The Business Model: Theoretical Roots, Recent Developments, and Future Research

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Christoph Zott
Raphael Amit
Lorenzo Massa

IESE Business School University of Navarra
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Copyright 2010 IESE Business School.
Working Paper
June, 2010
Rev. September 2010

IESE Business School-University of Navarra


Christoph Zott

Raphael Amit

Lorenzo Massa


The paper provides a broad and multifaceted review of the received literature on business
models in which we examine the business model concept through multiple disciplinary and
subject-matter lenses. The review reveals that scholars do not agree on what a business model
is, and that the literature is developing largely in silos, according to the phenomena of interest
to the respective researchers. However, we also found some emerging common ground among
students of business models. Specifically, 1) the business model is emerging as a new unit of
analysis; 2) business models emphasize a system-level, holistic approach towards explaining
how firms do business; 3) organizational activities play an important role in the various
conceptualizations of business models that have been proposed; and 4) business models seek to
explain how value is created and captured. These emerging themes could serve as important
catalysts towards a more unified study of business models.

Professor of Entrepreneurship, IESE
Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
PhD Student, IESE

IESE Business School-University of Navarra


In recent years, the business model has been the focus of substantial attention by both
academics and practitioners. Since 1995 there have been 1,177 papers published in peer-
reviewed academic journals in which the notion of a business model is addressed. The business
model has also been the subject of a growing number of practitioner-oriented studies. While
there has been an explosion in the number of papers published, and an abundance of
conference sessions and panels on the subject of business models, it appears that researchers
(and practitioners) have yet to develop a common and widely accepted language that would
allow researchers who examine the business model construct through different lenses to draw
effectively on each others work.
In this comprehensive review of the academic literature, we have attempted to explore the origin of
the construct and to examine the business model concept through multiple disciplinary and subject-
matter lenses. This broad and multifaceted review revealed several insights, including:
o Despite the overall surge in the literature on business models, scholars do not agree
on what a business model is. We observe that researchers frequently adopt
idiosyncratic definitions that fit the purposes of their studies, but that are difficult
to reconcile with each other. As a result, cumulative progress is hampered.
o The literature is developing largely in silos, according to the phenomena of interest
to the respective researchers. The main interest areas identified are: 1) e-business
and the use of information technology in organizations; 2) strategic issues, such as
value creation, competitive advantage, and firm performance; and 3) innovation
and technology management. There seems to be an opportunity to bridge these silos
in order to move the literature forward.
o Despite conceptual differences among researchers in different silos (and within the
same silo), there are some emerging themes, notably: 1) there is widespread
acknowledgementimplicit and explicitthat the business model is a new unit of
analysis in addition to the product, firm, industry, or network levels; it is centered
on a focal organization, but its boundaries are wider than those of the organization;
2) business models emphasize a system-level, holistic approach towards explaining
how firms do business; 3) organizational activities play an important role in the
various conceptualizations of business models that have been proposed; and 4)

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business models seek to explain both value creation and value capture. These emerging
themes could serve as important catalysts towards a more unified study of business models.
In addition to our review of the business model literature, there is a range of associated
literatures that can inform the study of business models, but which do not directly employ the
term, such as the work on new organizational forms, ecosystems, activity systems, and value
chains and value networks. We draw on these literatures to synthesize the main insights that
they bring to bear on the study of business models.
Our intended contributions in this article, then, are two-fold: first, to provide the most
comprehensive and up-to-date literature review on business models, as well as to document
carefully the discrepancies and dissonances in that literature; and second, to structure the
literature along its main fault lines and begin to bridge the seemingly wide gaps between the
various approaches. This should facilitate future cumulative research on the topic.
The remainder of this review is structured as follows: we begin by briefly reviewing the emergence
of the business model concept and proceed to a methods section where we discuss the way this
review has been carried out. We then review the business model literature by examining it through
multiple lenses. A discussion of related literatures is included in the Appendix.
To conduct this study we followed a multi-step process. First, we searched for articles published
in leading academic and practitioner-oriented management journals during the period January
1975 to December 2009. Our initial list of academic journals included the Academy of
Management Journal (AMJ), Academy of Management Review (AMR), Administrative Science
Quarterly (ASQ), Journal of Management (JOM), Journal of Management Studies (JMS),
Management Science (MS), MIS Quarterly, Organization Science (OS), and Strategic Management
Journal (SMJ). To these we added three of the leading practitioner-oriented journals, namely the
California Management Review (CMR), Harvard Business Review (HBR), and MIT Sloan
Management Review (MSM). Focusing on papers that contain the term business model in the
title or keywords, our initial search revealed 70 articles on business models, of which ten had
been published in academic journals and 60 had appeared in CMR, HBR, and MSM.
This relatively small set of articles (especially those published in academic outlets) quickly
pushed us to extend our search, using the EBSCO Business Source Complete database as a
starting point (see Certo, Holcomb, & Holmes, 2009; Laplume, Sonpar, & Litz, 2008). This
database includes more than 1,300 business journals and represents one of the most complete
sources on business studies. We searched the database for academic articles published from
January 1975 until December 2009 containing the term business model in the title, abstract,
or keywords. As a result of this process, we obtained 1,202 articles, which we added to our
initial sample of 70 papers. As 19 of the newly added articles were already present in the initial
sample, our overall sample contained 1,253 (= 1,202 + 70 - 19) articles.
An initial cursory analysis of these articles, performed by reading article titles, journal names,
abstracts, and introductions, revealed that not all the articles identified by our search would be
useful for the purpose of writing this review. Many of these articles were case studies,
summaries of articles published elsewhere, or studies in which the business model is not really
the subject of the analysis.

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To exclude non-relevant articles, we adopted the following three additional criteria for our
literature review on business models. First, to be included in our review, an article must deal
with the business model concept in a non-trivial and non-marginal way. Second, an article
must also refer to the business model as a construct centered on business firms (as opposed to,
for example, economic cycles). Lastly, to ensure a minimum level of quality, the journal in
which the article appeared must be ranked in the ISI Web of Knowledge. As a result, we
identified and eliminated 1,120 articles that did not fit these criteria, which left us with a
sample of 133 articles that we deemed relevant for this review.
Through reading these 133 papers in depth, we became aware of further works on business
models (in particular, books) which appeared relevant, and which we therefore decided to
include in our review. We also found working papers that our database research had failed to
reveal. Moreover, our careful reading of these articles also allowed us to exclude further studies
in which the business model was treated in a rather marginal or trivial way. Our final sample,
therefore, included 103 works (see Table 1 for an overview by publication outlet).
Table 1
Business Model Papers
Publication Outlet Author(s) - Year
Academy of Management
Ireland et al., 2001; Markides & Charitou, 2004; Seelos & Mair, 2007
British Journal of Management Froud et al., 2009; Patzelt et al., 2008
California Management Review Chesbrough et al., 2006; Mahadevan, 2000
Harvard Business Review Johnson et al., 2008; Johnson & Suskewicz, 2009; Magretta, 2002;
Rivette & Kline, 2000
Long Range Planning Baden-Fuller & Morgan, 2010; Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart, 2010;
Chesbrough, 2010; Demil & Lecoq, 2010; Doz & Kosonen, 2010;
Gambardella & McGahan, 2010; Itami & Nishino, 2010; McGrath, 2010;
Smith, Binns, & Tushman, 2010; Sosna, Trevinyo-Rodrguez &
Velamuri, 2010; Svejenova, Planellas, & Vives, 2010; Teece, 2010;
Thompson & MacMillan, 2010; Zott & Amit, 2010
MIT Sloan Management Review Bouchikhi & Kimberly, 2003; Boudreau & Lakhani, 2009; Chesbrough,
2007b; Christensen, 2001; Hayashi, 2009
Research Policy Bjrkdahl, 2009; Doganova & Eyquem-Renault, 2009
Strategic Management Journal Amit & Zott, 2001; Teece, 2007; Zott & Amit, 2008
Strategy and Leadership Chesbrough, 2007a; Giesen et al., 2007; Sheenan & Stabell, 2007
Other Journals
(with only one business model
publication each)
Alt & Zimmerman, 2001; Andersson et al., 2009; Applegate, 2001;
Bigliardi et al., 2005; Bonaccorsi et al., 2006; Brousseau & Penard,
2006; Calia et al., 2007; Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002; Clemons,
2009; Dubosson-Torbay et al., 2002; Eriksson et al., 2008; Ghaziani &
Ventresca, 2005; Gordijn & Akkermans, 2001; Hedman & Kalling, 2003;
Huizingh, 2002; Hurt, 2008; IBM, 2006; Konde, 2009; Linder & Cantrell,
2001; Mkinen & Seppnen, 2007; Mansfield & Fourie, 2004; Mason &
Leek, 2008; McPhillips & Merlo, 2008; Miles et al., 2006; Mitchell &
Coles, 2003; Morris et al., 2005; Ojala & Tyrvinene, 2006; Osterwalder
et al., 2005; Pauwels & Weiss, 2008; Perkmann & Spicer, 2010; Rappa,
2001; Richardson (2008); Seddon et al., 2004; Shafer et al., 2005;
Stewart & Zhao, 2000; Susarla et al., 2009; Tankhiwale, 2009;
Timmers, 1998; Van Der Vorst et al., 2002; Yip, 2004; Zott & Amit, 2007
Books and Book Chapters Afuah, 2004; Afuah & Tucci, 2001; Amit & Zott, 2002; Applegate, 2000;
Chesbrough, 2003; Hamel, 2000; Tapscott et al., 2000; Timmers, 1999;
Weill & Vitale, 2001; Zott & Amit, 2009

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Moreover, our careful reading of these publications suggested some important common ground
among them, such as: 1) the business model as a new unit of analysis; 2) a holistic perspective
on how firms do business; 3) an emphasis on activities; and 4) an acknowledgement of the
importance of value creation. These themes led us to review adjacent literatures that might be
relevant for the study of business models but do not directly refer to the conceptnamely the
literatures on new organizational forms, ecosystems, activity systems, and value chains and
value networks. Drawing on these literatures will help put future research on business models
on a more solid conceptual footing. Given space and scope considerations for this paper,
however, we present our brief reviews of these adjacent literatures in the Appendix.
Business Model Literature
Emergence Of The Business Model Concept And Definitions
Emergence of the business model concept. Although business models have been integral to
trading and economic behavior since pre-classical times (Teece, 2010), the business model
concept became prevalent with the advent of the Internet in the mid 1990s, and it has been
gathering momentum since then. From that time on, ideas revolving around the concept have
resonated with scholars and business practitioners as documented by the number of
publications, including articles, books, and book chapters in the business press and scientific
journals. In a frame analysis of the use of the term business model in public talk, Ghaziani
and Ventresca (2005) searched for the use of the term in general management articles from
1975 to 2000. Their search, conducted using the ABI/INFORM database, returned 1,729
publications which contained the term business model. Of these only 166 were published in
the period 1975-1994; the remaining (1,563) belonged to the period 1995-2000, revealing a
dramatic increase in the incidence of the term.
We performed a similar search using the EBSCOhost database, distinguishing between academic
and journalistic outlets, and extending the analysis to 2009. We found that up to December
2009, the term business model has been included in 1,203 articles in academic journals. Non-
academic articles follow a similar trend. From 1975 to December 2009 the term has been
mentioned in 8,062 documents. As Figure 1 suggests, interest in the concept has virtually
exploded in the 15-year period between 1995 and 2010, which is consistent with Ghaziani and
Ventrescas (2005) findings. The figure also indicates that academic research on business models
seems to lag behind practice.

