SAS Enterprise Guide

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SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Paper 166-2011 SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3: Finally a Programmers Tool Marje Fecht, Prowerk Consulting, Canada and USA Rupinder Dhillon, Dhillon Consulting, Toronto, ON, Canada
Have you been programming in SAS for a while and just arent sure h ow Enterprise Guide can help you? It isnt just a pretty face! This presentation demonstrates how SAS programmers can use SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 as their primary interface to SAS while maintaining the flexibility of writing their own customized code. We explore: navigating the views and menus using Enterprise Guide to access your existing programs and enhance processing exploiting the enhanced development environment including syntax completion and built-in function help utilizing Code Analyzer, Report Builder, and Document Builder adding Project Parameters and dynamic parameters to generalize the usability of programs and processes leveraging built-in capabilities available in SAS Enterprise Guide to further enhance the information you deliver. Audience: SAS users who understand the basics of SAS programming and want to learn how to use Enterprise Guide. It is also appropriate for users of earlier versions of Enterprise Guide who would like to try out the enhanced features available in Enterprise Guide 4.3.

This presentation is designed as a Hands-On Workshop, where the participants follow along and step through the usage and features of SAS Enterprise Guide. This paper follows a similar format.


With all the windows and views and menus available in Enterprise Guide, it is hard to know where to start! For many long time SAS programmers, the initial view can send them running right back to their programming e nvironment. But, trust us, the benefits of Enterprise Guide are worth the time it takes to get used to all the features.



Task Project View

Command Server List

Task List Active Data menu Process


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops


The first time you open Enterprise Guide, you will see the Welcome to SAS Enterprise Guide Screen.

This screen gives you the option of launching the Enterprise Guide tutorial or working with new or existing programs, data, or projects. If you do not want this to be your default screen when you open Enterprise Guide, you can check the box labeled Dont show this window again. Close the window, to be taken to the default view of Enterprise Guide. The main menu (menu bar at top of screen) allows you to access the various tasks and views that are available to you. Although you may also access the tasks and views through tabs and shortcut buttons, the main menu organizes them into logical categories, making them easy to find.

As SAS Programmers, you know that the tasks you are expected to perform are seldom simple. More often than not, there are a series of SAS programs that you run in a sequence, with different types of output directed to different locations, along with all the intermediate and final SAS datasets that are generated. Enterprise Guide provides a mechanism to organize your work by allowing you to group sequences of tasks, data items and results into Projects. All of the code and tasks that you run within an Enterprise Guide session are part of your

SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

active Project and are each displayed as separate nodes within the Process Flow view and Project Tree view. These nodes can be linked and organized in a logical sequence to form a Process Flow. You can save your Process Flow as a part of a Project; and anytime the project is opened the same sequence of tasks can be easily executed. This helps you and your organization distribute and share information easily. The Process Flow view is used to display all of the task, data and code nodes that make up your Process Flow. There are a number of ways that you can access your Process Flow view. From the main menu, select View Process Flow. You can also select F4 or click the Process Flow tool in the menu bar. Once you begin building a flow, you will notice that the Process Flow view also displays the connections between your work components. Again, this allows you to see and visually inspect the organization of tasks, code and data associated with a Project. You may prefer the Project Tree view (in the upper left of the above screen), which provides a more traditional Windows Explorer hierarchical view of your projects. Select View Project Tree from the main menu to open the Project Tree view. Note that the Project Tree view does not display the flow (connection) within your projects.


Enterprise Guide enables you to easily run existing SAS programs, using similar steps to what you would follow using the SAS Display Manager windows. Lets run a simple program and review the log and results using Enterprise Guide. Throughout this workshop, we will be using the Shoes dataset from the SASHELP library. To run an existing program using Enterprise Guide (See Appendix for example program), from the Main Menu, select File Open Program navigate to the location of your program select The program opens in a new window tab.

SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

To view the process flow and then run the program, select the Process Flow shortcut on the menu bar. Notice that a code node, Program_1 is added to your Process Flow and Project Tree views. Notice the shortcut symbol with the code node, reminding you that this is a pointer to the locally stored version of Program_1

run the program by selecting Run On Local from the POP MENU in the code node, OR by selecting Run from the context menu in the Process Flow view.

In this instance, we are running the SAS program using the Local version of SAS. You can change your connection settings to switch from a local SAS instance to a server instance or to switch from one server to another in the Administration panel of your Options screen ( Tools Options Administration). The remainder of the examples in this paper assume that we are running on the Local Server. When the program completes running, the Process Flow view shows the components created by program_1, as additional nodes.

Helpful Hint: To change the type of Results generated by a code node or task, right click on the node and select properties. Under the Results, click the checkbox beside the type of output you want to generate.

SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops


In the above window, notice that the only symbol attached to the code node is the shortcut symbol. However, if your program resulted in an error or warning, you would see an additional symbol such as an exclamation point. When you rest your mouse over the code node, in addition to providing basic information about your program, you may also be informed to check for warnings or errors. To review the log messages, select Program_1 in the Context Menu, and then select the Log tab. As always, carefully check your log for any messages that require attention. Notice the Data and Results tabs that are also available.

Helpful Hint: If you would like your SAS Log to open automatically when you have an error, check the Display SAS Log when Errors Occur option in your Results settings.

Helpful Hint: If you received an error or warning message about unsupported device ACTIVEX for PDF destination, you can either Add options dev = actximg; to your SAS code prior to the ods pdf statement, or, Change the default graphics driver from ActiveX to ActXImg using Tools Options Results Graph and select Graph Format of ActiveX image (SAS V9) Since our example program produces an Excel Spreadsheet report and a PDF report as output, you can use your normal process for opening and reviewing the results (such as Windows Explorer). Or, you can select the results from the Process Flow view to view the output. Each type of generated result will display as its own result node in your Process Flow view. Further, if you select Program_1 from the Context Menu, you will see the program, log, and each output displaying in a separate tab, as below.

Note that when you select output such as an excel spreadsheet, you will be prompted about downloading the results.

SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops


Everyone has different preferences about how Enterprise Guide windows should work, and Enterprise Guide provides the flexibility for you to create a work space that works best for you. For example, Enterprise Guide windows can be docked and undocked resized to make best use of the real estate hidden so that you only display what you need and use opened as new horizontal or vertical tabs easily reopened using the main menu or shortcut buttons. Helpful Hint: Unhappy with your window changes? Select the Restore Window Layout button in the Options window.


Enterprise Guide 4.3 includes many productivity enhancement tools for the programmer: Integrated Documentation if you rest your mouse over a SAS keyword, a pop-up window displays the SAS documentation describing the keyword or syntax.

SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Syntax Suggestion / Autocomplete when coding When you enter the first 2 letters of a SAS keyword, a list will pop-up displaying possible keywords you can select from. This includes available PROC options.

NOTE: Syntax suggestions INCLUDE user-defined Macro Variables and Macro names as long as they are defined through the active program. Macros and Macro Variables created through an autoexec are not included.

Autocomplete for SAS libraries and Datasets

Parenthesis Matching very helpful for debugging macros, complicated expressions, and SQL code. This also works for brackets ( [ ] ) and braces ( { } ).

While all of these goodies are handy, they may also annoy you if you do not want help. How do you turn these features off? To turn any of the autocomplete features off, go to Tools Options SAS Program Editor Options.

SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops


Suppose that you need to enhance existing code, rather than just run it. Navigate to the Program_1 code node and double click to open it if it isnt already open; or select the tab if the code is already open. Once the code is open, you can make changes; you will find the editor commands are identical to the SAS Editor. Then simply rerun the code and review your results. You can save your changes from the main menu by selecting File Save. Remember, each time you save a code node, you are actually saving (or replacing) a .sas program file. If you have selected Open the LOG when errors occur in your Options, then your log will now automatically appear if there are issues.

