COIN's Financial School (1894)

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W: H?fHA:

of rs*
Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1894, by the COIN PUBLISH-
NG COMPANY in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C.




BUT Primary Money only


To TThose =

Trying to locate the seat of

the disease that threatens the

life of the nation, this book is


At the Christian era the metallic money of the Roman empire

amounted to $1,800,000,000. By the end of the fifteenth century
it had shrunk to {200,000,000. (Dr. Adam Smith informs us that
in 1455 the price of wheat in England was two pence per bushel.)
Population dwindled, and commerce, arts, wealth and freedom all
disappeared. The people were reduced by poverty and misery to
the most degraded conditions of serfdom and slavery. The disin-
tegration of society was almost complete. History records no such
disastrous transition as that from the Roman empire to the dark
ages. The discovery of the New World by Columbus, restored the
volume of precious metals, brought with it rising prices, enabled
society to reunite its shattered links, shake off the shackles of
feudalism, and to relight and uplift the almost extinguished torch
of civilization. Report U. S. Monetary Commission 0/1878.


The New World in 1893 celebrated the discovery of America by

Columbus, during a period of depression brought about by the
destruction by law of one-half the precious metals as primary
money. So blighting and destructive is the effect, the people are
being reduced to poverty and misery; the conditions of life are so
hard that individual selfishness is the only thing consistent with
the instinct of self-preservation; all public spirit, all generous
emotions, all the noble aspirations of man, are shriveling up and
disappearing as the volume of primary money shrinks and as
prices fall. Honest labor seeks employment it cannot find, and
hungry and shelterless, our unemployed are seen daily around the
Columbus statue, without hope and in despair.


So much uncertainty prevailing about the many facts

connected with the monetary question, very few are able
to intelligently understand the subject.
Hard times are with us the country is distracted
; ;

very few things are marketable at a price above the cost

of production tens of thousands are out of employment
; ;

the jails, penitentiaries, workhouses and insane asylums

are full ;
the gold reserve at Washington is sinking the ;

government is running at a loss with a deficit in every

department a huge debt hangs like an appalling cloud


over the country taxes have assumed the importance


of a mortgage, and 50 per cent of the public revenues

are likely to go delinquent hungered and half-starved

men are banding into armies and marching toward

Washington ;
the cry of distress is heard on every hand ;

business is paralyzed ;
commerce is at a standstill ;
and strikes prevail throughout the land schemes to ;

remedy our illswhen put into execution are smashed

like box-cars in a railroad wreck, and Wall street looks
in vain for an excuse to account for the failure of pros-

perity to return since the repeal of the silver purchase


It is a time for wisdom and sound sense to take the

helm, and COIN, a young financier living in Chicago,

acting upon such a suggestion, established a school of

finance to instruct the youths of the nation, with a view

to their having a clear understanding of what has been
considered an abstruse subject ;
to lead them out of the
labyrinth of falsehoods, heresies and isms that distract
the country.



The school opened on the yth day of May, 1894.

There was a good attendance, and the large hall
selected in the Art Institute was comfortably full. Sons

of merchants and bankers, in fact all classes of business,

were well represented. Journalists, however, predomi-
nated. COIN stepped on to the platform, looking the
smooth little financier that he is, and said :

"I am pleased to see such a large attendance. It

indicates a desire to learn and master a subject that has
baffled your fathers. The reins of the government will
soon be placed in your hands, and its future will be
molded by your honesty and intelligence.
I ask you to accept nothing from me that does not
stand the analysis of reason that you will freely ask

questions and pass criticisms, and if there is any one

present who believes that all who differ from him are
lunatics and fools, he is requested to vacate his seat and
leave the room."
The son of Editor Scott, of the Chicago Herald, here
arose and walked out. COIN paused a moment, and
then continued: "My object will be to teach you the
A, B, C of the questions about money that are now a
matter of every-day conversation.


In money there must be a unit. In arithmetic, as
you are aware, you are taught what a unit is. Thus, I
make here on the blackboard the figure 1. That, in
arithmetic, is a unit. All countings are sums or multi-
ples of that unit. A unit, therefore, in mathematics, was
a necessity as a basis to start from. In making money
it was equally as necessary to establish a unit. The

constitution gave the Congress to coin money

power to

and regulate the value thereof. Congress adopted silver

and gold as money. It then proceeded to fix the unit.
"That is, it then fixed what should constitute
one dollar, the same thing that the mathematician did

when he fixed one figure from which all others should

be counted. Congress fixed the monetary unit to consist
f 37 r
/^ grains of pure silver, and provided for a certain


amount of mixed with it to
alloy (baser metals) to be
give it greater hardness and durability. This was in
1792, in the days of Washington and Jefferson and our
revolutionary forefathers, who had a hatred of England,

and an intimate knowledge of her designs on this

"They hadfought eight long years for their inde-
pendence from British domination in this country, and
when they had seen the last red-coat leave our shores,
they settled down to establish a permanent government,
and among the things they did was to make 371/4^

grains of silver the unit of values. That much silver

was to constitute a dollar. And each dollar was a unit.
They then provided for all other money to be counted
from this unit of a silver dollar. Hence, dimes, quar-
ters and half-dollars were exact fractional parts of the
dollar so fixed.
"Gold was made money, but its value was counted
from these silver units or dollars. The ratio between
silver and gold was fixed at 1 5 to i and afterward at 1 6

to i. So that in making gold coins their relative weight

was regulated by this ratio.
" This continued to be the law
up to 1873. During
that long period, the unit of values was never changed
and always contained 37 1^ grains of pure silver.
While that was the law it was impossible for any one to

say that the silver in a silver dollar was only worth 47

cents, or any other number of cents less than 100 cents,

or a dollar. For it was itself the unit of values. While
that was the law it would have been as absurd to say
that the silver in a silver dollar was only worth 47 cents,
as it would be to say that this figure 1 which I have
on the blackboard is only forty-seven one-hundredths
of one.
' '
When the ratiowas changed from 1 5 to i to 1 6 to
i the silver dollar or unit was left the same size and the

gold dollar was made smaller. The latter was changed

from 24.7 grains to 23.2 grains pure gold, thus making

it smaller. This occurred in 1834. The silver dollar

stillremained the unit and continued so until 1873.
Both were legal tender in the payment of all debts,
and the mints were open to the coinage of all that
came. So that up to 1873, we were on what was known
as a bimetallic basis, but what was in fact a silver basis,
with gold as a companion metal enjoying the same
privileges as silver, except that silver fixed the unit,
and the value of gold was regulated by it. This was
"Our showed much wisdom in selecting
silver, of thetwo metals, out of which to make the unit.
Much depended on this decision. For the one selected
to represent the unit would thereafter be unchangeable
in value. That is, the metal in it could never be worth
less than a dollar, for it would be the unit of value
itself. The demand for silver in the arts or for money by
other nations might make the quantity of silver in a sil-
ver dollar sell for more than a dollar, but it could never
be worth less than a dollar. L,ess than itself.

"Inconsidering which of these two metals they

would thus favor by making it the unit, they were led to
adopt silver because it was the most reliable. It was the
most favored as money by the people. It was scattered
among all the people. Men having a design to injure
business by making money scarce, could not so easily get
hold of all the silver and hide it away, as they could
gold. This was the principal reason that led them to
the conclusion to select silver, the more stable of the
two metals, upon which to fix the unit. It was so much
handled by the people and preferred by them, that it was
called the people's money.
Gold was considered the money of the rich. It was
owned principally by that class of people, and the poor
Of TH3

people seldom handled it, and the very poor people sel-
dom ever saw any of it."


Here young Medill, of the Chicago Tribune, held up
his hand, which indicated that he had something to say
or wished to ask a question. COIN paused and asked
him what he wanted.
He arose in his seat and said that his father claimed
that we had been on a gold basis ever since 1837,
that prior to 1873 there never had been but eight mil-
lion dollars of silver coined. Here young Wilson, of the
Farm Field and Fireside, said he wanted to ask, who

owns the Chicago Tribune f

COIN tapped the little bell on the table to restore
order, and ruled the last question out, as there was one
already before the house by Mr. Medill.
Prior to 1873," said COIN, " there were one hundred
and five millions of silver coined by the United States
and eight million of this was in silver dollars. When
your father said that 'only eight million dollars in silver*
had been coined, he meant to say that only eight mil-

lion silver dollars had been coined.' He also neglected

to say that is he forgot to state, that ninety-seven
millions had been coined into dimes, quarters and halves.
''About one hundred millions of foreign silver had
found its way into this country prior to 1860. It was
principally Spanish, Mexican and Canadian coin. It
had all been made legal tender in the United States by
act of Congress. We needed more silver than we had,
and Congress passed laws making all foreign silver coins
legal tender in this country. I will read you one of these
laws all through the statutes prior to
they are scattered
1873." Here COIN picked up a copy of the laws of the

United States relating to loans and the currency, coinage

and banking, published at Washington. He said " A :

copy could be obtained by any one on writing to the

Treasury Department."
He then read from page 240, as follows :

" And
be it further enacted, That from and after the passage ot
this act, the following foreign silver coins shall pass current as

money within the United States, and be receivable by tale, for the
payment of
to say

Bolivia, etc.

all debts and demands, at the rates following, that is
the Spanish pillar dollars, and the dollars of Mexico, Peru

account of the scarcity of silver, both Jefferson

and Jackson recommended that dimes, quarters and
halves would serve the people better than dollars, until
more silver bullion could be obtained. This was the
reason why only about eight million of the one hundred
and five million of silver were coined into dollars.
During this struggle to get more silver,'* continued

COIN, France made a bid for it by establishing a ratio
of 15^2 to i, and as our ratio was 16 to i, this made silver

in France worth $1.03^ when exchanged for gold, and as

gold would answer the same purpose as silver for money,

it was found that our silver was leaving us. So Congress

in 1853, had our fractional silver coins made of light

weight to prevent their being exported.

So that we had prior to 1873 one hundred and five
millions of silver coined by us, and about one hundred
million of foreign silver coin, or about two hundred and
five million dollars in silver in the United States, and
were doing all we could to get more and to hold on to
what we had. Thus silver and gold were the measure of
values. It should be remembered that no silver or gold
was in circulation between 1860 and 1873. Two hundred
and five millions were in circulation before 1861."

Then looking at young Medill, COIN asked him if he

had answered his question. The young journalist
turned red in the face and hung his
head, while young
Wilson muttered something about Englishmen owning
the Tribune.


Young Scott was seen entering the room he was ;

carrying in his hand a book. He stopped and ad-

dressed COIN, sayhig that he wished to apologize for
his conduct, and was now here to stay if permitted to
do so.
COIN told him that so long as he accorded to others
the right to entertain views different from his, his name
would be kept on the roll as a student at the Financial f '

" I am informed
Thereupon Mr. Scott said: that
you have stated that silver was the unit of value prior
to 1873 that this unit was composed of 371
J grains of %
pure silver or 412 grains of standard silver. I want Now
to know if it is not a fact that both gold and silver at
that time were each the unit in its own measurement ?

And that we had

a double measurement of values, which
was liable to separate and part company at any time ?
And when the metals did separate, was not the effect
like having two yard-sticks of different lengths ? I
wish to call your attention to the statute on page 213 of
the book you read from where it says an eagle or ten-

dollar gold piece is ten units. Does not this indicate

positively that a gold unit was also provided for?"
And with this he sat down looking as proud as a
cannoneer who has just fired a shot that has had deadly
effect inthe enemy's ranks.
COIN had nodded when the proposition of the unit

was stated ;
looked amused at the double unit proposi-
tion advanced, and now replied " The law I referred to

this morning was passed April 2, 1792, and remained

the law till 1873. You will find it in my valuable Hand-
book. I now read it from the United States Statutes :

"Dollars or units, each to be of the value of a Spanish milled

dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred
and seventy-one grains and four-sixteenth parts of a grain of pure,
or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver.

"If you omit the words referring to the Spanish


milled dollar, it will then read Dollars o* units, each


to contain 37 1 grains and 4.-! 6 parts of a grain of pure

" This the statute that fixed the unit and
is is the
only statute on the subject till we come to 1873.
Now, what you referred to is this. It is in section
9, and reads as follows :

"Eagles each to be of the value of ten dollars or units."

" And on
the ratio of 15 to i, fixed in the same act,
this made an
eagle contain 247 grains of pure gold, or
270 gr.ains of standard gold. You will observe that the
law does not say, as you stated, that an 'Eagle or ten-
dollar gold piece is ten units.' It says 'Of the value of :

ten dollars or units' In other words, a ten -dollar gold

piece shall be of the value of ten silver dollars.
"Or to state it in another way: As the law fixed
371^ grains of pure silver as a unit, the quantity of
gold in a gold dollar would be regulated by the ratio
fixed from time to time.
"Now," addressing Mr. Scott, if I have not read
your law right, I want you to say so. This is the place
to settle all questions of fact. Your law does not say a
gold piece has so many units in it, but instead of that, it

does say, the gold pieces are to be of the value of so many

The young journalist from Washington street had
not seen the distinction, and had jumped at conclusions.



When he did see the hole he was in, he leaned over to

Evans of the Economist, who sat next to him, and asked
him to help him out. Evans thought he had mastered
the subject of political economy several years ago, and
had named his paper "The Economist:' He found now,

that he had not gone very deep into the subject. His
text-books had been the Tribune, Herald, Record and
Journal. He did not know that they, too, were getting
their information in about the same way.
So now when his friend Scott was in trouble, he
greatly sympathized with him. But he could not help
him, and was seen to shake his head. Scott sat silently
in his seat.
"You will observe," continued COIN, "that the law
in fixing a dollar or unit does not say, as in the case of

gold, that it shall be of the value of 37 1 ^

grains of silver,
but that the dollar or unit was silver and its quantity
should be 371/4!" grains. The amount of alloy added to
this quantity of pure silver was afterward changed, but
this amount ofpure silver, 371^ grains, has always
remained the same and was the unit of values until

Abright looking kid was now seen standing on a

chair in the back part of the room holding up his hand
and cracking his finger and thumb. He was asked
what he wanted and said :

I want to know what is meant by standard silver ?

' ' ' '

COIN then explained that this meant with the govern-

ment a standard rule for mixing alloy with silver and
gold. And when so mixed is called standard silver or
standard gold. Before it is mixed with the alloy it is
called pure silver or pure gold. The standard of both
gold and silver is such that by 1,000 parts by weight,
900 shall be of pure metal, and 100 of alloy. The alloy
of silver coins is
copper. In gold coins it is copper and
silver, but the silver shall in no case exceed one-tenth of
the whole alloy. Standard silver and standard gold is
the metal when mixed with its alloy.,
"I now think we understand," said COIN, "what

the unit of value was prior to 1873. We had the silver

dollar as the unit. And we had
both gold and silver as
money walking arm in arm into the United States mints.




We now come to the act of 1873," continued COIN.
On February 12, 1873, Congress passed an act pur-

porting to be a revision of the coinage laws. This law


covers 15 pages of our statutes. It repealed the unit

clause in the law of 1792, and in its place substituted a
law in the following language :

" That the

gold coins of the United States shall be a one-dollar
piece which at the standard weight of twenty-five and eight-tenths
grains shall be the unit of value.
' '
It then deprived silver of its right to unrestricted
free coinage, and destroyed it as legal tender money in
the payment of debts, except to the amount of five
dollars. /"<"

"At that time we were all using paper money. No

one was handling silver and gold coins. It was when
specie payments were about to be resumed that the coun-
try appeared to realize what had been done. The news-
papers on the morning of February 13, 1873, and at no
time in the vicinity of that period, had any account of
the change. General Grant, who was President of the
United States at that time, said afterwards, that he had
no idea of it, and would not have signed the bill if he
had known that it demonetized silver.
"In the language of Senator Daniel of Virginia, it
seems to have gone through Congress like the silent

tread of a cat.'
* '
An army of a half million of men invading our
shores, the warships of the world bombarding our coasts,
could not have made us surrender the money of the peo-
ple and substitute in its place the money of the rich. A
few words embraced in fifteen pages of statutes put
through Congress in the rush of bills did it. The pen
was mightier than the sword.
"But we are not here to deal with sentiment. We
are here to learn facts. Plain, blunt facts.
"The law of 1873 made gold the unit of values.
And that is the law to-day. When silver was the unit

of value, gold enjoyed free coinage, and was legal tender

in the payment of all debts. Now things have changed.
Gold is the unit and silver does not enjoy free coinage.


It is refused at the mints. We

might get along with
gold as the unit, if silver enjoyed the same right gold
did prior to 1873. But that right is now denied to sil-
ver. When silver was the unit, the unlimited demand

for gold to coin into money, made the demand as great

as the supply, and this held up the value of gold bullion."
Here Victor F. Lawson, Jr., of the Chicago Even-
ing News, interrupted the little financier with the state-
ment that his paper, the News, had stated time and
again that silver had become so plentiful it had ceased
to be a precious metal. And that this statement be-
lieved by him to be a fact had more to do with his prej-
udice to silver than anything else. And he would like
to know if that was not a fact ?
There is no truth in the statement," replied COIN.
On page 21 of my Handbook you will find a table on
this subject, compiled by Mulhall, the L,ondon statisti-
cian. It gives the quantity of gold and silver in the
world both coined and uncoined at six periods at the
years 1600, 1700, 1800, 1848, 1880, and 1890. It shows
that in 1600 there were 27 tons of silver to one ton of
gold. In 1700, 34 tons of silver to one ton of gold. In
1800, 32 tons of silver to one ton of gold. In 1848, 31
tons of silver to one ton of gold. In 1880, 18 tons of sil-
ver to one ton of gold. In 1890, 18 tons of silver to one
ton of gold.
The United States is producing more silver than it
ever did, or was until recently. But the balance of the
world is producing much less. They are fixing the price
on our silver and taking it away from us, at their price.
The report of the Director of the Mint, published the
other day, shows the world's production of precious
metals last year was gold, $167,917,337 silver, $143,- ;

096,239. So you see the facts are just the opposite of

what you had supposed. Instead of becoming more plen-
tiful, it is less plentiful.
Any one can get the official statistics by writing to
the treasurer at Washington, and asking for his official

book of statistics. Also write to the Director of the

Mint and ask him for his report. If you get no answer
write to your Congressman. These books are furnished
free and you will get them.


" At the time the United States demonetized silver
in February, 1873, silver as measured in gold was
worth $1.02. The argument of depreciated silver could
not then be made. Not one of the arguments that are
now made against silver was then possible. They are
all the bastard children of the crime of 1873.

" It was demonetized secretly, and since then a pow-

erful money trust has used deception and misrepresenta-
tions that have led tens of thousands of honest minds
William Henry Smith, Jr., of the Associated Press,
wanted to know if the size of the gold dollar was ever
changed more than the one time mentioned by COIN,
viz., in 1834.

"Yes," said COIN. "In 1837 it was changed from

23.2 to 23.22. This change of jf^ths was for conven-
ience in calculation, but the change was made in the
gold coin never in the silver dollar (the unit) till 1873.


When the news went out in Chicago at the end of

the day, that COIN, the little financier, had answered

satisfactorily all questions that had been asked him, the

old gold men hooted at it, and said that no one but boys
were there to confront him.
The morning papers except The Times and Record
published a garbled account of what had actually taken
place. The Tribune and Herald were editorially loaded
with abuse.
The editor-in chief ofThe Tribune was a Mr. Van
Benthuysen. He had been told by the owners of that
paper to write an argument in favor of the gold stand-
ard. In an editorial of thirty lines he called bimetallists
fraudulent free si Iverites," " blatant orators/' " blath-
" " "
erskites, thieves," swindlers," "repudiators," "dis-
honest, trickey, brazen charlatans," "malignant luna-
tics," repeating some of these choice epithets several
The next day one of the proprietors called his atten-
and asked him why he did'nt write
tion to this editorial
an argument. His reply was: " Argument! that's
the only argument there is " !