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Figure 1
Business Model Articles in the Business/Management Field

This area graph shows trends in the number of business model articles. The label PnAJ
identifies those articles Published in non-Academic Journals. The label PAJ identifies articles
Published in Academic Journals.
Source: Business Source Complete EBSCOhost Database. Period: January 1975December 2009.

Some scholars surmise that the emergence of the business model concept, and the extensive
usage of the concept since the mid-1990s, may have been driven by the advent of the Internet
(e.g., Amit & Zott, 2001), rapid growth in emerging markets and interest in bottom-of-the-
pyramid issues (Prahalad & Hart, 2002; Seelos & Mair, 2007), as well as expanding industries
and organizations dependent on post-industrial technologies (Perkman & Spicer, 2010).
Business model definitions. Surprisingly, the business model is often studied without explicitly
defining the concept. Of the 103 business model publications reviewed, more than one-third
(37%) do not define the concept at all, taking its meaning more or less for granted. Less than
half (44%) explicitly define or conceptualize the business model, for example, by enumerating
its main components. The remaining publications (19%) refer to the work of other scholars in
defining the concept. Moreover, existing definitions only partially overlap, giving rise to a
multitude of possible interpretations.
At a general level the business model has been referred to as a statement (Stewart & Zhao,
2000), a description (Applegate, 2000; Weill & Vitale, 2001), a representation (Morris,
Schindehutte, & Allen, 2005; Shafer, Smith, & Linder, 2005), an architecture (Dubosson-Torbay,
Osterwalder, & Pigneur, 2002; Timmers, 1998), a conceptual tool or model (Osterwalder, 2004;
Osterwalder, Pigneur, & Tucci, 2005; Teece, 2010), a structural template (Amit & Zott, 2001), a




1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

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method (Afuah & Tucci, 2001), a framework (Afuah, 2004), a pattern (Brousseau & Penard,
2006), and as a set (Seelos & Mair, 2007).
This lack of definitional consistency and clarity represents a potential source of confusion,
promoting dispersion rather than convergence of perspectives, and obstructing cumulative research
progress on business models. Table 2 summarizes some of the most prevalent definitions suggested
for the business model, and shows which papers have adopted these definitions.

Table 2
Selected Business Model Definitions
Papers Citing the
The business model is an architecture of the product,
service and information flows, including a description of the
various business actors and their roles; a description of the
potential benefits for the various business actors; a
description of the sources of revenues (p. 2).
Hedman & Kalling, 2003
Amit & Zott,
The business model depicts the content, structure, and
governance of transactions designed so as to create value
through the exploitation of business opportunities (p. 511).
Hedman & Kalling, 2003,
Morris et al., 2005; Zott &
Amit, 2007; Zott & Amit,
2008; Santos et al., 2009;
Bock et al., 2010; Zott &
Amit, 2010;
Chesbrough &
The business model is the heuristic logic that connects
technical potential with the realization of economic value (p.
Chesbrough et al., 2006;
Chesbrough, 2007a,
2007b; Teece, 2007, 2010
Business models are stories that explain how enterprises
work. A good business model answers Peter Druckers age
old questions: Who is the customer? And what does the
customer value? It also answers the fundamental questions
every manager must ask: How do we make money in this
business? What is the underlying economic logic that
explains how we can deliver value to customers at an
appropriate cost? (p. 4).
Seddon et al., 2004; Ojala
& Tyrvinene, 2006; Demil
& Lecoq, 2010
Morris et al.,
A business model is a concise representation of how an
interrelated set of decision variables in the areas of venture
strategy, architecture, and economics are addressed to
create sustainable competitive advantage in defined markets
(p. 727).[] It has six fundamental components: Value
proposition, customer, internal processes/competencies,
external positioning, economic model, and personal/investor
Calia et al., 2007
Johnson et al.,
Business models consist of four interlocking elements, that,
taken together, create and deliver value (p. 52). These are:
customer value proposition, profit formula, key resources,
and key processes.
Johnson & Suskewicz,
Masanell &
Ricart, 2010
A business model is [] a reflection of the firm realized
strategy (p.195).
Baden-Fuller & Morgan,
Teece, 2010 A business model articulates the logic, the data and other
evidence that support a value proposition for the customer,
and a viable structure of revenues and costs for the
enterprise delivering that value (p.179).
Gambardella & McGahan,

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Our review further revealed that the business model has been mainly employed in trying to
address or explain three phenomena: 1) e-business and the use of information technology in
organizations; 2) strategic issues, such as value creation, competitive advantage, and firm
performance; and 3) innovation and technology management. These could be viewed,
respectively, as organizational phenomena relevant mostly for: 1) chief operating officers, 2)
chief executive officers, and 3) chief technology officers. Although we do not wish to claim
mutual exclusivity among these categories, we believe that they allow us to broadly classify the
business model literature. Therefore, we use them as organizing principles for this review.
Business Models for e-Business
The research stream which, to date, has devoted the greatest attention to business models is e-
business. E-business means doing business electronically. It comprises Internet-based
business, e-commerce, e-markets, and Internet-based business. It considers business that
is conducted exclusively over the Internet (e.g., as business that exploits the
potentiality of the Internet as a complement to a firms traditional operations, such as click-
and-mortar-based businesses. Similarly to others (e.g., Mahadevan, 2000) we consider as e-
businesses only those businesses that conduct commercial transactions with their business
partners and buyers, thus excluding those that merely make use of web sites displaying
information for products/services sold in the physical world.
The rapid growth and adoption of new technologies have facilitated organizational
transformations (e.g., see Tapscott, Lowy, & Ticoll, 2000; Timmers, 1999). Recent advances in
communication and information technologies, such as the emergence and swift expansion of
the Internet and the rapid decline in computing and communication costs, have allowed the
development of new ways to create and deliver value, which have offered scope for the creation
of unconventional exchange mechanisms and transaction architectures (Amit & Zott, 2001), and
accentuated the possibilities for the design of new boundary-spanning organizational forms
(Daft & Lewin, 1993; Dunbar & Starbuck, 2006). Indeed, these developments have opened new
horizons for the design of business models by enabling firms to change fundamentally the way
they organize and engage in economic exchanges, both within and across firm and industry
boundaries (Mendelson, 2000). According to Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2004), this includes the
ways in which firms interact with suppliers as well as customers.
The Internet is a principal driver of the surge of the interest for business models and the
consequent emergence of a literature which revolves around the topic (e.g., see Ghaziani &
Ventresca, 2005; Magretta, 2002; Yip, 2004). Shafer et al. (2005) review 12 definitions in
established publications during the period 1998-2000, finding that eight were related to e-
business. Our literature review confirms this trend. In a total of 49 conceptual works, in which
the business model is defined either directly or by means of its components, almost one-fourth
of the works are related to e-business. Scholars have accentuated different aspects of new
business modelsfrom the ways companies exploit supply chain reconfiguration (e.g., value
chain dis-intermediation or re-integration) to the ways revenues are collected (subscription cost
and fees from the customer, advertising and sponsoring revenue from other firms, commission
and transaction fees from provided services, etc.). Accordingly, research on e-business models
can be organized around two complementary streams. The first stream aims to describe generic
e-business models and provide typologies. The second stream focuses on the components of e-
business models.

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Description of generic e-business models and typologies. Several scholars have attempted to
classify e-business models by describing types. Table 3 provides an overview of these efforts.

Table 3
e-Businesss Model Typologies

e-business model type
Timmers, 1998
e-Shops Stands for the Web marketing and promotion of a company or a shop and
increasingly includes the possibility to order and to pay.

e-Procurement Describes electronic tendering and procurement of goods and services.
e-Malls Consists of a collection of e-shops, usually enhanced by a common umbrella,
for example a well-known brand.

e-Auctions Stands for the electronic implementation of the bidding mechanism also known
from traditional auctions.

Virtual Communities This model brings together virtual communities that contribute value in a basic
environment provided by the virtual community operator. Membership fees and
advertising generate revenues. It can also be found as an add-on to other
marketing operations for customer feedback or loyalty building.

Collaboration Platforms Companies of this group provide a set of tools and information environment for
collaboration between enterprises.

Third-Party Marketplaces A model that is suitable when a company wishes to leave the Web marketing to
a third party (possibly as an add-on to their other channels). Third-party
marketplaces offer a user interface to the supplier's product catalogue

Value Chain Integrators Represents the companies that focus on integrating multiple steps of the value
chain, with the potential to exploit the information flow between those steps as
further added value.

Value Chain Service
Stands for companies that specialize in a specific function for the value chain,
such as electronic payment or logistics.

Information Brokerage Embraces a whole range of new information services that are emerging to add
value to the huge amounts of data available on the open networks or coming
from integrated business operations.

Trust and Other Third
Stands for trust services, such as certification authorities and electronic
notaries and other trusted third parties.

Tapscott, Lowy, & Ticoll, 2000
Agora Applies to markets where buyers and sellers meet to freely negotiate and
assign value to goods. An Agora facilitates exchange between buyers and
sellers, who jointly "discover" a price. Because sellers may offer a wide and
often unpredictable variety or quantity of goods, value integration is low.

Aggregation In Aggregation b-webs there is a leader that takes responsibility for selecting
products and services, targeting market segments, setting prices, and ensuring
fulfillment. This leader typically sets prices in advance and offers a diverse
variety of products and services, with zero to limited value integration.

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Table 3 (continued)

e-business model type

Value Chain

In a Value Chain, the so-called context provider structures and directs a b-web
network to produce a highly integrated value proposition. The seller has the
final say in pricing.

Alliance An Alliance strives for high value integration without hierarchical control. Its
participants design goods or services, create knowledge, or simply produce
dynamic, shared experiences. Alliances typically depend on rules and
standards that govern interaction, acceptable participant behavior, and the
determination of value.

Distributive Network Distributive Networks are b-webs that keep the economy alive and mobile.
They play a vital role in ensuring the healthy balance of the systems that they
support. Distributive Networks service the other types of b-webs by allocating
and delivering goods.

Applegate, 2001
Focused Distributors Provide products and services within specific industry or market niche. There
are five types of focused distributors business modelsretailers, marketplaces,
aggregators, infomediaries, and exchanges.

Portals Not defined. They include horizontal portals, vertical portals, and affinity portals.
These are differentiated on the basis of the gateway access, affinity group
focus, revenues source, and costs structure.

Infrastructure Distributors Enable technology buyers and sellers to perform business transactions. There
are three categories of focused distributors: infrastructure retailers,
infrastructure marketplace, and infrastructure exchange, which are
differentiated on the basis of control inventory, online selling presence, online
pricing, revenues source, and costs structure.

Infrastructure Portals Enables consumers and businesses to access online services and information.
They are further classified into horizontal infrastructure portals (Internet service
providers, network service providers and web hosting) and vertical infrastructure
portals (producers and distributor application service providers, or ASPs).

