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Basic Science of MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)

As seen posted online at: Download this article in its original .doc format: What this document is about MMS are the initials for Master Mineral Solution Chemical structure of MMS Chemical formula of chlorine dioxide Making chlorine dioxide Is MMS a bleach? What our critics do that makes them dead wrong Oxidation as use to kill microorganisms Killing Viruses Oxidation otential Wh! the chlorine dioxide does not harm the bod! Wh! chlorine dioxide is more effecti"e than ox!gen #reatment of diseases and training MMS$ %roof that &'( does not consider chlorine dioxide oisonous Sources What this document is about) #he ur ose of this document is to show basic scientific roofs and logic of MMS* Scientific references are gi"en where e"er ossible* MMS is not a bleach+ MMS is an oxidi,er that kills the athogens of man! different diseases* #he chemical of MMS has been used to kill athogens for -.. !ears+ and to urif! water* #his a er gi"es the chemical formula of MMS+ ex lains how it works and ex lains the sim licit! of making it* #he basics of oxidation is ex lained+ as that is necessar! to understand how MMS works* MMS kills "iruses in a different manner than oxidation* #hat too is ex lained* Information is also gi"en on MMS$* MMS are the initials for Master Mineral Solution) #his solution consists mostl! of water with chlorine dioxide as a "er! weak solution / along with regular table salt and se"eral other trace neutral chemicals+ such as sodium h!droxide+ sodium carbonate+ and sodium bicarbonate / none of which are considered oisonous* #he trace chemicals are neutrali,ed b! the acid that acti"ates the chlorine dioxide* Chemical Structure of MMS) It starts off as a $$*01 solution of sodium chlorite+ made b! adding sodium chlorite to water* #he

sodium chlorite can be bought from chemical com anies alread! in water+ or it can be bought as a owder* 2owe"er+ it is with the sodium chlorite from which chlorine dioxide is generated and diluted in water+ thereb! making MMS* #he chemical formula of sodium chlorite is 3aClO$* Sodium chlorite is a "er! stable chemical* It has been stored in airtight containers for more than $. !ears+ and solutions of sodium chlorite are full! usable after being stored for 4 !ears* Chemical formula of chlorine dioxide) Chlorine dioxide is the acti"e ingredient in MMS after it is acti"ated b! acid 5see below6* #he Chemical formula of chlorine dioxide is ClO$* #hat formula shows that there is one atom of chlorine 5Cl6 and $ atoms of ox!gen 5O$6 in a molecule of chlorine dioxide* #hese 7 atoms are held together b! electrons to form the molecule of chlorine dioxide* Chlorine dioxide is a gas+ and MMS are in most cases used as a gas dissol"ed in water* #he ClO$ gas can be used at times directl! on the skin+ or e"en in the mouth* Chlorine dioxide is one of the most effecti"e killers of athogens such as bacteria+ molds+ fungus+ "iruses+ bio/film and other disease/causing microorganisms+ which includes the "ast ma8orit! diseases of mankind* 9ef* 546 Making chlorine dioxide) Chlorine dioxide is generated from sodium chlorite+ which is 3aClO$* Sodium chlorite has a 2 of -7 which means it is highl! alkaline* When citric acid or most an! other acid is added+ the! bring that 2 down towards the acid condition+ causing the sodium chlorite to become unstable and thus begin to release chlorine dioxide 5ClO$6 from the sodium chlorite 53aClO$6* #he more acid that is added+ the more chlorine dioxide is released+ and at a faster rate* #hat is until all of the chlorine dioxide is released* :ou can see that sodium chlorite is an unusual chemical that is made largel! of chlorine dioxide+ but the chlorine dioxide does not become a"ailable until the acid is added* (s it was stated abo"e+ chlorine dioxide is a gas+ but it dissol"es in an! water that is resent or that it is mixed with* 3ormall! there is water resent when the acid is added+ and most of the gas will remain right in that water* ;ust use the right number of dro s with the instructions and !ou are OK* Is MMS a bleach? MMS 5dro s of chlorine dioxide mixed with water6 is not a bleach* <"er! single chemical known to man can be oisonous when taken in too large of =uantities* 9ecentl! / a girl died from drinking too much water* 3inet! fi"e ercent of the medicines known to man are extremel! oisonous when used in large =uantities* (bout -4 as irins can kill a erson* One half of a cu of most of the chemicals under !our sink would kill a erson* I am "er! "er! sorr! that no scientist or scientific laborator! has e"er written u and signed a scientific a er stating that MMS is not a bleach* #he fact is+ no laborator! e"er thought that it would be necessar! to come out and sa! that* It ne"er occurred to an! of them that someone would be dumb enough to start calling dilute solutions of chlorine dioxide a bleach* 5Industrial strength Chlorine dioxide solutions has absolutel! nothing to do with MMS*6 MMS is onl! a few dro s of Chlorine dioxide 5or e"en 8ust Sodium chlorite6 diluted in lent! of water > it sim l! does not ha"e the otential to bleach an!thing at all* #hat is ridiculous / to ush the idea that MMS is a bleach+ as no one has e"er used MMS for a bleach* 9ef* 5?6 2owe"er+ let me state this) @.1 of the water com anies in the AS( are now using chlorine dioxide to urif! drinking water* Chances are "er! high that if !ou belie"e that MMS 5again+ diluted Chlorine