On the morning of the second day when COIN arrived

at the Art Institute, he found the hall full of people,
most of them middle-aged and old men.

He was asked to throw the "school " open to persons

of all ages. This was a move to put a quietus on the
success of the lectures. Knotty questions would be
hurled at him perplexing queries and abstruse proposi-



tions. They would harass him, worry him, and tangle
him, laugh at his dilemma and then say :We told you
' '

so." This was the programme.

COIN consented.

All the seats were filled and many persons were

standing. Perfect order prevailed as COIN began his

"The between silver and gold, said COIN,
prior to 1873, in the United States was fixed at 16 to i,
and for the purposes of coining token silver dollars is
still the ratio. That is, the silver in a silver dollar is
just sixteen times as heavy as the gold in a gold dollar.
Or to reverse it, the gold in a gold dollar is just ieth the
weight of the silver in a silver dollar.
" when the ratio was the gold in
to 1834, 15 to i,

a gold dollar was weight of the silver in a silver

rsth the
dollar. When the ratio was changed to 16 to i, the
quantity of gold in the gold dollar was lessened and made
roth the weight of the silver in a silver dollar.
The quantity of silver in the silver dollar was not
disturbed. being the unit, was respected, and re-
mained the same. The gold dollar was cut down from
24.7 grains pure gold to 23.2 grains of pure gold. So
that nowit is one-sixteenth the weight of the pure

silver (.371^ grains) in the silver dollar. This is what

ratio means."
Mr. Lyuian Gage, president of the First National
Bank of Chicago, interrupted the little speaker.
He had been watching for an opening, and he now
thought he had it, where he could deliver a telling, and
follow it up with a knock-out, blow.
He rose to his feet. All eyes were on him. In Chi-
cago Lyman Gage is at the "top of the heap." His
word law on the subject of finance. <( How does he

happen to be at the head of the largest bank west of

the Alleghanies, if he does not know all about it?"

This is the way the Chicago people reason when their

thinkers are allowed to think.
As a rule they are a very busy set of men. On all
such questions as a National finance policy their 'think-

ers' run automatically.

Such men as Mr. Gage do their
thinking for them. Cities do not breed statesmen.
They breed the specialist. A specialist favors what will

tend to promote his business though it may injure the

business of others. A
statesman must be broad. He
must have a comprehensive appreciation of the interests
of all the people especially the poorer classes. If he
has been a railsplitter at one time, so much the better.
The men who produce the property of the world are
the men whose happiness should be consulted. The men
who handle this property after it is produced have little
regard for the interests of the producers. Their selfish-
ness and greed blind them. Their minds are running in
a groove and they cannot see the rights of others.

Hence, Mr. Gage is a good banker a specialist

but a poor statesman. Lincoln was a good statesman,
but would have made a poor banker.
The audience was mostly in sympathy with Mr.
Gage, except those who had been won over to COIN the
day before.
would like to ask a question," said Mr. Gage.
Proceed," said COIN.
How can you have, at any fixed ratio, the same
' '

commercial value on two separate metals, that are from

' '
time to time varying in the quantity of each produced ?
"This is the stock fallacy of the gold monometal-
' '

lists,"said COIN. "All commercial values are regu-

latedby supply and demand. The commercial value of
any commodity depends on supply and demand. If the
demand for a particular commodity is continuously rising
and the supply does not increase, the commercial value
will continuously rise.
When the mints of the world are thrown open and
the governments say,

will take all the silver and

gold that comes,' an unlimited demand is established.

The supply is limited. Now with an unlimited demand
and a limited supply, there is nothing to stop the com-
mercial value of the two metals going up in the market,
except the governments saying Hold on these met-

als are for money we fix the value at which they

circulate. This unlimited demand is for silver at $i for
371^ grains, and $i for 23 2-10 grains of gold we
stamp these into dollars respectively in those quan-
While an unlimited demand has been established,
the point at which the supply can take advantage of that
demand is fixed. And the demand pulls them both
plumb up to that point. At 16 to i and 371^ grains of

silver as the unit, the commercial value of 37 1^ grains of

pure silver a dollar, and an ounce of silver is worth

$i 29 29- 100, and 23 2- 10 grains of gold is worth a dollar,


and an ounce of gold would be worth $20.68 64-100.

"I will illustrate it," and as COIN said this he
quickly drew on the blackboard behind him the picture
of two hands each drawing a cord through a hole in a
beam of wood with blocks on the ends of the cords.

Now," said COIN, as he leaned over and borrowed
from Mr. Owen F. Aldis his cane, and pointing at the
drawing on the blackboard, continued: "The hand
drawing on the cord represents the power of unlimited
demand the beam represents the price at which the
demand stops and the two little blocks on the ends of
the cords, as close up against the beam as they can get,
represent silver and gold.
The demand is represented by the two hands if the ;

one on the silver cord should relax its pull, the little
wood block representing silver would drop down. The

unlimited demand for one metal (silver) was taken away

the unlimiteddemand for the other metal (gold) was
continued. The whole disturbance since then has come
from the demand being taken away from silver."
Mr. Gage had remained standing for a time, then
resumed his scat, and became interested.
COIN continuing, said :

England demonetized silver in 1816, but as Ger-
many, France and the L,atin Union, and the United
States had their mints open to the free coinage of silver
and gold, the demand thuscieated wassufficient to main-
tain the parity (equal value) of the two metals, and the
action of England had no effect on the price of silver.
"No one in England would part with his silver for
less than an equal value in gold, when he could cross
the channel into France and get an even exchange so
the price of silver as measured in gold was during all the
years prior to 1873 substantially at par in England and
the world over.
"The United States closed its mints to silver and
made gold the sole measurement of values in February,

Germany followed and passed the same law in July,
1873. The action of these two large nations caused a
drop in the commercial value of silver as measured in
gold of 2 per cent by the end of that year.
"France and the Latin Union closed their mints to
the free coinage of silver in January, 1874, and by the
end of that year silver as measured in gold had declined
4 per cent.
4 '
Then came the gradual breaking down of the com-
mercial price of silver as measured in the new standard
gold and acts were passed tending to this end. Among
them were the acts of 1876 stopping the coinage of the

trade dollars by which we were supplying China and

the Orient with coin, and the law in 1878 authorizing and
sanctioning notes, bonds and mortgages, to be taken
payable in gold only. This latter is a clause in the Bland-
Allison act, a copy of which can be found in COIN'S
HAND BOOK, or can be obtained from any of your con-
gressmen. It discriminates against all our other forms
of money and allows the creditor to dictate that his cred-
its shall be payable in gold.
These acts have been followed up by the declared
policy of the government to redeem all other money, in-
cluding silver, in gold.
* '
The same
class of legislation was simultaneously in

progress in Europe, so that by the summer of 1893 s ^'

ver had declined 35 per cent. Then came the closing of
the mints of India to silver and the decline increased to
50 percent.
Comparing the prices," continued COIN, ".of the
relative commercial values of the two metals for the
whole world, Mr. Sauerbeck, an English statistician, has
prepared a table showing the value of silver as measured
in gold for 19 years before and 19 years subsequent to

1873. The table expresses it in index numbers. It is

London quotations.
" "
I have these tables printed," said COIN, and will
cause them to be distributed among you."
Little boys then went through the school and gave
every one a copy of the table.
COIN waited till the tables were distributed and then,
looking straight at Mr. Gage, he said :

"You will see from this table that during the 19

years prior to 1873, while free coinage was the law in

the nations I have named, the commercial value of

silver in the London market in gold standard Eng-


from 1873
back to 1854.

the least effect on the relative commercial value of the

two metals.
Mr. Mulhall, the L,ondon Statistician, has compiled
statisticsshowing the relative quantity of silver and
gold in the world at different periods, and his figures are
substantiated by the official reports of the governments
of the world from which they were taken.
"He gives the relative quantity in 1848, 1880 and
1890, but does not give it at any other date between
these periods. But taking the dates he does give, we
find that in 1848 there were 31 tons of silver to i ton of

gold in the world. In 1880, 18 tons of silver to i ton

of gold. In 1890, 18 tons of silver to i ton of gold.
as the relative supply cf silver to gold was

decreasing from 1848 to 1880, then this decrease was in

progress between 1854 and 1872, and yet during this
oeriod it had no effect on the relative value of the two
. letals.
If Mr. Sauerbeck's table was extended back to

1848 or to 1792, the variation in it would be no greater

than existed between 1854 to 1872.
" And
yet we find that there were 31 tons of silver in
1848 to i ton of gold a large over-production of sil-
ver as compared with gold. Using the official figures
given by Mr. Mulhall, and estimating from them, the
proportion in 1872 was 19 tons of silver to i of gold.
The production of silver had become materially less as
compared with gold, and yet through all these years
from 1848 to 1872, there was no difference in the com-
mercial value of the two metals that would not be ac-
counted for by the French ratio disturbance and the
cost of exchanging the two metals.
During the period between 1849 and 1854 the gold
mines of California added largely to the world's stock of

gold. So much so that men of Mr. Gage's views as to

supply of the two metals varying, started a propaganda
forthe demonetization of gold.
"And yet with all that gold output, we find that it
had no effect on the relative commercial values of the two
metals. The reason why it could have had no effectwas
because the demand for either was unlimited. Both
enjoyed the same advantage in that respect.
The attempt that was then made to demonetize gold
had not gone far, when to the surprise of those that
were engaged in it, gold maintained its commercial
value. They realized then by the practical workings of
free coinage of the two metals, their error and abandoned
the effort.
"Had specie payments been in operation in 1873,
no doubt silver never would have been demonetized.

Nearly every one would have been alive to the interest

of our metallic money and it would have been daily
asserting its own importance as in 1850-54.
was during a period of suspension of specie pay-
ments in England following the French war that parla-
ment demonetized silver in 1816, in much the same
manner that it was accomplished in this country.
To show you how perfectly the law of free coinage
' '

worked from time immemorial till 1873, * n sustaining

the commercial value of silver and gold at a parity, I am
now going to distribute among you a copy of page 50 of
the 'Statistical Abstract' for 1892, issued by the Treasury
Department of the United States."
COIN waited until they were distributed, and every
one in the room had one in his hand, including Mr.

( Page 50 from U. S. Statistical Abstract 1892.)



[NOTE. From 1687 to 1832 the ratios are taken from the tables of
Dr. A. Soetbeer ;
from 1833 to 1878 from Pixley and Abell's tables ;

and from 1878 to 1892 from daily cablegrams from London to the
Bureau of the Mint.]


"You will see from this table," continued COIN,

" that from
1687 to 1873 the commercial ratio of the two
metals was never lower than i to 14. 14, and never higher
than i to 16.25, a variation of only about two points.
This difference is accounted for by the difference in
ratios fixedby different governments, and the cost of
exchange ours being 15 to i prior to 1834.

"Run your eyes down these columns from 1687 to

1873 and see how smooth the commercial ratio appears.
Now all stop, with your fingers on 1873 Up to this

point through two centuries we see how the commercial

value of silver and gold was kept at a parity notwith-
standing the varying supplies of the two metals.
" Now
run your fingers down from 1873 to 1892, and
in that short period what a change, O my countrymen.

" Instead of
15 to 1 6 pounds of silver being worth one
pound of gold, we see it jumping rapidly, till in 1892 it
took nearly 24 pounds of silver to equal in commercial
value one pound of gold. And now it takes 32 pounds
of silver to equal in the market one pound l gold.
While in 200 years there was under free coinage a
1 '

variation of only about 2 points, in 21 years, under de-

monetization there is a variation of 16 points, and during
the latter period the proportion of silver to gold produced
has been growing less.
We here have a demonstration of how free coinage
controls the commercial value of the two metals.
"So true and accurate was
this effect of free coinage
or unlimited demand both metals in fixing their

parity at the ratio established, they were virtually one

metal, and a difference in production of either could not
have, and did not have, the least influence.
" I will
illustrate it another way." In less than a
minute COIN had drawn on the blackboard two reservoirs

filled with water and connected with each other by a

"Now," said COIN, pointing with the cane at the
reservoirs and their connectingpipe, "the water in one
of these reservoirs represents silver and the other gold.
The connecting pipe makes them virtually one metal
and either answers the requirement of the government

for money. So long as that connecting pipe remains, the

water in the two reservoirs will remain even the same
height. Do away with the connecting pipe and the
feed pipes at 4 and 5 will soon destroy the equilibrium,
as their quantities vary from time to time.
"The law of free coinage (the connecting pipe)
maintains the parity of the two metals. When that was
taken away from silver and left on gold a disturbance
was natural.
" Prior to when
1873, the connecting pipe was work-

ing freely, the ratio in France was 15^ to i, while in

this country it was 16 to i, and this difference in ratio
was the only disturbing element, causing only slight fluc-
tuations in the comparative value of the two metals,
when measured in each other this depending on the
direction in which the bullion was moving:
" But the moment '

connecting pipe was cut, the

derangement in the values of the metals and of all prop-
erly began.
And now," said COIN, "if I have not answered
Mr. Gage's question, I want him to say why I have not."
QpiN had been listened to with rapt attention. A pin
could almost have been heard to drop at any moment. No
sound was heard except the voice of the young speaker,
whose pleasant style of address had a charm about it that
did not wear away.
There were many scholars and thoughtful business
men in the audience men of intelligence. Many of
them owned large business blocks. Capitalists who had
made Chicago what it is such men as Leander McCor-
mick, H. H. Kohlsaat, L. Z. Leiter, Phil. D. Armour,
Potter Palmer and Samuel Allerton merchant princes ;

like Marshall Field, John V. Farwell and Franklin

MacVeagh lawyers of local and national reputation,


such as Luther Laflin Mills, Judge Henry G. Miller,

Judge Collins, Jno. S. Cooper, Edwin Walker and A. S.
There was a fascination in COIN'S manner of delivery
that had caused every word he uttered to be heard and
understood. They had listened critically, expecting to
detect errors in his facts or reasoning. There were none.
They were amazed. He was logical.
Real estate owners who had seen their rents going
down, their houses becoming vacant, while their taxes

were growing bigger merchants who had been doing


business on a falling market for twenty years, now felt

as if they had each an interest in this money question.
Mr. Gage arose and said :

What you have said about the commercial value ot
silver and gold being maintained at a parity under a
fixed ratio, has been due to the enlarged use of these
two metals, as money, under a free coinage law adopted
by the principal nations of the world, International
bimetallism would do what you say. But the United
States alone could not maintain the parity of the* two
metals. Silver would be the cheaper, and gold would
leave us. We would have no credit abroad, and a total
derangement of our commerce would follow. And in this
respect you have not satisfactorily answered my ques-

'Then, Mr. Gage," said COIN, we agree, do we,

that the commercial value of silver and gold can be
maintained at par on a fixed ratio at i$/4 to i or 1 6 to
i, if their free coinage is provided for by the same
nations that had such a law in 1873 ?
" "
Yes," said Mr. Gage, we agree thus far."
" "
Thanks," said COIN. If all are as well satisfied
thus far as Mr. Gage, we have gained a great deal. To
understand these fundamental principles as far as we
have gone, and as adapted and applied in the past, and
as tested and proven a success, is essential to our further
study of this subject.
"In arranging the programme for this school, I
thought it best to leave the subject of independent free

coinage by the United States to the last. I will not now

change the order. When I answer that question it will


be as simple and as satisfactory as any we have yet

From the tone of the press in this city, it will be
readily understood that we do not agree on the cause of
the present depression in business, and how much of it
is properly chargeable to the demonetization of silver.
Let us first find out the cause of this calamitous condi-
tion of things and then we will speak of the remedy.
have seen that the closing of the mints, first of
the United States, secondly Germany in 1873, followed
by France and the Latin Union in 1874, depressed the
price of silver as measured in gold 35 per cent. And
the closing of the mints to silver in India, in 1893. fur-
ther depressed its price to 50 per cent.


"Before demonetization both metals constituted the
redemption money of the world and as both metals ex-

isted in about the same quantities, it gave us twice as

much money of redemption as gold alone will now fur-
nish us. There
the world now, according to the
is in

report of the director of our mint, $3,727,018,869 in

gold, and $3,820,571,346 in silver.
' '
dislocation of the parity of the two metals by
the demonetization of silver, and the attempt to main-
tain our credit in gold, has reduced the redemption
money of the world from $7,547,590,215 to $3,727,018,-
869, or a little less than one-half the original amount."


"I want to know," said Mr. George H. Rozet, a
real estate dealer, here interrupting COIN, "why
say silver is demonetized, when it is in circulation every
day and handled by us as money ?

"We have seen," replied COIN, " how the commer-

cial value of the two metals were parted. By the same
laws that produced this result, silver was made redeem-
able in gold, and ceased to be redemption money. Sil-
ver now circulates like paper money, both redeemable
in gold. It is now subsidary coin or token money.
Strictly speaking, nothing is money but redemption
money all other forms of so called money are money
only in the sense that certified checks are money.
"In the sense in which you say silver is money,
nickel and copper are money, but they form no part of
our stock of redemption money. Gold now takes the
place formerly occupied by both gold and silver, and is
our only redemption money. Silver, as now treated,
cuts no figure in our currency that could not be sub-
stituted by paper or other metals. What is meant by
demonetization is, that silver has been destroyed as
primary money.
"We are now on a single gold standard, and have

D ^ come to it through a period

of limping bimetallism."

Mr. Fred Miller, cashier
of the Bank
of Commerce,
announced a desire to ask a
question and proceeded to
state it.

"It appears," said Mr.