Helpful Hint: If you would like to run just a section of the code, highlight and submit just like you do in the SAS Display Manager Editors.


When we ran Program_1, the generated dataset opened in a new tab called Output. If your program creates more than one dataset, you can select the dataset you want to look at by using the dropdown at the top of the output tab.

SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Helpful Hint: The output tab is always open. To close a dataset that Enterprise Guide sees as open, right click on the dataset and select Close Data.


You have now submitted and modified existing code in Enterprise Guide, so lets work on a task from scratch. A picture is worth a thousand words, so it is time to see how Enterprise Guide does with graphics. Using the same sales data created in the first example program (Program_1), you will produce a vertical bar chart of Sales by Region. Select Tasks Graph Bar Chart from the main menu. This opens the Bar Chart Wizard. In the Bar Chart screen, double click on Simple Vertical Bar In the Task Roles screen o Drag Region to Column to Chart o Drag Sales to Sum of. In the Appearance Layout Screen, uncheck the 2D box and then change the Shape to Cylinder from the drop down list In the Titles screen o Click on Graph o Uncheck Use Default Text and enter your own title for your graph. To see what code was generated, click on Preview Code. Close the Code Preview Window Click on Run to create the Bar Chart The bar chart opens automatically in a new Tab in your Enterprise Guide session.

Notice that there are now tabs for the input data, code, log, and results. Additionally, the Context Menu allows you to easily Modify Task if you have changes to make.

SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops


Behind the scenes, Enterprise Guide created correct code! Like most SAS programmers, you would probably like to re-use the code elsewhere. To access and then save the generated code, In the Context Menu Bar in the Process Flow window, click on the Code tab (see above window) Select the AXIS, GOPTIONS, TITLE, and FOOTNOTE statements and the PROC GCHART statements Right click anywhere on the highlighted code, and select Copy Move to the Process Flow Window. To insert the copied code into a new program, select File New Program. A blank code node will open in the Project window. Paste the copied code and change the dataset name on the PROC GCHART statement to Ex_Shoes_Data. Save the new code node, by selecting File Save Code As Local Computer, and provide the name Program_2. The new code can now be run in the usual fashion. You can make any additional updates and customizations to code that youve just pasted, such as changing the appearance of the LEGEND or adding a WHERE clause to subset the data being graphed.

Helpful Hint: The Task Status Window shows you the status of the code or task you are running. If you are running large SAS programs, the Task Status will tell you which task or Procedure is currently running. You can open your Task status view from your Main menu. Select View Task Status. Each of the built-in tasks will generate SAS code as you step through the Task Panes. This serves as a great way to learn how to code new SAS Procedures since the syntax is available to view and edit.

By default, graphs are generated as interactive ActiveX graphs, which are cool but can use up a lot of system resources. You may prefer or require a more static format such as HTML or JPEG. You can easily change the default in the Graph Results settings of Options. Select Tools Options Results Graphs and select a different format from the drop down list.


There are lots of features in Enterprise Guide that make graphs easy to produce. You should explore the variety of ways to visualize your data, including the Tile Chart which allows you to display magnitudes by size and colour. In this Tile Chart example, the size of the rectangles represent the number of stores in each region; the bigger the rectangle, the more stores in the region. The colour represents the Sales. The colour legend shows that the darker the green, the higher the dollar value of the sales. A Tile chart can be created by launching the Graph Tile Chart Task. Select Tasks Graphs Tile Chart


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Enterprise Guide also has a Built-in task that allows you to produce Maps. These require specific mapping data and will not be discussed in this paper. Other features include: Context based menu bar when looking at Graph Results o Allow you to quickly modify the graph task o Makes it easy to refresh the graph

Each graph type has a detailed wizard, including options to control the graph output You can save your graph task preferences in a template that can be reused so that you can define appearance attributes, headers, footers etc only once and save them in a template.


