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Open Bolt Action Tournament

This document is the information pack for Bolt Action tournaments. It explains the tournament rules and limits and the scoring system used to determine the winner of the tournament. For information about Bolt Action, come to see us at:

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Tournament Schedule
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Tournament Rules
1. FORCES Players must use a 1,000 requisition points force, consisting of one or more Reinforced Platoons, as presented in the Bolt Action rulebook (page 124). Armies can comprise of a maximum of 12 Order dice (i.e. 12 units). These forces must be selected using one of the following army lists:

- The army list section of the Armies of Germany supplement book. - The army list section of the Armies of United States supplement book. - The army list section of the Armies of Great Britain supplement book. - The army list section of the Armies of the Soviet Union supplement book. - The army list section of the Armies of Imperial Japan supplement book. - The army list section of the Armies of France and the Allies supplement book. - The army list section of the Armies of Italy and the Axis supplement book. 2. GAME TIME After two hours of gameplay, the players must finish the current turn, and then the game ends automatically. 3. ARMY LIST The players must write down the army list they are going to use for the duration of the entire tournament. They must leave a copy of their list to the referee before the start of the tournament. The force list is public and the opponent can always look at it and ask you questions about your force. 4. MATCH-UPS The match-ups of Game 1 will be random. In the following games players will be matched using Tournament Points (TP) and Casualty points, as explained below. 5. SCENARIOS The following scenarios will be played, as described in the BA rulebook, on table with terrain that ahs been pre-set by the organisers. Game 1: Demolition. Game 2: Top Secret Game 3: Envelopment. Game 4: Point Defence.

Game 5: Hold Until Relieved. Game 6: Maximum Attrition. 6. TOURNAMENT POINTS (TP) Victory is calculated as described in the Scenarios being played and Tournament points are awarded for victories, defeats and draws as shown below: Result Victory Draw Loss Tournament Points 3 TP 1 PT 0 TP

In addition, players must also record how many requisition points of enemy units they destroy during their games. These destroyed enemies points (lets call them Casualty points) are always added together in a running total and are used as a tiebreaker to pair players that are on the same level of Tournament points. From the second round, players will be paired using a Swiss system (i.e. matching players on the same amount of TPs, in descending order). In case of more than two players on the same number of TPs, players will be matched in descending Casualty points total. If they have the same TP and Casualty points total, players will be paired in alphabetic order. When two players that have already met in a previous turn are matched to play each other again, they must randomly select opponents from the players on the next table down. This rule does not apply on the top five tables during the last turn of the tournament. 7. WINNING THE TOURNAMENT The winner is determined at the end of the last round, according to the following criteria: The player with the most TP will be the winner. In case of same TP at the top, the winner will be the player with the highest Casualty points total.

In case of same Casualty points total, well see if the players have played each other during the course of the tournament and the winner will be the winner of such match. If the players never met in the tournament, the tournament ends with a joint victory and the players share the first prize.

Wait a second! We both have US forces! Surely we cannot fight one another?! or A note on historicity. Open Bolt Action Tournaments have a very relaxed attitude and basically encourage the idea of simply collecting a force you like and turn up for a few games with friends, where we suspend disbelief and enjoy the game without trying to make it historically plausible. If you need to explain to yourself why, for example, these Germans are fighting against other Germans, there are several ways of looking at it: you can either assume it is just an exercise, part of a massive set of manoeuvres, or a what if scenario depicting a hypothetical confrontation between different factions of the same country (easier to imagine with some belligerent nations forces than others). On the other hand, if you dont like this Open style, look out for Historical tournament and events, where for example 50% of the players will have Axis forces and 50% Allied forces, or the army restrictions have been fine-tuned to represent a particular period (early war, late war), or a specific theatre (Eastern Front, Pacific). To each his own!

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