dioxide6 is a bleach+ then m! friend !ou are now drinking bleach in !our own home* 'o !ou think then it is logical+ to start a cam aign sa!ingB CS#O% ASI3D EF<(C2 #O %A9I&: OA9 W(#<9*C Well+ the girl that has it figured out and is now telling the world that MMS is bleach+ 8ust might start another such cam aign with water* I am using a bit of sarcasm here but I ho e !ou understand that someone ushing the idea that MMS is a bleach is highl! illogical+ and robabl! wouldnGt state so unless the! were aid to do it* Sunlight can bleach* <"en lemon can bleach* 2owe"er+ we donGt reall! think of sunlight or lemon as bleach 5and certainl! not three dro s of lemon diluted in a glass of water*6 Would !ou start a"oiding the sunlight 8ust because a so called ske tic told !ou that sunlight is a bleach and therefor bad for !ou? Or+ would !ou go out and en8o! the sun in moderation as to not get burned? (gain+ the oint of it is) (n!thing in excess+ or an!thing that is used in too high amount // can be bad for an!one* #his a er is written for the la!man to understand* Sometimes+ scientific roof of things exist onl! in logic* &or exam le+ scientists ha"e ne"er come out with a written and signed a er sa!ing that ocean shi s donGt fl!+ or that one cannot fl! a %i er Cub to the moon* Man! highl! ob"ious things are sim l! left to logic and there are no scientific a ers making man! ob"ious statements* (nother exam le would be that there is no scientific written a er that states that the water will run out of a glass of water if the glass is held u side down* Ob"ious things are 8ust assumed in this written a er here+ and in ci"ili,ation as a whole* I ho e !ou understand this oint+ because one woman assumed for some unknown reason that MMS is a bleach / thereb! causing irre arable harm to man! eo le b! continuing to ush the idea+ as there will be those with autistic children that will walk awa! without gi"ing their children a chance to be cured this wa!* What our critics do that makes them dead wrong) #he critics all make the same mistake* #he! start talking from a total ignorance of the entire sub8ect of MMS / and what e"er it is the! think the! ha"e found wrong with our handling of MMS* In e"er! case the! do much damage when eo le belie"e them and go awa! thinking that MMS doesnGt work* #his means that man! eo le lose their chance to o"ercome their suffering 5and ossible death6+ or in the case of autism+ the! lose their chance to reco"er their children* #he worst art is that the critics continue to insist that the! are right and the! refuse to stud! the literature concerning the sub8ect* 3o critic can remain a critic if he studies the sub8ect* #he facts are in the chemistr! and literature* We work directl! with the facts* Wh! wouldnGt we* Wh! would we+ after a eriod of -4 !ears not know the facts* I am sorr! to sa! this+ but the woman that has been arading out the data and idea that MMS is a bleach+ is making those statements like she knows what she is talking about / and therein is the lie* She doesnGt know what she is talking about and thus she is tr!ing to sell us with the idea that her o inion is the truth* (nd that is the lie* 3o one has e"er used MMS as a bleach+ as it cannot ossibl! bleach an!thing* Eut she sa!s e"er!thing with such confidence+ that she knows when she cannot know* Something that cannot do what a bleach should do+ cannot be a bleach* Vinegar is a weak solution of acetic acid+ which in much stronger mixtures+ is used to clean toilets and other messes* (re we going to sa! then that "inegar is a toilet cleaner and =uit using it for cooking? Fikewise baking soda+ sodium bicarbonate+ is used in small amounts for baking // do we =uit using it for baking because it is used in large amounts to clean toilets? Chlorine dioxide is used for thousands of things in our societ!+ mostl! in industr!* It is used in hos itals to sterili,e the floors and benches+ it is used in stock !ards to urif! the beef+ once