Miller, "that whenever the
ratio has been changed, the number of grains of pure
silver in the silver dollar has not been disturbed, while
the quantity of .gold in the gold coin has been changed ;

I want to know if there is any particular significance in

this ? Why change the gold and not the silver ? ' '

"As silver was the unit" answered COIN, " more

respect was paid to it than to the other metal. But
there was another reason that would ordinarily have a
controlling influence. I mean the cost of re-coining.
There are about one hundred pieces of silver coin to one

piece of gold coin. In coining ten million dollars in

dimes, it requires the striking off of one hundred million
coins. To coin one million dollars in quarters requires
the striking off of four million coins. One million dol-
lars in halves requires two million coins. One million
silver dollars one million coins.
While making our gold money, comparatively
few coins are required to be struck. One million dollars
in ten dollar gold pieces requires only one hundred thou-
sand pieces to be struck, and in twenties, 50,000. It
would be much more expensive to recoin the silver than
the gold. It would also be of great inconvenience to the
government and the people to gather in all the silver
coins, while it is of small inconvenience comparatively
to collect in and recoin the gold.
To re-coin the silver money is more expensive, and
would take a much longer time than to re-coin the gold.
But the greatest significance is in the fact that it was

the money of the people. Its integrity and identity was

respected by our forefathers.
"Asour time to close the school for the day has
arrived, will now adjourn till 10 o'clock to-morrow
morning." (Adjourned.)
Mr. Gage, and all those who, like him, had gone to
hear COIN for the purpose of refuting his arguments,
walked out of the room in a thoughtful manner.
They had previously reached conclusions that the

gold standard was the proper thing. They had only

studied one side of the question. They had become
firm in their opinions, and had worked up memorials to
Congress against the free coinage of silver.
They had not based these opinions on the necessity
of international bimetallism, but upon the theory that
a gold standard is the best financial system for the
United States to adopt.
Now, having met for the first time some one who
knew the science of money, they were surprised. That
it should come from the lips of a boy they were more

surprised. Instead of scoffing at him, and confusing

him, they had listened and been compelled to give assent
and unanswerable views.
to his plain
Their hope now laid in preventing him from showing
that the demonetization of silver was the cause of low

prices stagnation in business, and the deranged indus-

trialcondition of the country. That we have been
compelled to adopt a financial system forced upon us by


An increased interest was plainly seen in the large
attendance on the third day. COIN was also received
with marked favor, and groups gathered around him as
he entered the hall and warmly shook his hand.
He was assured that Chicago had many bimetallists,
but that the subject had been a perplexing one to the
people. It was regarded as an abstruse question, and

the people generally had not tried to unravel it. It re-

quired the knowledge of so many statistics and facts

with which the masses were not familiar, they were
hardly expected to understand it.
Mr. Joel Bigelow, of 2449 Prairie avenue, was one of
the most demonstrative in a cordial greeting to the little
Give it to them, young man," said Mr. Bigelow.
1 '
The eyes of the people here have been blinded with
this gold craze. I have been distributing Archbishop

Walsh's pamphlet among them and have opened some

of their eyes."
Bigelow is an exception to most bimetallists.
He had not been forced by personal business disaster to
inquire into the cause of so many failures. He is a large
real estate owner, owes no debts and has plenty laid by.
He is philanthropic. He believes in the happiness of
the people. Would that there were more such men !


a pleasant salutation to all, COIN moved along

through the crowd until he reached the stage, and
promptly at 10 o'clock began his lecture of the third day.
"The science of money," he began, "is an exact
science. As much so as mathematics.
The primary value of all property is its exchange

value. If we had no money, one kind of property

would be exchanged for another. Needing the calico
on the merchant's shelf, you would exchange for it a
bushel of potatoes or such property as you might have
to offer. A sort of exchange value would be placed on
all property. A bushel of wheat would buy about so
many pounds of sugar, and so on.
"This is what is meant by the exchange value of
property. Money is a medium of exchange to facilitate
this exchanging of property.
" If
there were no money, and we had to depend on
exchanging property for property, we could find a sub-
sistence, but there would be no such thing as our present
civilization or anything like it.

Each merchant would have to be prepared to store all

* '

kinds of property, perishable and otherwise, he received

in exchange for his goods. Railroads would have to
arrange to receive payment for fares and freight in prop-
erty and store it until it again could be exchanged.
"If you went to the theater you would have to take
with you a crate of cabbage or some other kind of prop-
way into the play-house.
erty to pay your
"There would be no practical method for paying
labor. Commerce would virtually cease, and civilization
would go backward.
"If to be without money would produce such a re-

sult, then the subject assumes vast importance.


" As stagnation and depression to business incalcul-

able would result from having no money, then a part of
these evils can be brought about by having money
insufficient in either quality or quantity.


"In the first place, it was deemed best to select some-

thing for money which was valuable within itself. Some-
thing that had an exchange value. So that he who
parted with his property for it, had something which was
it=elf valuable.
it as money, and making it legal ten-
By stamping
der in the payment of all debts, it then became money,
and possessed two qualities:
' '
had value of itself. If the government went
First; It
had stamped it, it was still valuable prop-
to pieces that
erty and would have an exchange value.

Secondly; When made money, it became a common
medium of exchange and took the place of barter and
trade. The stamp it, became a
of the government upon
and quantity. Thus by making
certificate of its quality
a commodity into money we had a medium of exchange
that was both useful and valuable.
"After using many perishable commodities, experi-
ence and wisdom brought the people of the world to the
use of silver and gold.
"If experience could suggest a commodity better
adapted for money than metallic money made from silver
and gold, itshould be adopted.
"The merit of these two metals
is that neither will rust, corrode nor
stain, and both are odorless. As
compared with other property, both SINGLE STANDARD .

are very durable. Of the two, silver is the most dura-

ble. Abrasion causes more loss to gold than to silver,
and the latter may be carried in the pocket and sub-

jected to great use with but little loss.

One was the money of the people the
other, of the rich. As two legs are
necessary to walk and two eyes to see,
so were these two monies necessary to
the prosperity of the people.
"It was considered that silver and
gold were sufficient in quantity for use
.asprimary money, but if at any time their combined
quantity should become too small, then some other metal
would have to be adopted and added to these two. The
law of unlimited demand by free coinage, would tie a third
metal to these two, and thus increase the quantity, if
at any time it became necessary.

"Thus the founders of a monetary system, on the prin-

ciple of free coinage to the commodity had a
practical method for
supplying any deficiency that might
arise by reason of the exhaustion of the silver and gold
Thus far everyone had listened attentively, and no
one had interrupted the little speaker.
Now Mr. John R. Walsh, president of the Chicago
National Bank and prinicipal owner of The Chicago
Herald and Evening Post, who occupied a seat near the
front, arose and asked this question:
How can the government by passing a law add a
cent to the commercial value of any commodity ?
"You were not here yesterday?" said COIN to Mr.
Walsh. To this Mr. Walsh replied that he was not.



Suppose," said COIN," that Congress should pass a
law to-morrow authorizing the purchase by the govern-
ment of 100,000 cavalry horses of certain sizes and qual-
ities. And the government entered the market to get
these horses. Horses would advance in value. Not

only the kind of horses desired, but also other horses

upon which there would be a demand to take the place
of the horses sold to the government/'
The hand-clapping that
followed this reply, and smiles
on many faces, indicated two
things one was, that the re-
ply was satisfactory; the other,
that the school was making
progress for it was the first

applause COIN had received.

"The government/' con-
STcOSife tinued COIN, "can create a
SINGLE STANDARD. demand for a commodity."
" The
prospect of a law being passed will sometimes
add to the value of property. The tariff law was re-
cently being considered by the Finance Committee of
the Senate, and on its becoming
known that the committee would
repoit in favor of a high tariff on
sugar, the market value of the stock
of the American Sugar Refining
Company advanced 15 per cent.
Its total stock is eighty million dol-
lars. This prospect of a law pass-
ing added twelve millions of dollars
to the wealth of the stockholders
of that company. If Mr. Walsh
will read the proceedings of yester-
day's school, he will see how free
coinage fixes the commercial value
of silver.
' *
In the free coinage of silver
as money, the effect is not to in- SINGLE STANDARD.

crease its exchange value, but to give a permanent and

fixed value."
" We now dealing with money as a science, and,
strictly speaking, nothing is money except that com-
modity which has been selected to be money. It is a
common thing us to refer to National Bank notes,

greenbacks and other forms of paper money as " money."

After a nation has fixed what its shall money be, it
then issues different forms of credit money all of which
are directly or indirectly redeemable in the commodity to
which a fixed and stable value has been given.
This is done for convenience, and to facilitate com-
merce and the exchange of property. It does not add
one dollar to your actual money but represents your real
money, and being easier to carry, is a convenience.
"All money may be a medium of exchange, but
primary money only is the measure of values. Credit
money is not a measure of values ;
it is a medium of ex-
change only.
money proper as redemption or pri-
I will refer to

mary money, and in speaking generally of all other

forms of money, will use the term credit money.
"There are two kinds of credit money, as to the
material out of which they are made. One is made on
paper and embraces all forms of government and bank i\ r

notes that are issued from time to time as authorized by

law. The other is token money.
" Token made from some metal that does
money is

not enjoy free coinage.

" Credit
money of all kinds circulates by reason of its

being redeemable directly or indirectly in money in re-

demption money, property money. A piece of paper
money, or token money, is a promise of the government

to pay so much money. The money promised is the

redemption mon ey .

' *
With so much paper
or credit money in your pos-
session, there is
supposed to be that much redemption
money to your credit with the government or bank issu-
ing it. It is a check to bearer for money, when pre-
" Hence it is money. It circulates on
called credit
the credit of the government, on the confidence of the
people that the government will be able to redeem it if
it is presented.
"I have taken pains to impress on you the distinc-
tion between actual money and credit money, as no just

comprehension of our monetary system as a science can

be had without it.
"Actual money was too cumbersome to handle in all
the transactions of business, and this gave rise to issu-
ing credit money representing it. Like wheat in your
wheat elevators certificates are issued to those who
put their wheat there. Such certificates are traded in.
Each time one of them is transferred, it is equivalent to
transferring the wheat itself. Wheat is behind the cer-
tificates. A man does not carry a brick house around
in his pocket, but he can carry the deed to it.
When you have credit money in your pocket, you
are carrying around with you the title to property of
that commercial value.
" In
issuing dollar for dollar of credit money to re-
demption money, it is not necessary that the govern-
ment should keep the latter at all times in its treasury
in full amount ready to redeem all the credit money.

"Experience teaches that so long as sufficient re-

demption money is in the country, the credit of the
government can be depended upon to get it. But it

cannot strain the proportion beyond such amount with-

out making the danger imminent, and the lack of con-
fidence great.
"If there is one thousand million dollars of re-
demption money in the United States in its treasury,
its banks, and among its people then one thousand
millions of credit money can be safely used and not more.
" If
you want to increase the currency, you must in
safety do it by adding to the redemption money, and for
each dollar so added one dollar of credit money may be


"If it is wished to vitiate the currency, increase the

credit money beyond its normal quantity, or dig out
the foundation from under it by lessening the supply of

redemption money.

Of TH1

The demonetization of silver destroyed one-half of
the redemption money of the United States. It did it in
this way By making gold the unit and closing the

mints to silver, it lessened the demand for silver, and its

commercial value at once began to depreciate, as meas-
V* nrel in gold.
Where before silver and gold had been tied together
?s one mass of commodity money, and all property had
measured its value in it, now gold became the only
measure of value, and silver became credit money token
The moment a new standard of money was set up
only one-half in quantity to what had previously ex-
istedsilver began to fluctuate. It was then measured
for its value in thisnew standard for measuring values,
and bobbed up and down in the market, no longer pos-
sessing that fixed value which free coinage had given it.
It was like a kite without a tail and its course wa^own-
ward. It had changed its position from redemption
money to token money.
' 1
A forced parity between gold and silver has since been
, strained namely, by sustaining silver with gold. It is

the same kind of parity the government maintains be-

tween gold and paper money. What this means is, gold
is our present redemption money and our credit money

consists of silver and all forms of paper money.

"Each succeeding secretary of the treasury points
to the law declaring it to be the intention of our finan-
cial system to maintain all our money at par. Gold is
the most valuable of all our money, and therefore to
maintain it all at par, gold must stand under it and do
the work of redemption money.
"The law simply states an axiom in sound finan-
ceering. All of ourmoney should be at par with one

kind of money just as good as any other kind of money.

"It is impossible to maintain two kinds of redemption
money with one made from property having a commercial
value of only one-half, or any noticeable per cent less
than the other. When such is the case the lesser must
lean on the greater, and to all intents and purposes be-
comes credit money, while the mere valuable becomes
the only redemption money.
"We have in the United States in round figures
$1,600,000,000 of all kinds of money. About one-third
of it is gold, one-third silver and one third paper. O"e-
third of our money is redemption money, and two-
thirds is credit money.
" The blunder was made when silver was demonetized.
The remedy is to remonetize it, and thereby restore its
commercial value. Purchase acts, or any treatment of
5 '

have no beneficial effect.

silver short of free coinage will
Mr. D. H. Wheeler wanted to know of COIN if he
did not believe it would advance prices if the government
were to issue five hundred millions of greenbacks.
No " was the reply. "It would break down the

present tottering financial system the sooner. The

remedy to restore prices, is to remonetize silver, and then
issue more greenbacks.

We thus see that money, primarily, is a commodity-
property a thing of value possessing an exchange value
with all other property.
"That credit money is a title to commodity money.
That in the exchange value between commodity money
and all other property, credit money does not add any-
thing it facilitates makes convenient the transaction of
business. Just as your wlieat certificates ad4 nothing to

the exchange value of wheat, or the things for which

wheat are exchanged yet they facilitate its exchange.

This commodity money is the measure of values. Its

1 '

quantity becomes the measure, and each dollar is a part

of that measure. Credit money adds nothing to its
value, it only facilitates the transaction of business based

on that measure of values.

"Our commodity or redemption money, up to 1873,
was both silver and gold and our credit money was

paper and copper.

"Since 1873 our redemption money has been gold
and our credit money has been paper, silver, nickel and
copper. Silver and nickel have been added to copper
as token money."
Here Mr. Walsh arose again, and COIN paused to
hear the question he evidently intended to ask.
"Has not," asked Mr. Walbh, "the necessity for
money diminished since checks, drafts and bills of ex-
change have come into such prominent use ? The first
use of money is to effect exchanges, and as a vast bulk
of exchanges, are affected without money, should not
this be deducted from the bulk of exchange before a
normal amount of money can be considered ?"
"That is a statement of common error," said COIN,
and others urge it with as much confidence as Mr.
* '

Walsh. That situation does lessen the amount of credit

money employed but it does not diminish the amount

of redemption money necessary. Credit money is not

used for its value, but for its convenience. Any other
convenience which you can substitute for it may be
made to answer the same purpose.
"As redemption money is our measure of values,
nothing can take its place and assist it in its work that is
not of equal commercial value.

suppose that checks and drafts
It is also a a error to
to any very great extent take the place of credit money.
It facilitates business for a man to be able to carry his
check book with him instead of the danger and incon-
venience of carrying a large roll of bills but the equiv-

alent of each check he draws must be to his credit in

bank to meet the check. If a man gives a check for

$100, and that check is transferred to six different parties

and pays in that way six different debts in the course of
the day, it does no more than a $100 bill would have
done. It, too, could have started on the rounds and paid
the same number of debts. The check has no advantages
over the bill in that respect.
" Where checks the use of credit is in
enlarge money
this : A bank may
have had deposited with it $1,000,000.
It only keeps say $400,000 on hand the banking and

check system give greater utility to the $1,000,000, but

the necessity for actual money has not been decreased in
the least the expansion of credit money by substitutes
only emphasizes its importance.


Three lines of credits," continued COIN, " are built
up on primary or redemption money.
"First: Credit money paper bills and all forms of
token money redeemable in primary money.

"Second : Checks,
drafts, bills of exchange, and other
forms of like paper, payable on demand.
"Third : Notes, bonds, accounts, and other forms of
credit,payable at a particular day in the future, or upon
the happening of some contingency.
reckless era of business that extends either or
both the second and third lines of credit beyond their
normal volume may create a panic. Notes, bonds and

accounts become due that are not paid a lack of confi- ;

dence arises resulting in the demand for all debts due

for fear delay will endanger their collection.










First Wesson. ^ecgu4 Wesson , Third Lesson,

'VArtin on banks during such a period is natural,

and many of them go down for want of sufficient reserve
to pay all money deposited with them subject to check,
"I will illustrate it."
As he said this he unrolled a chart, and as he pro-
ceeded he disclosed others, illustrating the relation of
primary money to credits.
Thebase section of these columns," he said, pointing
with a stick at the illustrations, ''represents commodity or
property money. The next, or second, represents credit
money. The third represents checks, and all forms of
personal credits payable on demand. The fourth repre-
sents notes, bonds, mortgages, accounts, and all forms of
debts calling for money, made when contracted payable
in the future. Thus we have one two three sec-
tions of credit built up on primary money.
The column marked FIRST LESSON presents a nor-
mal or healthy condition of things a proportion which
it would not be safe to greatly alter.
The column marked SECOND LESSON shows a pro-
portion brought about by over-confidence. It is what
often happens when the country is prosperous. A man
in ordinary circumstances finds that he can easily float
$5,000 dollars in debts ;
and as his business is prosper-
ous, he increases it to $10,000. This expansion becomes
contagious. Cities, counties, corporations all increase
their debts.
The column marked THIRD LESSON shows the result
this condition produces.
In this instance which I have illustrated, the fault,
or cause of the panic, has been entirely with the second
and third columns of credit. Primary money and the
first column credit money have not been at fault.
Such panics are not of long duration.

I now call your attention to the FOURTH LESSON,
where the first, second and third sections of credit are
all expanded beyond their proportion to primary money.
''The FIFTH LFSSON shows the result
this produces.
"Panics thus caused
are of longer duration, and
more disastrous than the
first. They breed distrust
in the money of the coun-
try and with those who

do not distinguish between

primary money and credit
money, the prejudice raised
goes to the whole financial
system. When demone-
tization took place, the col-

CHE:KS umn representing primary

DRAFTS money was reduced a small
BILLS OF percentage over one-half
EXCHANGE for convenience we will

say one-half and this half

thatwas demonetized was
added to the first column
of credits credit money.
MONEY The people, a short time
before this was done, had
been prosperous, and had
expanded abnormally col-
umns 2 and 3. So we then
had conditions as illustrat-
MONEY ed in LESSON six.
"Though previously
Fourth Lesson. Fifth Lesson. based on the declared in-

tention to do so, actual resumption following the war,

and a return to the system of property money, with credit
money based thereon, did not take effect till January i,
" was not generally known that sil-
For some time it

ver was demonetized, and for many years

since then its true position in our currency
was disputed.
slowly dawned on the country that

NOTES silver was neither fish nor fowl that like ;

BONDS Mahomed's coffin it swung half-way be-

MORTGAGES tween the floor and ceiling.

AND Finally the silver men, pushing their
ACCOUNTS cause, forced the declaration from the ad-
ministration that all paper money was re-
deemable in gold or silver at the option of
the holder. This meant that they de-
manded the most favored and valuable of
the two gold. The government had
CHECKS stored most of the silver and issued paper
AND money on it, which was declared to be
BILLS OF redeemable in gold.
EXCHANGE "This cut the base of the column half in
two, and left us with only half a foundation
for our financial system.

CREDIT This defined the position of silver as

* '

MONEY token money, and if not redeemed directly

gold for silver the exchange of the sil-
ver for its paper representative would get
the gold. The administration only wants
PRIMARY a little more time to declare that silver is
MONEY directly redeemable in gold the true posi-
tion of token money.
In the meantime, during these years,
Sixth Lesson. all property gradually declined in value 2-**

compared with gold.

The decline was pain-
fully steady.
"These conditions
caused new debts to be
contracted to pay old
debts,and the volume of
BONDS new debts were rapidly
MORTGAGES augmented.
Those who could
* '

AND make nothing in their

ACCOUNTS business borrowed
money on their property
togo into new ventures,
and to meet their living
expenses. Old debts
were refunded.
Falling prices con-
tinued, and borrowing
continued until the
DRAFTS spring of 1893, when the
AND 3rd column of credits had
grown enormously. It
had now reached the in-
credible sum of nearly
forty thousand million

CREDIT dollars.
The bonded indebt-
edness of the railroads
alone was five thousand
million. Every town and
city nearly felt the weight
Seventh Lesson. Eighth Lesson. of a debt. Farms were

mortgaged. Property in the cities was nearly all mort-

LESSON SEVEN shows the condition with us in 1890,

just before the Baring failure.

LESSON EIGHT shows the panic as it began in 1890
the result of the portentous financial conditions that had
been brewing for a long time. A financial storm was
now on the country, the rigor and duration of which was
to be unprecedented in the history of the world. For
it not only involved the first, second, and third col-
umns of credit, but primary money itself was involved
under the enormous strain placed upon it.

