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Special Ebook from Golden-Systems.

com: “Bookie Buster”

-- Special Ebook --

Bookie Buster:
Secret Systems Used by Pro
Sports Gamblers Finally


By Frank Belanger

© 2004 Frank Belanger – All Rights Reserved

Special Ebook from “Bookie Buster”

Copyright 2005 Frank Belanger


The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of
publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to
alter and update his opinion systems based on the new conditions. The report is for informational
purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report,
neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or
omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or
related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This ebook is
not intended as for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws
which govern sports betting or other business practices in your country and state.

© 2004 Frank Belanger – All Rights Reserved

Special Ebook from “Secret Systems Used By Pro Sports Gamblers”

Bookie Buster
Secret Systems Used by Pro
Sports Gamblers Finally
Table of Contents
Introduction page 5

Is it possible to predict the outcome of a game? page 7

The truth about Sports Betting page 9

The Bankroll page 11

System #1 page 13

System #2 page 17

The Basic page 32

Sportsbooks page 35

Odds Format page 36

Odds Conversion page 37

Odds Conversion Chart page 38

Abbreviations Used page 40


The complete Bookie Buster ebook is more than 160 pages

and show you 21 outstanding sports betting systems. This
free ebook is only a preview of the Bookie Buster ebook. It
will show you 2 powerful sports betting systems and some
good tips. However, the most important part of the
material is in the complete ebook as well as the most
outstanding secret systems.

Hi this is Frank Belanger of Welcome to this
special ebook that I’ve created to share with you the secret systems used
every day by pro gamblers. These secret systems allow them to make over
$100,000 and even more every year by placing bets on different games such
as NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, NCAA, etc…

The reality is that 98% of sports gamblers are losing money…a lot of money.
The remaining 2% are professional sports gamblers. They are making a
living at sports gambling. Is it possible? Of course.

Ask any sportsbook’s manager and he will tell you that 2% of his regular
clients are always winning over the long run. How do they do that? Very
simple. They all have a proven system!

Now believe me. This incredible ebook is like nothing you have ever seen.
“Bookie Buster” is an amazing eye opener to a world of high profits using
the most powerful systems and low-risk strategies!

Before you spend another minute trying unproven schemes that waste your
time and money, I invite you to learn how I quietly make a really good
income with these fantastic systems.

Ok, let me tell you this: There are some sports betting systems that stand
head and shoulders above everything you have ever seen. These systems
can produce greater profits, with less risk and very little effort. Now you are
about to discover how these exact same systems can "put big money in your
pockets" and help you set up a "fantastic stream of profits."

In this ebook, I will reveal the same secret systems I use every day to set up
a never-ending source of income.

My name is Frank Belanger and since you have no idea who I am, I think it is
important to tell you a little bit about myself.

I started up betting on sports online as a hobby about 7 years ago. Ever

since then, I just wanted to see if I could find or develop a system or method
of play that could be used to beat the bookies and make good money.

During those years, I have done a lot of sports betting research and
discovered the secret systems used by pro sports gamblers. These secret
systems have nothing to do with anything you have ever seen before. They
are an astounding way to make money off the sportsbooks. Any
sportsbook, any time, anywhere in the world!

Now I want to share with you these secret systems used by pro sports
gamblers. I learned, tested and tested again each system one by one and I
have had amazing results with all of them. All of these secret systems have
been learned from real pro sports gamblers (they are making a living at
sports betting) or developed by myself over the last 7 years.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Is it possible to predict the outcome
of a game?

Every week, I receive some questions about handicapping. People want to

know if it's possible to get an edge over the sportsbooks at sports betting.

The answer is YES! For every casino game, the casino has an edge. This is
how they make money. The game of luck will always be the same.

There is something that you should now. The random law.

If you flip a coin 1000 times, you will get approximately 500 tails and 500
faces. Not exactly but it will be around 50% of each. It's a law. This is of
course over the long run.

With only 100 outcomes, it could be 60/40. It’s normal.

But when it comes to sports betting, you can bring the winning ratio to 53%
and more on the long run. Just because you can use a lot of information to
predict the outcome of a game. You can't have a winning ratio of 75% on
the long run but 53% is very possible.

And it's enough to make some good money.

Here's how you can use mathematics to predict the outcome of a game.

Most of the outcomes of sports can be predicted mathematically. There is

much debate over this but the truth is that with the right information and
numbers, you can predict the outcomes of sporting events well enough to
beat the spread.

The problem is more with getting the right information. Most sports are very
beatable. Football and hockey are the most difficult; basketball and baseball
are considered to be the easiest to beat.

The tough part with the mathematics of sports is obtaining historical

information. We are lucky in that many of the necessary statistics are
publicly available. Thanks to the internet!

The optimal tool for prediction is to use multiple regressions. Imagine you
have a pie and each slice of the pie is one of the variables you use to predict
the outcome of an event.

In the ideal, you would complete the pie and know with 100% certainty the
outcome of the event. However, this never happens. More realistically you
have only a limited % of the correct variables and all you can do is try to
improve the % of the 'Pie' in predicting the outcome. The better the
information you have, the more slices of the pie you can fill up. You will
never reach 100% but you can reach up to 50% with nearly perfect

The information you need to know is Wins, Loses, Percentage, home record,
road record, last ten, streak, injuries, team problems, etc...

One of the best places to look for this information is You'll
find a lot of good information.

If you use the right information, you will beat the spread over the long run.
It's not easy and it takes some time to develop skills.

But the most important thing to have success at sports betting is to have
good money management and a good betting system.