slaughtered* It was used in go"ernment buildings to kill anthrax* It is used throughout the AS to urif! water* ( search of the literature will turn u hundreds of these things in an! cit!* One of the things is that it might ha"e been used somewhere as an industrial bleach for an industrial rocess but that would ha"e to be a solution -... times stronger than that of MMS* #he fact is howe"er+ that MMS has ne"er been used in homes an!where in the world as a bleach of an! kind* (nd so what if it has been used as a bleach // does that somehow change the chemistr! of it? Once a critic s ends a few hours stud!ing the chemistr! of MMS+ the! sim l! ha"e to gi"e u being a critic as the! find that we remain with the chemistr! to the technolog!* Chemistr! is chemistr! and the laws of chemistr! are often as well defined as gra"it!* So lease+ if !ou know a critic that is unintentionall! s reading misinformation+ lease ask him to s end some time stud!ing the literature / or+ the chemistr! of chlorine dioxide* It will be good for all of us* 9ef* 5?6 Oxidation as use to kill microorganisms) Chlorine dioxide kills most microorganisms through the rocess of oxidation* Oxidation is not alwa!s understood+ with man! eo le thinking that oxidation is the rocess of adding ox!gen to other substances* #hat is not the case* Oxidation is the rocess b! which substances are destro!ed* #he electrons that hold a substance together are ulled off b! the oxidi,ing chemical and thus the substance then comes a art+ which of course+ destro!s it* Chlorine dioxide is uni=ue in the chemical world because the chlorine dioxide molecule has a chemical characteristic that changes and makes it selecti"e for athogens* #he change ha ens when the chlorine dioxide molecule ulls one electron from a athogen+ which normall! is not enough to damage the athogen+ but that electron then comes o"er to the chlorine dioxide molecule and changes it to a greater strength+ which then allows it to ull 0 more electrons from the athogen* When this ha ens a thousand times or a hundred thousand times+ the athogen is destro!ed+ mainl! because this rocess blows a hole in the side of the athogen* 9ef* 5@6 ;ust for !our information+ there is another oxidation rocess which is called CchlorinationC+ which in"ol"es the chlorine coming o"er and combining with the item to be oxidi,ed+ thus making new com ounds* When this ha ens with chlorination+ man! times+ one of the new com ounds because of the chlorine in"ol"ed+ is carcinogenic 5cancer causing6* #his information is 8ust added for reference* Chlorination has nothing to do with MMS+ but it might confuse some of the critics who ha en to use Clorox bleach in their laundr!* Eut again+ chlorination has nothing to do with MMS* 9ef* 5@6 Killing Viruses) In the cases of "iruses+ oxidation is not the rocess* When chlorine dioxide is resent in the en"ironment of the "irus+ the s ecial roteins of which the "irus is constructed+ are re"ented from forming* #he "irus cannot grow+ and thus it dies* &rom ex eriments it a ears that it takes a "irus se"eral hours+ and u to se"eral da!s of the resence of chlorine dioxide before it dies* 9ef* 5H6 Oxidation potential) #he chemical ClO$ is a weak oxidi,er with an oxidation otential of *I4 "olts* #he oxidation otential determines the strength of the abilit! of an oxidi,er+ to oxidi,e other com ounds* Chlorine dioxide is the weakest of all the oxidi,ers that are e"er used in the human bod!* &or !our reference+ ox!gen has an oxidation otential of -*$H "olts+ h!drogen eroxide has an oxidation otential of -*H. "olts+ and the strongest oxidi,er e"er used in the bod!+ o,one+ has an oxidation otential of $*.? "olts* 9ef* 5?6 5(n!