" w orse, and LES-

1893 the conditions had grown
SON NINE will illustrate it. (Applause.)
' '
The best barometer of the storm now are prices of
products and labor the first is still falling, and labor

not one-half employed. Judged by these the storm is

growing worse.
LESSON TEN will illustrate the present financial
condition of the country. (Applause.)
"What is now needed is first to build up the re-
demption money of the country. By putting silver back
in the column of redemption money we could increase it
from its present volume of six hundred million to twelve
hundred million. This amount of redemption money
would warrant twelve hundred million of credit money.
This would give us twenty-four hundred millions
of money on a sound financial footing, or about $34 per
capita. Whereas we now have virtually less than $20
per capita on an insufficient and unsound basis.
As COIN made this last statement he laid his right
hand on the silver bell on the table, and as its clear

notes rang through the room, a signal that the school


Tenth Lesson.

had adjourned for the day, a warm and hearty applause

went up from a good percentage of the 2,500 people in
the room.


\ I


The comments of the morning papers on the third
day's session of the school on the whole were favorable.
The published accounts had been full and substantially
correct, and the Times and Inter Ocean reproduced the
illustrations that had been used.
In this way the proceedings of the school had been
laid before thousands of readers, whose interest had
been aroused, and long before 10 o'clock the hall was
crowded, and standing room could not be had.
The Inter Ocean in an editorial had commented on
the tilt between COIN and Mr. Walsh, the president of
the Chicago National Bank, and claimed that COIN had
floored the great financier, in his answer to Mr. Walsh's

proposition, that the government could not by legisla-

tion add to the commercial value of a commodity.
The Times pronounced the statements of COIN unan-
swerable and said that interested parties had purposely

kicked up a dust about silver, obscured and misrepre-

sented the facts, and when confronted were unable to
make good their statements, or answer the arguments of
the bimetallists.
All who had been there on the previous days and
who came early enough to get in were there, and many
new faces could be seen in the audience.

Objection was raised by the audience to free admis-

sion. COIN was asked to admit people only on tickets,
so seats could be procured, and to charge $2.00 a seat.
This COIN agreed to with the understanding that the
proceeds should go to the "soup houses" cf Chicago,
and this announcement was made just before the lecture
for the day began, to take effect the next morning.
COIN had elitered by a private door, and just at 10
o'clock came forward on the platform.


He was met with a question at the beginning and it

soon delevoped that it-was to be a day cf questions.

Professor Laughlin, head of the school of political
economy in the Chicago University, an avowed mono-

metallist, whose question had the attention of the whole

house, said :

"You have stated since this school began, that so

long as free coinagewas enjoyed by both metals that the

commercial value of silver and gold had never differed
more than 2 per cent, and that this difference was
accounted for by the disturbance of the French ratio and
the cost of exchange. Am I right in so quoting you ?

"You are," replied COIN.

"Now, is it not a fact," said the professor, "that
several times prior to 1857 silver coin sold at a premium
as high as 8 per cent over gold ? "
"Yes. That is true," replied COIN.
"Then why did you make the statement you did ?
And if what you now admit is true, then is there not
be a wide margin between gold and
liable at all times to
silverwhich free coinage cannot control ? "
' ' "
Professor, began COIN, with a smile on his hand-
some, young face, "I hardly think you are serious iu

asking me that question. We were speaking of silver

and gold bullion and not of silver coin. A demand
often arises for small money. Suddenly change or small
bills are found to be scarce in a large city. This was the
case in New York last year, 1893, when silver dollars
commanded a premium of 3 per cent not because of the
silver being worth more than a dollar but because
factories had to have small biUs which they could not

get to use in paying off their men. They paid the same
premium for one and two dollar bills.

"A great inconvenience had arisen for the want of

small money, and a premium had to be paid to get it.
At the time you speak of, nearly all small money was
made from silver, and on account of the French premium
for silverour silver was leaving us. Small money was
scarce, and frequently commanded a premium, not on
account of the value of the silver bullion, but upon the
demand for small money. Gold dollars commanded the
same premium as silver dollars and fifty-cent pieces.
If you are not satisfied with my answer I have the

exchangeable quotations of silver and gold bullion at

' '
the time you speak of.

The professor had taken his seat. He now arose to

say that he was satisfied with the answer.
I am glad these questions are asked," said COIN.
"These statements when used and not answered con-
fuse the people."


Mr. P. Eustis, General Passenger Agent of the

C. B. &Q. Railroad, wanted to know what nations con-
stituted the Latin Union, that COIN had referred to as
having a ratio of 15^2 to i prior to 1873.

France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland and Greece,"
was the reply.
Then," said Mr. Eustis, "the Latin Union, Ger-
' '

many and the United States, by free coinage had main-

tained the commercial value of silver at par with gold?"
Yes," was COIN'S reply.
"And the United States," said Mr. Eustis, "was
the first of these to attack silver and demonetize it?"
"Yes," said COIN.
Mr. Eustis t^ok his seat, and some one near him was
heard to mutter, " It was old John Sherman."


Mr. J. A. Montgomery, Superintendent of Mails at

Chicago, then arose and asked this question :

What would silver and gold be worth if neither
were used as money?"
That would depend," said the little financier, "on
what was adopted as money to take their place and the
quantity of it. Primary money becomes the measure of
all values and the value of any other commodity is

more or less, as the quantity of primary money is more

or less. That is the reason you hear gold referred to
now as the standard or measure of values.
The most impartial way to get at what the value
of silver and gold would be if not used as money would
be to suppose there was no money of any kind.
Then there would be no measure of values, and

only an exchange value would exist. If under these

circumstances the arts and sciences progressed, the de-
mand for silver and gold would cause other property to
be exchanged for it, and as they are used in so many
ways in the sciences and arts, and for domestic and

ornamental purposes, it is reasonable to suppose they

would have an exchange value equal to any other scarce
property for which there was a demand.
When it is considered that they are both precious


metals neither tound in even or regular veins, and diffi-

cult and expensive mine it is not unreasonable to


suppose that great store would be placed upon their

possession when refined into the pure metal.
Brass, copper, and other metals than silver and gold,

with anything like their specific gravity, discolor the

skin when worn as ornaments.
4 *
When we consider that the native Indians of this
country were known to give up large quantities of valua-
ble property in exchange for a few trinkets and ornaments,
and that large domains of land were purchased in this
way, it is natural to believe that a civilized man would
give up as much as a bushel of wheat for the amount of
silver in one of our silver fifty-cent pieces when fashioned
into a ring.

"Cups, pitchers, spoons, table knives, and other

forms of table ware made from or plated with silver or
gold, will not stain either the liquids or food. Their use
in manufacture, chemistry, and some other branches of
the arts and sciences are now regarded as indispensable,
and more than one-half of the total output of the world
is so used.
It has been said that silver and gold have no intrin-
sic value this is not true.
; They are the only things
used by Webster in the copy of his dictionary which I
have to illustrate the meaning of the word 'intrinsic.'
But exchange value, in the sense that a civilized or
uncivilized person will barter or trade one property for
another, is the primary value of all property.
1 1
Iron cannot be used for food, but its utility gives
itan exchange value. Silver can be utilized for many
mechanical purposes for which iron serves, and can be
adapted to a thousand uses where iron would not be
Therefore, what the value of silver and gold would
be if not used as money, to be expressed in dollars and
cents, would depend, first, on what the new unit or dollar
was, and then the abundance of the material from which
it was being made ;
but when established, they would,

I think, have a value relatively with other property not

much different from what they have had as the world's

Mr. M. Iy. Scudder, Jr., asked this question :

Is it not a fact that silver can be mined for fifty
cents an ounce, and does not the cost of production regu-
late its value?
COIN replied as follows :

It is not a fact that silver can be mined for fifty
cents an ounce. In some particular mine, for a time, it
may be mined for fifty cents an ounce, or less just as ;

gold has been mined for a time in Australia and Califor-

nia for ten per cent of its value."
You must not judge of the cost of mining precious
metals by any one mine or by mining coal, iron, or

other metals and minerals that lay in even veins. The

latter class is demonstrated by geological formation and

experience to be reliable in quality and quantity works ;

are erected, and conservative management and business

judgment are safely applied to its production.
Not so with silver and gold mines. They are most
unreliable in both quality and quantity. Costly build-
ings and machinery are often erected to economize the
mining of the ore, only to find no mine to operate by
the time the buildings are completed and the machinery
is working.
Silver and gold are found in uneven and broken
' '

veins and pockets.
Sometimes the pay streak is a
foot wide, to narrow down to an inch a few feet farther
on. A single blast has been known to 'blow out'
a mine
and with it the hopes of those who before the shot
was fired thought they were millionaires.

" A silver mine that will

assay 100 ounces to the ton
at 200 feet depth, has been known to run ounces
at 400 feet depth. The Yankee Girl mine in Red Mount-
ain, Colorado, was a heavy dividend payer, at 300 feet,
and the ore was too low grade to pay to hoist at 800
feet. The Comstock mines changed at 1,600 feet
from high grade to low grade ore. The reverse is just
as often true. Mines that are low grade near the surface
are high grade with depth.
"It is estimated by all men of judgment who have
given practical attention to mining, that the silver now
in existence has cost not less than $2.00 per ounce, and

many put it much higher.

"Mining for silver and gold has a speculative and
gambling feature to it, that will lure men on notwith-
standing the great cost, because a few
strike it rich ;

just as men will speculate on the

Board of Trade, though in the end
ten lose to where one gains. If
Mr. Scudder's proposition were true,
you would all be engaged in silver
But your presence here gives me
an opportunity to forever set this
I am sure that in

question at rest.
so large an assemblage of wealthy Chicago men, many of
you have had some experience in silver mining. Now,
if all of you," and COIN "
began to smile, who have lost
money in mining for silver will rise to your feet, I will
then call on those who have made by it to stand up also."
The applause indicated clearly that the young econo-
mist had clinched his point and the smile that went

round told that the shot had gone home.

Sitting in the assembly were many prominent Chi-

cago citizens who had invested in silver mining and had

made a sufficient test to satisfy themselves both as to the
risk incurred and the cost per ounce of mining silver.

Mr. E. R. Ridgeley, of Ogden, Utah, who was in the
audience, said he would like to ask a question.
Proceed," said COIN.
" I
want to know," said Mr. Ridgeley, if it is not '

to maintain a purely greenback system."

"Yes," said COIN. "The only theory, however, on
which a purely greenback or paper money system might
be maintained would be to do away with a redemption
money entirely. You cannot have
both without the redemption prin-
ciple applying. The money with a
value in itself becomes the most pre-
ferable, and must stand behind the
' '
cannot maintain two kinds
of money at a parity, when one has
WILLIAM T. BAKER. a commercial value and the other has
none, except by making one redeemable in the other.
"But you might have a purely paper money. The
method would be to have no redemption money and to
make it legal tender in the payment of all debts public
and private.
lyimit it in quantity by fixing the amount at so much
per capita. Maintain the volume at that as population in-
creased, and from time to time provide for what had been
destroyed. The fact that it was limited in quantity, and
the uses for which it was intended, would give it a value,
and make it a measure of values, and a serviceable me-
dium of exchange.

' '
Silver and gold would be treated as any other mer-
chandise, and would be purchased at their market value,
and exported to other countries, where they might be
used as money, or for use in this
or other countries in the arts and
"Then," said Mr. Ridgeley, "what
' '

objectionis there to such a system ?

" The
objection which is urged,"
said COIN, "is this: So long as
there was confidence in the govern-
ment, it would be a sound, stable
money. But so soon as confidence in the government
was shaken it would depreciate in exchangeable value.
When the danger became imminent that the govern-
ment was not able to enforce its legal tender character,
having no commercial value, it would become more or
less worthless.
"The paper or substance out of which it is made,
would have no exchangeable value,
unlike money made from a valuable
commodity ;
when much disturbed
a lack of confidence it would
0* fluctuate in value ;
and if the
government went down it would
be entirely worthless.
"Money with a commercial
value makes a medium of exchange
with the balance of the world, and
facilitates our trade."

"But," said Mr. Ridgeley, who

was still standing:
"Isn't it a fact, that when war,
and great disturb-
ances come, that redemption money disappears, and
paper money takes its place anyhow ? So are not the

people at such times embarrassed with a paper money

fluctuating with their confidence in the government,
and saddled with a worthless paper money if the govern-
ment goes down, and does the use of silver and gold
as money ever prevent this condition from arising?''
' f
The use
of redemption money,
' '

replied COIN, does not prevent the
conditions you describe. Paper
money always takes its place at
such times. The people, however,
are not injured by it. They store
away their good money and have
it in their possession ready to use at
any time, and becomes especially c.

useful if the other money should become entirely

After the use of redemption money ceases because
of war, every one is on the same
footing. Asthe paper money
fluctuates from day to day, all
are taking chances alike. If it
becomes wholly worthless, all
have suffered more or less pro-
portionately, and primary money
immediately takes its place.
"This whether
latter is true,
a new government
founded on is

the ruins of the old one at once

or not. There may be a long
interregnum, as in France toward the close of the last
century, when one form of government was from year
to year almost, substituted for another. No one knew
what was coming next. No stability was in the govern-
ment itself. During such a period, which may last for

years, would be impossible to make paper money


circulate. But money made from property having a

commercial value would circulate, and would assist
materially in restoring order and
civilization. In fact, it would be
hard to restore civilization without
its use during such a period.
' '
We are approaching such a

period now, unless wise statesman-

ship shall intervene commodity ;

money and gold will be

our only money, and will have to
answer the purpose of a medium CHARLES

of exchange until a stable government can get on its

feet and issue paper money.

'All know and feel the necessity of money, and if

chaos comes in this country, it may be years before there

is another government sufficiently established to give

confidence generally to its issue of paper money.

In the meantime silver and gold coin will be the only
' (

thing on which we can rely for money, and of the two

silver will fce as it always has been, the greatest friend
of the people. "


J. R. Sovereign, Master Workman of the Knights of

Labor, who had a seat on the
platform, now asked a question :

" You have

given us the theory
and science of money/' saict Mr.
Sovereign, as based on property.
I want to know if it is practical to
issue a form of credit money based

" "
Yes," said COIN. It is practical, and, to the ex-

tent to which it could be brought into use, would be on

a parity with other forms of money based on property.
'Suppose the government owned

and controlled all the railroads it

could issue paper money redeemable

in services. That is, it would be good
in the payment of freight and at all
the ticket offices.
'If the passenger and freight busi-
ness of the country amounted to $i,-
100,000,000 a year, which is the case
at present,then that amount of paper JOHN s COOPER - -

currency thus redeemable could be safely kept in circu-

lation. The supply would have to be limited so that
confidence would be maintained in the ability of the
government to redeem it, in a reasonable time, if called
upon so to do.
This would be credit money redeemable in labor. It
1 '

should also be made legal tender, and differ in no respect

from credit money redeemable in
property silver and gold except
as to the nature of redemption.
Naturally it would circulate
side by side with the other form of
credit money, inside of the United
States, and in the payment of
freight and purchase of transpor-
tation, no discrimination would
ordinarily be made in the form of
WILLIAM LINDSAY. money used.
If confidence in the existence of the government
should be shaken by wars or disintegration, as such a
danger arose, this form of money would be assorted out

from the other and redemption could take place, and

no one would suffer by it.
It would be as sound a cur-

rency as credit money based, on

" It
would be put in circulation
by the government paying it out
to its employes.
' '
The postage stamp is based on
the principle of redemption in
j. M. ROACH. services, but is not issued in suit-
able form for currency, and yet it is frequently used in
small remittances in letters as such.
' 1

A form
of credit money could now be issued resem-
bling our paper bills, redeemable in postage stamps."
" How
much?" asked Mr. Sovereign, whose face
had worn a broad smile during the answer to his previous
" The total annual postal business," said COIN, "of
the government for last year
was about $75,000,000. This
amount would circulate at par,
with other money how much
more I would not now undertake
to say. It would be redeemable
in postage stamps, just as the
other would be redeemable in
railroad passenger tickets, or
receipted freight
" This
would be money based on labor."
COIN was here interrupted by President Struckman,
of the Board ofCounty Commissioners, who said :

" Is it not unfair to give the owners of silver bullion

the special privilege of having the value of their prop-

erty enhanced ? Is it not virtually making a present of
millions of dollars to the owners of silver bullion by re-

monetizing silver ? Is this just or right ?'

"In the first place," replied COIN, "whatever you
select as primary money should be treated distinct-

ively different from all other property. It should not be

left on the market to be bulled or beared. Otherwise
you cannot have a stable money.
" Free
coinage at a fixed quantity to constitute a dol-
lar does take it off the market, and that is what is nec-

essary in the treatment of a money metal. That is the

way gold is now treated, and silver should be so treated.
But your statement is not true. Silver men are not

benefited by remonetization except in common with

others. Silver is now worth about 60 cents an ounce as
measured in the new standard gold. It was worth

$1.29 per ounce under free coinage. The owner of silver

bullion can now buy as much with
an ounce of silver as he ever could.
"An ounce of silver bullion
would buy a bushel of wheat in
1873, and it will buy a bushel of
wheat now. Two ounces of silver
bullion would buy a day's labor in
1873, an d two ounces will buy a
day's labor now. Three ounces of
silver bullion would buy a keg of
nails in 1873, and two ounces will

buy a keg of nails now. An ounce

of silver bullion would buy 16

PKESIDENT STRUCKMAN yards of calico in 1873, and it will

ASKS A QUESTION. buy 1.6 yards of calico now.

1 '

The exchange value of uncoined silver with the

other products substantially the same now as it ever

was. Where silver producers are hurt is only in common

with all producers stagnation, falling prices, paraly-
sisof business, and confiscation of property by taxation
and debts that do not shrink with all other values."
COIN'S answer was satisfactory. This was evident
not from applause, for there was none; but from the
intense stillness and breathless attention. It was also
attested from the further fact that there sat in the audi-
ence men ready to leap upon him at the least show.
His answers had to be absolutely convincing, or an an-
tagonist was there ready to puncture the weak places.
Not one opened his mouth. COIN was like a little mon-
itor in the midst of a fleet of wooden ships. His shots
went through and silenced all opposition.


There was Professor Liaughlin still irritated at his

unsuccessful attack on the little bimetallist. As the
professor in a chair of political economy, endowed with
the money of bankers, his mental faculties had trained
with his salary, but his views had been those of theory.
Those views now encountered the practical statesman.
He moved nervously in his chair, but said nothing.
Here was a study and an object-lesson. Combined cap-
ital all over the world had been using professors of polit-

ical economy to instruct the minds of young men to a

belief in the gold standard. This is not hard to do, as
these students, being young, their minds are easily
molded. The error is planted deep and strong.
Anything can be proved by theoretical reasoning.
In the practical application of a theory is the proof of

itsstrength. The gold standard, now fitted to a shiver-

ing world, is squeezing the life out of it. The men of
the country, the backbone of the republic, on whose
strong arms the life of the nation may depend, are de-
livering over their property to their creditors, and going
into beggary. This is the test proof of the beneficence
of monometallism.
There sat a representative professor on political
economy, at home when with his school boys, but
powerless and confused in the presence of an adversary
who courted his questions, but which he knew it was
useless to propound.
You do not enrich the people of the silver states
* '

one cent by the remonetization of silver," continued

except in common with the people of the state
* '

of Illinois, and of the whole United States.
You increase the value of all property by adding to
the number of money units in the land. You make it

possible for the debtor to pay fcis debts ;

business to start
anew, and revivify all the industries of the country,
which must remain paralyzed so long as silver as well
as all other property is measured by a gold standard.
Mr. Struckman interrupted COIN to say, that the an-
swer to his proposition was entirely satisfactory. That
the reply given had never occurred to him, simple as it
was. That he wanted to say further, he considered
that the people of Chicago had been imposed on by some
of their great newspapers what private object they

had, or whose interests they were serving, he did not

know but they had misrepresented the silver question.