Infrastructure Producers Design, build, market, and sell technology hardware, software, solutions, and
services. Four types of infrastructure producers are: equipment component
manufacturers, software firms, customer software and integration, infrastructure
service firms.

Rappa, 2001
Brokerage Model They bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions. Usually, a
broker charges a fee or commission for each transaction it enables.
Subcategories are: Marketplace Exchange, Business Trading Community,
Buy/Sell Fulfillment, Demand Collection System, Auction Broker, Transaction
Broker, Bounty Broker, Distributor, Search Agent, Virtual Mall.

Advertising Model The broadcaster, in this case a web site, provides content (usually for free) and
services (like email, chat, forums) mixed with advertising messages in the form
of banner ads. The banner ads may be the major or sole source of revenue for
the broadcaster. The broadcaster may be a content creator or a distributor of
content created elsewhere. Subcategories are: Portal, Personalized Portal,
Niche Portal, Classifieds, Registered Users, Query-based Paid Placement,
Contextual Advertising.

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Table 3 (continued)

e-business model type

Merchant Model

Some firms function as infomediaries (information intermediaries) by either
collecting data about consumers or collecting data about producers and their
products and then selling it to firms which in turn can mine it for important
patterns and other useful information to better serve their clients. Examples are:
Advertising Networks, Audience Measurement Services, Incentive Marketing,

Wholesalers and retailers of goods and services sold over the Internet. These
include: Virtual Merchant, Catalog Merchant, Click and Mortar, Bit Vendor

Manufacturer Model

Manufacturers can reach buyers directly through the Internet and thereby
compress the distribution channel.

Affiliate Model The affiliate model provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be
surfing. It does this by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage
of revenue) to affiliated partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-
through to the merchant via their web sites.

Community Model The community model is based on user loyalty. Users have a high investment
in time and emotion in the site. In some cases, users
are regular contributors of content and/or money. Examples are Voluntary
Contributor Models and Knowledge Networks.

SubscriptionModel Users are charged a periodicdaily, monthly or annualfee to subscribe to a
service. Examples are Content Services, Person-to-Person Networking
Services, Trust Services, Internet Service Providers.

Utility Model The utility model is based on metering usage, or a pay-as-you-go approach.
Unlike subscriber services, metered services are based on actual usage rates.

Weill & Vitale, 2001
Content Providers Provides content (information, digital products, and services) via intermediaries.

Direct to Customer Provides goods or services directly to the customer, often bypassing traditional
channel members.

Full-Service Provider Provides a full range of services in one domain (e.g., financial, health, industrial
chemicals) directly via allies, attempting to own the primary consumer

Intermediary Brings together buyers and sellers by concentrating information.

Shared Infrastructure Brings together multiple competitors to cooperate by sharing common IT

Value Net Integrators Coordinate activities across the value net by gathering, synthesizing, and
distributing information.

VirtualC community


Creates and facilitates an online community of people with a common interest,
enabling interaction and service provision.

Provides a firm-wide single point of contact, consolidating all services provided
by a large multi-unit organization.

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While in general scholars have described specific e-business initiatives, Timmers (1998)
distinguishes among 11 generic e-business models, from e-shops and e-procurement to trust
and other third-party services. Tapscott et al. (2000) propose a network- and value-centered
taxonomy that distinguishes between five types of value networks they call b-webs (business
webs), which differ in their degree of economic control and value integration. Rappa (2001)
classifies companies according to the nature of their value proposition and their mode of
generating revenues. Weill and Vitale (2001) describe eight so-called atomic business models,
each of which describes a different way of conducting business electronically. E-business
initiatives can be represented by pure atomic business models or by combining them. And
Applegate (2001) introduces the following six business models: focused distributors, portals,
producers, infrastructure distributors, infrastructure portals and infrastructure producers. What
is common to all these approaches is an attempt to describe and organize around typologies
and taxonomies the plethora of new perceived business archetypes, enabled mainly by Internet
While Timmers (1998) and Mahadevan (2000) propose two-dimensional classification schemes,
Dubosson-Torbay et al. (2002) propose a multidimensional one. They identify the following
principal dimensions for classifying business models: users role (how the client or prospect is
considered by the company), interaction pattern (one or many people/companies providing to
one or many people/companies), nature of the offering (information, services, or products),
pricing system (fee system, price list, or dynamic price mechanism), level of customization
(mass vs. customized content), and economic control (from self-organizing to hierarchical).
Components of e-business models. Besides providing typologies that enlist and describe
various generic e-business models, students of e-business have also attempted to distinguish
first- and second-order themes among the components of e-business models. Table 4 presents a
summary of these efforts.

Table 4
Components of e-Business Models

Author(s) -
First Order Concept(s) Second Order Concept(s)
Value stream for partners and buyers network
(identifies the value proposition for the buyer, sellers,
and market makers and portals in an Internet context)
Revenue stream (a plan for assuring revenue
generation for the business)
Logistical stream (addresses various issues related to
the design of the supply chain for the business)

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First Order Concept(s)

Second Order Concept(s)
Stewart, &
Zhao, 2000

Profit stream (includes the revenue stream and cost

Customer selection
Value capture
Differentiation and strategic control
Afuah &
Tucci, 2001

A system made of components, linkages between
components, and dynamics
Customer value (the extent to which the firms offer is
distinct or has a lower cost than its competitors)
Revenue sources (Where do the dollars comes from?
Who pays what value and when? What are the margins
in each market and what drives them? What drives
value in each source?)

Connected activities
Alt &

Legal issues

Goals; Vision; Value proposition
Actors and governance; Focus
Customer orientation; Coordination
Source of revenues; Business logic

Concept (describes an opportunity)
Capabilities (define the resources needed to turn
concept into reality)
Value (measures the return to investors and other

Market opportunity; Product and service
offered; Competitive dynamic; Strategy for
capturing a dominant position; Strategic
options for evolving the business
People and partners; Organization and
culture; Operating model; Marketing sales
model; Management model; Business
development model; Infrastructure model
Benefits returned to stakeholders; Benefits
returned to the firm; Market share and
performance; Brand and reputation;
Financial performance
Rappa, 2001
Revenue stream
Cost structure
Value chain positioning


Value proposition
Customer segments
Partners network
Delivery channel
Revenue stream

Value configuration
Cost structure
et al., 2006

Products and services delivery
Costs structure

Network (structural aspects)
Network externalities

Brousseau &

Revenue stream
Sustainable income generation
Goods and services production and exchanges

Pricing strategies
Relationships (demand and supply)
Network externalities

IESE Business School-University of Navarra - 13
Business model representations. Several authors have attempted to represent business models
through a mixture of informal textual, verbal, and ad hoc graphical representations (e.g., Amit
& Zott, 2002; Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart, 2010). Weill and Vitale (2001) have introduced a set
of simple schematics intended to provide tools for the analysis and design of e-business
initiatives. Their e-business model schematics are based on three classes of objects:
participants (firm of interest, customers, suppliers, and allies), relationships, and flows (money,
information, product, or service flows). In a related vein, Tapscott et al. (2000) suggest a value
map for depicting how a business web operates. The value map depicts all key classes of
participants (partners, customers, suppliers) and value exchanges between them (tangible and
intangible benefits and knowledge).
Other scholars have attempted to provide business model ontologies. A business model
ontology (BMO) (Osterwalder, 2004) is a conceptualization and formalization of the essential
components of a business model into elements, relationships, vocabulary, and semantics. A
BMO is structured into several levels of decomposition with increasing depth and complexity.
Tankhiwale (2009) has applied a BMO in a longitudinal case study in order to trace the
evolution of a telecommunication firms business model and its impact on the firms business
process architecture. Gordijn and Akkermans (2001) have proposed a conceptual modelling
approach, what they call the e3-value ontology, designed to help define how economic value
is created and exchanged within a network of actors. This modelling technique takes a value
viewpoint, unlike other traditional modelling tools that take either a business process viewpoint
(typical of operational management) or a system architecture viewpoint (typical of information
systems literature). The proposed ontology borrows concepts from business literature such as
actors, value exchanges, value activities, and value objects, and uses these notions to model
networked constellations of enterprises and end-consumers who create, distribute, and consume
things of economic value.
Strategic marketing in e-business. Within the domain of e-business, some scholars have
focused on the changing nature of customer-firm relationships. A special concern has been the
monetization of e-business. Pauwels and Weiss (2008) examine fee and free business models
for providing digital content on the Internet. In the free models firms offer all the content for
free, while in the fee model they charge for at least part of it. Their work focuses on the firm
performance implications of a shift from the free to the fee model, and empirically analyzes
the role that marketing actions can play in accommodating this shift.
In this regard, scholars have also examined the degree of Internet advertising effectiveness
which affects advertising-based e-business models and their ability to monetize Internet
applications. Clemons (2009) has provided an overview of business models for monetizing
Internet applications. He argues that while the majority of attempts to monetize Internet
applications targeted at individuals have focused on natural extensions of traditional media or
traditional retailing, there are several potential online business models that are not based on
advertising and that, given declining advertising effectiveness, might constitute a better choice.
The most powerful revenue source on the Internet might be paying for key words (e.g., Google).
Community content recommendations, social search, and contextual mobile advertising all
seem to offer possibilities for providing value to users.
Scholars have also noted the phenomenon of media convergence (e.g., see Fidler, 1997), the
convergence of different media channels on one digital platform, which has resulted in
structural change in the media industry. McPhillips and Merlo (2008) have referred to it by
introducing the term media business model. Structural change in the media industry has also

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been driven by the advent of new communication channels, such as mobile e-services (m-
services). Eriksson, Kalling, kesson, and Fredberg (2008) have considered e-newspapers
published for mobile reading devices equipped with e-paper displays, and analyzed the
implication of future m-service innovation on the development of new business models.
Huizingh (2002) has studied how to help managers design such e-business models. While he
employs the term e-business strategies, his focus is on the generation of superior customer
value. He proposes three management models, which are rooted in marketing literature and
which could guide managers in how best to exploit the commercial potential of the Internet.
Summary of literature on business models in e-business. Scholars focusing on e-business as
an area for research on business models have been mainly interested in understanding the
gestalt of firms engaging in (new) Internet-based ways of doing business, and the (new) roles
that these firms play in their respective ecosystems. For that purpose, scholars have 1) defined
and represented generic (e-)business models, and/or 2) developed typologies and taxonomies;
they have been less concerned with causal explanation or empirical testing. Their mostly
descriptive contributions highlight, to varying degrees, the notion of value (e.g., value stream,
customer value, value proposition), monetary and financial aspects (e.g., revenue streams, cost
structures) and aspects related to the architecture of the network between the firm and its
exchange partners (e.g., delivery channels, network relationships, logistical streams,
infrastructure). Each of these components may constitute part of a generic business model, and
it could be a source of differentiation among business model types. But none of these
components, in isolation, is sufficient for capturing the business model as a whole.
Thus, in this literature stream the business model is not a value proposition, a revenue model,
or a network of relationships by itself; it is all of these elements together. Accordingly (and not
surprisingly), none of the papers in this literature stream analyzes the relationship between any
business model component (e.g., revenue mechanism, configuration of control activities, pricing
system, or interaction pattern) and other constructs, a fact that renders the delineation of
potential antecedents or consequences of the business model difficult.
Business Models and Strategy: Value Creation and Value Capture Through
The business model has received increasing attention from scholars and business strategists
interested in explaining firms value creation, performance, and competitive advantage.
Value creation in networked markets. The digital economy has provided firms with the
potential to experiment with novel forms of value creation mechanisms, which are networked
in the sense that value is created in concert by a firm and a plethora of partners, for multiple
users. This redefinition of value has attracted the attention of management scholars, who have
employed the concept of business model in their attempt to explain value creation in networked
markets (e.g., Zott & Amit, 2009). However, in explaining value creation, the concept of
business model has not only been used in the context of e-business. Seelos and Mair (2007), for
example, have studied value creation mechanisms in the context of deep poverty. They
conceptualize a business model as a set of capabilities that is configured to enable value
creation consistent with either economic or social strategic objectives (Seelos & Mair: 53). Thus
value creation can refer to different forms of value (in this case, social vs. economic).
Value creation mechanisms often go beyond the value that can be realized through
Schumpeterian innovation, the (re-)configuration of the value chain (Porter, 1985), the

