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Birgunj Sub-Metropolitan City Secondary Towns Integrated Urban Environmental Improvement Project STIUEIP!

Project Implementation Unit" Birgunj" #epal

Proposal $or Solid %aste Management under Community &evelopment Program

$or '( model

&ecember" )*+'

Submitted By, I(&C #epal -at.mandu

Submitted To, STIUEIP Birgunj

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

ADDCN ANM BSP CBOs C"#S C$MSO CW% CA' CAP DAO DDC DD' D%O DP(O DO"*DA$ DSSC D#O DWSSCC DWSS Do% Do( %SS ,C(-s ,NCC* 'oN (A ((s (S.Cs *%C *P$A */N'Os *$C "DO MAN MD's Mo%S MPPW NA-*N N,% N'Os N'OCC N(S N$CS NSAWC O(P O1M PoA P#A $WSSCC $WSSNPSSSA SCNSA S*P S"#S : Association of District Development Committee of Nepal : Assistant Nurse Mid-Wife : Basic Sanitation Package : Communit Based Organi!ations : Communit "ed #otal Sanitation : Central $egional Monitoring and Supervision Office : C&ild and Women %nvironment : Communit Action 'roup : Communit Action Process : District Administration Office : District Development Committee : Deput Director 'eneral : District %ducation Office : District Pu)lic (ealt& Office : Department of Agricultural $oad and *nfrastructure Development : District Sanitation Steering Committee : District #ec&nical Office : District Water Suppl and Sanitation Coordination Committee : Department of Water Suppl and Se+erage : Department of %ducation : Department of (ealt& : %nvironmental Sanitation Section : ,emale Communit (ealt& -olunteers : ,ederation of C&am)er of Commerce and *ndustr in Nepal : 'overnment of Nepal : (ealt& Assistants : (ouse&olds : ( giene and Sanitation .sers Committee : *nformation %ducation and Communication : *gnition Participator $ural Appraisal : *nternational/Non-'overnmental Organi!ations : *nternational Water and Sanitation Center : "ocal Development Officer : Municipal Association of Municipalities of Nepal : Millennium Development 'oals : Ministr of %ducation and Sports : Ministr of P& sical Planning and Works : National Association of -illage Development Committees in Nepal : Non-,ormal %ducation : Non-'overnmental Organi!ations : Non-'overnmental Organi!ations Coordination Committee : National ( giene and Sanitation : Nepal $ed Cross Societ : National Sanitation Action Week Campaign : Over (ead Pro0ector : Operation and Maintenance : Plan of Action : Parents #eac&er Association : $egional Water Suppl and Sanitation Coordination Committee : $ural Water Suppl and Sanitation National Polic 2 Strateg and Sectorial Strategic Action Plan : Steering Committee for National Sanitation Action : Sc&ool *mprovement Plan : Sc&ool "ed #otal Sanitation A

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

SMC SM SS(% #, #S .Cs .N*C%, -DC WA#SAN WAS( WDO

: : : : : : : : : : :

Sc&ool Management Committee Sanitation Mont& Sc&ool Sanitation and ( giene %ducation #ask ,orce #otal Sanitation .sers Committee .nited Nation C&ildren3s ,und -illage Development Committees Water Suppl and Sanitation Water Sanitation and ( giene Women Development Office

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

Table o0 Content

P$OPOSA" S.MMA$455555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555556 P$OPOSA" S.MMA$455555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555556 65 *ntroduction5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555557 65 *ntroduction5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555557 75 "ocation5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555557 75 "ocation5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555557 85 Waste 'eneration and Composition55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555559 85 Waste 'eneration and Composition55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555559 :5 $egional vie+ of *ssues and pu)lic &ealt&2 environmental2 social and %conomic *mpacts5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555559 :5 $egional vie+ of *ssues and pu)lic &ealt&2 environmental2 social and %conomic *mpacts5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555559 95 Ma0or Sources of Solid Waste555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555559 95 Ma0or Sources of Solid Waste555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555559 9565 $esidential and Commercial5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; 9565 $esidential and Commercial5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; 9575 *nstitutional5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; 9575 *nstitutional5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; 9585 Municipal Services5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; 9585 Municipal Services5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; ;5 Plan and Prospect55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; ;5 Plan and Prospect55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; ;565 Attitudinal c&ange 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555< ;565 Attitudinal c&ange 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555< ;575 Polic and regulator -related aspect 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;575 Polic and regulator -related aspect 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;585 #ec&nical 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;585 #ec&nical 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;5:5 ,inancial 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;5:5 ,inancial 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;595 Social 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;595 Social 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;5;5 *nstitutional 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 ;5;5 *nstitutional 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=6 =5 O)0ectives 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=7 =5 O)0ectives 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=7 >5 Activities Output and %?pected Out Comes555555555555555555555555555555555555555=7 >5 Activities Output and %?pected Out Comes555555555555555555555555555555555555555=7 <5 Steps in *mplementation555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=8 <5 Steps in *mplementation555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=8 6@5 Su)-Metropolitan Cit Beneficiaries5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=: 6@5 Su)-Metropolitan Cit Beneficiaries5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=: 665 Met&odolog and Approac&5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=:

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

665 Met&odolog and Approac&5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=: 675 Program Monitoring55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=: 675 Program Monitoring55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=: 685 Proposal Sc&edule of activities55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=9 685 Proposal Sc&edule of activities55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555=9 6:5 Budget *nformation555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555== 6:5 Budget *nformation555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555==
ANNEX-A.................................................................................................................................. 77 1) Cost Estimate of Equipment and Bin (Compost and Dust Bin)...........................................77 2) Awareness Trainin a!out "# $romotion (#edu%e& #euse and #e%'%(e)...........................7) ANNEX-B.................................................................................................................................. )1 1) *ideo Do%umentar' and Te(e%astin ..................................................................................)1 2) +, Broad%astin ................................................................................................................ )") .treet Drama Cost.............................................................................................................. )/ ANNEX-C0 A%t and 1aws of 2o3ernment of Nepa( w4i%4 is pu!(is4ed in 256)B......................)6 ANNEX-D $,.C Comments #esponse ...................................................................................77 ANNEX-E 1etter and ,inute of ,eetin s..................................................................................77

#a)le 6:-*nformation Based on Waste 'eneration in Ward Wise55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555559 #a)le 7:- Ma0or Sources of Solid Waste555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555; #a)le 8:- Session Plan for Solid Waste management and (ealt& 1 ( giene Activities A#rainings and *%C MaterialsB555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555566 #a)le ::- "esson Plan for Solid Waste management and (ealt& 1 ( giene Activities A#rainings and *%C MaterialsB55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555556<

,igure-6 : Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555: ,igure-7:#ipping Pedal $iks&a+5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555= ,igure-8: "C- Mounted #ruck +it& Container5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555> ,igure-:: Nala Man555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555>


Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

P(1P1S/2 SUMM/(3
65 Name of t&e Proposal 75 Pro0ect "ocation: Solid Waste Management Support #&roug& Development $educe2 $euse and $ec cle A8$B ,acilities in Birgun0 Su)-Metropolitan Cit Committee5 Birgun0 Su)-Metropolitan Cit Ward Num)er- 62 72 82 :2 92 ;2 =2 >2 <2 6@2 662 672 682 6:2 692 6;2 6=2 6> and 6<5 And also for t&e identified cluster for povert cluster of S#*.%*P2 Birgun0 Pro0ect5 P*.2 Birgun0 *$DC Nepal Pvt5 "td5 N'O Services for Communit Development S#*.%*P2 Birgun0 Su)-Metropolitan Cit 5 Birgun0 <>:=@:6<<8 -is&nuCk&::D a&oo5com Birgun0 Su)-Metropolitan Cit Ward Num)er- 62 72 82 :2 92 ;2 =2 >2 <2 6@2 662 672 682 6:2 692 6;2 6=2 6> and 6<5 And also for t&e identified cluster for povert cluster of S#*.%*P2 Birgun0 Pro0ect5 Aug2 7@68 Decem)er2 7@69 N$s5 762=6>2>@@5@@ for Municipal Service N$s5 6@267:2>@@5@@ for >@@@ Nos5 (ouse&old N$s5 ;2;<9279@5@@ for 69@@Nos5 (ouse&old N$s5 826=72@;>57 N$s5 62>882<<@5@@ N$s5 7662>=95@@ N$s5 <=62>@@5@@ N$s5 79@@@@5@@ #(s5 66"789":9'5)* #otal Male =729>@ #otal ,emale ;8287:

85 *mplementing Agencies :5 Consulting Organi!ation Name Address Contact #elep&one %mail 95 *n Association +it&: Associate *

;5 Pro0ect Duration: Start Date: %nd Date: =5 Pro0ect Cost a5 )5 c5 d5 e5 %Euipment Dust Bin Compost Bin #raining for a+areness -ideo Documentar and Board Casting in Birgunj SubMetropolitan City f5 Street Drama and Broadcasting g5 ,M program and Broadcasting &5 Calendar and Pamp&let 2 Broc&ure etc Total Cost including 4/T

Bene0iciaries population o0 Birgunj Sub-Metropolitan City S5N Pro0ect area (( #otal Population 6 Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit 7:26;: 6892<@: Sources:- CBC 7@66

Caste ; Et.nic Composition o0 population o0 Birgunj Sub-Metropolitan City Total Population in Bene0iciaries Total Population Total Male $emale Percentage Muslim 78:;: 67:86 66@88 6=57=F Ganu 6@76: 9:;; :=:> =597F (ill Bra&amin >:88 ::67 :@76 ;576F Gurmi <7:: :<8= :8@= ;5>@F Ne+ar >:@: :987 8>=7 ;56>F Gal+ar =78: 8>;8 88=6 9587F Mar+adi ;<8: 8=@8 8786 956@F 6

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

Bene0iciaries Sonar C&&etr Bani a Ga ast&a 4adav #erai Bra&amin #eli #&aru Goiri $a0put Bad&ae D&anuk Nuni a Ot&ers

Total Population

Total Male 88<@ 88:7 8@>9 7<;= 7;96 78>= 78=8 7@66 7@68 6==@ 6<=@ 6>@6 6;@; 6>=@ =79>@

;:78 ;8>8 9=== 999; :<;8 :::: :::: 8=8; 8=97 87=9 8;>> 88=: 8@@7 86;@ 689<@: Source:-Birgun0 Municipalit Profile2 7@;;

Total $emale 8@88 8@:6 7;<7 79>< 7867 7@9= 7@=6 6=79 6=8< 69@9 6=6> 69=8 68<; 67<@ ;887:

Population in Percentage :5=8F :5=@F :579F :5@<F 85;9F 857=F 857=F 75=9F 75=;F 75:6F 75=6F 75:>F 7576F 7588F 6@@5@@F

+5 Introduction
65 Secondar #o+ns *ntegrated .r)an %nvironmental *mprovement Pro0ect AS#*.%*PB aims to improve t&e Eualit of life in ke regional centers in Nepal and &elps to ac&ieve &ig&er and more sociall inclusive economic gro+t& in t&ose centers t&roug& effective2 efficient2 and relia)le deliver of improved and afforda)le municipal services ) accounta)le pro0ect municipalities5 *n t&e pro0ect municipalities2 communit development program including a+areness-raising on &ealt& and & giene and 8$ A$educe2 $euse and $ec cleB2 and investment in small-scale communit facilities +ill )e carried out5 #&e Pro0ect also aims to strengt&en t&e capacit of municipalities and central 'overnment for pro0ect management and operation5 75 Birgun0 Su)-Metropolitan Cit )eing one of t&e pro0ect municipal2 aims to assess and provide )asic municipal services +it& proper communit mo)ili!ation to transfer t&e o+ners&ip in t&e localit 5 *t aims to improve t&e liveli&ood of t&e people t&roug& institutional development initiatives ) local self-governance e?ercises like communit led development2 efficient service deliver 2 good governance2 )etter personal &ealt& condition2 & giene and environmental sanitation5 85 .r)ani!ation is one of t&e critical results of economic gro+t& and industriali!ation in t&e AsiaPacific region5 .r)an gro+t& in most cities is not follo+ing proper cit planning or land-use practices2 leading to &uge slims and com)ined residential and industrial areas5 #&is comple? ur)an gro+t& is creating ma0or c&allenges +it& regards to managing municipal services2 including solid +aste and +aste+ater5 One of t&e most important activities in solid +aste management is to determine t&e Euantit and c&aracteristic of t&e SWM5 A communit needs to kno+ &o+ muc& solid +aste generated and &o+ fast it generates in t&e area so t&at t&e can asses t&eir current and furt&er needs in )udgeting2 operation and processing and disposal facilities5 #&e can use t&e c&aracteristic data to design processing eEuipment5 *n case of composting2 information on t&e )iodegrada)le fraction of t&e solid +aste )ecomes important5

)5 2ocation
:5 Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit 2 +it& a total area of 7656= sE5 km is located in t&e #erai plain Anort&+ard e?tension of *ndo-'angetic plainB5 *t lies in Parsa district of Nara ani !one in Central Development $egion of Nepal5 %longated nort& to sout&2 it )orders +it& *ndia A$a?aulB 7

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

in t&e sout& Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit &as )een divided into 6< +ards5 'eograp&icall 2 it is located )et+een 7;@ 9=3:933- 7=@ @738@33 nort& latitude and >:@ 973 6933 >:@ 993@@33east longitude5 #&e eastern part of t&is cit is )ordered ) anot&er district H Bara +&ereas t&e sout&ern and sout& +estern part ) Bi&ar State of *ndia5 Birgun0 is one of t&e ma0or gate+a to+ns to *ndia and more t&an 9@ F of total foreign trade is carried out via t&is to+n5 *t is a &istoric and an industrial cit too and pla ing as a ma0or )usiness center5 Birgun0 Su)metropolitan cit &as elongated s&ape +it& a ma?imum nort&-sout& lengt& of > km and east+est +idt& of : km5 #&e altitude ranges from a)out => m in t&e sout& near )order area to >= m in t&e nort&5 (o+ever2 t&ere is a &ig& micro-topograp&ical variation5 #&e area consists mainl of Euaternar sediments5 *t is composed of ver fertile soil mi?ed of cla 2 silt and sand5 No furt&er information on soil properties is availa)le5 #&e area is drained ) t+o rivers H Sirsi a in t&e +est and Singa&a in t&e east5 Singa&a $iver originates a)out : km upstream from t&e nort&ern )order of t&e municipalit +&ere as Sirsi a originates from far nort&ern area5 #&ese rivers are flooded during summer monsoon and river )ank cutting particularl at t&e meander )end during flooding is common5 #&e +ater in t&ese rivers during dr +inter period is ver lo+5 'round+ater ta)le dept& is estimated to )e )et+een <-69 m deep +it& 6-7 m fluctuation during +et and dr season5 According to Population Census of 7@662 Birgun0 municipalit &ad a total population of 6892<@: in +&ic& Male are =729>@ and female are ;8287:5 #&ere are man caste/et&nic groups and are Muslim A6=57=FB2 Ganu A=597FB2 (ill Bra&amin A;576FB2 Gurmi A;5>FB2 Ne+ar A;56>FB2 Gal+ar A9587FB2 Mar+adi A956@FB2 Sonar A:5=8FB2 C&&etr A:5=@FB2 Bani a A:579FB2 Ga ast&a A:5@<FB2 4adav A85;9FB2 #erai Bra&amin A857=FB2 #eli A857=FB2 #&aru A75=9FB2 Goiri A75=;FB2 $a0put A75:6FB2 Bad&ae A75=6FB2 D&anuk A75:>FB2 Nuni a A7576FB and Ot&ers A7588FB5 $igure-+ , Birgunj Sub- Metropolitan City

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

'5 %aste <eneration and Composition

95 $ate of solid +aste generation Ai5e5 in terms of +aste generation per capita per da 2 per &ouse&old per da etc5B is ver muc& affected2 mainl ) : t&e socio-economic status of t&e people - reflecting t&eir food consumption &a)it2 level of affluence in consumption of goods2 life-st le etc52 famil si!e of t&e population2 season Ai5e5 dr or +et seasonB occasion Ae5g5 festival time of Dasain/#i&ar etc5B2 and Weekda s Ai5e5 +orking da s2 +eekendB etc5 Table +,-In0ormation Based on %aste <eneration in %ard %ise
%ard + ) ' 6 : = 8 9 7 +* ++ +) +' +6 +: += +8 +9 +7 ;5< ='5)6 #ons 859; 85=; 856 65:8 65@< 85@= 6588 @5<= 7597 85:9 65@> 65>< =587 95<> :589 85>: :587 857> / Da #otal 'enerated

