpal = blue lotus Neerad = clouds Neeraf = ri er -ale )sla#ic Neeraj = a lotus Neera = 1uiet, silent Nehal = rainy/ handso#e Nesaye# = flower Nibaal = arrows Nibodh = knowledge Nidhish = lord of treasure Niga# = treasure Nihaar = fog Nihal = gratified Nikash = (ori2on Niket = house, #ansion Niketan = house, #ansion Nikhil = entire Nikhilesh = $ord of the uni erse Nikunj = bower, birds nest Nikunja = 3nchanting Nilabh = -oon Nilay = ho#e, #ansion Nilesh = Krishna, blue god Ni#ai = 4haitanya Ni#esh Ni#ish = spilt"second Ninad = sound Nipun = e5per Niraa#ay = pure

Nirad = gi en by water Niraj = born fro# water (lotus flower, pearl) Nirajit = illu#inated Nira#ay = without ble#ish Nira#itra = son of panda a Sahade a Niranjan = the night of the full #oon Nirankar = with no shape (God) Nira = without sound Nirbhay = fearless Nirbhik = 6earless Nirdhar = one who holds water (cloud) Nirek = Superior Nirijhar = waterful Nirish = free, without any owner Nir#al = pure, clear Nir#ay = Pure Nir#it = created Nir#ohi = unattached Nirupa# = without co#parison Nir an = liberation Nisarg Nish Nishad = se enth note of the octa e Nishakar Nishikar = #oon ($ord of night) Nishakant Nishikant = husband of night (#oon) Nishanath = #oon Nishant = dawn Nishar = war# cloth Nishat = & tree Nishchal = un#o able, unshakable Nishesh = -oon Nishesh = entire Nishikaant = the #oon Nishil = Night Nishinath = $ord of night (#oon) (Nishipati, Nishipal) Nishith = night Nishkarsh = 7esult Nishok = happy Nissi# = unbounded Nisyaanthan = 3 ening Niteesh = lord of law Nitesh Nitin = #aster of the right path Nitish = $ord of correct path Nityagopal = constant Nityananda = $ord Krishna/ always happy Nityanta = $ord !ishnu

Nitya"Sundara = good"looking Ni edh = offering to God Ni rutti = separation fro# world Nride = King a#ongst #en

Nrip = King Nripendra = king of kings Nripesh = king of kings Nrupadh = 6eet of a King

Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter O

'balesh = $ord Shi a 'has = Praise 'jal = bright 'jas = lustre 'jayit = 4ourageous '# = sacred syllable used in (indu prayer '#a = $ife gi er '#anand = joy of '# '#ar = an era '#arjeet '#esa = $ord of ''#esh = $ord of the '# '#eshwar = $ord of the '# '#kar = #ystic na#e for (indu Gods '#karnath = lord of '#kaar, Shi a '#pati = -aster of ''#prakash = light of '# '#swaroop = #anifestation of di inity 'ni = shelter, co er 'oja# = enthusias# 'orjit = powerful 'rion = Son of 6ire

Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter P

Paandu = father of the Panda as Paandurang = a diety Paaninee = a Sanskrit gra##arian Paarbrah# = the supre#e spirit Paarth = another na#e of &rjuna Paarthi = earthly Paa ak = pure Paa an = pure, sacred Pada# = $otus Pad# = lotus Pad#abandhu = friend of lotus (bee, sun) Pad#adhar = one who holds a lotus Pad#ahasta = $otus"(anded8 $ord Krishan Pad#aj = $ord %raha#a Pad#akar = jewel, $ord !ishnu Pad#akant = husband of lotus (sun) Pad#al = lotus Pad#alochan = lotus eyed Pad#an = lotus Pad#anabha = $ord !ishnu Pad#apani = $ord %ra#ha Pad#apati = $ord !ishnu Pad#ayani = $ord %raha#a/ %uddha Pad#esh = $ord !ishnu Pad#inish = $ord of lotuses/ Sun Pahal = facet, beginning initiati e Pakhi = bird Paksha = Sy#bolising the Phases of #oon8 Pakshi = bird Palak = eyelid Palash = +ree Palashranjan = beautiful like a palash Palin = Protecting Pallab = new lea es Palla = 9oung shoots and lea es Pana = Prince Panchaanan = fi e"eyed, na#e of Shi a Panchajana Panchal = $ord Shi a Pancha aktra = 6i e 6aced, $ord (anu#an Pandhari = $ord !ithobha Pandita = scholar Panduranga = with pale white co#ple5ion Pandya = South )ndian dynasty Pankaj = #ud born, lotus Pankajalochana = $otus 3yed8 $ord Krishna Pankajan = $otus/ $ord !ishnu Pankajeet = eagle (Garuda) Panna = e#erald Pannalal = e#erald Pann"gesh = king of serpents Panshul = $ord Shi a

Paraag = pollen, sandal wood Paraashar = a celebrated saint Parakra# = strength Para# = perfect, ulti#ate Para#ananda = supre#e bliss Para#artha = (ighest truth Para#esh = the supre#e lord, !ishnu , Shi a Para#eshwar = the supre#e God Para#"hans = the supre#e spirit Para#jeet = (ighest success Para#jit = (eroic Paranjay !arun Paran Paranjay = $ord of the sea Parantapa = con1ueror/ &rjuna Paras = stone that turns )ron to Gold Parashar = & renowned saint Parashuraa# = bra e, an ancient sage Paras#e = -ost Superior, $ord 7a#a Paratpara = Greatest of the Greats Para asu = na#e of a sage Parees = touch stone Paresh = supre#e spirit Paresha = $ord of the $ords8 & Na#e for $ord 7a#a Parighosh = loud sound Parijat = a celestial flower Pariket = against desire Parikshit = an ancient king Pari#al = perfu#e Parindra = $ion Paritosh = satisfaction Parish = angelic Par#aarth = highest truth, sal ation Par#eet = :isdo# Par#esh = $ord !ishnu Parnad = a %rah#in in the epics Parnal = leafy Parnik = creeper Parth = King/ &rjun Partha = &rjun Parthaprati# = like &rjuna Parthasarathi = charioteer of Partha ($ord Krishna) Parthi = Prince of 3arth Par at = #ountain Par ateshwar = God of #ountains, (i#alaya Par atinandan = son of Par ati, $ord Ganesh Par esh = lord of celebration Pashunath = $ord of ani#als, $ord

Shi a Pashupati = lord of ani#als, $ord Shi a Patag = Sun Patakin = holder of a banner Pathik = tra eller Pathin = tra eller Patoj = $otus Patr = *efender Paura = a descendent of King Puru Pa ak = fire Pa an = wind Pa anaj = $ord (anu#an Pa anku#ar = %hi#, (anu#an (son of the wind) Pa ansut, Pa anputra = son of wind (%hi#, (anu#an) Pa itra = Pure Payas = water Payod = cloud Peeta#bar = yellow robed Peeyush = nectar Pehlaj = 6irst born Peru#al Phalak = Sky Phalgun = na#e of a (indu #onth, spring Phani = Snake Phaninath = $ord of serpents Phanindra = Seshnag/ the di ine snake Phanishwar = King of serpents Phoolendu = 6ull #oon Piki = cuckoo Pinak = %ow of $ord Shi a Pingal = a reputed sage Pinakin = $ord Shi a Pita#bar = $ord !ishnu Pi al = a tree Piyali = a tree Piyush = -ilk Poonish = $ord of the pious Pooran = co#plete Poornachandra = full #oon Poornanand = co#plete joy Poor = the east Poor aj = elder, ancestors Poudhan = $ord %ahubali;s capital Prabal = ery strong, #ighty Prabhakar = the sun Prabhanjan = dust stor# Prabhas = lustrous Prabhat = dawn

