Open Public Records Act: Your Right To Access Government Records Is Protected

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Your right to access government records is protected.



he Open Public Records Act (OPRA) is a New Jersey law that governs public access to government records maintained by public agencies in New Jersey.

What is a government record?

A government record is any record that has been made, maintained, or kept on le in the course of ofcial public business, or that has been received in the course of ofcial public business. Government records can include paper records, electronic les, audio recordings and other formats.

Who may le an OPRA request?

Anyone can le an OPRA request. Requestors are not required to give a reason for the request, and OPRA requests may even be led anonymously.

How many requests may I submit to a public agency?

The statute does not limit the number of OPRA requests a person can submit to a particular agency.

Are there any government records that I cannot obtain?

There are some records that are exempt from the law. An agency can withhold documents (or portions of documents) from requestors based on a number of exemptions, but the agency must indicate why the requested information is exempt. Some of the exemptions include: Inter-agency or intra-agency advisory, consultative or  deliberative material Legislative records, including constituent-related records  Attorney-client privilege  Medical examiner records  Criminal investigatory records  Victims records  Records regarding ongoing investigations  Public defender records  Trade secrets and proprietary commercial or nancial  information Biotechnology trade secrets  Computer-related information which, if released would  jeopardize computer security
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 Emergency or security information or procedures for any buildings which, if disclosed, would jeopardize the security of the building or facility or its occupants Security measures and surveillance techniques which,  if disclosed, would create a risk to the safety of persons, property, electronic data or software Communications between a public agency and its insurance  carrier, administrative service organization or risk management ofce Information which, if disclosed, would give an advantage to  competitors or bidders Information related to sexual harassment complaints  Condential information shielded by a court order  Personal identifying information, including social security  numbers, credit card numbers, unlisted telephone numbers, and drivers license numbers Certicate of honorable discharge issued by the United States  government Certain records of higher education institutions including  research, test questions, charitable contributions or gifts, admission applications and other student records.

What information may I obtain regarding public employees?

You may obtain a public employees name, title, position, salary, payroll record, length of service, date of any separation and the reason for such separation, and the amount and type of any pension received. If there are specic qualications for a public employees position or pension, you may also obtain general information regarding the public employees qualications.

How do I make a request?

Many agencies have a specic OPRA form for requestors to ll out. You do not have to use a form, but the request must be in writing and specically mention OPRA. The request can be hand-delivered, mailed, transmitted electronically, or otherwise conveyed to the appropriate records custodian. Each public agency determines the specic way to submit an OPRA request to its ofces.

What should my request say?

You must specically identify the government records sought. If a request does not identify records or is overly broad, a custodian may deny the request. When in doubt, ask the custodian what you should say to obtain the records you seek.


Who is the custodian of a government record?

OPRA states that the custodian of government records in a municipality is the municipal clerk, and any other public agency must ofcially designate a records custodian. Counties or larger state agencies may have more than one custodian of records.

What happens if I submit my request to the wrong person?

OPRA requires that any ofcer or employee of a public agency who receives an OPRA request must either forward the request to the appropriate records custodian, or direct you to the appropriate records custodian.

When will I receive the records that I requested?

You may obtain budgets, bills, vouchers, contracts, and public employee salary and overtime information immediately. For all other records, you should receive a response within seven business days after a request is received. Sometimes agencies may contact you within that time period advising you of when to expect your records. Although records should be provided to you as soon as possible, there are often delays if the requested records are unavailable or are in storage.

When does the response time clock begin?

The clock does not begin until the appropriate records custodian has received the request.

How can I receive the requested records?

You can request a preferred method of delivery (regular mail, fax, or email).

Do I have to purchase copies of government records?

No. You may inspect government records at any public agency for free. However, if your request is voluminous, a custodian may charge a special service fee under certain circumstances including the time spent collecting the materials for your review.

Can I get the information in a different format?

Yes. If the agency keeps its records in another format, you can request that format. For example, if you want meeting minutes in an electronic format, you can request them on a CD. You can also ask the custodian to convert the records into a format you prefer; however, the custodian may impose a special service charge to convert the records into the format requested.

What are special service fees?

A public agency may charge a special service fee in addition to the actual cost of duplicating records when: The requested records cannot be reproduced using ordinary  equipment, in ordinary business size; or Complying with the request involves an extraordinary  expenditure of time and effort.
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Special service charges may also apply if the custodian must convert the requested records into a different format. The custodian must provide you with advance notice to review any special service charges before imposing them. These charges are reserved for the extensive use of technology or labor required to respond to your records request. All special service charges must be reasonable and based on actual direct cost. Actual direct cost means the hourly rate of the lowest level employee capable of fullling the request.

How much do the records cost?

Records cost 5 cents for letter sized pages, 7 cents per page for legal sized pages. Electronic records must be provided free of charge. If you request copies of a tape, computer disc or other similar medium, you will be charged only the actual cost of providing the records in that medium.

Can a public agency refuse to fulll my request?

Generally, no. However, if a request for access to a government record would substantially disrupt agency operations, the custodian may deny access to the record only after attempting to reach a reasonable solution with you.

Carole Chiaffarano sued the State of New Jersey for records for a salt barn.


How should the public agency respond to my request?

A proper response to an OPRA request: Is in writing within seven (7) business days  Grants access, denies access, seeks clarication, or requests  an extension of time Addresses each record requested  Addresses requestors preferred method of delivery  Includes a record index that identies each record requested  and the specic legal basis for a denial of access (including redactions) for each record denied or redacted.
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If a special service charge is assessed, the agency must provide an estimate and give the requestor an opportunity to accept or reject charge.

What happens if my request is denied?

If the custodian denies a request for access, the custodian must provide you with a specic legal basis for denying access. You may also have additional rights to public records under the common law right of access.To obtain public records under common law, your stated interest in the requested records must outweigh the public agencys interest in keeping the records condential.You may appeal a denial of access under common law by ling a complaint in Superior Court.

My request was denied, now what?

You may appeal the denial of access by ling: A complaint in Superior Court; or  A complaint with the New Jersey Government Records Council (GRC). 
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Please note that, if you plan to le in Superior Court, a complaint must be led within 45 days after you are denied the records. There is no time limit on ling a Denial of Access Complaint with the GRC. You may want to consult with an attorney prior to ling a complaint.

Can the public agency be penalized for denying my request?

OPRA states that a public ofcial, ofcer, employee, or custodian who knowingly and willfully violates the Act and is found to have unreasonably denied access under the totality of the circumstances shall be subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 for an initial violation, $2,500 for a second violation, and $5,000 for a third violation that occurs within 10 years of an initial violation. If you are seeking such penalties, they must be sought when appealing a denial of access in Superior Court or the GRC. n

The ACLU-NJ provides the following publications and materials to the public free of charge. If you would like to receive these materials, please email us at [email protected] or visit  Students Rights Handbook  Know Your Rights cards in English, Spanish, Arabic and other languages  Bust cards in English, Spanish, Portuguese and other languages  Confidential Informant Report: An Exploratory Study of the Use of Condential Informants in New Jersey  The Rights of Immigrants in New Jersey The ACLU-NJ speakers bureau offers speakers who can provide a program about current events, including recent ACLU cases, legislative battles, policy initiatives and the history of our organization. To request a speaker, ll out a request form at We have speakers who can speak about the following topics:  Civil Liberties & National Security  Free Speech & Expression  Gay & Lesbian Rights  Immigration  Open Government  Police Practices  Privacy Rights  Racial Justice  Religious Freedom  Student & Youth rights  Voting Rights

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American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey P.O. Box 32159, Newark, NJ 07102 973-642-2084 [email protected] n

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