Sources,- Municipality pro0ile )*==

65 (egional view o0 Issues and public .ealt." environmental" social and Economic Impacts
;5 #&e increase in t&e amount and to?icit of +astes &as several impacts on t&e glo)al and local environment2 natural resources2 pu)lic &ealt&2 t&e local econom and living conditions2 t&us t&reatening t&e attainment of relevant Millennium Development 'oals5 -arious diseases2 including cancers2 can )e caused ) e?posure to &a!ardous emissions2 mainl from open )urning and su)standard incineration of +astes5 Communities living near dumps must contend +it& litter2 odor2 insects and rats5 Scavengers face even greater &ealt& risks5 #&e +aste content in man developing countries is mi?ed2 consisting of fecal matter2 )lood2 )od fluids2 animal fles&2 &a!ardous c&emicals and &eav metals2 voltaic and green&ouse gases2 pressuri!ed gas containers and munitions2 among ot&er t&ings5 #&e relative &ealt& risk for solid +aste +orkers is muc& &ig&er t&an t&at of t&e overall population5 Wastes accumulated over decades and leac& ate from unmanaged landfills and +aste dumps &ave contaminated ground+ater and soil around t&e +orld5 Waste dumping into rivers2 lakes and seas &as caused damage2 t&reatening agriculture2 +aste suppl and liveli&oods t&at depend on t&is aEuatic s stem5 Anot&er ma0or issue is flas& floods caused ) t&e ina)ilit of natural and man-made drains2 clogged +it& solid +aste2 to remove storm +ater5 .r)an floods could )e drasticall reduced and t&eir impact could )e minimi!ed if proper s stems for solid +aste management and +aste+ater disposal are in place5 =5 Su)standard landfills and +aste dumps emit primaril met&ane2 a ma0or green&ouse gas A'('B of concern for climate c&ange5 Promoting modern +aste management in municipal can contri)ute significantl to '(' reduction on t&e glo)al level5 Similarl 2 construction and )uilding +aste also represents a lost opportunit in t&e reduction of '(' emissions5 #&e environmental impact of certain elements of t&e +aste streams Asuc& as plastic2 metals and glass etc55B as +ell as certain +aste streams t&emselves Asuc& as e-+asteB stem not onl from t&e +aste treatment and disposal itself )ut also from t&e indirect impacts due to t&e loss of resources from suppl c&ain5 *n ot&er +ords2 suc& resources must )e produced again virgin materials Aoften non-rene+a)leB2 t&us contri)uting to t&e overall depletion of valua)le natural resources5 #&e resultant ever-increasing demands of resources make +aste management a glo)al issue5

:5 Major Sources o0 Solid %aste

>5 A )asic kno+ledge of t&e sources and t pes of solid +astes is needed in t&e evaluation of composition and generation rates of SWM5 Sources of SWM in a communit are related to man aspects of residential units5 #&e categories are listed in )elo+ #a)le5 9

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

#a)le 7:- Ma0or Sources of Solid Waste Sources # pical facilities2 activities2 or locations +&ere +astes are generated $esidential Single and Multi famil detac&ed d+elling lo+2 medium and &ig& rice apartments2 etc

# pes of solid +astes

,ood +aste2 paper2 card)oard2 plastics2 te?tiles2 leat&er2 ard +astes2 +ood glass2 tin cans2 aluminum2 ot&er materials like as&es2 street leaves2 special +astes2 &ouse&old &a!ardous +astes5 Commercia Stores2 restaurants markets2 Paper2 card)oard2 plastics2 +ood2 food2 l office )uilding2 &otels2 motel2 +aste2 glass2 metals2 special +astes2 print s&ops2 services2 &a!ardous +astes2 etc5 stations2 auto repair s&ops2 etc5 *nstitutional Sc&ools2 &ospitals2 prisons2 Paper2 card)oard2 plastics2 +ood2 food2 govern-mental centers5 +aste2 glass2 metals2 special +astes2 &a!ardous +astes2 etc5 Municipal Street cleaning2 landscaping2 Special +astes2 ru))is&2 street s+eepings2 Services catc& )asin cleaning2 parks landscape and tree trimmings2 catc& )asin and )eac&es2 ot&er de)ris2 general +astes from parks2 )eac&es recreational areas and recreational areas5 Sources:- SWM +it&in a communit

:5+5 (esidential and Commercial

<5 A residential and commercial solid +aste consists of organic and inorganic solid +aste from residential areas and commercial esta)lis&ments5 # picall 2 t&e organic fraction consists of materials suc& as food +aste2 paper of all t pes2 card)oard and plastics of all t pes2 te?tiles2 ru))er2 leat&er2 and +ood and ard +astes5 #&e inorganic fraction consists of items suc& as glass2 crocker 2 tin cans2 aluminum2 ferrous metals and dirt5 *f t&e +aste components are not separated )efore discarding2 t&en t&e mi?ture of t&ese +astes is also kno+n as co-mingle residential and commercial SWM5 Special +astes from residential and commercial sources included )ulk items2 consumer electronics2 +&ite goods2 ard +astes2 )atteries2 paints2 +aste oils2 and tires5 #&ese +astes are usuall &andled separatel from ot&er residential and commercial +astes5 Most developed and some developing countries treat t&ose +astes +it&in SWM t&at pose a su)stantial presence of potential &a!ard to &uman &ealt& or living organisms as &a!ardous +astes are reEuired to &andle2 treated and disposed in accordance +it& stringent local or national environmental regulations5

:5)5 Institutional
6@5 *nstitutional sources of solid +astes including government ascri)ed organi!ations2 centers2 universities and sc&ools2 prisons and &ospitals and so on5 #&e solid +astes generated at t&ese facilities are Euite similar to commingled SWM5 *n most developed countries &ospital medical +astes are &andled and processed separatel from ot&er solid +astes5

:5'5 Municipal Services

665 Ot&er communit +astes2 resulting from t&e operation and maintenance of municipal facilities and t&e provision of ot&er municipal services2 including street s+eepings2 roadside litter2 +astes from municipal litter containers2 landscape and tree trimmings2 dead animals2 and a)andoned ve&icles5 *t is not possi)le to predict +&ere and +&en t&ese +astes can )e found5 #&ese +astes are often &andled as originating from non-stationar sources in contrast to residential sources2 +&ic& generate +aste at constant rate and composition in a specific area and time5 #&ese sources could )e called repetitive generation sources5

=5 Plan and Prospect

675 Birgan0 is emplo ing t&e traditional met&od gar)age collection to disposal area5 #&e gar)age collected is simpl dumped to an open lo+ l ing area +it& t&e s&ortage of properl managed ;

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

"and fill site5 Considering t&e gar)age littered in a &ap&a!ard area2 Birgan0 su) metropolitan Cit is launc&ing a program for a properl managed land fill site and se+age treatment plant from S#*.%*P pro0ect5 Birgan0 su) metropolitan cit is in t&e process of purc&asing 6@ &a of "and fill treatment site at Bisrampur -<2 *ti a&i-=2 Bara and ;5>7 &a for t&e se+age treatment plant site at c&apkai a +5N565Birgan02 Parsa5 685 Birgun0 Su)-Metropolitan Cit +ould strive to develop and esta)lis& efficient2 cost effective2 operationall simple and environmentall safe solid +aste management s stems +it&in t&e proposed Municipal Action Plan AMAPB period of 69 ears for t&e sector5 Proposed s stems +ould )e designed to en&ance t&e overall services provided in solid +aste management sector2 including: esta)lis& e?tensive pu)lic a+areness programs and stake&older participation programs develop and esta)lis& reEuired institutional setup and necessar infrastructure door to door collection ac&ieving 6@@F coverage in a p&ased manner encourage 8$s polic and esta)lis& Material $ecover ,acilit optimi!ation of transportation s stems esta)lis& financial cost accounting s stems specific to SWM esta)lis& composting facilities to process )iodegrada)le +aste esta)lis& environmentall safe sanitar landfill facilities for t&e disposal of inert +astes esta)lis& and implement routine monitoring and evaluation programs for evaluating t&e performance of various s stems and t&e institution 6:5 ,or t&is2 municipal people s&ould )e provided #ipping Pedal $iks&a+ eEuipment to t&e group of solid +aste collection group in +ards for t&e collection of &ouse&old +aste2 "C- Mounted for t&e collection and transport t&e solid +aste container up to landfill site station and Nala& Man Cleaning eEuipment for t&e cleaning of municipal ditc&5 #&e estimated cost and Euoted rate of DCMB #$AD*N' for eEuipment are included in ANN%I-A5 Agreement )et+een DCMB #$AD*N' and P*.2 Birgun0 +ould )e taken after t&e approval from ADB5 #&e o)0ectives of t&e eEuipment are given )elo+:

Tipping Pedal (i> Cap5, *5'' cub5mtr5!

695 Auto "ifter is eEuipment developed on a t&ree +&eeler and &elps in collection2 transportation and dumping of 'ar)age5 One s stem can easil &andle2 collection2 s&ifting and dumping at containers place in t&e +ard from &ouse&olds5 *t facilitates safe and & gienic collection2 storage and larger volume gar)age transportation5 /dvantages Can easil enter in Narro+ "anes / ) lanes5 Num)er of trips can )e increased in less time *t is eas to operate One man is sufficient %conomicall feasi)le for solid +aste collection

,ig 7:-#ipping Pedal $iks&a+ =

Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

2C4 Mounted Cap5, '5* M'!

6;5 Dumper placer s stem is developed on "C- #ruck C&assis and depending upon t&e container capacit 5 #&e gar)age/ refuse is directl collected into t&e containers +&ic& are placed at t&e various collection points in t&e )usiest and most t&ickl populated areas of t&e cit 5 #&is s stem +it& t&e loaded container is transported to t&e dumping site and t&e same is tipped & draulicall to disc&arge its load5 #&e availa)le suita)le container capacit is 85@ cu)5mtrs5 /dvantages *t is a uniEue2 &ig& productivit 2 eas operation and lo+ maintenance2 & gienic s stem to &elp in keeping a cit clean5 *t is a &ig&l cost effective and fle?i)le met&od of &andling de)ris/gar)age/refuse and discarded )uilding materials5 *t is simple2 eas and convenient to operate5 *t &as side lifting s stem

,ig5 8:-"C- Mounted #ruck +it& Container

#ala. Man &itc. Cleaner!

6=5 Nala& Man is ver useful eEuipment and is used to clean Nala& / Ditc& on t&e road side5 *t is developed on a #ractor #railer C&assis5 #&e Back H &oe can )e e?tended and t&e person +orking on it can rotate in <@ degree direction5 /dvantages *t can collect silt2 mud2 de)ris etc5 from a dept& of 9 feet and can accumulate t&e same in t&e trailer5 *t is ver convenient and no skilled person is reEuired to operate it5 Nala& Man can )e develop on an 6 #onner #ata 7@=2 #empo #ra?2 Ma&indra Pickup +it& or +it&out collection tra 5 C&aining t&e 'ra) Bucket2 eEuipment can )e used in lifting t&e 'ar)age &eaps5


Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

,ig5 ::-Nala Man 6>5 Also2 for t&is2 deviate &ouse&old Afrom t&e committeesB s&ould )e provided t+o t pes of +aste )ins5 #&is s&ould )e implemented in a p&ased manner2 in order to make t&is effectiveJ it s&ould )e supplemented ) different t pes of pu)lic a+areness campaign5 #&e municipalit planned to distri)ute a compost )in for 69@@ &ouse&old/sc&ools and dust )in for >@@@ &ouse&olds/sc&ools Aeac& &ouse&old for 8dust)inB5 #&e estimated cost and Euoted rate of DCMB #$AD*N' for eEuipment are included in ANN%I-A5 Agreement )et+een DCMB #$AD*N' and P*.2 Birgun0 +ould )e taken after t&e approval from ADB5 6<5 Also t&e municipalit planned for different t pes of t&e a+areness training +&ic& s&ould )e supplemented t&e pro0ect5 Based on t&e a)ove discussions2 t&e ma0or c&allenges for +aste management could )e categori!ed as polic and regulator related2 tec&nical2 financial2 social and institutional5 #&ese c&allenges could )e transformed into opportunities at t&e national and local levels t&roug& follo+ing steps:

=5+5 /ttitudinal c.ange

AiB A+areness of t&e pu)lic &ealt&2 environmental and economic impacts of solid +aste and +aste+aterJ AiiB Political +ill to prioriti!e +aste management and include t&is issue on t&e political and national agendaJ AiiiB A+areness and education on turning +aste into a material/energ resource to support local and national economic gro+t& and emplo mentK%SCAP refers to t&is as t&e L#ras& is cas&M approac&J AivB A+areness on t&e part of +aste generators regarding +aste minimi!ation2 source segregation and proper disposalJ AvB A+areness and training for service providers on proper collection and transportation2 treatment and disposalJ AviB A+areness-raising and training for rec clers on managing rec cling properl 2 especiall +it& respect to occupational &ealt&2 pu)lic &ealt& and secondar contamination aspects5 7@5 #&e ma0or training is a)out Solid Waste generation and Composition +it& (ealt& 1 ( giene Activities O)0ectives SWM C&allenges and Opportunities $eduction of t&e amount of Waste 'enerated Proper segregation and storage of +aste at source Waste composting and rec cling %fficient +aste collection (a!ardous +aste management Operation S stem of Municipal Solid Waste Management s stem AMWSMB Waste transfer from preliminar collection ve&icle to &aulage ve&icles #ransportation of +aste 765 Pu)lic education and participation and 8$*ntroduction and management process a)out t&e source-separated collection under solid +aste management including t&e concept of 8$ A$educe2 $euse and $ec cleB to t&e &ouse&olds2 Sc&ools2 &ealt& care institutes2 scarps dealer2 ka)aras dealer and municipalit s+eeper5 775 #&e follo+ing are ma0or outcomes of t&e proposed training: People a+are a)out solid +aste and solid +aste management under t&e concept of 8$5 People separated t&e +aste at t&e sources Acompost and non-compost +asteB %as for scarp dealer and ka)ara dealer to collect t&e related +aste


Solid Waste Management under CDP for promoting 3R

%as in operation for #&e door-to-door +aste collection s stem AWit& t&is effective +aste collection s stem2 it +ill not )e necessar to s+eep t&e streets dail 5 #&is can save valua)le resourcesB5 (a!ardous +aste +ould )e minimi!ed and separated at sources5 Biomass +astes include agricultural +astes2 suc& as corn stalks2 stra+2 sugarcane leavings2 )agasse and nuts&ellsJ manure from cattle2 poultr and &ogsJ forestr residues2 suc& as +ood c&ips2 )ark2 sa+dust2 tim)er slas& and mill scrapJ and municipal +aste2 suc& as +aste paper and ard clippings s&ould )e minimi!ed5 %as in transport t&e +aste from source to landfill site in less time5 %ncourage t&e municipal people a)out &arvest fertile5

785 #raining +ould )e taken after t&e approval from ADB5 7:5 *ntroduction and management process a)out t&e solid +aste management t&roug& street drama2 ,M )roadcasting and video documentar )roadcasting to t&e municipal people educational training centers2 &ealt& care centers2 scarp dealer2 ka)ara dealer and municipalit s+eeper5 795 #&e estimated cost for t&e training are included in ANN%I-A5 N'O is accounta)le to planning and making all logistic arrangements suc& as travel2 lodging and food for t&e participants2 resource persons2 etc2 in closed negotiation +it& P*.2 Birgun05 7;5 #&e estimated cost and Euoted rate of $adio #erai 6@= M(!2 Birgun0 for ,M program and "*B. ,ilms Pvt5 "td5 for 8$ video Documentar Production are included in ANN%I-B5 Agreement )et+een $adio #erai 6@= M(! A,M programB 1 "*B. ,ilms Pvt5 "td5 A8$ video Documentar ProductionB +it& P*.2 Birgun0 +ould )e taken after t&e approval from ADB5 7=5 Proposed task +ill start immediatel after t&e proposal approved from ADB5 N'O +ill involve setting up of t&e *%C materials Apumplets and calendarsB and eEuipment ADust )in2 Compost )in2 #ipping Pedal $iks&a+2 "C- Mounted Dumper Placer A#ruckB +it& Containers and Nala ManB procum)ent2 training venue2 trainings &all2 and collection of all availa)le reports2 guidelines2 models2 curriculum and document and materials related to t&e proposed trainings5 #&e N'O +ill collect relevant documents and information from municipalit and ot&er agencies and institutions5 #&e training team +ill stud all t&e documents provided ) t&e municipal and ot&er institution Aif reEuiredB and detailed proposed tasks lesson and session plan are given )elo+:


Table ',- Session Plan 0or Solid %aste management and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene /ctivities Trainings and IEC Materials!
S5 # #ame and introduction 1bjectives Type Participant &uration 2ocation Met.odology EApected 1utcome