During program development and testing, do you often work with just one set of steps at a time, confirming results before you move on? If you do, that same logic can easily be applied to your code in Enterprise Guide by defining your program as a series of code nodes. Code nodes can be linked together in the Process flow window, thus providing a clear picture of the steps and intermediate results. To link the new Program_2 code node to the first code node, right click on the Program_1 code node in your Process Flow window select Link Program_1 to . . . select Program_2 and click OK. You now see the link between the two nodes and have the option of running either a single code node or running the branch that starts with Program_1. To run both code nodes, right click on your Program_1 code node and select Run Branch from Program_1. Once the code in Program_1 has run, Enterprise Guide will automatically run Program_2, generating and displaying all intermediate results along the way.

Helpful Hint: To remove a link between tasks or Code nodes, right click anywhere on the joining arrow and select Delete. This will only delete the linkage, not the code nodes.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Youll notice that a separate log node is generated for each code node. By turning on Project Logging, you can easily tell Enterprise Guide that youd like a single SAS log to be generated for all of the tasks and code nodes in your Project. This single Project Log will be created in addition to the individual logs created for each task or code node.

Helpful Hint: If Project Logging is turned on, the log represents a running log of the entire project. To turn on the Project Logging, select Project Log in the Context Menu of the Process Flow, and then select Turn On.

Helpful Hint: When working with several tasks and code nodes in a single project, you can export all of the generated SAS code as a single .sas file by selecting File Export Export All Code.. Enterprise Guide will scan through your project to find all executable code and save it to a single .sas file. You can select export all the code or select only parts of your project.


At this point, save the Project so it is available for another day. Select File Save Project As Local Computer Navigate to the file path where you would like to save your project. Enter a name for your Project, and Click ok. The next time you open your saved project; you will see the code nodes and links that you defined in this session. Note that any temporary work datasets that you may have created in your session will not be saved with your project. You can easily recreate the work datasets by re-running the project the next time you open it.


You probably have a lot of multi-step programs that would take you a lot of time to change into a Process Flow. The Code Analyzer allows you to Turn your multi-step SAS Program into a Process Flow Create instant documentation including: What steps are run How long the steps take What data is used and created in each step. In the Program context menu bar, select Analyze Program Analyze Program Flow. Analysis. Then select Begin


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Once analysis is complete, select Create process Flow.

A new flow is added to your project called Program_1 (defaults to the name of your program node). Note that the Code Analyzer did not run the code and produce results.

Run the new flow by right clicking on the starting dataset (SASHELP.SHOES) and selecting Run Branch from SASHELP.SHOES.


When there are multiple flows within a project, how can you easily switch between Process Flows? Use the Project Tree view and select the flow you want to look at Use the Drop Down at the top of the Process Flow view.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Helpful Hint: When working with multiple flows, its a good idea to rename the flows to something meaningful. Right click on the Process flow in the Project Tree and select Rename.


As experienced SAS programmers, you probably have a lot of familiarity with certain PROCs. However, since the SAS language is extensive, there are probably many areas that you have not explored. One of the benefits of using Enterprise Guide is that Tasks guide you through requirements and enable you to quickly produce results without having to learn new syntax and procedures. Use the Report Wizard to produce a detailed listing of the data. Select Tasks Describe List Report Wizard Step 1 allows you to select the data you want to report on. Select Edit and navigate to the work.ex_shoes_data dataset. Then select o Browse o Local o Libraries o Work o ex_shoes_data o OK to return to the Step 1 window Select Next to move to Step 2. To define the report layout, select Edit and select Assign Columns Under the Selected Columns, select the Stores column Use the drop down on the right to change Show sum value (SUM) to Display all Values Remove two columns by selecting Inventory and Returns and then click on the X on the right of the Selected Columns area. Select OK to return to the Step 2 window.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Step 3 allows you to define totals for your report. In the Select Totals window, select Sales Select Edit to control how subtotals are handled Select Totals by Region Select OK to return to Step 3 window Notice that the visual of the sample report shows SALES totaled and also shows region subtotals. Click Next to move to Step 4.