The truth about Sports Betting

For many people, sports gambling is primarily entertainment. But for other
people, like pro gamblers, sports betting is simply a kind of investment.

It's an easy way to get an amazing return on your investment. In fact, with
a good betting system, you will easily get a 15%-25% return on your
investment every month.

Think about it. I didn't say 15%-25% return a year. I said 15%-25% return
a month. Yes, absolutely.

If you go to the bank and place your money with them, you'll get maybe
12% interest on your investment for a year. So if you place $1000, you'll
make $120 for a year! What an amazing deal!

If you decide to invest the same $1000 in sports betting, using a good
betting system, here's what you could expect to make.

Let's say that the average return is 20% a month.

You start the year with $1000.

After 1 month you have $1200

After 2 months you have $1440

After 3 months you have $1728

...4 months...$2073

...5 months...$2488

...6 months...$2985

...7 months...$3583

...8 months...$4299

...9 months...$5159

...10 months...$6191

...11 months...$7430

...12 months...$8916

And so on...

That is over 791% interest for only one year!

Now, can you see the difference?

Some people ask me if it is possible to make $25,000 in one day. The

answer is yes, you just have to place a bet of $26,881 at odds of 1.93.
That's it. But you also have a 50% chance of losing that $26,000.

The truth is that sports betting must be considered as a powerful way to get
an easy return on your investment throughout the year.

You will not make $1,000,000 this year. You have to go slowly. But there is
no bank or other kind of guaranteed investment that can give you that kind
of return. If your bank gives you that kind of interest, let me know and I will
stop betting on sports right away!

So, this is exactly what you can expect to earn with the following systems.
You’ll learn the same systems pro sports gamblers use every day to make a
living at sports betting. It is very easy.

Is there a catch? need at least 15 minutes a day

to apply the system you choose and login to your sportsbook
to place your bet using the betting system.

If you think this is too much effort for you to earn that kind
of easy money, than just go to your bank and leave your money there!

The Bankroll

The most important thing when it comes to sports betting is certainly your
bankroll. This is the money you can afford to play with. This is the money
you don’t need for anything else.

No matter what system you play, you always have to structure your bankroll
in the same way.

First, you will breakdown your entire bankroll into 4 equal blocks. This way,
you will only risk 25% of your entire bankroll and protect the rest of your
bankroll if you hit a very bad losing streak.

Now, let’s take an example:

Let’s say you have a $1000 bankroll.

So, you breakdown the $1000 into 4 X $250.

Now, you start to play a system with your first block of $250.

As soon as your first block of $250 is doubled, add it back to your total

So now you have $1000 + $250 = $1250.

All you have to do is breakdown the new total into 4 equal blocks. So here
it’s 4 X $312.50.

Then you will be able to raise your betting unit and make more money.

When you have doubled your first block again, start the same process again.
Now you will have 4 blocks of $390.63.

Repeat this process again.

If you experience a long losing streak and you lose your entire first block,
you just have to do the opposite. So if you lose the first $250 of your $1000
(Total bankroll), it leaves you with 3 X $250. So, it’s $750.

Now breakdown this $750 into 4 blocks of $187.50. You just have to repeat
the same process again. Up as you win, down as you lose.

This is probably the most important thing. This money management is very
important and very powerful. Use it to build a solid bankroll in the long run.
You have to start small and grow your bankroll. Use this money

management with one of the 21 secret systems and you will have a lot of

System #1

The most popular kind of bet is without a doubt, flat betting. Every Saturday
night or every Monday night, an astronomic number of people place a bet on
their favorite team. Soccer, Hockey, Football, on any sport. They just go for
a $10 bet, or higher if they can afford to do it.

They watch the game with some friends and they have a lot of fun.
Sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. Over a year, they win half of
their bets.

Of course, they can make a little money over this period but not a lot of
money. Like almost everybody they think that it is impossible to make a
living at sports gambling especially using flat betting.

Well, many people believe professional sports gamblers win almost all of
their bets or at least 80% of their bets to make good money. It's
understandable that people think that, but it's absolutely not true. The fact
is, the difference between the percentage of bets won by professional sports
gamblers and the percentage of bets won by chronic losers is relatively very

We'll ignore money line bets here for the sake of clarity, and use only those
bets wherein the player risks 107 to win 100. We’ll use point spreads and
over/under bets.

With this type of bet, anyone can expect to win 50 percent. After all, the
only thing required is to flip a coin and pick a side. The bookmakers’ profit
comes from the difference between what a bettor must risk and what a
bettor expects to win.

Every time a player wins, the bookmaker withholds slightly more than 6.5
percent of the winnings ($7 for every $100 risked). Consequently, a bettor
winning only half his bets will ultimately go broke.

Professional sports gamblers, by comparison, rarely sustain a long term

winning percentage higher than 57 or 58 percent, and it's often as low as 54
or 56 percent. People find that hard to believe, and they understandably get
even more skeptical when told that for a genuine professional sports
gambler, a long term winning expectation of 60% or more is actually too
high and a winning rate of 65% is mathematically almost impossible to

I know that it sounds crazy at first, but as crazy as it may seem there is a
simple explanation: If a bettor has five bets on a given day, risking $107 to
win $100 on each bet, and wins three of them, that's a great winning ratio of
60% and a net profit for the day of 86 dollars. (The bettor wins $300 and
loses $214) If another bettor has fourteen bets on that same day, risking
$107 to win $100 on each one, and wins eight of them, that's a much poorer
winning percentage of only 57%, but almost twice as much profit for the day
of $158 (The bettor wins $800 and loses $642).