+5 Training about Solid waste management under '( concept and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene promotion by ta>ing lecture class )&ays Training! #&e focus of #&e overall A+aren Municipal 7 da s *n +ard #&e N'O is Municipalit P*./N'O t&ese training o)0ective of t&ese ess Polic sc&ools responsi)le to people +ill is making to training is to a+are a)out maker2 and in organi!e t&e improve t&eir a+are people a)out 8$ stake&olde povert training in t&e sanitation municipal improving &ealt& promotio r of clusters venue and facilities people a)out environment n under municipalit sc&ool5 sc&eme area &ealt& 1 source around t&e solid 2 Persons +&ic& is identified & giene5 segregation of surroundings +aste of t&e +ard and proposed in Be&aviors solid +aste t&roug& promoting manage level t&is report5 c&ange in 8$s under solid 8$ Areduce2 reuse ment representat #&e N'O is polic and +aste and rec cleB and ive2 ka)ara accounta)le to Material management activities under &ealt& 1 dealer2 planning and $ecover ) promoting solid +aste & giene (ealt& care making all logistic ,acilit in t&e 8$ A$educe2 management5 activities center2 arrangements municipal5 $euse and (ouse&old suc& as travel2 $ec cleB s Alike as lodging and food activities and poor2 for t&e &ealt& 1 marginal2 participantsJ & giene )ack+ard provision of activities5 class2 relevant training female materials2 &eaded2 appropriate &and disa)le / outs and so on5 &andicapp #&e N'O is ed responsi)le to &ouse&old ensure smoot& and leader conduction and of +arded timel completion &ouse&old of t&e training5 B from #&e N'O is povert responsi)le to clusters conduct t&e

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



training )ot& in t&e class room as +ell as in t&e field in order to impart t&eoretical as +ell as &ands on practical kno+ledge and skills on +aste segregation and composting at o+n &ouses5 #&e N'O is responsi)le for preparation and su)mission t&e assignment report5 )5 /wareness Creation about Solid waste management under '( concept and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene promotion t.roug. $M Broadcasting A5 #&ese #&e overall ,M Birgun0 7@ Birgun0 #&e N'O is Municipalit P*./N'O a+areness o)0ective of t&ese program Su)mont&s Su)responsi)le to people +ill program focus training is to a+are Metropolita A7:@@mi Metropol develop different improve t&eir on follo+ing people a)out n Cit nute itan Cit t pes of sanitation outputs: improving &ealt& people A:@&rB in a+areness facilities &ealt& People +ill )e environment >@ program a)out 1 & giene5 a+are a)out around t&e +eekB solid +aste Be&aviors solid +aste surroundings and management and c&ange in 8$s and solid mutual relations&ip &ealt& 1 & giene polic and +aste )et+een municipal activities in Material management and local people5 support of ,M $ecover under t&e staff t&roug& ,acilit in t&e concept of 8$5 group discussion2 municipal5 People +ill )e mass discussion %as in a+are a)out in t&e communit operating #&e

and +ards of t&e municipal5

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



solid +aste for separate t&e +aste at t&e sources Acompost and non-compost +asteB People +ill )e a+are a)out Biomass +astes include agricultural +astes2 suc& as corn stalks2 stra+2 sugarcane leavings2 )iogases and nuts&ellsJ manure from cattle2 poultr and &ogsJ forestr residues2 suc& as +ood c&ips2 )ark2 sa+dust2 tim)er slas& and mill scrapJ and municipal +aste2 suc& as +aste paper and ard clippings s&ould )e

and discussion +it& P*.2 stake&older and related offices and N'O5 #&e N'O is accounta)le to planning and making procum)ent for t&e ,M in support of P*.5 #&e N'O is responsi)le to ensure smoot& conduction and timel completion of t&e training5 #&e N'O is responsi)le for preparation and su)mission t&e assignment report5

door-to-door +aste collection s stem for t&e municipal5 (a!ardous +aste +ould )e minimi!ed and separated at sources5 %as in transporting t&e +aste from source to landfill site5

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



minimi!ed5 %ncourage t&e municipal people a)out &arvest fertile5 '5 /wareness Creation about Solid waste management under '( concept and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene promotion t.roug. Street &rama program A5 #&e focus of #&roug& t&ese Street Birgun0 69 da s Birgun0 #&e N'O is Municipalit P*./N'O/ t&ese to make training2 municipal Drama Su)AS&ikc&a Su)responsi)le to people +ill to "ocal a+are people people a+are Metropolita Di)asMetropol develop and improve t&eir Artist a)out &ealt& 1 a)out t&e &ealt& n Cit 7eventB2 itan Cit manage different sanitation & giene and & giene people Bal t pes of street facilities &ealt& activities and condition to )e Di)asdrama a+areness 1 & giene5 solid +aste improved and 7eventsB activities a)out Be&aviors condition and t&eirs precaution 2 AC&&at solid +aste c&ange in 8$s t&eirs in t&e same time5 C&&admanagement and polic and precaution5 7eventB2 &ealt& 1 & giene Material AMa&ila activities in $ecover D*)assupport of street ,acilit in t&e 7eventsB drama compan municipal5 2 AWorld staff t&roug& Water group discussion2 Da mass discussion 7eventsB in t&e communit 2 AWorld and discussion (ealt& +it& P*.2 Da stake&older and 7eventsB related offices 2 and N'O5 A%nviron #&e N'O is ment accounta)le to Da planning and 7eventsB making and for procum)ent for

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



t&e street drama in support of P*.5 #&e N'O is responsi)le to ensure smoot& conduction and timel completion of t&e training5 #&e N'O is responsi)le for preparation and su)mission t&e assignment report5 65 /wareness Creation about Solid waste management under '( concept and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene promotion t.roug. 4ideo &ocumentary and Telecasting A5 #&ese #&e overall -ideo Birgun0 6@@&r5 Birgun0 #&e N'O is Municipalit P*./N'O/ a+areness o)0ective of t&ese Docume Su))road Su)responsi)le to people +ill to "*B. program focus training is to a+are ntar Metropolita casting Metropol collect different improve t&eir ,ilms Pvt5 on follo+ing people a)out and n Cit itan Cit t pes of e?isting sanitation "td outputs: improving &ealt& #elecast people documentar facilities &ealt& People +ill environment ing related a)out 1 & giene5 a+are a)out around t&e solid +aste Be&aviors solid +aste surroundings and management c&ange in 8$s and solid mutual relations&ip under 8$ concept polic and +aste )et+een municipal and &ealt& 1 Material management and local people5 & giene activities $ecover process under and making t&ese ,acilit in t&e t&e concept of documentaries for municipal5 8$5 t&e editing for t&e %as in People +ill culture of local operating #&e a+are a)out municipal from door-to-door solid +aste for documentar +aste collection separate t&e corporation5 s stem for t&e

an one da

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



+aste at t&e sources Acompost and non-compost +asteB %ncourage t&e municipal people a)out &arvest fertile5

#&e N'O is accounta)le to planning and making procum)ent for t&e -ideo Documentar editing and Documentar developing and #elecasting in support of P*.5 #&e N'O is responsi)le to ensure smoot& conduction and timel completion of t&e training5 #&e N'O is responsi)le for preparation and su)mission t&e assignment report5

municipal5 (a!ardous +aste +ould )e minimi!ed and separated at sources5 %as in transporting t&e +aste from source to landfill site5

:5 IEC Materials Calendar @ Pump let " &ust bin" compost bin and EBuipment !, /5 Calendar @ Pump let 65 Broadcasting t&e &ealt& 1 & giene and solid +aste under 8$ concept activities for t&e supporting #&e overall o)0ective of t&ese training is to a+are people a)out improving &ealt& environment around t&e surroundings and *%C Material Birgun0 Su)Metropolita n Cit people As per need Birgun0 Su)Metropol itan Cit #&e N'O is responsi)le to collect different t pes of e?isting *%C materials related a)out solid +aste management Municipalit people +ill to improve t&eir sanitation facilities &ealt& 1 & giene5 Be&aviors c&ange in 8$s P*./N'O

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



for different training a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene activities in t&e municipal5

mutual relations&ip )et+een municipal and local people5

under 8$ concept and &ealt& 1 & giene activities and develop proper *%C material for S#*.%*P activities5 #&e N'O is accounta)le to planning2 developing and making procum)ent for t&e *%C material ACalendar 1 pump letB in support of P*.5 #&e N'O is responsi)le to ensure smoot& conduction and timel completion of t&e training5 #&e N'O is responsi)le for preparation and su)mission t&e assignment report5 *%C Material Birgun0 Su)Metropolita As per need Birgun0 Su)Metropol #&e N'O is responsi)le to develop different

polic and Material $ecover ,acilit in t&e municipal5 %as in operating #&e door-to-door +aste collection s stem for t&e municipal5 (a!ardous +aste +ould )e minimi!ed and separated at sources5 %as in transporting t&e +aste from source to landfill site5


B5 &ust Bin @ Compost Bin Practical #&e overall )e&avior o)0ective of t&ese c&anges to t&e training is to a+are

Municipalit people +ere practice for

P*./N'O/ DCMB #$AD*N'

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



municipal people in certain povert cluster and a+are to t&e municipal people for t&e separating t&e +aste and composting in t&e &ouse

people a)out improving &ealt& environment around t&e surroundings and mutual relations&ip )et+een municipal and local people5

n Cit people

itan Cit

si!e and color of t&e dust and compost )in in support of DSC5 #&e N'O is accounta)le to planning2 developing and making procum)ent for t&e *%C material ADust )in and compost )inB in support of P*.5 #&e N'O is responsi)le to distri)ute dust )in and compost )in in presence of DSC and P*. to t&e selected area2 cluster and municipal &ouse&olds5 #&e N'O is responsi)le to ensure smoot& conduction and timel completion of t&e training5 #&e N'O is responsi)le for preparation and su)mission t&e

separating t&e +aste and composting5

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



assignment report5 65 C5 EBuipment /5 Tipping Pedal (i> Cap5, *5'' cub5mtr5!, Auto "ifter is an eEuipment developed on a t&ree +&eeler and &elps in collection2 transportation and dumping of 'ar)age5 One s stem can easil &andle2 collection2 s&ifting and Dumping at containers place in t&e +ard from &ouse &old5 *t facilitates safe and & gienic collection2 storage and larger volume gar)age Can easil enter in Narro+ "anes / ) lanes5 Num)er of trips can )e increased in less time *t is eas to operate One man is sufficient %conomicall feasi)le for solid +aste collection *%C Material Birgun0 Su)Metropolita n Cit people As per need Birgun0 Su)Metropol itan Cit #&e N'O is accounta)le to planning2 developing and making procum)ent for t&e eEuipment in support of P*.5 #&e N'O is responsi)le to develop management s stem and distri)ute for t&e eEuipment to support DSC activities and CDP activities and municipal activities5 #&e N'O is responsi)le to ensure smoot& conduction and timel completion of t&e training5 #&e N'O is responsi)le for preparation and su)mission t&e assignment Be&avior C&ange and developing t&e s stem for t&e +aste collection and transport t&e +aste to t&e landfill site5 P*./N'O/ DCMB #$AD*N'

*t is a uniEue2 &ig&

S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



transportation5 B5?C4 Mounted Cap5, '5* M' A + #os5!, Dumper placer s stem is developed on (C- #ruck C&assis and depending upon t&e container capacit 5 #&e gar)age/ refuse is directl collected into t&e containers +&ic& are placed at t&e various collection points in t&e )usiest and most t&ickl populated areas of t&e cit 5 #&is s stem +it& t&e loaded container is transported to

productivit 2 eas operation and lo+ maintenance2 & gienic s stem to &elp in keeping a cit clean5 *t is a &ig&l cost effective and fle?i)le met&od of &andling de)ris/gar)age/ref use and discarded )uilding materials5 *t is simple2 eas and convenient to operate5 *t &as side lifting s stem


S5 #

#ame and introduction







EApected 1utcome



t&e dumping site and t&e same is tipped & draulicall to disc&arge its load5 #&e availa)le suita)le container capacit is 759 cu)5mtrs5 C5#ala. Man, Nala& Man is ver useful eEuipment and is used to clean Nala& / Ditc& on t&e road side5 *t is developed on a #ractor #railer C&assis5 #&e Back H &oe can )e e?tended and t&e person +orking on it can rotate in <@ degree direction5

*t can collect silt2 mud2 de)ris etc5 from a dept& of 9 feet and can accumulate t&e same in t&e trailer5 *t is ver convenient and no skilled person is reEuired to operate it5 Nala& Man can )e develop on an 6 #onner #ata 7@=2 #empo #ra?2 Ma&indra Pickup +it& or +it&out collection tra 5 C&anging t&e 'ra) Bucket2 eEuipment can )e used in lifting t&e 'ar)age &eaps5

Table 6,- 2esson Plan 0or Solid %aste management and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene /ctivities Trainings and IEC Materials!

S5#5 + +5+ 65656




#ame o0 /ctivity Purpose Time Process 1utput (esponsibility /ware ness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion 0or a! Training 0or ?ouse.old at ward level b! Training 0or t.e .ouse.old at poverty clusters +st &ay <eneral 1rientation on STIUEIP-C&P solid waste management under '( conditions and process and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene condition!! $egistration of Participants #o kno+ t&e general 6@ Participants #otal num)er of participants N'O/P*./Partic information of t&e minutes transcri)es t&eir attended in t&e program5 ipants participants name and address Management of t&e +&ole #o remove unnecessar in t&e register program on t&e )asis of participants in t&e program presence of participants5 *ntroduction of Participants #o introduce participants to 7@ A participant Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5 P*./N'O/Partic eac& ot&er minutes introduces ipants t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 *ntroduction and o)0ectives 'etting )rief introduction 8@ Participants read t&e Participants kno+ t&e +orking P*./N'O S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of t&e minutes )roc&ure and lessen procedure of S#*.%*P and its pro0ect5 t&e lecture a)out t&e importance5 S#*.%*P on Po+erPoint5 *ntroduction a)out t&e +aste #o kno+ a)out t&e 6 &our Participants read t&e Participants kno+s t&e +aste P*./N'O condition and operational function municipal +aste and )roc&ure and also management of municipal of municipal +aste management process for +aste lessen t&e lecture on Participants kno+ t&e and &ealt& 1 & giene condition of management and Po+erPoint5 presence conditions of t&e t&e municipal2 conditions of t&e &ealt& 1 municipal +aste5 *ntroduction and net+orking of t&e & giene5 Participants kno+ t&e municipal s+eepers and t&eirs #o kno+ t&e net+orking of operational functions for o)0ectives s+eepers in t&e +ards of municipal +aste management5 t&e municipal5 Participants kno+ a)out landfill site and t&eirs operational functions5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e environmental pollution and &a!ards caused ) t&e mismanagement of solid +aste management5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e


#ame o0 /ctivity





*ntroduction2 o)0ectives and process for 8$5 *ntroduction and process a)out source segregation *ntroduction and process of composting *ntroduction and process a)out vermicomposting

#o kno+ a)out t&e process of 8$2 source segregation and composting5 #o kno+ t&e importance and o)0ectives of t&e source segregation and composting5

7 &ours

Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5


*ntroduction a)out polic 1 legislation a)out solid +aste management )nd &ay Practical process $egistration of Participants

#o kno+s a)out t&e acts and t&eirs use in dail life a)out solid +aste management5 #o kno+ t&e general information of t&e participants #o remove unnecessar

6 &our

Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5 Participants transcri)es t&eir name and address in t&e register

1utput &ealt& 1 & giene condition of t&e municipal people5 Participants kno+s a)out t&e s+eepers of t&e municipal and t&eirs net+orking for t&e municipal +aste collection and transport to t&e collection center in t&e +ard of municipal and finall +aste transport to landfill site5 Participants kno+s t&e municipal +aste generating and composting Participants kno+s t&e principle of +aste minimi!ing5 Participants kno+ t&e operational s stem of +aste5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e organic and inorganic +aste and process for segregation in &ouse&old5 Participants kno+ t&e composting process in t&e &ouse&old5 Participants kno+s t&e process of vermicomposting in t&e &ouse&old Participants kno+ a)out solid +aste management Polic and t&eirs legislation for solid +aste management5 #otal num)er of participants attended in t&e program5 Management of t&e +&ole program on t&e )asis of




657 65756

6@ minutes

N'O/P*./Partic ipants

S5#5 65757

#ame o0 /ctivity *ntroduction of Participants

Purpose participants in t&e program #o introduce participants to eac& ot&er

Time 7@ minutes

Process A participant introduces t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 Ask participants to list in plenar t&e activities and outcomes of t&e da )efore5 Ask participants to summari!e +&at t&e &ave learned S&o+ing and practice t&e participants in t&e process of +aste segregation and composting5 Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5

1utput presence of participants5 Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5

(esponsibility P*./N'O/Partic ipants


$evie+ of Previous Da Ns Sessions

#o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience and refres& memor of learned material

6 &ours

4esterda Ns lessons refres&ed $eflection on progress encouraged Participants are a+are of +&ere t&e are on course Pro)lems resolved Participants kno+ t&e importance of +aste and t&eirs use in t&e life5 Participants kno+s t&e practical process a)out +aste segregation and vermicomposting5 Participants kno+ t&e importance of ka)ara in solid +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene activities5 Participants kno+ &o+ to contact to ka)ara and for +&at5 Participants and ka)ara are collecting contact from eac& ot&er5 All participants +ill )e a)le to e?press t&eir kno+ledge and



Practical process a)out +aste #o &elp participants track segregation in t&e &ouse&old t&eir learning e?perience in Practical process a)out composting practice5 Aorganic composting and vermicomposting5