In the Step 4 window, provide titles and footnotes, and select Finish The report displays, along with the Context Menu Bar enabling you to easily make changes and view the Log, Code, Input Data, and Results.

Select the Code tab and review the generated code. Notice it is similar to the PROC REPORT code used in


The Report Builder allows you to easily combine the output from different tasks and programs into a single page. You can control the layout and place graphs and tables side by side without having to build complicated templates in Proc GREPLAY. You can also easily add text blocks (for titles, footnotes and commentary) and images such as your organizations logo. The final output can then be saved and exported as PDF and HTML or shared in the SAS Report format. Create a new report by selecting File New Report. Then select which Task output you want to include in your Dashboard by highlighting the item and dragging it to the Report layout grid.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Then click Insert Text and add the text This is a Shoes Sales Report for January 2010. Change the font of the text to 16 pt and rearrange the report layout to match the below layout.

Once the report is generated, Click Page View and change the layout to Landscape. To export the report as PDF, Click Export in the context based menu bar and select Export as Step in Project. The Report is highlighted. Click Next. Select Portable Document Format (.pdf) and specify the Location to save Report, and choose an appropriate location. Under Output Options, Uncheck Overwrite Existing output. Select Next Finish.


Project Prompts are user prompts that are passed as macro variables to your SAS code. By adding prompts to your project, you give the user some flexibility in customizing the results. The user can enter values or select from a list of values that you provide. In our example, we would like the user to be able to create this same report for one or more regions existing in our data. To begin creating project prompts Select View Prompt Manager Click Add to add a new prompt Under the General tab, enter RegionID in the name section to assign the macro variable name Please Select a Region in the Displayed text section, to define the text the use will see in the prompt.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Select the Prompt Type and Values tab In the Prompt Type dropdown, select Text In the Method for populating Prompt dropdown, select User selects values from a static list Select Get Values to identify the source of the static list Select Browse to load values from SASHELP.SHOES Servers Local Libraries SASHELP Shoes From the columns dropdown, in the Unformatted Values section, select Region From the columns dropdown, in the Formatted Values section, select Region In the Available Values section, under the Browse tab, select Get Values Move all of the values over to the Selected Values window Select OK In the List of Values, designate Canada as the Default value and Select OK .

RegionID now appears in the Prompt Manager view and is available to use as a prompt. Now we need to modify the program to accept prompts. From the Process Flow window: Right click on the Program_1 Code Node and select Properties From the Properties window, select Prompts and Click Add Select RegionID and click OK Click OK again to close the Program node Properties window . Now, modify the program so that the prompts control the data selected. Open the Program_1 code node ADD where Region = &regionID in the Ex_Shoes_Data data step Save the changes to Program_1 Right click on the Program_1 code node, Select Run Branch From Program_1. When prompted to select a Region, select Asia from the drop down list. Click Run. If we take a look at the Ex_Shoes_Data dataset and subsequent graph and report, only observations with a regionID of Asia are included.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

Instead of forcing just a single selection, what if you wanted to add flexibility and thus enable multiple selections from the list? We need to alter the prompt we created so the user can select a list of values. Select the RegionID prompt from the Prompt Manager Window and click Edit Since you are altering a prompt that an existing program uses, you will be asked to confirm. Select Yes

Under the Prompt Type and Values tab, select Multiple Values from the Number of values dropdown Click OK.

