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Vol. 1, Issue . 1 / February 2011, pp.


Research Paper - English

Managerial Skills for Organizational Performance : - Prof. Raju. R. Kamble An Analytical Study Sinhgad College of
Arts and commerce, Pune.

Introduction: In the era of Globalization, Liberalization and Privatization, Organization has to change or modify existing policies of the organization. In this drastic change, organizations are facing two basic problems i.e. How to bear change and How to make employees to adopt change or mitigate their resistance, also Consumer is Major player in the Market. If organization ignore the need, expectation and desire of Consumer, it is impossible to remain healthy and strong in competitive market. Organization should focus on Global Market need and Expectation along with tries to meet global standard. Managerial skills are sets of qualities and attributes in the personality of managers that enable them to effectively manage the working of a firm. Good managerial skills can create a world of difference in the efficiency and performance of the organization. Researchers have found that traditional Manager skills wouldn't bring favorable change at workplace. So Manager has to learn some special skills which bear on employee's behavior and attitudes. So that organization can

much benefited by theirs labour. It is fact that Manager cause productivity and nonproductivity of employees and organization. Manager may directly influence the worker's attitude, interest, and aptitude or change their behavior toward commitment to work and objectives. Organization can stand to bear the challenges of change through only right Managerial style & behavior. This paper would highlight on various skills require by the Manger to perform various complex tasks or implement various policies in Global environment, skills is essential to utilize the scare resource of organization. American Management Association has identified important skills i.e conceptual, communication, effectiveness, and interpersonal skills. These skills helps manager to execute the policies and activity associated with being a manager. Performance of organization depends on whole hearted support of employees, suppliers customers, and investors, to deal with them effectively there is required special kinds of skills which make manager's successful in their tasks. Researcher by Robert L. Katz found that

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Managerial Skills for Organizational Performance : An Analytical Study

Vol. 1, Issue . 1 / February 2011

managers needed three important skills. These are technical, human and conceptual. This paper has following objectives: I] To study various skills & it's relevance. II] Analyses skills and Manager Effectiveness. Review of Literature It is interesting to review previous literature to understand the major contribution and importance of this study. Manager attitude and value directly bear on organization effectiveness [IMS Journal (2008), Jack Welch of G. E. coined Ten quantities or skills for effective Managers in completive market, such as multi-skilling, proactive, Mater-in-charge, Global vision, become tomorrows manager today, winning strategies, complete manger, global mindset, Managing Complexity, Global-local balance, (Strategic competency management Indian perspectives.) Employee oriented style of or behavior pattern can yield better result. [Managerial Grid theory], in the global Environment, Manager should focus on interpersonal Development skills, (Eton Mayo), Leadership skill of manager cause to low and high moral of employees. We need managers with leadership skills, referred to as leader managers who focus more on the effectiveness rather than efficiency alone, Feb 2010 HRM Review. Functions:-

Manager is confined to run organization effectively. He is responsible to get work from employees by ensuring balance between mutual goals. Manager has to perform various activities such as planning the work, taking decisions, delegating authority, solving problems of employees and organization, coorienting and controlling the deviations. These functions are pivotal to perform effectively to make organization competitive. For that purpose, Manager should develop or learn some important skills which help him to work effectively in the organization. Role of Manager:Manager has to perform various roles in organization. He has to perform the role of mediator between employer and employees, he has to ensure or direct all activities towards attainment of organizational goals. For effective Manager Ship, manger has to focus on important skills which make them to implement organizations policies successfully. Here we see some important roles.

Role's of Manager

Interpersonal Relationship Making

As a Head As a Leadership As a Mediator

Information Processing


As a Monitor As a Informer As a Spokesman

As an Enter personal As a conflict Manager As Resource Manager

Interpersonal Relationship:Manager is a Responsible person in organization; he's to perform his role as like a

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head, he has to try to ensure mutual benefits. Manager should adopt Leadership style to influence to worker to get desired work along with manager has to perform the role of mediator between management and employees. These roles are important to make organizations environment healthy and friendly. Information Processing:Managers realized that traditional managerial style wouldn't bring favorable result's in the concern to, employee's satisfaction and customer satisfaction, Manager has to take initiative to gather information and timely send to employee's with exact expectation from them, in this concern he has to act as informer and spoke person to make employees aware regarding on going event. Decision Making :According to Peter Drucker, Manager's first job is to take effective decisions, managers is a person whose each decision decides the right result or not and today's manager has to take responsibilities to take decision as entrepreneurs. Manager should have the initative to resolve the confacts between mat and Unions and he has to act as Resource provider to employee's for effective performance of the organizations.