8 &ours

P*./N'O/$eso urce person


*ntroduction and o)0ectives of ka)ara and contacts process to t&e ka)ara

#o kno+ t&e importance of t&e ka)ara and &o+ to contact to ka)ara for +aste5

8@ minutes

P*./N'O/Ga)ar a/Participants



%valuate of t&e participants on +&ole session of

:9 minutes

Make an evaluation s&eet and take



#ame o0 /ctivity conflict





Close t&e +orks&op

8@ minutes

Process e?am ) including of +&ole session of conflict Some of t&e participants present t&eir learning ) speec&5 Official speec&es

1utput skill on conflict session +it& +rite ans+er5 ,ormall closed t&e orientation /training5



7 756 75656




/ware ness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion 0or a! ?ealt. Care Centre +st &ay <eneral 1rientation on STIUEIP-C&P solid waste management under '( conditions and process and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene condition!! $egistration of &ealt& care #o kno+ t&e general 6@ Participants #otal num)er of participants N'O/P*./Partic representative information of t&e minutes transcri)es t&eir attended in t&e program5 ipants participants name and address Management of t&e +&ole #o remove unnecessar in t&e register program on t&e )asis of participants in t&e program presence of participants5 *ntroduction of Participants #o introduce participants to 7@ A participant Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5 P*./N'O/Partic eac& ot&er minutes introduces ipants t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 *ntroduction and o)0ectives of 'etting )rief introduction 8@ Participants read t&e Participants kno+ t&e +orking P*./N'O S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of t&e minutes )roc&ure and lessen procedure of S#*.%*P and its pro0ect5 t&e lecture a)out t&e importance5 S#*.%*P on Po+erPoint5 *ntroduction a)out t&e +aste #o kno+ a)out t&e 659 &our Participants read t&e Participants kno+s t&e +aste P*./N'O condition and operational function municipal +aste and &ealt& )roc&ure and also management of municipal of municipal +aste management +aste and irregular +aste lessen t&e lecture on Participants kno+ t&e and &ealt& 1 & giene condition of management5 Po+erPoint5 presence conditions of t&e t&e municipal and &ealt& care #o kno+ t&e environmental municipal +aste and &ealt& centre polluted t&e municipal from care centre5 &ealt& care centre Participants kno+ t&e operational functions for municipal +aste management


#ame o0 /ctivity





*ntroduction2 o)0ectives and process for 8$5 *ntroduction and process a)out source segregation *ntroduction and process of composting

#o kno+ a)out t&e process of 8$2 source segregation and composting5 #o kno+ t&e importance and o)0ectives of t&e source segregation and composting5

7 &ours

Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5


*ntroduction a)out polic 1 legislation a)out solid +aste management )nd &ay Practical process $egistration of Participants

#o kno+s a)out t&e acts and t&eirs use in dail life a)out solid +aste management5 #o kno+ t&e general information of t&e participants

6 &our

Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5 Participants transcri)es t&eir name and address

1utput and &ealt& care centers5 Participants kno+ a)out landfill site and t&eirs operational functions5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e environmental pollution and &a!ards caused ) t&e mismanagement of solid +aste management in t&e municipal and &ealt& care centre5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e &ealt& 1 & giene condition of t&e municipal people and &ealt& care centres5 Participants kno+ t&e municipal +aste generating and composting Participants kno+ t&e principle of +aste minimi!ing5 Participants kno+ t&e operational s stem of +aste5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e organic and inorganic +aste and process for segregation in &ealt& care centre5 Participants kno+ t&e composting process in t&e &ealt& care centre5 Participants kno+ a)out solid +aste management Polic and t&eirs legislation for solid +aste management5 #otal num)er of participants attended in t&e program5 Management of t&e +&ole




757 75756

6@ minutes

N'O/P*./Partic ipants

S5#5 75757

#ame o0 /ctivity *ntroduction of Participants

Purpose #o remove unnecessar participants in t&e program #o introduce participants to eac& ot&er

Time 7@ minutes

Process in t&e register A participant introduces t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 Ask participants to list in plenar t&e activities and outcomes of t&e da )efore5 Ask participants to summari!e +&at t&e &ave learned S&o+ing and practice t&e participants in t&e process of +aste segregation and composting5 Make an evaluation s&eet and take e?am ) including of +&ole session of conflict Some of t&e participants present t&eir learning ) speec&5 Official speec&es

1utput program on t&e )asis of presence of participants5 Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5

(esponsibility P*./N'O/Partic ipants


$evie+ of Previous Da Ns Sessions

#o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience and refres& memor of learned material

6 &ours

4esterda Ns lessons refres&ed $eflection on progress encouraged Participants are a+are of +&ere t&e are on course Pro)lems resolved Participants kno+ t&e importance of +aste and t&eirs use in t&e life5 Participants kno+ t&e practical process a)out +aste segregation and vermicomposting5 All participants +ill )e a)le to e?press t&eir kno+ledge and skill on conflict session +it& +rite ans+er5 ,ormall closed t&e orientation /training5



Practical process a)out +aste #o &elp participants track segregation in t&e &ouse&old t&eir learning e?perience in Practical process a)out composting practice5 Aorganic composting and vermicomposting5

8 &ours

P*./N'O/$eso urce person



%valuate of t&e participants on +&ole session of conflict Close t&e +orks&op

8@ minutes




8@ minutes


/ware ness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion 0or a! -abara &ealer and Collection Center (epresentative

S5#5 856 85656




#ame o0 /ctivity Purpose Time Process 1utput (esponsibility +st &ay <eneral 1rientation on STIUEIP-C&P solid waste management under '( conditions and process and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene condition!! $egistration of Participants #o kno+ t&e general 6@ Participants #otal num)er of participants N'O/P*./Partic information of t&e minutes transcri)es t&eir attended in t&e program5 ipants participants name and address Management of t&e +&ole #o remove unnecessar in t&e register program on t&e )asis of participants in t&e program presence of participants5 *ntroduction of Participants #o introduce participants to 7@ A participant Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5 P*./N'O/Partic eac& ot&er minutes introduces ipants t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 *ntroduction and o)0ectives 'etting )rief introduction 8@ Participants read t&e Participants kno+ t&e +orking P*./N'O S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of t&e minutes )roc&ure and lessen procedure of S#*.%*P and its pro0ect5 t&e lecture a)out t&e importance5 S#*.%*P on Po+erPoint5 *ntroduction a)out t&e +aste #o kno+ a)out t&e 7 &ours Participants read t&e Participants kno+s t&e +aste P*./N'O condition and operational function municipal +aste and )roc&ure and also management of municipal of municipal +aste management process for +aste lessen t&e lecture on Participants kno+ t&e and &ealt& 1 & giene condition of management and Po+erPoint5 presence conditions of t&e t&e municipal2 conditions of t&e &ealt& 1 municipal +aste5 *ntroduction and net+orking of t&e & giene5 Participants kno+ t&e municipal s+eepers and t&eirs #o kno+ t&e net+orking of operational functions for o)0ectives s+eepers in t&e +ards of municipal +aste management5 *ntroduction and importance of t&e municipal5 Participants kno+ a)out landfill Ga)ara Dealer and Collection site and t&eirs operational Center $epresentative functions5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e environmental pollution and &a!ards caused ) t&e mismanagement of solid +aste management5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e &ealt& 1 & giene condition of t&e municipal people5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e

S5#5 85659

#ame o0 /ctivity *ntroduction2 o)0ectives and process for 8$5 *ntroduction and process a)out source segregation *ntroduction and process of composting

Purpose #o kno+ a)out t&e process of 8$2 source segregation and composting5 #o kno+ t&e importance and o)0ectives of t&e source segregation and composting5

Time 659 &ours

Process Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5


*ntroduction a)out polic 1 legislation a)out solid +aste management

857 85756


#o kno+s a)out t&e acts and t&eirs use in dail life a)out solid +aste management5 )nd &ay Municipal collection #etwor>ing and its process! $egistration of Participants #o kno+ t&e general information of t&e participants #o remove unnecessar participants in t&e program *ntroduction of Participants #o introduce participants to eac& ot&er

6 &our

Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5 Participants transcri)es t&eir name and address in t&e register A participant introduces t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 Ask participants to list in plenar t&e activities and outcomes of t&e da

1utput ka)ra importance5 Participants kno+s t&e municipal +aste generating and composting Participants kno+ t&e principle of +aste minimi!ing5 Participants kno+ t&e operational s stem of +aste5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e organic and inorganic +aste and process for segregation in &ouse&old5 Participants kno+ t&e composting process in t&e &ouse&old5 Participants kno+ t&e t pe of +aste Participants kno+ a)out solid +aste management Polic and t&eirs legislation for solid +aste management5 #otal num)er of participants attended in t&e program5 Management of t&e +&ole program on t&e )asis of presence of participants5 Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5

(esponsibility P*./N'O


6@ minutes

N'O/P*./Partic ipants

7@ minutes

P*./N'O/Partic ipants


$evie+ of Previous Da Ns Sessions

#o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience and refres& memor of learned material

6 &ours

4esterda Ns lessons refres&ed $eflection on progress encouraged



#ame o0 /ctivity



Process )efore5 Ask participants to summari!e +&at t&e &ave learned S&o+ing and practice t&e participants in t&e process of +aste segregation and composting5 Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5

1utput Participants are a+are of +&ere t&e are on course Pro)lems resolved Participants kno+ t&e importance of +aste and t&eirs use in t&e life5 Participants kno+s t&e practical process a)out +aste segregation and vermicomposting5 Participants kno+ t&e net+ork of municipal +aste management5 Participants kno+ t&e importance of t&emselves and +orking modalit in t&e municipal5 Participants kno+ t&e process to collect &ouse&olds and municipal +aste5 All participants +ill )e a)le to e?press t&eir kno+ledge and skill on conflict session +it& +rite ans+er5 ,ormall closed t&e orientation /training5



Practical process a)out +aste segregation

#o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience in practice5

659 &ours

P*./N'O/$eso urce person


*ntroduction a)out t&e net+orking of t&e &ouse&olds and municipal s+eepers and t&eirs o)0ectives Also2 &o+ t&e closed relation and net+ork process to t&e &ouse&olds and municipal s+eepers

#o kno+ t&e net+ork of solid +aste management under municipal and importance of t&emselves5





%valuate of t&e participants on +&ole session of conflict Close t&e +orks&op

:9 minutes



8@ minutes

Make an evaluation s&eet and take e?am ) including of +&ole session of conflict Some of t&e participants present t&eir learning ) speec&5 Official speec&es



/ware ness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion 0or

S5#5 :56 :5656




#ame o0 /ctivity Purpose Time Process 1utput (esponsibility a! Training 0or Municipal Sweeper +st &ay <eneral 1rientation on STIUEIP-C&P solid waste management under '( conditions and process and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene condition!! $egistration of Participants #o kno+ t&e general 6@ Participants #otal num)er of participants N'O/P*./Partic information of t&e minutes transcri)es t&eir attended in t&e program5 ipants participants name and address Management of t&e +&ole #o remove unnecessar in t&e register program on t&e )asis of participants in t&e program presence of participants5 *ntroduction of Participants #o introduce participants to 7@ A participant Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5 P*./N'O/Partic eac& ot&er minutes introduces ipants t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 *ntroduction and o)0ectives 'etting )rief introduction 8@ Participants read t&e Participants kno+ t&e +orking P*./N'O S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of t&e minutes )roc&ure and lessen procedure of S#*.%*P and its pro0ect5 t&e lecture a)out t&e importance5 S#*.%*P on Po+erPoint5 *ntroduction a)out t&e +aste #o kno+ a)out t&e 7 &ours Participants read t&e Participants kno+s t&e +aste P*./N'O condition and operational function municipal +aste and )roc&ure and also management of municipal of municipal +aste management process for +aste lessen t&e lecture on Participants kno+ t&e and &ealt& 1 & giene condition of management and Po+erPoint5 presence conditions of t&e t&e municipal2 conditions of t&e &ealt& 1 municipal +aste5 *ntroduction and net+orking of t&e & giene5 Participants kno+ t&e municipal s+eepers to t&e #o kno+ t&e net+orking of operational functions for &ouse&olds and t&eirs o)0ectives s+eepers in t&e +ards of municipal +aste management5 *ntroduction and importance of t&e municipal5 Participants kno+ a)out landfill Ga)ara Dealer and Collection site and t&eirs operational Center $epresentative functions5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e environmental pollution and &a!ards caused ) t&e mismanagement of solid +aste management5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e &ealt& 1 & giene condition of t&e municipal people5

S5#5 :5659

#ame o0 /ctivity *ntroduction2 o)0ectives and process for 8$5 *ntroduction and process a)out source segregation *ntroduction and process of composting

Purpose #o kno+ a)out t&e process of 8$2 source segregation and composting5 #o kno+ t&e importance and o)0ectives of t&e source segregation and composting5

Time 659 &ours

Process Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5


*ntroduction a)out polic 1 legislation a)out solid +aste management

:57 :5756


#o kno+s a)out t&e acts and t&eirs use in dail life a)out solid +aste management5 )nd &ay Municipal sweeper #etwor>ing and its process! $egistration of Participants #o kno+ t&e general information of t&e participants #o remove unnecessar participants in t&e program *ntroduction of Participants #o introduce participants to eac& ot&er

6 &our

Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5 Participants transcri)es t&eir name and address in t&e register A participant introduces t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 Ask participants to list in plenar t&e activities and

1utput Participants kno+ a)out t&e ka)ra importance5 Participants kno+s t&e municipal +aste generating and composting Participants kno+ t&e principle of +aste minimi!ing5 Participants kno+ t&e operational s stem of +aste5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e organic and inorganic +aste and process for segregation in &ouse&old5 Participants kno+ t&e composting process in t&e &ouse&old5 Participants kno+ t&e t pe of +aste Participants kno+ a)out solid +aste management Polic and t&eirs legislation for solid +aste management5 #otal num)er of participants attended in t&e program5 Management of t&e +&ole program on t&e )asis of presence of participants5 Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5

(esponsibility P*./N'O


6@ minutes

N'O/P*./Partic ipants

7@ minutes

P*./N'O/Partic ipants


$evie+ of Previous Da Ns Sessions

#o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience and refres& memor of

6 &ours

4esterda Ns lessons refres&ed $eflection on progress encouraged



#ame o0 /ctivity

Purpose learned material


Process outcomes of t&e da )efore5 Ask participants to summari!e +&at t&e &ave learned S&o+ing and practice t&e participants in t&e process of +aste segregation and composting5 Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5

1utput Participants are a+are of +&ere t&e are on course Pro)lems resolved Participants kno+ t&e importance of +aste and t&eirs use in t&e life5 Participants kno+s t&e practical process a)out +aste segregation in t&e &ouse&olds and in municipal level5 Participants kno+ t&e net+ork of municipal +aste management5 Participants kno+ t&e importance of t&emselves and +orking modalit in t&e municipal5 Participants kno+ t&e process to collect &ouse&olds and municipal +aste5 All participants +ill )e a)le to e?press t&eir kno+ledge and skill on conflict session +it& +rite ans+er5 ,ormall closed t&e orientation /training5



Practical process a)out +aste segregation for &ouse&old and municipal +aste

#o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience in practice5

659 &ours

P*./N'O/$eso urce person


*ntroduction a)out t&e net+orking of t&e &ouse&olds and municipal s+eepers and t&eirs o)0ectives Also2 &o+ t&e closed relation and net+ork process to t&e &ouse&olds and ka)ara dealer5

#o kno+ t&e net+ork of solid +aste management under municipal and importance of t&emselves5





%valuate of t&e participants on +&ole session of conflict Close t&e +orks&op

:9 minutes



8@ minutes

Make an evaluation s&eet and take e?am ) including of +&ole session of conflict Some of t&e participants present t&eir learning ) speec&5 Official speec&es



S5#5 9 956 95656




#ame o0 /ctivity Purpose Time Process 1utput (esponsibility /wareness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion 0or a! Training 0or Municipal Policy Ma>er and Sta>e.older b! Training 0or t.e ward level representative in +7 ward o0 Birgunj Sub-Metropolitan City +st &ay <eneral 1rientation on STIUEIP-C&P solid waste management under '( conditions and process and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene condition!! $egistration of Participants #o kno+ t&e general 6@ Participants #otal num)er of participants N'O/P*./Partic information of t&e minutes transcri)es t&eir attended in t&e program5 ipants participants name and address Management of t&e +&ole #o remove unnecessar in t&e register program on t&e )asis of participants in t&e program presence of participants5 *ntroduction of Participants #o introduce participants to 7@ A participant Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5 P*./N'O/Partic eac& ot&er minutes introduces ipants t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 *ntroduction and o)0ectives 'etting )rief introduction 8@ Participants read t&e Participants kno+ t&e +orking P*./N'O S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of t&e minutes )roc&ure and lessen procedure of S#*.%*P and its pro0ect5 t&e lecture a)out t&e importance5 S#*.%*P on Po+erPoint5 *ntroduction a)out t&e +aste #o kno+ a)out t&e 8 &ours Participants read t&e Participants kno+s t&e +aste P*./N'O condition and operational function municipal +aste and )roc&ure and also management of municipal of municipal +aste management process for +aste lessen t&e lecture on Participants kno+ t&e and &ealt& 1 & giene condition of management and Po+erPoint5 presence conditions of t&e t&e municipal2 conditions of t&e &ealt& 1 municipal +aste5 *ntroduction2 *mportance and & giene5 Participants kno+ t&e net+orking of t&e municipal #o kno+ t&e net+orking of operational functions for s+eepers in t&e municipalit 5 s+eepers2 ka)ara and municipal +aste management5 *ntroduce a)out Municipal e?isting &ouse&olds in t&e +ards of Participants kno+ a)out landfill conditions and proposed conditions t&e municipal5 site and t&eirs operational of municipal s+eepers #o kno+ t&e importance of functions5 *ntroduce a)out Municipal e?isting t&e s+eepers and ka)ara Participants kno+ a)out t&e conditions and proposed conditions for t&e municipal environmental pollution and of Ga)ara Dealer and Collection &ouse&olds5 &a!ards caused ) t&e Center $epresentative and t&eirs mismanagement of solid +aste importance management5 *ntroduce a)out t&e municipal Participants kno+ a)out t&e