Right Click on the Program_1 node to open the code Change where region = &regionID to where Region IN ( &regionID ); Save the changes to your Program_1 code node. Right click on the Program_1 code node, Select Run Branch From Program_1. Move Africa, Canada and Eastern Europe over to the Selected window and then select Run.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops


As we have seen with parameters, macro variables enable code flexibility since the user can provide selections and input. But, if you have processes that should only be run under certain conditions, perhaps regardless of a user preference, Enterprise Guide enables you to run a branch conditionally. For example, you can Run different branches depending on system parameters such as time or date Add error / exception handling logic Let the user control which branch is run via project prompts. For more information on Conditional Processing, refer to the SAS Online Documentation or to the many SAS Global Forum papers on the topic.

For most SAS programmers, it is a rare occurrence to write a program that is never used again. More typically, you write programs that either run in production, or that are rerun with different input (prompts) on a regular basis. Furthermore, YOU are not always the person that runs the job after it is written. Someone else may be responsible for providing input prompts (changes) and running your code when results are needed. With this in mind, we explore how you can easily set up your code so that others can access and get the results they need. You will do this by creating a Stored Process. A Stored Process is a SAS program that is typically located on a central server (ie: available to multiple users across multiple clients) so that users can run the SAS Code but cant change the SAS code. Designed properly, the Stored Process enables user input to maximize the applicability of the code. For example, you can embed business rules and logic so that everyone is creating consistent results have change control around any coding updates can make your code available to more people can provide the users with input prompt choices to take care of minor tweaks in the requirements can add cascading prompts to make User input easier and more flexible.

For more information on creating and using Stored Processes, refer to the SAS Online Documentation or to the many SAS Global Forum papers on the topic.


When you are running in a Server environment, SAS is installed on a central server somewhere and is not installed locally on your machine. There are some significant differences between running on a Server environment and running SAS locally but before we talk about what is happening behind the scenes, lets take a look at the major components of a Server Environment: the metadata server; the Object Spawner; the SAS Application Server; and the Database where your data is. The Metadata server stores all of the central metadata about users, and the data and processes that they are allowed to access. The SAS Application Server is an execution server that allows for distributed processing through various clients - in plain English, this is where SAS is actually installed. This allows you to run your SAS programs from different clients (ie.SAS Enterprise Guide, Excel, a web interface) without actually needing SAS on your local computer. The Object Spawner essentially acts as a gatekeeper and controls your links to the other servers. Databases house our data. Often, the data that you are working with will not be in SAS datasets but rather in Database tables such as Oracle or DB2.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

When you submit a task or a program from Enterprise Guide in a Server Environment, the following will occur: 1. 2. 3. 4. Your Enterprise Guide session connects to an Object Spawner. You connect to the metadata server through the Object Spawner. The metadata server verifies your credentials (password and user ID). Once credentials are verified, the Object Spawner starts up a dedicated SAS session for you on the SAS Application Server. It also creates a temporary Work space library for you that persists as long as your Enterprise Guide session is connected. If your program or SAS Task uses data that is on a Database (eg. Oracle, DB2, Netezza), the SAS Application Server will connect to the database server.

2: Authenticate the User

Meta Data Server (based on Domain)


Object Spawner


` EG and MS Office

4: Access Data

3: Create connection to SAS Application Server

SAS Application Server: - Workspace Server - Stored Process Server

There are several important things to keep in mind when running Enterprise Guide in a server environment. First off, as we mentioned above, when you first launch Enterprise Guide, a temporary workspace library is created on the server that will be dedicated to you Enterprise Guide. This is where your WORK library is saved. When you disconnect your Enterprise Guide session, that temporary workspace location is deleted. As you keep working and creating more and more temporary datasets in your work library, the workspace location dedicated to your session is getting bigger and bigger. You may not need many of those datasets anymore but until you delete them or disconnect your EG session, youre still using up that space. Its therefore best practice to either delete any large datasets that youre no longer using, or to disconnect your Enterprise Guide session once your work is finished so the space can be released.