Prabha = power, #ight Prabha e = Popular $ord8 $ord (anu#an Prabhu = God Prabuddha = knowledgeable Prabir = (ero, bra e one (Pra eer) Prabodh = waking, igilance Prabodhan = Knowledge Prachet = $ord !arun Pracheta = !arun, wise Prachur = abundant Pradarsh = appearance, order Pradeep = la#p Pradhi = )ntelligent Pradnesh = $ord of wisdo# Pradosh = twilight Pradyot = to illu#inate Pradyu#na = God of lo e Pradyun = radiant Praful = bloo#ing Prafulla = Pleasant, cheerful Pragdeesh = one who will progress Pragnay = $ord Ganesh, one with fa#e Pragnya = Scholar8 $ord (anu#an Pragun = straight/ honest Prayan = supre#e intelligence Prahalad = %liss Prahlad = 35cess of joy Prahallad = Son of (iranyakasipa Prajapati = king, %ra#ha Prajeet = !ictorious Prajesh = $ord %rah#a Prajin = kind Prajit = kind Praj al = %rightness Praj ala = 6la#e Prakash = light Prakat = #anifest Praket = )ntelligence Prakhar = <Shape, Su##it< Prakrit = Nature/ (andso#e Prakul = Good"looking Pra#ath = (orse Pra#esh = -aster of accurate knowledge Pra#it = 4onsciousness Pra#od = delight Pra#odan = $ord !ishnu Pra#su = & scholar Pra#ukh = -ain

Pran = ital breath, life Prana = Spirit Pranad = $ord !ishnu/ $ord %rah#a Prana = the sacred syllable '# Prana a = '#, a sacred #antra Pranay = lo e, friendship Praneel = & Na#e for $ord Shi a Praneeth Pranesh = $ord of life Pranet = $eader Praney = obedient Pranit = #odest Pranjal = si#ple, straightforward Pranji an = breath of life Prannath = $ord of life, husband Pranshu = tall, $ord !ishnu Pransu = <(igh, +all< Pransukh = joy of life Prasad = propitiary offering or boon Prasanna = happy Prasata = 6ather of *raupad Prasenjit = a king in the epics Prasha# = peace Prashansa = praise Prashant = ery cal# Prashray = $o e, 7espect Prasoon = 6lower Prasuk = pure, fro# 0ain literature Pratap = glory, igour Prateep = opposite Prateesh = bra e Prateet = #anifested Pratha# = first Pratha#esh = $ord Ganesh Pratik = sy#bol Pratosh = delight Pratul = a balanced person Pratyush = sun Pra al = fierce, strong Pra an = bowed down, #odest Pra ar = #ost e5cellent Pra een = e5pert, skilled Pra eer = an e5cellent warrior, king Pra in = 35pert/ Skilled Pra ir = bra e Pra it = (ero Prayaag = place of sacrifice, &llahabad Preeta# = lo er Preetidutt = gifted with lo e Preetish =God of lo e Preetiwardhan = one who increases lo e Pre# = lo e Pre#al = 6ull of lo e

Pre#anand = 0oy of lo e Pre#endra = lo er Prerit = the )nspired 'ne Pret an = -o ing along Pribhakta = 6a ourite of the *e otees8 & Na#e for $ord Shi a Prina = Pleased Prineet = <4ontent, Satisfied< Prinita = Pleased Prita# = $o er Pritesh = $ord of lo e Prithish = $ord of the world Prithu = broad Prith ee = the earth Prith i = 3arth Prith iraj = king of the earth Pritish = lord of lo e Pri rata = son of Satarupa Priyaank = ery dear husband Priyadarshan = nice to look at, handso#e Priyadarshi = one who is liked by all Priyaka = <$o ing, *eer< Priyanshu Priyan ad = sweet talking person Priyaranjan = %elo ed Priyesh = $o ed by god Pruthi i = 3arth Pujan = the cere#ony of worshiping Pukhraj = topa2 Pulak = ecstacy, rapture Pulakesh = joyous Pulin = sandy ri er bank Pulkit = (appy/ +hrilled/ ' erjoyed

Pundalik = lotus Puneet = pure Punit = (oly Purahan = $ord Shi a Purajit = $ord Shi a Puran = 4o#plete Purandar = $ord )ndra Puranjay = $ord Shi a Pura = 4hanting oice fro# east at sunrise Purnanada = God Purnendu = full #oon Purohit = & %rah#in Priest Purshotta# = $ord !ishnu Puru = a legendary King Purujit = 4on1ueror of city Puru#itra = 6riend of city Purura a = the founder of 4handra dynasty Purushotta# = best a#ong #en Pusan = a sage Pushkal = $ord Shi a Pushkar = a blue lotus Pushp = flower Pushpad = who who gi es flowers Pushpak = #ythical ehicle of $ord !ishnu Pushpakar = the spring season (!asant), flower season Pushpaketu = Ka#de , cupid Pushpaj = born fro# a flower Pushpesh = $ord of flowers Pushp"#itra = an ancient ruler Puskara = %lue lotus, fountain Pyarelal = $ord Krishna Pyare#ohan = $ord Krishna

Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter R

7aahi = +ra eller 7aajaa = king 7aajee = blue lotus, one who rules all 7aajee alochan = who has blue lotus eyes 7aajyashree = propriety of a king 7aakaa = day of the full #oon 7aakesh = lord of the night 7aa# = $ord 7a#a, God, supre#e spirit 7aa#aanuj = younger brother of 7a#a 7aa#datt = gift of 7a#a 7achit = )n ention, written 7adhakanta = $ord Krishna 7adhakrishna = 7adha and $ord Krishna 7adha allabh = $ord Krishna 7adhesh = $ord of 7adha, Krishna 7adheshya# = $ord Krishna 7adheya = Karna, foster son of 7adha 7adhiyaa = content/ satisfied 7agha = $ord 7a#a 7agha endra = $ord 7a#a 7aghbir = %ra e $ord 7a#a

7aghu = an ancient king of & adh 7aghuku#ara = $ord 7a# 7aghunandan = $ord 7a#a 7aghunath = $ord 7a#a 7aghupati = $ord 7a#a 7aghu ir = $ord 7a#a 7agin 7ahas = #erri#ent, delight 7ahul = 4on1ueror of #iseries, %uddha;s Son 7ai ata = a -anu 7aj = royalty, kingdo#, King 7aja = King"=ueen 7ajan = king 7ajaneesh, 7ajnish = God of night (#oon) 7ajani = night 7ajanikant = sun, lord of night 7ajas = arising fro# passion 7ajat = sil er 7ajata = so ereignty 7ajatanabhi = !ery 7ich8 $ord !ishnu 7ajatshubhra = white as sil er 7ajdeep = $ight of Kings 7ajee = blue lotus 7ajee alochana= $otus eyed, $ord 7a#a 7ajendra = King 7ajendraku#ar = King 7ajendra#ohan = King 7ajesh = King 7ajhans = celestial swan 7ajinipati 7ajit = decorated 7aji = lotus flower 7ajku#ar = prince 7ajrishi =King;s sage 7aju = Prosperity 7ajul = brilliant 7ajyeshwar = king 7akesh = lord of the night, sun 7akshan = $ord !ishnu, Protect 7aktaka#al = a red lotus 7a# = $ord 7a#a 7a#adeep = $ord 7a#a 7a#adhuta = &#bassador of 7a#a 7a#akaant = $ord !ishnu 7a#akanta = %elo ed of 7a# 7a#akrishna = 7a#a > Krishna 7a#an = pleasing 7a#anand