#ame o0 /ctivity &ouse&olds +aste and management of t&e &ouse&olds +aste in t&e municipal5 *ntroduce t&e e?isting and proposed conditions and operational functions of t&e landfill site *ntroduction2 o)0ectives and process for 8$5 *ntroduction and process a)out source segregation *ntroduction and process of composting





#o kno+ a)out t&e process of 8$2 source segregation and composting5 #o kno+ t&e importance and o)0ectives of t&e source segregation and composting5

6 &ours

Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5

1utput &ealt& 1 & giene condition of t&e municipal people5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e ka)ra and municipal s+eepers importance and net+orking for t&e &ouse&olds5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e &ouse&olds +aste Participants kno+s t&e municipal +aste generating and composting Participants kno+ t&e principle of +aste minimi!ing5 Participants kno+ t&e operational s stem of +aste5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e organic and inorganic +aste and process for segregation in &ouse&old5 Participants kno+ t&e composting process in t&e &ouse&old5 Participants kno+ t&e t pe of +aste #otal num)er of participants attended in t&e program5 Management of t&e +&ole program on t&e )asis of presence of participants5 Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5



957 95756

)nd &ay $egistration of Participants


*ntroduction of Participants

#o kno+ t&e general information of t&e participants #o remove unnecessar participants in t&e program #o introduce participants to eac& ot&er

6@ minutes

Participants transcri)es t&eir name and address in t&e register A participant introduces t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 Ask participants to

N'O/P*./Partic ipants

7@ minutes

P*./N'O/Partic ipants


$evie+ of Previous Da Ns Sessions

#o &elp participants track

6 &ours

4esterda Ns lessons refres&ed



#ame o0 /ctivity

Purpose t&eir learning e?perience and refres& memor of learned material


Process list in plenar t&e activities and outcomes of t&e da )efore5 Ask participants to summari!e +&at t&e &ave learned Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5 S&o+ing and practice t&e participants in t&e process of +aste segregation and composting5 Make an evaluation s&eet and take e?am ) including of +&ole session of conflict Some of t&e participants present t&eir learning ) speec&5 Official speec&es

1utput $eflection on progress encouraged Participants are a+are of +&ere t&e are on course Pro)lems resolved Participants kno+ a)out solid +aste management Polic and t&eirs legislation for solid +aste management5 Participants kno+ t&e importance of +aste and t&eirs use in t&e life5 Participants kno+s t&e practical process a)out +aste segregation in t&e &ouse&olds and in municipal level5 All participants +ill )e a)le to e?press t&eir kno+ledge and skill on conflict session +it& +rite ans+er5 ,ormall closed t&e orientation /training5



*ntroduction a)out polic 1 legislation a)out solid +aste management Practical process a)out +aste segregation for &ouse&old and municipal +aste


#o kno+s a)out t&e acts and t&eirs use in dail life a)out solid +aste management5 #o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience in practice5

6 &our


7 &our

P*./N'O/$eso urce person



%valuate of t&e participants on +&ole session of conflict Close t&e +orks&op

:9 minutes




8@ minutes


; ;56 ;5656

/wareness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion 0or a! Training 0or t.e sc.ool ?eadmaster" Teac.ers and C.ild Club members! +st &ay <eneral 1rientation on STIUEIP-C&P solid waste management under '( conditions and process and ?ealt. @ ?ygiene condition!! $egistration of Participants #o kno+ t&e general 6@ Participants #otal num)er of participants N'O/P*./Partic information of t&e minutes transcri)es t&eir attended in t&e program5 ipants


#ame o0 /ctivity


*ntroduction of Participants

Purpose participants #o remove unnecessar participants in t&e program #o introduce participants to eac& ot&er


Process name and address in t&e register A participant introduces t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 Participants read t&e )roc&ure and lessen t&e lecture a)out t&e S#*.%*P on Po+erPoint5 Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5

7@ minutes

1utput Management of t&e +&ole program on t&e )asis of presence of participants5 Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5


P*./N'O/Partic ipants


*ntroduction and o)0ectives S#*.%*P-CDP

'etting )rief introduction and o)0ectives of t&e pro0ect5 #o kno+ a)out t&e municipal +aste and process for +aste management and conditions of t&e &ealt& 1 & giene5 #o kno+ t&e +aste conditions of t&e sc&ools

8@ minutes

Participants kno+ t&e +orking procedure of S#*.%*P and its importance5 Participants kno+s t&e +aste management of municipal Participants kno+ t&e presence conditions of t&e municipal +aste5 Participants kno+ t&e operational functions for municipal +aste management5 Participants kno+ a)out landfill site and t&eirs operational functions5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e environmental pollution and &a!ards caused ) t&e mismanagement of solid +aste management in t&e sc&ools5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e &ealt& 1 & giene condition of t&e sc&ools5 Participants kno+s t&e municipal +aste generating and composting Participants kno+ t&e principle



*ntroduction a)out t&e +aste condition and operational function of municipal +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene condition of t&e municipal2 *ntroduction and importance of t&e sc&ools +aste management conditions and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions of t&e sc&ools

7 &ours



*ntroduction2 o)0ectives and process for 8$5 *ntroduction and process a)out source segregation

#o kno+ a)out t&e process of 8$2 source segregation and composting5 #o kno+ t&e importance

6 &ours

Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5



#ame o0 /ctivity *ntroduction and process of composting

Purpose and o)0ectives of t&e source segregation and composting5



1utput of +aste minimi!ing5 Participants kno+ t&e operational s stem of +aste5 Participants kno+ a)out t&e organic and inorganic +aste and process for segregation in sc&ools5 Participants kno+ t&e composting process in t&e sc&ools5 Participants kno+ t&e t pe of +aste #otal num)er of participants attended in t&e program5 Management of t&e +&ole program on t&e )asis of presence of participants5 Participants kno+ eac& ot&er5


;57 ;5756

)nd &ay $egistration of Participants


*ntroduction of Participants

#o kno+ t&e general information of t&e participants #o remove unnecessar participants in t&e program #o introduce participants to eac& ot&er

6@ minutes

Participants transcri)es t&eir name and address in t&e register A participant introduces t&emselves a)out t&eir name2 address and profession5 Ask participants to list in plenar t&e activities and outcomes of t&e da )efore5 Ask participants to summari!e +&at t&e &ave learned Participants read t&e )roc&ure and also lessen t&e lecture on Po+erPoint5

N'O/P*./Partic ipants

7@ minutes

P*./N'O/Partic ipants


$evie+ of Previous Da Ns Sessions

#o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience and refres& memor of learned material

6 &ours

4esterda Ns lessons refres&ed $eflection on progress encouraged Participants are a+are of +&ere t&e are on course Pro)lems resolved Participants kno+ a)out solid +aste management Polic and t&eirs legislation for solid +aste management5



*ntroduction a)out polic 1 legislation a)out solid +aste management

#o kno+s a)out t&e acts and t&eirs use in dail life a)out solid +aste management5

6 &our


S5#5 ;5759

#ame o0 /ctivity Practical process a)out +aste segregation around t&e sc&ools

Purpose #o &elp participants track t&eir learning e?perience in practice5

Time 7 &our

Process S&o+ing and practice t&e participants in t&e process of +aste segregation and composting5

1utput Participants kno+ t&e importance of +aste and t&eirs use in t&e life5 Participants kno+s t&e practical process a)out +aste segregation in t&e sc&ools and in municipal level5 All participants +ill )e a)le to e?press t&eir kno+ledge and skill on conflict session +it& +rite ans+er5

(esponsibility P*./N'O/$eso urce person




8 85+ =5656

85) =5756

Make an evaluation s&eet and take e?am ) including of +&ole session of conflict Closing Close t&e +orks&op 8@ Some of t&e ,ormall closed t&e orientation minutes participants present /training5 t&eir learning ) speec&5 Official speec&es /wareness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion and .ealt. and .ygiene activities t.roug. a! $M Broad casting Total events o0 t.e $M broadcasting are 9*! +-event *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e #o a+are people a)out t&e :@ mint5 Broadcasting t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e S#*.%*P5 aim of S#*.%*P item in ,M range5 o)0ectives and met&odolog of Developing and )roadcasting 0ingle #o a+are people a)out S#*.%*P A*%C materialsB activities for solid terminolog of t&e solid +aste management and &ealt& and +aste management and & giene &ealt& 1 & giene a)out Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 e?isting and proposed *ntervie+ +it& %?ecutive met&odolog of Birgun0 officer/municipalit and pro0ect Su)-Metropolitan Cit manager of S#*.%*P2 Birgun0 for met&odolog of S#*.%*P )-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of #o a+are people a)out t&e :@ mint5 Broadcasting t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e t&e S#*.%*P5 aim of S#*.%*P item in ,M range5 aims of t&e S#*.%*P

%valuate of t&e participants on +&ole session of conflict

:9 minutes



N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@=


85' =5856

856 =5:56

#ame o0 /ctivity Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 S&ort *ntervie+ +it& P*. #ec&nical and social officer or municipal officer for addressing municipal local voice a)out t&e issues and voice of t&e solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of t&e pro0ect municipal '-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 S&ort *ntervie+ +it& P*. #ec&nical and social officer or municipal officer for addressing municipal local voice a)out t&e issues and voice of t&e solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of t&e pro0ect municipal 6-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene

Purpose #o a+are people2 pro)lems of t&e municipal a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of municipal



1utput "istener are a+are a)out e?isting conditions of t&e +aste and a)out &ealt& and & giene conditions of t&e municipal "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

(esponsibility Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people2 pro)lems of t&e municipal a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of municipal

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out e?isting conditions of t&e +aste and a)out &ealt& and & giene conditions of t&e municipal "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e actual terminolog of solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out S#*.%*P proposed program "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


85: =5956

85: =5;56

#ame o0 /ctivity Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& PCO APro0ect CoordinateB2 P*. APro0ect ManagerB for addressing issues of 7-event2 8event and municipal local voice a)out t&e solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of t&e pro0ect municipal :-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of one num)er of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions =-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 7 of +ard a)out

Purpose conditions of municipal





#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er one5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er one "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 75

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 75 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 858 =5=56

859 =5>56

857 =5<56

#ame o0 /ctivity actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions 8-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 8 of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions 9-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er : of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions 7-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB






#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 85

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 85 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er :5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er :5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip


85+* =56@5 6

85++ =5665 6

#ame o0 /ctivity activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 9 of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +*-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er ; of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions ++-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and

Purpose actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 95



1utput +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 95 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

(esponsibility alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er ;5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er ;5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,M/M unicipalit /"iste ner

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er =5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er =5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


85+) =5675 6

85+' =5685 6


#ame o0 /ctivity Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er = of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +)-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er > of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +'-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er < of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +6-event






#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er >5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er >5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er <5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er <5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 =56:5 6

85+: =5695 6

85+= =56;5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 6@ of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +:-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 66 of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +=-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene

Purpose #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 6@5

Time :@ mint5

Process Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

1utput "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 6@5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

(esponsibility N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 665

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 665 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,M/M unicipalit /"iste ner

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 675 "istener a+are a)out t&e

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


85+8 =56=5 6

85+9 =56>5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 67 of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +8-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 68 of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +9-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 6: of +ard a)out

Purpose &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 675



1utput met&odolog of +aste5


#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 685

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 685 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 6:5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 6:5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 85+7 =56<5 6

85)* =57@5 6

85)+ =5765 6

#ame o0 /ctivity actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions +7-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 69 of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions )*-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 6; of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions )+-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB






#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 695

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 695 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 6;5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 6;5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip


85)) =5775 6

85)' =5785 6

#ame o0 /ctivity activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 6= of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions ))-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 6> of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions )'-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #ec&nical and social officer of P*. of #ec&nical and

Purpose actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 6=5



1utput +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 6=5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

(esponsibility alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 6>5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 6>5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of +ard num)er 6<5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions +ard num)er 6<5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


85)6 =5795 6

85): =57;5 6

85)= =57;5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity Social officer of N'O for addressing issues of local voice of Ward num)er 6< of +ard a)out actual conditions of solid +aste and &ealt& and & giene conditions )6-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& PM2 DSC and N'O A#ec&nical or social officerB addressing issues of local voice and issues come out from 9-event to 79-event of t&is ,M program5 ):-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& PM2 DSC and N'O A#ec&nical or social officerB addressing issues of local voice and issues come out from 9-event to 79-event of t&is ,M program5 )=-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste






#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of municipal5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions of municipal5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out actual conditions and met&odolog a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions of municipal5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out +aste and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions of municipal5 "istener a+are a)out t&e met&odolog of +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out municipalit terminolog

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are municipalit solid +aste and

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


85)8 =57=5 6

85)9 =57>5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit solid +aste management committee and municipalit s+eeper committee officers for addressing t&e actual conditions of t&e +aste management and t&eirs vie+ terminolog under 8$ concept5 )8-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit solid +aste management committee and municipalit s+eeper committee officers in presence of PM for addressing t&e actual conditions of t&e +aste management and t&eirs vie+ terminolog under 8$ concept5 )9-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit s+eeper committee officers and : +ards A6-

Purpose a)out solid +aste and municipal +aste5



1utput t&eirs met&odolog 5


#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out municipalit terminolog a)out solid +aste and municipal +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are municipalit solid +aste and t&eirs met&odolog 5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions and terminolog of &ouse&olds +aste collection in t&e +ards5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of +aste collection in t&e +ards5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


85)7 =57<5 6

85'* =58@5 6

85'+ =5865 6

#ame o0 /ctivity : +ardsB s+eeper +orkers a)out t&e conditions of t&e +aste in t&e +ard t&eirs vie+ terminolog under 8$ concept5 )7-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit s+eeper committee officers and 9 A9-< +ardsB +ards s+eeper +orkers a)out t&e conditions of t&e +aste in t&e +ard t&eirs vie+ terminolog under 8$ concept5 '*-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit s+eeper committee officers and 9 A6@-6: +ardsB +ards s+eeper +orkers a)out t&e conditions of t&e +aste in t&e +ard t&eirs vie+ terminolog under 8$ concept5 '+-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle A*%C materialsB






#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions and terminolog of &ouse&olds +aste collection in t&e +ards5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of +aste collection in t&e +ards5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions and terminolog of &ouse&olds +aste collection in t&e +ards5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of +aste collection in t&e +ards5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip


85') =5875 6

85'' =5885 6

85'6 =58:5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity activities for solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit s+eeper committee officers and 9 A69-6< +ardsB +ards s+eeper +orkers a)out t&e conditions of t&e +aste in t&e +ard t&eirs vie+ terminolog under 8$ concept5 ')-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit Officer and P*. Officer for addressing issues of 7<-86 event of t&ese program5 ''-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& (ealt& care committee in presence of Municipalit officer for addressing t&e issues a)out +aste management and t&eirs terminolog 5 '6-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& (ealt& care committee in presence of Municipalit officer and "DO for addressing t&e issues a)out +aste

Purpose conditions and terminolog of &ouse&olds +aste collection in t&e +ards5



1utput conditions and met&odolog of +aste collection in t&e +ards5

(esponsibility alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions and terminolog of &ouse&olds +aste collection and acts5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions2 acts and terminolog of &ealt& care center +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of +aste collection and acts5

N N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of &ealt& care center +aste collection and t&eirs acts5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions2 acts and terminolog of &ealt& care center +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of &ealt& care center +aste collection and t&eirs acts5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 85': =5895 6

85'= =58;5 6

85'8 =58=5 6


#ame o0 /ctivity management and t&eirs terminolog 5 ':-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& (ealt& care committee in presence of Municipalit officer and District Pu)lic &ealt& officer for addressing t&e issues a)out +aste management and t&eirs terminolog 5 '=-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& #raffic officer in presence of Municipalit officer for addressing t&e issues a)out +aste management and t&eirs terminolog in t&e municipalit 5 '8-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& sc&ool management committee A7 officer from municipalB in presence of %ducation officer for addressing t&e issues a)out +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions and t&eirs terminolog in t&e municipal sc&ools5 '9-event