The second bettor was not necessarily less skilled at picking winners than the
first bettor. The second bettor may simply have chosen to apply all his
advantages, including those which had less than a 60% chance of winning in
the first place.

If the ultimate goal is to make money, it is obvious which of those two

bettors was more successful. The real goal is, of course, to make money. The
measure of success of a sports handicapper is not his percentage of winning
bets, but the amount of profit he made over any given period of time.

Although there are indeed propositions that offer more than a 60%
expectation of winning, such propositions are relatively few and far between,
and are only a very small part of the overall picture.

With the break-even point at about 51.8%, genuine professional sports

gamblers know there is no tenable excuse to pass up propositions offering
expectations of higher than, say, 55 percent. A small advantage applied over
and over is awesomely effective.

Mathematicians will confirm that a profit is more assured from a group of

200 bets with a 55% expectation-per-bet than from a group of 50 bets with
a 60% expectation-per-bet. In other words, the more bets placed, the more
predictable the outcome.

This is a fact of life of which pro sports gamblers must be familiar with. It's a
basic principle of math: the more bets you are able to place, the more likely
it is that your winning percentage will be close to your expectations.

A pro sports gambler must be more concerned with profit than with
establishing a great winning percentage, and those two conditions are not
always compatible. A real pro applies all his advantages as often as possible,
not only the best of his advantages that occasionally arise.

The accompanying illustration (below) shows the results of different winning

percentages over different numbers of bets. Standard vig charges of 4.55
percent are figured into the numbers. (The bookies' net commission is 4.55
percent of all risked funds. Notice in the illustration that winning 55% of 250
bets is more profitable than winning 65% of only 50 bets, - and remember
that a profit is more assured - that is, more dependable - because of the
higher number of trials.

Now, let’s take a look at some numbers.

The regular Joe will place one bet a week on his favorite team. The odds are
at 1.93. This is of course against the spreads or for the total over/under.

Over a year, if he wins 55% of his bets, that would be 29 bets. If he bets
$100 a game, he would end up the year with a clear profit of $397.

29 X 1.93 X $100 = $5597 - $5200 = $397

On the other hand, the pro sports gambler will bet as much as 20 games
everyday. He will bet $100 a game.

Let’s take a look at the numbers if he has a winning rate of only 53%.

20 games X 365 days = 7300 bets

53% of 7300 bets = 3869 wins

3869 wins at odds 1.93 at $100 = $746,717

$746717 – total wagered = $746,717 - $730,000 = $16,717

NET PROFIT = $16,717

After a couple of years, pro sports gamblers will bet over $5000 to $10,000
on each game. After a couple of years, a $1000 bettor will pocket over
$167,000 a year in net profit.

Pro sports gamblers tend to have a lot of bets compared to non-

professionals. Note that winning 55% of 500 bets is actually more profitable
than winning 65% of only 50 bets.

More importantly, a bettor is more assured of achieving his expected win

percentage over a larger total number of bets, and with more bets and
smaller bet sizes, the 'ride' is much smoother, less risky, and more

Generally speaking, non-professional sports gamblers go wrong by risking

too much of their bankroll on individual bets. They don't spread their risk
over enough bets. Professionals use smaller bet sizes in proportion to their
bankroll over a larger number of bets.

As a matter of fact, one good way to spot a non-pro is that he invariably has
less than a half-dozen bets per week, and he risks more than 20 percent of
his bankroll on each bet.

Ideally, you must place 8-10 bets a day, and not risk more than 2.5% of the
“first block bankroll” per bet, in order not to exceed 25% of the net running
total and to obtain optimal results.
If you don’t want to select your own games, you just have to join my
program right now and you will have lifetime access to my daily pick. Since
year 1, I have had an overall ratio of 55%. Think about it…no more picks to
buy…NEVER…and just by flat betting this pick daily, you will make a lot of

Also, you’ll have access to the entire 21 secret systems immediately.

Good luck!

System #2

The next system is a system that uses underdogs. This system is especially
designed for betting on baseball. In other words, you will bet on baseball

One very important thing that you should remember is that sports gamblers
love their favorites. Oddsmakers know this and they know that the natural
tendency of almost every sports gambler is to think that the spreads, set by
oddsmakers, represent how much a team is favored to win the game.

Well, the fact is that oddsmakers set the spreads based on public perception
with the goal of getting 50% of bettors to bet on each team (each side). By
doing this, sportsbooks come out ahead no matter who wins the game.

Now, I’ll keep this chapter short and to the point.

One thing you should know is that a lot of pro sports gamblers are using this
system to make thousands of dollars every month.

Fact: In baseball, there is a law of average showing that over an entire

season, underdogs will beat favorites about 4 games out of 9 (44%). Even
with money lines of 2.25, 2.35, and 2.50.


If you bet $25 on 9 underdogs with odds of 2.35 (+135), you will make 4 X
$25 X 2.35 = $235 – 9 X $25 = $225. So you end with a profit of $10.

So, in order to help you select the best underdogs and this way, make more
money, you will have to follow 3 simple rules in your selection of underdogs.

3 Rules to follow:

1) You must eliminate the game where the underdog has lost 3 or more
games in a row or the favorite has won 3 or more games in a row.
Remember that every baseball team faces some long losing streaks as
well as long winning streaks.

2) Eliminate games where the money line for the underdog is higher than
2.50 (+150). If this is the case, there is a reason and you must avoid
these games.