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formation of strategic networks among firms, or the exploitation of firms specific core
competencies. In e-business, as Amit and Zott (2001) observe, the locus of value creation, and
thus the appropriate unit of analysis, spans firms and industries boundaries. The authors
conclude that prior frameworks used in isolation cannot sufficiently address questions about
total value creation. Based on a sample of 150 firms, they propose four potential sources of
value creation: 1) Novelty (Schumpeterian types of innovation in the design of the business
model); 2) Lock-In (business model features which incentivize the focal firms customers and
strategic partners to engage in repeat transactions and prevent them from migrating); 3)
Complementarities (business model features that facilitate bundling, e.g., combining
complementary products, services, or activities); and 4) Efficiency (business model features that
foster transaction efficiency). These NICE value drivers can be mutually reinforcing, that is, the
presence of each value driver can enhance the effectiveness of any other value driver.
Value can also be creatd through revolutionary business models. According to Hamel (2000), to
thrive in the age of revolution, companies must adopt a new, radical innovation agenda, and
develop new business models. One of the primary characteristics of new business models is that
both value creation and value capture occur in a value network, which can include suppliers,
partners, distribution channels, and coalitions that extend the companys resources.
Business model and firm performance. While some literature on the business model tends to
concentrate on the firms activities with its network of partners, increasingly scholars are
acknowledging that firms do not execute their business model in a competitive vacuum (Hamel,
2000), and that firms can compete through their business models (Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart,
2010). The business model, then, represents a potential source of competitive advantage. The
novelty presented by new effective models can result in superior value creation (Morris et al.,
2005), or even change the economics of an industry (Magretta, 2002). The business model may
replace the old way of doing things and become the standard for the next generation of
entrepreneurs to beat (Magretta).
Business models can play a central role in explaining firm performance. Afuah and Tucci (2001)
propose the business model as a unifying construct for explaining competitive advantage and
firm performance and define it as the method by which a firm builds and uses its resources to
offer its customer better value and to make money in doing so (2001:3). Afuah (2004) focuses
on firms profitability and introduces a strategic framework in which the business model is
conceptualized by means of a set of components that corresponds to the determinants of firm
profitability. The framework includes the following components: resources (including
competences and capabilities), industry factors, activities, and position. By envisioning the
business model through the lens of the factors affecting the firms profitability, he implicitly
establishes a causal relationship between the business model and firm performance.
While the work of Afuah (2004) and Afuah and Tucci (2001) is conceptual, some authors have
conducted empirical analyses. Zott and Amit (2007) have analyzed the performance
implications of business model design in entrepreneurial firms. They refer to the business model
design as the design of an organizations set of boundary-spanning transactions. In their view,
the essence of the association between business model design and firm performance can be
analyzed by looking at two distinct effects: the total value creation potential of the business
model design and the firms ability to appropriate that value. They identify two design themes
around which the business model can be orchestrated: efficiency and novelty. In their empirical
work, Zott and Amit see the business model as the independent variable, and link it to firm
performance, moderated by the environment.

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In another empirical study on firm performance, the business model has been employed as a
contingent variable. Palzelt, Knyphausen-Aufse, and Nikol (2008) introduce the business
model as a variable moderating the effect of top management team composition and
organizational performance. They analyze a set of biotechnology ventures in the German
industry and focus on two types of business models which biotechnology firms might adopt:
platform and therapeutics business models. They show that founder-based, firm-specific
experience of management team members can have either a positive or a negative effect on the
firms performance, depending on the business model adopted. Similarly, Zott and Amit (2008)
acknowledge the possible contingent effect of the business model in mediating between product
market strategy and firm performance. They root their study in contingency theory and ask:
how do the firms business model and product market strategy interact to impact the firm
performance? They see the business model as a structural construct that captures the firms
architecture of transactions with external parties, namely customers, partners, and vendors. In
their work they develop a formal model and test it empirically, finding that: 1) business models
that emphasize novelty and are coupled with either differentiation or cost leadership can have a
positive impact on the firms performance, and 2) novelty-centered business models together
with early entry into a market have a positive effect on performance.
Other studies on the performance implications of business model design come from business
practitioners and consultants. Linder and Cantrell (2001), from the Accenture Institute for
Strategic Change, have published a report that comments on the results of interviews with 70
companies executives and analysts, as well as extensive secondary research on the role of the
business model in firms success. According to their research, successful companies choose an
effective business model and execute it superbly, or they relentlessly alter their business model
as competition threatens.
Consultants at IBM Global Business Services, interviewing 765 corporate and public sector
leaders world-wide, found that firms that were financial outperformers put twice as much
emphasis on business model innovation as underperformers. Going a step further, Giesen and
colleagues (Giesen, Berman, Bell, & Blitz, 2007), also from IBM, looked at the relationship
between business model innovation and firm performance. They identify three types of business
model innovation, namely industry models (innovations in industry supply chain), revenue
models (innovations in how companies generate value), and enterprise models (innovations in
the role the structure of an enterprise plays in new or existing value chains). They report two
key findings: 1) each type of business model innovation can generate success, and 2)
innovation in enterprise models that focuses on external collaboration and partnerships is
particularly effective in older companies as compared to younger ones.
Strategy and the business model. The business model extends central ideas in business
strategy and its associated theoretical traditions. Much of the early discussion about the
relationship between strategy and the business model has revolved around the question of
the extent to which they are different concepts. Our review reveals that consensus is growing
that the business model and product-market strategy are indeed conceptually different. Scholars
contend, for example, that the business model can be a source of competitive advantage that is
distinct from the firms product-market position (Christensen, 2001). Firms that address the
same customer need and pursue similar product-market strategies can do so with very different
business models; business model design and product-market strategy are complements, not
substitutes (Zott & Amit, 2008).

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Two main differentiating factors seem to have captured the attention of scholars. The first is the
emphasis of strategy on competition, while the business model focuses more on cooperation,
partnerships, and joint value creation (Magretta, 2002). In general, the business strategy of a
firm is more concerned with value capture and competitive advantage than with value creation,
whereas business models combine a concern for sustainable value creation (in terms of total
value created) with value capture and appropriation (Mkinen & Seppnen, 2007). The total
value created is the value created for all business model stakeholders (focal firm, customers,
suppliers, and other exchange partners). It is the upper limit for the value that can be captured
by the focal firm (Brandenburger & Stuart, 1996).
Product-market strategy differs from the business model in its focus on the firm positioning vis
a vis its rivals (Zott & Amit, 2008) and its emphasis on how to capture value and sustain it
(Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002). It defines how a business organization can do better than its
rivals by embracing principles of differentiation (Magretta, 2002). The prima facie role of
product-market strategy is the pursuit of competitive advantage (Mansfield & Fourie, 2004).
The second factor of interest to management scholars is the focus of the business model on the
value proposition and a generalized emphasis on the role of customer, which is less pronounced
in the strategy literature. Our review reveals a strong consensus that the business model
revolves around the general concept of (customer-focused) value creation (Chesbrough &
Rosenbloom, 2002; Mansfield & Fourie, 2004). Seen from the lens of the value that is creates, it
is a customer-centric construct (Mansfield & Fourie), but at the same time it highlights the
networked architecture of the value creation pattern (Amit & Zott, 2001). It centers on the
pattern of the firms economic exchanges with external parties in its addressable factor and
product markets (Zott & Amit, 2008), and it outlines the essential details of a firms value
proposition for its various stakeholders and the activity system the firm uses to create and
deliver value to its customers (Seddon, Lewis, Freeman, & Shanks, 2004).
Despite the highlighted conceptual differences between business models and particular aspects
of firm strategy, recently scholars have emphasized that the business model can play an
important role for strategy. According to Richardson (2008), the business model explains how
the activities of the firm work together to execute its strategy, thus bridging strategy
formulation and implementation. Shafer et al. (2005) use the metaphor of the construction of a
custom home. In this illustration the architect consults with the future homeowners to
understand how they envision the future home and creates the design to fulfill that vision.
According to Shafer and colleagues, this design corresponds to the strategy. However, in the
next step the architect prepares a detailed floor plan based on the choices made during the
design process. It is this step which corresponds to the business model design. A similar
position is held by Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart (2010), who view the business model as a
reflection of a firms realized strategy and by Teece who sees the business model as reflecting
management hypothesis about what customers want, and how an enterprise can best meet
those needs, and get paid for doing so (2007: 1329).
Business model and strategy can also differ in terms of the assumptions about the state of
knowledge held by the firm and its stakeholders. Chesbrough & Rosenbloom (2002) propose that
business models explicitly assume limited or distorted information and knowledge, whereas
strategies are built on analysis and refinements in knowledge, thereby assuming the existence
of reliable and plentiful information to be transformed into knowledge.