good chemistr! manual will show !ou that there are onl! a small number of oxidi,ers* #he onl! ones that could ossibl! be used in the bod! / are the 0 listed here in this aragra h*6 Why the chlorine dioxide does not harm the body) Chlorine dioxide has the weakest oxidation otential 5*I4 "olts6 of all the oxidi,ers* Ox!gen has the next highest oxidation otentials of -*$H "olts* #hose oxidation otentials of *I4 and -*$H "olts can do "er! little damage to the human bod!* #his is because these "oltages cannot o"ercome the o osing oxidation otentials in the human cells and tissues* (nd as !ou can see+ if ox!gen does "er! little or no damage+ then the lesser oxidation "oltage of chlorine dioxide is not likel! to do an! damage at all* 9ef* 576 Chlorine 'ioxide is highl! selecti"e and does not harm stomach and intestine useful microorganisms) Chlorine dioxide is highl! selecti"e for athogens that cause diseases in the bod!+ and does not kill the "arious useful flora of the stomach and intestines* #his is due to the uni=ue ro erties of the chlorine dioxide molecule* %lease see se"eral ex lanations gi"en in the references* 9ef* 5H6+ 5I6 Why chlorine dioxide is more effecti e than oxygen) Ox!gen does kill athogens when it contacts them+ but ox!gen has other 8obs in the bod! as well* It oxidi,es "arious bod! oisons generated during the course of the da!* #hese oisons ha"e an oxidi,ation otential that allows ox!gen to destro! them+ but ox!gen becomes neutrali,ed in the rocess of destro!ing the oisons / of which there are man!* (s the oisons are often released dee in the tissues+ the! work their wa! outward and ox!gen destro!s them b! working its wa! inward towards the oisons* When the! meet+ the oison is destro!ed and the ox!gen is neutrali,ed* 2owe"er+ because chlorine dioxide does not destro! much of the oisons that ox!gen does destro!+ it can go dee er into the tissues where man! of the athogens hide from the ox!gen+ because the ox!gen is used u b! the oisons before it reaches the athogens* Eut since the chlorine dioxide is not used u b! these articular oisons+ it can go much dee er into the tissues and thus the athogens cannot hide from the chlorine dioxide* Chlorine dioxide has $*4 times more ca acit! to kill athogens than ox!gen* What this means is that a small amount of chlorine dioxide is e=ual to a much larger amount of ox!gen and other oxidi,ers* It ma! not be as strong+ but it has a larger ca acit! to do what it does* 9ef* 5?6 !reatment of diseases and training) (ctuall! / we donGt consider that we treat diseases* We belie"e that our roduct MMS brings health to all+ and es eciall! those who are sick* With the thousands of testimonies with most known diseases re resented+ we belie"e that MMS brings health to those who are sick regardless of what the! ma! be sick from* <ach erson is ex ected to know and use MMS for himself+ and his children* We ha"e the literature and we ro"ide seminars that co"ers MMS data thoroughl!+ gi"ing each student the o ortunit! to do each rotocol so that he knows it* #he data is ro"ided online+ and man! different emails addresses bring in hundreds of letters dail! that are answered so that eo le can use MMS safel!* Our church+ the Denesis $ Church of 2ealth J 2ealing+ has more than 0.. Ministers of 2ealth J 2ealing and 74 Eisho s of 2ealth J 2ealing 5as of .@*$.-$6* #hese Ministers and Eisho s hel s an!one who might ask them+ with information on how to use MMS+ and oftenl! ro"iding the MMS for free*