Object Spawner

` EG and MS Office

SAS Application Server:

Secondly, you may find that when you run your SAS programs through Enterprise Guide in a server environment, things sometimes seem to take longer to run. Most SAS programmers will assume that Enterprise Guide is slowing down their work but more often than not, it is the movement of data that is creating the bottleneck. When data resides on a database for example, it has to move from the database, to the SAS server and then to Enterprise Guide. These extra steps can add to how long it takes to run your jobs when youre dealing with large amounts of da ta. In order to minimize the amount of data that is being moved, you want to make sure that the Database is doing as much of the


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

work as possible and then passing only the results back to SAS and the Enterprise Guide session. This can be done by using indexes, partitions and keys that exist on the database tables. It can also be done by taking advantage of SAS/Access engines. SAS/Access engines are designed to translate many SAS functions into functions that can be understood and performed by the Database. For example, the SAS/Access engine for Oracle will translate the SAS Datetime function into the SYSDATE function in Oracle. If a SAS query command cant be translated into a Database command, the database is going to pass back ALL of the data to the SAS server so that it can process the command. This is what is going to slow down your performance causing longer query times, excessive server usage and slower server response for other users. Therefore, when writing queries against large databases, wherever possible, you want to ensure that joins, filters and SAS functions are passed to the database to perform. Finally, there are a number of SAS coding techniques that are either not well suited for use in a Server Environment, or will not work at all in a Server Environment. Writing to or reading from your local C: drive is not going to work. The server will not recognize your C: drive as a valid location. Workaround: You can use the Import and Export Wizard to access files on your PC. You can also use the Upload and Download tasks to read and write SAS datasets to your local computer. Using ENDSAS or ERRORABEND will disconnect you from the server completely. Your Work library and log are lost. Workaround: Use Conditional Flows to build error handling into your projects SAS/AF is not available. Workaround: Use Project Prompts and macros in your code to get interactive input from your users. DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) will not work using Enterprise Guide in a Server Environment. Workaround: Using the Excel Libname engine provides flexibility when working with Excel spreadsheets and is easier to use than DDE. X Command and SYSTASK are disabled by default. Workaround: Might be a long shot, but plead your case to your Server Administrator to have this enabled if this is truly needed. Rsubmit commands are no longer needed since youve already established the server connection when you logged into Enterprise Guide. While a Server Environment will introduce differences that are going to affect how you create your SAS code in Enterprise Guide, dont panic remember, under the covers its still SAS.


What if we have 3 SAS jobs that wed like to run, one after the other? Or perhaps we have some processes that wed like to submit at the end of the day so we can have the results ready the next morning. In this case, we dont really want to build a project; we want to be able to submit a list of SAS j obs or tasks that we want Enterprise Guide to run. This is where we would Create an Ordered List. The Ordered List task in Enterprise Guide allows you to specify a list and sequence of tasks and jobs that you want Enterprise Guide to run. To create an ordered list, go to File New Ordered List.

If you have notes embedded in your projects, you can email those results to yourself or others in your organization. This is a great way to let people know that a report is ready to view or data has been refreshed. When you combine notes with conditional process flows, you can alert others when your project has encountered some unexpected data or hasnt completed successfully. Notes are also a great way to document important details about your process and keep them embedded in your project. You can use notes to list the inputs used on your process or the results that are produced. You can also use them to provide instructions on how and when the project should run, To add a note to your project, select File New Note. The linking feature to attach the note to a specific task, program or results node.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops


How many times have you spent an afternoon on a SAS Project and j ust when youre almost done and ready to save it, the power goes out or youve inadvertently kicked the plug. Your EG session is gone, along with an afternoons worth of work. First things first ENABLE PROJECT RECOVERY. This new feature autosaves your project at set intervals and you can specify how often you want the Project to be saved. To enable project recovery, go to Tools Options Project Recovery Check Enable Project Recovery.