#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions2 acts and terminolog of &ealt& care center +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of &ealt& care center +aste collection and t&eirs acts5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions2 acts and terminolog of municipalit +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of municipal +aste collection and t&eirs acts5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions2 acts and terminolog of municipal sc&ool +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of municipal sc&ool +aste and t&eirs acts5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 =58>5 6

85'7 =58<5 6

856* =5:@5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& sc&ool management committee A7 officer from municipalB in presence of %ducation officer and District Pu)lic (ealt& officer for addressing t&e issues a)out +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions and t&eirs terminolog in t&e municipal sc&ools5 '7-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& sc&ool management committee A7 officers from municipalB in presence of %ducation officer and District Water Suppl and Sanitation Office for addressing t&e issues a)out +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions and t&eirs terminolog in t&e municipal sc&ools5 6*-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& sc&ool management committee A7 officer from municipalB in presence of %ducation officer and Pro0ect Manager of S#*.%*P for addressing t&e issues a)out +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene

Purpose #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions2 acts and terminolog of municipal sc&ool +aste5

Time :@ mint5

Process Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

1utput "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of municipal sc&ool +aste and t&eirs acts5

(esponsibility N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions2 acts and terminolog of municipal sc&ool +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of municipal sc&ool +aste and t&eirs acts5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e conditions2 acts and terminolog of municipal sc&ool +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of municipal sc&ool +aste and t&eirs acts5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 856+ =5:65 6

856) =5:75 6

856' =5:85 6

8566 =5::5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity conditions and t&eirs terminolog in t&e municipal sc&ools5 6+-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& ka)ara dealer in presence of PM a)out t&e +aste collection and acts2 also addressing local voice of municipalit 5 6)-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& ka)ara dealer in presence of PM a)out t&e +aste collection and acts2 also addressing local voice of municipalit 5 6'-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& N'O and *N'O officer A7personsB Arelated in solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene activitiesB for addressing local voice in presence of Municipalit officer a)out t&e +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene activities5 66-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& N'O and *N'O






#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e ka)ara dealer and t&eirs o)0ectives and met&odolog 5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e ka)ara dealer and t&eirs o)0ectives and met&odolog 5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out N'O and *N'O o)0ectives and t&eirs +ork modalit in related field5 #o a+are people a)out to close relation to t&e N'O/*N'O55

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of ka)ara dealer for collecting +aste from t&e municipalit and +aste acts5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e conditions and met&odolog of ka)ara dealer for collecting +aste from t&e municipalit and +aste acts5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e N'O and *N'O +ork2 o)0ectives and go t&roug& t&e N'O for solid +aste management5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out N'O and *N'O o)0ectives

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e N'O and *N'O +ork2

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


856: =5:95 6

856= =5:;5 6

8568 =5:=5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity officer A7personsB Arelated in solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene activitiesB in presence of Municipalit officer and Pro0ect Manager of S#*.%*P for addressing issues from event :85 6:-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Political Part A#+o part for one eventB a)out municipal solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene activities in t&e municipal in presence of Municipalit officer and also a)out acts of solid +aste management5 6=-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Political Part A#+o part for one eventB a)out municipal solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene activities in t&e municipal in presence of Municipalit officer and also a)out acts of solid +aste management5 68-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Political Part A#+o part for one eventB a)out municipal solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene activities in

Purpose and t&eirs +ork modalit in related field5 #o a+are people a)out to close relation to t&e N'O/*N'O55 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out &ouse&old +aste and municipal +aste5



1utput o)0ectives and go t&roug& t&e N'O for solid +aste management5


:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out &ouse&old +aste and municipal +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out &ouse&old +aste and municipal +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out &ouse&old +aste and municipal +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out &ouse&old +aste and municipal +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out &ouse&old +aste and municipal +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


8569 =5:>5 6

8567 =5:<5 6

85:* =59@5 6

85:+ =5965 6

#ame o0 /ctivity t&e municipal in presence of Municipalit officer and also a)out acts of solid +aste management5 69-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Birgun0 .d&og Banigi a Sang& officer a)out municipal solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene activities in t&e municipal and its acts5 67-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit Officer for addressing t&e issues comes out from event :9-:>5 :*-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Pro0ect Manager for addressing t&e issues comes out from event 6-:<5 :+-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& N'O officer and P*. officer for addressing t&e voice of local people +it&in t&e selected povert cluster in municipal a)out implementation of t&e S#*.%*P-






#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out solid +aste management and t&eirs acts5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out &ouse&old +aste and municipal +aste5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out S#*.%*P5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out municipal +aste and municipal +aste5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e acts and responsi)ilit a)out &ouse&old +aste and municipal +aste5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e S#*.%*P5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P-CDP5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P-CDP5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 85:) =5975 6

#ame o0 /ctivity CDP5 :)-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& N'O officer and P*. officer for addressing t&e voice of local people +it&in t&e selected povert cluster in municipal a)out implementation of t&e S#*.%*PCDP5 :'-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& N'O officer and P*. officer for addressing t&e voice of local people +it&in t&e selected povert cluster in municipal a)out implementation of t&e S#*.%*PCDP5 :6-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& N'O officer and P*. officer for addressing t&e voice of local people +it&in t&e selected povert cluster in municipal a)out implementation of t&e S#*.%*PCDP5 ::-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5

Purpose #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P-CDP5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P-CDP5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P-CDP5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e

Time :@ mint5

Process Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

1utput "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P-CDP5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P-CDP5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P-CDP5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e

(esponsibility N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

85:' =5985 6

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

85:6 =59:5 6

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

85:: =5995 6

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip


85:= =59;5 6

85:8 =59=5 6

85:9 =59>5 6

85:7 =59<5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity *ntervie+ +it& DSC officer and P*. officer for addressing t&e voice of local people +it&in t&e municipal a)out implementation of t&e S#*.%*P5 :=-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& DSC officer and P*. officer for addressing t&e voice of local people +it&in t&e municipal a)out implementation of t&e S#*.%*P5 :8-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 :9-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 :7-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5

Purpose implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5



1utput implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation process and advantages of t&e infrastructures +&ic& is implemented t&roug& S#*.%*P5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

(esponsibility alit /"istener

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@=


85=* =5;@5 6

85=+ =5;65 6

85=) =5;75 6

#ame o0 /ctivity Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 =*-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 =+-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e selected povert clusters A:clusters once a da B and sc&ools for AS"#SB in t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 =)-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e selected povert clusters A:clusters once a da B and sc&ools for AS"#SB in t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation

Purpose #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5



1utput "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

(esponsibility Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 85=' =5;85 6

85=6 =5;:5 6

85=: =5;95 6


#ame o0 /ctivity met&odolog 5 ='-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e selected povert clusters A:clusters once a da B and sc&ools for AS"#SB in t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 =6-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e selected povert clusters A:clusters once a da B and sc&ools for AS"#SB in t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 =:-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e selected povert clusters A:clusters once a da B and sc&ools for AS"#SB in t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 ==-event

Purpose #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

Time :@ mint5

Process Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

1utput "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

(esponsibility N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 =5;;5 6

85=8 =5;=5 6

85=9 =5;>5 6

85=7 =5;<5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e selected povert clusters A:clusters once a da B and sc&ools for AS"#SB in t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 =8-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& "ocal person of t&e selected povert clusters A:clusters once a da B and sc&ools for AS"#SB in t&e municipalit a)out t&e solid +aste management and its acts and S#*.%*P implementation met&odolog 5 =9-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Political part A8part once a eventB for addressing t&e issues come out from event 9=-;=5 =7-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Political part A8part once a eventB for addressing t&e issues come out from event 9=-;=5

Purpose #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

Time :@ mint5

Process Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

1utput "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

(esponsibility N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are t&e implementation of S#*.%*P process5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e responsi)ilit of Political parties a)out municipal +aste5 #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e responsi)ilit of Political parties a)out municipal +aste5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are for t&e responsi)ilit of political parties5 "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are for t&e responsi)ilit of political parties5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

N'O/P*./,M/M unicipalit /"iste ner

S5#5 858* =5=@5 6

858+ =5=65 6

858) =5=75 6

858' =5=85 6

#ame o0 /ctivity 8*-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Ward securit A8 +ard officer once a eventB officer a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions and t&eirs acts and e?isting and ne+l program in t&e +ard level5 8+-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Ward securit A8 +ard officer once a eventB officer a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions and t&eirs acts and e?isting and ne+l program in t&e +ard level5 8)-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Ward securit A: +ard officer once a eventB officer a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions and t&eirs acts and e?isting and ne+l program in t&e +ard level5 8'-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Ward securit A8

Purpose #o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities done under +ard level5

Time :@ mint5

Process Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

1utput "istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities +it&in t&e +ard and use of acts for solid +aste management5

(esponsibility N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities done under +ard level5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities +it&in t&e +ard and use of acts for solid +aste management5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities done under +ard level5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities +it&in t&e +ard and use of acts for solid +aste management5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener


8586 =5=:5 6

858: =5=95 6

858= =5=;5 6

#ame o0 /ctivity +ard officer once a eventB officer a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions and t&eirs acts and e?isting and ne+l program in t&e +ard level5 86-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Ward securit A8 +ard officer once a eventB officer a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions and t&eirs acts and e?isting and ne+l program in t&e +ard level5 8:-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& Ward securit A8 +ard officer once a eventB officer a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& and & giene conditions and t&eirs acts and e?isting and ne+l program in t&e +ard level5 8=-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e S#*.%*P5 Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 *ntervie+ +it& N'O a)out progress of S#*.%*P-CDP under solid +aste management under 8$ concept and &ealt& and & giene conditions in t&e municipal level and a)out small scale infrastructures in t&e povert clusters5

Purpose done under +ard level5



1utput +it&in t&e +ard and use of acts for solid +aste management5


#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities done under +ard level5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities +it&in t&e +ard and use of acts for solid +aste management5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities done under +ard level5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e responsi)ilit and activities +it&in t&e +ard and use of acts for solid +aste management5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

#o a+are people a)out t&e aim of S#*.%*P #o a+are people a)out t&e S#*.%*P-CDP activities progress5

:@ mint5

Broadcasting t&e item in ,M range5

"istener are a+are a)out t&e aims of t&e S#*.%*P "istener are a+are a)out t&e S#*.%*P-CDP activities progress5

N'O/P*./,MA$ adio #erai 6@= Birgun0B/Municip alit /"istener

S5#5 8588 =5==5 6

8589 =5=>5 6

8587 =5=<5 6

859* =5>@5 6

9 >56

#ame o0 /ctivity Purpose Time Process 1utput (esponsibility 88-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of #o a+are people a)out t&e :@ mint5 Broadcasting t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e N'O/P*./,M/M t&e S#*.%*P5 aim of S#*.%*P item in ,M range5 aims of t&e S#*.%*P unicipalit /"iste Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 #o a+are people a)out t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e ner *ntervie+ +it& DSC a)out progress S#*.%*P activities S#*.%*P activities progress5 of S#*.%*P activities under solid progress5 +aste management under 8$ concept and &ealt& and & giene conditions in t&e municipal level and a)out municipal infrastructures5 89-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of #o a+are people a)out t&e :@ mint5 Broadcasting t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e N'O/P*./,MA$ t&e S#*.%*P5 aim of S#*.%*P item in ,M range5 aims of t&e S#*.%*P adio #erai 6@= Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 #o a+are people a)out t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e Birgun0B/Municip *ntervie+ +it& Municipalit a)out S#*.%*P activities S#*.%*P activities progress5 alit /"istener progress of S#*.%*P activities5 progress5 87-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of #o a+are people a)out t&e :@ mint5 Broadcasting t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e N'O/P*./,MA$ t&e S#*.%*P5 aim of S#*.%*P item in ,M range5 aims of t&e S#*.%*P adio #erai 6@= Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 #o a+are people a)out t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e Birgun0B/Municip *ntervie+ +it& P*.2 PM a)out S#*.%*P activities S#*.%*P activities progress5 alit /"istener progress of S#*.%*P activities5 progress5 9*-event S&ort *ntroduction and o)0ectives of #o a+are people a)out t&e :@ mint5 Broadcasting t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e N'O/P*./,MA$ t&e S#*.%*P5 aim of S#*.%*P item in ,M range5 aims of t&e S#*.%*P adio #erai 6@= Broadcasting 0ingle time to time5 #o a+are people a)out t&e "istener are a+are a)out t&e Birgun0B/Municip *ntervie+ +it& P*.2 PM and PCO2 S#*.%*P activities S#*.%*P activities progress5 alit /"istener Pro0ect Co-ordinate a)out progress progress5 of S#*.%*P activities5 /wareness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion and .ealt. and .ygiene activities t.roug. a! Street &rama +:.r5 0or +: days! Street &rama are ta>ing under 0ollowing 0estival and national day i5e5 S.i>c..a &ibas" Bal &ibas" C..ard" Ma.ila &ibas" Environment &ay" %orld %ater &ay and %orld ?ealt. &ay! S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of #o a+are people a)out 7 &our Street Drama People kno+ a)out &ealt& and P*./N'O/SC$* S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of S#*.%*P & giene activities2 rig&ts of P#





#ame o0 /ctivity Sikc&&a Di)as Creating and Developing t&e script Drama a)out &ealt& and & giene activities AScript focus a)out girls education and t&eirs responsi)ilit to create &ealt& environment around t&e surroundingsB5 S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of Bal Di)as Creating and Developing t&e script Drama a)out &ealt& and & giene activities AScript focus a)out girls and )o s education and t&eirs responsi)ilit to create &ealt& environment around t&e surroundingsB5 S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of C&&at C&&ad and Ma&ila Di)as Creating and Developing t&e script Drama a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene activities AScript focus a)out +omen responsi)ilit in &ouse&old +aste segregation and &ouse&old composting and &ealt& environment around t&e surroundingsB5 S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of %nvironment Da Creating and Developing t&e script Drama a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene activities AScript focus a)out

Purpose #o a+are a)out S&ikc&&a Di)as #o a+are a)out t&e &ealt& and & giene activities #o a+are a)out t&e girls rig&ts5 #o a+are people a)out S#*.%*P #o a+are a)out Bal Di)as #o a+are a)out t&e &ealt& and & giene activities #o a+are a)out t&e civil li)erties5



1utput girls and responsi)ilit of girls for t&e creating &ealt& environment around t&e surroundings5

(esponsibility W$*#%$/"ocal Artist

7 &our

Street Drama

#o a+are people a)out S#*.%*P #o a+are a)out C&&at C&&ad and Ma&ila Di)as #o a+are a)out t&e &ealt& and & giene activities #o a+are a)out solid +aste for t&e +omen #o a+are a)out +omen responsi)ilit for &ome composting #o a+are people a)out S#*.%*P #o a+are a)out %nvironment Da #o a+are a)out t&e &ealt& and & giene activities #o a+are a)out solid

: &our

Street Drama

People kno+ a)out &ealt& and & giene activities and a)out c&ild rig&ts People kno+ a)out t&e responsi)ilit of )o s and girls for &elping in solid +aste management in t&e municipalit and &ealt& and & giene activities in t&e municipalit People kno+ a)out &ealt& and & giene activities People kno+ a)out t&e responsi)ilit of +omen in &ome composting and &ouse&old segregation of &ouse&old +aste

P*./N'O/SC$* P# W$*#%$/"ocal Artist

P*./N'O/SC$* P# W$*#%$/"ocal Artist

7 &our

Street Drama

People kno+ a)out &ealt& and & giene activities People kno+ a)out t&e responsi)ilit of +omen in &ome composting and &ouse&old segregation of &ouse&old +aste

P*./N'O/SC$* P# W$*#%$/"ocal Artist





#ame o0 /ctivity &ouse&old +aste segregation and &ouse&old composting and &ealt& environment around t&e surroundingsB5 S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of World Water Da Creating and Developing t&e script Drama a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene activities AScript focus a)out &ouse&old +aste segregation and &ouse&old composting and &ealt& environment around t&e surroundingsB5 S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of S#*.%*P-CDP and o)0ectives of World (ealt& Da Creating and Developing t&e script Drama a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene activities AScript focus a)out &ouse&old +aste segregation and &ouse&old composting and &ealt& environment around t&e surroundingsB5 S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of S#*.%*P-CDP Creating and Developing t&e script Drama a)out solid +aste management and &ealt& 1 & giene activities AScript focus a)out &ouse&old +aste segregation and &ouse&old composting and &ealt& environment around t&e surroundingsB5

Purpose +aste for t&e +omen #o a+are a)out +omen responsi)ilit for &ome composting #o a+are people a)out S#*.%*P #o a+are a)out World Water Da #o a+are a)out t&e &ealt& and & giene activities #o a+are a)out solid +aste for t&e +omen #o a+are a)out +omen responsi)ilit for &ome composting #o a+are people a)out S#*.%*P #o a+are a)out World (ealt& Da #o a+are a)out t&e &ealt& and & giene activities #o a+are a)out solid +aste for t&e +omen #o a+are a)out +omen responsi)ilit for &ome composting #o a+are people a)out S#*.%*P #o a+are a)out t&e &ealt& and & giene activities #o a+are a)out solid +aste for t&e +omen #o a+are a)out +omen responsi)ilit for &ome composting