3) Eliminate games where the underdog is facing a very good pitcher. If
they’re facing a pitcher who’s in the top 20 of the MLB, move on to
another selection. You can use any newspaper as well as a lot of web
sites to have access to this information. is a good one.
The pitchers standing must be according to earned-run average (ERA).

So, every day, if you follow these 3 rules on a day with as many as 15
games, you should be left with between 3 and 9 underdog teams to bet on.

Amount to bet:

It is really up to you. Betting around 1.25% to 2.5% of your bankroll is ok.

So, if you have a $1000 bankroll, 2.5% means that you will bet $25 a game.

Now every day, all you have to do is check the MLB schedule and eliminate
the games following the 3 rules.

After that, you’re ready to bet!

Now, let’s see an example. We’ll take a look at a real week just to see how it

Day 1

Monday September 6, 2004

Atlanta (1.81) VS. Philadelphia (2.13)

The underdog Philadelphia had won 3 in a row and the favorite had lost 1.
The pitcher isn’t in the top 20. So, we bet $25 on the Philadelphia. Result:
Brave 3, Phillies 1. We lost $25.

Astros (1.56) VS. Reds (2.63)

Money line odds on Reds are too high. There is no play.

Pittsburgh (1.67) VS. Milwaukee (2.35)

No team is on a streak. The pitcher isn’t in the top 20 and the odds are ok.
So, we bet $25 on the Brewers. Result: Pirates 5, Brewers 9. Profit

Chicago (1.33) VS. Expos (3.70)

Money line odds on the Expos are too high. There is no play.
San Diego (2.42) VS. St-Louis (1.64)

The Cards won their last 9 games so there is no play.

Yankees (1.30) VS. Devil Rays (3.90)

Money line odds on the Devil Rays are too high. There is no play.

Detroit (1.49) VS. Kansas City (2.85)

Money line odds on the Royals are too high. There is no play.

Baltimore (1.79) VS. Minnesota (2.17)

No team is on a streak and the pitcher is not in the top 20. We bet $25 on
the Twins. Result: Orioles 4, Twins 1. Profit -$25

Texas (1.42) VS. Chicago (3.15)

The odds on the White Sox are too high. There is no play.

Seattle (2.22) VS. Cleveland (1.76)

The Mariners lost their last 5 games, so there is no play.

Oakland (1.79) VS. Boston (2.16)

No team is on a streak and the pitcher is not in the top 20. So, we bet $25
on the Red Sox. Result: Red Sox 8, Athletics 3. Profit +$29

Record for Day 1


2 2 +$12.75 +$12.75

Day 2

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Pittsburgh (2.31) VS. Milwaukee (1.68)

Pirates lost their last 5 games. There is no play.

Florida (1.48) VS. New York (2.88)

The odds on the Mets are too high. There is no play.

Atlanta (1.55) VS. Philadelphia (2.61)

The odds on the Phillies are too high. There is no play.

Chicago (1.31) VS. Montreal (3.85)

The odds on the Expos are too high. There is no play.

Houston (1.30) VS. Cincinnati (3.95)

The odds on the Reds are too high. There is no play.

Colorado (2.70) VS. San Francisco (1.53)

The odds on the Rockies are too high. There is no play.

San Diego (2.17) VS. St Louis (1.79)

The Cards pitcher is in the top 20. There is no play.

Los Angeles (1.49) VS. Arizona (2.85)

The odds on the Diamondbacks are too high. There is no play.

New York (1.29) VS. Tampa Bay (4.04)

The odds on the Devil Rays are too high. There is no play.

Baltimore (2.20) VS. Minnesota (1.77)

The teams are not on a streak. The pitcher is not in the top 20. So, we bet
$25 on the Orioles. Result: Twins 3, Orioles 1. Profit -$25.

Detroit (1.42) VS. Kansas City (3.15)

The odds on the Royals are too high. There is no play.

Texas (1.59) VS. Chicago (2.55)

The odds on the White Sox are too high. There is no play.

Oakland (2.00) VS. Boston (1.91)

Derek Lowe is in the top 20. There is no play.

Anaheim (1.39) VS. Toronto (3.25)

The odds on the Jays are too high. There is no play.

Record for Day 2


0 1 -$25 -$12.25

Day 3

Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Houston (1.29) VS. Cincinnati (4.12)

The odds on the Reds are too high. There is no play.

San Diego (2.32) VS. St Louis (1.70)

The odds are ok. No team is on a streak. Matt Morris is not in the top 20.
We bet $25 on the Padres. Result: Padres 10, Cards 5. Profit +$33.

Pittsburgh (1.67) VS. Milwaukee (2.35)

Oliver Perez is in the top 20. There is no play.

Atlanta (1.65) VS. Philadelphia (2.42)

No team is on a streak. Mike Hampton is not in the top 20. We bet $25 on
the Phillies. Result: Phillies 4, Braves 1. Profit +$35.50

Florida (1.33) VS. New York (3.70)

The odds on the Mets are too high. No play.

Chicago (1.29) VS. Montreal (4.12)

The odds on Montreal are too high. No play.

Colorado (2.03) VS. San Francisco (1.88)

No team is on a streak. Kirk Rueter isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Rockies. Result: Giants 5, Rockies 3. Profit -$25.

Los Angeles (1.26) VS. Arizona (4.45)

The odds on the Diamondbacks are too high. No play.

New York Yankees (1.40) VS. Tampa Bay (3.25)

The odds on the Devil Rays are too high. No play.

Baltimore (2.70) VS. Minnesota (1.53)

The odds on the Twins are too high. No play.

Detroit (1.50) VS. Kansas City (2.80)

The odds on the Royals are too high. No play.