7a#anjit 7a#anuj = $ord Krishna/ $ord $a5#an 7a#anuja = %orn after 7a#a i8e8 $aksh#an 7a#ashray = $ord !ishnu 7a#a atar = reincarnation of $ord 7a#a 7a#chandra = $ord 7a#a 7a#das = de otee (a ser ant) of 7a#a 7a#esh = $ord of 7a#ade i, !ishnu 7a#eshwar = $ord of 7a#a 7a#gopal = 7a# and Gopal(Krishna) 7a#kishore = $ord 7a#a 7a#krishna = $ord 7a#a, Krishna 7a#ku#ar =$ord 7a#a 7a##ohan = $ord 7a#a 7a#nath = $ord 7a#a 7a#prasad = $ord 7a#ais offering 7a#pratap = $ord 7a#a;s fa#e 7a#oji = $ord 7a#a 7a#ra = splendour 7a#ratan = $ord 7a#a 7a#swaroop = $ike $ord 7a#a 7ana = 0oy, 0ewel, to ga2e, $ook 7anade a = $ord of %attles 7anajay = ictorious 7anajit = ictorious 7anak = King 7and = tree of good scent 7andhir = bra e in battle field 7anesh = $ord Shi a 7angana = to be coloured, dyed or painted 7anganath = $ord !ishnu 7anjan = delighting 7anjay 7anjit = !ictor 7anji = !ictorious 7antide = de otee of Narayana 7an eer = hero of the battle 7as = 0uice, Senti#ents, e#otion 7asaraj = & good actor, dancer 7asbihari = $ord Krishna 7asesh = $ord Krishna 7ash#i = Sun rays 7asik = full of feeling, passion 7as#aru = $ord Krishna 7asna = tongue, speech 7atan = precious stone 7atannabha = $ord !ishnu 7atash = the King

7athin = warrior who fights fro# a chariot 7atinderpal 7atish = Ka#ade , cupid 7atnabhu = $ord !ishnu 7atnakar = the ocean 7atnanidhi = $ord !ishnu 7atnesh = God of jewels (Kuber) 7atul = <+ruth seeking, )nterested< 7a alnath 7a eendra = the Sun lord 7a en = & %ird 7a i = the sun 7a ikanth 7a ikeerti = whose fa#e is like sun 7a ikiran = sun ray 7a inandan = Karna, son of Sun 7a indra = sun 7a indranath 7a inshu = Ka#de ( 4upid ) 7a ish = Sun 7a isharan = Surrender 7a ishu = cupid 7a it = Sun 7ay = %ea# of light 7ayirth = $ord %rah#a 7ebanta = a son of surya 7enaud = :ise and powerful 7enesh = $ord of lo e 7enit 7esha# = silk 7e anth = horse rider 7iddhi#an = possessed of good fortune 7idit 7ig ed = one of the !edas 7iju = innocent 7ijul = innocent 7ikin 7i#on = Na#e of a fruit (&naar) 7ipu = 3ne#y 7ipuda#an = killer of ene#ies 7ishaan 7ishab = Shi a;s ehicle %ull 7ishabh = Superior, a #usical note 7ishi = a saint, sage 7ishik = $ord Shi a 7ishikesh = $ord of the senses, !ishnu 7ishit = the best 7ish anjas = $ord )ndra 7itesh = $ord of truth

7ithik = Strea# 7iti = -otion 7ituraaj = king of seasons 7it ik = priest 7i an 7ochak = tasty 7ochan = bright 7ohak = 7ising 7ohan = one who takes the higher path 7ohanlal = $ord Krishna 7ohin = $ord !ishnu 7ohinira#an = the enchanted $ord 7ohinish = -oon 7ohit = red 7ohitas a = son of King (arishchandra 7ohtak = Sun 7o#ila = heartfelt 7o#ir = )nteresting 7onak = brightness, radiance 7ona 7onit = bright, shining 7oopak = dra#atic co#position 7oopesh = lord of beauty, handso#e 7onsher = $ion of the %attlefield 7oshan = illu#ination 7uchir = radiant, beautiful 7udr = fearso#e, na#e of $ord Shi a 7udra = angry, $ord Shi a 7udrapriya = %elo ed of Shi a 7uhan = Spiritual 7ujul = si#ple, honest 7uk# = gold 7uk#inesh = $ord Krishna 7upak = sign, feature 7upang = %eautiful 7upendra = $ord of the for# 7upesh = lord of beauty, handso#e 7upeshwar = $ord of of beauty 7upin = e#bodied beauty 7ushabh = *ecoration 7usha# = peaceful 7ushang 7usheek = son of saint 7ushil = char#ing 7usta# = $arge, !ery tall 7utajit = con1uerer of truth 7utajit = con1uerer of truth 7utesh = Kind of Seasons 7ut a = Speech 7ut ij 7wiju = Straight, tall, erect

Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter S

Saagar = ocean Saakaar = -anifestation of god Saanjh = 3 ening Saaras = swan Saatatya = Ne er ending Saat ik = Pious Sabal = with strength Sabhya = ci ili2ed Sabyasachi = another na#e of &rjuna Sabrang = 7ainbow Sachh = the +ruth Sacchidananda = total bliss Sachchit = $ord %rah#a Sachet = consciosness Sachetan = 7ational Sachin = $ord Shi a Sachish = $ord )ndra Sachit = joyful Sachi = 6riend Sadabindu = $ord !ishnu Sadanand = 3 er joyous Sadar = 7espectful Sadashi = Pure Sadashi a = eternally pure Sada ir = 3 er courageous Sadeepan = lit up Sadgun = !irtues Sadhan = fulful#ent Sadhil = Perfect Sadi a = 3ternal Sadru = $ord !ishnu Safal = Succeed Saffar = 4oppers#ith Sagan = $ord Shi a Sagar = Sea, ocean Sagardutt = gift of ocean Sagun = auspicious gift, o#en Saguna = ha ing good 1ualities Sahaj = 3asy Sahar = Sun/ *awn Sahara = shelter, helpful Saharsh = with joy Sahas = %ra e Sahasrad = $ord Shi a Sahastrabahu = one with thousand ar#s Sahastrajit = ictor of thousands Sahasya = -ighty, courageous Sahat = Stong Sahaya = $ord Shi a, (elpful Sahde = one of the Panda a princes Sahen = falcon Sahib = the lord Sahil = $eader, 7uler, Guide Sahishnu = $ord !ishnu Sai = 6lower Sai&#artya = )##ortal Sai %aba Saicharan = Sai;s feet Sai*eep = & Na#e for Sai, Sai;s light Sai0ee adhara = Support of &ll $i ing %eings SaiKalakala = $ord of 3ternity, Shirdi Sai %aba SaiKalateeta= %eyond +i#e $i#itations Saikiran = & Na#e for Sai %aba, Sai;s light Sailade = $ord Shi a Sainath = God Saiprasad = blessing or gift of Sai Saipratap = blessing of saibaba Sai Satpurusha = !irtuous, Pious, !enerable 'ne8 Sajal = #oist Sajan = belo ed Saji = $i ely Saji a = 6ull of life Sajjan = of irtues Saju = +ra elling Sakaleshwar = $ord of e erything Sakash = )llu#ination Saket = $ord Krishna Sakethara#an = & Na#e for $ord 7a#a Sakshu# = Skillful Salarjung = leader in war Salaj = water which flows fro# #elted ice fro# #ountain Salil = :ater Salokh = friendship Sa#aah = generosity Sa#abashi = $ord Shi a Sa#aj = $ord )ndra Sa#ajas = $ord Shi a Sa#anyu = $ord Shi a Sa#ar = fruit of paradise Sa#arendra = $ord !ishnu Sa#arendu = $ord !ishnu Sa#arjit = $ord !ishnu Sa#arpan = dedicating Sa#arth = $ord Krishna Sa#a art = $ord !ishnu Sa#baran = restraint/ an ancient king Sa#bha = Shining Sa#bha = born/ #ainfested Sa#bit = consciousness Sa#bodh = co#plete