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Summary of literature on business models in the strategy field. Within the strategy literature,
research on business models has revolved mainly around three aspects: 1) the networked nature
of value creation, 2) the relationship between business models and firm performance, and 3) the
distinction between the business model and other strategy concepts. Since strategy scholars are
generally interested in a firms activities (as these help explain, for example, how a firm
distinguishes itself from its competitors), it is not surprising that many of the business model
conceptualizations proposed in this literature stream center on (or at least include) the notion of
activities or activity systems.
In the absence of a commonly accepted definition, scholars attempts at conceptual refinement
have helped clarify at least what a business model is not. First, the business model does not
involve a linear mechanism for value creation from suppliers to the firm to its customers. Value
creation through business models involves a more complex, interconnected set of exchange
relationships and activities among multiple players. Second, the business model is not the same
as product-market strategy (i.e., it does not refer to firm positioning in product markets based
on differentiation or cost leadership in certain activities) nor corporate strategy (i.e., it does not
describe or prescribe the areas of business in which a firm becomes active). Third, the business
model cannot be reduced to issues that concern the internal organization of firms (e.g., control
mechanisms, incentive systems) (Casadesus-Masanell & Ricart, 2010); activity systems, even
though centered on a focal firm, typically span firm boundaries. However, the business model
can be a source of competitive advantage, as it emphasizes the importance of activities centered
on customer needs, a perspective that is relatively rare within the strategy literature.
Business Models, Innovation, and Technology Management
The business model concept has also been addressed in the domains of innovation and
technology management. Two complementary views seem to dominate the research. The first is
that companies commercialize innovative ideas and technologies through their business models.
The second is that the business model represents a new dimension of innovation, which spans
the traditional modes of process, product, and organizational innovation, and involves new
forms of cooperation and collaboration.
One important role of the business model could consist of capturing value from early stage
technology by unlocking the value potential embedded in technologies and converting it into
market outcomes. Chesbrough and Rosenbloom (2002) detail an extensive case study, in which
they show how the Xerox Corporation grew by employing an effective business model to
commercialize a technology rejected by other leading companies. Their study also focuses on a
selected sample of technology spin-offs which emerged from Xerox PARC, the companys
research center at Palo Alto. The study compares successful and unsuccessful technology spin-
offs with comparable market potential. They find that in successful ventures the search and
learning for an effective business model was significantly higher than in failed ventures. These
authors view the business model as a conceptual tool that connects product development and
customer needs.
In a related vein, Bjrkdahl (2009) employs the notion of business model for studying
technology diversification and cross fertilization efforts. Some companies diversify their
technological portfolios by introducing new technologies into existing products, exploiting the
opportunities arising from such cross fertilizing technologies. Bjrkdahl explores the role of
the business model in capturing value from technology cross fertilization. His central argument

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is that the integration of new technologies into the technology base of a product (i.e.,
technology cross fertilization) can open up new subspaces in the existing technical performance
and functionality space, which in turn requires a new business model if the economic value
potential of the new technology is to be captured. He roots his conceptualization of the
business model in the work of Chesbrough and Rosenbloom (2002) and defines it as the logic
and the activities that create and appropriate economic value. In two of the three cases he
examines, the firms were able to create economic value by substantially changing their
business models; the third company, which did not change its business model, failed to do so.
Business models can not only entail consequences for technological innovations; they can also
be shaped by them. Calia, Guerrini, and Moura (2007) show how technological innovation
networks can provide the resources necessary for business model reconfiguration. They present
the results of a case study of a technology company in the aluminum industry, finding that the
impact of technological innovation, when it is the result of a collaborative effort in a network
of technological partners, might not be limited to the new products technological features, but
can result in changes in the companys operational and commercial activities, which ultimately
correspond to a change of the business model.
While these works have looked at the roles of business models in commercializing technologies
at the level of the individual firm, more recently Johnson and Suskewicz (2009) have referred to
the business model at the level of an entire industry. In their article, which discusses the
transition from a fossil fuel economy to a clean tech economy, it is argued that in such a large
infrastructural change the key is to shift the focus from developing individual technologies to
creating whole new systems. The business model is introduced as part of a framework for
thinking about systemic change, which also includes enabling technology, a careful market
adoption strategy, and a favorable government policy. Their central argument for employing
the business model is consistent with the main thesis in the technology management literature,
i.e., new technological paradigms require appropriate business models in order to both create
value for customers and to capture part of the value.
Specifically, while technological innovation is important, it might not suffice to guarantee
firms survival for two reasons. First, technology per se has no inherent value (Chesbrough,
2007a; 2007b). Business models matter even for general purpose technologies, in which
upstream firms license general purpose technologies (i.e., half polished applications sold at
intermediate development stages) to downstream firms rather than developing final product
themselves (Gambardella & McGahan, 2010). Second, competition on technology alone is
becoming increasingly difficult. The rising costs of R&D together with increasingly short
product life cycles means that even great technologies can no longer be relied upon to earn a
satisfactory profit before they become commoditized. A better business model will beat a better
idea or technology (Chesbrough, 2007a).
Business model innovation. Besides adopting business models to facilitate technological
innovation and the management of technology, firms can also view the business model as a
source of innovation in and of itself. To become business model innovators companies need to
create processes for making innovation and improvements (Mitchell & Coles, 2003). Chesbrough
(2003) introduced the notion of open innovation. Open innovation is a mode of innovation in
which companies, rather than relying on internal ideas to advance business, look outside the
firm boundaries in order to leverage internal and external sources of ideas. Open innovation
relies on outsiders as a source of ideas and as the means to commercialize them. It can lead to
new business models (Chesbrough, 2003, 2010). For example, from the point of view of the

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focal firm, external innovators can be organized as a collaborative community or as a market
(Boudreau & Lakhani, 2009). These are fundamentally different modes of organization which in
turn imply a different business model configuration; in the former (community), members are
often willing to collaborate and work for free, while in the latter (market) innovators develop
multiple competing varieties of complementary goods, components, or services, with little
cooperation among them.
A concept similar to open innovation is collaborative entrepreneurship, which is defined as the
creation of something of economic value based on new jointly generated ideas that emerge
from the sharing of information and knowledge (Miles, Miles, & Snow, 2006: 2). Though the
authors do not explicitly define the business model, they employ it in referring to the
organizational process and the external collaboration efforts that articulate this type of network
play. Collaborative entrepreneurship thus involves business model innovation. However, as the
authors point out, collaboration is much more complex and demanding than cooperation,
where desired outcomes are relatively clear and the distribution of future returns can be
negotiated. Collaboration often involves unpredictable outcomes and relies on trust and a joint
commitment to values of honesty and equitable treatment.
In an extension of his earlier work, Chesbrough (2007b) has focused on networks in which
players partner and collaborate in the co-creation of the business model, and introduced the
notion of open business models. According to the author, companies open their business model
by actively searching for and exploiting outside ideas and by allowing unused internal
technologies to flow to the outside, where other firms can unlock their latent economic
potential. His central argument is that the value of in-house technologies might be not evident
to proprietary companies.
Open business models designed for sharing or licensing technologies, apart from being a source
of innovation themselves, may prompt additional business model innovation in complementary
markets as a consequence of the reconfiguration of downstream industry structure as well as
capabilities (Gambardella & McGahan, 2010). The business model itself can become part of
intellectual property (Rivette & Kline, 2000; Rappa, 2001).
Business model innovation and renewal in incumbent firms. There is an increasing consensus
that business model innovation is key to firm performance. As a result, an important number of
scholars focus on issues related to business model renewal and innovation in incumbent firms
(e.g., Chesbrough, 2007a; Demil & Lecoq 2010; IBM Global Business Services, 2006; Ireland,
Hitt, Camp, & Sexton 2001; Johnson, Christensen, & Kagermann, 2008; Sosna, Trevinyo-
Rodrguez & Velamuri, 2010). Considerations on issues related to business model innovation in
incumbent firms were already present in Chesbrough and Rosenblooms study (2002) of the
Xerox Corporation and its research center at Palo Alto. According to the authors, the business
model as an heuristic logic might act as a mental map, which mediates the way business ideas
are perceived by filtering information as valuable or not. This filtering process within a
successful established firm is likely to preclude the identification of models that differ
substantially from the firms current business model. In its cognitive dimension the business
model concept is similar to Prahalad and Bettiss (1986) notion of a dominant logic. The
dominant logic is a prevailing wisdom about how the world works and how the firm competes
in this world. The dominant logic can act as a filter on information, preventing managers from
seeing opportunities (removing certain possibilities from serious consideration) when they fall
outside of the prevailing logic, driving firms into the dominant logic trap (Chesbrough, 2003).

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Bouchikhi and Kimberly (2003) have referred to a similar phenomenon as the identity trap. In
their view an organizations identity can become a trap when it so constrains strategic options
that the organization cannot cope effectively with a changing environment. Attempts to change
that are in conflict with this core identity are often doomed to failure. Recently Chesbrough
(2010) has analyzed in more detail barriers to business model innovation in existing firms,
suggesting two types of barriers. The first type of barrier refers to the underlying configuration
of assets. Barriers exist in terms of conflicts with existing assets and business models (i.e.,
inertia emerges because of the complexity required for the re-configuration of assets and
operational processes). The second type of barrier is cognitive. It is manifested by the inability
of managers who have been operating within the confines of a certain business model to
understand the value potential in technologies and ideas which do not fit in the current
business model.
How can managers overcome these barriers? They could, for example, construct maps of
business models, in order to clarify the process underlying them; the maps then become a
source of experiments to consider alternatives (Chesbrough, 2010). In a related vein, some
scholars contend that the business model takes shape through a discovery-driven process of
experimentation (McGrath, 2010). Hayashi (2009) notes that many companies have had original
business models that did not work, and further suggests that companies need to experiment in
order to find the right business model. They need a culture that encourages employees to
investigate numerous what if questions.
The process of discovering new business models might differ for different organizations in
different competitive landscapes. Sheehan and Stabell (2007) argue that knowledge-intensive
organizations might require special tools to discern innovative growth opportunities. They
argue that knowledge-intensive organizations can be classified into three groups. Diagnosis
shops create value by defining problems and creating remedies (e.g., law and audit firms).
Search shops create value by searching for and defining opportunities (e.g., pharmaceutical and
biotech discovery units). Design shops create value by formulating innovative concepts of
production prototypes (e.g., architecture firms). The authors propose a three-step process of
analysis to help managers in knowledge-intensive organizations improve their business model.
A specific leadership agenda might be required for business model renewal. In order to
overcome the rigidity that accompanies established business models, Doz and Kosonen (2010)
propose that companies be made more agile, which can be achieved by developing three meta-
capabilities: strategic sensitivity, leadership unity, and resource flexibility. They point to the
importance of the top management team (TMT) to achieve collective commitment for taking the
risks necessary to venture into new business models and abandon old ones. In similar vein,
Smith, Binns and Tushman highlight how the effective management of complex business
models depend on leadership that can make dynamic decisions, build commitment to both
overarching visions and agenda specific goals, learn actively at multiple levels and engage
conflict (2010: 448). Santos, Spector, and Van Der Heyden (2009) also emphasize the
importance of the behavioral aspects involved in business model innovation (BMI). To achieve
BMI, they suggest that mutual engagement and organizational justice are needed. BMI, they
argue, should not only consider the structural aspects of the formal organization (typically
activity sets), but should also focus on the relational dynamics at the level of informal
Some scholars have attempted to develop typologies for BMI. Giesen et al. (2007) have
proposed that BMI can be classified into three groups: 1) industry model innovation, which

