Secured Party Indemnity Bond and Discharging Debts................... Understand

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Secured Party Status and the Indemnity Bond and Discharging Debts Question, is the Indemnity Bond Necessary

to Discharge Debt? It is my belief and understanding that a Bankers Acceptance (A4V) is not sufficient in itself to discharge a matter, because even the UCC refers to the difference in the process of acceptance and the obligation to tender payment after acceptance. Therefore I believe in Leu of the Acceptance on the obligation, we need to tender an asset. The filing of an Indemnity Bond with the Treasury is creating a General Agreement with the Secretary, and giving him the correct authorization and commission to perform and use your credit on the books, to discharge debts. Where do we derive our authority to appoint the treasury to do this for us? It happens as an operation of law (look that up in law dictionary) As a result of the various Law Instruments Governing money, there exists an Obligation of the Federal Government (Treasury) to discharge debts on your behalf, in exchange for You giving them credit to create and control the money system. This is expressed in various bodies of law and literature. (HJR 192/Bankruptcy/Modern Money Mechanics/etc, etc) Could they refuse your Indemnity Bond Filing? I do not think would ever happen because it would constitute a commercial dishonor. You cannot refuse the acceptance of a commercial instrument unless its defective. This holds true for the Treasury because they have pre-existing obligations under the United States Constitution for which Congress was given authority over money, and in return Congress allows the Fed to control the money. The feds being the Conservatories over the treasury would be defrauding the money system and open themselves up to a huge liability by dishonoring such a process. So all you will get is pure silence (acquiescence). Which by default is a Judgment. Which is a Security. So your Master Indemnity Bond is a Security on record with the Treasury. And it creates your ability to NAME the treasury as a surety on other instruments you create to discharge debts in the public. It represents the liquid asset, which allows for you to facilitate commerce in the absence of money. Spend some time thinking aobut that. This may be a good time to read the verbiage of the bond order. HERE Winston Shroute We must have an Acceptable Surety to create bonds to use for discharging debts. Part of the process of filing the Master Indemnity Bond, is to identify the yourself as the Beneficiary of the Foreign Situs Trust. It is my understanding that your acceptance on the back of your Certificate of Live Birth (Title) is sufficient and accomplishes this. This is also a part of the SCP process. Money has already been used based off your book entry asset in the foreign situs trust so the treasury cannot back out of the obligation. They are already engaged in commerce with your vessel. They have used your credit to fund government. As a result they do not challenge your paperwork or the appointment letters that you give them when you deliver them $100,000,000.00 of book entry value (from your credits), to be converted and used to discharge claims, as necessary. So now all your A4V and discharge processes, you can include payment bonds, surety bonds, and other types of bonds because you have the best surety

that is accepted everywhere. The United States Treasury. Use the information below as a study tool. Again, I believe A4Vs must include a tender of payment in the form of a Bond. In order to understand how to tender a BOND for payment with an ACCEPTANCE (a4v) on the obligation, first understand how a bond works. Three parts to the Bond (Agreement) Obligee - the PERSON GIVING YOU THE BILL) Principal - You Surety - The Treasury (If you did your SCP process) I hope you can wrap your head around all the information i just gave you. After doing so, you may be able to understand why I created this bond to discharge the True-Bill (alleged criminal indictment). Once you understand everything in this Article, you should also understand how and why this discharge bond is constructed the way it is HERE. Notice the surety is the Master Bond at the Treasury. Next time, I will be sure to also name the Fiduciary (Geithner) as surety. And again I can do this because I have a pre-existing agreement., because I have a pre-existing Master Indemnity Bond on record (SCP process). I like the way this gentleman explains it. The only thing that is different in our scenario is that the Surety (Treasury) will probably not come back at you unless you are making false claims. My opinion as to why we do not hear anything from the treasury, even if they have to pay out a claim, is because the Treasury has an obligation to the people, who happen to be the Beneficiary of the Foreign Situs Trust. This is the one who pledged the original asset to fund the account. Meditate on these things and wrap your head around these things. In the absence of gold and silver substance backed money system this system of bonds and intangible assets backed by faith and credit is used to facilitate commerce.

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