knowledge Sa#buddha = wise Sa#darshi = $ord Krishna Sa#eep = 4lose Sa#eer = 3arly #orning fragrance/ 3ntertaining co#panion/ :ind Sa#en = (appy Sa#endu = $ord !ishnu Sa#esh = $ord of e1uality Sa#hita = a !edic co#position Sa#i = so#eone dear to you Sa#ik = Peaceful Sa#in = Self" disciplined Sa#ir = :ind Sa#i idhan= 4onstitution Sa##ad = 0oy Sa#pada = blessing Sa#path Sa#poorn = co#plete Sa#ranpal Sa#rat = 3#peror Sa#rudh = the 3nriched 'ne Sa#skar = Good 3thics and -oral !alues Sa#skara = 3thics Sa#udra = Sea Sa#udragupta = a fa#ous Gupta king Sa#udrasen = lord of the ocean Sa# ar = content Sa#yak = enough Sanaatan = per#anent Sanat = $ord %rah#a Sanatana = 3ternel, $ord Shi a Sanchay = 4ollection Sanchit =collected Sandeep = & lighted la#p Sandeepen = lighting Sandesh = -essage

Sanhata = 4onciseness Sanjay = !ictorious Sanjee = gi ing life, re" ani#ating Sanjit = :ho )s &lways!ictorious Sanji = !ital Sanji an = #aking ali e, gi ing life Sanjog = 4oincidence Sankara = Shi a Sankalp = will, deter#ination Sankarshan = a na#e of %alara# Sanket = Signal Sankul = crowded together, dense Sannath = &cco#panied by a protector Sannibh = 7ays of light, lightning Sannidhi = Nearness, holy place Sannigdh = &lways ready Sanobar = a pine tree Sanshray = &i# Sanskar = Good ethics, #oral alues Santan = & tree, children Santosh = happiness Sanurag = &ffectionate Sanwariya = $ord Krishna Sanyog = joining together, co#bination Sapan = *rea# (Swapna) Saprathas = $ord !ishnu Saptajit = 4on1ueror of ? ele#ents Saptarishi =?stars representing ?great saints Saptanshu = 6ire Sarana = )njuring Sarang = Spotted deer Saral = si#ple, straightforward

Saransh = )n %rief Saras = -oon Sarasi = $ake Sarasija = lotus Saras at = $earned Sarat = a sage Sara ana = 4lu#p of reeds Sarayu = wind, a ri er Sarbajit = who has con1uered e erything Sarbani = Goddess *urga Sarga# = -usical notes Sarin = (elpful Sarish = 31ual Sarit = ri er Sarngin = na#e of God !ishnu Sarojin = $ord %rah#a Sartaj = crown Sarthak = ha ing #eaning, purpose Sarup = ha ing for# or shape Sar a = $ord Krishna/ Shi a Sar ad = $ord Shi a Sar ada#an = son of Shakuntala"%harat Sar ade = $ord Shi a Sar adharin = $ord Shi a Sar ag = $ord Shi a Sar agny = +he &ll Knowing8 $ord !ishnu Sar ak = :hole Sar a#bh = $ord Ganesh Sar ang = $ord Shi a Sar apalaka = Protector of &ll8 $ord Krishna Sar ashay = $ord Shi a Sar a as = $ord Shi a Sar endra = God Sar esh = God Sar esh ara = $ord 'f all8 & Na#e for $ord Shi a Sarwar = pro#otion

Sashang = 4onnected Sashreek = prosperous Sashanth Sashwat = 3ternal Sasi = -oon Sasidhar Sas#it = 3 er s#iling Sasta = 'ne who rules Satade = God Sata#anyu = $ord )ndra Satanand = $ord !ishnu Satayu = brother of &#a asu and !i asu Sateendra = lord of truth Satesh = $ord of hundreds Sathi = Partner Sathindar Satin = 7eal Satinath = $ord Shi a Satindra = $ord Shi a Satish = (usband of Sati, Shi a Satishchandra Satkartar = $ord !ishnu Satpal = Protector Satpati = $ord )ndra Satrajit = 3 er ictorious Satruijt = a son of !atsa Sat a#ohan = truthful Sat at = $ord Krishna Sat eer = $ord !ishnu Sat ik = !irtuous Sat inder = $ord of irtue Satya = truth Satyadarshi = one who can see the truth Satyade = $ord of truth Satyajit = !ictory of truth Satyak = (onest Satyakaa# = belie er in truth Satyaki = charioteer of Krishna

Satya# = (onesty Satya#urty = Statue of truth Satyanarayan = $ord !ishnu Satyankar = true/ good Satyaprakash = light of truth Satyapriya = de oted to truth Satyasheel = truthful Satyashrawaa = that who hears truth Satya aan = de oted to truth Satya ache = $ord 7a#a, Speaker of +ruth Satya rat = 'ne who has taken ow of truth Satyen Satyendra = $ord of truth (Satyen) Saubal = -ighty Saubhadra = &bhi#anyu Saudeep Sau#it = 3asy to get Sau#itr = good friend Sau#itra = $aksh#an Sau#ya = (andso#e Saunak = boy sage Saurabh = 6ragrance Saura = *i ine, celestial Saurjyesh = Kartikeya/ the $ord of !alour Sa a = Saint who was a +rainer of 9oung #onks8 Sa ar = $ord Shi a Sa ir = $eader Sa it = Sun Sa itashri = lustre of the sun Sa itendra = lord of the sun Sa ya = $ord !ishnu Sa yasachi = another na#e of &rjuna Sawan = a (indu #onth