22 - IESE Business School-University of Navarra
consists of innovating the industry value chain by moving into new industries, redefining
existing industries, or creating entirely new ones; 2) revenue model innovation, which
represents innovation in the way revenues are generated, for example through re-configuration
of the product-service value mix or new pricing models; and 3) enterprise model innovation,
changing the role a firm plays in the value chain, which can involve changes in the extended
enterprise and networks with employees, suppliers, customers, and others, including
capability/asset configurations.
Summary of literature on business models and technology management. Within the
technology and innovation management field, the business model is mainly seen as a
mechanism that connects a firms (innovative) technology to customer needs, and/or to other
firm resources (e.g., technologies). The business model is conceptually placed between firms
input resources and market outcomes, and embodies nothing less than the organizational and
financial architecture of the business (Teece, 2010: 173). The business model, according to
this more functionalist, firm-centric perspective, complements technology, open innovation,
and collaborative entrepreneurship, but these (i.e., technology, open innovation, or
collaborative entrepreneurship) are not necessarily an essential part of it. Neither are input
resources nor competition in output markets part of the business model concept. The core
logic of a business model, instead, revolves around a firms revenues and costs, its value
proposition to the customer, and the mechanisms to capture value. These issues have
traditionally been neglected in economic theory, in organizational and strategic studies, and in
marketing science (Teece, 2010). Thus conceived, the business model can be a vehicle for
innovation as well as a source of innovation.
Throughout our review, we have shown that the business model has been used to address
different concerns in different contexts and in different management areas. Scholars have used
the same term (i.e., business model) to explain and address different phenomena such as e-
business types, value creation or value capture by firms, and how technology innovation works.
Research about the role of business models has proceeded in largely isolated fashion within
these silos. There have also been a range of conceptualizations of business models within
silos. This multitude of (sometimes ad-hoc) conceptualizations has prevented, or at least
slowed, cumulative research progress.
Given that interest in the concept has only recently emerged, it is not surprising that the
literature is currently characterized by a lack of consensus. Definitional and conceptual
disagreement is to be expected during an emergent phase of any new potentially big idea of
general usefulness (Gladwin, Kennelly, & Krause, 1995). We use the opportunity that this
emergent phase offers for clarification and making sense of the various developments: first by
comparing and contrasting the various approaches to business models in each of the three
identified literature streams (see Table 5), and second by suggesting possibilities for moving

IESE Business School-University of Navarra - 23
Table 5
Comparing and Contrasting Literatures on Business Models
E-commerce Strategy

Technology & Innovation

Main Purpose

(Why the
business model
concept is

To make sense of new
gestalts and Internet-based
organizational configurations

To offer typologies or
taxonomies (to which class
does an observed business
model belong to?)

To explain firms (new) role
within its ecosystem

To explain new network-
and activity system-based
value creation mechanisms
and sources of competitive

To understand how
technology is converted
into market outcomes

To understand new
networked modes of

What a Business
Model Is Not.

Components in isolation, e.g.:
Revenue model/Cost
Structure (Dubosson-
Torbay et al., 2002)
Marketing model or
strategy (Timmers, 1998)
Pricing model/strategy
(Rappa, 2001)
Network structure
(Tapscott et al., 2000)
Value proposition
(Dubosson-Torbay et al.,
systems (Casadesus-
Masanell & Ricart, 2010)

Product market strategy
(Zott & Amit, 2008)
Corporate Strategy
(Richardson, 2008)
Market adoption
strategy (Ojala &
Tyrvinene, 2006)
Business processes
(Shafer et al., 2005)
Senior leadership team
processes and
structures (Smith et al.,

(Chesbrough &
Rosenbloom, 2002)
Policy (Johnson &
Suskewicz, 2009)
Networked innovation
(e.g., open innovation,
(Chesbrough, 2003;
Miles et al., 2006).
Management teams
(Patzelt et al., 2008)

Antecedents of
Business Models
New information and
technologies (Timmers,
1998; Dubosson-Torbay
et al., 2002))

Choices (e.g., Shafer et
al., 2005; Casadesus-
Masanell & Ricart,
Design drivers (Zott &
Amit, 2010)
Discovery (McGrath,
2010 )
External pressures -
regulation (Tankhiwale,
(Chesbrough, &
Rosenbloom, 2002;
Chesbrough 2007a)
innovation (Calia et al.,
2007; Bjrkdahl, 2009)

Through Which
Business Models
Pricing systems (Rappa,
2001; Tapscott et al.,
Value chain de-
construction and re-
construction (Timmers,
Revenue mechanisms
(Rappa, 2001)
Control Activities
Transactions Governance
Structure (Weill & Vitale,
Interaction pattern
(Mahadevan, 2000;
Dubosson-Torbay et al.,
innovation (Teece,
Value chain re-
configuration (Zott &
Amit, 2008)
Advantageous cost
structures (Teece,
Competitive advantage
unique value
propositions (Teece,
NICE mechanisms (Zott
& Amit, 2008)

Network plays (Calia et
al., 2007; Bjrkdahl,
Connection of the
technology with
(Chesbrough, &
Rosenbloom, 2002)

24 - IESE Business School-University of Navarra
Table 5 (continued)
E-commerce Strategy

Technology & Innovation

Outcomes /
of Business

Value creation (Amit &
Zott, 2002)
Firm performance (e.g.,
Zott & Amit, 2007, 2008;
Casadesus-Masanell &
Ricart, 2010)
Competitive advantage
(Christensen, 2001)

Value creation (Hedman
& Kalling, 2002)
infrastructure (Bjrkdahl,
Innovation network
dynamics (Calia et al.,
Creation and
appropriation of value
from technology
(Chesbrough &
Rosenbloom, 2002)

As stated above (and summarized in Table 5), one possible way to move research on business
models forward could be based on the realization that scholars in different fields use the same
label to explain very different things. It might be helpful, perhaps, to adopt more precise labels
that indicate the researchers main analytical focus, such as e-business model archetype (for
studies on e-business model types), business model as activity system (for strategy studies
focusing on boundary-spanning activities), or business model as cost/revenue architecture
(for technology management and innovation scholars interested in explaining the economic
mechanisms that allow a firm to commercialize technological innovations). This could help
increase analytical focus and precision, and minimize potential confusion.
Our literature review offers a second possible avenue for advancing research on business
models by suggesting the emergence of some important common ground among various
business model researchers, despite the disparity of their approaches in terms of detailed
concepts used and phenomena explained. It is our hope that the following four common themes
that were identified in this review pave the way for future conceptual convergence and
First, the business model isexplicitly or implicitlyconsidered as a new unit of analysis (see
Tables 2 and 4), which spans or bridges traditional levels of analysis, such as the firm or the
network. Some researchers view the business model closer to the firm (e.g., Casadesus-Masanell
& Ricart, 2010), others place it closer to the network (e.g., Tapscott et al., 2000), and for others
still it is nested somewhere between the firm and the network (e.g., Amit & Zott, 2002). All but
a few business model scholars would agree, however, that it is a new, distinct concept,
worthwhile of academic study and relevant in practice.
Second, as evidenced by the large number of studies attempting to provide business model
typologies (see Table 3), business model researchers generally adopt a holistic and systemic (as
opposed to particularistic and functional) perspective, not just on what businesses do (e.g., what
products and services they produce to serve needs in addressable market spaces), but also on
how they do it (e.g., how they bridge factor and product markets in serving the needs of
customers). The business model perspective thus involves simultaneous consideration of content
and process, which explains part of the challenge in defining and operationalizing the

IESE Business School-University of Navarra - 25
Third, many scholars include organizational activities, performed either by a focal firm or by
any of its suppliers, partners, or customers, as part of their conceptualizations (McGrath, 2010;
Teece, 2010; Zott & Amit, 2010). In many business model definitions the activity perspective is
recurrent, either implicitly or explicitly. Some point directly to activities (e.g., Afuah, 2004;
Hedman & Kalling, 2003; Seddon et al., 2004), others imply them indirectly, for example by
pointing to processes (e.g., Alt & Zimmerman, 2001; Johnson et al., 2008; Morris et al., 2005),
functionalities (e.g., Van Der Vorst, Van Dongen, Nouguier, & Hilhorst, 2002), or transactions
(Amit & Zott, 2001). All these concepts are related to the notion of organizational activities.
Combined with the first and second emerging common themes identified above (i.e., business
models are a new unit of analysis and represent a system-level concept), this suggests a view of
the business model as a firm-centric, yet boundary-spanning, activity system. This view is
consistent with the representational nature that is often attributed to the business model (e.g.,
Applegate, 2000; Morris et al., 2005; Shafer et al., 2005; Stewart & Zhao, 2000; Weill & Vitale,
2001) as well as its systemic nature (e.g., Dubosson-Torbay et al., 2002; Timmers, 1998). A
business model can be viewed as a system that is made up of components, linkages and
dynamics (Afuah & Tucci, 2000: 4). And many of the modeling tools that have been proposed
with the aim of representing the business model can be conceptualized as systems of activities.
In a nutshell, the received literature on business models seems to support an activity system

A fourth insight that emerges from our review of the literature is that business model scholars
have shifted emphasis from value capture to value creation, highlighting the latter without
ignoring the former. Indeed, the business model promotes a dual focus on value creation and
value capture. The centrality of the notion of value within the business model literature is
apparent from the various conceptualizations of the business model which have been proposed
(see Tables 2 and 4). For example, an analysis of the business model components shown in
Table 4 as first- and second-order concepts reveals that the most prevalent component is
related to the concept of value. The customer value proposition, for instance, is a recurrent
component in the various definitions which have been provided (e.g., Johnson et al., 2008).
And the technology management literature attributes to the business model a crucial role for
realizing the value potential embedded in technologies (e.g., Chesbrough & Rosenbloom, 2002).
The centrality of the concept of value in the business model literature is therefore evident in all
three areas around which we have organized our review: e-business, strategy, and innovation.
Even those business model scholars who tend to focus on how value is appropriated by the
focal firm recognize that value is created through the focal firm in concert with its ecosystem of
exchange partners. Such a systemic notion of value is also apparent from the prevalence of
concepts such as value network, value stream for customer and buyers, customer value, value
proposition, or value chain structure in discussions of business models.
Taken together, these four emerging themesthe business model as a new unit of analysis, a
system-level concept, centered on activities, and focusing on valuecould serve as important
catalysts towards a more unified study of business models. Based on these themes, we have
identified a range of associated literatures that can inform the study of business models. We
suggest that business model researchers also consider these literatures (of which we have
synthesized the main insights in the Appendix) in order to advance the study of business
models by building more robust constructs.

26 - IESE Business School-University of Navarra
Limitations and future research. Despite our attempt to rigorously present and objectively
organize the received literature on business models, this review comes with several limitations.
First, much of the reviewed literature is quite recent, dating back only a decade or so. Second,
only few contributions have appeared in top journals. Third, the literature is widely divergent;
making sense of it is therefore challenging. Fourth, the business model remains theoretically
underdeveloped (Teece, 2010), which may raise doubts concerning the usefulness of the
business model as a construct for research and theory building. Future research should seek to
overcome these limitations. Scholars, in particular, need to develop the theoretical foundations
of the business model, and shed light on the conceptual distinction from other related concepts
(such as new organizational forms, ecosystems, activity systems, and value chains and value
networks). We need to establish clarity about the theoretical building blocks, the antecedents
and consequences of the concept, as well as the mechanisms through which it works.
The burgeoning literature on business models is young, and quite dispersed. It is just starting to
make inroads into the top management journals. A common conceptual base is still lacking, but
our review of the literature suggests two ways to advance the study of business models. First,
employing more precise labels (aka, constructs) would allow other researchers to better
understand what the business model in the respective study is meant to denote (and what it is
not). Our review suggests at least three concepts that might warrant distinct consideration: 1)
business model archetypes, 2) business model as activity system, and 3) business model as
cost/revenue architecture. These distinct ideas could all be fruitfully investigatedindividually,
as well as in relation to each otherunder the umbrella theme of the business model.
Second, we found that a few important themes are forming, primarily around the notions of the
business model as a new unit of analysis, offering a systemic perspective on how to do
business, encompassing organizational activities (performed by a focal firm or others), and as a
source of value creation. These themes are interconnecting and mutually reinforcing. This all
suggests that the field is moving towards conceptual consolidation, which will pave the way for
more cumulative research on business models.