He felt better to make this open confession, and he

thought other gold-bugs would feel better if they would
do likewise.

Mr. Kirk, President of the American Exchange Na-
tional Bank, was now seen standing up, and COIN

stopped to hear the question he was about to put.

"Have not the improved facilities for production,"
asked Mr. Kirk, "caused a general lowering of prices,
and is not this mainly responsible for the gradual decline
since 1873?
COIN replied :

production have not been

' *

Improved facilities for

continuous when applied to any one article in the sense
of explaining the decline in prices.
Nearly everything except gold has declined largely
in the last two years the average is about twenty-five
per cent and it may be said that little or no improved
have come into use during that time. Demon-
etization and the collapse of our financial system seems
to have paralyzed the hand of even the inventor, and yet
values continue to decline.
Improved facilities as a rule do have a tendency to
lower prices, but it is only an incident, and not the cause
of the overthrow of our industries.
"When the demand is greater than the supply,
prices may advance at the very time that improved facil-
ities for production are in progress.

"Improved facilities for mining gold, both in the

placer and quartz mines, are continuously being applied ;

and yet the value of that metal, in purchasing power,

is continuously rising.
"Take the case of wool. There has been no im-
proved facilities for grow on the backs of
making it

sheep, or of shearing them, in the last twenty years, and

yet wool is only about one-third the price it was a few
years ago. It, with many other articles that can be put

in the same class, have been steadily declining in price as

expressed in terms of dollars and cents.

"A gentleman from Oregon, now in the audience,
tells me that he has lately seen horses in his state sell at

auction for 75 cents each. And that horses in droves

have been offered there recently at one cent a pound at
private sale, with no one willing to take them. It can
not be said, that there are any improved facilities, for
raising horses.'*


Mr. H. H. Kohlsaat, late proprietor of the Inter Ocean,
now said that he wanted to say something, and as he
had COIN'S attention, immediately proceeded to state the
tariff proposition. Mr. Kohlsaat claimed that the threat
to reduce or abolish tariff, in his opinion, had more to do
with the hard times than anything else. That since
attending these lectures he had more than ever recog-
nized the damage demonetization had done but he still

thought the tariff an important question.

In replying COIN admitted that a large business in-
terestwas more or less disturbed when it was proposed
to change the tariff schedule. With manufacturers it
was not so much a question of how much the tariff is,
as what it is, and so long as that was in doubt it was a
disturbing element.
" "
we are trying to get at what is
But," said COIN,
the main or underlying cause of our present industrial
demoralization, and tariff, pro or con, will not account
for it. Our decline in values has been going on steadily
and persistently since the demonetization of silver.
During that period we have had different tariff bills, and
of late years a very high tariff schedule, and yet it has
had no effect in stopping the fall of prices.

What more clearly than anything else demonstrates
that tariff is not the trouble we are searching out, is that
the same business depression existing in the United
States also prevails in Europe, Australia, and all coun-
tries where gold has been made the standard and measure
of values.
"To see only our own trouble, and attribute it to
local causes, is to be like the narrow-minded Chicago
man who attributes the present depression, to the World's
The Chicago Post published the following the other
day from the San Francisco Chronicle, that will forcibly
illustrate my answer to this question and COIN read ;

the following :

The San Francisco Chronicle, says advices from Australia by

the steamer Warrimoo show an alarming increase in casualties,
crimes and acute distress. The police are unable to cope with





desperate housebreakers, who swarm in the large cities. A few
that have been arrested give as an excuse that famine drove them
to deeds of violence. Several of the policemen attacked by burg-
lars at Sydney are dying. The survivors have been promoted and
given bonuses by Sir George Gibbs.
On one day last week at Sydney, besides a score of petty rob-
beries, the City Hospital wi-j robbed of all its valuables by nurses;

Mercredie & Drew, manufacturers, were robbed of fifty thousand

dollars by employe's F. Coxon, merchant, was robbed by an

employe of a large sum. Three young women succeeded in pass-

ing a number of counterfeit checks. Charles Graham, a post-
office clerk, embezzled two hundred dollars from the postomce.
The government's claim is that the unemployed problem is too
complicated to solve. In Sydney five hundred dollars each week is
spent in aiding five hundred families. Five thousand men in South
Australia asked the Governor to call a special session of Parlia-
ment to discuss means to aid them. The Governor refused. Then
they waited on Premier Kingston, but the Premier would promise
nothing. He told them that though they were in want of food,
they had refused to break a yard and a half of rock per week for
rations, and he could do no more. The delegation said that they
would not break rock for food alone.
Thousands are sleeping in the open air and several have starved
to death. At Bourke Afghans and Europeans quarreled over a
division of labor, and a bloody row occurred. The most tragic
suicides out of ninety-eight in one week, directly the result of
hard times, are F. W. Wilson, the biscuit manufacturer of Bris-

bane, shot himself; William O'Connor, lodger in the European

Hotel, Melbourne, jumped from the fourth story and dashed his
brains out on the pavement; Kate Brooks, a pretty English girl,
starving, got drunk and killed herself with poison Joseph Ban- ;

croft, aminer, out of work, said good-bye to his family and

exploded a cartridge in his mouth.

As COIN closed the reading of the extract from the

San Francisco Chronicle, Mr. Joel Bigelow asked him to
read an extract from a paper published in London called
" The Colonies and India" which Mr.
Bigelow then had
in his hand. COIN consenting, Mr. Bigelow came for-
ward with the paper, and COIN read the extract as fol-
lows :

" What is the most constant

One of our contemporaries asks :

standard of value in existence?" There can be but one

rational answer, in fact viz., silver. The value of a ton
weight of silver on any given day whether expressed in
. s. d. t
in dollars and cents, in francs, in marks, or in rupees

and pice, and (compared on the same day with) the sum of
the market prices of standard test quantities of each of one hun-
dred varieties of the most generally-dealt-in commodities of the
market, also expressed in the same money terms have by
statistical observation and many hundreds of official tests,

practically been found the constant equivalent, on the same

market, of each other during the last five and twenty years
since the system of
" index numbers" was invented and

applied to this branch of national business. This fact stands

officially recorded. For Great Britain the Board of Trade
publishes tables which prove it, and such, or their own private
regularly printed in leading commercial journals.
statistics, are
Continental scientists also regularly publish their independent
statements of these "index numbers." The truly marvelous
fact above stated is thus capable of absolute verification by each
one for himself, and if this does not prove silver to be the
true and world-wide standard of value then there is no signifi-
cance in facts. The metal gold, on the contrary, tried by the
same supreme test, shows itself to be in no sense a "standard"
of value, for it jumps about like the mercury in a barometer
with every movement of the commercial atmosphere, its vibra-
tions to speak within the fact having dodged about, up and
down, as much as 20 per cent, down from a given point and
then back to that point, and then 20 per cent, up from that
same point, all within the short space of 40 or 50 years How !

in the name of commercial sanity, how with a profession of

national honesty, how with a claim to the meanest common
sense, the Government of England continues to oppose the
restoration of our ancient, proved, and only honest standard of
value passes the wit of sane onlookers to understand.


Mayor Hopkins wanted to know what effect the
adoption of the gold standard by the governments using
it had, if any, on those nations using a silver or bime-

tallic standard. What effect, if any, it had on their

prosperity ?

COIN'S reply was :

' '
If a bimetallic or silver standard
nation, 'or its people, are largely in debt, with the obli-

gations payable in gold, the effect is^GTT^lirfT*^ake our

South American republics to illustrate it: During the
last 30 years they have been getting deeper and deeper
into debt to England, and during the last 25 years these
debts have been made payable in gold.
"Each year, with the advance in gold it takes more
and more of their products, or silver, to pay the gold
bonds; they must give up in silver $1.25 to pay $i in
gold $1.50 in silver to pay $i in gold $1.75 in silver
to pay $i in gold, and so on, as the purchasing power
of gold advances and at the present time $2 in silver

to pay $i in gold.
So that a bond for $100,000 executed by them when
silver and gold were at a parity, payable in gold, must
now be met by the payment in principal of $200,000 in
their money. That is to raise the $100,000 in gold,
they must sell 200,000 of their silver dollars. You will
notice in the London Financial reports the price of Mex-
ican dollars as 50 cents or 49 cents as the case may be ;

which means that about two Mexican silver dollars are

accepted in payment for one dollar in gold settlements.
"The bonds of these countries both national and
private are held in England for large amounts, and the
enhanced value of gold is having a very serious effect on
their prosperity. We
are now an ally of England in de-

pressing the price of silver and enhancing the value of

' '
We are paying England 200 million dollars annually
in gold in the payment of interest on our bonds, national
and private, owned by her people, and to meet this an-
nual interest we are giving up about 400 million dollars
in property that is required in the market to secure the
200 million in gold.
Our silver dollars are at par with gold by reason

only of our enforcement of the gold standard redeeming

silver with gold. Otherwise we are with reference to
debts in the same fix as our Southern neighbors, with
this difference ;
while they settle their foreign debts
only in gold, we settle both foreign and domestic debts on
the basis, and in each instance part with about two
portion of property in settlement for one portion of debt."

And with this COIN announced the close of the lect-

ure for the day.

As he did so Mr. Stone, secretary of the Chicago
Board of Trade, stood up in his chair in the center of the
hall, and addressing COIN, said :

' *
The members of the Board of Trade would like to
attend to-morrow's lecture, but the regular session of the
board lasts till i p. m.; if it could be arranged to have
the 'school' open at 2 p. m. instead of 10 a. m., it

would make itpossible for us to be present. And in that

event I am commissioned to buy three hundred tickets
for to-morrow's lecture. We
feel a special interest in
what shall take place here to-morrow, as I am creditably
informed the price of wheat will be discussed."
COIN consented to the request made by Mr. Stone,
and the time for opening the school on the next day,
Friday, was set for 2 p. m.
Mr. H. M. Milliken, a young bimetallist was se-
lected by COIN as manager and treasurer of the hall
under the new system adopted of charging for seats.
Mr. Stone at once selected and paid for three hundred
seats, to be occupied by members of the Board of Trade.

It was a day of bulls and bears.
Tickets for seats had been printed the evening pre-
vious, and the ticket office had been opened in the morn-
Under Mr. Milliken's able management, notwith
standing the great rush, everything proceeded orderly ;

and after the seats were all sold, tickets for standing
room readily brought the regular price, until the hall
was packed. There were fully 3,000 people in the
audience at two o'clock, when COIN appeared on the
crowded platform.
The morning papers had twitted Professor Laughlin
with his attempt to trap the little bimetallist by an unfair
question, and the Times cited it as a sample of the meth-
ods used by the monometallists in their campaign of
Lengthy comments were published editorially on the
proposition of credit money based on labor, to be re-
deemed in services by the government.
The Inter Ocean said, editorially :

This kind of money would relieve the volume of money now

used in transactions with the numerous postoffices of the whole
United States. It is no inconsiderable amount that is now
required to perform this business, and the country would readily
absorb a supply sufficient for a year's use in advance.

The Record said :

The Idea of money based on labor is a new one, but the plan
is so practical and sensible, we can see no objection to it. To
enlarge its use necessitates the government ownership of rail-

roads. Government ownership of the telegraph lines would also

add to the quantity of this class of money. It would certainly
be sound money, redeemable in value received in the way of
There would be no serious objection to government ownership
of railroads and telegraph lines if all of the employe's were disfran-
chised. If they had no power to vote there would be no danger of
Ccesarism from them. If the country was prosperous, and all
branches of business were lucrative, the number of people desiring
to hold a government situation would be materially reduced.

COIN'S answer to Mr. Scudder, as to the cost of pro-

ducing silver, was approved by all the papers except the
Tribune. But as that paper has become the unblushing
defender of the classes, on the income tax, bribed and
unjust property assessments, and every other iniquity
that bears heavily on the many and favors a few, little

importance was attached to what it said.

The monometallists that were such from personal
interest had been piqued and disappointed at the head-
way the little bimetal list was making. His lectures
were having an influence that speeches, books and arti-
cles could not have, as he was challenging contradiction
of his statements. With such an audience of students
of finance, authors arid bankers, these statements became
admitted facts, that in their judgment were dangerous to
their cause.
Two columns had been erected on the platform for
this morning, and each of these were surmounted by a
sheaf of wheat. This was due to the good taste of Mr.
Milliken, by whose direction it had been arranged.
Three globes were on the platform. One was very
large and the other two were very small.

The economist began his fifth lecture with a


compliment Chicago Board of Trade, as the great-

to the
est institution of its character in the world. He then
proceeded s follows :

The total value of all the property in the world is

about 450,000 million dollars.

' '
The available silver and gold money of the world
combined is about 7,500 million dollars. The available
gold money in the world is about 3,750 million dollars.
'Their proportion in values to each other is repre-
sented by these three globes." COIN pointed, as he said
the three globes on the platform by him, and
this, to
then picked up the two smaller ones and held them in
his hand that the audience might see them. He then
continued :

"The large one represents the value of all the real

and personal property in the world; the larger of the two
small ones represents the face value of the silver and gold
in the world available for use as money; and the smallest

represents the amount of gold in the world available for

use as money. The proportion of these globes to each
other is in the same ratio as the figures I have named.
"The large one
is 60 times as large as this one,"
indicating the second in size, representing silver and
gold, and is 120 times as large as the small one which
represents gold. In estimating this wealth of the world,
property in some countries has been measured in a silver
standard, in others in a gold standard, and in others in
a standard gradually shifting from a bimetallic to a gold
standard. All are based on figures of 1890.


' *
The value of the property of the world, as expressed
in money, depends on what money is made of, and how
much money there is.

All writers on political economy admit the quanti-

' '

tative theory of money. Common sense confirms it.

* *
To be correct
this theory should always be applied
to the quantity of redemption money.
The issuing of wheat certificates against the wheat
' '

in your elevators, does not increase the value of the wheat;

and the credit money issued against the redemption
money, does not increase the value of property. It facili-
tates business based thereon. It enlarges business
not values.
"The exchange value of primary money, for the
property of the world, and vice versa, fixes the compara-
tive value of the two.
* '
So if the quantity of money is large, the total value
of the property of the world will be correspondingly
large as expressed in dollars or money units. If the

quantity of money is small, the total value of the property

of the world will be correspondingly reduced.
Property measures its value in money, and money
measures its value in property. Money may increase in
value by reason of its scarcity. When this is the case it

buys more property property buys less money.

The same law of supply and demand applies to it
as applies to any specific class of property. You are of
all men most familiar with that law of trade.
" If a certain number of bushels of is a normal
supply for the World's use, and only half that quantity
of wheat is produced, what is the result ? Wheat is
worth about twice as much per bushel as if the normal
amount had been raised. A bushel of wheat will buy
iwice asmuch money as it would have bought if there
had been a normal quantity.
"This rule applies to money. If there is a normal
quantity, it measures its value in property at a certain

price, subject to supply and demand affecting property

only. If a normal quantity of money on a sound financial
basis is maintained, values of property, and debts with
reference to the time of contraction and payment, will be
equitably adjusted, and fluctuations in values will depend


on locality, and supply and demand of property, not

At present the redemption money of the world in
* '

some countries is silver, and in some gold. Until recently

the two were combined as primary money in most of the
world under a law of free coinage, as we have before
considered. Now being destroyed as primary
silver is

money, by a general movement that jardranging the


commerce of the world, and the stronger nations are

compelling the silver-using nations to settle with them
on the gold basis.
It is therefore proposed by the monometallists to
measure the value of all property in gold, and to settle
all debts in gold or in money redeemable in gold. If
our debts were payable in wheat, wheat certificates
which you handle every day would answer the same
purpose, but the wheat would have to be in existence.
So it is,our debts are payable in gold if paid in

other it must be as good as gold.

money To be as good
as gold the other money must be redeemable in gold,
just as your wheat certificates, are redeemable in wheat.


"This policy rests upon the quantity of gold in the
To carry out such a financial policy the world has,
as reported by the director of the U. S. Mint, about
3,750 million of dollars in gold. Under any calculation it
will not exceed at the present time 3,900 million dollars.
" But let us take the larger figure, 3,900 million dol-
lars, and see what this amount means.
"The population of the world in 1890 was about
1,400 million. It is a per capita for the population of
the world of about $2.50. In bulk it is about one-half
the size of this nickel I hold in my hand." And as COIN
said this he held up a 5-cent piece between his thumb
and forefinger.
" The whole
3,900 million dollars of gold in the
world, cast into cubic foot blocks, can be stacked up in
the corner of this room in a space 22 feet square and 22
feet high, and space enough will be left of the 22 feet
each way to box it in."

COIN here directed two boys, with a stick and tape

line in their hands, to go to the corner of the room and
measure off 2 2 feet square.
This they did, with the assistance of the people sitting
there measuring from the corner 22 feet each way along

the walls, and then out from those points 22 feet parallel
with the first measurements. At this point the stick
that one of the boys was carrying was placed in a per-
pendicular position, with the tape line reaching each
way 22 feet to the walls.
COIN, continuing, said :

"That stick is 22 feet high, and the inclosure indi-

cated by it and the tape line is thecube of 22 feet. That
space will hold all the gold in the world obtainable for use as
' '

money !
COIN had spoken the last few words slowly but with

great emphasis. A
buzz of conversation went around
the room with expressions of disbelief such as impos-
sible/' "it cannot be." Many had risen to their feet.
Professor Laughlin was scratching his head. mild A
state of sensation pervaded the entire room. The bimet-
allists were excited, but smiling, for they felt confident
the little financier could not be cornered. In fact, he
now had gold in the corner.
"A cubic foot of cast gold," continued COIN, after
waiting for the effect of his last words, "weighs 19,258
ounces multiply this by 480, the number of grains in an

ounce, and you have 9,243,840 grains.

"This gives you the number of grains in a cubic
foot of gold. There are 23.22 (to be exact) grains of
gold in a dollar ;
divide the number of grains in a cubic
foot by this, and it gives you the number of dollars, viz. :

$398,098 in a cubic foot of cast gold.

Now as there is $398,098 in a cubic foot of gold, by

dividing this sum into $3,900,000,000, the outside esti-

mate on the total gold supply of the world, we get as a
result 9,796 cubic feet. The next question is, how much

space will 9, 796 cubic ieet occupy. Instead of extracting

the cube root, which would be unintelligible to many,
we do it this way/'
Andwith this he turned to the blackboard and mul-
tiplied 22 by 22, and that result by 22 again thus giv-
ing the number of cubic feet in a space 22 feet each way.
The result was 10,648.
" " "
You see, said COIN, a space 22 feet each way,
such as I have marked off in the corner of the room, con-
tains 10,648 cubic feet.
The total number of cubic feet of gold in the world
is 9,796. So we could put it all in that inclosure, and
have 852 cubic left, which you will admit is
feet of space
enough box
to without
it requiring any more of
all in,

the space of this valuable room than the 22 feet.*

This block of gold could be put in the wheat pit of
1 *

the Chicago Board of Trade," continued COIN, looking

down at the members of the Board of Trade who had front
seats, and you could go on buying and selling wheat
without its seriously interfering with your business."
With this COIN paused, and another buzz of conver-
sation went around the room. Excited astonishment
was upon the faces of all. There stood the figures, and
no one could longer disbelieve.
"I will show you," he continued "how you can
test this statement in a simple way. It is best that not

cubic foot of water weighs 1,000 ounces. The specific grav-
ity of cast gold is 19.258. Of silver 10.474. To g et the weight
of a cubic foot of gold or silver multiply 1,000 by these figures

the least scintilla of doubt should remain in your minds

as to the truth of any statement that I make. The peo-
ple have been too long deceived by misrepresentations ;

the world has been brought to its present condition of

misery by deception on this subject and we must depend
on truth to find permanent lodgement in ycur minds to
root out the falsehood.


