MFR Nara - t8 - Cleveland Atcc - Herak Bob - 10-2-03 - 00153

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Event: Bob Herak, Quality Assurance Manager at Cleveland Center

Type: Interview

Date: October 2, 2003

Special Access Issues: None

Prepared by: Lisa Sullivan

Location: Cleveland Air Traffic Control Center

Participants (Commission): Dana Hyde, John Farmer, and Lisa Sullivan

Participants (non-Commission): Bob Herak and Michael McKinley, FAA attorney, Great
Lakes Region

Herak said the military phone line at the Center was recorded on 9-11. At the time, the
Watch Supervisor's phone was not recorded. The Watch Supervisor made decisions that
he could not record. Herak would have to go back to his notes from that day to see which
phone was in use for key decisions.

There were a couple of phones in use on 9-11 that weren't recorded, according to Herak.
Now all the phones are recorded.

Herak recalled that the TMU (Traffic Management Unit) phone that hosted 'the national
"telcon" (tele-conference) that was not recorded.

Airways facility uses big reel tapes; these tapes are brought to the basement for storage.
After 9-11, the reels were locked up and kept in the building.

When asked if a follow-up investigation was conducted at the Center, he said his office
did not invest 9-11. They provided the information that was necessary to compile a "80-
20-11" which is the name of a an "accident incident report;" standard ATC protocol. The
accident package follows very strict format for legal purposes. ATC controllers
statement are included in it. The accident file includes any data picked up at the Center
on UA 93 and other 9-11 related information from that day. All of the contents of this
file were not included in the accident package. Accident file he has sent us all of the
correspondence all the written stuff (darts and entab data).

Herak said the Center kept the items not included in the final package for liability
reasons; such as emails, etc.

.. -.~ ........


Herak did not go back and get a transcript of the phone calls from the Military Operations
Position at the Center that day. He still had the tapes, however, at the Center.

As the Quality Assurance manager, he never did a report after 9-11. Quality On that day,
he immediately called the "fac", watched the SA TORI, and gave them the "entab data"
with reg to coordinates. He was not tasked to do anything else with regard to 9-11. The
package was sent region to region to Washington.

Herak was very upset about an incident that accorded shortly after 9-1 ] :,1.. .....
from FAA came to the Center and confiscated the bi1 reels a~ainst the ,wishes of Herak
and the management at the Center. A few days later, rought he reels back to the
Center. Ifhe had failed to do that, it would have been impossible for.Herak to complete
the accident package. Herak was also upset that the tapes of the struggle recorded at the
Cleveland Center were leaked to the press after they ~:ot to Washington.J

..... .....[That communication ended up on a weosite, according to erak.


9/11 Personal Privacy


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