MMS") MMS$ is made from calcium h! ochlorite+ which is a water urifier used for swimming ools and man! other water urification uses / including some ublic water works* When calcium h! ochlorite is dissol"ed in water+ it becomes h! ochlorous acid with the formula of 2OCl* #his formula means that one atom of h!drogen+ one atom of ox!gen+ and one atom of chlorine is held together with electrons+ creating a molecule of this acid* 3ormall! this acid+ h! ochlorous acid+ will do most of the things that MMS will do* It is usuall! used in combination with MMS in bringing health to those with what is normall! called incurable diseases* It has consistentl! been ro"en that MMS$ aids the action of MMS 5MMS-6 towards health* #he h! ochlorous acid molecule is an oxidi,er that is a little bit more owerful than ox!gen* It can ull $ electrons awa! from a substance that is oxidi,able* #hese electrons then come o"er and destro! the balance of the electrons of the h! ochlorous acid which destro!s it+ releasing all the com onents which+ are of course+ 2OCl* #he 2 5h!drogen atom6 8ust becomes art of the water of the bod!+ the Cl 5chlorine atom6 becomes art of the salt in the bod!+ and the O 5ox!gen atom6 then acts as what it is+ an oxidi,er+ and it will then draw two more electrons from the oxidi,able substance which could be a athogenGs side* When this ha ens in the thousands of times+ a hole is created in the side of the athogen / and the athogen dies* #he electrons that are drawn from the athogen come back to the ox!gen / causing it to become neutrali,ed and then+ e"entuall!+ breathed out of the bod! as carbon dioxide* 9ef* 5-.6 #roof that $%& does not consider chlorine dioxide poisonous) Ob"iousl!+ if the &'( a ro"es of the use of chlorine dioxide on food+ it does not consider chlorine dioxide to be oisonous* See below) 9ef* 5-6+ and 5$6 5'6 "' C($()( * '+,(,-- Chlorine dioxide* #itle $- / &ood and 'rugs I ha"e =uoted the &'( regulation here in a few sentences+ but if !ou want to read more+ 8ust ut the $- C*&*9* and numbers in the search engine+ Doogle or others+ and !ou can read it all* Kee in mind that (cidified Sodium chlorite roduces chlorine dioxide* !itle "'. $ood and %rugs %(9# -?7KS<CO3'(9: 'I9<C# &OO' (''I#IV<S %<9MI##<' I3 &OO' &O9 2AM(3 CO3SAM%#IO3 5backu mirror6 Sub art 'KS ecific Asage (dditi"es 5backu mirror6 Erowse 3ext 5backu mirror6 5"6 "' (C($() * '+,(,-- Chlorine dioxide* Chlorine dioxide 5C(S 9eg* 3o* -..0I>.0>06 ma! be safel! used in food in accordance with the following rescribed conditions) "' C($()( '+,(,"/ &cidified sodium chlorite solutions* C2(%#<9 I) &OO' (3' '9AD ('MI3IS#9(#IO3+ '<%(9#M<3# O& 2<(F#2 (3' 2AM(3 S<9VIC<S 5CO3#I3A<'6

SAEC2(%#<9 E) &OO' &O9 2AM(3 CO3SAM%#IO3 5CO3#I3A<'6 %(9# -?7) S<CO3'(9: 'I9<C# &OO' (''I#IV<S %<9MI##<' I3 &OO' &O9 2AM(3 CO3SAM%#IO3 Sub art ') S ecific Asage (dditi"es -?7*7$4 / (cidified sodium chlorite solutions* (cidified sodium chlorite solutions ma! be safel! used in accordance with the following rescribed conditions) 9<(' MO9< E: DOI3D #O #2< I3#<93<# (3' %A##I3D #2< C*&*9* L ?7*7.. 3AME<9 I3#O DOODF<* 5,6 htt )MMwww*ncbi*nlm*nih*go"M mcMarticlesM%MC-4@I.$?M dfMen"h er..0@7/..4I* df Controlled Clinical 0 aluations of Chlorine %ioxide1 Chlorite and Chlorate in Man* #his is a re ort of a test where eo le were gi"en Chlorine dioxide for months with no bad effects* Co ! and aste in the internet address area if it doesnGt work b! click* E! ;udith9* Fubbers+NSudha Chauan+Nand ;ose h 9* Eianchine 5backu mirror6 526 Masschelein+ W*;* and 9ice+ 9*D* editors* 5-I?I6 Chlorine 'ioxide Chemistr! and <n"ironmental Im act of Ox!chlorine Com ounds* (nn (rbor Science %ublishers+ Inc*+ (nn (rbor+ MI* *IH+ ---/-04*

5/6 htt )MMwww*clordis!s*comMWhatIsC'* df What is Chlorine 'ioxide? Where is it used? 2ow does it work? #his is a write u b! a com an! that has been using chlorine dioxide for more than $. !ears* It gi"es details about chlorine dioxide* 5backu mirror6 536 htt )MMchemistr!*about*comModMchemistr!glossar!MgMOxidation/'efinition*htm #here are man! definitions of oxidation on the internet* Some are artl! wrong and some are dead wrong* #he one gi"en here is correct* So click this link for more information on oxidation* 5backu mirror6 5+6 htt )MMwww*e a*go"MogwdwMmdb M dfMalterMcha tO0* df #he <%P( 5<n"ironmental %rotection (genc!6 s onsors a long accurate article concerning chlorine dioxide and its chemistr!* 5backu mirror6 #40&S0 5O!0) #2< &OFFOWI3D %(9(D9(%2S 2(V< E<<3 CO%I<' &9OM #2< <%( (9#ICF< #2(# C(3 E< S<<3 (# #2< (EOV< (''9<SS* #2< A3'<9FI3<' S<3#<3C<S (9< O& S%<CI(F I3#<9<S# #O MMS* 2(' Chlorine %ioxide Chemistry 0*-*- Oxidation %otential #he metabolism of microorganisms and conse=uentl! their abilit! to sur"i"e and ro agate are influenced b! the oxidation reduction otential 5O9%6 of the medium in which it li"es 5AS<%(+ -II@6*