Texas (1.94) VS. Chicago WS (1.96)

No team is on a streak. John Wasdin isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
White Sox. Result: Rangers 2, White Sox 5. Profit +$24

Seattle (2.15) VS. Cleveland (1.80)

No team is on a streak. Lee Cliff isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Mariners. Result: Indians 9, Mariners 5. Profit -$25.

Oakland (2.31) VS. Boston (1.68)

Pedro Martinez is in the top 20. There is no play.

Anaheim (1.29) VS. Toronto (4.04)

The odds are too high on the Jays. No play.

Record for Day 3


3 2 +$42.50 +$30.25

Day 4

Thursday, September 9, 2004

Pittsburgh (1.94) VS. Houston (1.96)

No team is on a streak. Oliver Perez is in the top 20. No play.

Pittsburgh (2.31) VS. Houston (1.68)

No team is on a streak. Tim Redding isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25.
Result: Astros 9, Pirates 2. Profit -$25.
Cincinnati (1.76) VS. Milwaukee (2.22)

No team is on a streak. Brandon Clausen isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on
the Brewers. Result: Brewers 7, Reds 2. Profit +$30.50.

Atlanta (1.59) VS. Philadelphia (2.55)

No team is on a streak. Russ Ortiz isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Phillies. Result: Phillies 9, Braves 4. Profit +$38.75

Colorado (1.95) VS. San Diego (1.95)

The odds are the same. No play.

Los Angeles (1.28) VS. Arizona (4.10)

The odds on the Diamondbacks are too high. No play.

Detroit (1.53) VS. Kansas City (2.70)

The odds on the Royals are too high. No play.

Yankees (1.40) VS. Tampa Bay (3.25)

The odds on the Devil Rays are too high. No play.

Texas (2.00) VS. Chicago WS (1.91)

Mark Buehrle is in the top 20. No play.

Seattle (2.63) VS. Boston (1.56)

The Red Sox are on a 4 game win streak. The odds on the Mariners are too
high. There is no play.

Anaheim (1.45) VS. Toronto (3.00)

The odds on the Jays are too high. No play.

Record for Day 4


2 1 +$44.25 +$74.50

Day 5

Friday, September 10, 2004

Pittsburgh (2.55) VS. Houston (1.60)

No team is on a streak. Peter Munro isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Pirates. Result: Pirates 6, Astros 1. Profit +$38.75.

Mets (1.97) VS. Philadelphia (1.93)

The Phillies are on a 3 game win streak. No play.

Cincinnati (1.67) VS. Milwaukee (2.35)

No team is on a streak. Josh Hancock isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Brewers. Result: Brewers 4, Reds 6. Profit -$25.

Atlanta (1.38) VS. Montreal (3.35)

The odds on Montreal are too high. No play.

Colorado (2.13) VS. San Diego (1.81)

No team is on a streak. Brian Lawrence isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on
the Rockies. Result: Rockies 4, Padres 10. Profit -$25.

Arizona (2.00) VS. San Francisco (1.91)

The Diamondbacks are on a 7 game losing streak. No play.

Los Angeles (2.18) VS. St Louis (1.78)

No team is on a streak. Jason Marquis isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on
the Dodgers. Result: Dodgers 7, Cards 6. Profit +$29.50.

Detroit (2.00) VS. Minnesota (1.91)

No team is on a streak. Carlos Silva isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Tigers. Result: Twins 4, Tigers 1. Profit -$25.

Baltimore (2.49) VS. Yankees (1.61)

Javier Vazquez is in the top 20. No play.

Texas (1.60) VS. Toronto (2.52)

Ryan Drese is in the top 20. No play.

Seattle (3.67) VS. Boston (1.34)

The odds on the Mariners are too high. No play.

Oakland (1.43) VS. Cleveland (3.10)

The odds on the Indians are too high. No play.

Anaheim (1.56) VS. Chicago WS (2.62)

The odds on the White Sox are too high. No play.

Record for Day 5


2 3 -$6.75 +$67.75

Day 6

Saturday, September 11, 2004

New York (2.48) VS. Philadelphia (1.61)

The Phillies are on a 4 game win streak. No play.

Pittsburgh (2.57) VS. Houston (1.55)

No team is on a streak. Brandon Backe isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on
the Pirates. Result: Pirates 5, Astros 2. Profit +$39.25

Chicago (1.65) VS. Florida (2.40)

Carlos Zambrano is in the top 20. No play.

Colorado (2.35) VS. San Diego (1.67)

No team is on a streak. Adam Eaton isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Rockies. Result: Rockies 13, Padres 2. Profit: +$33.75.

Atlanta (1.48) VS. Montreal (2.90)

The odds on Montreal are too high. No play.

Cincinnati (1.74) VS. Brewers (2.26)

No team is on a streak. Luke Hudson isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Brewers. Result: Reds 9, Brewers 0. Profit: -$25.

Arizona (3.24) VS. San Francisco (1.39)

The odds on the Diamondbacks are too high. No play.

Oakland (1.55) VS. Cleveland (2.61)

The odds on the Indians are too high. No play.

Baltimore (2.62) VS. Yankees (1.55)

The odds on the Orioles are too high. No play.

Detroit (2.10) VS. Minnesota (1.83)

The Twins are on a 3 game win streak. No play.

Kansas City (1.81) VS. Tampa Bay (2.13)

The Devil Rays lost their last 12 games. No play.

Texas (1.53) VS. Toronto (2.70)

The odds on the Jays are too high. No play.

Seattle (2.75) VS. Boston (1.51)

The odds on the Mariners are too high. No play.