I have here the teller of the Metropolitan National
Bank with 125 twenty-dollar gold pieces, the number
necessary for this simple test."
As COIN said this the teller of the Metropolitan Na-
tional Bank stepped forward with a sachel in his hand.
COIN then laid a foot-rule down on the table and placed
9 twenty-dollar gold pieces by it. Those on the plat-
form gathered around, while he explained to the audi-

ence that nine twenty -dollar gold pieces placed in a

row was one foot long, and that hence eighty-one of
them would go in a square foot.
then stacked up the gold pieces a foot high, plac-
ing the rule by the side of them, and announced that
the 125 in the stack measured one foot.
And then said :

" number in a square foot, by 125,

Multiply 81, the
the number in each stack, to make them all a foot high ?

and you have as a result

twenty-dollar gold
pieces. Multiply this by twenty, the value of each,
and you get the value of this cubic foot of gold coins,
viz., $202,500.
"A cubic has in it 10 per cent of
foot of gold coin

alloy this, together

with the unoccupied space between
the stacks of coin, is nearly as much space as that occu-
pied by the pure gold in the coins. SD you can see that
if it was pure solid cast gold the cubic foot would con-

tain the $398,098 + .

'All the gold in the world cast into solid blocks
may be stacked behind the counter of the Metropolitan
National Bank."
COIN then turned to the teller and invited him to a
seat on the platform until he reached the silver illustra-
Most of your offices would hold it all," COIN
began again.
It is in this quantity of gold that it is proposed to
measure the value of all the other property of the world.
Its significance is written in our present low prices and
depression in business.
"When now going on in India,
the transformation
which changing her from the silver standard to a gold

standard, and when Mexico and South America, and the


balance of the world are added to the gold standard,

should such be the case, one pinch from that block of
gold the size of a gold dollar (one-twentieth of an

ounce) will be so valuable that it will not only buy two

bushels of wheat, as it does now, but it will then buy
four bushels of wheat.
One-half that quantity will buy ten hours* labor
from a strong-armed mechanic. So much as you could
put in the palm of your hand, will then buy a man's soul
a statesman's honor. breaking down the fabric
It is
of our institutions driving hope from the heart and

happiness from the minds of our people." And with a

voice low and impassioned that reached the finer fibres
of every heart in that room, he added Who can esti-:

mate the damage to the commerce and business of the

world ? Who can estimate the suffering that humanity
has and must yet experience ? In what language can
we characterize the men behind the scenes who know-
ingly are directing this world to the gold standard ?"
A man rising in the middle of the audience, ex-
claimed, with the accent of Ireland in his tones Imps :

of hell unchained, banqueting in selfish glee upon the

heart's blood of the world." It came with the Irish

ring in the words, richand mellow, yet breathing fire

and vengeance vengeance for wrongs seared into the
human heart suddenly and forcibly realized. The words
seemed to linger in the air as if searching for the
objects of its hate. It was learned afterwards that his
name was Dalton, a member of the steamfitters' union
in Chicago. He was loudly applauded for his appropri-
ate answer.
COIN rapped for order and continued :

"We are not here to deal in sentiment we are

plain matter-of-fact people.



"It is proposed by the bimetallists to remonetize
silver, and add it to the quantity of money that is to be
used for measuring the value of all other property.
"In dollars at a ratio to gold of sixteen to one,
there are about the same number of dollars of silver in
the world as gold. The report of the director of our
mint says there was in the world in 1890, in the form of
silver coin and bullion used as money, $3,820,571,346.
"A cubic foot of silver weighs 10,474 troy ounces,
and using 371^ grains to each dollar, this will make a
cubic foot of cast silver worth $13,544.
''You get this by multiplying the 10,474 by 480, the
number of grains in an ounce, and dividing the result by
37 i /^, the number of grains in a dollar. You then want
to divide the $3,820,571,346, the silver of the world, by
13,544, the number of dollars in a cubic foot. It gives
282,085 cubic feet of silver in the world.
Can you comprehend what a quantity of silver this
is ? I will tell you how. It will make a block of silver
sixty-six feet wide, sixty-six feet long, and sixty-six
feet high.
You can put it all all the silver of the world in

one of the rooms of this building, and anyone entering

at the main entrance on Michigan avenue would have to

inquire in which room of the building the silver of the

world was, before he could find it.
It will go in the Board of Trade room and still

leave sufficient space, I imagine, for you gentlemen to

do some business on dull days."
COIN now had the teller of the Metropolitan National
Bank hand him a satchel containing one hundred and
fourteen silver dollars. With these he showed that six-
ty-four silver dollars would lay down in eight rows, of

eight each, in a square foot, and that one hundred and

fourteen laid one upon the other measured a foot in
height ;
that a cubic foot would therefore contain 7,296
silver dollars.

He then explained that the alloy (one-tenth), and

the space between the sixty-four stacks of silver dollars,
would hold the other $6,248 of the $13,544 i n a solid
cast cubic foot of pure silver.

He also stated that the gold and silver of the world

obtainable for use as money, when mixed with its alloy
and coined, could be stacked up in less than double the
space it would occupy in solid cast blocks.
The economist then continued
little All the silver

in the world available for money can be stored in the

room of the First National Bank of this city and the base-
ment thereunder.
is the quantity of silver in the world, and it

willbe well for you to remember it when you hear some

one talking about a flood of silver.
have heard a good deal about the treasury
vaults at Washington groaning with silver, and more
talk of enlarging them.
The vaults under our treasury building can easily
be arranged to hold all of the silver in all of the coun-
tries of the world used as money, either in coins, bars
or bullion.
You can empty all of the pockets of the people of
4 '

the world of their silver, the bank vaults, the merchants'

money drawers, the sub-treasuries, the children's safes,
all India, Mexico, South America, England, France,
Germany, Russia, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Brit-
ish America, China, Japan, and the islands, big and
little, of the oceans, and you can put it all into this

room, or in the basement of the Treasury building of

the United States. [Applause]
"It is a matter of mathematical calculation and no
intelligent citizen need be either alarmed or deceived.'*
With this statement COIN paused a moment, while
people looked into each other's faces and back again at
the speaker.


" "
Until 1873," he continued, the primary money of
the world was both silver and gold at a parity. They
were virtually one metal. The demand for primary
money was met by the supply of both metals. The rel-
ative valuations of property to money, and money to

property, adjusted themselves accordingly.

"Thus we had dollar wheat and i6-cent cotton in
bimetallic measurement. A bushel of wheat went out
into the market and purchased a dollar.
"Then came the abandonment of the use of silver as
primary money by the United States, followed by Ger-
many four months later, and then by the Latin Union.,
and recently by India.
"A new standard of measuring values was set up.
Silver and gold combined was displaced by gold alone.
Silver being deprived of this privilege free coin-

age at the mints,and use as primary money became

property of the world, to have its value also meas-
ured in gold.
As the standard for measurement in the countries
making this change was now only one-half of what it
had been, it meant the decline in value of all property.
'The demand for gold now became greater, and as

other countries threw silver aside, the demand for gold



VBR 107

still It became more valuable therefore,
bought more property, silver included.
"As the effect of these changes began to be felt,

prices declined. As the demand for gold increased, its

value increased just as the value of your wheat would

increase if the double duty of both corn and wheat were
put upon it.

"So the purchasing power of gold continued to

increase and this increase was indicated by what is
known as the fall of prices. Silver was no longer pri-
mary money with us and it too as compared with rising
gold declined in the market. It is the best thermometer
we have to indicate the rise in gold.
"This scroll that I invite you to study," and here
COIN unrolled a parchment and hung it on the wall,
gives you the decline in the price of silver, wheat, and
"We say 'decline,' but it would be equally true for
us to say that these figures registered the rise in the
purchasing power of money under this financial system
that is based on gold.
"Our daily expression is that wheat or some other
property has declined so much. Bradstrect and Dun
reported last week an average decline in all property of
one and i-io per cent.
" It would be a more
intelligent understanding of the
situation to say that the gold crop of the world this
crop that can be fenced in by twenty -two feet each way
had appreciated in value as the demand for it had in-
"Remember that it has no way of expressing its
value, except by what it will buy. The gold in a gold
dollar may double or thribble in value, but so long as it
is the unit of value, it will ,;till be called a dollar, and

when expressed in terms of money no increase in its

value will be indicated.
It only expresses its value in its purchasing power.
"If a dollar buys a bushel of wheat,
during a time


when the supply of wheat is

normal, and the conditions
continuing normal, at a later time a dollar will buy two
bushels of wheat then the dollar has
doubled its pur-
chasing power.

We speak of declining prices, and do not think of
the appreciation of gold. We
speak of the sun coming
up in the morning and going down in the evening. It

is we that come up and go down. The sun is relatively

Property is standing still and gold is going up.
"It is common now to hear the expression that the
silver in a silver dollar is only worth sixty cents, or fifty
cents, or forty-eight cents, as the case may be at the time.
People do not stop to think what measure that value is
being taken in. When we had a double standard, and
silver was the unit> such a thing as its being worth less
than a dollar was as impossible as it would be now for
the gold in a gold dollar to be worth less than a dollar.
Had gold been destroyed as primary money by the same
nations, and silver made the standard, we could have had
gold in the form of token money to-day, worth, say, fifty
cents on the dollar as measured in silver.
Suppose both were destroyed as primary money, and
a new standard of values was set up and that standard
was diamonds. Suppose a carat diamond was made the
dollar or unit.
"And suppose gold and silver token money was used,
of the weight and fineness now made, redeemable in this
new redemption money.
'Under a double standard of silver and gold a pure one,
carat diamond was rated at $50.00. A change therefore
to thediamond standard, would contract values fifty times.
Wheat under a double standard that was worth $1.00 on
the farms, would under like conditions with a diamond
standard, be worth two cents as expressed in the new
standard, or diamond dollar. It could then be said that
the gold in a gold dollar, and the silver in a silver dollar

was worth only about two cents. The demand for dia-
monds would become enormous, but as expressed in dol-
lars a carat diamond would be a dollar. As expressed
in purchasing power, it would buy fifty bushels of wheat.
Wheat would be worth about two cents per bushel.
"Let me demonstrate. Say a one-carat diamond
is now worth under a gold standard $25.00. If a carat
diamond was adopted as the unit of value for our mone-

tary system one-carat declared by our law to be a dollar,

and diamonds the only money of redemption, you would
not say that a carat diamond was worth $25.00 but you;

wotild say that it was one dollar, or was worth one dollar.


"As expressed in dollars and cents it would pull

everything down with it. Wheat now worth fifty cents
would be worth one twenty-fifth of fifty, or two cents.
''You could then make fun of gold as some of our
papers are now doing with silver, and say that the gold
in a gold dollar was only worth two cents. It could be

urged as a reason for not remonetizing gold with as

much force as the same argument is now used against

remonetizing silver. [Applause.]


Those who have been deceived by this cry of a
have only themselves to blame,
fifty-cent silver dollar
and if they are not money lenders they have been pay-

ing the fiddler.'

* '
We express values in dollars, the unit of our mone-
tary system. That unit is now the gold dollar of twenty-
three and two- tenths grains of pure gold, or twenty- five
and eight-tenths grains of standard gold. If we were to
cut this amount in two and make eleven and six-tenths
grains pure gold a unit or dollar, we would thereby
double the value of all the property in the United States,
except debts.
1 1
If we were to double the weight of the unit or dol-
larby putting forty-six and four-tentfis grains in it, we
would thus reduce the value of all the property in the

world, as expressed in dollars, except debts, as they call

for so many dollars.
"If you don't understand this proposition as I have
stated it, you will by enlarging the scale. Keep on add-
ing gold to the dollar, till it takes one hundred grains
five hundred grains cne thousand grains to make a
legal unit or dollar. Go on making it larger till you
have all of the gold in the world in one thousand units,
or dollar pieces.
' *
could give up property enough to buy one of
them ? To buy
a single dollar ? Suppose you owed a
note calling for $100.00 payable in gold, one-tenth the
gold of the world how could you pay it ? Think of
the property that would have to be slaughtered to get it.
"Carry the illustration still further and put all the
gold in the world in one dollar. A
note for one dollar
would require all the gold to pay it. When you reduce
the number cf primary dollars, you reduce the value of

property as expressed in dol-

lars accordingly, and make it

that much more difficult for

debtors to pay their debts.
" And
yet this is the kind
of injustice that was commit-
ted when silver was demon-
etized. struck down one-
half the number of dollars
that made up our primary
money and standard of values
formeasuring the values of all property. It reduced the
average value of silver and all other property one-half,
except debts.
It is commonly known as the crime of 1873. A
crime, because it has confiscated millions of dollars
worth of property. A
crime, because it has made thou-
sands of paupers. A crime, because it has made tens of
thousands of tramps. A crime, because it has made
thousands of suicides. A crime, because it has brought
tears to strong men's eyes, and hunger and pinching
want to widows and orphans. A crime, because it is
destroying the honest yeo-
manry of the land, the bul-
wark of the nation. A
crime, because it has brought
this once great republic to
the verge of ruin, where it is
now in imminent danger of tot-
tering to its fall. [Applause.]
Pardon me for an ex-

pression of feeling. are We

not here to comment on the
effects of demonetization, but

to learn what money is, and wherein our financial system

has been changed."
The little speaker, without intending it, through a feel-
ing of honest indignation, had burst forth in a recital of
this catalogue of crimes. It had a perceptible effect on
the audience. His earnest eloquence was melting hearts
that never before had thawed to the presentation of the
It is one of the wonders of the world how the peo-
ple have been so slow in grasping the financial problem
in learning what it is that measures values, and that
the lesson should have to be learned through an expe-
rience so bitter.
" And "
if my explanation of
now," continued COIN,
what is known as the fifty-cent silver dollar is not plain
and satisfactory I want to hear from you. It also
accounts for fifty-cent wheat."
Mr. Ed. Pardridge, a noted bear operator on the
Board of Trade, who had been listening attentively, here
stood up. He had commenced bearing wheat in 1893,
when it was 80 cents, and to the surprise of every one
had continued confidently to sell it short down to 53j4
cents, untilhe had made something like two millions of
dollars and was still hammering away.
With a smile on his face and a wink all around him at
his fellow members of the Board, he said :

I have understood the relation of redemption money

' '

to values for now little over a year, and have profited by

but you," addressing himself to COIN, "have given
the snap away." Then amidst laughter and applause
Mr. Pardridge took his seat.
Mr. Chas. Henrotin, a Board of Trade operator, then
said that he had read in a morning paper, a statement
signed by a Mr. Wheeler, that wheat in 1859 was as low

as it is now, and as bimetallism was then the law, he

would like to know how that was ? Also that corn in
1873 was about the same price (38 cents) that it is now,
and he would like to hear from COIN as to that point.
Unless, he said, there is a satisfactory answer as to why
corn was as low in 1873 as tne present low price, he
could not satisfactorily change his present views, which
were for the gold standard.
COIN replied :

"The statement that wheat in 1859 was as low as

now is not true.
"The secretary of your Board has the bound jour-
nals of a trade paper published in this city before the
war that escaped the great fire. They are shown to
any one who calls there. I have them here.
'They show that the average price of No. 2 red

winter wheat for 1859 was $1.10 per bushel. The aver-
age price for the month of May, 1859, was $1.35.
On this nth day of May, (1859)," said COIN, turning
to one of the books of the bound journals, No. 2 Red
wheat is here quoted at $1.38 and $1.40 per bushel.
Wheat is now 54 cents a bushel so this Mr. Wheeler is

much mistaken when he says that wheat or anything

else was as low in 1859 as it is now.
We some other things," continued COIN.
will take
I now hold hand the statistical abstract of the
in my
United States issued in 1892 by the Bureau of Statistics
of the Treasury Department. Any of you can get it

by writing to the treasury department. It brings the

annual average prices down to 1892.
On page 341 we see that the average price of cut
nails in 1859 was, per 100 pounds, $3.86. In 1892,
$1.83. Now they are about $1.00.
On the same page the average price of pig iron in

1859 was $23.38 per ton. In 1892, $15.75 ;

now it is

about $12.00.
page 334 we find that the average price for
1859 of cotton was 12.08 cents per pound. In 1892,
average price 7,71 cents per pound now it is about 7




"On page 335 we find the average price for 1859 of

fine washed clothing, Ohio fleece wool, was 60 cents.
For 1892, 30 cents.
" From this trade
journal you will Fee that corn
in 1859 was worth 65 cents.

Of TE1 '$*

All other values on an average have declined like
these I have just read. So you see that prices were not
as low in 1859, or before the war, as they are now.
" as to that part of your question as to the low
price of corn in 1873," said COIN, looking toward Mr.
What you say about the price of corn in 1873 is
true ;
but I want to call your attention to the cause of it.
"Corn does not seek distant markets like wheat.
This is partly on account of its small price per bushel.
It cannot always stand the freight. Its use is not so

general as wheat, and it seeks the home market.

"On page 215 of the report of the Chicago Board of
Trade for 1892 you will find that the corn crop of the
State of Illinois, for the year 1872, which controlled the
market price for the spring and summer of 1873, was
217,628,000 bushels; while by this year's report the
crop for 1893 which controls the present price, was 160,-
550,470 bushels. The demand for corn now, with nearly
double our population, is greater than it was in 1873,
and yet in 1873 the corn crop was fifty-seven million
bushels greater than it was last year.
in this state
This over-production in 1872 accounts for its low price
in 1873. The gold standard accounts for its low price


Mr. H. F. Earnes, president of the Commercial Na-

tional Bank, put this question to COIN :

"Suppose values do decline and get on a lower

plane. Can't the farmer who gets 50 cents for his
wheat buy as much of this world's goods with that 50
cents as he formerly could with a dollar ? And if this

is true, and I think it is, wherein does it make any dif-

And he sat down thinking he had accomplished
what Professor Laughlin, Mr. Gage, Mr. Kirk and a
dozen others had failed to do, viz., stump the little
He probably got the cleanest knockout and hardest
fall of them all.
COIN turned one of the boys who had helped to
measure off the twenty-two feet in the corner and gave
him some direction.


The boy went out into the anteroom, and a moment

later returned, rolling a rubber globe or ball before him
about half the size of the largest one on the platform.
The people moving to make way, the lad rolled it to

where COIN was standing. The little schoolmaster

putting his hand on it, said :

ball, as proportioned to the largest one, indi-
cates the debts of the world, which are, if we include
debts of all kinds, about 200,000 million of dollars at
the present time. The total value of all the property
of the world in 1890 was about 450,000 million.
This value has since been shrinking, and will con-
tinue to shrink until it is about one-half its present size
as represented by this largest ball.
" But this ball that
represents debts will not decrease
any. Its present tendency is to grow larger.
"When this ball," indicating the one representing
values of all property, "has shrunken to half its size, it

will be about the size of this one representing debts.

The history of nations shows that when the debts
* '

of a country are two-thirds of the value of all its property,

disintegration sets in. Strikes riots revolution pro-

visional governments, as with our neighbors in South
America at the present time.
When you
reduce wheat to 50 cents, and all other
property accordingly, you don't reduce debts at all.
You only make it harder to pay them.
A note executed five years ago which 1,000 bushels
of wheat would then have paid, now takes about 1,500
bushels to pay.

Though we have paid since 1869 about 5,000 millions

on our public debt in principal and interest, and have re-
duced the principal from 2, 700 million to 1,000 million, it
will now take as much of our property to pay the 1,000
million as would have paid the whole 2,700 million in
"A farmer may buy calico with his 5O-cent wheat

money at a like cut in values, but he cannot get the

same favor shown him on his debts.
The property of the money lender notes, bonds and
' '

mortgages does not shrink. The mortgage will eat the

property owner up.