7 &our

Street Drama

People kno+ a)out &ealt& and & giene activities People kno+ a)out t&e responsi)ilit of +omen in &ome composting and &ouse&old segregation of &ouse&old +aste

P*./N'O/SC$* P# W$*#%$/"ocal Artist

7 &our

Street Drama

People kno+ a)out &ealt& and & giene activities People kno+ a)out t&e responsi)ilit of +omen in &ome composting and &ouse&old segregation of &ouse&old +aste

P*./N'O/SC$* P# W$*#%$/"ocal Artist

6 &our

Street Drama

People kno+ a)out &ealt& and & giene activities People kno+ a)out t&e responsi)ilit of +omen in &ome composting and &ouse&old segregation of &ouse&old +aste

P*./N'O/SC$* P# W$*#%$/"ocal Artist

S5#5 9


#ame o0 /ctivity Purpose Time Process 1utput (esponsibility /wareness training about '( (educe" (euse and (ecycle! promotion and .ealt. and .ygiene activities t.roug. a! Broadcasting and Telecasting o0 4ideo &ocumentary about solid waste management met.odology" 0ocusing on .ome composting and source segregation 0or t.e .ouse.old waste and implementation progress o0 t.e project5 /lso" it is 0ocusing on t.e .ealt. @ .ygiene activities 0or t.e municipal people5 *ntroduction and o)0ectives of t&e #o a+are a)out solid 6@@ &our $irst p.ase,People kno+ a)out S#*.%*P P*./N'O/"*B. S#*.%*P +aste management %?isting video People kno+ a)out &ealt& and ,ilms Pvt5 "td5 Met&odolog of &ome composting procedure and e?isting and documentar a)out & giene activities Met&odolog of source segregation proposed conditions of t&e solid +aste People kno+ a)out t&e in t&e &ome municipalit a)out solid management and responsi)ilit for &ome Met&odolog of &ealt& 1 & giene +aste and &ealt& 1 &ealt& 1 & giene composting and &ouse&old condition of t&e municipalit & giene activities5 activities are segregation for t&e +aste5 Procedure and *mplementation of #o a+are people a)out 8$ collected from People kno+ t&e process for t&e S#*.%*P infrastructures and promotion Asource different related implementing of CDP t&eirs o)0ective segregation and &ome offices5 #&ese infrastructures composting t&roug& documentar are distri)ution of dust )in and edited for local compost )in and training municipalit and for t&ese itemsB t&en #elecast for #o a+are people a)out t&e 9@&r in t&e implementation procedure municipalit places5 of S#*.%*P infrastructures Second P.ase,Creating and Developing ne+ video documentar a)out solid +aste management under 8$ concept and &ealt& 1 & giene conditions5 Also2 progress of CDP program in t&e municipalit +it& local voice5 #&e video documentar is telecasting for 9@&r5

S5#5 9 >56 >5656

#ame o0 /ctivity Purpose Time Process IEC Materials Calendar @ Pumplet" &ust bin" Compost bin and EBuipment! Calendar 1 Pumplet After Calendar #o a+are people a)out approval Distri)uting to t&e S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of importance of &ealt& 1 from ADB selected &ouse&olds S#*.%*P & giene and solid +aste in t&e +ards of O)0ectives of solid +aste management under 8$ municipalit and O)0ectives of &ealt& 1 & giene concept5 Also t&e &ouse&olds in t&e activities o)0ectives of CDP5 selected povert O)0ectives of CDP program clusters 4earl calendar +it& national festival and da 5 Distri)uting to t&e Pumplet #o a+are people a)out municipalit people5 S&ort introduction and o)0ectives of importance of &ealt& 1 S#*.%*P & giene and solid +aste O)0ectives of solid +aste management under 8$ O)0ectives of &ealt& 1 & giene concept5 Also t&e activities o)0ectives of CDP5 O)0ectives of CDP program Distri)uting to t&e selected &ouse&olds &ust Bin #o a+are people and in t&e +ards of Plastic Dust )in +it& cover a+are to take responsi)ilit municipalit and for dust )in a)out solid &ouse&olds in t&e +aste management under selected povert 8$ concept5 clusters Distri)uting to t&e selected &ouse&olds Compost Bin in t&e +ards of Plastic compost )in +it& side &ole #o a+are people and municipalit and and cover of t&e )in5 a+are to take responsi)ilit &ouse&olds in t&e compost )in for &ome selected povert composting5 clusters Distri)uting in 6< +ards A7nos5 for one +ardsB s+eeper

1utput People kno+ a)out S#*.%*P People kno+ a)out &ealt& 1 & giene and solid +aste activities People kno+ a)out t&e responsi)ilit for &ome composting and &ouse&old segregation for t&e +aste5 People kno+ t&e process for implementing of CDP infrastructures People kno+ a)out t&e importance of eEuipment5




P*./N'O/DCM B #rading

P*./N'O/DCM B #rading

P*./N'O/DCM B #rading



#ame o0 /ctivity /! Tipping Pedal (i> Capacity *5'' m'!,-

Purpose #o a+are a)out solid +aste management eEuipment5


B! ?C4 Mounted Capacity 65: m'! wit. container )*nos5!

C! #ala. Man

Process t&roug& Municipalit 5 Distri)uting container in 6< +ards A6 container for 6 +ardsB t&roug& municipalit and truck for transporting t&ese container up to landfill site5 Distri)ute to Municipalit for cleaning ditc& nala or drain in less amount5



=5)5 Policy and regulatory-related aspect

AiB 'reater conceptual clarit for developing +aste-management s stems supported ) t&e practical application of strategies is reEuired to ena)le s nerg )et+een resource augmentations t&roug& +aste management5 A+areness-raising and capacit -)uilding is reEuired in areas suc& as +aste prevention2 t&e 8$ approac&2 cleaner production2 among ot&er t&ingsJ AiiB National polic frame+orks to )e strengt&ened and e?panded to s&ift t&e emp&asis from an end-of-pipe approac& to an integrated resource management approac&5 At t&e local level2 integrated +aste management strategies and action plans for municipalitiesJ AiiiB %ffective implementation of +aste-related multilateral agreements and guidelines is needed at t&e national level5 Corresponding la+s2 regulations and standards need to )e developed and t&eir enforcement strengt&ened )ot& at t&e national and local levels5 7>5 Based on t&e a)ove discussions2 t&e political and different stake&older of solid +aste A&ouse&old2 government and non-government office etcB s&ould )e encourage a)out t&e rules and la+s of t&e Solid +aste Management +&ic& is pu)lis&ed from 'overnment of Nepal in 7@;> BS5 7<5 #&e introduction and process of solid +aste management including t&e pu)lication of "a+s of government of Nepal and training cost are included in ANN%I-A2 ANN%I-B and ANN%I-C

=5'5 Tec.nical
AiB Access to cutting-edge +aste management tec&nologies and t&e strengt&ening of capacit for tec&nolog assessment5 Simultaneousl 2 researc& and development is reEuired to adapt t&ese tec&nologies to suit local conditions Ae5g5 +it& respect to locall availa)le skills2 resources2 climatic conditions2 culture2 etc5BJ AiiB #ec&nical guidelines2 case studies2 demonstration and pilot pro0ects for integrated +aste managementJ AiiiB "ocal-level capacit to implement and operate +aste management tec&nologies needs to )e )uilt/strengt&ened5

=565 $inancial
AiB *mplementing and operating +aste management s stems to )e en&anced5 #&ere is a need to develop and implement appropriate economic instruments to raise funds for +aste management and make it economicall attractiveJ AiiB Pu)lic-private partners&ip needs to )e furt&er e?plored to raise availa)ilit and access to financial resources2 and to meet t&e gro+ing demand for construction and operation of +aste management s stems5 8@5 $efer ANN%I-A2 ANN%I-B and ANN%I-C

=5:5 Social
AiB Need to c&ange t&e attitude and raise a+areness at all levels and among all +aste generators to promote +aste minimi!ation2 source segregation2 and proper disposal of +asteJ AiiB #o find +a s to incorporate and improve t&e emplo ment and +orking conditions of vulnera)le sections of societ 2 e5g5 scavengers and rag-pickersJ AiiiB *nvolvement of t&e private sector and local communities in developing2 )uilding and running +aste management s stems needs to )e strengt&ened and made more effective5 865 $efer ANN%I-A2 ANN%I-B and ANN%I-C

=5=5 Institutional
AiB *nstitutional strengt&ening and capacit -)uilding is reEuired at t&e national level to ena)le +ork on t&e polic 2 tec&nical2 financial and social aspectsJ AiiB At t&e local level2 institutional capacit needs to )e )uilt/strengt&ened to raise a+areness and develop &uman resources for +aste management5

875 $efer ANN%I-A2 ANN%I-B and ANN%I-C

85 1bjectives
1verall 1bjectives #&e overall o)0ective is to )ring improvement in &ealt&2 & giene and sanitar conditions of t&e people t&roug& increasing a+areness camps and distri)ution of compost )in for composting &ouse&olds and non-compost )in for noncomposting &ouse&olds and also for encourage t&e people a)out t&e la+s of solid +aste management under 'overnment of Nepal Act5 Speci0ic 1bjectives Provide support to &ouse&olds for increasing information a)out solid +aste management process2 government rules and government regulations5 *ncreasing access to safe environment5 Bring in positive )e&avioral c&anges in t&e use of suc& facilities5 *mprovement in sanitation2 &ealt&2 & giene and environmental conditions5 Support in ac&ieving targets of OD, campaign of Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit 5

95 /ctivities 1utput and EApected 1ut Comes

EApected 1utput A5 #&e follo+ing are t&e e?pected outputs of t&e program: 65 Distri)ution of compost )in and non-compost )in Adust )in of 68"it5 capacit of plastic madeB to t&e municipal people after identif ing t&e area under +ard and cluster5 #&e total num)er of dust )in are >@@@ and compost )in are <@@5 75 A+areness #raining a)out introduction and management for t&e source-separated collection under solid +aste management including t&e concept of 8$ A$educe2 $euse and $ec cleB AaB,or (ouse&old in +ard level: - ;;9nos5 A)B ,or &ouse&old in cluster level: - 6:@@nos5 AcB ,or &ealt& care center: - =9nos5 AdB ,or Scarp Dealer: - <@nos5 AeB ,or +ard level committee mem)er: - 6=6nos5 AfB ,or t&e parties and government and non-government offices:-=9nos5 AgB ,or Municipal S+eeper: - 9@nos5 A&B ,or Sc&ools: - :7>nos5 85 *ntroduction and management process a)out t&e solid +aste management t&roug& AaB Street drama: - for 69&rs A6&r per da for 69 da sB5 A)B ,M )roadcasting :- for 7:@@minute A:@&r5B Aonce a +eek for >@ +eek in 7@mont&B AcB -ideo documentar )roadcasting: - for 6@@ &ours A659&r per da for ;= da sB5 AdB $elated Pump let and calendar of solid +aste management are distri)uted in clusters &ouse&old and +ards s&ops2 )us stand2 offices etc5 B5 T.e ?ouse.olds will .ave developed as 0ollows, *mprove Personal & giene #ree plantation in t&e sc&ool *mprove &ouse&old sanitation Stand for clean EApected outcome Be&avior c&anges for safe drinking +ater #&e communit +ere cleaned and & giene t&eirs surrounding #&e personal & giene is improved Positive )e&avioral c&anges in &ealt& 1 & giene2 sanitation and environmental needs5

utensils Practice in source segregation Practice of covering Participation in 8$ campaign5 drinking +ater and Compost pit for decomposa)le closed )at&ing +astes #otal immuni!ation Gitc&en garden for famil coverage for consumption c&ildren

75 Steps in Implementation
Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit &as )egin to take various steps to support effective integrated solid +aste management )ased on t&e 8$ concept5 #&e most vital response &as )een to reduce t&e amount of +aste2 in order to decrease t&e )urden on collection services as +ell as on treatment and final disposal facilities5 -arious strategies2 including ones t&at are tec&nological and polic )ased2 &ave )een introduced to reduce t&e amount of +aste at t&e generation point5 Also introduced to minimi!e t&e +aste generation at industries2 ) conducting a+areness-raising campaigns and +aste collection fees &ave )een introduced to motivate residents2 institutions2 commercial entities and ot&ers to c&eck t&eir +aste generation levels5 #o divert most +aste to material and resource recover 2 t&e private sector2 including communit enterprises2 is )ecoming involved t&roug& local )usiness models5 #&e solid+aste management c&ain comprises various stages2 including collection2 transportation2 material recover 2 treatment2 resource recover and final disposal5 #o improve t&e situation2 communit enterprises &ave )een encouraged to set up door-todoor or primar collection s stems2 +&ile ma0or private companies &ave )een involved in secondar collection and transportation of +aste5 #&e formal and informal sectors &ave )ecome involved in material recover 5 #&e treatment At&ermal and )iologicalB is )eing managed ) t&e private sector to increase t&e efficienc of t&e s stem and optimi!e resource recover 2 suc& as energ from t&ermal treatment and )iogas and compost from )iological treatment5 Moreover2 setting up a final disposal s stem2 including sanitar and controlled landfills2 is a costl activit and t&e private sector is )eing involved to )ring investment2 tec&nolog and management skills5 *n order to distri)ution of t+o t pes of &ouse&old compost )in2 P*./N'O +ill coordinate +it& t&e +ard level committees5 Consulting families to assess t&eir +illingness to participate in solid +aste management training5 *nput from tec&nical team of P*. and N'O2 Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit ,inali!ation of estimate Proposal developed a)out t&e concept of 8$ promotion and for+arded ) N'O to t&e P*.2 Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit Approved of t&e proposal N'O is responsi)le for all t&e task of 8$ proposal for conducting trainings and procurement process for t&e *%C materials and solid +aste eEuipment for t&e municipalit 5 Orientation on t&e approved pro0ect in t&e communit for process2 resources2 contri)ution and roles and responsi)ilit of different actors5 Access t&e &ouse&old a)out t&e management of solid +aste and follo+ t&e rules and regulations of +&ic& is pu)lis&ed ) 'overnment of Nepal5 *dentifications of t&e suppliers of items and making arrangements for )ulk suppl 2 if needed Supervision ) t&e team of N'O At+ice a mont&B and P*.2 PMSC2 PCO and stake&olders At+ice a 8mont&sB Monitoring of ongoing construction ) MC2 P*.2 N'O2 PMSC and stake &older agencies Supervision and monitoring ) t&e team of N'O5 Documentation and s&aring of learning5


Sub-Metropolitan City Bene0iciaries

885 #&e Birgun0 Su)-Metropolitan Cit population is rapidl increasing5 According to CBC 7@662 t&e total &ouse&olds are 7:6;: and #otal Population are 6892<@: in +&ic& #otal Male are =729>@ and #otal ,emale are ;8287:5


Met.odology and /pproac.