Anaheim (1.45) VS. Chicago WS (3.00)

The odds on the White Sox are too high. No play.

Record for Day 6


2 1 +$48.00 +$115.75

Day 7

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Atlanta (1.48) Vs. Montreal (2.90)

The odds on Montreal are too high. No play.

New York (2.30) VS. Philadelphia (1.71)

The Phillies are on a 5 game win streak. No play.

Cincinnati (2.20) VS. Milwaukee (1.77)

Ben Sheets is in the top 20. No play.

Chicago (2.05) VS. Florida (1.87)

A.J. Burnett is in the top 20. No play.

Colorado (2.37) VS. San Diego (1.66)

No team is on a streak. Jake Peavy isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on the
Rockies. Result: Rockies 2, Padres 15. Profit -$25.

Los Angeles (2.42) VS. St Louis (1.64)

Chris Carpenter is in the top 20. No play.

Arizona (3.00) VS. San Francisco (1.44)

The odds on the Diamondbacks are too high. No play.

Pittsburgh (3.10) VS. Houston (1.43)

The odds on the Pirates are too high. No play.

Detroit (1.89) VS. Minnesota (2.02)

No team is on a streak. Nate Robertson isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on
the Twins. Result: Twins 8, Tigers 5. Profit: +$25.50

Baltimore (2.45) VS. Yankees (1.62)

Jon Lieber is in the top 20. No play.

Texas (1.55) VS. Toronto (2.61)

The odds on Toronto are too high. No play.

Kansas City (1.93) VS. Tampa Bay (1.98)

No team is on a streak. Denny Bautista isn’t in the top 20. We bet $25 on
the Devil Rays. Result: Devil Rays 7, Royals 2. Profit +$24.50

Seattle (3.00) VS. Boston (1.45)

The odds on the Mariners are too high. No play.

Oakland (1.55) VS. Cleveland (2.62)

The odds on the Indians are too high. No play.

Anaheim (1.45) VS. Chicago WS (3.00)

The odds on the White Sox are too high. No play.

Record for Day 7


2 1 +$25 +$140.75

By using the system, you end the week with 13 wins and 11 loses (54.1%).
And all for underdogs. You make a great profit of $140.75.

Fact to remember:

Fact: In baseball, there is a law of averages showing that over an entire

season, underdogs will beat favorites about 4 games out of 9 (44%). Even
with money lines of 2.25, 2.35, and 2.50.

Rules to Remember:

1) You must eliminate the game where the underdog has lost 3 or more
games in a row or the favorite has won 3 or more games in a row.
Remember that every baseball team faces some long losing streaks as
well as long winning streaks.

2) Eliminate games where the money line for the underdog is higher than
2.50 (+150). If this is the case, there is a reason and you must avoid
these games.

3) Eliminate games where the underdog is facing a very good pitcher. If

they’re facing a pitcher who’s in the top 20 of the MLB, move on to
another selection. You can use any newspaper as well as a lot of web
sites to have access to this information. is a good one.
The pitchers standing must be according to earned-run average (ERA).

Good luck with this system!

B ookie B
Bookie uster
You can download right now the rest of the entire ebook and access the
other powerful sports betting systems. If you act right now, you will also
have a lifetime access to my daily pick. This is a selection I use everyday,
with an income earning 55% winning rate.

Act right now!

Frank Belanger


The Basics

Ok, if you are new to sports betting, here’s a little resume about this
lucrative activity. If you’re already familiar with the terminology, you can go
directly to the 21 systems.

First, as you may know, sports betting is simply to place a bet on the
predicted result of a specific game on a specific sport. If your prediction
wins, you win your bet. It’s as simple as that!

Your bets must be placed at a sportsbook. This could be made live in a

casino, by telephone and on the internet. I personally use online

Internet sportsbooks are very similar as a sportsbook is accessed via

telephone or live. Instead of calling in your bet to a bookie, however, you
just fill out an online form. In most cases, sportsbooks have the same
deposit and withdrawal options as online casinos.

Here’s the kind of bet you can place at a sportbook:

Straight Bets:

A straight bet is the most common bet, where you pick a single side to win.
It could be the team to cover the spread or the game total to go over or
under. The format of the line will vary depending on the sport that you’re
betting on.


A parlay bet is a single wager involving multiple propositions. The bettor

must choose the winner of each proposition in order to win the parlay.
Payout odds increase as the number of included propositions increases.


A teaser, like parlays, involves multiple propositions. When betting a teaser

additional points are either added to the underdog or subtracted from the
favorite. Odds are changed in accordance to the number of points the
spread is moved and the number of teams combined to form the teaser.


Pleasers are similar to a teaser, only you give, versus receive additional
points: additional points are either subtracted from the underdog or added to
the favorite (e.g., if the regular line on your selection is –4 and you select a
pleaser, then your line would be –10).
If Bets:

If the first game wins, ties, cancels or is suspended, etc., you have action on
the remaining team or teams. An IF bet is a combination of 2 – 6 teams.


If the first game wins, ties, cancels or is suspended, etc, you have action on
the remaining team or teams. A reverse is a combination of 2 – 8 selections.


A proposition bet is a bet offered with conditions and odds determined by an

oddsmaker. These bets are usually exotic bets like which quaterback will
complete the most touchdown passes, which team will score the last points
in a game, or which will complete the longest field goal. Many prop bets are
offered at 11-10 odds, but some will be offered at better or worse odds,
depending on the bet.


Futures are single wagers on the outcome of an event that will be

determined sometime in the future. For example, picking the winner of the
NFL championship, the Stanley Cup, or the World Series.