" 'Ah!'
you may say, 'everybody is not in debt ;

one-half of the people may be, but let them liquidate and
start over, then times will be good.'
" But
everybody, except the money lender, is in debt.
Your city is in debt twenty million, and you owe your
part of it. Your county is in debt. Your state is in
debt. Your general government is in debt.
You are paying your part of the interest on all that;
* *

and your taxes in this city at the rate of 8 per cent on

the assessed valuation is evidence that you are all in
Those who are personally in debt
1 '
will only become
bankrupt the sooner.
" The total debts in the United mu-
States, national,
nicipal, state, county, corporate and private, is now esti-

mated to be about 40,000 million of dollars.

The railroad bonded debt is 5,000 million, or about
one-eighth of the whole amount.
" The interest on
40,000 million, at an average rate
of 6 per cent per annum, is 2,400 million. Now, when
you consider that the total money supply of the country
isonly about 1,600 million, and that interest money is
going principally to the East, you can see what a great
sponge this debt is, to come West twice a year and soak
up your money and take it away.
When your neighbor has sent all of his money off

he has none left to spend with you.

" There are
two ways ordinarily of getting this
money back that goes East. One is to sell something to

them at a profit. We are not now doing that. The

other is So many of our friends have bor-
to borrow it.

rowed, that while they cannot borrow any more, it has

made unprofitable for those who can borrow to do so,

as no business ventures are now profitable.

" The only money coming back to us at present from
the East, which goes there to pay interest, is about

one hundred and sixty million a year paid by the gov-

ernment in pensions salaries paid to government em-

ployes, and money received in payment for produce on

which there is no margin or profit.
On one hand the law of the land says these debts
must be paid, and there are the courts and sheriffs to en-
force it.

" On
the other hand, the people cannot pay, as a new
monetary unit makes it impossible. The law spends its
force by confiscating the property of the people. The
will retaliate * * *. Under the effects of
which has been in operation for
this legalized robbery,

twenty years, the future of the republic looks serious

and threatening.
"While not directly interested in our neighbor's
debts, we are indirectly and general ; paralysis may come
to our business on that account.
" In
adjusting ourselves to a lower plane of prices, we
are at once confronted with the fact that debts do not
depreciate with other property, and that on account of
its great size it becomes an oppression affecting all, more

or less, and directly confiscating the property of mil-

" To expect these debts to be paid under present con-
ditions, when it is so far beyond the power of the people
to pay them, is too much. It is like trying to fit a 6-foot

man to a 3-foot coffin. It will mntilate the remains to

attempt it.

"Many other things do not, also, readily adjust

themselves to a lower plane of prices.
* '

Suppose the proposition embraced in the question

to me was made to the now irritated farmers, and one of


them was to go forth to test it, and see if he could buy
as much
of this world's goods with 50 cents as he for-
merly could with a dollar.
will suppose, before starting, he goes to pay his
taxes. He will find that his 5o-cent wheat will not pay

as much as his $1.40 wheat did in 1873. He will find

his taxes just as much, and it will take all of twice as
much wheat to pay them as in 1873.
"While passing out of the Court House suppose he
meets a county official and should ask him what salary
was paid to his office in 1873 and now. The answer
would be the same number of dollars now as in 1873.
The same is true of city, state and national officers, also
with the army, navy and officials abroad. The 5o-cent
wheat would only pay about one-third as much in each
instance. He starts for the depot and to get there he takes
a street-car. He finds the fare the same as in 1873. He
gets on a Pullman car to find the cost the same as in 1873.
He registers at a first-class hotel. He finds the cost about
the same as in 1873. He sends a telegram, and finds it
costs the same as in 1873. He gets a shave with the same
result. He buys tea and coffee, with the same result. He

gets back home and goes to his bank to borrow money.

He finds interest, except in cities on first-class loans, about
as high as in 1873. Should he now meet the man who
told him that his 5O-cent wheat would buy as much of
this world's goods as it ever did,
might result seriously

for the other fellow." [Laughter and applause.]

And with a smile and a graceful bow COIN retired
from the stage. The lecture was over. It had been full
of meat," and the bulls and bears knew more than they
did before. If they had learned nothing else than that all
of the gold and silver in the world could be put in the main
room of the Chicago Board of Trade their attendance on
the lecture gave rich returns for the time spent. The
bears on the Board the next day were more numerous
than they had been in many months.
^0f TH1 <

A mother quail with her young quail
brood had a home in a wheat field. When
the wheat was ripe and the harvest time
was come, the little quails suggested to
their mother that it was time to move.
While they were discussing it, the owner
of the field came near, and was heard to
say to some one with him, that he was
going to get his neighbors to help him
harvest. The mother quail said to her
young^ "We will not move yet." Sev-
eral days passed by and the wheat had

grown very ripe, The quail again heard

the owner say that he was going after
some friends over in another neighbor-
hood, to help him cut the wheat. The
mother quail said to her young, "We
will not move yet." A few days later,
when the wheat was so ripe it was falling
and going to waste, the quails heard the
farmer say, "I am going to cut the wheat
' '
The mother quail then said to
her young: "Now we will move. The
wheat is to be cut." From an old Scrap


The manner in which the lecturer had handled

his subject on the fifth day had greatly enhanced his

popularity. What he had said, had been in the nature of
a revelation to nearly all that heard it, and his grouping
of facts had made a profound impression.
What created the most comment, was his statement
as to the space in which all the gold and silver of the
world could be placed. In all the hotel lobbies it was
the subject of conversation. The bare statement that
all the gold in the world could be put in a cube of 22

feet appeared ridiculous absurd.

Few had entertained the single gold standard
view of the monetary question were willing to believe it.
They argued that it was impossible that the business of

the world could not be transacted on such an insignifi-

cant amount of property for primary money. They said,
"Wait till the morning papers come out the Tribune ;

would puncture it, the Inter Ocean, Herald, in fact, all of

the papers would either admit it by their silence, contra-
dict it or give the facts."
At the Grand Pacific Hotel the cashier was kept
busy answering requests to see a twenty-dollar gold piece.
They wanted to measure it to get its diameter and

thickness. As none was to be had, they had to content

themselves with measuring up and figuring
silver dollars
out how much space all the silver in the world would

occupy. This resulted in confirming COIN'S statement.

Mr. George Sengel, a prominent citizen of Fort Smith,
Arkansas, while discussing the subject with a large party
in the rotunda of the Palmer House, stood up in a chair
and addressed the crowd, saying :

Gentlemen, I have just been up in COIN'S room
and examined the government reports as to the amount
of gold and silver in the world, and have made the cal-
culation myself as to the quantity of it, and I find that
the statements made are true. All the gold and silver
in the world obtainable for money can be put in the
office of this hotel, and all the gold can be put in this

office and not materially interfere with the comfort of

the guests of the house.

I have been until to-day in favor of a single

gold standard, but hard times, and this fact that all the
gold in the world available for money can be put in a
space of twenty-two feet each way, has knocked it out
of me. Count on me and old Arkansas for bimetallism/'
Mr. Sengel' s speech was greeted with applause, and
he was followed by others expressing similar views.
The morning papers gave full reports of the previous
day's lecture. All editorially confirmed COIN'S state-
ment as to the quantity of gold and silver in the world,
and the space it would occupy, except the Herald and
Tribune ; they were silent on the subject.
It was generally known that COIN would discuss in-

dependent action of the United States on the last day,

and from the number that tried to gain admission, a hall
many times as large could have been easily filled.
At the hour for opening the hall large crowds sur-

A brutal assault is made by a ruffiau upon Prosperity," a
beautiful woman, in the sight of a prisoner, who trys to break
Iris chains that he may go to her rescue.

rounded the entrance to the Art Institute, and the corri-

dors were filled with people. In the large hall where
the lectures were delivered the walls had been decorated
with the American colors. This had been seen to by a
committee of bimetallists they had given special atten-

tion to the decorations around the platform, and though

assuming many forms, each piece had been made from
United States' flags. The scene presented was striking
and patriotic.
the doors were opened the hall was soon filled
and thousands were turned away.
COIN was escorted by a committee of bimetallists in
carriages from his hotel to the Art .Institute, each
carriage used by the committee being draped in the
American colors. It was the first demonstration of the
kind made in honor of the little financier of the people,
since the lectures had begun.
evidences of his popularity were now to be seen
on every hand. Many, however, had reserved their
judgment to hear from him on the United States taking
independent action, and all were anxious to listen to
what he would say on that subject.
His appearance upon the platform was the signal for
an ovation. He had grown immensely popular in those
last five days.
laid his silk hat on the table, and at once stepped
to themiddle of the platform. He raised his eyes to the
audience slowly turned his head to the right and left,

and looked into the sea of faces that confronted him.


In the midst of plenty, we are in want," he began.
"Helpless children and the best womanhood and
manhood of America appeal to us for release from a

bondage that is destructive of life and liberty. All the

nations of the Western Hemisphere turn to their great
sister republic for assistance in the emancipation of the

people of at least one-half the world.

The Orient, with its teeming millions of people, and
France, the cradle of science and liberty in Europe,
look to the United States to lead in the struggle tc


rollback the accumulated disasters of the last twenty-

one years. What shall our answer be ? [Applause.]
"If it is claimed we must adopt for our money the
metal England selects, and can have no independent
choice in the matter, let us make the

it is true. It is not American to give up without try-

ing. If it is true, let us attachEngland to the United
States and blot her name out from among the nations
of the earth, [Applause.]
war with England would be the most popular
ever waged on the face of the earth. [Applause.] If
it is true that she can dictate the money of the world,
and thereby create world-wide misery, it would be the
most just war ever waged by man. [Applause.]
But fortunately this is not necessary. Those who
would have you think that we must wait for England,
either have not studied this subject, or have the same
interest in continuing the present conditions as England.
It is a vain hope to expect her voluntarily to consent.

England the creditor nation of the globe, and collects


hundreds of millions of dollars in interest annually in

gold from the rest of the world. We
are paying her two
hundred millions yearly in interest. She demands it in
gold the contracts call for it in gold. Do you expect

her to voluntarily release any part of it ? It has a pur-

chasing power twice what a bimetallic currency would
have. She knows it.
The men that control the legislation of England
are citizens of that country with fixed incomes. They
are interest gatherers to the amount annually of over
one thousand millions of dollars. The men over there
holding bimetallic conventions, and passing resolutions,
have not one-fifth the influence with the law-making
power that the bimetallists in the United States have
with our Congress and President. No nothing is to be ;

expected from England.

4 4
Whenever property interests and humanity have
come in conflict, England has ever been the enemy of
human liberty. All reforms with those so unfortunate as

to be in her power have been won with the sword. She

yields only to force. [Applause.]
" The
money lenders in the United States, who own
substantially all of our money, have a selfish interest in
maintaining the gold standard. They, too, will not yield.
They the gold standard can survive for
believe that if

a few years longer, the people will get used to it get

used to their poverty and quietly submit.
"To that end they organize international bimetallic
committees and say, Wait on England, she will be forced

to give us bimetallism.' Vain hope Deception on this


subject has been practiced long enough upon a patient

and outraged people.
"With silver remonetized, and gold at a premium,
not one-tenth the hardships could result that now afflict
us. Why ? First it would double the value of all prop-

erty. Second
only 4 per cent of the business of the

people of this nation is carried on with foreign coun-

tries and a part of this 4 per cent would be trans-


actions with silver using nations ;

while 96 per cent
of the business of our people is domestic transactions.
Home business. Is it not better to legislate in the
interest of 96 per cent of our business, than the remain-
ing 4 per cent ?

"We now face the situation and must act. We are

similarly situated to the Rocky Mountain bear hunter,
when meeting a bear in a level trail on a mountain side,
with a cliff on the one hand and a perpendicular precipice
on the other. This Rocky Mountain bear hunter could
neither dodge to the right or left, and there was no friendly
tree near, his only weapon his knife, and no alternative
but to fight. "It was to be the bear fight of his life.
He knelt down and made this prayer, while the bear
looked on with curiosity :


Oh Lord I am now forty years of
4 '

age, and never prayed to Thee before

iii all my life. I am not like the Meth-
odist and Baptist, who are constantly
worrying Thee with all their little
cares. All I have to say is, if you are
not on my side don't be on the bear's
side, but lay low and say nothing,
and see the biggest bear fight you ever
read about." [Great laughter.]

In the impending struggle for the mastery of the
commerce of the world, the financial combat between
England and the United States cannot be avoided if we
are to retain our self-respect, and our people their free-
dom and prosperity. [Applause.]
The gold standard will give England the commerce
and wealth of the world. The bimetallic standard will
make the United States the most prosperous nation on
the globe. [Applause.]
'To avoid the struggle
means a surrender to Eng-
land. It means more
means a tomb raised to the

memory of the republic. Delay is dangerous. At any

moment an internecine war may break out among us.
Wrongs and outrages will not be continuously endured.
The people will strike at the laws that inflict them.
"To wait on England and unnecessary.
is purile
Her interests are not our interests.

But,' you ask me,

how are we to do it ? It will work itself.

We have
been frightened at a shadow. We have been as much
deceived in this respect as we have about other matters
connected with this subject.
"Free coinage by the United States will at once
establish a parity between the two metals. Any nation
that is big enough to take all the silver in the world, and
give back merchandise and products in payment for it,
will at once establish the parity between it and gold.
"France and the Latin Union, with less population
and wealth than we have, maintained a premium on sil-
ver for forty years by opening their mints to its free
coinage, and at a ratio of 15^ to i, while ours was
16 to r.
France could lift the commercial value of silver
above that fixed by the other nations of the world, and

at a premium over gold, the United States can hold its

commercial value at a par with gold.
But we alone would not have to maintain it. We
know now that Mexico, South and Central America, the
Asiatic governments and France would be with us from
the start. The nations that would immediately support
bimetallism are stronger in 1894, ^
an those were in
1873 that maintained it then. Of all those that we had
then, we would start with only the loss of Germany and
Austria, and a few lesser principalities." [Applause.]
Lyman Gage, president of the First National
Bank, who put questions to COIN on the second day of
the school, now interrupted the speaker.
"Suppose," said Mr. Gage, "that after all, the
independent action of the United States did not establish
the parity between the two metals ?
hesitate at the supposition of an improbabil-

ity," replied COIN. Continuing he said :

' '
To suppose that such will be the case is to borrow
trouble that is not at all likely to occur. But if it does,
we are more than are the obstacles
fruitful of resources
insurmountable that may be thrown in our way.
" To
begin with, we would want an administration at
Washington that is friendly to republican institutions.
"The government should exercise its prerogative as
of old to pay in either metal it sees fit. Gold must be
given to understand that it is not indispensable to the
currency of the country. This will depreciate its im-
portance. The bankers of the great money centers must
be given to understand that they must take their hands
off the throat of the government. That they cannot
dictate to the government what is money. The govern-
ment will dictate that to them. The selfishness of the
few must submit to the interests of the many. We will

then be better able to dictate to other governments

what the United States wants as she leads in the column
of bimetallic nations.
* '
The unlimited demand for silver, and its free use by
the government, will appreciate its value. To that ex-
tent the disuse of gold will depreciate its value. If


necessary, fire a man bodily into the street to teach him

his place. Gold needs that lesson.
With both metals as primary money, property ad
vances to bimetallic values, whether gold goes to a
premium or not. Gold may go out of circulation, but

its doing so does not disturb the practical effect of bi-

metallic prices.
There should be a law making it a forfeiture of the
debt to discriminate in favor of one form of national cur-
rency as against another. Our national currency should
be as sacred as our national flag. The present law allow-
ing gold to be named in the bond is statutory treason.
The government would stand ready to redeem its paper
and token money in primary money on demand, and
should not allow any discrimination that would forestall
its action or corrupt its financial system.
With an administration in sympathy with bimetal-
lism there would be no trouble as to the parity of the two
metals. It could throw its great influence in favor of
the weaker of the two metals if necessary in sustaining
that parity.
11 "
But," said Mr. Gage, if after a fair trial gold con-
tinued at a premium, what remedy would you suggest?
"Putless gold in the gold dollar," replied COIN.

"Bring the weight of the gold dollar down till they are
on a parity." [Applause.] *
Mr. Gage took his seat, but when COIN was about to
resume he again interrupted the little speaker.
41 "
Suppose said Mr. Gage, "the free coinage of sil-
ver by the United States should flood us with silver?
What would we do with it ? "
Put it in the pockets of the people " replied COIN.
" Put
it to work put it in the channels of trade. If we

desired to store it, we could put it all in your bank.

"But it would drive out our gold?" asserted Mr.
"Our gold is leaving us now," replied COIN.
"Could it leave us any faster? It is now going at
or xn

the rate of from $500,000 to $2,000,000 a day. Is

a drought of gold to be more desired than a flood of
silver? It is only a question of time under a gold sys-

tem when England will take it all. The way to keep

our gold is to renionetize silver. Remonetization will
give us higher prices for our exports, and will make
a balance of trade in our favor large enough to bring us
English gold and silver.
"Now, Mr. Gage," said COIN, "may I ask you a
question ?"
"Certainly," replied Mr. Gage.
" Is it not a "
that no estimate has
fact," said COIN,
been placed on American (United States) bonds held in
Europe at less than 5,000 million dollars?
Yes, I believe that is true," answered Mr. Gage.
"And is not the largest part of this sum owned in
England? continued COIN.
" answered Mr. Gage.
I suppose it is,"
"And has not," said COIN "the large shipments of
gold to England recently given rise to the opinion in
commercial circles that our bonds are held there to a
larger amount than 5,000 million dollars.
"Yes," said Mr. Gage.
" Does not these "
securities," COIN went on, consist

largely of railroad, municipal and other bonds drawing

from 4 to 6 per cent interest ? "
" I
suppose so," assented the banker.
"Then would you not," said COIN, "consider 4 per
cent as a fair average interest on our bonds held in Eng-
land ?"
Yes, I should think so," replied Mr. Gage.
Mr. Gage" said COIN, "4 per cent on 5,000 mil-
lion dollars is 200 million dollars. It has all been made

payable in gold. The total production of gold in the


world annually is about 165 millions, and of this the

United States produces annnally about 35 millions.
Now unless the balance of trade is increased largely,
how may we expect to pay this 200 millions in gold
annually ?

'*The selling of more bonds in England will get us

gold with which to pay it," replied the eminent financier.
" But does not that increase the annual interest to be
paid? asked COIN.
Yes," said Mr. Gage, reluctantly.
" And
where will it end ? " continued COIN.
"I don't know," hesitatingly replied Mr. Gage, and
with bewilderment in his face he resumed his seat.
COIN now addressed himself to the audience, that
showed evident signs of pleasure and satisfaction with
the dialogue that had just taken place.
We have put our heads in the mouth of the English
lion, and the question now is how to get it out. I don't

like Mr. Gage's plan. [Applause.]

His plan consists in putting our heads farther in.
It is the same plan the bankers have adopted for

the government to get gold. [Applause.] It will all

end, if the present policy is continued, in England own-
ing us body and soul. She is making a peaceable con-
quest of the United States. What she failed to do with
shot and shell in the eighteenth century, she is doing
with the gold standard in the nineteenth century. [Ap-
plause.] The conservative monied interest furnished
the tory friends of England then, and it furnishes her
friends now. [Applause.] The business men of New
York City passed strong resolutions against the Declara-
tion of Independence in 1776, and they are passing
strong resolutions against an American policy now."