See#anta = parting of the hair Sekhar Sena = ar#y Senajit = !ictory o er ar#y Senthil Seshadri Setu = Sacred sy#bol Se a = ser ice, attendance, care Se ak = ser ant Shaan = glory Shaandilya = na#e of a saint Shaant = Peace and 4al# Shaara = Pure > )nnocent Shaardul = a tiger Shaashwat = eternal Shabar = Nector Shadab = fresh Shagun = &uspicious Shahalad = 0oy Shail = #ountain Shaildhar = one who holds #ountain Shailen Shailendra = King of #ountains Shailesh = God of #ountain, (i#alaya Shakti = Power Shaktidhar = $ord Shi a Shakuni = bird, uncle of Kaura as Shakunt = %lue jay Shakyasinha = $ord %uddha Shalabh Shalang = 3#peror Shaligra# = $ord !ishnu Shalik = & sage Shalin = -odest Shalina = 4ourteous Shal#ali = $ord !ishnu;s power Shalya = an arrow Sha#ak = -akes peace

Sha#akarn = $ord Shi a Sha#bha i = Son of Par ati8 $ord Ganesha Sha#bhu = $ord Shi a Sha#eek = an ancient sage Sha#i = fire, na#e of a tree Sha#ik Sha#indra = 1uiet/ gentle Sha#ita = peace#aker Sha#s = fragrance Shanay = Power of lord Shani Shandar = proud Shankar = Shi a Shankarshan = $ord Krishna;s brother Shankdhar = $ord Krishna Shankh = a shell Shankhapani = $ord !ishnu Shankhi = ocean Shankhin = $ord !ishnu Shankir = $ord Shi a Shan#ukha = Kartikeya, first son of $ord Shi a Shansa = praise Shantana = %hish#a Pita#aha Shantan Shantanu = :hole Shantashil = gentle Shantide = $ord of peace Shanti#ay = peaceful Shantinath = $ord of peace Shantiprakash = light of peace Shanyu = %ene olent Sharad = Na#e of a season Sharadchandra = autu#n #oon Sharadendu = #oon of autu#n

Sharan = shelter Sharang = deer Sharat = & season Shardul = +iger Shari = arrow Sharu = $ord !ishnu Shar arish = #oon Shashank = -oon Shashee = -oon Shashi = -oon Shashibhushan = lord Shi a Shashidhar = the #oon Shashikant = -oon stone Shashikar = #oon ray Shashikiran = #oon;s rays Shashi#ohan = the #oon Shashin = -oon Shashipushpa = lotus Shashish = $ord Shi a Shashishekhar = #oon" crested Shash ata = & Na#e for $ord 7a#a 3ternal Sashriti = protector of wealth Shashwat = 3 er lasting, continuous Shataaneek = another na#e of Ganesha Shataayu = hundred years old Shatadru = na#e of a ri er Shatarupa = lord Shi a Shatjit = con1uerer of hundreds Shat"#anyu = another na#e of )ndra Shat"pad# = hundred petaled lotus Shatrughan = $ord 7a#a;s brother Shatrughna = ictorious Shatrujit = ictorious o er ene#ies Shatrunjay = 'ne who o erco#es ene#ies Shattesh = king of

#ountains Shauchin = Pure Shauna = God;s Gift Shaunak = :ise Shaura = %ear Shauri = $ord !ishnu Shaurya = %ra ery Shay = Gift Shaylan Sheehan = Peaceful child Sheil = -ountain Shekhar = @lti#ate/ peak Shesanand = $ord !ishnu Shesh = cos#ic serpent Sheshdhar = one who holds snake She antilal = a crysanthe#u# Shibhya = $ord Shi a Shighra = $ord Shi a/ $ord !ishnu Shikhandin = $ord Shi a/ $ord !ishnu Shikhar = peak Shilang = !irtuous Shilendra = $ord of #ountains Shilish = $ord of #ountains Shineyu = Shining Shinjan = -usic of payel Shipirist = $ord !ishnu Shirdi Prasad = Sai %abas gift Shirish = a flower/ raintree Shiro# Shiro#ani = a jewel worn on the head Shishir = Na#e of a season, cold Shishirchandra = winter #oon Shishirkana = particles of dew Shishirku#ar = the #oon

Shishupal = son of Subhadra Shishul = %aby Shiti2 = (ori2on Shitikanth = $ord Shi a Shi = $ord Shi a, auspicious, lucky Shi ade = $ord of prosperity Shi a# = &uspicious/ $ord Shi a Shi anand = one who is happy in $ord Shi a;s thoughts or Shi a;s worship Shi anath = $ord Shi a Shi ank = -ark of $ord Shi ansh = Part of Shi a Shi as = $ord Shi a Shi asunu = $ord Ganesh Shi en = $ord Shi a Shi endra = $ord Shi a/ $ord )ndra Shi endu = -oon Shi esh = $ord Shi a Shi esh ar = God of welfare Shi ku#ar = son of $ord Shi a (Ganesh, Kartikeya) Shi lal = $ord Shi a Shi raj = $ord Shi a Shi ra# = $ord Shi a/ $ord 7a# Shi shankar = $ord Shi a Shi shekhar = one at the top of Shi a (#oon) Shlesh = Physical bonding Shlok = (y#n, Prayer Shobhan = splendid Shoor = !aliant Shoora = %old8 & Na#e for $ord (anu#an Shoorsen = bra e Shoubhit = $ord Krishna

Shraunak Shra an = & (indu #onth Shra ana = na#e of a star Shra anku#ar = a character fro# the epic 7a#ayana Shray = 4redit Shree = -r, God Shreedhar = husband of $aksh#i Shreeharsh = god of happiness Shreekant = an epithet of !ishnu Shreekrishna = $ord Krishna Shreeku#ar, shriku#ar = beautiful Shree#an = a respectable person Shreepriya = lo er of $aksh#ee Shreepushp = clo es Shreerang = another na#e of !ishnu Shreesh = lord of wealth Shree allabh = lord of $aksh#i Shrenik = organised Shreshta = $ord !ishnu Shresth = %est of all Shresthi = %est of all Shrey = -are ellous Shreyank = fa#e Shreyansh = fa#e Shreyas , Sreyas = Superior, fa#e Shreyash = 4redit with 6a#e Shreyo ardhana Shrida = $ord Kuber Shridhar = $ord !ishnu Shrigopal = $ord Krishna Shrihan = $ord !ishnu Shrihari = $ord !ishnu Shrikant = $ord !ishnu Shrikar = $ord !ishnu Shrikesha = $ord

Krishna Shrikrishna = lord Krishna Shriku#ar = beautiful Shri#at = $ord !ishnu Shri#ate = 7e ered, $ord (anu#an Shri#ohan = $ord Krishna Shrinand = $ord !ishnu Shrinath = $ord !ishnu Shringesh = $ord of pearls Shriniketan = $ord !ishnu Shrini as = lord !ishnu Shripad = lord !ishnu Shripad#a = $ord Krishna Shripal = $ord !ishnu Shripati = $ord !ishnu Shrira# = $ord 7a#a Shriranga = $ord !ishnu Shriranjan = $ord !ishnu Shrisha = $ord !ishnu Shri arah = $ord !ishnu Shri ardhan = $ord !ishnu/ $ord Shi a Shri as = $ord !ishnu Shri atsa = $ord !ishnu Shri atsa Shriyadita = sun Shriyans = wealth Shrot Shrutakeerti = renowned, reputed Shrutik Shubendra = $ord of irtue Shubhang = handso#e Shubhankar = auspicious Shubhashis = blessing Shubh = 6ortunate Shubhaksh = $ord Shi a