Chlorine dioxide 5ClO$6 is a neutral com ound of chlorine in the QIV oxidation state* It disinfects b! oxidationB howe"er+ it does not chlorinate* It is a relati"el! small+ "olatile+ and highl! energetic molecule+ and a free radical e"en while in dilute a=ueous solutions* (t high concentrations+ it reacts "iolentl! with reducing agents* 2owe"er+ it is stable in dilute solution in a closed container in the absence of light 5(WW(+ -II.6* Chlorine dioxide functions as a highl! selecti"e oxidant due to its uni=ue+ one/electron transfer mechanism where it is reduced to chlorite 5ClO$/6 52oehn et al*+ -II@6* #he Ka for the chlorite ion+ chlorous acid e=uilibrium+ is extremel! low at 2 -*H* #his is remarkabl! different from the h! ochlorous acidMh! ochlorite base ion air e=uilibrium found near neutralit!+ and indicates the chlorite ion will exist as the dominant s ecies in drinking water* #he oxidation reduction of some ke! reactions are 5C9C+ -II.6) ClO$5a=6 Q e R ClO$ Other im ortant half reactions are) ClO$ Q $2$O Q0e R Cl Q 0O2 ClO7 Q 2$O Q $e R ClO$ Q $O2 ClO7 Q $2Q Q e R ClO$ Q 2$O <S R .*I40V <S R .*?@V <S R .*77V <S R -*-4$V

5#he < with the little ,ero in the first e=uation abo"e is the oxidation otential of chlorine dioxide which is *I40 "olts*6 2(2(' Inacti ation Mechanisms Dross h!sical damage to bacterial cells or "iral ca sids has not been obser"ed at the low concentrations of chlorine dioxide t! icall! used to disinfect drinking water* #herefore+ studies ha"e focused rimaril! on two more subtle mechanisms that lead to the inacti"ation of microorganisms) determining s ecific chemical reactions between chlorine dioxide and biomoleculesB and obser"ing the effect chlorine dioxide has on h!siological functions* In the first disinfection mechanism+ chlorine dioxide reacts readil! with amino acids c!steine+ tr! to han+ and t!rosine+ but not with "iral ribonucleic acid 593(6 53oss et al*+ -IH7B Oli"ier et al*+ -IH46* &rom this research+ it was concluded that chlorine dioxide inacti"ated "iruses b! altering the "iral ca sid roteins* 2owe"er+ chlorine dioxide reacts with olio"irus 93( and im airs 93( s!nthesis 5(l"are, and OGErien+ -IH$6* It has also been shown that chlorine dioxide reacts with free fatt! acids 5Dhandbari et al*+ -IH76* (t this time+ it is unclear whether the rimar! mode of inacti"ation for chlorine dioxide lies in the eri heral structures or nucleic acids* %erha s reactions in both regions contribute to athogen inacti"ation 2(2(,(, Virus Inacti ation Chlorine dioxide has been shown to be an effecti"e "iricide* Faborator! studies ha"e shown that inacti"ation efficienc! im ro"es when "iruses are in a single state rather than clum ed* It was re orted in -I0@ that chlorine dioxide inacti"ated %oliom!elitis 59idenour and Ingols+ -I0@6* #his in"estigation also showed that chlorine dioxide and free chlorine !ielded similar results* Other studies ha"e "erified these findings for olio"irus - 5Cronier et al*+ -I?H6 and Coxsackie "irus (I 5Scar ino+ -I?I6* (t greater than neutral 2s 5where h! ochlorite ion is the redominant s ecies6 chlorine dioxide has been found to be su erior to chlorine in the inacti"ation of numerous "iruses such as echo"irus ?+ coxsackie "irus E7+ and sendai"irus 5Smith and McVe!+ -I?76* Sobse! 5-IIH6 determined C# "alues based on a