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Appendix: Related Literatures

Our review of the business model literature revealed the following common themes: 1) business
models are a new unit of analysis nested between firm and network levels; 2) they embody a
holistic perspective on how firms do business; 3) they emphasize activities; and 4) they help
explain value creation (not just value capture). These insights led us to review closely related
adjacent literatures on: 1) new organizational forms, 2) ecosystems, 3) activity systems, and 4)
value chains and value networks. In our short, focused reviews of these literatures, we have relied
mainly on seminal pieces (articles and books), published mostly in top journals (see Table A1).
Table A1
Publications in Related Literatures

Domain Type

Author(s) - Year - Journal/Publisher

New Organizational
Daft & Lewin, 1993, Organization Science
Djelic & Ainamo, 1999, Organization Science
Lewin, Long, & Carroll, 1999, Organization Science
Lewin & Volberda, 1999, Organization Science
McKendrick & Carroll, 2001, Organization Science
McKendrick, Jaffee, Carroll, & Khessina, 2003, Administrative Science
Polos & Carroll, 1999, Stanford University
Romanelli, 1991, Annual Review of Sociology
Ruef, 2000, The American Journal of Sociology
Victor & Stephens, 1994, Organization Science
Zajac, Golden, & Shortell, 1991, Management Science


Adner, 2006, Harvard Business Review
Adner & Kapoor, 2010, Strategic Management Journal
Boudreau, 2009, Paper presented at research seminar, IESE Business School
Boudreau & Hagiu, 2008, Working Paper 0-061, Harvard Business School
Iansiti & Levien, 2004, Harvard Business School Press
Moore, 1996, Harper Business
Pierce, 2008, Strategic Management Journal
Power & Jerjian, 2001, Pearson Education Ltd.

Activity System
Bigley & Roberts, 2001, Academy of Management Journal
Blackler, 1993, Journal of Management Studies
Engestrom & Middleton, 1998, Cambridge University Press.
McLure Wasko & Faraj, 2005, MIS Quarterly
Milgrom & Roberts, 1990, The American Economic Review
Milgrom & Roberts, 1995, Journal of Accounting and Economics
Piccoli & Ives, 2005, MIS Quarterly
Porter, 1985, Free Press
Porter, 1996, Harvard Business Review
Porter & Siggelkow, 2008, Academy of Management Perspectives
Siggelkow, 2002, Administrative Science Quarterly
Siggelkow & Levinthal, 2003, Organization Science
Spender, 1996, Strategic Management Journal
Stieglitz & Heine, 2007, Strategic Management Journal

Value Chain and Value
Allee, 2002, Butterworth-Heinemann
Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 1997, Doubleday
Brusoni, Jacobides, & Prencipe, 2009, European Management Review
Chesbrough & Appleyard, 2007, California Management Review
Gulati, 1998, Strategic Management Journal
Hansen & Birkinshaw, 2007, Harvard Business Review
Jacobides & Billinger, 2006, Organization Science
Jacobides, Knudsen, & Augier, 2006, Research Policy
Normann & Ramirez, 1993, Harvard Business Review
Parolini, 1999, John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Porter, 1985, Free Press.
Porter, 1996, Harvard Business Review
Stabell & Fjeldstad, 1998, Strategic Management Journal
Thorelli, 1986, Strategic Management Journal

IESE Business School-University of Navarra - 37
New Organizational Forms
A major theme of organization theorists is how organizations evolve and adapt to their
environments. The popular business press of the 1980s and 1990s produced extensive literature
under the label of new organizational forms (Daft & Levin, 1993). Thus, terms such as post-
industrial organization, post-bureaucratic organization, joint ventures, internal corporate joint
ventures, cluster organization, and flexibility became familiar to practitioners and the business
public, and were supposed to represent the so-called new organizational forms (e.g., Djelic &
Ainamo, 1999; Zajac, Golden, & Shortell, 1991). Practitioners and academics recognized the
emergence of new ways of organizing, which were moving away from the traditional paradigm
within which organizations strive for more production efficiencies, hierarchical organizations,
and bureaucratic structures that provide central control over activities divided into small parts
(Daft & Lawin, 1993). As managers in organizations started to engage in organizational
experiments, new terms such as modular organization, virtual corporation, spinout corporation,
cluster organization, learning organization, network organization, and perpetual matrix
emerged in the academic literature (Barlett & Goshal, 1989; Miles & Snow, 1986).
Despite the attention new organizational forms received, there was no universal agreement
about the nature of the phenomena the concept was intended to capture. At the beginning of
the 1990s Elaine Romanelli reviewed the body of work on the new organizational forms,
finding that, even at a basic level, there were no common definitions of the form concept in use
(Romanelli, 1991). A decade later, McKendrick and Carroll noted that, in the ten years that
followed Romanellis review, conceptual positions concerning new organizational forms had
further diverged, with the concept becoming, if anything, more elastic (McKendrick & Carroll,
2001: 662).
Despite the variance in perspective and the debate which characterized the literature on the
topic, however, some definitions have achieved wider popularity than others. One of these is
Romanellis characterization of organizational forms. According to her, the concept refers to
those characteristics that identify the organization as a distinct entity and classify it as a
member of a particular group of similar organizations (Romanelli, 1991). Others have
emphasized an institutional and cognitive perspective. McKendrick and Carroll (2001), building
on the work of Polos and Carroll (1999), conceptualized organizational forms as external codes
of identity. Thus, the organizational form becomes a recognizable code, which serves both for
interpretative signal (the genetic code) and as a basis for rules of conduct (the penal code)
(McKendrick, Jaffee, Carroll, & Khessina, 2003: 63).
Such clarification of the concept of organizational form has represented a point of departure for
conceptual research on the topic. The central concern of researchers has been one of
understanding why new organizational forms come into being. This question has been
approached through a wide range of perspectives and different theoretical lenses. In her review
work, Romanelli identified three dominant approaches or views in the literature: 1) an
organizational genetic view that focuses on characteristic features of organizations and sees
variation as a random event; 2) an environmental conditioning view that emphasizes the role of
environment and exogenous forces in determining variation in organizational forms; and 3) a
social system view that sees organizational form variation to be the products of embedded
social organizational interactions (Romanelli, 1991: 81).
Victor and Stephens (1994), in a critical analysis of the social changes following from the
emergence of post-bureaucratic, networked organizations, highlight how new organizational

38 - IESE Business School-University of Navarra
forms tend to arise in response to technological and social changes. Scholars have not only
examined how new organizational forms emerge, but also how they evolve. The distinctive
nature of new organizations and forms and their change could be interpreted in a co-
evolutionary framework (Lewin, Long, & Carroll, 1999; Lewin & Volberda, 1999) that integrates
the interplay between the adaptation of individual organizations, their competitive dynamics,
and the dynamics of the institutional system in which these organizations exist. In a similar
vein, it has been proposed that the emergence and evolution of forms has to be puzzled out
within the concrete system of interrelationships among suppliers, consumers, regulators, and
intermediaries settled in a specific institutional arena (Ruef, 2000).
The notion of ecosystem is a central concept in biology and earth sciences. According to the
online Encyclopdia Britannica (2010), an ecosystem is the complex of living organisms, their
physical environment, and all their interrelationships in a particular unit of space. From the
sciences, the analogy has spread to different fields and was first applied to interpret the reality
of businesses by Moore in 1996. In his suggestive The Death of Competition, Moore (1996)
declared that the term industry should be replaced with the term business ecosystem, which
is an economic community supported by a foundation of interacting organizations and
individuals. As in natural ecosystems, firms cannot thrive alone; they need to develop in
As suggested by the title of Moores book, the concept of ecosystem put forward a different
understanding of competition and cooperation. If competition is a specific mode of relationship
between firms in the market, which puts particular emphasis on the relationship of the focal
firm with its competitors, then the ecosystem notion highlights the fact that in many situations
different firms, not necessarily in the same industry, are drawn together in a relationship of
complementarity or even dependency, and that this type of relationship might involve various
forms of cooperation. In this sense the ecosystem standpoint should be taken while considering
the advantages of cooperation (Power & Jerjian, 2001). In nature, different species help each
other produce wealth and prosperity for the whole community, and Power and Jerjian propose
that the ecosystem metaphor provides an interesting lens through which to approach the idea of
value generation through cooperation (as opposed to value appropriation in zero sum
competitive games).
Cooperation in ecosystems is a consequence of their networked nature. Interdependence, not
only with competitors, but also with customers, complementors, and other stakeholders,
introduces the idea that firms might manage relationships at different levels. Adner and Kapoor
(2010), for example, have found that the success of an innovating firm often depends on the
activities performed by third parties in its environment. Therefore, for managers, a companys
success hinges on the accurate assessment of its ecosystems risks; that is, the identification of
opportunities and threats, as well as the value chain analysis, should be mapped systemically
(Adner, 2006).
Interdependence is also emphasized when considering the evolutionary process of ecosystems
players. In natural ecosystems, the evolution of living organisms is a path-dependent but
chaotic process, as they react to natural changes in their habitat. Small changes can produce a
wide variation of outcomes depending on the actor analyzed. Pierce (2008: 325) found that the
actions of core firms in business ecosystems can have widespread and severe effects on

IESE Business School-University of Navarra - 39
complementors, and that monitoring and understanding the actions of these core firms must be
of primary importance to managers of firms in niche markets. Iansiti and Levien (2004: 8-9)
recognize that:
[the] biological ecosystem provides a powerful analogy for understanding a business
network. Like business networks, biological ecosystems are characterized by a large
number of loosely interconnected participants who depend on each other for their mutual
effectiveness and survival. And like business network participants, biological species in
ecosystems share their fate with each other. If the ecosystem is healthy, individual species
thrive. If the ecosystem is unhealthy, individual species suffer deeply. And as with
business ecosystems, reversals in overall ecosystem health can happen very quickly.
Information technology facilitates interconnections both between and within firms. At the same
time, open world markets and liberalization make firms more sensitive to the effects of a wider
landscape than in the past. This increase in interdependency has accelerated the search for
intellectual tools to understand this challenge.
The interdependency of firms appears to be most evident in the digital and communication
industry, which helps explain why most of the literature using the concept of ecosystem has
focused on this area. Empirical research has focused on whether outside innovation should be
organized through collaborative or competitive networks (Boudreau & Lakhani, 2009); how to
predict if adding a new contributor will be productive in the innovative process (Boudreau,
2009); and which instruments should be used to govern large platforms (Boudreau & Hagiu, 2008).
The ecosystem concept raises issues that have been suggested by adjacent literature drawing on
similar concepts. As pointed out by Adner and Kapoor (2010), these issues include development
incentives, positioning and coordination choices, customer expectations, and value chain
Activity Systems
The view of companies as activity systems is quite intuitive; indeed companies work because
they generate products and services that are designed, developed, and realized by performing
various activities. Not surprisingly, the view of companies as sets of activities has been adopted
in the management literature. Michael Porter described the concept of activities and its use in
understanding competitive advantage (1985). Almost a decade later he noted that strategy rests
on the uniqueness of activities, and on the deliberate choice of different sets of activities to
deliver a unique mix of value (Porter, 1996). According to Porter, positioning choices determine
the specific set of activities a company performs and how they relate to one another. Since
discrete activities often influence one another, the system level approach implicit in the
activities view emphasizes interdependence and gives rise to the notion of fit among activities.
Three types of non-mutually-exclusive fit have been described. The first order type of fit is
consistency between each activity (function) and strategy. Consistency ensures that the
competitive advantage arising from activities accumulates and does not erode or cancel out.
Second order fit occurs when activities are mutually reinforcing. According to Milgrom and
Roberts (1990), activities are complements when the marginal value of one activity increases as
the other activity is increased. Finally, third order fit goes beyond activity reinforcement to
produce global optimization, a system-level type of fit, which optimizes the entire set of
activities to eliminate redundancies and minimize waste.