Shubhan = 'ne who is &uspicious Shubhasunad Shubhay = %lessing Shubhendu = lucky #oon Shubhojit = (andso#e Shubhranshu = the #oon Shubhratho Shuddhashil = well"born Shuk = a parrot Shukla = $ord Shi a/ $ord !ishnu Shukra = resplendent, !enus, 6riday Shuktij = Pearl Shulabh = 3asy Shulandhar = $ord Shi a Shulin = $ord Shi a Shuna = $ord )ndra Shushil = Pleasant Sh ant = Placid Sh eta#bar = fair, Shi a Sh etang = 6air co#ple5ioned Sh etank = 6air co#ple5ioned Sh etanshu = -oon Sh eta ah = $ord )ndra Shweta#bar = one who wearswhite clothes Shwetanshu = #oon Shwetbhanu = #oon Shya# = *ark blue, Krishna Shya#ak = $ord Krishna Shya#al = %lack, dark blue Shya#antak = $ord Krishna Shya#sunder = $ord Krishna Sia#ak ('r Shia#ak) = <Sil er 6la#e< Sidak = :ish Siddak

Siddha = $ord Shi a Siddhade = $ord Shi a Siddhanath = -ahade ($ord Shi a) Siddhanta = principle Siddharth = 'ne who is acco#plished, %uddha Siddhesh = $ord of the blessed Siddheshwar = $ord Shi a Siddhraj = $ord of perfection Siddid = $ord Shi a Sihaa# = arrows Sikandar = !ictorious Si#rit, S#rita = re#e#bered Sindhu = $ord !ishnu Sindhunath = $ord of the ocean Sinha = (ero Sinhag = $ord Shi a Sinh ahan = $ord Shi a, one who rides a lion Siraj = la#p Sitakanta = lord 7a#a Sitanshu = -oon Sitara# = Sita > $ord 7a#a Sitikantha = lord Shi a Si anta = lord Shi a Skand = na#e of Kartikeya S#arajit = one who has con1uered lust S#aran = re#e#brance S#iren S#riti#an = unforgettable Sneagen = 6riend Snehakant = $ord of lo e Snehal = 6riendly Snehil = lo able Snithik = -aster of justice Sohal = Soft, delicate Soha# = ) a# Sohan = Good looking

Sohil = %eautiful Sokanathan = $ord Shi a Soleil = Sun So# = #oon, religious drink So#ade = $ord of the #oon So#ali = -oon;s fa orite So#ansh = half #oon So#anshu = -oonbea# So#ashekhar = $ord Shi a So#asindhu = $ord !ishnu So#endra = another na#e of )ndra So#esh = -oon So#eshwar = $ord Krishna So#il = soft natured So#kar = #oon light So#nath = $ord Shi a So#prakash = #oon light Sonit = Person with good intentions Sopaan = stairs, steps Sou#a a = -oon;s light Sou#il = 6riend Sourabh = fragrance Souradip = )sland of Sunlight Sourish = $ord !ishnu Sourja (Shaurya) =%ra e Sparsh = +ouch Sreeghan = :ealthy, rich Sree alsan = $o ed by !ishnu Sriashwin = & good ending Sriansh = born with ;ansh; or part of $aksh#i Srichaitra = Ast #onth in )ndian calendar, beginning

Sridatta = Gi en by God Sridhar = $ord Krishna Srihith = :ill of god Srijan = creation Srijesh Srikant = $o er of wealth Srikar Srinesh Srinish Srini as = &bode of wealth Srira# = $ord 7a#a Sri ant Sri ar = $ord !ishnu Sri atsa = *isciple of God Sta ya = $ord !ishnu Stha ir = $ord %rah#a Sthir = 6occused Stotri = $ord !ishnu Subaahu = strong ar#ed Subal = $ord Shi a Subali = Strong Subandhu = a good friend Subeer = 4ourageous Subeesh Subhadr = gentle#an Subhag = fortunate Subhan = aware Subhang = $ord Shi a Subhas = shining Subhash = Soft spoken Subhendu = -oon Subhradip Subinay = hu#ble Subodh = Sound ad ice Subrah#anya, Subra#ani = $ord -urugan Subratah Suchendra = $ord of piousness Suchet = &ttenti e/ &lert Suchin = -eans a %eautiful +hought Suchir = 3ternal

Suchit = Person with a sound #ind Sudalai = !illage God Suda#a = -eek Sudarshan = Good looking Suday = Gift Sudeep = )llu#ined Sudeepta = bright Sudesha = Good country Sude = good diety Sude a = Good *e a Sudhakar = -ine of nectar Sudha#ay = full of nectar Sudhang = -oon Sudhanshu = -oon Sudhanssu = #oon Sudhan an = $ord !ishnu Sudhendra = $ord of nectar Sudhindra = $ord of knowledge Sudhir = 7esolute, bra e Sudhish = $ord of e5cellent intellect Sudhit = Kind Sudin Sudip = %right Sudir = %right Sugandh = sweet s#elling, fragrance Sugata = a na#e of the %uddha Sughosh = one with #elodious oice Sugri a = 'ne with graceful neck Suhas = $aughter Suhrit = well"disposed Suhruda = Good hearted Sujal = &ffectionate Sujan = honest Sujash = illustrious Sujat = belonging to a good clan Sujay = ictory Sujendran = @ni ersal

being Sujetu Sujit = !ictory Suka = :ind Sukant,Sukanta = handso#e Sukar#a = one who does good deeds Sukar#an = reciter of ABBB Sa#hitas Suku#ar = tender Suketu = of good banner, flag Sukhajat = $ord Shi a Sukhakar = $ord 7a#a Sukha#ay = pleasurable Sukhashakt = $ord Shi a Sukhde = God of happiness Sukhesh = $ord of happiness Sukhwant = full of happiness, pleasant Sukrant = e5tre#ely beautiful Sukrit = wise Suku#ar = (andso#e Suku#ara = <!ery tender, ery delicate< Suku#aran = & ariation of the na#e Suku#ara Sulabh = easy to get Sulalit = Graceful Sulek = Sun Suloch = %eautiful eyes Sulochan = one with beautiful eyes Su#adhur = ery sweet Su#an = flower Su#angal = ery auspicious Su#ant = 6riendly Su#antu = &thar a !eda was assigned to hi# Su#anyu = hea en Su#ati Su#atinath = $ord of

wisdo# Su#ay = :ise Su#ed = :ise Su#edh = cle er Su#eer Su#eet = 6riendly Su#eru = $ord Shi a Su#esh Su#iran Su#it = :ell #easured Su#itr = good friend Su#itranandan = sons of Su#itra ($aksh#an > Shatrughna) Su#ukh = $ord Shi a Sunand = pleasant Suna# = good na#e (fa#e) Sunandan = happy Sunar = (appy Sunashi = $ord )ndra Sunay = :ise Sunchit Sundar = %eautiful Sundara Sunder = (andso#e Suneet = $ord Shi a/ 7ighteous Sunil = *ark blue Sunir#al = pure Sunjee = -aking ali e Suparn = $ord !ishnu Supash = $ord Ganesh Suprabhaat = good #orning Suprakash = #anifested Suprasanna = 3 er 4heerful and bea#ing8 Goddess $aksh#i Supratik = $ord Shi a Suprati# = e5cellent Supreet Suprit = lo ing Sur = a #usical note Suradhish = $ord )ndra Suradip = $ord )ndra Suragan = $ord Shi a Suraj = Sun Surajit = god Suraji = $ord !ishnu Sura# = %eautiful