'The objection to independent bimetallism is that


the parity between the two metals cannot be maintained

at our ratio of 1 6 to i. That is the gold (23.2 grains)
in the gold dollar will be worth more than the silver
(37 1 /4 grains) in the silver dollar. have twice We
changed the quantity of gold in the gold dollar each ;

time making it less. If the commercial value of 23.2

grains of gold is more than the commercial value of 371^
grains of silver, then reduce it to 22, 21, 20 grains t>r less
if necessary to put the two at a ratio, where the practi-

cal effect of free coinage, when once set to working again,

will demonstrate that the ratio at its natural point,

and parity easily obtained. Reducing the gold in the

gold dollar would leave gold for more dollars, and this
would establishing rising prices as it would
assist in

multiply the number of dollars. The weight of the sil-

ver dollar should not be changed. Its integrity should
be preserved as originally fixed.
'There can be no objection to this plan, for as we

have seen the parity of the two metals was maintained for
hundreds of years. The bimetallists do not believe that
the ratio has much influence. They believe that the in-
fluence of unlimited free coinage is so great in establish-
ing the commercial parity of the two metals, that any
ratio near the natural ratio of i to 15^3 will give satis-
" In this
controversy, one point should never be lost
sight of, and that is, that higher prices bimetallic
prices will come with remonetization of silver, even
though gold goes to a premium.
It is a fixed law in the science of money that when
both metals are primary money whether at the time seek-
ing the mints or not, and whether in circulation or not bi-
metallic prices prevail.

Mr. P. A. H. Franklin, a prominent bimetallist of Chi-

cago, wanted to know of COIN, in case it was necessary
or desirable, if there were any practical method to force
England to adopt bimetallism ?
COIN'S reply was: "Yes. It is not probable that
such an emergency can arise but if it does all we would

have to do would be to put an excessive tariff on all im-

ports coming from her, and all other countries having a
gold standard, until they adopted a bimetallic system
with the same ratio as ours.
England could not afford to stay out of our market-;
while France was enjoying them. The English people
would raise a clamor that would soon lead to bimetal-
lism. If such a course on our part conflicts with treat-
ies treaties should be broken. When
humanity, or the
life of a nation, is involved, all treaties are at an end.

"If England wages a war on humanity, the United

States should declare an industrial war on England.
England demonetized silver in 1816, and yet from
that period to 1873 the parity ^of the two metals was
not affected we did not need her then, and we do not

need her now.

' '
When the nations giving importance to silver, are
as numerous and as strong as those giving importance to
gold, a parity is naturally produced.
"The farmer in Mexico sells his bushel of wheat for
one dollar. The farmer
United States sells his bushel
of wheat for 50 cents. The former is proven by the
history of the world to be an equitable price. The latter
is writing its history, in letters of blood, on the appall-

ing cloud of debt that is sweeping with ruin and desola-

tion over the farmers of this country. [Applause.]
What is said of wheat may be said of all our property.

it is considered that we are giving two dol-

larsworth of property now, in payment for one dollar in
gold, you will realize that we are now paying 100 per
cent premium on gold. [Applause.]
1 '
And this applies not only to our foreign business,
but to our home business.
"With silver remonetized, and a just and equit-
able standard of values, we can, if necessary, by act of
Congress, reduce the number of grains in a gold dollar
till it is of the same value as the silver dollar. [Applause.]
We can legislate the premium out of gold. [Applause.]
Who will say that this is not an effective remedy ? I
' '

pause for a reply !

COIN waited for a reply. No one answering him, he

continued :

' '

Until an answer that will commend itself to an

unbiased mind is given to this remedy, that guarantees
a parity between the metals, write upon the character
of every 'international bimetallist the words 'gold
Pausing for a moment, as if still waiting for his posi-
tion to be attacked, he proceeded :

Give the people back their favored primary money !

Give us two arms with which to transact business Sil- !

ver the right arm and gold the left arm Silver the !

money of the people, and gold the money of the rich.

"Stop this legalized robbery, that is transferring the
property of the debtors to the possession of the credit-
ors !

" the integrity of the government has been

Citizens !

violated. A Financial Trust has control of your money,

and with it, is robbing you of your property. Vam-
pires feed upon your commercial blood. The money in
the banks is subject to the check of the money lenders.

They expect you to quietly submit, and leave your fel-

low citizens at their mercy. Through the instrumental-

ity oflaw they have committed a crime that overshadows
all other crimes. And yet they appeal to law for their

protection. If the starving workingman commits the

crime of trespass, they appeal to the law they have con-
taminated, for his punishment. Drive these money-

changers from your temples. I>t them discover by your

aspect, their masters the people. ' '

The United States commands the situation, and can

dictate bimetallism to the world at the ratio she is in-

clined to fix.

Our foreign ministers sailing out of the New York
harbor past the statue of ''Liberty Enlightening the
World " should go with instructions to educate the na-
tions of the earth upon the American Financial Policy.
We should negative the self-interested influence of Eng-
land, and speak for industrial prosperity.
' *

We now
the ally of England in the most cruel
and unjust persecution against the weak and defenseless
people of the world that was ever waged by tyrants since
the dawn of history. [Applause.]
Our people are losing each year hundreds of mil-
lions of dollars ;
incalculable suffering exists thoughout
the land we have begun the work of cutting each

others throats poor men crazed with hunger are daily


shot down by the officers of the law want, distress and ;

anxiety pervades the entire Union.

If we are to act let us act quickly.
* *
It has been truthfully said :

It is at once the result and security of oppression

that its victim soon becomes incapable of resistance.

Submission to its first encroachments is followed by the

fatal lethargy that destroys every noble ambition, and

converts the people into cowardly poltroons and fawning
sycophants, who hug their chains and lick the hand that
smites them

Oppression now seeks to enslave this fair land. Its
name is greed. Surrounded by the comforts of life, it is

unconscious of the condition of others. Despotism,

whether in Russia marching helpless victims to anits

eternal night of sorrow, or in Ireland where its humiliat-

ing influences are ever before the human eye, or else-
where it is the same.

"It is already with us. It has come in the same

form that it has come everywhere by regarding the

paramount to the interests of hu-

interests of property as
manity. That influence extends from the highest to the
lowest. The deputy sheriff regards the $4 a day he gets
as more important to him than the life or cause of the
workmen he shoots down.
The Pullman Palace Car Company recently reduced
1 '

the already low wages of its employes 33/4 per cent.

Unable to make a living, they laid down their tools. A
few days later the company declared a quarterly dividend
of 2 per cent on watered capital of $30,000,000. This
quarterly dividend was $600,000.
"Had this company sent for the committee of the
workmen and said, We were about to declare our regu-

lar quarterly dividend of per cent

2 ;
it amounts to

$600,000 ;
we have concluded to make it i^ per cent;
this will give us $475,000 for three months, or one quar-
ter's profits, and we are going to use the other $125,000
to put back the wages of the men. There would have
been no strike. The men would have hailed it as gen-
erosity, and the hearts of 4,000 workmen would have
been made glad.
"It was not done. It was not to be thought of.
These stockholders living in comfort with all their wants
provided for, think more of their property interests than
they do of humanity, and will see men starve or reduced
to the condition of serfs rather than concede an equitable
distribution of the profits of their business.
"This has occurred here in the city of your homes ;

in the World's Fair city a city supposed to be as patri-


otic as any we have if this is human nature here, what


do you expect from the men in England who hold our

bonds, notes and mortgages payable in gold.
"We are forced to take independent action. To
hesitate is cowardly ! Shall we wait while the cry of

the helpless is heard on every hand ? Shall we wait

while our institutions are crumbling ?" (Cries of No
nono " !
" a struggle for humanity. For our homes and
This is

firesides. For the purity and integrity of our govern-

* '
That all the people of this country sufficiently intel-
ligent to vote cannot understand that the reduction of
our primary money to one half its former quantity reduces
the value of property proportionately, is one of the inex-
plainable phenomena in human history.
Those who do understand it should go among the
people and awake them to the situation of peril, in which
they are placed. Awake them as you would with
startling cries at the coming of flood and fires.
Arouse them as did Paul Revere as he rode through
the streets shouting :
The British are on our shores.'
" To let England dictate to us was not once the spirit
of Americans.
When Benjamin Franklin was minister to England
he attended a banquet in London, at which, toasts were
responded to by the Premier of England, and the ministers
of France and the United States. The toast in each in-
stance was the government represented by the official

" The toast to England came first and was responded
to by the Premier. He was eloquent in praise of his
country, and at the close of his speech took up his wine-
glass and said, Now drink with me again to England,

the Sun that gives light to the world.'

"The toast to France came next, and the French
minister did great justice to his subject. Imitating the
English Premier he closed his address by lifting his wine-
glass high, and saying, '
Now drink again with me to

France, the Moon that controls the tides of the world.'

"AsMr. Franklin arose to respond to the toast the
United States all eyes were upon him. The French
minister had taken up the gage thrown down by the
Premier of England and had responded fittingly as to the
the nations of the earth.
position of France among
What would Mr. Franklin say ? Would he properly
acquit himself for the United States

" At the close of an able

response, suitable to such an
occasion, Mr. Franklin placed his hand on his wine-glass,
and with his eyes, said
lifting it to a level Now drink .

with me again to the United States, the Joshua that

commanded the sun and moon to stand still, and they

stood still.
" Had
Mr. Franklin had the ears of all the people of
the United States on that occasion, one universal acclaim
would have resounded throughout this land.
If we had an administration and Congress now,

would say to England Stand still one glad shout


would be heard in this country from Sea to Sea and
Lakes to Gulf, proclaiming the second independence of
the United States." [Long continued applause.]
COIN had finished. The audience had risen to its
feet, and the applause was tumultuous and continued.
Those on the stage were shaking the little statesman's
hands, and many others were crowding around the plat-
As the tumult subsided a fine-looking gentleman

appeared on the platform with his hands raised to com-

mand attention. It was Mr. J. L. Caldwell, president
of the First National Bank of Huntington, West Vir-
ginia. As soon had secured attention he said
as he :

I am the president of a national bank, and I want
to first say to you people that all national bankers do not

regard selfish personal interest, as paramount to love of

country and the interests of the whole people.
" A
few of us have stood out against this gold stand-
ard system, and are in favor of immediate free coinage,
16 to or 15^ to i, independent of England. [Applause.]
"I now propose three cheers for COIN."
They were given with a will. The hip! hip! hur-
rahs! were heard through the open windows for two
squares away.
Thus ended the school." Chicago has had its les-

son on bimetallism.
How will this contest end ?
No one can tell. In the struggle of might against
right, the former has generally triumphed.
Will it win in the United States ?



be noticed that during the lectures, COIN was

It will

never asked to answer the proposition of "over-produc-

tion." His attention was afterward called to this, and he
replied: That he w as not surprised; that under-produc-

tion was now conceeded by all who had investigated it,

and the newspapers seldom mentioned it. That over-pro-

duction could not be claimed so long as tens of thousands
were going hungry; and that the only over-production
admitted by all, was millionaires.
COIN used in his lectures the phrase "i to 16" in
speaking of ratio. This was used for convenience. The
exact ratio is i to 15.98, but, as by common usage, the
term i to 16 is used, the correct figures i to 15.98 would

have been confusing.

The assessed valuation of all the property in the United
States, as given by Census Bulletin No. 192, issued June
4, 1892, is
$24, 651, 585, 465.
In giving the debts of the United States, public, cor-
porate and private, COIN has used in part the report of the
Census Bureau, as far as completed, and has added to it
an estimated amount for maritime debts, accounts, pawn
shops, private debts not on record, rentals, and other
debts due on contracts, none of which is included in the
census report. Among the larger items of our debts, as
far as officially reported, are the following:
National debt of the United States (U.

S. Census, 1890 $ 891,960,104

State and Municipal debt (U. S. Census,
1890) 1,135,210,442
Railway bonds on 171, 866 miles railway,
1892 (Poor's Manual, '93) 5,463,611,204
The average farm and home debt shown
by tabulation of partial returns from
counties throughout the
Union, is farm and $924 for
$1,288 for
homes. If this average holds good for
the United States, there is an existing
debt in force, on the farms and homes
of the United States occupied by owner
(R. B. Porter, Supt. nth Census, in
North American Review, Vol. 153,
page 618) of. 2,500,000,000
Mortgaged Indebtedness of Business
Realty, Street Railways, Manufactories
and Business enterprise (estimated from
partial reports of i ith Census) 5,000,000,000
Loans from 3,773 National Banks (Sta-
tistical Abstracts of the United States ) 2,153,769, 806
Loans from 5,579 State, Saving, Stock
and Private Banks and Trust Com-
panies (Statistical Abstracts of the
United States) 2,201,764,292

If the same progressive ratio of increase is added to

these figures that maintained from 1880 to 1890, over

5,000 million should now be added to the items above

Taking the figures used by COIN in the Fifth Chap-
ter, we find that the actual ratio between the two metals
is i to 15^4.
The following is the calculation :

No. cubic feet gold in the world, No. cubic feet silver in the world,

9796 282085

No. ounces in a cubic foot gold, No. ounces in a cubic foot silver,

19258 10474

78368 1128340
48980 1974595
19592 1128340
88164 282085

188651368 2954558290




The two metals as they exist in the world available

ratio of the
for money is i to
By making gold the only primary money, the natural result is
to depress the commercial value of silver this depression now

marks a commercial ratio between the two metals of i to 33 ;

sooner or later, on account of the large gold interest-bearing debt

in this country, money will be concentrated in the money centers ;

values of all property will be further depressed, until the commer-

cial ratio between gold and silver can be expected to go to I to 40
or more.
On page 18, COIN refers to the published report of
the Director of the Mint as giving the world's production
of silver for 1893 as $143,096,239. This was the report
as published in the newspapers at the time. Since then,
however, the report of the Director of the Mint as now
published gives the amount as $208,371,100. From the
fact that so much hostility and prejudice has been shown

by Mr. Cleveland's administration to silver, and consid-

ering the unreliable sources from which this information
is frequently obtained, there is some doubt as to the

fairness of the last figures given. This doubt is further

increased when it is considered that Mr. Cleveland has
set the example to his subordinates to disregard a faith-
ful observance of laws and customs, and has exhibited a
zealous desire to make everything bend to his will. We
refer to his having the coinage of silver stopped before
the repeal of that law ;
to his appointment of a minister
plenipotentiary to Hawaii without the consent of the
Senate then in session his infamous use of patronage

with which to buy the votes of congressmen in the

passage of the bill repealing the silver purchase act, and
other acts now fresh in the mind of the reader. Any
figures now given out on silver by his administration
may be regarded as unreliable. There is not in the
world to-day a more avowed and zealous -gold mono-
metallist than Mr. Cleveland.

* 17 BE SIT 7
Crime of 1873 , 15,112
Commercial Value of Gold and Silver, how affected by Free
Coinage 27 to 38
Credit money 49 to 64
Checks, effect of in diminishing quantity of money needed. ... 54
Cotton, decline since 1873
its I0 $
Cotton, price of in 1859 II 5
Coin puts questions to Mr. Gage 139

Demonetization, effect of 34, 40, 52

Demonetization, effect of on Silver Standard Countries 88
Diamond Standard 109
Debts of the World 116
Debts of the United States 119 and Appendix
Debts, interest on, strangling prosperity n6to 122

Evans, Mr., how he studied Political Economy 13

asks a Question
Eustis, P. S. ,
Eames, H. F., President Commercial National Bank asks a
Question 1 16
England, will not consent to Bimetallism, reason 132, 139
England how to force her to adopt Bimetallism 142

Fifty-cent Silver Dollar explained 106 to 113

Franklin, P. A. H. ,
asks a Question i42

Gold basis claimed since 1837, answered 9

Gold never the unit prior to 1873 ll
Gold Dollar made smaller in 1834 7, 25
(And again in 1837) 20
Gold and Silver, quantities in World compared at different
periods 32
Gold, quantity of 39
Gold and Silver, why adopted as money 46
Gold Standard Countries all affected by Demonetization 86
Gold, quantity per capita in the World 98
Gold, of the World and space it will occupy 99
Gold, weight per cubic foot 99
Gold, value per cubic foot 99
Gold, number cubic feet in the World 100
Gold, of the World in the Chicago Wheat pit 100
Gold, its rise in value 107
Gold Dollar, its increase in size would lower values in
Gold, premium now paid for it 143
Gage, Lyman, President First National Bank asks a Question .25, 136
Gage, Lyman, makes an admission 38
Greenback system of money 75

Hopkins, Mayor of Chicago, asks a Question 89

Henrotin, Chas., asks a Question. 113

Improved Facilities do not account for low prices 84

Independent free coinage 138

Kirk, President Exchange National Bank, asks a Question. ... 84

Kohlsaat, H. H. asks a Question
, 85

Lawson, Victor F. asks a Question

, Jr. ,
Laughlin, Professor, asks a Question 68
Latin Union, what Countries Constitute 69

Medill, Mr. asks a Question

, 9
Montgomery, J. A., Supt. of Mails, asks a Question 70
Money, necessity of 44
Money, a science 49 to 64
Money, primary 49 to 64
Money, credit 49 to 64
Money, quantity of in United States 53
Money, based on labor 78
Money, quantitative theory 95
Money Lenders, why they favor a Gold Standard 133

Nails, price of in 1859 114

Parity,how maintained 27 to 38, 135, 143

Primary money 49 to 64
Panics, causes producing, explained and illustrated 55 to 64

Ratio 7, 25
Ratio, change in 7, 20, 25
Ratio, compared for two hundred years ..... 34
Ratio, commercial as affected by Demonetization 34, 35
Ratio, why the change was made in the Gold and not in the
Silver Dollar 40, 41
Rozett, Geo. H. asks a Question
, 39
Ridgeley E. R. asks a Question
, , 75
Rocky Mountain Bear Hunter's Prayer 134

Scott, Mr., asks a Question u

Smith, Wm. Henry, Jr, ,
asks a Question 20
Scudder, M. L., Jr., asks a Question. . .
Struckman, President County Commissioners, asks a Question. 80
Standard silver and gold explained 14
Silver in circulation prior to 1873 9, 10
Silver, foreign, made
legal tender 9, 10
Silver, claimed to be so plentiful as to cease to be a precious
metal, answered 18
Silver at a premium in 1873 J
Silver, none of the used in arguments against it now,
existed at the time it was Demonetization .,
Silver, when demonetized, in England, United States, Germany
and the Latin Union 29
Silver, price of nineteen years before, and nineteen years after
Demonetization 31
Silver and gold, quantities compared at different periods 32
Silver, quantity of 39, 95, 104
Silver, why it is not now money 39, 40
Silver and gold, why adopted as money 46
Silver, cost of producing 73
Silver states, not benefited by remonetization, except in com-
mon with the other states 80
Silver, the most constant standard of values 87
Silver of the World, space it will occupy 104
Silver, weight of a cubic foot 104
Silver, value of a cubic foot 104
Silver, number cubic feet in the world 104
Silver, its decline in value since 1873 108

Tariff, high or low, does not account for present depression. ... 85

Unit 5, 6, 7, n, 12, 14, 16

Unit, why fixed on silver 8
Unit, changed to gold in 1873 J 6

Walsh, John R., President Chicago National Bank, asks a

Question 47, 54
Wheeler, D. H. asks a Question
, 53
Wheat, its decline in value since 1873 108
Wheat, price of in 1859 1 14
Wool, price of in 1859 * X5

Value, of silver and gold if both were Demonetized 70

Value, of all property in the World 95
Value, of all property in United States (Appendix)
JO^ 202 Main Library
83 15



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