Language and Literature Assessment

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, Upper Bicutan, Taguig City Language and Literature Assessment Students Name:_______________________________________________________ Score:_____________ Multiple Choice Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. The act of gathering information on a daily basis in order to understand individual students learning and needs. a. Assessment c. Evaluation b. Testing d. Measurement 2. The practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using a particular language effectively. a. Language Testing c. Assessment b. Evaluation d. Concepts 3. It is the culminating act of interpreting the information gathered for the purpose of making decisions or judgments about students learning and needs. a. Testing c. Measurement b. Assessment d. Evaluation 4. This refers to procedures that are based on tests. a. Measurement c. Testing b. Assessment d. Language Testing 5. It includes testing and other types of measurement that results in quantitative data. a. Testing c. Evaluation b. Measurement d. Assessment 6. This purpose of assessment provides an arena for the management and planning of assessment. a. assessment for learning c. assessment as learning b. assessment of learning d. learning assessment 7. In assessment as learning, we could identify that the students had fully reflected the learning if they become aware of what? a. what they learn b. how they learn c. what helps them learn d. all of the above

8. This kind of assessment and evaluation focuses on the process and products of learning. It also provides information upon which instructional decisions and adaptations can be made. a. Formative assessment and evaluation b. Summative assessment and evaluation c. Diagnostic assessment and evaluation d. Placement assessment and evaluation 9. Which of the following is not a main purpose of a summative assessment and evaluation? a. to determine knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes b. to summarize student progress c. to observe a model peer assessment session d. to report the progress to students, parents/guardian and teachers
10. An assessment tool which are used to record whether students have acquired

specific knowledge, skills, processes, abilities and attitudes. a. Checklists c. Portfolios b. Anecdotal Records d. Projects and Presentations 11. This type of assessment tool occurs during students daily reading, writing, listening and speaking. a. Portfolios c. Checklists b. Observation d. Anecdotal Records 12. These are collections of relevant work that reflect students individual efforts, development, and progress over a designate period of time. a. Anecdotal Records c. Checklists b. Portfolios d. Rating Scales and Rubrics 13. This test is used to identify learners strengths and weaknesses. They are intended primarily to ascertain what learning still needs to take place. a. Diagnostic test c. Placement test b. Achievement test d. Annual test 14. A kind of language tests which are intended to provide information that will help to place students at the stage of the teaching program most appropriate to their abilities. a. Achievement tests c. Diagnostic tests b. Proficiency tests d. Placement tests 15. This approach is commonly referred to as the pre-scientific stage of language testing. a. Integrative approach b. Communicative approach c. Essay-Translation approach d. Structuralist approach

16. This approach involves the testing of language in context and is thus concerned primarily with meaning and the total communicative effect of discourse. a. Essay-Translation approach b. Structuralist approach c. Integrative approach d. Communicative approach 17. This approach views that language learning is chiefly concerned with a systematic acquisition of set of habits. a. Structuralist approach b. Integrative approach c. Communicative approach d. Essay-Translation approach 18. Testing technique that attempts to measure the abilities that underlie the skills in which the test is interested. a. Direct testing b. Indirect testing c. Objective testing d. Integrative testing 19. What is the type of exam most commonly used by teachers in language courses? a. Norm-Referenced b. Discreet Point c. Subjective Testing d. Criterion-Referenced 20. It refers to an integrative item that would test more than one point or objective at a time. It requires the candidate to combine many language elements in the completion of a task. a. Objective testing b. Criterion-Reference testing c. Diagnostic testing d. Integrative testing

Answer Key Language and Literature Assessment 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. D

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