There is one proverb "Love people rather than work." Today manager has to understand the behavior of peoples i.e. his employees. In the Globalization scenario, organizations, first priority is, to tackle with challenge of change. The changes can be mitigated only by having appropriate managerial skills of manager. Here we look some important managerial skills which are essential to influence inertial as well as external interested parties. Managers should know that employees are different from each other in respect to perception, beliefs. culture, attitude and interest. So manager should practice following tactics or skills to get exact result from concern party. I] II] III] IV] V] VI] Focus on people. Develop or set realistic goal. Plan and organize effectively. Develop habit to get suggestions from employees. Communicate effectively. Develop skills of expressing hostility tactfully. A manager should learn or develop the following skills to enhance effectiveness of organization. A skill is a Manager ability to translate knowledge into action. Skills can be developed and learnt.

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Vol. 1, Issue . 1 / February 2011

Managerial Skills

Technical Skills Interpersonal Skills

Analytical Skills

Human Skills Diatonic Skills

Communication Skills

Conceptual Skills Time Management Skills

Technical Skills :Technical knowledge is concerned with the ability to use methods, technique & equipment. In other words manager should get adequate knowledge regarding work, methods and styles through education and learning. Interpersonal Skills:Those days have where the gone manager sits in air-conditioned room and takes his decisions. Now he need to develop skills to understand his people and have regular contact with his subordinates. Manager should learn how to motivate and seeking co-operation. To maintain informal relation is necessary to enhance organization's performance. Conceptual Skills:Manager should learn or develop conceptual skills conceptual skills means ability to understand the complexities of the overall organization, his ability to think in abstract, analyse work situation and his creature & innovative ability to access the environment. In short he should understand environment, organization & his own job, so that he can stand to obtain organization goal.

Analytical & Decision Skills:Manager ability may judge an ability of analytical power and how he takes proper decisions. It is rightly said by Peter Drucker, Manager's first job is to take decisions. Manager should develop ability to solve the problems logically, objectively and scientifically and use modern techniques to arrive at right and optimal solution. Human Skills:Human skills are required at all level's of manager in organization. It is pertinent to social aspect.. Manager should interact on one to one basis with other, along with interacts which others as a member of groups. (It's ability to work with other as a family member). Communication Skills:Manager is concerned to take decision & convey it to members effectively, here we require communication skill, how manager can make communication effectively. Only passing decision's without any result, it is called lake of effective communication. Manager should develop communication skill which denotes exact expectation from employees. Communication should strict to objectively. Formal as well as informal according to situation. Time Management Skills:Managing time means spare more time with emergency problems or decisions. Now a day's Manager can't take care of every activity due to lack of time, so he should learn.

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Time Management Techniques, which save time.. Time Management Methods such as management by objective. First thing first, Time Matrix, ABC methods etc. Conclusion:For effective execution of work or policies, Managers should focus to develop such skills which make them effective. It's rightly said, Manager causes the or rise or fall of organization. In the era of Globalization, it's become difficult to handle lot of expectation from, customers, employees and external factors. so to handle these issues., Manager should enhance his Managerial skills for organizational effectiveness. This was all about some of the important managerial skills that every manger should try to inculcate in their personality so that they can guide organizations towards success. last in the view of Tommy Lasorda " I believe managing is like holding a dove in your hand .if you hold it tightly you kill it, but you hold it too loosely ,you lose it" 9. 8. 6. 7. 3. 4. 5. 2. 1.

References L. M. Prasad, Principles and practice of Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2007 T. R a m a s w a m y, P r i n c i p l e s o f Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 8th ` edition 2006. Peter F. Drucker, Management, task, Responsibilities parches, Allied. HRM Review Feb 2010. P. C. Tripathi, P. N. Reddy, Principles of Management Tata McGrwatill Publishing Co. Ltd, New Delhi, 2006 J. S. Chandan, Management ,Vikas Pubilishing House Pvt. Ltd, 4th edition 2004. Sharu Rangnekar, Vikas Pubilishing House Pvt. Ltd, 11 edition 2002 M. D. Kakade,Principles and Practices of Management,Nirali Prakashan 1st edd. Nov. 1996. 10. Anne Bruce and James S.Pepitone, Motivating Employees, McGraw-Hill companies. 11. Morey Stettner, Skills for New Managers, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2003

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