Round Robins:

A Round Robin is a series of parlay-type wagers built from all possible groups
or the specified round robin group size. The selections can be any
combination of sides, over/under, money lines, run lines, or puck lines.
Currently, up to 9 teams can be grouped by either 2’s or 3’s. Each round
robin series has the “Grouped by” number of teams in it and some series can
win and other series loss. Each individual series is graded like a parlay.
With 4 selections (A, B, C, D) grouped by 2’s then you would have the
following groups of 2’s: A&B, A&C, A&D, B&C, B&D, and C&D.

Half Times:

A line on only the first half, or only the second half scoring of a football or
basketball game.

Totals (over/under):

A total wager is a bet on the number of points scored in a game by both

teams combined. You can bet on whether the actual number of total points
scored will be over or under the line posted. The total points scored includes
points scored in overtime. You can also bet whether the combined number of
points or goals scored by the two teams in the game will be over or under
the total set by the oddsmaker. For example, if the total is 32 and you
believe that the combined points scored by the two teams will exceed that
number, you would bet over 32.

Point Spread:

The point spread is the number of points that the favored team is expected
to win by. For example, say the New York Knicks are favored to beat the LA
Clippers by a point spread of 7. That means that if you pick the Knicks to
win, they have to win by more than 7 points for you to win your bet. If they
win by fewer than 7 points or lose the game, you lose your bet. If they win
by exactly 7 points (the point spread), the result is a push or tie. That means
that you don't win or lose, your original bet is refunded.

Money Lines:

The difference between a point spread bet and a money line bet is that there
are no points involved. Instead, money odds are wagered on the favorite or
underdog. There is a different money line total for either side on a money
line bet, a negative side (the favorite) and a positive side (the underdog):
Dallas -170 Washington +150. What this means is that Dallas is the favorite
and for every $17 you bet on Dallas, you win $10 if they win. For every $10
you bet on Washington, the underdog, you win $15 if they win. By offering
different odds for each team, the sportsbook is able to balance action on
both teams.

Action Points:

When wagering against the point spread, if you think that the spread is low
or high you may wager 11/10 for each point you think the spread or total will
go over or under.

Buy Points:

Buy Points means that you can move the pointspread so that you give away
fewer points with the favorite or get more points with the underdog, for both
football and basketball. To do this you must pay an extra 10% for each ½
point you buy in your favor. For the NFL and NCAA football, you will pay an
additional 20% to buy on or off of 3, or 10% to buy on or off of 7 points -
also known as Key Points.


While the goal of this page is to give you an understanding of the basics in
sports wagering - you should be sure to read through the rules pages posted
on any Internet Sportsbook you may join. Rules do vary and the variance
can be the difference between a winning season and a losing season.

When betting on sports, you need a safe and reliable sportsbook to place
your bets online. I personally use Canbet ( and Bet365

These are the sportsbooks with the greatest reputation and volume of
money. They offer the best odds/lines in any kind of sport. They are safe
and reliable. You can withdraw/deposit 24/7. The most important thing is
that they are publicly owned companies (listed on the stock market). You
can also open your account with your choice of currency.

Odds Format
There are two ways to view the odds of an event. This could be in USA
format or International odds format.

US Odds Format

When the US odds price is a positive number then the price indicates the
value to be won when $100 is invested. eg. (+115 indicates $115 would be
won on a winning $100 bet). When the US odds price is a negative
number then the price indicates the value required to be invested to win
$100. eg. (-110 indicates you need to bet $110 to win $100). The display
order of the team names follows the US tradition of naming the away team

International Odds Format

The odds value displayed is the amount returned on winning bets for each $1
invested. eg. ($1.90 indicates for a $1 winning bet, $1.90 would be returned
being the $1 stake and $0.90 winnings.) The display order of the team
names follows the European and Australian convention of naming the home
team first.

Odds Conversion

We will always use the International Odds Format to calculate our bets. This
is the easiest way.

Now, if your sportsbook only offers the USA format, here’s how to turn the
USA format into International format.

- When the US odds price is a positive number like +115, you just have
to do this:

(US odds / 100 ) + 1

So here, this is ( 115 / 100 ) + 1 = 2.15

So +115 is the same as 2.15

You bet $100 to win $115

You bet $100 and the sportsbook gives you $215 if you win. $215 - $100
= $115 profit.

You bet $100 at 2.15. The sportsbook gives you $100 x 2.15. $215 -
$100 = $115 profit.

- When the US odds price is a negative number like –110, you just have
to do this:

( 100 / US odds ) + 1

So here, this is ( 100 / 110 ) + 1 = 1.91

So –110 is the same as 1.91

You bet $110 to win $100

You bet $110 and the sportsbook gives you $210 if you win. $210 - $110
= $100 profit.

You bet $110 at 1.91. The sportsbook gives you $110 x 1.91. $210 -
$110 = $100 profit.

If you use Canbet, you can change the Odds format by clicking on the
odds format check boxes or links under the “Betting Menu”.

Now…Let’s go to the Secret Systems !