40 - IESE Business School-University of Navarra
An approach to activity systems that emphasizes interdependency has been taken by Milgrom
and Roberts (1990; 1995), who have looked at the notion of fit from the lens of economic
theory and modeling, focusing on systems of complementary activities and functions. Guided
by the observation that many firms in the American economy were shifting from mass
production to lean manufacturing, Milgrom and Roberts (1990) proposed a mathematical
optimization model of the firms activities that generated many of the observed patterns in the
transition from one system to the other. Their model accounts for (and renders mathematically
tractable) the idea of complementarity among activities.
The complementarity model has provided a systematic way of analyzing the organizational
implications of interdependence and has spurred both theoretical and empirical research (for a
review see Porter & Siggelkow, 2008). However, research has noted that the nature of
interaction among activities is not only one of complementarity, but also of substitutability.
According to Porter and Siggelkow, activities are substitutes when the presence of one activity
decreases the marginal benefit of the other. The nature of the interaction, however, may not be
an inherent property of the activity but a function of other choices made by the firm. In other
words, they suggest that interaction among activities is contextual, and that understanding the
context of interactions may be crucial in order to understand the sustainability of competitive
advantage. Similarly, for Blackler (1993), if one takes seriously the idea that organizations are
activity systems that are embedded within and restricted by an external network of activity
systems, then it follows that organizations cannot be separated from their contexts and the very
concept of organizational boundary turns out to be problematic.
Scholars concerned with the processes of knowledge production also contributed to the
diffusion of the concept of firm as a set of activities. For example, Engestrom and Middleton
(1998) suggested that working knowledge is collectively created, represented, and implemented
within specialized communities of practice. Therefore, for these authors the workplace is a
social setting of negotiated meanings in which knowledge is embedded within the activity
system that generates these meanings. Spender (1996), in turn, claimed that a knowledge-based
theory of the firm offered insights that overcame the shortcomings of the production-function
and resource-based theories of the firm. According to him, this theory is a platform for a new
view of the firm as a dynamic, evolving, quasi-autonomous system of knowledge production
and application (Spender, 1996: 59).
Technology has made possible the new combinations of activities. McLure and Faraj (2005)
analyze electronic networks of practiceor online communitiesto discover why some
individuals opt to cooperate instead of compete. They define the electronic network as a self-
organizing, open activity system focused on a shared practice that exists primarily through
computer-mediated communication. In a similar vein, Piccoli and Ives (2005) study IT-
dependent strategic initiatives and discover that they are the configuration of an activity
system that fosters the creation and appropriation of economic value.
The networked configuration of activities has led to the reassessment of the concepts of
coordination and cooperation, as complementarity and overlapping of activities within a
network or market are more likely (Stieglitz & Heine, 2007). Firms have to find out the right
configuration of internal activities, which means that they must be aware of the
appropriateness of the activities performed. When the competitive landscape changes
dramatically, firms have to face the challenge of reassessing their set of activities and deciding
which ones to keep performing and which ones to discontinue (Siggelkow & Levinthal, 2003).
New concepts have been developed by academia to describe the possible mixtures that

IESE Business School-University of Navarra - 41
managers should assess; hybrid, network, and virtual emerge as arrangements that could
better match the new reality, particularly in the context of unexpected and demanding
environmental contingencies (Bigley & Roberts, 2001).
More recently, scholars have also been considering business models in collective action.
Doganova and Eyquem-Renault (2009), for example, have studied the business model as a
narrative and calculative device that allows entrepreneurs to explore and create a market.
According to Perkmann and Spicer (2010), business models work in three ways: as narratives
that convince, as typifications that legitimize, and as recipes that guide social action.
In sum, through the notion of activity systems scholars have gained a more insightful
perspective to deal with phenomena such as the social nature of knowledge production
(Engestrom & Middleton, 1998), the opportunities for new business arrangements taking
advantage of technology (Piccoli & Ives, 2005), and how to balance or assemble cooperation
and competition (McLure & Faraj, 2005). Understanding the set of activities performed by the
firm is conducive to the reinforcement of the companys competitive advantage (Porter &
Siggelkow, 2008).
Value Chains and Value Networks
The concept of value chain has been put forth by Porter (1985, 1996), to describe the sequence
of activities performed by a company in the process of adding value to its product and
delivering value to the customer. The value chain is a two-level generic taxonomy of value
creation activities (Stabell & Fjeldstad, 1998), which differentiates between primary activities
(inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, service) and secondary
activities (administrative functions, technology, human resource management, procurement).
While the primary activities have a direct impact on value creation, secondary or support
activities affect the value creation only through their impact on the performance of primary
activities (Porter, 1985). By considering the flow of goods and services from raw materials to
consumption as a unit of analysis, the value chain provides a perspective on the macro-view of
the firms exchanges. Thus, at least in its original formulation, the value chain focuses mainly
on intra-organizational relationships and organizational activities. According to the value chain
framework, value is created by differentiation through activities that reduce buyer costs or raise
buyer performance. The drivers of product differentiation, and hence sources of value creation,
are policy choices, linkages within the value chain or with suppliers and channels, timing (of
activities), location, sharing of activities among business units, learning, integration, scale, and
institutional factors. Porter defines value as the amount buyers are willing to pay for what a
firm provides them. Value is measured by total revenuesa firm is profitable if the value it
commands exceeds the costs involved in creating the product (Porter, 1985: 38).
The value chain focuses on value creation at the firm level (Amit & Zott, 2001). A firms value
chain, however, is also embedded in a system of value chains (Porter, 1985); therefore inter-
organizational relationships are indirectly acknowledged, as the focal firm value chain links to
the value chains of upstream suppliers and downstream buyers. The overall system is thus a
chain of sequentially interlinked primary activity chains that gradually transforms raw
materials into the final product (Stabell & Fjeldstad, 1998). Value creation is envisioned as a
longitudinal process, a sequence of value-adding activities.
The concept of value chain and related concept of competitive advantage have exerted
influence in management studies, as well as in management practice, becoming the accepted

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language for both representing and analyzing the logic of firm-level value creation (Stabell &
Fjeldstad, 1998). However, the longitudinal character of the value creation process defined by
the value chain has been considered increasingly inadequate to the analysis of value creation
processes in firms, as the economy saw the birth of new networked organizational forms and
the growth of service firms, both of which differ from the traditional manufacturing firms for
which the value chain was originally conceived.
Ontologically, the value chain envisions the firm as an autonomous entity, striving for
competitive advantage over rivalry. This conceptual position provides a view of firms as
atomistic actors competing for profits against other firms in impersonal markets. The
conceptual parsimony embedded in this view comes with an ontological position that is
inadequate to capture value creation in the networked world (Mansfield & Fourie, 2004) in
which firms are more and more embedded in networks of social, professional, and exchange
relationships with other individuals and organizational networks. Additionally, the typology
and underlying value creation logic envisioned by the value chain is more suitable for
manufacturing firms than for service firms (Armistead & Clark, 1993; Lowendahl, 1992; Stabell
& Fjeldstad, 1998), and thus might also not be able to fully capture value creation mechanisms
which characterize information goods and virtual markets (Amit & Zott, 2001).
Concepts such as vertical architecture (Jacobides & Billinger, 2006), open innovation
(Chesbrough & Appleyard, 2007), innovation value chain (Hansen & Birkinshaw, 2007), strategic
networks (Gulati,1998), co-opetition (Brandenburger & Nalebuff, 1997), and value networks
(Allee, 2002; Normann & Ramirez, 1993; Parolini, 1999) came in response to the limitations
embedded in the value chain framework. These concepts build on the value chain, at the same
time providing complementary views which allow consideration of new forms of network plays
as well as the co-evolutionary dynamics and co-dependencies that exist between the firm and
its environment.
The concept of the value network and related work on strategic networks and alliances address
the increasing complexity and intricacy of inter-firm relationships. The work on strategic
networks tends to focus on the use of organizational alliances as deliberate strategic moves
(e.g., Gulati, 1998) and conceptualizes such networks as new types of governance positioned
between markets and hierarchy (Thorelli, 1986). More recently, works have started to emerge
which specifically envision these alliances from the lens of value networks. Allee (2002) sees a
value network as a complex set of social and technical resources that work together via
relationships to create economic value in the form of knowledge, intelligence, a product
(business), services or social good. Allees value network focuses on the conversion of
intangible forms of value into economic value or negotiable forms of value, and extends the
notion of value as purely economic.
In a parallel stream of research, Parolini (1999) has extended the value constellation concept of
Normann and Ramirez (1993) and conceptualized the value network as a set of activities
linked together to deliver a value proposition at the end consumer. Parolinis core entities are
the activities within the network. This view is similar to the value chain, but extends the notion
of activities from considering mainly intra-firm activities, to considering the configuration of
activities that involves the firm and its ecosystem of exchange partners. The value network is
conceptualized as a purposive system, which aims at the satisfaction of the value proposition
for the end consumer. Value network analysis is primarily a visual representation of patterns of
exchanges between participants, mapping both traditional business transactions and critical
intangible exchanges. Intangible exchanges are those mostly informal knowledge exchanges

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and benefits or supports that build relationships and keep things running smoothly. These
informal exchanges are actually the key to creating trust and opening pathways for innovation
and new ideas. Allee (2002) noted that traditional business practices ignore these important
intangible exchanges, but they are made visible with a value network analysis.
More recently an emerging body of work has built on the concept of value network in seeking
to explain the emergence and evolution of structures and dynamics at the industry level
(Brusoni, Jacobides, & Prencipe, 2009). This new research effort revolves around the notion of
industry architecture (Jacobides, Knudsen, & Augier, 2006), which extends the conventional
economic concept of an industry and complements it by embracing the entire structure of the
supporting value chain and the full range of institutions involved. It thus emphasizes the stable,
but evolving, configuration of relationships along the value chain, and the associated set of
roles and rules that emerge (Brusoni et al., 2009).
While the original value chain concept might be too limited in scope for the analysis of the
value creation process associated with new business models, related work and further
developments of the concept, in particular the line of work on the value network, might
constitute an important stream of research that complements the business model literature.

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