8:5 #&e pro0ect +ill follo+ participator approac& in implementation of t&e a+areness activities2 as it did during needs assessment5 *$DC Nepal +ill facilitate t&e entire process +&ere t&e committee groups2 +ards2 organi!ation etc formed and aut&ori!ed ) t&e respective committee5 ,or t&e eEuipment ACompost )in2 Dust )in2 #ipping Pedal $iks&a+2 "C- Mounted Dumper #ruck +it& container and Ditc& cleaningB and small goods for t&e a+areness trainings +ere procured t&roug& direct s&opping met&od as t&e rules of ADB / 'overnment of Nepal in associate +it& proposed organi!ation Ain t&is reportB from P*.2 Birgun05 895 ,or Distri)ution of compost )in and Dust )in +ill implemented after t&e identification of polluted &ouse&olds in t&e +ards of metropolitan cit 5 8;5 ,or t&e Distri)ution of #ipping Pedal $iks&a+ +ill &and over to t&e municipalit +ard s+eeper communit 5 8=5 ,or t&e "C- Mounted Dumper #ruck +it& container and Nala Man +ill &and over to t&e municipalit for effective management in solid +aste management for t&e operation of landfill site in t&e municipalit 5 8>5 Ward level committees are monitoring from N'O team for t&e distri)ution of t+o t pes of &ouse&old compost )in after t&e identified &ouse&old in respective +ard5 #&e monitoring team +ill &ave follo+ing representation5 #&e '%S* considerations +ill )e taken into account5 #&e goods of t&e 8$ promotions and eEuipments +ill )e procured from DCMB #rading after t&e proposal approval from ADB5 A tripartite agreement +ill )e made among t&e S#*.%*P/P*.2 *$DC Nepal2 Birgun0 and DCMB #rading for t&e Eualit control of t&e goods5 A program orientation +ill )e organi!ed to make t&e resources transparent2 to decide on s&aring of responsi)ilities2 raising communit contri)ution and ot&er activities2 )efore starting implementation5 An operation and maintenance mec&anism +ill )e developed +it& t&e responsi)ilit of t&e users and follo+ up from N'O +ill )e done t&ree times +it&in a mont& in t&e +ard and clusters remedia)l 2 )efore and after t&e completion of distri)ution of t+o t pes of &ouse&old compost )in5

$or /wareness Training

8<5 #&e services for t&e a+areness training +ill )e accounta)le to t&e N'O in closed +it& P*./DSC2 Birgun05


Program Monitoring

:@5 #&e program +ill )e monitored ) Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit 2 PCO2 P*.5 Birgun02 PMSC and *$DC Nepal2 as per t&e monitoring sc&edule5 *ntermittent monitoring visits +ill also )e made as and +&en necessar 5 :65 #&e team +ill )e coordinated ) t&e representative of +ard level committees5 #&e '%S* considerations +ill )e taken into account5


Proposal Sc.edule o0 activities

:75 #&e revised and approved proposal sc&edule are given )elo+:

Action Plan


Budget In0ormation

S5# Particulars Cuantity Unit (ate /mount 6 %Euipment #ipping Pedal $iks&a+ A8 Nos5 656 8> Nos5 69@2@@@5@@ 92=@@2@@@5@@ for eac& 6< +ardsB 657 Nala& Man %Euipment 6 Nos5 :29@@2@@@5@@ :29@@2@@@5@@ 658 (C- Mounted A#ata #ruckB 6 Nos5 82<=92@@@5@@ 82<=92@@@5@@ Solid Waste Container A6Nos5 65: Container for eac& 6< +ards and 6> Nos5 :6<26@@5@@ =29:82>@@5@@ * for e?traB 659 Compost 69@@ Nos5 :2:;859@ ;2;<9279@5@@ 65; Dust Bin >@@@ Nos5 627;95;@ 6@267:2>@@5@@ 7 A+areness #raining A)out 8$ Promotion A$educe2 $euse and $ec cleB #raining for t&e (ouse&old in 756 +ard level e?cept Povert cluster 688@ Nos5 9=656; =9<2;:759@ of t&e S#*.%*P #raining for t&e (ouse&old in 757 7>@@ Nos5 :9<59< 627>;2>::5@@ Povert cluster of t&e S#*.%*P #raining for t&e (ealt& Care 758 69@ Nos5 :;;5;< =@2@@859@ Centre #raining for t&e Ga)ara Dealer 75: and Collection Center 6>@ Nos5 9985@= <<29985@@ $epresentative #raining for t&e Ward level 759 8:7 Nos5 <=<58 88:2<7@5=@ $epresentative Municipal polic Maker and 75; 69@ Nos5 9=;5;> >;29@659@ Stake&older 75= Municipal S+eeper 6@@ Nos5 ;8>5;9 ;>28;95@@ 75> Sc&ools >99 Nos5 ;685:= :;;278>5@@ -ideo Documentar 8 7nos5/6@@&r5 )roadcasting 62>882<<@5@@ Broadcasting : ,M Program 7:@@mint5 <=62>@@5@@ 9 Street Drama 69&r5 7662>=95@@ ; Calendar and Pump let "S Total 79@@@@ 66"789":9'5)*

/##ED-/ +! Cost Estimate o0 EBuipment and Bin Compost and &ust Bin! S5# Particulars Unit Cut5 (ate


+ EBuipment and goods #ipping Pedal $iks&a+ A8 Nos5 656 for eac& 6< +ardsB 657 Nala& Man %Euipment "C- Mounted A#ata #ruckB 658 ACapacit 759M8B Solid Waste Container A6Nos5 Container for eac& 6< +ards 65: and * for e?traB ACapacit 759 m8B 659 Compost Bin 65; Dust Bin

nos5 nos5 Nos5 Nos5 Nos5 Nos5

8> 6 6 6>

69@2@@@5@@ :29@@2@@@5@@ 82<=92@@@5@@ :6<26@@5@@

92=@@2@@@5@@ :29@@2@@@5@@ 82<=92@@@5@@ =29:82>@@5@@ ;2;<9279@5@@ 6@267:2>@@5@@ '9":'9"9:*5**

69@@ :2:;859@ >@@@ 627;95;@ #otal including -A#

)! /wareness Training about '( Promotion (educe" (euse and (ecycle! )5+ Training 0or ?ouse.old at ward level S5# Particular Cuantity (ate /mount 6 #ea/Snacks :@((?6<+ard?7da sO697@ 67@ 6>72:@@5@@

7 Dail allo+ance Stationar /#raining 8 Materials : (all $ent 9 #rainer Allo+ance ; Miscellaneous

89((?6<+ard?7da sO688@ 89((?6<+ardO;;9 6<+ard?7da sO8> 7#rainer?6<+ard?7da sO=; "S

69@ 69@ =@@ 69@@

6<<29@@5@@ <<2=9@5@@ 7;2;@@5@@ 66:2@@@5@@ 9@2@@@5@@ =8)"):*5** 98"'7)5:* 8:7"=6)5:* :8+5+=

#otal -atD 68F 'rand #otal Per Person )5) Training 0or t.e ?ouse.old in Poverty cluster S5# Particular Cuantity 6 #ea/Snacks 69:9Participant?7da s O 76;@ 7 Dail allo+ance 6:@@((?7da sO7>@@ Stationar /#raining 8 6:@@((O6:@@ Materials (all $ent Aone : 7<Cluster?7da sO9> cluster O 7 groupsB #rainer Allo+ance 7<Clusters?7#rainer?7da sO66 9 Aone cluster O 7 ; groupsB ; Miscellaneous "S

(ate 67@ 69@ 69@ =@@ 69@@

/mount 79<27@@5@@ :7@2@@@5@@ 76@2@@@5@@ :@2;@@5@@ 6=:2@@@5@@ 892@@@5@@ +"+'9"9**5** +69"*665** +")9="9665**

#otal -atD 68F 'rand #otal )5' Training 0or t.e ?ealt. Care Centre S5# Particular Cuantity 6 #ea/Snacks <@?7da sO6>@ 7 Dail allo+ance =9(5C5C5?7da sO69@ Stationar /#raining 8 =9(5C5C Materials : (all $ent 6?7da sO7 9 #rainer Allo+ance 7#rainer?7da sO: ; Miscellaneous "S

(ate 69@ 69@ 69@ 9@@ 69@@

/mount 6@2>@@5@@ 7729@@5@@ 66279@5@@ 62:@@5@@ ;2@@@5@@ 6@2@@@5@@ =+"7:*5** 9"*:'5:* 8*"**'5:* 6==5=7

#otal -atD 68F 'rand #otal Per Person

)56 Training 0or t.e -abara &ealer and Collection Center (epresentative S5# Particular Cuantity (ate /mount 6 #ea/Snacks 6@9Ga)ara?7da sO76@ 67@ 7927@@5@@ 7 Dail allo+ance <@ka)ara?7da sO6>@ 69@ 7=2@@@5@@

Stationar /#raining Materials

<@Ga)ara 6?7da sO7 7#rainer?7da sO: "S

69@ =@@ 69@@

6829@@5@@ 62:@@5@@ ;2@@@5@@ 692@@@5@@ 99"+**5** ++"6:'5** 77"::'5** ::'5*8

: (all $ent 9 #rainer Allo+ance ; Miscellaneous

#otal -atD 68F 'rand #otal Per Person )5: Training 0or t.e %ard 2evel (epresentative in +7 wards S5# Particular Cuantity 6:W5Mem)er?6<+ards?7da sO 6 #ea/Snacks 987 <W5Mem)er?6<+ards?7da sO8 7 Dail allo+ance :7 Stationar /#raining 8 <W5Mem)er?6<+ardsO6=6 Materials : (all $ent 6<+ard?7da sO8> 9 #rainer Allo+ance 6<Wards?7#rainer?7da sO=; ; Miscellaneous "S

(ate 67@ 69@ 69@ =@@ 69@@

/mount ;82>:@5@@ 9628@@5@@ 792;9@5@@ 7;2;@@5@@ 66:2@@@5@@ 692@@@5@@ )7="'7*5** '9":'*58* ''6"7)*58* 7875'

#otal -atD 68F 'rand #otal Per Person )5= Training 0or t.e Municipal policy Ma>er and Sta>e.older S5# Particular Cuantity (ate 6 #ea/Snacks >9M5P1St5?7da sO6=@ 67@ 7 Dail allo+ance =9M5P1St5?7da sO69@ 69@ Stationar /#raining 8 =9M5P1St5 69@ Materials : (all $ent 6?7Da sO7 =@@ 9 #rainer Allo+ance 7#rainer?7Da sO: 69@@ ; Miscellaneous "S #otal -atD 68F 'rand #otal Per Person

/mount 7@2:@@5@@ 7729@@5@@ 66279@5@@ 62:@@5@@ ;2@@@5@@ 692@@@5@@ 8="::*5** 7"7:+5:* 9=":*+5:* :8=5=9

)58 Training 0or t.e Municipality Sweepers S5# Particular Cuantity 6 #ea/Snacks ;9s+eeper?7da sO68@ 7 Dail allo+ance 9@s+eeper?7da sO6@@

(ate 67@ 69@

/mount 692;@@5@@ 692@@@5@@

Stationar /#raining Materials : (all $ent 9 #rainer Allo+ance ; Miscellaneous 8

9@s+eeperO9@ 7da sO7 7#rainer?7da sO: "S

69@ =@@ 69@@

=29@@5@@ 62:@@5@@ ;2@@@5@@ 692@@@5@@ =*":**5** 8"9=:5** =9"'=:5** =9'5=:

#otal -atD 68F 'rand #otal Per Person

)59 Training 0or t.e Sc.ools ?eadmaster" Teac.ers and c.ild club member! S5# Particular Cuantity (ate /mount 6<sc&ool?7@Par5?7da sP<9 6 6@72;@@5@@ #ea/Snacks Participate %?traO>99 67@ 7 Dail allo+ance 6<sc&ool?7@par?7da sO=;@ 69@ 66:2@@@5@@ Stationar /#raining 8 6<sc&ool?7@parO8>@ 9=2@@@5@@ Materials 69@ 6<sc&ool?7#rainer?7da sO= : 66:2@@@5@@ #rainer Allo+ance ; 69@@ 9 Miscellaneous "S 792@@@5@@ #otal 6+)"=**5** -atD 68F :'"='95** 'rand #otal 6==")'95** Per Person =+'568

/##ED-B A+areness training :- introduction and management process a)out t&e solid +aste management t&roug& street drama2 ,M )roadcasting and video documentar )roadcasting to t&e municipal people5 +! 4ideo &ocumentary and Telecasting (ate /mount S5# Particulars Unit Cuantity #(s5 #(s5

6 Script +riting A6episodO7@mint5B Production 6 D- Cassettes for s&ooting 7 Camera c&arge 8 Camera man 856 $emuneration 857 Assistant Camera Man : Sound Man 9 Director ; Assistant Director = Production Controller > #ransportation and room rent Post production 6 Studio c&arge 7 %ditor c&arge 8 'rap&ic Designed : Animation 9 Background music score ; Sound Mi?ing and Du))ing Documentar D-D +it& cover = Printa)le cassettes Su)title of +ord in %nglis& > "anguage #otal ,or 7 Documentar ,or Board Casting in Municipalit 6 Auto mo)ile $ent +it& fuel Displa and -oice Communication +it& all 7 components at different places as instructed ) Pro0ect *mplementation .nit5 8 poster2 Pump late 9 Miscellaneous #otal Su)-#otal -at D 68F 'rand #otal

"S No5 mint5 mint5 mint5 mint5 mint5 mint5 mint5 "S Per da Nos5/da Nos5/da Sec 6set 6set 6set 6set :@ 6;@@ 6;@@ 6;@@ 6;@@ 6;@@ 6;@@ 6;@@ :9@ 6= 7@ 6@ 6@ 89 8@ 87

792@@@5@@ 6>2@@@5@@ 7=27@@5@@ 872@@@5@@ 6;2@@@5@@ 6;2@@@5@@ 9;2@@@5@@ :>2@@@5@@ 9627@@5@@ >@2@@@5@@ ;@2@@@5@@ 8:29@@5@@ <2>@@5@@ 68>2@@@5@@ 872@@@5@@ 6627@@5@@ 7<27@@5@@ 672<@@5@@ =78"***5** +"'76"***5**

69 69 = ;@ 6 6 7@ 8

:@@@ 78@@ 6:@@ 78@@ 87@@@ 667@@ 6:;@ :8@@










"S "S

7@2@@@5@@ 92@@@5@@ ))7"***5** +"=)'"***5** 76@2<<@5@@ +"9''"77*5**

)! $M Broadcasting #raining location: Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit Duration : 7:@@mintA:@&r5B Aonce a +eek for >@ +eek in 7@mont&B S5N5 Particular Quantit .nit 6 ,M c&arge/documentar 7:@@ mint5 7 Miscellaneous "S #otal -at D 68F 'rand #otal

$ate 89@

#otal >:@2@@@5@@ 7@2@@@5@@ >;@2@@5@@ 6662>@@5@@ 78+"9**5**

'! Street &rama Cost #raining location: Birgun0 Su)- Metropolitan Cit Duration : 69 &r A6&r per da for 69 da sB S5N5 Particular 6 Drama A$oad actor Pla erB #eam 656 Actor for 69 &r5 657 Stationar Binar 2 Paint2 Poster etc -oice communication eEuipment all 658 complete set 65: Miscellaneous #otal -at D 68F 'rand#otal Quantit 6@ 6 69 .nit &r5 "S &r "S $ate 9@@ :9@@ #otal >729@@5@@ 7@2@@@5@@ =92@@@5@@ 6@2@@@5@@ 6>=29@@5@@ 7:28=95@@ )++"98:5**

/##ED-C, /ct and 2aws o0 <overnment o0 #epal w.ic. is publis.ed in )*=9BS5

/##ED-& PMSC Comments (esponse PMSC comments as per discussion .eld at S5# /&B;#(I4I! about S%M proposal under C&P5 6 As regards t&e training part2 t pes of training s&all )e categori!ed at different levels Ae5g5 municipal level2 communit level2 supervisor/collector level etc5B and contents of t&e training programs s&all )e fi?ed according to t&e target groups identified5 7 8 As regards t&e met&odolog 2 appropriate training met&ods lesson and session contents s&all )e developed and implement as per pro0ect period As regards t&e pu)lic a+areness2 audio-visual materials availa)le at RSolid Waste Management 1 #ec&nical Support CenterR s&all )e utili!ed +it& necessar modification / rectification as per local situation Ae5g5 language2 socio-cultural &a)its etc5B5

(esponse 0rom #<1 $efer ANN%I-A for Categori!ation of training5 Contents for trainings &as )een developed after t&e approval of t&is proposal2 at t&e period of training5 After t&e approval of t&is proposal P*.2 DSC and N'O &as revie+ed t&e documentar developed ) Solid Waste Management 1 #ec&nical Support Center2 it seems t&at it +as not desira)le to t&e poorest communit as per o)0ectives &ence ne+ documentar &as )een developed as per communit demand5 After t&e approval from t&is proposal We &ave planned to inform communit a)out 8$ program and it o)0ective as per PMSC recommendation t&roug& specific m t&olog specified in comment s&eet also5 *t &as )een alread done2 meeting +it& Ga+adis dealer &as alread organi!ed for successful implementation of program *t &as )een kept as per discussion +it& P*.2 Municipalit 2 MPMC committee2 DSC and ot&er concern agencies +it&in )irgun02 P*. to support Solid Waste Management Plan for municipalit and support to DSC for fulfill t&eir targeted for solid +aste management and also to fulfill financial scarcit for suppl of eEuipment in t&e Municipalit and "etter and minutes of meeting are attac& in ANN%I- %5

As regards t&e implementation of 8$- model of SWM2 strategic R(at Ba!arsR and ot&er important places of pu)lic gat&ering Ae5g5 temples2 )us parks etc5B s&all )e considered as sites for demonstration As regards t&e *%C materials2 posters2 &oarding )oards etc5 s&all )e preferred instead of earl calendars2 and so also using te?tile )ags A+it& important relevant messagesB instead of plastic )ags s&all )e emp&asi!ed5 Similarl 2 t&e )usiness communities and so also ot&ers s&all )e informed t&roug& SMS messages2 particularl for +aste reduction t&roug& segregation at t&e source #&e N'O s&all develop social net+orking +it& t&e local RGa+adisR and t&e segregated +aste collectors for economic sustaina)ilit of t&e 8$-model As regards t&e eEuipment support2 suppl of t&e containers and dumper placers s&all not )e included in t&is proposal e?cept ot&er small eEuipment2 e5g5 dust )ins2 ricks&a+s for primar collection etc


As regards t&e follo+-up program2 regular monitoring and evaluation s&all )e included in t&e program to get

feed)ack for program improvement5 During t&e pro0ect period2 it s&all )e t&e responsi)ilit of P*./DSC/N'O2 +&ic& &as to )e continued ) BSMC ) incorporating in t&e monitoring annual program in and after t&e pro0ect period5

/##ED-E 2etter and Minute o0 Meetings

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