Suran = Pleasant sound Suranjan = pleasing Surarihan = $ord Shi a Suras = juicy Surath Surbhup = $ord !ishnu Surdaas = ser ant of #usical tunes Surdeep = la#p of #usic Suren = $ord )ndra Surendra = $ord )ndra Suresh = Sun Sureshwar = $ord of +he Gods Suri = $ord Krishna Surjeet = con1uerer of the suras Surnath = $ord )ndra, lord of suras Surshri Surup = $ord Shi a Surush = Shining Suryaansh Surya = Sun Suryabhan = the sun Suryade = Sun God Suryakant = $o ed by the sun Suryanshu = Sunbea# Suryaprakash = sunlight Suryashankar = lord Shi a Suryesh = Sun )s God Susadh = $ord Shi a Susan = $ord Shi a Susen = $ord !ishnnu Sushant = =uiet Sushen = son of !asude a Susher = Kind Sushil = Good charactered #an Sushi# = -oonstone Sushobhan = ery beautiful Sushrut = of good reputation Susil Sutantu = $ord Shi a/ $ord !ishnnu Sutapa = seeker of god

Sutara = holy star Sutej = lustre Sutirth = $ord Shi a Sutosh = one who beco#es happy easily Sutoya = & ri er Su an = the sun Su arn = $ord Shi a Su as = $ord Shi a Su el = Placid Su idh = Kind Su i#al = pure Su ir = $ord Shi a Su rata = Strict in religious ows (Subrata) Suya#un = $ord !ishnu Suyati = $ord !ishnu Suyash = illustrious S a#in = $ord !ishnu S a#inath = $ord Ganesh S ang = Good looks S anik = (andso#e S ar = $ord !ishnu S araj = $ord )ndra S arg = (ea en S arna = $ord Ganesh S arpati = $ord of sound S aya#bhu = $ord %rah#a/ !ishnu/ Shi a S aya#bhut = $ord Shi a Swadhin = )ndependent and 6ree Swagat = :elco#e Swajith = Self #ade !ictory Swa#i = $ord Swa#inath = the lord al#ighty Swapan = drea# Swapnesh = king of drea#s Swapnil = Seen in a drea#, drea#y Swaraj = $iberty, freedo# Swarit = towards hea en

Swarni# = golden Swarnapurishwara = $ord of the Golden 4ity Swarup = truth Swastik = &uspicious Swatantar =

)ndependent and 6ree Swaya#bhu = self e5istent Swetaketu = an ancient sage Swetank = fair bodied Swethan = +he one who

has learnt all !edas Sya#antak = a jewel of lord !ishnu Syon = Gentle Syu# = & ray

Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter T

+aarank = part of a star +aha = Pure +ahir = holy +aho#a = so#eone who is *ifferent with a 4ute Personality +ajdar = corwned +aksa = a son of %harata +aksha = King %harat;s son +akshak = a cobra +aksheel = so#eone with a strong character +alaketu = %hish#a Pita#aha +alank = $ord Shi a +alin = $ord Shi a +alish = $ord of earth +a#al = a tree with ery dark bark +a#as = darkness +a#ila = Sun +a#ish = God of darkness (#oon) +a#kinat = po#p +a#oghna = $ord !ishnu/ $ord Shi a +a#onash = destroyer of ignorance +a#ra = 4opper 7ed +ana = )ssue +anak = Pri2e +ana = 6lute +anay = son +anish = &#bition +anish1 = 0ewel +an#ay = absorbed +anuj = son +anul = +o e5pand, Progress +andeep = inner soul, light inside +an eer = englightened +apan = hot season +apas = sun +apasendra = lord Shi a +apasranjan = lord !ishnu +apendra = $ord of heat (sun) +apesh +apo#ay = full of #oral irtue +aporaj = #oon +arachand = star +arachandra = star > #oon +aradhish = $ord of the stars +arak = protector +arakesh = Stary (air +arakeshwar = lord Shi a +araknath = lord Shi a +araksh = -ountain +aral = li1uid +aran = raft, hea en +arang = wa e +arani = boat, sun +aranjot +araprashad = star +arendra = Prince of stars +aresh = God of the stars (#oon) +arik = one who crosses the ri er of life +arit = lightning +arosh = <(ea en, s#all boat< +aru = s#all plant +arusa = 4on1uerer +arun = young +aruntapan = #orning sun +athagat = title of the %uddha +atharaj = %uddha +atya = $ord Shi a +autik = Pearl +a ish = (ea en +eerth = holy place +eerthankar = a 0ain saint +eg ir +ej +ejal = bright +ejas = lustre/ brilliance +ejeshwar = lord of brightness +ejo#ay = glorious +hakarshi = $ord Krishna +hakur = leader/ god +ha#an = na#e of a god +hashan +ha anesh = $ord Shi a +hayalan +hulasitharan +ijil = #oon +ilak = orna#ent, orna#ental #ark on fore"head +i#in = large fish +i##y = *isaple of Paul +i#othy = Na#e of a Saint +irranand = $ord Shi a +irthankar = $ord !ishnu +irthayaad = $ord Krishna +iru#ala = Se en (ills +irupathi = se en hills +isyaketu = $ord Shi a +itir = a bird +oshan = satisfaction +oya = water +oyesh = $ord of water +railok a = the three worlds +ria#bak = lord Shi a +ribhu an = with knowledge of C worlds +ride = (indu +rinity (%ra#ha, !ishnu > -ahesh " the creator, sustainer, destroyer) +ridha#an = the (oly trinity +ridhatri = $ord Ganesh

+ridib = hea en +ridi a = hea en +rigun = the three di#ensions +rigya = $ord %uddha +rijal = $ord Shi a +rikay = $ord %uddha +rilochan = three eyed +rilok = three worlds +rilokchand = #oon of the three worlds +rilokesh = lord Shi a +rilokanath = $ord Shi a +ri#aan = :orshipped in three worlds8 +ri#urti = the (oly trinity +rinabh = $ord !ishnu +rinath = $'rd Shi +ripur three cities +rinayan = $ord Shi a +ripurajit = $ord Shi a +ripurari = na#e of lord

Shi a +risanu +rishanku = an ancient king +rishar = Pearl necklace +rishul = $ord Shi a;s trident +rishulank = $ord Shi a +rishulin = $ord Shi a +ri ikra# = an epithet of !ishnu +ufan = stor# +uhin = snow +uhinsurra = white as snow +uka = 9oung boy +ukara# = a poet saint +ulsiku#ar = Son of +ulsi +ulsidaas = ser ant of +ulsi

+una a = & 6lute +unda = $ord Shi a +unganath = $ord of the #ountains +ungar = high, lofty +ungesh = #oon +ungeshwar = $ord of the #ountains +ungish = $ord Shi a/ $ord !ishnu +urag = & thought +ur asu = a son of 9ayaati +ushaar = frost +usharkanti = lord Shi a +usharsu ra = white as snow +usya = $ord Shi a +u idyu#na = $ord )ndra +u ijat = $ord )ndra +yaagaraaj = a deity +yagraja = a fa#ous poet

Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter U

@day = to rise @dayan = up rising @dbha = creation, to arise fro# @ddha = a festi al, Sacrificial ( 9agya ) fire, @deep = flood @dit = grown, shining, awakened @jesh = one who bestows light @jjwal = bright, clear @lhas = delight, joy @#achandra = @#a ( Goddess Par ati) and $ord Shi a @#akant = husband of @#a ( $ord Shi a) @#ang = enthusias# @#esh = God of @#a ( $ord Shi a) @n#esh = blowing, opening, flash @panshu = chanting of hy#ns or #antras in low tone @pendra = $ord !ishnu, an ele#ent @shapati = husband of dawn (sun) @tta# = best @tkarsh = prosperity, awakening @tpal = beginning, a water lily

Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter V

!ilaas = entertain#ent !ilochan = the eye !ilohit = $ord Shi a !ilok = to see !ilokan = ga2e !i#al = pure

!i#aladitya = clean sun !i#al#ani = pure jewel (crystal) !i#ridh = $ord )ndra !inaayak = re#o er of obstacles !inahast = $ord Shi a !ina#ar = hu#ble !inay = #odesty !ineet = unassu#ing !inesh = godly !inil = %lue !inochan = $ord Shi a !inod = pleasing, hobby, happy !inoo = to spread in different directions !ipan = sail, petty trade !ipaschit = $ord %uddha !ipin = different, a forest gro e !ipinbehari = forest wanderer !ipla = re olution !ipreet = *ifferent !ipul = e5tensi e !ir = bra e !iraaj = to shine !iraat = giant !irabhadra = $ord Shi a !iral = rare !iranath = $ord of the bra e !iranchi = na#e of %rah#aa !irasana !irat = Supre#e being !irata = bra ery !irbhanu = !ery strong !irendra = bra e $ord !iresh = bra e $ord !iresh ar = $ord Shi a !irik as = $ord )ndra !irinchi = %rah#a !irochan = the sun !irudh = 'pposite !irurch = the (oly trinity !isa#aksh = $ord Shi a !ishaal = broad !ishaalaaksh = large eyed !ishakh = $ord Shi a !ishalya = painless !ishantak = $ord Shi a !ishatan = $ord !ishnu !ishesh = special !ishikh = arrow !ishnahpu = $ord !ishnu !ishnay = 6lowers of $ord !ishnu, Krishna

!ishnu = root, al#ighty !ishnudutt = gift of $ord !ishnu !ishodhan = $ord !ishnu !ishra# = rest !ishresh = the (oly trinity !ishruth !ishtasp !ish = uni erse !ish a = earth, uni erse !ish ade = $ord of the uni erse !ish adhar = $ord !ishnu !ish ag = $ord %rah#a !ish ahetu = $ord !ishnu !ish ajit = 4on1ueror of the world !ish akar#a = architect of the uni erse, son of 9ogasiddha !ish aketu = an epithet of &niruddh !ish a# = uni ersal !ish a#itra = & sage !ish anabh = $ord !ishnu !ish anaath = $ord of the uni erse !ish aretas = $ord %rah#a/ !ishnu !ish at#a = uni ersal soul !ish esh = $ord of the world !ishwaa#itra = friend of the world !ishwaas = faith !ishwajeet = con1uerer of the world !ishwakar#a = architect of the uni erse !ishwa#bhar = the supre#e spirit !ishwa#itra = friend of the uni erse !ishwankar = creator of the uni erse !ishwaroop = o#nipresent !ishwast !ishwasth !ishwat#a = uni ersal soul !ishweshwar = $ord of the uni erse !is#ay = surprise !is ajit = one who con1uers the uni erse !is ayu = brother of &#a asuand Satayu !iswanath !itabhay = $ord Shi a/ $ord !ishnu !itaharya = $ord Krishna !itashokha = one who does not #ourn !itasta = 7i er 0helu# in Sanskrit !ithala = $ord !ishnu !itola = Peaceful !ittanath = owner of wealth (Kuber) !ittesh = $ord of wealth !itthal = $ord !ishnu

!i !i !i !i !i !i !i !i

aan = $ord Krishna an = -oon ash = %right aswat = the sun at#a = uni ersal soul ek = conscience ekananda = joyous with knowledge in

!rajakishore = $ord Krishna !rajalal = $ord Krishna !raja#ohan = $ord Krishna !rajanadan = $ord Krishna !rajesh = $ord Krishna !rajraj = $ord Krishna !ratesh = $ord Shi a !risa = $ord Krishna

!risag = $ord Shi a !risan = $ord Shi a !risangan = $ord Shi a !risapati = $ord Shi a !rishab = 35cellent !rishabh = & rasi, star sign !rishabhaanu = father of 7adha !rishank = $ord Shi a !rishin = peacock !risini = $ord Shi a !yan = &ir !yasa = the author of -ahabharata !yo# = sky !yo#aang = part of the sky !yo#de = $ord Shi a !yo#akesh = sky like hair !yo#esh = the sun !yshna = :orshipper of !ishnu

Indian baby names or hindu boy names with letter Y

9ada = particular co##unity related to lord Krishna 9ada endra = $eader of the 9ada as 9adu = an ancient King 9adunandan = son of 9adu, Krishna 9adunath = $ord Krishna 9aduraj = $ord Krishna 9adu ir = $ord Krishna 9agna = 4ere#onial rites to God 9agnesh 9agya = sacrifice 9agyasen = na#e of king *rupad 9agyesh = lord for the sacrificial fire 9aj = & sage 9ajat = $ord Shi a 9ajnadhar = $ord !ishnu 9ajnarup = $ord Krishna 9ajnesh = $ord !ishnu9akootah e#erald 9aksha = & +ype of a *e#i"God 9a#ahil = $ord !ishnu 9a#ajit = $ord Shi a 9a#ha = do e 9a#ir = #oon 9ash = fa#e 9ashas = 6a#e 9ash#it = fa#ed 9ashode = $ord of fa#e 9ashodhan = rich in fa#e 9ashodhar = fa#ous 9asho ardhana 9asho ar#an 9ashpal = $ord Krishna 9ashraj = king of fa#e 9ash asin = the Popular8 $ord Ganesha 9ashwant = one who has achie ed glory 9asti = sli# 9atha an = $ord !ishnu 9atin = ascetic 9atindra = $ord )ndra 9atish = $ord of de otees 9atiyasa = Sil er 9atnesh = God of 3fforts 9ayati = Na#e of a Sage 9ayin = $ord Shi a 9ogade a = $ord of 9oga 9oganidra = -editation 9ogendra = god of 9oga 9ogesh = god of 9oga 9ogi = *e otee 9ogina#pati = $ord of the 9ogis 9ogine = Saint8 & na#e for $ord (anu#an 9ogini = $o er of 9ogas8 $ord Krishna 9ogiraj = Great &scetic, $ord Shi a 9ojit = Planner

9udhajit = ictor in war 9udhisthir = fir# in battle 9ugandhar 9ugantar

9ukta = )dea 9u al = %rook 9u araj = prince, heir apparent 9uyutsu = eager to fight

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