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Perceptions of organizational politics-----Kacmar and Ferris (1991) There is a group of people in this department who always get things

their way because no one wants to challenge them There has always been an influential group in this department that no one ever crosses I have seen changes made in policies here that only serve the purposes of a few individuals, not the work unit or the hotel People in this hotel attempt to build themselves up by tearing others down Favoritism rather than merit determines who gets ahead around here People here usually dont speak up for fear of retaliation by others Promotions in this department generally go to top performers (-) Rewards come only to those who work hard in this hotel (-) Employees are encouraged to speak frankly even when they are critical of well-established ideas (-) There is no place for yes-men around here; good ideas are desired even when it means disagreeing with superiors (-) In our hotel, pay and promotion policies are not politically applied (-) When it comes to pay raise and promotion decisions policies are irrelevant Work engagement--Schaufeli et al. (2006) At my work, I feel bursting with energy At my job I feel strong and vigorous I am enthusiastic about my job My job inspires me When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work I feel happy when I am working intensely I am proud of the work that I do I am immersed in my work I get carried away when I am working Affective organizational commitment--Allen and Meyer (1990) I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career with this hotel I enjoy discussing my hotel with people outside it I really feel as if this hotels problems are my own I think that I could easily become as attached to another hotel as I am to this one (-) I do not feel like part of the family at my hotel (-) I do not feel emotionally attached to this hotel (-)a This hotel has a great deal of personal meaning for me I do not feel a strong sense of belonging to my hotel (-) Extra-role performance--Netemeyer and Maxham (2007) How often did this employee go above and beyond the call of duty when serving customers? How often did this employee willingly go out of his/her way to make a customer satisfied? How often did this employee help customers with problems beyond what was expected or required? Turnover intentions--Boshoff and Allen (2000)

I often think about leaving this hotel It would not take much to make me leave this hotel I will probably be looking for another job soon Conscientiousness--Goldbergs (1999) I am always Prepared I leave my belongings around (-) I pay attention to details I make a mess of things (-) I get done chores done right away I often forget put things back in their proper place (-) I shirk my duties (-) I follow a schedule I am exact in my work

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