stud! of 2e atitis ( "irus+ strain 2M -?4* #he stud! found 0/log inacti"ation le"els are obtainable at C# "alues of less than 74 at 4SC and less than -. at a tem erature of $4SC* 566 htt )MMwww*lenntech*comM rocessesMdisinfectionMchemicalMdisinfectants/chlorine/ dioxide*htmTix,,.wDUVW&WF Fenntech is one of the largest industrial com anies s eciali,ing in chlorine dioxide technolog! of all kinds* %lease use this article to learn the data of wh! chlorine dioxide is selecti"e for certain microorganism and not others* 5backu mirror6 #he aragra hs below ha"e been co ied from the Fenntech article found at the abo"e address* 9ead the full article at the abo"e address or 8ust the a licable oints below) E! com aring the oxidation strength and oxidation ca acit! of different disinfectants+ one can conclude that chlorine dioxide is effecti"e at low concentrations* Chlorine dioxide is not as reacti"e as o,one or chlorine and it onl! reacts with sul huric substances+ amines and some other reacti"e organic substances* In com arison to chlorine and o,one+ less chlorine dioxide is re=uired to obtain an acti"e residual disinfectant* It can also be used when a large amount of organic matter is resent* 5added comment+ the human bod! is organic matter that does not trigger chlorine dioxide6 #he oxidation strength describes how strongl! an oxidi,er reacts with an oxidi,able substance* O,one has the highest oxidation strength and reacts with e"er! substance that can be oxidi,ed* Chlorine dioxide is weak+ it has a lower otential than h! ochlorous acid or h! obromous acid* #he oxidation ca acit! shows how man! electrons are transferred at an oxidation or reduction reaction* #he chlorine atom in chlorine dioxide has an oxidation number of Q0* &or this reason chlorine dioxide acce ts 4 electrons when it is reduced to chloride* When we look at the molecular weight+ chlorine dioxide contains $@7 1 Ga"ailable chlorineGB this is more than $+4 times the oxidation ca acit! of chlorine* !able ". the oxidation potentials of arious oxidants* oxidant o,one 5O76 h!drogen eroxide 52$O$6 h! ochlorous acid 52OCl6 h! obromous acid 52OEr6 chlorine dioxide 5ClO$6 oxidation strength $+.? -+?H -+0I -+77 .+I4 oxidation ca acit! $ e/ $ e/ $ e/ $ e/ 4 e/

'oes chlorine dioxide oxidi,e in the same wa! as chlorine? Contrar! to chlorine+ chlorine dioxide does not react with ammonia nitrogen 53276 and hardl! reacts with elementar! amines* It does oxidi,e nitrite 53.$6 to nitrate 53O76* It does not react b! breaking carbon connections* 3o minerali,ation of organic substances takes lace* (t neutral 2 or at high 2 "alues+ sul huric acid 52$SO76 reduces chlorine dioxide to chlorite ions 5ClO$/6* Ander alkalic circumstances chlorine dioxide is broken down to chlorite and chlorate 5ClO7/6 ) $ClO$ Q $O2/ R 2$O Q ClO7/ Q ClO$/ #his reaction is catal!,ed b! h!drogen 52Q6 ions* #he half life of water! solutions of chlorine dioxide decreases at increasing 2 "alues* (t low 2+ chlorine dioxide is reduced to chloride ions 5Cl/ 6*

576 htt )MMwww*cdgen"ironmental*comMcontentMchemistr! #his is an article ex laining chlorine dioxide and the selecti"e abilit! of chlorine dioxide to select certain organisms o"er others* C'D <n"ironmental is one of the largest users and sellers of chlorine dioxide* 5backu mirror6 5'-6 htt )MMwww* uricore*comMtechnolog!Ohumanbod!*as x #his article tells how the MMS$ or h! ochlorous acid works in the bod! to kill diseases* #he bod! alwa!s needs extra h! ochlorous acid and although some critics ha"e =uestioned this+ the fact is+ the chemical in the bod! from which h! ochlorous acids is deri"ed is called m!elo eroxidase* #his chemical has long been known to be deficient in man! eo le* So this fact can be "erified b! sim l! utting m!elo eroxidase into the google search engine* 5backu mirror6

8elpful links 9MMS:) / 8imhumble*bi,Mhel ful/links/mms*html /

/ 8imhumble*bi,MfilesM2el fulOFinksOMMSO/OMasterOMineralOSolution*doc /

%ownload this article in its original (doc format) htt )MM8imhumble*bi,MfilesMEasicOScienceOofOMMSOChlorineO'ioxide*doc

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