Odds Conversion Chart

Fractional International US Fractional International US

10/1 11.00 +1000 8/5 2.60 +160
9/1 10.00 +900 6/4 2.50 +150
17/2 9.50 +850 7/5 2.40 +140
8/1 9.00 +800 11/8 2.375 +137
15/2 8.50 +750 13/10 2.30 +130
7/1 8.00 +700 5/4 2.25 +125
13/2 7.50 +650 6/5 2.20 +120
6/1 7.00 +600 11/10 2.10 +110
11/2 6.50 +550 21/20 2.05 +105
5/1 6.00 +500 1/1 2.00 -100
9/2 5.50 +450 20/21 1.952 -105
4/1 5.00 +400 10/11 1.909 -110
18/5 4.60 +360 9/10 1.90 -111
7/2 4.50 +350 5/6 1.833 -120
100/30 4.333 +333 4/5 1.80 -125
16/5 4.20 +320 8/11 1.727 -137
3/1 4.00 +300 7/10 1.70 -142
14/5 3.80 +280 4/6 1.667 -150
11/4 3.75 +275 5/8 1.625 -160
13/5 3.60 +260 8/13 1.615 -162
5/2 3.50 +250 3/5 1.60 -166
12/5 3.40 +240 4/7 1.571 -175
95/40 3.375 +237 8/15 1.533 -187
23/10 3.30 +230 1/2 1.50 -200
9/4 3.25 +225 40/85 1.471 -212
11/5 3.20 +220 9/20 1.45 -222
85/40 3.125 +212 4/9 1.444 -225
21/10 3.10 +210 2/5 1.40 -250
2/1 3.00 +200 4/11 1.364 -275
19/10 2.90 +190 7/20 1.35 -285
15/8 2.875 +187 1/3 1.333 -300
9/5 2.80 +180 30/100 1.30 -333
7/4 2.75 +175 2/7 1.286 -350
17/10 2.70 +170 1/4 1.25 -400
13/8 2.625 +162 2/9 1.222 -450
1/5 1.20 -500

Abbreviations Used

If you plan to handicap your own games by yourself, this is the kind of
abbreviations you need to know.

Major League Baseball

Heading Explanation
W/L Won / Loss record
$ Units won or loss.
Ho Home Record
Aw Away Record
AF Average Runs For
AA Average Runs Against
O/U Over - Under Record
BA Batting Average
SLG Slugging Percentage
HR Home Runs For
ERA Earned Run Average
OBP On Base Percentage
Date Date of the game
Home-Away Home Score - Away Score
H Starter Home Starter in that particular game.
A Starter Away Starter in that particular game.
Line Line for the game.
O/U Over / Under result. O for over, U for under.
OPS Slugging Percentage + On Base Percentage.
AVG Batting Average for that game.
Starter Team's starter for that game.
IP Innings the starter pitched.
Opp Starter The opposition's starting pitcher.
H Hits allowed by the starter.
R Runs allowed by the starter
ER Earned runs allowed by the starter.
SO Strikeouts by the starter.
BB Bases on balls allowed by the starter.
PIT Total pitches by the starter.
P/IP Pitches divided by the number of innings pitched.
G/F Number of ground ball outs divided by the fly ball outs.
OBA Opposition Batting Average
WHIP Walks and Hits per Inning Pitched
GB:FB Ground Ball Fly Ball ratio
SB Stolen Bases
CS Caught Stealing
SB% Stolen Base Percentage

QS% Quality Start Percentage
TW - TL Team Win - Team Loss
W/L % Winning Percentage
$ Won Units Won
$ Loss Units Lost
Vs. R Vs. Right-handed pitchers
Vs. L Vs. Left-handed pitchers
Start Starters
Rel Relievers
R/9 Runs per nine innings
K Strikeouts
Doub Doubles
Trip Triples
Slug Slugging Percentage
LOB:R Left On Base to Runs ratio.
National Basketball Association
Heading Explanation
W/L Wins / Losses
ATS Record Against The Spread
H Home
A Away
AF Average Points For
AA Average Points Against
O/U Over / Under record
FG% Field Goal Percentage
3P% Three Point field goal Percentage
DFG% Defensive Field Goal Percentage
D3P% Defensive Three Point field goal Percentage
RM Rebounding Margin
A/TO Assist to Turnover ratio
FT% Free Throw Percentage
H Line Home Line
Reb Rebounds
FGM Field Goals Made
FGA Field Goals Attempted
3PM Three Point field goals Made
3PA Three Point field goals Attempted
FTA Free Throws Attempted
% points Percentage of Points
% minutes Percentage of Minutes
% 3PA to FGA Percentage of field goals that are three point attempts.
AW After a straight up Win
AOW After a straight up Win by the Opposition
AL After a straight up Loss
AOL After a straight up Loss by the Opposition
AS < 100 After Scoring less than 100 points

AS 100+ After Scoring more than 100 points
AA <100 After Allowing less than 100 points
AA 100+ After Allowing more than 100 points
A500 Versus Above .500 teams
B500 Versus Below .500 teams
Days Rest Days in between games.
ODR Opposition's Days in between games.
DR Days Rest
SU Straight Up
<2 DR Less than two Days Rest
>2 DR More the two Days Rest
F Favorite
D Underdog
Div Division
Conf Conference
PPG Points Per Game
DD Double-digit
Fav Favorite
Dog Underdog
National Hockey League
Heading Explanation
W/L Wins/ Losses
ATS Record Against The Spread
Money Money record
H Home
A Away
O/U Over / Under
For Goals For
Aga Goals Against
PP Powerplay
PK Penalty kill
SF Shots For
SA Shots Against
Line Home Line
As Fav As a Favorite
As Dog As a Underdog
After W After a straight up win
After L After a straight up loss

B ookie B
Bookie uster
You can download right now the rest of the entire ebook and access the
other powerful sports betting systems. If you act right now, you will also
have a lifetime access to my daily pick. This is a selection I use everyday,
with an income earning 55% winning rate.

Act right now!

Frank Belanger



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