By default, when data is added to your project, Enterprise Guide will open that data in a new Data tab. This is fine and even helpful when were working with small SAS Datasets however, this can bring Enterprise Guide to a stand still when we find ourselves working with large amounts of data in a database. As we described above, all of the data has to move between the database server, to the SAS Server to your Enterprise Guide session. To make the data available to your project but avoid opening it automatically: Select Tools Options Data UNCHECK Automatically open data when added to project.

Once youve completed all of your exploratory work, you may end up with a mix of tasks and custom program nodes. You can save all of them or a subset of them as a single SAS file which you may then want to run in Batch mode. When exporting the Code in your project, Enterprise Guide scans through your project and assembles all of the SAS code that was either generated by a task or was written in a custom program node. You can then select which parts of the project you want to include in the final SAS file and the order in which the SAS code should appear. To export all of parts of your project to a SAS File, select File Export Export all Code in Project

Do you inherit code that is poorly formatted? There is relief!! Open the program node, right click and select Format Code

Helpful Hint: To specify formatting preferences, override the options in Tools Options SAS Programs Editor Options Indenter tab. This allows you to set the spacing on indents and select which statements signal a new line.


You may be familiar with using an file to enable setting up your SAS environment at startup. It works in Enterprise Guide too! Just add a Process Flow to your Project called AUTOEXEC. Enterprise Guide will run the flow when you open the project. This is handy for setting up libraries, controlling options, etc.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops


Enterprise Guide provides split screen options that enable you to explore tasks, programs and data side-by-side. Option 1: Split screen to view different sections of same tab Right click on the view you are looking at Select Split Select Stacked, Side by Side or Both Option 2: Split screen to view different tabs Select View from the Main Menu Click Workspace layout Select Stacked or side by side. Each view will have a drop down at the top left corner that allows you to select what you want to view.

Enterprise Guide provides a powerful environment and toolset for end-to-end information delivery. As a SAS programmer, you can easily begin taking advantage of Enterprise Guide to provide a flexible reporting and analytics environment to meet your organizations business needs.

To gain a more complete understanding of Enterprise Guide the authors recommend the following

Getting Started with SAS Enterprise Guide free learning tutorial available at Little SAS Book for Enterprise Guide 4.2 By Susan J. Slaughter, Lora D. Delwiche,

Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the authors at: Marje Fecht Prowerk Consulting [email protected] Rupinder Dhillon Dhillon Consulting [email protected]

SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.


SAS Global Forum 2011

Hands-on Workshops

PROGRAM_1.SAS /*******************************************************************************/ /* /* Example Program 1 - Output Excel Spreadsheet and PDF w/ Shoes data */ Note: multiple statements on a line to demonstrate new EG 4.3 feature */

/*******************************************************************************/ data Ex_Shoes_Data; set; AverageSalesPerStore = sales / stores; label AverageSalesPerStore = 'Average Sales Per Store'; format AverageSalesPerStore dollar12.2; run; ods listing close; ods tagsets.ExcelXP path = 'C:\HOW\Fecht' file='EG Basic_Report.xls' style=statdoc options (sheet_name = 'Example 1' autofilter = 'All' ); title "Simple SAS Code Example 1"; frozen_headers = 'Yes'

proc print data=Ex_Shoes_Data noobs label ; run; ods tagsets.ExcelXP close; ods listing;

/*******************************************************************/ /* Create PDF Report */ /*******************************************************************/ ods listing close; ods pdf file = 'C:\HOW\Fecht\EG Shoes_Report.pdf'; proc report data = Ex_Shoes_Data; column ("Location" (Region Subsidiary Stores)) Product ("Sales" ; define region / order "Region"; define Subsidiary / order "Subsidiary"; define Stores / display "Number of Stores"; define Product / display "Product"; define Sales / Sum "Sales"; define AverageSalesPerStore / Sum "Avg Sales per Store"; break after region / summarize; run; ods pdf close; ods listing; rbreak after / summarize; (Sales AverageSalesPerStore))


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